yaxeel · 2 months
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evolooka · 10 months
Photographer capture a real life "Angry Bird"
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dazedlillies · 1 year
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My flesh is a prison
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thirdity · 1 year
It is useless to attempt to preserve a living species unless the kind of land or water it requires is also preserved. So delicately interwoven are the relationships that when we disturb one thread of the community fabric we alter it all — perhaps almost imperceptibly, perhaps so drastically that destruction follows.
Rachel Carson, Lost Woods
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igcse-bioworld · 11 months
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First post:))
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nhuliek · 1 year
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cyberneurotism · 7 months
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wikimediauncommons · 7 months
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file: Painted Bunting, Worm-eating Warbler, Tennessee Warbler, Indigo Bunting (bathing) Boy Scout Woods High Island TX 2018-04-11 12-40-03 (27932451808).jpg
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noosphe-re · 1 year
In the eyes of many human beings, life appears to be a unique and special phenome­non. There is, of course, some truth to this belief, since no other planet is known to bear a rich and complex biosphere. However, this view betrays an "organic chauvinism" that leads us to underestimate the vitality of the processes of self­-organization in other spheres of reality. It can also make us forget that, despite the many differences between them, living creatures and their inorganic counter­ parts share a crucial dependence on intense flows of energy and materials. In many respects the circulation is what matters, not the particular forms that it causes to emerge.
Manuel DeLanda, A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History
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kozmiknougat · 5 months
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new friends!! back on the character train!! toot tooot
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yaxeel · 2 months
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polycharismas · 3 months
brother qhat the hell...
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iotakaptur0 · 5 months
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why isn't anybody talking about the pando tree. that's literally at least a 10k years old single-organism-forest which just stands there in the middle of Utah while being the largest and the heaviest organism on the globe and a goddamn neat fantasy or alien material. also its look is awesome
all the photos are from google
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wodeworm · 6 months
Beast that fixes your eyes
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A quiz reminded me of the mushroom post quote "decay exists as an extant form of life". But that applies to all living organisms, not just mushrooms, if you really think about thermodynamics. Life IS decay.
Like, the mushroom itself doesn't decay any more than we all do. We all are fighting against the decay of our bodies, death is just when we stop fighting. We all consume our environment to stay alive. The universe decays into thermal energy with each breath we take.
Every living organism is like a ship of Theseus that's falling apart at the same rate it's getting repaired, desperately scrambling to get enough building materials from it's environment to survive.
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chknnuggs-the-eel · 1 year
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a goop goopy guy
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