digi-lov · 1 month
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Mephistmon BT17-068 and Gulfmon BT17-070 by GOSSAN from BT-17 Booster Secret Crisis
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skydigiblogs · 3 months
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can you believe i almost forgot to upload these?
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breserker · 2 months
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TODAIBA DAY IS ODAIBA DAY!!! I thought I'd repost all the chibis i did several years ago under my old account. They look better than I remember!
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kingarmorking · 8 months
the realization there’s a trans digimon is wild
i know digimon don’t have gender but listen to me
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look at me and tell me mephismon isn’t trans
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chilopodacrudus · 1 month
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Continuing sprucing up Tripp's ref; here's his Mephistomon form!
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mariogagabriel · 2 years
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Inspired by a Digimon Adventure 2020 episode
Inspirado en un episodio de Digimon Adventure 2020
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galionne-diging · 2 years
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A few characters for a sequel to 02 that's been living in my head for some time.
Two evil girlfriends and the horrible cat they do not want-
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lopmonappreciation · 1 year
Digimon the owl house Au: the Titan aka kings father and belphemon rage mode
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Rookie: phascomon
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Champion: porcupamon
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Ultimate: mephistomon
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Mega: belphemon rage mode
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darkleysgarden · 2 years
What Holds You On Your Feet Chapter 1
Originally posted in July (Now November)
Warnings: (for this chapter) Medical issues that are probably inaccurate, chronic pain/illness, self-destruction
Ship: Mephimon (Mephisto x Mammon)
Type: Hurt/Comfort | Angst
Summary: Mephistopheles suffers with a disease that harms his nerves, especially in his legs.
He's convinced everyone that his cane is only for show and nothing is wrong.
Even his boyfriend isn't aware of his medical condition.
Note: I named his mentioned brother Azazel
Mephistopheles woke up to an alarm on his D.D.D.
He groaned as he didn't want to get out of bed. He hit the snooze button , hoping to get a few more minutes of rest before starting his day.
Unfortunately for him, his little brother Azazel burst into his room, jumping onto his bed.
He started shaking his shoulders, "Mephisto wake up! I'm hungry and I don't know how to work the stove."
The older demon groaned again, realizing his brother had a point, "Okay, Azazel, let me get ready."
Azazel nodded, a wide smile on his face. He got up and ran out the door, closing it behind him.
Mephistopheles sighed in the realization that his day had already begun.
He stood up, taking a moment to balance himself.
Great, his legs were already tingling and he hasn't even started walking yet.
Making his way to his closet, he had to steady himself a lot more than he was used to.
His fingers were twitching, as were his eyes.
Today was going to be a bad day.
He changed into his uniform, albeit slower than he normally would.
When he put on his pants he even had to sit down on the floor, highly doubting that he could balance on one foot for even a second.
He clicked his belt into place, sliding in his cane.
He took a pause, noting that today was definitely a day he should be using it.
In fact everyday was. His doctor told him it was a poor choice to walk without it as he could be further damaging his legs.
In a worst case scenario his legs could even become paralyzed.
But, he knew especially as a somebody on the newspaper team, how embarrassing it was to have any sort of issue.
Whether it be mental or physical. He really didn't want to be the focus. That's one of the reasons why he even joined the team.
That way he could make sure nothing got out about him, shifting the focus onto somebody else.
He commonly found anything he could about Lucifer.
Mephistopheles hated Lucifer. At first it was because he was a fallen angel, he used to believe they didn't deserve respect as they clearly hadn't been giving it to get kicked out of The Celestial Realm of all places.
However, after becoming closer to Mammon and learning the real reason why they had fallen, he changed his mind about fallen angels. Deciding they weren't all bad.
Though, he still hated Lucifer. Mephistopheles had been friends with Diavolo since childhood. When Mephisto and Azazel were kicked out by their parents, Diavolo had jumped to help.
Even after the many falling outs they have had, Diavolo never failed to continue to help them.
In fact the way they got to school and back was a car Diavolo sent for them every day.
He was always very thankful to Diavolo for his help. And he had to admit that at some point when he was younger, he may have had a small crush on the other demon.
But, after Lucifer and his brothers fell, all of Diavolo's attention quickly shifted to them.
Mephisto couldn't help but feel a little jealous.
Diavolo still continued to help them, and their friendship stayed.
Although, Diavolo and Lucifer became closer and closer over the years. And it really pissed Mephistopheles off.
He didn't belive that Lucifer was trustworthy at all. And he knew Diavolo was naive but this? It was too much.
Mephistopheles sighed, walking out of his room slower than he normally would.
Azazel was sat at the table. He was wearing his uniform. His sleeves were rolled up twice on each side, as his arms were shorter then most his size. Black hair with purple streaks fell in front of his teal green eyes, causing Mephistopheles to wonder how he could even see half the time.
Mephisto grabbed a carton of eggs from the fridge, noting how they were almost out.
Then he put a pan onto the stove, turning it to the appropriate heat.
He faced his little brother, "Are you excited for school today?"
Azazel kept smiling wide, he never seemed to stop smiling no matter what happened to him, "Mhm! Me and my friend Abyzou got partnered together for a project and I'm really excited to be able to spend more time with her!"
Mephisto couldn't help but return the smile, "That's great!"
He left it short so his brother could continue rambling. And so he could keep making breakfast.
And as he expected, Azazel kept going, barely breathing in between words.
"Order up," He said, finally cutting him off, placing down Azazel's now finished eggs and toast.
Azazel giggled at his unfunny joke that was made purely for his entertainment.
He shoved in big bites to the point choking may become a problem.
With a mouth full of toast he asked, "Are you gonna eat?"
Mephistopheles shook his head, "Not hungry."
It was a partial lie. He knew he should eat, especially with how his nerves were acting off today.
But, they were running a bit short on food that week, due to a splurge he had to make last week to get Azazel more Winter clothes, and it was only Tuesday. His paycheck didn't come until Friday.
Plus he wasn't that hungry anyway.
Azazel quickly finished his meal, jumping up out of his seat and rushing to put the plate into the sink.
Mephistopheles pulled his school bag over his head, holding out Azazel's for him to grab. Once they were fully ready they went out to the car.
