kitteneddiediaz · 4 months
As requested: Buck/Eddie, being unable to keep their eyes off of them
Hi Inell! Thank you for the request (from weeks ago!)! Here you go <3
There's a little prickle in the back of Buck's head that tells him he should feel guilty. Chimney has been talking to him and Hen for probably close to five minutes, relating some story about this crazy lady he ran into with Maddie at the Farmer's Market who held up the line by feeling every single individual grape on every single vine before she could pick which one she wanted. Buck isn't listening. And he knows he should feel bad, because time spent with Chimney outside of work is important to him, especially when Chim is talking about something with so much passion, stepping out of the funny-man pants for just a second to gush about Maddie and how funny she was later when they were home, making fun of the weird lady.
But, Buck can't even bring himself to look at Chim to hear what he's talking about because Eddie is... glowing, tonight.
Something's shifted, Buck knows. Or maybe nothing really has changed, just the cones in Buck's eyes have altered so he can see Eddie in a way he never has before. Warm, golden light oozing out of his skin, dripping from his big smile and crinkly eyes. It's hard to listen to Chim when Buck is presented with that. With Eddie looking so unbelievably beautiful it makes Buck want to bury his face in a pillow and scream because how do you even handle being around someone like that?
Eddie keeps looking back at him too, is the other thing. He'll laugh at something Karen says, or hold his wine glass out for Athena to give him a refill and will glance up, eyes crinkling a little harder when he sees Buck looking as well.
Hen nudges Buck, giving him a look, and he's pulled back to the present, eyes and ears on Chim as he recounts how he tried to show Maddie how he could juggle by using the farm-fresh eggs they had just bought but misjudged the placement of one in the air and had to clean up egg off their floor, giggling with Maddie the entire time.
Buck's never going to get over seeing and hearing Maddie and Chim happy together, especially with everything that the two of them went through before they found each other, and then everything that they did go through together. His love for them is boundless, but Buck would really like to stare at Eddie like a love-struck fool right now instead, and despite the love for his sister and brother-in-law, he's a little grumpy he's being kept from doing that.
But something glimmers out of the corner of his eye, and he's drawn back over to the opposite side of Bobby and Athena's backyard. The sun's reflecting off Eddie's stupid big watch, catching Buck in the eyes when Eddie twists his arm just right, and as soon as his focus came back to him, it's out the window again, watching Eddie talk to Karen and May.
Eddie laughs bright and happy, head thrown back, and Buck thinks 'fuck it,' excusing himself from Hen and Chimney, making a pit stop at the snack table so it doesn't seem like he just ditched the two of them for Eddie, even though he knows that they know that he did.
He's just grabbing another scoop of watermelon when the scent of fresh citrus hits his nose. Buck turns, and there's Eddie, standing next to him at the table, wine glass in hand.
"Hey, you," Eddie says.
"Hey yourself," Buck responds. "How are you?"
"Good. I'm good. Feels nice to get everyone together. I don't think we've done this in awhile." "Yeah, well, hopefully everything will be back to normal soon. I don't think I can handle another medical emergency for another two years." Eddie laughs at that. "That might be some wishful thinking there, Buck," He says, bringing his wine glass to his lips.
"What are you drinking?"
"Oh! It's a Moscato. Super super sweet. I really like it. Athena got it from some fancy winery she took May to for her 21st birthday."
"Can I try?" Buck asks.
"Sure," Eddie says, passing over the glass. He watches Buck the entire time, and Buck can't bring himself to look away either. He brings the glass to his lips, acutely aware that his lips are touching the same spot on the glass that Eddie's had. He takes a sip, and that's what does him in, breaking eye contact with Eddie to pucker his entire face.
"Holy shit, that is sweet. Oh, my god."
"I told you," Eddie laughs at him.
"I don't know how you can drink that."
"It's summer," Eddie says. Gesturing to the wine next, "it's fruity and sweet. Just kinda fits."
Buck hums, looking back at his best friend, and that's it for a moment, the two of them standing at the snack table, blocking access to the fruit and veggie trays and the charcuterie board, completely oblivious to anything that isn't each other.
As usual, Buck breaks first, looking down at the ground, amused huff leaving his nose. He fiddles with the corner of his square paper plate before looking back up, "you look really nice tonight."
Eddie doesn't say anything back for a second, just grins at him a little bigger. When he does finally speak, it's quiet. "You do too."
And there's that soft comfortable silence again.
Buck's heart swells as the setting sun peeks through the leaves of the trees, backlighting Eddie and making him glow even brighter than he had been earlier. God, he's beautiful, Buck thinks.
But just as quick as it's there, the moments gone. Buck doesn't mourn it though, because next thing he knows Eddie is stepping forward into his space, and pressing a soft kiss to Buck's cheek.
He pulls back, and Buck can't remember the last time he was this close to Eddie's face.
Eddie's eyes crinkle, and he squeezes Buck's bicep, and then he's gone, walking past Buck to mingle with their friends some more.
Buck's left there, in the wake of Eddie's light, his warmth. He lets go of the corner of the plate, the paper wrinkled and torn where Buck nervously played with it. Across the yard, Bobby calls him over to help plate the food from the grill, and Buck bounds over, ignoring the knowing glance from Hen, happy and warm, glowing just as bright as Eddie is.
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[podfic] baby, can i hold you?
written by fleetinghearts and read by all_I_ask
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9-1-1, Buddie, teen and up, ~ 40 min
eddie panics. buck holds him.
a snippet:
and the whole story is on AO3
as always, my biggest thanks to Nina for sharing his stories with us 💕🫶🏼
happy Ryan Guzman’s birthday everyone 😘🥳❣️
tags below
Using this as my Inspiration Saturday - thank you to everyone who has tagged me over the last weeks, even though I wasn’t ready to post things 🫶🏼
tagging @shitouttabuck 💗💗💗, @dangerpronebuddie, @tizniz, @diazsdimples,
@daffi-990, @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels, @mistchievous, @cal-daisies-and-briars,
@epicbuddieficrecs, @rewritetheending, @eddiegettingshot, @eddiebabygirldiaz,
@aroeddiediaz, @acountrygirlsfun, @buckera, @bucksbignaturals,
@lover-of-mine, @renecdote, @devirnis, @blackestglass,
@alasse9, @playinginthunderstorms, @try-set-me-on-fire, @hattalove,
@farfromthstars, @rainbow-nerdss, @suavecitodiaz, @inell,
@spotsandsocks, @missmagooglie, @burnthatbridge, @underwaterninja13,
@unsteadylilactree, @untherapized-eddie, @spagheddiediaz, @woodchoc-magnum,
@exhuastedpigeon, @blutterlie, @ayotofu, @danhalen,
and anyone who’s feeling inspired on this fine day and would like to share whatever they’ve been working on🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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dangerpronebuddie · 30 days
Inspiration Saturday 🎨
Tagged by @tizniz (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE 🩷) and @hippolotamus (Go you!!)
I don't normally share much for this one, but I'm kinda excited about what I started. I took a break from the Make Me Write asks I have left and tried some digital art! It is... a lot harder than paper and pencil, but also not? It's an adjustment. So, I'm sharing a very rough draft of what I spent 2 hours on last night.
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(the arms are not right. But we're getting there).
(tags under the cut as usual. And please let me know if you want to be added/ removed):
@lover-of-mine @loveyouanyway @daffi-990 @kitteneddiediaz
@ronordmann @steadfastsaturnsrings @inell @exhuastedpigeon
@thekristen999 @monsterrae1 @diazheartsbuckley @wildlife4life @misshiss727
@rainbow-nerdss @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @lunarspark-cos @idealuk @shipperqueen6 @slowlyfoggydestiny @eddiesfagstache
@lin27 @jshadow01 @orangeboxfox92 @thegeekcompanion @emilybahu @lemotmo @awolfnamed-nyx
@kaseysgirl86-blog @darkrose6578 @totallynotagoraphobic @dandelioncasey @bibuckbuckgoose @whatsgoodinthehood22
@lady-elaine @buckley-diaz-rules @buddiedaydreamer911 @monroemary @pirate-hunter @snowviolettwhite @hermoineindisguise @tidesreach
@nonspeakingkiku @eddiedisasterdiaz @drunkandsupportiveeddie @epicbuddieficrecs @disasterbuck
@tofanasmuse @gnoeltop @keynb @cassi-brooks @-syrup-sue @punkrock00 @shannonhutchins @aroqueerfandoms @unlifeira @marissaleec @kissyboytroye @lyricfulloflight @charlzie-ghost @hypersensitivitywitch @kindlingtotheflames and anyone else who wants to share!! 🥰🩷
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teenwerewoofs · 3 years
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[Podfic] An Easy Touch
Written by @inell
Read by bri
Teen Wolf - Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski - Rating: T
Summary: Peter has been patiently waiting, and Stiles is finally ready to be his.
