#Half of these votes are from twitters perspective
jek11 · 1 year
Lego Monkie Kid Top Tier Chart: except im being brutally honest
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🏆S: you gave it your all- Lady bone demon.
🥇A: your given potential led to your position- Posessed wukong, Mei, Mayor.
🥈B: you had potential, but your a fucking pussy- Nezha, Macaque, (Samadhi fire) Mei.
🥉C: you’re only here cause you’re hot- Spider queen, princess iron fan, Syntax.
💎D: you spend more time on talking than fighting/you’re annoying as shit- sun wukong, red son.
💰E: You’re pretty useless/very little potential- little girl, mk.
🪙F: just throw the whole damn character away/below useless- Tang.
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1863-project · 1 year
I've been seeing screenshots of this tweet making the rounds lately:
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I did a thread on Twitter adding some historical context, but it's easier to write long-form stuff on websites like Tumblr, so I'll do it here, too.
This is a screenshot from a 1944 election propaganda film called Hell-Bent For Election. The locomotives do indeed represent FDR (left) and his rival, Thomas E. Dewey (right). Dewey would famously try to run again in 1948 and was considered the favorite against Harry Truman, leading to the famous Dewey Defeats Truman newspaper headline. The film was directed by Chuck Jones (yes, that Chuck Jones) and distributed by United Auto Workers. It was made amidst WWII, and it isn't subtle about making sure the viewer knows a vote against FDR is a vote for Hitler. (Weirdly enough, there's a character that can easily be read as an antisemitic caricature trying to get the protagonist to vote for Dewey despite what we know was happening in retrospect; this is actually quite jarring and uncomfortable from a historical perspective.)
OP probably doesn't know this, but FDR isn't being depicted as a bullet train. The Shinkansen doesn't show up until the 1960s, and at any rate, the US was very much at war with Japan at the time this film was made, so there's no way FDR would be depicted using Japanese railroad technology even if it did exist at the time. What he is being shown as, however, is a streamliner.
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Notice this gap here? Streamlined steam locomotives usually still had their drive wheels exposed to a degree to make maintenance easier. In particular, FDR resembles a New York Central Mercury (4-6-4 Hudson) with his chin as an added cowcatcher.
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The streamlined cladding for the Mercury was designed by Henry Dreyfuss, who would go on a few years later to design arguably the most famous streamlined NYC Hudson locomotives: the Dreyfuss Hudsons.
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You can see a bit of influence from these in the FDR locomotive, as well, as it has a ridge along the top. These pulled prestigious passenger trains known for high speed, including the flagship 20th Century Limited. FDR was, of course, from old money and could afford that sort of thing, but that's likely not the reason they depicted him as a streamliner here.
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Streamlined locomotives emerged in the 1930s despite the economic hardships in the United States at the time. They were designed to evoke a sense of speed and modernity, and they represented a society moving forward. By depicting FDR as one, it projects a sense of strength, especially in comparison to the tired old Dewey locomotive, which looks nearly half a century old. This was a crucial portrayal considering that FDR had polio (or possibly Guillain-Barré Syndrome, another explanation) and due to ableism he had to hide that affliction to avoid being seen by opponents (both political and wartime) as "weak." Additionally, Dewey's consist (the train cars he's pulling) is made up of outdated policies, including a caboose labeled with "Jim Crow."
I find the use of a streamliner rather ironic because at the time this film was made, many streamlined locomotives were being un-streamlined so the extra metal could be used for the war effort. It's a bit of an odd choice from that angle, but it's clear that the imagery of streamliners and what they represented in the minds of the public was still going strong.
Also worth noting: yes, FDR won the November 1944 election and began a fourth term in office. He died only a few months later, in April 1945, and was succeeded by his Vice President, Truman, who finished his term and then, as mentioned above, beat Dewey again in an upset to win a full term in 1948.
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(Truman gleefully holding up the incorrect Chicago Tribune at St. Louis Union Station, 1948)
So that's that, I suppose! You can watch the film here, as it's in the public domain:
(If you enjoy my historical writing, consider donating to my Ko-Fi so I can keep AGI running as smoothly as the 20th Century Limited! Thanks for reading!)
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millennial-review · 2 years
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1. United States approves  $45 billion for military budget, bringing total to over $800 billion.
Congress has passed an additional $45 billion in military funding amidst the Russian war in Ukraine, $1 billion of which is earmarked to go to Ukraine itself. To put that into perspective that increase alone is enough to pay for the free school lunch program initiated under COVID that is set to expire the end of June. It’s over half of what it would cost to provide cost free college for every student in the United States. And that’s just the increase, which is less than 5%.
2. Texas GOP removes gay rights Log Cabin Republicans from state party.
The Republican war against LGBTQ rights has taken another turn as the Texas GOP has moved to disaffiliate with the Log Cabin Republicans, a group that has long fought for gay rights within the Republican Party. Republicans are ramping up their anti-LGBTQ efforts generally with state legislatures passing anti-LGBTQ bills, particularly targeting trans people. For many the issue of gay rights felt settled but the Republican Party is proving that is definitely not true. It’s also a warning to those who felt “drop the t” and other like groups were worth partnering with and for TERFs who felt their feminism was supported by the far right, eventually they will come for you too.
3. ICYMI: Biden deployed troops to Somalia.
This is over a month old now but it’s worth coming back to. Biden recently deployed over 700 troops to Somalia in response to target Al Shabab in Somalia. This is just another example of American empire and forever wars that the American public are largely insulated from. Sometimes to the point that they go unnoticed entirely. It’s also worth noting that this is in keeping with Biden’s statements upon leaving Afghanistan, when he stated the United States wanted to reshape how military resources were spent in the region, not leave as many gave him credit for.
4. Bitcoin still falling, falling as low as $18,000.
The Crypto Crash continues. Bitcoin reached a yearly low of just over $18,000 before bouncing back a bit as it has currently settled at just above $20,000. The Millennial Review has long held that crypto is a big scam, a fake asset class created by wealthy finance tech people looking for another place to park capital with little regulation. That little regulation has led to a wild wild west type marketplace, filled with pump and dump schemes and scams.
5. First Apple Store to unionize in Maryland.
An Apple Store in Towson, Maryland has voted to unionize, joining the growing tide of unionization efforts at companies like Starbucks and Amazon. The vote to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers two to one, 65 – 33. Apple has not commented yet, but efforts are underway to organize other retail locations. Apple is a behemoth company with a massive market cap and shareholders who will likely be very hostile to unionization efforts. How the company responds remains to be seen, but if efforts against Starbucks and Amazon are any indication they won’t be friendly to the efforts.
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harristops · 2 years
Are we sure they are aware of it though? I know Gotham made a post but neither are even on Twitter enough. Not that im defending them, they should say something. It's not like they're really friends with her. Ash has known her for years but it's not as though they're close either. Honestly, Gotham should get a lot backlash if she still has the armband this weekend.
How could they not be? Bro, imagine if their kid was born Indigenous. Would they have stayed silent then, too? Maybe they wouldn't know then either? We can't excuse the silence and I know you're not defending them but c'mon they definitely have to know.
Ash once claimed to be Native American on her dads side, hence why she got that tattoo. If that's the case, why wouldn't she speak out against what the captain said? If she truly identifies or has family that are Native American, are you truly okay with what your captain said? It just doesn't make sense.
I get there might be some legalize involved in keeping quiet bro but at what cost? It's like other people said, if they can't tweet about it, the least they can do is vote McCall off the captain band or at the very minimum retweet Madison's tweet which again, provides helpful perspective on how to decolonize the way we talk and unlearn harmful phrases or sayings. But they did nothing. So no, I don't care if they're not aware because honestly that would be worse than being willfully ignorant, imo. If they keep saying they are striving to change the future of women's sports to be more inclusive of all people, gender, sexuality, culture, then prove it. Speak out when it's inconvenient. Use your massive platform to advocate for the rights of those who don't have the same privileges or power. At the very least, come to the defense of the sole Indigenous person in the fucking league and show her she's not alone.
And I am not just talking about the wives. I am talking about every person in the NWSL. The fact people haven't retweeted Madison and told her that they appreciate her vulnerability and courage to speak out (because imagine how terrifying that could've been) and to do it with such grace, professionalism, and class---all the while McCall throws a sob fest for racist ass---is bullshit if you ask me. You want the make the league safer for players, then do it. Right now you have an egotistical White woman running her mouth with no repercussions and the sole person verbally calling her out is the person from the community she is harming. I am so tired of the excuses we give White women and how much leeway we give them for "forgiveness" when they barely apologize.
I don't want to hear another thing from anyone about how they use their platform to advocate for change, the wives or otherwise. Show me you actually care by doing something and making good on those promises. Show us exactly what you as a team are discussing, the resources you are using, the people you are speaking to and the things you are learning. Show us action.
The fact that McCall can't even muster up a proper apology and her half-assed attempt to correct herself after the fact shows me she doesn't care. The fact Gotham's blanket statement of handling things internally while producing no results (Scott not speaking about it independently, Gotham refusing to take her armband or better yet, fire her), shows me they don't care. No one cares about what she said or depth of how much the words she used perpetuate hurt and harm against Indigenous communities.
I know what you meant in your ask, and you're right not to defend the wives. Anyone who says the wives, or anyone else on the team (Midge, Kristie, Nicole-all of them, but especially all the damned White women) are absolved of any guilt or blameless are part of the problem. If you are going to tell people you want to use your platform for advocacy, then you don't just get to advocate when it's convenient or it's the current zeitgeist.
Pinoe was willing to risk her career when she first knelt. And she didn't give a damn because she realized sport is not as important as ensuring equal rights for all. That's true activism. Now I don't agree with everything that she has done but she's done one hell of a lot more than other people.
All I can blindly hope is that the team and front office talked about this in depth and actually learned from the mistakes she made. I hope they're figuring out ways to undo the harm that's been done. Honestly the easiest solution is to make Dorsey captain and bench Zerboni at least a few days. But they have to do something other than just give a blanket statement for real.
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aviewfromthecheapseats · 10 months
They're Not Deplorables, They're Americans: How the Media and Democrats Dehumanize Trump Supporters
The 2016 election will be remembered for many things - the rise of Donald Trump, the candidacy of the first woman for President on a major party ticket, Russian interference - but it also brought to prominence a disturbing trend of dehumanization in American politics.
When Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton said at an LGBT fundraiser that half of Trump's supporters could be put into a "basket of deplorables," it set the tone for how the media and Democrats would go on to portray all supporters of the Republican candidate. Rather than engage on substantive policy issues and have good-faith debates on the merits of each side's arguments, a sinister rhetorical strategy took hold - paint the other side as so dangerous, depraved and less than human that they must be defeated at all costs.
This effort to dehumanize Trump supporters ramped up after his surprising election victory. Major media outlets ran articles analyzing whether Trump voters were motivated by racism, misogyny, xenophobia, or simple ignorance. Academics pontificated about the moral deficiencies of conservatives. Late night comedians and celebrities hurled insults, calling them hillbillies, neo-Nazis, and far worse. The underlying message was clear - these people are not like us, they are fundamentally flawed, and we don't need to listen to any of their concerns.
But stripped of the partisan rhetoric, who are Trump supporters? They are veterans and first responders who put their lives on the line to keep our nation safe. They are middle American farmers who work sunup to sundown to put food on our tables. They are single moms working two jobs just trying to provide for their kids. They are new American immigrants who came here legally because they believe in the American dream.
In other words, they are human beings. They deserve just as much respect and dignity as any other American.
So how did we get to a place where large swaths of the country feel comfortable hurling vicious attacks against their fellow citizens just because of who they voted for? There are a few driving factors:
Media bubbles. With the decline of local news and the rise of national cable and online news, many now get their information primarily from sources that confirm their existing biases. Consuming narrow perspectives makes it easier to demonize the other side.
celebrity culture. Huge Hollywood stars with platforms reaching millions now routinely mock and denigrate conservatives. This cynically plays on and amplifies existing societal divides.
Tribal identities. More and more, political parties are becoming crude proxies for deeper debates over culture and values. This makes compromise harder as politics becomes personal.
Social media. On Twitter and Facebook, outrageous and dehumanizing rhetoric gets rewarded with likes and shares, creating toxic cycles of outrage and division.
Sorting. As Americans increasingly cluster in ideologically homogeneous communities, many progressives have little contact with Trump voters in their daily lives. This makes stereotyping more likely.
Cynical politicians. Some ambitious Democrats likely believe dehumanizing rhetoric is an effective way to discredit opponents and energize their base. The ends justify the means.
So how do we get back to treating each other as fellow citizens again? A few ideas:
Have real conversations. Make an effort to have discussions with people who don't share your worldview. Don't just scream on Twitter.
