motley-cunt · 1 year
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 months
Smell Ya Later
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: you get a new body cream that allegedly attracts spiders, and someone else
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Whenever you needed a some space from your everyday routines, you packed up your stuff and spent the weekend in your room at the Stark Tower. You had spent the day shopping and picked up a few self care items, including a new body cream you had seen online. Once night had fallen and you felt you had shopped enough, you retreated back to your room and sat at your desk to look at the things you had bought.
“Let’s see how you smell.” You said as you twisted the cap off the body cream. You had barely raised the jar to your nose when Peter appeared the doorway of your room.
“Hey.” He greeted.
“Jeez. You scared me. I didn’t know you were here tonight.” You laughed and put your hand over your pounding heart.
“Yeah, I’m spending the weekend here to give my aunt some time with her boyfriend. But, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I was walking by and wanted to come say hi.” He laughed shyly.
“Oh. Well, hi.” You smiled and gave him a little wave.
“Mm. Something smells really good in here.” Peter sniffed the air as he walked into your room. You were pretty sure this was the first tike Peter was actually in your room and that made you gulp.
“Really? I don’t smell anything.”
“Maybe it’s just the air. Girls rooms always smell good.” He shrugged.
“Are you in a lot of girls rooms?” You asked teasingly but were dying to know the answer.
“No.” He chuckled. “But I remember from going over to girls houses for group projects and stuff in middle school. Plus, Natasha’s and Wanda’s room always smells good when I walk by. Not that I go around sniffing everyone’s rooms.”
“I’m starting to think you might.” You mumbled out of the corner of your mouth.
“I don’t, I swear. Did you just go shopping?” He laughed and leaned against your desk. You sucked in a sharp breath over the close proximity and nodded your head.
“I did. But I didn’t get anything exciting.”
“What do you mean? This looks very exciting. What is this?” Peter asked as he held up a fluffy headband with a large bow at the front.
“A headband to keep my hair out of my face when I wash it.”
“Oh. I thought it was a giant scrunchie. Or a really small tube top.” Peter pursed his lips as he turned the headband over in his hands to try and understand it.
“No. Neither.” You laughed shyly as you watched him touch your things.
“What’s this thing?” He asked and held up your heartless curls rod.
“It’s for heartless curls.” You replied, making Peter look at you in confusion.
“You know. Curling your hair. With no heat.”
“This tiny pool noodle curls your hair?” Peter asked in disbelief and held up the limp rod.
“Yes. You wrap it around this and sleep in it. Then you wake up with curly hair.” You explained and wrapped a strand of your hair around it to demonstrate.
“Okay. I’m getting closer to understanding. What role does this thing play in all of that that?” Peter asked as he picked up a claw clip from your desk and opened it a few times.
“You use this to clip the rod onto your head while you wrap your hair.” You informed him.
“Wow. Sometimes I feel like girls live in an entirely different secret world than boys. Like, I just put water in my hair and say I’m ready. But you guys have all these fun fancy contraptions.” He smiled as he played with a scrunchie on your desk.
“Yeah. I guess it is kinda fun.” You shrugged as you looked at all the silly contraptions laid out in your desk.
“Woah. What’s this thing?” Peter gasped and picked up your jade roller that was still in the package.
“It’s called a jade roller.”
“You’re gonna have to explain.” He said and looked to you for help.
“I haven’t tried it yet but basically you put it in the refrigerator and then roll it on your face to decrease puffiness in the morning.” You explained as you took it out of the box.
“And it works?”
“I don’t know. But it feels good.” You shrugged and rolled it up and down your cheek.
“I can’t imagine that medieval looking thing feeling good.” Peter mumbled.
“It does. Come here.” You beckoned him with your finger and he leaned down closer to your face. You smiled timidly at him as you rolled it up and down his face.
“See? It feels nice, right?” You asked in a soft voice.
“I’ve never experienced this feeling before.” Peter said and closed his eyes peacefully.
“You should get one.” You chuckled and rolled it on his forehead.
“I don’t know. Mr. Stark already made fun of me for my Lana Del Ray poster. If he sees this in my room he might think I’m a little weirdo.”
“Who cares what he thinks? He has a “nail girl” for his weekly manicures and pedicures. And I think it’s attractive when a guy cares about his hygiene. Which says a lot about my standards now that I say that out loud.” You realized and thought about that for a minute.
“Maybe I will get one then. Because I care about my hygiene. A lot. More than the other guys you know, I bet.” Peter bragged, making you laugh.
“I would not have a hard time believing that.” You answered honestly.
“Why do you need all this stuff anyway? You’re so pretty.” Peter asked as he gestured to all the things on your desk. Guy cracked a smile at his casual compliment but didn’t make a big deal out of it.
“It guess it’s like you said. It’s fun. I like using these things when I’m having quiet time by myself.”
“I like that. That’s something new I just learned about you. I also didn’t know your last name until right now.” Peter tapped a school paper on your desk that said your full name. You laughed as he stood up and headed towards your door. The moment was ending but it was the first time you really talked to Peter one on one in that way so you still took it as a win.
“Seriously. Something smells really good in here.” He said from your doorway.
“I think I smell it too now. Maybe somethings in the air.” You smiled shyly.
“Must be.” He smirked. “Goodnight, L/n.”
“Goodnight, Parker.” You called after him. Once he was gone, you stayed looking at the doorway with a starstruck smile on your face. You didn’t know what prompted Peter to talk to you all of the sudden but you were thankful to whatever it was.
The next day, you went downstairs for breakfast and found Natasha and Wanda in the kitchen. You stopped to talk to them for a minute as you finished rubbing your body cream onto your elbows.
“Ooo. You smell good. What is that?” Natasha asked you.
“It’s a body cream from that brand Sol De Janeiro. I’ve never used it before but it had good reviews.” You told her as you smelled your wrist to catch the scent again.
“Wow. It’s really nice.” She sniffed you again. “You smell like how Moana feels to watch.”
“Thank you.” You smiled. “But when did you watch Moana?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of luxury sunblock or every flower scented candle at Yankee Candle at once.” Wanda added.
“That description also works, thank you.” You nodded in agreement.
“That reminds me.” Natasha began. “I need to get a new perfume. I’ve become totally nose blind to mine and I can never tell-“
“Hey guys. Mmm. Something smells good. What is that?” Peter burst into the room suddenly full of energy while loudly sniffing the air. You smiled and waved at him and he immediately went over to you.
“It’s this one.” Wanda said and pointed to you. Peter put his hand on your back and stepped closer to you to taken whiff.
“Oh, yeah. It is you. You smell amazing.” He told you.
“Oh, thank you.” You laughed shyly. “It’s just my body cream.”
“God damn. It smells so good.” Peter gushed. “I’ve never smelled anything like that. What’s it called?”
“Um, I’m not sure. I could find out and tell you, though.” You offered.
“Yeah, sure. I probably wouldn’t use it because it smells like a woman angel that turned into a vanilla bean but I wouldn’t keep a jar around just to sniff. It smells amazing.” He insisted and moved close to you to inhale again.
“So you’ve said.” Natasha snorted and gave you a look. You gave her a confused look as Peter put his hands on your hips and nose right on your shoulder to smell you.
“Sorry. I just really love that scent. It makes me feel like that scene in Ratatouille.” Peter said.
“What scene?” You looked over your shoulder to ask him and tried not to scream over how he was holding you.
“When that guy eats the ratatouille.” He said simply. “Holy shit, L/n. You smell like a flower that was dipped in crystallized sugar and then rolled in fairy dust. I could smell you all day.”
Just then, Tony walked by and saw how close Peter was to you. He frowned when he heard Peter sniffing loudly and rolled up the magazine in his hand.
“Down boy. Bad. Off of her.” Tony said as he smacked Peter with the magazine.
“But she smells so good.” Peter whined.
“No. Bad. Bad boy.” Tony shook his head and continued hitting Peter with the magazine.
“Fine.” Peter grumbled. “Bye.”
“Bye.” You waved to him as he left the room. Once you were alone with the girls again, they looked at you with raised eyebrows.
“What?” You wondered.
“How long has that been going on?” Wanda asked you.
“How long has what been going on?”
“You and Peter.” Natasha replied.
“What? There’s nothing going on between me and Peter.” You forced a laugh and looked to the side.
“Well he clearly wants there to be something. I have not seen a boy that down bad since high school. Wait, how old are you guys again? 14?” Wanda asked.
“22.” You corrected. “And Peter is not down bad for me. I’m pretty sure he likes this girl from his school.”
“What’s her name?” Natasha asked.
“Liz.” You answered immediately. “I mean, I don’t know. Who cares?”
“Oh, so the crush is mutual?” Wanda nodded in understating.
“No. Nothing is mutual.” You scoffed. “This isn’t liberty.”
“Oh, you have it so bad.” Natasha laughed at how flustered you were getting.
“Nuh uh. Maybe you like Peter and you’re trying to deflect. Ever think about that?” You asked her.
“Right. I like a middle schooler who cries to Lana Del Ray on weeknights.” She answered sarcastically.
“She has very moving music.” You defended him.
“I think it’s cute that you guys like each other.” Wanda said. “And it makes total sense for you to be together. You’re the same age and have a similar lifestyle. Why not tell him how you feel?”
“Because I don’t like him.” You insisted. “And he doesn’t like me.”
“If he doesn’t like you then why was he just using you like a scratch and sniff?” Natasha raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe he just likes to sniff things.” You shrugged. “Maybe that’s his thing.”
“Or maybe you’re his thing.” Natasha replied.
“Do you really think he likes me?” You asked them hopefully.
“I always kinda thought he did.” Wanda admitted. “And After that disturbing encounter, there’s no doubt in my mind. He’s definitely into you.”
“Hm.” You hummed and thought about it. You’d always had a secret crush on him and he had no idea so maybe it was possible that he felt the same way about you without you ever realizing.
You spent the day thinking about what the girls had said. Your thinking was interrupted when Peter returned to your room that night and took a whiff of the air.
“Mm. Smells good in here.” He noted.
“I have a candle on. I mean, lit.” You corrected yourself and pointed to your candle.
“Don’t knock it over and burn your room down. That happened to Brittany Spears, you know.”
“Oh, I know.” You insisted. “I watch all the videos of her spinning in her living room.”
“Same.” He laughed. “What are you doing right now?”
“Nothing. Why?”
“I was gonna go grab food. Would you want to-“
“Yes.” You said immediately. You felt embarrassed for answering so fast but Peter didn’t seem to mind.
“Cool. Let’s go.” He said and nodded towards the door.
Thirty minutes later, you were sitting on a bench outside of Delmar’s with sandwiches and bottles of ice tea. Peter picked the place and you followed his lead when ordering because he seemed like a regular.
“And why is it flat?” You asked him as he held up his squished sandwich.
“Because it tastes better the flatter it is, duh. Try it.” He insisted and gestured to your squished sandwich. You gave him a skeptical look before giving it a bite.
“Okay. You might be on to something.” You admitted once you had swallowed.
“Thank you. Every few years my brain lets me have one good idea.” Peter said as he happily chewed his sandwich.
“What was the good idea before this one?”
“Chips in my sandwich.”
“I see. And are these ideas always sandwich related?” You chuckled.
“Wait.” He gasped. “Yeah. They are.”
“Maybe it’s a sign. Maybe you’re a natural born sandwich maker.” You shrugged.
“Maybe I’m Jersey Mike.” He gasped even louder, making you laugh. People were looking but you were too excited to be there with him to care.
“I was gonna say you’re Jared from Subway but I think he’s a pedophile or something.” You told him.
“What? No way.” Peter scoffed and pulled out his phone to google it.
“Oh damn. You’re right.” He realized. “Wow. Even Jared from Subway is a bad guy? Is no one safe?”.
“I mean, you could really say any male celebrities name and there’s like a 50% chance he has charges against him.” You shrugged.
“That’s so true. My record is clean, by the way.” Peter told you. “Until my identity gets revealed. Then I’m looking at a lifetime of property damages and breaking and entering charges.”
“Oh, for me too. I have trespassed more times than I’ve actually been invited somewhere.” You answered. Peter laughed and then looked at you fondly for a minute. You grew self conscious under his gaze and nervously cleared your throat.
“I’m sorry. I keep getting distracted by your perfume.” He admitted. “I can’t get over how good it smells. You smell like the freaking sugarplum fairy.”
“Thank you. You smell good too.” You complicated and nudged him a little.
“That’s because I stole some of Mr. Starks super expensive cologne before we left. He called me to his room once just to show me the price tag on it. I thought it was his social security number at first. And the bottle is so small. I thought it was stupid to spend so much on such a tiny bottle but now that I’m wearing it I feel like I really want to fire someone.”
“I can’t say I’ve ever felt that feeling.”
“Me either. Until today. I smell like a whole different tax bracket right now and I don’t know if I can go back to my Axe Dark Temptation spray. I don’t want to smell like the bourgeois anymore.”
“Thats so funny.” You chuckled. “Do you always take his cologne?”
“Never. Just for today because I knew I was gonna ask you to hang out.” He said before taking a bite. You paused and sat with the implication that he did something just to impress you.
“I’m flattered to know you stole for me.” You said with a coy smile.
“Well you always smell amazing so I didn’t want you to think you were hanging out with some stinky rat.” Peter explained.
“I would never say that about you. I must say, you’re the best smelling rat I’ve been around.”
“Since we live in New York, I’m taking that as a compliment and letting it inflate my ego.” Peter warned you.
“Your ego must be pretty big already though, right? If I was a guy your age who looked like you did and could do the things you can do, I’d be super annoying about it. Like, raise my hand in class using two fingers and ask a question that’s just a roundabout way to show off how intelligent I am kind of annoying.”
“Looks like me? Can you elaborate on that, please, miss?” He asked with a cheeky smile.
