katsuizu-stuff · 4 months
I’m convinced that Katsuki likes his winter hero suit apart from being very useful to his quirk he likes it because he can hide his emotions especially when he has a conversation with Izuku because just look
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They are having a good calm conversation but behind the damn suit that’s covering his mouth the damn explosive idiot is fucking smiling
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Katsuki’s winter hero suit is officially his favorite suit
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quitesins · 4 days
Deku’s Type!
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Tags: 18+, Sfw-ish, short drabble, fem!reader, aged up! characters, teacher! Deku, kinda vulgar and fucky, im gonna tag misogyny, reader is implied to be “fucked in the head” whatever you want that to mean ^0^!
The boys gather round for drinks and discuss the type of women Deku seems to be fond of, much to his dismay…
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“Sounds like Deku’s type,” Katsuki says, smirk in his voice.
Izuku frowns. “I do not have a type.”
Now that makes the table still for a second, not long enough for Izuku to predict the thoughts of his friends, but enough for the rest of the guys to come to the same conclusion.
Katsuki, Denki and Sero are the first to burst out in laughter. Katsuki’s cackle the loudest of them all.
“Are you fuckin’ serious?” Katsuki laughs so hard he doesn’t even care that Denki is half laid over him, “You don’t see that shit?”
“Come on…” Denki says, still slapping Katsuki’s thigh as he laughs, “you have such a type!”
Izuku frowns, sterner, deciding to ignore the immature three and turning to his other friends for support. Both Iida and Shouto look away, their expressions telling.
“I do not have a type,” Izuku reiterates, firmly.
Katsuki shakes his head, finally shoving Denki off him. “All those girls you’ve dated? Exact fuckin’ same.”
Even Tokoyami turns his head, eyes never leaving his drink but a twinkle of unfamiliar mirth evident within them.
“What does that even mean?!” Izuku exasperates, looking around for a single ally.
“It means,” Mineta chimes in, and although Izuku enjoys his company, he already knows he’s about to hear something deplorable, “you like them sick in the head!”
Shouto can’t hold in his sputter, finally contributing to the conversation— with a laugh. The rest of the table is hooting, a few groans at the wording but nothing at the sentiment. All while Izuku looks absolutely scandalised, clutching his chest, eyes wide open.
“That’s horrible!” Izuku cries, so stunned he can’t even trail off into one of his signature rambles in defence, “that’s- that’s. What?!”
“All the girls you’ve liked man…” Sero starts, “they’re not exactly little miss sunshines are they.” He stops, which Izuku almost takes reprieve in until he continues, “you seem to like them a little off putting.”
“Yeah so he can fucking fix them,” Katsuki snorts.
“It’s your saviour complex,” Denki adds, chin tilted up, trying to look profound.
Izuku is quick to interject, waving his hands around. “You’re the pro heroes.” The poor boy tries his best to convince. “We all have saviour complexes!”
“Not like you do, mon chéri,” Aoyama tuts, then winks before saying, “Hero of Japan.”
“Izuku, They do still call you an honorary pro.” Shouto is trying to be nice, Izuku thinks. “And I’m sure your students think the same.”
Izuku grimaces, he knows he’s always had a complex that encompassed so much more than just his dreams to be a hero, but he doesn’t need it sullied by… that.
“Don’t ruminate.” Katsuki presses a drink into Izuku’s hands. “You like women a little fucked up, so what.”
Katsuki’s words do nothing to comfort Izuku, instead it has Denki and Mineta laughing all over again while Kirishima attempts to calm them down. Iida scolds Katsuki a little, doing a half bow in apology to the passing waiter clearly peeved by all the noise. Deku pays no attention, beginning to spiral in his head.
It feels wrong to view you that way. To view the women he’s loved that way. But he’s not an idiot, maybe a little blind at times but now that the proof is there— oh god—
“Listen, Midoriya, I am sure there are many reasons you have loved the women you have.” Iida notices the growing dread upon Izuku’s face. “You also like to save people. There is nothing wrong with that.”
Tokoyami and Shouji nod in agreement, Ojiro giving his own sympathetic smile.
“Yeah bro.” Kirishima raises a fist in camaraderie, though it’s definitely out of pity. “It’s manly to want to care for others.”
“Think he more than cares for ‘em,” Katsuki slickly adds, in an artful voice that Izuku is more that familiar with, “the fucker get off on that shit.”
This time, it’s Shouto who scolds him, Katsuki’s implications clear enough for even him to catch on. They rest of the guys begin to bicker in the background, one half in defence of Izuku’s less than innocent tastes in women, the other intent on making fun of the golden boy for once.
Though the attention is finally off him, it does not help Izuku feel any better.
Because there’s a thought that lingers… it’s a sick thought, a terrible, horrible, awfully honest thought.
Shit, he does like them a bit fucked up.
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My truth is i still don’t know how to punctuate dialogue… pleek don’t look and none of dat…
Anyways I kind of wanna elaborate on Deku’s hero complex coming out in other ways in the 8 years of studying and becoming a teacher, like someone has to deal with it…
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antsday · 2 months
in the palm of your hand
[i was re-reading @habken's incredible scammers to lovers au and wrote this short fic. I really love their work and couldn't help myself lmaoo. anyways i hope you all enjoy!!!]
“Hi! Can I help you with- oh,” says the angel from the IT department, spinny chair swiveling to a stop. “It’s you again.”
The first week Katsuki had come in, Deku had been relatively understanding and chipper- bright and sunny and shit. More personal than the strained smile and forced cheer that most customer service workers spoke with- of course I’ll fix your laptop, no problem, just leave it to me. 
Now, about three weeks later he looks at Katsuki like he’s just bitten into a lemon. As in, like Katsuki had come into the IT department, looked Deku in the eye, bit into a lemon, and then made a puckered up face and writhed in discomfort and then showed up with another lemon the next day, rinse and repeat for nearly a month. A complicated mix of intrigue and confusion and mild horror at this endless display of masochism.
Which is fair; there really is no other way to look at a top ten Pro Hero who repeatedly comes in to have his laptop fixed and won’t admit under penalty of death that it was because he clicked a pop-up in hopes of having a proper conversation with a dreamy IT guy. Not that Dreamy IT guy in question knows about all of that, but whatever. If Katsuki was in Deku’s position, he would also be worried about the fact that the safety and integrity of the public was left in the hands of guys who can’t stop getting scammed by obvious pop-up ads. 
“Your laptop’s broken again?” Deku says incredulously, as if reading Katsuki’s mind. His voice is really nice, even when he sounds confused as shit. Smooth and soft like- like a satin pillowcase. Or something. Whatever. It’s not like they pay him to be good with words. 
Then again, it’s not like they pay him to (unsuccessfully) flirt with the guy he’s normally supposed to see once a month max, but here he was. 
“Yeah,” says Katsuki, like he said two days ago, and then three days before that, and for the past month. It’s easier to say than I got a pop-up ad for a BL manga and I am ninety percent sure the twink on the cover was just a recolor of Sasuke Uchiha and I clicked it because I’m a fucking dumbass and I needed an excuse to keep coming in here and gazing into your dreamy-ass eyes. If you even care. 
He’s surprised Deku’s even asking. He’s been consistently coming in here for exactly the same reason: his laptop ‘mysteriously’ got a virus and now he needs it fixed. He’ll be back to pick it up soon, no, he’s not getting a new laptop, no, he’s not sure what happened, no, he’s not going to install some fancy-ass ad-blocker because he doesn’t want to (and it would get rid of his excuse), and Deku’s never asked this but yes, he would love to go get dinner sometime, he’s free today and tomorrow and the day after that and the rest of his life, forever, actually- 
“...Did you,” Deku begins, like he’s searching for the right words. “Uh. Do you have any idea what could have happened? Any idea at all?” 
I gazed into the dead-eyed stare of poorly-recolored Sasuke’s green eyes and thought of you because your eyes are also green, and less unnerving to look at, and the more I thought about that the more my mouse moved away from the ‘x’ button and the next thing I know, I have a virus and my desire to carnally hold your hand has overpowered any other logical thought. That’s what happened. 
“No,” Katsuki says belatedly. “Fuck. Look, can you fix it or not?” 
“Of course,” says Deku. He’s still got that little furrow in his brow. Katsuki wants to bite at it like taffy- which, is a weird fucking thing to think, scratch that- “Just- give it over, and I’ll be sure to have it ready for you in a little while.”
“Cool.” He holds out his laptop. It’s reminiscent of when he was four and showing off the cool rhinoceros beetle he caught to his mom. He’s internally beaming with pride at his success so far, and Deku’s got that same baffled, borderline horrified expression that his mom did. 
Although, that particular interaction ended with the thing flying out of his hands and into his mom’s cardigan and with him getting yelled at, so, maybe it’s not the ideal scenario to compare this to.
 But this encounter will end differently. He’s got a grip on the rhinoceros beetle, now. He just has to play his cards right. 
“So,” he says, shoving his hands into the pockets of his slacks so Deku won’t see how fucking sweaty they are. “You’ll have it ready by lunch tomorrow?” 
Deku takes the laptop and tilts his head. “Uh. Yeah, I will. In fact, I can get it to you earlier than that-”
“I’ll be busy for the rest of the day,” Katsuki lies. All his incident reports are done, and he’s got the night shift on patrol tomorrow. “You’re done by 2 tomorrow, right?”
“Great. Look, I have to stop at that fucking- crepe place, down the street, right,” he says, praying to every God there is that he looks cool and casual and not like a ‘Deranged Goblin Man’, as the Hero Times described him a few months ago. “So. When you get off work you should meet me there. At the crepe place. Tomorrow. At two pm.”
He doesn’t know what’s worse- the fact that he’s really doing this, being reduced to the same sort of emotional sap he would have made fun of only five years ago; or the fact that Present Mic’s lessons on subtlety and hidden meanings in text were actually good for something. 
Look at him, effortlessly weaving together words to create sentences with underlying motives. He’s like a modern-day Shakespeare. He’s golden. He’s killing it. Bakugou Katsuki, master of words. He’s on cloud-fucking-nine. He’s-
…aaaaand Deku isn’t responding. 
Deku blinks. He opens his mouth. Closes it. He sets the laptop down, staring up at Katsuki intently, and Katsuki starts to sweat. 
You are Bakugou Katsuki, he reminds himself. You might be down bad, but you’re not weak. It will not kill you if he rejects you. Well, it’ll kill you a little. But not that much. 
“At the crepe pla- to give you the laptop, right?” says Deku slowly. His face is turning bright red. Katsuki goes a little weak in the knees. 
“Sure, yeah,” Katsuki says half-heartedly. “Look, if you want, I could. I dunno. Fucking- buy you a crepe or something. As payment.” 
He’s so smooth. Eat your fucking heart out, Dunce Face. ‘Zero game’, his ass. 
“Sure,” Deku says, scratching the back of his neck, smile just a tad bit shy. His face is still mildly flushed. Katsuki swoons (and does his best to not let it show on his face). “I- uh. I’d like that. I guess.” 
“Cool,” says Katsuki. “Cool. Great. Okay, bye. Be there or else. Bye. See you.”
He turns on his heel and power walks out of the room, not once looking back, even when Pigtails nearly crashes into him or when Deku makes a noise suspiciously like he’s slamming his head against the desk. He walks out of the room, into the hallway, back to his own office.
The door slams shut behind him. He takes a deep breath. Squeezes his eyes shut. A breathlessly excited grin forces his way onto his face, and he pumps his fists, victorious. 
He's got a date.
part one/part two
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cvnt4him · 3 months
Can you write brat tamer us please please 💗
I've been saving this for a while but I have no more reqs so I'm going to finally write this bad boy
Slut him out!!
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It was a normal day for you. Go to all your classes, go to lunch, go back to your dorm, do homework, go to sleep. An endless routine you'd be doing until you're through with college. it's not like you disliked college, no, it was just kind of suffering. The endless routine of doing the same thing over and over and over again became.. old. Nothing new.
It was tiring, going to all those classes with the same people was just head aching. Those loud girls laughing and making jokes, talking about their next sneaky link, and the guys talking about getting high or drunk and doing pranks on people, and fucking each other. Yeah the guys are fucking animals..not all of them however, observing over the numerous boys your eyes scan over a couple. These men never seem to have anything to pitch in when it comes down to the 'guy talk', that intrigued you.
A forest green haired man, his curly mop of hair wildly shaping his head. The freckled that littered his cheek and down his neck, and those big wide eyes of his. Doe eyes was an understatement compared to his, they're js so fucking huge it's like you can the the whole world in them.
You hadn't noticed you were just staring at him for so long. Watching the way his face contorts in a flustered mess, he covered his face with the back of his hand from whatever the blond whispered in his ear. You seen the blond look over to you with a snicker before nudging the green haired guy. You looked back at him to see him staring at you with lidded eyes and a flushed face, his eyes shakily staring at you from across the room, you were startled by him looking at you but you weren't gonna be a nerd and blush like some idiot. You raised a singular eye brow before bucking your head at him signifying a 'what?'.
He offers you a slight smile as you move your lips to a straight line and roll your eyes looking back down at your paper. You heard the boys laugh at this, hollering and making the table screeched and scraped across the tiled floor, the teacher hadn't really cared much so he didn't bother interfering.
"yoo she completely blew you off bro!"
"you pull zero bitches fr fr."
"managing to scare a girl off from across the room has to be some kind of world record, deku."
"i- I didn't scare her off, kacchan she just looked away from me!"
You heard the seemingly small guy whisper yell at he blond, all of the guys eyes still staying on you whilst conversating and joking around.
The bell rung as you instantly hopped out of your seat heading towards the door. If these guys were anything like the ones in high school you could guarantee they were going to try and stop you.
"hey--! Wait!"
You slowly turned around with an annoyed expression being visible on your face, the guys snickered and laughed quietly behind the blond holding his green haired friend by the shoulders.
You looked them both up and down judging them harshly. Glancing over izukus figure you hadn't expected him to be that muscly, he had a great body and his biceps were huge without even flexing, how come his face looked so.. baby-ish?
You looked at izukus face just staring, he offered you a polite smile once more and he looked back at you with a red face and squinted emerald green eyes due to his smile. His eyes were pretty, you'll give him that, but if they were going to say what you thought and knew they were they're wasting their time. You'll never let yourself be humiliated in such ways by insignificant men again.
You sigh rolling your eyes at them before rubbing your temple and placing your hand in your hip. The sass that radiated from you was immaculate.
"damn, rude."
"no, I'm busy and you're keeping me from getting to my dorm so if that was all you were gonna say...?"
You instantly clap back to the blond, you won't let these pathetic schmucks keep you from getting to the comfort of your dorm.
Bakugou simply chuckled at you. He found you entertaining, he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to set you up with deku or himself.
"well we won't keep you waiting, babe. I just need a quick favor, think you can maybe go out with my pal here? He's a real charmer."
Bakugou tried to hold in his laugh at the end of his sentence he swung his arm to the right after saying his words, he patted deku on the shoulder causing him to mumble a low "ow.." under his breath.
Your eyes quickly shoot to izuku making him tense as the rest of the boys silently watch.
You look him up and down before rolling your eyes, that definitely didn't hurt his self esteem!!
"you want to go out with me?"
You ask unconvinced. This was just some stupid not prank and you were not going to fall for it. Never again.
He gulped loudly before looking down and nodding aggressively. Bakugou had to stop his head from shaking before he shook his brain too hard.
You simply hum, adjusting your bag on your shoulder. You had nothing to say to him or them, you didn't quite care really.
"neat. I've got to go so, have a good day."
You say your lips thinning as you point to the door and walk out backwards, you really shouldn't have even stopped to entertain this.
You didn't even see the way izukus face contorted in such a sad manner, he was actually hurt by this. You didn't know he really liked you, that he'd been watching you for some time, waiting for his moment to ask you out.
Knowing you just rejected him he had no reason to even attempt asking you out again. He'd make a fool of himself.
For some odd reason the school had given its students a week off, the people in your dorm hall way cheering and clapping it up for this random W.
You hadn't really cared you'd be in your dorm binging movies and shows, that's what you called fun. It's not like you were a basket case you just don't like big crowds of people, or people in general. You like being alone, not saying you don't have any friends, you just prefer alone time and there's nothing wrong with that. You're just so socially awkward and anxious it messes with your head to make you think people won't like you so you push people away. Plus people are dicks so.
Your phone vibrates against your thigh as you pause your show and see a text. It's from ochako.
'hey girl!! I was going out with a couple of friends and wondered if you wanted to tag along?:))'
You sigh and groan, no you don't want to go, however it's been a long time since you've hung out with her. Shes just so clingy she acts like she can't go 2 seconds with our being around people.
'oh yeah sure sounds fun!!'
Lie. You are a fucking liar. It does not sound fun, it infact sounds loud, overcrowded, sweaty, and terrible. You already said you'd go however you couldn't back out, I mean you could but you weren't that kind of person. Anyways if you really hated it you'd js sneak out and call and Uber.
You wore a black dress ending at your thighs and a dark denim jacket, you put on your black platforms and stuffed you some slides in your mini backpack in case you got tired from wearing those damn things.
You seen ochako pull up in her car and walked outside only to see her small ass car full of people. Now where the fuck where you supposed to sit.. on one of these random ass hoes laps? Hell no. She fr had a band of people crammed in her small ass Porsche.
You sigh and get in the back of her car squeezing in with four other people back there. How? Don't fucking ask.
Once you arrived ochako gave out all wrist bands, the bouncer was checking if wrist bands so if you didn't have one you'd have to wait in that long ass line and pay alot of money. Luckily ochako bought y'all's wrist bands before they got too expensive.
Once gathering inside you looked around to see the whole ass place, it was huge. Balloons and beach balls bouncing and being pushed around by people dancing and moving around the loud booming music. Cages with women in sexy lingerie dancing as well, people playing card games and gambling whilst doing drugs and drinking their minds away. You looked over to the huge ass bar to see it empty. No way that huge ass spinning wall full of drinks was that empty?
ochako made some plan to all meet up in the bathrooms and shut but you only half ass heard the plan due to you eyeballing that strawberry margarita, it was practically yelling your name. Once the group broke you instantly made your way to the bar.
