barcaislifeee · 8 months
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i am never watching a football game ever again oh my god
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Alright I finally got done with work my goodness it was long but u said I can still participate in the event so here I am 😁 I don't rlly know what type of stuff to write in these match up esk requests but here I go ig-♡
So I'm a 16 yr old dual college/ high-school student hoping to be a forensic pathologist so I'm doing a pre med chemistry work at a community College in my city while attending in person half in half college and high-school I work part time at a game stop [very fun btw would recommend] I am 5'4 I have red hair and blue eyes I love reading I compete in battle of the books club for my high school I also if not more love video games [why I work at gamestop] I dress in a goth style tho my room is mostly pink lol I love doodling my school work is covered in it
My ideal date would prob be cuddling and watching cheesey movies or playing our childhood video games together while remembering how we played when we were younger -♡idk if I needed to write more or not lol my bad if I did 😅
notes 💌: hello love!! you are one hard working girl!! im so glad you had time to send this in after all of your work. thank you for all of your support in my time of being on tumblr it seriously means the world to me <3 i hope you have a lovely valentine's day and I know you will love who i matched you with!
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we all knew i was going to say this lol
like after reading your matchup, no wonder you request him all the time!!!
you two fit together so well omg
this man would support you 100% in everything you do
he thinks that it is fantastic that you work so hard for what you want
but he will make sure you dont overwork yourself
he will make sure breaks are taken and that you are healthy as can be
your happiness is his happiness, so he wants to make sure you stay with a huge smile on your face <3
give him discounts on video games
he will always visit you at work because god knows he is there to buy more games
you also give him insight on new games coming out and all that
you have the best video games knowledge for him and he loves you even more for that
read to him
or read with him
he loves reading the same books as you because he wants to see what you are reading
he loves your goth aesthetic
like he's obsessed with it
he just has a goofy smile on his face whenever he sees you all dressed up
doodle in his notebooks too
he thinks it's cute
he ADORES your room
that pink room is just everything to him
it's just so cozy and cute <3
he would write you a cute note and get you your favorite flower and snacks. it would just say "do you want to be my valentine? <3" and then i think he would ask you with words too :)
Kakyoin had brought snacks and a smile on his face when he walked into your lively room with pink covering the walls. He had helped you set up some old consoles of yours from when you were a kid so you two could spend valentine's together just playing old video games and reminiscing on the good times. You smiled and gave him a quick hug before setting up the snacks in front of you and loading up nastolgia. You just played old video games for a couple of hours, laughing at your childhood self who couldn't pass the levels that you were now passing with ease. Kakyoin got turns too, where he would just talk about remembering when that game came out for the first time and how he waited in line just to get his hands on it. It felt like you had played every game by the time your thumbs were exhausted. You took a breath and curled up in Kakyoin's arms, seeing the sun set through your blinds. "That was fun," you said, pressing your cheek to his chest. "That was fun." Kakyoin said back, squeezing you closer and pressing a kiss to your forehead. "What now?" You asked, walking over to open up the blinds and let the golden sun pour into the room. "We could just watch cheesy movies until you fall asleep." "Best Valentine's Day ever." You smiled, running into Kakyoin's arms for the entire night. <3
mystery date rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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warmcoals · 1 year
doedipus did a giovanna season 3 wishlist and she's a lot fighting game smarter than me but im gonna do one for ramlethal still:
fix 2d: 2k 2d needs to always combo. this is non negotiable. that is all.
command high (6k): it's ok if it's slow, it doesnt need to do almost any damage. but ramlethal doesnt even have a single special that hits high. she doesnt have gap closers to play a pure zoning game, and thats fine, everyone likes to run up and scratch anyhow. but her current pressure loops are literally Solved. even w the tightest most optimal strings and combos and rekka cancels, there is literally no opportunity to mix up an enemy, which makes her unviable as a strike throw as well. existing as a hybrid is one thing, but making ram players rely on pure next level galaxy brain RPS for every second of every round is not in line w the gameplan of any other viable character. give her a high to crack them open. and let it combo too! alternatively,
command grab: the easy way out. was just talking abt this and it fixes the same issue as last one, esp if it bounces. simple as. but for me it rly does not fit in with rams focus on amazing frame data and superior reads leading to big rewards. so,
pure movement special: how many times have u dauro'd or sildo'd just to close the gap and, naturally, got smacked? how many times have u sat at a distance grinding yr teeth losing neutral bc u wanna move but dont wanna get smacked? give ram a special dash, or some sort of aerial movement thing that leaves her able to act. a fakeout version of either dauro or sildo would fit naturally into her gameplan of "player choices win neutral not moves," allowing her to close gap and do nothing, close gap and dash over, close gap and back up to re-gap, etc. her dash speed is amazing, definitely, but dashblock just isnt enough in this game when blocking at all can put you into an infinite fear loop. make it throwable on read for all i care, but i dont think this is a big ask; im not even asking for a low profile gap closer/counter hitter like every other character in the game has! just let her get close, quickly, safely!
delay setups with swords: theyre giving everyone new specials, and ram already has a resource right there: two swords. currently they have exactly one use, mid projectile pressure, and theyre good at it. but this becomes unusable except as confirm in high level play, esp in corner pressure (the good players know to block low and when to press a button). i dont have an exact proposal but my idea to expand their use would be something similar to her xrd sword setups: a delayed disjoint mine, one in the air one on the ground. using the move expends the sword in the same way as shoot, but instead of applying brief unworrying projectile pressure it locks an opponent into their position, further opening rams approach and increasing mental stack. all part of her current gameplan but more. we're smart enough to figure out setups i promise daisuke.
improve js startup by like 2: if u get the read on yr opponent doing dumb jump in u should always win. i shouldnt be trading with like baiken jp or whatever the fuck. im the zoner, and this is my only real zoning move. im not asking for a ground to air, or a dp, or a diff followup, anything. and this wont be any different towards moves it already beats. just let my js hit. please.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 2 years
the official eng titles of magu songs make me so mad esp bc like. Technically theres nothing wrong with them & theres nothing i can do about it. but knowing the complexity in the jpn titles makes me so fucking feral.
the jpn titles follow certain trends a lot as well as often add certain context to the song thats not super obvious from the rest of it.
two most common trends are the 5 kanji songs which. okay yeah thats hard to replicate in eng bc if u want to keep the meaning u'd be hard pressed to find words with the same amount of letters across all relevant songs. the other is repeating first letters re: ma in marshall maximizer or a in unplanned apoptosis. again, cant do much about that when the words just dont work together in eng the same way. fine. i get that.
i start getting into problems specifically with aru sekai series main songs as the jpn titles intentionally start with the same kanji as lines from aru sekai shoushitsu. like. the amount of emphasis on kyuu in kyuuyaku hankagai to link back to the lines starting with kyuu in aru sekai shoushitsu is part of how i could tell it was a series. its something they actively use in their storytelling. pulling this off in eng is actively harder but not impossible. assuming the same translator or group is working on it its possible to work translations that will be obvious links like they are in jpn. using the same example rather than having kyuu be "past" directly u could have it as "old" if ur going to make the title of kyuuyaku use the phrase old testament. ou for oumen is pretty straightforward shuu is where its a little rocky. putting shuu as death isnt quite right but maybe stealing demise from shuuen, while also not exact, is maybe more forgiving in context. i think u get my point here now. (my one exception is kugutsu ashura just having ashura as the eng title. i still dont agree but hiimagus said if u dont know how to read kugutsu u can just call the song ashura. its funny so i can overlook it. in this area at least)
but then we get to the lack of context. esp the 5 kanji titles giving extra info that might not be there otherwise. kyuuyaku hankagai isnt just a link back to the kyuu lines. kyuuyaku being old testament we know theres some religious ties that might not be so obvious if u 1) dont read the intro text 2) are aware most of the lyrics are technical in nature in a sciencey way and 3) dont know oumen mokushiroku & kugutsu ashura are related. hanka being written as generalization lends itself more to the technical aspects of the song where gai we know we're talking about a specific town or at least area of a bigger town/city and not just a super specific building or location. additionally hankagai is also a play on a word said the same way meaning like business or shopping district for example. again leaning into that concept of it being in a wider but specific area. and yet the eng is just testament. which, at the very most, is telling me the song is this character's perception of the events. which is obvious when the lyrics are so subjective anyway.
next is shuuen touhikou. flight from demise, demise escape, whatever u want to call it theres how many translations of it. from the lyrics its so very obvious theyre running. to or from something, theyre hitting the bricks. okay sure thats not really new context. & just like the other songs the tones pretty dire & u can tell the stakes are pretty high. but to have it so blatantly in front of u telling u that this character is up again their own death and they dont want that so theyre running from it. thats a pretty powerful statement that really drives home a lot of the points in the song. and instead of that, the eng title is blade. nothing to do with the og title just a reference to the lyrics so its not entirely unfounded theres definitely swords brought up and used in the song, the charas even drawn with one. but as an eng speaker seeing a song called blade i expect it to be more about say courage or fighting for something. its a cool title but this one especially feels misplaced and misleading to me. knowing the lyrics, the swords are accessories to the story not the main focus and yet the eng title is blade. hate it.
oumen mokushiroku is almost acceptable to me since concave really only links back to it being related to aru sekai series i dont really have anything profound to say about this word choice in particular. maybe it gives that feeling that everything's collapsing in on itself, which fits the theme and lyrics, but i'll be honest with u i could miss that and im obsessed with these songs so i wont make a big deal about it. that leaves mokushiroku being revelation which ties both into the fact the character's an angel & enforces the old testament part of kyuuyaku so we can accept theres biblical/religious themes going on here even if the stories main focus seems to be a science aspects. its eng title is apocalypse. this is the only eng title i can accept not bc im biased to the character & song but because in aru sekai shoushitsu theres a line where the kanji is written as mokushiroku but its pronounced as apocalypse. so in this case this one actually is a very solid link back to the og song, proof of it being in the series as well as being a very accurate description of what the characters are experiencing. they really are at the end of the world. i cant argue against this one hiimagu thought this one through.
which leaves kugutsu ashura and as funny as it just being called ashura is it misses out on just a little tiny bit of context here. its these two very different words describing a state of something thats very similar to drive home the state of the song & character. which is VERY helpful given the song is. well. tongue twister wall of words difficult to get the implied meaning out of. ashura may not have the most control of themselves but then to add the context of a puppet, to be clearly saying there's no control over her own actions its all to someone or something else's will. that does add some context and weight to the story. but ashura by itself is funny for reasons i explained so im looking the other way.
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
'*•.¸♡ so much ♡¸.•*'
warnings: 18+!! smut with a VERY little foreplay. basically a drabble based on a hockey!ellie x puckbunny!reader req but im a fool and i accidentally deleted it.. this is v bad so dont say i didnt warn u !! i was kind of on verge of passing out (jist high) while writing and i shouldnt even post it but uhhhh...........
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: ̗̀➛ you came to a hokey match, completely unprepared, as usually. your tight top and short skirt weren't really giving a 'sporty' vibe. you also had no idea what are the rules, even though you watched a lot of williams' matches. so, you couldn't miss this one.
: ̗̀➛ now, the game finished with an unexpected score - ellie's team lost. you waited in front of the changing rooms to at least cheer her them up. everyone slowly left, already moving on, chatting and laughing. everyone except her.
: ̗̀➛ after you saw she didn't come out, you knocked on the door and went in without waiting for any answer.
"hi, els." you closed the entrance behind you. "uh, well, it was just a little school match."
she looked up at you and scoffed. "exactly. a little school match, nothing serious, and we still couldn't handle it."
: ̗̀➛ you thought about anything you could say now to make this better, but before you came up with something, you heard her voice again.
"you know what's the worst part?" she continued while standing up and walking closer to you, her expression unclear. "it's all because of you- your cute, little outfit. you don't wear something like that for a match, y'know?"
you slightly chuckled after realising what she meant. that's weird way of complimenting your style but you played along. "well, i'm sorry. i thought you'll like it."
"i do like it." she cupped your chin in her hands. "but it should wait for a different occasion, yeah?"
: ̗̀➛ the way she said that made you feel like a child, but you obediently nodded, taking in as much comfort from her closeness as possible.
: ̗̀➛ before you could process everything happening, you were pinned against the wall of the changing room, with her body pressed against yours as kissed you. her lips touched yours in a way that sent shivers down your spine. you were surprised at her advances, but you didn't resist, too caught up in the moment.
: ̗̀➛ she didn't let go of you, exploring your mouth with her tongue for long seconds. you tried to keep up, feeling the pleasure growing inside you, but you eventually gave up and let her be the one in charge.
ellie leaned back slightly, her eyes still locked on yours.
"because, you see,"
with a sly chuckle, she reached behind you and started undoing your skirt.
"you look really pretty, too pretty."
you let out a slight gasp, a shiver running down your spine.
"i can't stand seeing you..."
ellie didn't rush, but instead took her time working at the buttons and zippers of your clothing.
"dressed like that."
you felt a rush of excitement that kept growing with every article of clothing she removed.
"i think it's your fault we lost."
while looking into your eyes, she traced your lips with the tip of her finger before softly kissing you again.
"i think i'd be able to change the score,"
she started leading you to an uncomfortable bench, which most definitely wasn't made for people to lie on.
"if only you didn't distract me,"
she smirked as her fingers traced a line on your body, starting from your lips, stopping near your collar bone or chest and finally arriving to your core.
her thumb started circling your clit, while her other fingers caressed your slit.
she felt how wet you are but it seemed unbelievable, so she looked down as if to make sure it's not a hallucination.
with that, two of her fingers slipped into your already throbbing cunt, earning a loud gasp which turned into a moan from you.
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actualbird · 2 years
n/s//f///w text and crossposted from a long thread i made on twitter this morning HAHA
i think vyn should be a size queen also i made up a full plot for vyn/artem smut but artem is the one fucking vyn cuz god, why havent i seen that iteration in vyntem fic yet, understndable but listen listen
wc: 948
ok so the nxx team go on team building grp vacay at a (pax owned ofc) beach resort, dont think about it too much, i just want a beach setting. and vyn just so happened to learn that artem wing is hung as fuck.
tho How is smthng im still on the fence with. but funniest route in my brain is that marius accidentally walked in on artem changing and was like "yo, huge dick, dude! //thumbs up" and artem screams and throws him out and marius proceeds to tell the rest of the team "yo, artem has a huge dick! //thumbs up" which piques vyn's interest.
and vyn is Not a shallow person, thank you very much. he just enjoys indulgence. he indulges in the not-so-simple pleasures of life like french pastries and getting railed to the high heavens.
this + the fact that his an artem's relationship is Certainly Hurtling Towards Something (theyre not yet dating, not even in the GENERAL SPHERE OF ANYWHERE NEAR THAT, their snappy tension at each other is just getting way more heated. like a plot, every interaction thickens like a soup. a sexy soup) results in vyn making the decision to embark on a Seduction.
and he makes a Plan. he Planned this. he is gonna be subtle and coy and it's very strategic, u see. in typical vyn fashion, he is going about this with the goal of having the upper hand the entire time by orchestrating many scenes that Just so happen to have vyn lounging around Wet in the general proximity of artem who has eyes.
and for all that artem is a dolt when it comes to reading the room or reading between the lines, vyn employs that Clear Forwardness thats still skirting the edges, the BECKONING VIBES OF IT ALL.
tho unlike how he does that w mc, vyn is still, deep down, an asshole towards artem. mutual asshole-ry. that doesnt magically change cuz vyn wants artem's kickstand dick.
itll be like
"artem, whatever are you standing around there for lost in thought? too uptight to enjoy urself, heh?"
or "artem, make urself useful for once, i cannot reach this part between my shoulders to apply sunscreen" with a well placed soft moan when artem presses down on the skin there
aka flirting thats just this bizarre mix of LOOK IM SO FUCKABLE and also I STILL DONT LIKE U.
vyn is going to examine this later w his audio recorder to unpack the contradiction of his desire and supposed dislike, but feelings later, fucking NOW.
