be0mcore · 2 years
TXT being on a reality show, like Weekly Idol or Idol Room, with their idol!s/o's group. And midway though the show they notice that their s/o is showing signs of having an anxiety/panic attack and is looking for any exit or at them for comfort, as well as trying to stay composed at the same time.
Thanks in advanced and love the blog
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ txt comforting you through a panic attack on a variety show
notes: i'm gonna be honest i don't watch a lot of variety/reality shows so i apologise if it sounds inaccurate as i've basically pulled it all straight from my ass lmao. also!! thank you for being so patient! i promise i'm getting requests done!! ty!! <3
genre: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
tw: panic attacks, mental health.
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❥˗ˏˋyeonjun ´ˎ˗
◦ he senses your panic attack happening before he even sees it. he knows you like the back of his hand, so it doesn’t take long for him to find out something’s wrong. he looks over at you and as soon as he sees your wide eyes and short breaths, his heart breaks in two. all he knows is that he needs to be with you, right this second. but it’s so hard to do so when your relationship hasn’t been exposed to the public yet.
he makes eye contact with you, and immediately mouths an “are you okay?” when the cameras aren’t on him. he does this for the remainder of the shoot. “you’re doing so well baby” “breathe, my darling” “it’ll be over soon, beautiful” “i love you” if he can’t touch you, he’ll have to comfort you in other ways. however, as soon as the filming is over, yeonjun is by your side in an instant.
he immediately strides towards you, not caring who’s looking. you look up at him with tears in your eyes from having to hold the panic in for so long, and he wastes no time in wrapping you in his arms while cursing the world for making you feel like shit. you start to softly shake and sniffle, and yeonjun holds you tighter, one hand caressing your head while the other stays firmly on your waist. he gives you small butterfly kisses while whispering words of encouragement: “you did so well” “i’m so proud of you” “it’s all over now, yeah?”. he’s absolutely shattered, and can’t wait to go home to take care of you properly <3
❥˗ˏˋsoobin ´ˎ˗
◦oh gosh baby is completely clueless for the first ten minutes. he’s so engrossed in whatever the hosts are saying, that he doesn’t notice you sitting there all tense, desperately looking for an exit. one of your group members crack a joke, so while everyone’s laughing soobin using the opportunity to take a quick glance at you, and that’s when he sees. and boy does his face immediately drop in concern.
he doesn’t know what to do, especially because your relationship is completely secret. he also has an image to uphold, especially because he’s the leader. so he continues on with the variety show, stealing glances at you every so often. when he makes eye contact with you, he can see you silently pleading to comfort him, but he knows that he can’t. he spends the rest of the shoot sitting in guilt and worry, praying to whoever’s up there to finish the shoot right that second.
as soon as the shoot is finished, you’re all escorted to your dressing rooms. soobin however has other plans, and immediately grabs you and pulls you over somewhere private. just like yeonjun, he wastes no time in getting you in his arms, wrapping them tightly around you and burying his face in your hair. he does this partly out of comfort but also partly out of guilt, since he feels extremely bad for leaving you there on your own. he feels you shake and hyperventilate, and he can’t help but tear up. he hates seeing you like this, absolutely despises it. so he vows that when you get home, he’s going to take care of you in the way he wishes he could during the filming <3
❥˗ˏˋbeomgyu ´ˎ˗
◦he may be the king of variety shows, but that doesn’t stop him from being absolutely aware of your every move. he knows that you find these things anxiety inducing, so when he found out that you were both going to be on the same show, he knew exactly what to do. every five seconds he was glancing over at you. and he couldn’t help it, not only did he want to take care of you, but you were also so so so stunning. his eyes just seemed to automatically wander towards you, it was habit at this point. so when he glanced over and saw you looking back with a panicked expression on your face, the alarms in his head instantly went off.
he knew what experiencing panic was like, and he also knew that it would gradually get worse. however, he also knew how strict filming was, and so it was unlikely you’d be able to get a break. so he made sure to show off his entertainment skills so that the cameras wouldn’t be focused on you while you were trying to calm down. he started cracking jokes, running around, and generally interacting with the hosts much more. every time the camera wasn’t on him he’d instantly be looking at you, sending you small finger hearts and reassuring smiles. in all honesty, being the absolute centre of attention was quite stressful, but he was more than happy to do it for you. anything for you. he’d eat his own heart if you asked him to.
after the shoot, he was by your side in an instant. his hands went to cup your face, and he turned you upwards to look at him. “you alright baby?” he’d ask as he gently started to caress your face. “you’re okay now, so proud of you.” he’d say before planting soft kisses all over your face. he’d take your hands if they were still shaking and pull you into a warm hug. would plant even more kisses on the top of your head while squeezing your waist for reassurance. once it was time to leave, he’d send you texts throughout the day to check up on you, while also reminding you that you’re the strongest baddest bitch he knows <3
❥˗ˏˋtaehyun ´ˎ˗
◦let’s be honest here, he notices your anxiety before you even do. since he’s mega in love you, he just couldn’t stop staring at you the entire time, which led him to instantly notice how your hands began to slightly shake, and how your jaw was more tense than usual. he low key starts to panic as well, because he has no idea what to do. how can he comfort you without exposing your relationship? so he decides that the best thing he can do is try to change the topic whenever it lands on you. he thinks he’s doing a good job of it, however as soon as you look at him with absolute fear in your eyes, he knows exactly what he needs to do.
he wastes no time in announcing that he needs a toilet break. thankfully, the producers agree to let everyone off on a short break. while everyone is going off to rest, you try and look for him for comfort, but he’s nowhere to be found. your anxiety starts to peak again, until tae arrives next to you with a water bottle and snacks. he’s not so good with comforting through words or physical touch, so he’s hoping he can comfort you through acts of service instead. he sits you down and encourages you to tell him what’s wrong, which you do.
he has his hand on your inner thigh the entire time, rubbing soothing circles. he listens eagerly, moves hair out of your face, and tries to help you calm down. he helps you do breathing exercises, drink water, and forces you to eat something small. food fixes everything, after all. once you’re much more calm, he gives you a peck on the lips for some final comfort before you’re forced to go back on set. for the rest of the shoot he’s constantly looking at you, making eye contact and giving you small smiles of encouragement <3
❥˗ˏˋkai ´ˎ˗
◦poor guy is absolutely clueless. he’s having a great time cracking jokes, playing games, and just generally mucking around until he catches you on the literal verge of tears. he instantly gets super concerned, and has zero clue on what to do. he tries to make eye contact with you and ask if you’re alright, but it’s quite hard when there’s a thousand cameras pointing at you. he decides to take the first opportunity he can to get close to you, which is by swiftly moving inch by inch when the cameras aren’t looking.
as soon as he’s next to you, he sneakily puts his hand on your lower back, rubbing in soft circles. he really hopes it gives you comfort, which it does. if he gets the chance, he leans down when nobody is looking to whisper words of encouragement in your ear. “it’s alright baby, just breathe.” “you’ve got this sweetheart, only an hour to go.” “i’m right here beside you baby, i’m not leaving”. his reassurance calms you down a lot, and you can already feel your anxiety lessen just by having him near.
after the shoot, kai instantly checks up on you. he squeezes your cheeks, telling you how cute you were and how well you did in the filming. he pulls you close to his chest in a back hug, his arms sneaking around your waist, nuzzling his nose into your neck. he probably starts to softly hum, allowing you to take any time you need to recover. he’s honestly so inspired by you, and thinks you’re insanely cool and brave for being able to get through that situation. it just gives him another reason to fall in love with you <3
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captains-simp · 3 years
can you do a fic where reader unintentionally breaks one of the rules by accident so she has to be punished but the punishment is being ignored by BOTH wanda AND nat and reader is uncomfortable with being ignored because it makes her feel invisible and like she's a ghost so like this is what happens, reader breaks a rule in front of wanda and nat but reader doesn't realize she broke a rule but wanda and nat punish reader without telling reader first, and they punish her by not acknowledging her presence and stuff then reader just breaks and starts crying and stuff, she's really upset until nat and wanda cave in and see what's wrong with reader because they didnt know that reader didnt realize she broke a rule and her punishment was being ignored by them
also nat is dom, wanda is switch (like wanda is sub to nat but dom to reader) and reader is sub also nat, wanda and reader are in a poly dom/sub relationship and dating
Oh my god is this ✨smut with a developed storyline✨?
Wanda Maximoff & Natasha Romanoff ~ 3rd Wheel
Warnings: debatable toxic traits, feelings of abandonment and unlove, fingering, praise, oral and hints of overstimulation
2.4k words
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You giggled as Sam made stupid sound effects every time he paused in telling his story. You were pretty sure the story wasn’t true but hearing him tell it was entertaining enough. He put his hand on your forearm as he laughed at his own comeback to some apparently ‘very real’ character in the story and you couldn’t help but laugh along with him. That was until your other arm was grabbed and pulled you to your feet. 
“It’s late, we should go.” Natasha said curtly. You nodded and said goodbye to Sam with a tight hug and followed after the Russian as Wanda joined her at her side. 
“How did your meeting go?” You teased the redheads. Officially, what you had just attended was a party. Unofficially, it was a chance for Natasha and Wanda to gather more intel for a future mission that they had been working on for months. Tony, to no one’s surprise, was more than happy to help by hosting the party and it was just like any other to everyone else. You had missed your girlfriend’s company at first, but had eventually started socializing with the others and the night had flown by. 
When you were met with silence you assumed you didn’t hear either of their responses over the music so you sped up your steps slightly to stick close by. Once you got to the car you knew they were in a bad mood. It was one thing when one of them was mad but both of them was a whole other storm. Not that it was always bad. Sometimes they would take that anger out on you in the bedroom and you had secretly been dying to be fucked like that for a while. 
You tried to make conversation a few times, telling the pair about Sam’s story and how it was probably about as real as fairies but they still didn’t respond. Of course, you had no idea that these things were just making them madder and that Wanda and Natasha were communicating silently most of the time, discussing the meeting as they ignored you. You gave up eventually and gazed out the window as you fiddled with the fabric of your dress. 
Once you were home things only seemed to get worse. “I made dinner before we left.” You said as you looked under the grill to find that the three served plates were still fine and put them on the counter. You had cooked before getting ready because you knew your girlfriends were busy and were going to be hungry when they got home. You glanced at the two women to see Natasha undoing her girlfriend’s zipper and placing a soft kiss between her shoulder blades. You smiled at the tender site. 
“Hey, where’s my kiss?” You teased as Natasha started towards the bedroom but shouldered right past you. You looked to Wanda but she didn’t spare you a glance either as she strolled through the apartment to your shared bedroom. You watched them go with a dry mouth and dragged yourself to the bathroom where you struggled to undo the zipper of your dress before finally succeeding after five minutes of struggling and sore arms. One of the redheads usually did it for you before you could even think to ask.  
You stepped into the shower and tried to focus on the feeling of the hot water running down your body, hoping it would distract you from the dull ache near your heart. It didn’t work. You wondered if you had done anything to annoy them at the party but could think of nothing. With a disgruntled sigh, you turned off the water and stepped out of the safety of the shower. You quickly dried off and tiptoed to your now-empty bedroom to change into your pajamas. 
When you went back into the kitchen you found only one of the plates was left. You glanced over at the living area to see Wanda and Natasha curled up together on the couch under a blanket as they watched TV and ate the food you made. They could have at least warmed mine up. You grumbled to yourself as you put it in the microwave and made yourself a drink. You trudged over to the couch but Wanda extended her legs to cover the free space just as you were about to sit down. You looked up at them both but their eyes were still glued to the TV. 
You sat down tentatively on the armchair closest to the couch and started taking small bites of your food. You weren’t paying attention to the screen at all. Instead, your eyes kept flickering to the two redheads curled up on the couch together. They looked so warm and tender laying together. You wished so desperately you could be with them, but instead you just felt like an outsider. That had always been a big insecurity for you. Wanda and Natasha were both Avengers and you were just a normal citizen. You often wondered if you ever felt like a burden, the weak part of their relationship. You could never understand their lives the way they could, you could only watch. Usually, you would voice your concerns and insecurities to them and they would assure you to no end that they loved you more than anything. However speaking had gotten you nowhere that night, so you kept it to yourself. 
You sat in the living room for hours. You wanted to go to bed so badly. You were utterly exhausted and your eyes were starting to hurt from the lights in the room you wanted to be shielded from. But you were determined not to go until the other two did. You wanted to be curled up between them both like you always were. You wanted to feel safe and secure and most of all loved. 
Finally, Natasha turned off the television and stretched out like a cat on the couch before standing and making her way to the bedroom, leading Wanda by the hand. You put your uneaten plate of food on the side to deal with the next day, too tired to even think about it at that moment. The pair instantly dropped down into bed and Natasha held Wanda tightly as she rested her head on the Russian’s chest. You gazed down at them longingly but forced yourself into bed besides them. You reached out your hand to tug weakly on their shirts, desperate for any kind of acknowledgement but received none. You withdrew your hand and held it up to your chest as you watched the pair. How long had they been craving time to themselves? 
You slowly got out from under the covers and left the room without feeling their usual fond gazes on your back. You lingered in the hallway before glancing back and saw Natasha tracing circles on Wanda’s back. You gulped back tears and made your way to the spare bedroom where you slept alone for the first time in months. 
You didn’t get up until lunch the next day. You didn’t feel like doing anything, especially not facing your girlfriend. You wanted to stay out of their way to give them the alone time they so clearly needed.
When you had finally dragged yourself out of bed and into the hallway you froze. Wanda’s moans could be heard clearly from your bedroom followed by sharp cries of Natasha’s name. You stood rooted to the spot as the pain in your chest grew worse. Since they had so keenly invited you into their relationship. The pair had never once done anything sexual without you. At first you had been flattered and insisted that you were okay if they wanted to do things by themselves every once in a while but eventually you had grown used to how things were. You had grown used to being included in everything. 
Numbly, you made yourself a hot chocolate in hopes of it raising your spirits. Not long after you had finished, your girlfriends came wandering into the kitchen with a new glow. 
“Do you want a drink?” You piped up, you could at least be helpful. Wanda grabbed something from the fridge as Natasha took out a glass from the cupboard and spun around to kiss her girlfriend on the lips with a soft giggle. Wanda smiled against her and hummed when Natasha’s tongue teased the Sokovian’s lower lip. 
“I love you.” Natasha hummed and Wanda smiled with a blush as she said the words back. 
“I- I love you too.” You added and took a desperate step towards them both, holding out your hands to them but they separated and started to stroll back into the living room. You watched on as tears sprung to your eyes. They didn’t say it back. They always said it back. “Please.” You whispered though you may have well have been talking to a wall. You whimpered quietly and weakly made your way to the guest room where you closed the door and fell down onto the bed, not being able to stop the tears streaming down your face. You curled up on yourself and hugged your duvet as close to your body as possible, needing something to cling onto like a lifeline. 
You didn’t hear the door open through your muffled weeping. You did feel the gentle pair of hands on your waist and the dip in the bed either side of you. Your head shot up and you looked between the pair in panic, fearing they were going to tell you to go elsewhere for the day or even forever. Wanda shushed you softly and held your dampened cheeks in her hands. 
“It’s okay, honey.” Wanda cooed and you whimpered as you tried to enjoy what you assumed was the last time she would hold you. “We’re not going anywhere and neither are you.” You peered at her cautiously and then Natasha who nodded gently. 
“We’re sorry, baby. Sam was getting a little too handsy last night and you didn’t seem to notice.” Natasha explained carefully. You remembered the brief moment he had touched your waist and frowned at the memory. 
“And you know letting people touch what isn’t theirs is breaking a rule.” You nodded slowly as Wanda added on.
“So your punishment was being ignored by us so you could learn but we took it too far.” Natasha admitted.
“And we never told you what was happening. We’re so sorry we made you feel this way, sweetie. We love you so much.” Wanda said as she kissed you softly on the lips as Natasha lay down behind you and wrapped her arms protectively around your waist. 
“So so much.” She added. 
“Promise?” You asked and Wanda lay down to join you and wipe your tears away. 
“Let us show you.” Natasha whispered against your neck and you nodded as she rolled you gently onto your back and began planting soft kisses along your neck, occasionally lingering on patches of skin to suck dark bruises into them. Wanda titled your head towards you and kissed you slowly, cherishing the taste of you and wanting to reclaim all that she could. 
Natasha’s hands started to wander down your stomach and landed at the hem of your sweatpants that she easily surpassed along with your panties. You gasped when you felt her fingers run along your folds and up to your clit. You bucked your hips and moaned against Wanda when she applied some pressure, all while the Sokovian started to retrace her girlfriend’s steps by running her hands across your breasts. Her thumbs brushed against your hardened nipples and she hummed against you. 
Natasha finally pushed two fingers past your folds and relished in the slick that coated them instantly. She curled them gently inside you and withdrew to start about making a consistent pace that had you melting beneath them both. 
“That’s it, sweetie.” Wanda assured in the most loving tone you had ever heard from her. 
“Taking me so well. Our best girl.” Natasha hummed and withdrew her fingers. You whined softly but shushed when Natasha brought her fingers up to Wanda’s lips and slid them inside. The Sokovian hummed in delight around Natasha’s fingers, eagerly licking her slender digits before retreating to start down your body, determined to gain an unfiltered taste. 
Wanda pulled your sweatpants and panties off completely and kissed up your thighs softly, taking her time in treasuring you just as Natasha had done with your neck. She gleamed at the sight before her and didn’t hesitate to lick a long strip between your folds. You mewled in Natasha’s hold as Wanda moaned against you. “Always so sweet.” She dipped her tongue inside of you and you clenched around her muscle with a gasp.
“That’s it, you’re doing so good for us.” Natasha praised softly as she started to rub your clit with her free hand. You bucked against both their movements, feeling beautifully overwhelmed by it all. Wanda’s tongue flicked inside you and you moaned loudly into the air, tempting Natasha to quieten you with a kiss while your other girlfriend continued to work between your legs that were beginning to shake. 
“Please.” You whined as you felt your high approaching. The pair smiled at one another as they continued to please you. 
“I can feel you clenching my tongue.” Wanda mused.
“Go ahead and cum for us, baby.” You did as you were told without a second’s delay. You moaned loudly into the air as you shuddered against the bed and came undone on Wanda’s tongue. The pair helped you ride out your high and into another orgasm relentlessly. They didn’t let up, making you cum again and once more, leaving you feeling utterly exhausted and overworked. 
“That’s it, darling. You did so good for us.” Wanda praised as she fell down besides you and they both held you protectively. 
“We love you.” Natasha muttered softly and you smiled.
“I love you both too.” You hummed, enjoying the warmth of your girlfriends’ comfort.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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spilledkauffie · 3 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 2.0k T/W: pure, stupid, fluff  A/N: you meet Bucky at a Bingo night ft. Yori ❤︎
it’s a little dorky, but I thought it was cute!
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Setting the tables with the rectangle cards, you smiled, straightening them out. Despite what your friends thought, you actually enjoyed volunteering with the local senior Bingo games on the weekends when you could. Feeling like they were often better company and far more entertaining than going to a club. It wasn’t a very big meeting hall, but that’s what made it feel so cozy to you. Hugging yourself when you finished the tables, you stroked the outside of your arms, feeling the softness of the cardigan you wore over your tank top. Sighing happily, you made your way to the announcing host, passing a few comments, as you waited for people to find their way in.
“Hey! Hey, look!” You heard a familiar voice; turning you found Yori and his usual group making their way to their table, with one exception. Smiling you made your way to him, arms still crossed, “no, I want you to meet her,” you heard him say to his friend, making you smile.
“Hey, Yori,” you said, coming to hug him, “brought more friends?”
“I- I’m Bucky,” he reached his hand to shake yours, to which you responded, taking his hand in yours.
“Barnes,” Yori added, reaching to slap a name tag on Bucky's chest.
Bucky took a deep breath, keeping his patience, as he looked down to the tag where Yori had written ‘single’ in parentheses, “yep. . .that’s me.” 
“This- this is the one I told you about,” Yori nudged you on the elbow pointing to Bucky, only making him more nervous as he immediately looked down to Yori with a questioning look.
“Ohh,” you nodded slowly, squinting your eyes at Bucky who met your gaze again, “you mean the anti-social grumpy one who’s scared to come because he’ll lose? That one?”