Additional tags: Post-Canon, Age Difference, Getting Together, Mutual Pining, Kissing
Podfic length: 0 - 10 minutes
Audio format: MP3 or Streaming
All of Inell's stuff is great so choosing one to podfic was difficult! Consider this just the first of Inell's work that I'll be podficcing lol.
If podfic isn't your thing, check out the original written work here.
And definitely check out the rest of Inell's work on AO3. Especially if rare pairs are your thing!
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exhuastedpigeon · 8 years
FBI - (sexually) Frustrated Beyond Imagination Stiles/Jackson For @inell on the occasion of her birthday. I hope you like the bb :)
Stiles wants to take down the Lahey crime family for a lot of reasons, but the biggest reason is so he can finally make a move on the FBI's undercover agent Jackson Whittemore.
Also on ao3
It had been a long time since Stiles had sex, a lo-ong time. So long that he kind of forgot what sex felt like. Okay, so it had only been around six months, but that felt like a lifetime because he had been getting it on the regular when he was in college. It wasn’t as easy for him now that he was a rookie FBI agent who worked overnights and long shifts.
The closest he had come to any sort of sexual satisfaction from another human was when Stiles’ team was working with the NYPD. If the case had gone a few days longer, he probably would have ended up in the back of an empty FBI van with Officer Derek Hale, but no dice. They had caught the serial killer, and Stiles was shipped back to DC.
“I just want to touch another person, sexually,” Stiles said. He was sitting at his desk, leaning back in his chair as he talked to his cubicle mate Erica Reyes.
She spun in her chair to face him, a predatory look on her face that would have made his skin crawl if he didn’t know her so well by now. “I told you, you’re always welcome to join Boyd and me.”
“And I told you, just because I’m bi doesn’t mean I’m down for a threesome. Plus, I’m pretty sure Boyd would kill me if I ever touched you,” Stiles said rolling his eyes. Boyd really might kill him; Stiles wasn’t sure that Boyd liked him much.
“Ugh, you’re such a spoilsport,” Erica said. “I’m going to get coffee, you want any?”
“Yeah,” Stiles said, looking at his email and seeing he had a meeting with Rafe McCall later that day. “Shot of espresso in it, if you don’t mind.”
“Anything for you, cubical buddy.”
Stiles let out a long sigh as he turned back to the case. He had been working on trying to bring down the Lahey crime family since his first day with the Bureau, but he didn’t have any solid evidence. What his team really needed was an informant, someone on the inside who could help them.
He so got caught up in his file that he didn’t notice Erica was back until she set his coffee down on top of the paper he was reading over. “Oh, thanks.”
“Agent Hottie McHot Pants is in the building,” Erica said, leaning against Stiles desk to read over his shoulder.
“Yeah, I have a meeting with Rafe, I know he’s here,” Stiles said, wishing he didn’t know how attractive Erica thought Rafe was. He was kind of like a second dad to Stiles these days; he didn’t need to think about him like that.
Erica smiled, “Well he has someone with him, and he also looked like a hottie.”
That got Stiles attention. He hadn’t mentioned anyone else sitting in on their meeting, but maybe he had a meeting before he met with Stiles, which wasn’t for another - he looked at his watch - shit, five minutes.
“Shit, I’m late,” Stiles said, jumping up, grabbing his coffee and notepad, and running toward the elevator. “Thanks for the coffee!”
He made it up to Rafe’s office just in time. He took a breath and knocked on the door, getting a “come in,” from the other side.
Stiles pushed the door open, expecting to only see Rafe, so he was surprised when there was an incredibly attractive man sitting across the desk from his boss. A man who was rocking a fitted black tee shirt and a leather jacket, whose hair was perfectly done, and whose eyes were the kind of blue Stiles wanted to swim in.
“Stiles, thanks for joining us. Have a seat,” Rafe said.  Stiles sat, intentionally not looking at the man next to him. “This is Special Agent Jackson Whittemore; he’s been deep undercover with the Lahey crew for two years now and it’s finally paid off. Jackson, this is Stiles Stilinski; he’s one of our most promising young agents.”
“I got Isaac Lahey to roll on his dad and the crew,” Jackson said, looking smug as he spoke. Stiles kind of wanted to punch him and he kind of wanted to fuck him; it was a weird combination.
“With Isaac in, we need someone here to run the op,” Rafe said, “since Jackson is going to keep his cover as long as he can.”
“So what do you need from me?” Stiles asked.
“You’re Isaac’s contact on the inside,” Rafe said and Stiles felt a swoop of excitement; this would be his first time running point like this.
“You’re still new enough to not have the stench of fed all over you,” Jackson said, and added: “Ditch the suit when you meet him; the last thing I need is for the kid to get found out by the rest of the family. That would be two years for nothing.”
“And there would be a dead witness,” Rafe said slowly. “We don’t want anyone else dying at the hands of the Lahey family.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jackson said. “I need to know I can trust you. I can’t put my life or my witness’s on the line unless I know you’re going to be there to back us up.”
“I will be,” Stiles said, “I’m on it.”
“I need to get back,” Jackson said. “It was good seeing you, Rafe. Don’t fuck this up, Stilinski.”
With that, Jackson left the room, and Stiles felt a mix of annoyance and arousal. “I’m trusting you on this, Stiles,” Rafe said, pulling Stiles back to the present. “You’ve got a meet-up with Isaac tomorrow. Don’t look like a Fed; Jackson was right when he said that much.”
The case moved faster than Stiles expected. Within a month, he had a team in the field ready to take down the head of the Lahey crime family, mostly due to Isaac’s testimony and Jackson’s insider information. They managed to arrest and charge 47 of the members of the crew. A few of them had gotten away, but Stiles had a feeling that the Boston field office would bring them in.
Stiles spent a good part of the month leading up to the raid meeting up with Jackson and Isaac in locations that Jackson selected. He communicated with Stiles via burner phones; it made Stiles feel like a spy instead of an FBI field agent, which was kind of cool.
He also learned a lot about Jackson during that month, like the fact Jackson was a total asshole, but he was also funny as hell. He was incredibly good at his job, and he really cared about doing well. He had been undercover for a long time, living in a shitty apartment, working for Neil Lahey, and had been pretty disconnected from the rest of the world, but the biggest thing Stiles learned about Jackson was that he was exactly Stiles’ type. It took everything in Stiles to stop himself from jumping Jackson’s bones after every meet-up.
Stiles had wondered how a guy like Jackson ended up working for the Bureau. He had gotten that answer at their third meet-up, this one without Isaac. They had taken to meeting at the counter of a diner just out of Lahey’s usual territory, with Stiles in plain clothes.
“You don’t seem the type to join up,” Stiles said, taking a sip of his shitty coffee. “How’d you end up with the FBI?”
“I got sent to military school when I was 15; I had some anger issues,” Jackson said, surprisingly honest. “I graduated at 17 and did ROTC in college. I did two tours with the Marines over in Iraq and was recruited into the FBI right after. Within two months, they had me undercover with the Lahey’s. It worked well since I had a couple arrests from before military school.”
“Huh,” Stiles said, “Much more interesting than my journey.”
“Clearly,” Jackson said with a smirk. “Let me guess, cop dad, you spent too much time trying to solve mysteries in high school, and you did a pre-law enforcement track at some hot-shot school in D.C.”
“You saw my file, then,” Stiles said with a laugh.
“Like I’d let just anyone be my point of contact for this,” Jackson admitted, accidentally complimenting Stiles, making him smile.
“So you think I’m a good agent,” Stiles teased, leaning into Jackson’s space. He wished they were facing each other, but the counter made it less obvious if anyone from the Lahey crew came in.
“Fuck off,” Jackson muttered, but his cheeks were pink.
“I’ll fuck something,” Stiles said with a laugh, watching Jackson’s cheek burn even redder. “Same time on Friday? I need to get back to the office, make sure Danny’s got what he needs for the tap on the phones.”
“Yeah, okay,” Jackson said, eyes on his menu. “See you Friday.”
The flirty banter became a staple in their meet-ups and Stiles was starting to get antsy for the raid so that he could see Jackson outside of the shitty diner without breaking his cover. He had a feeling that Jackson wanted him just as badly, but he wouldn’t know for sure until they were done with the case.
The end of the raid left Stiles and Jackson alone in the back of one of the surveillance vans. They were both dripping wet from jumping into the Potomac after one of the higher-up crew members. They had caught the guy in the end; it had taken both of them together to restrain the guy and Stiles was reminded again why he had joined the FBI.
Stiles found a couple FBI t-shirts and tossed one to Jackson before looking for some sweats. As he turned back around, he saw Jackson pull his shirt over his head and Stiles’ mouth went dry at the sight of exposed skin.