(meanwhile, a few feet away on the beach where vyn and artem are doing whatever the hell this is, 3 ppl watch...
luke: this...is excruciating
marius: it's takinG FOREVER
mc: HUSH, let em do their intricate rituals)
anyway, vyn expects all this to percolate with artem stiffly and shyly approaching him eventually. and then vyn can work his magic of "oh if you are so high strung lately, i ~suppose~ there is a solution that helps both of us" and artem gets to fuck away all the tension vyn has been purposefully stoking, and vyn gets to enjoy seeing and feeling however goddamn huge artem's cock is.
a perfect plan, everything carefully built up to have an inevitable conclusion
but vyn miscalculated just how much he had affected artem
vyn was banking on artem's repression shtick making him desperate yet easy to handle. that is not what happens. artem does Not shyly approach vyn, he loudly knocks on the door of vyn's hotel room to confront vyn about What The Fuck All This Is and vyn opens the door is only in a towel cuz hes committing to the bit
and artem just snaps.
the bedrock of animosity of their general relationship combined with vyn OBVIOUSLY playing around with him this whole week combined with a dash Maybe Actually Feelings That Means Artem Is Into Vyn As Well, More Than Just Attracted To Him But Also Truly Into Him As A Person (artem is confounded about this, make no mistake about that) heightening everything means that artem, for all his inexperience driven hesitation, just
throws vyn onto the bed
vyn, alarmed and SO turned on but trying to get ahold of the situation again: well, seems i was right. all it took were a handful of tame displays you probably saw as obscene, this was all according to my plan---
artem, on top of vyn: Stop. Talking.
vyn, feeling artem's erection pressed against him and Wow, That's A Huge Fucking Dick: //stops talking
(meanwhile, in the neighboring room while thuds against the wall from vyntem room start happening, mcmarluke plays bingo
marius: eyy ticked off "headboard hitting the wall"
luke: none of us have a square for artem growing a spine tho, didnt expect that
mc: sounds like vyn didnt either)
anyhoo, vyn gets railed. eventually, his front of All This Going According To Plan shatters cuz while artem is going at this for the first time, big dick still goes a long way (literally, like, it reaches deep and vyn loves it) and then maybe some feelings talk happens during afterglow and a soft armistice on hating each other is drawn, which then can lead into a date maybe with some semblance of romance
the end <3
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
anything and everything
elide x lorcan, modern au, sick fic/domestic fluff, word count: 1874
The clock at the back of his classroom showed that there was two minutes left until lunch. The history teacher knew he’d lost his students three minutes ago, and tossed his printed copy of the PowerPoint onto his meticulously organised desk. “Alright, guys, I think that’s enough for today. Pack up and get out of here, yeah?” 
The sounds of rustling paper and shuffling bags filled the room. Lorcan unplugged his laptop from the projector and clicked it off, pushing the cart back to its corner. He heard his grade twelves’ easy conversations and jokes as they filed out, bidding him good-bye. 
“Bye, Mr. S,” Evangeline called, waving as she walked out, “thank you!” 
“You’re welcome, Evangeline. Have a good day,” Lorcan replied. No one else was in his classroom, so he pushed in the chairs and picked up the stray pencils that had been left. 
He slid his laptop into his bag and slung the leather strap over his shoulder. Lorcan left the blinds down from when they’d been drawn for the video he’d shown and flicked the lights off before he closed and locked the door. 
His hands were shoved in his pockets as he walked to the teacher’s lounge. Lorcan was the first there and he decided to call home, his phone in his back pocket.
As the phone rang, Lorcan grabbed an apple from the bowl of fruit and rinsed it before he ate it.
His fiancée picked up after two rings and sounded even more congested and hoarse than she’d been in the morning, “Hello, love. How’s your day going?” Elide coughed loudly, the sound deep and from her chest, “I’m feeling so much better, honestly, baby. I think I’ll just pop in and teach my last few class–” 
“Lee, you're sick. You'll collapse before you get to the front gate and you know it,” he said, nodding to Rowan, who walked in with Aelin and Lysandra. Nesryn couldn’t have been that far behind them. 
Elide huffed, knowing he was right and hating it, “I’m not sick, I’m not even barfing! I’m just achy and I have a cough, I’m fine.” 
“You have the flu, Elide. You do not have the energy to teach two classes - stay home.” 
She muttered something and Lorcan could practically hear her eye roll. “Fine. I can do video calls anyway, bye-bye, L, love you!” 
“That is not what I meant, Elide,” he protested, but Elide hung up. Lorcan sighed through his nose and put his phone in his pocket once more. The rest of the apple was gone in two bites. 
From one of the tables, the blonde science teacher looked over at him, a bite of leftover risotto and pink salmon on her fork, “Was that our Ellie dear? How is she?” 
“Stubborn and petty,” Lorcan grumbled in good nature. He tossed his apple core into the compost bin, “I’m done for the day, so I’m going home. Please don’t call me if you need help.” His colleagues laughed mockingly at his inconsiderate remark and Lorcan smirked, saluting them as he walked out. “Bye, guys. Have a good day.” He walked down the hall, waving and nodding to students he recognised. 
Lorcan passed two of his favourites, Luca and Evangeline. They stopped him to talk and they chatted about Luca’s upcoming debate and Evangeline’s English presentation. He wished them both luck and continued on, all but refusing to acknowledge any of his other colleagues. Lorcan didn’t have anything against them, save for a few, but he didn’t want to be dragged into a long conversation with them when his girl was home sick and miserable. 
Outside, it was raining, but light enough that it was more of a mist than any noticeable precipitation. Lorcan got into their old Volkswagen Jetta - the car that Elide had saved for during her last year of high school to buy - and pulled out of the parking lot, going slowly around the meandering students and teachers alike. 
Since he hadn’t eaten lunch yet and he had been dreading his tuna salad sandwich all day, Lorcan stopped by the local Blackbeak restaurant. He bought pierogies, borscht, sausage, and cabbage rolls. Knowing Elide loved them so, he added on an order of sweet, apple-filled piroshkis and sweet tea. 
Luckily, the wait wasn’t long and he tipped them well when they handed him the containers in two plastic bags, including a tray for their tea. Lorcan carried their food back to the car and put it on the passenger seat, carefully fitting the cups of tea in the cup holders. 
Lorcan got back in his seat and drove on, more slowly this time so the food would remain untouched. He’d tossed his phone onto the dash and it rang. He glanced over at it and saw Elide calling him. Since he was driving, Lorcan didn’t pick up and he would be home soon enough. 
He came to a stop at a red light and looked over at the text she sent him. 
princess: r u too busy to answer me cause ur with ur new WHORE. 
princess: dont even come home tn im so over ur disrespectful ass. smh. 🙄. cant believe i ever trusted a MAN. 
princess: bby im so hungry tell me what to get i cant decide 🥺 pls help me ill b so nice to uuuuuu ❤🖤🥰🥰😘 
Lorcan laughed and shook his head, driving on home. He pulled up in front of their townhouse a mere five minutes later. Carefully, Lorcan balanced everything and locked the car. He walked through the front gate and up the stone pathway. 
Somehow, he managed to carry everything and unlocked the front door. When he walked in, he heard someone’s long nails tapping across a laptop keyboard. Lorcan chuckled quietly and put his bags down. He hung up his jacket, put his keys in the silver dish next to Elide’s, and toed off his shoes. 
Lorcan walked down the hallway and passed the staircase, putting their food on the kitchen counter. Then, he rolled up the sleeves of his wool sweater and white shirt. He walked upstairs, “Lee? You in bed?” 
He passed their shared office and leaned against the doorframe, eyes landing on his fiancée. Elide had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, her dark hair pushed up in a messy bun. Her thick glasses were perched on the edge of her nose and when she looked up at him, Elide pushed them back up, “Oh, hi, love.” She looked back at her laptop and colour-coordinated lesson plan, still typing. “I didn’t know you were coming home, you didn’t have to do that.” 
“Evidently I did because my fiancée refuses to rest,” he said, shoving off the door and walking in. She rolled her eyes and frowned. Lorcan walked around to her side and crouched, twisting her chair around, “Elide. You’re sick. Your students are not going to be affected if you take a day or two off, now please. Can you just get back in bed? For me?” 
She clicked her tongue and sighed, “That’s cheating. You can’t say it’s for you when you know I’d do anything for you.” 
Lorcan smirked and cupped her face, his thumb stroking over her cheekbone, “Just doing what I can.” He surveyed her, his eyes not missing a thing. There was a slight sheen of sweat on her brow and her eyes were tired. Her skin was paler and more pallid than usual, the only spot of colour on the tip of her nose. She was restraining herself, but Lorcan could see her shivering. “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m… fine.” 
He arched a brow. Elide sighed through her nose and looked to the side. 
“Fine. I feel like shit. I’m tired and I have a headache and I’m so, so tired,” she whispered, tipping herself forward and leaning into him. “I hated that you left this morning. I wanted to be with you and… and let you take care of me.” 
Lorcan smiled softly and got to his feet, picking her up as well. Her head fell against his shoulder and he held her with one arm banded beneath her thighs. He cut off the camera and sent a bland message before signing out and turning it off. As he carried her out, Lorcan asked, “Are you hungry? Have you eaten anything?” 
Elide shook her head, “No… I was sleeping.” 
“I got food. Blackbeak,” he told her, smiling when she gasped wondrously. 
“O-m-giness.” Elide said softly, dancing her shoulders around. “You’re the best, baby. Did you get piroshki? The- the sweet one. With apple.” 
“Mm-hmm,” he said, pushing her hair back again. “And pierogies, tea, sausage, and cabbage rolls. Everything, even soup.” 
“I love you so fuckin’ much, man,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck. Elide’s face was comfortably hidden in the crook of his neck. She could smell his cedar cologne, the lavender dryer ball on his sweater, and the sweetgrass he’d smudged with. “We should watch When Harry Met Sally.” 
Lorcan huffed a laugh through his nose and kissed the side of her head, “Yeah. Sally’s a spaz.” 
“And Harry’s an inconsiderate asshat,” Elide replied, squeezing her thighs around his hips. 
They crossed through the door of their bedroom and Lorcan set her down on their bed. He left her be, letting her manoeuvre into her little nest of blankets, quilts, and a duvet. 
He changed into sweatshorts and a hoodie with their university’s logo before going downstairs. On his way, he re-did his hair in some tiered, sloppy and loopy bun. 
In the kitchen, he played some random song from his phone and bobbed his head as he served them both food. 
Lorcan carried their plates and bowls back upstairs. Elide got up to help her when he got to their room. On the TV that opposited their bed showed the main menu of When Harry Met Sally. He laughed quietly and shook his head, sitting down beside her and getting comfortable. 
Elide hummed delightedly and pressed play from her phone. She took the tea first and drank it quickly, suddenly ravenous. Lorcan passed her water and medicine. Elide took it and ate her beet soup, sans sour cream. 
The movie played and Lorcan ate his pierogies, gently sipping on his own tea. 
Done first, Elide put her dish to the side and leaned into him. She mouthed the lines, her eyes slowly falling shut. Lorcan grinned and finished the cabbage roll before easing out from under her and taking their things back downstairs. 
He got her more citrus tea and went back upstairs. The flu-ridden woman woke up when he got in bed and resituated herself. 
“I got the vaccine, baby,” Elide muttered, her arms wrapped around his neck, “and I’m still sick. I’m anti-vax now. They’re hoaxes.” 
Lorcan sighed through his nose, still adoring her dramatics. “You can’t say that to your students, Lee. They believe anything.” 
The chemistry teacher smacked his chest, “They arent dumb! They’re just…” 
“Stupid,” Lorcan finished her sentence. “C’mon, I had a student who didn’t know Terrasen’s capital. He was born here, Elide.” 
She snorted and hid her face in his neck. “I love you.” 
“Forever and always, Lee.”
☽ ☼ ☾
an: i luv them. omg. 
@mythicaitt​​​ @werewolffprince​​​ @schmlip-scribble​​​ ​ @the-regal-warrior​​​ @ladyverena​​​ @ttakeitbacknoww​​​ @shyvioletcat​​​ @alifletcher2012​​​ @tswaney17​​​ @ourbooksuniverse​​​  @flora-and-fae​​​ @thesirenwashere​​​ @queenofxhearts​​​ @maastrash​​​ @mynewdreamwasyou​​​ @cursebreaker29​​​ @empress-ofbloodshed​​​ @b00kworm​​​ @hizqueen4life​​​ @silversprings98​​​ @amren-courtofdreams​​​ @minaidss​​​ @superspiritfestival​​​ @sanakapoor​​​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​​​ @spyofthenightcourt​​​  @thegoddessofyou​​​ @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx​​​ @claralady​​​ @neonhellas​​​ @darlinminds​​​ @readingismyonlyhobby​​​ @autophobiaxx​​​ @silversprings28​​​ @myshadowsingeraz​​​ @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​​​ @elriel4life​​​ @always-in-a-daydream​​​ @jlinez​​​ @ladywitchling​​​ @mariamuses​​ @darklesmylove​​ @adelzd-bookblr
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iwaisa · 4 years
request. trynna think of a request for u rn 🧏‍♀️ how ab tsukki w a best friend who’s so grade conscious bc ppl have high expectations of them n one day she breaks down bc she b afraid of failure n he’s like .......ok ill comfort them bc theyre my best friend but im also secretly in love w them trope😝 definitrly not because this reminds me of a certain someone who is not myself and i definitrly dont need to hear this😭 - @tsukisemi​
a/n. sue you are a GENIUS I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BIG BRAIN. i absolutely adore best friends to lovers/childhood friends to lovers tropes they make me so happy ugh once again THANK YOU
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► now playing...
