yamikawas · 2 years
Yoomtah with a phone, what will she do? Send you a picture of herself right outside your window, of course! She's coming to take you away forever because she loves you!
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tootiecakes234 · 5 months
“Hey Katsuki”, you scream from the your bedroom.
“What” he yells back at you from somewhere else in the house.
“Where ya at?”
“In the game room.”
So you get up and head that way. When you enter he’s sat in his gaming chair with his headset on.
“Hey bub…. Hey guys” you say loud enough to be heard through his headset.
“Yea yea. They all said hey.” You knew Kirishima and Kaminari were on the other end. Maybe even Mina too cuz she wasn’t texting you back.
“Kit-Kat, I’m getting hungry. Do you know what sounds really good for dinner?”
“What?” he questions without taking his eyes off the screen.
You walk behind him and slide your arms around his neck and nuzzle into the back of his head. You’re trying to butter him up because you know he’s not gonna wanna make what you’re craving.
“You remember those dumplings you made from scratch a while ago?” You ask with your voice dripping in as much sweetness you can muster.
“No you don’t remember or no you’re-“
And he interrupt you before you can even finish. “No im not cooking that. There are frozen dumplings in the fridge.”
“But Sukiiiiii, those aren’t as good as the ones you make. The flavors aren’t the same and yours are so crispy and doughy. Pleaaasseee.”
“Hey you assholes shut the hell up. No ones talking to you.” He responds to his friends in the headset. “You want her to have ‘em, bring your ass over and make ‘em”
“I’m not doing this. You idiots hold on.” And he pauses the game and turns around to face you and removes his head set.
“Look we can order takeout if you want, but I’m not about to make freakin dumplings from scratch cuz you have a craving. I’d have to go to the store and get ingredients and taking the time to make the wrappings. ‘S too much.” He tries to explain to you in a rational way .
“I knooowww…. I’d go to the store with you though and I’ll help you make them…. Pretty please” you whine and stick you lowere lip out just a little with your eyes as pleading as you can make them.
Katsuki rolls his eyes and throws his head back.
“You don’t get whatever you want just because you pout at me. Spoiled ass. Not today. Maybe sometime later this week.”
You didn’t actually think he’d tell you no. He usually never does. Maybe you are spoiled. Still makes you sad though.
So you put on your big girl pants, tuck your lip back in and give him a soft “ok” before you lean down and press a soft kiss to his lips so he knows you’re not upset with him.
He is allowed to say no.
“Is Mina on the game with you guys?” You ask him when you pull back.
“Yeah she is.”
“When you get back on can you tell her to stop being a bitch and answer my phone call. I have tea to spill.”
“I’ll tell her.”
And with that you head toward the door and leave.
Once you’re back in your room it takes Mina about 3 minutes to call you and you start catching her up on everything.
You guys stay on the phone for about 30 minutes before she has to go.
After that, you bury yourself in the blankets and start reading the manga you had lying on your nightstand.
Before you can really get into it, Katsuki is walking into your room and going into the closet.
“Get your ass outta bed and get dressed before I change my goddamn mind.”
“What?” You ask because now you’re confused.
“You said you were gonna go to the store with me to buy all this shit so get your ass up and let’s go.”
“Kats you don’t have to, it’s fine.”
“Look ya spoiled brat, if I gotta tell you to get up one more time we are gonna be in here fightin.”
And the smile that breaks out on your face. You hurry and get outta bed and rush him. “Awwwww my sweet boy”
“I swear to god, I’m this close to letting your ass starve.”
And you wrap your arms around him and start kissing everywhere on his face. When you pulled away he has a deep frown on his face but you can see the sparkle in his eyes that he gets when you’re super happy.
You pull away and scurry off to get dressed.
He really needs to start saying no to you and meaning it before you really lose the understanding of the word.
Katsuki Masterlist
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99
*if you want to be added to the tag list, let me know💕
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bettysupremacy · 4 months
Could I request something with James? Where reader lashes out at him and she had arguments with her ex a lot and expected this (her lash out) to get into a really big argument but he’s just like „okay noted“ and super kind about it (a little bit inspired by all my ghosts by lizzy)
(You can obviously change stuff to your liking and no pressure)
all hail lizzy mcalpine. i loved this request and i love james! thank you!
“Im serious, James!” You exclaim, a little louder than necessary. “I miss you! You’re always at practice, or with the boys, and I love the boys! But I miss you!”
He pauses in the doorway, startled by your reaction.
Remus and Sirius miss me too, you expect him to say, or rather, I can’t miss rugby cause you miss me a little more. You anticipate the sting of his words before they come, bracing yourself as you lean back against the kitchen countertop. They don’t come.
“And I miss your hugs.” You tear up pitifully, trying again, rather weakly, as he walks over. You don’t want an argument, but why isn’t it coming? “You’ve been gone so much. You know I hate doing the dishes.”
He grabs ahold of your elbow, his thumb digging into the crease as he pulls you close. Your palms dig into your eyes as your forehead dips against his chest. The way your shoulders shake aches him. He should never be the reason for your tears.
He’s been gone more recently, yes, and he feels terrible about it. If he’s not at rugby, the boys want to see him, and if he’s not with the boys, he’s at rugby. He’s missed you so much recently, he just didn’t know you mirrored his emotions.
“I’m the worst,” James says sincerely. “I didn’t know I was making you feel like this.”
“I’m sorry,” you sniffle, stress evident in your choked voice. “I’m not trying to make you feel bad or guilty, by crying I mean.”
He rocks you back and forth, arms securely over your shoulders. His embrace is a little tight, but this is the longest hug you’ve had this week and you can’t bring yourself to say something.
“Please don’t say that, please don’t feel bad for crying.”
“It’s totally manipulative though, I know, I’m sorry.”
He pulls back, searching for something in your eyes. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s just-“
He looks so sad and confused as you pause midway. Helpless, like he doesn’t know what to do with you. Quietly, you feel bad for giving him the crease between his brows.
“You’re not mad?”
“Mad?” James appalls. “I’m going mad knowing I’m the dolt that made you feel like this.”
“I’d totally beat someone up if they treated you like this, I would hate them forever.”
“No, seriously!” He doubles down. “I would never forgive them.”
He’s so unapologetically him it aches you deeply. He’s rosy, smiles and boyish giggles. Warm in the summer, and warm in the winter. Radiating a kind of glow that only very special people are able to emanate. Sometimes you secretly feel like you’ll never be able to glow like him, but he always manages to bring it out of you when you’re around him.
You frown suddenly. “I’m so tired of missing you, Jamie.”
“I miss you too, lovely.” He’s serious again. “How can we get through this?”
You shrug, unused to this gentle treatment you so desperately deserve.
“Should we install weekly dates, hmm?” James asks. “We should, shouldn’t we?”
You shrug again feeling weak with emotion.
“Or tell the boys to bugger off,” he continues without giving you room to speak. “You’re much too kind to say it but I know, my love.”
You laugh quietly, nudging your cheek against his shoulder. He’s fond, smiling as he watches down to you.
“Oh, my girl,” he croons, grabbing your warm face to cradle. “Totally not to pull the victim card, but I missed you so much more.”
“I moon over you while you’re away. The boys are sick of it.”
He leans down nuzzling his cheek against yours, pulling back to kiss the corner of your mouth, the side of your nose, the apple of your cheek. You don’t know what to do with yourself, letting your wringing hands float up to hold his shoulders.
“Thank you for telling me.” He says honestly.
You reel earnestly. Only James Potter could thank you for trying to start an argument.
“You’re welcome.”
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rafeandonlyrafe · 3 months
pink unicorn
inspired by this adorable video of drew
words: 600
warnings: dad!rafe, mom!reader, very soft and fluffy
“rafe.” you sigh, rubbing your forehead with your fingertips, eyes flicking between his hunched over frame and your daughter. “she doesn't even want it anymore! she's moved on.”
you watch as rosie occupies herself with your phone, giggling every time she presses the button to turn the screen on and off, looking at the picture of herself and rafe on your lock screen.
“she said she wanted it, im going to get it.” rafe grunts, putting more coins into the claw machine. he tries for a fifth time to get the pink unicorn stuffie that your three year old became obsessed with having for an entire minute before moving on to the next sparkly thing. 
“baby, come on.” you groan. you knew when you married him that rafe was stubborn, thankfully it didn't rub off on your daughter, who is the happiest and most agreeable little girl you've ever seen.
“my princess deserves whatever she wants, including this stupid-” rafe jerks the claw machine “fucking- stuffie.”
he groans when the claw machine grips the unicorn, only for it to fall before he can navigate it back to the shoot.
“rafey, please. you've been at this for like five minutes. we can just buy her a unicorn stuffie.” you don't point out that she already owns probably twenty similar ones.
“one more try.” rafe glances at your daughter, frowning when she really is completely disinterested in the toy.
“okay. then can we keep going?” you question. you were supposed to be walking around the mall to look for a present for a birthday party rosie got invited to, of course also getting distracted by everything along the way, rafe bending to whatever store rosie wanted to go into, whether it was candy or video games, anything bright that looked exciting.
“mama.” rosie whines, your phone now sitting on the floor. 
“come here, baby.” you pick rosie up, grabbing your phone at the same time and slotting it into your pocket. some people try to tell you not to baby your toddler so much, but you love being able to carry her around and keep her close, dreading the day that she's too big for you to lift easily.
“daddy, wheres my unicorn?” she pouts as the claw drops the stuffed animal again. rafe just gives you a look as he loads more coins in.
“for real, babe, last try or we are going to the toy store and leaving you here.” you know rosie is just going to find a million things she wants inside of the toy store anyways, probably another five pink unicorns.
rafe nods, concentration overtaking his features. rosie cheers him on from your arms as he hooks the unicorn around the center, claw raising up and bringing it over to the shoot. it falls perfectly down, both rosie and rafe shouting in excitement.
rafe gets the pink unicorn out, holding it out for your daughter to hug into her little arms. “thank you daddy!”
“anything for you my little princess, come here.” rafe opens his arms as rosie practically launches herself from you to snuggle into his chest.
“i wanna introduce pinky to my other unicorns.” she babbes about having a big tea party as rafe glows just looking at her.
“of course.” rafe nods. “let's go home right now so me you and pinky can play together.” you don't point out how all of rosies pink toys share the same name.
“babe!” you call out, following rafe out of the mall towards the exit. “we still haven't gotten our gift!”
“ill order it on amazon!” he calls out as you catch up to him and his long strides. 
“come on, mommy, i wanna play.” rosie pouts, face mimicking her expression with big pleading eyes.
“fine.” you sigh, unable to say no to either of them. “but you have to clean up your tea party when it's over!”
“yesss!” rafe pumps his fist in the air, leaning forward to press a kiss to your lips.
“and no real food! you’ll spoil your supper!”
taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @folklorsweet @yourenogoodforme @auryyz @mayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs
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blixssily · 10 months
"love you to the moon and to saturn"
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| how they love you in their own special ways
| gepard landau x reader, dan heng x reader, blade x reader, kafka x reader, jing yuan x reader, luocha x reader
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˓ ꒱ notes and disclaimers: reader and character are in an established relationship, reader is gender neutral. not proofread!!!
