dipndotz · 1 year
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shanascarlett · 2 years
My variant Wakanda Forever:
Monica (TChalla’s love) is married to another man. Wakanda’s fabric blows accidentally and bc of that Atlantis got pollution. Namor swears to avenge for his dying people.
In school of Shuri appears a new one from USA - geek girl Riri Williams who is obsessed with sci-fi and technology. Shuri and TChalla got attention of attack on Wakandian fabric at sea. TChalla go to save people. He faces against Attuma but got kidnapped. TChalla meets King Namor who hates humans for killing their home planet. BC of climate change cause by humans his people are dying. Namor attacks on humans at beach to show that he’s not kidding about killing humans. But they all got saved by X-Men. Among them TChalla recognises his 1st love - Storm. He manages to escape and teams up with X-Men. On the way to Wakanda TChalla and Storm share memories of their youth. TChalla suggest Storm to work as principal of one of Shuri’s school, but Storm rejects bc she needs X-Men.
At Wakanda everyone discover by news that Namor threats humanity will pay for their crimes against ocean. Shuri warns that to TChalla. He flies to NY and asks Namor to deal their conflict by democracy. But Namor attacks Wakanda. A lot people die, including Shuri’s mom. TChalla comes back to Wakanda, but no one happy to see him. Shuri blames brother for mom’s death and that father shouldn’t have listened to him by opening whole world. Her words hurt Riri. Riri tells TChalla that children of her boys from neighbour didn’t want to play with her bc she was a girl and girls didn’t like her interests. Shuri was Riri’s fave hero and inspiration. TChalla comforts her and tell about anger and fixing mistakes.
Wounded MBaku offers shelter for wakandians and suggest TChalla for war. At shelter they discover that Namor is a mutant and his father was human. But he’s dead. TChalla with team builds strategy. Next battle Wakanda attacks on Atlantis to prevent attack on NY. Black Panther called help from Tony Stark and Rowdy. Iron Man and War Machine help Wakanda.
There goes Black Panther vs Namor. Defeating him Black Panther tells he won’t kill Namor. Instead he asks Professor Xavier to use his powers on Namor. He discovers that Namor’s mom was taken away from his father. Namor was hated by grandfather and everyone. His mother killed herself. BC of that Namor promised himself he won’t be weak like mom and won’t have any sympathy to humans. BC of those memories Namor yields. TChalla orders him to never come Wakanda or hurt any of Wakanda people. Namor orders his people to retreat that angers Attuma.
TChalla closes all fabrics and focus more on restoring Wakanda. Riri leaves Wakanda to work for Tony Stark. Shuri agrees to work on eco technologies for everyone, but she’s still angry at TChalla for letting Namor go. Storm visits Wakanda. TChalla suggest her to visit Wakanda more often bc there’s a lot young mutants that don’t fit for school. He confesses that Wakanda is not perfect and there’s a lot mistakes they have to fix.
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marveldiaries · 7 months
🥀 angst | ☁️ fluff | ✨ faves | 🔥 smut
🪐 already on notes | 🍂 to be read
Loki 3
By ohdearhiddles
Everything Has Changed ☁️✨🪐 - You find solace in Loki’s room when he’s away on missions, but he doesn’t know that. Not until he catches you in the act, that is.
By sserpente
Sneaking out in the middle of the night ☁
Transforming himself into Tnoy to find out why you like him ☁
Sexual fantasy 🔥
Loki masturbating 🔥
Giving him a blowjob 🔥
Only one to treat him nicely 🍂
Only one to get him a xmas gift ☁
He thinks you're pulling away ☁
Sledding with Loki 🍂
Loki taking viagra 🔥
Braiding Loki's hair ☁
You're being followed and Loki helps ☁
Loki ending up in your dimension 🍂
Loki under the table 🔥
Wisdom teeth ☁
Taking Loki to a fall festival 🍂
Sick on Halloween ☁
Taking you and falling asleep inside 🔥
By stupidthoughtsinwriting
Don't leave me... I'll stay 🍂 - After an argument causes a rift between Loki and Y/N, the day is spent ignoring the other until Y/N decides to spend the night away from Loki.
By crowsoundsonly
a healing touch. ☁🥀 - your magic is requested to help a certain prince.
