outofcontextpawnee · 1 year
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yoinkschief · 7 months
Happy Valentine's Day !!! I'm gonna go hold hands before marriage 😼😼😼
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todayontumblr · 1 year
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cookinguptales · 4 months
Happy happy birthday to you you lovely person inside my phone! Have a wonderful day with lots of yummy food! Treat yoself!!! ❤
oh, I am. my mother told me that her birthday gift to me would involve pitching in for some of the cannoli, so I have gone mad with power.
look at this magnificent beast. chocolate caramel coconut cannoli from mercato.
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coco6420 · 10 months
Ngl your sweet little mutual list post cute as hell and I dEMAND you have a great day and treat yoself cuz you made me really happy
ahhh tysm i'll try :) have fun things sched so yay
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tbh-entp · 1 year
Hi I really need ur help. I’m an entp and I already suffer from overthinking and shit (I don’t know if it’s normal for us entp to do that but yeah:)” anyways since the summer of 2020 I went through emotional abuse because I was stupid enough to stay in a toxic relationship for too long with my ex he gaslighted the shit out of me and betrayed me (it was an 8 year long friendship before it happened) . I went through a depression and I think that I was traumatized because I’ve never been this low in my life. Long story short I literally doubt every single choice I do, I feel like disorganized you know I don’t know how to come back to my normal mindset you know the confident one who don’t overthink and just has good ideas. I literally overthink everything like every single thing actions I do and thoughts I get and I don’t even know why I think I’m starting to fall into a depression again and losing myself again because of this. From a fellow entp to another If u know anything about how we work or anything about a loop or anything what dows it sound like because I don’t know shit right now I’m anywhere but in the moment and It frightenes me but I can’t do much about it. I literally overanalyze every single thing and can’t get rid of it. Every anxious thought I get is creating another to a chain where I don’t even know what the problem is. Thank u If you’ve read this far :( xxx
Hi! I'm sorry you're going through this. And I'm sorry it's taken me so long to answer! My inbox always has stuff in it and I don't answer nearly enough of them.
No one deserves to go through emotional abuse, and I'm happy for you that you're out of this relationship! It can be such a destabilizing thing as well to be out of a relationship as well, especially given how long it lasted.
I haven't dealt necessarily with what you did, but I have had a nice share of depression and trauma during the covid years. (I became very scared all of the time essentially... and I'm still unlearning this) I've learned some things from my experiences, though I'm certain that there are more and maybe some more fitting ones for you.
The main thing is just to be kind to yourself.
Now when I'm sad or struggling to do things, I'm just like ok, treat-yoself, it's a sleeping day. And I let it be without forcing myself to act like I'm doing better and also trying not to feel worse for not being at 100% (or even 50%) every day. Forgive yourself.
I try to give myself high-fives for even the smallest things that I accomplish. (I drove recently, and I rarely drive these days (esp in the country I live in) and I was scared, and I did it, and I'm proud!) (I sent an email that was freaking me out, and I'm proud!)
Find someone to talk to also maybe-- feel free to message me if you want. But when I was alone during covid, I got into the habit of leaving voice messages. So even talking to yourself could be helpful. Or writing also!
Pay attention to what you like and enjoy for when you're really feeling down. I have a list that I keep on my phone--sometimes I'm really blurred up and I don't remember to look at it. But sometimes I do remember to check the list, and it reminds me to put on the Great British Baking Show or Taskmaster, or maybe take care of my plants-- this really helps reground me to myself and what i enjoy purely.
If you can afford it, therapy is the thing these days. (But as someone who couldn't afford it for so long (especially because it can be hard to find the right therapist), it's very doable to make changes without it)
Also taking some time to breathe and pause and smell the air is great too. I'm crap at meditation but I do some stretches sometimes and it's good for the brain.
This is what I got! But you deserve love from both yourself and other people.
Sending all of my love xx
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Happy Valentine’s Day! 💕 Hope you have a good holiday :)
hope YOU have a good day!!!! love urself, treat yoself 😌
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sotwk · 2 years
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HAPPY TREAT YOSELF DAY!!! Seriously, October 13th has been designated as this made-up holiday from the awesomely funny Parks and Recreation.
Life can be hard, but we can make it sweet if we remember to care for ourselves. Go out and do/eat/get yourself something that brings you joy! And always remember: you are loved!
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Love Reading 💙 - January 2023 - Aquarius
Overall energy: Ace of Cups
How you will meet: 5 Swords
How they will treat you: 10 Wands rev
Long-term Potential: 5 Wands
This whole reading is like…what are you doing? Even you know better, you don’t even *like* this person, much less looove them. You meet arguing and leave arguing, idk where romance entered the mix. It may not at all, you just entertain it. You like how they argue? You just don’t want to be alone, and The High Priestess shows you already know that & this person ain’t the one, you just entertain the idea quietly. Maybe? You never even think it might be *the* one, you just wonder if it would be a total disaster or could you maybe have some fun with it? 😆 They’ve got spunk, and probably are attractive. Doesn’t matter, they’re not that into you and you’re not into them either. One of you calls a truce, maybe agrees to be friends…only, and eventually you’re going to meet someone that’s worthwhile that makes this person like…bye.
Messages -
Their side:
- Not even tempted 💯
- I don’t deserve you.
