#Hama to gosh I
kindlystrawberry · 2 years
Part 2: 150 x 150 holiday-themed rise of the tmnt icons!! Free to use, likes/reblog appreciated! And I take requests, so feel free to send any request into my inbox!
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redvelvetwishtree · 11 months
@ pro-Israel and Zionists, is what's happening in Gaza enough to qualify them for self-defence against your murdering, genocidal state? Or do you want them to come out of this all cool and chill and forget what happened? At what point are self-defence and resistance movements/groups okay?
Or does that point never come because you've always wanted them completely wiped off Earth?
Because this time, Israel's acts were majorly exposed. You've always acted like h@mAs eViL without knowing any history. This time, you can't ignore what Israel did. Do Palestinians have your permission to avenge themselves after this? Or is that something only you and other white countries are allowed to do?
How do you now view the situation? Btw all this may be new to you but Israel has always done this every Ramadan, and generally every few weeks every year since decades. You've always conveniently ignored it or stayed oblivious thanks to propaganda machines in your countries but this time Israel's barbarity and cruelty are laid out for you to see.
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shinobicyrus · 8 months
The tech industry is a huge part of the Israeli economy (accounting for 50% of Israel's exports) and the Israeli government loves their tech sector because it's been indelibly married with their larger military industry complex. Many of the high-tech surveillance and security systems monitoring the Gaza wall, for example, are the product of Israel's massive tech-sector, and all that is for sale to the highest bidder.
So hearing Israel be audibly anxious about how mobilizing a huge swath of their citizenry for ethnic cleansing is hurting their economy, their precious tech sector in particular, fills me with only the pettiest schadenfreude.
But the anti-capitalist in me is also mesmerized by this new portrait of dystopia Israel has dropped. That of the citizen-soldier that must also continue to work part-time while soldiering:
Early on in the war, Raz [a software engineer] was at his base within a few miles of the border with Gaza preparing for a mission, while simultaneously talking on his phone with an overseas customer about a software project. "I had to juggle between those two," recalls Raz, sitting in his company's glass-walled office with a view of the Mediterranean Sea in the distance. "I remember it being super, super hard." Israeli aircraft were firing guns overhead while Raz was talking business with a client. "One of the customers asked, 'What's this noise?' and I had to explain that this is shooting sounds," Raz recalls.
It's like being an "essential worker" but instead of COVID it's a goddamn war. You could write an entire book about the absurd concept of a soldier being force to juggle his job in a warzone for the sake of the economy.
The tech sector in Israel builds a huge number of military and intelligence (i.e. spying) systems, which they export to other countries. It's such a vital part of Israel's entire economy that the IDF is actively pulling back soldiers to lessen the burden on their workforce.
Israel's own economic anxiety has done more to temper their war crimes than international pressure has so far managed.
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barblaz-arts · 11 months
I respect your opinion about the Israel-Palestine war, but you need to know that the ones that are putting the Palestine people in danger are Hamas, they are not letting people leave. They are forcing them be there.
To them risking people's lives is nothing, they want to kill and erase the Jewish population.
You need to know that the IDF lets people know where and when there will be a shoot so the people will leave the building (there's a tactic that calls knocks on the roof)
However, after the event on October 8, The IDF WILL ELIMINATE ALL THE HAMAS PEOPLE.
So instead of "free Palestine" write "free people from hamas"
No, I will not do that.
I will not write anything that takes away accountability from Israel, just as I will abhor Hamas' terrible actions. Because this was never about Hamas. Israel doesn't give two shits to differentiate whether who is a member of it or not. Never mind the fact that none of you still acknowledge that Hamas exists because of Israel in the first place. They've been doing this shit since before Hamas and they've upped the scale because they are finally given a good excuse to, or as good as it can be if you're dumb and/or heartless enough to believe them.
"the IDF lets people know where there will be a shoot so people leave the building" You mean like when they threatened the doctors of that chirstian hospital, telling the staff to abandon the injured refugees? Saying that they gave them a choice and that it's their fault for staying, despite the fact that they cannot fucking leave the damn hospital because there are people who need treatment? How considerate of them to do that before blowing them to bits. And I mean literal bits. A lot of the corpses were not intact. But what about when they gave a route that Palestinians could use to flee, promised it was safe, but still murdered them in cold blood? Such terrible manners, gosh.