Sitting down you look at the bartender who glances at you and doesn't take his eyes off you. It made you feel sexy the way he took in your sight, licking his pierced lips as he shook someone's drink before pouring it in their cup still not taking his eye off of you. Once making his way to you he pushed his long hair behind his ear and leaned over the table in front of you.
"what can I get you, doll face?"
He asked, his deep voice ringing in your ears. God this fine ass specimen was so damn sexy.
"strawberry margarita please."
You say in a sultry voice, you and no idea how to flirt but you seemed to do a good job as he handed you your drink with a wink.
You giggled as you took a sip and took in the delicious taste. Fuck this was heaven. Despite it being loud and overcrowded it was so relaxing next to the bar.
Someone calls out to you in a rather hushed voice.
"uhm.. he- hey!"
You turn to see the green haired guy from you class. For fucks sake you can't seem to outrun these motherfuckers. If he was here his dickish friends were definitely here. You didn't want to come in the first place but if you'd known they'd be there you definitely wouldn't have come.
You roll your eyes and simply nod at him taking another sip of your margarita, it's delicious flavor seeming to disappear.
"may I sit?"
He asks hesitantly, not wanting to push your buttons. You nod and he sits next to you ordering a drink and telling the bartender that he'll pay not only for this drink if you haven't already, but he'd also pay for whatever other drinks you order. That's right, drinks. Plural.
Oh so that's how he is, huh? He's that kind of guy. Yeah maybe you should've went on that date with him. who knows maybe he wouldn't take you shopping too.
You could definitely hang around him if he was gon spend money on you that's for sure. No doubt about it, he keep up this kind of work you might just sleep with him.
You chuckle to yourself at the thought. He glances to you and smiled at you, you offer him a better smile than you had intended. You two ended up chatting it up alot more than you thought, he was kind of funny.
He was also kind, respectful, a gentleman, and very polite. He asked questions bout you and let you know you didn't have to answer if you didn't want to and he sure as hell wasn't gon force you to.
Oh hell yeah, he just might get you out of your pants by the end of the night.
You two have a couple of drinks and laugh and joke around together, every question he sees you answered somewhat truthfully and he actually listened, that was a breath of fresh air.
As he laughed off one of the jokes you told, you just looked at him taking in the sight In front of you. He was slightly drunk, hiccuping as his cheeks were tinted a shade of red smoking him kind of look like a strawberry. His laugh was kind of attractive, the way his smile was bright and real. You questioned it though, maybe he got surgery to make it look like that. He clearly had the money.
He knew you were looking at hima and just let you, he thought the stares would ended sooner or later. The silence became rather awkward to him so he looked at you assuming it'd make you look away, but you hadn't, you couldn't. He was just so hot randomly it made you squeeze and rub your thighs together. You bit your lip whilst looking him dead in the eye, his lidded ones staring into yours.
Fuck why did his eyes have to be so pretty. The way they looked into yours made you act on pure impulse, desire. Without a thought in your mind you grabbed him by his cheeks slowly pulling him into you. His once lidded eyes being blown wide by how close your faces were, noses rubbing against each others. Your lips were so close to touching.
His eyes trailed down to your lips as he just stared at them for a while, a whimper leaving his mouth as he bit his lips. A smirk creeped onto your face as he slowly brug his eyes back up to yours. Your thumb rubs his cheek before going to his lips and pulling his lips from his teeth.
His lip was plump and red from the harsh biting. you sighed and thought to yourself, you should end his suffering. Technically it wasn't even for him it was mostly for you. You could feel the need for him pooling in between your thighs and he was seeming more and more desirable.
You finally connect your lips together humming through the kiss as he groaned deeply, the end of it coming off rather pitchy and desperate. The smirk coming back into your face as you hold him close.
He grabs you by your neck not applying much weight or force to it just bringing you closer and deepening the kiss. His other hand moving down to your thigh, not gripping or squeezing just holding it. You him once more as you decide to initiate something more to see how far he's willing to go.
You spread your thighs open and grab his hand trailing it inside of your warm thighs, a hushed and muffled moan left his mouth as his dick twitch in his pants. He was painfully hard.
He tried to initiate something as he opened his mouth in the kiss, he wanted your tongue down his throat. Spit swapping as your tongue explodes his mouth. you grant him with it and open your mouth as well, your tongues dancing together in such a dirty way, another moan leaving his mouth this time much louder and desperate than the other.
You chuckle as you break the kiss a string of saliva connecting your lips. He licked his bottom lip hoping to get another taste of your essence.
You smirk at the estate he's in from a simple kiss. Watching him writhe and beg for you silently as he breaks from the kiss. He was kind of a slut that'd do anything you ordered him to.
You stroke and push a strand of his hair behind his ear, his head following the direction your strokes go into. He looks deep into your eyes, you see the way they were so glazed and blown wide for you. It looked like he was going to cry.
You chuckle and coo at him as a whimper leaves him.
"awwh, pretty boy. Do you want more?"
You ask him quietly while playing with his hair, you'd already pushed out every other noise in the room. He however was enchanted by your voice, it was now the only thing he could hear at this point.
He nodded as a shaky sigh left his mouth as he frowned and furrowed his eye brows whimpering as he looks down at his pants, you follow his eyes and see the way his dick was twitching in his pants. It looked so painful and uncomfortable for him, the only thing you could think about is how thick and heavy his cock must be to be able to move this pants like that.
He looked back up to you and seen the way you bit your lip watching his cock helplessly twitch.
"can you... would you maybe be able to help me.. please....?"
He whispered to you in such a breathy and desperate manner. Your eyes shot up to him making him shiver at your eyes on him. He loved the way you looked at his dick. It turned him on so much, he was so hot and bothered.
"of course, let's get out of here yeah?"
You say standing and grabbing you bag while you hand was still in his hair. He stood and placed the money on the counter and walked out with you heading to his car.
You made it to his car as he managed to open the door for you depite being painfully hard. You hummed at his gentlemanly actions and smiled. God you were going to enjoy slutting him out. Breaking him and bending him to your will.
He got in the car and started it up, he instantly got on the road, not driving too fast or recklessly despite being kind of under the influence. You just looked at him, his hand on his pants next to his cock, it continued to twitch but this time you seen a wet patch form next to the tip of his dick print.
You bit your lip and chuckled causing him to tense and glance at you. Fuck had you seen how much his dick was leaking? God this was so embarrassing but he just couldn't help it!! He always leaked so much thick precum it just oozed from his twitching cock.
You put your hand over his dick causing him to jump and stutter out a moan as his eyes rolled slightly. You giggle as you rub his dick up and down through his clothes. A groan escaping his lips, he couldn't help but slightly buck his hips up into your hand. You continued your relentless teasing as he became rather close to cumming while he pulled into the college dorm parking lot.
He parked and began holding himself up with his hands as he rubbed his dick against the palm of your hand. You took your hand away as you ripped his upcoming orgasm away from him. his rolled eyes shooting at you in an instant, he became a moaning mess
"no.. no no please, i- ngh..~ was so so close..."
His orgasms slowly faded as he became so sexually frustrated he needed you and you just laughed at him. He gave you an angry look before getting out of the car and opening your door for you. you sigh at him, still a gentleman despite having his orgasm taken away from him.
His legs were shaking, standing on them was difficult he was so close to cumming before his legs had become jellylike.
He walks beside you while you both go inside heading to his dorm you hope. Yours was a mess, you never really had other company besides ochako over and she wasn't really judgemental.. at least not out loud.
He unlocked his dorm and opened the door for you to go in first. Walking into a seemingly normal room. It was actually quite cute and fitting for him. You looked around twirling as you did so admiring his quite stylish dorm.
"sorry.. it's kind of a mess heh..."
He muttered shutting his door and scratching the back of his neck. He offered you a seat on his bed as you nodded with a smile sitting close to the edge. To be honest you didn't know how to initiate what you both wanted. What were you to do? Tackle him down on his bed and just fuck him?
That sounds a little domestic.. sigh. Guess you were to just sit there until something happened or until you got fed up with nothing happening. He walked into his closet closing the door behind him, you took that as an opportunity to snoop. You got up quietly and looked around, touching his dresser and PlayStation5. You never took him as the type to be a gamer guess you should never judge a book by its cover.
You started thinking to yourself as you opened his top drawer to see allmight underwear and merch, awwh this adorable dork was a little fan boy!!
You were too busy snooping to hear him come out with gray sweatpants and a black shirt. He noticed you weren't on the bed and turned to see you at his drawer giggling to yourself.
He blushed before calling to you,
"so you're the type to look through your crushes underwear drawer, huh? Never took you as though."
You jump with a gasp turning around holding your hand to your chest as you feel a tinge of embarrassment creep into the back of your mind. Fuck had you really just got caught snooping through his shit? That's so fucking lame.
He simply just laughs and brushes it off with a hand reaching toward the back of his neck scratching it, hesitating to ask you a question.
"so uh,--"
This was it. He was gonna kick you out tell everyone you were a creep and a perv. You'll get kicked out of school, be forced to go back home to your parents empty handed, no degree, no major in anything. Just a stupid fucking pervert.
You gulp down and try to mentally prepare yourself for your world to come crashing down.
"--would you maybe want to uhm.. finish what we started...?"
He asks avoiding eye contact, a tinge of blush starting to creep onto his freckled baby like cheeks as be bit his lips worryingly.
Oh. Shit, he still wanted to fuck? After he caught you going through his shit he still wanted to hit? Damn this mf is relentless.
You bat your eyelashes at him with wide confused eyes. That's definitely not what you'd expected to leave his mouth but you're glad your life hadn't ended.
"yeah, okay sure let's do it."
You say taking your denim jacket off and throwing it to the side. His eyes widen and shoot straight to you as his mouth hangs open, you place a hand to your hip awaiting for his next move. He was stunned to say the least, hm you really agreed.. shit. This was going to be fun.
"oh! Uhm-- ye- yeah! Let's uh, let's do it..!!"
He sounded so excited when he finished speaking you giggle to yourself pushing him down onto his bed and straddling his hips. There was no way you were going to let this baby faced dork get his way with you.
You were going to use and break everything in his body. he's going to be a shaking slobbering mess when you're finished with him.
He looks up at you with a flustered expression as a shaky and stuttered "oh" leaves his mouth. You kiss his lips with a moan and grind slowly onto him, sucking his tongue into your mouth as you glide yours against the pink muscle.
His hands instantly go to your hips, guiding them up and down while you move against him, a muffled whimper leaves his lips falling right into your mouth as you suck every sound he gives you up.
The way he moves underneath you, hips lifting into yours to feel that friction he craves, his tongue letting yours lead the sloppy spit filled dance, it stroked your ego in the best way possible. Having a man, one of the smartest people in your classes, writhe and shiver under you while you grind into his hard leaky cock is liberating.
You let out a deep chuckle, still slurping his tongue down your throat. You continue to kiss him as you stop moving your hips completely, his hands trying to get you to move while he whines from the lack of friction.
He pushed you away lightly, looking you deep into your eyes as he frowned at you tears threatening to spill from his wide yet lust filled eyes. He swallows deeply, his eyes trailing down your figure slowly stopping at your boobs. The way they spilled out the top part of your dress was so sexy, he wanted to see them so badly to touch them. He could only imagine how soft they were. Did you like your nipples touched? Would you want him to put hickeys all over you, letting people know you've been marked by someone. Would you keep your dirty escapade a secret? Keep him as your dirty little secret?
So many things filled his head as he bit his lip staring at your boobs. You raise an eyebrow smile slightly fading as you follow where his eyes are directed at. Slutty perv. He didn't even try to hide the fact he was staring at your bossom with no shame either.
You lift his head to face you, his eyes slowly following after. He just looks at you with such need. He was so horny, to be truthful his boner hadn't gone away since you two left the car. He was just so needy he couldn't even begin to care about anything.
"can I have you? Please?.."
You hum as you stroke his hair, his lip slipping itself into his teeth. you'd be lying if you said you hadn't wanted him, or at least wanted to see his cock, his dick print in those sweats looked so good, and the way he almost came for you in his car? God he was such a slut all and he wants is to be slut out and used for your own pleasure. Why deny him if that? You were mean, genuinely cruel, and kind of shitty towards people, but you weren't a monster.
You agree, slipping your underwear to the side while yanning his sweats down. He was so excited his cock twitched against his shirt, a delicious looking happy trail following his cock. He raised up to take his shirt off for you, to minimize the work so you wouldn't have to do much, you look at the way his muscles flexed while moving underneath you. His cock slapping down onto his lower tummy with a low slapping sound.
God he looked delicious, his cock was so thick and heavy it couldn't even stand up on its own. The way his cock glistened with all of his sticky icky precum. Beautiful. He was so beautiful like this, awaiting for your next move.
Finally, after devouring the sight in front of you, you took him all the way down to the base with a low moan. A deep groan leaving his mouth at the same time. He rolls his eyes back while biting his lip, his hips accidentally bucked up into you on impulse, almost pushing you onto his chest, you caught yourself with your hands before being pushed down.
"shit..-- sorry..."
His voice was so low and hushed with a whimper laced in his tone, he yearned for the moment you moved your velvet right walls up and down his cock, slicking him up with your juices. The thought alone made him nearly jerk his hips up into you again, you felt it.
You hum again, deciding you weren't going to move. You were going to cock warm him, make him beg for you. To be able to fill you up with his seed.
He felt your walls tighten and flutter around him, it made his eye roll. The pleasure he gained from you not doing anything made him feel so dirty. Yet he wouldn't dare move, he wouldn't dare to even try to take the lead, try to fuck you. He feared what you might do, he also was very curious. Would you edge him? Make him beg for you? Would you leave his cock to ride his face and make him eat you out?
His thoughts went on and on and on about the endless possibilities of punishments you could give him, them all just egging him on more. Honestly you sitting on his cock, burying it deep inside of you to the base was working for him. He could cum from just the way you kissed his neck softly and moaned in his ear. It really was getting him there, and the way his cock twitched inside of you let you know that.
You scratch lightly at his pecs earning a whine from the harsh yet gentle strokes of your nails against his bare flushed and sweaty skin.
"you gonna cum?"
He choked on his air, clearing his throat and whining lowly.
"how pathetic, god you're so disgusting you know that? Looking at my boobs like I wouldn't notice, the fact you might just cum from me kissing your neck is honestly adorable."
Your weird hit him hard, they tugged at his heart strings far too harshly. Tears spilled from his eyes as he hiccuped and placed his hands on your thighs, sniffing as he tried to look up at you through teary eyes.
He was pathetic, he knew it. He loved how you called him it, degrading him for enjoying himself from the bare minimum. How disgusting.
He couldn't even speak, hiccups and little sounds of incoherent words and some "please"s leaving his drooly lips. You giggle and kiss his tears away, he loved how you degraded him and babied him like this, making him feel special yet so horrible for feeling good. How did you do that?
"awwh, pretty boy.. it's okay my love, it'll all be over soon."
Yo coo into his ear, grinding into him earning a loud moan from him. The room was quiet, no lights on, the only thing lighting the room was the moon peering through his window. His loud moan echoed through his dim room.
"yo what was that?"
"I don't know"
"you know what that sounded like?--"
Muddled voices were heard from the other side of the door, his eyes shot open and went towards the door as you turned around to look at it as well. Shit, were his friends back already? They must've noticed he was gone..
You look back down to him as he looks up to you and gulps, he looked so terrified. If his friends found him like this they'd never let him live it down. You smile wickedly at this. Terror filled his eyes as he instantly knew what you were going to do.
"i-- please! Please please don't, don't do anything!"
He whispered a beg to you, pleading you not to ride him for all he's worth.
You give him an adoration filled look before placing one hand onto his chest and bouncing onto his cock relentlessly a slutty feminine moan ripped through his body as his eyes rolled so far back into their sockets he felt as if they'd never come back down.
You slap a hand over his mouth and continue riding him helplessly and you groan lowly at the pleasure of his cock hitting your cervix so deliciously. He moaned into your hand his hot breath fanning your palm as his moans and groans were badly muffled.
The voices outside were hushed and become silent, but you both were too busy chasing your impending orgasms to care. You groan louder riding and grinding your hips down into his at an intense pace making him lose his mind. A smile spread across your face as you felt his cock twitch inside of you.
"gonna cum slut? gonna cum knowing your friends are out there, probably listening to you get slut out for me, eh? fucking disgusting pig, you get off to people knowing you're being fucked dumb? stupid slut."
You say as you bounce onto his cock, removing your hand from his mouth causing all of his hushed moans to leave him, loud whimpers, moans, and incoherent words rip from his throat, he sobs and drools under you ascending from the immense pleasure. He'd never felt this good before. He's so close he can practically taste it.
He nodded his head violently agreeing to everything that left your mouth. You think he's a disgusting pig? Yes he is. Think he's worthless and his cock is useless? Shit, okay! Think he should get a leash and collar for you to walk him around the campus with? Ordering them now!! All for you!
He was yours, truly now and it's all he wanted. To cum deep inside of you. You squeeze and convulse around his cock a few more times before cumming around his cock, your pussy squeezing him so tightly sucking him for the cum he's worth.
"ah~ are you- fuck.. cum-cumming? please! cum on my cock!~"
He begs you as he throws his head back feeling his impending orgasms rise. You moan and groan throwing your head back aswell, riding his cock while you cumm all over it, juices leaking down and sticking to his hair. You stop moving due to over stimulation as you catch your breath. Izukus eyes open, tear stained face glancing up at you with pleading glossy glass eyes.
"what.. what are you doing? hic- please don't-- don't stop!"
You breath heavily as you crash into his chest, you're almost certain that you'd never come this hard in your life.