The driver greeted them with the same kindness they always held. It surprised Mephisto how nice they were, especially for a Pride demon, but he guessed they just had good control.
He pulled his cane out of it's loop, gently placing it onto the floor in front of him after he sat down.
Azazel pulled out homework from the day before, occasionally asking for the older's help.
Mephisto worked on editing the next newspaper.
Luckily he had made it to his first class without any failure.
There were still thirty minutes left until school actually started.
Everybody would hang out in their first period talking, doing homework, or whatever else.
Mephistopheles had the luck of sharing his first period with his boyfriend.
However, said boyfriend was almost always late or barely on time.
So it was quite the surprise when Mammon turned up only five or so minute's after Mephisto did.
Mammon walked in blank faced. But once he noticed Mephistopheles was there he instantly smiled and ran over to him, "Meph! Meph! Hold out yer arm real quick!"
Mephistopheles was quick to oblige, holding out his right arm for Mammon to see.
Mammon then reached into his pocket, "Okay, close yer eyes."
Once he did, he felt metal against his wrist.
Mammon let out a small growl of frustration, clearly struggling with whatever he was trying to do.
The demon's hands left. The metal, that seemed to be a bracelet, falling around his wrist appropriately.
Mammon smiled at his accomplishment, "Open yer eyes."
Mephisto looked down at his wrist where sure enough a bracelet sat.
It was golden with purple gems. It shone under the lights of the classroom.
He looked up. Before he could even say thank you, a blushing Mammon exclaimed, "It reminded me of us two! So y-yeah I had ta get it A'course."
He smiled at the thoughtfulness of the gift, "Thank you Mams."
Mammon's blush increased, "It was nothin'! Jus happened to see it at the store."
Mephistopheles chuckled at the tsundere tendencies Mammon never fully shook off.
Mammon sat down at the desk next to Mephistopheles, facing him still.
"Didja do anything las' night?" He asked.
Mephistopheles thought for a second, "Not really, me and Azazel just stayed home. You?"
Mammon nodded, "Same ol' same ol'. Went shoppin'. Pretty much it."
"Yeah Azazel decided to-," He was cut short as a sharp pain ran through him.
He choked on his words, failing to hold in his wince.
Mammon started to panic, standing up extremely fast, "Woah, are ya good!?"
His hands floated around Mephistopheles, unsure of what to do.
Mephisto blinked away the tears that pricked the corners of his eyes, "No, no, I'm alright."
He waved off a very concerned Mammon. He looked like he wanted to say something, but sat down again instead.
Mammon pursed his lips, "Are ya sure yer okay?"
Mephistopheles nodded his head, ignoring his numb legs and fingertips, "Yeah, sorry, I don't know why that happened."
Another demon made their way over to the two, "What are you guys doing over here? Plotting the downfall of our school?"
Mammon glared at them, "Fuck off Amon, nobody asked fer yer opinion."
Amon rolled their eyes, "Oh no, the rich bastard told me off! I'm so scared."
They then smiled , clearly finding themself funny.
Mammon turned back to Mephistopheles, "So what were ya sayin' 'bout Azazel?"
Amon's face turned as red as their hair, "Don't just ignore me!"
Mephisto smiled at Mammon, "Azazel decided to bother me all night about seeing you again. He liked you so much after meeting you last time that he was insisting on it."
Amon stomped their foot like a temperamental child and then stormed off.
Mammon snickered, "We'll have ta make plans again then!"
"Yeah," Mephistopheles replied.
The teacher entered the room. She sat down and told them to grab out supplies.
He grabbed his notebook and pencil pouch out of his bag. Other student's also made quick work of grabbing what they needed.
The lesson began, but he found paying attention hard.
Numbness was spreading throughout his body. He desperately hoped that it would fade before class ended. Because he knew for sure that if he stood now he would collapse.
He felt extremely worried, anxiety nawing at him. How was he going to make it through the day?
His fingers stopped complying, pen dropping onto his barely written notes.
A wave of frustration ran through him at the piling issues.
He went to pick it up again but his fingers refused to work as he wanted.
This caused him to just give up on the pen for now.
Dizziness took a hold of him, nausea following close behind.
"Fuck," He muttered quietly under his breath.
He swallowed down his thickened spit, hoping he won't throw up. Especially not in class.
He grimaced, wondering if anyone was noticing his struggles. Hopefully not.
But, his wishes were clearly ignored.
Mammon tapped the edge of his desk. He looked between him and the teacher before sliding a sliver of paper towards his boyfriend.
Mephistopheles moved his twitching fingers to the paper. Thankfully his fingers let him pick it up.
The message read, "Hey are you okay :("
He looked over at Mammon's concerned eyes. Putting on a fake smile, he nodded.
Mammon didn't seem very convinced, especially not with his earlier display.
He didn't push it for the rest of class.
Mephistopheles was getting really concerned. There were ten minutes left of class.
He had been spending the entire time suffering in silence. Finger's twitching, leg's numb, and sharp pains shooting through him.
The numbness had luckily gone down a ton. But, he still wasn't sure how easy it was gonna be to walk.
The bell suddenly rang. He wondered how the ten minutes flew by so fast.
Mammon stood at his desk, more concerned then before.
Mephisto tried to put away his pencil pouch, only for his hand to betray him. He dropped the unzipped pouch, contents rolling on the floor.
Mammon instantly went to help, grabbing the items and placing them back into their homes. He then shoved the push into Mephisto's bag for him.
Mephistopheles still had yet to move from his earlier position. His fngers were twitching rapidly.
Mammon grabbed his hands, "Meph, oi? I said ya name like four times."
He felt panicked as he noticed that his finger's were unable to wrap around Mammon's hand.
Mephisto stood up, a dizzy feeling overrode him. Mammon was quick to steady him.
Mephistopheles shook his head, ignoring the nausea it caused, "Sorry about that. I was half asleep."
And once again Mammon didn't seem to buy it, "Um....right."
Mammon started to walk. Mephistopheles tried to follow, having to use the desks as support in order not to fall.
When they made it out to the hallway, he felt panicked again.
What was he supposed to hold onto. He was dizzy and black spots were dancing in his vision.