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- pairing. tsukishima x female reader (pronouns not specifically stated, but there is ma’am lol)
- warnings. make out session! lol oops. suggestive content
- word count. 1.8k+
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it was a friday evening, and you found yourself studying at kei tsukishima’s house. again. no matter how many times you tried to convince him to do other things while hanging out in the warmth of his bedroom, he always insisted that academics came before baking and movies.
the two of you have been friends since your last year of junior high, after yamaguchi was too busy looking up at his tall companion to realize another figure was about to collide with him. the two of you made contact with the ground, before jumping up to apologize quickly.
tsukishima found himself instantly infatuated with you - you were gorgeous. your breathtaking eyes, the way your school uniform seemed to fit just perfectly, the way he imagined your smaller hands and fingers slotting in between his - he was absolutely intrigued. yamaguchi would say love at first sight, the taller male would call him ridiculous.
the three of you instantly clicked, with you and yamaguchi being the more talkative ones of the trio. tsukishima acted as a parental figure, scolding you two constantly for doing things you weren’t supposed to.
upon overhearing a conversation with sensei that you would be heading to karasuno for high school - the same place tsukishima and yamaguchi were planning on going - he let out a breath he never knew he was holding in. he continued listening to sensei urging you to plan on going somewhere more academic based - like shiratorizwa or fukurōdani. you put it simply that you would rather go somewhere more balanced. sensei was hesitant before he approved of your plans.
you had always been good at doing homework and classwork, but you weren’t so good at taking tests. they intimidated you, making you worry that you would end up receiving something lower than a B+. tsukishima and yamaguchi knew of course, since the two of you held frequent study sessions at each others’ houses. this tradition carried on even when the three of you made it into karasuno, just not as frequently due to the boys’ volleyball practices.
today, however, yamaguchi was helping yachi teach kageyama and hinata english since tsukishima blatantly refused. the two of you headed back to his house, and instantly began flipping through your textbooks. he was quietly scribbling words and numbers on his papers, seemingly flying through assignments. you were sat on his bed, stuck on one section in particular.
“why the hell is ap chemistry so hard?” you sighed, scratching your scalp. tsukishima turned his head to see you rubbing your eyes, which adorned deep blue bags underneath. he sighed, putting his pencil down as he walked to sit on the edge of the bed alongside you. he looked over your shoulder, reading the complex chemical equations. “you know this one, l/n. you got it.” 
you shook your head quickly, “no, i don’t tsukki. i have no idea what i’m doing and sensei literally didn’t even teach us this. see, this is why i’m glad i didn’t end up going to an academy because this would be ten times harder. i hate that people are always assuming i can handle this with ease. i can’t.” you finished, blinking back tears.
tsukishima sighed, rubbing his eyes underneath his glasses before readjusting them to focus on the question. he began rubbing his finger over the numbers, slowly explaining each process. you were surprised he was being kind, but you didn’t want to take this soft moment for granted. you simply nodded your head, hurriedly scribbling down what he was saying in your notebook.
“tell you what,” he turned, looking into your eyes. “if you can do these next four questions by yourself, i’ll give you something i’ve been meaning to for a while.” you tilted your head, “tsukki, my birthday was months ago.” he chuckled, getting up to sit in his chair, which was now facing you. “i’m aware.” the two of you stared at each other for a while, before you turned your attention back to your textbook.
using tsukishima’s explanations and whatever strategies you learned from sensei, you flew through two of the questions with ease, getting stuck on the third one. tsukishima explained once more, telling you to use a different equation for the next two. you nodded, finally understanding.
the next two questions were hard to figure out, but you finally got through them. you placed your pencil in between the crease of the pages, looking up to tsukisima expectedly. when he didn’t move, you were confused. did he just trick you into doing homework?
tsukishima gulped, attempting to calm his erratic heart and shaky legs. was he ready for this? no, he wasn’t. but even as yamaguchi said; he’s been putting this off for long enough. he knew he liked you, but had no idea just what to do about it. he knew he would be jeopardizing your friendship in some way, but tsukishima couldn’t deny that he wanted some sort of affectionate skinship to happen between the two of you.
he released his lower lip from his teeth before shaking his head. he stood up, walking towards you with slight hesitation. he plopped himself next to you, your shoulders brushing against each other. tsukishima lifted his glasses off his nose before leaning forward, pressing a quick peck to your lips.
your mouth fell open, and your eyes widened more than you believed they ever could. your face exploded with heat, and you began spewing out incoherent words. he stood up, returning to his seat. “tsukki?” you asked in disbelief. “yes?” he responded, seemingly unphased. “w-what was that?” he watched you run your middle and forefinger over your lips, “my gift.” your jaw dropped open once more, earning a rare chuckle from your blond friend. or maybe, not a friend anymore.
“if you finish the next four questions, i’ll give you another one. if you want,” his last words were muffled by the back of his hand. you smiled at the sight; tsukishima, the most stoic boy you’ve ever met, was embarrassed. nonetheless, you were going to earn another kiss from your friend, not to mention the boy you’ve been in love with for the past two years.
you were quick to pick up your pencil, reading the questions as quickly as possible. “and don’t rush either, idiot,” tsukishima jested. you stuck your tongue out at him, feeling your heart flutter as he let out a soft chuckle.
you made sure to complete each question thoroughly, wondering if you would get extra points for doing more work. tsukishima stood over your figure, eyes scanning over each question. he pointed at one, “the equation was right, but check your calculations again.” you sighed, turning back to the book. 
tsukishima bent over, pressing a light kiss atop your head, making you jolt in surprise. he staggered back holding his chin, and you stood up waving your hands frantically. he held his hand up to stop your word-vomit, letting a light chuckle escape his lips.
you pressed your lips in a line, sitting back down. you began calculating the equation once more, finally coming up with the right answer. “there you go. see? you only have four questions left now.” you lifted your chin expectedly, watching him squat in front of you. you pursed your lips as he began to lean in, pressing teasing kisses to both of your cheeks. you groaned in annoyance, before sandwiching his face in between your palms. “stop teasing,” you muttered sternly. “yes ma’am,” he joked, finally closing the distance between you two.
this kiss was a tad bit more passionate, the two of you moving your lips together excitedly. it would’ve been a make out session, if tsukishima had not pulled away with a grin. “last four questions.” he smirked at you before standing up, returning to his chair once more.
these questions were possibly the worst. there were multiple equations in each separate question, and it left you wondering why someone would ever want to major in chemistry. tsukishima watched your face contort into borderline anger, your lower lip between your teeth. he swiftly stood up, placing himself next to you on the bed. he reached his arm around you, rubbing circles into your lower back as you continued writing the wrong equations.
“here,” he spoke up finally, removing the pencil from your grasp. he began writing in a clear fashion which numbers were to be plugged in where, and it finally clicked for you. he glanced at your profile, watching your mouth fall open. he smiled to himself as he watched you solve the equations with ease, his hand never leaving your back.
you finally finished, looking up at the blond with long-awaited anticipation. “you’re eager,” he whispered, his eyes becoming soft. his gaze flickered between yours and your plush lips - the one’s he’s been waiting to feel on his for so long. and the feeling wasn’t disappointing. they felt amazing, and he was on cloud nine. a little voice that sounded like yamaguchi resonated in tsukishima’s head saying, “finally.”
the two of you began moving forward at a slow pace, until you gripped onto his shirt pulling him into you to finally close the gap. this kiss was definitely not like the last ones. this one was ferocious; two pining friends finally earning exactly what they’ve been patiently waiting for. 
tsukishima’s right hand made its way to your hip, prompting you to lay down. he hovered over you, not once pulling away. your tongue brushed against the seam of his lips, and he eagerly allowed your tongue to meet his. your hands began roaming, feeling tsukishima’s pecs. they slowly moved down to his abs, which were rock-solid, much to your surprise.
you gasped as he pulled away to press open-mouthed kisses on your jawline, moving down to your neck. your hands gripped his hair as he sucked on a particular spot that elicited a whine from your throat.
he pulled away, looking down at you with golden irises filled with lust. his gaze fell on the newly formed red spot on your neck, and he sat up pushing his glasses back to rest on the bridge of his nose. “sorry about that,” he whispered, his voice filled with nerves. “don’t be. i liked it,” you smiled, watching his gaze soften for the umpteenth time that day.
“do you like me?” he asked hesitantly. you paused, your eyebrows furrowing in mock confusion. “you know, for one of the smartest in the class, you’re pretty dumb.” he opened his mouth to protest, before you sat up to give him a quick kiss. “yes, i like you.”
his arms wrapped around your waist, pushing you back down onto his bed. “can we cuddle,” he said it as more of a statement than a question. you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his back. “can you be my boyfriend,” you pretend to mock, causing his head to snap up. he nodded hastily before burrowing his face into your chest once more. 
“i love you,” he said, his words muffled by your shirt. “i love you too, kei.” you smiled as you ran your hands through his golden locks, hearing a content sigh escape his lips.
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misterbitches · 3 years
so like life sucks right so im trying to pluck my face and i stumbled upon bounprem stuff even tho i've been watching like nothing or drumming videos (i lied... know why, cos i keep clicking on fanmade mvs for winteamidk why bc i hate watching them but they give me info in extremely close amounts of time)
con: is boun rich? if so, shame
pro: everything else. i ESPECIALLLLLLLY like how they want to work behind the camera!!!!!!! it seems like that was boun's goal all along which really excites me as a ~filmmakeur~ and i like that prem may try it too. i laughed when he didnt know what a slate was but he didn't know about production and he's a green actor so i can believe that but he shouldnt sell himself short cos being an actor can give you a lot of insight into the behind the scenes work. it also makes u appreciate us more :)
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this makes me want to hug my friends lmao i havent seen or touched friends and i'm fucking single and im high alone GOD WHY!!!!
anyway my point was that im high and love them and i hope they do art >:)
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lastly, i hope they are friends forever they have great chemistry and their true actual care for e/o. i was thinking about how i don't ship people but i enjoy seeing good relationships esp in this context. bl is really devoid of a lot of shit but i think what's the best thing about seeing two people who share a space and are being looked at is the chemistry of how that dynamic works as co-workers and, hopefully, close friends. that's why pretend camraderie is important when doing (dumb) press-circuits (so people can make ze $)
it's always nice to see natural chemistry or people learning their rship or even people who may not be close after shooting (in any context, but here in particularly) but find themselves as older casual friends to catch up with. since this genre is so heavily focused on blurring those lines or whatever when things start getting weird (like from exposure and lack of good skilsl of acting and/or care or whatever idk im high) or they have shitty rships in between them for whatever reason u can immediately tell
so like oh your chemistry is real ! on top of that for some it's like oh real and ur playing characters that are falling in love. idk what im saying it's just reaally exciting to meeee u have a perosn with u supporting u thru the same process u r. also with two people there's always going to be someone who picks up not...slack but is more into a leadership type position (i hate using this word) but somoene you rely on if you arent the type to want to take care of eveyrthing—a lot of friends and couples do it (i do with my best friends. literally i'll be quiet and let them do things im too embarrassed to do but im still insanely forceful and i will play that role for them if needed) so bounprem have that in their natures and boun being older and slightly mroe mature (or i would say again different natures who knows)
it's the same type of joy you get and excitement you feel when ensemble casts truly like each other and it's ~natural energie~ (like in my engineer the whole feel of it i'm just like omg u guys are FRIENDS fijshoufija theyre so cute; hope theyre all okay) it also shows that you have someone/people you trust and having fun on set is really important. filming should be fun. a lot of times i don't like finishing shows because if the chemistry is good for the cast i feel like empty, like im leaving the set. that's a really good feeling tho!!!
anyway i think a big part of it (im still trying to articulate myself) is the fact that they dont have to be real but have the capacity to be and can set the limits of their rship but it's really nice to have a really influential set of people who want the best for you and vice versa esp if someone knows u more intimately in a capacity many people may not experience/understand because of ur job (IE showing as ~lovers~ but being friends irl even tho uve been very intimate for simulation and artistic value. this is based on a specific set of principles btw i'm not including sex work here bc it's also very different and a job in a different way but it doesnt make it lesseer than anything. all jobs suck tho)
ALSO I realize how easily their personalities fit winteam not in a 'they dont have to try" way cos they do and should. they're ok actors and the more u do and learn etc but the chemistry tests they probably had with them probably solidified that even though they are very diff than their characters. being an insanely good swimmer from jump gives the watcher the impression of probably perfectionism, a bit of torment, perhaps dumb jock syndrome, and having to be insanely good; for win the tattoos are an instant signifier instantly (if u c them) cos it's always like ~ooh what's the story~* lmao
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tothemeadow · 4 years
I seen ur previous giyuu stuff 👀 and I was wondering if u could write a giyuu smut with a fem reader maybe giyuu misses his s/o so much it dont matter who top, but like ty so much if u do this but feel free to ignore 💃🕺
I will reveal myself later 😳
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I decided to put these two together because why the fuck not.
‘you’re all i’ve got tonight’ / Tomioka G. x Reader
warnings: NSFW, oral sex, somnophilia (maybe?)
words: 1,479
(a/n): eyo I wrote 3 smuts today so I’m just gonna- 🏃‍♀️
All he wants is you.
It’s been too long – a month too long. Normally, Giyuu wouldn’t mind being away from home for such a long period of time, but ever since you entered his life, he can barely stand being away from you. It was rough saying goodbye after his crow told him he had to leave, to travel so away from you.
Since the day of his departure, Giyuu’s being craving to hold you in his arms, to whisper sweet nothings in your ears. Once upon a time in his life, Giyuu had been used to loneliness, to its dark grasp and icy clutches. He never wants to feel that way in his life ever again, but, as is his luck, that’s the exact situation he found himself in.
He thinks that it’s this reason why he’s so eager to find you when he finally arrives home. No, it’s not desperation. It’s definitely not horniness, either. Giyuu was never one to have a high sex drive – or at least he thought so. During his long-term mission, he’s learned a lot of things about himself.
He finds you fast asleep in the bed the two of you shared; with the funds he makes as a Pillar, he surprised you by buying some fancy Western style bed to use instead of the usual futon. His heart swells in his chest at the sight of you beneath the covers, the slight rising and falling of your chest. On their own accord, his feet carry him over to the bed. He slides in underneath the covers without further thought, not even bothering to remove his multicolored haori.
He shudders at the warmth emitting from your body, the natural scent of your skin. He involuntarily groans, burying his face in your neck. Placing open-mouthed kisses to flesh, his breath hitches in his throat when you stir, but you don’t wake up. He really should put an end to this sort of behavior, but he’s missed you so bad. His impatience grows as he shifts on top of you, slithering his way down your body with his mouth and hands. A simple tug at your yukata has the material falling loose at your sides, revealing smooth skin and perky breasts.
Giyuu bites his lip at the sight of your luscious, naked body; he urgently presses kisses to the exposed flesh, following the invisible line from your sternum down the swell of your stomach and stopping at your pubic bone. His pupils are blown wide from both the dark and his insatiable lust. Oh, gods, he needs you now.
It all starts with small, heated kisses against your inner thigh. You stir in your sleep once more, but you have yet to wake up. No matter – Giyuu knows the perfect way to greet you. His tongue sweeps over the crevice of your thigh, just barely grazing the side of your most intimate part, but he can’t find it in him to rush. While he is desperate your touch, he wants to draw this out, to savor every single second of it. Slowly, ever so slowly, he runs over your slit with the flat of his tongue.
