lemongogo · 2 years
to the ppl who cheered for akaza reveal
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shutupineedtothink · 11 months
I finally landed on a Siuan theory/analysis re: 2x07! And it works prettyyyy good if I do say so myself. At the least it’s plausible. Probably. No book spoilers because I haven’t read the books, this is a show only theory. Read on at your own risk!
Background: So, at first I was on board the “Moiraine and Siuan planned this whole thing daes dae’mar blah blah blah” train. Mostly in my emotional turmoil after watching the episode initially. But, I was forced to dismiss that pretty quickly in light of some of Siuan’s lines, namely “That boy must not leave this city.” And “You lied to me.” She has to believe both of those things are truths to say them, so her somehow being secretly on Moiraine’s side still and them having conjured up some plan together doesn’t match up with either of those lines. Sadly. So that’s pretty much out. If this ends up actually being the case, I look forward to how they explain themselves out of it.
Second theory is of course that it’s playing exactly as we’re seeing it, which ultimately does work and when I can take the emotional dagger to my heart out of it, is objectively really excellent storytelling and character work. These are two women, trying to do the right thing, trying to save the world, and their love is sacrificed at the altar of duty. Duty over love is a theme that’s absolutely pounded into us with many characters, so it makes sense. (As Lan points out to Rand also in this episode, “you were born to protect this whole world, not just the people you love.” That’s kinda where Siuan and Moiraine are at too.) Plus I love the idea that Siuan comes face to face with the very real if unfathomable possibility that Moiraine has been turned to the dark based on her actions and general cageyness for the last six months, and that’s really what motivates every choice Siuan makes, up to and including invoking the oath rod. Really great stuff, brilliant subtext, two thumbs up.
However. There is a third option. *rubs hands together gleefully*
I heard some people saying Siuan could be under Compulsion, which definitely piqued my interest, because we’ve had those breadcrumbs dropped earlier in the season already and it would be nice foreshadowing for this. But most of the conversation I’ve seen seems to be around Liandrin being the one to do it. Probably because we’ve alluded to that already this season, so we know she is capable and has done it before. A tool in her dark friend toolkit, if you will.
But Liandrin being behind it never sat quite right with me either. Compelling Sheriam to change some logbook is one thing, but controlling the Amyrlin seat, for hours if not days to make this happen, is quite another. Idk what kind of strength Compulsion requires, but I bet it’s not nothing. And as powerful as Liandrin is, I don’t think she’s stronger than Siuan Sanche, or would be able to pull one over on her fast enough to make this happen. Plus, Liandrin is off doing other shit in this episode. If she was really implicated I feel like she’d be at least lurking around the other Aes Sedai. Maybe I’m wrong… but I don’t think I am lol.
So, who does have the power to do this? Who else has the means, motive, and opportunity to make this happen? There’s really only one other person.
The other scene stealer of 2x07, ya girl Lanfear.
There’s several bits of dialogue in this episode that back this theory up, both Compulsion in general and Lanfear being behind it, so let’s run from the top.
First, some general evidence that Compulsion might be happening.
Rand and Siuan meet, Rand gives his cute little introduction, Lan has prepared you I see, what else has he told you about me? Then Rand gives this line:
“That you’re not exactly what you seem.”
Interesting choice of words, writers— I mean Rand. He could have said a lot of things there, even directly repeating some of what Lan told him about Siuan, but no. And if you’re already thinking Compulsion, that’s a pretty strong nudge from the writers to PAY ATTENTION to Siuan Sanche, because maybe what she’s doing is not what it seems, even the person she IS in that moment is not what it seems. (Even if the surface level read totally makes sense and still works thematically!) This also wouldn’t be the first time that the writers seem to use the characters to say something/poke fun that’s more directed at us than the actual plot. So I definitely wouldn’t put it past ‘em.
Second, and this is kind of a throw away, but when Moiraine and Lan come in later, Lan says “this isn’t what we agreed to.” This is pretty easy to explain away, but I think it’s still notable that Lan and Siuan had some kind of conversation earlier, perhaps on their way to Cairhien, about what they were going to do in regards to Moiraine and/or Rand. And at that point Siuan at least implied that she was going to help Moiraine and Rand, not cage him. Again, pretty easy to sidestep with aes sedai truth-lies/evasions, but it’s also possible at that point she actually had no intention to cage Rand. Because she wasn’t under Compulsion yet.
Alright, still going in chronological order here, so now we’re getting into some Lanfear-did-it specifics. And I do love-hate this one.
Moiraine and Siuan are arguing over what to do about Rand, then this:
Siuan: “Can you imagine, Moiraine, if one of the forsaken got their hands on him?”
Can YOU imagine, how absolutely giddy it would make Lanfear to make her say this, to Moiraine’s FACE, knowing full well she’s got her hands all over Rand and then some? Come on, son.
Ok jokes aside, here’s the kicker.
Rand and Moiraine in the cell in the sun palace, Rand meets Lanfear in the dream world, Rand goes up to her and says “I’m in a cell, the Amyrlin’s holding me.”
And Lanfear says, so smug, “I know.”
Um, girl? You know?? HOW do you know exactly? I definitely dismissed this on the first couple watches as oh, Lanfear just knows things, but like, no. The Forsaken aren’t omniscient. Now, could she be teleporting herself here and there and spying on everything that’s going on and that’s why she knows? Sure. But that’s boring and I’m on a roll here so let’s keep going.
She knows, not just that Rand is in a cell but specifically that it’s the Amyrlin that’s holding him there, because she herself Compelled (Compulsed?) Siuan to do so.
Ok so motive. Why would Lanfear do this, why spend the effort?
1. It's definitely fun for her. 2. She sets up this scenario where she gets to “save” Rand from the big bad aes sedai, he has no choice but to ask her for help, she LITERALLY shows up in her white knight in shining armor outfit, and she ultimately hopes this helps convince him she actually cares about him and wins him over to her side. (As she tries to tell him in the finale, I’m the only one who cares about YOU, not just what you can do. Mhm sure girl.) And 3. She gets to actively pit the rest of the aes sedai against Moiraine, who she absolutely hates.
And in doing all of this SHE MIGHT NOT EVEN HAVE KNOWN about Moiraine and Siuan! That's just icing on the fucking cake! It works either way, because if she did know by forcing Siuan to tell her about their mission and she somehow gets Siuan to admit she loves Moiraine (however that interrogation goes, idk the specifics of compulsion but the show writers are playing fast and loose with the rules anyway), well now it’s game on baby because Lanfear will absolutely be using that info to wreck both of them. If she didn’t know, and her whole motivation is the first three reasons above, then she definitely finds out at the end of 2x07, because she was definitely lurking around the corner listening to that whole exchange between them and it made her fucking night.
And finally, there’s Lanfear’s last line of the episode (I think): “Lucky for you, a broken Amyrlin is more useful to me than a dead one.” Double meaning alert! Siuan is literally lying broken on the ground in that moment, but maybe she was already “broken” well before that, being under Lanfear’s control. (And there’s your Egwene/damane parallel too, damn.) And therefore Lanfear knows exactly how she’ll be “useful” to her.
This whole strategy by Lanfear could also be forecasted from a couple episodes back, when she asks Ishamael why he didn’t just kill Moiraine at the Eye. He basically tells her the same thing, that Moiraine (I believe he uses the words “aes sedai” specifically) is more useful to him alive than dead. So mayyyybe that gave her this idea to manipulate an aes sedai for her purposes, except while Ishamael is playing the long game, she goes full tilt and mind controls the fucking amyrlin seat.
On Siuan’s side of things, every bit of dialogue she has/action she takes makes sense under the assumption that Lanfear is influencing her, because she would “believe” everything she’s doing. Now I don’t know exactly how Compulsion works (in case you couldn’t tell), if it’s like someone else actually making you believe/do things you wouldn’t normally do, or if it’s more of a you’re trapped in your own head and not in control of your body sort of situation, but it works either way. And boy let me tell you, if this theory is correct, that makes Sophie Okenedo’s performance even more impressive than it already is, because it really works either way: Siuan is genuinely doing what she believes is right for the fate of the world and has her stone cold face on to do it (until the very end) OR her “real” expressions/feelings are mostly being masked/faked by the Compulsion and what she’s being forced to do by Lanfear. It tracks! Either way! Insane!!
The other big reason I think this theory works is because of what we find out in the finale — we learn from her conversations with Bayle Domon and Ishamael that Lanfear has been pulling the strings to make this whole season happen all along. (Cue It Was Lanfear All Along music lol). She sold the bits of cuendillar (although I don’t really get why… just for the money?), she seduced Rand, she played Ishamael, all of it. So why not this too? Why not control the Amyrlin seat, if she has the capability and means to do so, especially if she means to take Ishamael off the board and sort of become the de facto leader/strongest of the forsaken. Not really their leader, I know, but it’s a good power play for her is what I’m saying.
Finally, I think this could put us in a REALLY fun place for season 3, with stuff happening at the tower. We could have scenes with Lanfear, Siuan, and Liandrin. We could have Siuan acting increasingly more malevolent or just off somehow, and while most sisters are going with it, Alanna or Leane maybe starts to get suspicious (more Leane please!). We could have Moiraine send the wonder girls back to the tower, ostensibly to continue their training but also because she needs informants to know what Siuan is planning now (which kills her obvs), and because I would love to see them Scooby doo their way through some shit, the three of them figure out what’s going on and somehow (with Alanna’s help?) free Siuan from the Compulsion. Idk but it could be so much fun you guys.
Or, I could be totally wrong. Maybe this is totally not how Compulsion works. I don’t mind either way. This was a super fun thought experiment. But man, if this theory is in any way correct, this will be some of the most twisty TV/dialogue writing I’ve seen in a minute. And, you know, I’m trying to make fishwives happen here! Cmon!
Shout out to the Post Show Recaps podcast deep dive of 2x07 for questioning how Lanfear knew that Siuan had Rand captured and finally clicking this all into place for me. If you’ve got any other pulls from the episode or the season in general that back this theory up, please share in the comments!
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
I feel you linger in the air หอมกลิ่นความรัก Ep 7
This episode was both incredibly beautiful and incredibly, INCREDIBLY anxiety-inducing – I was waiting for the other shoe to drop right up to the moment the credits rolled. The realities of Khun Yai just not clocking servants as people were never quite as obvious as when he repeatedly insisted on variations of "nobody's here" "nobody's going to see" on a property FULL of people, and it did not help my apprehension.
I loved the way the intimate scenes were filmed! Moey and Ueangphueng and what I'm pretty sure was Ueangphueng switching into Northern Thai (which most of the servants speak and I don't think we've heard any of the family speak yet) was so sweet and I was so worried. And Jom and Yai … whoa. The way expectations/interpretation of Khun Yai's request that Jom rub oil on his back differed so much between them — Jom with his 21st century background clearly expecting it to go somewhere, Yai either just not thinking that far or chickening out. The way they intercut Jom's memory with the masturbation scene … man, this episode is gorgeous. Same with the dance scene at the end of the episode. The framing, the way it's shot … incredibly pretty. And then! the kiss and the eye contact and the silent agreement? that tiny, decisive nod?? WHOA. I've seen half-naked make-out scenes that weren't as charged as this. Incredible.
I'm ever more worried for next week because it looks like Ueangphueng and Moey are going to get in bad bad trouble :(
Lastly: as I've been told some people enjoy them, my live watch notes are under the cut.
This is in Thonburi? did Thonburi get mentioned before?
oooh so it's a news story.
"there's nobody here, no-one will see" incredible how Khun Yai just doesn't seem to see servants as people even when he's in love with one
the peekaboo framing is making me so nervous
that was a pretty modern story at the time the story played out, huh. published in the 1920s …
Jom's face is like told you so
annnd now he's said it
Ming my MAN
I love you so much Ming, and Prig, too
and they're like "fuuuuck they're in trouble"
MY FAVOURITE LESBIANS please let that scene earlier on this ep not have been foreshadowing, please, PLEASE
the intimacy of Ueangphueng switching into gammueang to reassure Moey!!
oh, this is a good kiss I really like how they both were so searching going in
oof those are some gnarly scratches? whip marks?
Ueangphuengggg don't make her retraumatise herself for your curiosity, ffs
Ueangphueng, you DID ASK
oh, this is a lovely way of expressing just how sensual an action that was. Gorgeous, and incredibly well acted imo
ahaha Yai chickened out, huh. or got overwhelmed by the horny radiating off Jom. He IS just a kid.
afsdfasdfsd these shots are really framed for maximum horn, huh.
SOMEONE's not used to being a servant, and the ones who ARE will definitely gossip about that
oh man, Yai, you're not helping
I can get ZERO read on how old Lek is supposed to be, because he LOOKS 10 but ACTS 5
coming right out with the "it's about Khun Yai, right?"