“Like what you see?” Jackson asked with a cocky grin on his face, reaching up to catch the sweats that Stiles tossed him. He kept eye contact with Stiles as he unzipped his jeans and peeled them off. Stiles swallowed and openly stared at Jackson’s bulge.
“I’m gonna be honest with you. I’m really horny, and you’re really hot. Can we fuck? Like, now?” Stiles blurted out, the adrenaline still pumping through him from the raid and from seeing a hot dude dripping wet only a few feet away from him.
“We can’t fuck in the Bureau’s van, Stilinski,” Jackson said with a smirk and Stiles’ face fell. “But we can go back to your apartment and do it there.”
“Right now?”
“Yeah right fucking now,” Jackson said, pulling on the shirt and pants over his wet boxer briefs, “Hurry up and get dressed before I change my mind.”
“You’re not gonna change your mind, you want me,” Stiles said, peeling his shirt off and his jeans. He could feel Jackson’s eyes on him as he did, so he looked up and winked, “You’ve wanted me since that first day in Rafe’s office.”
Jackson didn’t speak, instead he took two steps forward and grabbed Stiles by the ass, pulling him flush against his chest, “Shut up.”
“Make me,” Stiles challenged, waiting for Jackson to kiss him.
He did, his lips cold and damp against Stiles’, but neither of them cared. Stiles’ hands found Jackson’s shoulders. He ran them down to his ass as they kissed. It was all tongues and teeth, soft moans and searching for friction. “Fuck,” Jackson muttered as Stiles’ hands slipped down his sweatpants. “Stiles, we need to get out of here.”
“I would advise that,” Rafe said from the open door of the van.They jumped apart quickly. Stiles ran a hand over the back of his head and Jackson avoided eye contact. “At least you waited until after we got the arrests.”
“We’re nothing if not professional,” Stiles said with an awkward smile.
“Get the fuck out of here,” Rafe said, but Stiles could tell he was biting back a smile. “I’ll see you both on Monday.”
“Let’s go,” Jackson said, grabbing Stiles hand and tugging him out of the van. “Is your apartment close?”
“A few Metro stops and a couple blocks,” Stiles said, wondering if they’d make it all the way there before they started touching again.
“Well, come on,” Jackson whispered into his ear, sending a jolt down Stiles’ spine.
They didn’t make it to the apartment before they started touching again. They ended up making out in an alley, and on the nearly empty metro, and in another alley near Stiles apartment. They eventually made it to Stiles place and didn’t come out again for almost 48 hours.
What? They both had some pent up sexual frustration to work out; that takes time.
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kitchenisking · 3 years
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(Series Fic Rec Part 1)
Rainy Fic Rec Part 2! 
WazzzzzUpppppp! it is raining, wet and cold and just yucky all around so here another rec😁. This rec will be a series list. Im going to post the first story of the series with the blurb, as well as the name of the series! Stay dry and enjoy reading!!!!!!!❤️
Masks by Inell - (Werewolf Married series) (Rating: Explicit, Words: 7570, sterek)
Stiles has to attend a masquerade ball as the McCall representative despite the fact that he distrusts the Hales and certainly doesn't want to honor them. When he meets a handsome stranger in a private alcove, the evening starts looking up. Of course, it's just his luck that his plans for a one night stand don't turn out that way at all.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Hale by mikkimouse - (Happy Birthday Mr. Hale series) (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4800, sterek)
He expected some level of chaos to greet him. He did not expect to see Stiles standing shirtless in the living room, wearing a sparkly tiara on his head and a pink tutu over his jeans, holding Mia's tea set in one hand and a plastic sword in the other.
Stiles flushed, pink splotching his cheeks and spreading halfway down his pale, toned chest. Derek wanted to bite it, wanted to pinch those puffy nipples and tease them with his tongue, wanted to shove Stiles up against the wall and make him flush everywhere.
(Or: Derek is a single dad celebrating his 30th birthday. Stiles is the college student who babysits for him. Smut ensues.)
Needed by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions) - (You Are series) (Rating: T, Words: 16865, sterek)
Stiles knows he doesn't bring anything to the pack, but if that's true, why does Derek come to him for help?
Cold Natured by BeniMaiko - (Abominable Snowmen and Werewolves series) (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3939, sterek)
Stiles is a Yeti. Just pure fluff.
Anthracite by LupusScintilla (inkandblade) - (Anthracite) (Rating: Explicit, Words: 106673, sterek)
It's been a quiet few years, and the McCall Pack has grown and settled. But, when the Hale Pack return to Beacon Hills they find Scott isn't as welcoming as they had hoped.
Soon they, Stiles, and Lydia, find out that not everything about the McCall Pack is as it has always seemed.
ladybugs by thepsychicclam - (domestic series) (Rating: Explicit, Words: 20723, sterek)
It’s Saturday night, and Derek Hale is at Toys R Us. Shopping for Leapfrog games. If asked, it wasn’t exactly how he pictured his life. Or his Saturday nights.
In which Derek and Stiles have been married for ten years, have two kids, and are planning their five year old's birthday party.
seems to me it's chemistry by HalfFizzbin - (covalent bonds) (Rating: T, Words: 4153, sterek)
Awkward Nerd Derek has been crushing on Handsome Jock Stiles since forever—so getting paired with him on a Chemistry project is definitely the best/worst thing that's ever happened to him.
A Simple Life by Survivah - (Adventures and Explorations) (Rating: T, Words: 13763, sterek)
Derek plans to spend the rest of his life holed up in the woods after Laura dies. Then he meets a stubborn young fox, and the stubborn young fox meets an urn of Deaton's magic powder, and his plans change.
If I should stumble, catch my fall by Gorgeousgreymatter - (And now my favorite color is blue) (Rating: Mature, Words: 4493, sterek)
Well, friendship is canceled. That's all Stiles can think when he walks into the locker room and finds it empty, with Scott's dumb werewolf ass completely AWOL despite the text message he'd received assuring him otherwise. Which wouldn't be that bad, if not for the fact that now Stiles is face to face with a very wet, very naked Derek Hale.
A Californian Werewolf in New York by dancinbutterfly, knight_tracer - ( A Californian Werewolf in New York) (Rating: Explicit, Words: 16311, sterek)
When Derek finally realizes that there's nothing left for him in Beacon Hills, he goes back to New York, gets a life, falls in love and finds his home. (A podfic/fanfic collaboration)
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johnlockedinkonoha · 4 years
Sterek Fanfiction Master List
Sterek Stories — Tag List
Tyler Hoechlin/Dylan O'Brien - Works
One for the memories - DropsOfAddiction [Archive of Our Own]
The wolf wants what he wants…🖤 - Seline_Blue [Archive of Our Own]
You Fake I Pretend - Icylightning [Archive of Our Own]
Happy Birthday, You’re Legal Now! - Anxiety_Baker02 [Archive of Our Own]
Stilinski Absolutes - LadyDrace [Archive of Our Own]
The Brave and Stupid Thing - whateverrrrwhatever [Archive of Our Own]
this is a love story - LoveIsNotAVictoryMarch [Archive of Our Own]
Everything mixed up (and baked in a beautiful pie) - dearericbittle (dutchmoxie) [Archive of Our Own]
If being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as hell. - DropsOfAddiction [Archive of Our Own]
The subtle seduction of Stiles Stillinski - DropsOfAddiction [Archive of Our Own]
I've been the archer (I've been the prey) - dearericbittle (dutchmoxie) [Archive of Our Own]
The Feeling of Happiness - thedaughterofkings [Archive of Our Own]
The One Where They All Go to New York for a Wedding - Chioces [Archive of Our Own]
Alone on Christmas? - LessonsFromMoths [Archive of Our Own]
It's a Fake Boyfriend, Charlie Brown! - IndecisiveAndUncreative [Archive of Our Own]
The Economics Project - StaciNadia [Archive of Our Own]
Get your FEET off the Dash it's LEATHER - lonechicken [Archive of Our Own]
The Price - theroguesgambit [Archive of Our Own]
The Things You Need - JoMouse [Archive of Our Own]
Please, Love Me - monkeyihihji [Archive of Our Own]
Ya Feel Me? - yodasyoyo [Archive of Our Own]
Cincinnati, or Anywhere With You - yodasyoyo [Archive of Our Own]
Good Intentions - yodasyoyo [Archive of Our Own]
Chaos Personified - tryslora [Archive of Our Own]
Shoot your shot when you see em (he's already in my DMs) - dearericbittle (dutchmoxie) [Archive of Our Own]
Somewhere Else - alocalband [Archive of Our Own]
Just Go With It - IndecisiveAndUncreative [Archive of Our Own]
Emergency Contact - bewarethesmirk [Archive of Our Own]
yes - EvanesDust [Archive of Our Own]
Date Me, I Dare You - NephilimEQ [Archive of Our Own]
Limestone & Brass - Whispering_Sumire [Archive of Our Own]
Overcoming Me - orphan_account [Archive of Our Own]
Came for the coffee, stayed for you - nashirah
A Thousand Words - inhystereks
A Literary Love - thewolfwiththeredroses
Brutus - planiforidjit
'Til It Hurts or Bleeds or Fades - WeAreTheCyclones
We Can Work from Home - samanthahirr
Blind Date With A Book - thepsychicclam*****
Stay - Smowkie
It Was About Being You - writingonpostcards
Figure It Out - endoftheline7 (orphan_account)
Can't Take the Heat? - Ilovesocks_24
Wishful Thinking - Inell
sometimes it all works out and you get everything you ever wanted - tryslora
tell me (what I won't say) - Areiton
I Don't Care If Monday's Blue, It's Tuesday I'm in Love - Jroseartmusic
Chrerry Coke (or eight years, three month and four weeks) - madsmeetsmisha
Worth the Wait - sisforsterek
A Crooked Way to Fly - andavs
There'll Be A Future Down The Road -  clotpolesonly
Landslide - reillyblack 
I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You - Cobrilee
Kingdom By The Sea - kilaem 
i wanna dance with somebody (who loves me) - bleep0bleep 
Peer Pressure - betp 
Noteworthy Observations - LadyDrace 
Read the Signs - dragon_temeraire
Needed - Asterekmess (Livinginfictions)
In Name Only - Cobrilee
Old you in the garbage (new you in display case) - dearericbittle (dutchmoxie)
Endowment - Captain_Loki
A Question of Pack - CawCawMF
Catching Your Breath (in seven simple steps) - circa (stealthturtle)
Racing Hearts - TheRealDanniX
Fly a Little Faster - mirrorkill
Married at First Glance - WonderWolf
Lap Magnet - Prairie_Grass
Wooden Walls - terminaltongues
'Til It Hurts or Bleeds or Fades - WeAreTheCyclones
let me know a life so sweet - jacyevans
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sourwolfstories · 5 years
Hey! Can you recommend some baker!Derek or chef!Derek fics pls? Thank you ☺️
Baker Derek
Is That A Wand In Your Pocket Or? by reptilianraven
“So a little bird told me you’ve got the hots for the kiddie magician at Jamie’s birthday party.” Laura says. “And when I say little bird, I mean Erica and Allison. They’re telling me you were all over this guy.”
