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phantom-tiger · 1 year
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I figured since it's so 'complicated' and hard to see in that other post, I wanted to show Cal's wolf form.
He's a piebald werewolf bc its fun and im playing barbies with my ocs, they will be as 'stupid and over the top and op' as i want
He looks kinda like a border collie and isn't intimidating what so ever and ill never 1:1 these markings but i like the design. y have just a white or black wolf when u can do whatever bc its fake :)))
Cal is 'purebred' werewolf, but with all the genetics that the kingdom is playing with, I figured there'd be some funky things colors wise. Purebred in this case is his mother is from a long line of Collar Knight breeders. Cal's father, like most 'sanctioned' donors, was a random prisoner of state turned werewolf.
this is made using an old wolf lineart of mine and i have multiple werewolf (or au werewolf) characters that i use this for just a quick idea of their markings. There's issues but you get the jist lol.
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thenixkat · 3 months
Oh yeah, I finished the Blue Beetle 1986 run.
There was a bunch of stuff I liked. Like Ted's college roommate/bestie Takamoto. And Ted being a decent caring boss/willing to fucking throw down if you try to harm his employees. Giving ex-cons chances. Willing to look out for people's families and financially support them. And caring about homeless people (granted he failed to grasp the fact that he could infact do shit to help them).
Loved the choice to have Ted's Beetle Nest be right under the Kord Inc. building. And Ted's gods awful fashion choices, good fucking lords you have to actively try to pick colors and patterns that clash that badly. Also really like Ted with curly red hair, every other appearance of him in the DC universe should have curly red hair! It looks great and distinct.
Also the whole Ted vs Dan thing and Khaji Da being a mind controlling alien parasite trying to seduce Ted. The ending felt like a fucking cop out but most of it was fun and also Dan lasered a bunch of cops which was neat.
But there was also a bunch of stuff I hated. Like the unnecessary drama of Ted not telling his loved ones about his secret identity even when it became clear that it was causing issues. OG Ted didn't have those problems b/c he told his girlfriend/lab assistant which was hot new and spicey at the time narritively.
You could have had different more interesting drama with folks knowing! Imagine how the arc where Nixon banned superheroes b/c public opinion got turned against superheroes would have gone down if there were people who knew that Ted was a superhero? Like that fucking cop got to figure out Ted's identity but what did we get out of that other than Ted getting blackmailed by that cop to do dirty work for him?
There's a bunch of plot lines that never get resolved and as far as I know just don't get resolved due to folks not really caring about Ted's of solo run. Like, poor Mr. Calhoun does not get fucking rescued after he got horribly burned, forcibly mutated and given superpowers, then kidnapped and enslaved. I didn't see a single peep about Mr. Calhoun after the Titans told Ted to go home and things will resolve themselves eventually.
Just damn, free my mans Calhoun!
And like damn, no one at Kord Inc really thought about Jeremiah Duncan much after he got kidnapped by French people. And that doesn't sit right with me. Especially after seeing what Ted did for Angie and Calhoun when they were in trouble and even that ex-con that was trying to turn his life around. Like? The fuckle?
Also the entire ending of that run felt just ... that's both a downer ending and it didn't feel super in character. Like yer telling me Ted, Mr. 'Oh no my secretary didn't show up and didn't call out and this is very not like her I'm gonna drop by her house to see if she's ok' and Mr. 'Calhoun saved my life I'm going to ride with him to the hospital to make sure he's ok/I will fight all these fucking supervillains trying to kidnap my employee so I can get that man to a fucking hospital' would say fuck yall and dip instead of helping rebuild his company?
Sure, he's pissed off at his dad and his ex but would that spite really beat out every fuck he gives for all the other people that work for him? The folks he said were like family to him that he proved pretty well that he meant it through out the story? If he quits he cant take care of the ex-con's family like he promised to. If he quits what happens to Angie? If he quits Calhoun wont have a job to come back to and its not like he could get another after being turned into a metal skinned mutant.
Nah, I don't buy that ending.
What is Ted Kord other than a bundle of guilt and responsibility, seasoned with depression and self loathing, and covered up with a bright wrapper of quips and humor?
I'm not buying that Ted Kord would leave his people in a lurch just to spite two fuckers when he could spite them by being fucking awesome and taking care of his?
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Dude as much as it is neat to be in line with the most commonly covered style of DID with high amnesia and distinct parts it really do be a kinda casually side glancing haunting thing to be like "Yeah I have a lot of distinct parts, yeah I have subsystems and a lot of fragments, yeah we have a large 'inner world' and a shit ton of gatekeepers and we absolutely remember near to none of anything before the age of 18-21 with clarity and god forbid anything before 12 exist" and then looking at all the resources and research and its like (list of all the traits) tend to be associated with more severe trauma and abuse and-
And I'm just like 👀 👀 👀
Yes I am a highly differentiated, notable dissociative amnesia, fragmented and subsystemed system with a lot of gatekeepers that is heavily structured and compartmentalized. No I don't think we have anything close to severe horrible trauma 👀 👀 👀 No I do not think I am faking though so I just look at that statistic and go 👀 👀 👀
Spicey shit over there probably aint it 👀 👀 👀
I aint asking but statistically speaking, probably some real spicey shit there huh 👀 👀 👀
Then always go "well anyways" and continue with my day
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thecuriousgirl1 · 7 months
Hello Layla! I found your podcast about 7-8 months ago and LOVE it. I went back and started listening to every single episode, from the very beginning. I’m now toward the end of 2021. Girl, that’s a whole lotta time having your voice in my ear! I can’t help but feel like we’re pretty close friends, albeit a pretty one-sided friendship, lol (I can’t ever seem to get a word in).
I have really wanted to enjoy your podcast in chronological order, and have, so far, resisted the temptation of skipping forward to answer my question, which is: What’s up with your Patreon? You teased the hell out of it leading up to your move from California, but then got to Florida and largely went silent about it. Just wondering where that is?
Anyway, like I said, I love your show and am an avid listener. Please keep it up! :)
Hello! Thank you so much for listening......... that's a big commitment listening to 7 years of content in order! We ARE in a serious "relationship" sweetheart. 😘.
A while back I thought I would use Patreon for more private content, building a community etc. But as time went on I became more and more aware of how hard it is to create "sex positive" content on most platforms, even this one. I went through the great Tumblr purge several years ago, lost my blog and 120K followers, it was horrible. It made me really take a hard look at the risk/reward of third party platforms and their view on any content that is deemed sex related or pro sex. I decided to create my own version of a Patreon like model on my own site rather than use a third party that could take it down at anytime. I do have my private podcast with extra spicey content on my website https://www.thecuriousgirldiaries.com/. Check that out if you haven't already.
Again, thanks so much for listening, it really means the world to me!! Love you! 😘😘😘
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thespiceyoops · 2 years
Home - Chapter 5
Series Status: Complete (6 chapters)
Series Pairing: Steddie X Reader
CW: Very spicey, explicit sexual descriptions. Minors dni. 