Jom, Ming's your friend and on your side and you better get him in on this so he can help
a is that a ZIPPER?? on a KNITTED GARNMENT? what in the anachronism
Ueangphueng is so prettyyyy
oh this is gonna go wronggggg
"do you mean 'to the party' or 'here'?" I kind of like uncle Dech despite him being clearly dangerous, at least he doesn't, idk, beat around the bush
aaaah Ming, Moey is asking about herself, too
Moey, ILU. "it's normal, just being treated as though it's not"
Ming really has it hardest, poor boy
asasfadsfadsf Yai could you NOT cause a scene, tf
this is so annoyingggg I wish these boys would THINK, Khun Yai especially
he just!! STORMED OUT!!! people are gonna come looking! wtf is he DOING!
OH that cutscene holy shit this is EERIE. them in the quiet echoing hallway, with everyone looking on.
god this episode is artistic af
oh thank f someone in the background moved, the way they're all still makes it WORSE
oooh oh no now I'm sad
they're dreaming, huh? of everyone smiling and cheering them on. when it's not going to be that, in reality.
aasdfasdfasd he's RAPPING???
oh that's a KISS, wow
boys please get a literal room but WOW I do like this, even if it's probably-definitely going to blow up in their faces
god, the silent question and tiny nod!!!!!
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quodekash · 1 year
i went to bed instead of watching abaab and i woke up and im ✨sick✨
its not the plague but i have a sore throat and im really congested and i feel like a dump truck ran over me and poured all the bin juices in my brain, but its fine cos im here, im queer, and threezo are near
CONTENT WARNING: if youve seen this episode, youll be aware that there will be discussions of rape, sexual assault, and pedophilia. if any of these topics are triggering for you, please take the measures you require to stay safe, and please call emergency services if you require help, and talk to someone you trust. remember: you are not alone, and there will always be people who love and care for you, but you havent yet met some of them. stay safe everyone, i love you
i cannot for the life of me remember how the last episode ended so its lucky that they have little summaries at the starts of episodes cos otherwise id have no clue whats going on
hang on, dont they still need to go to work?
i cant remember what day it is and what they were doing before cher got that phone call but still
dang it ive already had a cup of tea today but i think i need another one
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THREEZO HELLO (ft jack's luscious hair on the side there)
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okay, yeah, fair
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awhh thoop is cryinggg
bro is in desperate need of a hug
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i love deep platonic bonds
especially when its found family
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**gasp** despicable!
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hes so prettyyyy
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and hes also so prettyyyyyy
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am i crying? yes.
im crying a lot
i love threezo so much
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the grip these two have on my mental health and sanity--
have i rewatched this scene four times? yeah. do i now kinda just wanna curl into a ball and sob for a day or two? yeah. unfortunately i have to keep watching the episode
okay so its literally like six hours later now, ive tried having two naps, ive had three cups of tea today, as much medicine as i can have, and the sickness has done nothing but get worse which is just so fun but the only reason i wasnt watching abaab is bc i was trying to sleep and that's just not happening so im continuing the episode now
the commentary is gonna be very little tho btw bc im having trouble making coherent thoughts through all the conjestion clogging my brain
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the way they smile at each other is so 🥺🥹
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sorry, last week i couldnt stop talking about the freaking pomegranate i was eating, today i cant stop talking about how sick i am, ill try and shut up about it and just watch the episode lol
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idk much about the mother
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look, i hate cops and law enforcement
but i even more hate thoop's stepfather
and law enforcement, unfortunately, have a lot of power, but thats fortunate in this situation bc they can force him to shut up which is nice
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oh, wouldya look at that. i was right.
im not happy about it. its freaking horrible. and its even worse that it happens every day in every single country and state and city and suburb and yet nothing is being done about it.
um. yeah. thats all i can think of to say.
holy hell thats freaking disgusting
i hate this so much. not that they included this in the show, im really glad they included it because it's freaking disgusting and not talked about enough, especially in mainstream media and stuff. i just freaking hate that rape exists and people have to put up with it every single freaking day of their freaking lives, and NOTHING is happening to fix this freaking disgusting issue
this episode is a lot heavier than i was expecting and idk if anything im saying makes any sense because im too sick for this and the things that happened are making me even more sick
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sobbing, i cant do this, theyre too sweet
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as per usual, your hair is on fleek today, my friend
he's angry at laem, but his hair is perfection
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the perfect way to get someone to shut up: shove food in their mouth as fast as possible (im using this at some point) (also how the hell is his hair so pretty i love his hair too much. i think i always spend more time talking about jack's hair than i do talking about the actual episode)
gun's mother has such a sweet sounding voice but her words sting like poison, jeez
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side note: look at three and zo's knees pressed together gjfngjbhfgbh
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wait so. bad buddy exists as a series inside the msp universe. simm exists as a series inside the abaab universe. what's next??
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the frame changed suddenly, kluen was looking down slightly earlier and now he's looking right in nuea's eyes (yes i had to include jack's hair in the screenshot, so what?)
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side note: i love all of jack's ear piercings (and his hair) so much
(ive now used all my 30 photos for this post so you just have to deal with that. on the bright side, the final photo was of jack's beautiful face and beautiful earrings and beautiful HAIR)
i love this friend group so much, theyre all just sitting in a circle in their gaming chairs supporting cher as much as possible in their own little ways and its so sweet and so happy and gfbhbrhgb
ignore your bfs phone calls only to show up at his house with food
"promise me no matter what happens, we will fight it together" RGHBKRDFHGKRBDFHB
"(talking to himself) if your mum knows about this, she will hit you to death, cher" "know about what?" "she gave me only one heart and i gave it all to you" "youre as cheesy as i am" IM DYING WHAT THE HELL THEYRE SO SWEET
theyre so soft with each other what the hell
"i just want to hear it from your mouth-" AND CHER CUTS HIM OFF WITH THE SOFTEST KISS EVER??? (well, not ever. no one can ever kiss as softly or lovingly as freaking akk, but that's neither here nor there) THAT ONE TINY MOMENT IS GONNA PLAY IN MY HEAD FOR AGES NOW OMG
keep the pants on please guys
oh thank goodness they finished the episode before it got to that, i appreciate that
im desperately hoping that next episode will be mostly fluffy happiness bc i cant take much more of this seriousness, especially not if my sickness persists (which i really hope it doesnt, id love to be functioning this week)
um yeah. that was that. i hope you enjoyed that? sorry for all my ramblings about being sick, i just really hate being sick.
once again, i hope youre all safe and healthy, if you're not, i hope you can find a safe space and people you trust, please contact someone who can help you if you need it. i love you all, have a great week :]
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wheelercore · 1 year
First, before getting to my point, let me bitch: the Creel attic is giving me a headache. Ive noticed a mirror in the trailer and I'm prettyyyy sure it's also in the show when Victor goes up there
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but the placement of the Things just aren't the same. Like I'm pretty sure the baby carriage (if it's even the same one because it looks kind of different... Or unless there's two??) was moved, the wheelchair in the show has a chest behind it unlike in the trailer, and the clothes hanger had clothes on it in the trailer (?) but not in the show. Also the windows behind the clock in the trailer just disappears 🌈 in the show lmao.
I mean if I'm going to be super insane about this for a moment it seems to me from Victors movements in the show he enters from the far left and checks out the bedframes, wedding dress, and carriage first.
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He sees the piano next, turns towards the other side of the room and checks out the wheelchair for a bit. Turns fully around so his back would be towards the POV of this trailer shot. See what I mean? (Possible mirror in the background circled)
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The production crew is not making this easy for me 💪
Regardless, the mirror seems to actually be in the same place it should be (at least in the similar place) which is an Interesting choice because it's facing Victor as the spider eclipses his form in the fore ground of the last shot as he monologues about a demon.
Which made me realize this isn't the only time Victor is associated with reflections and spiders. Again, the bathtub scene where he saw his reflection in the water where the spiders were.
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I know a lot of people think it's a reflection of Virginia, and that's a valid interpretation, I'm just putting this out there as a thought. Virginia does already get her own much more explicit "reflection" when she runs down the stairs past the mirror on the mantleplace (which honestly reminds me of the scene in The Shining when Wendy sees the ghost fellatio (tm) after walking up the stairs and proceeds to scream and run away like Virginia did when she saw the spiders).
It's only after this scene that Victor sees his first hallucination of a baby burning. And there is an eye for an eye aspect of what happened to him: he killed a family, including an infant, during the war so his own family was taken away from him.
But his association with spiders doesn't really make much sense to me because Victor himself doesn't fit the descriptor of "a predator" unless the argument is that as being a war criminal he fits that description. Which ST tends to be very flexible with the criteria of "preying on the weak". I'd argue the reason why Angela's rink o mania outfit was paralleled to Karens cheating outfits is because both are technically participating in predatory behaviors. Karen is pursuing sex with a teenager and Angela is tormenting an autistic coded girl for being "different".
They do this also with naming the basketball team turned mob "the tigers". Tigers are predators, and Jason is a predator "preying on the weak" by scapegoating someone lower on the social hierarchy than he is. The "freaks".
And an infant definitely fits the term "weak" and an innocent civilian family compared to an armed soldier also does too. Hence why Victor gets his "punishment" in the form of being framed for the killing of his family.
(which again just begs more questions because the only reason Victor wakes up from his vision is because of an "angel", Henry quickly skips over this part of his retelling just stating that he passed out from over exertion and that he "planned" to have his father framed when that simply does not add up with what Victor said himself happened).
But also I hate talking about Victor like this because he's my skrugly blorbo 😔👍
To me, at least, this fits an interesting trend. Not to bring Rosemary's Baby into this again BUT the repeated dynamic of the father who pretends to be what he's not- the mother who married him without knowing who he really is- the son who is rejected by his mother as a result. Which is the criticism of the cultural enforcement of the nuclear family, women don't have any choice to but to marry, men also have to charm a woman into marrying them, and as a result you can end up with children trapped in an abusive environment with an abuser and an abuse enabler- or at least just a less extreme unhealthy environment.
We see this over and over again whether the trend plays out or it's bucked. Joyce bucked the trend by being supportive of her sons regardless of her hardships as a single mother and Lonnie being a POS (Joyce axes the rose wallpaper standing in between her and Will, Lonnie repairs it). In fact she kicks Lonnie out when he insists on letting Will go.
In fact could the rose door be a parallel to the Byers rose wall? And Lonnie's repair of the wall be parallels to the wooden planks on Chrissy's and Nancy's vecna vision?
Billy's mom (represented with a red rose on her shirt btw) didn't protect him by abandoning him to his father.
Karen bucks the trend by refuses to let Mike go by the end of s4. Ted noticibly in s1 tells her to "let him go" and even in a comic I believe there is a? Similar line? At Mike's birthday he tells Karen she has to let Mike go "sometime" because he's 10? So like twice now it's repeated? For a reason? Eyes the rose urn forever nana wheeler I will find you.
But also the Wheelers are not really representation of an abuser-abuser enabler dynamic I just think both Karen and Ted could just be more emotionally supportive of Mike.
Virginia attempts to abandon Henry to Brenner, who does eventually become a sort of father figure to him. Virginia's "reflection" moment is her seeing the spiders (ie predator) and screaming and running away, being reflected on front of the rose wallpaper on the way down the stairs to hugging Victor- who is arguably being representing by spiders but not because he's harmed Henry but because he's. You know. A war criminal lol.
This post is going no where but obligatory rosegate canon statement because I literally cannot conceive why things in the Creel attic would be repeated in the Wheeler home with the added theme of Shitty Nuclear Family Cycles inspired by The Shining. Anyways see you in first shadow dick wheeler if you're not there I'm going to be very upset 💔
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jgvfhl · 2 years
The Number Lads Make Questionable Decisions
Happy November!! I hope everyone had a lovely Halloween, and I at least am looking forward to my favorite November holidays: Thanksgiving and November the 5th :) So! Please enjoy the beginning of me trying my best to fix the Wrong Jedi Arc via the power of *checks notes* noodles and protector lesbians.
Words: ~4k
Warnings: None
Link to Master List of chapters
high fives: guyssss cato nemoidia is so prettyyyy
CrispyDomino: if you ignore the explosions, the gunships, and the many many star cruisers in atmosphere
high fives: well. yeah.
Double Trouble: oh really? What’s there?
Loopy: isn’t that the one with all the bridges?
DressedtotheNines: yeah, the landscape is so mountainous, the cities exist on giant bridges between rock spires
RedBoiiiii: oooooooo that is cool! Boys in blue on campaign there?
CrispyDomino: well we were
high fives: yeah Rex just called a bunch of us back for some reason. Left Appo in charge.
Leafs: why?
DressedtotheNines: yeah that’s a little weird, even for skywalker
#1 Boy: oh are you guys being called back to Coruscant because of the bombing?
DressedtotheNines: the WHAT
high fives: WHOMST
Loopy: HI WHAT
CrispyDomino: HELLO????
CrispyDomino: oh nvm Rex just filled us in
high fives: oh shit the temple
Double Trouble: HOLY FORCE WHAT
#1 Boy: Yeah one of the hangars in the Jedi Temple was bombed about 30 min ago
Leafs: well that is… not good at all
RedBoiiiii: who did it?? Seppies??
