puppycharmz · 8 months
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feli026 · 1 year
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having genloss brainrot atm
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pikhachu · 5 months
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ninjasmudge · 21 hours
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oreo poly
this particular goat design is @purrpurra 's bc weve been talking abt all of them
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anemonet · 1 year
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frogfacey · 4 months
whaaaat our men's rights movement that hinges on the belief of gendered socialisation and sex based oppression has a terf problem??? who could have seen this coming???
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pastadoughie · 7 months
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numb by linkin park is abt transgenderism, sorry.
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thedaythatwas · 4 months
I know we talk about this a lot but it bears being said again, black mask akechi fight dialogue in the third semester is absolutely wild. mmmm. wow! uhh. yeah. hhhngh. because like—
“Joker's enraged? I kind of like it”
“I'm getting a warm, tingly feeling from all this power!”
“Tell me how much it hurts!”
…why is he like that?
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comradekatara · 1 year
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i think about their relationship so often.
the chiastic parallels between kanna risking her life to travel to the other side of the world during a war, only for katara to make the same perilous yet inverse journey north two generations later. how the shot with kanna looking on with tears in her eyes as hama is taken by the fire nation, the ship's hull closing as she looks out at her decimated tribe, her best friend with tears in her eyes, is a beat for beat exact callback to katara looking on at aang, the only difference being that aang attempts to smile hopefully for katara before his face, too, ultimately clouds over with despair. the fact that kanna is constantly nagging katara to do her chores, to stop messing around, to follow the rules, to stay put, to listen to her brother. she knows katara, knows her intimately, because she once was her. that brave, daring, hopeful, adventurous girl who wanted nothing more than to escape the confines of her of her monotonous existence, who wanted to travel and find freedom and hope elsewhere.
but katara is now her responsibility, and she knows all too well that a girl like that can be trouble, can be a danger to herself and others. especially if she's a waterbender. kanna saw her people massacred, her best friend taken by the fire nation, her daughter killed sacrificing herself for katara, the girl who carries the hope of her entire people on her shoulders. and she loves katara, she loves her so much, sees so much of herself in her, but it is also her job to rein her in, to keep her indoors, doing domestic busywork like sewing and laundry so she doesn't try to run off, try to run all the way to the other side of the world, so her antics, through her bending mishaps or otherwise, don't cause her to accidentally alert the fire nation and have their entire fragile existence come crumbling down after she and sokka have done so much to maintain it, to protect katara, even when katara feels like she is being smothered and overdisciplined and robbed of a childhood.
katara wants the opportunity to train with a master. of course she does. she considers her waterbending the most important part of her identity, the part of her that brought hope to her tribe and killed her mother in equal measure. she's the only person left who holds the key to their cultural artform, this crucial piece of their heritage. and of course kanna would love it if katara could hone her craft, but her first priority is always keeping katara alive, and if that means she can't become a bending master, then so be it.
raising a teenager is hard, really hard. they don't like being told that ordering them around and telling them to stay in the borders you've drawn for them is "for their own good." the only reason kanna doesn't have the same problem with sokka is because he doesn't actually consider himself a teenager (although he very much is), and he not only follows her rules but enforces them. they are on the same page; safety is the priority, katara is the priority. but katara hates how restrictive their rules are, hates how sullen and strict and serious they are. how hopeless they are, how resigned they are to leading lives of misery in the fraught safety they've created for themselves. she wants to see the world, to have fun, to have friends, to help others instead of being the one constantly being protected and sheltered.
of course, kanna and sokka are not hopeless and depressed and numb by nature; they have been hollowed out into shells of themselves by the war, by the promises they've made to keep katara safe. sokka grows so much by traveling the world, absorbs so much new knowledge so quickly, makes new friends and lovers, gains new perspectives, reaches his full, incredible potential by being dragged out of the comfort zone he clings to in the pilot. and kanna has already undergone her bildungsroman, lifetimes ago. she knows what it is like, what it means to experience the adventure katara desires. but she never told her. she never once mentioned to katara that the south pole is not all she knows, that she too once longed to leave the place that was stifling her, suppressing her freedom. she is afraid to tempt katara, to be anything other than the strict authority from which she once left everything she ever knew behind to escape.
until the avatar returns. until the legend she used to tell katara before their world became too hopeless, of the old days when the avatar kept balance and the world was not at war, is made real again. when katara, who found aang, who believed in him from the beginning, brings the avatar back, through her desperation and her rage and her indomitable hope for a life that can be bigger and better than kanna and sokka's dour little pocket of resignation and grief.
kanna has always believed in katara, has always known that there would come a time when katara was to bring back hope to their tribe. so now, trusting sokka, katara's sworn protector, to stay by her side and do right by her, she ushers them on their journey. katara, her little waterbender, hero of the southern water tribe, and spitting image of kanna.