Derek breathes in, then out, as he tries to suppress the urge to lob these loaves of rye bread at her head.
The one where Stiles is a magician who performs at kid’s birthday parties and Derek is a shy single dad baker who can’t stop seeing Stiles everywhere. There are also dead bodies popping up every other day, but Stiles really doesn’t need to know about that, so naturally, Stiles pops up at the crime scenes too. Fantastic.
For Goodness Cakes by yodasyoyo
Written for the prompt:Derek owns a bakery and Stiles comes in wanting something for a broken heart (very over-dramatic about it) but he gets so distracted by the cake (muscles) that he totally forgets alllll about it.
OR: Stiles eats a lot of cake. Derek’s communication skills are lacking. And they bitch and snark their way to a happy ending.
It’s different, okay? by peachpetrichor
Stiles asks a question online, and Derek answers (with the wrong answer), and they both proceed to be huge dicks.
Buttercream Kisses by ultimaticity
As a lacrosse player who needs to keep his energy up (and has a sweet tooth that needs to be satisfied), Stiles always goes to McCall’s Cake Shop after practice for his daily sugar rush. Derek Hale, the new statue-like employee and baking genius, definitely leaves him seeking a bit more sweetness in his life.
Chef Derek
…And Happily Ever After by melofttroll
His Cinderella story was about to end at the end of a chef’s knife, probably.
Stiles meets the love of his life one night, except circumstances change their beginning to an end. Or so he thinks.
Five years later, Stiles is still thinking about that night, and the stranger on the balcony whose kisses made his knees go weak. He’s sure he’ll never see him again, until the day he starts at the Triskelion Resort, and realizes the soft, gorgeous stranger is the angry, impossible to work with Pasty Chef, Derek Hale. Who, as it turns out, doesn’t recognize Stiles at all.
The Pantry Tresspasser by mikkimouse
Stiles gaped. He thought he could be forgiven; nobody should be forced to confront such hotness before their first cup of coffee.
Pantry God finally seemed to realize he wasn’t alone, and looked over to Stiles, pale eyes widening behind his glasses. “Can I help you?”
The words jerked Stiles out of his stupor, reminding him that Pantry God was actually Pantry Trespasser. “Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my pantry?”
Until I Met You by jackgyeoms
Homeless!Stiles AU. Stiles goes to bed with strangers just to have a place to sleep. One night he goes home with Derek and finds a permanent place to rest his head.
Heart Spice by Inell
When Stiles was twenty-two, he had his heart broken when Derek chose his career over their relationship. A little over ten years later, they meet again on the set of a reality TV cooking competition. Derek wants a second chance, but Stiles isn’t really in a forgiving mood.
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neeliepsrecs · 5 years
The HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards Round 7: Fall-Winter 2014
Awards hosted here
BlackMoon/WolfStar (Sirius Black/Remus Lupin) Best Drabble "He Knows" by hikarievandar - Rated: G  Best Drama-Angst Fic 1st Place - "Leave the Children Behind" by cevennes 2nd Place - "We Might Fall" by queenkerosene - Rated: PG-13  3rd Place - "Full Moon" by hikarievandar - Rated: PG-13 Best Dark Fic "Love is a Four Letter Word" by REwrites - Rated: Explicit/NC-17 Best Comedy Fic "The Active Reader" by veeagainst - Rated: Mature/R  Best Alternative Universe Fic 1st Place - "You Saw The Clouds Above, But I Saw The Universe" by olivier_dathos - Rated: PG  2nd Place - "Evenings, Mornings, Afternoons" by illittorate - Rated: R  3rd Place - "John Wolf" by NeonDomino - Rated: T/PG-15 Best Romance Fic 1st Place - "Claim Your Broken Crown" by queenkerosene - Rated: PG-13  2nd Place - "You Can't Have It All (But There Is This)" by escribo - Rated: NC-17  3rd Place - "Your Happy Thoughts" by NeonDomino - Rated: T/PG-13  Best Slash Smut Fic "You know nothing, Lupin" by Erised_Rain - Rated: Explicit/NC-17
Hinny (Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley)
Best Drabble "What We've Waited For" by The10thWeasley - Rated: K+/PG Best Drama-Angst Fic "Faintest, Slimmest, Wildest Chance" by keeptheotherone - Rated: M/R Best Dark Fic "Illusionary" by Evander - Rated: Mature/R Best Comedy Fic "Respite" by LadyGuilt - Rated: T/PG-13  Best Alternative Universe Fic "And We'll be Chasing Stars" by conjure_at_your_own_risk - Rated: Teen and Up/PG-13 Best Romance Fic 1st Place - "Faintest, Slimmest, Wildest Chance" by keeptheotherone - Rated: M/R  2nd Place - "His Best Birthday" by lrthunder - Rated: NC-17  3rd Place - "Getting It Off My Chest" by 17wilsonh - Rated: T/PG-13 Best Het Smut Fic "Waking" by HPTrio - Rated: Mature/NC-17 
Romione (Ron Weasley x Hermione Granger) Best Drabble "Ron/Hermione-makeup sex" by divagonzo1 - Rated: NC-17 Best Drama-Angst Fic "Nearly Time" by StrongHermione - Rated: K+/PG  Best Dark Fic 1st Place - "In Sickness" by WeasleySeeker - Rated: T/PG-13  2nd Place - "Afternoon Delight" by inell - Rated: NC-17  3rd Place - "He Doesn't Care" by lrthunder - Rated: NC-17 Best Comedy Fic "Heart and Soul" by writergirl8 - Rated: M/R  Best Alternative Universe Fic "Love is accidental" by Creamy Chessnut - Rated: T/PG-13 Best Romance Fic "You Go First" by anotherkate - Rated: T/PG-13  Best Het Smut Fic 1st Place - "Afternoon Delight" by inell - Rated: NC-17  2nd Place - "First Time" by raskapuska - Rated: M/NC-17  3rd Place - "Ron/Hermione-makeup sex" by divagonzo1 - Rated: NC-17
Snermione (Severus Snape x Hermione Granger) Best Drabble 1st Place - "Curiosity" by krissy_cits - Rated: PG 2nd Place - "He Wishes Her Goodnight" by elwhi - Rated: K/PG 3rd Place - "In Their Dungeon" by dragoon811 - Rated: NC-17 Best Drama-Angst Fic 1st Place - "We Were Ghosts" by ausland - Rated: M/R 2nd Place - "Another Dream" by dragoon811 - Rated: M/R 3rd Place - "Voldemort's Assassin" by etherian - Rated: T/PG-13 Best Dark Fic 1st Place - "The Sin Eater" by teddyradiator - Rated: NC-17  2nd Place - "Hermione's Blood" by The Jester Erebus - Rated: M/R  3rd Place - "The Blessings of Marriage" by araeofsomething - Rated: T/PG-13 Best Comedy Fic 1st Place - "Shampoo" by llorolalluvia - Rated: M/NC-17 2nd Place - "DADA Doodles" by alyssialui - Rated: T/PG-13 3rd Place - "Out of Practice" by dragoon811 - Rated: K+/PG  Best Alternative Universe Fic 1st Place - "Academic Affairs" by CRMediaGal - Rated: T/PG-13  2nd Place - "One Who Knew" by ausland - Rated: T/PG-13 3rd Place - "The Crafty Case of the Corpses That Weren't Corpses" by Ladymage Samiko - Rated: T/PG-13 Best Romance Fic 1st Place - "Another Dream" by dragoon811 - Rated: M/R 2nd Place - "The Assistant" by Ataraxie - Rated: M/R  3rd Place - "Know It All" by SweetTale4u - Rated: M/NC-17 Best Het Smut Fic 1st Place - "A Chateau, A Masquerade Ball, and An Ugly-Arsed Painting of Swans" by onecelestialbeing - Rated: M/NC-17 2nd Place - "But Who's Watching the Watchers?" by teddyradiator - Rated: NC-17 3rd Place - "Hallucination" by llorolalluvia - Rated: M/NC-17