WC: 3.2K
Eddie can’t help but pull back to watch, he’s kissed you hundreds of times, his fingers know every inch of your body and he knows how intoxicating you are, the sight of Steve experiencing it for the first time, being able to share the two people he loves most in the world with each other has his breath catching in his throat and his dick straining painfully in his pants. He lets his fingers trail gently down your neck, between the swell of your naked breasts before swirling abstract patterns over your stomach just like he used to, watching the familiar way your back arches into his touch as a small moan is muffled against Steve’s lips. The sound spurs him on, curling back around you and trailing hot kisses up your arms, across your shoulders until they latch onto your neck, dark marks appearing as he sucks greedily, savoring the taste of your skin. He makes sure to let his kisses jump to Steve’s neck here and there, his lips lingering heavily on the spot behind his ear that he knows drives the other man wild and rewarded with a heavy groan and a squeeze to his thigh as he murmurs soft affections in both your ears. 
“You’re both so perfect, look so good like that, god I’m so lucky.” He never gets tired of praising you both, especially not when he is rewarded so wonderfully by the sounds you make and the way you both reach for him desperately.
Pleasure blooms everywhere their lips touch as your hands search blindly, sliding under their shirts until you feel their flesh under your fingertips, the feeling pulling a sigh straight from your heart, the weight of them against you turning your body and mind to a euphoric mush. You can feel Steve stifle a gasp and Eddie shudders under your touch, both kissing even more hungrily as your hands roam just under the hems of their shirts. You let your touch drift along Eddie’s back as your other finds it way into the waistband of Steve’s pants, drifting lazily upwards until you feel Steve’s hand curl around your wrist suddenly, his shoulders tense as your eyes fly open. He swallows heavily, as his eyes flick to Eddie, fear and worry swirling in their hazel depths, they’d long since gotten used to each other's bodies, near-matching scars no longer painful to look at… You however, they know how fresh it will be for you, the memories and pain it would bring to the surface. You catch up a moment after them, your eyes widening with sudden understanding, fear and guilt twisting in your stomach as you see their brows furrow in worry. You hadn’t thought about this moment, not even when Steve’s face had been buried in your dripping pussy, Eddie grinding into you as you’d lost yourself in their touch and certainly never before, the lingering memories of their torn, blood stained skin still the only image your mind could conjure up now that you let your gaze drift down their still-clothed torsos. You want to touch them, cover them entirely in kisses, you want to be able to accept every inch of their bodies but in that moment you can feel yourself slipping, dying screams echoing out of the horrible memories you’d tried to cage away. 
“We don’t have to” Steve’s voice is gentle, no hint of frustration or annoyance as he pulls your face up to look at him, holding your gaze softly with his warm brown eyes. He pulls your hand to his chest, skipping over his stomach and pressing it over heart, the beat comforting and slowing your racing thoughts. You close your eyes for a moment, focusing on his heartbeat, the softness of his breath and their warm scents swirling around you before shaking your head. 
“No, I want to. I need to see you both. I need to know-” You blink up at him through wet lashes before looking back at Eddie, his dark eyes warm and understanding. He squeezes your hand and kisses your cheek as Steve rises to sit beside you, reaching down to pull at the hem of his shirt.
“Wait.” He freezes in panic as you scramble up, putting your hand gently over his “let me…” he nods, leaning forward and pressing kisses all over your face, drawing a small giggle out of you. Eddie shuffles to sit with you between his legs, one hand resting on your hip, the other finding Steve’s hand with an encouraging squeeze. 
Your fingers tangle in the loose fabric of his shirt, fighting back the thoughts of blood soaking through it and staining your hands as you slowly lift it up his torso. He pulls it the rest of the way off as you lean back to look. It's not as bad as you were expecting, his wounds hadn’t been nearly as deep and had been wrapped up quite well by Nancy as evidenced by the faintly raised scars spidering across his waist. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes but you fight them back, raising your hands to rest them gently against his torso as he covers one with his hand, the other coming to cup your cheek. 
“See?” He smiles softly, his thumb swiping away a stray tear “Not so bad at all.” You want to smile but can’t quite make it touch your eyes, instead leaning forward to press light kisses to the scars covering his waist. He hisses quietly and you can see the bulge in his pants twitch out of the corner of your eye, your mouth waters for a moment as you imagine what it will be like, fighting the sudden urge to find out. 
Behind you Eddie lets his hand slide gently up and down the curve of your back, pressing kisses in its wake, nerves humming through his veins as he watches you turn back to him, he nearly bails, the only thing stopping him from bolting in the face of the incoming reveal is Steve’s encouraging smile and the light touch of your hand on his arm as you turn to face him. You’d run before because it was too much, would this be too much now? After everything would he be the one to send you running again? His thoughts are silenced as you press your lips to his, his only thoughts turning to how soft they are, how intoxicating you smell and how desperately he wants to feel you against him. 
You pull back from his lips, swallowing heavily as you pull the fabric of Eddie's shirt up and over his head, not daring to look until you’ve tossed it to the floor, closing your eyes for a moment to steel your emotions before letting them open and focus on what had sent you running all those months ago. They’re bad, much worse than Steve’s, thicker, angrier, most of the skin from his waist a mish mash of twisted, raised scar tissue, several of his beloved tattoos torn away. You can taste blood as you bite down on your lower lip, desperately trying to fight back tears as you take in the sight before you. 
“Princess…” His voice shakes with worry as he watches you, his hands gently ghosting over your arms while Steve watches with equal tension. Hesitantly you place a hand over the worst of the scars, pulling a stifled gasp from the boy above you, you move to pull your hand back but he quickly places his over yours, catching your panicked expression with a tight lipped smile.
“S’ok, just sensitive.” He murmurs down at you, squeezing your hand before releasing it to trail his fingers encouragingly up your arm. You nod, blinking back the tears and focus back on his now naked torso, even with the gruesome scarring he is every bit as beautiful as you remember, lean muscle under soft skin, several tattoos still remaining, the rose on his hip matching your own and the elegant spider above his heart. Without thinking you sit up on your knees and press your lips to the tattoo the sudden contact making Eddie gasp “S-shit sweetheart”
The sound kick starts something inside you, the sudden burning in your chest and gut igniting, the need to touch every inch of him, to remind your body of what he feels like, alive and in ecstasy beneath you overwhelming your pain and fear. Throwing your arms around his neck you nearly knock him off the bed, Steve only barely managing to grab and pull the two of you back towards him as Eddie's hands lock around your hips. You can’t help but roll your hips against his as you fall into Steve’s chest, his hands slipping down your sides to your thighs as they wrap around Eddie, a moan of pure need swallowed by his open mouth. Your hands are suddenly fumbling between you both, tugging uselessly at his belt buckle as he chuckles, pulling back to rid himself of the interfering garments. You whine pitifully, chasing his lips as he moves back but are quickly distracted by Steve pulling your face to his, half closed eyes blown black with lust as he captures your lips in a bruising kiss, his other hand slipping from your thigh to swipe through the wetness building at your opening, moaning into your mouth as he feels how wet you are. 