˓ ꒱ authors notes: im trying to write as much as i can here so that my account doesn't go stale if you know what i mean. these are kinda short so i apologise if you were expecting the scenarios to be longer :(
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gepard landau ( 杰帕德 ) *◞
no matter how early he'd have to wake up for work, you'd always wake up to a freshly made breakfast. either on a plate on the dining table or in a lunch box with a little note stuck on it.
"sorry for having to leave so early, i made you this. remember to eat lunch while i'm gone. i love you." with a small, albeit rushed heart at the bottom of the note. if he has enough time he'll even make a smoothie for you!! using some of the fruits you two bought together while grocery shopping. he's always a little self conscious of his cooking so please be sure to let him know how good his cooking is!!
whenever he comes home late, he makes sure to greet you with a soft kiss before removing his armor, he'll always see you as his first priority even if he doesn't know how to say it, you can tell through his actions.
dan heng ( 丹恒 ) *◞
he pats your head whenever he's proud of you. he often doesn't know how to verbalise his emotions towards you, often overthinking about how you'll react to them. so he resorts to patting you on the head to tell you that you've done a good job and that he's proud of you.
his hand was slightly shaking as he reaches for your head, lightly carding his fingers through your hair. you look up at him to ask what's wrong but the faint blush on his cheeks tells you everything.
you turn around to fully face him to give him a kiss on his lips, the hand on your head slightly pushes you closer towards him. it's moments like these that his beyond thankful he's been able to find someone who understands him.
blade ( 刃 ) *◞
he patches you up whenever you get injured after missions. he doesn't trust anyone else to bandage you properly so he does it himself. he's uncharacteristically gentle with his hands, making sure to not wrap the bandages too tightly on your wounds.
few words need to be exchanged between you two but you know he cares deeply about you when the first thing he says to you when you come back from a mission is "come with me." as he gently takes hold of your wrist.
when he's all done with patching you up he takes a second to look at you before gently kissing your forehead. "stop being so careless, i don't like seeing you get hurt." he sighs as he pulls away.
kafka ( 卡芙卡 ) *◞
she kisses you before every mission. she keeps it a surprise every time too, kissing you on the cheek, forehead, the tip of your nose or your lips. it's her own way of saying "come back to me soon." with her gentle kisses. finding your expression adorable every time she decides to mix it up and surprise you.
she doesn't say anything as she hooks a finger under your chin, lips dangerously close to yours. her other arm snakes around your waist, pulling you closer to her as she places a gentle kiss to your lips. she pulls away with a smile, chuckling at your flustered state as she sends you off.
jing yuan ( 景元 ) *◞
he lets you rest your head on his shoulder as he works, sometimes humming along with the soft melodies that's playing on the record player. he always insists on you choosing the song for the day, even if he doesn't know the song, he's happy that you like it.
his fingers are carded through your hair, every now and then giving the top of your head a little scratch or a mini massage. when he gets tired of constantly having to focus and write out reports, he puts his pen down and leans his head on yours. the hand that was once holding the pen is now wrapped around your waist.
he nuzzles his head into your hair, just in time for his afternoon nap.
luocha ( 罗刹 ) *◞
he always manages to find the perfect little nick nacks for you, ranging from little pendants to jewellery. every piece of jewellery is tailored to fit your skin color. you always insist that it's too much and that you don't need him to keep bringing these to you but he does it anyways
he finds the smile on your face when he brings you something to be so adorable. the slight blush that dusts your cheeks adds to that factor too. if he brought you some rings to try on he'll personally slip them onto your fingers, kissing your hand when he's done.
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notes and reblogs are heavily appreciated !!
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mxqdii · 6 months
colby brock x reader who gets really shy around him, stutters over her words and just goes red in the face. and colby like is conpletely oblivious on what he does to her.😭 n she hasnt told anyone about her feelings toward him but say sam or one of her friends confronts her ab it and she like just denys it n stuff, u can chose the end but id love it if it was like friends to lovers and extremely fluffy(:
like you like that - c.b
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pairings: colby brock x reader
summary: confessing feelings to colby 🙈
warning(s): fluff, confessing feels, idk
not proofread
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"can i talk to you?" the blonde boy says, interrupting me and colbys conversation
"sure.." i say, getting up from my spot on the couch, following sam into another room.
i've been living with sam and colby for a while now, katrina, sams girlfriend, lives here too, we all do, its fun.
i love living with my best friends, friends, we're all friends, i have to remember that, friends-
"y/n!" sam yells, snapping me out of my trance
"yeah- what, sorry." i say, looking up at him
"when the fuck are you gonna admit your feelings to colby?" he asks and i groan
"i have no idea what you're talking about sam, you and kat need to lay off about this" i whisper-yell
"are you guys good in there?" i hear colby say, opening the door
he leans on the doorframe and i feel all words leave my brain
"uh- y-yeah yeah! we're fine! just, go back to what you were doing!" i frantically ramble, pushing him out and closing the door
i shut it, leaning against it putting my head against it, a sigh leaving my lips in relief.
"i have no idea what you're talking about sam!" he mocks and i groan, i forgot he was in here
"okay, okay, fine." i put my hands up in defeat, waiting for him to explain how i can confess to my best friend, that i live with, without ruining things.
"listen, i've known colby for years, and i know he likes you, just tell him!" sam says and i whine
"no! telling him is scary, even if he does like me, he's gonna have to tell me himself."
"im gonna go to the store, do any of you wanna come?" colby asks
"y/n will go" sam says and i glare at him, giving him a, 'i'm gonna kill you' look
"okay, you ready?" colby asks
"y-yeah! lets go." i say, almost running towards him.
we start heading for the door and i look back seeing kat and sam giggling, flipping them off before leaving.
colby opens the car door for me, also reaching over to buckle my seatbelt.
the drive was about 10 minutes, the first 5 minutes in the car being silent, the next 5 though? definitely not silent.
"can i ask you something?" he says and i slowly turn to look at him,
"yeah of course" i reply
"why are you always so nervous around me?" he asks and i feel my face go red
how the fuck do i go about this, ugh.
"i don't know" i say shyly
"i think you do baby" he says and i die on spot, what the fuck is happening
"i- fuck- i like you okay, and i'm sorry i just- i didn't wanna tell you because i know you don't like me back and i don't wanna make things awkward and-" i ramble, not knowing how to stop my train of thought.
"hey who said i didn't like you back, didn't sam literally tell you i liked you?" he asks
"oh.. yeah actually he did- wait how do you even know that?" i look over at him
"the walls are very thin baby"
i look down, embarrassed.
"hey, it's okay, for what its worth- i really like you too, a lot. and i'm stupid for not telling you sooner." he says
"really?" i say, looking back up at him
"yeah." he looks over at me
we hold eye contact for a while, then it stops.
the next thing i hear is sirens, feeling someones hands on me, coming in and out of conciousness.
then it hits me,
we were in a car crash.
TAGLIST: @opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm @theperson-nextdoor @prettysturniolo @its-jennarose
A/N: you said it could end however i wanted it to!! lmk if u want part 2 😘😘
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shun-nie · 10 months
Hiyaa!! Im in love with your satosugu fic. If you dont mind, can you write satosugu trying to get reader into their relationship but the reader is oblivious and is a closet fujoshi. So in her head is only satosugu forever and never imagine herself is added in the equation. It would be a great crack fluff in my head but you can go wild for my ideas
I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS IDEA. Sorry if it's too short!! Thank you for requesting!!
SatoSugu x fem!reader
->They were a match made in heaven, who are you to separate them?
!!!!Slight angst to fluff, mostly fluff, reader being oblivious and a yaoi reader😌, crack, swearing, mentions of Shoko x reader!!!!
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"Kyaaa~The end was so cute!" you hugged the manga close to your chest as you rolled left to right on your bed. The two male leads fell in love at the end of the manga and chose each other despite everything, you were so happy they ended up together!!!
When you looked at the cover of the manga again, which was a picture of the two male leads holding hands as they walked, you thought of your classmates. The strongest sorcerers, (but still annoying despite being the strongests) Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru. They were made for each other, they were in love with each other; you were in love with them, but you had no place to be with them. You told yourself that, if you act like you don't have feelings for them, it would actually go away. But you were wrong, so wrong. You wanted to feel their arms around you, wanted to know how their lips would feel on your skin, you wanted to hold their hands as you walk with them. You wanted everything, but decided that you won't get anything from them for the sake of their love.
You were thinking while looking at the ceiling, lost in your thoughts. What separated you from your thoughts was the notification sound coming from your phone, you grabbed the phone from your nightstand and looked at the screen to see who texted you.
-> I'm sitting at the bench on the garden without a cute girl to keep me company, isn't it sad??
-> Don't worry dear, the cute girl is on her way!!!😍👍
You chuckled to yourself and you wore an oversized T-shirt on top and a black shorts reaching your knees underneath, Yaga gave you guys a break from the missions, you were happy he did though.
You opened the door of your room and stepped outside, after closing the door behind you and locking it you started to walk towards the garden. It was a sunny day, you were glad you took two cold drinks from your mini fridge before you left. Shoko was sitting on a bench, smoking, with a grey t-shirt and sweatpants on her. You called out her name, she looked at you and smiled. You smiled back and sat beside her, placing her dring on the bench. She took it, you were stting in silence, it was comforting.
"So, how was your day so far?" You asked while taking a sip of your drink, Shoko leaned her head on your shoulder, you didn't mind.
"Better now that you're here." She smiled, teasing you. You laughed, pinching her cheek softly. You were teasing eachother for the next minutes, being playful until—
"Shoko!!!!Y/N!!!!" Satoru called out, both you and Shoko turned your heads towards his voice. Satoru, who had a wide smile on his face, and Suguru beside him were walking towards you two. You heard Shoko sigh, you chuckled and waved to the two. They shared a look before grinning, Satoru bent down and wrapped his arms around you. You let out a confused "Eh?" when he kissed your cheek, Suguru chuckled at your confused expression as Satoru teased you about being a shy little girl. You were confused beacuse Satoru just a girls cheek in front of his own boyfriend, and Suguru was okay with this? Were you missing something?
"Why didn't you call us and tell us you were going to hang out in the garden? Look, Suguru, they're excluding us!!" Satoru dramatically put his hand on his heart and put on a resentful expression, Suguru smiled and pat his shoulder, also acting dramatic.
"Yes, Satoru...They don't want us here, and we called them our best friends!!!" Suguru placed his hand on his heart, you sighed, these two dorks....
"Yes, we don't want you here. We were just about to kiss, so sho sho." Shoko waved her hands towards them like they were some dogs, you laughed, but Satoru didn't seem to like the joke as he frowned. You noticed Suguru looking away from you and Shoko too.
"About to kiss? Ha ha. What a funny joke, Shoko." Satoru rolled his eyes and pouted, he sat next to you and snuggled to your side. Suguru walked to the bench and sat between you and Shoko, Shoko didn't like this and frowned as she told Suguru to sit on the ground which earned a chuckle from Suguru.
"Y/NNNNNNN~ Are you cheating on me with Shoko? You're so meannnnn!" Satoru whined, you were so confused, first he kisses your cheek and now he acts like you two are dating? While his boyfriend is literally sitting next to you? The heck is up with them?
