tap-dancing-fool · 8 months
The Percy Jackson show is everything I wanted and so much more, but where the FUCK are my good bitches Connor and Travis Stoll
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blackhholes · 2 months
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teen wolf meme: [2/2] locations -> the hale house
I've been having dreams. Dreams, or nightmares? Nightmares... About a fire. It's this-this house, and I can hear screaming-
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mydairpercabeth · 1 year
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dropofbittersea · 2 months
He’d just set it back down when the door opened, and a shadow appeared in front of him, taking the seat across from him. Jackson’s name was on his lips as he rose his gaze from his drink, but the word stuck in his throat, because it wasn’t Jackson.
“I’m really sorry, can you be my boyfriend?” Derek asked breathlessly, panic on his face and looking seconds away from losing his shit.
Stiles didn’t even have the chance to reply, because the second he saw crazy lady walk into the coffee shop, he just immediately leaned over the table and planted a kiss right on Derek’s lips. The other man seemed startled, but he recovered quickly and brought one hand up to press against Stiles’ cheek.
He made sure to keep the kiss short, and relatively chaste, because this was all for show and he didn’t want to make Derek more uncomfortable than he already was.
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kairithemang0 · 17 days
someone should redraw this as curtwen all im saying
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Man, Myth, Legend
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You waited and waited and waited some more until Jethro’s voicemail began playing.
“He thinks he’s so clever,” you grumbled to yourself as you sent him a text. Not like he would respond back but at least your two cents was thrown in there.
It was bad enough he made you stay behind with Tony instead of joining him, Ziva and McGee to his HOMETOWN. But now he wants to ignore your calls too? Granted, the calls would have only been you pestering him with all kinds of questions but nevertheless, he should still pick up the phone. What if you were in danger?!
“C’mon Probie. Let’s see if Abby has anything for us,” DiNozzo stated while walking by.
You locked your phone and huffed in annoyance before joining him in the elevator.
“You can stop calling me that Tony. I’ve been working with you guys for like a year now.”
“I know. But I just love how much it bugs you.”
You rolled your eyes at his teasing and followed after him once the doors opened.
Abby gave you two the rundown on the blood analysis before McGee’s face popped up on her screen.
“Gibbs has a father!”
You ran over with Tony while they gave all of you the much needed info on the Gibbses. Jethro had told you he grew up in Stillwater and wasn’t exactly the towns poster child but he never really spoke more than that, let alone about his father.
“I’m coming. I’m leaving,” Tony stuttered.
“Well you’re not going without me,” you added.
“Not unless you’ve found a way that people in town might have thought Ethan LaCombe was alive,” McGee answered right back.”
You and Tony sat in the Bullpen, throwing different questions each others way as you wanted for your next orders.
“So do you think he like got ran out of town and that’s why he hasn’t been back?” Tony asked, tapping a pen against his mouth in thought.
“I don’t know but I wouldn’t put it past him if it were true. Do you think his high school girlfriends still live there?”
Tony gave you a puzzled look which you quickly defended.
“I mean I’m just curious since most small town people don’t really move out past their county.”
“I doubt he’s dinner dating with any of his past flings probie. Plus, how is it you don’t know anything about Gibb’s past but you two are together?”
“You know he doesn’t talk much. Especially about his past. It was like pulling teeth when I asked him where he was born!”
As if his ears were burning, your phone began ringing as Jethro’s face popped up on your screen. Making a face for Tony to be quiet, you answered.
“Oh, look at that, you know how to call people all of a sudden.”
“I was busy. Talking with people,” he justified.
“People like your dad? Or the townspeople? McGee said you’re already ruffling feathers.”
“Well McGee needs to stop gossiping. I talked with Chad Winslow and his family. They’re hiding something. I want you and DiNozzo to get a search warrant together for blood samples and financial records.”
“Uh. A please would be nice.”
“Please. Honey,” he charmed, making you smile like a school girl. You’d do anything for him if he added those words afterwards.
“Much better. I’m assuming you won’t be home tonight?”
“No. We’ve got a lot of work to do here and I don’t see anyone being cooperative any time soon.”
You silently pouted but Jethro knew you like the back of his hand.