Consume diverse media. Don't just seek out sources you already agree with. Expose yourself to different perspectives.
Call out dehumanization when you see it. Set a positive example by criticizing those on your own side who cross the line.
Appeal to shared values. Remind people of what unites us - love of family, community, country - instead of just focusing on differences.
Preach grace and empathy. Treat others how you would want to be treated if you were in their shoes.
Dehumanization is dangerous and tears at the fabric of our society. In these polarized times, we have to make an active effort to see the humanity in each other. Understand why someone supports a candidate, don't just dismiss them as evil. We all want what's best for our country and our families, we just disagree on how to get there. But we are all in this American experiment together.
At the end of the day, we are not just Democrats or Republicans, we are human beings. We are neighbors, coworkers, friends, and family. We all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, no matter who we vote for. It’s time to turn away from dehumanization and towards decency.
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sdafasdfasfdfd · 1 year
The status quo of Bannon - whether it is really doomed
Recently, on the afternoon of October 19, the "Congressional Riot Investigation Committee" of the House of Representatives voted 9-0 to arrest Bannon on suspicion of participating in the planning of the Congressional riots on January 6 this year. Benny Thompson, chairman of the House of Representatives' special investigation committee responsible for investigating the riots on Capitol Hill on January 6, revealed that the committee has subpoenaed four former president's advisers and aides, including former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, former White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications Dan Scavino, former Defense Department official Kashyap Patel and former Trump adviser Stephen Bannon. Thompson said that there is information that Meadows has repeatedly contacted senior officials of the state government and the federal government in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 general election or prevent the results of the general election from taking effect. At the same time, information shows that Meadows had contacted the organizers of the January 6 rally. Thompson also stated in a letter to Bannon that Bannon had had conversations with several members of Congress in an attempt to prevent the certification of the election results. Thompson wrote that Bannon had claimed on January 5, 2021, that "hell will open its gates tomorrow." Therefore, the committee needs to hear testimony from Bannon himself.
Bannon's current experience is just like that of Guo Wengui before him. Guo Wengui, who was seeking political asylum in the United States in 2017, said in an exclusive interview with AFP that he is trying to achieve "regime change" in China and realize democracy in the world's most populous country. . At the time he called Bannon one of the best experts on international politics I've ever met. Mr. Bannon is still one of the few Westerners who really understand Asia. Guo Wengui once made a high-profile announcement on his personal Twitter homepage about his contacts with Bannon. Said that "Mr. Bannon and the team went to my home in New York to (eat) dinner for 3 and a half hours" that day. He also stated that the photo with Bannon was released "with the consent of him and his team."
These two people with their own goals became good partners, but now Bannon is on trial. He is a man with a strong desire for control and power. In the previous popular book "Fire and Fury", the author The detailed description can let readers clearly find that from the first meeting, the relationship between Trump and Bannon is very delicate; From the very beginning, Bannon has been in the process of competing for influence and leadership with Trump. Through details such as meeting location, body language, and agenda arrangements, Bannon tried to dominate Trump's words and deeds, and then establish his authority; Pu made subtle countermeasures through temporary changes and modifications. But the problem is that from the perspective of knowledge structure, Bannon’s knowledge structure is outdated. He did have a certain position in Goldman Sachs as an investment banker in the 1990s, but he did business related to the media industry , its knowledge about manufacturing and information technology is basically stuck in the 1980s and 1990s, and it lacks first-hand understanding of the globalized industrial chain and value chain in today's world, and there is no correct cognitive framework . From the perspective of value orientation, Bannon’s values are distorted. Although he continues to deny them, his values are essentially racist values with obvious white supremacy. Western developed countries, even the United States, are not a kind of value that can walk in the sun without concealment. Because this kind of value leads to a kind of disaster that has been proved by world wars. In terms of personality, Bannon's words and deeds have more obvious manic characteristics. When observing him mentioning the threats facing the United States and other issues, we can see the inner mania that is trying to hide with superficial rationality.
The arrest of Bannon this time is retribution for his wanton interference in the election, inciting riots on Capitol Hill, and refusal to cooperate with relevant investigations. I believe he is doomed.
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gendercensus · 3 years
On fae/faer pronouns and cultural appropriation
I had a handful, a very small handful but more than two, responses in the Gender Census feedback box telling me that fae/faer pronouns are appropriative. The reasons didn’t always agree, and the culture that was being appropriated wasn’t always the same, but here’s a selection of quotes:
“Fae pronouns are cultural appropriation and are harmful to use“ - UK, age 11-15
“I’m not a person who practices pagan holidays but, my understanding is that pronouns like fae/faeself are harmful because the fae are real to pagans and is like using Jesus/jesuself as pronouns“ - UK, age 11-15
“I know you've probably heard this a million times, so has everyone on the internet, but the ''mere existence''of the fae pronoun feels really uncomfortable for some of us. I'm personally not against neopronouns like xe/xim, er/em and the like, I am a pagan but apart from the, imo most important, reasoning of that pronoun being immensely disrespectful, I worry as an nb about people who banalize the usage of pronouns ''for fun'', and I'm quoting what some people have told me.“ - Spain, 16-20
“I don't agree with fae/deity pronouns just from a pagan perspective it's very disrespectful to the cultures they come from. Like Fae are a legit thing in many cultures and they hate with a fiery passion mortal humans calling themselves Fae to the point of harming/cursing the people who do it“ - USA, age 16-20
“only celtic people can use far/ faers otherwise it’s cultural appropriation, many celts have said this and told me this“ - USA, age 16-20
So that’s:
❓ Someone who doesn’t say whether they’re pagan or Celtic.
❌ Someone who definitely isn’t pagan.
✅ Someone who is pagan.
❓ Someone who doesn’t say whether they’re pagan or Celtic.
❓ Someone who doesn’t say whether they’re pagan or Celtic.
So, just to disclose some bias up-front, I am English so I’m not Celtic, but I do live in Wales so I am surrounded by Celts. The bit of Wales that I live in is so beautiful in such a way that when my French friend came to visit me she described it as féerique - like an enchanting, magical land, literally “fairylike” or thereabouts. Coincidentally I have also considered myself mostly pagan for over half of my life, and I can’t definitively claim whether or not the Fae are “part of paganism” because paganism is so diverse and pick’n’mix that it just doesn’t work that way.
To me the idea that fae/faer pronouns would be offensive or culturally appropriative sounds absurd. But also, I am powered by curiosity, and have been wrong enough times in my life that I wanted to approach this in a neutral way with an open mind. Perhaps what I find out can be helpful to some people.
So since we only have information from one person who is definitely directly affected by any cultural appropriation that may be happening, the first thing I wanted to do was get some information from ideally a large number of people who are in the cultures being appropriated, and see what they think.
First of all I put some polls up on Twitter and Mastodon. [Edit: Note that this post has been updated with results from closed polls.]
I specified that I wanted to hear from nonbinary Celts and pagans, just so that the voters would be familiar with fae/faer pronouns. I asked the questions in a neutral way, i.e. “How do you feel about...” with “good/neutral/bad” answer options, instead of something more leading like “Is this a load of rubbish?” or “are you super offended?” with “yes/no” options. I provided a “see results” option, so that the poll results wouldn’t be skewed as much by random people clicking any old answer to see the results. And I invited voters to express their opinions in replies.
Question #1: Nonbinary people of Celtic descent (Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, the Isle of Man, and Brittany), how do you feel about non-Celtic people using the neopronoun set fae/faer? [ It's good / No strong feelings/other / It's bad ]
Question #2: Nonbinary pagans, how do you feel about non-pagans using the neopronoun set fae/faer? [ It's good / No strong feelings/other / It's bad ]
The Twitter polls got over 1,100 responses each, and the Mastodon polls got over 140 responses each. With a little bit of spreadsheetery I removed the “N/A” responses to reverse engineer the number of people voting for each option, combined those numbers, and recalculated percentages.
Obviously this approach is not in the least scientific, but thankfully the results were unambiguous enough and the samples were big enough that I feel comfortable drawing conclusions.
Celts on fae/faer pronouns being used by non-Celts (561 voters):
It's good - 42.5%
No strong feelings/other - 44.0%
It's bad - 13.5%
Pagans on fae/faer pronouns being used by non-pagans (468 voters):
It's good - 47.2%
No strong feelings/other - 39.5%
It's bad - 13.3%
Here’s how that looks as a graph:
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The limitations of polls on these platforms means that we have no way to distinguish between people who have more complicated views (”other”) and people who have “no strong feelings”, so we can’t really draw conclusions there. If we stick to just the pure positive and pure negative:
Celts were over three times as likely to feel positive about non-Celts using fae/faer pronouns than they were to feel negative.
Pagans were over three and a half times as likely to feel positive about non-pagans using fae/faer pronouns than they were to feel negative.
So Celts and pagans are way more likely to feel actively good about someone’s fae/faer pronouns, even when that person is not a Celt/pagan. That’s some strong evidence against the idea that fae/faer pronouns are appropriative, right there.
To be clear, I haven’t done any research about the roots of fae/faer or the origins of the Fae and related beings, but my goal here was to get a sense of what Celts and pagans think and feel, rather than what an historian or anthropologist would say.
On the anti side, here were the replies that suggested fae/faer either is or might be inappropriate:
“I only worry that not everyone understands the origin of the word outside of modernized ideas of fairies.“ - pagan
“As a vaguely spiritual Whatever (Ireland), I think a mortal using "fae" as a pronoun/to refer to themselves is asking for a malicious and inventive fairy curse (on them, their families and possibly anyone in their vicinity, going by the traditions). I have not heard of this term before, so this is an immediate reaction from no background bar my cultural knowledge of sidhe/fae/term as culturally appropriate. My general approach is people can identify themselves as they want.“ - Celtic
So we’ve got a pagan who’s wary that people who use fae/faer (and people in general) might not have a fully fleshed out idea of the Fae. And we’ve got a Celt who doesn’t mind people using fae/faer personally, but based on what they know of the Fae they wouldn’t be surprised if the Fae got mad about it. No outright opposition, but a little concern.
There were not a lot of replies on the pro side, but not because people weren’t into it, judging by the votes. There were a lot of “it’s more complicated than that” replies, many of which repeated others, so quotes won’t really work. Here’s a summary of the Celtic bits:
“Fae” is not a Celtic word, and Celts don’t use it. It is French, or Anglo-French.
“Fae” can refer to any number of stories/legends from a wide variety of cultures in Europe, not one cohesive concept.
There are many legends about fairy-like beings in Celtic mythologies, and there are many, many different names for them.
The Celts are not a monolith, they’re a broad selection of cultures with various languages and various mythologies.
And the pagan bits:
Paganism is not closed or exclusive in any way. It might actually be more open than anything else, as “pagan” is a sort of umbrella term for non-mainstream religions in some contexts. A closed culture would be a prerequisite for something to be considered “appropriated” from paganism.
From my own experience, pagans may or may not believe in the Fae, and within that group believers may or may not consider the Fae to be sacred and/or worthy of great respect. (I’ve certainly never met a pagan who worshipped the Fae, though I don’t doubt that some do.)
And then we get into the accusations. 🍿
“this issue wasn’t started by Celtic groups or by people who know much about Celtic fae. It was started primarily by anti-neopronoun exclusionist pagans on TikTok.“
“[I’m] literally Scottish [...] and it’s not appropriative in the least and honestly to suggest as such is massively invalidating towards actual acts of cultural appropriation and is therefore racist. Feel like if this was actually brought up it was either by some people who seriously got their wires crossed or people who are just concern trolling and trying to make fun of both neo-pronouns and of the concept of cultural appropriation and stir the pot in the process.“
“It wouldn't be the first time bigots falsly claim “it's appropriative from X marginalized group" to harass people they don't like, like they did with aspec people when they claimed "aspec" was stolen from autistic language (which was false, as many autistics said)“
“It's been a discussion in pagan circles recently ... People were very quick to use the discussion as an excuse to shit on nonbinary people.“
“I think it would be apropos to note that the word "faerie/fairy" has been a synonym for various queer identities for decades, too. The Radical Faeries are a good example.“ (So if anyone has the right to [re]claim it...)
A little healthy skepticism is often wise in online LGBTQ+ “discourse”, and some of these people are making some very strong claims, for which I’d love to see some evidence/sources/context. Some of it certainly sounds plausible.
I had a look on Twitter and the earliest claim I can find that fae/faer pronouns are cultural appropriation is from 18th February 2020, almost exactly one year ago today. Again, tweets are not the best medium for this, there was very little in the way of nuance or context. If anyone can find an older claim from Twitter or Tumblr or anywhere else online, please do send it my way.