“God we’ve wanted you so badly” He gasps into your mouth, breaking the kiss to direct you back to Eddie who is now naked and propped against the head of the bed, arms open for you as Steve begins fumbling out of his own pants. You scramble across the bed and quickly straddle Eddie’s thighs, emotion choking you for a moment as your gaze rakes over his cock, long and thick laid against his stomach. 
It feels so achingly familiar as you take him in your hand, your thumb swiping the bead of precum across his tip and earning a rumbling growl deep in his throat, his half hooded eyes watching you, dark with hunger. You stare back as you take him slowly in your mouth, the salty taste of him making you moan, the sound reverberating through his pulsing cock. 
“Oh fuck sweetheart, feels so good to have your mouth on me again. So fucking good.” He groans, his flying into your hair, gently pulling it away from your face and giving him something to hang onto as you take him deeper into your mouth. His hips stutter and he pulls you off, your lips making a wet popping as he slips from them. He sits up pulling you to him and pressing a wet kiss to your mouth, his tongue sliding across your puffy lips before reaching behind you to take Steve’s chin in his palm, feeling him shiver at the gesture. 
“You first, big boy.” He takes in Steve’s wrecked grin with a smirk, holding you up by your waist as he pulls him down beside him. 
As Steve settles himself in front of you, you can’t help but lick your lips at the sight, you’d seen him shirtless countless times over the years but his lower half had remained a mystery, one you had pondered more than you would have ever admitted prior to today. His chest hair grew down into a dark happy trail leading to his long and thick shaft, a little shorter than Eddies but definitely thicker, you have never wanted your mouth on something so bad. 
“Gorgeous” You breath
“Go on sweetheart, tastes even better than he looks” Eddie grins as he presses a kiss to Steve's cheek. His words have you clenching around nothing as you lean down between his spread legs. 
Steve squirms, his dick growing impossibly harder under the praise and the warmth of your breath, he nearly yelps as you lick a thick strip up his shaft, his hands white knuckling the blankets under him when you finally slide your lips around the tip, tongue swirling in your mouth. Slowly you take him deeper into your throat, letting yourself relax against his girth for a moment, savoring the taste and the feel of him on your tongue. 
"You're taking him so well" Eddie groans to you as he watches, fisting his own length at the sight before turning back to Steve, taking the man's cheek in his free hand and pulling him in for a deep kiss. "Worth the wait?" 
"Oh god ye-" His words are choked off by a guttural groan as you sink down on him again, sending a jolt through his body, his chest heaving. Eddie is quick to catch your chin and pull you up with a wicked grin, nearly losing himself in your watery smile as you look at him questioningly. 
"Want to see him in you before he cums." He growls, grabbing your hand and helping you straddle Steve, taking his cock in your hands you line it up with your opening, your slick covering him quickly before you let yourself slide down onto him. A groan rips through all three of you as you sheath yourself fully on him, the new stretch rips the breath from you as tears come to your eyes. Squeezing them tight you can feel Steve’s hands resting on your thighs, soft thumbs pressing comforting circles into them with a shaky breath. 
"You ok?" You crack your eyes open at his breathless question and nearly cum right there at the sight of him, covered in a sheen of sweat, his normally styled hair now hanging messily in his face, hazy eyes devouring you from behind his locks as Eddie sucks a dark hickey into his chest. 
"Fucking perfect" You gasp, lacing your fingers with his as you lift your hips slowly, dropping back down with a deep moan of his name, rolling your hips and nearly crying at how deliciously full you feel. 
He can’t help but buck his hips into you as the wet heat of your pussy grips his cock tight, a loud moan escaping you as you begin to ride him in earnest. He is far from a virgin but he can tell he’s not going to last long, desperate to feel you cum around him before he loses himself. As if Eddie can read his mind he releases his own length to reach across you both, his long fingers finding your clit with ease, swirling it under his calloused fingers as he continues his ravenous assault on Steve’s neck. 
The combination of the feeling of Steve’s cock buried deep inside you, the tip dragging across your sensitive walls and the sudden jolt of pleasure from Eddie’s fingers on your clit are more than enough to send you screaming over the edge of your climax, shouting Steve’s name into the quiet house. 
The clenching of your pussy around him and the melodic sound of his name on your cry drags Steve along behind you, thrusting into you as his cum fills your fluttering hole. 
“That’s it, feels so fucking good doesn’t she?” Eddie whispers, kissing Steve as he slowly rubs you through your release, only stopping when your rigid body begins to relax, pulling you down onto Steve’s chest as they wrap you in their arms. Steve holds you to his still heaving chest as you blink up at him, glowing with adoration as you breath in each other’s sex-heavy breath. Eddie begins planting gentle kisses along your skin, the taste of salt and sex sending soft moans through him as he makes his way down your back before planting a kiss on your ass, the sensation making you shiver and sigh, legs spreading instinctually and giving Eddie a view that takes his breath away. The sight of Steve's cum oozing out of you makes Eddie nearly feral as he latches onto your slit, his tongue lazily dragging through your folds, the taste of you both mixing on his tongue making his cock throb painfully. 
You squirm with a gasp in Steve's arms, his finger drifting up and down your spine, your post orgasm haze dissipating quickly as arousal begins to reignite under their touch. 
“Too much?” Steve’s voice is muffled against your hair as you lean into him, his warmth grounding you as you work to form words 
“Need him. Eddie, need you in me” You sigh as Eddie pulls back from your pussy, chin gleaming with your slick. Steve gingerly pulls himself up to sit against the headboard as you twist in his arms, sitting with your back to his chest in a similar position Eddie had you in back on the couch. With a hungry smile you reach out to take his face in your hands and crash your lips against his, a moan of his name allowing him to slip his tongue against yours, the taste of you and Steve a euphoric combination. Without another word Eddie lines himself up with you and thrusts, sheathing himself in one swift movement, a groan of your name ripping through his chest as the familiar feeling of your pussy clenching around him nearly brings him to tears. 
“Fuck you’re taking him so well” Steve groans into your hair as he watches Eddie’s cock dispear into you, one of his hands reaching up to lace into Eddie’s long hair as the other slides down your belly to circle your sensitive clit. The shock of his touch as Eddie begins to thrust jolts through your body, your head flying back into Steve’s shoulder and your arms wrapping around Eddie’s neck as he begins to fuck deep into you, your third orgasm of the day building at a frantic pace as the tip of his cock drags across the hidden spot deep inside you. You cling to Eddie’s shoulders, nails digging into his pale skin as Steve drags him to his lips, licking into his moaning mouth with fervor. You feel his thrusts quickly becoming sloppy and bite down on the soft flesh of his neck as he cums with a shout of your name, face buried between you and Steve. His cry and the feeling of him so deep inside you drags you over the edge with him, stars exploding behind your eyes as you lose yourself in the feeling of being filled again. 