“You know.�� You rolled your eyes playfully. “Giant muscles. Giant brown eyes. I don’t know much about spiders but giant something else, I’m guessing. That spider bite served you well.”
“Stop. I’m shy.” Peter laughed and covered his face with his hands
“Come on.” You groaned. “You have to know you’re cute.”
“My aunt says I’m a handsome little lad.” He said and batted his eyelashes to make you laugh.
“She’s right.” You laughed. “But seriously. If my arms looked like that I’d only wear tight white shirts and ridiculously skinny jeans. And obviously slick my hair back like a Greaser. A full Soda Pop Curtis, if you will.”
“Oh, so you’re an Outsiders fan? This is me trying to maintain a regular conversation while hoping my heart rate returns to normal after being bombarded with compliments, by the way.” Peter said with a rosy blush on his face.
“I love The Outsiders. I’m still chasing the high I felt when my teacher played the movie for us in 5th grade and Soda Pop came out of the shower in the beginning. I think all the girls in that room remember that moment. I haven’t felt that way since.”
“Really? Never?”
“Maybe once or twice.” You smiled fondly at him.
“Well, to answer your question, I am actually a total loser at school and have an ego the size of a walnut. No one knows I can do the things I can do so I’m just another goofy goober on campus.”
“How can you saw you’re a goober when you’ve probably saved the life of every person in your school? More than once I might add.”
“Because I didn’t do that stuff. Spiderman did.” He explained. “When I’m on campus, I’m just me. It’s the only way to protect my identity. I have to let all the credit go to someone else.”
“Okay, I get not taking credit to remain humble and anonymous and what not, but what about all the other cool stuff you can do? I’ve seen you move a refrigerator with ease and casually run a mile without breaking a sweat. How do you resist the urge to show off all the time?”
“Because I wasn’t some sports star before I was bitten so it would be highly suspicious if I showed up one day and started dunking on everyone and breaking their ankles and third sports term. I only want to use my abilities to help people. Not to get popular.” He shrugged. As he spoke, you felt your crush on him turned into full blown infactuation. You’d always liked him from afar but now that you were getting to know him, he was even better than you thought.
“You’re better than me. I’d be doing backflips down the hallway and climbing on the walls. And if I got in trouble, I’d just be like “remember when New York wasn’t taken over by aliens? You’re welcome, bitch.” And then I’d swing away and probably kiss a cheerleader. Maybe even two.” You told him.
“Uh uh. My powers have definitely not gotten me any kisses from cheerleaders.” He laughed and shook his head.
“So you don’t have a girlfriend or anything?” You asked and couldn’t help but smile.
“No. My roster is empty. And I wish I could blame that on the Spiderman stuff but I can’t. I’ve never been lucky in that department.”
“I don’t understand that. You’re so…” You trailed off when you realized you were about to say too much. Peter looked at you with a coy smile and raised his eyebrows.
“So?” He asked.
“So annoying.” You insisted. “And ugly, actually.”
Luckily, he understood that you were saying the opposite of what you meant and smiled in appreciation.
“What about you? You must have a boyfriend and 10 guys lined up ready to take his place the second he falters, right?”
“11 guys.” You corrected.
“Damn. I’m sorry. I should’ve known.” He said and held up his hands in defense.
“It’s okay. How could you have known? But, um, no. No boyfriend.” You told him and watched carefully for a reaction.
“So you don’t like anyone at your school?”
“Not at school, no.”
“Oh. So there is someone.” He smirked.
“There may or may not be a boy. But he likes someone else so it doesn’t even matter.” You waved your hand in dismissal.
“Does he know you like him?” Peter asked. Your knees and elbows were touching as you sat together on that bench. You couldn’t help but notice he had gotten closer and closer as you talked.
“No.” You replied as you stared into Peter’s eyes.
“That’s obviously why he likes someone else.” Peter insisted. “I guarantee that if he knew he had a chance with you, he’d forget all about that other girl.”
“I don’t know. Do you really think that?” You asked skeptically.
“Definitely. He’d be crazy not to go for someone so…” He trailed off to give you a taste of your own medicine.
“So?” You shook his arm to urge him to continue.
“Ugly.” He replied. “Really, really ugly. Not pretty at all. Definitely not funny or charming. And a stinky rat. And ugly, if I didn’t mention that before. Ghoul like, even.”
“Thank you.” You smiled warmly, knowing he meant the opposite of what he was saying.
“You’re very welcome.” He smiled back. “So when are we doing this again?”
You did it again the next night, this time at a food truck you liked, and then a few days after that. That’s when Peter started giving you his weekends. You started hanging out more and more and grew to be close friends in just a short time. You lived at home during the week and could look forward to Peter’s almost nightly visits while he was on parol just to sit in your window and talk to you. He was so so consistent that you started leaving your bedroom door open just for him.
“I’m here. Don’t be naked.” Peter said as he climbed through your window one evening.
“I just got out of the shower. What if I was naked? Then what?” You asked as you rubbed your body cream into your skin.
“Then we’d have a funny story to tell at parties.” He said as he pulled his mask off. You couldn’t help but smile at the way his messy curls stood up on his head.
“Oh yeah? And what’s so funny about me being naked?” You teased him as you squeezed the excess water out of your hair with a towel.
“That’s not the funny part. The funny part would have been when my eyes sprang out from my head on slinkies and made an audible “boing-oing-oing” sound. Right before my head exploded and left a smoking stump on my neck.” Peter told you, making you playfully roll your eyes.
“Oh wow. Very Tom and Jerry of you.” You chuckled.
“A full Tom and Jerry. The only thing missing would be the little blue birds and or angles flying around my head but I didn’t say that one because it’s typically reserved for traumatic head injuries.”
“You’re stupid.” You laughed and shook your head endearingly at him. Peter smiled back at you
“You’re stupid.” He chuckled. “You smell good.”
You really liked being friends with Peter. The more time you spent with Peter, the more you found you could talk to him about anything. He seemed so interested in every little thing you said. You worried your crush suddenly taking an extreme interest in you might be too good to be true, so you were determined to enjoy it while it lasted. And do far, it had lasted two months.
“Hey you two. Are you gonna be hungry…” Tony trailed off when he assessed the situation in front of him. You and Peter turned your heads when you heard Peter’s bedroom door open, giving Tony a full view of the green face masks you had covering your faces. You were sitting on Peter’s bed and applying masks to each others faces so your hands were full of the green goop as well. Tony looked back and forth between the two of you for a minute but eyes kept returning to the giant pink bow headband Peter had on to hold his hair back.
“Oh.” Tony nodded. “Hm. Okay.”
“Hi Mr. Stark.” Peter waved.
“I was gonna ask if you guys were hungry. But now I don’t know how to feel.” Tony said with a blank expression.
“We’re okay. We door dashed some food. Thank you, though.” You replied.
“No problem. Try not to have too much fun, ladies.” Tony snickered and closed the door.
“He doesn’t get us.” Peter rolled his eyes and smeared some of the face mask across your forehead. You smiled at the mention of “us” and stared into his eyes.
“He wishes he was gonna have clarified skin and minimized pores in 45 minutes.” You agreed.
“45 minutes? Oh shit. We should’ve brought snacks.”
“I can go grab some. I need to pee anyway.” You told him and hoped off his bed. You hit up the kitchen after the bathroom and raised the refrigerator for some snacks. When you shut the refrigerator door, Natasha was standing there watching you.
“So. Having another stay at home date with Peter?” She asked and pointed to your face mask.
“It’s not a date.” You rolled your eyes. “We’re just two friends hanging out.”
“Right. And do you share clothes with all of your friends or just the ones you don’t have feelings for?” She asked sarcastically.
“He wasn’t wearing my pants that day, okay?” You sighed. “He just asked me to embroider little molecules into his jeans and then wanted me to sign my name. Which is very normal for two friends to do.”
“So that’s not his sweatshirt you have on now?” Natasha asked and pointed to the Museum of Natural History hoodie you had on.
“It is. But-“
“But. Mm hm, yeah?” She cut you off with sarcastic interest in her voice.
“Yes, but.” You stated. “It’s too small on him now that the bite made him all big and muscly. But his uncle bought it for him and it was too sentimental to throw away so he let me have it.”
“Oh. So he gave you an article of clothing that his dead uncle gave to him? That’s very platonic of him.” Natasha said before cracking a smile.
“I don’t know what you’re implying.” You played dumb.
“I’m implying that you two are dating but pretending you’re not.”
“What?” You forced a laugh. “We are not dating.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re not fooling anyone with that. Why don’t you just call a spade a spade and make out already?”
“Because it’s not a spade. Your mom’s a spade. We’re just friends.” You insisted and felt glad your face mask was covering up your embarrassed blush.
You went back to Peter’s room with the snacks and pushed Natasha’s comments from your mind. Peter could tell that something was bothering but he didn’t push it.
You spent the next few nights at home but headed back to the tower to spend the weekend. You knew Peter would be arriving later that night so you got ready in your room while you waited. You scrolled on your phone while you did your makeup and came across an article on the body cream you’d been wearing lately. You started to read it but got distracted by the sound of people in the downstairs. You left your room and took the elevator down to see if it was Peter, but found Wanda and Natasha instead.
“Oh, hey. I was just telling Nat I got that cream you told us about. It just smelled so good on you.” Wanda told you.
“Did you? Tell me what you think of it. It works really well but I think I have to stop wearing it. I was just reading online that apparently it attracts….” You trailed off and pulled out your phone to show Wanda the article. You got distracted by a text from Peter telling you that he had arrived. You furrowed your eyebrows and stared at the text as things started to make sense in your head.
“Attracts what?” Wanda asked you. You looked up to answer her but got distracted by Peter walking in.
“Spiders.” You told her as you stared at Peter.
“Hey, Y/n.” Peter greeted with a smile. “Come with me up to the roof. I have something to show you.”
Peter took your hand and started pulling you towards the elevators. You were still lost in thought but regained composure enough to look at the girls while you were being pulled away.
When you got to the roof, the sun was just beginning to sink into the city skyline, making for a peaceful atmosphere. There were some snacks set out and a sheet you recognized from Peter’s room.
“What’s this?” You turned to him to ask. He was already staring at you and watching carefully for a reaction.
“You said you’d been so busy with homework lately that you don’t even realize when it becomes night so I thought we could take a mental break together and watch the sunset.” Peter explained with a sheepish smile. You lit up when you heard his plan and forgot all about the article.
“You planned this for me?”
“I didn’t want you to work yourself to death. You’re gonna do fine on your finals. You’re the smartest person I know. Other than, like, the two super genius’s I know. But you’re definitely up there.” He assured you. You broke into a smile and threw your arms around him to thank him. He stumbled back a little a before wrapping his arms around you and hugging you back.
“Thanks, Peter. This is really sweet.” You said and pulled away just enough to look at him. You stayed with your arms wrapped around each other as the sun began to set around you.
“You’re very welcome.” He said with a fond smile. You stared into his eyes and felt his magnetic force pulling you towards him. Peter’s eyes dropped down to your lips before a rosy blush covered his face. You couldn’t believe what was about to happen was actually happening. He started to lean in and cracked a smile just before your lips could touch.
“God, you smell amazing.” He whispered to you. You snapped out of your trance and took a step back from him.
“Oh my God.” You gasped. “I knew it.”
“Wait, what? Knew what?” Peter forced a laugh and tried not to look as disappointed as he felt that the moment had ended.
“You don’t even like me. You’re just attracted to my delicious smelling body cream!” You shouted and pointed an accusatory finger at him.
“Woah, what? I have been accused of so many things but that is truly a first.” Peter said and held up his hands in defense.
“I bet this whole thing was a set up just so that you could sniff me!” You gasped and pointed his picnic.
“What are you even talking about?” He matched your tone and pulled his hair in exasperation. You put your hand over your heart to catch your breath as you looked between him and his setup. Everything made sense now. Peter started talking to you the moment you opened up that jar of body cream. He only wanted to hang out with you once you started wearing it. And as you stood there on the roof with him and realized it never had anything to do with you, you felt gutted.
“I thought…I thought you liked me.” You said in a quiet voice as your face sank with disappointment. Peter turned red all the way to his ears and laughed in embarrassment.
“I do like you.” He said quietly.
“But not for me.” You shook your head. “For the way I smell.”
“What? That’s crazy?” He laughed is dismissal. You rolled up your sleeves and walked back over to him to hold your arm under his nose.
“You like this.” You told him.
“Damn, that smells good.” Peter whispered as he took in your scent.
“See? It’s my body cream. It attracts spider. Whatever is lingering in your DNA from the bite makes you attracted to this specific scent.” You grumbled as you pushed your sleeves back down.
“Huh. That explains why I got a boner in Sephora the other day.” He realized.
“Why were you in Sephora?”
“I was getting us more face masks. I even used your email so you could get the points.”
“You did?” You asked and cracked a smile. Peter looked at you sympathetically and took a step towards you.
“I had a whole night planned for us. I was gonna bring you up here to watch the sunset. And I brought snacks you like. Even disgusting Salt and Vinegar chips.”
“I love those.”
“I know you do, for some odd reason. And once the sun had set, I was gonna go downstairs with you to do the face makes. I got you a panda because you like them and mine looks like Hello Kitty, see?” Peter said and he pulled the masks out of his bag.
“Very impressive selection.”
“I know. Once we had them on, I was gonna tell you that you’re the only person I don’t feel like I need to wear a mask with. Or you’re the only person who makes me feel the way I do when I’m wearing my mask. In parenthesis, my Spiderman mask. Which implies you make me feel invincible. I don’t know. It was gonan be some mask related metaphor that I was hoping would come to me in the moment.”
“Why did you need a mask related metaphor?”
“So I could ease the tension and segway into telling you that I like you.” He admitted with a timid smile.
“You do?” You asked skeptically. Peter nodded his head and put his hands on your shoulders.