“Yes! That one,” Yori bobbed on his heels happily with a smile.
“What -I’m not-”
“Well,” you tilted your head, “I hope you have a good time and perhaps win something,” Bucky smiled, “but I think you’re going to need your hand back for that.”
Jaw dropping, he looked down to find your hand still in his, “right,” he laughed nervously, letting go, “sorry, of course.” 
You laughed quietly, biting in your lip watching him look anywhere but to you, mainly keeping his head down.
“Yori, you need anything you know where I am,” you softly placed a hand to his shoulder, “Bucky,” he looked up with a half forced smile, but you waited a moment, “it was nice to meet you, I’m glad you came.”
As you turned to walk away you could hear Yori whisper, “I think she liked you.” 
Followed by a quick change of subject from his friend, “I think you should find our table.” 
And lastly, “I know where our table is, and if you can keep your eyes off her, you’d see it too.”
With a giggle to yourself, you walked up to the foldable table that had been set up for you to sit at as usual. You were alone, but you were in charge of any assistance and you kept the first, second, and third prizes hidden. It was harder than one thought to keep curious seniors from nosing around for them. 
While the night was long and you stayed quiet, you were very grateful to have a little more entertainment tonight. It seemed Yori and his friends got their own entertainment out of teasing and poking fun at Bucky, who was a true sport through it all.
“Absolutely not,” you heard Bucky say. Looking up you saw him holding his card to his chest, with Yori trying to convince him to let him take a peek at his numbers, “are those the rules of Bingo?” Bucky shook his head, but another one of Yori’s friends tried to peek from his opposite side, “Oh,” Bucky dropped his jaw, leaning even farther back in his chair to keep the card hidden against him, “a double front attack? Really guys?”
Unable to hide your smile, you kept an eye on the table, specifically Bucky. Who after giving the group a few amusements, looked over to you. Blinking softly, happy that he noticed you, you lifted your hand to wave subtly. With another half smile, that was genuine this time, he raised his hand to wave, but forgot just how far back he was leaning in his chair. Soon, you watched him vanish from sight and he found himself flat against the floor, with a wince. 
“That’s whatcha get, you punk,” Yori told him through a laugh and an assertive nod.
It wasn’t long before there was a soft murmur of quiet laughs spreading throughout the hall, as Bucky reset his chair and sat properly in it this time. He pressed his lips together tightly and avoided everyone’s eye line, but yours. Hand over your mouth, you looked mildly worried, raising your half furrowed eyebrows at him, he could tell you were asking if he was okay. To that he carefully nodded, before turning to someone else who was addressing him at the table. 
The half way break came up shortly after, and you had to help a few people. When you looked back up from your table you saw Bucky, hands in his pockets and bouncing on his heels about three people away down the small line. Leaning your head to the side to see him, it took him a moment, but when he saw you, he gave a quick smile, before being spoken to by the elderly lady in front of him.
“You’re a very handsome young man, so nice of you to come play,” she said, to which he gave a shy thank you, as she asked you for a new marker, “he’s a very handsome young man, you know,” she whispered loudly, before glancing back at him, “and she’s single you know.” 
Ducking your head, you gave a monotone, “thank you, Mrs. Kasey,” putting your hands over your face, hiding the embarrassment, you composed yourself and straightened up, “hey, what can I help with?”
“Word is you got the prizes?” Bucky perked an eyebrow and gave the most obvious wink.
Half smiling, half jaw dropping, you looked around his hip to see Yori, who was keeping a curiously careful eye on his friend, shaking your head you looked up to Bucky, “so. . .they sent you? I don’t break that easily.” You crossed your arms over your chest, playfully, keeping eye contact. 
“Well,” he shrugged, “to be honest I’d like to know what we’re playing for too, I mean what’s our motivation here? I don’t know,” you covered your mouth, hiding the smile accompanying your soft giggles, “Why are you laughing? This is serious. What is the purpose of playing Bingo if you don’t know the prizes?”
With a real laugh at how hard he was trying to convince you, “okay, alright,” you reached under the table bringing up the prize in your hand, elbow against the table as you held it up, he looked down.
“A jar of jelly beans,” Bucky nodded, bobbing his head back and forth before a confident, “okay, seems fair, what about second place?”
You held up a jar in the other hand. 
Bucky looked between you and it, “that’s- that’s just a smaller jar of jelly beans,” he lifted his shoulders as if asking ‘why?’
“These people really like their jelly beans,” you admitted, “I figure you can guess what third place is.” 
“Seriously?” he dropped his shoulders, disappointed.
“Was there something you were hoping to get instead, Mr. Barnes?” You set the jars down, resting your chin on top of your laced hands as you looked up through your eyelashes at him.
He swallowed, deciding if he wanted to say anything, he winced as if he was going to regret what he was going to say- luckily for him the announcer called everyone back to the tables. He sighed, and you leaned back in your seat as you parted ways again. The evening remained entertaining with Yori occasionally reminding everyone at the table that if Bucky wins he’d share the prize.
Towards the end of the event, Bucky was the only one at the table still in the final rounds, meaning the entire table squeezed around him, glancing at his card and intensely listening. When the last number was being called, they all had a hand on Bucky, clinging to him like it was the olympics and he was their champion. 
“Seventeen” was announced and you noticed a sudden shift in Bucky’s demeanor, even though everyone around him was ecstatic, he looked like his mind was suddenly somewhere else, until he shook his head like shaking off a bad memory and he lifted his card. He didn’t have to say it, his group was already exclaiming Bingo enough for him. He came up casually with the other two, and you handed each of them a jar of jelly beans.
Bucky gave a ‘thank you,’ and took his back, but it was gone before he could even offer it to anyone.
“What’s the joke?” Yori held out the jar back to Bucky swiftly, “I can’t open it.” 
Smiling, Bucky popped open the jar in no time and immediately it was out of his hands again. 
“Congratulations,” you said behind him, making him turn around, he saw you had your jacket in your arms and purse over your shoulder, “I hope I’ll see you next month?” “Next month?” He tilted his head, “I thought it was weekly?”
“Volunteer rotations shift,” you explained, gesturing your hand in a circle, “I won’t be back until next month since we’ve got new volunteers.”
“Oh,” he nodded and there was silence.
“Anyway, I hope I’ll see you around,” you waved to him and to Yori as you left, pushing in the door’s brace open.
As it shut, Bucky furrowed his eyebrows, with a sigh, still watching the door.
“Go,” Yori said next to him and waved him away, “you’ll regret it if you don’t.”
Bucky took a moment to consider it, “take the bus okay? I don’t want you guys-”
“Yes, yes, we will,” Yori said, already turning back to his friends.
Smiling towards them, he started a jog for the door, exiting, he looked to find you. Already on the sidewalk, he met up with you. Obviously causing you to stop in your tracks and wait when you heard him.
“Hey, um-” he looked around, “can I walk you home?”
“Sure,” you nodded, smiling.
There wasn’t a terrible amount of conversation, but you liked his company and didn’t want him to feel like he had to talk.
“I think it’s really sweet what you’re doing, what you did tonight” you said, looking straight ahead, even though you knew he was looking at you, “there hasn’t been that much laughter in a very long time,” you exhaled sadly, “most of them spent five years alone, or missing out on seeing their grandkids grow up. I was so happy to see their smiles.”
“And what about you?”
You finally turned to him, “I was here, alone” looking down, you laughed, “then again I was alone before, so. . .” you bit in your lower lip, wincing “that sounded so pathetic.” 
This time he laughed with you, “no,” he shook his head, “I know how alone feels.”
Stopping on the sidewalk, you exchanged glances, “well, this is me,” you pointed up to your apartment building.
“Right, okay,” he breathed nervously.
“Thanks for walking me home,” you said, walking towards the steps.
“Yeah,” he ran a hand through his hair, “hey, do you- would you want to get dinner?”
“Finally,” you giggled, before turning back to him, “it took you four blocks to ask!” He gave a shocked expression, only making you smile bigger, “I’m free Sunday, meet you right here at six?”
“Okay,” he said happily, “it’s a date then.”
“Perfect,” you squeezed your arms, hugging yourself.
He swallowed harshly, before taking a step closer and leaning in to kiss you on the cheek, sweetly. When he pulled back, he looked slightly nervous, as if that was the wrong thing to do.
“You missed,” you batted your eyelashes, with a soft smile.
Bucky took a second, unsure if you were serious, either way he took his chances and met your lips with his. Somehow this one took you by more surprise, causing you to move your hands against his chest, holding on to his jacket, until he pulled back.
“Bingo,” you whispered.
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riofann · 2 years
Mr. Rodrigo Chapter 1
This is the beginning of a series between Christopher “Rio” Rodrigo  and a Curvy reader. 
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“Okay one last announcement before you go on your way,” your boss Mr. Benard stated taking a pause to drink some water from this water bottle.  “I am proud to announce to you that Bill Martin has been promoted to head Asst. Director of Marketing, it was a hard decision and I know a lot of you are at the cusp of being promoted as well but we opted to go with Bill. So congratulations to Bill!” your boss Mr. Benard said before clapping his hands 
Claps erupted within the room while Bill nodded his head thanking everyone. Rodrigo turned to look at you. There was a sarcastic tinge to your clap, it was a bit too boisterous considering it was you that was at the cusp of the promotion. You congratulated Bill and gathered your things to leave the conference room. 
The rest of the morning was anticlimactic business as usual, yet another promotion, another stew of rumors being created in secret stairwells and hiding spots. 
“Hey you wanna go for lunch?” your sister and best friend Tessa asked peeking her head in your office, right at 12:15PM the usual lunch time for you both
“Yea let me grab my purse” you say as you quickly send off an email 
“Do you still want to go to that new place around the corner?” 
“Yea I would love to!” You had forgotten all about it till he brought it up 
You two walk to the elevators chatting about work. You mention the news you got this morning and Tessa gives you a sympathetic look. She knew more than anyone you were the right person to promote but in the world of ‘good old boys club’ there seldom was any room for women in this field to get promoted. 
“Where you two headed?” the semi hoarse voice said from behind you “lunch?” he asked before allowing you two to answer
“Yes Rodrigo” you say exasperated he knew this. The hours between 12:00-1:30 were your usual lunch times only taking 30-45 minutes. 
“Can I join Y/L/N” You often referred to each other in last the last name 
“Uh” Tessa let out looking between you two 
You shrug “Yea I don’t mind” “Cool let me drop these things off at Mikes desk” he said lifting up the folders in his hands 
“We’ll wait”  you say, not paying attention, eyes trained on your phone playing a difficult level of imitation Mahjong. 
“Ooo” you hear “Stop!” you warned
“What?” Tessa spoke in a hushed voice “maybe this will rebuild the bridge you two insist on burning” 
“He’s a know it all pain in the ass Tessa, why would i need to rebuild that ‘bridge’?” 
“Because” she responded in a singy songy type of way “Don’t and stop, he is coming back”  you say as you see him doing a mini jog towards you just as he arrived the elevator pinged indicating its arrival to your floor. “Right on time” you say smiling
“So where we going?” 
“Oh we were going to get something from that new asian spot around the corner, sound good?” Tessa inquired
“Yea! Love Asian food”
“Good!” she retorted
You don’t say much, focusing your attention on the phone between emails and playing your game. It’s not that you and Rodrigo couldn’t have or hold a conversation, it's just things got sour quick.  
Rodrigo worked in the finance department, although you two had different responsibilities you still had to work with each other nonetheless and all meetings included high level personnel from all the departments. Some meetings came to a halt when you both would spend 5-10 minutes arguing over the expenditures of the marketing department. You always had more than enough reasons or explanations for the expenditures after all but sometimes he did it just to get a rouse out of you and you could always tell because of that lopsided smirk he tried to hide. 
“Welcome, how many?” The hostess asked 
“Just 3 Tessa answered
“Booth or table?” 
“Booth!” you and Tessa answered simultaneously garnering attention from not only your host but Rodrigo as well who had his brow slightly raised 
“Jinx! You owe me lunch!”  your sister beamed right before you walked to your table 
“Fine” you agree walking ahead of her 
“This is your table. Order at the counter and your food will be out shortly” A round of ‘thank yous’ went around the table before you all departed  and headed towards the counter to order. Not much is said until after the food comes.
“So!” Tessa starts you groan internally “I heard Bill got the promotion” “Yea” Rodrigo chuckled “he did” he looked over to you but you seemed to be focused on the pho that was in front of you
“Sad Y/N should have gotten that!” 
“Well maybe Mr. Bernard saw something in Bill” You counter, it didn’t truly bother you because as far as compensation went you were compensated accordingly. 
It takes everything to stop Rodrigo from rolling his eyes. ‘Peacock’ he thinks in his head which resulted in an involuntary ‘hmph’ from him
You and Tessa turn to look at him “what was that about?” you ask 
“Nothing just thinking” You give him a wary look before returning your attention to your pho 
“You think Y/N, my lovely sister, and bestest friend in the world should have gotten it, don't you Christopher?” Tessa teased. As far as Rodrigo and Tessa were concerned they were on first name basis 
“I mean she might be right” A slight knot in your stomach formed after that statement.
Tessa tilted her head to the right, questioning that very statement. “Anyway if your boss can’t figure out that she is the backbone to the company then I say she comes to work with me!” Tessa argued 
“God no!” you retorted quickly, much faster than you had liked 
“Heyy! What’s that supposed to mean?” “I love you Tessa but no we cannot work together” you say giving her a look 
“Well I will try to not take offence sister” She responds faking hurt
Rodrigo chuckled a bit 
“Why are you laughing? Are you agreeing with her?” He looked up at you, then Tessa  before responding “yea I am actually” “Wow I didn’t know you two felt this way about me! I guess you just don’t know people” Rodrigo smirked in return, unlike you Tessa wasn’t as witty or quick on her feet. Sometimes she needed hand holding even if it came from an outside source seeing that both of you worked for different companies. Don’t get him wrong Rodrigo did believe the “Y/L/N sisters'' were a force to be reckoned with but you. you were on a whole different level. 
You and Rodrigo met 2 years ago, he remembered you walking into his office introducing yourself briefly and offering help before you walked away in a hurry. He didn’t know what irritated him so much about you that awarded you the secret nickname of “peacock”. He sometimes credits it to the array of clothing you wore to the office, it was borderline unprofessional you looked like you walked out of the Belk’s spring collection some days bright and colorful attire matched with shoes and jewelry; or maybe it was how you presented and every question during meetings had an answer there barely was a time anything stumped you. Well until he showed up, as far as he knows he has caused you to pause and think of an answer at least 5 times, he took pride in that because no one has the answer to everything contrary to what people thought of you. Or maybe it had to do with your optimistic personality, you reminded him of the fake stepford housewives trope. The first 6 months he would describe as hell but as he got to know you better, lingering around conversations with you and your sister or other colleagues you weren’t always so happy go lucky in fact you cursed a lot, you would get frustrated too, but when it came to the internal team you were indeed the mother of the company. Always smiling and helping your door was always open. 
Mr. Rodrigo Chapter 2
Please  like and reblog only, don’t post and not give credit.
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hypmic-writings · 2 years
It's me again MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA (/j) but I'm here with my second (and last, for now-) request! May I request headcanons for reader and Matenrou poly headcanons :0 I just really love Matenrou and I *proceeds to rant about them*
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
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Pairing: Jakurai Jinguji x Hifumi Izanami x Doppo Kannonzaka x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: This one was cute to write! I just ended up doing a bunch of fluffy headcanons for the poly relationship between the three of them. Enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
a poly relationship with Matenrou would be an incredibly dynamic relationship where you're never bored
on the day to day of the relationship, the four of you are often doing your own things since Jakurai and Doppo tend to work long hours during the day and Hifumi works at night
the times that you spend together end up being in the evenings when Doppo and Jakurai come home and before Hifumi leaves
you try to have a couple of 'dinner date nights' a week, but you'll only have them if all of you can come, otherwise it doesn't seem fair to the person that gets left out
Hifumi is usually the one to cook since he has the most time during the day, but if Jakurai has the day off he can also cook up some amazing meals for you all to share
you and Jakurai have a more mature relationship, acknowledging that you both want to spend time with the others, but sometimes like to spend time with each other alone
whenever Hifumi and Doppo are up to their nonsense, it's usually you and Jakurai that have to temper them (or just Jakurai if you're the type to also get involved in shenanegins)
Jakurai is the rock of the relationship and will always be there to lend an ear to any of you three if you have problems or need help
Hifumi is the fire of the relationship and is always pitching crazy ideas for dates or making sure that everyone in the relationship is feeling the love they deserve
with Hifumi, if you're a woman or fem presenting, you'll help him with his gynophobia day by day
it's a slow process, but you work hard to allow him to warm up to you and slowly, over time he will
whenever he's wearing his jacket though, Hifumi's all over you, snuggling and hugging you at all times and whining if Doppo or Jakurai get to spend more time with you than he does
if you're a man or male presenting, he's always like this, calling you pet names and wanting you to visit him at the host club, urging you and Doppo to come with him (he'll hesitate to invite Jakurai because he doesn't want to have to deal with him when the doctor drinks)
Doppo doesn't think he deserves any of you, but is grateful nonetheless and will fight for your relationship like none other because it's one of the only things he truly loves in this world
Doppo will spend large amounts of time in the relationship apologizing for you and the others for not being able to spend as much time with you three as he wants to because of work
since Hifumi and Doppo live together, your default is to drop by their place after work and hang out with Hifumi until Doppo comes home usually Jakurai stops by after he gets done with work
the four of you have a groupchat, but it's mainly you and Hifumi sending memes and gifs while Doppo just sends sad emojis and Jakurai sends full paragraphs with perfect grammar
often times, you'll all take vacation together and go to the beach or travel somewhere so that you can take quality time together
you also do lots of game nights where you and Hifumi get competitive, Jakurai almost always wins, and Doppo just tries to play the game right
sometimes you'll have one on one dates with one of the guys, and they're have dates with each other, but you try to time it so all four of you are together
it's more common that Hifumi and Doppo have one on one dates simply because they live together, and Hifumi is always sending you snapchats of the dates
Jakurai will often times drive Doppo to and from work if their times line up for when Jakurai has to be in the hospital, and they always do a makeshift therapy session in the car
whenever one of you is having a bad day (most often you and Doppo) the other three will try to make them feel better either through food, cuddles, or reassurances
it's always a massive pile of blankets and pillows whenever you all spend the night in one place and the cuddling is quite intense
but always adorable and very fun
it's lots of limbs entangled together and you somehow always wake up with your hand nestled in Jakurai's soft hair
some people might think it's difficult to be in a relationship of four, but it's never been hard for you because of how much you love all three of them
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Initiative - aka NMJ and JYL get engaged - ao3 or tumblr pt 1, pt 2
Jiang Yanli’s first engagement had been announced when she was three and a half years old – there had been a big party, festooned in color, exquisitely and meticulously planned out in advance, and she’d been obliged to stand on stage next to a baby in a cradle that had done nothing but cry and spit as all the adults around her congregated and congratulated each other on the excellent match.
She hadn’t enjoyed that at all.
Her second wedding announcement was simultaneously more casual and more noteworthy, and she enjoyed it tremendously. 
Madame Jin had sent several invitations to Jiang Yanli to come visit Lanling in advance of the hunt planned for Phoenix Mountain, speaking of how beautiful it was and how much she looked forward to seeing her good friend’s daughter – talking about she’d always regretted how Jiang Yanli had been obligated by circumstances to take shelter at the Unclean Realm rather than in Lanling City, although she’d been pleased to hear from her son that she was doing well – all the right sort of words. The words might have been more welcome if Jiang Yanli hadn’t known that Madame Jin was still intent on securing the marriage she had arranged.
If she hadn’t been engaged, she would have accepted the invitation, hoping to form an alliance for her sect through a close relationship with Madame Jin even if she didn’t have one with Jin Zixuan (no matter what Madame Jin hoped), but as she was, in fact, engaged to another – even if it hadn’t been formally announced – it would be inappropriate to go. So she instead played ignorant and responded graciously, protesting that she couldn’t possibly impose, that the rebuilding at the Lotus Pier needed her, but that she would of course be happy to attend the hunt alongside the rest of her sect.