The three of you lay there for what feels like hours, holding each other tightly as if letting go will end the dream, fingers trailing across sweaty skin as you hum quietly between their chests. You hadn't realized how late it had gotten until you notice the moon peeking over the line of trees barely visible through the bedroom window, for once the blue light it casts doesn't remind you of the upside down, it feels calm and clear, the soft beating of their hearts reverberates through your chest, lulling you quickly into sleep. 
Eddie shifts to prop himself up on his elbow, looking down at the two wonderful people he gets to call his, he blinks the tears away and brushes a stray hair out of your face. Still not sure if he quite believes this is real, the empty space in the boys bed finally filled after so long. His heart nearly explodes as you smile in your sleep, nuzzling your cheek into his hand with a sleepy sigh of his name. He nearly jumps when Steve’s hand gently rests against his cheek, his light brown eyes peering over your mussed up hair with a sleepy smile. 
“You ok?” He yawns as Eddie leans into the now familiar touch, returning the smile with contented sigh, pressing a gentle kiss to his palm.
“Perfect, pretty boy, everything’s perfect. Finally feels like home.”
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2n2n · 1 year
The boys’ hands are so big compared to girls’ it makes me laugh a lot
dkslad;jsak it makes me laugh every DAY also, the boy's hands have gotten progressively bigger as Aida hones her art more, fksdljflsd. The girls have little rat hands, the girl's hands look like the hands of the Trashion Alley prototype dolls
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its so funny that when Hanako changes gender this is like, the most visually crucial change
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I also must say that. I feel like. When a scene is extremely horny, loaded, spicey, a boy is looming, dom moment, that,, I feel like the hands get infinitely bigger, Hanako's hands become the size of Nene-chan's head, it feels like. the fetish gets turned all the way up, UNREASONABLY HUGE HANDS
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I think it's cute of her, in that, it's just so over the top. Yashiro's tiny mouse hands sooo tiny here suddenly, Hanako could like hold both in one gigantic mit. gsflgjkfl. its like it cannot be stopped. This is a shota ... ??? a shota's hands??????????? 13 year old boy hands on a 15 year old girl???????? OKAY....!!! SO IT IS...!!
It's where I'm like, "I know Hakubo is extremely dreamboat handsome . Because his whole thing is insanely gigantic monster hands"
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there's something so funny about it. Because otherwise, this is a beautiful manga where absolutely everyone has gigantic fat eyelashes, and either big sparkly eyes or scary pin eyes (on any side of the scale, no gender bias), and generally speaking there's a lot of modest or fairly flat chests (not so unusual, but of course some manga are more busty than others). Nene-chan hardly ever has a chest bump anymore (I'd say it used to be more prominent now and again, but she's more typically flat now, even in a thin t-shirt)... even beautiful Aoi doesn't have much. The beautiful Sakura, I dunno, not much. It's not so pronounced, in body types..... ikemen like Teru and Natsuhiko are all broad shouldered or wahtever .... Hanako hardly changes physically when swap'd, but its not like he's an especially masculine boy .... so he's just a sort of funny looking normal girl ... Kou is really distinctly masculine and all, but he's really not the standard, or anything. Akane, Teru, Mitsuba, the Yugi, all would be pretty feminine looking in the context of a lot of other manga's lineups, at least qualify as a bishie, with they doll eyes, but it's just the baseline here. Its not like One Piece or something. A kind of beautiful pretty world all around with some tiny guys , some big guys, and levels of grace for any and all.
but the great dividing factor ........... hands ..................... Amane can be all shrimpy and doe eyed, but he big gnarly man hands lol ....
sooo funny. Aida why this lol... so distinct lol ...
I actually think guy's hands VARY a bit more, girls kindof all be having the same sweet little rat hands, but like... Mitsuba's hands ... are .... not likely to be drawn crazy fucked up, they ARE in the 'boy' category, but also they're like, next to Kou's horrible mitts, so they are comparatively small lol. and I don't feel like there's often much occasion/context they get so big (idk. it's a dom thing for them to get giant. and he's a maso.)
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~relatively feminine and not huge but still boy~ VS Kou a scary gorilla
Tsukasa's hands are sometimes drawn a bit thinner/smaller lol, less blunt, but still within the range of 'boy' lol.... (my icon: a case study of this) ... its all so whims it feels like lol ....
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signanothername · 1 year
Assumptions game!!
Hmmm I feel like you don’t listen to music as often as you used to but when you do, you like more indie/indie rock and perhaps… classical music especially for studying? Mostly chill playlist with a few songs that resonate with a character (I realize that I did get a chance to peek at some of ur playlists in the past LOL)
For clothing style, I feel like you mostly vibe with sweatpants and a shirt (kinda common assumption ik) but when you do decide to go out for the day, your style is more minimalistic style. Nothing too crazy with white/pale warm colors/ black ranges of clothing.
For foods…. Hmmm. I feel like you like a bit of spice but like the kinds of foods that give you nostalgia. Or just a satisfying feel. You also give me vibes of someone who likes sour candy haha
(Im horrible at assumptions if i get these all wrong I will laugh at myself HAHHCJSJ)
i love these fghbjnk
1- that's actually true, i'd say i used to listen more in the past than now, and OH ABSOLUTLY, i specifically enjoy songs that aren't... usual? that's why i enjoy Will Wood's songs, they're unique and the lyrics are just really nice and symbolic
i don't have an actual preference with songs I could listen to any genera as long as i like the song itself, but indie/ indie rock is definitely on top
as for classical music i could absolutely listen to it! tho i/m more of brown noise/ rain sounds enjoyer when it comes to studying
and fr the more i resonate a song with a character the more likely i'd listen to the song on repeat, i also especially enjoy albums that talks about a character(s) to an extent (Hawaii II and Ride the Cyclone are two examples)
2-that's spot on, i'm like an old lady that's done with life, so i honestly got no energy to wear something crazy or looking cool, etc fgyhujilo
so yep i just go with a sweat-pants and a T-shirt, literally zero patterns even, my go to is literally just a black sweat-pants and a light grean T-shirt with a tiny word written on it (mind u I never even read what that word is that's how lazy i am dfghjkhgfgh)
but yep! minimalistic style is right for me hahaha
3-and that's semi-true!! spicey food is actually my favorite, it's pretty satisfying, food that give me nostalgia is pretty important to me too, that's why i learned literally every recipe mom ever made, can't have my favorite food lost to time hahaha
as for sour candy, i actually used to love them as a kid, now however i can't really handle anything sour for some reason?? fghbjvfcfgh
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hermesserpent-stuff · 2 years
revisiting this post and wrote some stuff. is a lot more spicey. ^_^
tw: drowning and near death
Spider-man takes a shuttering breath and then he dodges quickly. The Sinister Six are at it again, this time fighting him at the docks. He flips and launches himself upwards. He twists in the air, avoiding the blast from Shocker. The man is pretty good at either just barely missing him or only catching Spider-man with the edge of his blasts. Enough to look convincing. Enough to hurt, but not as much as before. Electro shoots sparks at him and Spider-man leaps and he sees Shocker go down. But Spider-man has to focus on scurrying away from Rhino’s charge.
