#HH Analysis
jubileemon · 7 months
There is a more symbolic reason behind Alastor's and Lucifer's mutual dislike between each other, in biblical lore the stag is meant to represent Christ while Lucifer is represented by the snake.
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mandareeboo · 8 months
I gotta say they made a great plot point in Carmine killing the angel to protect her daughters. It makes it so the angels have no recourse- what else is purer than a mother caring for her children?- and inspires confidence in hell's kindness over heaven's.
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canibalistic-brownie · 2 months
Something that I think is (perhaps intentionally on the creators part) misunderstood is the reasoning Lute taking Vaggie’s eye. At that point in time Lute and Adam had no way of knowing that the angels could be killed by angelic steel. They probably knew they could be harmed from training, but they didn’t think they could die. So at no point in Lute’s mind was she planning on killing Vaggie.
Throughout the show, eyes are used symbolically for power, divinity and unknown forces (the root of all evil, whatever force gave Alastor his powers, the elders). Heaven itself uses eyes as a common motif in design and the exorcists even have their own specific eye motif (X O).
The idea of having your eyes open is to be powerful and part of what taking her eye means is to tell her physically that you are weak, it’s to set her apart from the other exorcists. The Red X over her eye is like a scarlet letter saying “I fucked up” and she can never remove it. No longer an exorcist but forever branded by it. Different in a way she always was [one stripe instead of two, (O X) instead of (X O)] and never given an opportunity to forget it.
It was never meant to be a death sentence or a blind rage attack. It was a removal of rank and a red letter to show all that she was weak and unworthy, a step below the rest.
Do I think it was done in rage? Absolutely, but it wasn’t done in blind rage. Lute was calculated and cold the way she was always meant to be.
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achromaticegoist · 8 months
Something I noticed about Adam's Wings (Hazbin Hotel)
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They're always folded in like a really specific away, close to the sides rested comfortably under the arms
You can compare it to the other angels and their wings like Lute and the other Seraphim. Adam has his wings out sometimes just like them but as far as I know this is another way to differentiate his character
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Very noticeable next to lute, is it like a laid back/strict kind of thing?
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It's just cool that there's like nobody talking about this it's like the only thing I could think about whenever he was in a scene lolll
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THE CURVE? THE COMPARISON? It can't be becuase his wings are big, maybe that's a part of it but the seraphim have large wings and they posture them just like lute (and all the other angels in the background)
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I'm so attached to wings as you can tell by past fanart I love wings
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phoenixlionme · 6 months
Parallels between Chaggie and Lucilith and what that may mean for the former's future in the show
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A Fallen Angel and another of demon origin (Lilith was the first woman turned demon; Charlie is demon born, being half Seraphim Angel and half demon)
It is the one named Morningstar who find their respective lovers.
As shown in the above pictures, how the couple first meet are positioned in the same manner.
The Fallen Angel is the shorter partner of the respective couples.
From each couple, one was treated horribly by Adam, which became a reason as to why they left/were abandoned - Lilith refused to submit to Adam; Vaggie was left in Hell by Adam (and Lute) for sparing a demon child.
The Fallen Angel of each couple have a dim view on both Sinners and Heaven, although Vaggie is still supportive of Charlie's goal.
Each couple have been implied to have an active, happy sex life - it's more explicit with Lucilith and subtle with Chaggie.
The Morningstar partner comes from high social standing and is the more physically powerful between them their respective partners - Lucifer was once a renowned Serpahim Angel while Charlie grew up sheltered and protected as the Princess of Hell.
Both Vaggie and Lilith have a big secret regarding Heaven that could/did hurt Charlie in some way - Vaggie was a top Exorcist Angel and Charlie became hurt over her girlfriend keeping it a secrete; Lilith made some deal with Adam to stay in Heaven for yet unknown reasons but it wouldn't be hard to guess how hurt Charlie would be.
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shadebloopnik · 7 months
We all noticed how Alastor only ever seems to sing reprises, or how he only ever interrupts songs by others. It fits his personality and character so damn much its amazing.
He sung a reprise of Charlie's song in the pilot to get into her good graces. He interrupted Vox and Lucifer's solos, using their own melody to against them to assert dominance and make the song his own. He takes and steals and bends himself to fit any situation.
But he WASNT DOING that in the finale
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His melody was vastly different from the others. It didn't fit in the song.
Even the Vees' verse somewhat fit in with the theme, playing on the same beat, but not Alastor's. He changed the whole tune, grabbed at the lively beat and forced it down.
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He was alone. There was no audience to play for. No need to pretend.