"I don't know about me but you're kinda cheating on Suguru right now..." You said quietly, Suguru smiled and kissed your head. Shoko looked like she wasn't surprised they were being this affectionate towards you, she got up and walked the other way as she lighted up a cigarette. Your eyes widened as you realized you were left alone with these two. 'Oh shit.' you thought.
"It wouldn't be much of a problem if you just beacome ours." Suguru said softly, smiling at you. You let out an 'huh?' as you didn't understand them, Satoru sighed and started to play with your hair. Are they trying to say that they want you in their relationship or? No, no. That's too stupid. They were a match made in heaven, why would they want you?
"You love us, don't you? We realized we both love you too, so become ours will ya'?" Satoru said and kissed your cheek, Suguru flicked his forehead and kissed your lips quickliy as Satoru groaned. You were in shock. Were you dreaming? Oh god, you don't actually want to wake up.
"What do you say, love?"
"I—..umm..." Fuck. You were blushing. Fuck this shit.
"I mean...If you two are okay with it...why not..?
You knew what you were getting into when they both smirked.
(sorry if it's too short😭)
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IM UNSHADOWBANNWD AH. I’ve been so excited to post this story it’s been in the works and it’s the THREE HUNDRED follower special first of all i do not deserve you guys at all thank you for all the support you show me i hope you enjoy this as much as i did hehe MUAH
DISCLAIMER: This is an 18+ blog! If you are underaged or don’t have an age indicator in your bio, please don’t interact!
afab reader x Pornstar! ID Leon
Warnings: Smut- just pure porn with a plot. PORNSTAR LUIS TOO HEHE.Slight (very) slight mentions of being obsessed/ watching reader, leon eats pussy (ofc he does) and fucks reader stupid.
Word count: 3,169
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knock knock
Why did he sound so annoyed? Your fist stalled against the door as you paused your knocking.
“Um- Greg told me to introduce myself. Sorry if you’re busy.”
Just try and sound sweet, don’t be a pushover. You had barely just stepped onto the set, still in the clothes you wore to your psychology class. The room ran silent, your eyes reading over his name on his door continuously before it swung up, your hair moving from the gust of wind.
His arms were so toned, his hand gripping the handle of the door knob as he leaned against the door frame. Incredibly toned, his shirt off and his hair laying against his face so perfectly. His steely eyes scanned you up and down, a chuckle rumbling through his chest as he saw you holding your Psych 200 book.
He mumbled as he watched you scan over his arms. He was cocky; you could tell. Before you could even introduce yourself, the door slammed in your face, your hands gripping your bag as you sighed to yourself, shaking your head in disbelief.
“She shot with Sera like a month ago. The video is still up on the front page too.”
Leon’s makeup artist spoke as she rubbed the beauty blender against his forehead. Leon stared at himself in the mirror; he felt terrible for slamming the door in your face. He really did. He has been in the industry for too long, and he has never had anyone come and formally introduce themselves before filming, so seeing you stand there not being able to say a complete sentence to his face just irritated him. He was also just surprised you didn’t know him; he owned this whole set, his manager is the one who makes his booking, or he definitely wouldn’t have picked you of all people.
After shooting with Luis, the two of you became very close friends; when you got to your small studio room, you threw your bag and book down, dialing his number on your phone as you pulled your laptop out, sitting on the desk.
Luis' voice rang through your ear as you sighed in frustration, instantly communicating that something was wrong.
“He slammed a door in my face when I tried to say hi to him, Luis.. why does he have such a big ego? Sure is heavy for a man I've never even seen before.”
Your fingers typed his name into the search bar, clicking on the first link to come up as you listened to Luis ramble about how this is just how it’s going to be and how lucky you were to get him as your first shoot, your mouth ran dry seeing the cover photo of one of Leon’s hundreds of videos, his cock barely pushing into some girl, his hair covering his face so perfectly and his lips parted so slightly.
“Mama, what did I tell you? Do not google.”
Luis scolded as he listened to you close the laptop.
“I don’t know, Luis, maybe I should just leave- I have to go; makeup’s here.”
Hanging up on him because of the slight knock on the door. It must have been noticeable that you were in your head, the pretty makeup artist wiping at your cheeks with a light bronzer to grab your attention.
“You don’t need much makeup, and you���re naturally very beautiful.”
She smiles softly as she reaches for the mascara. You smile back at her as she tilts your head around.
“That’s very sweet of you, thank you.”
You laugh as she turns your chair around, smiling as she pushes your hair from your face.
“Gorgeous, they want you in this. Whatever you wear under is completely up to you.”
The beautiful woman rambled as she pulled the light blue sundress from the bag, handing it to you. No matter what they said to you, you couldn’t get out of your own head.
The wall had a weird pattern. It wasn’t like standard white paint but was super grainy, you sat further back, watching as the director checked all of his cameras, fixing the lights, and reading over signed paperwork. They never handed you a script, though, which left you lost. Luis’ crew had a script. It was easy to remember, but maybe only Leon had one. Right when you think about him, he comes walking in from the main door, a smug smile on his face as he grabs hands to shake. If he weren’t in the industry he would make a wonderful bodyguard with broad shoulders, strong arms, and confidence. He wore a black long-sleeve shirt accompanied by a pair of dark denim jeans. It sucked; he was such an asshole, he was handsome. It suddenly made you feel so self-conscious, remembering the cover photo you had seen on your laptop. You specifically specialized in actual content, genuine emotions, and honest reactions, and the people love it. You started on your own, only fans, to be specific, and it makes you laugh out of embarrassment when it’s brought up. Your eyes follow Leon as he grabs a cup of water, leaning on the table as he talks to the makeup artist, who, for some reason, points over to you. Your eyes drop to your lap, your legs crossed as you play with the soft material of the dress. Your heart began to race as you saw his shoes directly in front of you. His presence was so heavy. Your gaze shifted up to him, his hand touching the arm of your chair.
“Sorry for slamming the door on you, I’ve had a long week, and I forgot I was shooting today.”
Hearing him talk in a complete sentence now was weird, his voice rough yet deep. You nodded your head as you shrugged.
“I can’t blame you; I would slam the door on me too.”
You smile, but it quickly drops once you notice what he said; how could he forget he has a shot? He just called you easily forgettable. Leon’s eyes trailed down to your thighs, smiling to himself as your leg bounced up and down. The two of you stood in your silence before Greg walked over towards you two, grabbing your shoulders.
“Leon, Y/N, Y/N, Leon. I know this piece of work doesn’t introduce himself for shit.”
He laughed, pointing towards the bed in the middle of the room; Leon’s eyes squinted at the minor insult before both of your eyes shifted to the bed. He had explained some shitty plan that had the two of you bored. He sighed before he looked at Leon, touching his arm.
“Just do whatever you want. Why do you pay me?”
His foot turned to walk away from you two as Leon still stared at the bed in the middle of the room. He turned back to you, putting his hand out, your eyebrow-raising in confusion up at him.
“Leon Kennedy.”
Your hand pulled from your lap, shaking at his, both of your grip on each other strong as you nodded your head.
“Just call me Y/N.”
You spoke sheepishly before he helped you up from the chair. Was he going to listen to what the director said? This was an extensive movie set, the bedroom, and then the small room apart from the bedroom that seemed to resemble a hallway.
“I know we stepped off on the wrong foot, but can you trust me? Just for the next hour?”
Leon leaned down to your ear as the two of you walked towards the hallway set. You nodded your head as the lighting changed to a darker yellow.
Leon’s head turned towards the camera as he put his hand up
“No cuts.”
He yelled out as he turned back to you.
Felt awful slamming the door on her pretty face.
Leon’s grip on the door handle grew tighter by the second as you rambled on about trying to introduce yourself. The room shook as he slammed the door, a strained groan leaving his lips as he looked down at his sweatpants. You had knocked at a horrible time, Leon’s laptop on display with your video with Luis flashing on his screen. He was obsessed with you. Obsessed with how your lips parted before you moaned or how easily sensitive you were. You didn’t need to introduce yourself. He already knew. So when he called his agent asking him to call your agent to see if you were booking, he was more than excited when they said you were open. He pumped himself for almost an hour, soft moans leaving his lips as his eyes squeezed shut, trying to think about how it would feel to have you squeezing around his cock.
Greg screamed, your eyelids heavy as you looked up at Leon. It was crazy how fast you could switch moods like that. Leon's hands were immediately all over you, pressing you into the wall by your waist as he hungrily peppered kisses against your jaw. And suddenly everything felt so much hotter? His hands dragged down your skin, and his lips burned into the soft skin of your neck, a whine leaving your lips as one of Leon’s hungry hands brought your leg to his waist.
“There you go, honey, relax for me..”
He mumbled into your skin as his hands lifted you into his arms. You were surprised at his strength as he held you with one hand, his other pushing the door open. He made you feel so small, throwing you down onto the plush mattress, your chest rising and falling as he softly nipped at your collarbones. You weren’t this nervous with Luis, your hands shaking as you pushed some hair from Leon’s face as he kissed the small space between your chest, his hands carefully rubbing up your thighs, his fingers resting against your stomach as he pushed himself down the bed. He needed more. The way you shook under him only encouraged him, his head nuzzling so perfectly between your thighs, smirking up at you as your eyes fluttered away from you, avoiding his stare. The pressure in his pants grew more intense, listening to the hiss pull through your teeth as he held onto the fabric of the sundress, licking over your pretty black panties.
He grumbled as he lifted your hips, pulling the panties off you, bundling them up in his hand, and pushing them into his pocket as he moved the dress's material again. Scooting in closer to you, laying your knees over his shoulders as he looked up at you through heavy eyelids, his tongue laying a long strip over your folds. You couldn’t help but squirm in his grasp, his hands flying to your waist as you let out that shaky whine again that drove him fucking crazy. You tasted so unbelievably good on his tongue, his eyes rolling back as he hungrily lapped at your folds, pulling you closer like somebody was trying to take you from him. You were so dazed, your back arching as the cameraman squatted beside you and Leon, trying to get the perfect angle. You didn’t even care about his presence, caught up in crying out Leon's name as he repeatedly lapped at your clit, a loud whimper leaving your lips as you sat up, tugging at his hair. Leon could stay between your legs all day, but he needed more. He pulled away from your still dripping core, his face glistening with your slick as he took advantage of you sitting up, pulling the dress over your head. He couldn’t help but groan, finally seeing you bare beneath him, his hands pushing down against your chest, your back laying flat against the mattress yet again as you stared up at him, watching with sparkling eyes as he pulled his shirt over his head. He was sculpted so beautifully.. and it hit you, this is why he’s so popular, he’s a walking god.
“Been waiting on this part all fucking day..”