By vbecker10
I don't hate you ☁🥀✨ - You've worked at SHIELD for years and you were severely injured by Loki when he escaped from his cell on the helicarrier. It's been a year since the attack on NY and one day you finally cross paths with Loki after a month of him actively avoiding you.
Talk to me 🍂 one | two | three | four - The Battle of New York was a year ago but as the newest member of the team, you quickly discover Loki is still tormented by nightmares every night.
You can't hurt me 🍂 - You are finally going on a solo mission as an Avenger, or at least you were supposed to. At the last minute, the team decides to send Loki with you which is something neither of you are happy about.
The night nurse 🍂 one | two | three - You are the newly appointed night nurse for SHIELD and you couldn't be less excited about it. You have been given the side task of finding out who is stealing supplies from the infirmary.
By superficialdomina
Awful things ☁🥀 - A short alternate read on the "Terrible, awful things" moment in S2.
By whirlybirbs
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irondadfics · 4 years
any chance you could create a pets fic rec list? im not picky about what kind of pets! just fics where there is a decent amount of focus on peter and/or tony having a pet! Stark's Home for Wayward Animals is a personal fave of mine
Stark's Home for Wayward Animals by @iron--spider
“Peter?” he calls. “That you looming around in the dark and falling on your ass?”
“Uh.” Peter’s voice. Two more meows.
“Are you meowing at me?” Tony asks, weaving around the wet spots on the ground. “Is this happening? Is there something you wanna tell me?”
“I’m—I’m not.”
5 Times Peter Saves An Animal and 1 Time He Can't by @tonystarkstan
Tony's penthouse turns into an actual zoo and it's all Peter's fault.
Peter "What Dog?" Parker by @coconutknightshade
The one thing every Avenger can agree on is that dogs are Steve Rogers and Peter Parker's primary weakness. It's exasperating? Endearing? Inescapable?
iron dog by @hailing-stars
Ironfam goes to the beach
Peter and Morgan hunt for seashells and find a dog instead
Tony Gets a Dog by tamaranianprincess
Tony gets a therapy dog and names it after a certain someone.
Service Dogs, Support Groups, and Avengers: Oh My! by o0citrusee0o
Service dog AU no one asked for but your getting anyways
what you were then I am today by @madasthesea
Tony likes giving gifts to prove his love, but they don't usually have four paws and a tail.
AKA: Tony, Peter, and a dog named Maggie learn how to be a family.
Death by Waffles by @whumphoarder
When Tony decides to adopt a cat for Morgan, Peter is almost more excited about it than the six-year-old. He just failed to mention one minor issue before coming to visit at the lake house for the weekend.
Or, in which Peter is horrifically allergic to cats but JUST LOVES THEM SO MUCH.
The Great Kitten Mission by lcpl_westbury & yeeterstark
Peter wants a kitten, but his dad has a strict no-animals policy.
What's a little boy to do?
I'm Sorry, What was the Question? by oh_heccity
Spider-Man is invited to Buzzfeed to do an interview but the thing is that Spider-Man or Tony Stark didn't know that puppies would be involved in the interview. Not a lot of questions were answered due to Spider-Man being too distracted by the puppies who want to play.
Petvengers (Or, how Peter tricks NY heroes into pet adoption) by Lurafita
Peter has decided that New York's heroes should all have (at least one) pet. Because pets are awesome. Now he just has to convince them of it.
The Pet Dilemma by AKAuthor
“I was talking with Gerald today,” she said, and everyone nodded in understanding. “And he said that he’s lonely. He wants a friend,” Morgan told them, very seriously, with tomato sauce on her eyebrow.
Morgan isn't sure what she wants but Peter wants a dog, Harley wants a parrot, and Nebula doesn't understand what animals can be pets and what's best left alone.
How the Stark Family decide on a new pet.
Five times Gerald the alpaca was a menace... by @frostysunflowers
and one time he was just plain adorable.
Based on THAT deleted scene from Endgame.
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cannotgiveafuck · 4 years
Id also like to recommend Undo. Where Justice League Unlimited Billy Batson travels to the MCU during Endgame.
For those who enjoy crossovers! Esp of the MCU fixit variety!
Personally, I’m always wary of MCU fics centered around the Avengers post Civil War bc... well, the fandom split really makes it obvious who their fave is, and finding good accurate characterizations that dont blatantly shit on either side is tough (and i say that as a team cap person). So the only MCU fics I read are of the netflix defenders, or Spiderman ditching the stark gear and hanging out with team red out on NY streets (where hes meant to be).