A few more dodges and a few attempts to web his enemies up and Spider-man notes that Shocker is still down. That cannot be good. But then he is rammed in the side by Vulture and he growls. He twists and uses a line of webbing to smash Vulture’s wings against a steal beam. He leaps and does a backflip, kicking the man down and into Rhino. Both stumble backward into a crane that falls down onto the dock, cracking it.
Spider-man gasps as Doc Ock manages to catch him and pin him to the side of a warehouse. The man is saying something, but Peter cannot hear him. The dock under Montana has splintered and his uncle slides into the dark water, making no moves to save himself. Montana must be unconscious. Blind panic overwhelms him and Peter thrashes. Montana would drown without someone to help. He is losing another uncle. The damnable arm keeps him pinned and Peter lets out a screech of frustrated rage. He digs down deep, and bucks his entire body, and cracks the metal pinchers of the arm. He kicks out, further breaking one of the arms, and leaps from the wall, scrambling to the hole. The water sloshes as more wood falls into its inky depths. He takes a deep breath and leaps down into the water.
The cold shocks him, almost making him lose air by gasping. But he holds it and kicks downwards. He cannot lose anyone else. His heart cannot take the idea that Montana would never ruffle his hair again, never smile at him, never wrap up an aching wound while pouring out loving concern. His eyes burn as he searches the dark water. He has to find Montana. He refuses to lose anyone else. His arms ache and the water is so so cold. His muscles are tightening and his lungs burn. But he will not surface without Montana. His hands hit something and he pulls it closer. It is his uncle. Peter pulls him closer and starts pulling the man with him up to the surface. The cold makes him want to fall asleep. But he cannot stop now. He could do this. Had to do this. He keeps kicking, and gasps as he breaks the surface. He starts swimming towards the shore. He shoots out a web and uses it to move toward the shore. Peter hauls his uncle onto the shore and immediately checks his uncle over. But he is not breathing. Not breathing. Oh. No. No! He refuses to accept this.
He yanks off his uncle’s mask and then he yanks off his own. CPR. He knows how to do it. Press down on the middle of the chest hard and fast in a steady rhythm. His uncle’s lungs seem determined to remain stagnant, not willing to restart. Peter feels tears burning down his face as he goes through the steps of CPR. He is going to save Montana. He has no choice! He had never gotten the chance to tell his uncle that he loved him back. He can do something this time. This time has to be different.
Montana takes a shuddering breath and starts coughing, water coming out. Peter rocks back on his heels, sobbing brokenheartedly at the sounds of life. He had succeeded. But the fear still burns horribly in the pit of his stomach. Montana reaches out while coughing and pulls him close. Peter curls up on his uncle’s chest, listening to the glorious sound of the man’s steady breaths and rhythmic heartbeat. Peter shivers as he clings to his uncle’s suit. The man rests a firm hand on his back.
“It’s alright, kid. I'm alright. You did good Peter.”
Another choked sob escapes Peter's lungs. He had done it. He had not failed this time.
“Iloveyou. Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou.”
The words mush together as he cries and feels the cold starting to drag him under. He needs to stay awake. He has to make sure his uncle does not succumb to secondary drowning. He has to…
And then he hears Montana speak.
“Love you too kid. Luckily this suit has a waterproof pocket. I'm callin' Dan. I'm not sure either of us is in good enough condition to walk home.”
Peter relaxes and rests his head on his uncle’s shoulder. He lets out a shuddering breath, tears still burning his eyes and cheeks. Exhaustion coils around him and the cold drags him down. He collapses into his uncle whose hold is only growing stronger. Everything is going to be okay. He had not failed a second time.
((thinking about doing song writing challenges but idk how id set that up))
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Alt Verses/Fandoms
{Note that the "abouts" will be prone to change and the ones already written are just a starting point.}
Main Verse
In some stupid amount of dumb luck or even a miracle, Tessa barely managed to escape her family's estate in the horrific event of Cyn slaughtering everyone at the gala. Tessa herself barely remembers how, other than completely adrenaline pumping chaos and pain bone deep. Lots of it, before waking up somewhere away from home after having passed out in the swamplands. Who found her? To the imagination.
Time skip a few years later and Tessa is a still awkward young adult. She has not been on earth since that night, witnessing the catastrophic end of her world at a distance. Not that she has been slacking in productivity on the sidelines. Tessa just might be onto something in re-creating a program to either erase or control the wild AI that is Absolute Solver.
Detroit Become Human Verse
Borderlands Verse
Tessa is a young woman who comes from a branched out and new corporation that entered the scene on Pandora. Proudly dubbed JCJenson in Spaaaaaaace that specializes in creating worker robots and mining for resources than focusing on weapons. Of course like most things, Her parent's company suddenly burned to the ground within its varying branches after a rather horrific AI virus spread from a found alien artifact, infecting majority of said drones. While there were safety measures that helped disassemble murderous rouge machines, the damage was already done. Many dead or fled for their lives. The rest was torn apart from opportunistic bandits or picked clean by predatory companies. Outside of a will, a deed to said company, and two humanoid androids, there's nothing left to really salvage for an orphaned heiress. Although Tessa isn't going to roll over that easy damnit.
Dead By Daylight Verse
Survivor Tessa can barely remember how she even got to this horrible world. The chaos, agony and bloodshed of the gala massacre melted away into a cold black mist. Now she is stuck in this strange dark place, struggling to figure where this world even is? Outside of that, this place is seemingly empty… maybe not too bad??? Well the mean and vulgar killers as less to be desired… Now if only she could ignore the fact there is a rotting, eldritch horror of a fleshy corpse that looks exactly like her peering just out of her sight…
Outlast Verse
Devil May Cry Verse
Trying to further build up wealth through dealing in demonic monsters and powerful artifacts was always going to blow up in her parent's face with the way they went about that situation. Long story short added with some spicey trauma drama, Tessa is an oddball heiress who, while knows better than to make deals with monsters, still fell into the footsteps of her parents. Trying to rebuild her broken empire with what money is left all the while putting all her energy into engineering a proper counter weapon akin to what previously mentioned corporation was trying to achieve. Before it blew up. Only she will try to play it smarter… hopefully?
Resident Evil Verse
The Elliots' are mostly known for their high tech engineering and newly developing robotic department. Tessa is well aware of this fact and while her parents hire people to do the hard work, the young lady enjoyed dabbling in the programs and designs. Especially creating personality fueled A.I. she created from scratch. Of course being shunned by her own parents the older she got, Tessa was not told much of anything about what took up most of their time. So should she be completely shocked the fact a portion of the funding was poured into Umbrella the entire timeline of when she was a child? Now the world is a constant roller-coaster full of shit after Raccoon City just vanished. The longer the world delves into power struggles ruled by greedy humans, the more Tessa grows fearful of what the future contains.
