sermna · 2 months
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Get snoofed
ahh! :D
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the-sycophant · 5 months
What sky are you?
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Sunrise no matter how many times you get knocked down, you always get back up. you defy expectations and stay true to yourself. you are a leader - maybe not in a traditional sense in that others follow you, but you've carved out your own path in life. you are kind but unyielding. you have strong opinions and values. there's a part of you that just wants to make everyone else around you happy, but you know your limits - that you can only share what you have to give. you may seem unassuming to others at first but in time they will watch as you grow into something incredible
_______________________________________________________ Prompt || [What Sky Are You?] Tagged by (TY!!!) || @musesofawolf Tagging || You! Pop quiz due...right now!
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acoraxia · 7 months
i think i have you to blame for my love of Cloud nine duo /pos
How dare you say I am to blame for the sole duo of Sun Wukong, protector of orphans and widows, Victorious Fighting Buddha, the one sole celestial-demon hybrid creator of calamity that lived freely through his young years as if they were the best moments of his life before Havoc in Heaven, and Long Xiaojiao, descent of Bai Longma, the perfect example of playful and chaotic youth, the sole parallel to Sun Wukong's very own young adult years, the beating heart of the group in her optimism and spirit and smart wits and wonderful and keen intelligence, the very same type of intelligence that Sun Wukong displayed during his youth?
I say, holding them both very gently (along with Qi Xiaotian).
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moons-br · 3 months
You're cool, I'm very glad we're mutuals, have a good day, bye
Even when I'm gay and rb a bunch of art of a man??? /silly
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the-graves-family · 8 months
Oliver wasn’t supposed to spend his time with company.
There’s not a source of light in sight, and there’s not a trace of Oliver if the destruction around the house is anything to go off on. He usually likes to keep things neat and at least have a candle on to see better. Strange.
With the darkness enveloping every corner and open space, Ace has an unwavering gaze on him again. A pair of white, glowing eyes serve as the only source of light, head tilted abnormally to the side as it stares.
The shadows growl in displeasure, like a rabid animal not getting its way. Claws drag across the floorboards beneath it and make an uncomfortable sound, hearing rows of sharpened teeth biting down on nothing being the only evidence of them existing.
persistent pest.
The house is different than it usually is. Ace thinks it's because there's things on the floor, but he's not sure. Completely oblivious to anything and everything around him, he shambles around the living room, looking for his friend.
All past interactions with the shadows have escaped his mind, memories slipping through his fingers like sand.
When he realizes he's not alone, and that the lights in the corner are not hallucinations, he tilts his head to match its posture, in a way that should definitely be uncomfortable for someone with a normal human spine. A giggle leaves him, and he waves a little.
"Hi. Have you seen Oliver?" This is the right house, right? Leave it to Ace to get all turned around and confused. Aaron's right, he's not very smart.
"That's not very nice," he admonishes gently. Not that people didn't usually call him much worse than that. The sound is also not nice, it makes him not happy. His grin reveals his own set of sharpened teeth, although he hasn't been provoked enough to want to use them.
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dragon-ascent · 2 months
ur writing is so good i wanna eat it
Awww hehe thanks so much for liking my work! Bon appetit! What does my writing taste like, I wonder?
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havockingboo · 2 months
Randy why are all your MW OC designs so peak. Literally I look at all of them n start kicking my feet n giggling /vvpos
i don’t know! people keep saying that!!
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ysolt · 6 months
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SOOO TRUE!! what I've been saying... you're welcome for big lady
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sharkgirldick · 8 months
Steel! Carmine! Raspberry! Carmine! Lilac! Carmine!
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The down bad levels are off the charts...
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switch · 7 months
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Preview to Harold’s upgraded artwork!
upgrade: he put his hat back on
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gniteruirui · 8 months
I'm foaming out the mouth I'm not ok
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the-sycophant · 8 months
#3 on the Sexuality Headcanons post, and #23 on the Romantic Headcanons post!
[Romantic Relationships Headcanons] [Sexuality Headcanons] What are some features of others that attract them from the outset? Scars Stories made and remembered upon the body, containing aches of the past and sometimes the present, blood spilled in the name of justice, stupidity, or pleasure - Marlowe enjoys the marks upon one's flesh, indulges in how they were made and the gore that comes along with it. Her Temple worships those that survive and endure, and so too does she. To the point, sometimes, in that it makes others uncomfortable, but she likes that too on occasion. Is your muse smooth when it comes to flirting? How do they handle being flirted with? [answered here] ----------------------------------------- thank you, @the-resolute-spear, and @vazaymir for also asking this!