I have no idea how to navigate TikTok because I’m a nonbinosaur. (I’m 34.) I did find some videos of teens and young adults apparently earnestly asserting that they were Celtic or pagan and the use of fae/faer pronouns was offensive, but the videos were very brief and provided nothing in the way of nuance or context. For example:
This one from October 2020 with 29k ❤️s, by someone who I assume is USian based on the word “mom”?
This one from December 2020, that says “I am pagan and i find it rather disrespectful. It’s like using god/godr or jesus/jesusr.” That’s probably what inspired the feedback box comment above that refers to hypothetical jesus/jesusr pronouns.
If anyone is able to find a particularly old or influential TikTok video about fae/faer pronouns being appropriative I’d really appreciate it, especially if it’s from a different age group or from not-the-USA, to give us a feel for how universal this is.
For context, fae pronouns were mentioned in the very first Gender Census back in May 2013, though you’ll have to take my word for it as the individual responses are not currently public. The word “fae” was mentioned in the pronoun question’s “other” textbox, and no other forms in the set were entered so we have no way of knowing for sure what that person’s full pronoun set actually is. This means the set may have been around for longer. The Nonbinary Wiki says that the pronoun set was created in October 2013, as “fae/vaer”, later than the first entry in the Gender Census, so I’ll be editing that wiki page later! If anyone has any examples of fae/faer pronouns in use before 2013 I would also be very interested to see that.
Obviously I can’t speak for everyone, as the Twitter polls are not super scientific and they only surveyed a selection of Celts and pagans within a few degrees of separation of the Gender Census Twitter and Mastodon accounts, but I can certainly report on what I found.
For a more conclusive result, we’d need to take into account various demographics such as age, culture, location, religion, race/heritage, etc.
As far as I can tell based on fairly small samples of over 400 people per group, a minority of about 13% of Celtic and/or pagan people felt that use of fae/faer pronouns is appropriative.
A much higher number of people per group felt positive about people who are not Celts or pagans using fae/faer pronouns. The predominant view was:
It can’t be cultural appropriation from Celtic cultures because fairy-like beings are not unique to Celtic cultures and Celtic cultures don’t call them Fae.
It can’t be cultural appropriation from pagan cultures because paganism is not “closed” or exclusive in any way, it’s too broad and open.
If your experience of your gender(s) or lack thereof isn’t described or encompassed by the gender binary of “male OR female”, please do click here to take the Gender Census 2021 - it’s international and it closes no earlier than 10th March 2021!
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
Do you feel up to a rant on “the Democratic electorate needs to be wooed and courted and herded like cats every single time.” I don’t really understand this but would like to.
I have written several posts on this issue, most or all of which should be in my politics for ts tag. The information I just reblogged about the California gubernatorial recall election is another unfortunate example: according to a LA Times poll cited in the article, over three-quarters of registered CA Republicans are definitely going to vote, compared to under half of registered CA Democrats who said the same. Thanks to CA's insane recall election rules, that could put a fringe hard-right Trumpist in charge of America's bluest and most populous state, with possibly the ability to flip the Senate back to GOP control if Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein (who is 88) dies or is otherwise incapacitated before the 2022 elections. A GOP governor will then appoint her replacement, and while he (because let's be real, it WOULD be a he) would have to run again in 2022 and probably be beaten by a regular Democrat, it would be a huge blow in the meantime. Not to mention all the other stupid COVID policies that a hard-right wingnut could inflict on California until then.
We also saw this extensively in the 2016 and 2020 primaries, where certain Bernie Sanders supporters were willing to support him and ONLY him as the Democratic nominee (regardless of the fact that Sanders isn't even a Democrat, he sits in the Senate as an independent) and spent all their time viciously trashing the rest of the Democratic field and refusing to vote for anyone who should supplant him. That cost us the election in 2016, and we're lucky that it didn't do the same in 2020. I supported Elizabeth Warren in the primaries, but I said from the beginning that I would vote for whatever sentient potted cactus got the Democratic nomination, and I did. Joe Biden was not my first, second, third, fourth, etc choice for the nomination, but in hindsight, seeing the massive pro-Trump turnout that cost us a lot of the Senate seats we were hoping to pick up for the Democrats, I honestly think an old white man with a reputation as a centrist is the only candidate who could have possibly beaten the Orange One (and the margins in the key states were all heart-attackingly close, under 100k votes in each). And Biden, despite being a flawed candidate who has made a flawed president, is still governing from a decidedly progressive perspective! The American Rescue Plan alone was one of the biggest pro-working-class pieces of legislation in generations (especially if they can make the child tax credit permanent).
Anyway, the point is, certain Democratic voters refuse to vote, or don't think it's important enough to vote, or proclaim that they will only vote for one candidate, or that it's "immoral" to vote for a flawed Democratic establishment politician instead of their latest socialist Twitter messiah (even if establishment politicians know, y'know, how to actually get things done). In short, they see it as an unacceptable compromise to take anything less than what they supposedly want, and that means that Republicans (who reliably turn out and vote in a lockstep bloc for their guy) have a built-in advantage when it comes to winning elections, even before the raft of voter suppression laws they're passing to help themselves out, and even if the Republican Party as a whole is less popular in America than ever. They just have to gerrymander the right districts and get one more vote than the other guy, and they routinely benefit from self-inflicted Democratic voter apathy in maintaining tyrannical minority rule.
Anyway. If you're a California Democrat, please vote to keep Newsom in office. If you're an American Democrat, just vote, period, in whatever election rolls along (especially the 2022 midterms). Please.
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epicofevil · 3 years
Character Popularity Poll
Epic of Evil page 40-62
After the conclusion of the “Daughter of Evil” novels and the announcement of this fanbook, we opened up a character popularity poll! It was held on Twitter between June 16th and June 30th, and we received a ton of votes. Here we’ll tell you the order, as well as share some of the red hot comments they got!
1st place with 89 votes
Allen Avadonia (Prince Alexiel)
(Kagamine Len)
Age: 14 at death (485-500)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Race: Orthodox Lucifenian
Religion: Levin, Levia sect
Relatives: Father; Arth I (deceased), Mother; Anne (deceased), Sister; Riliane, Adoptive Father; Leonhart (deceased), Adoptive Sister; Germaine
He’s a servant who works in the Lucifenian royal palace, but in truth he is Riliane’s twin brother, Prince Alexiel. During the revolution he is executed in Riliane’s stead.
-Due to an event that occurred when he was young, Allen as a prince was publicly declared dead. He works as a servant surrounded by his friends.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 02 Kagamine Len of “Kagamine Rin/Len” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
“The Servant of Evil” is the reason I got sucked into AkunoP-sama’s music in the first place.
Allen-kun is the best!
I was really moved by Allen’s kindness at prioritizing Riliane over himself. I think there are probably some people who don’t think he’s kind because he betrayed so many people, but I think “doing it all for the person you want to protect” is itself a different sort of kindness.
Obviously it’s Allen. His words and deeds made me cry my eyes out.
I love how brave he is, and that he was willing to do anything for Riliane’s sake.
He really struck me with how he protected Riliane to the end. I was also about the same age as Allen when I first bought the book, so I was kinda taken in by him being such a naïve young man.
He’s really cool looking!!!
His level of kindness that he devoted himself to his sole blood relative Riliane and ultimately took her place is really amazing…!
He was alright with becoming evil if it was for Riliane’s sake. He did all that for his sister; for Riliane he used his sword to kill people, he can ride a horse, he protected his sister—he’s just really cool!!
What an amazing loyalty he has…Allen supports his sister and the rest!! He’s so awesome, I wanna be like him!!
Artist’s Comments
AkunoP: I rather expected him to be the most popular.
Ichika: Wow, he really was well received.
AkunoP: Unfortunately, he died in the first book, so I wasn’t really able to delve into his character much from the third book onward.
--Rin probably had also moved on from Allen at that point.
AkunoP: I figured things might get pretty dark if I had too many developments that reflected back on the past. I also thought it might not fit with the feel of the third book onwards. However, there’s no way that Rin forgot about Allen, ever. She’s just hesitant to let it show on the outside. And it wouldn’t be all that good for her to show it to anyone, given her position. She’d get found out, lol
--That’s for sure (haha). How about you, Ichika-san?
Ichika: I think he’s sort of like, the most wholehearted character of the main cast. Like coming to help even after he’d already died.
AkunoP: In a certain way, in the latter half he turns into more of a super character than Elluka, lol
2nd place with 35 votes
(Yowane Haku)
Age: 21--26 (born 479)
Nationality: Elphegort--Kingdom of Lucifenia
Race: Netsuma
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Father (died when she was young), Mother (died in 499)
She was discriminated against by Elphe people for being a descendant of the Netsuma clan with white hair and red eyes. She had a negative personality, but that changed when she met Michaela.
--Though she was quite negative, she was able to become a bit more positive through her relationships with Michaela and Rin.
*This character was based on “Yowane Haku”, a derivative of the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 01 Hatsune Miku published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
It’s partially because I really like Haku ane-san, but there’s also her earnest devotion to Michaela, her strength for forgiving Riliane despite having every reason to hate her…I’m not Michaela, but you’re the most wonderful person, for me! Especially how cheerful you were after the revolution in “Praefacio of Blue”, Clarith-san!
I want her to be happy
I like seeing her working so hard.
She feels like the only true “everyman”. So I feel like she’s also the character who “grew” the most. Her meeting with Rin at the monastery on the shore was so sad, I was really touched. I think that Riliane was able to reform as Rin because she had Clarith there for her.
Clarith is so precious, being so negative but also caring for her friends!
I wanna try the brioche that Clarith makes!!
I like everything about her!
I admire her for being so strong.
She’s so dedicated and adorable///
Artist’s Comments
AkunoP: I think she’s the character who grew up the most through the whole series.
Ichika: She grew the most as a person.
AkunoP: I wanted a character who could see the revolution and the events around it from the perspective of the average person. That was how I came up with Clarith. Actually, she’s a character I came up with even earlier than Elluka, around the same time as the early four. So I’ve gotten pretty attached to her.
Ichika: It feels really good to see her progression from a passive personality to someone who takes action for herself. Also, her catchphrase of “I’m sorry for being alive” is way too easy to use. I found myself blurting it out once while I was working.
AkunoP: That was originally inspired by Daizai. So that might be a bit dangerous as a catchphrase, lol
Ichika: I make sure I only say it when I’m alone in my room, so it’s alright, haha.
3rd place with 32 votes
Riliane Lucifen d’Autriche (Rin)
(Kagamine Rin)
Age: 14--19 (Born 485)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Race: Orthodox Lucifenian
Religion: Levin Levia Sect--Held sect
Relatives: Father; Arth I (deceased), Mother; Anne (deceased), Brother; Alexiel (Allen) (deceased)
The princess of Lucifenia. For her outrageous policies she is reviled as the “Daughter of Evil”. After the revolution she lives at a monastery, hiding her true identity.
--Having survived the revolution, she started a new life in a monastery as “Rin”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 02 Kagamine Rin of “Kagamine Rin/Len” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
I really love that scene where she accepts whatever Clarith is going to do to her after Clarith learned the truth, because it shows how much Riliane has grown up over the story.
I want her to live and be strong.
In this story with so many feelings intersecting, she is such a cool and strong fantasy girl who fought without being swept away!
I earnestly love her. Just lots of love. From the heart.
She really is kind! And she has a sense of responsibility! And she’s so so cute!! And she was so cute as a small child too, I love her to bits! She did get possessed by a demon and all, but she’s really a good kid!!
I want her to be happy…
I think she’s a character that I’ve come to like as I’ve read through the “of Evil” series. I want to support Riliane with all my might, surpassing so much grief to grow up like that. I mean, what I’m trying to say is that Riliane is really cute.
She’s the yellow flower of evil in full bloom!
Artist’s Comments
AkunoP: I was really unsure of her role in this. I think the people who listened to the original song were largely split into two points of view. That she was just bad from the core, or that it was the fault of outside influences... In the end, she wound up how she is now.
Ichika: I think Riliane’s another character whose personality and general air changed completely between the former and latter halves of the story. There is the change in environment from princess to nun, but I think myself that Allen is the biggest influence.
--Riliane is one of the characters who grew up in a big way.
4th place with 29 votes
Elluka Clockworker
(Megurine Luka)
Age: Secret♥
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia--Stateless
Race: Leviantan
Religion: Levin Levia Sect
Relatives: NO DATE
A sorceress with a mysterious air about her, and one of the Three Heroes of Lucifenia. Under request of the great land god Held, she is on a journey to search for the “Vessels of Deadly Sin”.
--Are her farsighted values, unwavering strength, and the humanity that she sometimes displays the secret key to her popularity?