Your side:
- Facial hair 🧔‍♂️
- Wise Spirit
Signs you may be dealing with:
Leo, Cancer & Sagittarius
Overall energy: Queen of Pentacles rev
Current: 9 Pentacles
Challenge: Judgement & The Hanged Man
Potential: 4 Swords
The relationship itself is really good, but separately, both of you are stuck in a rut. Health could be involved, and if it’s something serious or tests are being taken, there’s a lot of waiting around energy related to that. You’re both happy, but you’re both just…lazy? Stuck? Unmotivated? It’s the energy of a vacation with none of the passion or fun. It’s just mehhh. You could be overspending on things in a *treat yoself* sort of way, but it’s getting to be too much and you kinda need to chill out with that too. If only one of you is in this unmotivated, bleh sort of mindset, the other person may try not to judge too harshly but it’s getting on their nerves, and will be addressed at some point. If it’s out of that person’s control, they’re more liable to hold back judging, but still they wait around for some sort of OOMPH to come back. Passion, excitement, fun. Probably not this month, 4 Swords indicates health issues, illness, or a time out from busyness. It’s anticipated that this will change, but for now there’s not much action except for day to day routines. There’s not much communication. Y’all need a change of scenery 💯 whenever that becomes possible.
Messages -
Their side:
- Other Half
- Unrealistic expectations
Your side:
- I want to grow with you.
- Forever Love ❤️
Oracles -
Their side: Face your fears. When you do, you’ll realize that they’re not real, but only what you’ve created.
Your side: Depression comes from being trapped. Spring the trap and change your life.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Capricorn, Aries & Leo
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heavenknowsffs · 2 years
11 13 43 54 55 56 57 61 70 71 72
hii! thank you <3
11. Are you happy?
Here and there, i've come to accept there's no such thing as being happy, there's happy moments in between your life, there's dull moments which are the most part of it and there's sad moments. I think what counts is make the most of happy moments and make the dull ones turn happy whenever you can so they trump the sad parts. There's no sunshine without rain as they say
13. Dogs or Cats?
Dogs since i've always only had dogs but i actually love both
43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city?
I've done both so... it's hard tbh the city has much more career opportunities and the countryside is calmer/safer but living in the countryside is a nightmare because: everyone knows you and gossip ensues because there's literally not much else to do except drink, smoke, sleep and gossip; no career opportunities so either live off a farm or nothing else; not a lot to do unless in summer it's cool to go to the river. the city also sucks for some reasons like too many people, the rent is too expensive, but there's also more to do
so bottom line is i love my village and would love to retire and die there but i want to explore while i'm young and find my career goals which i can only do in a city (also my hometown is pretty much a mix between city and countryside so that's kinda cool)
54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind always that's why i became a photographer adkjals
55. Do you have a collection of anything?
I collect coasters, cds and started my record collection
56. Do you save money or spend it?
I try to save but.. in this economy... if you save something and you want to treat yourself a tiny bit .... well there it goes and mind you the definition of "treat yoself" for me personally doesn't usually extend past 20€, one meal out/takeout and a snack at the supermarket
57. What would your dream house be like?
Simply a house i could call my own. Don't even want a big house or anything, a tiny appartment that was 100% mine would make me happy af. but if i had to dream "big" i'd say a couple of bedrooms so i could have people over, a good garden for summer get togethers, a nice spacious kitchen like those youtubers that cook have, a music studio and a living room that's like a rock star living room (think guitars in the walls, record player etc) a kind of dinning room just for get togethers and stuff, bathroom and all those other necessary rooms, maybe a craft room (the garage?) and a hidden library like in a movie
61. You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) maybe? maybe not b) i think i'd gather all my money and go travel or go to a concert (depending on the month), would def quit my job, and would prob drink too much only to then find out i lived more than a month because you never know these things c) can't say tbh
70. What is your ideal partner like?
Someone kind, funny, same political views (just like in terms of human rights lmao, a lot of people don't believe in human rights tho so gotta specify), same music taste or similar (because we need to go to concerts together ofc), same interests, and good vibes
71. Do you want to get married?
not really
72. Do you want to have kids?
absolutely not
thank you for the asks!
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Happy international mens day you sons of bitches
treat yoself to something pretty
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cultofcreatures · 4 years
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Happy Treat Yo Self Day 2020!! And I'm pretty sure we could all REALLY use it this year! Arm me with harmony: 🎵THE BEST DAY OF THE YEAR🎵
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todayontumblr · 11 months
Saturday, October 14.
Treat Yo' Self Day.
OK, so we may be a day late, but for something this wholesome, frankly, my dear, it matters not.
Treat Yo' Self Day may be traditionally celebrated on October 13th, which was yesterday. And a Friday, famously. So to make amends, we are going one further and celebrating not just one but two days in commemoration, across Saturday and Sunday, in tribute to both #parks and recs and #treat yoself.
Frankly, my dears, you deserve it. Happy Saturday.
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nighttimepixels · 5 years
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Belated posting of a birthday gift for @thefloatingstone! Her sona & UF Sans, 80s/90s-anime style complete with watercolor background ✧(ô▿ô ) Watercolor is... not my forte, but knowing how much she also digs that traditionally-done bg style filled me with determination to make this happen >:D Happiest of birthday wishes again, Puff- I hope you had an entire week filled with fun and lovely things, just like you! ♡
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Be sure to crush this quarantine by treating yo self.
It was a Monster Energy/yoga kind of day for me. 💚
P.S. don’t forget about the full pink moon tonight. ✨
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aquarianlights · 6 years
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Really fun and EXTREMELY productive day with two very good friends. Got a great outfit to meet with my Tulane advisers and to use for future medical work study/internship/job interviews. Also just got a LOT of things in general that were long needed and a few things that were wanted (like the pins above). Today was a really good day. It's always a good day when I get to hang out with Chelle and Chara, just the three of us.
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