You can't even reply from how hard you'd come your brains out, he whimpers under you and rearranges your position. He puts you on your tummy and grabs two pillows from above and places them under you to keep your hips up.
"I'm sorry.. 'm s'sorry... js'-- ngh~ needa cum baby.."
He stutters out apologies as he lines himself back up with your sloppy fucked out overstimulated pussy as he slips in. Groaning as he begins to fuck you into the mattress pushing your head into the pillows. He bites his lip and leers down at you through teary lust filled eyes. He pistons his cock into you at a quick pace. Electric trickling around his hips as he continues to pick up speed. His groans became desperate needy moans. He throws his head back as tears still fall down his red freckled cheeks, you were being fucked into his mistress and still managed to have such an effect of him.
He slammed his hips into yours a few more times, the creamy sounds of your pussy being rearranged with his thick cock going straight to his head, his ears filled with blood as he could suddenly hardly hear, he groaned before spilling his thick white seed inside if you. The warmth making you shiver and let out a messy groan into the pillows.
He sighs heavily, eyes rolling back when he collapsed beside you, your ass still being stuck in the air as you both close your eyes catching your breath.
The room was now filled with two hot sweaty bodies and the smell of sex. Izuku hummed lowly as he glanced over to you with tired eyes, his body threatening to pass out. He touched your shoulder and realized you were already asleep,a smile went to his lips while he removed the pillows from underneath you and pulled you closer to him, he stuck his now flaccid sticky cock back into his swests as he moved tour oantues back over your cunt. Wouldn't want his cum to spill out!
He kissed your forehead and lays his sweaty forehead against your shoulder, his grip on your waist tightening ad he drifted off to sleep.
The drunk men behind izukus door eavesdropping began laughing their asses off.
Sero owed bakugou $50. He knew izuku would have managed to hit, he just didn't think tonight would be when.
Izuku was going to feel their wrath in the morning, but he was also going to wake up beside a hungover you, so he felt as if he would be able to concor anything, including asking you out on a date.
AN: boy oh boy, I love me some zuzubear!!!! He's just the sweetest little thing in the world I tell you.
I hope this was adequate for you ml it's my first time writing a brat tamer thing n I had a bit of trouble finding good resources😞
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killsaki · 6 months
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aspirations ☆ your boss doesn’t understand why you let unimportant things hold you back when you can do better.
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prohero!bakugou katsuki x f!sidekick!reader
3.8k words | old commission <3 | minors dni
cw / tw : cheating (not on reader), toxic relationship dynamics (not w/ bkg), fingering, blackmail, power dynamics.
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this is… awkward.
bakugou katsuki feels awkward.
even in his pro-hero status, even with his usual lack of care for others and their affairs, standing at the door of his office, hearing you cry just outside of it... it’s the first time in a long time that he’s been made so… uncomfortable.
you’d come halfway across the country to work as a sidekick at the agency he ran with his old classmate, you were a promising upcoming hero who would surely do numbers once you got the right exposure and the right training. that’s the reason you picked up and moved so damn far from your hometown, from your life, from your boyfriend. at least that’s what you’ve babbled on about to bakugou while the two of you were on patrols.
you were under the impression you’d be working under deku at first and when you’d found out you were going to be working alongside dynamight you’d nearly pissed yourself and gone home, you admitted while slapping his shoulder with a laugh. something which you instantly apologized for and smoothed a hand over where you’d hit as if you’d caused the tank of a man any harm and needed to soothe the pain. you’d admit that he was far from the personality he portrayed for the media and that you’d come to enjoy being around him.
that’s why this was so weird for him. you were always so positive, a clumsy sort of happy. you were always shining, continuing conversations with him even as he shrugged you off, always laughing and tossing some kind of witty remark after he’d tell you to shut up. you were annoying at some point, but you’d pulled your weight during missions and you were a shoulder for him to lean on when he got injuries too severe to keep himself upright. you made the halls of the agency a friendlier place than they’d ever been, even with the kind and smiling hero working just on the other side of the building.
so, who could make someone like you weep like a child?
“you know i get paid in a few days, i can send it back to you.” you speak through a shaky breath and bakugou can’t help but lean closer to the thin wood that separates the two of you. “it’s not like that!” you hiccup, “you’re the one who asked if you could keep my car until i can help you get yours fixed.” the white in front of him blurs as he sorts through his thoughts, who could you possibly be having to explain yourself to? “toru, please. i just want to go to sleep, today was hard enough already.” the boyfriend. “so you really won’t pay for my uber because you’re mad about a picture of me and my boss? a picture of us doing our–”
bakugou doesn’t know why he does it, why he swings the door open and stares at you with such an annoyed expression. but he’s already doing it before he realizes and he regrets it when you jump, cutting yourself short.
“sorry,” you stare at him for a moment, taking in short breaths before you quickly wipe your face, and turn away from him. sniffling as the voice over the other end starts to become intelligible to the hero. “i just wanna get home, i’m just.. i’m sorry.”
there’s a short reply given and then, silence. it takes you a minute, and bakugou stands there waiting the entire time before you pull your phone away from your ear. the screen displaying your wallpaper, signaling that the other person had ended the call.
“i didn’t know you were still here.” you look up at one of the only fluorescent lights left on, blinking away the remnants of water in your eyes.
he sighs, checking the time on his watch before looking back up at you who has yet to spare him another glance. the trains had stopped running long ago, he didn’t need to check the time to tell him that. no, he was just checking to see how fucked up your boyfriend had to be to leave you walking on the streets at the hour, or in the hands of a stranger to get home. and it’s not that you weren’t capable on your own, more so that the guy didn’t understand how much danger it’d be if someone picked up on that pattern and took advantage of you being so tired from a full day's work. he wonders if even you have thought about that. or if that’s what you were thinking about now, as you stand in silence in a way that he’s never witnessed you do before
“i can give you a ride.” he offers and your eyes fall shut, a deep breath making your chest puff slightly and the blonde can’t help but pick up on your relief.
“i’d appreciate that.”
it’s a long, awkward walk out of the agency’s building to where he’s parked his car nearly a block away. the wind is blowing and he couldn’t imagine having to walk home himself like this.
“why don’t you park at the agency’s lot?” you ask arms wrapped around yourself. your voice is still soft but he doesn’t comment on it.
“safer for me not to, i change parking spots every few weeks.” he shrugs.
“you sure do think about everything, don't you, dynamight?” you tease, and it’s like you’re recovering bits of yourself that he can recognize.
“guess so.” he shrugs instead of lecturing you about how you should do the same, another thought too busy working it’s way from his mind to his mouth. “so why are you paying to fix his car while he uses yours?” bakugou lets his thoughts fall off his tongue, and answers your wandering mind that he did overhear most of your conversation.
“i have the job that pays more.” you reach for the seatbelt, buckling it before looking over the console and catching the red eyes that watch you so intently. “why? you looking for a cause to donate to?”
he sucks his teeth and buckles himself in, instructing you to put in your address on the car’s screen. you say something that makes yourself laugh as you lean in to do it, but it goes in one of his ears and out the other. it didn’t make any sense for you to be with someone who didn’t support you fully, someone who didn’t trust you. sure bakugou didn’t know all the details of your relationship– maybe you’d offered it up to him one day when he was too focused on how your eyes lit up to pay attention to what you'd been saying to him. but he wouldn’t know that now.
why would you of all people put up with that?
“are you gonna take me home or should i be fearing for my safety?” you raise your eyebrows to exaggerate a skeptical look, something that the blonde’s face twists up and makes you laugh. but the thought of your tears streaked face earlier appears back in his mind and he decides to let you off without a remark of his own.
“you could’ve just asked for a ride.” he glances over at you once he rolls up to a stop light and his heart feels like, just for a moment, that it stops. the sight of you under such soft red light, lips still swollen from the way you’d bitten them as you calmed yourself from crying, it does more to him than he’d like to admit. it takes everything in him to tear his gaze back to the road once the traffic signal turns green.
“if toru found out i was alone with you outside of work, let alone in your car,” you huff out an unamused laugh and it sounds awful in comparison to the sweet, hearty one he’s grown used to. “he would have a fit.”
“sounds like a real perfect guy.” bakugou doesn’t look at you as he follows the gps and turns the next corner, but he can feel your eyes on him. how they trace from the neons shining off his wristwatch up his toned arms that are littered in pink scars, can feel the heat of your stare when it’s guided to his chin where he wonders if you can see the stubble he didn’t care enough to shave away this morning.
“he’s alright.” you finally respond and it makes the prohero next to you feel ill. “my high school sweetheart and all… i’m sure it’s just a rough patch.”
“right.” it wasn’t his place to meddle into whatever you have going on in your personal life. but you were one to look at the brighter side of things, he wonders if that was something you’d always done or something you forced yourself into. “a rough patch.”
the time of arrival for the destination keeps creeping closer and bakugou doesn’t know why it’s bothering him so badly.
“thanks for the ride home, mr dynamight, sir.” you salute him and he just blinks, making you giggle as you gather your things from his car.
“bakugou,” he takes your cup from his console, despite the passing thought that the colors look nice against the ones of his car’s interior. “calling me bakugou outside the workplace is fine.”
you hesitate before taking the cup, and he hates the smile that creeps up on your face when you finally do grab it from him. why the hell would he say something unprofessional like that?
you skip off with a “goodnight, mr. bakugou, sir.” and head up to your front door without catching the sight of how dramatically he rolls his eyes, or the slight lift of his lips when he thinks about how your voice sounds addressing him as something other than his trademarked name.
and from there, it’s a slippery slope, he comes to realize.
one ride turns into twenty and soon enough he’s sitting in his office chair every night waiting for you to come to tell him that you’re ready to go home.
he finds the same kind of habit forms around your shared lunch break when the two of you are working in the office rather than on the field. you’d always walked past his office, but after a comment on one of those drives to your place, you’d started to welcome yourself into his office to compare lunches. and now he can't seem to bring himself to take a bite until you’ve wandered in and finished your bit.
like now, he sits with the same lunch he’s been eating since monday because he meal prepped this week, and he needs you to come in and tell him how boring it must be eating the same thing over and over. his fingertips pad impatiently at the wood of his desk, you're always in here by now.. now that he thinks about it, you hadn’t come to ask if his coffee was bitter after getting it for him this morning.
his phone buzzing in his slacks pulls him from the thought and throws him into another one.
deku: hey, i know you’re being kind to the sidekick and all… but didn’t you say her boyfriend would be mad if he knew you were giving her rides? you should think about how that would affect her working here.
the blonde sighs and he doesn’t even want to respond to the message. he’s already on edge after starving off his lunch, plus the fact you’re not being normal today, why is midoriya suddenly interested in how your professional relationship affects your at home life?
bakugou: would you rather some villain stalk her schedule and kidnap the sidekick that you requested to come out here?
he types out, and he’s right. he knows he’s right, he’s keeping you safe by picking you up and dropping you off from his car's undisclosed location.
deku: that’s not what i meant
bakugou taps the side of his phone as the three dots come and go as midoriya no doubt types up a paragraph that bakugou will most likely not read. where the hell are you?
bakugou: i’m just making sure she gets home alright.
he sends, hoping it’ll be enough to end the conversation. he locks his phone and places it on the table next to his meal, the meal that, after eyeing the door once more, he starts to dig into. it’s a few minutes before he gets the next notification, but when he reads it, he’s stuck staring at the chair you’re supposed to be in while he finishes eating.
deku: are you sure that’s all it is?
the two of you have grown close. that much is obvious to everyone who witnesses you by his side. he wouldn’t call himself fond of you, but he knows it’d be a lie to say he hates your presence, or that he doesn’t mind the absence of it. what he doesn’t understand is why the feeling in his chest is so intense when you walk in for your routine ride home with a blank expression and a single piece of paper in your hand.
“what is this?” he accepts it as you offer, and he’s half expecting it to be some stupid printed-out meme, or maybe even you showing off an email about a magazine cover that you landed. but instead, it’s formally addressed to him as–
“my letter of resignation.”
to say bakugou is confused is an understatement.
“i enjoyed working by your side. it was an experience i am sure will forever remain unmatched in my career.” your voice is shaking. the blonde tries to focus on the words in ink in front of him but nothing seems to register even as he eyes them over and over. “i’m very thankful for the time i was allowed to spend here, please don’t think otherwise. i’ll be sure to thank mr. deku as well for giving me the opportunity since–”
“why are you leaving?” his words come harsh, his face twisted up in a way he’s never shown to you and he’s not surprised when even then you don’t finch much.
“i need to go back home.” is all you let out, looking everywhere but at him.
he sits on it for a moment, that feeling in his chest starts to swell as he realizes the motives behind your actions today, behind this damn resignation letter.
“don’t you wanna be a big name pro?” he discard the paper on his desk as he pushes himself out of his chair to approach you. “so why are you throwing away your best chance— your only real chance at that for some small-town boyfriend?”
your eyes go wide as they tear from the back of his computer monitor to look into his own. the look of offense on your face is prominent but it’s nothing in comparison to the offense bakugou feels.
“it’s so much more than just my boyfriend.” you scoff, eyebrows knitting together. “what would you know?! you’re just my boss, you have no idea what my relationship is like.”
he’s never seen you mad before, you look… good.
“i know you’re sending money back home to cover his expenses. i know you’re paying for everything you have here all on your own.” he steps towards you with each sentence, making you take a step back in time with his strides. “i know he doesn’t check to see if you make it home safe, i know you’ve slept on the floor because you can’t afford furniture and food.”
you might not have told him much about your boyfriend, but he does know that he doesn’t deserve you... not the way that bakugou does.
“i never told you any of that..” your hand feels for the arm of the couch you’ve been backed into.
“you’re obvious.” he shrugs and it’s now that you start to breathe in short pants, your eyes dart to the door— unlocked but closed. then to his chest— he’s big, much bigger than you, stronger than you. “the last thing i would do is hurt you.” he tilts his head and your breathing clams, if only a little.
“sorry, i don’t know what i was thinking.” you whisper, you bring a hand to your forehead as you fall to sit on the arm of the couch. “today has just been... it’s been too much.”
bakugou nods. he hasn’t seen you cry since the first time he cared to listen to you speak. he doesn’t want to see that again, but he’d be bitter if the chance of it was taken away from him altogether.
“but you’ll stay.”
“i– i can’t stay. i’ll lose toru, i’ll lose the house,” you start gesturing around at nothing, voice sounding hollow. “i can’t stay bakugou.”
“if you go there’ll be nothing waiting for you.” he shrugs, grabbing your hands when they freeze. “i have toru’s information already. i’ll send him one of the many pictures you’d decided to take on my phone, while you were in my car.” the words taste awful off bakugou’s tongue but he doesn’t stop speaking them.
“why would you?” he can’t bring himself to look at your expression anymore.
“i wouldn’t even need to say anything then, i think that’d be enough.” you make a choked sound and he’s sure there are tears in your eyes. “so you’ll stay here.”
“that’s not fair.” your hands fall limp in his hold and he finally looks at you, the tears stream down your face and bakugou doesn’t even know what he’s doing anymore.
“your boyfriend’s in the way of your dream.” he swallows, convincing both you and himself but his sure tone never falters. “you can’t do anything for yourself if you go back to him. you can’t accomplish anything unless you’re here,” you blink away the tears, big eyes staring up at him. “unless you’re with me.”
you take in a shaky breath through trembling lips but nod all the same. you lean forward to rest against bakugou’s hard abdomen, your hands falling from his hold as you move. he has to stop himself from letting out a smug chuckle at the way you instantly come to him for comfort, to think you’d almost slipped through his hands.
“i’m tired of thinking about this.” you hiccup and throw yourself back on the cushions with one arm thrown over your eyes. parts of yourself that bakugou could recognize returning once again, only the way your head rolls to your shoulder and the look in your eyes as you peek up at him is something he’s never seen from you before. “help me?”
what you’d been alluding to is made clear when you reach out a hand for him, one that he doesn’t hesitate to take. he doesn’t even bother to speak any other word before he’s pressing his lips into your own, strong arms maneuvering you on the uncomfortable faux leather so quick it makes a loud noise as your skin rubs against it. he nearly moans at the way your arms wrap around his neck, the way they tangle into and tug at his hair while he slots himself between your legs.
the instant you press your hips up against him, he realizes how wrong he’s been. bakugou does favor you, he favors everything about you. he favors the way you talk shit to him, the way you laugh, the way you roll your eyes, how differently you act in interviews versus in his office, and he favors more than anything how you feel pressed up against him.
he all but tears your shirt off of you, and then your pants, both thrown to a grave somewhere on the rugged floor. his hands are rough as they glide down your body. his pads press in between your collarbones down between your breast, round your ribs, and down to squeeze at your hips.
“hurry up,” you whine, bringing your heel up to push at the waistband of his pants.
“always rushin’ me.” he sucks his teeth, but his voice is soft as he speaks.
he shivers at the sounds you make from his fingers gliding along the seat of your panties, barely damp, likely from your nerves— but bakugou can fix that. kisses are pressed to your neck, something much sweeter than anyone would expect, aside from of course you. you, the sweet little thing who saw past the hard shell everyone else encased him in, though he didn’t do much to prevent it.
his thumb finds its way to your clit, pressing circles on it through the fabric and your head falls back against the cushions, small gasps and whines following his every movement. it’s not until you start to push against him that he finally pulls your underwear to the side.
your sounds easily double in volume when he finally makes contact with your heat directly, a few more wet shapes rubbed into your clit before his fingers trail down to your entrance and you pull him by his hair from your neck, forcing him into a kiss while he presses a single thick digit into you. he rolls his wrist, hoping to stretch you a bit more before adding another, but your desperate hands wind into his shirt and he can’t help but give in.
he adds another and scissors them inside you, prodding to find that spot that had your lips parting, mind and body have given up on being able to kiss him as the pleasure takes over you. you’re dripping down his hand by the time you start babbling nonsense, and it’s all he can do to fuck his fingers into you despite the way you claw at his back, how your legs squeeze around him, and your pussy clamps down on him.
and when his name tumbles out somewhere along your nonsense as you cream down into his palm, for the first time in a long time, bakugou feels warm inside, something beyond the heat between his legs.
he lets you hold him while your breathing settles, even keeps his fingers inside you as you come back down to earth. he wants so bad to fuck you right now, to have you cry his name again and again as you make a mess on his cock this time... but he also wants to never let you move from under him, to keep himself wrapped around you at all times.