Threesomes+ (any threesomes or moresomes) Best Drabble "You Just Never Know" by lumosed_quill - Rated: NC-17  Best Drama-Angst Fic 1st Place - "Charming Our Hearts" by starduchess - Rated: R 2nd Place - "Eadar da theine Bhealtainn (Between the fires of Beltane)" by mae_linda - Rated: Explicit/NC-17 3rd Place - "It Takes Three" by sdkshelly - Rated NC-17 Best Dark Fic 1st Place - "Hilarious" by SoftObsidian74 - Rated: Explicit/NC-17 2nd Place - "The Third Brother" by Evandar - Rated: Explicit/NC-17 3rd Place - "An Old-Fashioned Punishment" by halfbloodmalfoy - Rated: NC-17  Best Comedy Fic "Worth It" by lumosed_quill - Rated: NC-17  Best Alternative Universe Fic 1st Place - "Red Strings of Fate" by Aviici - Rated: M/NC-17 2nd Place - "Legacy" by lrthunder - Rated: NC-17  3rd Place - "Good Girls" by IMTrouble - Rated: NC-17 Best Romance Fic "A Dragon's Heartstring at the Core" by tryslora - Rated NC-17 Best Smut Fic (any combination) 1st Place - "Lunch With Friends" by inell - Rated: Explicit/NC-17 2nd Place - "Charlie Weasley's Fuck Autobiography" by traintracks - Rated: NC-17  3rd Place - "Gentleman in the Streets, Demon in the Sheets" by tamlane - Rated: NC-17
The Dark Side (Death Eaters/Snatchers) Best Drabble 1st Place - "Timed to Perfection" by alisanne - Rated: PG 2nd Place - (no title) by kuilanvampire - Rated: NC-17 3rd Place - "Drawings for Death Eaters" by sofknowseverything - Rated: G  Best Drama-Angst Fic 1st Place - "Mark of Cain" by deslea - Rated: NC-17  2nd Place - "A Road Less Travelled By" by jules_meghan - Rated: NC-17 3rd Place - "Il Die Illa Tremenda (Libera Me)" by etoilecourageuse - Rated: Mature/R  Best Dark Fic 1st Place - "Rasasvada" by ibuzzo - Rated: M 2nd Place - "Best Served Cold" by melusinahp - Rated: NC-17 3rd Place TIE - "48 minutes, 30 seconds" by abyss_valkyrie - Rated: PG-13  3rd Place TIE - "Mercy" by etoilecourageuse - Rated: Mature/R Best Comedy Fic "The Art of War" by lary - Rated: Explicit/NC-17 Best Alternative Universe Fic 1st Place - "Even good guys still get paid (so watch your back and keep the blade)" by ibuzoo - Rated: M/R 2nd Place - "Veela Agreement" by aleysiasnape - Rated: PG-13  3rd Place - "The Present" by tellmesomethingnew - Rated: T/PG-13  Best Romance Fic 1st Place - "Mark of Cain" by deslea - Rated: NC-17  2nd Place - "Fire on the Mountain (Run, boy, run) by barefacedbandit - Rated: NC-17  3rd Place - "Veela Agreement" by aleysiasnape - Rated: PG-13 Best Het Smut Fic "Not Necessarily a Girl's Best Friend" by tamlane - Rated: NC-17 Best Slash Smut Fic 1st Place - "Bloody Potters" by lumosed_quill - Rated: NC-17 2nd Place - "Mouthy" by entrenous88 - Rated NC-17 3rd Place - "Shattered Fancies" by crmediagal - Rated: M/NC-17 Best Femmeslash Smut Fic "When She Crooks Her Finger" by Lillielle - Rated: Explicit/NC-17
Weasley-Prewett Love (Weasley-Prewett family) Best Drabble "Scoundrel" by tamlane - Rated: Explicit/NC-17 Best Drama-Angst Fic 1st Place - "Two Can Keep A Secret" by pauraque - Rated: NC-17  2nd Place - "Playmates" by ragdoll - Rated: NC-17  3rd Place - "In the Family Way" by torino10154 - Rated: NC-17 Best Dark Fic "730 Days" by SweetTale4U - Rated: M/NC-17  Best Comedy Fic NO NOMINATIONS THIS ROUND Best Alternative Universe Fic "Inescapable" by TarnishedArmour - Rated: R Best Romance Fic "Just One Wish" by dragoon811 - Rated: K+/PG  Best Het Smut Fic 1st Place TIE - "Let the Ritual Begin" by ely_baby - Rated: NC-17  1st Place TIE - "The Right and Proper Way" by lokifan - Rated: NC-17  2nd Place - "Catch Me If You Can" by ragdoll - Rated: NC-17  3rd Place - "Comforts of Home" by torino10154 - Rated: NC-17  Best Slash Smut Fic "Spark" by starstruck1986 - Rated: NC-17 Best Femmeslash Smut Fic "A Wedding Day Diversion" by gamma_orionis - Rated: Mature/R
Rare Pairs (any pairing not already assigned a ship/group) Best Drabble 1st Place - "Come back here, darlin'" by divagonzo1 - Rated: NC-17 2nd Place - "Nightcap" by roelliej - Rated: NC-17 3rd Place TIE - "Because You Love Me" by torino10154 - Rated: NC-17  3rd Place TIE - "Teamwork" by bleedingangel84 - Rated: PG-13 Best Drama-Angst Fic 1st Place - "Her Soul Cried" by flyingharmony - Rated: R  2nd Place - "D-Day Minus Zero" by huldrejenta - Rated: PG 3rd Place - "Amortentia" by TheNextFolchart - Rated: T/PG-13 Best Dark Fic 1st Place - "Willingly Given" by sassy_cat - Rated: NC-17 2nd Place - "A Fejedelem" by nathalieweasley - Rated: PG-13  3rd Place - "Entangled Swan" by Hawkflight - Rated: NC-17 Best Comedy Fic "To Love A Wand" by I'mGoodAtFanfiction - Rated: M/R Best Alternative Universe Fic 1st Place - "Manners Matter" by Samantha_kathy - Rated: Teen and Up/PG-13 2nd Place - "Slip Free of My Grasp" by lumosed_quill - Rated: NC-17  3rd Place - "Kismet" by reikokatsura - Rated: NC-17 Best Romance Fic 1st Place - "Need" by starstruck1986 - Rated: NC-17  2nd Place - "A Pleasure to Meet You" by gelsey - Rated: PG-13 3rd Place - "Just a Fling" by savvyshka - Rated: NC-17 Best Het Smut Fic 1st Place - "Staying In" by alisanne - Rated: NC-17  2nd Place - "Unprofessional Behavior" by inell - Rated Adult/NC-17  3rd Place - "Come back here, darlin'" by divagonzo1 - Rated: NC-17  Best Slash Smut Fic 1st Place - "Drunk Love Baby" by Evander - Rated: Explicit/NC-17  2nd Place - "Unguarded" by birdsofshore - Rated: NC-17  3rd Place - "The Benefits of Charity" by praevarus - Rated: NC-17  Best Femmeslash Smut Fic 1st Place - "The Secret Truth" by articcat621 - Rated: NC-17 2nd Place - "The Turned Page" by mrs. milfoy - Rated: M/NC-17  3rd Place - "Dusk of Summer" by ReginaCorda - Rated: M/R 
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endgame-sterek · 8 years
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Dearest @inell, I hope you enjoy your special day!