You Pro-Israel pieces of shit still dont have the balls to go out of anon to say all these, by the way. Very telling.
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What makes Biden’s “ancient desires” comment that much more fucked up is the fact that he clearly thought that if he went with a vague term that nobody will call out his blatant racism and Islamophobia.
“Oh, I didn’t say Arabs, I said Hamas.”
“Oh, I didn’t say that Arabs were motivated by Islam, I said that they were motivated by ancient desires.”
It’s so fucking obvious to anyone with a working brain that this racist piece of shit is saying that Arabs are motivated by Islam to murder Jews.
Gosh how I wish America would abolish its dog shit two party system.
I’m tired of old racist white guys ruining everything.
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twoelectrichearts · 8 months
Noah Schnapp is literally beyond evil. Like, spawn of satan level of evil. He only deserves to suffer for the rest of his existence. How dare he have empathy for innocent civilians in Israel and Palestine. First of all, there’s no such thing as innocent Israeli civilians. Second of all, you can't have empathy for both. Especially if he is a Zionist. All the Jewish people who identify as Zionists are evil. Israel has absolutely no right to exist and Jewish people have no right to exist in Israel. So many Jewish people who are Zionists claim that’s what Zionism means to them but they’re wrong. Zionism is pure evil. You can’t be Zionist and want peace and self determination for Palestinians. I’m not Jewish but I definitely know better than the Jewish Zionists who claim that. They’re all evil lying monsters. They want every Palestinian wiped off the face of the Earth. Hamas would never want such a thing. It’s not like they had a charter that said that about Jewish people. Even if they did, they supposedly recently changed it to Zionists instead so it’s all good now. Hamas is totally accepting of Jewish people now and would welcome them with open arms as long as they aren’t Zionist. Noah, if you’re a Zionist, don’t be anymore. You can change your evil ways. Hamas changed. Yeah, they may have killed civilians and taken hundreds hostage, they may have said October 7th was just the beginning and that it was going to happen over and over again, but they’re no longer antisemitic. They’re just anti Zionist so they’re good people now. You can change and be good too. You’re so young. There’s still hope for you. Stop lying and telling us how you want peace and self determination for Palestinians. We all know that’s not true. It can only be true if you aren’t Zionist.
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You liking something like this makes absolutely no sense if you’re Zionist. I bet you don’t even agree with it and just liked it by accident or something. It’s crazy how I even managed to come across this months ago considering nobody talked about it or brought it to light. You liking that sketch of people in the LGBTQ+ community simping over Hamas got so much attention and caused so much outrage though. Funny how the internet works. Anyways, as a bisexual, I was so offended by that video. Hamas are well known LGBTQ+ allies. How could you like that video as someone who’s gay? It’s probably because you’re lying about being gay too. Shame on you.
Last thing I’m gonna say is fuck Israel and fuck Israelis. That country and all the people living there are evil. They’re all colonizers and occupiers. It needs to cease to exist and all the people currently living there need to go back to where they originally came from. All of them came from Europe, right? That’s what I’ve been hearing. They all need to return to Europe. Gosh, why’d they ever leave there in the first place? I know Jewish people say otherwise but they’re wrong. They’re either lying or in denial. They’re not indigenous to Israel. They’re indigenous to Europe. Us non Jewish people really need to educate them more about their own history, religion, ethnicity, etc. We need to teach them what antisemitism actually is. A lot of them don’t seem to understand what it is. We do that to every other minority group that we aren’t apart of, right?
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
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Oh my gosh I love the Internet. 
The dude in these photos is all over Hamas propaganda. He has taken on many “roles” as you can see in the first photo. 
So I tweeted about it and got a reply back “Boyband and superhero coming next!” with the second photo. 
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fairuzfan · 8 months
🇵🇸📚 here again! I thought you might like to know that Chicago City Council passed a ceasefire resolution today.
ohhh my gosh thank you soooo much <3 this is really nice to see!!
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sataniccapitalist · 2 months
“The single defining feature of this political moment in the United States is that all major presidential candidates favor continuing the perpetration of an active genocide — and that everyone’s trying to tap dance around this issue.