She arrived at her brother’s side, smiling all the while.
Her second engagement was announced like this: Sect Leader Jin, using his newly legitimized son as his mouthpiece, had brought forward some ghastly ‘entertainment’ that involved shooting at helpless prisoners, tied up in chains. Jin Zixuan had complied, but Wei Wuxian had marched out and disrupted everything by showing off to a ridiculous extent – Nie Mingjue, who had been watching with a black face full of rage but unable to speak due to propriety, had started applauding very loudly and very enthusiastically – and Sect Leader Jin had ordered the prisoners taken away.
“Well, then,” he said, clapping as if he had impressed himself: as if they hadn’t just been subjected to a powerplay under the guise of hospitality, as if everyone would be over-awed by his might now that they had seen him abuse the helpless while they were all forced by the rules of etiquette to say nothing or else risk carrying the blame for trying to start another war. “Absent anything else, we should proceed to the hunt itself, where await you only the finest of prey and the sharpest competition among your peers.”
For the further display of the power of the Jin sect, he meant.
“Actually,” Nie Mingjue said, interjecting in a moment in which Sect Leader Jin had paused to take a breath so that it was technically not an interruption, “there is one thing. A request, in fact.”
Sect Leader Jin’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, but he maintained his false smile. “Of course, Sect Leader Nie. What can I do for you?”
“I’m getting married,” Nie Mingjue said. “The bride is Young Mistress Jiang, of Yunmeng Jiang, and I would like –” He raised his voice to overcome the abrupt explosion of talk that had erupted. “– I would like to have her accompany my sect in today’s hunt. I hope that doesn’t interfere with your plans for a competition between the sects?”
There were those who said that Jiang Yanli’s chosen husband was bad at politics, and they might even be right. But it didn’t really matter in the end if he’d thought of the idea on a whim or if it’d been a prearranged plan by Nie Huaisang, who was cleverer than he liked to let on to people, Jiang Yanli’s future husband had still wiped away in a single sentence all memory of the farce they’d all just endured and of the hunt that was yet to come, ensuring that the only thing anyone would remember about today was the shocking news of the engagement of the leader of one Great Sect to the sister of another.
(And if everyone remembered that at the last celebration hosted by Sect Leader Jin, he had proposed to resurrect the marriage between Jiang Yanli and his own son, instead, forcing her to publicly demur on vague terms…well, that just made it all the more satisfying.)
Now it was Sect Leader Jin’s turn to scowl and glare, and Madame Jin’s expression looked no less thunderous, but in the end Jiang Yanli got to go with the Nie sect on the hunt.
“You know I’ll only slow you down,” she said to Nie Mingjue, who snorted.
“No more than Huaisang will,” he said, and if his face was stern and his voice gruff then she still thought she detected fondness and humor beneath it. “Besides, it’ll be a good opportunity to measure you.”
It turned out that he meant that more literally than she might have thought.
Jiang Yanli was promptly whisked away to the back of the Nie retinue by a small cadre of Nie disciples, men and women both. She was presented with a number of training sabers shaped out of wood and made to hold them in a variety of positions as they murmured things about stability and reach and balance as if they really, truly thought that she would actually use the saber they were preparing for her.
“This one,” Nie Jiahui, a steely older woman with silver in her hair and fierce eyes, eventually announced, and the practice saber Jiang Yanli had been waving around was taken away. She was then presented with one that was twice as heavy, for “practice”.
“Do you always practice with something heavier than the actual thing?” she asked, and Nie Jiahui nodded.
“Strengthens the shoulders,” she said, curt but not standoffish. “Have some candy.”
Jiang Yanli blinked, but smiled and accepted the offer. It was licorice, which she liked.
“Do you often carry candy with you on night-hunts?” she asked, listening to the sound of fighting from up ahead. Every so often, a disciple or two would trot by carrying the corpses of larger and larger creatures, slain in the fighting; it seemed that the Nie sect was not, in fact, being slowed down in the slightest by her presence.
Of course, she also wasn’t being tended to as if she were their chosen lady, either, as she might have otherwise expected – all pomp and flowery language, Nie Mingjue by her side at all times to show her around as if they were on a pleasure stroll – but in all honesty that would have been a little bewildering. It was very much not the Nie sect’s character, all practical and straightforward, and she found that she preferred it that way.
“It’s important to have something to replenish energy,” Nie Huaisang said, having dropped back to join them from the front. He looked tired and grumpy, but his saber appeared to have been put to some work; he immediately climbed up into the carriage that people were taking turns riding and started cleaning it. “And licorice candy clears the lungs.”
“Clears the lungs?” Jiang Yanli asked.
“It’s good for more than that,” Nie Jiahui said. “But that’s one of the uses, yes. Do you ever feel like your chest is too tight, especially when you move too much? Leading to coughing, shortness of breath, your lips turning blue?”
Jiang Yanli blinked. “Yes,” she said. “But that’s just because I was born with a weak body.”
Nie Jiahui scoffed and Nie Huaisang laughed. “Good luck with that,” he said cheerfully. “I was born with muscles that didn’t keep their tone: too flexible, incapable of gathering strength, requiring more energy to do less, making me twice as tired twice as fast – even sitting up straight can be a struggle in some extreme cases, though luckily not mine. And do you think that helped me one bit in getting out of saber training? It did not.”
“Early childhood intervention is best,” Nie Jiahui said. “But the next best is starting today. I’ll show you some low-impact exercises that you can start working on to strengthen your shoulders and stomach, as well as some balance movements to center yourself and improve your posture – that way, by the time your actual saber is ready, you’ll be able to take it through one of the basic routines.”
“I’m happy to learn whatever you have to teach,” Jiang Yanli said, ignoring Nie Huaisang’s dramatic cry of ‘And here I thought you’d be on my side!’ “I only regret troubling you.”
“Not at all,” Nie Jiahui said. “It’ll be good to have someone watching the Sect Leader’s back on night-hunts.”
Jiang Yanli felt a surge of terror and excitement in her belly. “He would trust me with that? You would trust me with that?”
“I did tell you that you’d need to keep up with him,” Nie Huaisang said mildly, and it was true, he had, only she’d assumed it was a bit more metaphorical. “You don’t have to fight or even walk too much, if it doesn’t suit you – my grandmother was lame in both her legs from a childhood illness, she rode everywhere, scariest woman I’ve ever met by far – but you do have to be there. Someone needs to be able to tell my brother to stop. Someone he’ll listen to.”
And wasn’t that something of a thrill to think of?
Jiang Yanli wasn’t someone anyone listened to – not her parents, not her brother, not her sect disciples. She’d always been the one who comforted them afterwards, who supported them; she made them food and tried to convince them to be kinder to each other, and sometimes they even tried for a while before getting into another tiff. They would kill for her if she so much as hinted at it, tear down the sky for her, but it was more in the nature of indulging her rather than actually allowing them to guide her.
Yet here was Chifeng-zun, a war hero and a sect leader, one of the most powerful men in the world, a man admired by men and sought after (even if only in their hearts) by women, and his family was telling her that he would listen to her.
“If you say so,” she demurred, but they insisted, and by the time the hunt was over Jiang Yanli was surprised to realize that she hadn’t needed to resort to sitting on the carriage more than twice the entire time.
“We’ll send Auntie Jiahui to the Lotus Pier after today’s hunt is done,” Nie Huaisang chattered cheerfully in her ear as they headed back towards Jinlin Tower. “She’ll work you through your paces, believe you me, and all the supplemental things, too – making sure you eat the right thing, take medicinal baths to improve your meridians, apply massages to loosen your joints…those parts are nice, actually. Take care of your body as you would your saber, take care of your saber as you would your wife! That’s how the saying goes. Trust me, you’ll be regretting the whole thing soon enough.”
Jiang Yanli didn’t think she would. “You seem very confident that A-Cheng will allow you to do as you please, even in the Lotus Pier.”
“I’ll tell him it concerns secret Nie sect marriage rituals,” Nie Jiahui interjected. “When two women are involved, men tend to run away when the words ‘marriage’ and ‘secret’ are combined.”
Sadly, she was probably right.
“Show me those exercises again,” she requested, and Nie Jiahui climbed up on to the carriage to show her the ones she could do even while sitting down.
Jiang Yanli might never have had the opportunity to strengthen herself before, and she was moderately certain that she wouldn’t have too much success now, as the various tricks Nie Jiahui had taught her were largely body refinement, barely reliant on qi, and her cultivation was still as low as ever.
But she was good at devoting herself to learning something when she wanted to, and as soon the hunt at Phoenix Mountain was over and they had shifted over to the various feasts and meetings that Lanling Jin had planned for the rest of the week, she began her efforts at self-improvement in earnest.
The weak body her mother had always despaired of might always be weak – Nie Jiahui had been quite blunt on that subject, making it clear that nothing she was suggesting was some sort of miracle pill, and furthermore that there was nothing wrong with being weak as long as she made an effort (Nie Huaisang had been the recipient of several pointed looks there) – but Jiang Yanli was determined to at least demonstrate that she was trying.
A gesture of good faith, perhaps. Some small show of initiative.
Nie Huaisang had said that Nie Mingjue appreciated her initiative.
“A-Xian,” she called one morning, only a few days later. “A-Xian, are you going out for a walk? Let me come with you.”
“You’ve gone on a lot of walks recently,” Wei Wuxian laughed, but allowed her to take his arm as they walked into the crowd. “Do you like Lanling City so much?”
“It’s the exercise I’m after,” she said, smiling at him. “The Nie sect is a martial sect, remember? I’ll be going on more night-hunts in the future, if all goes well, and I’ll need to keep up.”
“Oh, but surely they’ll bring a carriage..? I don’t know if you really need to go on night-hunts –”
“I want to! It’ll be nice. Don’t worry about me so much, A-Xian –”
Wei Wuxian was shaking his head, smiling, and he wasn’t looking where he was going; perhaps that was why he bumped into the young woman.
But then she looked up at him, and he looked down at her, and he froze.
“Wen Qing?”
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orange-waterfalls · 3 years
I Call This One: Bold & Brash!
The egos x artist! gn! reader
ty @pokemonpunqueen for the request!
A/N: I’ve decided that I’m gonna write for the egos when I can’t think of anything else or I need practice writing lmao. I mean I was doing that before? But I didn’t know it? listen it’s fine it’ll be fine but FOR NOW I thiiiink I’m gonna take requests. Just a few. I’ll stop when I think it gets too much. This is exactly what it says. I focused on like drawing/painting for “artist”, with some references to animation thrown in there. I did Darkiplier, Wilford, Yancy, Illinois, Google, Eric, and a Host thrown in there bc I love him and I miss him
Word count is 1.5k
Egos x artist!reader
He’ll want to commission art from you
He makes comments about how Mark is a narcissist but also he’s a narcissist.
Oh look, Dark’s asking you for another picture. What does he want? He wants you to draw him? Again? For the fifth time this fucking month? Wonderful.
He likes looking at how you make art of him, be it stylistic or realistic
He will hang them up all over the fucking house so pace yourself
He’s fine if you draw anybody else
Except Mark. Never Mark. How can he tell, you ask? No fucking clue, but he does
Gets a bit worried that you won’t make enough money to live comfortably
Just because not everyone needs a fucking MANSION-
Will always buy things for you if you ask
Likes to be able to support your job or hobby
Sugar daddy? I mean maybe
Makes sure you eat, sleep, drink water, survive--
Leaves snacks for you at your desk for when you don’t want a meal.
Carries you to bed if you fall asleep at a desk
Recommends you wear comfy clothes at all times so you can fall asleep wherever
A bit of an enabler, he’s doing his best tho
If you take commissions don’t be surprised if he threatens to kill someone when they don’t pay or are rude to you
He loves you, that’s all
Fucking elated
Draw him!!! Please!!!! Please draw him!!!!! He has coin!!!!! He can pay!!!!!
Ecstatic if you actually draw him like he’ll giggle for an hour straight just looking
Secretly commissions more art from you
So also sugar daddy
It’s always something so obvious so you know it’s him anyways
He likes bright colors and eyestrain for some reason
If you make that, he just. Stares at it. Unblinking. You have to snap him out of it (im not projecting what do you mean)
Gets extremely worried about you not taking care of yourself
Gets someone to fucking babysit you when he’s gone so you take care of yourself
When you get greatly offended by this he settles for texting you reminders
And when you ignore those he texts more
Don’t be surprised if you get spammed by several people and an alarm starts to play from somewhere in the house
You’re gonna be healthy whether you like it or not, asshole
Drags you to bed aggressively
He WILL NOT drug your food with melatonin because that’s illegal. B U T-
He’s a little confused, but he got the spirit
Will advertise your art to anyone and everyone and also on his show and threatens the audience with a gun
AGAIN, a little confused. he just wuvs u so much 
I mean technically he’s kind of an artist too so he appreciates your skill and creativity
He’s very nosy and likes to look over your shoulder while you work
If you don’t like him doing that, he still does it, just more secretively
Likes to work in the same room as you. 
That is if you don’t mind constant singing or tap dancing in the background
He shows off your art to anyone and everyone and gets mad if they don’t immediately say it’s fantastic
May or may not have stabbed someone over it, you’ll never know
If you show him something you’re working on, he’ll show you something he’s working on in return
The law of equivalent exchange
You tell him you can make MONEY from things like art and dancing and he goes apeshit he gets so fucking excited
If you’re like an animator and offer to animate his dancing he might actually cry
He’ll deny it constantly every day until he dies
If you make things traditionally he hangs them on the wall Everywhere
You might run out of room
By which i mean you will run out of room as soon as possible
Will never tell you a drawing is bad ever unless it’s like Really Bad which it never will be in his eyes
He loves anything and everything you do u are so precious
You have a permanent support system within the man
Used to see art as pointless
Then comprehended the chemical release it causes in the brain and thought that was fine
Then saw you get really mad with something you were working on and got confused again?
If art no make good chemical, why art?
He still doesn’t understand, but that’s ok
You tried to get him to make something once
He just. Kinda. Made a buncha ones and zeroes
You still framed it and hung in on the wall and he got embarrassed
If he could blush, he would
If you draw him he looks like he doesn’t care but it’s at that point he decides he would die for you
Primary objective: answer questions as quickly as possible. Secondary objective: make u happy. Tertiary objective is to destroy mankind
If you draw bing that will disappear IMMEDIATELY you have BETRAYED him
If you ask for a color palette recommendation he Always says the google colors. Always.
You might’ve thought he was going for an rgby type of thing. But then you realize.
He is in charge of your financing. He will tell you the most efficient ways to make money as an artist and you follow then
He is also in charge of making sure you FUCKING EAT A MEAL
“But isn’t an objective to destroy mankind?” shut up he’s not happy about it either
Despite his best efforts he loves you and that ain’t gonna change
Doesn’t fully understand
He needs to be outside at all times and cannot stay in one place
And you’re like??? Required to stay still???? For prolonged amounts of time????? Disgusting. Anyway, whatcha workin’ on?
He might ask you to try and teach him
If you do try he gives up almost immediately
Sometimes you just get so into it that you forget to do basic things and he gets upset
(i.e. eating, sleeping, living, etc.)
He gets worried about you
He is a hypocrite bc he does the same
He will drag you to bed, motherfucker
Honestly he might lock your shit somewhere until you fucking take care of yourself. it’s like a hostage situation god
“Where the fuck did you put it” “I have no clue what you mean. I might know if you eat your dinner, though”
Asshole (affectionate)
Sometimes you like make faces when you try to draw a person and it’s hilarious and cute to him
He looks at your drawings the moment you walk away but acts like he doesn’t care
He cares a lot
Will support you no matter what but will also tell you without hesitation if he thinks something looks shit
Listen he’s out of line but he’s right
Loves you a lot and will support anything and everything you choose to do or make
Drawing? Awesome! Painting? Wonderful! Animation? Superb!
He often wants to buy you supplies or something but he does not know what anything is
Fuck is a chalk pencil???? What are gel pens vs normal pens?????? Watercolor????? What the fuck are you saying??????????
Will subtly drop hints that you could,,,, draw him,,,,, maybe,,,,, if u wanna 
And by subtly I mean he starts to ask and then starts crying
If you draw him he will cry again he loves u so much 
If he ever were to get a tattoo it’d be something u drew. Nothing else is as important to him at the moment
He enjoys photography and film, and likes to try and bond with you over artistic things
I mean. Some things overlap.
You could talk about a single drawing for hours and he’d listen intently the whole time
Don’t ask him for feedback, it’s always some version of “it’s perfect and I love you”
Even if he hates it
Which,,,,, he might hate it sometimes
He’s not a good reviewer. 2/10, very biased
He likes to take photos when you’re in the zone
If you tell him to delete them he will
While secretly making one his home screen
Hey, he gets it
He writes, he understands the hyperfocus
Sometimes he wouldn’t move from his chair for a day because he was busy writing a script
That being said, you probably have to be the one to get him to take care of himself
Or you have to take turns
Otherwise you’re both gonna fucking die
He asks you to describe your art to him and tries to picture it.
He’ll tell you if he thinks it probably looks good or bad
You shouldn’t take it to heart because he can’t see it
He is a bastard sometimes
“Well, what do you think?” “I think it looks fantastic” “Thanks, babe” “...” “... you think you’re fucking funny, don’t you”
He asks if you can draw him sometimes
No, he won’t see it, but he’ll appreciate the sentiment if you do
He will ask for your opinion on his scripts sometimes
If you say it’s bad he gets really defensive
You work in the same room a lot of the time and forget the other is there
One of you has to preemptively order food or like set a timer so you can goddamn Survive
You’ll be fine
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americaswritings · 3 years
Warnings: Angst, Insecurity & Self-doubt, Language
Summary: The reader stays with Tom and his friends during quarantine. To protect her from media and fans, the reader can’t been seen in any social media posts. It leads to her feeling more and more lonely and isolated until she can’t take it anymore.
Words: 2.6k 
Pairings: Tom Holland x reader
A/N: I wrote this when Tom hosted the marvel pub quiz, but completely forgot to post it!
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"That's it. Thank you for joining and taking part in the quiz! I hope you had as much fun as we did and don't forget to post your answers using the hashtag massive marvel pub quiz so we can find your answers easier. Stay safe and healthy. Bye guys!"
You watched as Tom's face disappeared and the live stream ended.
But the excitement that you had felt when you had first heared of the idea of a marvel quiz was gone. Now you just felt empty. And alone.
You knew that you were overreacting, after all Tom and the others were just a few rooms away, but you couldn't help and feel left out. Again.
You weren't invited to join the live stream in the first place so why join them know?
You knew that Tom only wanted to protect you and himself by keeping you out of the public's eye. If they found out that a female in his age was spending the time during quarantine at his house, they would go wild. You could already imagine the headlines that would follow.
After all Tom had exerperienced how far his ‘fans’ and the media would go when a photo of him and Olivia had gone viral.
Only a few blurry images and both Tom and Olivia had been attacked for weeks, even so far that the girl had to make her instagram private, yet the hate comments never stopped.
And Tom knew that he would never risk the chance of you having to read through pages of hate comments of people that didn't even know you. Because if they did, they knew they could never hate you.
You were kind and loving and you cared a little too deeply.
Tom still remembered when you had called him crying, because you didn't feel confident enough to go out after some girls in your class had made it their mission to target all your insecurities and make mean comments whenever you passed them.
He still remembered the anger and hate he felt inside of him when he listened to your sobbing and how the girl's words had gotten to you, to the point you even believed them.
So when you had moved in with him and the boys, he had decided to keep you out of everything that could reveal to the world that you were living with them. You had agreed without a second doubt, because in that moment it seemed the only rational and responsible thing to do.
Now you weren't so sure anymore, because it hurt so much to be invisible every day. You had gotten used to the fact that you could only watch their instagram stories, live streams and tik toks without being able to join them. But what hurt you even more were the little things.
"Hey y/n, could you leave the room for a sec? You are always in the background of the video!"
A second often turned into hours and soon you found yourself retreating to your room more and more to avoid having to leave and get hurt again.
Yesterday you had decided to do a little game night and you felt so carefree that you came to the conclusion that you were being ridiculous and should rather enjoy the time with them instead of obsessing over your feelings. But then you had laughed over something that had been said and Tom has sighed, dropping his phone.