Your body twitches beneath him, a soft sigh falling from your parted lips. His ears perk up at the sound. It’s been an entire month since he last heard your beautiful voice and those delicious little noises you make. So he does it again and again, tongue flicking over your slit as he slowly pushes it in. The sigh you release is louder this time, your fingers twitching at your sides.
“Giyuu…” you murmur.
Giyuu’s cock twitches in his pants. You’re dreaming of him. Knowing that you’re having a wet dream about him kicks him into a higher gear; shoving his tongue fully inside of you, he clutches onto your supple thighs as he fucks you with his tongue.
The noises dropping from your lips are nothing short of sinful – ragged gasps, high-pitched pants, whimpers of his name. Giyuu’s fingers join his tongue, the tips seeking out that spongy spot that makes you lose your damn mind. Happiness bubbles in Giyuu’s chest as you suddenly grip onto his hair.
“G-Giyuu?” you stutter, your voice heavy with sleep. You moan when he hums into your pussy.
“I’m home, baby,” Giyuu husks. His voice is so deep and raspy, the arousal lining his tone clear as day. He quickly kisses your thigh. “Gods, I missed you so much.”
Your eyes flutter as his fingers continue to pump in and out of you, the digits curling deliciously against your ridged walls. “I… I missed you too,” you murmur. Scrambling onto your elbows, you urge the blanket away, fully revealing Giyuu between your legs. You immediately moan at the sight; even through the dark, you can make out the fucked-out expression on Giyuu’s face, the slick from your pussy clinging to his mouth and chin.
“Shit,” Giyuu mutters.
You’re about to ask him what he means, but then he’s shooting upwards, his mouth seeking out yours. You sigh as he slips his tongue into your mouth, the taste of your essence heavy on his tongue. His fingers continue with their urgent pace, his thumb joining in and playing with your clit.
“You feel so good, baby,” Giyuu purrs against your lips. You gasp as he drops his hips against yours, the hard line of his cock pressing against the material of his hakama. The head of his cock drags against your slit, your slick wetting the front of his pants even further. “I missed this too much,” he admits with a grunt.
His breathy voice makes your blood boil. A heavy knot forms in the base of your stomach, deliciously hot and irresistible. Rugged pants fill your ears as Giyuu makes haste of removing his clothing; a moment passes before you join him, your hands undoing the buttons of his uniform jacket before your sliding it down his shoulders. A hiccup breaks free from your throat as you feel his bare skin with your palms, the jagged flesh of his scars.
Silently, Giyuu takes a hand in one of his and guides it to his crotch. He chokes on a pleasure filled sigh as you wrap your fingers around him, the weight of his cock feeling heavenly in your hand. You furiously pump his cock as his fingers quicken up their pace. Wet sounds fill the room, mix with your heavy groans and pleading words.
Giyuu kisses you once more as he places the head of his cock against your slit, a throaty groan bubbling from the depths of his chest as he pushes himself into you. With a weak cry of his name, you cling to his shoulders, your velvety walls rippling around him. The pace he sets is slow, but he’s thrusting into you so deep that you’re certain he’s hitting your cervix. He fucks into you thoroughly, the tight heat of your cunt almost too much to take.
“You feel so much better than I remember,” Giyuu says as he presses his forehead to yours. You jolt when he slips a thumb over one of your nipples. “You know how hard it’s been being so far away from you?” he grunts. “I longed to see your face every single day.”
You swallow past the lump in your throat. “It was hard for me, too,” you tell him. “I can’t stand waking up without you by my side.”
A curse graces your ears as your walls tighten around his cock. “Next time, you’re coming with me.”
A pleased smile forms on your face as you rock your hips back against him. “That better be a promise. Fuck me, baby,” you whisper.
Coming to a complete stop, you feel Giyuu shift on the bed before he’s snapping his cock back into you with a solid thrust; your back arches as you cry out, your walls tightening impossibly around him.
“I’m not going to last long if you keep squeezing like that,” Giyuu grits.
He fucks into you hard and fast; his desperation bleeds from his pores, powers the strength in his movements. He kisses you passionately, his hand grabbing onto your jaw and tilting your head in a way that makes the kiss deeper than it was before. You moan into his mouth, your nails digging into his shoulder blades and raking down his skin, leaving angry red trails in their wake.
“Gods, I could fuck you forever,” he husks.
“Then do it,” you urge. “Show me how much you missed me.”
You cry out as his fingers frantically play with your clit, flicking at the sensitive bud and pinching it. You can’t get over just how good he feels, his cockhead punching into your most sensitive areas with each stroke of his hips.
“Oh, I will, baby. I’ve got all night.”
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softlyblues · 4 years
hi I read your answer about moist! I agree. :) I was wondering based on what you said if you ship vetvimes or not?
fhi, thanks very much! 
i think vetvimes have a rly interesting and nuanced dynamic. i’m all in for the memes, of course i am, but i don’t really ship it so much as i think vetinari/vimes/sybil have a rly interesting, basically canonical relationship, involving if not vimes w/ both of them, then all three of them with each other. i rly hope u dont mind bc im about to go off on one lmao. 
i recently reread guards guards and what got me (and i know from a doylist pov it’s because pterry hadnt finalised the universe yet) was the inequality in vetvimes dynamic. vetinari pities vimes and holds him at arms length, and vimes is a very stupid but very earnest drunkard. he’s a pitiable figure when he asks for a small raise and a dartboard, and vetinari doesn’t take him seriously. 
through men at arms/feet of clay/jingo we see the dynamic we know and love growing. it’s been a while since i’ve read them all, but im gonna get up some scenes that i think are super important to vet/vimes/sybil... and yes this includes the gonne scene. (:D)
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so here is the scene right after vetinari is shot. here is really, imo, the first time vimes stops seeing vetinari as one of his Betters - vimes is in his element, calm even, and vetinari asks him what to do. vetinari speaks slowly, almost stuttering, and i read a lot of fear into that line ���i appear... to be losing a lot of blood.”
and then vimes outright accuses vetinari of not doing the right thing. can you IMAGINE guards guards vimes doing something like that? vimes holds vetinari to account, and vetinari allows him. i also think it’s significant that this all happens at vimes & sybil’s wedding; we know sybil and vetinari are friends, old friends, and the wedding continues on despite the attack. vimes has time to save sybil AND vetinari, without sacrificing one for the other. that’s really the central point of men at arms: vimes doesn’t have to retire to have time for his wife and for the watch. he can multitask without losing either. 
feet of clay is another important leveler book for vetinari and vimes. for most of the book, vetinari is slowly dying, trusting basically nobody but drumknott and vimes to come into his room - he does know what’s going on, yes, but he trusts vimes to not need his help to work the thing out. vetinari does stay ahead, and he does have the advantage, but he doesn’t feel the need to help vimes; he respects him, and treats him as though he’s on the same level as him. this is really important for vimes’ perception of himself going from drunkard to someone who has people relying on him, and as someone who can be trusted. in order for vetinari and vimes to have any relationship, they need to not only be on a level, but they both need to know they are as well. i think vetinari has no problem knowing this, but sam is very unreliable when it comes to an account of his own intelligence, bravery, and merit. i mean. he remains, right up until the end of snuff, convinced that he is a Bad Person who has Snuck Into Someone Else’s Happy Life and is waiting for the other shoe, yknow, so men at arms/feet of clay are important books for hauling vimes up onto vetinari’s platform so they both know they’re equals. 
sybil is HUGELY important in this, and part of the reason i dislike traditional vetvimes is bc they just... idk, kill her off of make her horrible or just disregard her existence. sybil is the catalyst for literally all of sam’s development. without her he’s an alcoholic in the gutter. with her, he’s duke, commander, sir samuel, the man vetinari trusts the most. (dont disregard sybil, vetvimes ppl.)
in jingo, i think we start to see the vetvimessybil dynamic we’re more familiar with. vetinari trusts sam to play along with him, and he goes to klatch and does the whole sexy juggler thing and he allows sam to arrest two countries. he lets the lords of ankh-morpork raise armies, because he trusts sam. sybil trusts sam. vetinari trusts sam. vimes trusts both of them implicitly, even if he doesn’t think or say so. 
fifth elephant might seem not that important, but it’s really big to note that at the beginning, vetinari and sybil appear to be conspiring to give sam a holiday. also, sybil calls vetinari havelock, and the only other person i can remember who calls him that is lady margolotta, his ‘love interest’. vimes turns to sybil as his last chance against vetinari, only to find that they’ve been in cahoots because they’re both concerned about his health (and about sybil) and doesn’t that sound terribly domestic!
then we come to night watch, and i know it isn’t a new opinion, that this is one of the big pivotal books for he whole series, but more than that it’s pivotal for the balance between vetinari, vimes, and sybil. the cigar case is the only thing stopping sam from going off the deep end - with love from your sybil, just to press the point - and it all happens in between the birth of young sam. vimes is motivated by love for his city of course, but he has a family now, and he drinks Loving His Wife Juice through history. vimes has already been through his character development; night watch is vetinari’s turn.
finally vimes is the wiser, superior, older mentor figure to vetinari’s bullied, presumably 25-or-younger self. he is already mature, with a tendency towards the dramatic, but i think it’s not really a reach to say night watch was vetinari’s gay awakening. and OH MY GOD the ending scene beside keel’s grave is etched into my memory. i’ll attach it even though i’m sure we don’t need it:
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like, woah. what a change in dynamic. now vetinari is bowing to the whims of a vimes he can’t predict, and now vimes is the one telling vetinari off. this is his area of expertise. “afterwards we could-” vetinari has become accustomed to a world where he and sam do things together; it would be fair to say (and supported by the young assassin at the start of this book) that vimes is now firmly integral to the cogs of ankh-morpork. vetinari not only relies on him, but trusts him to be at his side without having to ask. vetinari respects him at this time, in this place, because he has finally seen the lengths to which vimes will go to protect his city, a dedication to a-m that only vetinari has ever expressed. 
from there i think vetinari/vimes/sybil continue without much change. in thud, snuff, and raising steam they have settled into a comfortable give and take. i think that sybil ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be removed from the equation, because she cares for both vimes & vetinari - she is a formidable force when put into action (hello, army of letter-writers from snuff!) and we know she has the power to bully both men into taking care of themselves. imo she is the driving force behind any romantic action between any of the three of them, including herself & sam; remember how they got together in guards guards? she just sat him down with a cup of tea and talked and he realised that he’d somehow gathered a fiancee without realising it. sybil ramkin is DEFINITELY the unstoppable force to both mens’ immovable objects. 
i think it’s perfectly expressed in thud. vimes can both read a story to his son, be a good husband to his wife, be a good commander to his patrician, and be a good watchman to his city, without ever having to sacrifice anything - because of the machinations of his wife and his patrician. (and his city and his son. i mean, that scene with the traffic and the high-speed bedtime story chase says it all.) 
so those are my Many Many Thoughts about vetvimes, i hope that... wasnt too much over what you were asking me for lmao
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bokuroaka · 4 years
hi! can i ask how u made ur carrd like what are the settings? ty!
omg YES i love carrd making hi anon. if there’s anything specific u want just lmk!! under the cut bc its long... i make most of my carrds on desktop so this is very desktop based.... to all of u who do ur carrds on mobile honestly kudos i cld never
uhm also when i say long like this is v long bc i added a lot of reasoning to my settings n tips that i’ve picked up on making carrds (plus the screenshots) i hope it helps tho ^_^ apologies if u knew most of this stuff tho bc i explained... everything...
some notes before we get in: for colors i usually just base everything off the sidebar image and use a color picking website (i use this one) to get the the html codes for colors. the site i use also generates a palette which i also use! ur free to use anything tho obv. the font i used is “inter” 
1. ok first here are my page settings! i wont include my animation settings now ill leave that to the end.. these r rlly the only settings that i’ve changed so i’ll just post these.
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ok i dont rlly change much except for these two, the position is set to top not center (which is the default) b/c esp w carrds like the one i have now i dont like the header portion moving depending on the height of the container underneath... does that make sense? that’s just super nitpicky of me LOL but if u do end up making the carrd n playing around w the settings u’ll see what i mean
the width is set to 22 bc i like small carrds! play around w this as u see fit, i also change it depending on how it looks like in mobile (im very thorough lol) if ur wondering how u can do that on desktop, its this phone looking icon on this bar on the top right of the screen: (the 6th icon!)
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the next pic is also default settings except my spacing is set to 0. i’ll explain why later! the alignment also doesnt really matter w/ this carrd. u can play around with it tho!
2. this is for the home page!
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first i’ll explain how this is set up: the title box and the box under it (i’ll call it info box) are both containers! here is why i put set the spacing to 0 earlier: if u put 2 containers theres going to be space btwn them and to achieve this kind of look (ig) i just set the page spacing (in the page settings) to 0. however this means that everything is going to be pressed up against each other so i usually just add dividers (which are transparent [color code is #96969600]) i wont post a screenshot bc the settings r default, except for the margins which u can play around with to see what works for u (it’s set to 0.375 for me rn)
here are my settings for the title box 
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most of these r pretty standard except for the padding and border. the reason why i didnt tick the bottom part is bc of the container w all my info underneath. both containers have borders so the bottom & top border of those containers wld just merge n create a thicker border which isnt what i was looking for... anyway.
then i just add a text element & just write my title! idt my settings for that r relevant so i wont add it (the text size is 0.875)
next is the info box! here are my settings: 
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btw this is a container with columns!! those can look p wonky on mobile so make sure to have these settings on so that they wont look awful on mobile!!
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oh also i wont post a screenshot of my text settings (text size is 0.75 + line spacing is 1.25) if ur wondering how i changed colors for some of the text the format is basically just [text]{#color} 
for the image size i set the width size to full (or full column) that depends on u (and how much text u put in the info part) i just prefer how it looks like when the image width is set to full bc that way no part of the image is cut off... really depends on u and what image ur using though so just play around w/ it!!
and in terms of spacing, i have a divider on top of the title box b/c otherwise the whole thing is just too high up for my taste
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ok now to explain the header part and how i got my title/info box to stay “fixed”
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so... im ngl. i dont understand how the header function works (help) so uhh i wont go as into detail here. but what worked for me is adding a header marker (the plus thing on the bar > control > change section break to header marker) right after the info container, then adding a section break (this one is called #wala bc wala here means ‘nothing’ in bisaya lol) and a transparent divider right after it. i hope its visible in the pic... anyway this is the only method i found that makes the carrd work lmao. it rlly doesnt matter what u name the #wala section break bc its not gonna show up so u might as well just use a keysmash
3. the extra info!! (extra, interests, byf)
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this section will b shorter compared to the first two LOL anyway. first i started off w a section break (#usa which means 1 in bisaya hehe), then a transparent divider for spacing, and then a container! theres nothing fancy abt this container it has the exact same settings as the info box above so u can just duplicate that container and change the container type from columns to default.
then just add ur info and ur done!! repeat w whatever extra info u want to add (i only had 3 to add so it looks like this for me)
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4. oh before i forget, these are my animation settings!! (page > the triangle thing)
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u can preview the on load animation by clicking the triangle button on the top right bar, but for the on section change animations u have to save then preview it on ur carrd itself :/ kinda annoying but yeah... i usually never set anything above 0.5 seconds for on section change animations bc im impatient LOL 
these r completely optional tho... i just think animations make the carrd look smoother & more fun!
thats it i think! here are some tips i have
1. this tip is abt how carrds can differ when on mobile! i sometimes fiddle around with the mobile settings to make sure my carrd looks the way i want it to on mobile! bc mobile sometimes fucks up the spacing and it annoys me LOL... example here: 
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u can find these settings if u scroll down a bit on the page settings and switch mobile from auto to manual (like in the screenshot) most of the settings i dont touch except the size setting, i just fiddle around w it and see how my carrd looks in the mobile view until im satisfied
2. this isnt rlly necessary but its smthn neat i picked up! if u check ur section break settings and check hide footer u can get rid off the “( made with carrd )” text on the bottom! i think it just makes the carrd look a bit neater, esp since the page spacing is set to 0 so it might look a little squished under the container...