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pale-silver-comb · 6 years
Happy birthday, Emma!! 🎉🎊🎁💕❤️🎈
Thank you, Inell!! ❤❤❤
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empresscarri · 3 years
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Happy Celestial 100th Birthday to the incomparable #BettyWhite. I wish she had made it to this day. You will never be forgotten Betty. Thank you for the memories. . . #Repost @jpdesignsart #RestInPeace #OldHollywood #ForeverMissed #NeverForgotten #GoldenGirls #FanArt #StayGolden #HappyBirthday (at Trinidad and Tobago) https://www.instagram.com/empresscarri/p/CY2L6T-IneL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dramioneficindex · 6 years
Dramione Fic Index ~ Title J
Title: Jackknifed Author: ElfMaidenOfLight Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 23 Word Count: 39,995 Summary: Hermione investigates a noise to find Draco lounging in an empty classroom. A chance meeting that goes beyond petty hate evolves them into something neither would have expected. Does a pureblood’s veins really run cleaner? Status: Complete Timeline: Year 5 Published: February 17, 2007  Completed: May 18, 2007 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship, Friendship, Revealing Their Relationship Themes: Forced Partnership/Together, Quidditch/Flying Draco: Quidditch Player [Seeker/wins], Snarky Hermione: Emotional, Feisty, Know-It-All, Prefect Locations: Great Hall, Hogsmeade, Hogwarts Express, Hogwarts Library, Potions Class, The Three Broomsticks Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood, Minerva McGonagall, Pansy Parkinson, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape Sequel: The Other Side of Fate - T, 20 chapters - Draco Malfoy, a foot in both the Deatheaters’ camp and in Dumbledore’s army, begins to pull away from the life he has been groomed to lead and embraces a family he never dreamed he could have. But will the past continue to haunt him?
Title: Japanese Blossoms Author: inadaze22 Rating: M Genre(s): Drama, Fluff, Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 16,309 Summary: The snow fell, the wind blew, the trees swayed, and the blond man with a heavy heart just stared. Draco supposed it was fitting that the beginning of their story was at the end of another. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-war Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: March 14, 2008 Relationship: Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Engagement, Friendship Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Feisty Side Pairings: Ron/Lavender, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Luna Friendships: Draco & Harry, Draco & Ginny, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ginny Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley Anti-Characters: Anti-Ron Warnings: Implicit Sexual Situations, Strong Profanity
Title: Jealousy  Author: rainsrabble  Rating: M  Genre(s): Romance, Drama  Chapters: 23  Word Count: 61,031  Summary: “If I’ve harmed her?” He seethed, snaking into Harry’s space, his voice dropping to a menacing hiss. “She comes to me crying and you have the nerve to question how I’ve treated her?”  Status: Complete  Timeline: Year 6, AU Alternate Links: AO3  Published: May 17, 2005 Completed: February 20, 2018 Relationship: Fake Relationship, Progressive Relationship  Themes: News and Gossip, Flying, Jealousy, Sharing a Bed, Gift Giving  Draco: Snarky, Posessive/Protective  Hermione: Feisty, Emotional  Locations: Hogwarts  Side Pairings: Ron/Padma  Friendships: Hermione & Harry  Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Padma Patil, Ginny Weasley, Parvati Patil, Blaise Zabini 
Title: Jelly Filled Guilt Author: Unwritten Whispers Rating: M Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,766 Summary: Her mum’s homemade coconut jelly filled doughnuts were what she lived for - the one sweet that she loved more than anything in the world, even more than books or her own… her own life, even. How dare Harry and Ron make her feel guilty for loving something more than her own life! Status: Complete Timeline: Hogwarts Years Published: October 23, 2011 Themes: Sweets Locations: Great Hall Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley
Title: Jilted Author: cleotheo Rating: MA/NC-17 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 10 Word Count: 23,896 Summary: Dumped on her wedding day, Hermione decides to head off on honeymoon to escape the inevitable gossip that she knows will come. While on holiday she encounters Draco and the pair embark on a passion filled affair. Is their romance just a holiday fling or will it continue once they have to return to their normal lives? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: May 30, 2014  Completed: June 17, 2014 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point) Themes: Adultery [Ron cheats], Cooking/Baking [Hermione], Dancing, Flirting, Hermione Sits in Draco’s Lap, Swimming, Travel [Italy], Wedding/Honeymoon [Draco/Hermione’s Honeymoon] Draco: Business Man, Redeemed Hermione: Emotional, Ministry Employee Locations: Draco’s Flat/House, Hotel, Ministry of Magic Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Lavender Friendships: Draco & Blaise Characters: Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Molly Weasley, Ron Weasley
Title: Jingle All The Way Author: justamuggle Rating: G Genre(s): Fluff Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,258 Summary: Draco Malfoy wonders how he will spend his upcoming Christmas, however, someone else has already made plans. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: December 28, 2012 Relationship: Boyfriend/Girlfriend Themes: Co-Workers/Office/Partners Draco: Redeemed Locations: Diagon Alley
Title: Joining A Granger Family Christmas Author: MiHnn Rating: G Genre(s): Fluff, Romance, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,162 Summary: Malfoy spends Christmas with the Granger family for the first time, and Hermione is not worried. Not at all. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Fest/Exchange: dramionedrabble Published: December 4, 2011 Relationship: Established Locations: Grangers’ Home Characters: Original Characters [Hermione’s Extended Family]
Title: Journeying Through the Dark  Author: Reetinkerbell Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5,196 Summary: Draco and Hermione are on the run from Fenrir. DracoxHermione, written for dmhgficexchange. Status: Complete Timeline: War Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Alternate Links: LJ | LJ Published: May 20, 2011 Themes: Baths/Showers, Injuries [Hermione], On the Run Draco: Order Member Characters: Fenrir Greyback, Original characters
Title: Jumpers And Revelations Author: naarna Rating: E Genre(s): Fluffy, Angst, PWP Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,285 Summary: Upset, Hermione flees the Weasley Christmas, in need of a drink. She never expected to have a horrible evening turned into a night worth remembering… Status: Completed Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: Smutty Claus Published: January 7, 2018 Themes: Co-Workers Office Partners, Breakups, Alcohol,   Draco: Ministry Worker, Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Ministry Worker, Heartbroken, Locations: Bar, Hermione’s flat Character Point of View/POV: Hermione Featured Holidays: Christmas
Title: June Author: secondbutton Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,360 Summary: All Draco wants for his birthday is his wife. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: Dramionelove’s Spring-Summer Fest Published: August 13, 2013 Relationship: Already Married Themes: Events/Celebrations [Party], Quidditch/Flying, Summer Draco: Curse-Breaker, Quidditch Player [Seeker], Redeemed, Sex God Hermione: Sex Goddess Locations: Draco & Hermione’s Flat/House, Malfoy Manor Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Theo, Draco & Harry, Draco & Ron, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley Character Birthdays: Draco
Title: June Fifth  Author: ScarlettSunshine Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,325 Summary: Draco doesn’t need, nor want, to celebrate his birthday. “June fifth…” Hermione frowned. “That’s today.” “Ten points to Gryffindor,” he drawled. “Um…Happy birthday,” she offered lamely. “Thanks.” His tone was clipped. “Do…what’re your plans?” she asked. “Well, lunch once you get the hell out of my office.” Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: February 4, 2014 Themes: Co-workers/Office/Partners Draco: Snarky Hermione: Feisty Locations: Malfoy Manor, Ministry of Magic Characters: Original Character Character Birthdays: Draco
Title: June’s Lies Author: Ladii Emelia Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,162 Summary: Draco struggles with a problem, and Hermione is there to help him.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: October 14, 2011 Relationship: Established Themes: Rain Draco: Broody Locations: Draco’s Flat/House Character Birthdays: Draco  Character Point of View/POV: Draco
Title: Just a Dance Author: goldhorse Rating: MA/NC-17 Genre(s): Drama, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 14,722 Summary: He said it was just a dance. But was it? Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: May 14, 2014 Completed:May 18, 2014 Themes: Alcohol, Co-Workers/Office/Partners, Dancing, Muggle Life, Piercings [Draco & Hermione]  Hermione: Feisty  Locations: Other Bars/Pubs/Clubs  Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny  Friendships: Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron  Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley
Title: Just a Minute Longer Author: wolfgirl17  Rating: M/R Genre(s): Fluff, Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 7,383 Summary: “Where’s my hello kiss?” Draco asked her, smirking into her face when she lifted her head to peer at him “I haven’t seen you all day and I come home to be attacked by the horde. I need my kisses woman!” Timeline: Year 8 Published: September 17, 2014 Themes: Dreams [Hermione] Draco: Redeemed Locations: Hogwarts Library Warnings: Contains profanity, Scenes of a sexual nature