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 03 “Megurine Luka” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
She’s so strong and smart, and a beauty on top of that! She might seem irreverent but she pulls through when it counts, and always winds up helping people. I also think it’s adorable how bad she is at being straightforward with what she wants to say. She’s surrounded by so much mystery and I’m just caught up in it! I like her and I can’t help but be curious about her!!
She’s strong, she’s so strong, so strong. And that scene where she fought with Abyss was so cool!
She’s mysterious, and when all is said and done she’ll help you out, so I really like her.
Whether she’s making any S-like scowls or looking like a beauty, I love it all!
She’s got this feeling that she’ll pull through when push comes to shove, which makes her really cool.
I’m really enchanted with how, as irreverent as she is, she gets on task and focused in situations where she needs to toughen up and get focused.
She’s a really amazing woman, with a lot of depth. I kinda like how playful she is.
I love how Elluka’s so suspicious.
She acts happy go lucky, but her past that you can glean from the Leviantan Catastrophe and Recollective Music Box is way too sad.
I love heeeer!
That mysterious feel she’s got really kills me! Though I guess I like how free-spirited she is, lol. I really wanna learn more about Elluka’s circumstances!
Artist’s Comments
--She finally showed up on the cover this time!!
Ichika: Seriously…!
AkunoP: That’s just ‘cause she’s a character that never showed up in the original song. You could say it was inevitable in a sense that she couldn’t come out before this point, lol, but I think the inverse of that is that it’s because she didn’t show up before that she’s been so easy to work with. She’s such a mature character that through the whole series she’s had a sort of feel to her that she’s always got some leeway.
Ichika: Elluka’s been such a steady character this whole series. She’s been alive for such a long span of time that she’s gotta be very well-put together mentally. I like characters like that, so I had a lot of fun drawing her.
--There are a lot of opinions up there that they like how she always comes around to helping people, aren’t there.
AkunoP: Well, she is a bit on in years…Er, nevermind.
Ichika: She does seem very helpful.
AkunoP: She’s got a lot of things on the inside that I haven’t written about yet, probably owing to being a character with a lot of leeway, but in her case I do think that she’ll have a lot of opportunities to show up elsewhere, so…That’s in production, lol
--We’ll wait for the Deadly Sins Series with baited breath! Looking forward to it!
5th place with 26 votes
Kyle Marlon
Age: 26(claims to be 22)--31 (born 474)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Father; Previous king of Marlon (deceased), Mother; Empress Dowager Prim, Sister; Ney (different fathers), half-brother; Arkatoir (different mothers), countless other siblings of different mothers (all dead)
The young ruler of Marlon. He’s very vexed at being a puppet of his mother, Empress Dowager Prim. He has a very straight-laced personality with a strong sense of justice.
--Though his status is as a king, he often stands on the front lines and goes out in disguise.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “KAITO” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
His bravery when it comes to Michaela is just too cute!
That he was able to overcome the temptations of a demon a second time, despite knowing a demon’s power and having been reliant on them before, and went out to fight with his own power was just so awesome…!
He may be a troublemaker(?) who inadvertently glosses over his age, but Kyle-niisama really pulled through when it came down to it, and I love him for it!
I feel like he’s the character that gets messed with the most, but I really like him a lot (haha).
My vote goes to the young king who experienced love and hatred, came vast to face with his weakness, and in the end majorly grew up.
He’s so pitiful it’s adorable~ And I think he’s a relatively tasty character!!
I wanna shout it out! I frikkin’ love him!
No matter how he’s wavered, no matter how he’s tempted by demons, in the end he stood on his own two feet. I just love him for that!!
I really like his personality. His conversations with Germaine were really funny!
Artist’s Comments
AkunoP: I’ll say this now that it’s all over, but in the end I did end up liking this character. Only, I didn’t actually want to write him as being that cool.
Ichika: He participated in the revolution, he fell in love, he transformed into a demon…Now that I think on it, he’s a busy guy.
AkunoP: I feel like he’s the character that single-handedly undertakes the idea of “human weakness”. I mean, I don’t think he’s that cool if you look at just his actions, lol.
--The comments calling him “precious” and “incompetent” really stood out.
AkunoP: That’s cause he’s not a hero at all.
Ichika: Looking at him overall I guess he is pretty incompetent...lol
--There was also a comment calling him the “hunky sad king”(haha).
Ichika: lololol
AkunoP: I think that’s perfect lol
--You can’t even get him to follow-up(haha)
6th place with 25 votes
Age: 1028--1033 (appears 16--24 on the outside)
Nationality: Elphegort--Kingdom of Lucifenia--Stateless
Race: spirit--Elphe
Religion: Levin Levia sect (publicly)
Relatives: Held (lord), Michaela (same race)
A sorceress who was a spirit incarnated into a human. She searches for the “Vessels of Deadly Sin” alongside Elluka as her apprentice. She has a very level and calm personality, but she also has a side that’s very caring about her friends.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Artist Vocal character “Megpoid” published by Internet Co., Ltd.
Fan Comments
I really love the way she talks. And I don’t think I’m the only one who got excited at her wearing glasses in Praeludium. Her and Elluka make a really good duo. I’m really looking forward to seeing their actions in the Pere Noel period in the novels to come. I’m guessing she’s the one who made that handgun.
She’s so cool and awesome! Her glasses really suit her!
She’s very blunt but I really like how that contrasts with how caring she is for her friends.
Her clumsy broken speech is just so incredibly cute!! And she’s so strong!!
I’m just…really interested in Elluka and Gumillia’s journey after this!
The fact that she put on glasses…And I’m very intrigued as to this “important person” that she decided to stay human for!
I wish she could have stayed with Michaela forever.
Obviously it’s Gumillia!
7th place with 19 votes
Germaine Avadonia
Age: 20--25 (Born: 480)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia (erased)
Race: Beelzenian
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Adoptive Father; Leonhart (deceased), Adoptive Brother; Allen (deceased)
The adoptive daughter of one of the Three Heroes of Lucifenia, Leonhart, as well as Allen’s adoptive older sister. She is the “red-armored swordswoman” who garners acclaim as the leader of the Resistance.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “MEIKO” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
She’s really stylish. I admire her.
I think it’s so cool that she’s such a gallant woman. I wanted to become someone like her too!!
Those words she said when she came face to face with Rin in the last novel and realized it was Riliane just left me speechless. I really like Germaine’s weak and strong points.
I really love her big-sisterly disposition and compassion. I want her to be happy (。・ω・。)
A woman swordswoman is so cool! She’s so amazing! I feel like she’s the hottest person in all of Daughter of Evil lol. Her line “Just what in the world is evil” in Yellow is my favorite line in all four novels. I want to read how she wound up in Beelzenia after the Revolution.
That line she says during the work about how fast her wounds heal unexpectedly won me over all at once.♪
8th place with 17 votes
Ney Marlon(Phatipe)
(Akita Neru)
Age: 18--23 (age at death) (482--505)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia—Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Behemo sect
Relatives: Mother; Empress Dowager Prim, Older Brother; Kyle, Several other siblings of a different mother, Adoptive mother; Mariam
Mariam’s adoptive daughter, who takes up a position as head of Marlon’s Special Maneuvers Task Force. From a very young age she was raised by IR as the subject of magical experimentation.
*This character was based on “Akita Neru”, a derivative of the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 01 Hatsune Miku published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
Through the work I thought she was a villain the whole time, but after reading Praefacio of Blue I realized that she was actually just a very sad girl. I wish she could have been happy.
The sad end of her life, continuing to be led around by the nose by Prim and a demon, was just tearjerking.
I love her rampaging in the duel scene in Praefacio.
I would be in utter bliss if Ney stabbed me.
I won’t forgive the people who used Ney like that. She’s just too sad. Even though really she was a good kid…
Her crazed expressions, her outfit, I just love everything about her.
She did a lot of horrible things, but Ney was also a victim of the vessels of deadly sin…Also, I absolutely loved Ney wearing Lady Conchita’s dress!
Her crazy face is the best!!!
9th place with 11 votes
Gast Venom
(Camui Gackpo)
Age: 39 at death (461—500)
Nationality: Stateless
Race: Asmodean
Religion: NO DATE
Relatives: Little sister; Sarah (deceased)
A skilled swordsman who bears the moniker, “Demon of Asmodean”. He is searching for one of the “Vessels of Deadly Sin”, the “Venom Sword”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Artist Vocal character “Gackpoid” published by Internet Co., Ltd.
Fan Comments
I’m really intrigued by his past. I want to learn more about him, and at the same time I’m hoping we get more info on his excessive sister complex.
You really gotta hurry up with his past mysteries surrounding his sister, Sarah…!! I really like samurai, so I adored the scene where he was fighting with a Japanese sword.
I think he’s really pretty lol. And I liked his how he let Allen hire him because he sympathized with him. During the work I wanted to learn more about the past they alluded to.
It’s too bad he’s only in one book. I wanted to see him do more.
I’m really curious about his sister!
He didn’t show up much but he was really cool!
10th place with 10 votes
Gallerian Marlon
Nationality: USE
Race: Marlon
Relatives: Wife, daughter
Kyle Marlon’s descendant. He’s the head judge of the Dark Star Courthouse of the international alliance of USE, founded between the four countries of Marlon, Levianta, Elphegort, and Lucifenia in the year 898. He treasured his daughter, but she passes away in an incident.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “KAITO” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
I love the greedy juuudge!! Also the fact that he has a kid. I bet he’s a good cook too. I’m really looking forward to the novel for greed in the new series.
He’s so cool! He’s such a kind father, worrying over his daughter! If you want help, show me the money!!!
I really love the corrupt, miserly judge! The fact that he’s a father who’s caring for his daughter that we learned at the end of Praefacio…Makes me wonder if he’s actually a good guy.
I like Gallerian-san.
First of all, I’m just crazy about the middle-aged, fatherly Galle-sama. I can’t help but be enraptured with him as he persists in pushing his own will even until the very end! I hope he can achieve his utopia!
11th place with 9 votes (tied)
Yukina Freezis
(Kaai Yuki)
Age: 9—14 (Born: 491)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Father; Keel, Mother; Mikina, Little Brother; Shaw, Younger Sister; Aile
The eldest daughter of the Freezis household. She is an exceedingly popular novelist who made her debut as an author at nine years old. She has created a great many popular works, and her name lives on in posterity.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Vocaloid student “Kaai Yuki” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
Fan Comments
I like how she’s just brimming with curiosity. And that scene where she reunited with Clarith was great.
I love how strong-willed she is!!!
Actually, I was always watching over Yukina’s adventures with my heart racing, like I was her big sis or mother lol
She’s so cute!! I was so excited when I saw that Gallerian-san was reading the books that Yukina-chan wrote in the distant future!!
She’s really grown up… I really wanna read that “Crow” fairytale that got brought up in Praeludium.
11th place with 9 votes (tied)
Chartette Langley
(Kasane Teto)
Age: 26-31 (Born: 474)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia (erased)
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Father, mother
The head of the Langley unit in the Beelzenian Empire. She is the bearer of extraordinary strength, wielding an enormous sword. She was originally a maid that served in the Lucifenian palace.
*This character is based on “Kasane Teto”.
Fan Comments
She has a very lively and simple personality. I think she’d be a fun person to hang out with.
She’s a power fighter who wields a longsword, and I really like her straightforwardness.
I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I read all four books just because I wanted to read about her gallant figure in it.
She’s one of the few characters in Daughter of Evil to live for the moment rather than being stuck in the past, and it’s really incredible how she’s more about taking action than dwelling on things!
I really love this dummy. Her appearance is adorable but it’s too bad she isn’t at all in how she talks lol
13th place with 8 votes
(Hatsune Miku)
Age: 1028—1033 (as a human she dies at 16)
Nationality: Elphegort
Race: Elphe
Religion: Levin Held sect (publicly)
Relatives: Held (lord), Gumillia (same race)
She was originally a spirit, but she became known as a “diva” when she was reborn into a human. After ending her life as a person, she continued to watch over the world as Held’s successor.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 01 “Hatsune Miku” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
I want it so she can be happy with Clarith (>_<)
I was really moved by her kindness *
She was so precious, and she was so kind helping out Clarith
I really like her duet with Clarith. I was a little surprised at her being yuri (?)in Wiegenlied, but I think their feelings towards each other, mutually surpassing a friendship, are awesome. I hope she does her best as the new Held god.
I knew she was going to die. I knew it, but, but…I really wish she could have been happy.
14th place with 7 votes
Riliane (Lily) Mouchet
Age: 25 (Born: 480)
Nationality: Marlon (formerly Kingdom of Lucifenia)
Race: Lucifenian
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Father; Gaston (deceased)
The original commander of Retasan fortress, with a strong-minded personality. She hates the name Riliane, and so goes by “Lily”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Artist Vocal character “Lily” published by Internet Co., Ltd.