Every step caused a spike of pain to go through him.
He was dizzy.
Mammon's talk of a future modeling gig was fading in and out.
He stared at his feet.
Vision occasionally going black.
"Mephistopheles are ya okay," He heard Mammon say.
Did he use his full name?
Were his shoes always this vibrant?
Everything felt tingly.
A particularly painful burst of pain caused him to gasp.
"Mephisto!? Mephistopheles!?"
Mammon was concerned.
He's okay.
His hair kept falling in front of his eye.
It was because he was looking down.
Black spots were slowly overtaking his entire vision.
He couldn't pass out.
Not in the hallway where everyone was.
His leg's stopped moving.
His body was tingling and shivering.
Pain overtook his body, his leg's buckling.
He barely registered Mammon catching him before everything turned black.
Mammon didn't know what to do.
His boyfriend froze in the middle of the hallway.
He tried to get any sort of reaction out of him but he just stood there with his eyes wide open, staring down at his feet.
The bell rang, signalling that they couldn't be in the hall's anymore without a pass.
But, Mammon was too worried to care.
"Mephistopheles, answer me!" He practically yelled, not sure what he should do.
Tears streamed down his face wildly.
Mephistopheles grunted in pain as his legs buckled.
Mammon quickly caught him, sob's overtaking his body.
He shifted Mephisto in his arm's, adjusting him in a way where he was cradled.
His hands shook as he went to grab his phone.
Who the hell was he supposed to call in this situation?
His vision was blurry with tears as he scrolled through his contacts.
What to do?
He could call Diavolo! He knew the two were close.
But... he was probably busy right now.
What in the Devildom should he do?
His eyes landed on a number.
Knowing it was the right choice. He tapped the call button.
The rings echoed in his ears too loud. His entire body was overridden with pure panic.
His boyfriend just collapsed in the middle of the halls.
Plus, he's been acting weird all day!
Was something wrong with Meph that he didn't tell him?
Did he know his health was compromised yet still chose to ignore it?
"Mammon is that you? What's wrong?" Lucifer questioned, obviously noticing his sobs.
"I..." He didn't know how to begin.
He pressed his hand against Mephisto's twitching face in multiple spots, trying to grasp what went wrong.
"I don' know- I..." He started to cry harder.
"Where are you?" Lucifer asks, sounds on his end making it seem like he was already on his way.
"Hall...firs'....period..." He choked out between sobs.
"Okay, I'm on my way," Lucifer announced, but didn't hang up.
Mammon ended the call himself, dropping his D.D.D.
He wasn't too concerned about if Lucifer wanted him to stay on the line or not.
He didn't know why he was freaking out so much.
Maybe it was because something bad happened to someone he loved and he couldn't do anything about it.
Maybe it was his abandonment issues acting up again.
Telling him that Mephistopheles would be mad that Mammon couldn't help him.
That he would break up with him for it.
Leave him like Michael had before.
Lucifer ran around the corner, "Mamm- Oh Diavolo, what happened!?"
Mammon looked up a him, his glasses had fallen to the floor at some point, teary eyes on display, "I 'on' know..."
"He jus'..... collapsed," Mammon explained.
Lucifer looked conflicted as he grabbed Meph from Mammon's arms.
Mammon looked panicked at this, grabbing Mephisto's hand so that he was still touching him in some way.
He leaned against his older brother's shoulder as he followed him blindly.
The first thing he registered was screaming cutting in and out.
His head pounded and his body felt completely numb.
This numbness and lack of control caused his fingers to twitch.
Words were starting to become more clear.
But he still felt like he was swimming.
His head was completely foggy as it throbbed endlessly.
He let out a small moan of pain.
Instantly a hand grabbed his own.
He recognized it as his boyfriends and held it, a small smile making it's way onto his pained face.
He opened his eyes, everything was blurry. But he saw Mammon's sad face above him.
He wanted more than anything right now to reassure him that everything was fine. But he didn't have the energy for that.
Mammon smiled softly, "Yer awake."
He barely managed a nod, smiling still.
Mammon cupped his cheek, thumb running along his cheekbone.
Then, Mammon kissed him, "Please don' do somethin' like that again."
He rested his forehead against Mephisto's.
Both stayed at peace for a few seconds before Lucifer cleared his throat, "As wholesome as that was, we have more serious matters to attend to.
Mammon sniffled, "Right."
They separated their faces, Mammon's hand leaving his face.
Their hands stayed clutched together.
Barbatos stepped up to the couple, "I am aware you have only just woken up, yet we will need to discuss what occurred. May I ask for Mammon and Lucifer to leave the room?"
Mephistopheles frowned, "Stay?"
That was all he could manage to say with his scratchy throat.
Barbatos nodded, "Do be aware that this will be covering your medical information."
Mephistopheles nodded, fine with Mammon staying with him. Not even registering Lucifer's presence.
He knew he had to find out somehow and he didn't want to be the one to break it to him.
He didn't want to tell Mammon that he had been lying for months everytime he said he was fine.
Didn't want to tell him he had been hiding something so important from him.
So he allowed Barbatos to do it for him.
Barbatos explained his condition thoroughly, covering everything important.
He explained that he had become malnourished in the last few weeks.
Said what exactly the condition was.
Told the symptoms and what to expect. How to deal with it properly.
Barbatos then said, "We will be keeping you here, in the royal infirmary, until further notice to make sure you receive the proper nutrients and your body takes a much needed rest before you get up again. And when that is done, you will not be neglecting use of your cane."
A shot of panic ran through Mephistopheles, "Wha bout Zazel!?"
His voice was still slurred from lack of use.
If he stayed in the royal infirmary, who would take care of Azazel?
Barbatos nodded, understanding, "Yes, I have taken that into account. Mammon's brother's will be able to take care of him until you have recovered. Asmodeus is gifted in child care, so I see no issue in receiving their help."
Mephistopheles reluctantly nodded.
He felt bad leaving his brother behind.
He needed to be there for Azazel. What if he was scared without his older brother? What if the brothers were too overwhelming for him.
What if he had some sort of flashback to their parents and Meph wasn't there to calm him down. What if nobody understood what was happening to him. Especially considering his past wasn't out in the open.