Leon’s lips parted as he yanked his jeans down, along with his boxers. He let out a sigh of relief as his cock pressed against his upper stomach, his hand reaching down to pump himself as he kicked his jeans off. And suddenly you felt like that girl on the cover of the video you saw, Leon’s hair sprawling perfectly against his face as he leans his body down, tearing your thighs open as his thumb lazily rubs small circles against your clit, smirking as you jolt forward. He continued to pump himself as he reached over, grabbing at the baby pink silk pillow at the edge of the bed before he shoved it under your hips. What a gentleman… you thought to yourself before your thighs were pressing together at the feeling of his cock pressing into you. He was so thick, your walls having a hard time adjusting to even just the tip of him. Leon’s lips pressed together as he let out a quiet “fuck..” His hands holding your legs open as he put more pressure on your clit, your core growing soaked again assisting him in sliding so perfectly into you. If he weren’t getting paid for this, he would’ve just came then and there, watching your pretty face scrunch up in painful pleasure, your legs kicking in his grasp slightly, and your painfully tight walls squeezing him.
“Fuck.. relax, baby, let me in.”
Leon whispered to you as you nodded your head, allowing your hips to rest against the pillow as he cooed down at you, leaning down against your much smaller form and forcing your legs over his broad shoulder. His thumb is still rubbing at your clit to ease the pain of him stretching you out. Leon’s jaw tightens as he pulls his hips back, letting out a shaky breath as he slams back into you, smiling as the small “Mmph!-“ Left your throat involuntarily. So fucking precious. Your soft thighs brushed against his chest as he fucked into you, his body weight lifting off you as he grabbed your ankles, staring down at where he pushed into you. Even the director looked surprised as Leon let out a long moan. It rumbled through his chest as he continued to fuck into you, your hands grabbing at the bed sheets. Leon mumbled a few words to himself before he grabbed at your body, flipping you on to your side as he threw the pillow to to other side of the room. He crawled behind you, lifting your leg before he pushed into you again, causing you to let out a loud whine, your head leaning back into his shoulder as his thrusts somehow became deeper- more meaningful. Leon reached over, pushing some hair from your face as he looked down at you.
“Come on, sweetheart, open your eyes for me.”
His lips touch the shell of your ear as he whispers to you. You were in bliss; he rubbed against your walls so perfectly it felt like your skin was on fire. Your eyes fluttered open, looking at the camera hazily. Leon shook his head, grabbing your jaw and turning your head towards him.
“Don’t look at them.. look at me… it’s just you and me right now, baby, just you and me.”
He groaned down to you as a loud cry of pleasure left your lips in response, your orgasm crashing through you. His hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you in closer to him as his hips snapped into you faster.
“That's a good fucking girl- mm.. fuck keep squeezing around me like that, honey..”
Leon felt his hips stuttering as he looked down at you, fucked out in his arms. A shaky moan left his lips as his hips stopped, his cum spurting into you, causing loud cries to leave your lips. Leon laid out of breath before he pulled out of you, smirking as he tilted his head at the cameraman to bring him in closer as he spread your lips, his fingers spreading your folds as his cum dripped out of you, the biggest smirk on his face.
Was all you heard as the bed dipped beside you, your body still trying to recover as you sat up, your hair messy and your mascara running down the side of your face as Leon laughed, looking over at you.
“You okay, sugar?”
He asked sweetly as he grabbed a water, opening it before handing it to you, pushing some hair from your face as you took a small sip.
“Yeah.. just was a lot.”
You nod as he watches you; he clears his throat, handing you the sundress from the ground as he stands, pulling his pants up.
“Listen. I know you don’t know me, but, are you busy tonight? Let me take you out for dinner.”
He wasn’t asking; it was more of him letting you know he was. Your arms go through the holes before you look at him, nodding your head.
You were the current talk of the industry.
Everyone was so curious how you broke Leon, making him utterly different from any video he’s ever shot.
Your face scrunches as you look at yours and Leon’s page on the front cover of the site, that smirk on his face as he spreads apart your folds. Your knee is pressed to your chest as you scroll through the comments, flinching slightly as you feel pressure at the top of your head.
Leon grumbles as he sips his coffee after kissing the top of your head. His eyes follow yours, seeing the “uploaded two months ago” in the corner as he whistled
“Gonna win awards for that one.”
He winks at you, your arm swinging at him before you shut the laptop on the table.
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tinyidle · 2 months
anything you want - psh
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made especially for @whatudowhennooneseesyou's birthday. happy birthday again, sorry i made it so late, and i hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it! also, I hope you enjoyed watching coachella this weekend!
warning: smut, fluff, cunniligus, slight teasing, cumming in pants oop, implied aftercare, mommy!hwa, softdom!seonghwa, servicedom seonghwa, fem!reader, fiance!reader, sub reader, all fiction
"happy birthday, my star," seonghwa greeted you with a kiss to your cheek. it was actually nighttime, but with your and his schedule being hectic during the day, this was the first time he was able to physically wish you a proper birthday.
he did everything a good boyfriend should and more: he took you out to eat at your favorite spot, you both had a fun dancing session at the nearby club (nothing too crazy), and let you pick out what you wanted when you went out shopping later.
nine o'clock and he wanted to wrap up the day by letting you have him in any way you please. "anything i want, mommy?" you bit your lip with intrigue and slight hopefulness that he wasn't lying.
"anything, sweetie," he assured you. he laid you down and slowly took off the rest of the pieces of clothing you had. you both have been home for a bit, so you took off the heavier material, but your spaghetti strap top and undies were still on.
kissing your collarbone all across, he slowly pushed each strap down until the top of your chest was exposed. "fuck, you always look so pretty. so precious to me." he pulled down the top so that it was bunch to the middle of your stomach, him not bothering to pull it up or push it down any further.
reaching up to hold on to your boobs, he gently squeezed each one before continuing to speak. "tell mommy what you want, and i'll give it to you." seonghwa lightly trailed his hands on your sides, smiling when he saw you contemplate what you wanted your fiancé to do to you.
biting your lip, you whispered, "i want mommy touch my cunt."
"hmm?" seonghwa feigned naivety, kissing down to your inner thigh. "i cant hear you, sweetie."
your breath heaved more and more until you couldn't take the teasing to your pelvis anymore. "PLEASE MOMMY," you whined, much to seonghwa's enjoyment as he was now licking the skin of your folds, occasionally each one. "please touch my pussy."
he smiled once more before spreading your lips apart. "of course," he whispered, giving your clit a good suck. you gasped and unconsciously attempted to close your legs, them being forced open by your caring fiancé. "that's it. lose yourself for me, im all yours."
you bucked your hips in his face while seonghwa let you use him for your pleasure. one orgasm became two, and your legs were now constantly shaking as you begged him not to stop. sure, his jaw was now starting to ache, but his precious star wanted to be pleased like this, so he was going to give her what she deserved.
the final dam for your broke as you came once again on your fiancé's face. "ohh, hwa!" you cried out as you body stiffened and back arched. seonghwa groaned as he felt himself release in his pants from your own pleasure.
as you relaxed from your high, seonghwa quietly got up and went to get wipes, a warm cloth, and your pajamas for you. your eyelids were heavy, but you still managed to make grabby hands for your fiancé's touch.
with a small chuckle, seonghwa leaned down and gave you a loving peck. "happy birthday, my precious star."
i had three options for the drabble, and since i did a yunho fic already and plan on doing a hongjoong fic, as well as me never have done a mommy!hwa fic before, i wanted to do this so much. tagging @strayteezsimp
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jishyucks · 1 month
Crayon Confessions – njm
‣ pairing: na jaemin x reader
‣ genre: fluff, f2l/co'workers'-to-lovers
‣ wc: 2.2k
‣ summary: You have two weaknesses—Gojo and men with kids… and you guess, Jaemin. That would make it three, but he falls under that second category; alternatively, in which you weren’t really planning on developing feelings for Na Jaemin but seeing him work with kids all the time at the local community centre is making it damn hard not to.
‣ warnings: genuinely don't think there's anything, low-key rushed ending
‣ an: this is honestly not my best but FINALLY MY LAST PART OF THE SERIES IM CELEBRATING YIPEEEEEE—yes i know this is set in december and its now may but it's bc this was supposed to be posted during the holidays 😭 my dumbass overestimated my capabilities and school got in the way but all that matters is that i actually finished a 12 part series?? patting myself on the back,, ANYWAYS to those who actually followed my series I thank you so much. PLS ENJOY THIS! <33
Series Masterlist
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You have two weaknesses—Gojo and men with kids. And within the past few months, Na Jaemin has been fighting his way to the top of that list despite (technically) fitting under that second category. 
The more time you spent with him, the more you were able to make out that Jaemin obviously wanted to make a name for himself rather than being lumped into a handful of men—and you didn’t like it.
You’ve only known the guy just shy of six months, having chosen to volunteer at the community centre since July, and he’s managed to shimmy his way into your life like it was his purpose. And it makes you angry because he was perfect—perhaps as perfect as the dozens of fictional men you’ve crushed on.
Only Jaemin wasn’t fictional. 
In fact, he was sitting two tables away from you, helping the kids spell out the words they needed to include in the holiday greetings cards. 
“You’re staring again.” 
Giselle presses her lips into a tight line to keep her laugh from bursting out. 
Your eyes widened, trying to recollect yourself when you realized that you were, in fact, staring at Jaemin, “Was I being obvious?” 
Giselle hums, tilting her head to muster up an answer, “Mm… a little?”
“Not a little. A lot.” 
You and Giselle turn to Lily, one of the kids you’ve both grown close to over the past few months. You raise a brow at her, “Aren’t you supposed to be making these cards?” 
Lily snickers and goes back to her given task of colouring a poorly printed Santa Claus. You turn back to Giselle, who’s already offering an apologetic look because kids are blunt. 
“Okay, you were more than a little bit obvious but that boy was too oblivious to notice,” she shrugs, “I think, at least.” Giselle taps the pile of finished cards against the table to line them all up before placing them again at the centre of the table.
You groan, tempted to bang your head against the shared table in front of you. “Please tell me you’re joking.” 
“I’m not,” Giselle snorts, “But I really don’t think he saw you. He’s too busy with the kids.” She nods her head in Jaemin’s direction and your eyes follow without a second thought.
The sight was one you’ve seen countless times yet it still makes you swoon every time you lay eyes on the scene. Jaemin’s perfect smile is etched on his face as he leans over one of the youngest kids, fixing the way the boy is holding the marker. The boy lets out a little giggle, reciprocating the smile on the elder’s face.
“Look away before you lose yourself again,” Giselle teases, using her index finger to turn your face away from Jaemin’s direction. Giselle immediately notices the way a look of sheepishness replaces your charmed expression. She pats your shoulder, almost coming in the form of a push, “I bet if you asked him out he would say yes.”
“I’ll only ask him out if I’m sure he likes me back,” you whisper. “I have literal receipts of clues that he does like you back,” Giselle threatens to pull her phone out despite your organizer discouraging the use of any devices during the shifts. 
You shake your head, head mentally raking through all the times you Jaemin had made you feel like sinking into the hard cold cement. “Those were just times I was overthinking everything… I’m sure he’s just naturally nice.”
“Well, he is naturally nice,” Giselle nods, “But you can’t tell me that all the things he’s done were done solely to be nice.” Giselle leans back on her chair and narrows her eyes at you, “He’s too old to be on Santa’s list anyway.” 
“I don’t consider holding the door open for me and bringing me hot chocolate that one time as clues.” 
One of the other little girls pushes an unfinished piece of paper and the small baby safety scissors your way. By reflex, you pick it up from where she started having trouble, snipping away the excess paper before handing it back for her to glue onto construction paper. 