"Great, now I have to delete that, because you were laughing in the background", he stated, clearly frustrated and you felt heat rushing to your cheeks.
"I'm sorry", you mumbled but it sounded more like a question than a sincere apologzy, because really, what where you even apologizing for? Harrsion had leaned over to get a better look at Tom's phone. "That would have been a great post, mate!"
You adverted your eyes, starring at the table and analysing the natural pattern of the wood to try and distract yourself from the embarassment and the tears that had filled your eyes. "I know right", Tom sighed again and you crounched down in your seat even more.
"I will do that again now so you have to be completely quiet now y/n, got it?
You wanted to scream at them, because you weren't dumb and yet they were treating you like a child that had misbehaved and was now lectured. But you only gulped and nodded, fearing that if you said something, your voice would break and reveal how hurt you really felt.
While they recorded the story again, you listened to their loud laughter as you fought back the tears.
Eventually you excued yourself, mumbling something about having a headache, but you doubted that they even noticed.
Now you could hear them laugh again and even though Tom's laugh was one of your favorite sounds, it now cut deeper into your heart like a knife. 
You were still staring at your phone screen where you saw photos of answer sheets already popping up. You had gotten around 20 answers right, but you didn't feel proud.
When Tom had told you about the marvel quiz you had been beyond excited. Since you could remember you loved the marvel movies. Your rooms had been filled with posters and other merchandise and your friends only rolled their eyes when you suggested to watch a marvel movie during your movie nights.
You had build your knowdlege over the years and loved to challenge Tom, who thought of himself as a big marvel fan as well, regarding who knew more about the marvel cinematic universe.
So when he came up with the idea of a marvel live quiz, you insisted to take part and therefore hear the questions for the first time during the stream so you had the same chance as everyone else.
But as soon as Harry and Harrison had joined the live stream your enthusiasm had faded. They were having so much fun and you were sitting in your room, all on your own. The familiar feeling of loneliness and self doubt had accompained you the rest of the live stream and now that it had ended you just wanted to crawl under the covers and weep into your pillow.
Maybe you were clingy and needy and overthinking again, but you couldn't help the overwhelming sadness and you began to doubt if staying with Tom was a mistake and if your friendship meant more to you than the others.
Maybe you should pack your things tomorrow and tell Tom that you needed to go home. He would understand if you claimed to miss the comfort of being at your home but then again, you would be even more lonely.
Frustrated you threw your phone on the nightstand and quickly changed into your pajamas before crawling into bed.
In the darkness of the room the disappointment felt even more overwhelming and you grabbed onto your pillow for comfort.
A knock made you freeze and your heart started pouding in your chest. You prayed that the person would leave you alone and go away if you pretended to be asleep so you stayed silent.
It was Tom's voice.
"We want to watch a movie. Wanna join us?"
You knew that he wouldn't go away until the got an answer so you dismissed your plan and braced yourself to speak.
"No, I am tired, but thanks." You hoped that Tom didn't notice how nervous you sounded and after an agonizing moment of silence you could hear him mutter an "okay" and walk away.
Did you imagine it or did he sound disapppointed? Now feeling guilty too, you covered your face in your hands in frustration.
Why did everything have to go wrong?
And wait...did you still have your make-up on?
You let out a sound of frustration when you realized that you had to get up again to wipe off your make-up. You had applied it because you wanted to feel your best during the quiz you had been so excited for, but now it meant walking all the way to the bathroom.
Which meant leaving your room again.
You slowly opened your door, peeking out to check if the corridors were empty. You proceeded to tiptoe to the bathroom and closed the door behind you while relief flooded you. You really didn't want to meet anyone now, not when you felt like breaking into tears every second.
When you looked into the mirror and began to wash your make-up off, you allowed yourself to let the tears flow. A few sobs escaped your mouth, but the bathroom was far enough from the living room so they wouldn't be able to hear you.
Without the make-up on, you felt a little more relaxed and you couldn't wait to get into bed again.
But when you reached your room without running into anyone on the way, you were more than surprised to see that once you had closed the door and turned around, you weren't alone.
Tom was sitting on your bed, looking up at you when you entered the room.
You could conclude from the frown that covered his face that you looked as horrible as you felt. Your eyes were probably still puffy and red from the crying and your hair was in a messy bun.
"Tom?", you stuttered, too shocked to come up with something that would save you from this conversation. "What are you doing here?", you added, hating how weak your voice sounded.
His frown grew even deeper and he mustered your apperance, hurt visible in his eyes.
"You were so excited for the quiz so when you didn't leave your room I grew worried", he explained while you akwardly stood next to the door, leaving as much space between the two of you as possible.
"Oh that- I just didn't feel good so I decided to sleep early today", you tried to brush it off, but you knew that Tom would not fall for it.
"Why have you been crying?"
His question was acommpanied by a stern gaze and you couldn't help feeling guilty and ashamed.
"I- I wasn't", you stuttered, but it didn't even sound believable to your own ears. Tom raised his eyebrow, but when he saw how uncomfortable you looked his features softened.
"Hey, you can talk to me, you know that right? Whatever it is, you can tell me and we can figure this out together." His voice was so gentle and caring that tears filled your eyes again and you silently cursed yourself for being so emotional.
You didn't want to cry in front of Tom. It would not be the first time and when it had happened he had always managed to make you feel better and put a smile on your face again, but you also knew the shame that would follow afterwards.
You didn't want him to think that you were too sensitive.
But the tears weren't only a result of your hurt, no, anger was building inside of you at his words. "Really Tom, really?", you snapped and he flinched in surprise.
"Are you sure you want me to talk to you? Maybe someone is filming an instagram story and I could be heard in the background so I should just say nothing at all. Or even better, why don't I just leave the room so there is a lesser chance that I could ruin your precious masterpieces by just existing."
Tom's eyes had widened at your outburst and you actually felt bad for a second, but then you remembered the many occasions he had made you feel like you weren't good enough and the anger came back.
"You know what? I think it would be best if I just went home. I am done being treated like an outsider and being blamed for everything I do!"
Tom had jumped up from the bed and was crossing the distance between the two of you with large steps, but you raised your hands before he could come closer to you.
"Y/n I am so sorry", he stumbled over his words, desperately trying to find the right words. "I didn't realize- I never would have..." Frustrated he ran a hand through his hair.
"Listen, I screwed up! I didn't realize that my behaviour- that I was hurting you and I am so sorry! I just wanted to protect you and now I am the one making you feel this way. Fuck, I am so sorry!"
His words seemed geniune and your heart ached to step forward and pull him into a hug, but you knew that you could not forget so easily.
"I didn't think that this was so important to you. Why didn't you say anything?" He was rubbing the back of his head, seemingly tensed.
"I don't care much about not being in the stories Tom. But it really hurt whenever I am send away so you can film together or when I am told to shut up so I can't be heard while you all have fun together”, you explained, trying to keep your vice even.
“I just feel like I am a burden to you and if you don't want to spend time with me that's fine I guess but I would appreciate for you to tell me that so I can stop trying and just go home."
"No, no, no it's not like that I swear!” Tom seemed desperate again, articulating with his hands to underline his words.
“I miss spending time with you, I really do and it was stupid of me to let myself being dragged into this whole instagram thing!
You know I am normally not the person to care much about posting, but I thought now that everyone is stuck at home, I could make my fans happy and distract them from the situation by sharing more of my life. I should have never put them before you and I am truly sorry!” You could see the regret clearly in his eyes as he took in a deep breath. 
“Please don't go."
You were biting your lip as you were trying your best to stay calm and not break into tears. You had imagined confronting Tom and letting all your anger and hurt out, but now that he stood in front of you with his eyes full of hurt and regret and his pleading words for you to stay, your anger vanished.
"Are you sure?", you asked him in uncertainty, because you knew you couldn't bare if nothing would change. But Tom desperately nodded. "I am. Tomorrow I am going to post a photo to let my fans now that I am taking a break from social media!"
He looked so determined, so sure, that a warm feeling filled you. "You would do that?"
"Of course! I want to make it up to you and besides I was not lying when I said that I miss spending time with you”, he stated, stepping a little closer to you when you didn’t protest anymore.
“You were so distant the last days and I didn't know what to do, so I thought that I should give you space. Seems like that is the last thing I should have done", he sayed with a sheepish smile covering his face.
"Sorry for being so caught up in myself. I should have said something earlier too", you admitted, a small smile forming on your lips, when you felt the burden fall off your shoulders.
"Hug?", Tom suggested and you didn't have to think twice about it.
When he wrapped his strong arms around you, you realized that going back to your place would have been a mistake. Because at some point your home hadn't been a place anymore. Instead it had become a person and you didn't plan on letting go any time soon.
PERMANENT: @fairytalesforever @hamartocado @capkilljoy​ @choke-me-sweet-pea @sleepinginthegarden7 @thenoddingbunny-blog @ttalisa​
TOM HOLLAND: @mbsgr​ @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory​ @fairydustparker​ @its-the-unknownspideywrites​ @tomhollanders2013​ @hollandsmiss​ ​ @100kindsofblake​ @popluckbih​ @quaksonhehe​​
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you’re jealous | monsta x ot7 reactions
maybe some smut ;)
shownu | son hyunwoo
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shownu has been going on variety shows to promote the group’s latest comeback and the female hosts and guests always comment on his looks
it doesn’t bother you usually, you know he’s handsome and love when he gets all flustered from the attention, but you don’t like how the hosts feel up his arms and ogle him when he performs a part of the choreo
they continue to dote on him and jealousy crawls up your throat and takes over your body as you wait for shownu to come home
he comes home earlier than usual and you would be happy if the images of women touching up his arms weren’t flashing in your mind, clouding your vision
he greets you with a kiss to the cheek and your arms are crossed and you’re pouting, still quiet
only when he’s setting down his stuff does he ask what’s wrong giving you time to look away from his sweaty chiseled chest and focus on your anger
“i saw the show today.” a beat of silence
“oh? was it fun?” he was almost done now as he grew closer to you
“it would’ve been if those women weren’t touching you up...” shownu found it adorable when you were jealous so he couldn’t help but put his arms around your waist and pull your back to his chest, resting his head on your shoulders. you could feel his muscles against you, was he not wearing a shirt any more? it didn’t matter you were angry
“i told them to stop but they cut that out of the show...” your anger subsided, of course he did. you turned in his arms then, properly looking him in the eyes for the first time today.
“you’re cute when you’re jealous,” he kissed your nose and you blushed, for a second he thought he outta make you jealous more often but he couldn’t bare even trying to give anyone that kind of attention when he had you. “let me make it up to you,” he started kissing your lips then, his hands roaming down your body as the found your ass and lifted you up, instinctively your legs went around his waist
he was sweaty so u offered to shower with him to save water of course, he thanked you for that with his actions...
wonho | shin hoseok
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wonho was performing WITH YOU and you couldn’t help but feel jealous as the beautiful female dancer moved in synch with him and his hands traced her body
you rarely got jealous, he did that enough for both of you, but you couldn’t help it when fans were saying how good they looked together and of course they didn’t know he was already taken
the tweets, instagram posts, even tiktoks of them together consumed you and you finally came to your breaking point when wonho came home from the music show
“enough hoseok i can’t take it any more!”
“what’s wrong?” he had never seen you so upset, a mix of frustration and sadness adorned your face
“you and your dancer, everywhere i look online i just see you two together and i know it’s not real but when everyone’s telling you they would be good together i-“
“baby they don’t know what’s real and what’s for the performance, at the end of the day i came home to you and love you, i don’t even have her number on my phone much less have her saved as my lock screen like i do you,” wonho grinned and you felt the anxiety leave your body slowly. he always knew how to calm me down and when he realized you weren’t as mad he opened his arms for a hug which you fell into with a small pout still on your face
“can i make it up to my baby?” you didn’t know what he had in mind and you certainly didn’t expect being handcuffed to your bed frame screaming his name as he ate you out until you came...three times
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kihyun wasn’t naturally flirty, just too kind to know he could be perceived as flirty so when a girl trips in front of him and he helps her up like the gentlemen he is she gets the wrong idea and starts flirting with him...in front of you
you let it go on as he obliviously responds to her intrusive questions, you were grateful she didn’t recognize him with his mask and beanie on but you still felt your possessiveness rearing it’s ugly head
“we need to get going honey,” you cut in, having had enough of this girl just when she’s about to ask YOUR boyfriend for his number and she stutters and apologizes, you just mutter an okay as you grab kihyun’s hand and walk away
kihyun laughs as he catches up to you
“aww someone got jealous.”
“not jealous just annoyed, how could you not tell she was flirting?” you frowned at him and he smirked, oh no he’s gonna tease the hell out of you now
“i can only tell when you flirt with me, but what if i was flirting with her? would you get mad? and if i fucked her?” he whispered the last part, since you were still very much in public.
“kihyun,” you groaned as his hold on your hand tightened. you knew where this was going, knew exactly what this tone in his voice would lead to. but honestly you didn’t care, not when you were just as territorial as him and wanted to feel like his in the most physical way.
“would you beg for me back?” kihyun, pulled you flush against him and whispered into your ear and you couldn’t help but hold onto his shoulder for strength, he knew what he did to you.
“you know i would.”
“you look so pretty when you beg, maybe i’ll go get her number.” you were whining at this point, still very much in public, he drove you crazy.
“fuck me please kihyun.” and that’s all it took before you were rushing to the nearest bathroom like a bunch of horny teenagers, and kihyun was making you cry and scream his name.
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being an mc on a music show meant he interacted with lots of idols and you always anticipated the influx of delusional fans assuming he’s dating any girl idol he has any interaction with but one day is different from the others
he’s doing his usual mc duties but this kpop idol is staring at him intensely, even as going as far as telling him he��s handsome
she’s much older but it doesn’t stop the influx of tweets and comments
minhyuk is handsome you know that, anyone with eyesight can see that so when he comes home you can’t help but be grumpy
you can’t be mad at him you know that but your feelings are your feelings
he knows as soon as he’s home what’s making you grumpy
“babe i can’t help it!”
“ i know it’s just-why are you so handsome??? cover your face or something argh” you’re not really angry at him and he knows that as he kisses your face until the pout drops from your lips and he kisses you
you’re still feeling annoyed so you make it a point to show minhyuk just how much he is yours as you are his, making him scream your name all night long
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like kihyun he doesn’t realize people assume he’s flirting when he’s kind just because he’s handsome
you’re out with him in vacation in greece and hyungwon is helping these japanese tourists with directions because he overhears them being confused about the hotel names, they assume he’s flirting with them since they don’t see you standing, waiting for him under the shade of the store front
hyungwon politely declines their offer to join him back at their hotel and you unfortunately hear the entire conversation, not once did he mention you
you scoff and walk off as he walks back to you, his eyebrows raising in shock
“woah what’s wrong?” he catches up to you with ease, damn his long legs.
“why don’t you go ask your new friends since i don’t exist?” you glare at him and he smirks, the handsome fucker smirks
“jealous babe?”
“why would i be, not like i’m your girlfriend or anything.” you grumble and he laughs at how you’re the angriest he’s seen you in a while. the last time you were this angry it was at netizens for attacking him over some dumb thing.
“i didn’t tell them because they could have recognized me and that wouldn’t have been good for anyone,” that made a lot of sense, maybe you had reacted too strongly. you might just be angry about other people flirting with what’s yours more than anything.
“you’re hot when you’re angry though, maybe i should do that more often.” you stopped in your tracks and narrowed your eyes even more at him, you pulled him into the side alley, pushing him against the building side.
“you won’t.” you shut up with a kiss and he was smirking into your kiss, his hands roaming down your body and you had to pull away and remind yourself you were not in your hotel room. after that you both stumbled and practically ran back to your hotel.
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jooheon is pretty well known for his unabashed displays of aegyo and so when he goes on a variety show it’s not surprising he’s asked to do it
unfortunately this show is hosted by a female idol and her reaction sends netizens into delusional theories that the two are surely dating
you’re so upset by the rumors and allegations that you start to believe them so when jooheon sees you two days after the rumors started you’re crying at your place
he’s so worried he pulls you to him automatically and asks repeatedly what happened and what’s wrong, not even thinking for a second it could be related to the rumors
finally you manage to stop crying and get out, “it’s okay if you love her too if she makes you happier i’ll understand.”
“what the hell are you talking about?” jooheon is so dumbfounded by your statement he stops soothing you and this makes you go back to crying
“you and that kpop idol on the variety show it’s all over the internet.”
“you idiot i would never date much less love anyone other than you.” you just stop crying at look at him through your tears, which you furiously wipe away again and see the sincerity on his face.
“yes oh i can’t believe you even believed them.” jooheon scoffs and gets off the bed you were both sat on, and then out of nowhere he picks you up and takes you to the bathroom
“we’re taking a bath so my baby can feel better,” the relaxing bath turns to a little more when he can’t but show how much he missed you the past couple days and just how much he loves you more than anyone else
I.M | im changkyun
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people expected changkyun to be the bad bitch in your relationship, he had sharp features, a deep voice, piercings, and an amazing body but everyone who knew you both knew you were the one who would slice a bitch
especially if a random girl is trying to dance on your man in the one nightclub everyone knows he’s taken in, this nightclub had cut some kind of nondisclosure deal with the idols and their companies but clearly this girl was new, however, that didn’t mean you would hold back
changkyun winced as she started to dance on him and backed away, but she was persistent as she turned around and tried again, he waved his hand in front of her, clearly disinterested
you didn’t want to step in but as you monitored the situation where you danced with jooheon you could tell changkyun was struggling to remain polite
but you didn’t have a reputation to maintain and you certainly weren’t as calm and collected as your boyfriend
in a couple seconds you were wedging yourself between her and your boyfriend
“i’d back away sweetie,” you painted on your best fake smile and changkyun let out a sigh of relief.
“who are you?” her voice and tone was unpleasant, it was all too unpleasant especially when you were trying your best not to break her
“i’m his girlfriend,”
“let’s let him pick,” she shoved you away and stepped closer to changkyun, and that’s when you know you’re about to end up at the police station...again
changkyun stops you by grabbing your waist and hauling you over his shoulder as you’re lunging for her hair
shownu appears out of nowhere and asks the girl to kindly fuck off in the way shownu just knows how to do
when you’re outside and the driver has pulled up to the club, changkyun sets you down, he looks partially amused but mostly concerned
he knows you hate it when other people flirt with him just like he has to stop himself from breaking the jaw of any guy who dances on you at the club
he pushes the hair out of your face and looks at you fondly, you just nod at him to let him know you’re okay, too lost in his eyes to find words at the moment
and then the driver is opening the door for you and you both shuffle into the very back row of the minivan
changkyun presses a kiss to your temple, and you lean into his side
“you’re so fucking sexy when you get like that, i know i shouldn’t encourage it but fuck,” changkyun whispers into your hair and you shiver as his deep voice sends chills through you, you let your hand travel from its place on his lap to where the leather of his pants is becoming strained
“don’t.” he hisses and you aren’t in the obedient mood as you look him straight in the eyes and continue your torture
you estimate you have about thirty mins to go to get home, the privacy screen between the driver and the back of the car won’t muffle all the sound of you both but you can at least remind changkyun who he belongs to
so when you’re done making him suffer in his leather pants, you unzip them and he’s hissing and grabbing your hand
“fuck babe,” you just smirk at him and then spit in your hand. changkyun groans and throws his head back against the headrest, soon enough you’re leaning down and taking him into your mouth and he’s whining your name in between strings of curses. you manage to finish him off before you even get home.
changkyun gets back at you and you’re sure the entire apartment complex knows his name now
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notchesandbullets · 3 years
She’s Mine (Protective!Bakugou x Punk!Tattooed!Reader) feat. Erasermic
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Warnings: racism, implied homophobia (not by anyone in the main cast), sexism, discrimination/discriminatory behavior, Modern!AU, Aged-Up!AU, features Bakugou’s parents, Erasermic, Kota, Eri, Mahoro, Katsuma and all of Class A defending you when insults start to fly.
Synopsis: This is not the first time you’re seeing Bakugou’s family but it is the first time you’re meeting his grandmother, who is not the best company to be around. He comes to your defense after you stand up for yourself and he had no qualms about sticking his face in the old hag’s because he’d be damned if he lets anyone talk to you like that. You’re his.