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arsonistt · 27 days
you can always tell when your f/o is in the mood because they get quiet, and incredibly handsy. a hand sliding around your waist, hugging you from behind, their body so very close to yours.
their fingers pressing into your flesh, a hand grabbing your arm and moving you to where they want you to be.
a hand on the back of your neck, holding you still as they kiss you, other one grabbing you and feeling you in any way they can.
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quirkle2 · 8 months
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[teru] [mob] [reigen]
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snailsrneat · 7 months
Yandere Epel Felmier Headcanons
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Ooooh boy
If he becomes your yandere I feel sorry for you
Epel doesn't really understand his feelings for you fully
All he really understands is that around you his body gets weak and his heart beat rises a lot
In short you make him feel inferior, and he doesn't like that one bit
He despises the way you make him feel.
And he definitely shows his distate for it constantly
He finds that bullying you makes him feel better. Makes him feel superior.
He always makes sure to point out any sort of flaw on your body or clothing, and laughs when you give him a dirty look
He always makes sure to seek you out. Even when you started avoiding him, he kept on actively trying to find you.
He especially loves you give him angry reaction, it adds fuel to his flame.
"Hey nerd! Why do you keep running from me? You scared? Think I'm soo terrifying that you can't even come face me?"
For awhile he thought he hated you, despised you, that was until he saw how close you and Jack were.
You and Jack decided to have lunch alone together outside instead of inside.
Epel had been looking for you, as he always was. The moment he saw you and the wolf-boy sitting so close, your faces less than an inch apart, his body filled with the most intense rage he's ever felt.
Rage so intense he started to physically shake.
Epel stomped all the way back to his dorm room, slammed the door shut, and started to throw the biggest fit in history.
Epel knew that Vil was going to yell at him but he couldn't care less right now, he needed to get all his anger out.
Once he's done with his temper tantrum he sits in the middle of his room, thinking.
Mostly thoughts about you, he could never stop thinking about you.
You with that dumb smile, you with your stupid pretty eyes, you and your shiny hair..
He can't deal with all the emotions going on in his head, but he can realize one thing.
He wants you to be his and he'll do anything to have you.
From that moment forward Epel becomes a lot less rude, he still makes snide remarks from time to time but he's way nicer to you than before.
He still constantly seeks you out too, but it's welcome this time around.
"Hey nerd! You wanna go eat at the monstro lounge after school? Just you and me."
Eventually when you guys get close enough to eachother and you start to open up to him he makes sure to keep notes of everything in a secret dairy he has.
Honestly he takes a lot after Rook.
He keeps notes of your deepest darkest secrets, fears, trauma, literally anything he deems useful blackmail.
Once you guys get close that's when all of your other friends start to get distant.
You don't understand what happened or what you did to make them not like you all of a sudden but you get lonely pretty quick.
Good thing Epel is there to keep you company.
"They did what!? Oh no, don't cry. They never deserved you anyways. I'm still here, remember? I'd never leave you."
He's so extremely possessive he can't let anyone be close to you but him.
He'll even make sure you get a schedule change and everything.
Now you're with him in every class, he couldn't be happier.
If you start failing some classes? Oh don't worry about it Epel can give you his notes.
Even if you start to oppose him and want to get away, you can't.
Well cause if you do then he'll get upset, and once he gets upset that's when he brings out his pen.
He doesn't want to do this but if you keep threatening that you're going to leave, what else can he do?
Now look at what you did to yourself, all bruised and beaten.
We were so happy then you tried to leave and now look.
"It's better for you to stay here with me. Without me you're too weak to fight even the smallest amount of magic."
"You need me."
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goost55 · 4 months
I one hundred percent believe that Crowley is the one that gave aziraphale all those fire extinguishers, I think azi thought it was a great idea but I’m certain it was Crowley’s idea.
I mean the poor guy walked into a burning bookshop to save his best friend (boyfriend) and thought he had died and it hurt him so he went and got drunk to deal with it.
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Crowley realizes just how flammable books are (because while they knew that they never thought it would actually burn down) and subtly demands that azi gets fire extinguishers.
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kiruvry · 1 year
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hi tumblr its my birthday today im coming out❤❤ as fucking insane❤❤❤ and having gotten so unbelievably attached to a pairing that makes no fucking sense❤❤❤❤
more stupid fucking shitposts tjat r older down here LMFAOOOOOO
THERE ARE WORMS IN MY BRAIN TJERE ARE WORMS IN MY BRAIN ill draw something proper eventually i promise please god THERE ARE WORMS IN MY BRAIN THERE ARE W
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joy-crimes · 8 months
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brainyrot · 11 months
"so god forbid I'm seen just as an average human being."
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