#1 Boy: dunno! Maybe that’s why Skywalker was called back
Double Trouble: fives, echo, I deMAND gossip
high fives: uhhhh we’ll see
CrispyDomino: yeah this is pretty bad
-scene break-
Double Trouble: I’m hearing rumors this bombing was an inside job??
CrispyDomino: glad to know the GAR is still the lovely rumor mill it has always been
#1 Boy: I heard General Skywalker and Commander Tano have a suspect now, so that’s good
high fives: yeah, that’s nice, I’m bored outta my skull
CrispyDomino: for once i agree with my evil twin
high fives: hey we agreed you’re the evil one!
RedBoiiiii: are you two in the same room while typing this again?
Leafs: probably
high fives: noooooo
CrispyDomino: but we are in the same barracks
Double Trouble: okay but i’m still on the whole “what if a jedi bombed their own temple” rumor?? Is there any substance to it?
Loopy: of course not, they’re Jedi
CrispyDomino: Jedi aren’t infallible
high fives: yeah, just ask me, echo, fours, nines, or the commander about Krell
RedBoiiiii: or dooku. he was a Jedi before he went off the rails.
DressedtotheNines: yeah, so was Ventress. Not to mention, this war isn’t exactly popular
#1 Boy: there have been protests outside the Temple ever since the bombing…
high fives: and they have the kriffing audacity to be mad at us for it
high fives: like our creation was somehow our fault >_>
Double Trouble: yeah… but I mean who else would have access to the Temple like that? The people who work there?
CrispyDomino: let’s hope Skywalker and Tano find someone
RedBoiiiii: OHHHHH GUYS GUYs did you hear about that absolutely bantha-shit crazy holonet thing that’s been in the news lately???
Double Trouble: that is so vague my dude
RedBoiiiii: the conspiracy stuff, yknow
d0nut man: OH THAT WEIRD UMMMM damn what are they called
RedBoiiiii: The Senth of Darkness
CrispyDomino: that sounds like a name Hardcase would come up with if he’s trying to be “edgy”
d0nut man: YEAH those kriffing morons
d0nut man: you should see some of the whacky conspiracies they have, it’s just stupid
Double Trouble: why are they in the news??
RedBoiiiii: there are some new senators who actually follow some of their stuff!!
high fives: what?? why?? Wait what are some of their stuff
d0nut man: some of ‘em believe the Jedi are controlling the Chancellor via the Force
RedBoiiiii: they also think we’re droids??? like cyborgs???
RedBoiiiii: and that General Grievous being a cyborg is proof the Jedi are behind both sides of the war somehow??????
CrispyDomino: i genuinely take offense to that.
Double Trouble: what the kriff
#1 Boy: but that?? how?? how do they believe that??
Loopy: yeah us bleeding on the battlefield every day of our lives isn’t enough to convince them we’re human?
Leafs: People like that don’t run on logic, Loops
Loopy: wait there are SENATORS who believe this crap??? Elected officials??
DressedtotheNines: like I said, this war isn’t exactly getting more popular the longer it goes on
Leafs: And public opinion is somehow enough for people to believe we have circuitry?
RedBoiiiii: i guess idk
#1 Boy: oh btw the Jedi are bringing someone in for questioning
CrispyDomino: how do you know??
DressedtotheNines: are you allowed to tell us that??
#1 Boy: I got a promotion! I’m stationed on the main RMB. I think that’s a promotion.
RedBoiiiii: cool!! not as much fun as patrols or Senate duty, but it’s definitely safer
Double Trouble: and you can give us all the TEA
Leafs: The what??
Double Trouble: the hot goss
Leafs: Oh Maker’s sake, Do-si-do
-scene break-
It had been about a rotation since Elevensies had told the group comm the Jedi had someone in custody. Loops had been doing his best to be useful around Coruscant while he and a small section of the 104th were dirtside with General Koon and the Commander. But, he did admit to checking the holonews and his comm a bit more frequently than usual. Finally, in the late hours of the evening, Loops’ comm exploded with messages. He got a few odd glances from the guys he was sharing a room with when it did, so he excused himself to read the mess.
#1 Boy: um. Fives and Echo?
high fives: ya
high fives: echo’s resting
#1 Boy: right… so your commander tano
high fives: hold that thought, Rex wants a word
Double Trouble: you know the drill, kid
Double Trouble: spill
#1 Boy: she’s been arrested on suspicion of … everything
Leafs: What.
Loopy: that’s impossible
Double Trouble: oh shit okay
Double Trouble: wait for real????
high fives: this is clearly a mistake
high fives: soka’s amazing
high fives: she’s our little sister, she would would never I mean NEVER hurt us
Leafs: It does make one wonder though
Double Trouble: well i guess we won’t be hearing from Domino in a while
Loopy: no kidding
Loops closed the comm channel, and just sort of stared ahead blankly. He didn’t know much about Commander Tano, if he was honest. But he did know two important things about her: one, General Koon loved her; and two, Fives and Echo loved her. General Koon was something like two hundred years old at this point. If he didn’t know how to judge character by now, no one did. And Fives and Echo hadn’t known her for nearly as long, but they’d fought with her for years. They knew what she was like when it really counted–when lives were on the line.
Simply put, the new information made no sense. Why would Commander Tano suddenly snap and kill a bunch of people? And hadn’t she and Skywalker been off-world when the bomb had gone off? So she couldn’t have done that.
-scene break-
Elevensies had no idea what was happening. Of course, he knew the facts of the scenario. Commander Tano had been arrested and put in holding, then somehow she’d escaped and had caused the whole RMB to go into lockdown. But he had know idea why, and it was scaring him.
His squad was currently following their sergeant to close ranks outside the base in case the commander made it out through the maze of hallways inside. It was about three hours since sunset, but that didn’t mean it was dark on Coruscant–not truly. The RMB was brightly lit, and the watchtowers were lit up red in the emergency. Beyond, he could glimpse the glittering lights of the rest of the planet in darkness, but he tried not to look very often. He didn’t want to be the reason the Jedi slipped past them.
He tried to calm himself by remembering what Fives had said in the Numbers comm. Commander Tano would never hurt a clone. But he had to be skeptical. He wouldn’t be doing his job, otherwise. He hoped Fives was right, of course, and the commander would only seek to incapacitate, but he couldn’t shake the knowledge that at least five clones were dead inside the base from a lightsaber.
One of the captains had assigned his squad near the Geonosis Memorial on the base, and Elevensies was grateful, to a degree. It was one of the better lit areas on the base, and it was near a pair of turrets, and it didn’t have many places to hide. He hoped the Jedi commander was smart enough to go somewhere–anywhere–else. Then again, this was the same Jedi commander who had thought it was a good idea to escape from the RMB prison and run away from everyone’s attempts to detain her. So. His hopes weren’t exactly high.
Sergeant Yves held up a closed fist, signaling to halt, and they did, standing shoulder to shoulder and raising their blasters in preparation. After that, it was a waiting game. He could see another couple squads doing the same on the opposite side of the memorial, but still no sign of the Jedi.
From the angle he had at the far end of the Geonosis Memorial, Elevensies could only see the light from the RMB pour out when the doors opened. A few minutes later, another few squads appeared, accompanied by a massiff and their handler. The massiff went to work, putting their muzzle to the ground to sniff out any trace of the Jedi’s scent.
Elevensies shifted his fingers on the barrel of his blaster, eyeing the creatures. A flash of movement brought Elevensies’ eye to the top of one of the statues when the RMB doors opened again, and another squad rolled out, this one backed by Commander Fox himself.
The commander pointed up at the monument. “There she is!”
Commander Tano sprang up from where she’d been hiding near the huge stone trooper’s helmet at the far end of the monument, landing in a run on the top of the stone block that made up the body of it.
“Quick, stop her before she gets to the ship!” the commander yelled, and everyone was already moving.
Elevensies, like everyone else, fired up at the Jedi, but the young togruta was so fast and so skilled with her lightsabers, no bolts found their mark. He had to be a little impressed at that.
“Close up, close up!” Sergeant Yves ordered from the back of the squad as they ran after Tano.
Ahead of them, sure enough, was a gap between his squad and the squads that had come with the massiiffs, and there was plenty of space for a Jedi to slip through towards the ships and speeders. The turrets were already revving up to destroy any equipment before she could get there, but the preference was to keep the Republic property intact as well.
Elevensies sped up. He’d finally stopped growing a few months ago, and his body was feeling far less gangly and too long as his muscle started filling in. He wasn’t the fastest in the Guard for sure, but he was the fastest in his squadron, and his sergeant knew it.
Foregoing firing for the moment, he just ran, his boots pounding the durasteel underneath them until the gap ahead of him was closing, becoming smaller and smaller. The Jedi was on the ground now, running for the ships, but Elevensies’ squad wasn’t too far behind.
HIs internal comm crackled in his helmet. “Elevens, pull back!” his sergeant ordered. “Don’t get blown up with her!”
“I can get closer!” he insisted, his lungs burning with the effort to talk and run at the same time. The other squads were closing in, they could box her in after that first ship–oh.
The ship closest to the Jedi disappeared in a huge cloud of noise, smoke, and green fire, knocking Elevensies off his feet, but just barely. He hadn’t been that close, but the Jedi commander had been. She was sent sprawling on the deck, scrambling to her feet several seconds after Elevensies was running again. He could see her shape through the smoke.
This time, the other squads really were closing in, Elevensies could hear them behind him. But he kept running. They were built for endurance, after all, and he was tired, but nowhere near depleted.
“Elevensies, do not be reckless!” his sergeant said into his ear.
Reckless? This wasn’t reckless. He’d heard plenty of stories from Sevenset and Commander Sixes and Fives to know this wasn’t nearly reckless. Not yet, anyway. He shook his head and kept after her.
She was heading towards the pipelines, not necessarily out of choice. The squads of clones had largely corralled her there, but it did mean she wouldn’t have many places to run and stay out of sight. She would have to choose. Elevensies suspected she would choose to run, given that was all she’d done so far.
A moment later, Commander Fox’s voice broke the rhythm of his rapid breathing. “Set blasters to stun! General Skywalker wants her alive.”
He changed his blaster’s setting with a flick of his thumb, not even looking down as he ran.
As the men reached the pipelines, they split apart, following the metal walkways between and on top of the massive pipes. They had almost caught up to her now, and Elevensies sacrificed a bit of speed to raise his blaster at her himself. But, just as before, her sabers were too fast. Flashes of green met the blue rings, dissipating them to nothing as they ran. How were they going to catch her at this rate?
The roar of gunships arrived over the clatter of boots on metal, and Elevensies chanced a look over his shoulder as a pair of them arrived, searchlights on, swooping low to bring their holds level with the commander.
“Keep at it, boys!” Sergeant Yves ordered over comms. “The gunships’ll box ‘er in, we close the lid.”
So they kept running. The massiffs were right there with them, their tongues lolling out as they galloped ahead of their handlers on leads. And it had started raining, of course, because a manhunt on foot wasn’t enough fun in the day time. They had to be doing it at night, in the rain. But it was nice to get a chance to run like this, he reasoned.
Eventually, he saw the gunships slow down, and his sergeant directed them all over towards another pipeline closer to the action. When they arrived, they found the Jedi cornered by two gunships, at least four dozen clones, and General Skywalker, Commander Fox, and Captain Rex. This was it, he breathed. She would surrender, and they would take her in for questioning.
What he wasn’t expecting was the Jedi launching herself directly at the pipe on which he and his squad were standing. Maybe he should have paid more attention to Fives and Echo regaling the Numbers with their battlefield antics. It might have been useful in putting off cardiac arrest right now.
Commander Tano plunged her lightsaber (she’d dropped one after one of the gunships launched a small shoulder-rocket at her, he recalled) into the pipe and swiftly cut a circle below herself, dodging stun rings all the while.
When she dropped out of sight, Elevensies followed, almost without hesitation. His sergeant urged them forwards, only pausing for some other clones nearby from the gunships dropped cables down for them to descend. No one needed broken legs on top of this chaotic night.
Then they were running again, flashlights turned on below their blasters’ muzzles, only this time the whole world stank, and they were sure to end up with damn socks from running in water.
Elevensies tried not to think about it. He just tried to keep his footing and keep running after the togruta. The squads split up again, like they had on top of the pipes earlier. Behind him, he was vaguely aware of a non-clone voice joining the echoes around him, which mean General Skywalker must have joined them down here. But he just kept running.
Eventually, slowly, the groups of clones got thinner and thinner as small sub-groups split off to search other pipes as they criss-crossed each other. Elevensies saw Commander Tano dart right, and followed, stopping only briefly when he encountered a giant fan blade inches from his nose. He waited, timing his movements to get through, still hearing the rhythmic splashes of the commander’s boots ahead of him. There was a considerable drop after the first fan, about ten feet or so.
He landed inelegantly. His body knew where his limbs were finally, but it didn’t know how to use them perfectly yet. There were another two fans, but he could still see the commander through them, so on he went, ducking under the blades and avoiding the little reptiles running around the shallow water at the bottom.