3. i like to use all elements of my carrd efficiently (ig? heres the engineering major jumping out) and idk if u noticed, but if u click on the title (”it has always been once for me”) or the image (which is... of tbz..) it actually takes u back to the home page ^^ idk i just think small things like that r neat 
thats it for real!! i hope this wasnt too much of a hassle to read or follow through, and if u have any questions dont hesitate to dm me or send me an ask, even if we arent mutuals!! i hope u have fun making this carrd <3
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fandomsonrequests · 4 years
𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓..? [𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 5]
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fandom: ATEEZ
characters: prince! park seonghwa
reader: fem! knight
word count: 2.2k+
summary:  It was time for another Selection. No- not a Selection for a bride but rather a well-trained knight to keep Prince Seonghwa safe after a failed assassination attempt. You, a blacksmith’s daughter, manage to make it to the elite group of knights worthy and skilled enough to protect the crown prince after months and months of training. This alone catches Seonghwa’s eyes- in more ways than one
a/n: part 5 here we go! i’m sorry if its taking too long, school started so i dont have much time to write as often ;^; this is kind of unedited (im using grammarly sue me sujsk) so im sorry for any errors! 
taglist: @iwanttohitmyself​ @barcelona-sergei​ @minihongjoong​ @i-purrple-u​
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The Capitol was certainly different from the quaint town of Trelark. 
The Capitol was… colorful to put it simply. Several people milled about the streets, bustling around and going about their daily lives. What the city folk wore was flashier and livelier than the dull brown or grey tones of the clothes the townsfolk wore. It sparked some sort of insecurity within you, making you clutch at the fabric of your pants as you look out the carriage window, seeing young women your age float through the streets in bright yellow skirts or green pleated dresses. 
The streets were wider and tiled with smooth stones compared to the rocky ground that rocked the carriages up in the village of Trelark. The shops were bigger and the smell- the smell of the place was better for some reason. Delicious aromas of freshly baked bread or roasted pig wafted through the air instead of some goat or horse dung. It made your stomach rumble. You had eaten your packed lunch and shared it with your friends in the carriage that brought you over to the Capitol. 
Speaking of which-
“Oh my gods, look at that dress,” Siyeon says as she presses herself against the carriage window and points to a dress in the display window of a seamstress’s shop. It had a sweetheart neckline with bell sleeves in an elegant shade of red, a transparent lace on the hem. Despite how simple it looked, you only wondered how expensive it was. 
“I’d give anything to wear that.” She continues and releases a small whine as she slumps back into her seat. “I wish this Selection was for a princess instead of a knight.”
Raviv, who was beside you, laughed at the young woman across you. “Maybe next time. You never know.” He says as he picks at the loose threads of his shirt again. “You can just drop out y’know?”
“And miss out living in the palace and bring shame to my family at the same time? Uh, no thanks. I’ll do my best until I give out.” 
You roll your eyes and huff in amusement at the two as they continue to banter. You loved the two a lot- you really did. Siyeon was like the sister you never had and Raviv had a special place in your heart. But you on the other hand were firm in your resolve and promised to yourself that you’d try to outdo them without having to step on them. 
You saw more of the city as the carriages pulled through the cobbled streets of the Capitol. Sure it had its fair share of beauty but not every place was perfect. You caught a glimpse of some street kids, covered in dirt from head to toe, in the alleyways between houses and shops. Some of them would be begging for some alms while others just went about and played. 
Suppose it couldn’t be helped- the world was cruel like that. But it still breaks your heart every time. You didn’t have much yourself but you were happy and had a roof over your head. Maybe life for the unfortunate was a lot tougher here in the Capitol. 
Eventually, the carriages that came from the village of Trelark finally reached the lavish gates of the castle. There was a drawbridge, just like you imagined, but what you didn’t anticipate was the lavish gate that lay behind it. 
As soon as the drawbridge lowered, a rather beautiful gate greeted your eyes. There were pillars made of stone and marble running down the sides while gold figurines of horses decorated the top. Black iron bars with gold-tipped ends that pointed up into the sky lined the space between each pillar. 
But the gate was nothing compared to the palace itself. 
The three of you all looked out the window, eyes gleaming and mouth agape as you gawked at the sight that beheld you. The palace was surprisingly similar to the ones described in the books- pearly and white, tall with several towers striking out from each side, buttresses that supported the building, and a large flag bearing the current family’s crews right on top of the centermost tower. The palace was huge. You couldn’t even see where the walls ended on each side. 
“You know,” Raviv starts out softly. “If we were ever supposed to go through this place, I think we’d get lost.” 
“No kidding,” Siyeon says, just as quiet like him. “I think I’d be starving and thirsty the minute I find my way back to the entrance.” 
“Or one of the undead.” You added, and lightly kicked at Siyeon’s foot. 
She then proceeded to flop down against the seat and rise with her hands in front of her, making growling noises as she imitated a zombie, lunging at the both of you. The trio laughs at the antics and pushes her back onto her seat when she pretends to take a bite of your arm. 
“Oi, behave in there!” Called out the driver and patted the side of the carriage, effectively hushing you and your companions. 
You couldn’t help the giggle that escapes you though. “Whoops.” 
“Seonghwa there you are!” The Queen exclaims when he arrives, lapels of his clothes properly pinned and his crown sitting on top of his soft locks. 
Seonghwa greets his parents who were sitting upon their thrones, awaiting the delegates that were to arrive at any moment. He kisses each of their cheeks and sat on the right side of his father’s throne, back straight and head high- just as he was taught since the age of five. 
A few servants ran around the throne room, sweeping up the linoleum floors and dusting the marble columns. The velvet rug that led from the entrance up to the elevated floor that held the thrones were freshly pressed and practically spotless. The King wanted to leave a good first impression on his people. 
“How many do you think there will be, father?” Seonghwa asks, looking over to the man. 
The King only straightened up and looked ahead. “Many,” He replies without turning his head to his son. “They come from all parts of our kingdom. I think half of this room may be filled.” 
The prince manages to hold back a sigh. Instead, he exhales through his nose and curls his fingers around the armrests of his seat. He thought it was a bit of an overkill to have all these people train just to protect him. Despite the assassin coming from a different kingdom, he thought that bringing other people from within their kingdom imposed a risk as well- you never know if there could be traitors out there.
Nevertheless, he just learned to trust his father’s decision. He knew that his father was wise and well-aware of his decisions. He just hoped this method wouldn’t backfire… 
“They’re all here already your highness,” A servant announces as they enter the throne room. “There’s quite more than a handful.”
With a nod and a wave of his hand, the king tells the servant to allow the delegates to enter. The servant gives a low bow and exits the door only to return a few moments later with the young adults. Quietly, they filed into the throne room, wearing different garments that fit with the place they came from. 
People from the field lands wore hard, boots dried with mud and loose-fitting clothes to help them move around. Folks near the dock wore almost similar clothing but had more loose-fitting shoes and or sandals. The delegates from the mountain had already shed off their coats as the weather in the Capitol was much warmer. And finally, the folks from the city were more well-dressed, with button-ups, well-tailored pants, and sturdy boots. 
You glance around as you shuffle in with your companions near the edge of the group. You hadn’t anticipated this many people to attend. It made your stomach churn with nervousness- there was big competition here. But you weren’t taught to quit this early- you were going to push on until you give out. 
Others slinked away or flinched whenever a city-dweller looked over at them. It was a bit hard not to- they just radiated some sort of energy. An aura of power to be exact. 
Seonghwa scans the faces of the delegates. They were all so different- in height, background, wear, and everything else. Many looked like they were reluctant to be there but many also had this look of determination in their eyes. 
There was one gaze that caught his in particular. It belonged to a woman, maybe his age, standing near the back. He could tell from her garments, specifically the coat that hung over her arm, that she lived in one of the mountain villages. 
Her lips were pursed together as she observed the palace around her. There were wonder and awe in them- but as soon as her gaze landed on him and his family, they steeled into something harder, one that read that it would take more than would think to take her down. 
Seonghwa is pulled out of his thoughts by his father’s voice welcoming all the participants to the palace. 
“Welcome to the Capitol,” The King booms, a warm smile on his face and his arms outstretched. “I’ll keep this brief, but I’d like to thank you for coming all this way. It means a lot to me, my wife, and of course- my son.” 
All eyes shift over to the prince. It wasn’t the first time many sets of eyes were trained onto him but he felt nervous this particular time. Maybe it had to do with the fact that the circumstances were different, that they weren’t looking up at him while he stood beside his father during speeches or city celebrations or whenever he had to deliver the occasional speech. Yeah, that must be it.
The young man folded an arm over his torso and bowed a perfect ninety-degree angle. It was a silent gesture of his gratefulness for their efforts, eyes glistening as if all the stars were placed into them. 
The King looked to his side and gave a nod. Two men came out from behind a pillar and stood at the foot of the elevated platform that held the thrones. 
The first was a tall and burly man. A long white but faded scar ran from the top of his head and across his brow, just catching the edges of his eyelids. Because of the long healed injury- part of his injured eye had a milky-blue color to it, showing that he was partially blind. HIs muscled under his pressed dress suit flexed as he gave a bow and straightened up. He was the literal embodiment of tall, dark, and strong. Despite this though, he radiated a warm and inviting energy- especially with that soft smile of his. 
The second was the man most people hated. It was the nobleman that went to the town of Trelark. He wore less warm clothing but his stupid purple feather plume hat remained. His silver beard seemed extra curled today and a shit-eating smirk was plastered across his lips. 
The majority of the folk that came from the mountain villages had a sour look on their face when they saw the nobleman. They tried to mask it though to avoid any offense that it could bring to the king. 
“This is Byron,” The King introduces the first man. “He shall be training all of you till one of you manages to succeed as the prince’s protector. And this is Duke Hae-seong, one of my royal advisers and a Duke of the kingdom. He shall help manage you and educate you around the protocols of the palace and the kingdom.”
“Yes, that’s right.” The Queen says softly, voice warm and gentle. “It is important not to only train the body but the mind as well. The prince’s protector needs to be knowledgeable of the kingdom’s laws and what his or her rights are as a protector.” 
It was a very wise move on the royal family’s part and it made sense. They didn’t want the protector to overstep any boundaries, whether intentional or not or have any abuse in power on their part. 
Many delegates didn’t seem pleased to learn that Hae-seong would be tutoring them though. He was impatient and very brash- he clearly was displeased with the way the king and queen took commoners into the palace without a single thought of doubt; he was just good at hiding it.
“Ladies, please follow Mina to your quarters. Gentlemen, Sir Byron will be the one to take you to yours. I hope you don’t mind sharing with others.” The King says and gestures to the crowd gathered in front of them. “And to show our gratitude, we shall be throwing you a feast tonight to commemorate your arrival.”
This seemed to brighten up the spirits of the young delegates. Energy fills them as the adrenaline of excitement rushes through their bodies. A few of them now their heads gratefully to the royal couple while the rest showed their appreciation through bright smiles.
“I thank you all once again for going through all this trouble. Now, freshen up. You’ll have a long day tomorrow.”
The group bows down to the family before them and separate into two groups to head over to their bunkers to rest and recuperate. You look back at the royal family again, seeing them step down from the throne and head to wherever they needed to be in this gigantic castle. 
This was it. The game was on- and you were determined to win it.
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babysizedfics · 4 years
okok so i dont know if virgil would like it (bc of the separation anxiety) but how does he feel abt peek a boo? i imagine his cgs would make it super fun! like have him on his mama’s lap with his papa in front of him and theyre like “wheres the baby??” and pat covers his eyes “there he is!!” and pat gets all happy and excited to see virgil so v gets all excited which makes pat even mOre excited so v gets lil happy kissies!!!! (can u tell ive been wanting to play peek a boo hdhdj)
I hope you don't mind but i made this into a fic it was essential it was unavoidable i was crying as i wrote this
Title: Peekaboo!
Summary: Logan is a shy new caregiver, Patton learns what separation anxiety is, and Virgil disappears then reappears and is a very confused baby.
Word count: 6,600
Note: Set before the events of Little Accidents, Big Developments (AO3 | tumblr)
Also on AO3
It had been a somewhat slow day. Roman had been holed up in his room for most of it, rehearsing for an audition that Thomas had landed for the following week. He was working rather relentlessly, though Patton had been sure to request that he at least leave his room for mealtimes - and Logan had outright demanded it when Roman stubbornly refused. After a very speedy lunch, Roman was back in his room and the other three were left to their own devices in the living room.
Quite understandably, Patton had noticed Virgil was much antsier that afternoon. Probably because Roman was constantly talking about how absolutely essential it was that Thomas did not mess up a single line in next week’s audition and that he personally would “enter into a state of devastated mourning should this chance at stardom be killed and dashed across the stage floor”.
That had evidently sent Virgil’s anxiety into a downward spiral. After the fourth shaky sigh in as many minutes from the younger side’s lips, Patton shook his head and twisted on the couch to look at him.
‘Okay, that’s enough,’ Patton said, giving a rare stern look to the boy who was currently pacing the living room floor and looking just about ready to tear his hair out. ‘No more worrying, Stormcloud.’
‘I can’t help it!’ Virgil whispered quite fiercely. His eyes were wide and though they looked in Patton’s direction, it was as if his gaze was fixed a mile in the distance, likely imagining a variation of disastrous scenarios. ‘We could choke or trip or literally do the worst performance ever and Roman would be depressed and then we might not be able to make videos for months because he’s so distraught and what if it was all my fault? What if I was the one to make Thomas mess up and then Roman would hate me and -’
‘Breathe,’ Logan commanded from where he sat in the armchair reading a book.
As if being shaken from a spell, Virgil’s frantic pacing halted and he gasped in a breath.
‘It was not your fault because it has not happened. Roman won’t hate you because even if it did happen, the blame could not fall solely on your shoulders. Everything is going to be all right, Virgil.’
At Logan’s reassuring words, Virgil nodded slightly to himself, his eyes fixed on his feet as he took in steady, though shallow breaths.