The Evil Within
Team Fortress 2
Cry of Fear Verse
Trigun Verse
Dead Space Verse
(More to be added later)
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hunting-songs · 5 months
"Wait... what!?"
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Send "Wait... what!?" for my muse to tell yours some strange / unexpected sexual experience they had !
"...slept with one of the examiners of my Hunter Exam. Three years after I had passed,mind you. Still not my most éclatant achievement.", the young woman waddled her small hand as if she was just talking about a wrong taken turn on a random hike. Senritsu chuckled in all good humor over Kurapikas question, her voice as sweet as a singsang. Afterwards, after the passion, after kisses and whispers, she had preapred a can of tea in the small motelrooms kitchen-unit so the assams-teas spicey aroma rose into the air like a parfume. Afterwards, after the laughing, after the wandering hands and after the gasped names, she had prepared a teacup with sugar and cream for Kurapika and brought it to him. Afterwards, after her fingers digging in his shoulders, after the surpressed giggling and the comfortableness of the afterglow, she sat with her own teacup on the edge of the bed, wearing one of her old music-band-tshirts and humming over the edge of her teacup. "And very much not at all compiacevole. Which was only because of me- I was horrible tensed and moving around even just a little was still hurting, let alone getting passionato with someone. It felt like he was stirring around inside me with a cheese-grater." The woman shuddered, grimacing by the memory like one would remember getting an indian-burn as a child now that the pain right after she had woken up in the Hospital was years later nothing more but a bad dream. A bad dream she stil had much too often : "Never again. One first time was enough when I was fourteen, I did not needed a second time seven years later and yet there I was, feeling just as awkward and uncomfortable after one hour out of the hospital in that mans bed." She just shaked her head in all good humor, smiling ruefully over a joke that was not exactly funny. "Don´t get the wrong idea- he was the most careful gentleman. And he even forgave me that I slept with him for simply having that peace of mind that I could still...", the smile on the young womans face faded just for a moment and a frown drew a line as deep as a scar between her big eyes:
"-could still 'go through the motion', after what had happned to me. I was worried- mhmmm, no, scared that-I- Ah-I-" The words were stuck in her throat like a heavy clot and Senritsu looked to the side suddenly nolonger as non-chalant and openly unbothered as before. How could she even describe why she had asked that man to sleep with her? How could she even describe that fear of not beeing able to do anything at all when even her fingers nolonger looked like the ones she had known all her life? How could she even describe that fear of not even beeing able to have that normal human expierence when even breathing felt as painful as if she was pulling needles down her throat at every breath? How could she describe feeling so alien in her own body that she had needed someone else to touch her, just to make sure- panicky, desperately, scared- that this touch would still be feelable at all on skin that had felt more like a coat she needed to pull off instead of somehing that was hers? How could she even describe the pure utter horror of looking at a face and body that was not hers, never would be hers, could not be hers? How could she describe the disappointment turning in her guts like a knife,afterwards where should have been relief over finding out that she could still feel the same just as before , but also realizing that lovemaking would always include a partner loving a body and face that did not felt like hers, a face and body she did not even recognized in a mirror as hers? Slowly Senritsu just took a sip of the black tea, trying to flush the clot in her throat down that made it hard to breath and it hurted- it hurted to swallow the words down, it hurted to remember how she had felt right after leaving the hospital, it hurted remembering anything of that time, it hurted when the realisation she always gave her best to keep away from her thoughts, that this alien skin maybe would always be hers and she would always flinch startled looking in the mirror in a face that was not hers until the rest of her life. It needed a second too long until the smile returned to the womans round face and she chuckled in all good humor, even if the smile curling around her lips felt heavy like a mask: "'Always happy to help, young lady' he had said and only than I had allowed him to hand me the big bag of Ibuprofen from his medicine-cabinet so we could spend the rest of the night laying on his appartments floor and listening to his Vynils. That actually had been nice." It had indeed been nice- the window had been open and a warm breeze had sneaked inside, tickling like gentle fingers over their faces. She had lay with her head on his chest and the music had not only been loud enough to overtune her sobs but the man had understood that she had not wanted to talk and that for this moment her head on his chest, listening to his breathing,and his hand on her shoulder, had been enough for her.
"Also yes, he was one of the examiners during my Hunter Exam. Around thirty years my senior. He gave me his Homecode after I passed the exam because we had figured out we liked the same musician, i think he hoped that I would give him a call for Nen-training right after the exam because he would not have minded having a student with the same music-taste as him. Maybe he even thought that he could take me under his wing and mentor another Hunter. Instead it was three years later that I had called him to pick me up from the hospital and asked him for a quick...zeloso moment. And no, it was not Gons father. I was desperate and utterly angoscioso, but I was not that disperato." Senritsu just shaked her head, laughing melodically before taking another sip of her tea: "Hunter- association is a mess." [ @skarletchains ]
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shrimpella21 · 8 months
contains light mentions of gore, medication, and self-multilation. there's a bloody pic at the end so if you'd prefer not to see it, just don't scroll all the way down! <3
-General Info -Likes -Dislikes -Weaknesses -Fighting Stats/Info -Tidbits -Toyhouse Profile
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General Info
Shardik has three forms - human, bear, and a slightly humanoid bear version. His bear form is undoubtedly his strongest form. The humanoid bear is rarely used unless he needs to reach or climb something that his normal bear form is unable to get to. His human form is relatively weak in comparison to the other two, even if it is more durable than the average joe.
Unlike some were-beast creatures, Shardik does NOT shift in accordance to the moon cycles. His transformations occur based on his mental and physical state, as well as his stress levels. If he's having a good day, he can choose if he'd like to shift. On a bad day, he has no choice in the matter.
He is horrible at regulating his emotions, and thus, his transformations can sometimes be unwanted. This is partly why he likes being on his own - there's no accidental exposure when he's all by himself.
The shifting process is the most painful thing he's experienced; it's essentially all of his bones breaking apart and reforming into a bear-shaped thing. Even when he's used to the pain, it sucks. Isn't that fun?
A shitty corporation did this to him in an attempt to weaponize animal shifters and create the perfect soldier. Clearly, it did not work. He turned on the lab and tore it apart.
Loud/High-Pitched noises
Rickety platforms
Deep water
Dogs/Pack animals
Vending machines and refrigerators
Bleeding Out
High Pitch Noises
Pain Medication
-If you run into Shardik and wish to live to tell the tale, your best option is to leave him be. There are very few handheld guns powerful enough to put him down with one shot, and most bullets do nothing but piss him off. Blame it on a thick skull. Shooting him means that you've put a target on your back, and he'll close the gap between him and you before you can hit a one-shot kill. If he's going down, he's determined to take the shooter down too.