Hundreds of bad scenarios went through his head. All the different ways Azazel could get hurt without him there.
Mammon put a steady hand onto his shoulder, "Breath, it's okay, I promise."
Mephisto sniffled as Mammon wiped away the tears he hadn't even realized were falling.
He dropped his head onto Mammon's chest, Mammon wrapping his arms around him, "It's okay. Azazel will be fine."
Mammon could always tell just what was wrong and knew just how to help him.
He ran his hands through Mephisto's hair, letting him calm down.
He let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding in, melting into Mammon's arms.
Barbatos took a step closer, "If I may ask, what is the reason you haven't been utilizing your cane?"
He closed his eyes against Mammon, "Didn't need it."
Mammon pulled his face away so he could look him in the eyes, "But, ya did need it."
He looked at him with a face of pity and sadness. The look making Mephisto's stomach curl uncomfortably.
Lucifer, who had been standing back for awhile, stepped forward, "Your condition will not be taken lightly, we will make any accommodations that you will need. However, I will not be happy if you use your condition as any sort of leverage above me."
Mephistopheles' mood soured when he saw Lucifer was there. Unhappy with his response.
Of course he would let his own insecurities make it's way into a conversation about Mephisto's health.
He fell back onto Mammon, happy at the comfort he was providing.
Barbatos spoke again, "I recommend that you sleep once again. Lucifer will take his leave to return to work, as will I. I will return to check on you when it is required. Mammon is free to stay if he would like."
Nods of understanding passed through the room.
The two left the room, leaving the couple alone.
Mammon gently pushed him down into a laying position, "Sleep well."
Mephistopheles smiled up at his boyfriend, taking the offer. Sleep overtook him almost immediately.
Chapter 2 Chapter 3
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pokemoninaction · 2 years
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Lamortmon used Fuga Rekkanjin!
~ Digimon Ghost Game Ep 41
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bethanythebogwitch · 4 months
Digimon fanfic chapter 7 draft
Link to published chapters on Ao3
Andrew was feeling exceptionally pleased with himself as the view of the D-Brigade’s mobile command center came into view. Of the seven Cargodramon returning from the excavation site, Andrew and his partner Green were in the one that had the severed claw of Machinedramon strapped to its undercarriage. He didn’t trust anyone else to monitor the artifact they had fought a small war to get. His Cargodramon was surrounded by the others in a formation designed to protect the artifact and himself against attack, though very few Digimon would be foolish enough to attack seven Ultimate-level Digimon even if they weren’t with the famed D-Brigade. 
The fleet made touchdown outside of the command center, with the exception of Andrew’s Cardogramon, which hovered in place long enough for the soldiers from the other crafts to unstrap the claw from its undercarriage and carry it out of the way. Andrew finally stepped out and ordered the claw taken to storage and kept under guard. A Sealsdramon approached from the command center.
“The General requests your presence,” it said in its kind’s typical monotone whisper.
“Good, I was just about to go see him,” Andrew responded. “Take me to him.”
The Sealsdramon wordlessly turned and led Andrew not into the mobile command center as he expected, but around it to a cave hidden behind some shrubbery. “The general is within,” it said.
Andrew raised an eyebrow, but he and Green entered the cave to find a mass of machinery and vats of liquid that were being serviced by the D-Brigade’s engineers. General Tankdramon was watching their activity, but turned to face Andrew when he entered the cave. 
“It’s done,” Andrew said, smugly. “The data remnant of Machinedramon is ours.”
“Excellent,” responded the General. “Phase one of the stratagem is done. Phase two will be commenced immediately.”
Andrew smiled. He could almost see his utopia, the new world he would make where cruelty, incompetence, and injustice would never be tolerated and everything would work as it should. Soon, nothing would stand in his way, not even his idiot brother and former friend. Daniel had his chance to turn back, but clearly he had chosen otherwise. Though it brought Andrew no joy, he knew that Daniel and Clark had to be eliminated. 
“What is all this anyway?” Andrew asked, gesturing toward the machinery that filled the cavern. 
“That is why I had you meet me here,” Replied the General. “Seize them and confiscate his Digivice.”
Before Andrew could respond, a metal hand snatched his Digivice off of his belt and shoved him to the ground. Next to him, Green was forced to the ground as well, his arms twisted behind his back by a Sealsdramon.
“What the hell are you doing?” Andrew screamed in rage at his captors. “I am your client! The D-Brigade answers to me!”
“I beg your pardon, but you are not the D-Brigade’s client. I am.”
A new Digimon had entered the cave and Andrew had to twist his head to see it. He had never encountered this species before. It looked like a goat, but stood upright and had large, white hands and a pair of bat-like wings emerging from the shoulders. Something buried deep in Andrew’s neck seemed to respond to its presence, emitting a sickly, warm sensation. 
“You mustn't blame the General for deceiving you into believing this whole exercise was your idea,” continued the Digimon. “That was entirely my idea and it took quite a bit of effort on my part to convince him to go along with the plan. He was quite reluctant to form a false contract with you. The D-Brigade do pride themselves on their reputation of loyalty to their clients after all.”
“Who the hell are you?” spat Andrew.
“Ah, of course, how rude of me not to make proper introductions. You may call me Mephistomon, and I am the one who has been pulling your strings, puppet. I needed a human for my plan and the General recommended you from a past adventure. Once you were here, it was a simple matter of implanting you and your partner with my special Dark Spores and allowing them to germinate within you, corrupting you with darkness as the Spores grew in power. Now that you have retrieved the data remnant of Machinedramon I only need to retrieve that which I have given you and your part in all this will be over.”
Mephistomon pulled out a device that looked ominously like an excessively large syringe and stepped over Green. It pushed the type of the syringe into Green's neck, ignoring his jolt of pain. Pulling back the plunger caused a small object to pop into the glass body of Mephistomon’s tool. It was a small ball, no larger than a thumbnail, black in color and covered in spikes. Green grunted in pain, but managed to hold back a scream. His eyes were angry and his teeth bared, but as soon as the object, the Dark Spore, emerged from his neck, Green’s expression changed to one of confusion and horror. 