Words: 3.2k
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“Y/N’s here!!!” Mitsuki called over her shoulder as she threw the front door wide open before you could even ring the doorbell.
Her son had texted her that you two were on their way and she was eager to see you. With the job and your relationship with her son, you two were busy bees and didn’t come around as often anymore. 
Which is why she insisted that her stubborn son at least come around for his birthday since it only happened one day out of the year. Then he could continue doing whatever it was that he was doing. 
Luckily, you were on her side and helped convince him to go just this once.
You laughed at the pitter-patter of tiny feet scampering across the cherry hardwood before dropping everything to catch the little kid that tunneled into your legs. 
“Y/N!!! You’re back!!!”
Eri’s ruby red eyes sparkled with joy as she clung to your legs.
“I missed you!!!” She shouted excitedly, hugging your knees tight.
You giggled, resting a hand on top of her head. “I missed you too, munchkin.”
Bakugou snorted behind you and you were reminded of his presence. “Oi, brat. Are you going to let us in or what?”
Eri stuck her tongue out at him childishly before dashing back inside, a trick she learned from her big brother Izuku, doubling back to grab your hand and hauled you inside with her. You casted a glance over your shoulder at your boyfriend but he shrugged, giving you the go-ahead.
He would catch up to you two troublemakers later. Besides, he knew you would want to see all the kids first. 
Kota, an orphan whose extended family gave him up for adoption, along with the siblings, Mahoro and Katsuma, were all under Aizawa’s guardianship.
After he adopted Eri, it sort of just snowballed until he was in too deep. He told Mic repeatedly that it wasn’t his fault that he had a soft spot for orphans.
His husband had merely shook his head with a laugh and hoisted Katsuma up higher so that he could reach the cupcakes they were going to sneak behind his back before dinner.
Mitsuki closed the door behind him as her son kicked off his shoes. 
“She gets that from me.” She said proudly as she gazed lovingly at Eri. She loved having her around the house. 
Since Aizawa and Mic lived relatively close, they came over often since she was feeling rather lonely with an empty nest.
Bakugou snorted. “Yeah, no shit.”
His mother glared at him for his language but didn’t reprimand him like she normally would and his eyes turned into hateful slits.
“Don’t tell me—” He started, gritting his teeth.
“They’re here.” She said with a heavy sigh.
Bakugou cursed vehemently under his breath, his brow furrowing deeply as he fought to control himself. He was banking on them not making an appearance today. 
His grandparents on his dad’s side, though he adored his grandad and thought the world of him, he absolutely could not stand his grandmother. 
She was racist, sexist, had limited views on literally everything and would raise hell if she didn’t get her way and she was a huge pain in his ass.
Even his own mother couldn’t stand her and that was saying something because she tolerated everyone to some degree, despite her odd love language when it came to him. 
They were both shit at communicating but it had gotten better as he got older. 
Now, the worst things that happened were spats here and there when they disagreed but his mother was usually good about backing off if she felt he could make the right decision for himself, which wasn’t often but it was better than none. 
Bakugou strolled inside and his eyes softened for a second when he saw you playing with Mahoro, Kota sitting on your lap as Eri was climbing all over Midoriya. You four were currently playing Monopoly and Eri exclaiming in shock as she realized she was losing since the devious Kota was slowly claiming more and more property.
“Haha!!” He cackled, rubbing his hands together evilly. “You landed on the purple one!!”
“No fair!!” Eri protested. “I don’t have enough money!!!”
“Too bad!!”
“Deku-niichan.” Eri cried, her eyes watering and you nearly fell over laughing as he frantically tried to get her to stop crying. 
The rest of his old class from college was already here, as per his mother’s request and Kirishima’s invitation.
Shinsou, Tsuyu, Todoroki and Iida were all near the food, the previous class rep serving drinks even though it wasn’t his job to play host. 
Tokoyami was currently engaged in a conversation with his dad and as Bakugou spun around the room, he realized every last one of his old classmates had shown up.
It was fucking crowded in his house. 
But the spark of joy he felt diminished the instant he saw his grandmother and he scowled, straying to your side almost protectively as her eyes burned into his back. 
This was why he didn’t fucking want her here. He didn’t want her to rain judgement upon the person who had won over his heart.
No way in hell.
Look, you weren’t fragile by any means. Your heart was filled with a healthy amount of self-esteem and you had built up your walls to protect yourself against people who had something to say about your many tattoos or piercings, yet you still were the kindest soul he had ever met. 
It was in the way you walked and interacted with people, a genuine smile always present on your features as you gave them more respect than most would give you upon first glance.
Bakugou knew you could handle yourself but you shouldn’t have to with his own fucking relatives. That shit was messed up. 
You glanced at your boyfriend out of the corner of your eye and your gaze dropped down to where his hands were clenched into fists, jaw locked tight and you sigh, softly urging Kota to get up and continue playing with Mahoro and Katsuma until you got back.
The boy grumbled but did as you asked, easily getting swept up in the competition of the game as you drifted to Bakugou’s side.
“I know that look,” You murmured into his ear, your hand covering his as you ignored the idle chatter coming from your friends and family around you. “What’s wrong?”
Bakugou clenched his teeth and debated about it for a second.
“Nothing.” He spat out eventually, choosing to deal with the old hag himself and you let him go when he stomped off, knowing that Kirishima or Kaminari would handle whatever it was that just happened if he didn’t want to talk to you about it. 
Momo greeted you warmly and a smile slipped onto your face as though it had never left. 
You hadn’t bothered to dress all that nice or different from your usual getup, feeling more comfortable in leather and all black that looked like you just came from a rock concert but you got the feeling that not everyone was feeling it as much as Jirou was when she came over to compliment you on your fashion taste.
Shoji and Koda each greeted you respectively and before you knew it, the catered dinner arrived and it was finally time to eat. The judging look you had been aware of from someone you didn’t recognize passing by as you brushed it off as unimportant and focused on helping Mitsuki set the table. 
You clapped your hands gleefully when Eri pitched in to help, complimenting her on how well of a job she did as she finished and you beamed at her when she smiled up at you.
Of course, Aizawa needed to help her since he didn’t want her to stand on a chair and lose her balance but it was easy enough to lift her up. She wasn’t that big yet. 
He had already told Mic he was dreading the day when she would grow up and have to leave home to start her own life and his husband patted him on the back sympathetically, reassuring him that it wouldn’t be the end of the world. 
They loved their children and their children absolutely adored them. 
You had told them as such on more than one occasion since they got insecure that they weren’t adequate parents but you reassured them that they were perfectly imperfect.
They put their kids’ health, safety and happiness before everything else and did everything they could for them. 
You wished your own parents had done that for you. 
As soon as you set down the place settings for everyone and called everyone in for dinner, they flooded the huge dining table that overflowed into the living area to accommodate everyone. 
Bakugou had left for a second to grab something from his old bedroom, promising to be back right away and you reassured him that you would be fine. 
You were barely into helping Mic convince a stubborn Kota to take a spoonful of green beans onto his plate, Shinsou helping Aizawa with Mahoro’s vegetable serving, when a throat cleared itself loudly.
The lively chatter died all around the table died down as grey eyes pierced your own and you stiffened but held your ground. 
You knew that look, you had seen it too many times. 
The older woman opened her mouth and spoke.
“So, you’re my grandson’s girlfriend?” She enunciated, looking you up and down from where she was sitting at the head of the table, her hands setting down her knitting project to glare at you. “I don’t see why he’s dating you.”
The expressions of shock at her vulgar words made several of your friends angry in your defense, Iida and Todoroki trembling in anger and Mina’s eyes narrowed as she dropped her happy-go-lucky personality in favor of ripping her a new one. 
But before any of them could act, she was continuing evenly.
“For someone who doesn’t know how to dress properly and looks like that, I mean, it’s already bad enough that your skin is that color, my dear, and you’ve ruined it even further with those ugly things.” She spat, unaware of the wrath she was evoking from every single person in the room. 
Kaminari’s electric eyes glowed as he saw red. “Bad enough?” 
“Excuse me?” Shoji seethed with unparalleled anger rising up in his chest, a rare sight for the normally calm and collected man.
Jirou, Ochako and Momo were furious at the way she was talking down to you and they shared a look amongst themselves, communicating wordlessly that this wasn’t going to be allowed to get out of hand any longer.
Kirishima was visibly shaking and even the normally shy Koda was fuming in his seat, openly glaring at the elderly woman who spewed insults at you. 
A chair scraped back as Midoriya shot up but you shook your head, holding your finger up to your lips as you subtly gestured for everyone to hold back. 
Aizawa’s nostrils flared from where he was covering Eri’s ears while several of his former students took care of the rest of the kids to make sure they wouldn’t hear this.
To their horror, the grandmother wasn’t even close to being done as she pointed a gnarly finger at you.
“Your job as a girl is to stay in the kitchen and attend to your husband. To even think you’re worth anything if you weren’t involved with my grandson is absurd.” She hissed at you venously, her skewed ideals rooted deeply in her beliefs and how she was raised. “You are a disgrace to even breathe the same air as someone like me.”
Bakugou’s father frantically tried to amend what had been done and Mitsuki was about to yell at her but you stopped her. 
Everyone’s eyes turned on you as you took a deep breath. 
“I’m sorry you feel that way, but I won’t apologize for being who I am.” You said quietly but firmly, failing to notice someone coming down the stairs and overhearing your steady words as they flowed from your lips like honey. 
Not tricks. Just genuine sympathy, like you didn’t even hear her say all those horrible things to you. 
It was supposed to be your boyfriend’s day and you weren’t going to ruin it for him in the same manner that she had just done. 
“I understand what you’re saying, but don’t you think that we should be allowed to love who we love?” 
You inclined your head slightly, allowing a sliver of the emotion you felt to slip onto your face as you glanced pointedly as Aizawa and Mic.
After you noticed her staring so openly at you, you also noticed that she would scowl whenever the two men would walk in the room and play with their kids and while you would take whatever she was going to throw at you, you weren’t going to tolerate the same for them.
They didn’t deserve that.
Holding up your arm, you inspected the ink running up and down the length of it. “As for my appearance, my style is my own. I don’t recall asking for your opinion.”
There were a couple of snickers from Jirou, Kaminari, Sero and Mineta as you put her in his place and Todoroki leaned back in his seat, gazing up at you proudly as you stood your ground without firing any hate back at the old woman. 
Hagakure clapped her hands jubilantly as a few cheers of agreement sounded around from the table but you had one more thing to say. 
Your eyes softened. “I understand how you may feel about me, but I don’t need your acceptance. I love myself just as I am and if Katsuki ever feels differently about me and we split, then we’ll split. But please do not judge my love for him based on how you believe I should be. I am who I am and I won’t ever apologize for that.”
“And you never fucking have to.”
Bakugou strolled into the dining area, smirking at the old hag who had the nerve to look shocked at his appearance. Of course she would be so fucking disgusting to say something this horrible to you when he wasn’t within earshot. 
Blood relations didn’t excuse behavior. 
Narrowing his vermilion eyes at his grandmother, he faced her head on as he took your hand into his. 
“She’s my fucking girlfriend.” He declared, tenacity and stubbornness dripping off of his tone as he snarled at his grandmother. “And if you ever speak to her like that again—”
He nodded in time to Mic and Aizawa, the men who had mentored him and taught him almost everything he knew. 
“Or either of them, including the rest of these shitheads, I’ll fucking kill you.”
The veiled threat hung in the air and you squeaked as Bakugou abruptly dragged you to the front door.
“Where are you going?!” Mitsuki cried out, worried that you both were going to leave without eating anything and she was sad to think that her mother-in-law had driven you away.
Bakugou gnashed his teeth at the confused clamour that arose from his classmates. “Out!! We’ll be back later!!”
You could hardly get a word in edgewise as he dragged you all the way out to the car after barely giving you enough time to put on your shoes.
“Katsuki!! What—”
Your bewildered protests were interrupted as he whirled around and kissed you hard. You melted into his touch as his hot palms settled on your hips, pulling you flush against him. Whining softly when he pulled away, you panted as he breathed hard against you, his exhales fanning out over your face.
You were in a daze as he led you to the car, buckling you in before he got in the driver’s seat. 
And he drove, taking a detour that would take him towards the countryside where there were no people, no places, just you and him. 
Just how he liked it. 
The painted lavenders and pale pinks of the setting sun faded to midnight black with stars twinkling high above you as you cruised around for hours before he finally spoke. 
“I’m sorry.” He apologized quietly and you immediately grabbed his hand that wasn’t currently occupied with steering.
“No!! You don’t have anything to apologize for—”
“Yes I do.”
His grip tightened on the steering wheel a fraction as he slowly explained that if he had told you earlier about what she was capable of instead of ranting to his best friend like an idiot, maybe he could’ve—
Your soft murmur brought him back down to planet Earth and you shook your head firmly. 
“It’s not your fault.” You told him without wavering once as he brought the car to a stop just at the edge of the trail. “I don’t blame you at all.”
Bakugou slammed his hand against the steering wheel angrily. “Yes it fucking is!!!”
He ranted and he ranted about how he had come downstairs only to hear his own flesh and blood spitting those vile insults that you didn’t deserve at all. 
You didn’t deserve it at all.
You were quiet when he finished and when his chest was heaving with the spent rage he had aired out, you asked, “Feel better?”
“Like hell I do!!!” He snapped at you, about to go off again when he noticed the bemused expression on your face. “What the fuck, dumbass?”
You tilted your head in confusion. “Huh?”
“Why the hell aren’t you bothered at all?” He questioned, genuinely flabbergasted. 
Eyes clearing in understanding, you traced the back of his hand with your fingers. “Because it doesn’t bother me.”
At the sight of Bakugou opening his mouth, you hurried out, “I mean, do you really think someone like that gets to cut me down? Her words don’t mean anything to me.”
You hesitated and opened yourself a little bit, trusting him not to take advantage of your weakness because while her words stung in the moment, it was nothing your heart couldn’t come back from. But…
“If you were to say them, it would hurt a lot more, but I don’t think you would— eep!!”
You yelped as he dragged you over to his seat, yanking at the seatbelt that got in the way, but pulled you to his chest once he released the safety clip.
“Never.” He breathed against your hair, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. “I would fucking never.”
You closed your eyes. “I know.”
There, in his car, you two stayed in a tight embrace under the stars until you it got late enough that you insisted you should go back and at least spend the rest of the time with your friends, which, if their sleeping schedules hadn’t changed since college, there was a good chance almost all of them would still be up.
So Bakugou drove you both back, his heart a little more at ease after he got to hold you close and be alone with you. 
That was all he wanted.
Well… He thought to himself as he unconsciously brushed his left hand over the small velvet box that had been hastily stuffed in his pocket the second he grabbed it from his room.
That and one other thing.
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jenomark · 3 years
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➔Pairing: Jaemin x Reader (Female) ➔Other Members/ Characters: Mentions of Jeno ➔Genre: Romance & Angst & Smut ➔Warnings: Sex, Drinking, A lot of pining etc. ➔Word count: 4,338
➔Summary: Three best friends. One is your ex, the other is someone you've been in love with for a long time, and the third friend is you. You're a mess, but you're trying your best to find your way back to where you belong.
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When you opened the door, Jaemin was there, just like he’d always been. Standing on your front porch, with one hand in his pocket, and the other below his heart, as if he had trouble keeping it in place. He was wearing loose fitting sweatpants, and a white t-shirt that left little to the imagination.
“Were you sleeping?” you asked.
“I was tossing and turning before you called,” he said, leaning against the doorway. “May I come in?”
Jaemin had always walked into your house uninvited. He never knocked, normally never announced his presence. Sometimes, you would come home from work, and he would be sitting on your couch eating all of your food, feet up on the table, a lazy smile on his face. It was like he lived with you, coming and going as he pleased, a piece of furniture in your life. But this time, he didn’t waltz past you like he owned the place. He asked for your permission first. There was something about that permission that sat like dead weight at the bottom of your stomach.
“I wouldn’t have called if…” you said, trailing off.
What else could you really say? I wouldn’t have called if Jeno hadn’t dumped me. Jeno, you know him, right? Our other best friend.
Jaemin stood underneath the porch light, the glow morphing his sweet features into stone. His jaw clenched and unclenched, as it often did when he was thinking too much. When you moved aside to grant his permission, he smiled and slipped by you without saying much. The hairs on his arm brushed against yours.
That is when the tears started to fall.
You followed him through the darkness of your home. It had been yours for over a year now, but it felt as much his as it did yours. You hadn’t thought to turn on any of the lights. You came home and immediately called him, because Jaemin always knew how to take care of you. You had sat in the darkened hallway, sprawled across the stairs, until Jaemin pulled up in his car.
“I’m sorry,” you said.
“Why are you sorry?” he asked.
He turned on your lights as he went, each knob or pull of a string easy for him to find. You caught sight of your reflection in a picture frame on the fireplace and turned away. You didn’t want to know what he could see. You already knew what kind of woman would be staring back.
“It’s late, “ you said.
He laughed, “It’s barely midnight, my love.”
“You were sleeping.”
“I wasn’t sleeping well.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, again.
Jaemin turned and looked at you in the light for the first time. You had left your shoes in the car, so you were barefoot. You’d been crying for what felt like hours, eyes feeling like they were swollen shut. You were dressed in one of Jeno’s t-shirts that was too big on your frame. If you moved, you could still smell Jeno all around you.
“Let's get you cleaned up,” he said.
Once the tears started, they wouldn’t stop. Jaemin reached up to wipe them away, his thumb tracing the edge of your jaw before they began to roll down your neck. As he ushered you to your bedroom, he didn’t ask what happened. He had enough respect for you and Jeno not to ask. You knew deep down that his anger fought against him, told him not to react. He once said it was his duty as a best friend to hurt all of the boys who hurt you, but no one ever told him what to do if the boy who hurt you was his best friend, too.
You changed into pajamas and watched trashy reality television until you thought he was asleep. You curled your legs underneath you on the couch and watched him a little while longer. You watched his chest rise and fall, his t-shirt lightly clinging to his chest. He was a busy man, but he would drop anything for his friends. You continually felt like you didn’t deserve him.
“You deserve better, you know,” he said, peering at you through his half-opened eyes, his eyelids heavy with sleep.
“I’m not sure that’s true,” you whispered.
Jaemin stretched his hands over his head. You couldn’t keep your eyes from wandering over to the little sliver of his exposed stomach. You couldn’t keep any thoughts from wondering what it would feel like to kiss him there, letting your lips trail below the waistband of his sweatpants.
He hadn’t dated anyone for nearly two years. He said it was because no women approached him, but you had a theory that he was lying through his teeth. Jaemin had always been a good-looking guy. His kind eyes and weird sense of humor made women fall for him as quickly as they met him. He was single because it was his choice.
“The guys you date are awful,” he said.
“Even Jeno?” you asked.
Though it was dark again, and all you could see were parts of his face illuminated by the television, you could tell he was irritated.
“What kind of man do I deserve?” you found yourself asking out loud.
Part of you wanted him to say that you deserved him. You held onto the hope that you could be with each other one day, that you had simply fallen in love with the wrong friend. Best friends shouldn’t hope for that. It felt greedy to want that life with him.
“I don’t know,” he said. You could practically hear his smile in his words. “Someone who is kind and funny, and knows how beautiful you are. He has to like the things you like.”
You laughed, burying your head in my arms. Jaemin laughed along with you, humming a song you’d been in love with since you were a kid, and twisting his hips around on your couch. It always baffled you how easily he could recall things you’d told him years ago.
“I can think of a million people like that, Jaem.”
“Yeah?” he asked, raising one eyebrow. “Well, they’re not good people, and they certainly don’t deserve my girl.”
You both fell silent, staring at anything around the room but each other. You placed your feet on the floor and leaned your back against the couch.
Do you know how hard it is to realize for the first time that you love someone? It’s not like you can admit it, pack up all of your baggage, take them by the hand, and push your way into a future of bliss. They have to want you back. You have to fight for it. And there are consequences.
Truth be told, you wouldn’t have chosen Jeno at all if Jaemin had loved you back when it was time to. But you did choose him, and you can’t rewind your life to a place in the movie where everyone is happy and everything is right.