“i don’t wanna sleep on the floor anymore,” you whisper, and the blonde wonders how your boyfriend would feel if he knew that forcing you to turn in a resignation would lead to you being putty in his hands.
“come sleep at my place.”
you nod against him and, slowly, he helps to clean and dress you before you let him drag you off the couch.
“you’re always so helpful, baku’.” you rub your eyes as you lean against him, mindlessly following him to the car you’d been mistaken to get months ago.
but bakugou will later reiterate his intention were just truly just to help. just like when it came to officially end your relationship with toru, which would happen tonight after bakugou sends the loser a picture of you fast asleep in the same bed as pro hero dynamight—right where you should be.
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maiyami · 7 months
𝑷𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔 & 𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎
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𝙋𝙧𝙤-𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙤 𝙆𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞 𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪 𝙭 𝙋𝙧𝙤-𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙤 𝙁𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
Minors Do Not Interact
All characters aged up, 21+.
One Shot
Warnings: Smut, fluff, pinning (Bakugou), mentions of fighting, mentions of blood, pheromones, breeding kink, lewd, mutual feelings, friends to lovers, mentions of Deku having a crush on you, jealousy, and more. (If I missed anything, my bad I did this half asleep.)
About: Number two hero Katsuki Bakugou just can’t seem to get you off his mind. Harboring a secret crush on you since your days at UA. But when you finally come back from a mission that took you overseas, he can’t help but want to keep next to you at all times.
It felt like forever since you step foot back in Japan, the United States needed the aid of some of Japans finest heroes on a year long mission. You had kept in contact with all of your friends during your time there, just making sure everything was going smoothly back home. You especially kept in touch with Japans number two hero, Bakugou Katsuki.
It wasn’t uncommon to have a conversation a day with the explosion hero before departing for your mission. You ended up becoming closer to him than ever before when everyone graduated UA. However, your conversations became longer once you left for the states.
It started off as little conversations about your mission, asking how long you’d be gone. How many heroes were taken for the mission. Which part of the states you’d be in. The main topic being about the mission, but somewhere along the way it morphed into something more. More of how has your day been? Did you rest enough? What did you have for dinner? Have you gone out at all since being in the states? You should have seen what happened to me today! I have to go to this stupid hero gala, pray I don’t blow anyone up! Just a subtle yet progressive movement of your friendship with the blonde. You didn’t mind it a bit, over the years you secretly looked forward to having these kind of meaningful and meaningless conversations with him.
He had been messaging, calling, and even FaceTiming with you all the way up to your return home. A chuckle coming to your lips as to saw his name flash on your phone screen the moment your plane landed in Japan.
Blasty (5:30am): “You better be fucking ready for everyone to flood you with welcome home messages. But I had to be the first to beat all those extras.”
You (5:34am): “Always aiming to be number one, huh Katsu?”
Blasty (5:35am): “Damn right! Welcome home, y/n.”
You (5:43am): “Thank you! My agency is throwing a massive ball for the return of all of us! You better be there.”
Blasty (5:44am): “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Princess. Who ya take me for? Kaminari?”
You (5:59am): “LOL. Never. I can’t wait to see you!”
You pocketed your phone away after you saw the gif he send a second later, a guy giving a thumbs up with a deadpanning face. If anyone else looked at the messages between the pair of you? It would look like a couple just having a cheeky conversation. You sometimes wished it was that way. But you had long given up the idea of Bakugou looking at you in that type of light. Content of having him become your best friend. However, on the other side of the phone? Bakugou Katsuki couldn’t wait to see your beautiful face.
“What’s got you smiling at your phone so early in the morning, Bakubro?” Kirishima's voice sounded out behind the fiery blonde. Bakugou quickly pocketed his phone away to give a glare at his best friend and roommate.
“Mind your business, shitty hair! I wasn’t smilin’…” Bakugou huffed, his nostrils flaring as his friend could only laugh at him. Making the blonde return more rage at his red haired companion. “What you laughin’ at shit for brains?! You got a death wish?”
Kirishima clutched his sides, pretending to wipe away a tear from his lash line. After he was done with his little laughing fit, he looked at his best friend with joy and happiness in his eyes. “She’s finally back home, huh?” He couldn't help the shit-eating grin that spread across his face. While his hot-headed best friend looked as if he stole the last cookie from the cookie jar.
Bakugou nodded back at Kirishima, shoving his phone back into his pocket before huffing out. "I wanted to be the first one to welcome her back..." He felt his cheek become hot, he knew that it was stupid to harbor this crush still. He could just be honest with how he felt. Somewhere deep down inside, he felt like you wouldn't accept him back. He couldn't bare the thought of losing you if that was the case. He was content to just be on the sidelines for you, something he would never do for anyone else in his life.
Kirishima didn't understand why his best friend would get so embarrassed by something like this. It wasn't like you hadn't seen every side of Katsuki before. You stuck around him through the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. Just like he did. If anyone was perfect enough, or meant to be with Katsuki? It was you.
"Should just tell her, man. You look like a little puppy whenever you speak with her. It's cute." Kirishima laughed as he started to run off, hearing a pillow smack into the wall he rounded while Bakugou screamed curses at him.
It wasn't even two days later when your hero agency threw this massive party to welcome back home all of the heroes that went overseas. Everyone who was anyone was attending, which meant all of your pro-hero friends were coming to see you. Sure, you were excited to see them all. Catch up face to face, but you were most excited to see Bakugou.
The stylest that was given to you, dressed you to the nines. Your sequence crimson dress was snug to your frame, hanging low at your back. A pair of black heels to match along with your black clutch, honestly you were a sight to behold. Anyone's imagination could run wild seeing you in this dress. It just made everything fit in the right place. Light make-up, nothing too distracting from your choice in formal wear. However, tonight you decided not to hide the scar that ran along the left side of your face. Right over your eye, it slit your eyebrow a little. You were tired of trying to hide it at this point, you weren't ashamed of it. Just a battle scar you picked up in the States.
You wouldn't say you were nervous, there was however a little hum that stayed in the back of your mind. Was this going to be overwhelming? Was it going to be too much for just coming back home? What if people didn't remember you? These thoughts flooded your mind the whole car ride to your agency. Only for them to be stopped as you saw the flashes of the shutterbugs waiting at the entrance to get pictures of the arriving heroes. Shouting question after question as you exited the car, giving them your best-practiced smile as you made your way inside.
Your agency didn't cut costs for how well they did the place up, it honestly didn't even look like an agency anymore. They turned a brick office building, into a stunning ball-like palace. With food that almost looked too good to eat, and music that made the place feel light and airy. It was refreshing, to say the least, it made your heart warm. It also caused your quirk to emanate off you slightly, the scent of peaches wafting into the air as you moved through a sea of people. Finally spotting a face that you had come to be very friendly with over the past year away. Rushing to get to their side and feel a bit of comfort.
Bakugou Katsuki was never late for anything, but tonight was different. Since Kirishima promised that they would give Kaminari a ride, they were going to be late. Much later than Bakugou could tolerate at this point. He was antsy, shaking his leg in the backseat as they finally made their way to the agency. Thirty fucking minutes later than they should have been if only that damned Kaminari was ready on time...Bakugou would have already seen your pretty face. Hear your breath-taking laugh, and held you close to him. It was all that was keeping him sane for the car ride, that he will be able to do that soon.
Decked out in a tux, with a crimson red tie to match his eyes he finally arrived at your agency. Glaring and hissing at the shutterbugs as he pushed his way into the building. He had a set goal, finding you. Hastily pushing through the crowd, but what really caught his attention to find you was the smell of peaches in the air. That syrupy smell made his mouth water and filled his senses with nothing but you. If he was honest with himself, he used to hate it. It was so distracting, it would make his mind mush. Make his teeth ache with the smell alone while making his pants tighter around his crotch. After years of knowing you, letting that scent take over his mind again and again? He welcome it, he craved it in his daily life. Even went as far as buying peach rings or peach-flavored yogurt just so it would be like you were always with him. He loved the scent, following the trail that lead to you.
That's when he saw you standing at the bar, looking as beautiful as the day he first met you. He took you in for a moment, relishing in the way your nose scrunched up as you laughed. How you would tip your head back a little to stop that laughter, and how your cheeks were dusted pink from the drinks you already had in your system. You were a vision in his eyes, the most gorgeous thing he ever got the pleasure of being around. But that all faded for a second as he noticed who you were with.
Even though Bakugou had made his peace with Izuku, he couldn't help that little green monster of jealousy rear its ugly head within him. Watching you shower Izuku in your warmth and joy, sucked it right out of Bakugou himself. That was supposed to be him making you laugh, making you touch his arm for support. Not Deku. Anyone but Deku. He almost walked away, he almost went in a different direction. Not wanting to say the wrong thing as he watched his long-time friend flirt with the girl of his dreams. However, you had caught his eye. Excusing yourself from Izuku to practically run up to Bakugou.
"Katsuki! You came!" You yelled over the other people speaking and the music. Pulling the blonde into a tight embrace. Bakugou felt his whole body stiffen for a moment, his brain stalling. Before correcting himself, wrapping his arms around you. Taking a deep breath, he inhaled that sickly sweet scent that he loved. Basking in your presence a little longer than what typical friends would do. Before unraveling himself from your body.
"Course I did, Princess. Wouldn't miss it for the world." He rasped low, Keeping a hand on your waist as you beamed up at him. This is what he has been waiting for, for a year now. To just be around you, be close to you. Once he finally took all of you in, his brows furrowed a bit. Bringing a thumb up to rub at the tail end of your scar that hit your cheekbone. "When did ya get this?"
You paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before speaking back at him. "Maybe about a month or so into the mission." You brought your own hand up and over Bakugou's, rubbing the top of his hand for a moment before continuing. "I had to keep up with appearances over there, so my PR team made me cover it up all the time. I just...didn't feel like hiding it anymore."
"Why didn't you mention it to me? How ya get it?" He rasped again, a little bite to his question. Almost as if he was hurt that you didn't tell him.
"It was always covered with make-up, I didn't see the point of speaking about it when at some point I knew you'd see it." You bit back a little, not enjoying his tone. "A fight broke out within the mafia I had to be a spy in. A guy pulled a knife and I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Luckily I didn't lose my eyesight, Izuku was actually the one that got the guy away with the knife. So, honestly, I owe him a huge thanks."
Now that stung a little bit for Bakugou, not being the one to come to your aid. Not being the one to be on the mission with you. For you to owe a debt to Deku of all people. It made his jaw clench, and his free hand ball up into a fist. The light scent of caramel wafting into the air as Bakugou’s quirk was acting up. Most people wouldn’t really care that they could smell it but you knew what was happening.
“Katsuki…what’s going on?” You questioned as the scent of his quirk came to your nose. Causing you to hold onto his arm, trying to bring him back down to earth. Making him look at you for a moment. “What’s got you so upset?”
Katsuki took a deep breath, his crimson eyes finally leveling with yours before he grabbed onto your hand. Making sure his palms weren’t too hot to touch you. He led you out to the balcony, away from everyone else. At the bar, a certain green haired man was watching. A displeased look on his face before he chuckled to himself.
“Izuku, what’s gotten into you today? You haven’t taken your eyes off her.” Shinso finally asked his friend, watching him look like a wounded dog. His own purple eyes looking over to see Bakugou leading you elsewhere.
“I-…I got really close to y/n. On the mission that is. But I always knew I was coming in second. She’d speak to him daily…I saw it in the way her eyes would light up when his name came across her screen. I guess I can’t be number one in everything.”
Out on the balcony, Katsuki moved you both towards the small seating area at the far end of the balcony. But neither of you sat, Katsuki just leaned against the railing. His palms rubbing over his face once he let go of you. “What is going on.” You finally asked, holding onto your own arms.
He was silent for a long moment, his hands gripping the railing tight before finally sighing. His eyes never left yours, like he was staring into your soul. “I just…fuck. I don’t know how to say it, princess. Not without it fucking everything up.”
“What are you going to fuck up?” You would question while moving up to him. To grabbed his cheeks, making him keep his attention on your eyes before rubbing them softly. “Please, Katsuki…honey. I don’t know what’s going on.”
At the pet name you had given him so long ago, it felt like all his worries disappeared in a moment. Moving to rest his hands on your hips, letting his fingers dig there for a moment. “I-…I’m- shit! This is so hard…I’m so embarrassed. Goddamnit I’m in love with you, ok!” He finally huffed it out, making his eyes look down once more so he didn’t see the reaction on your face. “But that damn Dek- Izuku might have a place in your heart and I don’t know how to handle that.”
You gave his cheeks a little shake, making his eyes meet yours again. All yours showed was kindness and love, with the small smile on your lips. “Honey…Izuku doesn’t have a place in my heart. Maybe as a great friend but nothing more.” You said while stroking the sides of his cheeks, moving in a little closer. “Who have I been speaking to everyday even before I left? Who has seen every little ugly side to me? Who have I told everything to?” You asked, noticing the way Katsuki shrugged his shoulders. You chuckled a little. “You, dumbass. It’s all been you. I’m in love with you too.” You smiled at him brightly.
He couldn’t believe what he heard initially, his mind moving a mile a minute. He moved his hands quickly to your face, his thumb brushing at the tail end of your scar once more. “You do? You…love me? Princess, don’t bullshit me.” As you shook your head yes, Katsuki had the biggest smile that had ever crossed his face. He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was raw, passionate, and full of undying love. The way your lips moved together was like two people coming together to be one finally. It was breathless, it was sweet, and it was something you both had been missing for a long time now.
"Let's leave." Katsuki finally spoke after breaking the kiss, still holding onto you tightly. He wanted to take you away, he wanted to just have you to himself. Finally, he waited long enough and so had you. "Can we leave?" He pressed again as he pulled you into a tight embrace. "I just want you to myself right now, fuck everyone else."
You nodded your head softly, looking up into his crimson eyes. A smile was etched into your lips as you started to pull him towards the front of the agency. "Yeah, let's go. I have waited long enough to have you to myself."
The wait wasn't long to get a cab to pick you up, it was the wait for the drive home that was killing you both. Soft touches against legs, brushes of hands against hands, and let's not forget the smooth whispers coming from Katsuki that the cab driver needed to 'hurry the fuck up already.' It was actually really amusing to you, because what you didn't expect when you rolled up to the front of Katsuki's apartment building? Was him to basically throw money at the driver's face, and carry you all the way up to his home.
"Katsuki! You can put me down now!" You were laugh-yelling at him as he kicked in his door. Not caring that it was almost 1am in the morning and the door handle denting the drywall.
"No time..." He said softly against your neck, leaving a trail of open mouth kisses against your skin as he navigated through his apartment into his bedroom. Once he pressed you into those black silk sheets, everything hit you at once. Looking up at him over you, the desire and love in his eyes, you were finally going to be with someone you truly loved in this world.
The small little sigh you let slip past your lips as he nibbled on one particularly sensitive spot on your neck made him realize it too. Years and years of loving you in secret could finally come out in the open. He can finally express the way he feels about you, without even having to say anything. He just looked down at you, your hair all sprawled out in different directions, lipstick a little smeared, and the look of love in your eyes? You looked like a goddess to him.
"You're beautiful..." He said softly before moving back to kiss you again. This time it was more rushed, like he was hungry. He was hungry for you, slipping the straps of your dress down your shoulders. As your breasts finally became unclothed, Katsuki sucked in a breath. Your pretty perky nipples already standing at attention for him, causing him to lean down to blow cool air over one while he twisted the other with his fingers. It caused your back to arch into his touch, pushing a leg between his thighs as the top of your knee brushed against his already hard crotch.
He hissed a bit from the touch, having him wrap his lips around your nipple to give it a playful little suck. What piqued his interest the most was the way you reacted to his teasing. A high-pitched moan came from your throat before you slapped your palm over your lips. Your body was so sensitive, so ready for him. He moved his hands lower, bringing your dress along with him before getting rid of the offending object. Leaving you bare under him.
"No panties...fuck Princess...you'll be the death of me." He growled, something deep in his chest as he moved back. Stripping himself of his own clothing before moving back ontop of you. His hand slipped between your bodies so he could run a finger up your already moist slit. Katsuki's eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head when he felt your slick against his fingers, before slowly pushing two of them inside your sopping cunt. "Gotta prep you..."
You already felt full from just how thick his fingers were, working in and out of you at a slow pace. However, your eyes didn't leave his cock. It was so thick, and long as well. Veins in all the right places while his head was just a pretty shade of pink, dripping precum already. You didn't care about being prepped at the moment, all you wanted was to feel him deep inside you. You moved your hand to take ahold of his shaft, stroking it softly before bringing your palm up to his tip. But he quickly grabbed your hand and pinned it next to you.
"Don't...baby. I am barely keeping it together. If you touch me like that? I'll fold. Be a good girl for me, Princess." He said in such a husky voice it made you squirm under him. That granted you his smirk, all teeth. He was pleased with himself, seeing that you were so good at listening to him. So willing for him, such a perfect girl. You were so ready for him, but he wanted more. He wanted to taste you, to feel you quiver on his tongue. To see you lose your mind to the pleasure. But as he went to move towards your cunt, this time you stopped him.
"Please...I can't wait anymore. I want you inside me Katsuki...please? Can you please just make love to me already? I want you...I need you...Daddy...please." Well you didn't expect that to come out of your mouth, but you were so hazed over in pleasure and need that you didn't care. The name however made Katuski raise his eyebrows in shock. It made you close your mouth, eyes adverting his gaze now.