-Shardik is extremely sensitive to capsaicin (pepper spice) in any form. The closest thing he'll get to spice is a bag of chili doritos - anything else will have him running towards the hills. His nose, like most grizzlies, is better than a bloodhound's. That means anything in spray, powder, or liquid form will fuck him up pretty bad. Spicy things make him cry and wheeze and he'll want to get away as quick as possible.
-Though the aforementioned shooting might not kill him, bleeding him out WILL. His blood doesn't clot properly, so if too many wounds are open at the same time, he will bleed out fast.
-He is not a fan of loud and high pitched noises, as they drown out his second-most important hunting tool. His ears are sensitive and noises too loud will cause ear-ringing and/or permanent deafness.
-The best way to render him incapacitated permanently is to break his shoulder and then break his spine. It's harder than it sounds but it is possible.
-One of Shardik's strengths (his weight) is also a point of weakness. He's unable to climb most trees higher than a few feet, and exploring run-down areas as a bear is a big nono since he's likely to fall through flooring.
-Due to the constant and consistent nature of his painful transformations, Shardik has been able to adjust to the pain over the years. It is and always will be the most painful thing he experiences. BUT. With time he's able to manage and self-regulate as his body adjusts. If he were to receive any sort of pain medication in an attempt to dull the pain he feels, it would be incredibly easy for him to fall into an addiction. On top of that it would cripple the tolerance to pain he's already built up and cause him to start from day one. [Truly. From the loving author. The most fucked up way to hurt him would be giving him pain meds LMAO.]
-Bears are OP. Sorry!
-Like most creatures he is also vulnerable to strangulation, drowning, and fire damage. He's actually pretty killable, just don't shoot him with a handgun.
Fighting Stats/Info
Shardik's height is measured as 5'9 at the top of his hump. When standing, he's measured at 8'7. He is very big for a grizzly bear.
Though his weight fluctuates based on season, he weighs close to 1.2k lbs during the winter, and 800 lbs during the spring and summer. His weight depends on how much food he has available. The more food he has, the more weight he'll put on and store. Think of it like a bodybuilder bulking.
It comes as a surprise to most people, but Shardik can run 35 mph! He looks fat and slow but do not underestimate how quickly he can move, and how much stamina he's able to hold. Imagine a bear the size of a car running towards you faster than an olympic athlete. Scared? Good :)
Bears are OP as hell and I fully take advantage of this.
He's a drooler. Sorry neat-freaks.
He enjoys gnawing on bones in both human and bear form.
His weight means it's easy for him to crush things with his paws. Including people.
Getting to know him means realizing he's actually a silly sweetheart who just needs to learn to trust people.
Eating rot and garbage will not make him sick. He's not as fond of the taste of trash as a human, but bear!shardik doesn't give a fuck.
Generally, unless he's just received a bath, he smells like a dog.
He loses teeth sometimes, which grow back after time even if they're adult teeth. This applies to all three forms.
Spring and summer are the shedding seasons, babyyy. RIP to the furniture.
He's the perfect shape to be a snuggle buddy???? Beanbag boy.
He usually gains a significant amount of weight during the winter if he lives in a cold place. He also sleeps excessively during the colder seasons, depending on where he lives.
Since I know the general crowd that Shardik attracts (yes you, monsterfuckers, I'm looking at you), he is fully capable of passing the harkness test in every form ;)
The brand on his chest was made by himself in a somewhat psychotic break after escaping the testing facility that held him. He carved it into his own skin.
Dogs have nothing on Shardik when it comes to food aggression. He will growl at waiters who attempt to take his plate, if anyone dares to take him out to a restaurant. You have to be extremely close to him if you want him to share food. This is from a mixture of bear instinct and food scarcity when he was held in a lab.
He's got a slight limp in one leg from his body healing before he could set the broken limb properly.
Shardik is commonly missing his right ear. It fluctuates depending on the AU/Verse, but it's usually missing.
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Dogs were used to hunt and contain him whenever he left or escaped the lab, and thus, he is now terrified of them. He will not go out of his way to attack them but he actively avoids having any near him. He will choose to fight most creatures. When faced with dogs, he runs. (If your muse has a dog, that's okay! He can learn to love them again, it'll just take some exposure).
Night terrors plague him if he's not given a proper support system. The lonlier he is, the worse things get. He's been known to panic in his sleep and wake up in bed mid-shift.
Full Image/Artist
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irrfahrer · 1 year
What was your muse’s first sexual experience? { *hides secret tape recorder* }
By the question a wolfish grin split the Tynnans muzzle like a open wound and she placed her teacup on the cargobox she was sitting on and leaned forward, purring loudly: "Ohhh, I don´t think that any of you could ever kriffing handle the kriffing amazing and kriffing sexy story of my first time! How could I ever risk of letting you indulge in the kriffing spicey details that for sure were not kriffing embarassing, kriffing awkward and kriffing cringy, because for sure every kriffing first time works perfectly and is not totally stupid! I could never dare to spoil you with a totally amazing time that was better than any other time I had had since!", Too dramatically to be serious Ziv placed a small paw on her chest, posing theatralically. She kept her act up exactly half a minute before the young woman bursted out in laughter, grabbed her teacup and took another gulp. The Hangars gates had been locked and closed as the night approached and the pilots had sat down together around a carryable battery-driven on of them had taken along like travlers would sit in old times around a campfire. One of the spacers had brought a bottle of spotchka as blue as the ocean to the group and Ziv had put a kettle with hot, red tea on the transportable oven so the hot, spicey scent soon filled the big, dark hall as if it was the sillage of a campfire. One of the pilots chuckled over Zivs antics and the Tynnan winked at them, before ending her act.
"Okay, yeh not at all sexy or spicy-", she explained rather unfazed and in fact almost bored: "So it happned when I was around fourteen with another Adept named Malkhaz and when I say it, I mean : we sneaked off in our lunchbreak in the sickbay, went to the next kriffing fresher, stemmed our feet against the kriffing door because the fresher couldn´t be locked and tried our best to not slip and crack our skulls like kriffing koja nuts. Around twenthy minutes later of instant panic whenever we heard a kriffing trooper pass by on the corridor we stopped or more exactly he had to stop and almost kriffing squashed me. And with "he had to stop", i kriffing mean- Malkhaz managed to actually do slip in the most stupid way, hit his head bloody on the tiles and was so kriffing groggy that I had to drag him halfnaked through the whole kriffing sickbay to my teacher so she could patch him up. Aren´t you amazed by this kriffing sexiness that for sure was not at all kriffing disappointing and embarassing and definitive a thausand times better than any other time I ever rolled in the bunk?" Ziv rolled her eyes and for a second she actually looked flustered with a red hue rising on the inside of her ears and on her small nose, yet she did not turned away and only laughed in all good humor, almost giggled. She did not regretted the horribly awkward episode in the fresher and she did not regretted having that expierence with Malkhaz. It had been sweet, like a drop of honey on the tounge or like the memory of Malkhaz laughing was sweet. And still in her mind. Then she shruddered, shaking the memory off like a too heavy coat and instead turned to Ben with a smile that showed the sharp edge of her teeth and did not looked soothing at all: "Well than, I showed you mine to have a good laugh, so where's Yours?" and then she added, just a little sweeter, a little lovlier and as sharp as a knife: " If you had one, that is, Benny-cub."