Andrew wasn’t concerned about the state his partner was in. He was too busy being furious. How dare these insects betray me! This was my plan! My victory! I WILL get my revenge!
“I’ll kill all of you,” he said, his voice as cold as ice. “I’ll kill you and when you come back, I’ll kill you again. I’ll make you pay for this.”
“I hardly see how that will be possible,” replied Mephistomon, decidedly unimpressed. The glass body of the tool popped out, revealing itself to be a vial that contained the small, black object. Mephisotom hummed to itself as it placed another empty vial in the syringe and turned to Andrew. “I suggest you hold very still for this. You humans are so very fragile compared to Digimon. If you move too much I could cause quite a bit of damage to your nervous system. And we don’t want you dead quite yet.”
Whatever Andrew wanted to say in response was cut off by the pain of the metal syringe piercing the back of his neck. Ice-cold pain shot down his spine and through his nerves. He forced down a scream of pain. He refused to give his enemies the satisfaction of hearing him scream. But soon he would hear them scream, he would-
Mephistomon pulled back on the plunger and suddenly everything changed. Andrew lost his concentration and let out a yelp of pain as clarity flooded into his mind. The pain lessened as Mephistomon removed the syringe from his neck, but the physical pain was not what hurt Andrew the most. In the moment the Dark Spore was removed Andrew experienced clarity, his mind wiped free of the Spore’s influence. In that moment, Andrew realized what he had become.
I- I’m a monster.
“Two Dark Spores, ready to bloom,” Mephistomon’s voice sounded awed at what he held in his hand. “Exactly what we need for phase two. As for you two,” He looked down at Andrew and Green. “I leave you in the care of the General.”
“Attach them to the machinery,” ordered General Tankdramon. “They will serve as batteries. We will drain the energy produced by the DigiDestined/Digimon bond to Digivolve the troops.”
“Andrew!” yelled Green. As he said then, Andrew’s Digivice, still clutched in the claws of one of the Sealsdramon, began to glow.
Dracomon Digivolve to… Coredramon! Coredramon Digivolve to… Groundramon!
Mephistomon, Tankdramon, and the Sealsdramon were thrown backwards by the explosive growth of Green as part of the cave collapsed. General Tankdramon angrily shoved his way out of a pile of boulders and shouted at the engineers to inspect the Digivolution machine for damage, then turned to the client. Mephistomon was looking at the cave entrance, which was now considerably larger. Just outside of the cave, a massive tunnel had been opened in the ground. The human and his partner were gone. 
“My scouts will track them down,” declared. The general, hiding his anger. 
“I suggest you do so quickly,” Mephistomon was still maintaining its image of false politeness. “If your forces cannot capture them, kill them. Digivolving the Brigade would be useful, but not necessary for the plan. As for me, I will begin phase two. With both artifacts in our possession and the Dark Spores to fuse them, we will soon be unstoppable.”
Miles away and hours later, Green placed Andrew on the ground and de-Digivolved. He had emerged from the tunnel he dug a while back and moved over land. It would be foolish to give the D-Brigade’s scouts a direct line to them. 
“We can’t stay long,” Green said. “I’m too tired to stay Digivolved and they’ll find us if we stay.”
Andrew slumped against a tree, his eyes empty. 
“Just let them,” he said.
“What are you saying? They’ll kill us or turn us into batteries.”
“I know that!” Android shouted. “Don’t you get it? I don’t deserve to get away! I- I killed so many-” His voice choked off, unable to finish his sentence. 
“That wasn’t really you, was it? It was that thing, the Dark Spore. When it was taken out of me, It was like I was suddenly a different person. No, it was like I was back to being me after I changed.”
Andrew shook his head. “Those things I did and thought, they weren’t that different from what I normally think, just way more extreme. Those thoughts, I think they were already inside me. I think the Spore just showed me who I am.”
“I don’t believe that,” shouted Green. “I know you! I know you would never do those things normally. You can’t blame yourself for what happened because that wasn’t you!”
“What about you, what happened to you?” Asked his partner. 
Green thought back, and the memories made him shudder. “I just wanted to do what you said no matter what. I didn't care about who I was hurting, just as long as I obeyed you.”
There was a pause before Andrew asked “Do you think you can live knowing that? Because I don’t know if I can live with what I did.”
Green gasped, then his eyes narrowed and he delivered a kick right to Andrew’s shin. 
“Ow!” Andrew gasped as the sharp claws on Green’s foot left pinpricks in his skin.
“Don’t say that!” Green yelled. “Don’t ever say that! I won’t let you just lay down and die! I’ll drag you out of here if I have to!”
“As you should.”
Green and Andrew looked up to see that a lion clad in obsidian armor had somehow snuck up on them
Who are you?” Green said as he moved in between Andrew and the visitor. 
“My name is JagerLoweemon, and I am here to help.”
Three children walked through the desert, carrying their Digimon partners. Clark was in the lead while Daniel and Keiko followed, whispering to each other and eyeing the older boy. 
“I guess I owe you an explanation.” The sound of Clark’s voice startled the other two. It was the first thing he had said since the battle earlier.
Daniel responded first. “Yeah, that would be good.”
“If Tsukaimon were awake she’d say it’s the least you owe us,” Keiko added. 
Clark took a deep breath, then began.
“Back when Andrew and I were brought to the Digital World, he got his partner right away, but I didn't. All I got was a Digivice that didn’t do anything. I thought I didn’t belong here and Gennai, er, Benjamin made a mistake bringing me. It wasn’t until we met up with the D-Brigade that I met my partner.” He looked down at the sleeping, bomb-shaped Digimon in his arms.
“Your partner was in the D-Brigade?” Daniel asked.
Clark nodded. “I was surprised too. Commandramon 1G1 was one of the members of the Brigade we were working with. My Digivice activated when we first met, but neither of us were interested in being partners. He couldn’t imagine being loyal to anyone but the Brigade and I… well, I have issues with militaries.”
A familiar scene shot through Clark’s head. One of him and a crowd gazing at a coffin draped in the American flag. 
“Did you eventually work things out?” asked Keiko. 