Katsuki felt his mind stop, felt it completely skip a beat at the sound of your voice calling him daddy. It unlocked something in his brain, it made him feral for you. His desire for you now went through the roof. Boy, were you in for it now.
"Daddy? Oh...baby girl...you've done it now..." He smirked at you, moving his head back from between your thighs. Leaving a trail of open-mouth kisses against your torso, up your chest, and now to your neck. Literally you with every little mark he could leave on your body, claiming you as his. His tongue trailed against the shell of your ear before he whispered something lewd against it. "You want Daddy to put his fat cock inside you? I'd be you'd look so sexy with it bugling out of your stomach...hm?" He sucked on your earlobe a little before continuing. "Want Daddy to stuff you full of his hot cum...make you his?"
Your mind was running a mile a minute, it was so good, so much. As you felt his tip start to press against your slick entrance. "Please..." You moaned out almost breathless. "Please...fill me with your cum...Daddy." You begged him, while bringing your left leg over his lower back, trying to pull him into you more. "Will you fill me up?" You asked in such a sweet voice that it made Katsuki's whole body shudder a bit.
"Fuck, I'll do anything for you if you talk to me like that..." He said now somewhat out of breath. Moving his hand to take ahold of his shaft, to part your lips. The feeling of your slick already coating his head, made him see stars for a moment until he pulled himself together again. "Alright, I'm going to put it in Princess." He said under his breath as he slowly pushed his head past the first tight ring of muscle. He felt your walls making room for him, fitting the shape of him, as he slowly bottomed out inside of you. The pure sound of pain, mixed with a little bit of pleasure made his eyes roll to the back of his head. He fought with everything in his power to keep his eyes on your face, not wanting to miss a second of your expressions.
You were a vision under him, goosebumps littering your whole body. A slight arch in your back, the way your chest was raising and falling with a small pant in your breath. Your eyes screwed tight in pleasure, while your mouth hung open just slightly. You were beautiful to him. You always were, but in this moment you were ethereal.
As you felt him hit against your cervix, your legs wrapped instantly around his lower back. Keeping him tight against you while you caught your breath for a second. Your eyes opened slowly, marveling at the view you were getting. Katsuki's eyebrows pinched a little, lower lip snug between his teeth. A small bit of sweat on the side of his forehead, while his eyes looked at you with nothing but love.
Each drag of his cock within your tightened walls was like seeing the night sky lit up with stars. The feeling of him slowly thrusting himself in and out of you, so painfully slow had your eyes almost crossed. You were soaked, so much so that there was a lewd squelch every time Katsuki pulled out of you. The sound of skin hitting against skin was echoing through the room as Katsuki poured every ounce of how much he loved you, into your body.
As you felt your body coming to your climax, you accidentally set off your quirk. The scent of peaches and cream seeped into the air, almost like a thick cloud of desire and lust. You felt Katsuki shiver above you, hand gripping the sheets next to your head with such a tight grip. It made him pick his pace up, thrusting into at a back-breaking pace.
"Fuck- Princess...goddamn you smell so fucking sweet...so fucking good. Ahh, fuck!" He was losing himself above you, his face so screwed up in pleasure that it made you tighten around him suddenly. "Don't- shit! Don't do that Princess...I'll cum inside you..."
"Do it...cum inside me...please pleasee Daddy, cum for me?" You begged just as sweet as your scent. Batting your eyelashes up at him, holding him in closer as your tasty moans hit his ears like the best music he ever heard. Plus the way your cunt was clenching around him, sucking him in? Made Katsuki lose his mind.
"Ya? You want me to cum inside you? Want me to breed this tight little pussy? Yah...yeah you fucking do. Fuck ya, baby. Take it all, take it fucking all." He said while thrusting as deep as he could inside of you, holding himself there as he painted your walls a pretty white.
As you both came down from your highs, Katsuki slipped out of you slowly. Taking a moment to watch how his cum was leaking out of you. It made his cock twitch for a moment before he let his fingers trail in the mixed liquids before pushing some of it back into you. At the way you squirmed in overstimulation, he chuckled. Moved to lay beside you, bringing your back into his chest. He was leaving soft open-mouth kisses on the back of your neck. Just enjoying how you hummed in satisfaction.
"I can't believe I finally got you..." He said in a groggy voice, the low grave in it making you shutter a little against him. That earned you a playful nip to the back of your ear. "Relax, woman. If you keep at it? We are going to go all night."
"Who says I wouldn't want that?" You playfully teased back, rolling slightly so you could face him. Your own shit-eating grin plastered on your face. You leaned forward to kiss him deep, letting the moment sink in before you were rolled onto your back once again.
"That a challenge? Oh...Princess...you have no idea what you have gotten yourself into now."
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silverynight · 6 months
Dynamight's type
Izuku has noticed that whenever someone asks Katsuki's certain questions during interviews he gets really irritated; it's usually things about love and relationships that bother him the most.
It's one of the many reasons why Izuku hasn't told his best friend he likes him romantically; maybe Katsuki is not interested in romance at all or he just hates sharing his love life with the world.
Although it's not like Izuku ever thought he had a chance; he probably doesn't. Sometimes he thinks about looking for someone to start a relationship with.
"Let's move in together," Katsuki tells him for the... actually, Izuku has lost count of how many times he has told him that.
But Izuku always thinks he doesn't mean it because it doesn't make sense.
"Just because..." Katsuki says this time, looking particularly frustrated.
"We don't have the need to," Izuku points out, getting a little bit confused by his friend's response.
"I know."
"Kacchan... what if one of us starts dating soon? Wouldn't that be–"
The look Katsuki throws at him is enough to make Izuku shut up immediately; the other pro hero not only looks angry, he also seems hurt.
"Are you seeing someone?" The way Katsuki asks the question makes it look like each word is hurting him somehow.
"No, but–"
"I'm not going to start dating an extra!" Katsuki growls and, as usual, he walks away more irritated than when the day started.
Izuku honestly doesn't get it.
However, he usually goes back to normal when his patrol begins.
Until a reporter finds him after an incident; just right the moment after Katsuki and Izuku manage to save a group of people from a villain.
Actually, there are a couple of reporters, one of them even tries to corner Izuku and instead of asking him about the villain or the civilians, she asks Izuku about romance.
Alright, Izuku has started to get why Katsuki gets irritated at those type of questions.
"Are you dating someone at the moment, Deku?" The young woman asks, smiling at him and using one of her fingers to play with her own hair.
Izuku doesn't understand; is she nervous?
"Uhh... no."
"That's great!"
Not that far from him, one of the reporters is asking about Katsuki's type... again.
"So what would your ideal date be, Deku?" The reporter manages to draw Izuku's attention away from his friend.
"Maybe an amusement park? Sharing a crepe?" The green haired hero doesn't mean to make it sound like a question, but interviews always make him feel flustered.
"That'd be a perfect date for me too!" The girl says. "Would you like to–"
"DO YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW MY FUCKING TYPE?" Katsuki's loud voice cuts off the reporter who's interviewing Izuku.
"Of course, Dynamight!" It's a good thing most of the reporters are used to Katsuki's explosive personality already.
Instead of answering right away, Katsuki gets closer to Izuku and to everyone's surprise, grabs the other pro hero's freckled face and kisses him on the lips.
"There. That's my type!" Katsuki growls as Izuku's face turns completely pink. "Him. Only this nerd. Now, fuck off!"
The female reporter who was asking Izuku questions looks particularly upset about what happened, although it seems like she's a little bit reluctant to go... but she does anyway when she notices Katsuki is glaring at her.
Izuku doesn't get his hopes up, because it's obvious that Katsuki only wanted them to stop asking questions about his love life.
"But Kacchan... they're going to think we are–"
"Move in with me."
It feels like this is not the moment to have the same conversation all over again, but there's something different in Katsuki's eyes this time; he looks determined.
"Because I'm in love with you, oblivious nerd!"
Izuku's face is on fire, he's sure of it; Katsuki just told him he loved him. It almost seems like it's a dream.
"Are you sure, Kacchan?" His voice doesn't sound shaky at all, which is something Izuku feels ridiculously proud of.
"Of course I am! Wouldn't be asking you if I wasn't!"
After a heartbeat in which Izuku thinks about all the time they've been together and tells himself this is going to work, he nods.
"Let's move in together, Kacchan."
Just a year later, Katsuki proposes to him and of course, Izuku can't help but tear up. He's never been so happy before.
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sweetnsour1 · 5 months
Fluff, Bakugou x fem reader
Part 1 of 2
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“You’re kidding.”  
“Why would I be kidding?” His tone had shifted. You could hear his brows and eyes furrowing at the strangled laugh you had shakily exhaled. 
“How did you find out?” He had to be fucking with you. 
“Um, the mission briefing...like usual?”  
“What?” Shit, so he wasn’t fucking with you. You blinked away tears of frustration already threatening to leak into your voice. Stupid. 
“So, you’re really leaving?”  
“Have to, beautiful.”  
“Yea, I know. I’ll miss you too.” His tone was getting softer with every awkward response you choked out. 
“No, I mean...” You let the words trail off. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d forgotten the meaning behind this quickly approaching date. Your brain couldn’t even craft a way to bring it up without whining. You couldn’t do it. “Just be safe, okay?” 
“The hell do ya think I am? I’m always safe.” 
“Safer than your version of safe, please.” Your tone was firm as it delivered the familiar words, a ritual every time he left for a mission.
The memory of the first time you’d made the request came to you easily. He was in the doorway of your office, backing out, bumping his wide shoulders into the frame as he failed to smoothly exit. Red spread across the skin directly below his mask. You had thought you had overstepped, maybe he was upset that you questioned his performance. Your head had tiled to the side in confusion when instead he only said, “Yes, ma’am.” He landed a smack against the head of the blonde hero snickering behind him as he walked off, mumbling something about shutting up.  
“Mmm.” You smiled. Maybe he was thinking of that day too.  
“‘Mmm’ isn’t a promise.” 
“I’ll be back before Saturday. Promise.” 
“Back with all the parts you left with.” 
“Ya gonna’ love me less if I don’t?” His words were obviously being spoken through a smile now, or a smirk more likely. 
“Depends on what you lose.” A part of you melts at the chuckle let loose in your ear.  
“Mhmm.” You’re quick to agree but want to hear him laugh again. “If you come back hurt, I’ll just kick your ass for not listening to me.” 
‘What if I come back without an ass?” His laugh is cut short as you hear a familiar voice inform him how that would be highly unlikely to count as coming back safe. The tone on the other end gets harsher as he tells the man with him to mind his damn business. You roll your eyes at the familiar sounds of bickering bubbling between the two heroes. You pull Katsuki’s attention back to you as you catch the sound of Deku’s mediating attempts only pacifying Todoroki.  
“Don’t you have a flight to catch?” 
“Yea.” You quirk an eyebrow at the leftover hostility worming its way into his conversation with you. He hears it too, coughing back to a gentler version before he continues. “I’ll see you Saturday, beautiful.” 
“See you Saturday.” Your words fall forward in a mumble towards the screen already reminding you that you’d ended the call. Fuck. Fuck. 
You rolled your head forward; thankful it was still early enough in the day to start making all the calls you’d need to. You did a few of those dumb square breaths that your therapist swore by. It was annoying that it helped. A feline reminiscent stretch was the only other action you took before opening the most frequently used document saved on your phone. The twinge of regret at the sight of the bright orange header was promptly shoved aside as you began scrolling down to the vendors’ contact info. By the third call, you had quite a script ready to go as soon as someone picked up: Hello, sorry to bother you right before closing. I actually have you guys booked for the event tomorrow night. There’s been a change of plans and I would like you to deliver the (whatever they were in charge of) to (whatever organization could use it) as a donation instead of delivering anything to the venue. After that, it was always a short confirmation of details before you dialed the next number on the list.  
The biggest loss was the venue...no, that was wrong. The biggest loss was not being able to get Bakugou’s birthday right AGAIN. You really weren’t sure anymore if the blame was with you or the universe or maybe Bakugou was a villain whose only agenda was to thwart your birthday attempts. Well, you were pretty sure it was you, but it was way past ridiculous at this point. His birthday had been a disaster or disaster adjacent every year since you’d started dating.  
There was the first one where you got flustered when he had the audacity to go for the first kiss, getting you flustered enough to drop his gift, a very not waterproof limited edition and vintage All Might card, off the bridge and into the river. The next involved a mistake where you accidentally had Kirishima drop him off at the wrong address...not realizing there were two locations for the restaurant you two had your first date at. The one after, you ended up hospitalized for just a few days, missing his birthday completely because your dumb ass didn’t wake up in time. Although he technically had spent it with you, you just weren’t conscious. You both had work the one after that, so not really your fault on that one. But you did forget his present at the office and so ended up giving it to him the day after, so that part was your fault. 
He was always annoyingly understanding about the trouble you ended up causing on the one day every year that you wanted to be the least troublesome. He would just laugh it off, thanking you for an unforgettable day. He’d call you cute or sweet or a menace. He’d say his birthday wasn’t anything to stress about.  
His words would be so much easier to accept if he didn’t seem to feel differently when it came to your birthday. He never gave a gift late or damaged or less than perfect. He never messed up the date or time or location. He never forgot any part of his plans or goals for the day. It was always irritatingly more than what you would’ve imagined or expected. Not that birthdays were a contest, but...if they were, you were fucking losing badly.  
You slid your phone further across the counter after your last call. This was supposed to be the year you got it right. You’d even enlisted a dangerous amount of help for a surprise party: Kirishima to keep Bakugou from finding out, the head assistant at their agency to get the scheduling information just right, Mina was charged with the guest list, Kaminari and Sero were assigned the entertainment (with final approval from you after a near x-rated disaster). You even had Midoriya help you decide on a present.  
Everything was finally going to be perfect. You were so determined. You had even stupidly begun to feel safe in your victory. The party was supposed to be tomorrow. And now, he wouldn’t be back for nine days. Fuck. Fuck.  
You pawed at your phone again, sending a quick text to Mina so she could notify the guests of the cancellation. You were already exhausted from the last half hour of calls and just wanted to crawl into the bed that was now dumber and colder and emptier than it was supposed to be. Before burrowing, you sent “code yellow” to the One Brain Cell group chat, following the ridiculous list of emergency code phrases made up by Kaminari. You didn’t think you’d end up using them, but here you were.  
You then finally set your phone aside for real, pretending to set the urge to sulk along with it. This was part of the job. He was needed and that was a priority...helping people should come first (and it always did). Even if a selfish part of you, that seemed to get louder every time he was called away, wanted nothing more than to convince him to stay. The man you were in love with wouldn’t just give up his purpose or his morals like that. Not even for you. It was admirable. As a hero, you loved and respected that. As his girlfriend, it made you feel more jealous and selfish than you would ever admit.  
You would just have to not suck next year.  
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Inspired by the request sent in by @mentallyablaze-writes
Part 2 coming soon
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Squirting | Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku x Reader
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𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐢𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐚 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐦.
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Kinktober masterlist.
Summary: Midoriya is having trouble trying to make you squirt, luckily for you Bakugou is on hand to teach him exactly how to do it.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, pwp, cucking (kinda), fingering, squirting, dirty talk, one little bit of degradation, praise, multiple orgasms, Bakugou is v v mean to Deku and very much in love with reader, not proofread!
Word Count: 4.5k.
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Your sex life with Midoriya was satisfactory, sometimes it felt like you shouldn’t complain. Hearing stories over drinks with Momo, Mina and Jirou about their conquests or relationships and the Pro-Hero men that couldn’t even find time for them during busy work weeks, nevermind find time to copulate, you felt lucky that you’d ended up with Midoriya Izuku. Because at least if nothing else, he scheduled intimate time for you both. Even marked it on a little calendar you kept pinned to your kitchen fridge, giggling over the word “smash” written on every other Sunday.
What did it matter if you had to fake a few orgasms, pretending to finish early so he wouldn’t continue fucking into your tight heat when you were bored and on the edge of climax. Waiting patiently for him to reach his peak before scurrying off to satisfy yourself in the shower. You were content, and that’s all that mattered.
Over time you’d both had conversations about spicing things up in the bedroom. Talking about various kinks or positions you’d like to try, Midoriya mentioned a certain roleplay scenario where you pretended to be a damsel in distress with Pro-Hero Deku swooping in to save you, thanking him for his service with your pussy. In exchange, you’d revealed one of the things you wanted to try more than anything else was to see if he could help you squirt.
Of course, Midoriya immediately began to research how to pleasure you. He wouldn’t be the perfect, dutiful boyfriend otherwise. But all the pages he seemed to read online, the videos he watched, nothing seemed to help in his endeavour to make you squirt. So in the last ditch effort, he decided to pick a friend who would be willing to help, someone he could trust, someone with no strings attached—
“Bakugou?” You tugged at the hem of the Deku shirt you were wearing, trying to pull it further down your thick thighs, “What are you doing here?”
“You didn’t even tell her?” Bakugou stood, mouth agape in your shared bedroom, turning to give his friend a glare, “Fuckin’ Deku.”
“I told her! But we hadn’t arranged a day yet…” Midoriya mumbled shyly, lingering by the door.
“The most basic thing you could do and you didn’t even do that.” Bakugou scoffed.
“No, no. I promise, she knows!” Deku continued, “She wants to. We’ve discussed it.”
You wished he’d had the courtesy to at least shoot you a text, you would’ve had a few minutes to mentally prepare yourself or if nothing else put on a cute set of lingerie. You suddenly felt so vulnerable in front of the number two hero, wondering whether he really wanted to be here or if he had been promised something in return like you had with Midoriya’s fantasy.
“Do you want me to leave?” Bakugou looked at you as though you were the only person in the room, wanting to know what you wanted him to do.
“No,” Your face felt flush as he gave you a sly smile.
You looked like an innocent lamb prepared for the slaughter, and Bakugou felt like the big bad wolf ready to devour every inch of you. He felt debauched when Midoriya had approached him in his office one evening to ask for his help with something, already prepared to say no before he’d even heard what it was. But thank whatever Gods above that he didn’t, because it meant that he was now standing in the same room as you.