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fandomsallaroundme · 5 years
Team cap was never right and will never be right. And if Tony Stark truly wanted Bucky dead in Civil War, he and Steve WOULD have died right there. I can't believe your immature salty ass is still polluting the tags with this nonsense in 2019. Stay mad.
Honestly I shouldn't respond to this just because it will just motivate you to scream back, but whatevs. I tag my stuff 'anti' dude, the only reason you see it is because you choose to seek it out. Immaturity is spreading, it seems.
But yes anon, you're so right, Team Cap was totally in the wrong for
Defying a law that stripped advanced individuals of their rights
Fought to defend a man who was brainwashed and tortured extensively
Took off on a mission to stop a crazy person from reaching a bunker full of super-soldier assassins they believed he would use to cause mass chaos
Didn't trust the shady government to control them correctly (the same government which, years prior, was proven to have quite a few HYDRA agents infiltrating it, plus is still hiring General Ross, who hunted Bruce Banner for years and unleashed a super powered mutant into Harlem)
Gotta say I'm surprised to see you're still desperately clinging to the old argument of "if T*ny was really trying to kill Bucky he would have!!!" like??? Dude your precious boy is not all powerful. This was before he had nanotech bullshit backing him up, he was trying his damn hardest to kill Bucky while a) Bucky was trying to avoid him and b) Steve was actively getting in the way as much as possible. Once they both started fighting back for real, they had damaged the suit enough to even the playing field. He was trying so damn hard, yet still got his ass beat. If anyone is going to stay mad about it, I'll assume it will be you, considering canon refuses to glorify T*ny's attempt at murder, all of the Avengers canonically remained friends and were nice to each other without T*ny around, and my faves get to live out their happiness while yours doesn't. Have a good day.
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eg515 · 5 years
tagged by the lovely @blaineandsamevanderson 💖💜💙
this proved to be more difficult than I first expected and it’s gonna be long. sorry. so long, actually, that I will put it under a cut.
10 songs I can’t stop listening to: not much at the moment? I’ve hit a bit of a low when it comes to music in the last few weeks? idk if this is supposed to be atm songs, or all time faves, so I’m just gonna mix the two…
Sucker by Jonas Brothers (current)
ME! by Taylor Swift and Brendon Urie (current)
Battle Symphony by Linkin Park (all time)
True Friends by Bring Me The Horizon (all time)
Stone Cold by Demi Lovato (current)
Don’t You Go by All Time Low (current and all time?? any time.)
Sweet But Psycho. idk the artist but I keep hearing it on the radio and I love it
I saw a post earlier today referencing Since U Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson so that will probably be on my mind in the next few days
I’m just gonna stop because I’m embarassing everybody with this pathetic forced list. I’m in a musical slump right now. blame Endgame and every tv show that aired its season finale in the last month.
Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass by All Time Low
favourite colour(s): green
top 3 ships: I have a lot of ships, but maybe the three I feel the strongest about atm are
clintasha (Nat&Clint from MCU) bc Endgame killed me, though they are half otp/half brotp
joanlock (Joan&Sherlock from Elementary), bc I just finished all 6 season before the s7 premiere, but they are strictly brotp and they kill me in the best way possible
idk… nygmobblepot (Ed&Ozzy from Gotham)? the writers did us dirty in the series finale. villaneve (Villanelle&Eve from Killing Eve)? they are complicated. malex (Alex&Michael from RNM)? the season finale ruined everything and I’m still mad at them. I just looked at my bookshelf so I’m gonna go with Monty and Percy from The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee, because Monty is not just a chaotic disaster bi, he is The Chaotic Disaster Bi™ and he’s so in love with Percy it’s ridiculous.