“I wouldn’t do all this for you just because I liked the way you smell. And believe me, I love the way you smell. If I could shrink you down using the Honey I Shrunk the Kids machine and shove you up my nose, I would. But I like a million other things about you too that don’t involve the olfactory bulb.”
“Then how come we only started hanging out once I started using the body cream?”
“Okay, I’ll admit, I got a whiff of the body cream and basically floating in the air down the hallway into your room like a cartoon pig being lead to a pie.” Peter prefaced. “But that was just the first time you wore it. It gave me the confidence to ask you to hang out which is something I’d been wanting to do since we met. And once we started hanging out and I learned all these new things about you, I liked you even more. Which I didn’t know was possible because I was already listening to Lana Del Ray and pretending you wrote the songs about me. When you started smelling divine, that was just the icing on an already big cake. I’m talking Cake Boss level size cake that’s mostly made of Rice Krispies and plastic tubes.”
“So now I’m divine? I thought I was ugly and not funny or charming at all.” You teased him as you stepped even closer.
“You’re right. I still find you very unattractive and don’t want to be your boyfriend and l definitely don’t want to kiss you-“
You cut him off by pulling him by the shirt into a kiss. He stopped talking immediately to kiss you back, putting his hands on your face to pull you closer.
“You smell so fucking good.” He growled and pulling you closer by the waist. You giggled against his lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
You and Peter eventually retired to the sheet to watch the rest of the sun set. You laid on his chest and listened to his heart beating while the scent of his cologne filled your nose. You went back downstairs hand in hand once the sky was dark and passed by Wanda in the living room.
“Goodnight, Wanda.” You smiled at her as you and Peter walked by.
“Goodnight.” She replied and waved her fingers. Peter stopped suddenly in his tracks and looked at Wanda.
“Woah.” He smiled. “You smell really good, Wanda. What do you have-“
“Oh, no you don’t.” You cut him off and pulled him by the back of his shirt away from her.
“It’s the cream.” Peter said in defeat. “I’m defenseless to the cream.”
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings
@imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @eridanuswave​ ​
@solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant
@quaksonhehe @lovelessdagger
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie
@alexxcorona113 @lethal-wisdom
 @officialsimppage @peterbenjiparker @itsemohours
@freakofmusic25 @tomholland85
@olixerwxxd @leilanixx
@whereismytelephone @so-very-asleep @white-wolf1940
@spideyspeaches @hihiweezing
@dhtomholland @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @prancerrparkerr
@hallecarey1 @adayasgeorgia @blackwidowisthebest @imawhoreforu
@nellabellaa @pinklxmonade @boogywoogywoogy
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skeltnwrites · 1 month
A/N: I think this is the first time I've ever been so emotional about something I've written 😭 this hit a little too close to home for me
Summary: You help Eddie wash his hair when he can't. | 0.9k words
TW: depression, best friend!reader
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“Nooo,” Eddie whines, voice muffled by blankets. “Stop– Seriously!” 
Your grip around his ankle only tightens from where you’ve fished it out of his cocoon. You tug, ripping his sock off in the process, until he’s halfway off the couch, clinging onto a cushion like his life depends on it. 
“You’re so annoying,” he slumps into a sitting position on the floor, eyes peaking out of the fold in his comforter. 
You crouch in front of your best friend. “Yes, but you love me.” 
He leans away when you peel the corner of the blanket away. He’s pale, which is typical, but it’s summer and he looks borderline vampirish with how visible his veins are. A palm brushes his bangs back to meet the knot secured to his crown. He bends away from your touch a second time. 
“Hair’s greasy,” he mumbles; a weak excuse, like you’d ever care about that. 
“I can wash it for you,” you offer seriously. 
His lips tilt into a sort of smile and his brows knit together, “What? Like in the sink?” 
“If you want?” 
He hums, “Prolly uncomfortable.” 
“Okay, in the shower then.”
A real smile this time. “If you want to see me naked just say that.” 
You punch his shoulder lightly. Normally you’d shove him hard without a second thought, and he’d probably push back equally, but it feels wrong to do so when you know he won’t put up a fight. “You can put swim trunks on.”
“I don’t feel like changing.”
“Okay, then in this.” You pinch the hem of his t-shirt sleeve. 
“That’s a little weird.”
“Since when do you care about weird?”
He shrugs half-heartedly, “I guess. If you want.” 
In the bathroom, you turn the shower knob, “Hot or cold?” 
“Warm.” He’s slumped on the toilet lid in his pajamas, having ditched the duvet in the hall. 
“Okay, here.” You whisk the curtain open fully. 
He shoots you a look that says, ‘Am I really doing this?’ before stepping into the tub. His eyes widen when you climb in right after him.
“You’re crazy,” he grins and it makes your heart leap. You’ve missed the way his eyes crinkle at the edges and his lashes kiss the tips of his cheeks when he smiles. 
“Not as crazy as you.” You hook a finger under his scrunchie, gently working it until his curls spill over his shoulders. 
He sighs, eyes drawing shut when you tilt his head back. His clothes are already soaked through, clinging to his slender frame like a second skin. He blocks most of the stream but stray droplets catch your arms where they connect with his head.  
“Have you eaten yet?” You ask, massaging shampoo through his hairline. “I could go for some takeout right about now.” 
He blinks at you. “I know what you’re doing.”
You crane his head to the side to scrub his nape, “I’m not doing anything. I’m hungry.”
You’re not looking, but you practically feel him roll his eyes. 
“So, pizza?” 
He knows you only suggest it because it’s his comfort food, but he’s too tired to argue about getting something you both want. Eddie nods into your hand. You thumb his cheek, studying him self-indulgently while his eyes are sealed again. 
You work conditioner through his dead ends, tenderly detangling, and sticking spirals of black hair on the shower wall as they are combed out. 
Silent tears mingle with the water dripping off his chin. The tremble in his breath gives him away and you acknowledge it with a wordless hug. He reciprocates, squeezing you under the warmth of the showerhead. His nose digs into your collarbone and you trace the knobs on his spine. 
This is not the first time you’ve seen him cry, or held him while he did, for that matter. You are well-versed in handling his depressive episodes. Knowing when to push and when not to pry. Knowing when to hold him and when to give him space. And most importantly knowing that most of the time he just needs someone there. Not to talk about it necessarily but to just be with him for a night so he can pretend not to feel like shit for a few hours. 
You wrap him in a towel and scour his room for fresh pajamas. There was a time when he’d have been embarrassed to let you see his room in such a state, but you’ve drilled it into his head that you love all of him, even the messier parts. 
You change out of damp clothes in his room while he does in the bathroom. A handful of his things are put away while you’re in there, but not enough for him to scold you for doing so. 
He meets you back in the living room where he sinks back into his spot in front of the TV. You dial his favorite pizza place before joining him on the couch to brush and braid his hair. He thanks you, though you don’t need it. 
With his legs thrown across your lap and half a greasy pie split between your bellies, the hum of a movie soothes you both to sleep. Outside, the world spins on, but for now, here with him, everything feels still.
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avocado-writing · 1 month
Hi dear! I would like to appreciate your works. I really enjoy everything you wrote, Wish you have a great day! 💗
Since you're taking requests, could you please write Wade with a polite, sweet and delicate partners. He's with a person who's the definition of "Too pure for this world and MUST be PROTECTED at all cost" His partner showers him with love and validation, and always love to listen to him! Thanks! 💓
possibly based on real life events.
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Wade Wilson is so in love, it must be sickening to everyone around him. 
In fact he knows it is and he does not care. He’ll say “look at this meme the love of my life sent me!” and the person who he shows will roll their eyes, as if you don’t have incredible taste in cat pictures. He’ll monologue constantly about how cute you are and how much he loves that scrunchy thing you do with your nose. He’s recited committed-to-memory facts about you so many times that his friends can parrot them too. 
“Yes, I know what their favourite film is, I know you took them to a special viewing of it for their birthday. It’s cute, Wade,” says Laura, patting him on the arm condescendingly. Well, it’s not his fault you’re so wonderful! There isn’t a single thing about you that’s not perfect. He’s constantly bowled over about just how much affection he can fit in his body for you. The other night he was going on about something stupid - he can’t even remember what now, maybe it was about the new Taco Bell menu? - and then realised you hadn’t interrupted him once to shut him up like most people would.
You’d looked over the top of your magazine at him when he’d pointed this out, brow cocked.
“Why would I want you to shut up? I like listening to you talk, Wade.”
Marry you. He’s going to marry you. Every day, then divorce you every day too so he can marry you again. 
You are probably too good for him. Most of his social circle thinks so. You’re patient and kind, when you’re not at your job - where you work at a charity adopting out senior animals, as if you could be any more of a fucking angel - you like to spend your time in his shitty little kitchen, baking desserts for him to get home to. He’ll find you getting Al to taste test for you and his apartment full of laughter and joy. 
Man, he’s definitely put on like, six pounds since the two of you started dating. He needs to be stronger in the face of your cupcakes. 
They are really fucking good though. 
He walks in that night with a plushie under his arm. It’s a cow. He remembers you mentioning offhand how cute you thought cows were, so he decided to grab the biggest one the toy store one the way home had just because he knows it’ll make you smile. You don’t need any more stuffed toys; you sleep with them all in the bed and they’re pushing him off the side at this point because of their sheer number but, well, he likes seeing you happy. 
And then he hears sobbing. 
“Sweetheart?” he asks, immediately panicked. Are you injured? Has someone come to hurt you - has he painted a target on your back because of his job? Bile fills his throat as he stumbles forward…
…and there you are, sitting in front of the TV, PlayStation controller in your lap as tears run down your face while the end of the game plays out. Wade has never felt such relief in his life, laughing as the ache of it is taken from his chest. You turn to him with wide, watery eyes. 
“Don’t you laugh at me, Wade Wilson!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But babe… are you crying at the end of Kingdom Hearts?”
“No!” you lie, trying to mop your face off with your sleeve. Then the music hits its crescendo from the crappy speakers and you start wailing all over again. 
He loves you. He’d kill a million billion people for you. It would take a hell of a long time but hey, one word and he’d do it. If anyone even lifted a finger to hurt you he’d execute them so thoroughly that every generation of their family would be wiped out of existence too. 
To put it in terms you’d approve of, he’d do anything for you. But he also knows you’d never ask him to. You’re just that wonderful. 
“… would it help if I got us take-out and you started playing the second one?”
“Uh-huh,” you manage to confirm. 
“I could be in this fucking game, beat Donald Duck’s little feathery ass. Disney, make it happen.”
“Don’t worry about it. Pizza or Chinese?”
Taglist: @falsewordz @malfoys-demigod @belilwen @mildly-salted @tvwebs @childeslegstrap @getmeoutofhell @s1eep-o @just-a-beatlemaniac69 @yrthr @momopad @sugarplumz100 @captainjinkx @madspads @acrosstheunivcrse @yeethaw13 @na-is-salty @florduarte @hunterispunk
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fuckmymunson · 1 year
eddie who has a reputation to uphold, the weird and scary freak who wears chains and big metal rings and always goes on tangents about his hatred for the popular kids, not a sliver of fear or weakness in his eyes. eddie who at the same time never leaves his house without the light yellow scrunchy with daisies on it that you gave him, always on his wrist or wrapped in his hair.
eddie who’s sweet n soft on you in a way he never is with anyone else 🥹
💌 a/n: Oh god, this, this, this, this. Please, I don’t ask for much. I’m so happy to get back to writing! Hope you like it!
🪷 Check my recent poll ¡! 📌
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“I lost it” His voice sounded almost defeated, and quite inopportune.
“Eddie!” You jolted in your place, closing the light green locker door. Behind it, there he was, the big, scary, mean freak of Hawkins High. Covered from head to toe in chains, leather, ripped jeans, black, black, all black. With dark, unruly hair and a chunky rings.
But also, with puppy eyes, and a quivering lip.
“You scared the shit out of me, Eds” The frown on your pretty face made his heart jump inside his chest. You were an angel, a sight for sore eyes.
“I lost it” He repeated.
“You lost what?”
“I’m sorry” Eddie looked down, apparently now his Reeboks were the most interesting thing.
“Care to explain what is missing and why are you apologizing?” Crossing your arms over your chest, you waited, for almost three minutes.
“I lost the scrunchy you gave me” He finally admitted, like a criminal at trial.
Eddie heard you sigh, to his ears, was a sigh of disappointment. In reality, it was a sigh of relief. Only Edward Munson knew how to make a simple thing as a scrunchy into a faithful message.
“That’s it? Eddie, it’s just a hair tie” You shook your head, still not comprehending the dimensions of his problem.
“It’s not just a hair tie!” He exclaimed, now almost offended, of course only he could switch mood that easily. A few curious students looked at your way, still wondering how did an adorable piece of cotton and sunshine like you, was dating the metalhead, three-times senior freak of not only high school, but of the whole town.
“Yes it is, love. I can just give you another one, don’t worry— Look, I can give you the one I’m wearing…”
“I don’t want that one” He said, his words sounding almost like a tantrum. “I want the one you gave me on our first date, the yellow one with little sunflowers”
“Daisies, Eddie” You corrected him with a smile. Only Eddie was able to remember such a tiny detail and forget a crucial detail.
Only Eddie was able to make you feel loved, cherished and appreciated. He was so different from every other person you have dated before. He snatched your heart from the very first day and it’s been a daily occurrence for almost a year. The scary, weird freak, the person considered a devil worshipper, the mean senior who had the admirable (or idiotic) courage to stand out against others who felt like they had the right to humiliate and ridicule those who weren’t like them. Your Eddie, the one who broke a jock’s nose one time for slapping your ass walking through the halls. Your Eddie, who waited patiently until every extracurricular activities you were into were over, so he could drive you home and hold your thigh and listen to you throughout the whole ride. Your Eddie, who loved Saturday night because it meant movie night, cuddles and kisses. The mean freak who let you braid his hair, paint his nails, sew his old t-shirts.