“Okay, sweetheart. Guess I’m stayin’,” Bakugou gave you a soft smile as he took a step closer to you, “You wanna tell her, or can I?”
“You can,” Midoriya came to stand beside Bakugou as you sat at the foot of their bed.
You weren’t naive, you could see there was a reason that the hulking Pro-Hero Dynamight was standing in your room and that you’d discussed with your boyfriend numerous times. You just hadn’t expected him to bring home the man tonight, you felt completely unprepared and an apprehensive ebb swirled inside your tummy. You couldn’t deny you’d held a crush on the Pro-Hero since Midoriya had introduced you years ago, it was hard not to when he was absolutely gorgeous. Aging like a fine wine as the number two seemed to hold a similar soft spot for you in return. But you’d never expected to act on it, so this moment had your heart fluttering in anticipation.
“Deku said you wanted help with somethin’?” Bakugou continued, “Said he wanted help to make you cum?”
The blatant explanation had your cheeks flushed and your cunt throbbing from his crude tone, biting down on the inside of your cheeks to stop the debauched moan from leaving your lips.
“To squirt-” Midoriya clarified.
“Same fuckin’ thing.” Bakugou rolled his eyes, moving to squat in front of you at the foot of the bed. His large palms pressed against your thighs as vermillion eyes stared up at you softly, gauging your reaction, “So? Do you want me to help you squirt, sweetheart?”
His palms felt warm against your skin, making you wonder how much warmer they’d be just before he ignited them for his quirk or in the sudden aftermath. Wondering if they’d be warm enough to scorch your skin and leave a mark, a reminder of your time together. You felt him squeeze your supple skin softly as he waited for your answer, obviously wanting consent before he continued further. You gave him a gentle nod as you worried your bottom lip between your teeth.
“‘m gonna need to hear you say it, princess.” Bakugou pressed, “Deku does too.”
“Yes,” You replied simply, watching Bakugou’s lips curl into a grin as he began to soothe his hands along your thighs, the calloused palms catching against your softness as he groaned low in his throat.
“Do you have a safe word?” You scrunched your nose slightly at the question, you’d never really felt the need for one with Midoriya before. The positions and kinks you’d both explored in the bedroom hardly warranted one, and often if you just told him to stop he would.
“No.” You whispered.
“Jesus,” Bakugou turned his head to glare at Midoriya, “Do you guys do anything?”
“We do—” Midoriya countered, “We just never need one. She says stop and I stop.”
“Well, I’m gonna fuckin’ need one.” Bakugou turned back to you, “If I do anything you don’t like, or it’s too much and you want to stop. Anytime, say boom. You got that?”
You found yourself nodding before you remembered what Bakugou had said before, “Yes.”
He grinned up at you, “What’s the safe word?”
“Good girl.” The praise sent a jolt of electricity directly to your clit as you tried to squeeze your thighs together to give yourself some much-needed friction. A movement that didn’t go unnoticed by Bakugou as he gave you a coy smirk, “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’ll get to you in a second, okay?”
“What if she says boom during- you know? By accident?” Midoriya mumbled.
“What? You’ve fucked her so good you’ve got her screaming ‘boom’?” Bakugou snorted.
“Well, no but-”
“So I think she’ll be safe,” Bakugou stroked your cheek, “What do you think, sweetheart? You wanna change the safe word?”
“No,” You whispered, earning a grin from Bakugou.
“Atta girl,” He squeezed your thigh in confirmation as he turned his attention back to Midoriya.
“What do you actually do together?” Bakugou snorted, “Do you even know where the clit is?”
“Of course I do,” He mumbled, “I’ve made her cum.”
“What about the g-spot?” Bakugou continued, uncaring for Deku’s endeavours in the bedroom as he was more enticed by the sight of you nervously staring down at him.
“The what?” Midoriya mumbled.
“Jesus.” Bakugou rolled his eyes, “No wonder you need fuckin’ help.”
Bakugou stood from his position between your thighs as he held a warm hand out to you to move you to stand.
“Will you take your shirt off for me and get on the bed?” His gruff voice was soft as you found yourself nodding before he’d even finished asking.
Moving your hands down to the hem of the shirt you were wearing to leave yourself in your pair of cotton panties.
“Is this part of it?” You whispered.
“Nah, I just wanted to see your pretty tits.” He grinned as you saw Deku scrunch his nose in irritation behind you.
Bakugou had a completely warped sense of power having you completely naked while he remained fully clothed. Also seeing you sat there in what was obviously a shirt you’d stolen from Deku had him irritable, not wanting to make you climax while you were wearing the shirt of another Pro-Hero. It was bad enough that you weren’t his in the first place, you deserved better.
“You’re so pretty,” Bakugou groaned as he stood beside the bed, eyes roaming your exposed skin, “Deku’s so fuckin’ lucky, ain’t he?”
You looked over at your boyfriend who was watching the scene intently, a sweet smile on his face when his gaze met yours, an evident bulge thick in his pants.
“Do you mind if I touch you a little first, to help you relax?” Bakugou moved to kneel on the bed between your thighs as he hovered over you, still fully clothed.
“Don’t kiss her,” Midoriya called out from behind.
“Shut up, Deku. You wanted me here, you don’t get to bark orders at me now.” Bakugou spat, but to your disappointment, he avoided your lips as he pressed a gentle kiss against your collarbone.
“This okay?” He whispered as he reached up to cup one of your breasts tentatively, your nipple pebbling beneath his palm as you released a soft sigh.
The calloused pads of his fingers moved to pinch the sensitive buds as he twirled and twisted them between his digits, pulling more pretty noises from your throat as he felt his cock throbbing beneath his sweats.
“You like that, huh?” Bakugou smirked, leaning down to capture the other between his lips as his teeth grazed the sensitive skin. Shamelessly clenching your thighs together as your hand immediately moved to the back of his head to thread your fingers through his messy mop of hair, nails grazing his scalp as you tugged roughly. Causing Bakugou to groan against your skin, sending pleasurable vibrations through you.
“Is this necessary?” Midoriya spoke as he sat down on the bed on the other side, causing Bakugou to pull back from your chest with a snarl. The cool air in the room cooled Bakugou’s spit against your nipple as you shivered beneath him.
“You want me to get her to squirt when she ain’t even horny?” Bakugou scoffed, “You slide it in dry, dumbass?”
“We have lube.” Midoriya mumbled, “If it’ll help?”
“Fuckin’ hell.” Bakugou pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to control his temper, were you really happy with this idiot? “If she’s turned on, it’ll be easier to make her squirt. You know that right?”
“Oh-” It was as though a lightbulb had been illuminated in Midoriya’s mind, as you knew he was probably fighting the urge to grab his phone to take notes, “I get it, keep going.”
“We’re gonna take these off so I can help Deku make you feel good, sweetheart. Is that okay?” Bakugou thumbed the edge of your basic panties, wishing you’d picked one of your sexier pairs today but he was still staring down at you with the most intoxicated look in his eyes.
“Yeah,” Bakugou began to tug the cotton down your thighs as he noticed the silvery strings of slick connected between you and the fabric. Wondering if he’d manage to commandeer them by the end of the night as a depraved souvenir, “Fuck.”
In hindsight, it was probably a terrible idea for Bakugou to agree to this when he was so completely in love with you. If he had asked Kirishima for his opinion before answering he knew his best friend would’ve shot it down in an instant. Telling him not to get himself involved and end up hurt, that having a taste of you would only make him want you more. And now Bakugou could confirm this was true. It was as though he’d been led through the gates of heaven and been shown paradise, and now he didn’t want to leave. The moment he’d coveted for so long was finally happening, and now he’d had a taste of you it wasn’t enough. He was greedy.
“I’m not sure I can do it, I’ve never before-” You mumbled shyly.
“That’s cause shitty Deku doesn’t know how to do it,” Bakugou replied with a grin.
“No, I mean. I’ve never- even with myself—“ You trailed off, hoping you wouldn’t have to be subjected to the embarrassment of explaining.
“Oh fuck,” Bakugou groaned, “That’s so hot. You been trying to make your pretty little pussy squirt all by yourself, sweetheart?”
You gasped at his blunt words and how they had your clit throbbing harshly.
“How have you been trying to do it? You got toys or you use those little fingers?”
“Both. Mostly m-my fingers,” You whispered. You’d tried toys before but none had been tailored specifically to help women squirt, little bullet vibes or clit-sucking vibrators that seemingly did little to help in your endeavour.
Bakugou sucked in a breath at your response, trying to stop himself from cumming in his pants at the admission as he imagined you alone in your bed trying desperately to get yourself off with your little fingers and silicone toys to no avail. Oh, he’d show you how to cum and he’d have you cumming hard.
“You’re pure sin, sweetheart. Pure fuckin’ sin.” Bakugou groaned, “Don’t worry, Dynamight’s got you now.”
Bakugou moved his fingers to stroke against your outer labia, groaning at how soft you felt as he began to spread your folds between his thumb and forefinger as he caught sight of your tiny clit peeking out for him. Shamelessly staring at you as he committed the sight to memory, knowing that this would be the subject of his motivations on those lonely nights when he’s fucking his fist to the thought of you.
Dragging his fingers between your folds as the calloused tips caught your clit, causing your hips to buck as he continued lower. Circling your tight entrance as he began to press his middle finger inside you, feeling your tight walls beginning to squeeze around him.
Shit, you were so tight. Did Deku even fuck you at all?
“She’s so tight,” Bakugou mumbled through clenched teeth as he began to wiggle his finger inside you.
“I know,” Midoriya grinned as he watched his friend touch his girlfriend.
Bakugou continued languidly pumping his finger inside you as you felt his blunt nails dragging along the ridges of your walls, sweet whines spilling from your lips as he finally managed to slide another inside you to begin stretching you out around him. He was tempted to swoop down to taste you, but he didn’t want Midoriya to stop him before he’d even begun as he continued pumping his fingers inside you. His thumb pressed against your puffy clit as he heard the sinful groan that left your body, your walls clamping down around him as he watched your eyes clench shut in pleasure.
“When she gets close you wanna start curling your fingers towards you.” Bakugou curled his fingers as he pressed them against the spongy spot inside you.
“Curl my fingers?” Midoriya mumbled.
“Yeah? Like this,” Bakugou pulled his soaked fingers from your cunt as he showed them to Deku, his cock throbbing at how they glistened beneath the lights in the room as you made a sound of irritation at the loss of contact.
“Don’t whine, baby, don’t whine. I gotcha. I’m not gonna leave you unsatisfied.” Bakugou smirked, moving them to slip back inside your body, “Gotta show this dumbass how to please you right, don’t I?”
You sighed as he resumed position, continuing to pump his fingers inside you as you felt the tightness continuing to build in your stomach as he worked you towards your climax.
“And if you wanna speed things up you can put your palm here,” Bakugou moved his free hand to press against your pelvis firmly, increasing the tension as you bucked your hips, “See? Doesn’t that feel good, sweetheart?”
“Yeah,” You choked on a gasp as your walls began to tremor around his fingers, Midoriya’s cock throbbing in his pants at the sight as he palmed himself through the fabric.
Bakugou’s fingers were constant on the same spot inside you, flicking his wrist with each pump as he felt your legs trying to clamp down around him. His thick thighs pressed between them to stop you from avoiding the sensation as he continued his precise movements.
“I feel funny.” You tremble, your hands fisting the sheets beneath you as you feel like you might need to pee. The shame and embarrassment throbbing inside you as you try desperately to hold yourself back, cowering away from your bliss.
“Don’t fight it, sweet girl.” Bakugou cooed gently, “Just let it happen.”
An unfamiliar sensation began to swirl in your pelvis, the coil inside you tightening as you cried out, writhing against the sheets as the sensation began to consume you.
“Stop, oh my god. It’s too much.” Tears began to cling to your lashes as you thrashed beneath Bakugou, his hand against your pelvis keeping you steady as he continued his movements.
“She said stop,” Midoriya’s eyes were wide with worry as Bakugou definitely did not stop.
“She’ll tell you to stop, but she’s got a safe word for a reason. Don’t you, sweetheart?” Bakugou pressed, vermillion eyes looking up at your face, “Do you wanna use the safe word?”
“No,” You managed to choke out, “Oh my god-”
Bakugou kept his thumb constant against your clit as his fingers continued beating against the same spot inside you repeatedly.
Your climax came so abruptly that you didn’t even register it at first, a jumbled mixture of words tumbled from your lips as you felt yourself come undone. Your mind was hazy with euphoria as both men stared between your thighs unabashedly, watching the clear stream of liquid spurt from your cunt and soak the sheets beneath you.
Tears began to stream down your temples as Bakugou pulled his fingers from your spent body, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against your puffy clit to help ease you down from your high as Midoriya stared down at you in awe.
“Wow,” Midoriya whispered breathlessly as he stared down at the filthy sight in front of him, the sheets damp beneath you as you tried to blink back the white spots that blanked your vision.
Watching his friend doing such illicit things to you shouldn’t have made him feel so needy, so desperate. Groaning beneath his breath as he watched the steady rise and fall of your chest as you tried to regain your breath, reaching out to palm one of your tits as you sighed blissfully.
“Good girl,” Bakugou squeezed your hip softly, his grey sweats now soaked with your arousal, “Did it feel good?”
Your walls continued throbbing as you nodded your head, your entire body aflame as both men stared at the mess between your thighs.
“Fuck it,” Bakugou loomed over you as he brought his lips down to your messy slit, dragging his tongue between your folds.
You jolted in surprise as your lips parted in a muted cry, feeling his tongue prodding against your tight entrance as he lapped at your release like a man starved.
“You already made her do it” Midoriya mumbled as he palmed his cock, his boxers felt as wet as the sheets beneath you as he tried to adjust his skin against the sticky fabric, “It’s my turn now right?”
He sounded like a child asking to play with a toy at Christmas, his palm wrapped around your thigh as he tried to pull you in his direction. Feeling Bakugou’s lips curve into a snarl against your cunt as he growled in irritation.
“Listen, I’m helping you out it’s the least you could do.” Bakugou pulled back from your cunt with a smirk, his chin glistening with your essence as he crudely wiped it off with the back of his hand, “Alright your turn, dumbass. Let’s see if you learnt anything.”
“Okay,” Bakugou moved to give Midoriya more room as your boyfriend settled between your thighs, his hands stroking against your soft skin as he gently dragged his fingers through your slit.
“Do you think you can do it again for Deku, angel?” Bakugou cooed as he lay beside you on the bed, his scent intoxicating as the warmth of his body heat began to surround you.
“Mmm, yeah.” You hummed, breathing a soft sigh as you felt Midoriya press a solo finger inside your fluttering walls.
“Is that good, baby?” Midoriya whispered as he began to pump it inside your pliant body, feeling your walls throbbing around him as you nodded your head.
“More,” You mumbled, keening as Midoriya happily obliged. Two fingers now pumping inside you as you began to roll your hips to meet his movements, feeling the pleasure beginning to build inside as you climbed towards the same peak.
“So fingers against her g-spot.” Bakugou guided, his hand moulding your breast, uncaring that it was covered in your drying slick as he thumbed your nipple. Your back arched off the bed as you leaned into his touch.
“Where?” Deku mumbled.
“Jesus,” Bakugou rolled his eyes as he moved back between your thighs to settle beside Midoriya, “Did ya not listen to anything I just fuckin’ told ya?”
“No, no, I did.” Midoriya mumbled, “I mean I can’t find it.”
You could feel Midoriya’s fingers messily jabbing inside you as they searched for the coveted spot, shifting uncomfortably beneath him as his nails began to catch against your spongy walls.
“Fuckin’ dumbass,” Bakugou grunted as he gave a final, lingering squeeze to your tit before shifting his body to settle back beside Midoriya, shouldering him roughly to make room between your thighs. Taking one of his fingers as he hooked it inside you beside your boyfriend's, the sensation causing you to gasp as both men filled you up. Bakugou deliberately wriggled his digit until it pressed against the exact spot inside you, almost as though it was already muscle memory, Midoriya following suit as he felt the smooth ridge along your walls.
“That— right there.” Bakugou groaned as he watched your face contort in pleasure, “See how much she likes it?”
Thrashing against the bed as you leaned into their touch, “More.”
Feeling the extra stimulation from the stretch of both men inside you at the same time as they continued to press against the spot, attempting to match each other’s rhythm but it was still off-kilter as Midoriya pressed away from you as Bakugou pressed against it. The sloppy movement actually left you feeling even hotter and bothered as neither allowed you a moment of respite, moaning sinfully as you felt the pleasure building inside you once more.
“Slutty girl,” Bakugou smirked, watching your face contort in pleasure as he kept his movements consistent.
Midoriya had never called you anything like it, and it left you feeling warm and craving the sound again. Wanting to hear Bakugou spew all kinds of filth against the shell of your ear as he helped you vault into the feeling of pure ecstasy.
“Put your hand there, man. Let her feel it— that’s it.” Beckoning Midoriya to place his hand on your pelvis to try and increase the tension building between your thighs while simultaneously holding your writhing body steady, “You like both of us at the same time, hah?”
“Fuck,” You choked on a gasp as a jolt of pleasure surged through you to descend directly to your core.
“Keep hitting it, she’s clenching.” Bakugou continued, flicking his wrist with more urgency, “She’s close, you gonna show Deku how pretty you are when you’re squirtin’ for him, yeah?”
“Yeah,” You cried out, the pleasure inside you overwhelming as you felt yourself being thrust into your bliss until the sensation was promptly stolen from you. Groaning indignantly as you felt tears welling in your eyes at the loss of sensation.
“Fuckin’ idiot.” Midoriya pulled away early, causing Bakugou to curse under his breath as he swiftly added another finger to resume his friend's movements.
Midoriya’s eyes widened as he spewed our apologies, resuming his movements inside you, “I thought she already came.”