The general was still behind him, he could hear, but far off. The commander went right again, and when Elevensies turned the corner behind her, he saw light–an end to the tunnel. If they were at an end, then–
“Commander, stop!” he yelled.
Constructed sinkholes littered Coruscant’s surface. They went miles and miles downwards, allowing larger ships access to the lower levels, like here. It was a dizzying drop, and the commander was peering over the edge, one hand steadying herself on the edge of the pipe.
“I didn’t do this!” she said sharply. “I’m not–I wouldn’t! Why doesn’t anyone believe me?”
Elevensies thought hard, trying to figure out what to say. He stepped closer to her, slowly, keeping his blaster aimed at her feet. “I know,” he said. “You don’t seem the type, believe it or not.”
She hesitated. “You… believe me?”
Well, he was this far in now… He nodded, lowering his blaster more. “Yeah, I think so. I’m friends with Fives and Echo. They trust you with their lives.”
“Then you need to let me go,” she said, glancing at the sinkhole again.
“I think I know someone who might help,” he blurted, hoping to stop her from jumping off.
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Really?”
He didn’t get a chance to reply, and he wasn’t entirely sure how he would explain Commander Sixes’ general existence to her.
“Ahsoka, stop!” General Skywalker appeared behind him, making him jump a little. “Come back, we can talk this through. You need to trust me on this.”
“I do,” she insisted. “Now you need to trust me, Anakin.”
Another set of footsteps sounded behind the genera, then another. She looked at Elevensies, and he wasn’t sure what to expect. It definitely wasn’t a sudden feeling of weightlessness, but he didn’t have time to process that further, because the commander leapt out of the pipe, pulling him along like an invisible rope connected them.
Oh, he was so going to regret this.
-scene break-
Hindsight is 20/20, that was always the saying. Not really any good, considering the clones were engineered to have perfect vision, and that only changed if something went wrong in the tube or on the battlefield.
Regardless, Sixes should have seen this coming the second Elevensies put that bug in Thire’s desk.
“You did what?”
Elevensies’ words came out of the comm in a torrent. “SirIknowthisisalotbutIjustthoughtitwasworthasking,sheseemslikeshe’stellingthetruth–”
“Slow down, kid, Maker’s sake,” he said, rubbing his head with his free hand as he leaned back in his chair. “Why in the galaxy did you think siding with a fugitive of justice was a good idea?”
The Jedi Commander Tano cut in. “I’m not–I’m innocent!”
“Then forgive my language in asking why the kark you’re running?”
She made a frustrated noise.
Elevensies picked back up, slower this time. “Sir, I was just hoping you might know somewhere to go or someone to help–”
“Kid, what do you think I am, a miracle-worker?” he said sharply. “I’m not even on-world right now.”
“Well, I didn’t know who else to comm!”
Why… why was he this kid’s first choice in aiding a fugitive? He wasn’t Nero. Fine…. Thinking of his brother had at least given him an idea.
“Where are you two?”
“Level thirteen, near the industrial pipelines,” Elevensies replied. “Just on the edge of the sinkhole near the RMB.”
Well, it would be a haul, but…. “Can you stay there?” he asked.
“Only until my Master finds us,” Commander Tano answered. “Not long.”
“Fine, then get as close to Little Sriluur as you can, I’ll get back to you,” he told them.
“Are you sure–?” Elevensies started to ask.
“Elevens, just follow the Jedi and don’t get shot, okay? And pray your little bug trick on Thire didn’t permanently put you out of his good graces.” With that, Sixes closed the comm channel, and almost immediately opened another one. “Thire?”
“I’m a little busy, what?”
“Remember when you said you’d do anything to make sure that video of you calling Prime Dad–”
“Yes, I know the karking video, what the hell do you want.”
Sixes couldn’t help a smile. It was good to keep extensive records. “Yeah, that trooper of yours, Elevensies, says he’s found the Jedi on the loose, and that she’s innocent.”
There was a brief pause. Only brief. “And what in all nine Sith hells do you want me to do with that information, Sixes? Pat him on the head?”
“No, I want you to help them escape the Guard and get to The Noodle Bar,” he said simply, like he wasn’t asking his brother to go against everything his rank stood for just on a hunch made by a rookie soldier. He’d read the group comm too, and despite Fives and Echo’s tendencies to be instigators, they had good instincts. If they had no reason to suspect their commander, Sixes had his reservations too.
Thire had none of that. “Are you out of your kriffing mind?” he yelled.
“You really have the audacity to ask me that?”
“At least I wait until I’m drunk to do shit like this! You’re sober almost all the time!”
“How do you know?”
“You–!” There was a collection of indignant noises. “Why should I believe this kid is trustworthy? Either of them!”
“Isn’t the whole thing ‘innocent until proven guilty?’ And I already sent them towards Little Sriluur, you know Saleha can tell a mile away if someone’s iffy.”
“Then why didn’t you just comm Saleha?” Thire demanded.
Sixes tilted his head. “It’s a business night.”
“I am going to wipe the kriffing mats with you next time I see you, you bastard.”
He rolled his eyes. “Just let me know if you’re gonna do anything about it, I’m comming The Noodle Bar.”
Thire’s final expletive was cut short as he ended the call. Then, just as soon as he’d ended that one, he dialed yet another comm code, hoping Mira or Saleha had some time to answer.
After several long seconds of waiting for the channel to connect, he got an answer.
“Sixes, hello,” Saleha’s low voice answered. “Is it urgent?”
“Unfortunately, yeah. I’ve just sent a Jedi Commander and a rookie clone towards The Noodle Bar,” he explained briefly. “The Jedi’s wanted on suspicion of murder, but the trooper she’s with believes she innocent, and I’ve got guys in her company who feel the same way. They’re thinkin’ she got framed.”
“I see.” She was taking this a lot better than Thire.
“Any chance you could pick them up and keep them out of the spotlight until the drama passes?”
Saleha considered this. “I suppose, yes. They could stay in the Clubhouse until this blows over. Where are they?”
“They were coming from the RMB, I’ll message you more exact coordinates once I have them,” he said. “Thank you.”
“Being framed is never fun,” Saleha said, and he could hear a faint smile in her tone. “I’ll know when I meet this Jedi if she is to be trusted.”
“We knew you would,” Sixes said, a faint smile on his own face now, and closed the chanel. He just needed to pass on Elevensies’ coordinates and then, maybe, he could have his peace and quiet back.
Now everyone gets to meet the Noodle Grannies :) They are wonderful, and I'm so so so excited for you to meet themm
@23-bears @theultimatesandwich @mercurydancer @rndmpeep @idk who else to tagggg but heeere
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
Best friend adventure, let's go!
"Want to order in tonight?" Nina asked as she approached the couch where Gastón was sitting on his laptop.
"Yeah, sure," Gastón briefly looked up at her before focusing back at his screen. "I am sorry I had to bring this home, but we are closing on the construction start date."
"I know, but don't overwork yourself."
"This is the first major project since I was promoted to the executive team. I just want to make sure I have everything under control."
"Remember that you are not on any kind of trial period," Nina ruffled his hair, "You have pulled more than you weigh."
The doorbell suddenly dinged and they both turned their heads toward it.
"Are you expecting someone?" Gastón asked Nina.
"No. You?" Nina said as she started walking toward the door to Open it.
"Best friend adventure, lets go!" it was almost like a flock of tropical birds had flown through the door at once.
"Luna, wow, wait up a moment," Nina pulled her arm away from Luna before she was able to yank her out of the door, "What are you talking about?"
"We're going bridesmaid dress shopping!" Luna danced around the door frame.
"What?" Nina pulled her calendar on her phone, "That's in two weeks, what are you talking about?"
"Oh yeah, I know..." Luna stopped dancing, "But I was talking with Ambar and she came up with the idea that we go now to browse some of the dresses in the places before we go and do the full experience, and of course, we can not do it without my Maid of Honor! So lets go!"
"Well... that is actually quite smart. You mean right now?"
"Yeah, you don't have anything else to do right now, right?" Luna trapped her arms again, "It is Friday. Gastón! You don't mind if I steal her for a couple of hours?"
"No, I don't." Gastón had been viewing the scene from the couch, "Just bring her back."
"So, are you coming?"
"Yeah, I guess I can come." Nina nodded, "Just let me grab my bag."
She ran up the stairs to grab her bag and stopped briefly in front of Gastón. "I don't want to see on this computer when I return." She kissed him briefly before walking out of the door.
"Is everything okay with Gastón?" Luna asked as they were walking towards the car where Ambar was waiting.
"Yes. He's just bit stressed by some work," Nina explained, "This is the first project he has been involved in developing, and feels the need to prove himself because he is so much younger than the others on the team, even when he was handpicked by the CEO for the position."
"Okay, ladies, lets go!" Ambar said from the driver's seat. "Nina I know I would have been supposed to run this idea by you as the maid of honor, but it was a spur-of-a-moment thing. I am sorry."
"It's fine," Nina nodded, "Luna's still the bride and this is a super good idea."
"Luna, do you have any idea about the color yet? For the dresses?"
"You know, I was thinking of purple..." Luna answered, pondering, "Or green, or gold. Honestly, all the wedding colors could work."
"Well, most of the flowers will be purple," Nina noted and Ambar rounded a corner, "So, it would make the most sense to go with the color that will be the most prominent in the wedding."
"So, prettyyyy!" Luna exclaimed almost as soon as they entered the dress shop. It was one of the boutiques in Buenos Aires that especially specialized in Bridesmaids' dresses. And had already dashed to look at all the racks.
"Well, now that we are alone, I guess I can explain," Ambar turned towards Nina, "The reason why I suggested this was that we know how indecisive Luna can be, and when we have our real appointment, there will be so many opinions, I thought it would be easier that we would have a little bit smaller selection. For our sakes, if not anyone else's."
"I figured that this wasn't just a random idea you had," Nina nodded toward Ambar. "Very good thinking."
"Excuse me?" A sales associate approached them, "Do you have an appointment?"
"Actually no," Nina turned towards the staff member, "We were hoping to just browse the section a little bit today, if that is okay?"
"Yes, of course," the lady responded, "We actually don't have any appointments for two hours so the shop is all your. Please ask if you need any help."
"Actually," Ambar started speaking, "We do have an appointment here in two week. Under the name Valente, if you want to check. Is it possible to earmark dresses here today for that appointment, when we do our full try-on?"
"Yes, of course," the lady looked excited, "I wish all the bridal parties we get had that kind of over sight... Uhm, is the bride with you." She asked. Nina and Ambar saw that her eyes flickered on both of their left hands. "Just, it doesn't look like to be either of you... I can see the rings."
"Yes, it is neither of us." Nina explained. "She shoudl be here somewhere... Luna!" Luna had appeared to have vanished into the sea of dresses.
"Well, I guess we need to play: Catch the Bride, before we can play dress up," Ambar sighed laughing.
Okay... Sara I am sorry that I technically wrote Lutteo content for your prompt... but this doesn't technically need to be Lutteo... Luna could be marrying someone else too. I never specified
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barcaavengers · 3 years
Weakness || Bucky Barnes Imagine || Pt. 3
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Note: Woohoo part 3 is up! Thank you again for all the feedback! It means a lot that you like this story because it means I am in a way doing right on Bucky's character. I honestly suck at describing fighting scenes so I'm writing them to get some practice so sorry if some things just seem off haha. Already working on part 4! I don't know how long these series will be so it all depends on you guys. As always, feedback is encouraged along with your comments. ❤️
Disclaimer: Gif not mine! It belongs to @unearthlydust whose gifs are so prettyyyy.
Tag List: Shout out to these amazing supporters of this series since the first chapter. ❤️ @hanakin-im-panakin, @evie-pr, @justinekomwriterkru, @felicityofbakerstreet, @maaaaryx, @ijustwantedplums, @winterberryfox, @ttatum14, @pastelbabygirl19, @love-buckybarnes, @forever-aimless, @izzlenizzlebizzle @pastel-boy-sungjae
Your head felt like it was spinning and for a moment everything was quiet as you processed the red headed's words. Your gaze was on the floor before they closed to process everything, a way for you to shut down everything around you while you think. They were right...Of course Bucky would know, he is a Super Soldier. You should've listened to him. You should've listened to Sam when he pointed out you never did jump like that before, he knew your training skills.
"Why would you do that?" You ask quietly, trying your best to not have your voice crack or quiver from your feelings.
"If you are going to take on Captain America you need to be ready, and now that he has taken the serum."
"Let me rephrase that” you pause. “Why would you do that without asking?!" Your gaze lifts as you take a step forward, anger taking control for a moment. "I don't want this! I don't know what I'll be capable of-"
"That will help you know what you can do," she says. "If you are truly good, you will be better. If you are not…"
"So this is a fifty-fifty game for you? Let's see if you are capable of hurting people unintentionally if not, congratulations you passed the test" you say sarcastically and roll your eyes.
"Again, it is temporary. We don't know how long it will last in your body."
"What if it doesn't go?"
The girl simply shrugs and puts her hoodie over her head, "We will find out sooner than later" she says before turning on her heel.