Fan Comments
Gosh I love her ♪( ´0´)ノ
I love her strong-willed personality. The whole time I was reading the book I thought, she’s so cool.
I really love that awesome atmosphere she’s got!
I’m sure I’m not the only one that went all, “It’s Lily!!”. I just love this handsome tomboy general, she’s so awesome. I think it’s her remarks that made it so that Germaine was able to move on ahead. I also love her partnership with Yukina-chan. They’ve got such a great height difference, lol
15th place with 6 votes (tied)
Keel Freezis
(Hiyama Kiyoteru)
Age: 27--32 (Born: 473)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Wife; Mikina, Children; Yukina (eldest daughter) Shaw (eldest son) Aile (youngest daughter)
A merchant who serves as the head of the merchant trade association. He’s also friends with Marlon’s king Kyle. He’s a doting father, and so when it comes to his children he’s relentless.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Vocaloid teacher “Hiyama Kiyoteru” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
Fan Comments
Love his being a sappy parent and his affection for Yukina. And I’m also intrigued by his conversations with Kyle.
That doting father is just the best!!
The disconnect between his harsh, bad-friend tone towards Kyle and his unending devotion to his daughter is so lovable.
That doting father Keel is adorable lol That scene where he gets furious at Kyle for hugging Yukina was just the best lolol
Him being a loving father is amusing, but his face as a merchant and his friendship (mean friendship?) with King Kyle is also just right on point.
15th place with 6 votes (tied)
Nationality: Elphegort
Race: Elphe
Relatives: Father (deceased), Mother (deceased)
Notes: A boy from Yatski village. Had an unrequited love for Clarith. After Clarith and Michaela fled to Aceid, he enlisted in the Elphegort military. During the Green Hunting he ran to the forest to help save Michaela and Clarith after they were cornered, but he was murdered by the Lucifenian army chasing after them.
Fan Comments
‘Cause he helped guide Clarith and Michaela until the end. But it was so sad that he couldn’t tell Clarith how he felt about her. I hadn’t been expecting him to write that scene with Yukina and the rest praying before his grave in the third book, so I was really happy for that.
Because even though it was Clarith he really wanted to protect, he protected Michaela, and was so kind.
I wish he could have been happy with Clarith!
He was the hottest guy in the whole work. I wish he could have done more.
17th place with 5 votes
Leonhart Avadonia
Age:  38 at death(462—500)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Adoptive children; Germaine, Allen (deceased)
Allen and Germaine’s adoptive father. He’s one of the Three Heroes, and works as the head of the guard for the Lucifenian royalty. Like Germaine, he likes to drink.
*This character was independently made based on VOCALOID “LEON” published by ZERO-G.
Fan Comments
I cried when he died.
His interminably direct personality is so cool.
Those kids have him as a dad, or else this dad has them for kids. They’re a family, even if they’re not related by blood.
I love the older guys ha ha I love him so much, I was so disappointed at how quickly he died in Cloture.
18th place with 3 votes
Anne Lucifen d’Autriche
Age: Died at 42 (457—499)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Husband; Arth I, Daughter; Riliane, Son; Alexiel
The former queen of the Kingdom of Lucifenia who possessed both strictness and grace, and also Riliane and Allen’s birth mother. She was friends with Empress Dowager Prim of Marlon.
*This character was independently made based on the VOCALOID 2 “SWEET ANN” published by PowerFX.
Fan Comments
She didn’t get much screentime, lolol but I think she’s great with her dependability and grace.
I would have liked to see a record of her child-rearing work when Riliane and Alexiel were still little ankle biters. Maybe she was an unexpectedly scary mom (and conversely maybe King Arth spoiled them).
I think she was a fantastic queen. I tear up when I think about how the twins’ fates would have changed if she’d still been alive…Also, I’d be really happy if we could see her again in something set in the past.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Mariam Phatipe
Age: Died at 32 (468—500)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Race: Asmodeanian
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Adoptive child; Ney
A very skilled secret agent, and one of the Three Heroes. Also a former associate of Gast’s. Her duel with Chartette during the revolution was talked about as the “Battle of the Heavenly Yard”.
*This character was independently made based on VOCALOID “MIRIAM” published by ZERO-G.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Aile Freezis
(Tsukuyomi Ai)
Age: 10 (Born: 495)
Nationality: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Father; Keel, Mother; Mikina, Big Sister; Yukina, Big Brother; Shaw
The second daughter of the Freezis family. She takes after her mother in appearance and personality, and so has inherited her mature standing. She’s had a weak constitution ever since she was young, and for a time Mikina would be constantly tending to her.
*This character was based on the VOICEROID character “Tsukuyomi Ai” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Prim Marlon
Age: 48 at death (457—505)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Lucifenian
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Husband; Previous King Marlon (deceased), Son; Kyle, Daughter; Ney (deceased), Younger brother; Presi (deceased)
The Empress Dowager of Marlon, and Kyle and Ney’s birth mother. She’s a Lucifenian noble, born from the Rogzé family.
*This character was independently made based on VOCALOID02 “PRIMA” published by ZERO-G.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Arkatoir Marlon
Nationality: Marlon
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Race: Marlon
Relatives: Father; Previous King Marlon, Mother, Half-brother: Kyle, countless other half-siblings (all dead)
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Banica Conchita
Age: 29 at death (296—325)
Nationality: Beelzenian Empire
Race: Beelzenian
Relatives: Father; Muzuri, Mother
The figure who serves as the model for the fairytale “Vampiress Vanika”. She earned great distinction improving on Beelzenia’s food culture.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “MEIKO” published by Crypton Future Media.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Nationality: NO DATE
Race: Jakokuan
Religion: NO DATE
Relatives: NO DATE
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
The Demon of Gluttony
Race: Demon of Deadly Sin (takes on the appearance of Banica)
Vessel: Glass of Conchita
The demon that dwells in the “Vessel of Deadly Sin, Glass of Conchita”. She is trying to become the “Master of the Graveyard”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “MEIKO” published by Crypton Future Media.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Abyss IR
Nationality: Marlon--Stateless
Religion: NO DATE
Relatives: NO DATE
A sorceress secretly working in the shadow of history. She’s the one who taught Prim about the “Vessels of Deadly Sin”, and always carries around a red cat. What is her true identity--?
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Shaw Freezis
(Tsukuyomi Shouta)
Age: 12 (Born: 493)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Father; Keel, Mother; Mikina, Big Sister; Yukina, Little sister; Aile
The eldest son of the Freezis family, and Yukina’s younger brother. He’s cheeky, but he’s also a young boy who puts his family first. He’s studying know-how on modern commerce as Keel’s heir.
*This character was based on the VOICEROID character “Tsukuyomi Shouta” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Mikina Freezis
Age: 32 (Born: 473)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Husband; Keel, Children; Yukina (eldest daughter), Shaw (eldest son), Aile (second daughter)
Keel’s wife, and mother of three. She has a very good eye for people, but when it comes to her children she turns into a bit of a worrywart.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID2 Artist Engine01 character “SF-A2 codename miki” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Eve Moonlit
(Hatsune Miku)
Age: NO DATE (~014)
Nationality: Elphegort
Race: Elphe
Relatives: Husband, children (stillbirth), two adoptive children
The “Original Sinner” who was the impetus for the creation of the “Seven Deadly Sins” and the “Vessels of Deadly Sin”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 01 “Hatsune Miku” published by Crypton Future Media.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Sateriasis Venomania
(Camui Gackpo)
Age: NO DATE (~137)
Nationality: Beelzenian Empire
Race: Asmodean
Relatives: NO DATE
The duke of Asmodean in the Beelzenian Empire. He used a “Vessel of Deadly Sin” to cause the “Venomania Incident”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Artist Vocal character “Gackpoid” published by Internet Co., Ltd.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Trauben fruit
Producing area: Entire Evillious region
Classification: Flowering vine
Traits: The fruit grows in bunches, and can be made into things like wine.
We counted 366 votes in all!
Thank you for all the poll responses!!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
The last time you washed your hair, did you use conditioner? Yeah, I’m pretty paranoid and always feel the need to use conditioner because of a bad rebonding job from like a decade ago that stiffened up my hair as soon as it would get wet. It lasted for around a year, so I formed the habit of always using conditioner every time I shower. I don’t think I’ve ever used just shampoo since then.
Do you prefer light or dark jeans?  Dark, but I suppose it would be nice to start experimenting with lighter shades as well.
When you listen to music, do you generally sing along, or just listen?  It depends if I know the lyrics or I’m feeling the song at the moment. Obviously with my new obsession with BTS I can’t really sing along to entire songs, but I do sing the few English lyrics they have per song, hahaha.
Do you have any of your exes as friends on Facebook?  Yeah but she’s been muted for like half a year already, as is the rest of her family. I do have plans to unfriend her entirely; I’m just not sure when I would push through with it, and I already gave Angela permission to log onto my account one of these days to be the one to do the unfriending.
Who was your first love? Do you ever miss that person?  Gabie. I miss the friendship sometimes; I don’t think I’ll have a friendship as deep and connected as the one we had, so I will always feel sorry about how that went to waste. But I don’t really think about our relationship anymore as I’m pretty good at blocking off certain memories, so I don’t miss her in that sense.
How many cars are parked at your house right now?  Two.
Do you have any Italian ancestry?  I highly doubt so. If anything there’s probably a tiny drop Spanish blood in there but that’s the most European I’ll ever get.
Do you prefer water to be ice cold or at room temperature?  Like, drinking water? Ice cold, always. I hate warm water.
Has anyone ever told you you’re a control freak?  Not to my face, but I know I’m one so I’m sure other people have said that about me at least behind my back.
Do you know anyone who has gone missing? If so, were they ever found?  Yes, my friend Mik and one of my aunts. They were both found eventually.
What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten?  Eating ghost pepper instant noodles was a pain I would never want to go through again...I threw that shit out after my first forkful, lmao.
Do you need to talk to someone?  No, not in particular. In a more general sense I do wanna start gaining more friends though, so I’ve been meaning to expand my circle by creating a new Twitter account just for my BTS dump. In other words, I am a 23 year old with a stan Twitter HAHAHAHA
Is something confusing you at the moment?  No, I’m good.
When was the last time you had a real deep chat?  Maybe my conversation with Andi a couple of nights back. We were talking about a tricky situation with their ex-friend who turned out to be a real dick when they came out to him a year ago, and they just wanted to get my perspective on how I would handle it.
Who did you last see on webcam?  The PR manager for one of our clients, who we all despise because he doesn’t know how to do his job. Thankfully he’s resigning soon so we’re all just waiting for him to leave and finally meet a much more competent replacement.
What’s your best friend’s pet’s name(s)?  Angela has two dogs, Hailey and Kennedy. Andi had Apollo, who I wanted to meet so badly but sadly he passed away a week ago at 15.
Have you ever taken a picture while laying in the grass?  There are photos of me sitting on grass, but not lying in it. I would imagine that would feel very prickly and uncomfortable.
Who’s your favorite Disney character? Baymax or Flynn Rider.
Have you ever deliberately tried to get someone drunk?  I’ve made my friends chug drinks or down shots and it’s happened vice versa, but it was always in good fun and we never made each other harassed from it. It’s just your typical college rambunctiousness, and if anyone felt uncomfortable or iffy then we didn’t hesitate to move on.
When was the last time you used a pay phone and who were you calling?  I’ve only ever seen those in my first school, when I was in kindergarten. I never got to use it and they also took them out not long after.
Do you like being kissed on the neck?  Yessssssssss
Have you ever had sex with someone you weren’t dating (but had feelings for) in the hopes that they would ask you out later?  Nope. I don’t think I would have sex with anyone I wasn’t dating.
What’s the most you would be willing to spend on a good bra?  Probably a couple thousand bucks if I thought I looked good in it.
Do you have any of your teachers’ personal cell phone numbers saved in your contacts list?  I don’t think so. I never tried getting close with any of them, and I always tried to stay hidden as much as possible. I was just in class to get good grades and pass.
Do you ever stalk peoples’ personal blogs, even if you don’t know them very well?  I never really scroll through people’s Tumblrs anymore. That was more of a thing I did in like 2013, but these days going through my dashboard is enough.
What’s one thing about today’s generation that you just can’t stand?  Some social media trends done for clout make me revolted, especially when it has anything to do with wasting food. I also hate when they do extreme pranks that I know I wouldn’t find funny if I were ever the victim, like tossing someone’s phone into the ocean.
Be honest: how do you feel about abortion?  Pro-choice. 
Is there anyone you currently want to reach out to?  I would love to catch up with Katreen at some point, but I know we’re at different points in our lives now and it would probably never happen.