“Just keep goin’ you’ll know when she’s done,” Bakugou snarled, biting his tongue to stop himself from starting a fight with his friend just as you were at the height of your climax.
“I’m gonna- I’m- oh my god,” The sensation was so overwhelming as you were plunged into paradise. Screaming as pleasure consumed you, your walls clamping down around both men's fingers as you came undone. You didn’t think you’d be able to squirt twice in a row, but you were proved wrong as a stream of liquid began to seep from your body.
Both men kept you riding through the pleasure as more clear spurts of liquid continued to spill out against their forearms and collect against the sheets. Pressing all four of his fingers against your clit to frantically rub it from side to side as drops of liquid began to spray beneath them. Making an even bigger mess than before as both men continued to watch in awe.
“Don’t pull back now, dumbass. Are you fuckin’ stupid or somethin’?” Bakugou snarled as your boyfriend pulled back thinking you’d already climaxed, “She’s still cumming.”
More desperate cries sounded from your lips as Bakugou prolonged your pleasure, you’d never felt quite so lightheaded as you did at this moment. The euphoria completely consumed you until all you could see were those same pretty eyes staring down at you, your cunt throbbing around his fingers as he began to slow his movements. This time allowing you to close your thighs around his hand as you reached out lethargically to wrap a hand around his wrist to stop him from torturing your overstimulated sex.
"Love yo-" Bakugou stopped himself before the words slipped out, hearing Kirishima's irritating voice at the back of his head, "Love this fuckin' pussy."
“S’too much,” You whined, feeling Bakugou’s fingers still inside you as he stopped tormenting your smooth walls, cherishing the aftershocks of you throbbing around him.
“Poor, baby.” Bakugou feigned sympathy, “But it felt good, didn’t it pretty girl?”
You were nodding before he’d even finished the question, unable to remember a time you'd felt so attractive and desired by someone. The look of absolute adoration in both men's gazes as they looked down at you with lust-blown eyes had a heightened pleasure soaring through you.
“You did such a good job for us, sweetheart. Looked all pretty and shit squirtin’ for us.”
“I didn’t think I could,” You mumbled shyly.
“Clearly hadn’t been doin’ it right, hah.” Bakugou grinned, finally pulling his fingers from your slick heat as you whined from the loss of contact.
“Can’t believe you’ve never done this for her before, asshole.” Bakugou scoffed, his cock throbbing painfully hard beneath his soaked sweats as he tried to commit the debauched sight of you to memory, “What else do I need to teach you, Deku?”
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moominsuki · 1 year
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✎ᝰ BAKUGOU KATSUKI ; — bakugou hates everything about valentine’s day & nothing could change that. unfortunately for him, nothing is your middle name.
࿄ ! warnings — none. super cute fluff. / note. p2 is here :} enjoy <3
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“i hate valentine’s day.”
bakugou and kirishima storm through the streets of tokyo, donning their hero uniforms and watching the public. kirishima rolls his eyes and tightly grabs the shoulder of his friend before he can shake him off in disgust.
“hate is a strong word, bakubro. you dislike valentine’s day. and i don’t believe that for a second. you just haven’t find the right one to love valentine’s with,” kirishima contends as he looks up at the billboards brandished with the latest advertisements going on and on about the latest swarovski bracelet and “the best flowers to get any woman to love you.”
“suckers like you are the reason why that is stupid day is such a big deal,” bakugou grumbles. “you’re gonna celebrate a made up day-” “it’s not made up!” “made up day to bait you into spending all your money on dumb shit. it’s useless and you’re dumb.”
kirishima laughs at bakugou’s cynicism and shakes his head. “like i said, you just haven’t find the right one! no offence, but taking romance advice from you would be like taking advice from denki.” bakugou shoots kirishima a pointed look and he puts his hands up in a surrendered pose.
“i’m just saying, while i buy flowers and a necklace for a lovely lady of mine, you can wallow in your pity party against the most romantic day of the year. that’s the best thing you can do for a girl.” bakugou groans outwardly and turns to look at his friend.
“is this a patrol or a reason for ya to go on and on about your new girlfriend? cos’ it seems like we ain’t scoping for villains and i’m just an ear to hear about how you get your dick wet.”
kirishima’s face curls at bakugou’s crude language and he shoves the blonde somewhat playfully. “firstly, my relationship with my girl is more than that. and secondly, it wouldn’t be manly of me to talk about my sex life.” bakugou scoffs at this.
“so instead you’ll subject me to ya boring love stories? hard pass.”
at this point, both the guys had reached their agency: being so caught up in their conversation about love and whatnot meant they subconsciously arrived at the huge, vast building.
“‘m sure dunceface and pinky will want to hear all about how you spent 15,000 yen on a fucking necklace but i don’t. have i already told you how stupid that was, by the way?”
kirishima sighs and opens the door, “that’s probably the only thing you’ve inputted into this conversation.”
the boys walk into the entrance and the reception is donned with flowers and glitter and pink hearts alike. the display left a sickening taste in bakugou’s mouth. there’s no way he would’ve co-signed something as ugly as this. it was definitely mina or denki or even deku-
“hey you guys! how do you like the look of the downstairs? i figured it’s not as valentine’s-esque as i would’ve liked but the glitter and the tendrils are pink and they’re heart shaped so i think it makes up for the other…” you gesture to the other parts of the decor that cover the entirely of the ground floor, “parts!”
kirishima looks at bakugou tentatively through his peripheral vision and bakugou’s eyebrows are so far raised, they’ve disappeared into the wheat strands adoring his hairline.
“i like it a lot, y/n! i can really feel the loving energy here,” exclaims kirishima and you smile and clap your hands at that.
“that’s so good to hear! some of the others said that it was perfect but didn’t know if you guys would like it as much…” you trail off and look at bakugou. he’s thankful that his mask covers up the movement of his eyes because he couldn’t have hated something more. the sickening colour of fuschia and pale pink messed with his feng shui more than he let on at this moment. if you were dunceface, he would’ve punched you up at this moment. heck, if you were pinky, he would’ve pulled on your ear and chastised you for not telling him first. if you were literally anybody else, you would’ve had an earful.
but you were you.
“i think it looks good,” bakugou hums and he nods before walking away to the elevators at the end of the vast room. you turn to see his moving body and you look at kirishima again in confusion.
“is he okay? are you sure he actually likes it?” you ask kirishima slowly and kirishima waves his hands at you.
“trust me, if he didn’t like it, he would’ve said something. you know bakugou doesn’t beat around the bush.” you smile in relief at that and kirishima quickly says bye to join bakugou in the closing lift.
“hey! wait up, bakugou!” kirishima makes the lift and is immediately welcomed by floating daisies and roses. bakugou stands staring straight out the doors of the elevator, not a lick of emotion on his face.
“so, uh, what was that?” asks kirishima after a lick of silence. bakugou scoffs, “i dunno what you’re talking about.”
kiri notices the tips of bakugou’s ears are red and he ponders on commenting on it before deciding he would prefer life.
“well, if i were you, i would get y/n a gift. but that’s just me though,” whistles the red haired man and bakugou’s eye twitches slightly and he rubs a hand across his face.
“fuck you and stop looking at me like that,” bakugou grumbles as kirishima nods with a knowing look on his face.
“…i heard through the grapevine that y/n really likes tulips and snapdragons - but you didn’t hear it from me!” mentions kirishima and as soon as those elevator doors open, bakugou storms out of there in a flurry, leaving his friend behind.
back in his office, bakugou sits at his desk and runs his fingers through the various decorations on his desk. it was the complete opposite of what his office usually looked like and to him, the runes of pink and red and white were ruining his feng shui. he picks up a card that’s situated on the edge of his desk and he doesn’t even have to open it to know it’s from you.
“dear ka bakugou,
i know the colours and the showiness might get too much for you so here’s a small gift from me before the day of festivities :) i.e. thank you for being a good sport!
love, y/n”
a gift card for his favourite watch brand sat in between the panels of the sickeningly glittery card.
when kirishima came to grab bakugou for lunch, he didn’t bring up the numerous tabs of florists and “gifts for girls you like” on the blond’s computer. and he definitely didn’t bring up the check of 135,000 yen addressed as “y/n’s gift” sitting amongst layers of paperwork.
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࿄ ! — all rights reserved © moominsuki. please do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend my work outside of tumblr. this is strictly prohibited.
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darkmajesty-xo · 2 years
soft awkward izuku fluff
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izuku doesn't do this.
he doesn't like nightclubs, finding them too loud and crowded. with his line of work he's constantly on edge, so it's seeming impossible for him to "let go" in an environment like this.
he doesnt like hard liquor, preferring to sip a beer, or two, throughout the night because he'd always been a lightweight and he'd hate to ruin someone else's night by having them babysit him. kacchan's complained about it more than once.
he doesn't like small talk, it's not one of his strong suits. he can be a bit oblivious to social cues and tends to ramble incessantly about quirks, and all might and topics much too personal for polite conversations with strangers. he always ends up stammering out apologies and turning beet red when he gets "the look".
izuku doesn't do this.
he really did not want to go out tonight.
he really did not want to put on this dress shirt.
he really did not want to wait at the bar.
he turns around to look at his friend group. they're all laughing and carrying on with models and bottle girls that are desperate for their attention. even kacchan seems to be having a good time, probably recounting his victories and relishing in the way the girls linger to his every word. it's just not like that for izuku, he's always felt so awkward.
izuku doesn't do this.
he isn't some cassonova, like shinsou or sero, that can have a girl leaving with them before they'd even exchanged pleasantries.
he isn't cool or funny, like kaminari or kirishima, that can laugh a girl right out of her panties.
he isn't mysterious like shoto or confident like kachaan, whose mere existence is enough to attract a harem.
izuku doesn't do this.
he isn't his friends.
he's just--
you're pretty, so so pretty; beautiful even. your smile is radiant; it leaves him breathless. your voice is angelic; like his own personal symphony. your eyes are kind; he could stare into them for hours. your body is amazing; you look so soft-- he wants to touch you in all the best, and worst, ways. your scent is hypnotic, it compliments you perfectly; he can't stop himself from leaning in-- it's like he's in a trance.
"wow, i can't believe i'm meeting my favorite hero! what can i get for you?"
he's your favorite hero? praise all might, he's blessed. to think that an angel like you had even considered his presence was astounding. if this was a different time, he'd worship at your feet with offerings of sacrifice and allegiance. you are the embodiment of all the beautiful things in the world that he'd sworn to protect. he doesn't even know your name but he's already named your three children and decided where you all would vacation in the summers.
izuku doesn't do this, because if he did he wouldn't have said that out loud and you wouldn't be giving him "the look". and fuck if he isn't mortified. can he not be a fucking nerd for once in his miserable existence ? maybe shinsou can brainwash him into forgetting how you flipped him off and called him a creep. his self deprecating mind can't handle that kind of torment on repeat.
izuku doesn't do this… and it seems like you can tell because why haven't belittled him ? why haven't you ran in the other direction? why aren't you giving him 'the look' anymore ? why are you smiling at him ?
"do i at least get to help plan the wedding? or was marriage not on the agenda?"
a joke.
that was a joke.
you were laughing with him, and not at him.
"of c-course you could help p-plan it but i think you should give me your number first".
he can thank the vestiges of OFA for that confident delivery because he was on the verge of passing out.
you whistled lowly, then bent down to grab two beers from under the bar.
"how about we start with names and see where the night takes us, huh? cheers".
izuku doesn't do this, but with the feeling of your fingers brushing his own as you hand him the drink lets him know that you're well worth it. he doesn't like his shirt, or this club but he likes you.
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benevolentspidey · 11 days
What’re your bakudeku hcs?
honestly what are they NOT lmao
izuku cannot cook to save his life but he always feels slightly guilty because katsuki is always cooking them food, so every now and then katsuki will let him cook them lunch for work the next day and if anyone even gives a sideways glance at how truly awful their food smells during lunch, katsuki will glare daggers into them while taking mouthfuls of the stuff. he just loves to see the proud smile on izukus face when he finishes the entire meal raving about how good it was.
the one thing izuku is good at making is bread, even better than katsuki (katsuki is still totally the better bread baker but AGAIN he lies and claims he’s not great at it because he is in love and a simp for izuku and loves to make his boy happy)
katsuki took night classes on massage therapy during their lasy year at UA because he knows how bad izuku's hands and arms hurt (ESPECIALLY when the weather changes) and the only way he knows how to fix it is by massaging them. (he literally has to force izuku to sit down and let him because he’ll deny it till he’s blue in the face that he's in any pain)
they have codependency issues so bad after the war that they’re literally inseparable for WEEKS before adults intervene and force them into therapy. like they have some part of their body touching each other at all times type of separation anxiety. (the final straw was when aizawa walked into the dorm kitchen to find katsuki giving izuku a piggyback ride while he walked all about in the kitchen trying to cook dinner for the class. izuku was passed out taking a nap during the whole ordeal.)
katsuki always washes izukus hair and does his curly hair haircare routine because no matter how many time he takes izuku through it, he always manages to fuck it up on his own.
Izuku pretends to be bad at it on purpose because he loves katsuki washing his hair he finds it hilarious that katsuki hasn’t figured it out yet
katsuki knows
they never outright confirm to the media if they’re dating or not, they don’t do PDA a whole lot, but they’re close enough that questions and rumors run wild. even when the media outright asks them they’re so vague it’s actually annoying
‘dynamight, what are your feelings towards deku?’ ‘right now? pretty fucking pissed he took down the villain right as I was closing in on him. took all the lime light away from me, the fucker.’
'hero deku! how are you and dynamight going to celebrate his new ranking in the hero chart? I'm sure it's going to be... explosive.' 'I think we're all going out with our former class mates for dinner or drinks or something. And kacchan is really good at controlling his quirk, so there's not going to be any unnecessary explosions, thats why he made it into the top 10!'
they are literally REQUIRED by their government issued therapist to not engage in PDA because:
1. their therapist is damn good at their job and knows the media coverage and public opinion on their relationship will send the pair of them into a tailspin and 
2. engaging in PDA will increase their codependency issues
They have a love-hate relationship with their therapist
the first time they argue after they get together is literally over groceries. because katsuki and izuku didn’t have any semblance of a friendship when they got to their teen years, katsuki didn’t see the midoriyas growing struggle with money. so when bakugo comes back from the store spending an extortionate amount on groceries that should've cost like ¥20,000 and he comes back having spent over ¥70,000 , izuku goes on an anxiety induced lecture about how careless katsuki was with their money, katsuki gets PISSED because he’s not careless and it spirals out of control until izuku finally burst out with ‘what are we gonna eat when all the food runs out and we have no more money’ and then, shocked and having no idea where izuku would that impression from has them sit down to have a conversation (okay actually i need someone to make this into a fic. shit i think i might make this into fic)
katsuki has a soft spot for mange-y and abandoned cats and will bring them home and take care of them until they're fully healed before rehoming them.
Izuku would never tell katsuki this, but he is very allergic to cats. He would rather die though than tell him and ruin his rehoming hobby.
izukus guilty pleasure is trash reality tv. (im talking like KUWTK and jersey shore type of trash reality tv) katsuki rolls his eyes at it and will tease izuku over it, but izuku will always find him standing behind the couch watching it while izuku is binging watching the episodes he's missed.
katsuki's love language is definitely words of affirmation but like done in the right way (aka the deku way) and physical touch (and also acts of service but it really depends on the person and the day)
izukus is acts of service and quality time (literally, katsuki will just sit next to him on the couch and let him ramble and ramble about what ever is in his notebook or on his mind for hours and izuku gets so much joy and love from that one small action)
i will fight tooth and nail for this take but katsuki is NOT the space heater everyone thinks he is. he's got very warm hands because of his quirk but out of the pair of them, izuku is the hot box when they're sleeping.
even though one of katsuki's love languages is physical touch he doesn't like people touching him or being in his personal space. besides izuku, the only other person allowed in his personal space is surprisingly todoroki
here's just a few headcanons i have. i'll probably add to this at different points because i definitely have more i just haven't ever written them down before
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celabi · 2 years
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To say 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 was mad was an understatement, because he was fucking fuming. His rough and scarred hands clawing at anything they could grab on to, with the unfortunate victim being the arm rest of the couch he was sitting on, well— half sitting on, considering the fact that his body, trembling in rage, was hunched so far forward that it looked like he would slip off at any second.
Kaminari— who was seated beside him (albeit further away then usual) decided he wouldn’t make a snide comment on this one, like he normally would, because he knew the moment he’d open up his big mouth, his head would no longer be attached to the neck. So he fought against his urges to tease the hot head and just mind his own business, though occasionally throwing him glances to make sure that he would not become Bakugou’s next victim when the armrest gets boring to scratch at.
‘I’ll kill that bastard, I’ll really kill him this time!’ The ash blond screams in his head, his fierce, red eyes locked onto one thing and one thing only— you. You looked so pretty in your casual clothes, better then the ugly fucking gym clothes you’d choose to wear when training, because the design of them does you no justice. But these clothes do. It’s cold today, so he’s at least glad you decided to be smart for once and wear a long sleeved shirt to stay relatively warm.
Though it’s not your choice of clothing Bakugou should be focused on right now, but the damn stupid extra, cluelessly standing right in front of you, and although you don’t seem to mind the closeness of their presence, It’s way too close for Bakugou’s liking, because in his opinion, you should communicate with anyone at least three feet away. But alas, he doesn’t own you and you have free will to say and do whatever you please. Though sometimes he wished you wouldn’t, not when the person you’re talking with is him.
Stupid, fucking, Deku.
Stupid fucking Deku who smiles at you so sweetly— a hand on your shoulder while you both converse about hero society and whatnot. Boring stuff that Bakugou couldn’t give a shit about, which is exactly why he shooed you off with a ‘leave me alone’ and left to take a seat when you tried to get him immersed into the conversation. Though now— if he knew how your attention would be solely onto the damn nerd, smiling and looking at him like he hung the stars and more— he would have put up with it and kept guard.