The Eddie Munson who was scared of spiders but wasn’t scared of a hundred people crowd. The boy who initiated a food fight at the cafeteria and had to go to the nurses office because an orange hit his eye and he realized he was allergic to them. The man who every Friday made fairy tales, knight stories and evil monsters come true and walk this very earth with just his voice and his imagination at his D&D club. Your Eddie, who on your first date, dropped a chocolate milkshake on top of your white dress, forgot to fill his fuel tank, and had to push his van all the way to the nearest gas station.
That’s how the bright scrunchy ended up in his hair, in a makeshift ponytail that you made by running your delicate fingers through his tangled hair.
That was your Eddie.
Your Eddie. Yours. Yours.
“Fine, let’s go find it” You said, grabbing his hand and kissing his knuckles. “Tell me what you did today…”
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Sorry for any mistakes! English is not my first language. Thank you for reading!˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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netherfeildren · 9 months
Meet Me in the New Year
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Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary:  “We’re havin’ a baby this year,” voice boyish and shy and full of excitement and love. 
You peer up at him, cheek smushed against the ball of his shoulder. “We are.”
You nod, slow, pulling his head down for another kiss. “Happy New Year, Joel.”
The New Year's Eve AU
Rating: Explicit 18+
Content Warnings: No outbreak AU; New Year's Eve AU; Devoted Joel Miller; Established Relationship; Ringing in the New Year with your baby daddy like God intended; More fucking in your childhood home shenanigans; Pregnancy sex; Needy behavior; Older man/Younger woman; Daddy kink; Unprotected PIV; Creampie; Meet me in St. Louis is the best Christmas movie ever; Breeding Kink; Pregnancy Kink; Size Difference; How does one tag fingering?; Fluff and Smut; Praise Kink; PWP
A/N: One last post for 2023, and of course, I had to do a few of my favorite things; daddy Joel, creampies and pregnancy sex, yeehaw. Here's to a new year of more of the same, but WORSE and nastier.
I should be put in prison next year probably like omg but whatever. Have fun, I love you all lots!
This is a sort of follow up to Evermore
Word Count: 2.4K
Read on AO3
“Joel, what time is it?”
He looks down at you, tender look in his eye, dragging that big hand of his through your hair. Tresses slightly sleep damp and warm at the roots and gradually growing cooler towards the ends. Your parent’s living room is dark, only the warm shine of the Christmas tree coming from the front hall peering in around the corner into the comfortable, warm den. Meet me in St. Louis plays on mute on the flatscreen, Judy Garland rushing over to give John Truett a piece of her mind on Tootie’s behalf. “Look who it is. Thought I’d lost you for the night.” 
You groan, stretching your legs as far as the couch allows, knees popping hollowly, little toes splaying wide within the sweaty confines of the fuzzy Christmas socks he’d put in your stocking and which you’d been sporting for the past six days. You yawn wide, nose scrunching up at him and turning to nuzzle your face into his lap where you’ve been on and off dozing for the evening. Dinner had been so, so good, browned butter steak and baked potatoes and heirloom tomato, mozzarella salad, and you were so full and so warm and so content beyond imagining. “No… I’m awake,” you mumble against his thigh. “What time is it?”
“Almost midnight, I reckon.”
You turn to look up at him, giving him a scrunchy faced smile, “Didn’t miss it, ha. Knew it.”
“Oh, did ya?” His palm moves over the bowl of your skull to cup and squeeze the tender nape of your neck, big fingers gently kneading the fine, tight muscles there. “Gonna ring in the New Year with me, sweet girl?” Mhmm, you moan, nuzzling further against his sweats and the thick heaviness of his half hard cock. 
“You’re hard, daddy,” you whisper up at him while his fingertips slip beneath the neck of your pullover, running down the notches of your spine to reach your waist. He pauses there, his hand curving over the growing swell of your bump. 
He groans, head dropping onto the back of the sofa, and brings his other hand up to rub across his whiskered mouth. “Don’t fucking start.” You know it makes him crazy when you call him that, but you’d told him that you now have the excuse that he is actually going to be a daddy again, and so it’s only nothing but the truth. 
You press your fingertips to your mouth, hiding away your laughing smile. Your first Christmas as a little family of three. Sarah was away with her mother this year since she’d gotten Christmas with the two of you last year, and so the two of you’d decided to come to your parents house again, like you’d done for Thanksgiving last year. You’d been here for a week now, and Joel was starting to lose patience. The lack of alone time was needling as evidenced by the now fully hard and slightly pulsing erection digging into your cheek. 
He rolls his head to peer down at you, mock, chastising frown as he drags his hand over the small swell and up to your naked breast, squeezing gently. “We’ve been here too fuckin’ long.” And you moan, hiding your face against his thigh as he pinches your nipple, rolling it softly between his fingertips, thumb dragging around the sensitive puffiness of your areola. Your whole body had been, for the past several weeks, a coiled tight ball of nerves, everything swollen, everything wet, everything needing him. Like your skin knew, knew he’d been the one to do this to you, and wanted it more, wanted it again. 
You squeeze your thighs together, legs shifting and sliding against each other to relieve the knot of want he’s spin, spin, spinning with his fingers plucking at your breast. He switches to the other one, hand sliding beneath the heavy weight to lift it into his palm and squeeze. You turn to look up at him now, eyes wide when you can’t control the sound of the moan he forces out of you, mouth falling open, panting. Your breasts, going all tight and hot, needing his sucking mouth. “Joel–”
“What?” He teases, pulling his hand from beneath your sweatshirt and shifting to sit you up and press you back the opposite way on the couch, crawling over you to settle between your thighs he pushes open for himself, slightly to the side and sure to not crush you. “If your father catches us,” he whispers with wet lips moving across your throat, that same hand sneaking its way back under your sweatshirt, tongue against your pulse, “he can’t be mad, sweetheart. Already fucked you full’a my baby. Damage s’already done,” he snickers, mouth latching at your carotid, pulling hard enough you know he’s purposely trying to leave a mark. 
“You’re so bad,” you moan, arching up into his hand on your breast, his hot, sucking mouth. You want it on your cunt, you want that thick cock he’s rubbing against you, inside. He’s right, you’ve been at your parents house too long, too far into your first trimester to pretend at civility. You need your husband. 
“Not,” he huffs, damp against your collarbone. “Gonna give it to you so good, baby.” He wedges one hand behind your neck, holding you in place, while the one fondling your breast moves down between your legs, center gusset soaked slick already, and you flush at the flutter of muscles wrapped around his jaw when he finds you pantiless beneath your soft sleep shorts. And so what? Pregnancy had made you sensitive and achy. You need to be free, you tell him with an airy laugh. 
He clicks his tongue down at you, fingers slipping beneath the soft cotton to pet at the soaking wet tuft of curls with the back of his knuckles. “Pretty cunt’s all wet and hungry for me, isn’t it, baby?” And he’s all teasing grins and sparkly, self satisfied eyes as he searches gently for your clit, parting your folds to pet there slow and steady. 
Uh huh, you moan, hitching your foot up higher on his back, little heel digging into the padding of muscles over his ribs to find purchase. You let your other leg slip off the couch with a dull thud, socked foot rolling up on your tip toes so that you can cant and rock your hips against his too light touch on your cunt. 
“More, daddy, please,” you provoke, all breathless sighs as you roll your head in the cup of his palm, the heat of him seeping through the mantle of your messy hair, against your scalp. You feel him flex his fingers, tugging lightly at the sweaty roots, and he finally gives you more. Thumb sliding down to your weepy entrance, pressing there lightly, petting and circling, moving back up to press against your clit at the same time that he starts to feed you two fingers at once. 
You groan at him, scrunching your nose, but he just clicks his tongue, tutting you into submission and silence. “Take it,” he says gentle and low. You scratch at his shoulders, slipping your fingertips under his ratty t-shirt to get at his skin, using your bracing foot to rock your hips against his palm, rough callused palm catching a little painfully at your clit. You’re going to come so fucking fast like this. 
And fingers hooked forward inside of you, he jostles his hand a little, rattles your cunt so that all your wet rings loud in your parents dead silent house. “Hear how sloppy this cunt is for me?” He’s grinding his cock against your inner thigh, fat, blunt tip thrusting against the crease in your thigh over and over and you want it inside of you. You don’t care if you get caught, if someone comes down stairs. You want to soak his hand and then soak his cock and then have him carry you to bed and do it all over again. 
“Yeah,” you breathe. “Gonna come.” Your lashes flutter shut as he lowers his head to bite your tit, hard and mean, over your sweatshirt, fingers fucking fast and loud, and your cunt goes tight, tight like a knot and then wet and loose and even sloppier. You’re so wet for him. Always. 
Fucking Christ, he groans against your breast, sucks harder, darkening the grey cotton so that the hard tip of your nipple is left molded and obvious beneath the soaked fabric. “That’s it. Come just like that, sweet girl. You’re so fucking wet.” And he doesn't’ gentle his fingers, pressing in a little harder, palm grinding against your clit and shaking his fingers up and down inside of you so that he’s jostling another tiny, almost painful, orgasm out of you. The wet sound of your pussy is so loud and so obvious, if someone were to come down the stairs, the sound of it would be unmistakable. “Gonna soak your mother’s nice couch, and then what’ll she think of you? Everyone’s gonna know exactly what you let me do to you down here.”
You’re pretty sure that’s what gets you over the edge that second time. The thought of everyone knowing.
He nuzzles at your breast, your neck, sucking and kissing, fingers still stretching your pussy, while he makes his way up your throat, mouth against the tip of your chin, and then finally to your mouth. Kiss, slow at first, all tongue and hunger, and then soft little pecks. The corner of your mouth, the bow of your top lip, the other corner. Open, he orders, and licks behind your teeth. Bossy man. You love him.
He pets gently at your G-spot, slow and careful because he knows it’ll be too much soon, letting your slick spill out and gather in his palm, drip down his wrist. “Pretty girl,” he says real quiet, “Keeping my baby so nice and warm in this little cunt. Aren’t you?” You whine up at him, bringing your foot up off the floor, trying to toe his arm away. He clicks his tongue at you again, but finally pulls his fingers from you, wet, sucking sound as he leaves your cunt. He brings his hand up to his mouth, fingers slick sticky and sweet, shiny in the dim light and licks himself clean. You watch him as he teases you, all eyes and laughter, wrapping your fingers around his too thick, hairy wrist, not meeting around it, and holding him there as he eats your wet out of his own palm. When he’s done, his mouth is shiny and glossed in you and he presses another kiss to your lips, forces your jaw open, hinged wide and eats you like you know he wants to eat your cunt instead. Later, he says, like he can read your mind because you’re pretty sure he actually can.
When he pushes the loose waist of his sweatpants down over his erection, no underwear either, you roll your eyes at him, and tell him old men aren’t supposed to be this slutty. But at the sight of that too thick cock nestled in his neatly trimmed bed of hair, the wide root leading up to the happy trailed covered belly, you concede that easy access is highly to your benefit. And when he wedges that said thick cock inside of you by way of an answer to your brattiness, fat head stretching your well used, wet hole, he slides in way too easy because you want him way too much. 
You moan open mouthed for him, and he presses your sweatshirt up over your bump, your swollen breasts, and finally gets his hot mouth on your bare nipples, teeth grazing lightly, pushing you into a higher, hotter level of desperation. You rock your hips up to meet his thrusts, close your eyes and listen to the slick sound of his cock fucking your cunt. “Lemme see this sweet belly,” he murmurs, cupping the small swell. The changes he’d incited in your body had made him a specific flavor of hungry you were going to miss when this was all over. “You’re so fucking beautiful, carrying my baby. You know that?”
And you’re all soft sighs and whimpers and his name as nothing but a moan, hitching your knees as high as you can to open yourself further to him. “Fuck, you’re gunna come again. Gettin’ tight as a fist,” he grits, hips swinging back and then forward, pelvis grinding so that he’s pressing on your clit and then pressing you into another full blown orgasm. It throbs through you, an almost unbearable heat stirring in your pelvis, walls of your cunt pulsing and milking the too thick, sometimes too big, weight of his cock inside you. It always hurts just a little and you always like it too much.
He pulls out suddenly, tiny flutters still moving through your muscles and sits back on his knees, turning you on your side and shoving your thigh up, pulling the now ruined shorts aside to line up and shove back inside. He braces his foot on the floor, one hand on the back of the couch, the other holding your thigh up and open for himself and drills down into your spasming cunt, mid orgasm, and there are tears in your eyes and you gnaw and slobber on the edge of your mother’s couch as your husband fucks you into one last orgasm. The previous one not even fully over. “Told you you’d fuckin’ take it,” he growls, balls slapping against the curve of your ass, temples shiny with sweat, throat all red and splotchy. “Fuckin’ shame I can’t knock you up again here in your parents house like I wanted to last time. We’re gonna have to try harder next time.”
“Told you, you’re so bad.” And you can barely speak as he starts to pump you full of his load, hot and thick so that you can feel it being forced out of your cunt while he continues to shove inside. 
When he’s finished, cleaned you up and tucked you back into his side, both of you choosing to ignore the wet spot on the couch you’d left and agreed to plead the fifth tomorrow if anyone asks, the movie is just finishing up. Judy and her beau are finally at the World Fair together. The clock below the TV rings midnight and Joel presses a soft kiss at the tender spot behind your ear. “We’re havin’ a baby this year,” voice boyish and shy and full of excitement and love. 
You peer up at him, cheek smushed against the ball of his shoulder. “We are.”
You nod, slow, pulling his head down for another kiss. “Happy New Year, Joel.”
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hellfire--cult · 7 months
💗 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 - 𝙧𝙤𝙚'𝙨 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣
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eddie munson x fem!reader
wc: 2.2k
For @carolmunson's eddie munson event that you can find here!