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For the first time, we got ALASTOR'S song. No masks. No performances for anyone else. He didn't play off others, no. This is HIS melody, and no one else's.
I saw a lot of people complain how his part didn't fit into the song and YES THAT'S THE POINT. HE DOESN'T FIT IN. He only sings to the song's tune when he was back with the others. Alone, he never sung to the same beat. We can see now, clear as day how he never was on the same wavelength as the others. He doesn't associate himself with the main cast, nor with the villainous vees. He works alone, he doesn't need a harmony from companions, he refuses to.
We're finally starting to see him.
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bat-anon · 8 months
“Together, they wished to share the magic of free will with humanity offering the fruit of knowledge to Adam’s new bride, Eve, who gladly accepted. But this gift came with a curse, for this single act of disobedience, evil finally found its way into Earth; with it, a new realm of darkness and sin…. As punishment for their reckless act, Heaven cast Lucifer and his lover into the dark pit he had created, never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity, only the cruel and the wicked.”
“Our people, Charlie, are awful! They got gifted free will and look what they did with it! Everything’s terrible!”
“You see? This is exactly what I’m talking about, Charlie. You build something nice, you invite people in and offer them everything and they just bring violence and chaos to your doorstep. It doesn’t matter how well-intentioned you are, they’re always gonna disappoint you!”
Lucifer is upset about the sinners because he blames himself. He gave them free will with Lilith because they loved humanity, and it created sin and Hell. He’s only ever seen the bad his actions had caused. He stuck his neck out for the humans and defended them to Heaven and now all he sees is them betraying him by proving Heaven right.
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drama-glob · 8 months
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I love getting to see Zestial and Carmilla Carmine appear in the third episode of "Hazbin Hotel," but aside from their designs, I just treasure the friendship (or perhaps more ;) ) that these two have. ^_^ I find the duality of it sweet that someone like Zestial, who Sinners were actively trying to run away from and set themselves on fire at the mere sight of him as well as being someone who revels in their screams, is able to be observant and show genuine care when those close to him seem distressed. ^_^<3<3<3 He's scary and clearly has done many evil things, but he's more than just that. ;)
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The slight smile on Carmilla's face when she sees Zestial as well as her daughter having a more obvious one at his arrival certainly shows that he's been kind to Carmilla and her family over the many years. Carmilla definitely cares for Zestial too with her not standing for Velvette's disrespect as well as her looking at him during her song "Whatever It Takes," to which Zestial seems to be processing what she's saying/show concern since he likely doesn't want her to take on such a burden or see her hurt either. ^_^<3<3<3
*I totally ship them by the way in case that wasn't obvious. ;) ^_^ <3<3<3 I'm mainly worried that either Carmilla or Zestial will die soon because of their connection and Carmilla's slight against Heaven with killing the angel. ;_; ;_; ;_; Both deaths would have significant consequences with power vacuums, but I'd mainly just be sad because one of them is dead. ;_; ;_; ;_;
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phddyke · 8 months
Currently there’s a lot of discussion going on about whether or not Alastor was sincere in saying Charlie was like a daughter to him, and also why he disliked Lucifer—since many people pointed out his eye twitched and he’s annoyed from the moment he showed up, NOT from the moment Lucifer said he hadn’t heard of him or expressed surprise about the bar he (Alastor) made.
I see there are theories floating around about him disliking Lucifer because of Lilith, and while that is certainly possible, I see people are also discussing the possibility that Alastor had an abusive father while he was alive, as it would explain a lot of his behavior.
If that’s the case, then that might have been where his immediate suspicion and dislike of Lucifer came from. He knows that Lucifer is somewhat of a “dead-beat Dad” (although we all now know that’s because of his depression and he does love his daughter a lot), so when he hears that he’s coming to the hotel, he’s annoyed about that. What, he magically wants to be a part of Charlie’s life now? He’s partially projecting about his own issues with his father, but he’s also thinking, “Well, Charlie deserves better than that. I’ll remind her that I’m here as a surrogate father figure and she has her own found family. She doesn’t have to deal with this sub-par treatment from her Dad even if he is Lucifer. In fact, I’ll step up to act as her father just like I wish someone had done for me.” He may also be annoyed that Lucifer can come waltzing in after doing nothing when he, as he pointed out, has been here since Day 1—and yet it’s Lucifer who they all have to work to impress, who still gets the recognition of “Dad.” The lyric “Sadly there are times the birth parent is a dud” also makes me think he’s speaking from his own experience, but it can’t be his Mom because Vivzie said he’s a mama’s boy (and you can kinda tell that from the pilot).