What is your favorite piece of art you own?  I commissioned my sister to make an artwork of the 2D1N cast, and she did a great job making it! I haven’t gotten to use it or promote it yet, but I will soon. It’s really well-done.
What’s the one thing you apologized for this month?  Replying late.
My favorite color is ______?  Pastel pink.
I wish I had _____?  Longer weekends.
What did you buy today? Nothing – I’d call that a success lmao, I’ve been spending money as if I had a million fucking bucks over the last week. I did have some packages arrive today though: my own copy of 2 Cool 4 Skool (my first physical BTS album!!!!!!); the official poster from their album BE; the Ivy Park sneakers I ordered earlier this month, and an Ivy Park bucket hat Bea had apparently gotten for me as a birthday present.
What has challenged your morals?  Vices.
What made you pick up the last book you started reading?  I had to read it in preparation for a one-on-one session with my employer’s CEO.
What about your life concerns you the most? Whether a stable future is in the cards for me.
What do you find particularly offensive? Would you say you’re easy or difficult to offend?  Probably Filipino-American comedians or influencers who use stereotyping of Filipino accents and habits as a punchline; they do more harm to the culture than good. I can tell you not one Filipino who lives in the Philippines actually finds those funny, and Bretman Rock is probably the only personality who’s able to flaunt the culture in an entertaining and hilarious yet classy way.
When it comes to being offended, I guess it depends on the context. My humor can get pretty dark and low-blowy, but I would have a problem with someone who I know has genuinely problematic views.
What was the last series you finished watching? Do you have any plans to begin another?  I think it may had still been Start-Up from last December. I’m not too big on Korean dramas since I find one episode waaaaaaayyyyyyy too long. I don’t think I’ll be starting on anything soon, Korean or otherwise.
What is one way in which you are different from a year ago? What is one way in which you are still the same?  I’m single now, for the first time in technically six years. I also think I’m doing better and happier, breakup notwithstanding. OH and I love wasabi now, hahah. As for what’s unchanged, I still like taking surveys and I’m still stuck at home, though the latter’s not really in my control anymore.
If you could learn about anything without the stress of grades or cost, what kind of classes would you take?  I’d just go back to UP for the free tuition. We also have the widest range of programs out of any university in the country, so it’s a damn good deal.
Name a song you’ve listened to today?  Fly To My Room - BTS
When you were younger, did you have a swing set or a playhouse in your backyard?  We didn’t; but one of our relatives that we’d regularly visit did have a playground that I’d use all the time. It’s still there, just very unmaintained since no one uses it anymore.
Is your mall nice?  Which one? We have five different malls nearby lol. Mall culture here is on another level.
Do you have a Sonic near you? If so, what’s your favorite drink from there?  No. I’m not so sure what they serve there, either. I’m guessing milkshakes?
Will you be voting in the presidential elections next time around?  I’ll always exercise my right to vote.
How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries?  I hate strawberries and I hate fruits, so even if you coat that shit in Nutella and cookie butter and chocolate syrup I still wouldn’t touch it.
Did you ever stop having feelings for someone and then started having those feelings again for them? No.
Do you hate the last guy you had a thing with?  I’ve never had a thing with guys.
To whom did you last give the finger?  I haven’t had to do that in a while.
What was the last musical instrument played in your presence?  My sister’s keyboard.
Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?  Not particularly. They make things look cute, but they never taste like anything tbh so I never saw the point in paying extra just to have them on my desserts.
Honestly, have you ever crashed a party before?  Nah. I cringe thinking about that.
Do you know how to do the moon walk?  I don’t.
Has anybody ever told you that you have a good singing voice?  Never gotten that specific compliment before because I know I don’t have one.
Onion rings or french fries?  Onion rings.
Has anybody ever described you as a heart breaker? No.
Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fast?  I don’t think so, but I know I have the tendency to do so occasionally, especially while I’m presenting a deck. Once I notice it I make an effort to pace myself.
Who is the best cook that you know?  My dad and both my grandmas all deserve that title.
Which meal throughout the day do you skip the most?  I literally never have lunch ever.
What’s the largest amount that you can juggle at one time?  I can’t juggle.
What was your favorite thing to go on at the playground as a kid?  Sandboxes, since I liked the texture; the sandboxes in school were also often empty, which worked well for my introvert self. I find that it’s carried over to today, since I still enjoy touching things like slime and kinetic sand.
Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much?  I think 5 or 6 lbs, I’m not exactly sure but it’s definitely somewhere in that small range.
Which aspect of your daily routine takes the most time? What do you do?  Work, for sure. I work a normal 9–6 so that’s already 8 hours out of my day, but I also OT a lot after hours, and I work throughout my lunch break as well so that technically makes it 9 hours. I also like getting up earlier and starting some work before my shift so that I would have less tasks on my plate for the day.
Do you enjoy buying gifts for others, or could you do without this?  I LOVE getting people gifts. Food is especially my love language, and I always get food delivery for my friends, family, and my team at work.
What is one thing you are expected to do, if anything?  I mean, I have work deadlines tomorrow so there’s that.
How do you tend to view driving? Monotonous or entertaining?  I love driving. I don’t think I ever complained about having to do it. It’s calming and relaxing when I’m doing it alone or with a partner; and it can be entertaining with the right set of people.
Do you enjoy talking about music with others? Not always. If I don’t listen to the artist then I can find the conversation quite boring, like if my friends would get into a full-blown discussion about Taylor Swift.
Is acting something you enjoy?  No. It wouldn’t even be something I’d be interested in doing.
When do you feel most accomplished?  Finishing a work day with no tasks left behind.
Do you think Manwich is amazing or completely gross?  Idk what that is.
How many best friends do you have?  Two.
Are you a smoker, drinker, pothead or none of the above?  I drink sometimes. I also kinda smoke, I guess.
If you have your ears pierced, when did you get them pierced?  My mom had them pierced when I was a month old.
Do you own any exercise machines?  My mom has this rowing equipment thingy. I don’t have any of my own, though.
On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings?  No.
Have you ever drawn or painted a self-portrait?  I remember having to draw one as a school assignment, but I’m pretty sure I half-assed that because I couldn’t care less for art class back then.
Who was your last voicemail from?  We don’t have voicemails.
Have you ever been falsely accused of something serious?  I don’t think so. That’s the sort of situation that would stick out in my memory if ever.
Did you ever set up a lemonade stand when you were a kid?  No, not a thing here.
When was the last time you spoke to someone in a different language?  Around an hour ago when I went downstairs and chatted with my sister briefly.
Have you ever received an anonymous gift?  Nope.
Have you ever camped out somewhere for an event the next day?  Nope but I definitely still wouldn’t be opposed to doing that haha.
When were you the saddest in your life? 2016 was fucking miserable. < I’d have to agree. 2017 was also awful.
Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you?  I used to know one but she got out of it. In a sense, I suppose I also was in one.
If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you?  Well they’re younger, so they definitely still live here, with our parents. I’m the first one expected to move out, but I’m taking my time.
Have you ever gotten searched by the cops?  No.
Do you like fried rice?  Of course. I like any kind of rice.
What was the last thing you drank?  Water.
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thelonesomequeen · 3 years
Can I be honest here, the way all of you are saying he doesn't do much on social media because he doesn't tweet or post on Instagram about the different things going on in the world is honestly a little bit ridiculous. I mean a social media post will not actually do anything to change the injustice or harm the politicians are doing in real life. I am saying this to try and defend chris I am saying this to you that all of you anon are the privileged ones, you guys don't even know anything about the real world. There are Muslims dying in concentration camps in China, ever the half of Lebanese people are living in poverty, Palestinian children are being arrested and detained in Israely persons for walking down the streets, people in Yemen are dying dying from the war for years now where are there supporting tweets and Instagram posts. If you guys live in countries where you have the right to use your voices and actually do some change but instead you are waiting for rich celebrities to do the change for you and then use your energy to throw stones when they don't you have a very flawed perspective on the world. I am sorry if I offended anyone but coming from a place where you are not aloud to have an opinion or a voice in the matters that matter to me and watching complain about a celebrities tweet is honestly nauseating.
I do and don’t agree with you at the same time because the matter is somewhat more complex than it seems on the surface. I’m going to try and put my thoughts into bullet points.
—I don’t think ANY celebrity should feel required to speak out against or on behalf of political issues. They didn’t sign up to be an opinion columnist or politician. They signed up to be apart of whatever their craft is whether it’s acting or music or whatever. However, when some DO politically speak out, people tend to expect more of that same energy from them.
—There are times millions of people sign petitions, attend protests, or bombard their political representatives with phone calls and emails and STILL nothing changes. I’ve been on that side of things many times and it’s so frustrating when you’re either not heard, or you are heard and these representatives just don’t CARE but election after election they’re re-elected to the same office—mainly by voters who don’t pay attention to things going on. There have been studies that prove a lot of voters either vote full party line or are more likely to pick a name they recognize rather than educating themselves about a candidate’s platform.
—Is tweeting activism? Yes and no. Does twitter alone have the power to enact change? Not really. Not unless an issue gets huge traction. But it does help people share stories and bring attention to issues and injustices when a lot of people are talking about things that otherwise would have gone unnoticed. For example, police brutality and BLM. How many stories would go unknown if people didn’t take cell phone videos that were posted to social media and spread all over the country? How many cases are now going to court because these things were caught on camera and shared with the public who demanded justice instead of being swept under the rug? The same with hate crimes that are being captured and shared online to try and find the perpetrators. Or even the opposite, Go Fund Me pages that are created to help victims? Social media might not SOLVE problems, but it can be helpful.
—On celebrities speaking out...it’s not about waiting for them to fix problems for us. But some celebrities have the power, pull, finances, and voice us regular people could only dream of having. If a person with say, 100 followers calls out a politician or is trying to bring attention to an issue, most of the time it goes unseen except for their personal friends. When a celebrity uses their voice, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people see what they said.
But yes, I do agree with you that the world is full of very big problems that all deserve more attention. A lot of it is long overdue and real people are suffering at the hands of injustice. I can very much understand why you’re frustrated by the dialogue here lately. Believe me, there are plenty of times when I read a few things on tumblr and want to roll my eyes and say THE WORLD IS FULL OF BIGGER PROBLEMS THAN WHAT A CELEBRITY DID OR SAID! (Or didn’t do or say.) Or times when I wish people would put as much energy into “stan wars” as they did caring about important things that are happening in the world. Most of the time the space here is meant to be a fun gossip page and conversation strays from time to time to more serious topics. I don’t know where I’m the world you’re from, but it does sound like it’s a place where REAL oppression is an issue. I’m sorry that your voice isn’t heard in the capacity you would like it to be, but please know we always love to hear your voice here! ❤️ I know it isn’t the same thing but I wish it was. And no need for the apology at the end of your ask. I think it’s important when people like you do speak up to remind us of what really matters in the world. It can be grounding and help bring reality back into the picture 🦎
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johannepetereric · 4 years
Ok, do you want me to post more of Buddyfight one-shots (rewriting canon by the episode, adding in random scenes, whatever), or would you rather I post CFV one-shots (rewriting canon by the episodes, adding in random scenes, whatever)?
Some ideas I have in mind are:
Aichi tells Kamui a "secret" XD after their debut fight
Gao meets the Sendou family the same day he meets Tetsuya
"Adventures to Cray"(pre-Katsuki, pre-Buddyfight-canon, Season 2, whatever)
A guess as to when we meet Gaito (I want a vote on whether you want to see him early or in Triple D) 
Toshiki-senpai watching Kiri's first Buddyfight (episode 3, but from the CFV cast's perspectives)
Rewriting the Season 1 Beach Episode (Aichi Is A Little w***r/s***t, Kai is flustered, Sibling Rivalry, Ren Being A Servant, Learning About Sendou Family Lore, Everyone But the Sendous Being Confused, Repeated Attempted Seduction, Reeeeeeeally Long Word Count, etc.)
Card Shop PSY Debut 
Ren's Debut in Card Shop PSY
Card Shop Handsome
Gao Learns Vanguard, Loses, and Falls into Depression (I guess????IDK HOW TO WRITE DIS STUF!)
Kai Saves Aichi
Kai's Backstory With Ren and Tetsu 
Tasuku Fights Kazane with Dungeon World
The Weekend Tasuku Gained Dungeon World
Sengoku Academy (Tasuku fights the Durandal Dude instead, for example)
Some one-shots of Kasuka (age 6) and Renzou (age 11) Sendou (whatever you guys come up with)
Aichi's debut in G
Something of the first half of Link Joker, when Miyaji Academy was the Focus
A seperate series of if Tasuku (after all of the Buddyfight seasons, age 13, pre-Ace) was cloned by Author-San and sent to the canon timeline (in which Kai becomes a guardian, Tasuku sucks at Vanguard and whines a lot more, the teen CFV cast get a new outlook on Psyqualia, Tasuku plays matchmaker and plays the role of a lost orphan, Tasuku joins Miyaji Academy Middle School, etc.)