Your eyes look after the girl, you lean against the wall behind you and close your eyes, taking in a few deep breaths. You knew deep down you wouldn't hurt anyone, but the fact that the possibility was there… You felt like the boys were going to look different at you. Sam wouldn’t be as protective as he has been with you since day one, Bucky may not find comfort in you anymore because you have turned into a Super Soldier just like him. Let’s not forget that Zemo could try to kill you since according to him people with the Serum aren’t supposed to exist. Were you even considered one of those people even if apparently yours is just a prototype of a temporary chemical?
"Y/N…" Sam shouts from above before landing in front of you. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" He asks as he gets closer before he notices your demeanor. "What's wrong? I saw Karli…"
"She-" you trail off before you shake your head. "She did inject me with something, Sam…" he eyes you curiously. "She gave me a...some type of temporary version of the Serum…" you can see Sam's eyes darkening with anger. "She says it's only supposed to last a while, she isn't sure how long but…"
"Come here," Sam's wings get secured on his back before he pulls you into a hug. You always found comfort talking to Sam or his hugs. He wasn't very affectionate with people that weren't his family, but the time you have spent together brought you quite close.
Bucky runs up to the two of you, his blue eyes trailing over your form, reading your body language. "What did she do to her?" His jaw clenched as he looked at Sam.
"Karli injected her with a temporary Serum…" he says quietly as you let go of him. "Y/N, listen to me. You are not going to turn into Walker, we won't let you. You are nothing like him if that’s what you are afraid of..." He cups your face between his hands and you nod your head.
"I knew it," Bucky says, hands landing on his hips. "What's the plan?"
"We have to find Walker," you run a hand through your hair. "If this thing only lasts a few hours, we have to make it count" you say and look at Bucky and then Sam. “We have to use it to our advantage.”
"Sharon sent me Walker's location while getting here. Let's move."
Once you find Walker, Sam tries to talk to him into giving the shield but to no avail. The guy was obsessed with the title, the shield, everything that had to do with being Captain America.
"Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well..." Bucky says once Walker tries to justify his actions.
"I'm not like you!" Walker says and Bucky's gaze shifts from the man to the floor. Rude.
"You will never be like him, or Steve," you say and take a step forward to the man. "You are lying to yourself about Lemar's killer. You know that man you killed was innocent, but you killed him anyway" you take another step. "You are pretending to be someone you will never be..." you pause. "You will never, ever, be Captain America. You are just some knockoff version."
The words trigger Walker and he is quick to rush your way, but you rush to him as well. You duck when he tries to punch you and manage to move away from him, moving behind his back and kicking him, sending him flying towards Sam.
Sam is quick to deliver a punch on the man's side, Bucky tries to hit him with his vibranium arm, but the man uses the shield and you flinch at the sound that echoes through the warehouse at the contact of vibranium against vibranium. He kicks Bucky to the other side against a column and you would lie if you didn't get scared at the reminder that that was how Lemar died. The impact knocked Bucky unconscious but he was still breathing. Sam reaches for the arm that has the shield but Walker brushes him away with a punch. You jump on the man's back, legs around his waist as you try to choke him with your arms.
The man starts walking backwards with you still on his back, hitting a wall before repeating the action a few times making you grunt at the pain on your back. You let go of his neck and fall from his back, he turns quickly, taking advantage that you were still processing the impact and tries to put the edge of the shield against your neck. “Why are you making me do this?!” He asks as he looks at you. You are struggling as you try to push him off, your hues looking into his defiantly.
“You. Don’t. Deserve. It!” You scream before pushing him off, he lands on his back and the shield lands next to him. “Sam!” You shout as you both rush for the shield. Walker quickly reaches for it and tosses it, sending Sam flying to a wall. The shield returns to the man and you glare at him.
“We could’ve been a team” Walker says as he stands up, straight posture as he walks towards you.
“Not a chance” you look at the shield and from the corner you can see Bucky is regaining consciousness. You run to Walker and when you get close you make a quick back flip, taking him by surprise which gives you a space to punch him right on his nose. “Wanted to do that for a while” you say with a smirk. You are about to throw the next but the man catches your arm, he was much stronger than you, his grip was too painful. He reaches for your wrist and twists it making you yelp and by that same hand, he holds you open to kick you, sending you a few feet back but you land on your knee and one leg stretched, hands supporting your balance.
Sam tries to take the shield with one of his gadgets, but Walker is stronger, even with Sam using his jetpack but with no luck. Walker brings him down and has Sam on his back. “Bucky, come on. We can take him now” you help Bucky up, Walker being too distracted with Sam trying to tear the wings off, and then you hear the screech of metal breaking, then hitting the floor. Walker reaches for the shield and you see him aiming for Sam's head. Bucky rushes from behind him and both of them fall a few feet away from you, you are quick to go to Walker and kick his ribs with all your strength.
Bucky lifts John up and gets him against the lifter. Sam moves to take the arm that had the shield strapped to and started pulling it off but Walker was holding onto it like his life depended on it, and it seemed like it did. You move to hold his other arm in case he even thought of punching Bucky to try to get free. The three of you struggled, even Sam with his jetpack strength couldn't take it off easily, but the cracking of bones and John's scream was all you needed to confirm that Sam got the shield off.
Bucky and you let go of him, both of you trying to catch your breath. "It's over John," Sam says as he holds the shield.
"It's mine!" And there he goes again. You run and tackle him, straddling his chest before delivering three quick punches, blood covering your knuckles, he pushes you off to the floor and gets on top of you quickly as his hands went around your neck. Bucky gets John off from you, flinging him toward Sam who was holding the shield and you flinch at the sound. The three men fall and stay down for a couple of seconds, Bucky being the first to move only to take a shield and throw it besides Sam before he walks away. You barely had the energy to move or call him, you just lay there looking at Sam. He picked up the shield and wiped some of the blood with his bare hands.
"Sam…" you whisper quietly as you stand up after a while.
"I'm okay…" his voice cracks as he holds onto the shield. "Let's go" he takes the hand you offer him to pull him up. You take a last glance at Walker who remains on the floor, glaring at the two of you and holding onto his broken arm before you walk away.
After everything, you went with Bucky to take care of Zemo and then decided to check on Sam. Bucky had to deliver him a box while you just wanted to check on the man that has helped you since day one. There is no way to explain how happy you were that Sam's boat was helping all of you to get distracted. Sam and Bucky worked with the boat while Sarah and you made sure everything was in order. All of this was giving you a much needed sense of normalcy that you haven't had in a while.
The day is settling in and the three of you were sitting on the boat, Sam staring at the box Bucky brought him as you all sipped on your drinks. No words spoken for a while, just enjoying the quiet for once.
"Well, gotta catch my flight tomorrow. Get a hotel room for the night…" Bucky says, standing to take his coat.
"I thought you two were leaving together?" Sam asks and you almost spill what was left of your drink.
"Nah, she is staying with you guys" Bucky says and you turn to him. "I heard you talking with Sarah" he shrugs and looks away.
"Then you would know I'm not staying, but of course you ignored the rest" you sip on your drink, rolling your eyes. You did say to the woman that you wanted to stay, so that was what Bucky heard, apparently he didn't listen to the part where you said you couldn't just leave him like that.
"Just stay here" Sam says to Bucky and you see the soldier's eyes light up almost instantly. "No PDA with Y/N, alright? You do whatever you have to do when you are back in New York."
"I don't see that happening" you mutter and drink the last sip of your beer.
"You two haven't talked, yet?"
"There isn't anything to talk about" you mutter into the bottle. There was so much you wanted to say, but it wasn't the time although things were...calm in a way.
"Agree…" And he agrees. Wow.
"Listen to me, the two of you. You have to sort this out. Y/N, you can't keep holding onto your feelings waiting for the right time, and you, Cyborg, you have to get your life back. You can multitask with your book and your life" Sam says. "It's obvious you two help each other out and everyone knows this. Steve knew it" your eyes shift to the floor at the mention of Steve.
"I can't take this talk again" you stand up and jump out of the boat, walking away.
"That is the exact opposite of what I'm trying to make you do, Y/N!" You hear Sam shout.
You were watching Sarah's kids play around the kitchen area, the kids making sound of hits while the smallest played with the shield. Bucky was a few feet away resting on the couch, so peacefully. The shield suddenly drops and you see him shift before opening his eyes. "Hey" he salutes and the kids are quick to put the shield back in place.
"Put it back. Hurry…" the oldest says before running outside. Bucky looks at them while smiling and there is something about his eyes...It looked like he missed something, longed for something...
"You are awake" you say and he smiles at you, an authentic Bucky smile. You hated how easily his smile could change your behavior.
"You are not mad anymore" he points out and you just roll your eyes.
"Don't push your luck" you say and walk to him after taking two beers, handing one to him. "I wasn't mad. I just didn't want to put my mind into that topic again…"
"Thanks" he says quietly and you sit at the end of the couch where his legs were, so he sits up to be by your side. "You know, that reminded me of Wakanda," he starts. "The kids playing around, waking me up," he chuckles.
"You miss Wakanda, don't you?" You say.
"Yeah…" he says quietly and takes a sip off the bottle. "I felt peace there. Actual calmness...Something like this..."
"I get it. Being away from the mess that New York can be, no Superhero problems, no missions, no conflicts...Things are just quiet," you explain. Silence fills the air for a moment.
"Y/N, I've been thinking about what Sam said...We can't ignore this anymore...But I don't know where to start," he says quietly. "I want this with you" your eyes lift to look at him, did he just…? "I want us to have a sense of a normal life. I know it's a long road..."
"I don't want you to feel pressured. That's not what I want," you shake your head. "I just want you to know I'm here for you, Buck. I will wait as long as it takes, until you are ready…" you look at him.
"I can't ask you that, Y/N. I know for sure it won't be forever, but it will take time."
"You think I waited all this time to give you up just like that?" Your body shifts to face him. "I won't lie, there was a time I thought that there was no point in trying..." you avoid his gaze.
"Hey, no…" his fingers reach for your chin and make you face him, his warm hand cups the side of your face. "If you give me a little time, we can sort this whole thing out…"
He places the bottle of beer in the table next to him, not moving his hand away from the position it was in your cheek before turning to you. His thumb brushes your skin, his blue eyes taking you in and you can't help but do the same. His blue eyes, his scruff, his perfect face, his jawline, his lips, the way his tongue wetted those kissable lips...
His hand moved to the back of your neck to bring you in for a kiss. This wasn't like the first kiss which was a simple lip lock. No. This was a full kiss, instantly feeling his tongue brushing your lips. The kiss was slow and you felt bad about how desperate you needed more of his lips. He pulls away after a few seconds, your eyes open slowly to find him looking at you.
"What?" You ask quietly.
"Nothing, I just...I haven't kissed anyone like that since…" he trails off, he gets comfortable and rests on his side on the couch, his hand dropping from the back of your neck to his side.
"Didn't expect you to be charming every girl around you with your Winter Soldier mode" you say and he chuckles. You loved this. You loved that his whole body language was calm and relax, and he was smiling. "Although you did charm me, but I met you in between so it doesn't count."
He chuckles, not saying anything about it, sipping on his beer. "At what time is our flight?"
"At night, we have time…" you say as you eye him.
"We should tell Sam we are already talked," he says and you smirk.
"We should."
Bucky stands from the couch, taking his beer with his vibranium arm before reaching for yours. You smile at him before taking his hand.
Later that day you are sitting on the stairs of the front porch while Sam and Bucky talk and toss the shield around. You haven't told them yet, but you still felt the rush, like the Serum was still in your body, but not as strong as it was in the beginning. You can hear the conversation faintly from your spot, so you continued scrolling through your phone while listening.
"It's just, that shield's the closest thing I've got left to a family, so when you retired it, it made me feel like I had nothing left." Your heart shatters at his words. This was the first time you have heard Bucky talk about family, and not mentioning Steve, but it wasn't long until he mentioned him and his book. "I just figured that if it worked for him, then it'd work for me." He looks at you after those words, you can see him from the corner of your eye but you continue to scroll on your phone.
"I understand, man. But Steve is gone" Sam pauses. "This might be a surprise but, it doesn't matter what Steve thought. You gotta stop looking to other people to tell you who you are." The shield comes back to Bucky and he catches it swiftly. "Plus, that girl right there?" There goes Sam, trying to play cupid. "That girl would jump off a bridge if you told her, man. If this shield is the closest you got to a family? Maybe it's time you start your own" he says and pats the soldier in his flesh arm. "But you gotta talk it out, and slow steps. You are new again to all of this."
"I know," Bucky says and he looks at you as you walk to them. "That's what scares me, Sam. Besides Steve, no one has looked out for me as much as she does" he says, his eyes not looking away from you. "I don't want to hurt her, Sam, and I feel like I might while I get back on having a life…"
"Let me ask you, are you still having those nightmares?"
"All the time...It means I remember. It means a part of me is still there. Which means a part of the Winter Soldier's still in me…" he tosses the shield and Sam catches it.