Also explains why he didn’t interfere during their “More Than Anything” song. People theorized he was trying to goad Lucifer into helping Charlie, and while that may be true, if this has something to do with his own father issues, then seeing Lucifer’s genuine love, care, and support for Charlie made him happy. He doesn’t need to interfere because he sees that Lucifer is trying and he’s treating her well, and that’s all he wants. It’s not like his father at all.
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league-of-blorbos · 8 months
Ive mentioned this before on my other blog, but everytime I think about it, it astonishes me how much Arcane feels like it successfully pulled off what Hazbin Hotel was trying to do. You got:
Lesbian lead couple that have amazing chemistry despite their different backgrounds and personalities? Arcane did it better than Hazbin
Male characters that are fleshed out enough to have their own narratives but don't overshadow the female leads and instead support their plotlines? Arcane did that better than Hazbin
Diverse character designs that tell you so much about each character and helps them stand out from one another? Arcane did that better than Hazbin
An accurate portrayal of social hierarchy and how even if those in elite positions genuinely care about every person, they still may be blinded by their own privilege? Hazbin barely had that but Arcane did that better than Helluva Boss
Building conflict between two nations where one abuses their power over the other and the lower nation is ready to rise up and start a war for their equality? Arcane did that better than Hazbin
Fast paced plot that tells multiple nuanced stories in a single digit amount of episodes but everything still feels comprehensive and realistic? Arcane did that better than Hazbin
Overarching themes of parenthood without feeling like the show is telling the same story again and again? Arcane did that better than Hazbin and Helluva Boss
Both have gorgeous animation and wonderful musical segments and this one is more debatable than the others, but I feel like Arcane uses their animation and soundtrack much better as a way to tell their story while Hazbin uses it more for style than for adding to or progressing the plot (but obviously both shows use it for both plot and style simultaneously)
I don't feel qualified to talk about their portrayals of trauma, especially when it comes to Angel Dust and Jinx, but I'd love to hear from someone with more experience than me how these two shows compare in that department and in regards to making fictional trauma feel realistic without glamorizing it or only showing it for the sake of being edgy
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araminakilla · 9 months
Hazbin Hotel Cards SPOILERS
Something I noticed in these character cards is that Sera and Sir Pentious are the only ones who got a front face picture and they are kind of similar with the sphere thing below them.
It gets even more interesting once you take into account that Sera is a seraphim, word that could be derived from the word "sarpa" which is serpent or naga, a creature that Pentious is. Seraphims are also described sometimes as fiery serpents with many eyes, so I wonder... could this possibly lead to somewhere regarding the similarities of these two?
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jubileemon · 6 months
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In most forms of media, the whole "my girlfriend/boyfriend has been keeping a secret and I'm angry" situation has the angered lover making "I don't think we should be together" or "we should break up if I can't trust you" statements.
Vaggie didn't even attempt to justify her secrecy to Charlie. In most situations like this in media, when a character would keep a big secret from their significant other, the secret keeper attempts to rationalize their deceit. However, Vaggie doesn't do that, or she might've done when they came home, but we didn't see it anyway. Either way, Vaggie understands the pain she caused Charlie and doesn't attempt to make an excuse for herself.
In this case, Charlie's expressing a very justified hurt that Vaggie couldn't trust her when Charlie knows that she has proven herself to be incredibly understanding and open as a partner, but at no point does she say that she's lost trust in Vaggie. And while Charlie gave Vaggie a cold stare earlier, she never made a comment about planning or wanting to break up with her. Even when she felt lied to, Charlie never thought of ending her romance with Vaggie. She still sends Vaggie to get them help from Carmilla, showing that in spite of everything, Vaggie will always be someone that Charlie trusts.
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fujosh1dreamer · 9 months
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Sorry I'm fine now. The trailer for Hazbin Hotel just dropped and I finally got to see my girl Cherri!!!!
I love her so much.
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Not just Cherri but Niffty too!!! Look at them my precious.
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From the trailer we also got some scenes of the angels and Charlie talking.
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Dear old dad is probably also gonna have a musical number I wonder if it'll be a duet with Charlie?!?
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Ponytail!!! Pretty...
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These are not the two demons to make angry.
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I can't wait to see the Angel Dust and Charlie dynamic It's gonna be so cute and hilarious.
I'm so excited for this show!!!
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viva-la-bohemia · 7 months
I have a lot of thoughts on Henroin Ragno (Angel Dust’s dad) bc I know that on the Wiki it says Angel’s dad is homophobic and hates him and that’s literally it. Me personally? I HATE THAT. Yeah Angel probably was a disappointment to his gang leader dad, but there’s so much more to it than that??