That’s it. That’s the main story here. It’s not “American democracy is on the line in this election.” It’s not “Making America great again” or “Taking back our country” or “Fighting the woke agenda” or any of that braindead nonsense. The main story is that an actual genocide is scheduled to continue no matter whom Americans elect, and everyone’s meant to just ignore that point as though it’s some small insignificant quibble and focus on the candidates’ positions on other issues like immigration reform and student loan debt forgiveness.
The main story is this mind-warpingly insane situation in which progressive-minded Americans now find themselves saying plainly ridiculous things like “Gosh I’m not crazy about this candidate’s pro-genocide policies, but I really like what she’s saying about tax credits for low and middle income families!” It’s that right wingers are now forced to adopt the position “Yeehaw, Trump’s gonna end the wars and bring our troops home and Make America Great Again, right after he helps Israel defeat Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the Shia militias in Iraq and Syria, and oh yeah, also Iran.” It’s that independents are saying “RFK Jr is going to dismantle the war machine while simultaneously backing a genocide and pledging ‘unconditional support’ for the front-line aggressor in today’s major conflicts throughout the middle east.”
That’s what all the headlines should be about. Not how Trump’s 2024 campaign strategy differs from his other presidential runs. Not the ways Kamala should go after him in their first debate. The main story in US politics is the fact that there’s a genocide happening which all viable candidates support, and that an entire country is trying to find ways to psychologically compartmentalize around this horrifying fact.
You can’t “lesser evil” a genocide. That’s not a thing. Past a certain line a candidate is just plain evil, and if genocide is not on the other side of that line for you, then it no longer makes sense for you to talk about “evil” — or any other moral distinction for that matter. By framing the single worst thing a leader can do as a forgivable infraction, you have made all moral distinctions nonsensical. You live your life with your head in a moral universe where good and bad have no meaning apart from your feelings and how things make you feel.”
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floralcavern · 10 months
All right I’m finally doing this.
Name’s Flora. I’m a straight woman. This is my side blog. I write fanfics on there. Or you can check out my AO3 account!
I’m 17 years old. I’m in a ton of fandoms, my main ones being The Song of Achilles, Percy Jackson, The Owl House, Wings of Fire, many different Webtoons, TBHK, and many others. I’m Catholic, so don’t talk shit about my religion to me, I’m so tired of it. From that one country where people eat way too unhealthy and likes freedom 👍 I am the embodiment of stressed and depressed, but well dressed. I really like writing and world building. If you wanna check out some of the stuff I’ve written, sort through the tags on my blog by putting in ‘Writers on Tumblr’ Here’s my Spotify account if you wanna check out my 200+ playlists:
I’m an Israel supporter and pro-Zionism. Sooo.. ya. I don’t give a shit what you think about me. But please know that this does not mean I do not care for the citizens of Palestine. The real threat is Hamas.
My opinion on the IDF (because it’s a lot more complex than you think)
Do you really know what it is you’re chanting?
Important 2
Important 3 (extremely fucking important)
Important 4
Important 5
Important 6
Important 7
Important 8
Important 9
You guessed it. Important 10
Important 11
Important 12
Oh wow! Important 13!
News on the hostages
Hamas doesn’t welcome Christians
Your antisemitism does hurt people
Fuck Hamas
They have security for a reason
Hamas’s war crimes
Al Jazeera is not credible
So much misinformation
Antizionism is antisemitism
The side of everything that no one sees online
Your movement is turning into a death cult
Have it make sense
This is no where close to genocide
Israel has tried peace over and over again
But-But Israel hates Muslims!
I fucking swear, if I see one more person say the hostages were treated well, I will scream
I’m afraid ignorance is contagious
“The hostages said they were treated in well!” You are gullible as hell..
Y’all can support the existence of Palestine without being racist toward Israelis
This is war, not genocide. Also, Hamas are liars
Get your savior complex out of here and learn to hold people accountable
Free the hostages, holy crap.. (t/w for blood)
Confuse them in their own bullshit!
Ignorance.. ignorance everywhere
You’re actually harming your own cause
The casualty numbers are FAKE
It’s the appropriation of Jewish history for me
Oh wow. Al Jazeera. Lying? Who would’ve thought?