“Yeah, eventually, but not before I almost got both of us killed,” Clark said. “I didn’t fit in with our group. Andrew was our leader, he had the partner that could Digivolve. The Brigade did a lot of the heavy lifting. And then there was me, the human with a partner he couldn’t even get along with, let alone Digivolve. So I tried to leave, and Commandramon followed me.”
“What are you doing?”
Clark turned to see Commandramon 1G1, his alleged partner, had spotted him.
“I’m leaving,” he said. “Leave me alone.”
“I can’t do that,” responded Commandramon. “You are under the D-Brigade’s protection. And my partner.” 
Clark turned and walked away. Commandramon followed him into the woods. “How long are you going to follow me?” demanded Clark.
“Until you return,” said Commandramon. 
“Look, this isn’t working out. We don’t get along. I’m useless. So why not just leave me alone?” The last word practically came out as a shout. 
“I don’t think you’re useless.”
Clark snorted. “Andrew’s the leader. He’s the one with a partner he gets along with and can actually Digivolve. I’m just dead weight.”
“Don’t try to deny it. I can’t do anything helpful. I can’t even-”
Clark suddenly found himself being shoved from behind, sending him crashing to the dusty ground of the forest path. He rolled over to see Commandramon on his back, his arms holding open the jaws of a Digimon that looked like a stretched-out red wolf whose legs were covered in belts. Commandramon clearly couldn’t reach for a weapon without the jaws snapping shut on him and his muscles were straining to keep them open. 
Clark scrambled to his feet. “Commandramon! W-what do I do?”
Commandramon grunted in exertion, then spoke. “Run back to camp. Get help.”
“I-I can’t just leave you,” Clark protested. He was no fighter, but the boy could tell that Commandramon’s strength would give out before that. 
“It’s the only chance! You were ready to leave before, so go now!” Commandramon shouted back. Clark swallowed, then ran past Commandramon and the other Digimon, back in the direction of camp. 
He would never make it in time. Commandramon knew this was an unwinnable position, but at least his partner may get to safety before becoming the attacking Fangmon’s next meal. Commandramon closed his eyes.
I hope that in my next life I may prove to be of greater use to the D-Brigade. And maybe, just maybe, I can meet Clark again.
The Fangmon grunted in pain and Commandramon’s eyes shot open. A rock had hit the beast Digimon in the eye. Commandramon looked over to see Clark standing in the forest path, preparing to throw another rock. 
“What are you doing?” Demanded Commandramon as fear washed over him.
“I told you I can’t just leave,” said Clark. His voice wavered and he shook, but despite the fear he stood strong and threw the rock.
The rock hit Fangmon and suddenly the pressure on Commandramon’s arms vanished. In a split second, the Fangmon released Commandramon and turned to leap at Clark, its mouth slavering and claws extended. Clark dropped his remaining rock and raised him arms in a futile effort to protect himself as Commandramon screamed “CLARK!”
Commandramon Digivolve to… Sealsdramon!
A metal arm grabbed the Fangmon’s tail and pulled, hurling the Digimon away from Clark. Where Commandramon had stood was a larger dinosaur Digimon, fully encased in metal and with lens-like eyes and a pair of shoulder-mounted knife holsters. 
“Commandramon? Is that you?” asked Clark.
Sealsdramon nodded. “It’s Sealsdramon now. You came back for me, now it’s my turn to protect you.” The cyborg Digimon then turned to the Fangmon, who had regained its footing and was snarling at the pair of partners. “I will deal with this.”
The Fangmon roared in challenge, then charged. Sealsdramon drew a knife from one of its twin holsters and ducked under its leap, slashing upwards and leaving a deep cut in Fangmon’s belly. Fangmon howled in pain, but landed on its feet and whirled around to face Sealsdramon again. 
“Blast Coffin!” A burst of red energy shot out of Fangmon’s maw. Sealsdramon moved with a swiftness and nimbleness that seemed unfitting for his metal body, dodging around the attack and closing the distance with the wolf. 
“Death Behind,” Fangmon’s eyes widened as Sealsdramon leapt onto its back and drove a knife through the base of its head. The wolf Digimon didn’t even have time to make a noise before exploding into raw data and disappearing. 
Sealsdramon reverted back to Commandramon as Clark ran over. “I told you, Clark, you aren’t useless. Just like the D-Brigade, we are stronger when we work together.”
“I guess you’re right,” replied Clark. “Man, you took that thing down in no time!”
Commandramon nodded. “Are you ready to return to camp? You have proven you have a place here.”
Clark nodded. “Let’s go.”
“That’s so nice,” said Keiko, “I’m glad you ended up getting along.”
Clark nodded. “It was nice. I could finally help out now that me and Commandramon could work together. We got our crests and everything. Then me, Andrew, our partners, and the D-Brigade attacked Gigadramon’s army. In the end it was me and Andrew and Commandramon and Green versus a souped-up Gigadramon. And we won. Gigadramon was deleted and his army was scattered,” Clark sighed. “And that’s where it went wrong.”
“What do you mean?” Asked Daniel.
Clark’s face fell. “Gennai’s contract with the D-Brigade said they would work with us until Gigadramon was defeated. Once we won, Commandramon had to make a choice. Stay with the D-Brigade or stay with me.”
“That’s horrible!” Gasped Keiko.
“It wasn’t easy for him, but he went back to the Brigade,” said Clark. “The D-Brigade are raised on loyalty to each other. Asking one to leave is like asking a fish to climb a tree. Plus, if Commandramon did leave the Brigade, they probably would have killed him. So in the end, he left me. The Brigade wouldn’t let me stay around, so we went our separate ways. Andrew went back to the human world, but I had nothing for me back there. I convinced Gennai to let me stay here and help him out with stuff.” He paused. “I guess I thought if I stayed here I might get another chance to meet Commandramon. Didn’t really go the way I’d hoped it would.”
“You know what?” Daniel said. “I think it’ll work out. I don’t know why he attacked us, but there was definitely something off about him in that form. Now that you two are together, you can find out what happened and make sure it never does again. Just like how I’m going to get Andrew and Green back. We’ll make it work out.”