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lumafly · 3 months
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I have a feeling somebody booped me
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lanaevyssmoved · 7 months
for afhiri/gale: 1, 6, and 35 🫶🏼 (bonus afhiri/candor if you're up for it: 28, 40, and 49!)
1. What were their first impressions of one another?
afhiri @ gale: CLOWN BOY!!!!!!!! afhiri thought the whole hand sticking outta rock thing was SOOO funny and that gale Must be an Expert clown!!!!!!!!! admiration....
gale @ afhiri: like this tiefling is gonna need constant babysitting and hand holding and will require a lot of eyes and a lot of energy. prepares to be exhausted but is kind and gentle about it :) the holder of the toddler harness
6. Do they have any pet names/nicknames for eachother?
afhiri @ gale: afhiri will call gale anything. gale is the mr. wizardy man the bestest clown in faerun..... literally whatever pops into this babies head it is now assigned gale. he is the sweetest honey chuckle ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yknow how it is. ......
gale @ afhiri: gale calls afhiri "my love" most of all but also "hiri" and "iri".. iri is mostly reserved for when gale is being very soft and gentle.. like when he's sleepy <3 also things like "my sweet clown" teehees
35. What moment did they realise that they were in love?
afhiri @ gale: afhiri....... man. i don't think afhiri ever 'realised' when gale confessed he loves her afhiri was like Cocks Head you like me? :3c and just kinda. enjoyed that attention and only really noticed gale in that way at that moment.. when afhiri fell in love ?? no clue. afhiri don't know. gale don't know . afhiri doesn't have that kind of awareness <3
gale @ afhiri: act 1.. i wrote a wittle scene where afhiri plays the flute for gale (the flute he bought them...) and sings him a song they wrote just for gale.. the song is bad but afhiri sings well and plays well... it was very touching. gale got the doki doki man
28. Are they affectionate in public? Is it too much?
afhiri/candor: IMMENSELY SO. afhiri's natural state with candor is hands on touchy touchy grabbing Climbing... this is just completely normal for the two. candor doesn't have much or any concept on PDA and the social view of it and just allows afhiri to do whatever they like. ^_^ afhiri is CLINGING
40. What do they do when they miss one another? Is one more needy than the other/s?
afhiri @ candor: afhiri isn't one for missing really. afhiri is so In The Moment that they're not really thinking on the past and what they don't have. they are however completely inseparable when they're together however and when they're not afhiri's mind is just full of gale. no room for missing..!! afhiri is, when they're together, THE needy one... candors attention NOW please :3
candor @ afhiri: candor thinks about afhiri every waking moment. which is all the time because candor doesn't sleep :) no matter what afhiri is dominating its mind. but thanks to being a solar it doesn't stop it from doing what it needs to do.. it has room for afhiri to dominate so much headspace and still do its duty. but when they're not together candor is waiting with extreme patience for the day afhiri joins it in the upper planes. (never happens <3)
49. Do they tease each other? What about?
afhiri @ candor: afhiri is super teasing ^_^ mostly because its fun!!! and the teasing is entirely romantic or sexual in context. lots of teasing about how much candor likes afhiri like.. theyre a school kid on a playground. but candor just responds completely bluntly and honestly like. it doesn't even get it's being teased. fantastic!
candor @ afhiri: never. absolutely never. the idea is abhorrent. though it might happen by complete accident and candor WILL do all in its power to make up for this fatal mistake. <3 on one knee hand to hard please forgive me for my insolence afhiri
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👁️- Do you really know them?
Nat: "Really know him? I know Ron like the back of my own hand. We've been partners in crime for years and years now, we get on like a house on fire, we click. I can read his thoughts, I can guess his dreams. And I know that he always has my back. We're twin souls, me and him. So yes. I believe I do."
Ron: "Yeah, I mean, of course I know Nat. We've been attached at the goddamn hip for half a decade now. ...Just, you know. There's shit that we don't really talk about. Shit I keep to myself, shit they keep to themself. Normal stuff."
"And then sometimes they pull something so fucked up that I feel like there has to be someone else in there. They get this look on their face - man, whatever. Yeah, I know them, they know me. Next topic."
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thatstupiddoggymutt · 10 days
Who's a cutie pup?
Maybe me ૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა
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