Is he jealous? No, Bakugou doesn’t get jealous. He gets angry. And when he gets angry, he takes it out on anything and anyone. So— with the already little patience he had, had finally dried up, he wastes not time in shooting up from the couch and stalking over towards the both of you, ignoring Kaminari’s exaggerated, loud exhale of relief when he leaves.
He successfully makes his presence known— either from his heavy booted footsteps thumping across the hardwood floor in your direction, or how he’s already shouting loud profanities at the top of his lungs, directed to the poor green head nerd he’s been violently eying for the past minute. “Damn Deku! Get your grubby hands offa’ her!” There’s not a hint remorse laced in his tone, a sign that he’s not messing around.
Izuku quickly does as he’s told, throwing his hands up in front of his face defensively, praying to god that he didn’t anger the boy even more the he already is, when he unconsciously lets out a small, pathetic ‘eek—!’ in surprise. “K-kaachan! What’s wrong?! What did I do?!” He stutters out, mentally passing out when his arms are swatted away and his shirt collar is roughly being pulled upwards, his tips of his feet just barely kissing the ground.
“What do you think you did, ya damn loser!” He carelessly shakes the poor, smaller boy around in air— excavating multiple scared squeaks from him in to process. And when you start to see vibrant, red sparks emit from the blond haired boys hand, you decide to finally step in and break them up.
“Katsuki, quit it. Leave Izuku alone, he didn’t do whatever you’re mad about.” He turns his head towards you, his previously narrowed eyes slightly softening when they land on your face. And although you’re staring at him in annoyance— he still thinks you look as beautiful as you did the day he met you, all while unconsciously letting his hand loosen and dropping Midoriya from his grip, letting him fall ass first on the floor.
“You’re on first name basis with this guy? When did you get so close with him?” He asks, mentally cursing himself by how much softer his voice sounds when it’s directed towards you. You blink once, then twice, making his eyes twitch when you blink a third time. “God, don’t look at me like that!” He tries to ignore the way his face starts to feel hotter, but he’s sure his ears are bright red.
“Why… do you care, who I’m friends with, or who I’m close to?” You slowly question— sending Midoriya an apologetic, tilted smile when he cautiously waves you off and quietly crawls away from the now awkward situation he found himself in. “It’s not like we’re dating or anything, I can bond with whoever I want to. But since you asked, Izuku and I grew close when I helped him confess to his feelings Ochako.”
Now it’s his turn to blink in confusion, staring at you like you grew a second head. “You mean, those two idiots are… dating?” You nod, a teasing smile slowly etching across your face at his baffled expression. “And you don’t have feelings for him… do you?” You once again, nod, making Bakugou let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Why do you wanna know? You jealous or something? Ohh, I see. You like me, don’t you.” Except your teasing words don’t receive the reaction you were expecting. Usually when teased about his feelings, Bakugou would blow up and threaten your life, but this time, his voice his just above a whisper as he embarrassedly looks off to the side.
“Yeah… maybe i do. So what?”
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nnnyxie · 11 months
I‘m inlove with an au I saw- it was bakugo x Popstar!reader so why don’t we Just Switch That and make it Izuku x Popstar!reader??🤭 like Imagine reader being a Popstar since middle/high school so Izu has been a Stan from the start!! And he works his way up to becoming a pro, Reader becoming a fan quickly and appearing on a live stream wearing his merch (I’m thinking an oversized hoodie??) And Deku hears of it- super flustered hehe and also ofc him posting maybe a story with readers music in the bg?? Stuff like that
Does that make sense?? You get what I mean right?? Okay cool
#𖢥 izuku anon
i heart ur brain so bad!!!
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you’ve been a popstar since your first year of high school!!!
you quickly gained popularity because of your unique voice and music style!! i’m thinking smthn along the lines of daoko and jun togawa!!
when you first debuted— he just loved you— he loved your music, voice, and style choices. he’s been your biggest supporter since day one!
now you…. you’ve also been a big supporter of his too!! he was just a sidekick when you first saw him in action. and you were so happy to see how he climbed the ranks!!
you loved how he interacted with his fans and how he treated the younger ones!!
when he started to gain more popularity, merch of him started coming out. you were pretty much the first to get every item. you collected all the posters, figurines, t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. you were as bad as he was when it came to all might.
though— he was the same with you. he collected your albums in all forms, he had tour shirts and sweatshirts too. (despite never being able to go to a concert.)
now onto the live stream part………
izuku usually isn’t able to watch your livestreams. they’re usually at night and he mainly does night patrol. but!! his schedule’s changed a bit and now he’s doing early noon!! how convenient!!
lucky enough!! as soon as he got home, your stream started. it was labeled:
let’s talk hero!! (aka let’s talk deku!!)
the way his face lit up—
he was definitely quick to join—
though, his ‘username just joined’ notification got drowned by all the other fans so you didn’t see it <//3
but— when you appeared, you were in his newest world heroes era costume— well, it was a sweatshirt design but still!!
he was so surprised that you were a fan of his!!! it made him so happy!!
if homeboy had a tail, it’d be wagging.
“hello everyone!!” you spoke to your phone, laughing at the amount of comments. sometimes it was overwhelming but, you’d do anything for your fans!!
canklebiter: h-h-he-hell-hello🥺
“oh…! hello cankle biter!” you tried not to laugh or outwardly cringe.
cuntryside.living: NAHHHHH THE FUCK???
patricksslutera: ignoring that. LETS TALK ABT DEKU🤭
nana.sei: yes pls 💥 let out ur fangirl side!! we luv it 💥
“alright, alright. we’ll get on with the conversation!” you clasped your hands together in excitement. “did you all see his recent save? he’s such an amazing hero! the way he was able to save all of those residents— it was truly inspiring! and he had the brightest smile on his face when they thanked him.” you smiled fondly, remembering the news report. “it must’ve been so difficult though. having all of that weight on you. all of that expediency. i can’t imagine how difficult it all is for him. he’s strong in many forms. i think that’s why i love him best.” his heart skipped a beat—
“but, he knew what he was getting into, you know? and i don’t mean that in a bad way! i mean it like— he decided to do it, knowing the repercussions. he did it because, he wanted to save people and make them happy.” you sighed, happily. “it’s so admirable.”
“and i’ll be honest— i’d be too scared to ever do that. but, seeing him in action? it’s just… inspiring. i’ve uh… this is a little embarrassing… but, i’ve dedicated quite a few of my songs to him… especially on my recent album…” you held your face in your hands. “you know the songs i’ve never explained the background of? yeah… those were the ones.” you groaned in slight embarrassment. “don’t go spreading that around now though— okay?” you playfully glared at the screen.
koushi.kt: @/mei.mei WHAT DID I SAY
earphone.jack✔︎: the green makes sense now…
pinky✔︎: @/earphone.jack I WAS JUST ABT TO SAY
nana.sei: HELP WHY IS EVERYONE ACTING SO SURPRISED??? this is them we’re talking abt c’mon🧍‍♀️
koushi.kt: wait bc i need to see them tgthr now
izuku feels dizzy and giddy.
he honestly thought that you might’ve had some secret lover due to the nature of the songs— but now that he knows the songs are for him??? he’s just !!!!
(i mean i’d be dying if i were in his shoes /pos)
he watches your live until its end— taking note of when the next will be
he also decides to ‘discreetly’ post on his story about your new album……. tagging you…….
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‘thyme’ was symbolic to courage, strength, power, and sacrifice in ancient greece & rome. which is why i chose it as a song title!!
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eris-snow · 1 year
𝐇𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮
✨When he comes back to the dorms late
Tags: bakugou x fem!reader, angst, bakugou's birthday series 2023
Bakugou isn't blind. He knows what date it is tomorrow
He doesn’t need you.
Bakugou aims another shot at a villain, gritting his teeth as he lets out a controlled explosion from the palm of his hands.
He doesn’t need you.
The more he says it, the more it becomes true.
He can cook better than anyone in his class. He can train and study without assistance. He’s on track to become a hero that surpasses All Might and there’s no way he’s going to let Damn Deku run ahead of him for long.
Bakugou doesn’t need you.
“That’s right,” He growls out at the cowering villain. “Don’t make me blast you to ashes. You and I both know I’ll do it.”
Best Jeanist’s team apprehend the jewellery robber not so long after.
“Let’s go,” He murmurs, walking away only to feel a tug back by the fibres of his garments.
“Not so fast.” The pro hero voiced.
Bakugou yanks himself out of Best Jeanist’s grasp, whipping around to glare at him.
“What the hell-?”
“It’s already past 9.00pm. I have granted your poorly thought out wish of staying on past working hours, but now I have to insist that you go home now.”
The blond growls at the Fiber Master quirk wielder. This bullshit again?
“ ’m fine.” Bakugou says flatly, adjusting his mask. “I ain’t making any mistakes, aren’t I? Stop fucking worrying.”
Best Jeanist shakes his head “Language,” He reminds gently, completely unfazed. “But I cannot allow this any longer. You have school tomorrow, and it is crucial that you have sufficient rest for your studies as well.”
Bakugou can’t help but scoff bitterly. Just a few weeks ago, he was telling Shitty Hair off for his lack of self disapline and poor sleeping schedule. Now look at him. He’s rearranging his entire fucking body clock to avoid seeing your captivating eyes and health-threatening smiles.
Your words echo of in his mind again.
“I don’t want a partner now.”
Fuck you.
He likes you, a hella lot, but he knows he shouldn’t persue you.
He’s developed feelings for you, but he knows shouldn’t be rash.
Fuck, even he doesn’t want a partner now.
But he wants you. What was so wrong with that?
All he wants to do is get you out of his mind so he can move on but-
“Don’t leave me behind,”
“Suit looks good on you too,”
“You mean a lot to me, Bakugou.”
He grits his teeth, shaking his head. There’s no getting you out of his head.
“Something is clearly bothering you.” Best Jeanist notes. “Head back to the agency and grab your things. You are dismissed for today.”
Bakugou’s heart leaps at the thought of going back to the dorms. “But-”
“You are dismissed,” Best Jeanist repeats, eyes narrowing. “Don’t make me repeat it thrice.”
For once, Bakugou’s feet move before his mouth.
So there goes his plan to camp out at his work agency. He was hoping to kill a little more time before crashing at the dorms, but Best Jeanist was right. It was late, and he was dead on his feet.
He pauses in front of the door of the dorms, hand raised. He’s not brain dead, he knows what day it is tomorrow.
Knowing you, you were probably planning his birthday out right now with those extras he guess he can call his friends. That’s just how you were.
Bakugou lets out a small grunt, rolling his eyes. Like he cares, he convinces himself.
He doesn’t need you.
The door opens to interrupt your sentence. “Look, Blasty’s finally home!” Mina squeals before the conversation freezes. Taking her lead, Kirishima continues.
“Yeah, man. Why are you home so late?” Bakugou only let’s out a tired noise as he marches his way to the lift.
“I’m going to bed." He deflects. "You should too, if you don’t want to fuck yourself over tomorrow morning.”
Somehow, you had decided that was the right moment to greet him.
“Welcome back, Bakugou.” You smile, “How was work?”
Oh, fuck everything he said.
He might not need you, but he yearns for you. So, so much.
At that moment, Bakugou can't help but imagine you doing that for someone else. He imagines you wishing someone good morning and checking up on them when they return home. You would smile softly with those pretty eyes of yours and listen to them with an attentive gaze, just like you always do for him.
No, no, no, stop he doesn't want that.
"It was good," He responds a little too eagerly. "I fought 3 v 1 for one of the battles. Those losers didn't stand a chance."
"That's amazing, Bakugou!" You breathe, and Bakugou squints a little because even though it's pitch black outside, your smile is just so bright.
His heart swells with pride, before he throws his jacket over his shoulder and plucks another cherry blossom out of his hair. "Thanks, Sunshine," he mutters, watching the lift door open as his heart cracks a little.
He can't have you.
Not now.
" Remember," He says, voice picking up volume. "Not too late, Sunshine."
Bakugou doesn't know if he's talking to you or himself.
You watch the door click shut, before letting a sigh of relief escape from your lips. "Thanks, Mina," You grin at the self-proclaimed Bakusquad, knowing smiles all plastered across their faces.
"So, about Bakugou's birthday..."
He seems...off, you think absentmindedly. That's how Bakugou has been for a day now. He's not ignoring you, but he seems quieter now.
And quiet was almost never a good sign for the constipated Pomeranian. You'll have to check up on him tomorrow.
But for now, you have a birthday party to plan and a gift to wrap.
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yukisshittyposts · 2 years
Just Imagine Bakugou with a daughter that has daddy issues: Part 3
You asked and shall receive <3
[Part 1 –> Part 2]
NOTE:  I'm so sorry it took me so long to write this! I hope you like it :) Also, since many anons requested a Part 3 but each request had a different concept, i decided to try and combine them all into one post. I hope that's alright with you <3
English is not my first language so, sorry if you find any spelling mistakes.
Btw, (D/n) = Daughter's name.
"Just so you know, Mum made me agree to this."
"I know but you could've still denied her and stay home instead of going on a walk with me."
Bakugou knew this wouldn't be easy from the moment he saw that annoyed look on your daughter's face, the same look he has himself whenever the paparazzi crowd him, according to his parents.
"So, how have you been lately?" He asks her, trying to break the ice. She stares at him for a moment, with the same crimson eyes that he has and shoves her hands inside the pockets of her dark green hoodie. Her Deku hoodie. "Good" She answers, averting her eyes from him.
"How are things at school? Do you like UA?"
"Your classmates, your teacher? Everything's alright with them?"
"With my classmates, yeah. They're cool. My teacher though..." she sighs, shaking her head. "He's a weirdo. He calls me and Reiko problem children all the damn time for some reason unknown to us and likes to sleep all the time."
"Reiko Midoriya." Ah, yes. Deku's brat.
"Let me guess, you have Aizawa as your homeroom teacher." She suddenly turns her head, looking at him with wide eyes full of surprise. "How did you–"
"He calls me from time to time to scold me for the way i handle some situations and vice versa. At some point, he called to tell me that he has a little girl in his class that radiates gremlin energy and who looks awfully like me."
Her mouth falls open and makes the shape of the letter "O".
"I do not radiate gremlin energy!" She frowns, clenching her jaw.
Bakugou chuckles and gives her a playful, lop sided smile. "Ah, yes you do."
"And how do you know that?" She asks. You don't live with me and Mum to know." Silence. Deafening fucking silence. Bakugou stops walking and stares blankly at the space before him. And to think this conversation was going so well so far... He clenches his fists and takes a deep breath, trying to keep his cool and looks at your daughter with an annoyed expression on his face.
"You know..." he starts saying. "You're the one who doesn't let me get to know you better. You realise that, right? No matter how much i try to spend time with you, you just don't let me."
"Jeez, i wonder why" she mumbles under her breath.
"It's been nine years, (D/n)!" he suddenly yells, making her flinch and take a step back. "It's been nine fucking years! I've been trying for nine fucking years and you–"
"Don't fucking put the blame on me! You left!" Your daughter yells back, pointing a finger at him. "You fucking left! You were out of my life for two fucking years! No calls, no texts, no nothing! And for what? For some stupid fucking cunt!"
"Don't bring my wife into this!"
"I will do whatever the fuck i want to!" She screams, anger thrumming through her veins and trembling with rage. "You left me! You fucking abandoned me remember? You abandoned me! Mum had to lie to me every fucking day about you! That you were on some secret fucking mission and that you weren't allowed to communicate with us! I was worried sick about you until i saw you one night on the damn TV, talking about that cunt and about your damn son!"
"I didn't want to–"
"Do you know how i felt the moment i saw you talking on that damn show?" Her voice cracks, eyes shining with the threat of tears. "Do you? I felt so fucking relieved. Finally, i remember thinking. He's back from that stupid mission. Safe and alive. Now, he can come back home and talk to me, spend time with me and help me train my quirk. I was so fucking ecstatic, so fucking excited until you started talking about her and about your son. I'm not stupid. I put the pieces together. It wasn't so hard for me to realise that the mission Mum was talking about didn't exist."
"I remember this one time" she chuckles, looking at everything except him with big, fat tears running down her face. "I was badly hurt during a training exercise. Mum had to take me to the hospital. I remember her dialing your number and calling, trying to reach you out so many times but you never picked up the phone. Thankfully, Shoto was there so i started to feel slightly better but that's not the fucking point." She sobs, trying to keep herself from completely breaking down. "You see what you do to me now? This is why i never agree to spend time with you, god fucking damnit!"
Bakugou grabs your daughter's shaking, sobbing figure and brings her towards him. He wraps his big arms around her and hugs her tightly. He places his head on top of her own and closes his eyes, trying to keep his own tears from spilling.
"Why did you leave? Why did you leave me, dad?" He hears her whimper on his chest. Fuck, she hasn't called him that in years. "Why did you leave me?"
He looks ahead for a moment, trying to find the right words to comfort his daughter.
"I never wanted to leave you, sweetheart" he whispers, rocking the both of them back and forth. "Never. I just...I just didn't want to make the same mistake again. I didn't want history to repeat itself and in the process, i made another mistake. The worst one. I hurt you. I left you when i shouldn't have and didn't think of the consequences, how it would affect you and i'm so so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. You have every right to hate me. I don't blame you for trying to avoid me all these years, honey. You have every damn right."
"All I'm asking" he continues, his voice heavy with emotion, "Is to give me another chance. I know i don't deserve it but please, give me one chance to make things right with you. Just one. Please."
Eyes swollen from the tears shed just moments ago, she let's out a shaky breath and gently pushes him away. Bakugou lets her and takes a step back to give her some space.
"I just..." She starts to say brokenly, blinking the tears away and avoiding eye contact. "I don't think i can ever forgive you for leaving." Fuck. Fuck, fuck fu–
Bakugou feels a great pang grip his heart and he forces himself to nod, misery written all over his face.
"But..." She continues, her eyes now shining with hesitance, making him look at her with a hopeful expression.
"I would like to try."
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