“How about that one time he walked you home?”
“He said he was going to his grandma’s—” you counter.
“Could’ve been an excuse,” Giselle shrugs, “Real reason could be he wanted to spend time with you without having to ask for it.” 
“I was wrong. I think you’re the delusional one here,” you narrow your eyes and tap your feet against the floor underneath you. Jaemin was Jaemin. Soon after meeting him, you caught on to the fact that he was naturally playful, almost coming off as a flirt to everyone he encountered. 
“I’m not being delusional,” Giselle rolls her eyes and leans in closer to you so that whatever comes out of her mouth next can’t be heard by anyone around you, “Do you want me to list everything that’s happened between him and you over the past few months? ‘Cause you’re asking for it.”
You shake your head, already knowing which ones she’d list. Giselle already told you that if she could, she’d make a PowerPoint presentation of Top 10 Jaemin and Y/N Moments for fun, but you were lucky that she had been swamped in both school and volunteer work to even start it. 
“You’re acting like I’m not the one who’s told you these things,” you blink, “And like I said, any of them could be a product of delusion.” 
Giselle peeks over at you through the corners of her eyes and smirks, “Oh, but there are ones that you haven’t seen that I have…”
And just like that, Giselle has all of your attention. It’s like she’s grasping it with the tips of her fingers, playing with it to tease you. 
“Like?” You gesture for her to begin, not wanting to waste a single passing second.
Another kid at the table holds up her card for Giselle to see, “Miss Giselle, how does it look?” 
Giselle’s eyes light up and she smiles, “I love how you coloured the tree, Nari! Do you need help cutting it out?” 
Nari shakes her head, “I’ll try myself first.”
Giselle nods, “Sounds good to me!” Then once she’s sure that Nari is back and busy with the paper tree, she turns back to you, “Do you want it in chronological order?”
Your brows furrow, “It doesn’t matter to me.”
She hums and begins, “You know how you came when me and Jaemin have already been here for a little while?” 
You nod.
“Well, Jaemin, every single day since we both started, kept his things in that one corner locker. He told me once he hated the other lockers with a passion but never really told me why. It was actually hilarious because there was one shift when Jisung came earlier than he did and he snatched it before Jaemin and Jaemin told him off,” Giselle snorted, recalling the memory, “It was stupid. I remember telling Jaemin to let the boy be, but he was… territorial? I don’t know how to word it.” 
“Where are you going with this?” you say impatiently.
“I’m getting there,” she huffs, “Anyway, when you came, you were stuck with that one locker at the top, right?”
You nod again.
“I remember you kept complaining to me about hating the locker—”
“It was too high for me to even reach the hook!” You say.
“I know, but that’s beside the point,” Giselle laughs, “My point is the very next day, Jaemin came early for the shift and instead of taking that corner locker, he claimed that top locker despite his usual one being free. It’s been that way ever since. Now you always take that corner one.”
“What do you mean ‘And?’” Giselle’s jaw drops, “Don’t you see? He was territorial over a damn locker and when you came along, he went out of his way to move lockers just because he saw you were struggling with the top one.” “He’s just being ni—”
“Do I need to remind you that Ningning, who’s shorter than you, literally complained about the same thing and he didn’t do shi—” Giselle catches herself from swearing, remembering the setting, “—Anything to help her?”
You don’t reply and Giselle takes this as a sign to continue, “Then, there have been those days you come to a shift tired because you’ve been awake since dawn because of your eight AMs, right?” You don’t do anything but blink and Giselle continues, “I’ve seen that man go out of his way to take up some of your harder tasks just so your shift is easier and you can relax. But when I come to the shifts tired and you’re not there and he is, he just laughs in my face!” 
You laugh because it just sounds like Giselle’s taking this as an opportunity to rant to you about her playful rivalry with Jaemin. 
“Don’t laugh! Can’t you see where I’m going with my examples?” she whines, “I know you’re smart, Y/N!”
You shake your head, “I need you to explain it more bluntly, Gi.” 
Giselle facepalms, a sigh flying out of her lips, “What I’m saying is that Jaemin pays attention to you more than you think… he treats you a hundred times better than any of us but, obviously, you’re too blind to see it because you’re still hung up on the idea that he’s just ‘being nice’.”
You swallow a pool of spit you didn’t even know was sitting in your mouth and you process your friend’s explanation. The idea of the possibility of Jaemin actually liking you back was something you thought about once in a while, but it was usually in your bed right before you went to sleep giggling. Never did these thoughts appear in broad daylight, much less with Jaemin sitting just yards away.
The thought tickles your stomach and you wanna say something to Giselle, though you’re unsure what. And before you could bring yourself to open your mouth, you felt a light tap against your shoulder.
“Miss Y/N?” 
You’re punted out of your thoughts when one of the little boys from Jaemin’s table appears to your left, entering your line of sight.
“Hi, Junnie! What’s up?” you bend down slightly at the waist, eyeing the card and the crayon he’s holding in his hand. 
He makes no effort to say anything else. Instead, he holds out the two items in his small hands, waiting for you to take them. When you gently do, he takes a step back, holding his arms behind his back to watch you read the card.
The front of the card was just a normal card, the greeting ‘Happy Holidays’ written on the front in a child’s handwriting in red and green crayon. Underneath the words was a Christmas tree, glued on there by, who you assumed was, Junnie. 
Then, when you open it, your heart skips a beat and a half. 
In crayon, in messy yet very cute writing you read: 
Are you a Christmas tree? 
Because I'm really pining fir you!
Dinner date?
“It’s from Mister Jaemin,” Junnie says from behind the card. He’s teetering on the balls of his feet, cheeks being pushed up by his smile.
Your heart is now pounding against your chest because it is all playing out perfectly, like how it would in a movie. With Giselle telling you things you’ve never noticed before, to you denying, and now Junnie was just sent by Jaemin to send you this cute little letter to confess to you—you’re not sure how to react.
“Oh, really?” you question.
“Really?” Giselle gasps from next to you. 
Your eyes immediately dart across the room and to the mentioned boy, who’s awfully pretending to busy himself with the scraps of paper littering the table.
“What’s your answer?” Junnie questions.
Embarrassingly, you don’t even hesitate to scribble down your answer underneath the question. Handing it back to Junnie, you wave for him to come closer and you bring your mouth up to his ear, “Can you help me play a small trick on Mister Jaemin?” 
Junnie nods, a mischievous smile appearing almost instantly on his face.
“When you go over there to give him this, I want you to pretend to be sad, okay? Make him think it’s not a yes.” 
Junnie struggles to contain his smile before nodding once more, then turns to make his way back to Jaemin.
You follow the young boy with your eyes, watching as he does his very best to maintain a poker face. You watch as Jaemin turns to him, a look of confusion surfacing his face when he sees that Junnie is not smiling like he had anticipated and you can’t help but snicker.
The moment Junnie’s within hearing vicinity, Jaemin says something to him that you obviously couldn’t hear. Junnie glances back at you and then reveals your answer to Jaemin and you know he’s done it the second Jaemin’s face lights up. 
You chuckle as Jaemin looks up at you, his face breaking into a wide smile. He waves at you shyly, like a bashful kid, before silently mouthing, "Tomorrow?"
You nod, warmth spreading across your cheeks. Giselle makes a comment over your shoulder but you don’t quite catch it, the cells in your body buzzing in excitement. 
Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.
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taglist: @tytrackfebreze @lovesuhng @hoonieji @niinjo @dinonuguaegi @reignessance
an: 12/12!! This was poorly proofread so I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors or mistakes but I wanted to finish this so I can work on other wips!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED READING THIS,, THANK YOU!
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elliesgaythoughts · 21 days
Trans!ellie coming out and discussing getting top surgery
Warnings: trans ellie (if it ain’t for you, it ain’t FOR you. keep scrolling, respectfully.) some angst and fluff, also a little nsfw suggestiveness.
A/n: i wrote this at 3am, need I say more? don’t come for my grammar. Also feedback is welcome on my fics and I appreciate it, lmk in anon or in my comments but let’s discuss whatever it is maturely, im not gonna deal with disrespect and tantrums. For trans people in this community, your opinion and input is encouraged and appreciated on my trans Ellie work, let me know if I messed up somewhere or if I could do better somewhere, im new to this, im trying to learn, thank you x. And with that let my attempt at a fic begin..
Your heart flutters as you watch Ellie lean forward into the bathroom mirror, in your sports bra, eyeing up her new chest, you don’t remember the last time you saw her this happy, little giggles and squeaks of excitement leaving her as she buttoned up her flannel, leaving the top few undone, just to show off that pretty cleavage, and you couldn’t blame her, she looked fucking beautiful. this new confidence that took over her had you swooning all over again.
You watch her from your bedroom as you think back to the day she brought up getting top surgery done, you think back to how she sat across from you on Joel’s beat up sofa, tears brimming her waterline as her hand held onto yours, in fear of losing you as she stuttered out a shaky “I-I’m trans” into the silence, her bottom lip quivering.
a simple “mhm” leaves your lips.
Your eyes on hers as you give an encouraging nod, keeping your silence because you could tell she still had something else weighing on her, but she couldn’t speak.
your thumb rubbing circles onto the back of her hand before you bring it to your lips and press a kiss there “i love you.” you reassure her and she nods her head softly in acknowledgement before you return to your silence, giving her space to talk.
her eyes dart around the room and a little sniffle leaves her as she plays with the edge of her shirt, pulling at it, tightening it around her chest as you watch her imagination at work as she stares at the the flesh and bones that were only there to protect her heart “I’m going to get top surgery..”
she instantly notices the glint in your eyes, an anger from a fear of you not wanting her anymore taking over her “listen, if you don’t accept me tell me n-” she’s cut off when you giggle “shut the fuck up” and roll your eyes “don’t accept my own girlfriend” you mock her and finish it with a dramatic gasp. her brain stopping, her heart racing and a blush on her face at the term “fuck” she laughs in relief, giggling to herself as the tears start to fall before she breaks down, struggling for composure as your palms holds her face “hey hey hey, babyy” you coo, pulling her face close to your chest and running her fingers through her hair “it’s okay baby, it’s okay, you’re okay” you promise as her breathing steadies and a final strained sob leaves her lungs.
“just, you know…” you trail off, looking down to her shiny green eyes “don’t steal my bras”
“oops” she whispers, hiding her face into your tee shirt “hmm?” you hum, you knew she wore them you saw her every now and then in the bathroom mirror as you walked to your bedroom, your eyes catching her as she adjusted the straps on her self, a big toothy grin on her face.
she leaned back and lifted her shirt timidly to reveal your sports bra that she smiled down at before shrugging at you with a playful smirk “too late”
you whistle, your eyes eating up the sight into front of you, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you struggle to hide how flustered seeing her in your clothes got you, you contemplate what to do to her as you lean forward, closer to her.
she didn’t expect this reaction, she didn’t expect your eyes soft on hers, your face inches from hers as your palms softly slid over the grey material, your mouths centimetres apart and her breath heavy, her world stilling as she hears the pounds of her heart in her ears as your fingers danced on her shoulder and she definitely didn’t expect the SNAP of material against her skin, a soft yelp from her as your fingers leave the strap and land on her thigh, patting it submissively “ask next time” you giggle “or else..” you warn her, your hand reaching out again before she smacks it away this time and covers her “attacked” shoulder.