“I’m looking in the wrong places, huh?” you asked him. “ I settled. How many times can I do this to myself? How many times can both of us waste our lives sitting on this couch waiting for something to happen?”
“ I like it here,” he said, patting the cushions. “Your couch is my second bed, and you have great snacks.”
You wanted to laugh, but felt tears welling up again. You angled your body so that you were facing him. His eyes were trained on you, but there was no laugh caught on the edge of his lips, and no smile reaching his eyes.
“You’re beautiful.” was all he said.
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You and Jaemin fell into a post-breakup routine. You would hang out when he was on break from filming music videos, and you would never talk about what happened until the next time another man broke your heart. He cracked jokes all day to cheer you up, and you laughed until it hurt. Your time together ended before the sun went down, and he would always hug you goodbye a second too long. And you loved those hugs. Being close to him meant feeling what it would be like if you could hug him whenever you wanted. He held you tightly, wrapping his arms all the way around your body. It left you breathless.
Sometimes, you would visit him on set, avoiding Jeno by a mile, and sitting by Jaemin just to be near him. He always got so lost in the monitoring that he forgot you were there. He did this thing where his face would get serious, concentration turning it to stone. You always had to break him out of the spell and remind him to eat something to keep his energy.
Jaemin is and will always be your best friend. You loved him like a best friend. When it began to feel like more, you needed him more. You felt a little bit like you were constantly reaching out for his hand; it just always fell short. And then there were times when you would push him away. You don’t know why you did it.
“You should date more, “ you said. “ Let a girl wine and dine you.”
He laughed. “I don’t need to date , and I certainly don't need to get drunk to have a good time. That's what I have you for.”
“I’m being serious, Jaem.”
He looked up from his mc hosting script. “I know you are, but the question is why you’re being serious with me?”
Because I am mindlessly in love with you, and I am terrified of what it means for me. If you fall in love with someone else, I can just say that it wasn’t meant to be and move on. I don’t want to face the truth that you might never love me back.
“I’ve always wanted to double date,” you said lamely. “It sounds fun.”
“It sounds horrible. How about I swing by after work with a pizza and some nice cola, and we make fun of everyone that’s hurt us?” he asked. “Double dating a slice of spicy pizza isn’t a bad idea. ”
“Sure,” you said.
Your routine was full-proof if you wanted to spend the rest of your life watching reality television with your crush while you thought about burying your face into his chest.
“Have you thought about dating again?” he asked. “You and Jeno seem alright now. You can almost stand to be in the same room together.”
It had been months since you and Jeno broke up, and it was the first time Jaemin had brought him up in a while. The other night, you returned Jeno’s t-shirt to him and talked about how you felt the night he broke up with you. Although your initial friendship would never be the same, you felt like everything would be okay.
“Dating is a bad idea for me.” you said.
“Why not? You can’t sit on the couch for the rest of your life, darling.” he smirked.
Jaemin always stepped so delicately around your dating life, but there was something in his eyes that was reckless and uncaring. He was pushing you, and you weren't sure how you should push back.
“Why have a boyfriend when I have you?” you blurted. Fuck. “I mean, because you...do..things”
He looked up at you, again. The silence in the room was awkward. All you could do from setting yourself on fire was act like a spot on the wall was more important than the entire conversation.
“I..do..things?” he asked.
“No I don’t do...things?”
You shook your head. Unfortunately, it left him more confused than ever.
Jaemin said your name, and the way he said it made you feel dizzy. It was like he was pleading with you to finally tell the truth, to admit what you really meant by it. It should have been the moment when you confessed that you were head over heels in love with him, and that it was never going to be about Jeno again.
“I should go,” you said, picking up your bag.
You were scared that if you looked at him and saw the disappointment on his face, you would cry. You knew it was there. You could feel it coming at you in waves.
“See you later tonight?” you asked, popping a thin smile on my lips.
You hovered around the doorway. Jaemin cleared his throat and said, “Actually, I just remembered that I can’t. I have a lot of work to do.”
You nodded and left, hating yourself for not saying anything else.
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You hadn’t spoken much in a month. You created the ripple that disturbed the whole dynamic. You felt like you had embarrassed him by suggesting he was yours to claim. Of course he wasn’t yours. He wouldn’t ever be yours. Look at you.
You had been going on dates with a man whose name didn’t matter. He was nice enough, but you didn’t think you would make it past date two. He seemed too into his hair, and he didn’t truly think you were funny. He laughed at your jokes too easily, just like Jeno did, which somehow bothered you. Jaemin would have told you the truth- that you were trying too hard.
I think I am trying too hard. I’m trying too hard to forget him, but he’s all I fucking think about. The way he licks his lips before he talks, and how his humor is always so self-deprecating, but so damn witty. How he’ll dance to anything just to make even the sourest of people smile. He’s the kind of man that is intelligent one moment but extremely stupid the next. He is the kind of man that makes people fall in love with themself.
“You look good,” the mystery date man said, breaking your reverie. He opened the car door for you and checked his watch, impatiently. “I think we might be late for the reservation.”
“Sorry for taking so long to get ready. I sometimes forget what I’m doing.” you said.
“We’ll have to eat somewhere else,” he said.
He put his hand on your thigh when you got into the car. You let it rest there for a few seconds before you shifted your body and he got the hint.
“You look really nice tonight.” he said.
“Thank you so much.” you smiled.
The mystery man was decent looking, if you liked the type of man who looks like he canoes for fun. He was stable, which was good. You could tell he would be a great man for some girl one day, and that maybe she would like getting fingerbanged in the front seat of a car from the 1990's.
When he started the car, he was still looking at you adoringly. You felt like you were being mentally skinned alive from his stare, so you looked away.
“Oh my God.” you said.
The mystery man's eyes snapped to your line of sight. Standing in the gleam of the headlights was Jaemin. His white dress shirt was untucked from his pants, and his tie was shoved into the pocket of his dinner jacket. He stood with one hand on his hip. In his other hand, he held an empty bottle of wine.
“Holy shit, is that a kpop idol?” the mystery man asked.
“In the flesh,” you said, bewildered.
He rolled down his window and yelled, “What’s up, man?”
By the way Jaemin was standing, you could tell he was drunk. He didn’t need to have the evidence stuffed into his right hand. Drunk Jaemin was a show to behold. He didn’t drink much, or ever, but when he did, he usually ended up hurting himself from doing something stupid.
“Get out of the car,” Jaemin said, pointing at the mystery man.” I’m gonna kick your ass, man.”
And there was the something stupid.
“What did he just say?” the mystery man asked.
“I believe he said, “Have a nice date!’,” you answered. “Please drive away now.”
“I’ll hit him with my car if I do.” the mystery man said. “He’s so drunk, look at him. Should I film this?”
“Holy fuck, no, you shouldn’t film this,” you said.
Jaemin got on his knees in front of the car and started crawling towards you. He was making animal noises and pawing at the ground. It wasn’t the weirdest thing Jaemin had done, but it was definitely going towards the top of the list.
“Jaemin, get up.” you shouted. “You’re going to hurt your knees.”
“I’m already hurt.” he shouted back.
“This guy is a legend,”the mystery man whispered.
You rolled your eyes and opened the car door. Jaemin looked up at you and found it too difficult, so he looked down at the ground.
“Up,” you said, sternly.
“Make me.” Jaemin said.
You snatched the bottle still clutched in his fist and threw it across your lawn. Like a petulant child, he got onto his feet and tried chasing after it. You blocked his path.
“Did you sleep with him?” Jaemin asked, trying to get around you.
You could feel red-hot heat creeping to your face. “That is none of your business.”
“You didn’t call me,” he said. “You call me, and I come running to save the day, but you didn’t. You didn’t call.”
“She doesn’t need saving” the mystery man said, waving his hand.
“You didn’t call,” Jaemin repeated.
“I’m not heartbroken,” you said, swallowing the large lump that formed in your throat.
“I am.” he said, touching his hand just below his heart. “Do you love him?”
You could feel a hysteric laugh bubbling to your throat. The situation was too damn funny to you. At the mention of love, the mystery man recoiled back into his car.
“I’m gonna go,” he said.
“Good idea,” you said. “I’m gonna sober up kpop guy. I’ll call you..or I won’t.”
You took Jaemin’s arm and led him up your front steps, never looking back. He groaned and clutched his head in pain.
“Good,” you said. “Maybe it will teach you a lesson.”
“Doubt it,” he grumbled.
You led him inside and thought of how different this was from months ago when he was the one taking care of you.
“Sit. I’ll get you some water and make up the couch for you.” you said.
You went into the kitchen and took a glass down from a shelf. You took a minute to collect myself, leaning your hip against the counter for support. Seeing Jaemin after a long period of time always brought the memories flooding back. You weren't angry with him, because there was no reason to be. You just couldn’t keep the pieces of yourself together when he looked at you like you caused him physical pain.
“You look pretty,” Jaemin said.
You turned around and saw that he was standing in the doorway, gripping the frame to keep from falling over.
“And I mean really pretty,” he said.
“I fucked up”
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not. I ruined your date.”
“I didn’t like him, anyway.”
“He didn’t do... things?” Jaemin asked.
“No, Jaem. He didn’t do things.”
“You sound angry with me.”
“I’m just tired.”
“I’m sorry I’m drunk.”
“Don’t be sorry.”
He shuffled towards you. Under the fluorescent lights, his eyes were glassy and red. He couldn’t quite focus on your face. You filled up the glass of water and handed it to him. His fingers touched yours as he took the glass from you.
“I missed you,” he said.
You smiled and meant it. “You should rest tonight, keep hydrated, and we’ll talk about it in the morning before I leave for work.”
He nodded. “Okay. In the morning.”
Jaemin fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. You watched him from the bottom of the stairs. He was moaning in his sleep, one arm flung over the couch, and he was drooling. You wanted nothing more than to go to him and run your fingers through his hair to calm him, but you couldn’t bring myself to move from the spot.
You had tried to work out your feelings for the past month while he went missing from your life. You tried to pick apart all the reasons why you felt like you needed him. You tried moving on, but there was no moving on from him. You had every intention of falling out of love with him, but if falling out of love was easier, everyone would do it.
Dammit, Na Jaemin.
You woke up around 4 a.m. to feel Jaemin crawling underneath your sheets. He was quiet and careful not to touch you. You both laid side by side, inches apart, and listened to the rain beginning to drum on your window. You could feel your heartbeat quicken, just knowing that he was so close to you, that you could feel his body heat warming your own. Your breathing felt so loud in the stillness. You controlled each breath, focusing only on the way your chest rose and fell beside him.
You reached out and let your fingers touch the soft skin on his forearm. You couldn’t feel him move at all, as he took your hand in his and squeezed it tightly.
Neither of you spoke. Even if you could have gotten the words out, you didn’t know what either of you would say. You just laid there, the only movement coming from his thumb massaging your palm.
And it was a perfect moment. You turned your body onto his, interlocking both of his hands with yours to steady yourself. Your hair cascaded onto his chest and fell a little into his mouth. He pushed it back to get a good look at the plains of your face in the moonlight. His eyes were cleared now, focused on your mouth. You sat up, straddling him with your knees on either side of his slim hips. You rubbed your thumb across his wet lips, the tip of his tongue colliding with it. His eyes dared you to kiss him, but you were too slow. Jaemin yanked your wrists, pulling you back down to him. His lips brushed against yours, teasingly. You wanted to taste him, to devour him. You pressed your palms against his chest and leaned down for the kiss, parting your lips to let him know that you were all his. Kissing him was like kissing a moment. You kissed all of your laughter, all of your pain. You kissed all of your hellos and goodbyes.
Jaemin’s hands roamed underneath your shirt, holding the small of your back to keep you in place as he pushed against you, harder. Your body rocked against his, grinding him lightly as his hands moved down to your ass, squeezing it. You couldn’t taste the alcohol on his breath. His lips would make you drunk without it. You needed him all around you. You needed to know what he felt like inside of you.
You were frantic, grabbing at each other like it was the last time, instead of the first time. He leaned his body up so that you were both sitting. His lips worked their way down your neck. Your body felt like electricity everywhere he touched you.
You unbuttoned his shirt agonizingly slow. Jaemin’s dark eyes were ravenous as you made your way carefully down to each button. He pushed your hands away as you got to the last one and ripped it from his body. Your fingers curled around his belt and yanked it away from him.
A sound escaped from his mouth that you could only explain as crazed. He wasn’t intoxicated anymore, but he looked like a man whose self-control had vanished. Holding you tightly, he flipped you over so that he was on top, his body fitting against yours like a glove. His weight felt good on top of you, almost scandalous. You could feel every muscle of his against you, every soft spot resting against your stomach when he breathed. You could feel his cock, could feel the hunger burning inside of you with the thought of him fucking you.
Jaemin stopped only momentarily to get a good look at you from above. A smile broke out onto his face, as his eyes covered every inch of your skin.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” he said.
He slid your panties down your legs, brought your t-shirt over your head, and let his hands feel you. When he slipped a finger inside of you, you arched your back, and your breasts met his mouth. You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. You swayed your body into his fingers, letting his thumb brush against your clit.
The lazy smile didn’t leave his lips. Every time your body moved, he went with it, leaving a trail of kisses behind. He wouldn’t let you come. Every time you got closer and closer, he would stop and watch how you squirmed beneath him.
You wrapped your legs around his waist to tell him that you were ready. You couldn’t wait any longer. He kissed you softly on the lips, reeled back and let his cock enter you. You exhaled as he moved inside of you, his body meeting yours, and his hands holding you down. You reached out for him, and he lowered himself so that you could dig your nails into the flesh of his back. A moan escaped from his lips as you brought those fingers to his neck. You let them tangle in his hair and pulled his strands until his moans turned low and gravelly. You could feel the pace picking up.
Jaemin couldn’t control himself any more. He wanted all of you, every last drop. You pushed him onto his back and climbed on top of him. As you lowered yourself down onto his cock, he whispered, “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
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yutahoes · 3 years
Ghost of You
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pairing: idol! Yuta (NCT member) x idol! Y/N (solo idol-actress)
word count : 5k words
genre: angst
summary: He was the one who ended everything. But you’re like a ghost that kept haunting him. 
warning : break up, alleged cheating, pregnancy, a fic where you just want to strangle Yuta to death 
Based on this ask. I’m sorry, I tweaked the story and changed some of the song (especially the Olivia Rodrigo one because it doesn’t fit the story) The songs I used are linked in the story. Also, I have no idea how the idol world works and please note that this is just fanfiction. Please Enjoy reading. 
Broken glass, an empty unruly apartment. Signs that a big fight happened. All because of a tabloid article of him seeing his co-host late at night. Yuta argued that she needed someone to talk to and Y/N was angry that he winged their anniversary V-live just for this. “You can tell me if you’re sick of me, Yuta.” she claimed that made him hiss. “Don’t you think I didn’t notice? You’re always making up things just so you can’t meet me.” 
“That’s not true!” Yuta shouted. “I am busy.” 
Tears ran down her face. “Then explain how Jungwoo had lunch with me last Friday when you said that you’re practicing with your members.”    
“Stop saying that I don’t even make time for you.” His voice raised in frustration. “When all you do is hang out with that co-star of yours.” 
The girl scoffed. “So it’s my fault now? It’s work, Yuta.” It’s always the same reason. “I asked you a lot of times if you’re alright with the drama and you never mention anything. Now, you’re using it against me?” 
The guy shook his head. “Let’s talk about this tomorrow. I’m tired.”
“And I’m also tired.” She whispered. “Let’s end this, Yuta.” She threw the promise ring before leaving the apartment. 
The news next day was about Y/N erasing pictures of them in her social media accounts. The breakup news between the solo idol and the NCT member followed. Taeyong just shook his head watching Yuta exit the CEO’s office with droopy shoulders. “I really like her for you, hyung.” Mark claimed when he entered the practice room. 
He didn’t know where it went wrong. They were happy. Everyone likes their relationship. His fans are her fans, and hers are his. They were tagged as the greatest idol couple, often paired in dances since it’s both their strengths. Y/N was casted in a period drama and he’s a supportive boyfriend who visited her the first day of the filming and thanked everyone for taking care of his girlfriend. She filmed romantic scenes, kissing her actor co-star. And he was fine. “It’s work, Yuta.” She would always say. And he would just smile. 
He started hosting a radio show with a female Japanese idol and he was cold at her, wanting to stir away from controversy. But as her drama progressed, with more romantic scenes and more kissing, he felt left out. She’s becoming a star. And he’s becoming Y/N’s idol boyfriend. Slowly, he’s getting fed up with the relationship that’s slowly getting centered on her. 
It felt like a breath of fresh air that it all ended now. Like a thorn removed from his aching heart. 
All the public’s sympathy went to her, as he expected. She’s the star. The more famous one among the two of them. So he just painted himself as the bad guy by confirming that he’s dating his co-host which surprised the other girl. The agency was surprised at the decision but it became such a media frenzy that their radio show got high ratings every week. Even the sales of their album spiked up and he became known as NCT’s Yuta and not as someone’s idol boyfriend.
Everything is getting better. 
It was the end of the year award show when they crossed paths again. They were doing a great job avoiding each other. Why now? Nine members meant a vacant seat from the round table artists are seated at. The staff repeatedly apologized but as kind as she is, she just smiled and sat between Doyoung and Jaehyun, just across Yuta. She greeted all the members, even complimenting Haechan’s hair and Taeil’s suit. “Congratulations on best album.” she greeted, smiling widely to avoid the awkwardness. 
“Aren’t you releasing an album as well?” Johnny asked that made her nod. “Another dance track?” Taeyong asked but Y/N shook her head saying that it was a ballad album and that she will perform later. The guys were obviously surprised, ballad isn’t her best track. She’s more known for her dancing skills so it is indeed a huge surprise. 
When the best female idol awardee was called, the NCT members all stood up to congratulate her. Jungwoo even helped her with her pink lace gown. She did the usual thank you message: thanking her parents, the almighty being, the management, the staffs, and her fans. “And lastly…” Yuta gasped. Whenever she gets an award, she thanks him lastly for comforting and always supporting her. “Please watch out for my album.” He felt his heart drop, especially when she smiled that angelic smile. Why is she shaking him like this? 
Yuta was already bored. He just wants to go home. The lights dimmed and the emcees announced her as the next performer. Because it’s a live performance, they showed some clips of her photoshoot for her new album. He had to agree that this concept fits her. She looked prettier than when they used to go out.
He was more surprised to see an orchestra accompaniment behind her on stage. Her, seated on a platform, wearing a white sequined dress that shines like stars when the spotlight shone on her. The crowd clapped just as the start of the song played. (Imagine this as the performance.) 
The other members warily glanced at him. A break up song. Why isn’t he surprised? 
My dream changed - instead of a famous singer, I tried to become a good wife
He remembered how she would always try to learn to cook whenever she had extra time. She never mentioned anything to him. It was until one night, they were laying next to each other, when she asked him if he wanted her to continue being an idol. That made him curious that time. She loved performing. Why would she ask that? 
Now, he knew why. 
By the time the second chorus rolled in, he was just amazed at how she could sing those notes while seated down. Her singing really got better. 
Someday you’ll probably call me then I hope you will be a man and congratulate me
Because this is all thanks to you, I’ll prepare a good thank you message for you
He can hear Mark giggling beside him. Johnny pursed his lips as if preventing to laugh. “Hyung, please record her thank you message.” the youngest member teased that made him annoyed. 
Her voice echoed all throughout the venue. Her adlibs hitting notes that she cannot do before and she’s sitting while doing that. 
Slowly, I got over you like that
Their eyes met. Those sparkling eyes. She’s shining. She looks well. She looks better. Without him. 
The fresh air suffocated him, burning his lungs in the process. The thorn that was removed came back and brought friends, a knife tearing his heart into pieces. 
Everything is getting better. For her. Not for him.
The moment he went inside the empty apartment, he felt like breaking down. This is harder than the time she left. He missed her. He’s a wreck without her. A huge mess. Why is he taken over by his jealousy? She deserves to be the center of the relationship. The star. She deserves the whole world. Is it too late for him to get everything back now? He took his phone as a song on the radio played, “Mark, I need your help.” 