You reach them when they are talking bout the amends, the way Bucky should approach things to get proper closure. Then the two clasp their hands together and remain like that for a while.
"Good talk" Bucky says and Sam chuckles.
"You know Karli won't quit."
"Just call us when you have a lead and we will be there, Sam." You jump in. "I'll still come out to visit."
"Stay safe. I know you will be in good hands, metal and flesh" you have to laugh as he pulls you into a hug. "Take care of him, look after him. I know he will do the same for you."
"I know, Sam" you hide your face in his shoulder. "Thank you."
"Love you, kiddo. If you need me, call me."
After a few hours of flight, you get to the JFK Airport. You look for your keys in your bag as you walk, Bucky right besides you. Ever since you have landed he has been quiet, you couldn't guess what he was thinking of, but you let him be. Once outside, you slow your walk and he looks around before looking at your keys and then shifting his gaze. "So…" you say and purse your lips. "Um, do you want me to give you a ride to your house?"
"Uh, no. It's okay. It's late and I don't want to bother you."
"Buck, you live a few minutes away from my place. Let me take you."
"No really its…" you are glaring at him, and he sighs. "Alright, fine." You grin and start walking to the parking lot.
"You are staying at your family's house in Brooklyn, right?" You ask him.
"Yeah…" he looks around the parking lot that was barely lit except for a few dim lights here and there, and you feel him get closer to you, almost protective and you can't help but smile at the action.
Once you park in front of his house, you bite your lip as you put your car in parking.
"This is it.."
"This is it…" he nods his head. "I would invite you inside but I don't think my place is ready to have any visitors" he says, running a hand on the back of his neck.
"Don't worry about it" you wave it off. "We will keep in touch, Karli won't take long to show up again..."
"Uh, yeah. I just have to make a visit first and then we can start, you know, figuring things out" he offers you an apologetic smile.
"You don't have to do it alone, you know?" He nods his head. How were you supposed to say goodbye to him? A kiss on the cheek? On the lips? A hug?
"I'll see you later" he says and you can see he is hesitating as much as you are. "Uhm, I should…" he shifts in his seat before opening the door and getting out, pulling his bag with him. "Text me when you get home?"
"Will do" you say and he closes the door of the car, he gives you an awkward wave with the softest smile before he takes two perfect steps backwards and turning to walk to his house.
You are lying down on your living room couch watching TV when your phone indicates a new message. Your fingers lazily reach for it, unlocking the screen to read the message.
Bucky: Do you want to go out or something?
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the-nysh · 2 years
Am I the only one annoyed with how anime Garou turned out? His slender curvy figure and cutely shaped face are his distinct traits, yet the anime showed none of that? He looks freaking 30 in there! And during the MB fight scene his face is ridiculously long. I’m so disappointed bc I’m prettyyyy sure if the anime was done right, Garou would’ve popped off on popularity as the new anime it boy. He’s drawn so prettily by Murata and I’m so sad the beauty wasn’t translated well into animation 😭
I feel like....talking about the anime would be like beating a dead horse at this point, but...I'll say that Garou's appeal isn't solely in his looks - rather, that only enhances what's there into a more complete, full-package. :O
As far as s2 is concerned, Garou probably got the most special treatment out of most other characters (whereas Genos kinda got the short end of the stick). Aoki did as much as he could (as an obvious Garou fan, which helps) to animate some of his best moments, and Midorikawa brought those moments to life with his cool voice acting. (Good stuff; I hope to hear him return for more!)
However, they too can only do so much with an overall time crunched production and lacking direction - shortcuts were obviously made, but thankfully none of those were made to Garou's characterization. :O (They remained quite faithful there, which is in contrast to BONES who often botch Hori's characterizations with flanderized anime-only content - and that, to me, becomes a more unwatchable offense, no matter how 'pretty' things look.) So aside from the inconsistent visuals, it seems JC Staff at least knew they had to prioritize getting Garou's character across right (because even my mom, who watched it too, successfully got feelings for him) - otherwise, s2 as a whole would've really been in trouble.
I say this because....during the dry spell in between seasons after s1, there was virtually no Garou fan content here at all. :O The driest of the dry - practically unbearably parched when it came to looking for other Garou fans + content. (So I had to make do with my own.) But with Murata continuing the manga focusing on him, and soon s2 airing, guess what happened? 8'D Suddenly there was a big influx of new Garou fans! (But not as many as there could have been, had s2 been even more awesome/appealing to a wider audience; I agree there.)
The biggest thing, I think, was how s2 ended right as things were escalating and getting good - right as new viewers were starting to get to really know Garou (at the shed scene) past his initial performative introduction. All that good stuff revealing more of his core character continues after what s2 showed, which I felt was most unfortunate, since it cuts off most new viewers' budding interest right at the turning point...unless they continue on by checking out the manga to see what's up for themselves. :')
Still...that means there's still a chance for another popularity bubble whenever s3 comes around, depending on how well its production does too. No promises there (but I still hope to see those fav Garou moments animated someday! ;o;) But whoever does take s3 on, it'll be just as difficult for them to capture/adapt Murata's art as well, since no one can do it (or draw Garou) quite like him. ;)
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geffenrecords · 4 years
Rate the skams IMMEDIATELY :))
ohhhh i love being ur friend sometimes tenk u for listening to my bs 
n e ways.... ranking the ones ive actually seen bc i have not seen skam austin or skam netherlands cos im a loser and was here for the romance [its so embarrassing.....gnite.....]
1. og skam. LISTEN. ITS NOT THAT GOOD. ITS REALLY NOT. but its the original so im biased 🙄🙄 and i actually thought it was pretty decent. used to rewatch it daily in august wtf was i on.....also i latched onto isak so fast lord almighty......i still like it but its def not the best. but personally.....i love shitty things. the romeo and juliet refereces were so good????? like i didnt realize they were references to tht until i saw a post about it, buttttttt they were so good.....the part from isak leaving the church to him finding even....oh g*d......r*mance............also the minute by minute scene is.....so good. the dialogue at that part....”i don’t want you to lie here and feel sad” “im not sad.” YEAH. hmmm yeahhh.....also isak and even r ugly as hell and i love tht for them <3 also isaks relationship w sana....ICONIC.....druck was the closest to nailing it like that i think hehe....
2. this ones a tie between druck and wtfock. druck is not higher bc it didnt have a minute by minute scene and wtfock is not higher for the goddamn disaster that was s4. never forgiving them for that. anyway,,,, wtfock was just. good. i love the aesthetic belgium had in it. it was so pretty. robbe is still one of my favorite characters ever....i miss him so much.....i loved the way he dressed, the soft click noises he made in certain scenes, ohhh baybieeeeeeee. the scene w him and milan after he and sander got gaybashed....girl i cry. wtfock also did a really good job of outlining just how absolutely lonely and isolated and MISERABLE robbe truly was.....and also the comparison of him in ep1 to the last one.....oh my ghod......they also get points for the found family-esque dynamic zoe, milan and robbe all had [and senne kinda..] so yeah <3. ALSO. da scene of robbe finding sander in the art studio and softly Holding him and reassuring....girl im in tears. goodnight.
and druck.....oh druck <3 same w robbe, i LOVED matteo and i still do....im in love w david hes so epique.......but also same as wtfock, druck did a really good job of showing just how.....depressed matteo was? idk lucas angriest matteo saddest....the scene of him and the dude talking where he forces matteo to talk about his issues instead of letting him buy more weed....i really enjoyed that scene.....hmm yeah and also just the general vibe of druck <33. matteo and davids goofy playfighitng they did a lot....the 378347 layers.,.....i adore it.....and obvs it gets points for david being trans gener.....i got so emotional the first time i watched it sdfhsjsfs....oh to be hugged like david in the scene of the morning before he tells matteo......[sighs]..also i just liked hans?? i feel like w the eskild characters theyre either untolerable or Adore.....and i liked hans a lot, no real reason. he was just really nice, and i really liked how he handled matteo having a small crisis when david came out. thank god for you sir. matteo i love u but Bruh.
3. skam espana. women <333333 joanna prettyyyy. i really enjoyed skam espana for what it was actually!!! i really liked cris and her friends, they were super fun, and she and joana were so cute.....i have good memories of watching it too hehe <3 i remember freaking out randomly and texting lola and she Did Not Care About It.....good times.....
4. s.....skam italia..........LISTEN.......personally....i felt like martino and niccolo didnt really connect that much??? i was super zoned out when i watched it, so maybe id disagree if i went back and saw it again, but at the time....it just didnt feel like it? also martino is. the most average looking guy ive ever seen........like im sorry i actually did like martino but good god......anyway they score some pretty good points for niccolo being pretty cute w martino, the underwater kiss beign actually super lovely.....the cinnamon tography ooohhhhhhhh its stilll one of my favorite scenes ive ever seen in general <3 they do however lose points bc i cant stand filippo. he will die by my hands. also the scene where they play with puppets. it was SO bad and i want to know what the FUCK the directors were doing ❤
5. sk*m fr*nce........this may be controversial but i Do Not Care. it was just weird sex and royalty free music and strobe lights. thats it. everyone was so goddamn annoying too. mickael....oh i cannot stand him. hes dying by my hands too. and ofc lucas <3 besides being literally the most average phineas from phineas and ferb looking white twink ive ever seen he was just....goddamn. to quote myself from when i first watched it, “does this bitch ever stop crying”. remember when he cried because eliott had to go home? remember when he punched a table whe eliott told him he need time alone? remember when he didnt apologize to chloe until like the end, but instead just got mad at her for saying he was gay? and of course, remember how he decided to be misogynistic and homophobic as a Cover Up for like a day before yann shut his ass down? yeah <3. tbh, i didnt HATE lucas, hes just.....pretty unlikeable. i just love bullying him hes a piss baybie <3. i was so shocked to see people like actually really loved him i was like WH. HUH???? and i...really dont have much to say on eliott. we know like 4 things about him idk how yall got attached. my friend also told me he looks likerobert pattinson so i cant take him seriously anymore. theyre also on thin ice for having basile say he’d fuck his cousin and yann for straight up just LEAVING when lucas came out to him. he would never i hate it here. redeeming things about it? imane, arthur being hit by a car, and lucas and eliott being cute or whatever ig.....idk they were a little likeable in a few scenes ig.....i also did like the scene where eliott was like “im not always gonna be perfect ill be a bitch sometimes okay?” and lucas was like no thats okay.....speaking of which remember when eliott admitted to having a fursona and lucas was like wow.....what would i be 😍😍 and ofc eliott offering to play queen but lucas being all no thats okay 🥰😍😋 we can listen to your shitty computer music.....more points revoked for the paint scene too because i had to see lucas’s bare ass and now im in therapy
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stray-tori · 5 years
RTA Finale Thoughts
I had a super long list but then my social media blocker went on and I COPIED IT, I SWEAR.
but qefaöosvijEWDOAPVYÄSL here we go again I guess OPZ
it’s kinda ironic that Eugene warned Varian, Varian was upset but did end up taking measures (our boyyy <3) and in the end Eugene didn’t suspect his own father.
Also when Eugene and Varian are talking beside Quirin, Varian’s character animation is amazing.
“Biggest threat ever” “No offense” “eh” 
Varian’s edgy villain phase is just an insider now ahaha
I’m kind of sad Varian didn’t have to face Quirin because I’m a sadistic bitch like that.
Smart Transitions
Zhan Tiri being sucked into the portal to the Corona People getting there
that flashback was so useless I want to cry
Zhan Tiri using the potion to make a role in the floor --> Raps and Cass breaking through a wall
I didn’t think the Zhan Tiri Defeat felt earned, but Rapunzel cutting her hair was epic.
Also Cass’ death was random.
If they had to make a fake out death, I would have preferred if Cass had actually tried to combine the stones herself (which is admittedly kind of hard because they’re pretty big now but shhh) and died doing that, or had done anything to justify her dying.
I do think it’s reasonable to assume being thrown around by Zhan Tiri, the suit, the stone being ripped from her, her generally seeming rly pale, etc. added up so that the blast finished her, but the way it was done was still kind of random. Just give me a shot of her being blown back harder or something, it’s not that HARD TO MAKE THIS NOT SEEM SUPER RANDOM.
I lowkey expected Rap’s hair to turn turquoise when she activated it again. I realize now that’d be kind of dumb considering the moonstone activated her hair in the first place, but I just don’t get why the moonstone brought her blonde hair back. I mean now the sundrop power isn’t in her anymore as it was at the end of the movie / beginning of the pilot. I assumed it was just reawakened but now there’s nothing to reawaken, it just gives her power by itself SO I THOUGHT IT HAD TO BE TURQUOISE
the magic is so vague I wanna cry
the animation at the finale healing incantation was prettyyyy
I felt the atmosphere in this finale was too cheerful, personally. Especially with Raps and Cass’ joking at the final Zhan Tiri Fight or the Vase Scene were kind of hard to justify considering the circumstances, at least for me.