Duh, he’s Angel’s dad. But imagine him as a father of a son, not just Angel Dust’s father
I believe that as much as Henri did say awful 1930’s Catholic Italian gang-esque things about Anthony's sexuality, or just ignore it point blank, the moment Anthony stumbled home one night with a black eye, heads rolled. That the moment anyone else in the gang said anything at all that even pertained to how Anthony dressed, Henri had them outside with a gun to their temple.
The small little things between dad and son, I want them to have that.
Just, just think about it like this:
I want a dad who, as frustrated as he is, can’t bring himself to kick his son out. So Anthony stays in the house until he’s in his thirties, and probably would’ve kept living there if he’d lived past that.
I want a dad who, for as much as he’d been taught by his own father and the Catholic priests back in Rome, couldn’t bring himself to beat the gay out of the kid he’d watched toddle around the floors of their cramped one bedroom back in the days when they couldn’t afford much. So for as many fights as they get into, Anthony never has to fear being hit.
I want Henri walking home from a shit day at work and finding his son in an alleyway, something bad on his chin and something worse powdering his nose, and he ignores the voice in his head telling him that this is wrong, all so very wrong, because Henri still has blood on his fists so really who is he to judge, so he just cleans the boy up and carries him home.
I want Anthony to want to buy a fur coat and Henri takes him to his favorite tailor, thinking he can finally get his son to dress more manishly, only for Anthony to absolutely fall in love with the most feminine fur Henri has ever seen. And as humiliating as it is for his favorite tailor to see this play out, Henri can’t say no to that face, so he pays and walks Anthony home and they snack on peanuts from the street carts and at the very least Henri is keeping his son from overdosing in a an alleyway for one more night, so who really cares what words are buzzing to fall from Henri’s tongue.
I want a dad who is not great but tries to love as best as he can. I want a dad who comes home with the usual greeting joke of “Still alive, Tony?” on his tongue, only to open his youngest son’s door and be hit with the ice cold realization that he will never hear a response to that question ever again.
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frankiebirds · 4 months
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i really like this moment for its reminder that nathan is a child. anton yelchin was seventeen when this episode aired (not sure when it was filmed), and given that nathan is said to be a highschool sophomore, he's even younger. fifteen, maybe sixteen? (i was fifteen at the start of grade ten, sixteen when it ended, and i was almost always the oldest person in the class)
i think sometimes that's missed. not than nathan is very young, because that's an important part of the episode, but fifteen specifically. not so much a young man frightened by his own desires but a child. i couldnt get a screenshot of it because it's a very quick and subtle movement, but nathan's statement in the second screenshot is provoked by reid simply nodding in response to his first. he's so young that reid is the older authority figure he's looking up to and seeking reassurance from.
and judging by reid's expression after nathan leaves, he's just been reminded too.
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phoenixlionme · 5 months
Charlie's Hatred towards Lute
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Look at the difference between these three shots - The first one has Charlie is her normal form sweetly holding hands with Vaggie in a darkly comedic moment before Adam makes his obnoxious rant; the second has Adam in the middle of said rant with everyone looking upon in varying levels of disgust, with Charlie's being the only one looking like she, to an extent, pities him but still in a funny way; and the very bottom takes a more serious tone with Charlie in her more demonic form and her arm now protectively holding Vaggie closer while they both glare daggers at the now injured, one-armed Lute. Why such a stark difference?
With Adam, Charlie was just fighting him (possibly going for the kill in the heat of the moment) but stops Lucifer from killing him. And in the middle picture, while not defending him, still gives him a look of pity (as I stated); plus, she could've stayed in her demon mode given how he was still being antagonistic and threatening but doesn't. However, when confronted by Lute, the inverse nearly happens - Charlie is in her demon mode despite Lute no longer being a threaten; Charlie is protectively holding onto Vaggie by the shoulders while glaring daggers (with her girlfriend) at Lute; her line of, "It's over", is nothing but cold words hiding an enormous amount of anger; in contrast to her look of pity to Adam, Charlie has nothing but pure hatred on her face. Her whole stance screams, "You are VERY lucky I'm letting you live after what you did my girlfriend" or something along those lines.
Now, we didn't see or hear Vaggie tell Charlie about the reasons behind her fall, but given Charlie's look, you can tell she knows what Lute did. And then the crazy bitch tried to kill her girlfriend again. Vaggie has been Charlie's biggest and most loyal supporter as well as a caring, devoted girlfriend; so to learn how she was viciously cast out most likely enraged her. And given that Lute is going to be a bigger antagonist in S2, Charlie's anger and hatred will be brought forth. And I can't wait.
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