Another award show meant another chance to cross paths with her. To Y/N’s surprise, Yuta congratulated her with a wide smile after winning an award. The staffs were repeatedly asking if the members were sure of doing this that made the manager and the leader nod. Johnny was seated in front of the grand piano, Mark on one side with his guitar. Taeil, Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Yuta seated on different chairs in the middle of the stage. (Song)
Johnny started the melody while Mark played his guitar. Jaehyun started the song that made Y/N look at them from the artists’ place. Yuta smiled. Her favorite band. Taeil started singing the chorus with Yuta as back-up vocals. Doyoung sang the second verse while Jaehyun sang the chorus, followed by Taeil. By the end of the song, they lightly glance at Yuta. His last cry for her. 
So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house with the ghost of you
And I chase it down, with the shot of truth
He glanced at her, staring straight to those sparkling eyes. 
That my feet don’t dance like they did with you
The lights dim but he saw her silhouette remain on her seat, shoulders visibly heaving. Behind the spotlight, Yuta finally realized that like a ghost, he cannot shake her off. She’ll keep haunting him because he cannot let go of her. Yuta finally realized that he is still in love with her. 
They had been busy with the concerts abroad and she had been busy with the promotion of her album. Yuta’s co-host quit the radio show and days later, it was announced that she was pregnant. The members were surprised at first but it was her who confirmed that Yuta isn’t the father of the child. The public sympathy went to Yuta for the alleged cheating that the girl had done, making him in the center of the media frenzy once again. 
It was a Japanese radio show when he met Y/N again. He had to promote the Japanese leg of their concert while she promoted her Japanese single. She looked casual greeting him, as if nothing happened but her words echoed in his ears “It’s just work, Yuta.” Maybe it was really nothing to her. 
They were seated next to each other. He watched her put on her headphones then rubbed her palms together. “I kinda forgot Japanese.” she claimed then said a Japanese phrase to introduce herself. “Is that right?” He nodded, his warm gaze still on hers. Too casual. “I’m nervous.” 
He wanted to hug her. Comfort her. Tell her that everything will be alright. That he’s next to her so she doesn’t have to worry about anything. 
But he can’t. She’s not his. 
The host kept on claiming that they looked good together that startled them both. When the staff told him something in Japanese, he kept on apologizing while saying that he doesn’t know that they used to date. She just smiled, shaking her head to avoid the awkwardness. She really did move on. The radio show went smoothly until the last part where they had to sing a duet together. Y/N was obviously surprised. Didn’t she know? “We can skip it if you don’t want to.” Yuta whispered. 
Once again she shook her head. “It’s fine. I just haven’t prepared for it.” she claimed while looking at the music sheet. “The notes are a little high.” 
“You’ll do great. Your singing got better.” She giggled at the reference and he smiled. He missed her laugh. 
Y/N focused on the lyrics, asking the translator to tell her what the words mean or how to pronounce it. Yuta was reading the lyrics, seated next to her when she laughed. “Yuta,” she called and he felt his heart jump from his chest. He missed her voice calling his name. “Should we switch parts?” He looked surprised, curious even. “I mean, the lyrics.” 
Yuta smiled. “Should we?” 
Y/N giggled. “Sometimes I am convinced they’re doing this on purpose.” He smiled while looking at her. He missed her. So much. 
The host was asking repeatedly if they want to continue this, apologizing if it ever makes them uncomfortable but she would just smile and shake her head. He thanked her for being professional and she grinned, making Yuta breathless. He missed her smile. 
They were introduced and she even made a fighting sign at him as the melody started. It was a lonely song and Yuta poured all his feelings on his part. (This is the song they used. Dude, can they just remaster it by asking Yuta to sing this?) 
Long time no see
His eyes turned to her. He missed everything about her. 
We cannot express how we feel
Breath echoes in our ears 
The radio show staff all turned to them in surprise. 
My dear, you’ve already found a new love
She turned to him with her sparkling eyes. 
There is no one like you
I am cheating my heart
He sang while staring at her. She even missed the first beat of her part then smiled while looking at the music sheet in front of them. The bridge of the song came and the staff looked in awe at both of them.  
But you are not mine anymore
They stared at each other while singing those words. By the end of the song, Y/N’s voice was breaking so she stepped farther from the mic immediately. A smile escaped her lips when the host asked if she’s alright, apologizing that she ruined the song. Everyone were giving them compliments, fans commenting on how amazing they deliver the song and wishing that they can do a collab in the future. 
“Y/N,” Yuta called on the hallways of the building. He breathed hard while she just nodded at her manager, asking her to go first. “I…” He started but the words cannot come out of his mouth. I’m sorry. My ego got the worst of me. My insecurity caused our fall. I’m a wreck without you. Please come back to me. 
“Let’s not talk about it, Yuta.” She said while shaking her head. “We were immature. We’re so used to each other that we took each other for granted.” She grinned once again, eyes sparkling. Upon closer look, he figured out why. Her tears were forming. Like little pearls in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Yuta.” The words he cannot tell her. “Let’s be happy, hmm?” 
Yuta smiled, taking the hand she held out. “Can I call you when I am feeling miserable?” 
The girl laughed. “My number didn’t change.” She claimed. “And I still have to give you my thank message.” 
He pulled her close, wrapping her in his arms. “I missed you, Y/N.” 
Fans were delighted seeing Y/N and Yuta seated next to each other in the V-live account. A thing they always do every year on their anniversary. She was smiling, her lovely smile, while waving at the camera. Yuta adjusted the camera to capture them both before smiling his angelic smile. 
“I didn’t know your V-live account still works even if it isn’t used for a year.” She claimed, leaning in to read some comments. “I also didn’t know that there are still fans who come in this V-live account.” The number of watching people raised up that startled even Yuta. 
They both introduced themselves in a lively manner before the NCT member explained that they did this V-live as a thank you to fans who trended the song they sang in Japan. “I didn’t know that it would blow up like this.” He claimed and she nodded, even laughing at how embarrassing it is that her voice broke in the end. 
They started reading some comments about how fans missed them together, that they look together, and that their playfulness as a couple came back. “Are you back together?” Yuta read, pointing at the comment. 
“We’re not together together,” Y/N started then emphasized the last word with air quote marks. “We’re just…” She lightly glanced at him who was looking at her, mirroring the same smile she had. “Just patching things up and fixing ourselves.” Yuta continued for her. 
“Is there a possibility of a come back?” 
Y/N giggled before pointing at Yuta. “NCT is coming back with a new album. I’m preparing for a fall comeback.” The guy laughed at that. “Yuta, do you want to be featured in my album?” 
He nodded immediately. “Will you write me a love song?” 
She grinned, shaking her head playfully. “I’m not gonna write you a love song~” she sang before laughing. Yuta chuckled, poking her side playfully. “But we’ll see.” 
The fan asked what they had been up to. Y/N shared that she’s writing songs for her album and Yuta saying that he hangs out with the members often and the preparations for their comeback. “I’ve been hanging out with Jaehyun a lot.” he claimed, “I’ve been liking his music choices lately.” 
“You’re already done with your rocker state?” She asked, feigning a shock. “What song have you been listening to lately?” 
Yuta smiled, taking his phone out of his pocket. He played the song and Y/N smiled that there’s still a rockish feel on it.  (Song)
Oh, all my emotions feel like explosions when you are around
Yuta mouthed the words, trying to look for comments but his gaze was on her while jamming on the song. A smile crept his lips and he saw how one fan pointed out that he’s so in love with her. He is. 
“This song is so nice.” 
“Honestly, it kinda reminds me of you.”
He’s singing ‘She’s a, She’s a lady And I am just a boy’
He’s singing ‘She’s a, She’s a lady’ And I am just a line without a hook’
Oh baby, I am a wreck when I’m without you I need you here to stay
She looked surprised when Yuta sang the lines of the songs. The side of his lips curled up when he saw the sparkle back in her eyes. They talked a bit about what fans should watch out from their respective schedules. They said goodbye in a lively manner before Yuta ended the V-live. 
Y/N leaned on the couch, breathing heavily. She lightly glanced at Yuta and he smiled. “Want to get some sushi?” She nodded, grinning widely. 
Yuta cannot shake her off. Like a ghost, she will keep haunting him. And hopefully, she can come back to him. 
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husbandomail · 2 years
It's been a long time since I've requested 😂 but may I have ohshc headcanons? For Kyoya, Kaoru and Hikaru with an s/o who is fierce and temperamental? Someone who's not afraid to fight you if you're talking sht about their s/o?
Kyoya doesn’t need defending. Most people don’t bother messing with him anyways, and he’s perfectly capable of taking care of himself— but, admittedly, watching you get fired up is damn attractive. For your part, you’re just a bit faster than he is, always jumping into conversations to tell someone off before he gets the chance to open his mouth; he doesn’t mind, because that means he can get back to work faster.
While he’s not the most vocally appreciative, Kyoya does enjoy the strength of your personality. He doesn’t worry about you often, because you’re very vocal about what you want, need, how you feel about the world around you. You’ve got backbone and are more than willing to stand up for yourself and those you love— and that’s when Kyoya steps in, because it’s equally valuable to know when to back down, too.
Even though you’re so strong in your own right, every once in awhile, Kyoya does have to step in. Some disgruntled student makes a rude comment about Kyoya’s family; he’s able to brush it off like water on a duck’s back, but you’re immediately marching over to confront the other boy, and Kyoya just sighs before snatching you up by the scruff like a kitten. Not everything has to be a fight, y’know.
While he might be the “slightly less evil” twin, Kaoru’s not quite as sensitive as his facade leads everyone to believe; he’s playing a character on purpose, and he does a damn good job of it. Under most circumstances, he’s with his brother, so the moment someone gets snippy Hikaru is snapping back— but, every once in awhile, Kaoru is caught alone. It’s in those moments people learn why he’s only slightly less evil.
One day you stop by the host club— something you don’t do too often, because not everyone knows Kaoru is taken now— and your boyfriend has no qualms with dropping his other clients in order to sit down with you. He waves off your nervous comments about the girls hanging around, their harsh glares fixed on you as Kaoru drops himself at your side— but then one of the girls huffs and mutters something mean under her breath.
Before Kaoru even knows all of what’s going on, you’ve pounced out of your chair and whirled on the girl who’d had something to say. You’re already laying into her— how dare she say anything about you, who's done nothing wrong, and your boyfriend, who’s allowed a break from his work, and she’s a coward for having to huff and puff instead of saying her grievances directly— and behind you, Kaoru just grins.
You and Hikaru get along like oil and water, both being hot headed and defensive and always jumping into things head first— but that’s only made your relationship more exciting. The two of you might bicker about all sorts of different things, but it almost never takes a personal turn, and over time evolves into more of a game than anything else.
Hikaru is actually a bit offended the first few times you jump into his arguments with other people. He definitely takes it wrong, thinking that you’re looking down on him, or that you believe he can’t take care of himself. He pouts about it for awhile, folding in on himself and getting snappy with you when you inevitably ask about what’s wrong— but this time, instead of biting back at him, you look hurt. That’s how he knows he needs to behave.
Once you’ve assured him that you don’t think any less of him, Hikaru relaxes in a heartbeat. He’s so used to everyone else looking down on him that he just assumes the worst— but now that he knows you’re so defensive precisely because you love him, he’s flustered and a bit overwhelmed. Before this, he’d considered your relationship fairly casual; after this, though, he’s willing to admit he’s in love.
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
oblivious | k.takami
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♡ pairing: keigo takami x gn!reader.
♡ word count: 1.8K
♡ rating: everyone.
♡ genre: pro hero!au, assistant!au, fluff.
♡ summary: usually, when it comes down to smooth talking and flirting, pro hero hawks has all the boxes checked right off. except for when it comes to his assistant, who doesn’t quite seem to get it. or the one in which miruko meddles with hawks’ love life on valentines day.
♡ warning(s): please read ! tooth-rotting fluff, cheesy pick-up lines, just keigo being a dorky boi! :D
♡ author’s note(s): goood evening my loves! here’s a little fluff fic for you on valentines ! it was requested a while ago by @mocha-focha​ but i figured today would be the perfect day!  i hope youu enjoy, sorry this is so last min! happy valentines day <3
♡ masterlist | requests
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keigo couldn’t tell if he found it more adorable or more annoying.
your obliviousness that is.
on one had, your cluelessness to the number two’s attraction towards you was most certainly adorable. the way you grew flustered when he walked by or leaned down to your height to tease and compliment you. the way your gaze dropped shyly to your desk when he’d ask something minuscule of you. keigo knew he intimidated you; after all, who wouldn’t be in the shoes of japan’s second most beloved hero.
the winged hero had wanted you ever since he first laid his avian eyes on you, after he’d stumbled back into his agency to complete paper work for that day’s patrol. you had been unpacking boxes at the desk outside of keigo’s office, hired to be a temporary assistant while the last had quit due to said blonde ‘being too much to handle.’
keigo still remembers the way your eyes had flittered to the floor as soon as he came into view and the timid way your name had slipped from between your pretty lips when he’d asked for your name.
the blonde swears he could never get tired of the sweet taste of ‘yn’ on his tongue.
you were nice company and worked well with keigo, since you were resilient unlike his last assistant. he couldn’t fault you anywhere, not in your kind smile and precious gestures ( you always brought him a chicken sandwich when you came back from your lunch break ). you were a gem. the only ‘annoying’ thing was that you never quite understood his flirting.
sure; some of keigo’s methods like bringing you little gifts of shiny things and rocks were a little unconventional... but he couldn’t help it! he was a goddamned bird after all and it wasn’t his fault you mistook the dead rabbit on your desk as a cruel practical joke instead of a proclamation of love. and okay, maybe keigo giving you extra work so you could spend more time with him after office hours was a little over the top; but at least his pickup lines got through to you.
they were cringeworthy of course but at the very least; they made you grin even if you were a bit confused. one time you thought he had been practicing on you to test on endeavour on their patrol later that day. another story for another time.
so maybe the most annoying thing wasn’t your obliviousness to keigo’s advances but instead the reactions and teasing from his friends. just like now.
“so what’s it gonna be today keigo?” rumi asks from the winged hero’s left, her rabbit ears twitch and pick up on his light scoff— while he mentally prepares for the incoming barrage of teasing. “’are you the alphabet because i can c u and i together?’”
“no rumi, i’ve got better than that.” keigo barks out with a shift of his crimson wings, the number five smirks from beside him and keigo rolls his eyes with defeat, hating the way his wings often conveyed his underlying emotions.  the elevator they both travel in comes to a slow stop on the thirteenth floor of the hawks agency where the man himself hosts meetings in his office. the whole reason rumi was even here was to attend some dumb mission briefing the commission wanted to set them on but more than likely the bunny like hero would be here to tease keigo about his failed attempts at flirting with you. “just you wait!”
she enjoyed making his life a living hell. “i don’t know, nothing can quite beat that ‘i’m not a photographer but i can picture you and i together’ line you used last week!” rumi winks, swiftly exciting the elevator as the doors chime and open up, just narrowly avoiding the flurry of cursing and chirps from the bird-like hero.
said  blonde follows with a huff,  making a b-line for his sacred office as he sets his mind on getting the meeting done. the sooner it ends, the sooner rumi can get the hell out of his hair and stop bullying him for having a crush on his personal assistant. only, keigo is stopped in his tracks when he notices you innocently perched at your desk, tapping away at some document on your computer—  one that he probably could’ve and should’ve done himself. hawks almost hates how he catches himself blushing over how you complete such a mundane task,  the squint to your  eyes and the slight pinch to your brows in concentration ( which is adorable to him quite frankly ) make his heart flutter.
he finds himself coming to a stop just in front of your desk, causing rumi to slow up ahead and turn around to watch the chaos unfold.
your typing ceases quickly when you notice the shadow on your boss looming over you— his gold and piercing avian eyes staring right back down at you as soon as you look up. “oh! mr hawks, you’re back—!”
“yn, i seem to have lost my number, can i borrow yours?” hawks blurts out the cheesy line, almost instantly regretting it right after.
there’s a beat of silence between you both while your face morphs into one of confusion. why would he need to borrow your number when you could just locate it in the personal records you had access to? in the meantime, miruko has taken it upon herself to fill the awkward air with pockets of wheezy laughter. you blink up at your boss, once, twice, three times before reaching for your notebook with all of his important details written inside. “mr hawks, if you wanted me to read your number out loud for you again , you could have asked! i'm more than happy to!” you say your words slowly, just to make sure he understands— your boss can be a bit of an air head sometimes and it is your job to help him out.
“no—yn, no i—” keigo instantly shakes his head, the red tint of shame blaring across his cheeks in a shade that almost rivals the red of his wings. said appendages puff up and flutter with embarrassment and it doesn’t help that his fellow hero is laughing at him so hard that she’s bent over and struggling to breathe. “baby—i meant i was asking for your numb—“
you smile up at him with sweet innocent eyes that have his words dying in his throat. “i didn’t know you had a baby! congratulations mr hawks!” and then you return to typing.
keigo wants to die, physically deflating right in front of your desk where he stands.
rumi, who now seems to have recovered from her laughing fit passes by keigo with a pat to his back, he only pouts while she wipes the remainders of amused tears from her eyes before perching herself on your desk, practically leaning over you. you look up once again, feeling shy under the gaze of yet another esteemed pro hero but greet her politely with a bob of your head.
“yn, hun, can i ask you a question?” the number five asks you, warm grin helping you relax just a little.
“yes miss miruko?”
you find the woman shaking with laughter above you before she pets your hair endearingly, the gesture almost makes you pout and you have to remind yourself of where you are and who you work for. “firstly, love, you can call me rumi, i know you’re shy but i don’t bite…” you paw gently at your cheeks in oder to fight the growing heat that burns brightly under your skin, growing ever so flustered under miruko’s silky voice and knowing gaze. “secondly, hawks isn’t a father nor does he have a baby— he was addressing you, sweetheart. and finally,” rumi pauses, patting your head again as her bunny ears twitch with amusement and mischief. “how do you feel about the bird brains over there, do you like him?”
takami jolts up in his place, impossibly redder than he was before while he makes an attempt to shut rumi up with his ruffled feathers. the bunny simply catches the red feather between her hands, giving them a little tickle to distract her fellow hero , tilting her head down at you as if to ask ‘well?’ you gulp, feeling yourself become nervous as the two wait for your answer expectantly. of course you had nothing but positive feelings towards your boss; he was kind and made the time out of his busy day to talk to you— but why did they care so much as to ask you for your opinion? you were only his assistant and saying anything bad about the number two hero would surely get you fired.
hesitantly, your gaze flickers between the clearly entertained miruko and the highly embarrassed hawks— forcing you to take a deep breath before delivering your anticipated answer. “well—! he’s a great boss, i— i couldn’t ask for better, why wouldn’t i like a boss who gives me an hour and a half’s lunch break?” you sigh in relief at your answer, assuring yourself that it won’t have offended anyone but your heart rate is quick to spike when miruko squishes your cheeks and tilts your head to face your flustered boss.
“no sweetheart,” she corrects herself, pointing over at keigo who cowers into his wings. “i mean, do you like him as in... would you date him?”
you swear on all might’s life that you almost pass out from her words, mind swirling with a thousand thoughts. why would she ask that of you? sparing a glance at your boss once move, you realise what all of this is about. his hot blush, the way he avoids your stare, his flustered state to match your own. he likes you, just as you like him. rumi was only being a good wing woman, one that you were grateful for— as you’d never make a move on hawks on your own, no matter how many feelings you’d harboured for him in the time that you’d worked for him. You had been oblivious to his romantic gestures this whole time and now; the situation for you to confess had presented itself to you.
to hell with it.
“yes,” you breathe as best you can through squished cheeks, staring at keigo with eyes dreamy enough to make his heart soar. “why wouldn’t anyone? i-i mean, mr hawks is so sweet and kind to everyone he meets, fans or not! and…and he’s really pretty— i mean handsome… and his eyes—“ you cut yourself off upon realising the tangent you’ve gone on just to prove your attraction to your boss, looking away shyly and rumi let’s you go with a sweet chuckle.
but just as quickly as you look away, the softness of a little red feather tilts your focus back to him. “glad to know you think so yn,” he winks, making you giggle shyly. “i’ll pick you up tonight at seven for valentines, then.”
and who were you to say no to him.