Raps’ and Cass’ heart-to-heart was pretty sweet and was the part that felt the most earned to me. Her “I can’t do anything” broke me ahahaha---
Also brown-haired Raps TvT
Also-also the expressions here, especially when Raps’ talks about the first time she heard Cass laugh, sOFT
personally, I think it’s platonic but that was still so cute and fijkeewp
but no interaction with Varian, big sad. You’d mean that’d make sense from a writing perspective considering they were vital to the half-finale and even to some of the later episodes but I GUESS NOT
I wish we had a little more time for the aftermath, but I get it
That moment where Edmund and Eugene are having a moment and then Eugene’s like “uh” and then “oh yeah, bigger fish.” And he picks him up and squishes him slightly eifoakefpa
also power of love I guess ugh
uhhhhh I’m sure there’s more but that’s it for now.
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flandesuka · 5 years
Yo you should answer all of these scene questions👀👀
you think so lad???? shit dawg i was thinkin just a few at a time but if that what u want my dear nonnie i will supply
1. wats ur scene name?
i was thinkin maybe ‘gods mistake’ would be a good one but then. i found a way to make it both danganronpa related, and, even better, a fucking pun as well. ‘kamukura kamukura jasqueen’, or just ‘kamukura jasqueen’ for short is good k thxxx
2. describe ur dream outfit!
oooo gosh this ones trickyy!! there are so many good outfits out there, especially in the scene community!! but it’d have to have a few tiny elements of dr cosplay to add a lil of my dangan-weeb culture in there ofc! more specifically, id really love to get one of kazuichis jumpsuit and just wig out and add shit like this just because i could:
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(id just rlly love going out in all those glowy/shiny things at night like all that haha..and yes the shoes would probably kill me/my fuckin feet if i tried to walk in them but shut up i love them theyre cute as fuck)
3. describe ur dream haircut!
oo another tricky one!! i do like my regular hair, and honestly id be lying if i said i didnt love ibuki’s hairdo too but id defs have to go with something like this!!
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yaaaassss, so pretty and spikeeeey! maybe id dye my natural hair colour black and/or add some funky colours if i ever actually got this style down!
4. describe ur dream room!
i have a lot of ideas for dream bedrooms actually, but heres a visual image of one of them i found!!!
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(this specific idea arose mainly just for the aesthetic but i also find it super cute and a good environment to be in general hhhnnggg)
5. if u could make anything out of kandi, wat would u make?
oh you mean those colourful beads and bracelet things??? i love those man!!! theyre so visually appealing to me aaaaa…id probably just make a fuck-ton of those and most probably use the little letter beads to say random words/phrases like ‘aubergine’ and ‘despacito’ knowing my shitposter self lmaooo! id definitely make a sansmaeda themed one too thoo fr
6. wat would u write on ur shoez?
it’d probably range from things like a simple kaomoji doodle to something randum and stupid like ‘seesaw’ bc yes asjnd
7. wat kinda piercingz/tattooz do u hav/want?
i dont think i rlly want any real piercings (at least not atm) but id totally go for those fake stick-on gemstone lookin’ ones! and as for tattoos, i cant rlly see myself gettin one of those rn either, but id want something like a mario power-up, preferably the bell one/cat suit powerup!!! its my favorite powerup and its sooo cute!!!
8. fave genrez?
i dont rlly have a specific genre, i like most kinds of music, but i rlly like energetic music that i can dance tooo!!! >w
9. fave bandz?
im a big fan of gorillaz and botdf!!! i like p!atd as well but havent listened to it in a while.. gatta catch up loool
10. fave songz?
my favs alternate a lot, but atm im super into ‘slow dancing in the dark’ by joji!!! so much emotiooon quq…also rlly hooked on botdf and jefree star’s ‘sexting’ tooo lmaooo
11. fave lyricz?
‘The world keeps spinning Among this sinning Oh what a cruel and disgusting place The purest moonlight Is bloodied by plight And screaming resonants But somehow I know That it’s all for show The world will reveal it’s true beauty soon And we’ll all reach towards the moon ‘
its so deep but its from a fucking kaito momota fansong and i love that asnkjdnefe
12. hav u evr been to a concert?
not in a damn long while my lad,, rip australians not havin many artists they like from other countries tour there ;-;
13. do u wanna be in a band?
ive always thought thatd be pretty cool ngl!!! tourin around with ur bandmate friends, makin awesome fuckin tunes, people lovin u and ur music, just livin the dream in general,, nice
14. wats da best soda/energy drink flavour?
havent rlly had any as of rn  my lad so i wouldnt know :/
15. wat do u miss most abt old internet?
i loved that we could all just be ourselves and act like the kids we are inside without bein reprimanded at all.. it aint rlly that much of an issue for me but i still think itd be a lot nicer if it was like that again sometimes,,
16. wats da best old meme?
ooohhh there are so many i still miss man! numa numa ermagerd and doge still remind me of the glory days…when old animeme was good and you could still haz ur cheezburgers in peace. also rage comics! rage comics were good what happened
17. best place 2 buy clothez?
i dont think theres any hot topics in australia but if there is. i will hunt it down you hear me
18. wat r ur fave accessoriez?
OH THERES SO MANY GOOD ONES??? as i stated b4 i rly love kandi bracelets and other glowy/led things!!! also rlly love ties with cute and fun patterns and long colourful and/or ripped socks like ibuki’s too hehe
19. wats ur best tip fr ppl that just got into scenecore?
im not rlly the best at advice, but my main point would be-just hav fun here dudes!!! dont let anyone else bulli u abt it, we’re supportive people, u can talk to me or anyone else whos willin to listen an/or help for reassurance ofc
20. opinion on furbiez?
21. opinion on funko popz?
i like em and ive seen lots at eb games, but i dont buy em much..i do have a megaman pop with a broken arm tho loool
22. wats ur fave pattern? (zebra/leopard print etc)
i looove a lot of patterns but not gonna lie im always a sucker for rainbow checkerboard patterns yknow hehe!
23. fave color combo?
i dont have one rlly…soooo many possible comboooos…cx
24. sumthing u liked as a kid dat u still like?
im still going on girlsgogames and recently, ive finally mastered sues beauty machine!!!! its so good and fun all of ya’ll should try it my dudeeees
25. wats ur most used emoticon? 0w0
as most of ya’ll probs alredy know i spam ‘:O’ a lot, but one of my bigger favs is actually ‘x3′ and my fav kaomoji is ‘ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧’ (both of them are so kyooot >w
26. wats ur fav typin quirk?
i luv talkin like dis, but i dont rly do it that often loool…i awso wuv tawking in ‘owo’ speak wike dis >//w//>
27. do u wish ur fllwrz talked 2 u moar?
hellz yeaaa!!! i luv followr interaction my dudee! it makes me super happi when u all talk to me heehee! x3c
28. tag ur fave scene blawgz!
:O !!! oh gawd!!! i dont know many atm but heeereee!
@xxadam-antidotexx (op of the ask meme)
@glitchkichi (not sure if this counts but their stuff’s rlly cool >v
@otonashi-banana (scene boyf…wuv im more than anythin >///w///>
29. wat got u into scenecore?
i dont remember exactly how it happened but i’d always sorta wanted to go back to the glory days that was the old web and the scene era, and that, coupled with a bright, colourful aesthetic that i could really enjoy, drew me in like a moth to a neon colored flame ig looollll
30. how long hav u been scene?
i’ve only been officially apart of the community for about a few months now (at time of writing) i reckon so some things are still a lil new to me ig ^^;;
31. wats da best thing abt being scene?
the freedom of bein able to express myself 4 one thing, and its just so fun being so ‘out-there’ yknow???? it feels so great really
32. do u hav a fursona?
i…actually used to but ive moved on from the furry fandom and ive grown more attached to my human sona anyway sooo :/
33. r u in sum “cringy” fandomz?
YEA man!! i dont rlly think dr is inherently considered ‘cringey’ but undertale is and im in that one for sure!!! i also kinda technically never left the skylanders fandom(?) so theres that too ig??? oh yeah and who wants to let me draw my old moshi monsters characters COWARDS
34. do u liek plushiez?
YASSSS QUEEEN!!!! i have HEAPS of them in my room on my desk with my gonta shrine
35. do u liek stickerz?
also a big yaaassss from me dawggg!!! i love them and i love those ones that you stick on your fase like this!
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its so cuuute!!!
36. do u hav a friendproject?
i dont, not at the moment a least, actually! didnt even know what it was til recently but it looks kewl haha
37. do u hav any other scene account?
well, i haz this one, and i also have an emowire account for shuichi if that counts!!
38. do u make art? (drawingz, blingeez, etc.)
YES!!! i love to draw and i also make blingee edits sometimes!!! ITS SO FUN XD !!!
39. wats da most scene thing? (anything!)
hmmm, weeell…i think the most stereotyped thing would be that kewl, suuuper big hair like this;
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its really prettyyyy, and i love all that colouuur!!!
40. ask ur own randum question!!
hm, oh wowie, since the anon didnt specifically ask this one…POTATOES!!! X3
phew, finally done, that was a lot of typing! this was so fun to do though, so thank u nonnie!!! :3
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shakspeare · 6 years
So I just posted this wildly long Sirius Black appreciation thread on twitter and thought here seemed like a pretty appropriate place to share it too — can we just take a moment to acknowledge just how heartbreakingly, guttingly tragic this man’s life was?? It is prettyyyy long, apols! I’m rereading POA and deep in my feelings. I’d say trigger warnings for PTSD, trauma, and lots and lots of sadness.
1. Born into a family who’s every principle he disagreed with, surrounded as a child by only the darkest witches and wizards and yet somehow uncorrupted, unwavering in his beliefs at only ELEVEN, despite the ostracisation he must’ve suffered at home by not conforming to the will of his family.
2. So this good-hearted boy spends a brief childhood at Hogwarts, looking over his shoulder and defending himself again and again, aware of raised eyebrows and judgement because everyone knows about the Blacks and their history with the Dark Arts.
3. Despite this though, he’s happy here. He finds acceptance and joy and people, laughter, spirit. Lily, James, Remus, Peter. It’s manageable, but these happy years are punctuated by summers at Grimmauld Place, where I’m sure after spending time with his contemporaries, the grievousness of his family’s beliefs must’ve become only more clear.
4. Voldemort’s steady ascension to power. Lily, James, Remus, Peter, the Order rallying round. The fear that must’ve penetrated every part of their lives, but the knowledge that they had each other. In the face of the impending war, at only 18, they know they would die for each other.
5. After Hogwarts, no part of Sirius’s adult life takes place in a world without the threat of Voldemort, spies, and dark magic. Still looking over his shoulder, plagued by the ever impending thought that those closest to him are the most at risk, and the thought as well he can trust absolutely no one - even eventually suspecting Remus might be a spy. The darkest of times.
6. Made Secret-Keeper at TWENTY ONE (HE IS SUCH A CHILD STILL, PART OF A REBELLION AGAINST MASS TERROR, WHICH HIS FAMILY STILL ALIGN THEMSELVES WITH I MEAN THIS GUY JESUS) and with no one to talk to, he makes what he thinks is a decision that will protect his friends - never mind that, his family; because what were the marauders, Lily, the order, if not the best and kindest family he had ever known?‬ ‪
7. And that decision, that decision made by him and him alone, no way to assuage this guilt, annihilates the lives of those people he loved the most.
8. And then in the aftermath of this, left reeling, probably suffering PTSD from being confronted with scene of Lily and James’s murder and their little boy, crying in the rubble of their house - a house he likely had memories in, a safe, happy place, cooking dinner with Lily and James, playing wine tinged games of Exploding Snap, laughing and playing with baby Harry - he discovers that one of his longest, oldest friends has betrayed them absolutely. Has been lying to them for at least a year.
9. And then before even processing this - he is condemned. Falsely imprisoned SO YOUNG in the most hellish place imaginable. Imagine trying to process that trauma in Azkaban. For twelve years, from 21 to 33, Sirius is utterly, utterly alone. Drained of hope, joy, peace, and with only the knowledge that the decision he made led to the death of his best and most wonderful friends. Knowing that everyone who loved him has turned their backs. Will think, forever, that he’s a traitor.
10. I mean let’s just take a minute here because surely his development is arrested here, at 21 years old, because how much can you mature and grow in Azkaban? It makes so much sense because later he is still so youthful and so reckless; he is 21 still, this poor poor ruined man.
11. He escapes. Barely clinging to his sanity but still with that tiny kernel of good, because he breaks out, don’t forget, not to save himself or clear his name, but because he is worried that Pettigrew will hurt Harry.
12. And then he’s forced to skulk around his old school, the one place he felt loved and accepted, forced to break into the common room he must have so many memories of. The descriptions of him in POA are so heartbreaking; he is shrunken, skeletal, gaunt, sunken, he speaks as though he hasn’t in years
13. WHICH HE PROBABLY HADNT can you imagine being ALONE for TWELVE YEARS?? And to be in the Shrieking Shack with Lupin and Snape and Pettigrew again - this is literally the first time he’s interacted with people in over a decade and it’s the same people and the same place he knew as a boy; how this man remained so sane is incredible.