Prompt and plot: A romantic night at the trailer that holds a twist at the end of the story that seals the fate and future of you two - filled with fluff, yearning, established relationship and eddie munson shenanigans
a/n: it doesn't really have the stranger things lore, but this is just Eddie, normal goofy Eddie. taggin people here if they are interested to participate @andvys @lofaewrites @taintedcigs
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You were whistling while moving around in the small kitchen, the water already boiling for the pasta you were going to make for today’s dinner. You were finishing off the cake on the counter, tongue poking out as you squeezed the piping bag to create swirls with the vanilla frosting oozing out. 
It wasn’t the best, but it was something. Tomorrow was Wayne’s birthday after all, and you wanted everything to be perfect when he returns from work in the morning. You finished, not noticing a bit of frosting was on your nose, and you dragged the cake into the fridge. The sounds around Forest Hills were the same as always, someone laughing at a sitcom on the TV, teenagers laughing in the back, but then at one point, the park became silent at night.
It was bliss compared to your life before meeting Eddie.
That comedic charismatic boy back in high school who got on the cafeteria tables to state the most mundane things, catching everyone’s attention, including yours. Fate brought you two together, and you found out he was not… as charismatic as you first believed he was. At least not entirely natural.
But that made you stick to him like glue, and he always reminded you that he couldn’t believe you paid attention to him. That was five years ago, and now, leaving your messy luxurious life behind, you are happily dancing in the kitchen to the sound of Rock the Casbah. At the same time, you throw the pasta in the boiling water and grab the can of prepared marinara sauce so that you can heat it in a pan. 
The door slowly opened and you turned to see Eddie walking in with a tired look on his face, your heart skipped a beat but you decided to keep dancing, turning the sound up. His eyes meet your face and you smile at him and his dimples start to form, his bright teeth shine through, his eyebrows perking up as he rushes towards you to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you close, swaying his hips with yours, greeting you with a shower of kisses all over your face, successfully cleaning your nose.
“How is my queen doing?” He asked with a huge smile after he left saliva all over your face. His hair was messy, and it was pretty noticeable that he wore your scrunchie at work because of the dents here and there. He had a bit of dirt on his nose so you licked your thumb and softly wiped it away and he hummed in approval.
“Making dinner… How was work?” And at your question, he rolled his head in a circle while groaning loudly. 
“If I have to explain to Eugene how to change oil one more time, I will commit arson darling– Seriously, you will have to help me hide a body with the way things are going.” He sighed while pulling away from you so you could swirl the pasta in the pot and mix a little bit of spices into the sauce. 
“You know I would completely do it, you just tell me when to buy the acid.” A giggle escaped your lips and he smiled while approaching you from behind, pressing a kiss on the back of your exposed neck. You sighed in delight and then you turned your head with a smile on your face, receiving a kiss on the lips from him. Soft, tender, caring, just like he always does with you, your heart soaring towards the roof of the trailer, and if it could, it would go towards the moon.
“This is why I love you.” You gave him another soft peck, turning back towards the food. He kept the kisses, one after the other on the skin of your neck, a shiver running down your spine as your body started to rise in temperature. He always riled you up whenever he could, and now more so than before.
“Eddie, baby, I love you too but if you don’t stop we’re gonna have a problem… and I’m hungry.” You heard him chuckle as he let go of you, going towards the fridge and opening it to gasp in surprise.
“HOLY SHIT! Look at that darling! Wayne is gonna go crazy with this.” He was giddy, doing a little jump in his place and you giggled at his childish act, yet so endearing. Your eyes widened when you saw him already poking his hand in.
“Don’t mess up my frosting! It took a while!” He shook his head with a pout as he closed the fridge’s door, rushing towards you to grab onto your free hand and raise your arm up as he started kissing from wrist to shoulder, making you laugh in your place, wiggling with his touch.
“You are the best thing, a gift from above, how lucky it is I for having thee in my life!” His voice was squeaky, high pitched, yet adorable in every way possible, that comedic side of him that never left him, despite it all. Despite adulthood, despite the hard times the two of you are going through.
“Shut up! Prepare the table and get the fancy glasses my liege.” You joked as he let go of your arm, squinting at you, a soft ‘ha ha’ leaving his mouth.
“I ran out of those, are cups of your interest your majesty?” He mimicked and you straightened up while taking the sauce out of the stove so it wouldn’t overboil.
“I guess I can be flexible. Just for now.” He smiled, reaching out on his cupboards to start preparing the coffee table for your dinner. Your stomach growled and growled in desperate need of substance and you were getting irritated at the damn noodles in the pot that just needed two more minutes. You bent down with a groan as you opened the cabinet under the sink to take the colander out. 
Eddie walked back into the kitchen in two steps and looked into the pot. With a fork he fetched one single noodle out and held it in between his fingers, slamming it against his wall and seeing it stick, a proud smile on his face while you were already glaring at him. The back of the stove is definitely filled with noodles that fell after Eddie’s test.
“What? I checked and they are done!” He gave your forehead a kiss and grabbed the colander out of your hands and put it on the sink. You whined as you looked at your empty hands and back at him.
“I can–” 
“Put the drinks on the table baby.” You sighed and rolled your eyes as you opened the fridge to take the Pepsi and water out. You walked towards the living room and placed the bottles on the coffee table where Eddie already placed two cups and two forks. 
You looked towards your boyfriend who was cursing under his breath while moving the pot with worn-out kitchen gloves towards the colander and you couldn’t help but giggle when you saw all the steam engulf him as he strained the noodles. Your boyfriend that sometimes works on weekends in order to make a few more extra dollars. Your boyfriend who stays extra hours for a little more in his paycheck, and all you do is make dinner for him and breakfast for Wayne, making you feel a little… useless. But Eddie wouldn’t let you help with work at all, not for now.
You walked back towards him to prepare the plates filled with pasta, your mouth salivating even more as Eddie did small jumps next to you with excitement. You were laughing at him, handing him his plate as you two walked towards the couch and finally sat down to have your peaceful dinner. 
You devoured your plate in one second almost, and Eddie often told you to slow down with a laugh on his lips as he wiped the sauce off the corners of your mouth. You were smiling as you talked to him about your day, which wasn’t much, but it was something. You met with Robin, bought a few things you needed, bought the ingredients for the cake, and returned home to clean the house. 
“And that is how I want you. Calm, at least for now.” He said with a fond smile as he finished his plate of food, you frowned at him and then looked at your plate and then back at him.
“Eds… Am I getting fat? Like too fat? More than what it should be?” The question was out of nowhere, yet it was always in the back of your mind, nagging like a needle in the middle of your nape. Always finishing your plates at record speed, eating more than usual… His eyebrows went downwards into a frown as he shook his head. 
“What? Don’t say that, you know it’s not even true.” He replied with a soft tone in his voice and a fond look in his eyes that always sparkled whenever he looked at you… even after all these years.
“So, you like me like this?” You asked with a bit of shyness and he wiggled his eyebrows at you in a playful manner, and you already knew that he was going to say something ‘Eddie’.
“Well I prefer no clothes, but this is fine too–” And you threw a cushion up his head, making his head bob to the side, his mop of curls bouncing as he laughed, putting the cushion on his other side before looking back at you again. “I love you baby, in your entirety. I’m yours and always will be.” 
You smiled at him, and your worries vanished in a second, leaning over to place a kiss on his lips, electricity flowing through the both of you as if it were the first time you ever kissed. That kiss that happened after graduation, behind the bleachers, the two of you finally leaving the games behind and falling blindly into one another. 
Eddie pulled away with a big smack of the lips and you giggled at him as you turned to take a sip of your Pepsi while Eddie glanced at the small notebook on the corner of the table. He grinned widely an ‘OH’ escaping his lips, as if he remembered something, making you raise an eyebrow at him.
“What is that smile for?”
“I almost forgot, damn– Lemme– Cause I was talking to Henderson on the phone at work today cause I had THE BIGGEST idea for next campaign…” He reached out for the notebook and the pen, opening it, a list of names filling the small pages and he went to the very last one and wrote the name down, making you peek, a scrunch of your nose immediately happening on your face with disgust.
“Killiath!? What kind of name is that!?” 
“The name of a warrior babe!” He smiled at you, teeth showing, dimples forming as he pointed at the name he wrote, curls bobbing up and down as he explained with dramatic hands. “It is fantastic, imagine, it’s the perfect name because who would mess with someone named Killiath!?”
“We don’t even know if it’s a boy or a girl yet, Eds!” You whined at him and he laughed, putting the notebook on the table again. A notebook that is filled with a bunch of names that the two of you have been writing down for the arrival of a new Munson in the family. It wasn’t planned, but not unwelcome. 
Nothing is unwelcome with Eddie and he feels the same about you.
Eddie has been working his ass off since he graduated so he could buy a new place for the two of you, but now he worked even harder with the extra hours and shifts to reach that goal before the baby is born… and he is extremely close.
“It can be neutral! Killiath sounds pretty badass, you can’t deny that.” You giggled at his childishness, shaking your head at him.
“Did Dustin talk you into this?” 
“You know, Harrington asked me the same thing. I don’t know what’s wrong with Killiath.”
You shook your head as you rubbed your belly, but a fond smile of pure happiness was on your lips. The trailer was already a bit messy with all the baby things you started buying, everything that you could find on sale, and stuff that was donated from from Karen Wheeler and Claudia Henderson. Joyce Byers cooperated with an old strolled that was still sturdy even after so many years.
Even Gareth, Jeff, and Grant bought things for the baby, lots of ‘Rock n Roll’ clothes. They said they couldn’t wait to see if the child would turn out to be a musician like his father or a writer like yourself. You worked at the Hawkin’s Post before getting pregnant, and Eddie immediately told you to quit because that place, misogynistic as fuck, stressed you to levels you’ve never felt before, and the obstetrician advised to avoid any kind of stress for the baby.
Ever since then, you had time to write a lot, and having Eddie Munson as a boyfriend helped your imagination flow like water. Hopefully, when the baby is born, you can finally put out your very first book, and Eddie said he would be right next to you every step of the way, just like he always promised you. Life was sweet, even with the unexpected turn, and you wouldn’t change it for anything in the entire world.
“Everything Eds… Every fucking thing.” And your boyfriend pouted as he cursed under his breath in a small voice and a stomp of his boot.
“You’re no fun.”
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a/n: i just know eddie would be the happiest to have a kid, and try to give him everything he couldn't have when growing up.
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sadhours · 4 months
Pervy Billy please 🤤🤤🤤
okay okay, here’s a teaser of my upcoming series stuck in the middle with you
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billy hargrove x pamela oc!mayfield
cw: 18+ minors dni, perv!billy, stepcest, psuedocest, teasing, groping, dry humping and masturbation
It’s like the little bitch does it on purpose. Those shorts can barely be classified as such, they’re practically just underwear and she’s prancing around the house like she’s trying to get a rise out of Billy. It’s making him pretty damn bricked up, just trying to enjoy his fucking bowl of Wheaties.
They’re alone. Neil and Susan shopping, like they do most Saturday mornings and Billy’s got no idea where Max is nor does he care. Pamela is doing her chores, pale blonde hair bouncing whenever she reaches down to grab miscellaneous clutter. Thanks to the motion, he also notices she’s not wearing a bra; breasts swaying under her thin cotton shirt. God, her legs are long, he thinks as he skates his eyes up and down them.
Billy’s aware he’s staring. Part of him thinks Pamela wants him to. He shovels another spoonful of cereal in his mouth before dropping the bowl in the sink for Pamela to clean. It’s her chore after all.
He’s got his own chores. Lists them off in his head; fix the leaky faucet in the bathroom, organize the garage, mow the lawn, wack all the weeds and take out the garbage. They can wait, he decides as he keeps his place in the kitchen and watches as his step sister continues on with her chores. Chews on his lip as she uses the scrunchie on her wrist to tie her hair up in a bun. She starts by cleaning off the counters, putting everything back in its place before she takes her place at the sink. A smirk spreads across his lips and he crowds behind her, places his hands on the counter to cage her in.
Pamela tilts her head, doesn’t look at him but exposes her neck like she’s expecting something. Billy takes these movements slow and calculated. He doesn’t want to scare her off, but then again, he’s sure Pamela is playing the same game he is. He laughs, soft as he towers over her. His breath fans over her neck and Pamela’s skin pricks with goosebumps as she wets the sponge. Squirts dish liquid on it before she finally speaks up, “Can I help you?”
Billy purses his lips, closes the gap between Pamela’s ass and his crotch as he tells her, “Just making sure you’re doing a good job is all.”
She snorts but continues cleaning the dishes and maybe Billy’s imagining it but he thinks he feels her push her ass back against him. So he grabs her waist, holds her steady and presses his lips against her exposed neck. It’s not a kiss. Just to feel her warm skin. Rolls his hips slow, testing before moving his hands to feel up her sides. Swooping forward and cupping her breasts in his palms.
He kneads them in his hands, shamelessly rolling his hips and Pamela elicits the prettiest little sound. A moan if Billy’s not mistaken and it makes him greedy. Slams his hips forward, grinding against her ass in those tiny shorts while he gropes at her tits. Pamela drops the silverware and sponge, gripping onto the edge of the counter as she pants.
“See what you’re doing to me?” Billy asks against her ear, rocking his hips forward again. Making sure she can feel the way his cocks hard in his basketball shorts. “Walking around in that shit… dressed like a fucking slut,” he pants, “Tryna get my attention, huh?”
“Billy,” she gasps, a whine of a thing.
He pulls her top up, just enough to expose her tits and gets his hands back on them. Pinches her nipples, rutting against her like the pathetic little perv he is.
“Billy.. we— ah, we can’t,” he babbles out, but she’s still grinding back against him.
“We can’t what?” he grunts out, nose bushing against her temple.
“Do this,” Pamela replies, hands moving to reach for his wrists. “It’s wrong.”
Billy knows it’s wrong. That’s part of why he can’t stop thinking about her like this.