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mimi-cee-hq · 3 years
Wildfires - Atsumu x f!reader
Summary: You're burned from last year's rumours, now fearing any hint of smoke. Yet you can't help, but fall for the childhood friend who's a balm to your wounds.
Genres, tropes, etc: angst with a satisfying and happy ending, angst to fluff, hurt/ comfort, exs to lovers (but not the usual kind), secret dating, drama and romance, but it's still somehow cute because that's just how I write lol
Warnings: false rumours about cheating and an illicit relationship, so it still technically mentions those things.
Words: 1.9k
Author's Notes: Hi Lia (@chimielie)! I'm your ☀️ anon. 🥰 You suggested exs to lovers and hurt/comfort for this prompt and it still technically is those things, but it's probably not what you expected.
If anyone is new to my blog and doesn't want to read angst, here's a cute fluff Atsumu x reader instead. :)
This fic is for the Heatwave Fic Exchange (@heatwave2021). Thank you for hosting this!
"I hadn't realized you two were still together."
Not even the overworked fan's whirring can drown out the strained silence that follows.
"We're not."
The air is dry and sweat forms on your brow. With the sun beating down, it's the perfect combination for a wildfire.
Atsumu's chin sits on his fist as he avoids your gaze. Lowering your eyes, you stare at the wooden table.
"Did he still care?" you ask yourself.
Plaid skirts sway as two students peek into their new classroom, attempting to be discreet. You hear their whispers from a distance, waiting in front of your own classroom.
"Look! We get Kinjou-sensei this year!" one exclaims.
"Are you serious?" the other asks after letting out a gasp. "I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I might end up staring at his face all day."
"Maybe it'll help you pay attention," her friend snickers.
You clench your jaw as heat rises in your body. They're able to indulge in frivolous remarks, ignorant of how you're left scarred from one fleeting gesture, a tiny piece of kindling that ignited into uncontrollable flames.
Cool hands cover your ears from behind you. Your jaw relaxes and the tension dissipates from your shoulders. You turn around to see Atsumu wearing a scowl on his lips. Sighing as you cross your arms, you ask, "Atsumu, what are you doing?"
"Well if only there was a way to make 'em shut up," he replies with a sharp tone.
You lean away from him and swat his hands back. "You're too close," you tell him.
"Alright!" he says, holding his hands up in surrender. "I'll go!"
As he walks away, he crosses his thumb and index finger behind his back, forming a little heart. You smirk at his hidden gesture to you.
"I love you too, Atsumu," you silently tell him as a smile graces your lips. However, it vanishes like the mist in the sun when yet another person calls after him, someone he doesn't know.
You skirt around the other students, avoiding their path, and rush to your desk. There are too many dry leaves around; a single spark can burst everything into flames.
Why does everyone have to know Atsumu?
"I wish you could've been my partner for the project," you say.
Atsumu pours a glass of water and places it on the table in front of you. "You ended up with that new girl, right?" he mentions and you reply with a nod. "She should be safe to work with."
You're startled once again when you hear the chimes from the front door. A rattan room divider obstructs your view of it, but you hunch down anyway as you finally pick up your spoon.
Atsumu sits across from you, sharing something about his team. His eyes dim when he realizes you haven't been listening.
"This isn't working," he tells you. "I thought this restaurant would be better because people can't see us from here." He runs his fingers in his hair, a sign he's frustrated.
"I– I forgot people can still hear us," you say in a low voice.
Atsumu sighs. "Let's just watch a movie at my house," he says. "Osamu already knows anyway."
"You know we can't," you protest. "Not when Hana and Haku drop by so often. They're going to realize we're together."
"But how are we supposed to have any fun when you're so scared?"
"I–" You lower your gaze, eyes unfocused towards your untouched bowl of rice. "Sorry, Atsumu."
"It's not your fault," he reminds you yet again. This exchange has become all too familiar. "Maybe we should finally tell Hana and Haku what happened to you."
"And have them find out the guy in the rumours is their beloved brother?" You cross your arms over your chest and rub your hand on your sleeve. "I still want to be comfortable around them, Atsumu. Ignorance is bliss right?"
His mouth twists before a groan escapes from it. He slouches in his seat and stares at the food in front of you, which remains the way the waitress left it.
"Let's take the train to Tokyo next time," he mutters. "Nobody'll know us there."
Your eyes grow before looking up at Atsumu. "What?" you slowly enunciate just above a whisper. "Don't you know how expensive that is?"
He presses his lips together before sharing his next suggestion. "I know where 'Samu's secret stash of money is…"
You narrow your eyes at him. "No, we're not stealing from him to go on a date, Atsumu."
"Alright," he says, lowering his eyes and dropping his shoulders.
Seeing his expression, you offer another idea. "How about Osaka?" It's only one city away.
Atsumu's eyes light up, excited at the chance of finally getting to enjoy some time with you. Although your smile doesn't quite reach your eyes, you hope leaving the vicinity of last year's wildfires would be enough, for Atsumu's sake and yours.
Your heart beats faster and your throat becomes dry. You weren't getting enough air.
"You're okay," you tell yourself. "She's not talking about you."
"Seriously! That happened at my old school," your project partner snickers as she recounts her story to you. "They even got the kiss on camera too! I felt so bad for her, but it's her own fault for cheating on him."
You begin to feel dizzy, catching a whiff of smoke from another victim's fire. Her words add fuel to a fire that cannot be stopped. Wildfires burn and burn, and are never satisfied until they run out of kindling.
"Oh! I've been meaning to ask. Are you dating Atsumu? The two of you seem really close!"
Your throat struggles to take control, attempting to keep your stomach down; it doesn't want to burn either.
They'll say you're cheating on Kinjou-sensei.
The tongue is a powerful weapon, causing destruction by those who are both untrained and ignorant as well as the truly malicious.
Your knees buckle as you pant for air, your grip weak on the knob. You need to get out.
Atsumu's figure is before you and you relax as he catches you. You never would have imagined that this guy would be your fleeting oasis.
"Let's break up," you tell Atsumu.
You both knew this was coming, yet a bucket of icy water chilled to the bone regardless of whether or not it was expected. Speaking those words aloud shocked you back into reality.
You hesitated dating each other in the first place, but you couldn't help but caress his strong hands when he admitted his feelings for you. Growing up together in your group of five, he was by your side from snotty noses to acne breakouts.
You didn't expect to fall for the hot-head of your bunch when rumours of you dating Kinjou-sensei spread. Atsumu attempted to extinguish every flame he spotted, witnessing your anguish each time you got burned.
"Maybe we can still do this," you say, contradicting your previous words.
"And what? Have ya pass out again every time someone asks about us?" Atsumu protests. He lowers his eyes as he clutches your hand. "Do ya know how worried I was about ya?"
Your heart flutters for a moment before you remind yourself that you can't keep him, the boy who has been by your side for so long.
"Aghhhhh! This is so stupid!!! Why are we suffering because of this made up crap?! 'Kinjou-sensei' had put a bandaid on me a thousand times more than he did t' ya! But nobody gives a crap about that!"
"I'm sorry Atsumu."
"Why the heck are ya sorry?!" he says, raising his voice.
"I– If I was just strong enough... If I could withstand their stupid words"–your lip trembles–"maybe I wouldn't have to choose between you and having some peace."
There's another silence between the two of you. Your fingers are loosely intertwined together, barely holding the fragile string between the two of you, as if it were a wick that would combust and disappear in a split second.
"Maybe we should just run away," Atsumu mumbles aloud.
"Ya know, transfer schools. Or even drop out if we need ta."
"Atsumu! You can't! We can't! You have volleyball! And I... this is the only school that gave me a scholarship."
"Agh! Why is this so frustrating?!"
"I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing, ya idiot! Ya did nothing wrong!" He presses and rubs his forehead with the heel of his palm. "I just… I wish I could do more for ya." His arm drops at his side. "I wish I didn't feel so useless."
Your tears drip down your face. Could they be counted any more? If only you didn't fear getting caught dating Atsumu, terrified that last year's fires would morph into a raging beast. But another wildfire would not only destroy you but also the man you loved. If only your sores healed by now, you could have shown off your boyfriend, disregarding any of the flames.
If only you were fireproof.
But you weren't and now you're forced to loosen your grip on Atsumu, the balm to your wounds, and let him fall out of your hands.
"I hadn't realized you two were still together."
Not even the overworked fan's whirring can drown out the strained silence that follows.
"We're not."
It was three years since you talked to Atsumu, four since rumours first raged through the school. The two of you went through cycles of getting back together and breaking up again every time you learned that fear was still crippling you. Cutting off contact was the less painful option.
Years later, you're at a friend's cottage and Atsumu comes along without knowing you're here as well. Now that high school has come and gone, the smoke has dissipated and the fires have finished their course. You can finally breathe.
But does Atsumu still want you?
To anyone else, Atsumu is bored out of his mind, resting his chin on his fist. Nobody sees his thumb and finger forming a tiny heart.
Your heart flutters and you blink back tears. You attempt to hold back your growing grin, but you have no reason to hide it anymore.
You wrap your arms around him, almost causing him to topple off of his chair, Atsumu letting out a yelp. "What the heck are ya doing?"
You can finally release your feelings for him, openly and freely. The dam opens and waters rush to engulf him before you settle into his embrace.
"I love you too Atsumu," you tell him without a care in the world.
Osamu tells you he changed when you cut off contact. He desired to be a man, not wanting to feel so powerless, and poured himself into things he could do. It paid off.
"Did ya want to go somewhere together? I could even take ya all the way t' Rome if ya want."
The two of you hold each others' hands as the ocean's edge cools your feet. You lean against his shoulder, cherishing the moment that at one point seemed like an inaccessible dream.
You give him a peck on the cheek and smile. "Tokyo seems like a nice place for a date for now."
I hope you enjoyed this fic. :) (And I hope you liked it Lia!!) I guess I can be poetic if I try. lol. I had a whole commentary written out for this fic, but I decided against posting it here and making my author's notes as long as the fic itself. 😂
If you enjoyed this fic, I don't really have any similar pieces of writing at the moment. The only one that's similar is the hurt/comfort Kunimi WIP I've put off writing for so long because I didn't think I could pull off this type of fic. (And also because I think only one person will read it.) The theme in that one is pity/pride because pitiful is Kunimi's most hated word.
Anyway, if you want to see my usual style of writing, I have a cute tooth-rotting fluff Atsumu x reader one-shot. I currently also have an ongoing fake dating chaptered Suna fic, which is probably my best planned fic with the hints and foreshadowing and a nice mix of humour, fluff and shoujo-type angst. :)
I also have a Google form for my taglist if anyone is interested.
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
unbreakable [jennifer jareau]
jennifer jareau x reader, emily prentiss x sister!reader
requested: i love your works sm, could i request a criminal minds one where the reader is emily’s little sister and jj’s girlfriend and she gets injured and she calls jj to tell them her location, but her injuries kept getting worse. jj and emily try to stay calm, but are scared and when they get to her its angsty (and COMFORT)
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*not my gif*
The black pickup truck flew through the red light, heading straight for you. Your blood froze in your veins. You wanted to swerve out of the way, but you couldn’t. You were frozen. 
The black blur grew closer and closer with ease. You couldn’t even get into a position to save yourself, you just continued to stare as the car rammed into your driver’s side. 
The amount of force causing your entire car to flip over and over and over again. Until eventually you landed in a little ditch with your car upside down. 
You don’t know how you were still conscious, but you couldn’t move. Everything in your body ached. 
It was a simple drive. A drive you’ve made countless times. You were going to surprise your sister and your girlfriend at the bureau with their favorite lunch. You know how much stress they’ve been under lately, but then all of a sudden you felt like you were dying in a ditch.
Luckily, with technology these days you were able to use your car to call your girlfriend. The ringing filled the echoing car as your eyes began to grow heavy.
“Hey love, you’re on speaker! What’s up?” JJ’s voice filled the car.
“Hey Y/N,” Emily’s voice said from next to her and you smiled to yourself softly.
You cleared your throat before speaking up, “I’m-I’m in a bit of a situation,”
There was silence on the other end of the phone and you could just imagine their faces right now. They probably looked at each other, each of their smiles dropping.
“What happened?” both of their voice said in unison.
You chuckled softly, “So uh funny story, I was going to surprise you guys today,” you got out as you felt your breathing start to become more ragged, “Bring you your favorite lunch, but as I was a driving a truck came out of nowhere and now I’m outside down in a ditch,” 
“Okay, Y/N, where are you right now?” Emily asked and you could tell her protective older sister was showing. 
You tried to remember where you were driving by, but your mind was starting to become a little fuzzy. You shrugged even though they couldn’t see you, “I’m-I’m not sure, I already got the food so I was on the way to the bureau. I can’t remember,” you admitted and you started panicking even more, “Guys, why can’t I remember?” 
Reid’s voice whispered to both JJ, who was pacing the room, and Emily who was currently bitting on her fingernails, “She’s probably suffering head trauma,” 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” JJ’s voice whispered soothingly into the phone, “Close your eyes and try to think,” 
You closed your eyes, following the exercise the BAU did on countless occasions to help victims remember, but you came up empty, “I don’t know! I can’t! I can’t remember!” you exclaimed as your chest started heaving. 
“It’s gonna be okay, can you move?” JJ asked again, “Are you able to get out of the car?” 
You shook your head, “No, no I can’t move. J, what’s wrong with me?” you whimpered.
It was her turn to shake her head, “Nothing, absolutely nothing. We’re gonna have Penelope track your phone okay? And we’ll be right there to you. Hotch is gonna send an ambulance as soon as we get your location, okay?” 
“You may want to hurry,” you whispered, feeling blood drip down your face, “I don’t know if it’s ketchup from your burgers or blood that’s dripping from my head,”
You reached up to feel your head and looked back at your fingers before smelling it, “No, that’s blood,” 
“Baby girl,” Derek said in a stern voice to Penelope who was trying her best to get the location fast enough.
She looked at him with a nod, “I’m going as fast as I can,” With a few more types at the keyboard there was a ping, “I got it!” 
They all looked at the computer screen, Hotch was already on the phone with the ambulance repeating back her location. Without hesitation, JJ and Emily ran out of the room and towards the car. Everyone else following suit. 
They drove to where you were which wasn’t that far away, literally down the block. You were almost there. 
The girls parked on the side of the road and noticed that no one bothered stopping to help you. The black pickup truck, nowhere to be seen, he probably drove off as soon as he was well enough to leave. 
There was broken glass leading towards the ditch and they slid down it as safely as possible. Your driver’s side door was caved in so they went to the other side to drive and get to you.
“Hey Y/N?” Emily’s voice filled your ears and your ears perked up, despite your eyes threatening to give out on you any second now, “We’re here now, okay? I need you to stay strong, the paramedic is on their way,” 
You smiled, “I don’t know,” was all you could get out, until you calmed your breathing down, “I don’t know if I can stay awake for that long,” 
JJ’s eyes were threatening to spill the tears that were held in her eyes. Derek went over to the passenger’s side to see if he can help get you out. JJ hung out next to your driver’s side and looked at the blood trickling from your head.
“Can you stay awake for me, baby?” JJ asked and you turned your head to look at her best as possible.
You made a pouty face, “I’m really tired JJ,” you whispered, “I think I need to go to bed,” 
Emily finally started breaking down, “No, we’re gonna try something, okay?” She could see you slowly nod, “Okay, it’s Christmas Eve, you’re six years old and I’m eight. We wanted so bad to stay up and see Santa put gifts under a tree and you were following asleep, but I kept waking you up. You need to keep imagining that okay?” 
“Emily, I love you,” you told her as your eyes started drooping more. 
She shook her head, “Hey, no. Santa’s coming soon! We need to stay awake,” she told you. 
Even with Derek’s strength he couldn’t get the car door open. He slammed his hands on the car in frustration, as he looked up at Hotch, “They’re gonna be here in five minutes!” 
“Hotch! We don’t have that kind of time!” Derek screamed.
JJ reached her hand through your broken window, “I love you,” you whispered to her as she rubbed your cheekbone softly.
“You can tell me that when we get you all bandaged up, okay?” she told you and you shook your head.
“I think my head needs a little more than a band-aid,” you joked which caused her to let out a breathy laugh. 
Mission accomplished, you thought to yourself. 
You started to close your eyes and she shook head, “Hey, stay awake, okay?”
“Can you tell me a story?” you whispered, something JJ would do whenever you were having a rough day or the two of you were being lazy on the couch. 
“Will you stay awake for me if I do?” she asked and you nodded.
“I’ll try my best,” 
“It’s Christmas Eve in about twelve years or so. We have two kids who are six and eight. They’re waiting for Santa to come down the chimney so they can see him. They’re telling each other that they need to stay awake,” she begins and looks at Emily who’s breaking down, crying softly in Derek’s arms. 
Her voice starts to become more shaky, “And I’m shaking your arm in bed every so often whispering to you, ‘Love, you need to stay up so we can put the presents on the tree’. But you’re falling in and out of sleep, so I give you a sweet kiss and rip the blanket off of you. You groan in response as you cling onto me,” 
Your eyes start to close, but JJ continues talking, “You say ‘I'm so tempted to call Rossi and tell him to buy a Santa costume just so they can go to bed already.’” you let out a breathy laugh as JJ tries her best not to cry in front of you, “You always pretend to hate the idea of staying up, but you’re secretly happy because it reminds you of how you and Emily used to be when you were young,” 
“In a world where your parents were barely around and the only people you had were each other, waiting for Santa to come reminds you of her,” she finishes telling you, “You need to stay awake, okay? So we can live a life like that, please,” 
The flashing of blue and red lights, along with sirens filled the void of silence. The paramedics and firemen rushing down the ditch to come and rescue you. JJ is moved out of the way and into Emily’s arms. The two of them crying together, holding each other close. 
The firemen breaking the door away, letting the paramedics due their duties as they rushed you onto a gurney. Your eyes were still fluttering open and closed as you tried your best to hold onto the little life that was present in your body. 
Until you couldn’t anymore. 
/ / /
“Love,” JJ’s voice drew out, you fluttered your eyes open to see her staring back at you, “You fell asleep again,” 
You rolled your eyes teasingly, “I’m sorry, these kids are unbreakable. It’s 4 in the morning and I need to sleep if we’re going to be hosting tomorrow. I mean we still have to finish cleaning,” 
It was her turn to roll your eyes as she pressed a soft, yet sweet kiss to your lips. You smiled into it, the feeling of contentment overflowing you. But it’s gone all too soon as the cool Virginian winter air hit your body.
“No! Babe!” you whispered, groaning. 
JJ was sitting up in bed as you wrapped your arms around her waist, clinging onto her like a sloth onto a tree. She let out a laugh before planting a kiss to the top of your head.
“Rossi is on speed dial, I am more than willing to call him,” you mumbled, before placing a kiss to her hip causing her to laugh more.
The two of you just stayed in that position until you couldn’t hear whispers from downstairs anymore. 
You perked your head up, “Do you hear that?” 
“Exactly,” you shot out of bed as quickly, but quietly as possible. She let out a soft giggle before following suit. 
The hard wood floor cold against your bare feet. You looked from the top step to see the kids finally fast asleep on the floor. JJ opened the closet door and grabbed all of their presents, lying them neatly along the tree.
You took the cookies that they made and took small bites out of it before drinking some of the milk. You went over to JJ with a cookie in your hand, wrapping your arms around her waist from behind. 
“Cookie?” you whispered and she nodded gratefully before taking a bite out of it. 
The two of you just swayed from side to side as you embraced the colorful lights of the Christmas tree filling the dark room and your two kids sleeping peacefully on the floor with one another. 
You grabbed your phone from your pocket, shooting a text to Emily who was probably fast asleep. You and JJ got close to the two kids before taking a selfie with them, sending the picture to Emily saying:
They did it again...stayed up much later this time. I’m starting to feel bad for Mom and Dad now!
You grabbed the blanket that was on the couch and laid it over the two kids, as JJ wrote note in cursive thanking them for all the cookies. You placed a kiss to each of their heads before following JJ to bed.
The two of you getting comfortable once more in bed, finally allowing yourselves to try and get some sleep, “Aren’t you glad you stayed awake?” she whispered.
You nodded, softly, thinking back to the time where you almost died, “I’m very glad I stayed awake,” you told her, the double meaning hidden along the sentence. 
But JJ knew, she always knew.
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