Hamas aren’t freedom fighters
Actually extremely interesting
This literally is a war, no matter how much you deny it
Wait until they learn they’re reciting KKK and Nazi propaganda
Hamas do. Not. Care. For the Palestinians
Experts, people who have studied this shit for years, agree that this is not a genocide
Palestinian origins
The reason Palestine hates Israel and Jews (surprise, surprise, it’s because of Hamas)
Palestinians are taught to hate Jews
Wait until you learn that those “Palestinian hostages” are prisoners who were arrested for horrendous crimes (t/w for description of torture)
What the fuck, oh my gosh, this is awful.
Fuck Hamas and fuck the UN
Other people providing links of info
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Free the hostages
Uyghur Muslims in China
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shunin-gumis · 1 month
Designs of Happiness - Track A10
L4mps Main Story Translation
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Title: Interstellar Marriage
Characters: Muneuji, Ushio, Nagi, Netaro, Akuta
Summary: The party is in full swing after the toast. Netaro finally arrives and hands out some colorful buns, however… 
Thank you jes @arcanecrayonn and Sou @/716chr for helping me tackle Chihiro's lines! Thank you Jelly @/jellyfish_apple and Aurora @/azurecrystalz for checking over my Akuta and Kuguri lines too!
Behemoth of a chapter, hope you guys enjoy!
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Location: HAMA House - Dining room
Momiji: (I’m worried about Kafka, he’s been sharing a drink with the ward mayors one after the other… There's a lot of alcohol in his system now. I remember he could barely hold his liquor when we celebrated his 20th birthday…)
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Kafka: *yawn* There you are Chief~ Carry me~
Momiji: Huh!? I take my eyes off of you for a second and you’ve already gotten yourself this drunk? 
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Yukikaze: He must have been very excited to see the company finally coming together. Shall I carry him instead?
Momiji: Ah… Thank you, but I should probably get Sakujiro-san to handle him. 
Momiji: (What happened in Kobe couldn’t be helped, but he’d probably sulk if he found out Yuki-nii carried him again.)
Yukikaze: Oh, but I just saw him leaving with Liguang, Kinari and Yodaka to play mahjong.
Momiji: Really, mahjong now?
Kafka: I don’t wanna~ I’m not sleeping till Netaro gets here! We’re gonna take over the world together~
Momiji: (After interviewing Netaro on Daniel’s recommendation, the two of them really hit it off.)
Momiji: (It’s nice to find a colleague you can get along with on a personal level huh, Kafka?)
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Chihiro: Aww, Chii was thinkin’ of snappin’ some cute selfies with Chiefy, but looks like she’s totally busy with Prez right now~ Oh well, maybe later then.
Tao: Yeah. …? Wait, do you hear that?
Chihiro: Huh?
??: ….meat buns~ get high on our meat buns~ made fresh everyday~
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Netaro: So delicious they’d drive you mad! Would you like to dig into one?
Laika: Bun! 
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Chihiro: OH-EM-GEE!! These buns are, like, super duper dazzably adorbs☆ And your robopet is SO slaying that gyaru fit! Chii’s totally obsessed~♪
Tao: Oh, are you Yowa-san, from the meat bun cafe? They did say you’d be coming in late.
Netaro: Indeed, you are correct! I am Netaro Yowa, soon-to-be 18th ward mayor! I was a teensy bit delayed as I was specially preparing these new flavored meat buns, exclusively for this party! 
Chihiro: Chii’s name’s Chihiro! And this is Taotao! These mystery buns look mega delish and poppin‘~♪
Netaro: These ones over here are the “Peculiar Interstellar Marriage☆Natto-Curry Meat Buns,” and on this side are the “Bon Voyage of Laughter☆Cheesy-Shroom Meat Buns!”
Laika: Nattou~♪ Nanana~ Pipipi~
Chihiro:No way! Burstin’ into song like that, seriously, that’s just shooo freakin’ KYUTE ☆ Taro-ppu, can Chii like, snap some selfies with you two? Lemme post them on dazzle too, pretty pleaaase~
Netaro: Why of course, Chii~!
Tao: Crazy how they’re already on a nickname-basis… 
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Chihiro: Hey cutie, d’you have fingers~? C’mon, make a heart-sign with Chii~
Tao: Don’t mind me enjoying one of these buns while you have your photoshoot. Let’s see… I think I’ll go with the cheesy mushroom bun.
Chihiro: Then Chii’s gonna go with this totes rad lookin’ natto curry bun~ Nom-nom time~♪
Tao and Chihiro: *munch*
Netaro and Laika: ….. 