But she’s right. This was probably far enough. He pulls away, looks down at her as she turns. Her pretty face all flushed. And he acts kind of like a child, stomping away to his room and slamming his door. Just to lean against it and shove his shorts down, get his cock out and wrap his hand around it.
“Fuck,” he whines, closing his eyes and imagines his step sister on her knees in front of him. “Oh, you slut,” he whispers, lips twisting up as he plays out this fantasy. Fucks his fist hard and fast, cumming with her name on his lips.
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riality-check · 1 year
cw: discussions of body image
After everything, Steve gets softer.
Eddie spends so much time around him that he doesn't even realize it's happening, not until he's looking through his version of the photo album Jonathan put together toward the end of summer '86 so he could give it to Nancy and Robin and everyone else before the graduating class headed their separate ways.
He looks at it on an August day in 1987, about a year or so after Jonathan shyly handed them out. It's hot as balls outside, and while the AC in the trailer makes a lot of noise, it doesn't make a lot of cold, so it's hot as balls inside, too. Eddie ties his hair up with a purple scrunchie he stole from Nancy last week, and as he's looking at a page in the photo album, he stops.
It's a picture of Steve lounging by the pool, sunglasses on, blissfully unaware of Max and Erica in matching blue bathing suits standing behind him, poised to dump a bucket of water on him. Eddie remembers how Steve chased them down after, soaking wet, and threw them both into the pool without a single shred of hesitation.
He remembers Nancy's knowing look as he flushed from his face all the way down to his chest, thinking very not-PG thoughts about Steve being so strong, and he remembers shaking his soaking wet hair at her to make her shriek.
But, obviously, he didn't remember how Steve looked then. He's been superimposing the version of Steve he knows now onto the one that existed then. Casualty of spending nearly every day with him after the Spring Break from Hell.
Steve, in the summer of 1986, was so skinny.
Not rail thin like Eddie was. Not even close. He's always been broad, always muscular, but in that picture of him lounging on the chair with his arms above his head, shirtless and wearing a pair of swim trunks with the periodic table on them - a gag gift from Dustin that he actually ended up using - Eddie can see the definition of his stomach, his arms, his chest.
He looks good in the photo, but, then again, Steve could wear a potato sack and roll around in a pig sty, and Eddie would still think he looks good.
"What are you looking at?" a voice says from the doorway.
Eddie looks up to see Steve, 1987 Steve, the Steve he knows now.
He's got his arms crossed around his chest, looking at Eddie with a fond sort of smile. His glasses - which he refused to get until Robin dragged him to the optometrist - are perched on his nose, and he's barefoot and shirtless, having just thrown on a pair of shorts after getting out of the shower.
And Eddie realizes that Steve now, in the year since, has gotten softer.
He remembers reading, once, that really strong people don't have super defined muscles. Whatever book he found that in acknowledged that it was counterintuitive, but that fat supports muscle. The two have to exist, side by side, and a muscular body without fat is a body under stress.
Steve in 1986 was under stress. Eddie realizes, and a sort of warm relief floods his chest when he does, that Steve in 1987 isn't under stress anymore.
He's still strong and broad. Always has been, probably always will be. But where there was definition in his stomach last year, there's a little bit of squish now. His biceps have gotten bigger, too, as have his thighs.
Eddie is torn between wanting to bite him and wanting to squeeze him and never let him go.
"Jon's photo album," he says instead, and Steve traverses the general clutter of clothes, music sheets, and cables on the floor of Eddie's room to get to his bed.
He sits down next to Eddie, and Eddie can't resist wrapping an arm around his waist and squeezing, pulling him into his side.
Steve, as always, complies.
Eddie doesn't flip the page in the book. He lets Steve look at the page of pictures from Max's birthday, then watches as his eyes land on the picture of him.
Eddie watches him frown and decides that, nope, they're not doing that today.
Steve has told him, vaguely, about some of the stuff he was pressured into doing for sports. About cutting calories and vigorous exercise, about how soreness and hunger were viewed as prizes instead of pain.
He mentioned, once, how he was glad he never did wrestling because he was pretty sure it would have made it all a hell of a lot worse.
And to think Eddie used to hate jocks before dating Steve.
"You're hotter now," he says without any preamble, and while he probably should have started this conversation differently, it's worth the surprised laugh Steve lets out.
"You're just saying that," he says, and Eddie can't let that stand.
He puts the photo album on the bed and climbs into Steve's lap, holding his face in his hands.
"I'm not," he says seriously. "You're hot all the time. Probably always have been, definitely always will be."
It's true. Eddie's miserable crush on Steve during his first senior year, when Steve had that awful haircut was the subject of much good-natured bullying from Gareth, Jeff, and Archie, as well as bonafide proof that, unfortunately, he could not choose who to have a crush on.
"But I love whatever version of you I have in front of me the most," Eddie continues. "So, you're hotter now."
Steve smiles. it's a timid smile, one that Eddie thinks doesn't suit his face. Steve is a confident guy at his core. Timid smiles look like he's trying on a too-small Halloween costume.
"You mean it?" he asks.
"Of course I do," Eddie says, kissing him once on the forehead. "You're always warm, you're strong as hell, you give amazing hugs, and you make me feel safe."
"Yeah. You feel safe. Like home."
Steve's face breaks out into a grin, one that's more confident, one that suits his face better, and he kisses Eddie once, slow and sweet.
And if Eddie loves holding and being held by Steve, well, that's no one's business but theirs.
And if Eddie's favorite place to be is laying with his head in Steve's lap, cheek pressed to his stomach as he falls asleep, well, they don't need to say anything about it.
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whalesforhands · 1 year
What would satosugu do if Mc had another lover?
“I think I fell in love recently…” Your eyes are glazing over with infatuated lovesickness. Your chocolate bread long abandoned as your hand rests upon your heated cheek, the lovely thoughts of your object of affection flashing through your mind’s eye. Shoko pokes a finger into your free cheek, watching as the flesh squishes beneath her skin before leaning forth to steal a bite of your lunch.
“What?!” Gojo’s strawberry cheesecake had all of its initial interest stolen,the metal spork he had stolen from Geto’s home-made lunch bouncing off of his lap and clattering onto the classroom floor, just as Geto’s chopsticks pause midair, face starting to turn pale as he pounds at his chest to prevent the cherry tomato he had swallowed from going down the wrong pipe.
The look in your eyes is still far away, dazed and enraptured with the thoughts of your mystery crush, hearts basically emanating from you as the afternoon sunlight casts a gentle glow on you through the translucent curtains.
(Since when was there a breeze flowing through your hair, indoors…?)
It’s Suguru that barely manages to avoid choking through a mouthful of his fruit, a napkin to his mouth as he spits it out, hastily downing some water.
“When—“ He coughs to better swallow the drink that refuses to go down. “Did you both meet?” Satoru’s still struck with too much surprise and flabbergasted by your sudden news, his lower jaw hanging open as his sunglasses fall onto the turn of his nose.
Just when did they ever have another competitor?!
(Suguru closes his mouth for him.)
“We met when Shoko and I were out-“ Your fingers twiddle with the newly bought scrunchie inbetween your hands, the soft material making you reminisce the feel of fluttery feelings your mystery person gave you. “He was so soft and cuddly, with just a bit of attitude…”
Your eyes close in smitten devotion, your gait growing shy as your head swirls with images of him.
“Black and white hair…” A delinquent?! With dyed hair?! When was that ever your type? (“Seriously?! That’s what you’re into?!”)
“The sharpest brown eyes…” (“Suguru has sharper eye— Ow!”)
“The cutest upturned nose, and the softest hands…”
(“I’m cuter! And my hands are way softer!”
He holds out his hands to the group, placing them atop the desks that were pushed together for lunchtime.
“Shoko! Suguru! Feel and tell her!”)
“Could this be… What others call love at first sight?” Your trance is broken once you’re grabbed by your shoulders, being vigorously shaken back and forth as Gojo gets all up in your face, leaning diagonally towards you. “No! No, it’s not!”
Shoko is absolutely losing it, barely holding herself together whilst sneakily trying to muffle her snickers as she takes another bite of your chocolate cream bun that was now in her possession.
(You don’t mind. You still have the vanilla bean, azuki bean and dark chocolate flavours to try out.)
Suguru’s still baffled, holding his head in his hand as a finger taps anxiously on his forehead. A surge of fear going through him.
(Why? Why another person? What did he have that he or Gojo didn’t? They can’t possibly be lacking, can they? Shoko may call both of them trash but…)
“Do you mind if we meet them?” It comes out even before he could process his words, even Suguru himself is taken aback by how calm, how normal his voice had sounded, how it lacked all the anxiety and anger that coursed through him.
You agreed. Of course you agreed.
“I don’t think he will mind at all!” The smile on your face is absolutely radiant. “Ah, he’s just a little shy though.” You grow timid once again as your face alights with another grin. Does the mere thought of him make you blush and falter like a lovesick schoolgirl…?
“But I’m sure you will all love him!”
No. Suguru decides that he absolutely will not. Not when you’re practically skipping in excitement down the path, Satoru’s arm around you as he openly glares at each and every teenaged individual that seemed to match your description.
(“Hah?! What are you looking at?!” Gojo’s glaring at another man that dared to breathe in your general direction.
“(name), I don’t like how that guy looks.” He’s whispering into your ear as you giggle, telling him to knock it off with a light tap to his nose, his whining barely ceasing.
“I bet your friend isn’t much to look at anyway!” You tilt your head to the side, a contemplative hand under your chin as you stare at Satoru head-on, from his personality to his looks. “Hmm… I think you’re both around the same level.”
“Me?! Compared to him?!”)
Suguru’s following closely behind you both with Shoko at his side, the girl lackadaisically sipping at the coffee you had gotten for her as she maintains her silence, enjoying the sights and sounds of the busy street.
As if she knows something they don’t.
“You look awfully calm. Is there something you want to say?” Suguru’s look towards her is placid, a look of feint serenity, smile stretched just a little too wide, eyes clenched a little too tight.
He’s nervous. And Shoko can tell.
From the way he’s been blowing that strand of his bangs out of his face, taking just a few minutes more to brush out his hair before heading out today, walking so close to you earlier that distance was practically a myth between the both of you.
He’s jealous. And wasn’t trying to make it as obvious as Gojo did.
(Can you even tell either of them are jealous?)
You blink when Geto assists you in clasping your necklace, his warm hands pressing against your nape as you melt into his gentle touch. How nice of him. You were just about to ask him for help. “Don’t let others do this for you, okay?”
You recoil slightly when a napkin is slapped onto your face to wipe the cream off, Gojo’s hand enthusiastically helping you as you try your best to stay still, his free hand holding your cheek to prevent you from moving too much. “Only we can get this close to you, alright?!”
Okay…? You’ll always listen to them is what you have decided.
(Unless Shoko has an input too. You’ll let hers override theirs.)
She twirls a strand of her hair as she finishes the final sip of her coffee, taking a chance and trying out Gojo’s half-drunk bubble tea.
She makes a face before she replies, the sugar on her tongue making her grimace. “Not much at all.”
Geto pins his gaze onto her, laughing lightly as his fists start to unclench. “I think I would know. I’m your friend after all.”
The girl stirs the straw within the cup, smiling. She’s satisfied with that reply as she pulls out her phone, hiding away the lock screen from his view. “Then you have nothing to worry about. I promise on our friendship.”
Geto Suguru is at ease. (Only just the slightest.)
(“(nameeeeeeeee)!!! That guy looked at you suspiciously! Is that him?!”
“He doesn’t even have black OR white hair…”
“I don’t like how he stared at you! Suguru! Stand at the other side! Shoko, you’re on front duty!”)
“We’re here!” You’re standing before an alleyway, shaded just enough to protect the inner area from the sun.
“Ruruko! Are you here?” You jog deeper in as the trio quickly go after you, thoughts flying through a particular duos’ brains.
Ruruko? What kind of man that has you so enamored has that name? What kind of gentleman makes you come meet him in an alleyway? Why is Shoko so calm?!
(And why is she recording this?)
Satoru’s crossing his arms, puffing his chest out as he surveys the area, waiting for a group of rabid teenagers to jump out and attack as Suguru’s watching with careful intent, stance ready to take on a sudden fight before—
“Ruruko!” You’re squatting, lowering yourself down as you start cooing. Scratching inbetween the cat’s ears and under its chin as he meows, purrs into your hand.
“See? Isn’t he just the cutest?!” You’re practically squealing when the cat nuzzles back up to you, allowing you to pick it up and hold it, letting it’s furry front face the SSS trio as you bring his furry face next to yours, nuzzling your cheek into his and showing off his shiny black-white mottled coat and pretty brown eyes.
It only meows as it stares at them, licking his paws and using it to flick at his ears.
“A cat?!” Satoru’s gasping as he falls to his knees, dramatically holding his head in his hands. As Suguru plants his hand against a wall, his other covering his eyes.
“It was a cat all along?!”
Both Gojo and Geto have a new lock screen photo of you holding Ruruko now. Shoko already has one.
Ruruko. satoRU, suguRU, shoKO. RURUKO.
Shoko knew all along, if you couldn’t already tell.
Gojo buys bubble tea with 100% sugar. Less ice.
nvy’s aftertalk:
to tide my non-kofi readers over since i haven’t fed y’all in a while haha
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buckyalpine · 2 years
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Imagine being obsessed with Bucky's nose. Every other girl fawns over his eyes, his lips, his dimple chin, his arm, his chest, then there's you. You’re always talking about how adorable his nose is. It’s so perfect. 
You love when he smiles because he does this little scrunch and its the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. 
He doesn’t know how to act when you gush over how cute you think it is. You’re not even together so he doesn’t know what to do with himself other than blush deeply and shy away from you. 
It’s all fine until  the rest of the team catch on and all he can do is grumble over how he doesn’t have a cute nose. The only person who can get away with it is you. It really is the cutest nose ever so they make sure he hears it every second of the day. 