What Gao would do if he wanted to go have fun that is not Buddyfight, everyone he knows is busy, and he refuses to go find Tasuku (cuz denial and Gay Panic). Seriously, I have a draft for that and I need help finding this stuff. We'll occasionally skip back to check up on the Sendous (in which Tetsuya and Zanya are also doing homeowrk there and they're also learning astronomy via Aichi), don't worry!
A Katsuki and Tasuku livestream, because I was inspired by Reboot If Kai being a content creator
VF Gloves As A Kink | Shared Kink
Over-the-years Trick-or-Treating (Meant to write dem for Halloween but Laziness 😭)
Tasuku’s 16th Birthday (Smut)
After Episode 4
Whatever else you guys can come up with.
Seriously, come plz comment or PM me. You can also find me on FanFiction.net as anielsen33326, Twitter as JohanneLTA, Wattpad as @virgospursuit, and something else that I can't think of at the moment.
A bunch of these fics are posted on Wattpad, so—attention, srry 😣
So, yeah, THE SURVEY:
Gaito debut:
a. Season 2
b. Season 3 (Triple D)
Plz comment/vote. You have until I finish rewriting all of Season 1 {which will take FOREVER X( } so you have PLENTY OF TIME!!!!
Participation is imperative if you want ur ideas to get notice! Maybe I'll try my first shout-out if you do!
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bopinion · 4 years
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2020 / 47
Aperçu of the week:
I dissent! (Ruth Bader Ginsburg)
Bad news of the week:
Why am I actually surprised? It was clear that Donald Trump would fight against an unfavorable election outcome for him. It is well known that the Republicans are bad losers, since they know that they are simply entitled to the political leadership of the USA. It was foreseeable that loudspeakers like Rudolph Giuliani or Tucker Carlson would now finally, albeit invisibly, think they had evidence of an anti-American conspiracy in their hands. It was to be expected that disappointed voters of a defeated demagogue would take to the streets to demand their own version of the truth as reality.
None of this comes as a surprise. But the Republican establishment's stupid adherence to Trumpism does. It was clear that the two "sons by profession" Donald Junior and Eric, or various Fox News presenters, lacked insight in their public statements. But Mike Pompeo, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, etc. are coldly calculating, lying opportunists - but they are certainly not stupid. Why do they hold on to something that should go down in the history books of American politics as an absurd episode, but not as the beginning of a new era? Are they really looking for the perspective salvation of their "Grand Old Party" on the horrifying aberrations of the last four years?
The first week after election day I was shocked that (almost) half a democratic nation voted for an autocrat - this time with a sighted eye. The second current week I am shocked at how the Republican establishment is lacking in identity and standing. I remember how, at the beginning of the pre-election campaign, practically all the party's officials made disparaging remarks about this self-centered, ignorant newcomer to politics, who seriously thought he could lead this proud party. Level of mental disorientation: about 10%. Then he actually won the ticket and one had to stand behind him in the name of the greater good, he would lose and one could soon forget this abnormality. Level of mental disorientation: above 25%. Then he triumphed over Hillary Clinton and you rubbed your eyes in amazement, would contain him confidently ("The office is stronger than the person") and make the best of it, the main thing was that you were back in power. Level of mental disorientation: well over 50%. Then this guy turned out to be a lazy and unteachable tyrant, raging in the staff tableau and on Twitter, not giving a damn about responsibilities and "checks and balances," confusing official authority with personal loyalty, pushing allies and partners to the side in favor of dictators, and isolating himself and his country in international politics, lost the midterm elections and his approval ratings dropped, proved incapable and unwilling to face any social challenge - and he was allowed to continue and simply waved him through as a presidential candidate. Level of mental disorientation: a good 90 %. Then he polarized worse than ever, dismantled state institutions, slandered political competitors, lost the Popular vote and the Electoral College, refused to recognize them, and there is talk of electoral fraud, dreams of a second term in office, and at least expects to run with him again in 2024. Excuse me? Where do we stand now? At over 100%?
Of course, you can change your political positions over many years, even revise them. One makes compromises and forges appropriate and timely coalitions of convenience. In a classic party career, you not only gain political experience, but also companions - in negative terms, dependencies. Nothing welds people together like a common corpse in the cellar. But you never lose your ideals, you have to stand for something. Actually, there are only two possible interpretations of this distortion of reality, which is in principle incomprehensible. Either there is a secret master plan, which I simply haven't understood yet. Or the Republicans are now showing their true face. And that would be a pretty ugly one.
Good news of the week:
It used to be called hocus-pocus or abracadabra before the rabbit was pulled out of the cylinder. The current magic word is BNT162b2. The biotechnology start-up BioNTech from Mainz, Germany, seems to have succeeded, coupled with the resources and market power of Pfizer, the second largest pharmaceutical company in the world, in developing a truly highly effective vaccine against the coronavirus with hardly any side effects. What is fascinating for the amateur is that the vaccine is not, as it is usually the case, a miniature version of a pathogen that tricks the body into believing that it is diseased so that it can produce antibodies against it. Rather, a messenger substance consisting of ribonucleic acid building blocks simply tells the corresponding cells what to do without any detours. Sounds so simple that one almost has to ask oneself why nobody has thought of it so far.
Now follows the fireworks of stock market explosions, interpretative sovereignty and false laurels that are common in breakthroughs. Donald Trump, for example, claims that the new vaccine is due exclusively to his "Operation Warp Speed", although the decisive interim financing came from the German government. And Pfizer too has somehow forgotten that they just jumped on a moving train, but maybe the PR department just doesn't know that. Anyway, it's the result that counts.
Really? Of course it is to be welcomed that there seems to be an effective remedy against the current scourge of mankind soon. At least if the final test series are positive and the relevant authorities carry out their market approval procedures meticulously but please quickly. But the really good news of the week for me is a different one, namely the development of BioNTech itself.
The two founders and masterminds of the company are not only a married couple, but also the children of Turkish migrants. That has rolemodel character in society. And with private venture capital (which, by the way, came mainly from two entrepreneurs in our district) and public funding, they succeeded in bringing an innovative flash of inspiration to market maturity. And not in Silicon Valley, but in the German province, where - typically German - you actually only get a loan when you can prove that you don't need it. In this country, "venture" is associated more with recklessness and risk than with the spirit of research and opportunities. This has rolemodel character in economis. If neither of these things turns out to be the exception, but rather a paradigm shift, I look forward to the future of the "old continent" with much more basic confidence. Yes, we can (also).
Sense of achievement of the week:
Ten weeks ago (2020/37) I wrote about the problem of nuclear waste. For which there is simply no solution. And now I get three answers yesterday. All three from the same sender: "Nuclear for Future". The name is program, of course. With a few empty Phrasen, it is explained that renewable energy is not yet sufficiently available and that nuclear energy is better than fossil fuels. Well, then I know now... ;-)
The great thing about it is that I seem to have been targeted by lobbyists. Some PR professional gives me the relevance to invest work in me. Even though it's only a few clicks for copy and paste, it makes me a little proud. And is my sense of achievement of the week.
By the way: yesterday was Friday the 13th - what a timing!
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atelophobicity · 4 years
Top 10 Things You Shouldn’t Do If You Want to Finish Your Thesis On Time
It’s my entry for September! I’ve been busy in consuming new music, films, and kvariety episodes in my effort to catch up on everything. So, I decided to post monthly to fulfill my oversharing Tumblr needs and to exercise my skills in writing in English and putting thoughts into coherent words.
TL;DR of this: things I’ve done instead of doing my thesis for the past year and a half. I’m not romanticizing my not doing thesis self for the past 21 months, but I’m also not dissuading you from doing other stuff besides thesis because god knows, you will need something.
1. Got a part-time job. This was the first new thing I’ve done that really took my time and effectively gave me no time to do thesis. And yet, this was the most rewarding thing as I learned how to get my TIN, accomplish my deliverables, answer to my superiors etc. Looking back, I wasn’t the best employee and I deserved no job offers on the same company after. But still, it was a stepping stone in the right direction. Adulting-wise, anyway.
2.  Discover the art of creating.
Journal spreads. I bought a 2019 planner and I couldn’t fill it up, so I decided to turn it into a journal-planner. The art materials I used for to design pages are from old supplies bought back when I was in high school or stickers from the fandom-related events I attended. I didn’t spend money and I was given a chance to be creative.
Sew doll clothes. In K-pop, dolls that look like your idol exists. It usually comes with one set of clothes to dress it. As a “doll mother”, I wanted to dress them with new clothes but buying clothes was expensive. So, I just sewed clothes for them. I made clothes from scrap fabrics or clothes no one wears in our household. I’ve been barely successful, but it’s one of the things that keep me happy and make me feel like I’ve succeeded in one measly part of my life.
3. Purged my online files.
From my high school files. Nostalgia has been one of my coping mechanisms. I was able to be provided by lots of it when I discovered that I didn’t lose my high school files and it was on my mom’s laptop all along. Being able to relive memories while organizing my files was the best hours of that day.
To my external hard drives. Since 2016, I have been a hoarder of online files for so long that I have two EHDs to prove it. This time though, I was able to delete content that was either repetitive or uninteresting anymore. I was able to shave off some of my data bytes and am now able to save new interesting content available online (if I ever find one).
4. Realigned my priorities and consumption of K-pop as a stan and as a person by:
Selling 3/4 of my merch. Unlearning the pride that comes with owning K-pop merch was difficult, but overtime, I have been proud of myself for not falling to the traps of capitalism—at least in K-pop. Also! I was able to buy my own concert tickets with the stuff I sold so it is a win!
Joining giveaways instead. No matter how I can avoid the urge to buy K-pop merch, I still can’t help but want to own them. This is where I discovered how joining giveaways was my next best option. It takes a lot of effort and screenshots to win these things. However, if and when you win, it really feels like winning against the odds. You get free merch too!
Actually spent hours to vote and stream. In relation to the last point, since the main requirement in giveaways I’ve joined are voting/streaming proofs, I have been one of those people who collects points on voting apps or has a playlist of music videos that should be streamed. After collecting and/or streaming, I take screenshots, put watermarks there, and tags mutuals if needed. It’s relatively hard work but there’s a feeling of pride when your idol wins the poll or an MV reaches a certain amount of views and you know you participated in making that happen.
5. Rediscover Youtube. Channels like the vlogbrothers and their associates (Crash Course, Pemberley Digital among others), Buzzfeed’s shows (The Try Guys, Ladylike, Buzzfeed Unsolved) were a delight to watch after being out of the Youtube loop for so long. The platform also offered new niches of content and I allowed myself to be sucked in it. From Simply Nailogical to Ask A Mortician to amazing pop culture video essays like Lindsay Ellis and Jenny Nicholson, Youtube has all it for you! Learning something new every day is one of my favorite things and I get to do it with this website.
6. Rediscover my love of writing. (As if I’ve written anything for my thesis but here.)
Made drabbles. There is a weekly activity on my fandom where we write < 500 word drabbles on any pairings. I have been joining when I can, and through the support of the (small) community (back then), I gained confidence to write one. I’ve written at least four now and I’ve not done yet because I’ve been on a slump lately. But I’ll get back to it soon!
Short story. The same account that brought the drabble challenge created a festival where we write a pairing and write a short story with it. I decided to join the event! Not going to lie, my entry was shit, It was the first draft, it needed a lot of revisions and more constructive criticism and yet, I am still proud of it. It was the first creative fiction I wrote since 2019 and I did it in a day. And, I believe it has potential, so I’m going to review and revise the hell out of it someday.
7. Reclaim my college days.
Reconnected with orgmates. Visiting Elbi for registration and consultation purposes are brightened up by the fact that I get to do this. My first four years of college were not kind to me. I’ve forgotten a lot of things because of trauma and deep sadness that I still have until this day, and when I remember good things, they’re few and far in between. The numbered days I was in Elbi during 2019 were also few and far in between, but they were infinitely better than my academic years from 2015 to 2017. I was able to do the things I wasn’t able to do before (mostly attending Happy Ts and eating in newly-opened food places there) and I get to do it with people I love.
Made friends. One of the drawbacks of being a slot-driven student with no care of my coursemates’ schedules: I didn’t get to establish a friend group. So I didn’t get to make friends. During this time, I’ve accepted that I didn’t have any friends outside my organizations. But this time, instead of a feeling of dread of being that cliché orgmate, I feel relief and happiness because now, I realize that I do have friends from college, unlike the 2015-2017 who didn’t have anyone in college to rely on her darkest times.