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick
last song: last song in my music player is Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes, but the last one I listened to is Everybody Loves You Now by Andy Mientus from SMASH
last movie: in the cinema Avengers: Endgame, at home Tag (bc Jeremy Renner, duh)
currently reading: rereading Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare, but I also started at some point and consider “currently reading”:
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft
I also started The Gospel of Loki ages ago (aka last year)
also several fanfictions
I also have to tag 9 people so here we go. please don’t feel pressured to do it. @bingecrafting @superwholockandbooks-art @between-the-phone-and-the-sky @shout-out-into-the-void @volcanicphoenix @selinenuli @fiveemptynotebooks @head-of-the-ny-institute and anyone else who bothered to read this far, you are officially tagged in this now. (I know this is only 8 I got too anxious about tagging people)
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tiredoftonkies-blog · 6 years
The biggest mood. I consider T/ny to be an unlikeable ass as a person from the beginning of his arc until now, but whatever. It doesn't bother me that there are people who don't share that interpretation who stan him anyway. It doesn't bother me that they write cringe-y meta or woobify their fave (I mean I'm in the B/cky/St/cky fandom, I have a high tolerance for that kind of thing). But the T/ny standom feels uniquely mean-spirited in the way they go about doing all those things.
yeah, the woobie shit and cringe characterization that comes with that is annoying, but i think most of us would be able to roll our eyes and move on if it was just that. but there’s such a vocal part of the tony stan community that’s really brought the fandom experience down for a lot of us. like, tony stans can’t just dislike wanda, they have to flood her tag with essays about her being an evil nazi bitch that has done nothing to deserve redemption. they can’t just disagree with team cap, they have to flood the ao3 character tags with bashing fics tagged with “team cap is full of shit.” tony isn’t just misunderstood, he’s actively abused by the other avengers who are dismissive of his PTSD and constantly taking advantage of him and his money. tony’s not just "female-coded,” the siberia scene is comparable to rape. steve wasn’t just ~wrong~ in cw, he’s an imperialist comparable to an abusive boyfriend and he left tony to die and is basically a sociopath/narcissist. etc., etc.
and let’s not get into the revenge fic/headcanons or the constant posts using other characters as mouthpieces for their character-bashing
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anti-anthony-stark · 6 years
tbh the thing im most bitter abt with toby stans is the fact that they pretend their fave is the most traumatized avenger who needs to babied all the fucking time like??? that ain't true??? obviously tonya has gone through a lot but so have many other characters???? for fucks sake Thor lost his parents and hes about to lose his brother and people???? the fuck???
But you know anon, t*ny is just more special, you don’t understand!
No, seriously, it’s one of the things that irks me the most about them too (there’s many unfortunately ^^”). First, don’t worry, you’re not the only one thinking that.
Second, tuna is their fav so obviously they’re gonna focus on him, but to put him on a pedestal, and basically say people should care about him and his trauma more because he went through some shit, when every other character in marvel has been through horrible things as well, sometimes even more traumatizing … ??? Just no ! T*ny is not more traumatized than others, he doesn’t need to have everyone cater to his oh very special needs, thank you.(somehow related, but aren’t people annoyed at the “t*ny needs a hug” tag on AO3 ??)
And it’s the repetition of this that gets to you. If it was just some people saying that: ok, whatever, move on. But this whole “t*ny defense squad” and their countless #ironmanpain posts that literally taint people’s idea of the character and make them babify him, mehh toundra has become such a woobie character, I don’t know how they don’t notice that.
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american-dreamsicle · 7 years
stucky fic rec iv
Hot as Blood, Cold as Steel by marlowe_tops E | 19,713 words | post-winter soldier
The asset, also known as the Winter Soldier, has taken Captain America hostage as ordered. The asset has no recollection of his captive at first, but gradually, with the help of the Captain, he begins to piece together memories of his - their - previous life.
Leg Day by Slenderlock E | 12,157 words | modern AU, shrunkyclunks
Bucky attempts to woo the hot blond he keeps seeing at the gym.
at last (life is like a song) by obsessivereader E | 8,831 words | post-winter soldier
Decades later and Bucky still hasn’t come to terms with his feelings for Steve. They have a go at being friends with benefits and completely fail at it.
Love Thy Neighbor by hermionesmydawg M | 7,842 words | modern AU, shrunkyclunks
Bucky’s neighbor is loud and annoying. He also happens to be a superhero.
Put It on Repeat, It Stays the Same by giselleslash E | 20,205 words | modern AU
A weekend snowed in together makes Steve and Bucky reconsider being friends with benefits.
between everything, yourself, and home by napricot E | 24,396 words | post-winter soldier
Bucky’s done running. He turns himself in, and begins living with Steve in Avengers Tower. Steve is patient and loving as Bucky gradually recovers.