“Awww look, he’s doing that lil scrunchy thing again!”
“Shut up Wilson”
“He’s like a bunny when his nose twitches” 
“Shut up Stark”
“Y/n’s right, it’s adorable”
“For fucks sake, not you too punk”
“He’s right Mr. Barnes”
“I’ll ship you back to Queens, kid”
“Adorable”  *boop* You walk by and lightly tap his nose, smiling at the way his cheeks blush immediately after, a goofy smile tugging at his lips. Everyone breaks out into shit eating grins when he doesn't give you a snarky retort, looking back at you with puppy eyes instead. As soon as you disappear around the corner, he glares at them, flipping them off while they all cackle. 
“Not. A. word” 
His mind turns into ABSOLUTE MUSH when you give his nose a peck, unprompted, just when you feel like it. He then breaks out of that trance and contemplates on wearing his Winter Solider mask again when others on the team try to do the same, just to fuck with him.  
I mean, its adorable, can you blame them? 
Anways, idk why I wrote this, I was just thinking about his nose, of all things. 
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akaakeis · 8 days
domesticity -- sakusa k.
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synopsis :: living with omi and being the epitome of a domestic relationship 
wc :: 536 .ᐟ
gn!reader x sakusa kiyoomi (2nd person)
cw//notes :: toothrotting fluff,, eating food,, established relationship,, making up for posting literally no writing for like.. maybe 2 weeks idk? yeah that sounds abt right
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it's 10:36 pm, and you and your boyfriend sit on the carpeted floor, doing skincare. he's sitting cross-legged with you kneeling in front of him. he has his hands on your waist as you reach up to his face, trying to align the holes of the face mask to his face.
"omi, stay still!" you mutter, struggling to properly place the sheet onto his face. he won't stop quietly chuckling at your struggle.
"how do you do this every week and still manage to have issues with doing it?" he teases you, his voice soft as he watches you try to put on the face mask. finally, you get the sheet aligned properly and gently place it onto his face. he looks funny with the sheet mask on. it's cute, though.
you let out a giggle after you sit down on the carpet and look at him. "it's cute." almost automatically, you grab your phone and take pictures of him with the face mask on, which makes him scoff.
"really, in my most vulnerable moments?" he asks, laughing. forgot to mention, he has the front pieces of his hair tied up with a little scrunchie you found. he looks stupid, but so, so cute. 
"why of course!" you reply, quickly snapping a 0.5 of him and laughing at how the photo turned out. "oh, that's your new profile picture right there."
he simply groans in response, a small smile still on his face. he stands up, grabbing your hands in his and pulling you up. "c'mon, let's have some ice cream."
the two of you walk into the kitchen and head straight for the freezer, grabbing two pints of ice cream. he grabs mint chocolate chip, and you grab your favorite flavor. 
once you both grab ice cream and a small spoon to eat it with, you look at each other knowingly and run to the living room, dropping onto the couch. you grab the remote and start playing coraline on the tv. he grabs a throw blanket and drapes it over the two of you. 
kiyoomi puts an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him and giving you a kiss on top of the head before grabbing his ice cream pint and digging in. 
"you do realize you have morning practice tomorrow right?" you ask amusedly, eyes glued to the movie.
"oh," he remarks, letting out a sigh through his nose. "it's fine, i'll make it anyway."
you snort, leaning your head against his shoulder. "alright, if you say so. don't complain to me about being tired in the morning, though."
your phone alarm goes off, saying it's time to take off the sheet masks. you pull off kiyoomi's without warning, and then you take off your own. he looks at you in amusement as you toss the masks into the trash can across the room, barely making it in.
"ooh, nice!" you say, smiling.
"you almost missed."
"shut up."
he snorts, shifting his eyes back to the movie. you look back at the movie as well, continuing to eat your ice cream pint.
...it's safe to say he was groaning about being tired the next morning. well, you did warn him.
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notes .ᐟ ::
⟡ hey guys sorry for being so dry w my writing i got hammered w schoolwork it was so bad...
⟡ more stuff inspired by me and my roommate!!!
⟡ btw not proofread lo siento (but not surprisingly anw)
⟡ hope ygs enjoyed :))
⟡ if u liked this, please consider rbing and following! and maybe check out my masterlist <3
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🏷️ :: @bokukos + @4ngelfries <3
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© akaakeis 2024 all rights reserved. please do not repost, edit, or translate my works on any platform.
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mintea-in-space · 6 months
Thinking about long hair Copia
Teenage Copia growing it out, long enough to reach past his shoulders. Sister teaching him how to braid his own hair so it stays out of his face.
Young adult Copia cutting it to shoulder length, too busy to deal with the maintenance. He always has it pulled back in a low, short ponytail. It has such pretty waves when he does let it down. Him growing out his sideburns to match.
Cardinal Copia, cutting it short because keeping it tied back was giving him headaches, and occasionally migraines. He misses it though, eventually growing it out just a little when he becomes Papa. Still short enough to slick it back for rituals, but just a little longer.
Cirrus opening his eyes up to clips. Big chunky ones that holds her hair back without pulling at her scalp. Dewdrop and Phantom showing him different hair ties that won’t damage his hair when he does pull it back. He becomes overly fond of scrunchies.
Copia growing it long again, to just barely past his shoulders. Copia wearing it half up half down, the top tied back in a little ponytail he can hide under his mitre. Copia with little French braids that start at his temple and connect in the back. Copia with bed head so outrageous you wouldn’t believe it was real. (The ghouls all have a contest going on to see who can get the best picture of it.) Copia enjoying having his hair played with, by anyone. He’ll let Aurora just try new hairstyles on him all the time, just for the fun of it. Cirrus teaching him different kinds of braids and hairstyles until he finds his favorites.
Copia hunched over his desk, hair pulled back in a clip, strands falling out at his temples where his fingers had run through it, reading glasses still perched on his nose as he works.
Copia and the girls going out shopping for hair stuff, Dew tags along just because. Copia coming back with all kinds of bits and bobs.
Copia having all kinds of scrunchies with all kinds of patterns and colors, he loves matching them to his outfit for the day, loves adding a little personal touch.
Copia getting a rat shaped claw clip for his birthday, and he wears it everyday for like a month. It’s silly looking, googly looking eyes and cartoonish shapes, but he absolutely adores it. It’s his favorite clip.
Copia getting dressed up for one thing or another, doing his hair for it. He is partial to French braids, and he adds little hair pins that sparkle in the light, little crystals and gems inlaid in gold that pop against the color of his hair. His ghouls love helping him take it down at the end of the night, like a little scavenger hunt for sparkly things. He hems and haws but he adores it, loves that he doesn’t have to do it himself, and they always get everything too, never missing a single pin.
Nsfw Thoughts Below
Copia’s hair pulling kink coming up with a vengeance. Dew and Swiss absolutely love taking advantage of it, tugging out whatever it is holding it back and tangling their hands in it. Dew will gather it back in his fist and use it for leverage as he fucks him from behind. Swiss just tangling his fingers in it right at the base of Copia’s neck, tugging to make his head tip back and expose his throat so he can nip at it. Copia lets loose the prettiest sounds every single time.
Rain likes leaving it tied back, likes watching as copper strands fall out, as pieces stick to his temples and forehead. He likes seeing how messy he can get it, making Copia ride him until he falls apart. Mountain just loves seeing it fanned out on the pillow, strands of grey sparkling in low light. He’ll just run his hands through it, murmuring in Copia’s ear how pretty he is, such a pretty Papa, all soft words and gentle touches.
Cirrus getting him all dolled up, curling his hair, pinning it back, shiny little hair clips littered all over his head. Sometimes she does his face too, mascara darkening his lashes and rosy blush on his cheeks. She calls him her good girl and he melts, all wound up even though she technically hasn’t even done a thing yet.
Aether gently running a hand through it to hold it out of Copia’s face, his nose pressed to the curls at the base of Aether’s cock. Copia leaning into the touch, eyes fluttering shut as Aether holds him there. Him losing track of time, until at long last Aether pulls him off, pausing for a moment before pulling him back down. Copia letting him use him, those big hands tangled in his hair making his mind melt.
Aurora grabbing it in both hands as she rides his face, every little tug making Copia’s hips jerk. He loves when she gets rough with him, loves when she just yanks him where she wants him. His eyes roll back as she grinds against his mouth, barely able to breathe but neither of them caring. He nearly cums untouched just from that, and when he says so she gets this little glint in her eye. A shiver runs down his spine when she tugs his hair again, and he knows it’s going to be a long night.
Copia all alone in his room, hair pulled back in a normal braid. Copia sliding a hand into his sweatpants and stroking himself to hardness. Copia brushing the loose bits at his hairline out of his face, lower lip caught between his teeth as his pulse jumps. Copia wrapping a hand around the braid and tugging, letting out a squeak as his hips jerk, the spark of pain melting into pleasure. Copia panting as he loses himself in his own touch, chest heaving and back arching as he tugs over and over and over until his head tips back and he spills into his hand with a cry.
Just. Copia with long hair.
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esmedelacroix · 7 months
"And the way you cut your hair,"
husband!miguel x f!reader ♡
10 Things I Hate About You ← mini-series masterlist
“I hate the way you talk to me," ← previous part
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As much as you'd hoped Miguel wouldn’t be roped back into his old habits of working like he needed it to live, he did. He would come home late, and leave the house early.
You would wait for him to get in bed but fall asleep cold and alone while he worked in his study. He would drown himself in all this unnecessary work and research whenever something personal or work-related was plaguing him.
You gave him space but it had been a while since you had seen him. Outside of already having to go on missions, he was hunched in his study making whatever gizmos or gadgets he thought of. It had been almost a month and you only saw Miguel two times a week, always in his office sleeping at his desk.
You were fed up with not being able to see him and 'giving him his space'. You barged into his office where he was working on a new suit. There were all sorts of reports, open books, scrap pieces, and nails scattered on the ground. The only light illuminating the room was his screens that were hanging around.
The low buzz of all the machines and monitors was the only sound that could be detected other than Miguel's breath hitching whenever he accidentally poked himself with the needle.
Miguel had dark circles under his eyes. His glasses sat on his nose and a toothpick was lodged in his mouth. He had a slight stubble growing but one thing really caught your eye and that was his hair. Which was tied up into a slick man bun. A man bun?! You thought to yourself in shock. As much as you hated to see him in this state, you loved this look on him.
His head shot up, eyes following you as you walked over to him dodging any of the nails on the ground. "Miguel, this is getting out of hand," you sighed as you plopped down next to him.
He put the suit and needle down and turned to you. "I know, I'm sorry, I just didn't want to burden you with my problems," he sighed, taking his glasses off and rubbing his eyes.
"Oh my god, Miguel?! I'm your girlfriend. It hurts me more when you don't tell me what's going on," you insisted, almost laughing at the thought of him burdening you because of opening up.
That night you dragged Miguel out of his study and ran a bath for him. He stepped out of the bathroom while you were reading a book on your bed already in the sheets waiting for him. He had a towel wrapped around his hips displaying his v-line and his slutty little waist. That wasn't even what made you go wild. It was his hair. He didn't go for a haircut in ages and his wet hair was now draped over his face a bit.
It was longer than it usually was. You watched as he ran his hand through his hair and flipped it a bit. You most likely soiled your panties right then and there.
He put on some boxers and sweats and got into bed with you. You noticed that he was using one of your Sanrio scrunchies to tie his hair. You didn't know that Miguel with a man bun was something that you needed biblically until now. "What? Should I cut it?" Miguel asked, feeling your eyes on him.
"No! No, I don't mind it," you said trying to play off your sudden outburst.
"Okay..." he smirked as wrapped his arms around you. You giggled as he tickled your neck with kisses. You had finally calmed down and lay on the bed together.
"I missed this," he sighed.
"Promise me you'll talk to me next time you feel like you're entering a slump. Let me be your support system," she whispered as she played with the loose strands of his hair as the pale moonlight shone on them through the window.
"I promise," he whispered as the two of you drifted off to sleep.
. . .
next part → "I hate the way you drive my car,"
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taglist: @lilscast @lazyjellyfish300
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carolmunson · 1 year
love language five
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another sunday another slay -- ft. dad!eddie love language blurbies are back in action -- again, these are just vingettes into a relationship with eddie no chronological timeline, no story -- just mini moments
love language set list
the cry is quiet on the monitor, wayne says he cries just like eddie used to. you both stir under your comforter, neither one of you running on much more than fumes while the baby sleep trains. you both know you're supposed to let him self soothe, but every time -- eddie caves.
"hm," you hum while you push up a bit onto your forearms.