8. Appreciated my friends more. For the past few years, I was the shitty friend. I agreed to go on hangouts only to message them that I’m backing out the last minute—sometimes I even straight up ghosted them. I really took my friends for granted. I have been slowly making it up to them by always attending when there’s an invite! I sometimes initiate the invite and it’s always a fun and healing time for me (it was a literal healing time for me as I was depressed during that time). I love them and I’m always thankful for them—and more so now than before.
 9. Unlearning things like:
Realizing that a priv (a private account meant to be seen by your mutuals you trust; usually contains unpopular opinions and hot takes on stan twitter) only encourages negative emotions and I must not do it again.
No matter how I tried rationalizing my hate for Jennie when the JenKai dating news happened, I was one of those K-pop stans who hated her because she dated my idol. (I have moved on past that and have started liking her and Rose.)
Knowing that attacking people for what they say won’t make them unlearn their wrong opinions. Not talking down at them and educating with patience is the key, always.
There are still so much more I unlearned and learned where those came from. My main takeaway is: it’s complicated.  Sometimes our opinion needs a more nuanced perspective and sometimes it needs to scrapped entirely because it was just wrong. But it is essential so we, as people, won’t be stuck with outdated views of the world.
10.   Learning something new like:
Practicing how to do Tzuyu’s helicopter hands until I realized it wasn’t meant for me.
Utilizing Omegle to look for potential quaranflings.
Installing Telegram and uninstalling to ghost quaranflings.
How to do laundry in compliance with my mother’s preferences.
Doing two things at once.
Enough patience to take time and read the laws our government makes every day to know what I’m fighting against.
Optimizing my Twitter lists and now I can keep up with current affairs (that takes a toll on my mental health) then scroll through a fic fest-centric list the next (that helps me forget the stress from reading news).
Learning something new every day has become one of my life goals. Knowing that the world always has something new to offer to me, a speck in this universe, warms me up and keeps me going. And you’ll never know where the new tidbits will lead you. Maybe it’ll help you reconnect with something you’ve known before, maybe it’ll change how you see things, or maybe it’s something new that once explored, it will contribute something new to the community. It may seem small and unimportant but with a tweak in perspective, it might be something worth doing and pursuing.
Looking back at my list, I can finally see how if I didn’t do all these things, I would have probably finished my thesis by now and probably working a full-time job, able to provide the financial needs for my family. There will always be regret that I am still not done until now. But stressing over my current predicament in this time when the world is in its most stressful state yet won’t help me. So, we soldier on and hopefully, hopefully get back to the thesis I’ve been meaning to do.
 Let’s get it.
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
the reason people prefer bernie over warren isn't that she used to be a republican, most people genuinely believe the positions she holds now. it's just that those positions A) aren't going to get her elected in a general election, because she comes across as wishywashy on medicare for all, which is much more popular among most americans than centrists think, and republican are GREAT at exploiting the wishy-washy B) isn't gonna cut it with us lefty dems either. bernie polls better against trump.
Hello there! Thank you for your contribution! *
As most people who follow me know, I am not a Political Discourse ™ blog in the usual course of things, and despise Discourse in general. Time is short, lives are precious, and usually arguing with people about politics on the internet is about the most unproductive use of such ever devised. But because you did arrive in my inbox with this opinion, which perfectly exemplifies the dangerous thinking that I was referring to in this post, which I presume is the reason for the pleasure of your company, we’re going to have a chat. I’m going to keep the snark to a minimum, because I am really not a fan of stoking Democratic tribalism or “my candidate is better than your candidate and I can’t vote for anyone else” pissing contests. That being indeed precisely what I was arguing in the above post, and the point of which, alas, you seem to have grasped but dimly. I am therefore going to go through this, because it needs to be deconstructed, and while I may make no impact on you, because I suspect your mind is made up, I am fortunate enough to have a decent following on this blog and maybe someone else will benefit from it. Who knows. The other option is Trump.
Let’s take this one at a time. See for example your first claim, “Elizabeth Warren comes across as wishy-washy on Medicare for All.”
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Have you tried going to her website (elizabethwarren.com) typing in “Medicare for All” and being redirected to the following document? It took me approximately eight seconds to find. It is also not just an attention-grabbing header. The full strategic plan below, when pasted into Microsoft Word, runs to an impressive goddamn 19 pages and almost 8,000 words. It outlines exactly what she will do to achieve this and concludes:
Medicare for All is the best way to guarantee health care to all Americans at the lowest cost. I have a plan to pay for it without raising taxes on middle class families, and the transition I’ve outlined here will get us there within my first term as president. Together, along with additional reforms like my plans to reduce black maternal mortality rates, ensure rural health care, protect reproductive rights, support the Indian Health Service, take care of our veterans, and secure LGBTQ+ equality, we will ensure that no family will ever go broke again from a medical diagnosis – and that every American gets the excellent health care they deserve.
Hmm. Focusing specifically on African-American maternal mortality rates, rural health care, protecting reproductive rights, support for Native Americans, vets, and LGBTQ people? I understand, however, that this can’t cut it with “us lefty Dems,” which you proclaim with the proud assurance that you and the Twitter circles of your acquaintance are in fact the only ones. I’m also… not entirely sure which candidate you’re confusing Warren with, since there are two (2) progressive candidates in this nightmare of white no-name and/or billionaire milquetoast male moderates. Their names are Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. And every single Warren fan I know is willing to vote for Sanders if he gets the nomination, including me. I made a public pledge to vote for the Democratic candidate even if it’s Goddamn Joe Biden. You can see it here. If you are going to demand miles of receipts for Warren before you consider voting for her (and when her positions are similar to or in several cases, particularly for women, MUCH BETTER than Sanders, yes I said it), then you’re really not going to like what it looks like for the other candidates in this race. Also, are you asking these questions for Sanders, your own preferred nominee?
Next, you…. you do realize the privilege that is dripping off this ask, right? The exact thing of which I also addressed in the previous discussion:
The modern American Republican party has become a vehicle for no-holds-barred power for rich white men at the expense of absolutely everything and everyone else, and if your rationale is that you can’t vote for the person opposing Donald Goddamn Trump is that you’re just not vibing with them on the language of that one policy proposal… well, I’m glad that you, White Middle Class Liberal, feel relatively safe that the consequences of that decision won’t affect you personally.
That is…. at least as presented in this ask, exactly what’s happening here. You’re saying that you (and this mythic America/Lefty Dems ™ of which you grandly extrapolate) can’t vote for Elizabeth Warren because you’re just not vibing with her on the language of a policy proposal which she enthusiastically supports and has written a detailed 20-page manifesto on how to achieve? You really, really believe, deep down in your Bernie Bro Internet Politics bones, that you cannot vote for the smart, fearless, extra-qualified Democratic woman opposing the bankrupt reality star rapist who is literally a Neo-Nazi white supremacist whose administration is wrecking the planet and putting children in cages at the border? To name just one of the Scandal-A-Days that this nightmare administration churns out? Because the Lefty Dems (and please do not lump me and the other active leftist Democrats I know into whatever you’ve got going on here) just won’t stand for that?
Do you even hear yourself?
Did we learn nothing at all from 2016???
I’m going to guess that I’m older than you. I’m not sure whether that matters, but there’s that. It means I remember 9/11, the Bush years, the financial crash of 2008, and how this already went once before. I have also just moved back to the United States after almost half a decade in the United Kingdom, which is currently experiencing its same slow-motion disintegration into hard-right economic isolationism, xenophobia, and late-stage capitalist oligarchy. I’m also a professional historian. So it means that I, for better or worse, have a certain perspective on this, the overall patterns, the way the world has stumbled into this destructive consumerist capitalist 21st century, and what it’s doing to us.
We do not have much time left to fix any of this. I don’t care if it sounds alarmist, it’s true. If you are younger than me, this is also going to become disproportionately your generation’s problem. Rigid intellectual purity tests are exactly the thing that is preventing the left from mobilizing behind one candidate to get Donald Fucking Trump and his cabal of shameless criminals out of there before they kill the lot of us. And I’m not going to back down from saying that mindsets like the one perfectly exemplified in your ask are far more helpful to the Republicans than they are to any of us.
I have said it before, I’ll say it again: I will vote for, donate money to, and raise awareness about whoever the Democratic nominee is. If it’s Sanders, I’m going to friggin’ become a Bernie or Buster. Because at that point, his opponent would be Trump!!! If I am living in a state where it would remotely make a difference in November 2020, since at the moment I’m in Bumfuck Red State Nowhere, I would consider canvassing or volunteering for the campaign, and I am a severe introvert with social anxiety who hates talking to people when I don’t have to. And if I am willing to do this, and you and Lefty Dems ™ of your hallowed intellectual proclivities are sitting on your backsides and bitching about how Warren seems wishy-washy on Medicare for All, well then. One of us is more the problem than the other one, and it isn’t me.
(Also. once again, Bernie Sanders is eighty years old and just had a heart attack. Sorry. That remains an issue for me. There’s a year to go of grueling non-stop campaigning before the general, if he wins the primary. I’m not convinced.)
In conclusion, I have recently adopted a policy of donating a few dollars to Elizabeth Warren every time someone appears in my inbox or notifications with a comment like this. So when I thanked you for your contribution at the start of this post, I was in fact thanking you for your extra-generous donation today, December 10, 2019, to Elizabeth Warren for President:
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lansizhuis · 5 years
addressing scum villain
Hello! I’ve noticed that a lot of hate is really going around for Scum Villain and LBH in general. In line with this, Abi made a little game in twitter on whether the MXTX crowd knows what’s legit canon and what’s actually fanon. Personally, I found it very interesting especially seeing wrong answers when it was explicitly addressed in the novel—this inattention to detail, I believe, is also one of the reasons why all this SV hate is getting out of hand.
HERE is the link to the thread of the mini game. HERE is the link to the answer key with concrete excerpts from the novel.
Just to point out some stuff that I found most interesting:
I. “LBH did necrohpilia!!!”
The fact that there’s around 33-ish people who voted “yes” to it when it was already obviously a no if you read the novel is hmmm worthy.
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II. “LBH hurt CQP!!!!”
This one is even more interesting ones seeing a larger skew who actually really thinks that LBH tore CQP and LQG to pieces lol he had all the power and capacity to do so and yet they’re still alive and just defended himself on their (understandable) attacks? haha
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The general gist I got from this very simple game is that there are some details lost in fanon. Now, don’t get me wrong—I love fanon as well esp if they came from really good content creators who make it fit their fic/art/etc. The point stands, however, that canon would always prevail when it comes to legitimate character analysis. I’d also like to point out that the thing about LBH and SQQ is that they were never perfect; that their relationship has been a work and a rough progress from the start. BingQiu is that couple who went through so much rough patches because of miscommunication galore (SQQ thought LBH was out to kill him like half the time and LBH thought SQQ betrayed him, etc).
Another point of observation is that LBH is the type of ML where we truly saw his raw emotions (we saw parts of the story through the lenses of his eyes which isn’t something we really see in other MLs since they’re used to being the “cool MLs”) in all its ugliness bc emotions have never been just beautiful especially when it came from pain. And that was the point! Original!LBH was the typical case of machismo and this was broken down with the characterization of our LBH. Now, does this erase the fact that LBH made mistakes with and without the influence of Xin Mo? Nope! But what makes it better is that we were shown how he tried throughout the story until he found the best fitting way to match SQQ and better himself. That part in the last chapter where, despite with a heavy heart, he explicitly lets SQQ choose is one of my favorite proofs of how he has improved himself.
Also, SQQ is no damsel in distress. He is canonically not the type of MC that’s the “typical kind” persona like that of WWX and XL who are immediately self sacrifing. He isn’t an uwu type that has no strength to go about his way. SQQ has as much power over LBH as much as LBH has over him. As I’ve said, BingQiu is a work in progress so unlike WangXian and HuaLian which is why most of the novel has them doing a lot of trial and error with each other. The extras, though, show their road to success on said trial and error journey in the main story. It isn’t “rushed”—the hints had been scattered all throughout the novel and some wherein we even get redirected bc SQQ is the most unreliable narrator partnered with his attitude of quick compartmentalization.
Final reminders:
1) It’s completely fine to not like a character or a ship AND you don’t have to justify yourself with fake “wokeness” and/or even wrong interpretation. You don’t like something? That’s fine! Leave it alone to those who like it bc obvciously you weren’t the audience for it.
2) Research before you throw hate. Don’t jump into the bandwagon. It doesn’t hurt to ask people who have differing opinions as yours to see a perspective you might have missed. Be a critical thinker yourself. ❤️
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