Clark started to say something, then stopped and thought for a minute. He finally spoke up. “I was going to say I don’t know if it would work out like that. But I think you might be right. I’ve been alone for too long. I always thought the worst would happen. But now that me and Commandramon are together again, I think you’re right. It will work out if we work for it.”
“That’s the spirit!” Said Daniel, with Keiko nodding along. 
“Thanks, guys,’ responded Clark. “Now we have a ways to go and need to get moving. I’m not going soft on you just because of this,” and with that, he increased his pace.
The other two humans groaned, but followed him.
Metal-clad paws pounded against stone and sand as JagerLoweemon ran through the desert, Green and Andrew on his back. They had been moving for hours now, but the lion Digimon showed no signs of stopping or tiring out. 
“You’re sure you're taking us to Daniel and Clark?” asked Green once again.
“No,” said JagerLoweemon, “I did not ask their names but this group matches your description and are the only humans in the Digital World that I am aware of.”
“I’m just surprised you’d met them is all. The odds of you meeting them and us is.. I don’t even know.” 
“It is not so strange,” replied the lion. “I was searching for ones afflicted with darkness to offer aid. I could sense the presence of darkness in the two of you, but did not dare approach while you remained with the D-Brigade. When the source of darkness, the Dark Spores, were removed from you, I followed your path.”
“If you tracked us, the D-Brigade will definitely be able to track us,” Green realized.
“Indeed. That is one of the reasons I am taking you to the group of DigiDestined I met. You will need their help when the D-Brigade comes for you. The other reason is that one of the humans is going through something very similar to your partner.”
Andrew muttered something indistinct and did not look convinced. Green looked back at his partner sadly for a second. It hurt, not being able to help him. Instead, the little dragon looked forward again and continued the conversation. 
“And you know where they are?”
“Not precisely,” admitted JagerLoweemon, “but I know where they are going. The Subroutine Jungle. I am hoping to intercept their path.”
That got Andrew to look up from his brooding. The Subroutine Jungle? Home of Baihumon? What on earth are Daniel and Clark going there for?
JagerLoweemon crested a ridge, then stopped and sniffed the air. He made a satisfied noise. “Luck is on our side. I have the scent of a Dark Spore. They are not far.”
As the sun sunk below the horizon, Clark, Daniel, and Keiko set up camp in a flat clearing between several large peaks and relayed the day’s revelations to their awake but still tired and weak partners. Blue was willing to accept Commandramon as a friend, though Tsukaimon remained wary and kept an eye on the newcomer’s baby form. 
“Lay off him, Tsukaimon,” Keiko scolded. “Even if he wanted to hurt us still he can’t exactly do it like this.”
“I don’t think either of us blame her, honestly,” replied Clark. “No offense, Commandramon, but as soon as you can talk again we really do need an explanation.”
Somehow, the three-eyed bomb managed to look sheepish. 
The Digimon present suddenly perked up. “Something’s coming,” said Tsukaimon.
“Fast,” added Blue. 
Clark swore. “Hide, all of you.”
“Too late, It’s here,” said Blue.
Into the clearing skidded a mass of black and gold metal. Most of the team present reacted in shock at what they saw.
“JagerLoweemon?” “Green?” “Andrew?!”
Green jumped down from JagerLoweemon’s back and gave Andrew’s leg a tug, getting the human to do the same. The two of them stood there awkwardly for a moment, before Green spoke up.
“I, uh, don’t really know what to say,” he admitted, “but we need your help. And… we’re sorry.”
Everyone started talking at once, the questions overlapping into an unintelligible mess of noise. Why are you here, what happened, are you still evil, why are you with them, is this the JagerLoweemon you were talking about…
The din was finally broken by JagerLoweemon roaring, startling everybody into silence. 
“I can confirm that the source of darkness within these two is gone,” he said, “Now they need your help. Ask your questions of each other. I will go keep watch. We may have been followed.” With that, JagerLoweemon leapt up, jumping between the peaks surrounding the clearing until he reached the top of the tallest one. 
“So it really was a Dark Spore that made you act like that,” Daniel half asked and half exclaimed. “But you’re back now, right? You’re better?”
“Yeah,” Andrew said, his voice weak and shaky, “We’re back. But we aren’t staying.”
“What?” Exclaimed everyone present, including Green. 
“What are you talking about, of course we’re staying!” Shouted Green.
“How?” asked Andrew. “How can we stay? After what we did. What I did. I can’t even face Daniel and Clark like this.” Indeed, he couldn’t meet his brother or friend’s eyes.
“But… You’re better now,” Daniel seemed to be trying to convince himself along with his brother. The Andrew that stood before him seemed almost as alien as the one under the Dark Spore’s influence. Andrew was confident and always read to jump in. This one seemed defeated, like a husk of his former self. 
“Those things you did, they felt right at the time, didn’t they? Like something you would do normally?”
Andrew looked up in shock at the girl, the one traveling with Daniel and Clark whose name he didn’t know. He hadn’t given her a second thought after seeing her at the Caps Lock Crater, and yet somehow she had just summed up his experience perfectly.
“H-how?” He asked.
“Because I went through the same thing,” she said, much to his shock. 
“JagerLoweemon said someone here went through the same thing as us! This must be her!” Green said.
“My name is Keiko,” she said. “My Dark Spore made me arrogant and cruel. It made me think of other people as insects. And it seemed so natural. I was turned into the worst version of myself and I never even noticed. But the important part is that I got better. Heck, I know people who had it way worse than me, and they got better too. 
Andrew was tearing up. He managed to choke out one word. “How?”
“I can help you with that,” Keiko said, “but in the end only you can make yourself better.”
“But I’ll help!” Daniel butted in. “I’ll do whatever I can to help you. And Green too.”
“Yeah!” Said Blue, “You got my help!”
“And me,” added Clark. 
Andrew dropped to his knees as tears poured down his face. “Thank you,” he choked out. “Thank you all so much.”
Before anyone could say anything else, JagerLoweemon landed in the clearing, having left the peak. 
“The D-Brigade is coming, three Cargodramon. I do not know if they know our precise location.” 
“Those Cargodramon are probably full of soldiers,” Clark added. “This is bad. Can any of you Digivolve to Ultimate?”