“Don’t pout. You, Abby and DiNozzo can come tomorrow afternoon. We’ll need help executing those warrants once they’re approved and Abby will need to examine the blood quickly.”
You beamed with excitement, catching Tony’s attention. You both said your goodbyes and Tony came over to give you a high five.
“I’m driving though. You suck at obeying the speed limit,” he established.
“That doesn’t count! Baskin Robbin’s was closing in 10 minutes and you encouraged me!”
We pulled up to the scene of the crime as smoke was still slowly coming from the wreckage. Thank God no one was in the car when it exploded. Jethro hasn’t even been in town more than 2 days and people are already trying to blow him up!
You gave McGee and Ziva a greeting before following Tony in the little store. It was stuffy and warm but the place was cute with all the natural lighting and small town vibes.
You and Tony saw an older man standing behind the register whom you could only assume was Jethro’s dad based on the eyes.
Just as Tony went to introduce himself, Jethro came from the back and interrupted. As they both talked, you made your way over to the counter.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.”
“Jackson Gibbs. Leroy told me about you but he left out just how stunning you were,” he flirted as you two shook hands.
“I see where Jethro gets his charm from.” you two chuckled together before Jethro came over looking displeased.
We took the rental to Jackson’s house as he led us to the garage where the most beautiful Dodge Charger sat.
“That’s right. I said we.”
You hopped in the backseat as Jethro peeled out onto the street like a bat out of hell, passing the shocked faces of the team and sporting the biggest grin on his face.
At the Winslow house, Jethro advised you to stay behind with Senior.
“Fine by me. Someone’s got to tell me what the great Leroy Jethro Gibbs was like as a kid,” you jested as he rolled his eyes and shook his head.
You sat on the porch steps with Jackson as he started the conversation first.
“I’m glad Leroy found someone again. You know after Shannon and Kelly, I thought he’d never find love again. But you seem to make him happy.”
“I try. And he makes me happy. It hasn’t been years but I think we’re good for each other.”
“I just don’t understand how you two even came about. Someone like you, so beautiful and elegant should be dating someone similar. Like that DiNozzo guy.”
You laughed at the thought of you and Tony together.
“Jethro is much more sensitive and approachable than people think. And Tony? No, he’s far too..rockstar for me. Jethro just has that personality that grounds you and uplifts you at the same time. I’ve never felt it with anyone before.”
“Spoken like someone truly in love,” he stated with a smile.
You blushed at the thought and you two continued talking until it was time to leave.
Back at the store, McGee and Abby went over their findings as you stood next to Jethro, your hand brushing against his. You saw a small smirk appear on his face as he listened.
It wasn’t long before you guys had enough evidence to arrest Nick Kingston and his 2 accomplices and telling the awkward news of Ethan being Emily’s brother. You all stayed the night at Jackson’s place as he told you all stories of his great adventures before leaving the next morning.
“You’ve got a good one here Leroy. Don’t let her go,” Jackson praised to his son as he looked at you.
“Oh I don’t plan on it.”
You gave Jackson a farewell hug as he gave the Charger keys to Jethro and stuck your tongue out at Tony when you were the chosen passenger.
In the car, you pulled him in for a kiss and smiled. “I like your dad. We should come see him again soon.”
Jethro just shook his head and smiled before driving off.
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agentmilayawithshield · 9 months
Brain with Floppy Disk storage capacity
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tojisun · 3 months
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cant even make this shit up
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lavendarneverlands · 5 months
I love the way that fandoms work (especially in books) how I can discover something that came out 10 years ago (but is brand new to me) & fall into an entire world, full of fans (from its first debut to brand new members like myself). I can enjoy years of content in minutes, or enjoy minutes of content for years. And even when the “new-ness” of a series ends I can always fall back into an old favorite again & again; still finding new & old friends to obsess over it with. — Fandoms develop a life of their own & the love of stories that exceeds time; I just think that’s pretty magical in itself to watch.
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am-ace-ing-grace · 1 month
We should talk about special interests like we talk about college majors.