[ @kylo-wrecked ]
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bufffnaked · 1 year
So many women have expressed emotionally to Elona how appreciative they are of both Corey and Elona! 'cuz that are love in everyway and were for years and years. Best hotels! Doug and Daryl very fun fall apart sneeze combined with shivers and advanced syff.
Chained in hotel the men and many insane esp with dark and stormy passin' weather, really why people are LoLin' for first time! With many many many loves! Hun! Here's winkin' at you sex machine fully operational and spoon rain check! hhhhhahahaha! Way more funny laffin' today for first time, feels like the plague is breakin' 'cuz it is and a severe religious one like the Bubonic Plague. Was actually a historic religious plague in Italy combined with Tom Hanks, wrong books, and chained people in hotel rooms all over on breathing devices called ventilators.
Hhhhhahaha anyway Elona was my everything for so many years we both have expressed that, love this ASL energy and physical life! Many describe with words like bliss and magic! Rom coms on tv... slllleeeeeeeeeep!
I, Elona, : ) love when Corey lays there only on the bed! And he loves that sometimes like best person for me in history, he does everything for me and we'd never had an arguement! Our everythings! With shares for future! :)
Vagina so hot when he was takin' dump and eatin' dinner! Vagina furnace! : ) hhhhhhhhhhhhhahahaha
Loves that he calls me a Latina and he is Latin! So does so many women and more than likely believes he said that before with a smart phone present our years and years and years and entirety of life in many avenues together! Love the volunteer award hun!
Hotel fun and hips are exciting as possible love he has all food he wants and what some describe, hhhhhhhhhhahaha as a drunken open air experience so far!
SARS breakin' everybody laffin' more! :)hhhhhhhahahahaha!
Loved that he loved comin' up to Canadia : ) to visit after I got married has loved my life! : )
Doug and Daryl tube food fed after refusal...... Still funny.........
Debra Big Dave Corinne Caleb Everett etc chained in hotel room, horrible condition also..... Loves tit!:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Many hot comments! Peed and ate some spicey mmmm included hhhhahahaha for Corey he loves spice for me to puppy excite that is Elona follow along here. Slightly spiced pancakes and got food out of food truck today.
Many paths to money actually if heard of water! Hhhhhhahaha joke included!
Love to hold on to fingers crossed outpatient therapy only that I sent here and contract, restraining order info, momzie to sign agreement, broke down emotionally Sylv did and how incredible of a man he is and how he is magic bliss love in everyway how he has lovin' loved Elona over all those years and years and years both in 30s Corey blows my mind all over Sylvo remarked that he is so blonde he is not gonna' spell Sylv correctly for the first use and tears wipe. Elona is intuitionally expecting a tear shower! So stay tuned 'cuz I believe he ASLed all of these not getting into yady yady ya. Loved that David Wright earned most annoying award from Hickory and gets chained and cumed into the butt over and over again for a career.
So Corey 37 Elona "ready for this Sylvo says" 35 turnin' 36 : ) I Sylvo am drunk as possible 'cuz party not really as much............. ah realize he gets Elona in everyway and admittedly never looks down on people and Corey loves that about her cuz says hot as possible babies and are we sure ready! And is most feminine! Turnin' 36 without missin' a bit on October 14th for old faithful in her to keep on goin' like their love!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Corey in every way for only being a man in everyway I rear flick my hair in appreciation 'cuz he has never for his puppy and several puppies today that I am goin' to call him water works 'cuz that is what happens when you puppy build, it'll be so beautiful sweetie wink ;) Elona get's hun today however we both'll use keepin' with theme for today because a certain Italian hot model that won Miss World and he is goin' to get footzie to this, is lookn' forward to love like so many many woman and I write at my computer with wine glass and drain and sleep!
Words fail when I describe his beauty and we all admit for a movie line ;) words fail sometimes however sex never does and he is the best as I wind my alarm clock at sex and everything he puts us all in the deepest of sleeps, and it is true, we never snore in person for more studin'!
To weather and covid breakin' after some dark and stormy weather March ends with and hot!!!!!!!!!! In every way rememberin' Elona everything about her, her warmth, smile that ASL water, studin', has led him thru in life.
And as my room makes noises sleepin' and this is gonna' be the best 'cuz the world pushed up in bed and learned to smile and LOL again! In everyway! : ) I love bein' a momma and my dearest makin' sleepin' noises and horny ahead!!!!!!!!!! I kiss his picture, hug a pillow in so much comfort can't describe.
As he and the world and us rejoin normal life he relaxes! And that is fine for today : ) like we both agreee.
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zim-kinnie · 5 years
Aleksey I think you just need a fuckin nap kiddo.
I just woke up
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sp00kysabrina · 5 years
ranting about how i hate being vulnerable while literally being vulnerable on this blue hellsite??
whenever I think of me as a child I'm filled with so much hate for her. i want to punch her in the face . i hate that I was a vulnerable child like the rest of them. i think back to all the times as a child i let someone hurt my feelings or i actually allowed myself to feel upset when a parent wouldn't let me over and i hate that I let it get to me. i hate that i allowed myself to feel and i hate that sometimes stupid stupid stupid child me would actually let people know i . felt
and sometimes i still feel like a child and i hate myself even more. i subconsciously was making my aunt into a mother figure even tho i dislike my aunt. but i forgot all the reasons i hated my aunt bc i was desperate for a mother and i allowed myself to talk about some things I like w her and what not. and then it all came crumbling down a few weeks later when she reminded me of all the reasons i dislike her and i realized what i was doing out of my subconscious and vulnerable state and i realized i just allowed myself to get more hurt. i can't believe i let myself be that child again i can't believe i did something like that i hate myself for it. and then. the worst thing i ever did the most embarrassing moment of my life. literally just a couple months ago, I, a full blown teenager, 16 at the time, accidentally cried in front of my mother and didn't even stop after i realized what i was doing. like . the number of times i cried in front of my family as a kid i can count on one hand. i never cried in front of anybody else, not at school, public, wherever whoever nobody as a kid. and i never cried in front of anybody as a teenager. until dumb*ss head*ss stupid*ss me woke up from what i would later recognize as the worst, most gruesome, heartbreaking string of nightmares in my life (that are still going on yay!!! but now I'm used to it and can control my emotions!!) and i felt trapped in my room and went into the living room to escape my nightmares and then it all hit me and i couldn't hold it back i was at the wrong place at the wrong time and i cried . i . i literally can't believe i did that . waking up and crying to mommy and daddy about nightmares is something kids do when they're like 6 and yet there i was. crying in front of the person I'd rather go to war than see me vulnerable bc i know how it goes when I'm vulnerable with her and yet i still did it. no self control. like a child
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