Is it permanent? (It’s only a state of mind) by sara_no_h E | 30,646 words | post-winter soldier, shrinkyclinks
Steve gets hit by one of Loki’s spells that returns him to his pre-serum state.
took my love, took it down by LaughsAtThunder E | 31,785 | post-winter soldier
Bucky’s come to terms with his feelings for Steve, but he’s not sure Steve feels the same way. One day, the rug gets pulled from under Bucky’s feet when Steve announces he’s going on a date with Sharon. So Bucky runs. He runs away from Steve and his life with the Avengers in DC and ends up hundreds of miles away in upstate NY.
*bolded ones are top faves
all past fic recs here!
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iheartsurveys · 7 years
why are you where you are right now? Because I'm tired af and gonna go to sleep after a survey or two did you use to watch blues clues? Yesssss that was my shit whats your opinion on people wearing high heels to school? I mean I personally wouldn't, because I'm pretty tall and I hate wearing heels. But to each their own, ya know? what game system(s) do you own? A wii. And my stepdad has an Xbox are you a twilight fan? I was in middle school what are you hungry for right now? I've been craving chips & dip for a while now but we don't have any and I refuse to buy it because I'm trying to be good when’s the last time you threw up? Few months ago why did you throw up? Food poisoning. It sucked. If you're eating chicken tacos, always make sure the chicken isn't pink before you start eating, rather than 1 taco in like I did... play any musical instruments? Not anymore what difficulty do you play on guitar hero? I haven't played in forever so I'm probably not as good anymore, but back in the day I was pretty good at most songs on hard do you have any piercings other than on your ears? No what school did your father attend? Public school in ny, and no college since he joined the navy are your nails painted at the moment? They are but I need to redo them, they're all chippy what will you be doing tomorrow? Temping again during the day and then watching the game! do you still buy cds or do you just download everything? I use Apple Music. The last physical copy of a cd I bought was zayn's do you listen to any music that doesn’t have lyrics? Intro by the xx doesn't have lyrics and it's a jam do you stutter when you get nervous? Not really describe what you were wearing yesterday. Black flowy top and maroon cropped dress pants that last person you talked to on the phone said… 'Twas my mom, I said I was walking to the metro and we talked about dinner you’re at the grocery store, what 3 fruits do you buy? Strawberries, apples, & pineapples your lunch consisted of..? A Fuji apple chicken salad and mac & cheese pick 2 from Panera. With a baguette. And water. do you attend church regularly? No any superstitions? Not really what is your favorite superhero movie? I like the avengers. Would you consider Scott pilgrim vs the world a superhero movie? Probably not idk but either way it's a great movie do you listen to cobra starship? I did back in the day a lot. I still have them on my iTunes library since I'm sentimental and don't delete things, and sometimes when I shuffle the whole library I'll listen to a song if I'm into it do you watch gossip girl? I did, but never finished it. I know what happens though what do you get whenever you go school shopping? Not in school anymore but we'd usually do a supplies trip for notebooks and pens and what not, and then a clothes trip for whatever I was feelin do you have a temper? Nah, but I do bet annoyed do you consider yourself responsible? Yeah I'm pretty responsible what is the time? 11:04 pm anything special going on today? I'm going to sleep, that's special. Oh and today's the first day of hockey playoffs which is fun are you tired? Exhausted what is your favorite kind of chips? All the kinds. I love kettle cooked ones, I've been craving those. But I dig cool ranch Doritos or sour cream & onion or cheddar sunchips...I like them all last time you ate chocolate? Like 30 minutes ago would you live in another country if you had the chance? Maybe. I do like Italy do you think that aliens exist? Yep what kind of mascara do you use? I have 3 going right now... covergirl super sizer which is my fave, maybelline big shot which is decent, and the tarte lash paint which I got as a mini bc I needed to make free shipping, and it's just okay what do you doodle most often? Random stuff, nothing ever specific. Just what I'm feelin pretty much if you went to jail, what would you go for? Idk. Stalking harry styles? Lolllll I don't do anything super bad and I don't think you go to jail for just speeding are there any bruises on your body right now? Yep, I have one on my leg and another on my forearm. The leg one I think is from a bug bite, but No clue where the arm one came from what about scratches? I kinda scraped up my heel today what are they from? I answered the bruise, the scratch is from walking around in my burlap ish toms that I thought were fine but in actuality were scraping up my heel if you died next week, what would be the cause of death? Idk that's morbid af what do you think about dating