"hm," he says sleepily, rubbing your back to keep you in bed while you feel him start to move. he presses a kiss to your temple before sitting on the edge of the mattress and rubbing his swollen eyes. he sniffs loudly, a sound that makes your shoulders hunch up to your ears before you sink back into the warm sea of your blankets -- the blue blackness of the room. the hum of the fan resettling you while he gets off the bed and heads to the small storage room turned nursery -- 'we'll get a place with two bedrooms before he's one, i promise baby. i'll get us out of here.' 
eddie takes the scrunchie he stole of yours from around his wrist to pull his hair back. nothing quite like the pain of sticky baby fingers wrapped up in your tresses when you want nothing more than to go back to sleep. eddie pouts back at him when he opens the door, seeing his wet tear stained face in the dark through the bars of his crib. "shh, shh," he eases in softly, shutting the door behind him so the dim light from the hallway doesn't shine in. the night light teases a warm yellow glow in the corner -- his eyes adjusting enough to see his son reach for him with grabby hands. a grin pulls on his lips -- his boy. "c’mere little guy," he coos quietly, hoisting him up out of the crib and onto his hip, he checks for anything physical -- no cuts or scrapes, diaper is dry, pajamas untwisted. he pulls the baby close to his chest, feeling his little nose bury into his neck. eddie chuckles airly, letting his free hand run over the boy's small sprouts of hair while he bounces him up and down, soft 'choo, choo, choo's whisper through the tiny room while he does. the soft cries continue into his neck, spit starting to gather at the top of his shoulder. eddie sighs in the darkness of the room, rubbing his back. “think you’re hungry,” he mumbles, taking him to the kitchen. eddie was surprised at how often and how much the baby would eat during his feedings, guilt sliding over his face when he asked you if maybe he’s been overfed.  
it was painful for wayne to explain to eddie that what he thinks is overfeeding is just what regular homes would call normal feeding. babies were supposed to be chubby, big cheeks and bellies, rolls in their thighs. and boy did wayne’s grandson have so many rolls. ‘you should start callin’ him pillsbury, son.’ the kitchen glows green when he turns the light on over the oven, keeping the big light off in case the baby decides to fall back asleep. one handed skills show themselves off to no one while eddie perfectly scoops out enough formula into the donald duck printed bottle on the counter. ounces became easy to measure in dark corners before he met you, so loading up four ounces of warm water without looking was nothing. another quiet cry mixes with the low buzz of the oven light and eddie’s eyes shoot over to the partially open door of the bedroom at the end of the hall. he listens for your footsteps but they don’t come and that’s okay. you’ve really needed this sleep. 
"almost ready," he murmurs softly, kissing the top of his head. he screws the top on and shakes it to mix, sleep still tugging at his eyes while the baby squirms against his chest. he shifts, another one arm wonder of laying him down across the length of his forearm, head in the crook of his elbow. his son looks up at him with big brown eyes that match his own, expanding his baby world with recognition, admiration. his boy. "there we go," he sighs with relief. baby had gotten good at holding the bottle himself, but tired eyes up at eddie's let him know that he wouldn't be able to. the bottle almost drops, eddie making a face to catch it that makes a loud peal of laughter escape your son's lips. “oh is that funny? giving daddy a heart attack?” he coos in a whisper. the squeaks and squeals get a little louder and eddie looks toward the part way open door again, darkness looking back at him. another few bounces and he makes the decision to step outside into the summer air, sitting on the old leather couch he put outside of the trailer before he met you. he looks down at his son, hands reaching toward the bottle while his eyes lull a bit as it’s eased into his mouth. eddie sighs again, the soft sucking mixing in with the sounds outside – crickets hiding in the brush, the way the warm breeze shifts the trees around the park and down the street. the stars aren’t out tonight, they aren’t really any more – too many lights outside in the park, street lights fogging up the shine. they weren’t out the way they were when he was a kid, but every few days eddie tells you about how the baby will know all the constellations before he’s ten. he’ll take him on all the camping trips that his dad never took him on, all the nights in a tent that wayne was too tired to do. he’d teach him how to use the big dipper to find his way home, to find orion’s belt, to look up every once and a while. 
despite the stars, the moon shone bright tonight. a spotlight on the two of them on the couch while everyone else slept. the humid air hugs his skin while he watches his son drink, big baby eyes getting heavy, and thinks about how the moon is seeing him do the thing his daddy never did. but his momma would take him outside on nights like this, right before bed, have him look up at the moon with her and just sing. he finishes his bottle in record time and doesn’t even spit up when he burps. eddie eases him back down into the crook of his arm, settling the empty bottle next to his thigh. his bare back starts to stick to the leather in the warm air, baby yawns but his eyes are still bright even while half open. his tiny hand reaching up to wrap his sticky fingers around his dad’s index as he slides it over his soft chubby cheek. eddie swallows the lump in his throat while he looks down at his baby with glassy eyes. he looks up and baby follows suit, eyes shining under the pale blue glow. eddie starts to sing – slow and warm like the air around them: “i see the moon, the moon sees me, the moon sees the ones, that i wanna see…” “that’s you and mommy,” he explains, thumb smoothing over his pudgy hand. low giggles bubble from him while his finger ends up in his son’s drooly mouth. eyes half closed, breathing steady. “so god bless the moon, and god bless me, and god bless the ones, that i wanna see…”
eddie keeps him there for a few moments, rocking him softly until his eyes shut all the way. he eases his hand away, humming the song over while they get back into the trailer, air conditioning hugging his warm sticky skin and he quietly shuts the storm door. the house is quiet with night. he clicks off the yellow-green light of the oven, the buzzing falling way to just the fan and ac unit humming in the house. the low rumble of the humming makes his son dead weight in his arms, he huffs a quiet laugh. baby gets laid back down in his crib, pressed like a flower with kisses before eddie leaves the nursery. you don’t even stir as he crawls back into bed with you, too lost in a dream, too far away. your form as slack and cozy as your son’s down the hall – sleepy trailer, the napping house. eddie curls up against you, arm wrapping around your soft and warm body that made your family into three five months ago. he kisses your shoulder while you sleep, your slow breaths lulling him into safety. he looks up between the part in the curtains where the moon shines down on him – his old friend. “so god bless the moon, and god bless me,” he whispers. “and god bless the ones, that i wanna see.” 
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spaceblu · 10 months
busted | benedict bridgerton
summary: benedict is sure he knows you, he only doesn’t know from where. and he probably shouldn’t know.
warnings: none actually!
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It’s the curve on your lips when you drink from your cup, Benedict has solved the case. Or the wrinkles around your eyes when you start to laugh, it might be it too. But there’s something in you that seems to hold his attention longer than he imagined and it has been like this the whole night.
Now he knows every and each small thing you do when you react to something, he caught you blinking to a couple of men, making it look way more innocent than it was to them. Benedict saw your eyes twinkle under the lights while dancing and couldn’t stop thinking about how soft your hands might be under your gloves.
He couldn’t help himself. There was something about you that seemed so known to him that it itched a certain part of his brain trying to remember why he was so mesmerized by you. Why were you so intriguing to him when he’s absolutely sure he never saw you before.
“Here, let me help you.” Eloise says, holding Benedict’s chin with both her hands “I think your chin will fall anytime soon.”
Benedict’s eyes go from you to his sister, surprised by her sudden appearance next to him. Eloise lets out a laugh, taking her hands away from her brother and crossing her arms in front of her chest, glancing in your direction too.
“Who is she and why are you so endearing looking at her?” Eloise squints, trying to analyze you “I don’t think I know her…”
“Me neither.” The sound falls from Benedict’s mouth more like a whisper and he sighs afterwards “And I’m not endearing looking at her.”
“Brother,” Eloise almost rolls her eyes at Benedict, but controls herself from doing so in front of so many people. If the circumstances were different, she would do it one hundred percent “your eyes are on her the whole night. I have no clue how I managed to get your attention, actually.”
Eloise continues to talk and talk and talk, but you start to dance again. Benedict watches you spin in your ankles while smiling to your dance partner, your hands smoothly moving while you dance. Your hair flows around your face, framing it with curls. You probably smell good, floral and sweet with a spicy hint to it. Your skin glows and looks soft to the touch.
“Jesus Christ,” Eloise almost shouts, catching her brother’s attention again “ask her to dance, or you will start drooling any time soon and someone might slip on it.”
For once, Eloise is right. Benedict should ask to dance with you. There’s nothing telling him he shouldn’t, and a dance won’t hurt no one.
He makes the path between you two, taking his time to gather his thoughts correctly and think about what he should say to you. What kind of subjects are you interested in? You could be into arts, writing or even singing. You have beautiful lips, and even if Benedict couldn’t listen to your voice from where he was standing, he's sure your voice is soothing as it seems from afar.
Benedict bows in front of you and notices the corners of your lips going up in a small smile “Would you conceive me a dance with you, my lady?”
You bow in his direction too, but gracefully looking at him with your chin up “Of course, sir.” You place your hand on his, waiting for him to hold it “Lead me, please.”
Benedict holds your hand, almost squeezing it with too much strength, but he desperately wants to feel the skin underneath your glove. Your thumb rubs the back of his hand smoothly and the gentle touch makes Benedict want more caresses from you. Perhaps you didn’t even notice you were doing that little thing with your thumb, but Benedict feels feverish with just this small thing.
He takes you in his arms and starts dancing.
“May I ask you if you’re new here?” Benedict starts, really wanting to say something to you and make some conversation.
“Probably.” You smile, not giving away if you’re telling the truth or not.
Benedict scrunchies his nose “I’m curious, because I’ve never seen you before, but I feel as if I already know you.”
You let out a giggle and Benedict is completely lost, has he said anything funny?
“Is this your way of courting me?” Your expression has an amused smile and Benedict can’t help but find it funny too. It indeed sounded different than he wanted it too “Perhaps you’ve seen me in your dreams, right?”
“N-No… That’s not what I was trying to say.” He stutters trying to hold a laugh and not sound as dumb as he probably does at the moment “I mean it, you look familiar but I can’t tell from where exactly.”
“Mr. Bridgerton, I’m sure I’ve never crossed paths with you before.” You give up and say it seriously “I’ve been in town for a couple of days visiting my aunt for the season.”
“And may I ask who your aunt is?” Benedict is fast with his words, not leaving any time for you to end your conversation.
Benedict tries to notice something in you that might give it away who your aunt is, but it doesn’t work. Your accent is a bit different than what he’s used to, but he can’t tell exactly from where you are. Your eyes are beautiful, as are your skin, lips, nose, body… Benedict can’t think of anyone anyway as attractive to him as you.
“It seems that you’re having fun trying to solve my mystery. I think we should keep it for longer.”
“My mom knows everyone, every family, and she probably has her eyes on you, anyways. You seem like a good match for one of her sons.” Benedict spins you while speaking.
It’s already the end of the dance, the final move and Benedict wonders if he could ask you for another dance, or maybe he could walk with you to get something to drink. He wanted to speak more with you, to look deep inside your eyes, to listen to your voice and watch your lips move gracefully.
When you finish your spin, you look right back at Benedict “So let’s see if you can discover who I am, Mr. Bridgerton.”
You grin in his direction, so close he can see every line in your face. And it hits him – your grin. He indeed saw it before, not in his dreams, but in a place where a lady shouldn’t be, somewhere he’s not even sure women are allowed to enter when they’re not in the company of a man. But you were there, he’s sure of it now.
Benedict’s memory is foggy, probably because he was way drunker than normal that night, but there’s no doubt it was you.
“It was you, wasn’t it?” Benedict asks when you touch his arm calling for his attention “In the bar?”
There’s a frown that grows in your forehead and you almost open your mouth, surprised, but keep control of your expression. Benedict continues to stare in your direction and catches your arm before you could run away from him. You felt like running away, but instead you gave him a sweet smile.
“Sir, I don’t know what you mean.”
Your voice shakes a bit and Benedict can notice that you’re not telling the truth, because even if you don’t sound nervous, you obviously look like you’re about to have a nervous wreck right there. Your hands are moving, making Benedict hold your arm and start to lead him out of the middle of the room. Your fingers are restless around his arm and he could feel you tapping his forearm with them.
“I know it was you, now I’m sure of it.” Benedict can say, trying to grab other memories inside his mind from that night “I could recognize this grin of yours within millions of smiles.”
It happened the week before. Benedict decided to go to the bar alone, after a long day of boring things and a couple of drinks with his gentleman friends, he didn’t want to go home yet. It was breezy, but not cold, so the perfect night to spend in the bar with unknown people he will never exchange a word with again.
When he’s near the bar, he can hear people singing inside and instruments are being played. He enters the room and everyone is singing together, some at their own tables, others hugged next to the musicians. But there’s two young adults, probably a few years younger than Benedict, singing on top of the balcony leading the rest.
One of them is wearing a white shirt, trousers and really shining and beautiful boots. The other is wearing the same thing, but with a dark blue cape on top, covering most part of their face. Benedict sits at a table in one corner of the bar, he pretends to go unnoticed and enjoys the joyful singing from the others. He orders a beer and continues to drink, even if he already feels drunk enough after drinking with his friends.
The light inside the bar isn’t good, but when the person wearing the cape spins while singing, Benedict can see a grin on their lips, the curves softly matching the rest of the person’s expression, and when Benedict watches more carefully, the grinning person is a girl. He can see the soft hair under the hood, the pretty features in her face and the beautiful silhouette.
Benedict can’t take his eyes from her, the way she sings is mesmerizing, the way she drinks the beer from the mug and continues to move around the balcony with her partner. Benedict tries not to focus on the questions that are surfacing his mind, about why there is a girl there and who is the man singing with her. Benedict wants to enjoy the view, his members already feeling numb from drinking but he can’t help having fun.
“Sir, please, stop talking about this.” You ask, now almost running with Benedict hooked with your arm “At least not in the middle of everyone.”
You search for someone in the middle of the people, your eyes wandering through every corner of the room. Benedict wanted to ask you again who you are in the end. Why were in a bar being a lady? Who was the guy with you that night? Why hasn't he seen you before?
One of the questions was answered before Benedict could even say them out loud.
“Mr. Bridgerton, this is my brother.” You almost fly to the man standing in front of you two and hold his arm instead of Benedict’s. It’s the guy you were with in the bar “Brother, this is Benedict Bridgerton, he just danced with me.”
Your brother looks at you, noticing your breathless voice as you introduce Benedict to him. He looks back at Benedict and smiles, greeting him. As soon as Benedict said nice to meet you, you both disappeared in the middle of the other guests. How was it possible for two grown people to just vanish in front of his eyes? But you two were nowhere to be seen.
Benedict felt empty for the first time that night. He spent most of the night watching you, trying to guess where he saw you before and now he knows where, but you’re gone and he has nothing else to do there. He wanted to speak to you more, maybe the bar issue wasn’t the only conversation he wanted to have with you, his curiosity about you being bigger than he imagined.
He wanted to know things about you.
Well, now he knows you can sing. And drink.
And there’s nothing he can’t try to discover in the next ball of the season.
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