“fuck” she rubs her pinkish stained flesh “i fear this is gonna become a regular thing” she remincess on how often she does the same to you, always receiving a flick to her forehead or a whine of her name in complaint, your dramatic reactions to her playfulness painting a smile to her lips as she reminisces.
her thoughts broken as she feels a soft press of your lips against hers before you pull back with a promise on your lips, even though you both were comfortable joking around in this situation, you wanted her to know fully that she was secure with you “I’m with you all the way” you promise her, her lashes flutter as she nods “I know”
@williamellieslilho @yourelliewillms @bready101 @moonalumi @heygrimace @pascals-doll @infiniteinquiries @aouiaa
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strawbxrryneptune · 8 months
College BKG <3 (enemies to lovers ish)
unedited, lowkey rushed at the end cause im exhausted but at least i posted something after like a year teehee
You walk into the lecture hall a couple minutes early, dragging your sleep deprived friend along with you.
“I genuinely don't understand why we have to get to class so early. The professor isn't even here yet."
You huff at her complaint, pulling her towards the front where you always sit.
"I just want to keep my seat.”
Before she can reply, you cut her off.
“Yes, I know, I’ve been sitting in the same place the whole semester and no one’s taken my seat, but there’s still the risk. Remember when Bakugou fucking took it last week and wouldn’t stop being smug about it?”
Slipping into the second row, she sits on your left, sighing heavily.
"Honestly, the little petty battle you have with him is getting old babe, just fuck him at this point."
You laugh, resting your head in your hands as you stare at your friend.
"Excuse me?"
She scoffs in your face, obviously too tired for your conversation.
"Listen, we all grew up together, anyone who went to UA can agree that you both have hard ons for each other, but you’re too busy arguing to see it.”
You sigh dramatically, flopping back in your seat.
 “He’s an asshole-”
"An asshole you wanna fuck.”
You swipe at her, and she laughs before pushing at your arm.
“Look me in my eyes and tell me you don’t want to fuck him.”
“...Okay, he’s kind of hot-”
“So fuck-”
“-no, he’s so annoying!”
She gives you a look then sighs,
“Yes, yes he is.”
You both laugh, your mind wandering elsewhere for a bit before she taps your arm and nods her head behind you, wiggling her eyebrows. You hum, turning to see none other than Bakugo Katsuki himself. He’s walking towards your aisle, plopping down into a seat behind you and putting his bag down next to him. He’s wearing a black sweater draped over black pants, hair fluffy but still somehow spiky looking, and a smoky, almost woodsy scent wafting from him.
Bakugou meets your eyes, and the intensity in his gaze makes your stomach twist. He raises an eyebrow at you, lips curving up to conceal a smirk. You roll your eyes and turn back around, annoyed that he caught you staring. Your friend holds back a laugh next to you and you pointedly ignore her, willing the professor to start the lecture already. 
Before you can get fully lost in thought, you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn your head and almost hit your forehead against Bakugou’s. 
“Jesus, have you ever heard of personal space?”
He ignores your question and squints at the small table in front of you.
“You got an extra pencil?”
You stare at him, then look around to the other people in his row.
“Why are you asking me? There's like 5 other people in your sectio-”
“Do you have another fuckin’ pencil or not, Brat?”
You huff and shake your head no. You definitely have another pencil, but you're not giving it to his rude ass. He slides his eyes from your face to the bright pink pencil case on your table, full to the brim with pencils and highlighters. 
You give him another roll of your eyes and go to turn around, but he stops you by leaning over your shoulder and snatching the pencil you were currently using off of your table, retracting back and sitting in his seat. You're pissed, but you can't even bring yourself to turn around because holy shit were his arms always that muscular? And did they always have those veins running through them all the way to his big hands? And fuck when he bent over you his gold chain came out of his shirt a little and it made you think how it would look dangling over you while he fucked the breath out of you. You take a quick breath and dig through your pencil case, taking a pen out and focusing on the smart board at the front of the class. The professor finally starts talking and you welcome the distraction, taking your notebook out to start taking notes.
Once it hit the end of your class, you closed your notebook and let out a sigh, thankful to be done for the day. You felt a tap on your shoulder, and this time you just give Bakugou a side eye when he slides his face close to yours and plops the pencil back on your desk.
“Dunno why you’re acting nice like you didn’t steal from me but you’re welcome.”
His face comes into view, and even though you aren’t looking directly at him, you can see his eyes drilling holes into the side of your face. 
“Don’t give me shit as if you didn’t lie to me.”
You scoff and fully turn, almost nose to nose with him. 
“Why would I want to give you a pencil when you’re such a dick?”
His eyebrows shoot up, and his eyes darken in a way that makes your stomach turn. 
“You wanna repeat that?”
You don't want to repeat it, actually, but you’re not about to back down and pissing him off is too fun, so you get closer.
“I said, why would I want to give you a pencil when you’re. a. dick.”
He gives you a sadistic smile and closes the already small distance between you, pressing his forehead to yours. 
“If you want dick so bad I can give it to you, you don't gotta call me one Sweetheart.”
Your face heats up and your eyes dart around the room, relief flooding your chest when you realize everyone cleared out of the lecture hall except for some girl who was closing her laptop and shoving her things into her bag. 
You turn back to him and step back, grabbing your notebook and pencil case and putting it into your bag.
“Please, I’d get more satisfaction from a metal pipe than your dick. You can’t handle this.”
He grabs your wrist, and when you turn back around he’s in your face again, this time staring at your lips with dark eyes. 
“You wanna bet?”
You look around again, watching that last girl walk out the door. Fuck it, if the dick is bad or you embarass yourself you still have time to drop the class. 
With that in mind, you shake your wrist free from his grip and lean in to kiss him, sighing softly when he kisses back because his lips are so soft. He brings a strong hand to your jaw and tilts your head, kissing you deeper. You make out for a bit before you start to become aware of the awkward position you’re both in, straining to kiss each other over the seats of the hall. He seems to have the same thought, and he brings his hands down to your waist before pausing and pulling away.
“Can I touch you?”
You think it's a bit silly for him to ask you at this point, but you appreciate it nonetheless.
You say it breathily, and he gives you a crooked smile before grabbing your waist and whispering, “Jump” against your mouth. You do as he says and he effortlessly lifts you up over the seats and into his arms, hands moving to cup your ass. He continues to kiss you and you start to feel yourself getting hot, moving your hips against his stomach to alleviate some of the tension. He squeezes your ass and moves to sit down, placing you on the ground before turning you around and making you sit on his lap with your back to him. He leans forward to kiss your neck while bringing a veiny hand up to lightly choke you, not applying that much pressure but still making your head spin.
“Grind on me.”
“Ask nicely, Bakugou.”
He chuckles and gives you a sharp bite on the side of your neck, making your hips jolt against him.
“There you go, good girl.”
You want to tell him off, but you can feel his dick through his pants and you want to feel more. Biting your lip, you grind against him slowly, picking up the pace gradually and forcing moans out of the both of you. 
“Fuck, Bakugou take your pants off i wanna feel you.”
“Ask nicely, brat.”
You huff and turn to try and undo his pants, but he stops you.
“I said, ask nicely. You're not gettin’ shit actin all prissy.”
“...fine. Please take off your pants so I can sit on your cock, Bakugou.”
He hums and gives you another murmur of “good girl” before tapping your hips to get you up again, shimmying his pants to his knees and taking his dick out. He reaches over and takes your bottoms and panties off, rubbing your hips before reaching around and starting to rub soft circles into your clit, causing you to let out a small moan. He pulls you closer and continues to pleasure you, teasing you and pulling at your clit occasionally while slipping his hand into your shirt and tweaking a nipple. You can feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, and you start to move your hips along with his hand. He groans against you as he feels you getting slick, taking his hand away quickly to slide your wetness along his dick. He uses one hand to pump himself while sliding one, two, three thick fingers into you, curving them and pumping rhythmically. He whispers in your ear about how soft you are, how beautiful and wet and perfect your pussy is, and you just can’t stop gushing on his fingers. You start to feel your orgasm coming up, and you stop his fingers.
”Fuck me, Bakugou, please.”
He moans at the desperate tone of your voice, bringing you further back and sliding his cock along your pussy, rubbing the tip against your clit and making your legs shake. You whine and reach back, wrapping your hand around his and guiding him inside you, gasping at the stretch. He takes it slow, and once you give him a whimper and a nod he starts to thrust into you, grabbing your wrists and holding them behind your back. He fucks you good, and you start to feel your legs shake and your vision blur as he hits that spot over and over and over again until you feel him consume you and you’re cumming just like that, back arched and eyes shut, moaning loud. He moans along with you, slamming his hips into you through the squeezing of your pussy. He slows down his thrusts to give you time to calm down, and you lean back and moan in his ear, squeezing him some more. He groans and pulls you off of him, cumming onto your ass.
You both take a moment to calm down, getting dressed in slightly awkward silence as you both grab your shit. You check your phone quickly and hold back a laugh when you see a text from your friend telling you she left in hopes of you getting dicked down. Little did she fucking know.
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sugojosgf · 1 month
bully!shoko 🚬༘⋆🍒๋࣭ ⭑
girl this soundssss like non con but it's cnc i swear, degradation, groping, smoking, burns, manipulation, bro its bullying 💀
bully!shoko who first sees you in jjh as a new student wearing the skirt a little too high and the long sleeved turtleneck too tight over your body. she sees the way you giggle at gojo and geto, and something about their lingering gazes piss her off.
bully!shoko who's first interaction w you involves her blowing smoke on your face and cackling when you begin to cough, tears spilling out of your pretty eyes. "h-hello!" you try to muster despite the awful smell of cigarettes invading your personal space.
bully!shoko who trips you on the way to class, feet sticking out as she leans against her locker, expression unchanged. you fall face first on the ground, books scattering across the empty hallway. "ouch,,," you mumble, tears spilling out as you try to get up. what you don't notice is shoko fishing her phone out to take a quick picture of your ass, skirt ridden up to expose your pink frilly panties.
bully!shoko who corners you in the toilets as she pours warm coffee down your uniform and forces you to remove your top. she doesn't wait a second when she sees your unblemished skin, groping your tits. she laughs as you cry and pinches your nipples when you get too loud.
bully!shoko who gets you alone in a classroom and threatens to tell everyone you are sleeping with a teacher. your eyes widen with fear as you beg her, head nodding as you try to convince her that's not true, in fact - you are still a virgin. "awww, i find that hard to believe,,, why don't you bend over and let me see for myself?" the next minute she has you on the teacher's table, legs spread as she takes an embarrassingly long look at your pussy. her long fingers spread your lips apart as she inspects you closer, "sounds about right, this looks barely used."
bully!shoko who finds you at a halloween party, dressed as a nurse, the uniform way too short and way too tight. she laughs as she sees you, "knew im going to be a doctor, want to be my little assistant?" you shake your head but that doesn't stop her from shoving her tongue in your mouth away from the crowd, as you cry about 'a first kiss'.
bully!shoko who calls you right before you go to your classes to the back of the school just so she can use you as an ash tray as she smokes. she drags the cigarette and sighs as the smoke fills her lungs. you squirm as she holds you close, seated right on her lap. "stop fucking moving..." she says as she puts her cigarette out on your thigh. you sob as she does, skin burning. "need to put my mark on you, doll." she smiles at you lopsided.
bully!shoko who suddenly is your new roommate, you don't ask what happened to your old roommate and you don't question why she never shows up to school again. shoko looks at your fearful face with glee, "hey roomie!" she giggles before making you suck a dildo right in front of her as she plays with herself calling you her personal pornstar.
victim!you who lets her carry on w the dynamic despite having enough power to stop because hey, you were initially going to ask gojo if his friend w the bob was single.