Patton bit his lip for a moment in thought. It was obvious that Virgil would not be able to get past this anxiety without a distraction… and what better distraction than being a baby?
With a firm nod to himself that meant Yes, this is definitely the only solution. Not just because I love looking after my baby, of course, Patton switched the TV over from the show he had been watching to Guess How Much I Love You, one of Virgil’s favourite cartoons in littlespace.
As soon as the bright musical score started playing, Virgil and Logan’s gazes both snapped up to the screen. The older one smiled slightly while the younger side’s thumb flew to his mouth in an instant. He began nibbling on his nail as a young child’s voice sang the opening song:
“Dancing through springtime,
Flowers are raised in summer sun,
Catching white snowflakes on your nose,
Running through autumn leaves that float from trees from high,
With a love that is bigger than the sky”
Patton beamed at how Virgil seemed fully enraptured by the animated rabbit and bright flowers on the screen. The moral side happily joined in singing his favourite part of the song, all while gazing at Virgil.
‘Guess how much I love you, guess how much I love you -’ he held his arms out to Virgil in an invitation for a hug ‘- Guess how much I love you!’
‘’M not little,’ Virgil mumbled with a strong blush gracing his cheeks. It was so quiet that Patton wouldn’t be surprised if Logan had not been able to hear it, being slightly further away from them.
‘I know, sweetheart,’ Patton said gently through a smile, knowing that Virgil’s statement wouldn’t be true for very long. His arms remained open. ‘But maybe we can just watch a bit and see if it helps you calm down.’
There was a stiff nod and within a few seconds Virgil had plopped down onto the couch beside Patton, instantly snuggling up to him.
Patton allowed himself a small chuckle as he wrapped his arms around Virgil and pulled him into his lap. Seeing Logan’s proud smile filled him with far more joy than he was currently able to express if he didn’t want to accidentally fling Virgil off of his lap, so he let it fizzle away in his chest with a bright grin. As he settled back to watch the show, he pretended not to notice his baby’s thumb slipping into his mouth.
Needless to say, by the end of the ten-minute episode, Virgil was entirely gone.
Patton nearly squealed. He wasn’t quite over his excitement for Virgil’s new nickname for him. ‘Yes, my sweet little fieldmouse?’
‘Peas Minpy?’ Virgil garbled around his thumb, twisting his head to look pleadingly at Patton.
That look… Virgil had no idea what that look did to Patton’s heart. With a firm hand on his chest, Patton said, ‘Okay, baby. Let’s go upstairs and get Minty.’
‘I can fetch them,’ Logan quickly announced from the armchair. Patton watched as he snapped his book shut quite hurriedly, stood, paused for a second as he clearly got a head-rush from standing so fast, then made his way over to them. ‘I’m going to go and get Minty for you, Virgil,’ he explained, leaning down to be eye level with them.
His hand reached forward hesitantly and patted Virgil’s head twice, to which the regressor replied with a giggle and a poke to Logan’s wrist.
Patton fought very hard to contain an adoring smile as Logan’s cheeks flushed before he bustled out of the living room. The logical side was a little awkward in his attempts at physical affection, but they never failed to put a smile on Virgil’s face so Patton could hardly tease him about it. And it wasn’t Logan’s fault that cuddles and kisses didn’t come as naturally to him as they did to Patton. He was trying, and it only made Patton all the more smitten with him.
Feeling his cheeks warm at that thought, Patton quickly busied himself with holding Virgil’s hand (the one that was not currently glued to his chin while he sucked his thumb) and started circling his finger on the little one’s palm. ‘Round and round the garden, like a teddy bear…’
After a short while of singing and tickling and giggling, Logan returned with Minty in tow. One of Virgil’s little baby blankets was slung over his shoulder. At Patton’s raised eyebrow he shrugged it with a short explanation of: ‘Just in case he needs it.’
Virgil snatched his thumb out of his mouth with a muted pop and held his hands out to the soft toy with a whine.
‘Can you remember what word we say when we want something?’ Patton nudged Virgil slightly, though kept him in a firm embrace to make sure the boy didn’t topple off of his lap with his lack of balance.
Virgil’s face turned back to him. He opened his mouth as if ready to say something then frowned and snapped his jaw shut with a pout. Another whine came forth, this time sounding a bit upset.
‘Aww, are you too little, sweetie?’ Patton cooed. Virgil’s head suddenly collapsed onto his shoulder and he heard a sniffle. ‘No, no, it’s okay. It’s all right, baby,’ he hastened to reassure, bringing his hand up to stroke Virgil’s hair soothingly. He really was so sensitive when he was this small, it was difficult to avoid upsetting him. That was one thing that had been difficult to come to terms with when Patton first became Virgil’s caregiver. ‘You’re allowed to be as little as you want.’
The cushion beneath him dipped and he realised the sudden firm warmth pressing against his arm was Logan, who was sitting incredibly close to him. It was difficult not to blush. And so Patton did blush.
‘Virgil, look who has come to see you,’ Logan said so warmly that it melted Patton’s heart.
A curious baby pulled his face off of Patton’s shoulder and all remnants of upset on his features were quickly replaced by sheer happiness. Patton thought it would never get old, seeing Virgil’s eyes sparkle with such rare joy.
A lopsided grin stretched Logan’s lips as he pressed the stuffed dinosaur into the crook of Virgil’s arm. ‘There we are.’
The sweetest little squeak sounded as Virgil sat more upright on Patton’s lap and hugged the toy tightly, burying his face in its fur.
‘So much for not being little,’ Logan murmured lowly by Patton’s ear in an amused tone. The rumble of it resonated right through the moral side’s chest and left him dumbstruck.
‘Yeah,’ Patton breathed, not being able to think of anything much smarter to add.
Twenty minutes and a couple more episodes of Guess How Much I Love You later, Patton and Virgil (now with a pacifier) were being silly on the carpet. By being silly, they were quite literally just making funny faces at each other and then taking a minute’s break while they calmed down from all of the giggles and aching smiles than ensued.
Logan, being “not one for such tomfoolery”, was back to reading in the armchair. Though Patton had noticed that he was tending to spend more and more time on each page as he cast more and more glances over to the two on the carpet.
It was quite evident that Logan was eager to take care of Virgil, and it was becoming more prominent every day. He was incredibly passionate about the idea when he had first discussed it with Patton nearly a month previously and had been damn near ecstatic when Virgil had agreed to the suggestion. Though, going by his timidity and shy glances when Patton was caring for Virgil around him, it seemed his nerves were getting the better of him. Well, Patton couldn’t have that at all.
‘Oh, you’re such a silly baby!’ Patton chuckled when Virgil scrunched up his face as if he had eaten a lemon slice. ‘Papa’s gonna be right back, sweetheart.’
Without much delay, Patton jumped up with a big smile and ruffled Virgil’s hair, only just noticing that his face had fallen as he walked away. He would be fine, especially with Logan looking after him.
‘Where are you going?!’ Logan practically shrieked, his eyes wide and staring at Patton in disbelief.
Patton couldn’t help but giggle. ‘I’m just going to pee. You can watch Virgil while I’m gone!’ he cried a bit too excitedly if the look of suspicion on Logan’s face was anything to go by. ‘Come on, Lo. You are his other caregiver, aren’t you?’
That seemed to humble Logan as he looked to his lap and fidgeted with his tie. ‘Yes, I - of course.’
As Patton moved out into the hallway he heard Logan sliding off of his chair and talking to Virgil in quiet, gentle tones. He smiled, knowing that Logan truly did have it in him to be a carer, he just needed some encouragement.
Within mere minutes Patton was on his way back to the living room. If he took his bathroom trip quite languidly and chose to use the upstairs bathroom just to have a longer journey, he was sure no-one would have noticed. It was all for a good cause, after all. Though, he began to doubt this reasoning when he became aware of wet sniffles and whimpers and frantic hushes coming from the living room.
‘Logan, is everything okay?’ Patton asked as he pushed the door open.
He was met with the sight of a red-faced, tear-stained Virgil pulling very harshly on his pacifier handle. Logan was knelt beside him, holding his hands out in a placating gesture and looking quite concerned.
It only took a second or so for Patton to drop by Virgil’s side and immediately wrap him in a warm hug. The younger’s crying slowed as he buried his face in Patton’s chest.
‘What happened?’ Patton whispered, looking up at Logan’s bewildered stare.
‘He started crying the minute you left,’ Logan said, his brow furrowed (beautifully), ‘but I could not find any indication of injury or anything in the vicinity that might have caused such a sudden drop in mood.’
‘Oh, sweetheart,’ Patton murmured sadly as he gazed upon his curled up baby, suddenly understanding. He lifted Virgil slightly to bring him into his lap. ‘It’s okay, Lo. Sometimes he does that when I leave him for a bit.’
Just as with every time previously, Virgil’s tears had completely subsided now that he was in Patton’s embrace. Rather than whimpers and sniffles, the only sounds coming from him were the suckling of his pacifier and a small sigh of content.
Logan seemed thrown off by the sudden change. ‘He cries when you leave the room? Is there no suggestion that he could be upset by extraneous variables in these situations?’
‘I don’t know much about “ex-trainer vary balls” but nothing else happens to make him cry.’ Patton tightened his hold around Virgil protectively. ‘He just misses his papa.’
The way Logan’s frown pulled down even more was slightly less cute this time, only because it made Patton worry.
‘Patton, I don’t believe this qualifies as “just missing his papa”. This may be a case of separation anxiety.’
Even as his baby snuggled into him further, Patton felt his heart sink. ‘That doesn’t sound very nice. What is it?’
‘In short, it means that he is aware enough to realise just how dependent he is on you, but not in an old enough headspace to have a solid understanding of object permanence.’ Patton’s confusion must have shown on his face because Logan immediately elaborated, ‘When something leaves his line of sight, he believes it has ceased to exist.’
‘Oh, that can’t be right.’ Patton looked down at the sleepy boy in his lap. ‘No, he must know I’m still gonna come back to him. I always come back to him.’ Purple tendrils of hair parted around his fingertips as he stroked his little one’s head.
‘Allow me to demonstrate,’ Logan said, then picked Minty up from where they had apparently been abandoned on the carpet. ‘Virgil,’ he called, ‘Vee, look over here. Look at Minty.’
With a little snuffle, Virgil lifted his head from Patton’s shoulder. It was noticeable how his eyes sparkled upon seeing his favourite toy. ‘Minpy!’ he squealed in excitement.
‘Aww,’ Patton cooed, unable to hide his adoration for just how sweet his little boy was.
‘Don’t you think he was surprised to see Minty?’ Logan questioned, holding Minty just out of reach from Virgil who was starting to whine as he held his arm out to the toy.
‘Well… I guess so, but that doesn’t mean -’
Minty was suddenly pulled away and hidden behind Logan’s back, completely out of sight. An expression of fake-surprise crossed Logan’s features as he looked at Virgil. ‘Where did Minty go, Vee?’
Watching Virgil’s reaction, Patton was beginning to understand what Logan meant. A mild panic had clouded over Virgil’s eyes and he looked frantically between Patton’s face and Logan’s now empty hand. It wasn’t long before the whimpering started anew.
‘Sweetie, it’s okay,’ Patton murmured, rocking him slightly on his lap. ‘You remember where Minty went, don’t you?’
Wet eyes locked onto his. ‘Gom,’ Virgil whispered forlornly.
‘He’s not gone, baby. See.’ Patton sent a pointed look to Logan, to which the logical side at least had the decency to appear embarrassed by his experiment and pulled Minty back out from behind him.
Virgil gasped through his pacifier, apparently shocked by the toy’s sudden reappearance. He whined and made desperate grabby hands at the toy.
‘There you go, Virgil.’ The toy was pushed into Virgil’s hands and instantly squeezed against his chest in a tight hug. Logan looked back up to Patton a little shyly. ‘I apologise for upsetting him. I had to prove my hypothesis.’
A sigh escaped Patton as he swayed his baby gently. Logan did honestly look remorseful, and he had shown Patton what object permanence was (or more what it wasn’t) so perhaps it was all right. Even if it hadn’t been in a very fun way. ‘So, does he think I… I die when I leave the room?’ he whispered shakily.
‘Not nearly so morbid,’ Logan reassured, actually reaching out to stroke his finger across Virgil’s knuckle. It was a very small act of affection, but Patton appreciated it nonetheless. ‘He does not have the mental capacity to think about anything that he cannot see. When you leave him, he cannot see you and so all he can think about at that moment is your absence, rather than believe you could exist somewhere that is not with him.’
The strangest bittersweet feeling swirled in Patton’s chest. Sure, it was kind of cute that Virgil loved and needed his papa so much that he always wanted to be with him. But Patton couldn’t be with him all the time. He did his best, of course, but he couldn’t exactly go hours without needing to go to the bathroom or fetching something from the cupboard.
‘Can we maybe fix it?’ Patton asked.
That crinkle in between Logan’s eyebrows came forth again and Patton longed to press his lips against it and smooth it out with a kiss. ‘There are simple activities we can do to try to reinforce object permanence. Though given the fact that he is not truly a developing child, I am unsure if they will have any effect on him.’
‘It’s worth a try though, right?’ Patton didn’t want his baby to be needlessly upset if they could help it.
A soft smile stretched Logan’s lips, and it made it quite tricky to remain worried. ‘It’s worth a try.’
And try they did. They really did.
As per Logan’s suggestion, they started with Patton leaving the room for progressively longer bouts of time. Thirty seconds, then one minute, then two minutes, and et cetera. At least, that had been the plan. In practice, it was much more resemblant of ten seconds, Virgil’s distressed whimpering, and Patton dashing back to comfort his baby. Then ten seconds, then Virgil whimpering, then Patton dashing. Ten seconds, whimpering, dashing. All in all, they considered it a failed attempt. (Patton was very glad that Logan didn’t reprimand him for ruining the experiment.) (‘You didn’t ruin anything, Patton.’)
The next activity was hiding objects and showing Virgil that they would always be revealed again. Minty had been the first choice, though Virgil was still rather distressed from their first activity and was clinging onto the toy tightly. The caregivers came to a silent agreement that it would not be fair to take away his comfort item. They instead attempted to hide things from around the room; little trinkets such as a photo frame or one of Roman’s sketchpads he had left lying around.
Virgil at least did not start crying whenever they were hidden behind Logan’s back or under his baby blanket. In fact, he hardly seemed to notice them disappear at all. No matter how much baby-talk and coaxing from Patton and Logan, the regressor did not react to them and only frowned and buried his head against Patton’s chest with a whine that almost resembled a groan of annoyance. Apparently he was entirely uninterested in the activity when it concerned such boring objects.
‘Virgil, look. Roman’s drawings are all gone,’ Logan announced, pulling the blankie over the sketchpad for the fourth time. Patton felt Virgil’s head roll on his chest lazily to look. ‘And now -’ Logan pulled the blanket back with a little gasp, revealing the book, ‘- there they are, they came back!’
‘Wow, would you look at that!’ Patton gasped, shaking Virgil very gently to try to excite him.