Title: Just a Taste Author: MissBloodyDel Rating: M Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 7,776 Summary: Being Head Girl means Hermione must share a dorm with Head Boy, Draco. But things have changed- he’s nicer. And when Hermione discovers something about him, their relationship will never be the same.  Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Published: January 3, 2011 Themes: Apologies [Draco], Baths/Showers, Cooking/Baking [Draco cooks], Head Boy/Head Girl Draco: Redeemed Locations: Heads’ Common Room
Title: Just Admit It Author: inell Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,245 Summary: Sequel to Just Say It. It’s Draco’s turn to play Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Published: August 5, 2004 Relationship: Already Married Themes: Endearments/Pet Names Prequel: Just Say It - NC-17, one shot - no summary
Title: Just Another Day in the Office Author: teenage_hustler Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Plot? What Plot? Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,687 Summary: Hermione’s already having a terrible day, when Draco comes in to make it unbearable. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: hp_porninthesun Published: June 11, 2009 Themes: Bad Day [Hermione], Co-workers/Office/Partners Draco: Snarky
Title: Just Blood Author: DracoDew17 Rating: M Genre(s): Angst, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 7,714 Summary: The issue of blood takes a physical turn between Draco and Hermione. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Published: March 22, 2008 Themes: Head Boy/Head Girl, Injuries [Draco] Draco: Quidditch Player [Captain/Seeker/Wins], Snarky Hermione: Bossy, Feisty Locations: Heads’ Common Room, Hogwarts Hospital Wing Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Madam Pomfrey
Title: Just Breathe Author: Inell13 Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,917 Summary: Following the War, Hermione and Draco become closer and help each other heal.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Published: November 4, 2004 Themes: Muggle Life, Nightmares [Draco], Sharing a Bed Draco: Draco’s Feelings, Redeemed
Title: Just catch the snitch, Harry! Author: Catairly Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Friendship Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,867  Summary: “If we win, you’ll do what I want. If you win, I’ll do what you want. Deal?” he whispers, looking straight into my eyes as if expecting me to say no. And precisely because of that, I whisper “Deal” in return. Status: Complete Timeline: Hogwarts Years Published: December 23, 2011 Themes: Bets/Wagers, Quidditch/Flying Draco: Quidditch Player [Captain/Seeker] Hermione: Point of View Locations: Quidditch Pitch Characters: Harry Potter
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christinesficrecs · 7 years
Hi, its my birthday soon and i just wanted to ask if you could rec some fluffy sterek fics please. Ps i love your blog your my life saver xxx
Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you have an amazing day :) I may have went a tiny bit overboard with the fluff :p These are all such lovely fics, hopefully a few of them are new to you :) 
The Kiss Doctor by  bleep0bleep | 3.5K
“That’s me,” Derek says. “Are you, um— the Kiss Doctor?”“Stiles,” is the reply, and the guy grins. It’s charming.
Is That a Gun In Your Pocket Or…That’s a Gun In Your Pocket by  Elpie (Horribibble) | 8.1K
Derek Hale is the best boyfriend.He’s sweet. He’s funny. He recites Pablo Neruda completely unprovoked.He also happens to be in the murder business. But hey, nobody’s perfect.
Mates and Mushrooms by  mikkimouse | 11.5K
Derek’s not that excited about spending three days at a conference getting propositioned by every Alpha with a single pack member. Stiles has a plan to make it stop.
It might be a great plan…if only Derek weren’t head over heels in love with him.
It might be an even better plan if someone at the conference didn’t have a vested interest in Derek staying single.
every version of me falls in love with you by  stilinskisparkles | 9.5K
A little girl wearing a bright pink tutu flies down the steps and towards Derek. Derek has time to remember that according to Scott, her name is Rosaline, she’s five and that she’s Derek’s daughter, before she’s leaping into his arms. He catches her easily, breathes in her scent of milk and oranges and to his pleasant surprise, Derek, and someone else, too. Someone that smells good. She smells like home to him.
The Chase by  saltandbyrne | 10.4K
Derek’s fourth Chase will be his last if he doesn’t catch an omega this time. He’s starting to doubt this whole soul-mate thing anyway, at least until someone from his past shows up and gives him the run of his life.
Kingdom By The Sea by  TheCriminal | 4K
Lydia grabs his arm and pulls him down in the seat next to her. “When the hell did you find time to bag a guy like Hale?”
“We’re friends,” Stiles feels his face heat up, and then the team are running out and Derek sees him and smiles. His blush gets worse.
“Oh really?”
“Our moms were friends, okay? We’ve been in diapers together.”
“I thought you two hated each other.”
Operation: Chick Flick by  Inell | 7.3K
Stiles knows agreeing to be Derek’s fake date for Cora’s wedding is the stupidest thing he’s ever done, but it’s a little difficult to say no to the man he’s been in love with for seven years.
Void ab initio by  Leslie_Knope | 4.6K
We were best friends in middle school and promised (signed a contract and all) if neither of us were in a relationship when we turn 30, we’d marry each other. You moved 5 years later and I haven’t seen you since but you just reached out on my 30th birthday to find out if I’m single. Minors can’t be held to contracts but puberty hit you like a truck and I just broke up with my long term boyfriend a month ago so what the hell I might as well catch up with you.
The One Where He Pitches And Catches by  mikkimouse | 4.2K
Derek entered the conference room, spotted the table with “M. P. Stilinski” on it, and stopped short.
Oh fuck.
It most definitely was not going to be fine.
Sitting on the other side of the table was the most attractive man Derek had ever seen, with whiskey-colored eyes and pale skin with dark moles speckled across his jawline, moles Derek was very familiar with because he’d spent two hours last night drunk out of his mind and licking them.
Lap Magnet by  Prairie_Grass | 30.7K
Wherein an ill-advised floral arrangement leads to a whole new definition of obliviousness, accidental mate-bonds, and far more sex and tropes than one fic really needs.
Every stumble and each misfire by  everchanginginks | 14K
Stiles hasn’t seen or heard from Derek in ten years. It’s a bit of a surprise to find out about Derek’s return to Beacon Hills through Tinder.
Muffins As A Declaration Of Intent by  JenNova | 3.7K
“Top or bottom?” Stiles asks, off to Derek’s right.
“Bottom,” Derek says automatically, not really looking at him. “Wait, what?”
nom de plume by  bleep0bleep | 3.9K
There are no more chapters. 22 is the last one.Derek groans in despair. He has to know what happens.
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teenwerewoofs · 3 years
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[Podfic] You've Got Me
Written by @inell
Read by bri
Teen Wolf - Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski - Rating: T
Summary: Stiles arrives home earlier than expected and finds someone sleeping in his bed.
Additional tags: Future Fic, Magical Stiles Stilinski, New Orleans, Roommates, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Getting Together, Domestic Fluff, Mild Sexual Content
Podfic length: 10 - 20 minutes
Audio format: MP3 or Streaming
Happy birthday, @inell! I hope you have a great day and get lots of comments on your fics. 🥰
If podfic isn't your thing, check out the written work here (and leave a comment letting Inell know how much you loved it! 😉).
And you should absolutely check out the rest of Inell's work on AO3.
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May 2017
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This is a compilation of fics that I've read/re-read over the past month. Faves get a star ( ★ ). There is also a separate fic rec page for my favorites here and a fic rec sorter here, if you'd like to check those out. :)
MONTH: May, 2017 | (older lists)
▶▶ hazelnut, strawberry, and mint by jollypuppet ★ Teen And Up | 3,417w In which Stiles is cheeky, Derek likes dogs, and coffee is gourmet as hell.
▶▶ How to Make It Right by loserchildhotpants ★ N/A | 3,337w Stiles, in his years with Derek as his slave, has grown used to Derek's tones of voice. Derek is a man of few words - Stiles was never sure if this was just his nature, or the product of his horrific environment. With so few words to work with, Stiles learned to read Derek's body language, hear all the things unspoken in the way Derek said those few words and he learned quite quickly that silence is often many words at once.
▶▶ The Moon's Gonna Follow Me Home by turningterrific ★ Explicit | 82,866w Derek doesn't want to call the window repair guy. He doesn't want to sweep up the glass. He’ll inevitably miss a few shards and pull them out of the bottom of his bare feet for weeks. He doesn't want to try to make this place feel like home when it isn't. Derek stayed in Beacon Hills and tried to make it work because he wanted pack, wanted purpose. He gave his best effort and found himself back where he started: alone, with a few begrudging allies. He's tired, and even though his werewolf body heals quickly, he feels the weary ache down to his center. He packs his car with the few things he cares about enough to drag them from place to place. He locks the loft and calls a realtor about listing the building he'd bought in a misguided attempt to secure a future. And then he leaves.