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sweetfushi · 2 months
Hii! Im not sure if you have any request rules, but i was wondering if you could write fic of a platonic father Aizawa in which his teen daughter pranks him saying she is prengant?
Thankss, hope you have a nice day 🤍🩷
→ SYNOPSIS. his daughter pranking him with pregnancy. → TAGS. shouta aizawa x reader. → NOTES. hi my love, thank you for your request. for future reference, my request rules can be found here, but your request aligns with them, so here you go (i hope you have a nice day too) <3.
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Aizawa is lounging on the couch with an arm over his irritated eyes. His day was demanding, more than usual, and he has his dry, red eyes to show for that. He needed to go out and get some more eyedrops - a task that he decided could be done later during the week.
"Dad!" He hears his daughter rush down the stairs and walk into the living room. He hums in response, too tired to formulate sentences. Aizawa feels her lean over him and stare at his exhausted expression, causing him to flutter his eyes open. His daughter's eyes are just like his - dark yet holding underlying tenderness.
"Look," she starts, straightening her posture and picking at her nailbeds. "I have something to tell you. And–" she sighs, "I need you to hear me out before reacting."
Aizawa's brow furrows at his daughter's tone. She's only a teenager. What could be troubling her so? Most importantly, what is it for her to assume that he'd react badly? He inhales deeply, clears his throat and sits up on the couch. You're out in Tokyo, spending some time with a few friends, so it's his full responsibility to ensure his daughter is alright.
"First off, are you in trouble with anyone?" He asks, trying to determine whether or not he needs to reassure her safety. At her age, she's much more susceptible to victimisation, whether being targeted by petty criminals or established, high-profile villains.
"No, I'm fine," she shakes her head and sits down beside him. Aizawa has noticed that her hair has started to look more like his - shaggy but not necessarily unkempt. It started to look messier from how much she was running her hand through it.
"Look, Dad, I know I'm only 16," she breaths out, mindful of how she comes across. She doesn't want this prank to drag on, so she's determined to make sure it's only a funny joke before it evolves into anything more. "But something happened."
Aizawa doesn't say anything, but she takes that as her signal to continue. "I've been... exploring myself, as girls my age do," she glances at Aizawa as he crosses his arms. "And I got involved with a boy–," She's cut off when Aizawa groans.
"Don't tell me what I think you're going to. I swear, if you're pregnant, you should've picked a better time to tell me," he presses his fingers to his forehead and exhales deeply, frustration evident. When his daughter lowers her head and winces, Aizawa almost hopes that the universe would knock him out then and there.
The silence between them is deafening, but Aizawa isn't sure whether he's disappointed in his daughter's irresponsibility or worried about her wellbeing. A bit of both. Aizawa mumbles incoherently, continuing to massage his head and push his hair out his face, even rolling his sleeves to cool his heated skin.
"You need to tell your mother," he states. "But not like this. When she comes back, you need to sit her down and ease her into this."
D/N nods. She suddenly feels the tension in the room and the possibility of having tainted her father's trust burdens her. She bites her bottom lip and picks at her nailbeds again. When he goes to get up to the kitchen, she grabs his arm. "It's a prank. I'm not pregnant," she admits, smiling sheepishly. "I'm sorry."
Aizawa observes her expression and almost collapses from relief. He throws himself back on the couch and closes his eyes again. "Is this another trend on social media? Not all trends need to be indulged in, you know," he huffs. "Damn near gave me a heart attack," he admits, pulling her into his embrace and pressing a kiss to temple.
"I have to get you back for that."
sweetfushi © do not modify, repost, translate, copy or use my post in any way. all that is included in this post, aside from the fictional characters and universes, belong to sweetfushi (zee).
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g0niki · 5 months
hey, i just wonder if you'll be able to write something like "enhas reactions when their chubby gf is insecure about her body" cause im that gf and i feel terrible today? sorry if its too much ❤️ love your works
enha x gn!reader
word count: 1k+ (estimated 150 each)
contents: jake says girl once, kissing, fondling/ groping, overall fluff, suggestive (jaywon).
a/n: i made it sfw with some members suggestive(jay & jungwon)! I hope this makes you feel better and just let me know if you’d like an nsfw ver in the future!
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heeseung ⋆⭒˚。⋆
⭑ heeseung would most likely be sitting at his computer gaming and notice you in his peripheral looking in the mirror, trying on clothes, and overall just not being satisfied with how you look.
⭑ he'd take off his headphones and swivel in his chair to face you, just silently opening his arms for you to come sit on his thigh. the second you sit down he's wrapping his arms around your frame and pepper soft kisses onto your face asking what's got you so down.
⭑immediately showers you with the softest praise. "i find every part of you beautiful, love." he’s definitely gripping your thighs and running his hands up them, just trying to bring you some comfort.
⭑ i don't think he'd have too much to say but he'd do his absolute best to make you feel appreciated in that moment. closing out his games and deciding to pull up your favorite show/movies using this time just to hold you closely and gently caress every curve and kiss softly behind your ear every few moments.
more under cut ᯓ★
jay ⋆⭒˚。⋆
⭑i believe jay's biggest love language is food. he's always making sure his partner is eating well and just gets happy seeing his partner appreciate his home-cooked meals.
⭑ that being said, jay would 100% notice any change in diet/ eating habits. the second he notices you picking at your plate and refusing to eat your favorite foods he's raising an eyebrow and silently observing you.
⭑ he wouldn't put you on the spot but after dinner, while you’re cleaning up the dishes he'd come up and hug you from behind. "everything ok princess?"
⭑he'd listen to you attentively, trying his best to understand why you may feel like that. he’d hum in response taking in all your words but he finds you to be perfect. personally, i believe jay loves tummies, thighs, and all of that, he likes how it feels in his hands and honestly finds it to be attractive. "why don't we go shower so i can show my girl just how much she means to me?" and be prepared for jay to do just that.
jake ⋆⭒˚。⋆
⭑firmly believe jake loves all bodies like mans does not care, but if his partner ever were to be feeling insecure he’s right there to reassure them.
⭑jake on a daily expresses to his partner how much he loves them and is constantly hanging all over them. if you ever were feeling down and struggling with your image he’s quick to tell you that he loves you and wouldn’t trade you for the world. “you know no matter the size you’ll always be my girl right?”
⭑ i see him as the type to kiss you and in between each kiss list off what he loves about you, taking his time just to make you smile. “there’s that pretty smile i missed so much” while cupping your face and placing another gentle kiss on your lips.
⭑ he just wants to see you with a smile on your face and appreciating yourself for everything you are.
sunghoon ⋆⭒˚。⋆
⭑hoon is more in his head than the three above, i think he would be worried about what he may have said or done, thinking that he was the one to have made you feel that way.
⭑i think the easiest way for him to express that he loves you would be through subtle actions, coming up to you and caressing your curves, pushing your hair out of your face to just hold your face and take in your beauty.
⭑he would lean down and push your noses together, kissing you and saying “you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever laid eyes on love.”
⭑i do see him walking on eggshells a bit, unsure of how to approach the issue but he would always be there for you until you do open up, holding your hand, constantly reassuring and admiring you.
sunoo ⋆⭒˚。⋆
⭑he notices his partner not wanting to snack with him as much. one of sunoo’s favorite things to do would be going on late-night snack runs with you, so the moment you refuse to get icecream or share his mint choco he’s pouting and asking you what’s wrong.
⭑he’s very k-drama-esque, pushing your shoulder and scolding you “ya! i like you for you, not because of what others may think you look like.” wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you with all his might.
⭑"this is who i love, and i want the person i love to love themself!” pulling back and grabbing your hand, staring into your eyes, and placing a pouty kiss onto your lips.
⭑ sunoo literally doesn’t tolerate his partner not loving themselves, he thinks you’re perfect and that anyone that disagrees needs to piss off.
jungwon ⋆⭒˚。⋆
⭑before i start, i think won loves curvy girls, he’s very touchy and loves having more to grab. won with a curvy s/o he’d constantly be touching up on you and it kind of brings him comfort in a way.
⭑if you told him you were feeling insecure i don’t think he’d be able to understand why. jungwon is immediately furrowing his brows and trying to wrap his head around the fact.
⭑he’d pull you onto the bed next to him, leaning over you to say “you must not see how perfect you are.” he’d take a moment just to admire you, hold you close to him, and probably trail kisses along your neck and chest.
⭑"nothing about you could ever be less than perfect,” his kisses never stopping as he pushes you back and get’s ready to show you what he feels.
riki ⋆⭒˚。⋆
⭑i think he’d get mad if you told him you were feeling insecure. not mad at you but mad at whoever made you think you weren’t enough. he’d try and keep his composure for your sake but his eyebrows would be pinched together and jaw slightly clenched.
⭑ sits you down just to hear you out better, mostly to calm himself down and figure out just what to say. holding your hands and using his thumbs to caress the backs of them.
⭑"why worry about them anyways, i’m the one who loves you.” he just might be even more hurt than you are. he’d calm himself down by gently kissing the top of your temple and pulling you to lean onto his chest.
⭑"don’t listen to them, none of them matter.” his definitely using his words to calm himself down and stop himself from acting irrationally to protect you.
@g0niki all rights reserved. do not translate or post my work anywhere without permission.
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elsweetheart · 1 year
ok hi same anon and i agree, i’m not a stone but i love stone identities so much! also can i pls get some nsfw hcs of stone ellie helping her gf de-stress during exam season :))))
stone tops are the backbone of our society i salute them i also giggle and kick my feet for them🫡
combining this request with this one:
your dealer!ellie au is so so so so good !!! her talking about how pretty you are with pretty pink eyes… im literally barking rn pls do a part 2 (maybe with some smut cause im down bad) if you have the chance !!! <3 xoxoxox
it’s dealer!ellie i hope you don’t mind! gotta love our stone stoner 🤭
brief daddy kink mention + obvious usage of weed so skip if that makes u uncomfy. fem reader !
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herbal therapy — dealer!ellie
🎀 smut !! reader calls ellie daddy, drugs are involved, mentions of stress
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• it had been a long week, you had literally been living in the library with your head buried in your books and laptop preparing for your exams. pressure was being applied from everywhere in your life, and before you reached your breaking point you decided to grant yourself a day to relax.
• well, you don’t exactly decide — you can’t concentrate on your work because you started crying due to the stress, and in that moment you just needed your girlfriend to make it all go away.