A soft grunt sounded before Virgil buried his pouting face in Minty’s tummy.
Both caregivers sighed.
‘Perhaps this activity is too impersonal to interest him,’ Logan mumbled, looking more than a little disheartened.
It wasn’t a surprise, given how passionate Logan was about educational activities. Despite the logical side’s hesitance with being solely responsible for a regressed Virgil, he had displayed plenty of interest in the boy’s wellbeing. Over the past few weeks wherein he had been subject to Virgil’s regression, Logan had had plenty of input in ways Patton could play with him and similarly teach him things that his regressed self had not known before. Patton, in turn, had convinced Logan that he himself partake in the activities too, and hence Virgil’s comfort around him had been gradually growing.
So seeing how disappointed Logan was by Virgil despondence for this activity, Patton absolutely had to do something to remedy it. He just had a fussy baby to get through first.
‘Oh no!’ Patton cried, knowing that it would be enough to get Virgil’s attention. As expected, the baby looked up from his toy still adorning a frown as he suckled his pacifier. ‘Vee, I’ve lost something very important and I can’t find it!’
Virgil’s grumpy expression melted into a worried one and he looked over to Logan. Then he pointed at the other side and whined at Patton.
A giggle worked its way through Patton’s words as he explained, ‘No, I didn’t lose Logan. I can’t find my happy little baby anywhere!’
Shyness replaced Virgil’s confusion as Minty was pulled up to cover most of his face.
‘Is he…’ Patton hummed in thought for a moment, then fluttered his finger under Virgil’s ear, ‘over here?’
A little squeak was muffled behind Minty as Virgil’s eyes crinkled. But, Patton thought in amusement, he still couldn’t see Virgil’s smile, so technically it didn’t count.
‘No?’ Patton gasped, then moved his finger down to wiggle over the sole of Virgil’s socked foot. ‘Is he under there?’
With a strained giggle, Virgil dropped Minty to push at Patton’s hand quite weakly. His dimples were starting to show.
Biting his lip around a grin, Patton released Virgil’s foot but then started circling his finger around in midair teasingly. ‘Oh, I wonder where my happy little one could be.’
‘Papa!’ Virgil called, giggling around his pacifier.
‘Oh my, I think I heard him!’ Patton’s finger started wriggling and moving towards Virgil’s tummy. ‘Could he be in here?’
He slid his finger under Virgil’s shirt and started squiggling over his tummy. Virgil was immediately squirming in his lap, giggling uncontrollably.
‘There’s my happy baby!’ Patton laughed.
For another couple of moments, the room was filled with the sounds of Virgil’s bright laughter and the soft kicks of his feet against the carpet. Then Logan spoke up:
‘Actually, this poses another suggestion.’
Patton twisted in his place, keeping a firm hold on Virgil who was still calming from his giggles. At some point during the tickle attack, Logan had apparently moved back to the armchair. While he was sitting quite stiffly and avoiding Patton’s eyes, there was a slight twist in his lips that suggested he was holding back a smile.
‘What’s that, Loganberry?’
A half-hearted scoff greeted that nickname, though Logan continued regardless. ‘Playing Where’s the baby? - otherwise referred to as Peekaboo - is a commonly used tactic in teaching object permanence in infants.’
‘Oh, how adorable!’ At once, Patton shuffled both him and Virgil to face Logan on the carpet, supporting Virgil in sitting upright. He was eagerly peering over Virgil’s head at Logan. Patton wouldn’t miss this for the world! ‘Whenever you’re ready.’
Logan bridled in his seat a little. ‘I, um… Well, I anticipated that you would want to do it, Patton.’
‘Oh.’ The slump of Patton’s shoulders was probably more noticeable than he would have liked. Was he asking too much of Logan to play a game like that with their baby? The logical side has always been sensitive to looking less than serious. ‘Of course,’ Patton nodded, regretting that his voice sounded strained.
‘Wait, no. I -’ The words stuttered to a halt as Logan closed his eyes and took a deep, likely steadying breath. When his eyes opened again, he looked down at Virgil with a soft, open expression. ‘Shall we play a game, Vee?’
Pride swelled in Patton’s chest.
The weight on his lap shifted as Virgil turned around to look at him. His expression wasn’t too easily read, but Patton knew he was simply seeking affirmation and so he encouraged him. ‘That’ll be fun, won’t it, baby?’
Seemingly satisfied, Virgil turned back to Logan and made a hum of assent.
It would never be spoken aloud, but Patton was quite sure that both he and Logan acknowledged just how awkward the logical side felt in that moment.
With a quiet clearing of his throat, Logan lifted the baby blanket from the floor and held it up in the air in front of him, concealing his face. After a moment, the fabric dropped to his feet to reveal Logan’s face - adorned with a faint blush.
‘Peekaboo,’ he said in an incredibly unfitting monotone.
A wince fought to crumple Patton’s face, but he battled it fiercely. As was to be expected, Virgil did not react much to Logan’s weak exclamation.
‘That did not have the desired effect,’ Logan grumbled, his cheeks a deep shade of pink now.
‘Aw, come on. Maybe you could try again with a bit more, y’know,’ Patton stalled, shrugging his shoulders with a guilty smile, ‘feeling.’
Logan’s eyes darted between Patton’s face, the blanket on the floor, and Virgil. Then he shook his head rapidly and muttered to his lap, ‘This was a silly suggestion. Forgive me.’
Being overcome by a wave of sympathy, Patton offered, ‘Here, why don’t we switch?’
He gripped Virgil tightly and rose from the floor with his baby in his arms. Virgil only had the chance to whine for half a second (he didn’t respond too well to being picked up a lot of the time) before Patton was easing him into Logan’s lap.
‘Uh, Pat - Patton…’ Logan stuttered, going stiff in his seat.
Ignoring the nervous protest, Patton persisted and situated Virgil further back on Logan’s lap so that the regressor leant against Logan’s chest. ‘There we are, sweetheart.’
It was met with a high-pitched whine and one of Virgil’s hands reaching out to him again as he leant forward to chase his papa.
Logan quickly caught Virgil’s shoulders before the boy swayed too far to one side. ‘Are you certain this is all right?’ he asked quite breathlessly. ‘I haven’t held him before, I don’t -’
‘Logan, don’t worry.’ It was almost amusing how wide Logan’s eyes were. Patton sent both of his boys the most comforting smile he had to offer. ‘I’m sure Mommy Logan is plenty capable of holding a baby in his lap.’
Both sides on the couch spoke simultaneously:
‘“Mommy Logan”?’
Virgil’s tiny voice filled Patton with such intense awe, he could hardly breathe past the swell of adoration in his chest.
He just smiled and with each hand offered a supportive touch to the two on the couch - a hair stroke for Virgil and a shoulder squeeze for Logan. He directed his next words at Virgil, knowing Logan wouldn’t be able to argue with his baby-talk. ‘Yes, baby. You’ve got a papa already, haven’t you? So now you’ve got a mama too!’
In a somewhat unexpected change of heart, Virgil’s upset at being away from his papa dissipated and he sank back against Logan’s chest quite happily.
Logan’s arms had fallen forward to secure around Virgil much in the same fashion as a seatbelt.
The decision to be so unapologetic and forward about suggesting “Mommy Logan” had been a risky one on Patton’s behalf, though seeing the gentle smile that softened Logan’s face thwarted any lingering doubts he had harboured about it.
‘I suppose that makes sense,’ Logan murmured, absently stroking his thumb over Virgil's shoulder and gazing down at him as if in a trance. ‘I can be Mama Logan.’
Going by Logan’s expression, Patton was sure he recognised the feeling that lay behind it. Patton knew it well; being entranced by the vulnerability and innocence and sweetness of the person who now relied on you to take care of them. It was the feeling of protectiveness. The paternal instinct. It was love.
He did his best not to tear up at seeing it displayed so openly in Logan’s eyes.
‘Okay, baby, are we ready to play?’ His happy tone was only moderately hindered by his tearfulness.
Virgil bounced a little in Logan’s lap (which earned him a surprised chuckle from the logical side) and nodded, squeezing Minty tighter in his hands.
‘Here we go!’ Patton announced, then leaned forward. He covered Virgil’s eyes with the palms of his hands. The confused squeak from Virgil forced Patton to bite his lip to conceal a giggle. After a couple of seconds, he lowered his hands and with a bright smile. ‘Peekaboo!’
There was certainly more of a reaction in comparison to Logan’s monotonous attempt, though it was not exactly the expected one. Where Patton expected to find an excited glimmer in Virgil’s eyes, he only saw confusion and upset.
Undeterred, Patton simply laughed it off. ‘There you are! And now…’ He covered Virgil’s eyes again, slightly concerned at his small whimper. When he lowered his hands and called, ‘Peekaboo!’ again, Virgil outright pouted at him.
‘What’s the matter, baby?’
‘I think he may have sensory issues with you covering his eyes,’ Logan suggested gently.
Patton observed how Virgil had instantly started rubbing at his eyes once Patton’s hands had pulled away from them. ‘Was it a yucky feeling, Vee?’ he asked.
A little nod and whine from the regressor confirmed the suspicion.
‘Aw, honey, I’m sorry,’ Patton cooed, feeling his heart sink with guilt. He had to remind himself to be careful of Virgil’s sensitivities. It was certainly proving to be a learning curve for the touchy-feely father figure.
Logan seemed to have regained some of his usual confidence and spoke without an ounce of hesitation, ‘I suggest you attempt it with his blanket instead.’
Glad for Logan’s to-the-point problem solving, Patton picked the blankie up. The material was unfathomably soft and always calmed Virgil down after he had been subjected to “yucky” textures, so he was sure it would help with their game.
‘All right, let’s try this again. Ready?’ Patton held the blanket taut and dropped it over Virgil’s head. An even louder whimper this time sounded from underneath it and Patton shared a concerned glance with Logan.
‘Papa!’ Virgil called out in panic. His grip on Minty was tight enough that the soft toy bulged between his fingers.
Patton hurriedly lifted the blanket again, ready to exclaim “peekaboo”, but was heartbroken to see Virgil’s eyes glossed over with tears.
Virgil whined as soon as he seemed to notice Patton. He dropped Minty to Logan’s lap so that he could hold his arms out. ‘Papa,’ he whispered, sounding close to tears.
‘Hey, hey, don’t cry, baby,’ Patton soothed, wrapping Virgil in a quick hug (that just so happened to include Logan, seeing as how he was so close behind Virgil). ‘It’s all right, Papa’s here.’
‘This separation anxiety is far more intense than I initially thought.’ Logan sounded troubled. 
It made Patton’s stomach flip. Would Logan want to test it more? Would he say it was bad for Virgil’s mental health? Would he want to separate Patton and Virgil? A sick feeling surged through Patton and he quickly plastered a big grin on his face, pulling back from Virgil despite his baby’s reluctance to let go.
‘No, no, we can do this,’ he assured. ‘Can’t we baby?’
Virgil didn’t seem to know what Patton was asking him, so he only whined and stretched his arms out further towards Patton.
‘It may help if you speak while he is hidden,’ Logan whispered. ‘That way he will still sense your presence.’ He offered a slightly awkward smile. It was beautiful to Patton.
He picked the blanket back up from where he had dropped it to the couch and, as per Logan’s instruction, repeated the game but this time spoke when Virgil was covered by the blanket.
More whines met his ears, though Patton quickly gasped and said, ‘Uh oh, I can’t see little Vee anywhere!’
To his relief (as well as Logan’s, going by the drop of his tense shoulders), Virgil’s whimpering stopped.
‘Where’s the baby?’ Patton sang.
A confused coo came from Virgil. It was such an unmistakably babyish sound that the remains of Patton’s concern were overridden by thoughts of My baby is so frickin’ adorable!
Then he snatched the blanket from Virgil’s head with a wide smile. ‘There he is!’
Virgil blinked slowly a couple of times before twisting around to look up at Logan.
The logical side smiled down at him and nodded. ‘You came back,’ he stated simply.
For a moment Patton was unsure of what would happen next. Virgil’s silence could have meant anything from shyness to fear. It could have been followed up by hysterical giggles or heartbreaking sobs.
Instead, Virgil turned back to Patton and mumbled, ‘Bwankie.’
How on Earth Patton had not yet suffered a heart attack from the sheer amount of adorableness coming from his baby, he had no idea.
‘Shall we play with your blankie again?’ Patton asked.
When Virgil nodded, so much pride and happiness filled Patton that it spilt out of him in a joyful giggle.
‘Oh my gosh, okay!’ He bounced on his toes as he lay the blanket over Virgil’s head again. His baby did go slightly rigid upon being left in darkness, but it was quickly remedied: ‘Where’s my little baby?’
Virgil’s body relaxed back into Logan and he shook Mento in his hands with a squeak. With a strong suspicion that his little boy was excited, Patton pulled the blankie away. ‘There he is!’
And it was true! Virgil was smiling behind his paci and flapped Mento in the air in front of him with a giggle. The anxiousness of the previous few minutes had completely disappeared.
‘Logan, he liked it!’ Patton cried, unable to contain how ecstatic he was.
He was a little surprised to catch Logan staring at him with a distant look and a soft smile etched onto his features. With a little start, Logan seemed to catch himself and nodded stiffly.
‘I am glad,’ Logan said and with the hand that wasn’t keeping Virgil secure, he scratched at his cheek. It only drew attention to how rosy it had become. ‘It might be worth keeping it up. Solely for the educational merits, of course,’ he hastened to add.
‘You don’t have to tell me twice,’ Patton laughed and looked back at his baby. ‘Again?’
Virgil bounced a little in Logan’s lap and his dimples sunk in his cheeks. ‘Gen!’
‘Anything for my little stormcloud.’
Virgil was promptly hidden behind the fluffy material. 
‘Oh dear, where did Virgil go?’
The blanket giggled.
Logan chuckled quietly as Patton winked at him. ‘Where’s my itty bitty baby?’
‘Papa, Papa!’
Patton gasped with an exaggerated surprise, ‘Oh my goodness…’ He swept the blanket off of Virgil's head to be met with a very happy baby with fluffed up hair. ‘There he is!’
The sound that came from Virgil could only have been described as a squeal of delight. His face was glowing with joy and he squished Minty against his face. He tended to do that when he was either shy (which he certainly wasn’t at that moment) or when he was so overwhelmed by emotion that he had to hide and process it for a moment. The fact that he was hiding from intense joy, rather than intense fear as usual, was nothing short of heartwarming to Patton.
‘I love you, honey,’ he whispered and leaned down to press a firm kiss onto the top of Virgil’s head.
‘Um, Patton?’ Logan asked quietly.
With a growing embarrassment, Patton realised he had his hands on Logan’s thighs to steady himself in leaning forward. He quickly retracted his hands. ‘Sorry.’
‘No, no, that wasn’t - you can -’ Logan cut himself off by clearing his throat. His eyes darted up to Patton quite hesitantly before they settled on Virgil. His hold on the regressor visibly tightened. ‘I wondered if perhaps I could try playing again.’