▶▶ Under Development by dr_girlfriend ★ Teen And Up | 24,763w Environmental lawyer Derek Hale is determined to stop the planned defacement of his beloved Beacon Hills Preserve by the mammoth Starr Development company. To do so, he makes a deal with the devil himself — Stiles Starr, the brash young scion of the Starr family and COO of Starr Development. Derek hates Stiles at first sight. Mieczysław Stilinski, on the other hand, is someone that Derek could grow to like...or even love.
▶▶ 5 Times Stiles & Derek's Classmates Noticed They Were in a Committed Relationship and 1 Time Stiles Noticed by Survivah Teen And Up | 2,825w In which Derek and Stiles are college roommates, and everyone saw this coming before they did.
▶▶ All the broken hearts in the world still beat by dragon_temeraire Teen And Up | 3,354w Stiles totally needs to make Lydia Martin jealous. Yeah. And his best chance is to convince star lacrosse player Derek Hale to (fake) date him.
▶▶ Breaking the Ice by veterization Explicit | 15,411w Stiles is a figure skater turned pair skater who gets teamed up with has-been skater Derek Hale, and neither of them are exactly pleased.
▶▶ Burn It Out by Omni Teen And Up | 6,390w Everything that he was got burned out of him, turned to ash and shadow just like everyone he loved. He was hollowed out and empty, and it hurt like claws across exposed nerves. Then, it was done.
▶▶ Full On Rainstorm by BarlowGirl Explicit | 10,534w He catches Derek by the arm and Derek lets himself be turned, surprised when Stiles shoves a small box into his hands. "I don't know if you still celebrate it or what but... I wanted you to know someone was thinking about you. Happy birthday." Then he squeezes Derek's arm and bolts, gone before Derek can think to stop him. He opens the box standing there, only to find one singular, misshapen, sloppily-frosted, cupcake, with a candle in the box next to it. It's kind of squished despite the paper towel all around it to keep it from banging around in the box. Derek has to take a moment to sit down because yeah, he can't deny it anymore. He's gone on Stiles.
▶▶ Good Thing Going by SylvieW Teen And Up | 4,989w Stiles has been dating Jennifer for months when he finds out she's been seeing someone else almost as long, but didn't tell him. When he confronts her, he doesn't expect the other guy to be blindsided... or so damn hot.
▶▶ Hot & Bothered by Inell Teen And Up | 3,651w During their first photo shoot together for the House of Eros, sparks fly between Stiles and Derek.
▶▶ Hunger by DiscontentedWinter Mature | 55,382w Beacon Hills. Two lost souls. A homeless boy, a lone wolf, and people who will stop at nothing to destroy them both.
▶▶ In Name Only by Cobrilee Explicit | 15,089w In a world where no one finds out who their soulmate is until after they get married, Stiles concocts the perfect scheme: marry his long-time client, Derek Hale... You know. Just to find out who he should be marrying. There's no way this could go wrong.
▶▶ First Date Series [1] Is It Cool if I Hold Your Hand? by HalfFizzbin General | 1,343w "So," says Sheriff Stilinski, raising one eyebrow. "You decided not to play video games at Scott’s, after all?" "Uh," Stiles says. His eyes are wide and caught-out, and he's got his arms wrapped around two giant tubs of popcorn. Beside him, Derek Hale—the same Derek Hale that the Sheriff last saw in his interrogation room—is handing a $20 bill to the cashier and clearly trying to appear as casual as possible. He fumbles the change three times before he gets it into his pocket, though, so it's a lost cause.
▶▶ Staying by hazelNuts General | 678w Stiles and Derek are on a trip, and can't help but feel like he's already ruined it.
▶▶ Sundae Mornings by raisesomehale Teen And Up | 5,463w Derek had had his doubts when Cora first suggested their family play host to a foreign exchange student from Poland, but it wasn't until the kid arrived that Derek really began to resent the entire program. Sure, Stiles Stilinski cleans up after himself – never not a perfect gentleman around the house – and gets straight A's while still somehow managing to make friends insanely fast. But he's also cocky and sarcastic; quick witted in a way that can tangle Derek into a neat, flustered little bow with only a few choice quips. The worst part is that English isn't even Stiles' native tongue, and he still manages to be better with it than Derek. Bested at his own damn language.
▶▶ Teenage Dream by matildajones Mature | 58,596w After an accident, Stiles wakes up to what can only be a dream. He has money, he has fame, he has award winning actor Derek Hale as his husband. It quickly seems more and more like a nightmare because Stiles doesn't remember getting any of it - and it's hard to accept the reality that Derek can still love him.
▶▶ The Long Way Around by banryeo, secondstar Teen And Up | 10,293w After searching through his family's vault, Derek finds a key to a vacation cabin that his family own. He decides to fix it, along with allowing himself to heal for the first time since his family's death. In taking the time for himself, he comes to realize his feelings for Stiles, albeit slowly.
▶▶ The Way Back by ineachplace Teen And Up | 4,695w "Greetings from Venezuela!" Derek didn't sign the postcard. Didn't write anything on it at all, except for a return address on the right and a little black squiggle where he presumably checked to see if his pen still had ink. It's the first anyone has heard from him since he left. Scott and Kira had a working theory that he became a humble farmer, living off of beets and carrots and tending to a ridiculous amount of horses while Cora fought bulls or tigers or something. No one asks the obvious question when Stiles tells them. Maybe out of decency, out of some shred of respect for his feelings, or maybe because they really don't know. He can't be sure. No one asks why Derek sent it to HIM.
▶▶ Think To Me, Like Lovers Do by clotpolesonly General | 3,458w A cursed amulet forces Derek to hear everyone's thoughts. He doesn't much like what he hears, at least until Stiles comes to rescue him from starvation.
▶▶ This is Not (In Fact) Okay by rileywrites Teen And Up | 3,062w Derek and Stiles end up partnered for a project, and Derek contents himself with being a part of Stiles' life. For a while.
▶▶ Through Veiled Eyes by Dexterous_Sinistrous Explicit | 25,796w "Lay with me," Stiles plainly stated, as if he asked a menial thing of him. Derek narrowed his eyes at Stiles, observing him carefully as he kept his features stoically guarded. "To touch you is sacrilege," he finally uttered, unable to completely deny his desire to discover what touching Stiles would be like. "What they force me to do is sacrilege," Stiles countered, carefully observing Derek. "What you would do would be divine. You would keep me from being their plaything—taking a key player off the board in their pursuit of corruption. What I've asked of you... I've already seen it—the phantom touch of it lingering on me afterwards."
▶▶ Wolfsbane by DiscontentedWinter Mature | 48,231w Kate Argent has kept a little trophy of the Hale fire for all these years - Derek Hale. When Deputy Stiles Stilinski finds him, he doesn't just need to rescue Derek from the Argents. He needs to rescue Derek from his past.
▶▶ Won't Do Me No Good Washing in the River by DevilDoll, Jinxy, Rahciach Mature | 5,939w "Remember, Derek: you never get back what you lost."
▶▶ Worth the Wait by Dexterous_Sinistrous Explicit | 13,381w Stiles always had a thing for Derek, but then again, so did everyone else. Stiles just wanted to be seen as different, which was why he waited. But maybe he waited a little too long.
▶▶ You Were a Kindness When I Was a Stranger by DevilDoll Explicit | 8,092w "It's not all handcuffs and spankings and learning to deep throat." This is an AU with consensual BDSM sex acts, in which Derek supports Stiles financially in exchange for a sexual relationship. Stiles is of legal age.
▶▶ Untitled Tumblr Ficlet by bibliosexxual N/A | 586w "Derek Hale at the supermarket at like nine at night on Feb. 13, innocently going through the checkout with his cucumber..."
▶▶ Untitled Tumblr Ficlet by bibliosexxual Explicit | 1,247w Out of necessity, Derek has fine-tuned a few simple tests for anyone he goes on a first date with.
▶▶ Untitled Tumblr Ficlet by doctortay Mature | 1,548w So yes, he's in Derek's loft, and that is most definitely Derek, sitting on the floor at the foot of his bed, naked and smoking a joint, head thrown back, totally blissed-out.
▶▶ Untitled Tumblr Ficlet by loserchildhotpants N/A | 837w Sniffling into Derek's shoulder, Stiles tucks his face further into the crook of Derek's neck. His own neck and ears feel too hot and he's embarrassed, but he can't let go.
▶▶ Untitled Tumblr Ficlet by redhoodedwolf N/A | 981w "I'll take care of it. I am the son of the Queen of Hell, after all,"
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