websites? Eh. Not for me at this stage in my life what is your favorite thing to get at Starbucks? A black tea lemonade or vanilla sweet cream cold brew what about at mcdonalds? McNuggets or just fries or a hot fudge sundae do you wear contacts or glasses? Nope your ex, do you still love them? Never loved any of my "exes", since they were just guys I dated and not bfs are you two still friends? On fb. what is one memory you have from elementary school? In 4th grade we did a sleep away field trip and I forget where exactly we went and what the purpose was, because I remember like hiking and staying in a cabin kind of thing and yeah. do you own a pair of converses? I have 2 do you own a box or markers or crayons? I think I have both how many clocks are in your room? No real clocks, I use the cable box for the time how many fridges are in your house? 1.5...we have a big one, and my mini fridge from college is downstairs what about freezers? 1.5. We have a standalone one in the basement, idk why it was there when we moved in, we use it for overflow or bigger freezer items. And then the regular fridge has a freezer side obvs do you like seafood? I like crab legs/dip/cakes...basically I like crab and that's all really lol what time will you go to bed tonight? In like 5 mins after I post this tbh I'm so tired temping has made me exhausted
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snowflakesfluff · 5 years
KKSKSKDKD I THOUGHT I ALREADY REPLIED IM SO SORRY!!!!! but my fave character is either spiderboy or cap 😔 love my ny boys 😔 my favorite movie is probably spider verse tho bc everything about it is just so amazing?? like the level and types of animation in it...absolutely stunning!! oh worm btw did u hear abt the sony n marvel stuff?
Spideyyyyyy! Here we go! Spiderman got literally evolved from a hot one to a cute one! And cap for sure! Captain is the most loyal and I would say, the majestic Avenger and he carries all the wait on his shoulders. Also, since I am a lot outdated, I don't really know about the Marvel - Sony situation. What is it about?
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lianhuajing · 7 years
ok how about mcu? including aos ofc
my all-time ultimate fave character: tony stark, i love him so much i buy iron man swag
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: vision and friday are both growing on me. like, at first i didn’t like them bc joss whedon so brutally tore jarvis away from me…. but viz and fry, they’re both good eggs who care for tony too 
a character I used to like but now don’t: steve rogers stabbed me in the back and left me to rot
a character I’m indifferent about: natasha romanoff. i dunno if it’s the way she betrayed tony, or the fact that she’s played by scarjo, but i’m turned very off
a character who deserved better: james rhodes will forever deserve better; better recognition as a superhero, as tony’s BEST friend, as a rocket scientist, as a successful military air force pilot, more screentime, more touching moments, an entire movie focused on tony’s and rhodey’s friendship would be nice too tbh, since like cap and bucky got two 
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: st*ny like wtf i don’t understand, even after reading some comics
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: pepperony, which mcu seems intent on destroying ughhhh
a cute, low-key ship: tonyrhodey and pepper x tony x rhodey should not be as low-key as they are. i adore those ships, pls give me more fics that revolve around those ships
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: i mean, tony/pep and tony/rhodey are both quite unpopular ships, but hmmm, i don’t mind tony/jarvis either. poor boy, builds robos to keep him company bc he thinks he can’t keep ppl around i cry
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: steve/sharon. wtfff @marvel, steve just saw his old girlfriend die so he kisses her niece???? eww
my favourite storyline/moment: it hasn’t happened yet, but the one where tony tells the avengers to fuck off and never rely on him ever again bc seriously. he gave them a house free of rent, fancy gear and gadgets, customized studios and labs, jobs!! (hello maria hill), money!!! just a shit ton of HIS OWN MONEY, free PR, liaised with the government + military; like, just seriously tried to protect his team and their people. and what happened? the team turn on him, stab him in the back, crushed his arc reactor, stupidly blamed him for all their mistakes, refused to be accountable; just... they hurt him over and over again. ughh. i hate. clearly i have a lot of emotions on this haha
a storyline that never should have been written: captain america: civil war. althernatively, any storyline that make it seem like mcu!wanda is a hero and should be protected or alieved of her crimes/guilt
my first thoughts on the show: that was gonna be a cutey superhero family and nice movie experiences with witty lines and lots of explosions
my thoughts now: marvel mcfriggin took over my life and dear god, provided me the One (1) white guy i will stan for the rest of my life
send me a tv show/movie/book/video game/etc!
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