14. And then there’s a glimmer of hope! Redemption! For all of about an hour, in the school that holds the happiest memories of his life, the only place really he has ever spent any time apart from Azkaban - the life he should always have had is a real possibility. He could be a free man. An innocent man.
15. But no, fuck that. After almost LOSING HIS SOUL and being held for execution in the only real home he’s ever known, he’s forced to flee again. To live alone, without company or distraction or joy, love or friends or warmth or food or magic. An outcast, still looking over his shoulder. For such an exuberant, brilliant, personable man - now in full possession of the mental faculties Azkaban strips you of - how lonely, and acutely aware of his loneliness, all he has lost, he must be.
16. Any chance of it getting better? NOPE. After being confined to Azkaban, then to random, lonely, isolated caves, he has to return to the childhood home he loathed so much, to be locked up there not only with all the memories that it must evoke, but the living wandering embodiment of his dead family’s ideals in Kreacher, breathing down his neck. Never allowed out.
17. Sirius had so much energy, and he’d been trapped for so, so long, and now he knows everyone else is out there, contributing, working, living, fighting - it must be maddening. To him it must’ve seemed like the world was on pause. When he went in, he was working with the Order, and Voldemort was at the height of his power. When he comes out, Voldemort’s building it right back up and the Order are back in business.
18. Maybe he thinks he’s gonna be a part of that rebellion again - finally, he can flex his muscles be part of something, do something, let out some of this pent up energy that’s been building for over a decade - but no. Trapped again. And if he does sneak out, it’s not as a man, how long since he stretched his legs? Wasn’t afraid of being seen?
19. But then the chance comes - Harry in danger - and with the spirit of a 21 year old, goddamn it if he’s going to sit idly by whilst everyone he knows risks their lives to save the last surviving remnant of Lily and James, the two people who’s deaths must still haunt him every.single.day.
20. And then in this moment - perhaps the only time he’s been out and surrounded by people, life, magic, something actually //happening//, because although it’s awful, terrible, it must be exhilarating, the first real thing to happen to him in fifteen years, he is OUT and RUNNING and FUCKING DOING SOMETHING, FIGHTING - he dies. At 36. He never lived without fear or persecution.
21. And that’s it. From one prison to another, for the entirety of his brief and tragic adulthood. Trapped by walls or circumstance, frozen at 21 and never able to live any sort of life that wasn’t governed by fear and by looking over his shoulder. Sirius Black was never free.
WELL I’m just gonna go weep for a bit. Anyone made it to the end of this, you’re a trooper and do feel free to come join me in my marauder tinged tears.
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badedramay · 3 years
Very interested to see what the writers of JBG do with the love triangle!
Soniya had a small yet genuine smile when she hears that Farrukh came. She knows that they have the same mindset when it comes to hoping for the preserved unity of WP and bengal. The OST shows her and Farrukh’s silhouettes in what looks like is about to be an embrace (but I’m prettyyyy sure that part may be farrukh’s fantasy as it looks like the exact same backdrop and outfits as their first meeting).
On the other hand, she clearly worries for Rumi. Rumi is obviously romantically interested in her and his heart is breaking over how much she and Farrukh seem to have in common. We had the classic Pakistani motorbike, forlorn lover scene with him driving off angrily into the night. All that is to say is that soniya’s feelings for him remain ambiguous. While I think Soniya —> Rumi leans more romantic than platonic, there were definite hints that she is also softening to Farrukh.
I think an anon told you that Rumi and Soniya will have a big moment where they learn they cannot be together and that is where we will get more of a Soniya/Farrukh scene for the middle and leading up to the end of the drama, with something happening that causes Fania to not get their happy ending. I do think around this time, at the end of the drama, we will get some confirmation that soniya’s heart was always with Rumi but they, tragically, could also not be together.
I know on Twitter you said Fania is boring but I can’t help but root for them a little. Imma sucker for the understated, quiet love stories that I can see budding between them.
This is the first time I have genuinely been curious as to how a love story plays out in a Pakistani drama. Really excited to see what happens next!
but fania is sooooooo borrrriiinngggg!!!! "love in the time of war" more like "love in the time when Farrukh should know better than to go for dinner at the last place on earth at the worst possible time!!!" when he went for the dinner in that shuttlecock burqa i was just crying out 'are you dumb dude?!' no seriously..is he dumb?! he knows better than anyone else the situation of the country aur woh pohanch gaya machli khane! DUMBASS! :@
he's a nice guy but urgggghhhhhhhhh his school-boy crush on Sonia just does not interest me anymore. showing Sonia's reciprocation of it in the 6th episode is too late for me cuz they have already given us scenes of her with Rumi where there's just so many simmering complicated feelings that my heart is hooked there only.
and i dont think Sonia's feelings for Rumi are ambiguous. as much as it came out of nowhere, i did see Sonia softening for Farrukh HOWEVER she's still clearly very much more concerned for Rumi. Wahaj and Maya are just too brilliant at emoting silently..did you not notice the guilt in Sonia's eyes when Rumi comes across her and Shabnam in the kitchen preparing snacks for Farrukh? every time Rumi, Farrukh, and Sonia were in the scene together..Sonia's attention kept going back to Rumi to check how he was reacting to her interactions with Farrukh. Sonia has heated arguments with Rumi but she makes sure to keep them just between them. in private she can say anything to him..full bhadaas nikalti hai..but if anyone else says/does anything that is offensive to him Sonia never accepts it. look at her reactions when Shabnam rants against Rumi's actions...Sonia never agrees with her. she doesn't get into arguments with Shabnam (cuz well who can ever win against their mothers?) however she does change the topic to distract Shabnam.
Sonia is angry at Rumi. angry for getting into something that she knew and TOLD him would never end the way he dreams. angry at him for initially dragging him with her and forcing her into something she wanted to stay away from. but her anger at him is still very personal. she doesn't want him hurt. she doesn't want him at a loss. their relationship is such that they don't openly show concern to each other but they both know that they do not wish ill for each other. the current tensions have made the circumstances such that they cannot communicate as openly warna toh Sonia just needs to look at Rumi once to know something is bothering him. it's just that as she doesn't want him to pry into her matters unless asked..she too doesn't force him to open up to her if he doesn't feel like it.
SEE!! THE COMPLEXITY!!!! I don't get that in Fania. i can not even get it!!!! where's the bond? where's the understanding!? if she's developing feelings for him because he has the same anti-separatist ideals as her then a big fat MEH!
i cannot understand the writing choices when it comes to this triangle. if Sonia really was Col. Farrukh's real life love affair..WHY in the drama they have given us a third angle as Rumi and on top of that had WAHAJ ALI play it?! how could the majority NOT root for a character as complex as Rumi with an actor as compelling as Wahaj playing it? oh god this is like Kuch Pyaar Ka Pagalapann again where Haissam got Sanam and Fawad in the drama and then NOT made them endgame!! asdkjhwekjawheawe OH GOOODNESS NOOOO I CANNOT TAKE THIS!!!!!
AAAHHHH FUCK IT! I DON'T CARE! I AM GOING DOWN WITH MY SHIP! seeing how i know myself..Fania ka time mere liye toh nikal gaya. i'd rather live with my SoMi crumbs than whatever Fania serves. sexy si biryani dikha ke khichdi serve karrega drama toh uski marzi...main apna dukh seh lungi.
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hear-the-dokidoki · 7 years
An Eun Woo x Reader story
You’re with me because of a bet…?
Word count: 0.9k 
As requested by @astroari ♡
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Astro just had an important win, so the members decide to throw a party on their vacation day. As Eun Woo’s girlfriend, it’s a given that you’re invited.
You bring your cup of tea to your lips, smiling at the scene before you. Right now, Jinjin, MJ, Moon Bin and Rocky are sleeping, cuddled together on the couch. Too much excitement and alcohol, you suppose. Tonight, you’ve opted to not drink, for your sober self by itself is already kind of a mess. Plus, you don’t need to drink to have fun: drunk Astro is by far the most entertaining thing you’ve ever seen.
“Noonaaaaa,” Yoon San Ha says, leaning into you. “Noonaaaaa, you’re prettyyyy!”
You laugh, gently pushing him away. “Thanks, San Ha.”
“Noona… Do you know how much I like you? I-”
“Oy,” Eun Woo interjects. “That’s my girlfriend you’re speaking to.”
Eun Woo’s cheeks are a bit flushed from the drinks he’s had. You chuckle when he puts an arm around your waist and pulls you closer.
“Oh,” San Ha lets out. “Right.”
Eun Woo clicks his tongue, but you can see his lips slightly curling up. You put your head against his shoulder.
“But Noona,” San Ha says with a pout. “You wouldn’t even be with Eun Woo if it weren’t for the bet Rocky and I-.”
“San Ha, shut it,” Eun Woo quickly interrupts.
You turn to him, eyes wide. He’s not one to speak like that.
“Bet?” you think.
You look back at the maknae.
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“What do you mean?” you repeat.
San Ha doesn’t answer, and he’s not looking at you. You follow his gaze and meet Eun Woo’s eyes. You shift your weight away from him.
“Eun Woo…” you say quietly. “What does this mean?”
He blinks. Glances at you. Offers a smile.
“It’s nothing,” he says.
He’s lying.
“Eun Woo,” you utter in a small voice. “Tell me.”
He continues to smile. “It’s really not important.”
You feel your heart slowly sinking.
“Then tell me about it,” you insist.
“It… It isn’t interesting, so let’s just-”
“It is,” you say, and there’s an edge to your words. “It’s interesting to me.”
He opens his mouth. Closes it.
You turn to San Ha. He’s fidgeting with his glass, his lips in a thin line.
“San Ha…” you say gently. “Won’t you tell me? Please.”
He glances up. Sees Eun Woo.
San Ha shakes his head.
There’s a knot in your stomach.
“Cha Eun Woo,” you say. “Tell me what the fuck is going on.”
“I…” he begins.
“A bet?” you ask.
No reply.
“San Ha said that… you wouldn’t be with me if it weren’t for a bet?”
“Th-that’s not…”
Your throat feels tight. It’s hard to breathe.
“Explain yourself.”
“Y/N, it doesn’t matter I swear-”
“It does matter!” you say in a hoarse voice.
A moment passes.
“Speak,” you demand. “Now.”
“Y/N, it’s been so long, and it was stupid… It’s nothing, I-”
“It’s not nothing,” you say coldly. “How can it be nothing when you’re trying so hard not to talk about it?”
“Cha Eun Woo… Are you with me because of a bet?” you question, scarcely getting the words out.
“No,” he says. That’s not how it is, I swear!”
You stare at him. “Was there a bet?”
“To date me? Were you dared to date me?”
“Y/N…” he breathes.  
“Answer me.”
“I- I mean… Technically, yes,” he begins.
A stab through your chest.
“Are you fucking serious?”
“Y/N, please, listen-”
You stand up.
“A bet? I’ve been in love with you since the very first day, and you’re telling me you approached me because of a fucking bet?”
“Y/N,” he says with desperation. “I love you.”
“Do you?”
“Of course!” he nearly shouts. “Of course, I love you!”
You raise your voice too. “How can you expect me to believe that?”
“Don’t you know me? All this time we’ve been together-”
“Well, do I know you?” you ask.
The other members have woken up. They watch the both of you, silent.
You don’t see them.
The world is a blur.  
“I’m not sure, Eun Woo,” you add in a brittle tone. 
He breathes heavily. Studies your face. Licks his lips.
“I don’t know anymore. Do I know you, Cha Eun Woo?” you ask again, and a tear rolls down your cheek.
He makes a motion towards you, but thinks better of it. He looks down.
“I’m going,” you utter, barely audible.
You turn to the door. A hand grabs yours.
“I’m sorry,” Eun Woo says.
You shake your hand free, but hesitate before moving again.
He speaks.
“I wanted to tell you,” he says precipitately. “And at the same time I never wanted you to find out.” He pauses. “I was stupid, alright? I know that.”
You wipe away a tear, trying to remain calm.
“I… I love you, Y/N,” he continues, and his words sound like a plea. “I-I fell for you so quickly. Your laugh and your smile and your voice… I just… I love you.”
You take a deep breath.
“You believe me, right?” he questions weakly. “Please, Y/N… Tell me you do.”
A pause.
“I don’t know,” you say.
You take another step towards the door.
“Y/N,” he calls, voice broken.  
You decide to give him a second or two, but you already know there’s nothing he can say to make you feel better.
“I love you,” he repeats in a whisper.
You close you eyes. “I’m going.”
“Wh-when are you coming back?” he asks, helpless.
You don’t answer, because you don’t know.
He stares at the door, and you’re gone.
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donghvucks · 5 years
hi i was just wondering if you used a psd to colour your nct rainbow gifset or if you just did it yourself and if so is it available to download? it’s so prettyyyy 🥺
bc all the scenes were so different in terms of lighting and colour etc i had to colour each gif individually rather than use the same psd throughout and i made it awhile ago so i don’t exactly remember how i did it, sorry :(
feel free to dm me if you have any specific questions tho
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