Patton had not, in fact, known true pride until that very moment.
‘Gosh, yes, please, of course,’ Patton rambled, instantly crouching down to be eye-level with Virgil. He had to seize this window of opportunity lest Logan shy away. ‘Let’s move you around, sweetheart.’
With a little help from Logan (and a little blushing as Patton’s hand brushed his), they were able to get Virgil to face Logan whilst in his lap. There was only a slight protest when Virgil reached out to hug Patton but couldn’t because of his position, but it was soon brushed over when Patton sat beside Logan so that Virgil could clearly see him. Perhaps the separation anxiety had not been helped so much by the game, but it was fun nonetheless.
‘We’re gonna play with Mama now,’ Patton announced and smiled when Virgil looked expectantly at Logan.
The logical side faltered a bit, though as Patton nudged him slightly with his shoulder he seemed to come out of it. ‘Are you ready to play, Vee?’
The baby nodded and hugged Minty tightly to his chest.
Logan did as Patton had - covering Virgil over with the blanket and immediately wondering aloud, ‘I appear to have lost Virgil. Wherever could he be?’
To Logan’s credit, the performance was far more expressive than his first attempt. It wasn’t quite as resemblant of a children’s TV presenter as Patton’s coos and gasps were, but it was certainly enough to get Virgil smiling, as was quickly revealed when Logan pulled the blanket back with a joyful, ‘There he is!’
They kept at the game for several more minutes, none of them getting bored of the repetition.
It was quite difficult to be bored by Virgil’s squeaky giggles, Patton found. Especially when they were supplemented by Logan’s soothing voice and a grin brighter than Patton knew the logical side would have ever dared to display in any other situation.
By the last round, Virgil was getting sleepy; his laughter was interrupted by quiet yawns (which sent Patton’s heart racing as he questioned how a human being could so closely resemble a kitten).
‘Last one, Stormcloud,’ Patton chuckled as Logan covered the boy with the blanket once more. ‘Then it’s naptime.’
‘Where’s Virgil?’ Logan called. ‘Where’s the baby?’
Virgil’s giggles were quiet, and it was noticeable how he was swaying a lot more now, being too tired to support himself. It was a good thing that Logan refused to release him from his careful hold.
Patton had shuffled further toward the other two as the game went on and now he was fully leaning up against Logan’s side. When they both looked at each other with bright smiles, Patton actually dared to wonder whether Logan’s cheeks really were just flushed from all the laughter, or if maybe Patton wasn’t alone in feeling a spark where their arms touched.
‘Together?’ Logan suggested.
Patton was sure his smile was completely goofy by this point, but he hardly cared.
Logan smiled. ‘Two…’
‘One…’ Patton pulled the blanket from Virgil’s head.
‘Peekaboo!’ the caregivers said in unison, their happy, sing-song tones identical.
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actualbird · 3 years
I absolutely love this fic and its premise. Let Artem show enthusiasm for things he likes!
I relate so much to mc in the first paragraph. You did good job of showing how easily she took to the paperless era and why she didn't like writing on paper which. Same.
I have never been more interested in fountain pens than I was when reading this. Even just from the first line talking about it, before the more technical things later, I did want to learn more about fountain pens. You did a great job writing it!
I was pretty happy to know the details of how capillary action worked in pens. Much like mc, I've only learned about it in plants and while I knew it had to play a part in pens, I was very surprised to see there was much more to it than I thought!
Artem apologising for talking about what he likes made me so sad. I knew it was coming but it really does hurt to see someone apologising about being enthusiastic of all things. Mc is right to be unhappy, whoever shut down Artem's enthusiasm really just should not have done that.
I really liked mc's pep talk! It felt like an actual person saying it in the way it's so informal and goes from short descriptors to a long sentence. From that alone I could already see a little glimpse of mc's personality.
Artem's happiness is so good!!! But also it's a crime that mc was the first person to say she likes hearing him talk about his interests. It should not have taken that long so someone to say it.
Yet again, I enjoyed this a lot! I'm someone who tends to approach information dumps in fics with caution, but the way you wrote not only kept my interest through the entire fic but also kind of made me want to learn more.
heyyo, milkyway :DDD glad u enjoyed artem infodumping about fountain pens as is his divine right
honestly i wrote this as mc pov cuz i BASICALLY WENT ON THE SAME JOURNEY AS HER IRT HANDWRITING. ive got chickenscratch handwriting and press down SO HARD and once i got a clunky hand-me-down laptop in high school i basically never looked back. anything i could write on a device, i did, and once i was in college and laptops/tablets were allowed in most classes, i basically never handwrote again. up to this day!!!
and everything i know about fountain pens is from my girlfriend and mannnnn hearing somebody you love talk about something they love. like, even if u dont fully understand whats going on with the thing, you fall a little bit in love with it anyway. and also with the person telling you about it
a sizeable chunk of my totfic is me translating my love for my gf in various different ships and premises kJBKJFKGJSD
TRULYYYYYY it makes me so sad but also ANGRY that there are people out there who say things or do things that diminish a person's enthusiasm for something theyre passionate about. whether it be intentionally or not, i hold both of those to the same degree of grrrr.
like, idk, in my eyes it's....not hard to let somebody be happy about their hobby. if you dont get it, you can listen anyway and maybe joy can come from not the thing itself but from the passion of the person telling you. all it takes is some awareness and that little bit of awareness can help another person feel more stable in something that matters to them
all this to say: mhy release the forbidden "artem and mc go fountain pen shopping" card, come on, let that man SPEAK IN PARAGRAPHS LIKE I KNOW HE WANTS TO
im glad i was able to do this fic well!!! and i wish u a lovely journey on learning more :DDD
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ch4nb4ng · 5 years
okay so can i request dom hyunjin where he’s the smartest kid in class but also like sexy bad/boy type and he has liked u for so long bc you’re to yourself and have a “idc” attitude.. basically he becomes your tutor and u play hard to get and it’s basically like fighting for dominance, but you lose in the end... haha also he’s still dom but very desperate for how long he’s been wanting to fuck i okay i’m done
“Okay so the homework is to read chapter 5. hyunjin and y/n, please stay back. class dismissed.”
Rolling your eyes, you checked your nails, completely unfazed at the sound of heavy chains clicking in the seat next to you.
“so y/n,” your teacher began, “your grades are good, but, if you want that scholarship, they need to improve.”
“Okay that’s fine, but why is he here?”
Your turned to face him, closing your eyes in annoyance at the smug look plastered across his face.
“Well, you need a tutor, and Hyunjin does have the best grades. He was also very willing to do so.”
Scrolling through your phone, you couldn’t care less.
“Okay whatever.”
You sighed. The reputation he had around the school was terrible. He was the typical ‘bad boy’, covered in piercings and tattoos everywhere. Every time you heard him speak you just felt disgust. You repulsed him.
Your teacher shrugged at your nonchalant attitude, before leaving the room. Grabbing his chair, Hyunjin span it around and sat on it backwards, inches away from your desk, all his attention focused on you.
“We are gonna have so much fun sweetheart.”
“Please,” you huffed, picking up your bag, “I'll just come to yours after school do we can get this over and done with.”
Taking his lip ring between his teeth, he looked you up and down, smirk still evident on his face.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart. I’ll see you then.”
Knocking on the door, you waited. 1, 2, 5, 10 minutes for someone to open the door. Frustration increasing, you checked the knob of Hyunjin’s front door, unsurprisingly unlocked as you let yourself in.
You called out a couple of times no answer. Seeing the kitchen, you grabbed a glass from the dish rack, filling yourself a glass of water before taking a seat on the couch. Patiently waiting, you took your phone out of your bag, scrolling through your unread messages.
y/n friend name: good luck tonight babe. I know you’ll smash it, if u know what I mean ;)
Chuckling, you rolled your eyes, impatience increasing the longer he made you wait. He was so keen to help you, yethis actions made that unclear. He was definitely living up to his reputation of being an asshole, and it was definitely rubbing you the wrong way.
You heard a distant voice that seemed to be coming from what seemed to be down the hall. Getting up, you skeptically drifted towards the door.
Was that a moan? You shook your head, barging through the door. Jaw dropping to the floor, your stomach turned into a knot as you saw Hyunjin standing there, dick in his hand, continuously murmuring your name.
Opening his eyes, a high pitch scream came from his mouth as he fell off his bed.
“Y/n,” he stuttered, quickly doing up his pants, a hand smoothly running through his hair, “you’re early.”
“I’m on time?”
“Oh,” he chuckled, checking his phone, “you are.”
“Look,” you huffed, “I just came here because I want to get my grades up. I’m just gonna act like I didn’t hear that.”
“bet it turned you on though,” hyunjin winked, licking his lips, “didn’t it?”
heavily sighing, you ignored his sarcastic remark dropping your books on his desk and sitting in his chair, waiting for him to join you. Opening the homework pages, you were distracted, suddenly noticing how close he was to you. The temperature of your body was slowly rising at his proximity. Shrugging it off, you shook your head, making sure to pay extra attention to your text.
“So,” Hyunjin began, “if she reacted in that way because he was with someone else, what is the text trying to say?”
You jumped a little at the sudden touch of his fingertips spread across your thigh.
“Well, it’s um, um, a symbolisation,” you stuttered, making Hyunjin’s lips turn upward, “She was jealous because she knew she wouldn’t do the same thing he would do for her.”
Biting down on his bottom lip, Hyunjin smiled, pressing a light squeeze to your thigh.
“Good work. Let’s have a 5 minute break.”
Nodding, you grabbed your glass of water, laying on his bead as you scrolled your phone.
“You’re always on that damn phone?”
“Wow didn’t know I had two dads.”
“You’d like that wouldn’t you.”
Beginning to blush, you grabbed his arm, punching him in the shoulder.
“Shut up,” you snapped, causing Hyunjin to laugh.
“I’m just joking baby, lighten up, huh?”
Rolling your eyes once more, you sat back in the chair.
“Can we just focus on studying please.”
“You want to focus on studying. Okay then picture this. In the novel, John is having constant sexual dreams about Jane. All of Jane’s friends think that John is perfect for her, as well as being attractive,” he payed, “Stand up.”
He stood there, waiting for you to do what he said. Why were you doing it?
“The problem is, John’s reputation is, not the best. All of her friends tell her to go for it, but her indifferent attitude gets in the way.”
Pausing once more, Hyunjin walks closer to you, standing over your figure. Feeling intimidated, you sat down.
“Jane pays absolutely no attention to John because of said reputation, but John is crazy about Jane. Every person who reads this novel can see it. Her friends can see it. The teachers see it. Everyone, except for Jane, can see that I’m crazy about you.”
You sucked in harshly, feeling Hyunjin’s push you down, arms pinned above your head as he continued to explain what you thought was the novel.
“Wait,” you puzzled, “why did you change that last sentence to being in first person?”
Lifting his arms up, he took off his shirt, hovering over you, foreheads touching as he began to whisper, “Usually I would drag this out, but I can take this anymore.”
Nothing else to say, you grabbed his fully inked neck, pushing his lips down onto yours. Moaning instantly, you enjoyed the feeling of Hyunjin’s now hard on beginning to push into you, tongue grazing against yours as his hands roamed your body, reaching your chest.
Disconnecting his lips, he kissed your cheek, making a trail all the way down to your neck.
“I wasn’t talking about Jane from the novel,” he breathed in between kisses “I was talking about you.”
Usually it would tickle, but it almost felt like you were being electrocuted each time his lips subtlety made contact with your skin. Sitting up, you lifted your arms, letting him take off your shirt and discard it to the corner of his room. You thank yourself quietly for wearing no bra. Hyunjin’s mouth watered at the sight. Licking his lips, he enjoyed how your nipples felt under his pads, rapidly hardening at his touch. You huffed, slightly annoyed at how easily he could turn you on. Lowering himself, he pressed a gentle kiss to your breast, before taking one in his mouth, earning a soft groan from you. Seeing the tie on his sweatpants, you grabbed the loop, pulling on it to let them loosen, boxers slightly peeking through.
“Just take them off,” Hyunjin growled. Your face expressed confusion at how eager he was.
“Come on Hyunjin,” you teased, sliding your hand into his pants, palming his boxer covered member, “are you that easy?”
“No,” he mocked, “but you are.”
Unsure what he meant, you squealed as he grabbed your sides, flipping you to be on top of him. Wiggling off your panties, he followed, making him completely naked. Laying on top of him, you left your own trail of kisses, enjoying watching Hyunjins squirm under you. Sliding down his body, you sat on top of him, clit gently rubbing over his tip.
“Oh baby,” he groaned, looking up at you, “that feels so fucking good when you do that.”
“Oh I bet it does, my baby boy?”
“Baby boy?”
He looked up at you, completely offended by your statement.
“Oh sweetheart, you are in for a big one if you think I’m your baby boy.”
“Well why dont you stop being one and fucking show me?”
Hyunjin closed his eyes, but once they opened, they were burning with flames. Almost like you flicked a switch in him. Grabbing himself, he wasted no time lining up with your entrance, before slamming into you raw, making your back completely arch. Anger coursing through his blood, he fiercely gripped onto your sides, marks of purple already rising as he vigorously thrusted his hips into you.
“Oh fuck,” you groaned, leaning on his chest.
“Is this what you wanted, huh baby? Am I still your baby boy now?”
You didn’t reply to him, doing nothing but making him angry. Taking one of the hands placed on your sides, hands circling your ass before heavily slapping you, making you groan.
“Answer me.”
“No Hyunjin,” you whined, slightly beginning to move your hips with his rhythm, “you aren’t my baby boy, I’m your baby girl.”
“Tell me how much you love my cock while bouncing on it.”
Throwing his hands behind his back, his tongue ring came between his teeth, enjoying the view of you struggling to maintain a competent rhythm, losing yourself to the pleasure of him inside of you.
“God your cock is so big inside of me,” you moan, “I’m such a slut for you cock.”
“That’s what I like to hear. Fuck your pussy feels so good.”
The look on his face was softening every second. His facade of dominance slowly disappearing.
“Are you close Hyunjin?”
“I am,” he groaned, “but not as close as you will be.”
You moaned his name loudly as he began to intensely flick your clit, shivers creeping down your spine.
“Yeah that’s right baby girl. Say my name as you ride my cock like that.”
“Hyunjin please,” you cried, “I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for me then princess.”
Your jaw opened wide as a sky full of stars clouded your vision. You could feel his warm spurts filling you in the back of your head, but that was nothing as your vision went back, body contorting back and forth as he mercilessly continued to rub your clit. Grabbing his wrist, you told him to stop, before rolling beside him. Giving him a quick kiss, you looked at his body, tracing the tattoos that covered his skin.
“You don’t know how long I wanted this to happen.”
“Oh don't worry I could tell when I heard you jerking off about me.”
Play pushing you off the bed, you smiled, seeing a whole new side of Hyunjin that you didn’t even know existed. Grabbing your clothes, you began to dress yourself and pack your bags. Turning at the door frame, you looked back at him.
“Same time in a couple of days?”
“Hell no” he snapped, “tomorrow.”
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