“I can,” said Green. “I’ve had time to rest.”
“We got our asses kicked earlier today,” said Tsukaimon. “I honestly don’t know if I can get there.”
“Then we need to sneak attack them before they can overwhelm us,” Clark stated. “JagerLoweemon, can you help?”
“I will do what I can, but I cannot face three Ultimates on my own,” said the lion. 
“Come on, Blue, we have to try, right?” Daniel held out his crest as his partner nodded. 
Dracomon Digivolve to… Coredramon! Coredramon Digivolve to… Nope, can’t do it.
Blue collapsed on the ground in his Coredramon form. “Sorry, guys, this is as far as I can go.”
“Here, let me try,” Said Tsukaimon. 
Tsukaimon Digivolve to… Oh come on!
Tsukaimon didn’t even manage to get to her Champion form before collapsing. 
“You did get beat up worse than me,” Blue tried to assuage Tsukaimon’s frustration. Naturally, it didn’t work. 
“Then it is up to the two of us,” said JagerLoweemon.
“I’m not good at fighting flying enemies,” Green added.
“Then I will try to knock them out of the sky.” With that, JagerLoweemon leapt back up to the clifftops. 
“Come on, Andrew, I’ll need more space than this to Digivolve.” Green walked out of the clearing and the other humans and Digimon followed him. 
The sound of Cargodramon engines were clearly audible by the time Green found enough space to fit his Ultimate level form. 
“Alright, Andrew, let’s do this!” Green. Andrew Nodded and held out his crest.
Dracomon Digivolve to… Dracomon!
“Uhh, Green, it didn’t work,” said Blue. 
Green looked down at himself to see he had not Digivolved. “Huh? What happened?”
“Andrew,” said Clark, “Your heart’s not in it, is it?”
Andrew was breathing heavily. “I don’t know. I don’t know if I can help. What if we just make things worse?”
From above came the sound of an explosion. With a horrible whining noise, a Cargodramon fell from the sky and crashed somewhere out of sight with a thunderous explosion. Sounds of gunfire started up as the remaining two Cargodramon began firing their miniguns. 
“Come on, Andrew!” shouted Green. “JagerLoweemon is up there risking his life for us! We need to help!”
“I know!” Yelled Andrew. “I’m trying but I can’t! I’m- I’m scared!” He started to say something else, but suddenly found Clark’s hand in front of his face. Clutched between his fingers was a crest marked with three interlocking yellow circles. 
“Do you remember when we got these?” Clark asked. “Mine is the crest of loyalty. What’s yours?”
“The crest of duty,” answered Andrew. 
“That’s right,” said Clark. “You always said you want to make the world a better place. Well, part of that is making up for your mistakes. You got your mind messed with by the Dark Spore, you did awful things. Now pick up after yourself. Make amends.”
“That’s right,” Daniel added. “You’re the one who told me you need to fix your mistakes. I believe in you, Andrew.”
Andrew took a deep breath, then nodded. “You’re right. I need to make up for what I did. Starting with saving our lives right now.” His crest began to glow, releasing a deep green light. “You ready, Green?”
“Heck yeah, Andrew! And I have an idea. Blue, want to help out?”
Blue nodded. “Tell me what to do.”
“Schwarz Donner!” JagerLoweemon spat a burst of black energy at one of the Cargodramon, but it rose in the air to avoid the attack. JagerLoweemon had taken out one of the D-Brigade Digimon in a sneak attack, but the other two were proving very difficult to fight. Now aware of his presence, the two remaining Cargodramon were systematically hunting him as he leapt from peak to peak. Their teamwork was impeccable. They provided cover for each other and attacked from different directions with their guns and onboard crew to keep the lion on the move and deny him the chance to strike. JagerLoweemon ducked behind a rock that was quickly obliterated by gunfire. As he leapt to the next bit of cover, he saw something. A blue Coredramon flying into the sky holding a Dracomon in its arms. 
What in the Digital World are they doing? Thought JagerLoweemon. A second later, he got his answer when the Coredramon flew over the two Cargodramon and dropped his payload. 
Dracomon Digivolve to… Coredramon! Coredramon Digivolve to… Groundramon!
In the blink of an eye, a behemoth appeared above the two D-Brigade Digimon, its incredible bulk plummeting toward them.
“Scrapless Claw!” Each of Groundramon’s massive wing arms grabbed onto one of the two Cargodramon before they could react. Now pulled downward by the dragon’s momentum, each of them were crushed against the sides of the cliffs, ground to scrap with the crew inside crushed into raw data. Before hitting the ground, Groundramon de-Digivolved back to Dracomon just in time to be caught by the blue Coredramon. 
JagerLoweemon followed the two down to the ground, where they were reuniting with the humans. 
“That was either the most brilliant or most reckless thing I have ever seen. Probably both.”
“Yeah,” said the one called Clark. “They’re good at that.”
“Thanks, everyone,” said Andrew. “I really needed that. I think I’m ready to start working on myself now.”
“And we’ll be here to help you,” said Daniel. “All of us.”
“And we’re going to start,” Clark said, “By getting you some sleep.”
Yes, JagerLoweemon thought to himself, these two are in good hands. 
0 notes
aminojackal · 4 months
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Digimon are difficult to draw. Yet here I am, booboo the fool, jingling miserably against the drawing tablet,
33 notes · View notes
chisai236 · 2 months
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My contribution to the DigiGirls Fanzine Volume 2!!!
18 notes · View notes
devildomwriter · 1 year
57 notes · View notes
azaracyy · 5 months
soooooo has Pepper ever digivolved? Do you have a planned evolution line for them?
he has, yeah! i just don't talk about it because it doesn't feel as relevant unless there's some actual story discussion... his evolution line isn't that much of a secret, so i'm willing share it no problem 😂
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tsukaimon → devidramon → mephistomon → gulfmon tbh i haven't drawn much of devidramon and virtually nothing beyond because the rp groups i used him and elise in didn't last long. they're no longer bound by rp group settings though. i have since written my own story for them, which i work on now and then.
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chilopodacrudus · 2 years
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My Gazimon; Tripp's, Mephistomon form. Slowly getting his full line done.
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