I have majors in Percy Jackson/Riordanverse history, Agents of SHIELD lore, and poetry, with minors in neurodirgent shit and the Netflix Carmen Sandiego show
I am working on a major in Leverage
I am working on a major in Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
I have an honorary doctorate in going underwater when it’s hard to see through and grabbing people’s ankles or tickling the back of their knees to scare the living hell out of them
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cultofasparagus · 2 months
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Drawing my design for my favorite crystal girlie since I'm rereading the books again and I am slowly going insane
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thedailybullshit · 2 years
RDR2 Incorrect Quotes pt. 28
Molly: I can fix him.
Tilly: I can chase him with a knife to humble him.
Dutch: We should really appreciate the smaller things in life.
Arthur: *patting Hosea on the head* I appreciate you.
Hosea: You best be sleeping with one eye open tonight, Morgan.
Dutch: *banging on the door* John! Open up!
John: Well, it all started when I was a kid . . .
Arthur: No, he meant open the do-
Hosea: Shh, let him finish.
Dutch: Please come out!
John: *still behind the door* I’m bisexual!
Hosea: Still not what he meant, but we fully support you.
Mary-Beth: You have a drinkin’ problem?
Karen: No, I’ve pretty much got it figured out!
Tilly: . . . What’s your favorite beer?
Karen: An open one!
Hosea: You hit John!
Arthur: Then I hugged him. It’s okay now.
Hosea: You can’t just hug your way out of trouble.
Arthur: *hugs Hosea*
Javier: Esto es tu culpa!
John, sighing: Yeah, I know.
Arthur: You speak Spanish?
John: No, I just know the phrase “This is all your fault!”
Javier: Voy a matarte, Marston.
John, turned on: I have no idea what you just said, but I agree.
Arthur: Name one mean thing I’ve ever done.
John: When I was a kid, you convinced me eggs weren’t real.
Arthur: They’re not.
John: Ha ha, very funny.
Arthur: I’m serious. Didn’t you hear?
John: No? What happened?
Arthur: Honestly, why would you fall for this again?
Agent Milton: I will ruin your happiness, no matter the cost!
Arthur: My happiness?
Arthur: *turns to the Gang* I’m happy?
A Gunfight:
Agent Milton: Win this one for justice!
Pinkertons: FOR JUSTICE!
Dutch: Win this one because I told you to.
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blackhholes · 2 months
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teen wolf meme: [3/5] motifs -> resurrection
It's different now. I think dying did something to him. It did something to me, too. But none of it was good.
#teen wolf#lydia martin#kate argent#tracy stewart#scott mccall#peter hale#jackson whittemore#derek hale#hayden romero#twedit#twgifs#mine#my gifs#twmeme#yes i'm aware that it can definitely be argued whether resurrection is a motif in teen wolf or just a recurring plot device#and while it's certainly not a symbolic motif like fire and water was previously#the way it's utilized within the show does make me read it moreso as a motif than just plot#like water it's used to communicate an internal change but the ways it differs from water is that it usually occurs at the end of a#narrative arc whereas water typically appears at the beginnings#water is used to signify a character's beginning descent into something new and the resurrection is once that change is completed#jackson's arc in season two is started with his submersion in water and it's ended with his resurrection#and lydia's arc in eichen house in 5b is much the same with her in the river in her mind at the beginning and then her dying and coming bac#at the animal clinic#even lydia's arc in season two can be read within these parameters#it begins with her in the hospital shower as she digs hair out of the water and ends when she resurrects peter#so while yes there is a reversal there and lydia isn't the subject of the resurrection she is the agent of it#which honestly the same can be said for theo in 5a#basically what i'm getting at here is that my reading of the resurrections in teen wolf as a motif is very valid and you should all agree#also i completely forgot about jackson's resurrection until i was literally writing these tags so i had to go back and make a gif for that
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mcudc616 · 4 months
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captain america: the winter soldier
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moodboards-aesthetics · 5 months
Star Wars Characters and Their PJO Cabins AU
Ezra Bridger "The Son of Hermes" & Sabine Wren "The Daughter of Apollo"
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wisegirl-seaweedbrain · 3 months
make a poll with 5 of ur all time favorite characters and then tag 5 people to do the same. see who is everyone’s favorite!!
thank u for the tag @scarlet-daisy <3
i don’t have anyone to tag but if u want to do this than pls do :)
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