• so, you show up to her dorm with your bag and a downturned pout, tears welling in your eyes. her brows furrowed when she saw how done you looked and slowly pulled you into her arms, eyes flickering over you. “oh! hey! you’re crying!” she whispered, eyes wide and face worried.
• she pulled you into her room and shut the door, bringing you over to her bed and sitting down, pulling you onto her lap. “talk to me, what happened?” she was sure to speak gently not knowing how fragile you were feeling. you sniffled loudly, wiping your cheeks with the backs of your hands. “s’just too much. need a night away from it all. wanted to be with you.” you tell her dejectedly and she nods in understanding, squeezing you close and resting her chin on your shoulder. “I’m yours all night, you’ll be alright.” she comfort, kissing your cheek.
• she orders you both a pizza, and god she’s just being so fucking gentle with you it makes you wanna cry everytime you look at her. she even holds you whilst you eat your pizza, her leaning her back to the wall with you laying with your back to her chest, sat up so you can eat. she doesn’t expect you to reply to her too much, but she’ll talk to you quietly in your ear about the movie you’re watching or something that happened to her earlier. her voice is so comforting it soothes you enough for your stress to start melting away a little.
• “you wanna get a little high? might help you relax a little, babe.” she all but whispers in your ear after your food had gone down, the movie on the screen illuminating the room. you turn your face to her, running your eyes over her freckles, her eyebrow scar, her pretty green eyes. it takes you a moment to respond because you’re so mesmerised by her, finally getting out a weak “mhm.” which makes her smile like she’s proud of you, pressing a kiss to your slightly parted lips.
• she prepares it all for you, letting you get the first hit like she always does. the two of you had figured out what your limit was, and honestly the two of you rarely smoked together because she was constantly telling you it was bad for you etc — but times like this did call for a little herbal therapy. you smoked your usual amount until your eyes were all pink and hazy just how she liked it and you felt fuzzy and warm on the inside. she finished off the rest easily, her tolerance way higher.
• she leans back on the bed and you lay down with her, practically trying to climb into her clothes with how close you wanted to be. “wish you could shrink me down so i could be in your pocket all day n’you could take me everywhere.” you hum into her and she chuckles low in her chest, palms flattening against your back as she rubs up and down. “i wouldn’t put you in my pocket, come on now. i’d obviously have you sit on my shoulder like a little parrot. s’way cooler.” she theorises and you pull back, nodding with doe eyes and a serious expression which makes her laugh even more at you taking her answer to heart. “you’re so cute. my cute little lady.” she cups your cheeks with a funny voice making you giggle before she presses her lips to your puckered one’s. you melt into the kiss and it deepens naturally, her hand pushing your lower back to arch you gently into her. you take it one step further, hooking your leg over her thigh and her hands roam lower, squeezing your ass as she slips her tongue into your mouth. you whimper, the weed having you so sensitive to touch that everything felt amazing and you’d barely even started making out. you felt the warmth and wetness begin to spread in your panties and if you weren’t high you might’ve been ashamed over how easy it was.
• her lips attack your neck as she encourages you with her hands to grind against her thigh, causing you to whine in satisfaction at the warm friction against your clit. “mhm?” she cooes against your skin when you do, making you all the more wetter knowing exactly what you had in store. ellie was gonna look after you, just like she always does.
• deciding enough was enough, ellie gently rolled you onto your back— pushing herself up onto her knees as her eyes ran over your heaving figure for a second. “y’wanna take these off for me?” she pat your pants lightly, leaning over to her bedside table to drink out of her water bottle before cupping the back of your neck to sit you up a little and holding it to your lips, pausing you in your undressing. “good girl.” she praised casually, eyes on your wet lips. as she did up the cap of the bottle you were quick to pull off your pants, grabbing at her tshirt to pull her back to you. as you did this, you caught the ghost of a smirk at your desperation on her face before she kissed you again, holding herself up over you.
• her larger hand crept down you, before nudging your thighs a little wider and cupping you through your panties. you gasp at this, and she chuckles at your reaction, digging her fingers in slightly. “ellie…” you whisper against her lips and she pulls away to kiss your chin before dropping her head to look at what her hand was doing. her hand trailed up and brushed over your clit making your legs jerk slightly and her fingers curled around the fabric of your panties. before you could wonder what she was doing, she gently tugged them up, causing the material to bunch and rub against your sensitive button.
• “mm—mgh, o’mygod” you whimpered, not being able to do anything but pant for a moment. she was looking back up at you now, watching your reaction and she let the smirk grace her face once more, continuing to tug. “y’like that?” she mutters, almost slightly taken aback and you nod, swallowing down a thick gulp. “so sensitive.” she commented teasingly even quieter than before, beginning to pull your underwear off completely unable to wait any longer.
• she pushed herself off you so she could ease her way down the bed, coming face to face with your cunt. you went to close your legs, but she gently eased them open— taking your hand that covered your modesty and running her thumb along the backs of your knuckles looking up at you. “s’just me.” she cooed and your heart fluttered, nodding as if hypnotised. “just you.” you repeat in a broken whisper before her eyes are on your pussy again, thumbs coming even side of the lips to spread them apart. she was high, so naturally she was entranced by how pretty it was taking a moment to admire you as she dragged a finger through your soaked slit.
• “please.” you eventually pouted and she snapped out of it, dragging a thumb up to your clit making you moan. dipping her head down she began leaving wet kisses on your thighs, pleased hums leaving her when the sensation of this would cause you to spread your legs for her even wider trying to urge her face closer to your heat. “m’gonna take care of you. gonna take care of you so well, pretty girl.” she promised against your warm skin and you mewled, hands curling into the sheets beneath you.
• ellie pushed a finger inside your wet warmth and you melted into the sheets, for once not making sound. your eyes were screwed shut and you were holding your breath without realising, trying to focus solely on the feeling of her finger being gripped by your walls. her finger didn’t move, and you were pulled out of it when she looked up at you with a gentle yet stern expression, hazy eyes focused in one yours. “breathe.” her hand stroked your thigh lovingly and you released a shaky breath. she began moving her finger again, working you open before adding another and curling them up against your gummy spot.
• your back arched off the bed and she took that as the perfect opportunity to wrap an arm around your thigh and pull you closer until her hot mouth was on your slit, licking up any juices that had leaked from you. the substances inside you heightened the euphoria of this, tears welling in your eyes as she mouthed at you hungrily.
• you didn’t know how much time had passed, it all had blurred into one as ellie made you cum over and over. during the last orgasm she drew out of you, her hand dragged up to your tummy feeling the way it spasmed and clenched and remained tense after you had hit your peak. something in you was still holding onto that stress whether you realised it or not.
• she pushed herself up rather abruptly, and your eyes fluttered open to see her staring at you, taking in all of your features analytically like she was going to draw a picture of you. your brow was still slightly tense, your jaw too. you pressed your lips together swallowing, just waiting for her next move — because ellie always knew what to do, ellie always knew how to make it better. you still looked hungry, and she realised you needed more. “you need to get fucked.” she told you so casually like it was an obvious realisation and you inhaled through your mouth, head dizzy with just how serious she was. you couldn’t help a whine slip out your mouth as your teary eyes gazed into hers, still convinced that you were too sensitive from the orgasms you’d already received. “i know, baby.” she whispered, cupping your face as if she’d read your mind. “my girl is still all tense. y’just need a little bit of dick to let go of it all don’t you?” she cooed so gently that you felt a tear roll down the side of your cheek and onto the pillow beside you. she swiped it away with her thumb, lips still glistening from you and nodded, a pout on her own face. “yeah. need me to make it all better.” she kissed you, and your breath caught in your throat when you tasted yourself. ellie had a way of making your head get so fucked, to the point where all you knew was her. she didn’t even have to try to take charge you just naturally… gave it all to her.
• you don’t remember her getting up, you just knew she was just suddenly lazily clipping her strap on onto her harness, not bothering to remove her sweats underneath. your senses were alive and practically vibrating within you when she swiped the plastic tip along through your folds, sighing like she could feel it herself. “els, want it—please.” you heard yourself say and she didn’t keep you waiting, pushing it in slow to the hilt and holding it there, kissing you through the stretch.
• “need you to relax for me. big breath in, okay? do it with me.” she whispered and you blindly followed her. the two of you, faces close, eyes locked just breathing together. your high felt elevated, and in that moment you thought the two of you might just become one person. she seemed to give in, latching her lips to yours and sucking on your bottom lip, both hands cradling your neck like she couldn’t get enough. “you gonna let me take care of that pretty pussy?” she breathed into your mouth and you were whimpering out desperate ‘yes!’s before you could even stop to think. ellie was fucking you, slow and deep and you were crying because there was truly nothing better in the world than her giving you exactly what you needed in that moment.
• lost in the moment, she pushed your knees up to your chest and your mouth fell open as she hit your spot which spurred her on to grind her strap into you with even more energy. “‘taking me so well. look at that. look how good you’re taking it. fuck me.” she cursed, gently wrapping her hand round your chin to make you look down at the soaked plastic disappearing in and out of you.
• “mm—hmhph daddy!” you sniffled and she was suddenly kissing you again so hard it nearly knocked the wind out of you. you didn’t mean to say it, but nothing ever seemed totally off the table with ellie as she just wanted to make you feel good — she knew being ‘daddy’ was what you needed, and boy did it sound pretty coming from your swollen lips. “mhm. i’m daddy. cum for me m’right here. keep takin’ it for daddy.” she groaned against your lips, doing everything in her power to get you there. she knew snaking a hand between you and letting you hump your abused clit against it would seal the deal and it did— your ears ringing as you tumbled over your last peak. somewhere in the back of your mind you thought about the students living on the other sides of ellie’s dorm walls hearing all of this but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as she talked you through cumming. “good girl, so fuckin’ beautiful.”
• ellie got what she wanted too, a completely relaxed and limp girlfriend. it’s almost like she could see the previous, remaining stress float away from your body like steam and she smiled, catching her breath. she slowly pulled out, glancing at the mess you’d made of her strap and the blanket beneath you. “messy girl.” she tutted lightheartedly with a grin on her face and you reached weakly for her, using the rest of your energy to do so. “gotta clean you up, babe.” she reminded you but you pouted, so naturally she was crawling back over you and pulling you into her chest to cuddle. “inna bit.” you slurred, seeming drunk and fucked out which filled her with endless pride.
• she kissed the top of your head, resting her chin on it as you enjoyed the sleepy silence before she spoke. “‘that help you at all?” she knew the answer, hell— she was feeling smug as ever, but she needed verbal confirmation. she needed to hear you say it. “mhm. needed it bad n’i didn’t even know. but you always know.” you were muffled in her tshirt, practically asleep at this point.
• it was true. ellie always knows. ellie always makes it better.
• her lips attacked your neck as she pulled you to grind lazily on her thigh and you let out another shaky moan, causing her to hum an encouraging “mhm?” against you, turning you on even more. her hands were warm when they pushed up your shirt to squeeze at your tits, your moans only getting more lustful.
• deciding enough was enough she gently rolled you onto your back, pushing herself up on her knees.
• she orders you food, your favourite kind - and the two of you curl up and watch a movie, ellie doing her best to
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