Tao: Mmm…mph? Pft— Haha, hahahahahaha!! W-what’s going on, I can't stop laughing!
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Chihiro: Huh!? Taotao…!?
Tao: Hahahahaahahha—! 
Chihiro: Waitwaitwait! Chii’s, like, got zero idea what’s goin’ on rn, but isn’t a Taotao mega ultra LOL moment like this is equivalent to rollin’ a SSR!? Gotta record this ASAP!!
Tao: Oh man– My stomach hurts…! 
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Laika: Nattou, Giovanni, piroppu~
Chihiro: Gosh, he’s sooo cute, rollin’ on the floor like that ☆ Ugh, my maternal instincts are just overflowing right now! What is this feeling!? I’ve never felt this way before! I literally can’t stop snappin’ pics~♪
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Toi: I-It’s Chii-sama…! I’m walking on the same ground as Chii-sama… Breathing in the same air…! 
Toi: Ahh… I need to express my gratitude for this miracle with a prayer! Thank you for letting me be born in the same generation as my favorite idol! 
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Mashiro: Chii-sama is, without a doubt, one of the highest lifeforms to grace this planet! 
Sonia: Oh wow~ So Chii-shama is one of the ‘chosen ones’? I shee, I shee! 
Chouun: …I believe that all life is equal, but I shall refrain from commenting further. 
Momiji: Oh, Netaro-kun is finally here. Kafka’s already asleep though. 
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Kuguri: Enjoying yourself, cica*?
Ten: We came over ‘cuz we didn’t get to toast together yet. Cheers to finding all the members~
Momiji: Thank you, both of you. Cheers! 
Momiji: (It’s inevitable that new bonds would be formed as more people moved into the dorms but… I have to say, Ten-kun and Kuguri-san are an odd pair, I wonder when they got so friendly with each other?)
Ten: Oh yeah, I saw Shuumai barking his head off when that meat bun guy showed up earlier.
Kuguri: Fufu, perhaps it's some wild instinct at play… Are you sure you should be letting something like that in here?
Momiji: Like ‘that’… Are you talking about Netaro-kun? Sure, he’s a little odd but, I don’t really think he’s dangerous. 
Momiji: (According to Toi-kun’s reading, Netaro-kun is someone we need to lead us to his brother. I made a promise to help him, and I plan to see it through.) 
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Akuta: Mph, everythin’ looks SO super tasty I can’t stop stuffing myself!
Akuta: I’m gonna eat a lifetime’s wortha food here and now! Nobody get in my way, got it!? 
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Ushio: Ugh, how many “seconds” is that already? I can barely stomach watching you let yourself go. 
Kiroku: But… Kurama… that’s your third plate… of yakisoba… too… 
Ushio: So? That has nothing to do with what I just said.
Kiroku: There’s… no need to… feel ashamed… It’s delicious… after all…. 
Ushio: Who said I was embarrassed? 
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Muneuji: Hm… I’m still famished. I should go get seconds as well. 
Nanaki: I’m coming with you, I need more of this pizza— Hm?
Tao: Phew, it’s finally stopped… I laughed so hard I really thought I’d need stitches… 
Chihiro: Wha-wha-whaaa? Why’re there like, a gazillion pics of Tao in my gallery? Weeeird, it’s like I got some kinda motherly instinct takin’ over me….
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Netaro: Ahaha! I may have added just a teensy bit of a secret ingredient~ Right? Laika~
Laika: Shwatch*.
Nanaki: Huh, that’s…!? 
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Netaro: “Euclidean Deconstruction - Instant Undressing Pen.” A lovely invention, if I do say so myself~
Netaro: You see, human clothing can be so… ugh. They’re too restrictive! 
Kiroku: …Where did… he…come from…?
Nanaki: No, before that, who the heck is he? How’d he get all the way here? The door’s behind us… 
Akuta: Hold up, where’s the egg?
~~~(end flashback)
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Nanaki: Ah…! 
Muneuji: What’s wrong? You’re shaking like a leaf.
Nanaki: I-It’s that guy from before…!
Muneuji: ?
Muneuji: —...!
Akuta: Aw yeah, I can feel the calories already!
Muneuji: Everyone, I need your attention.
Kiroku: ?
Muneuji: The strange individual we encountered on top of the school roof after our HosLive, is here right now. The intelligence operative who took the egg with him.
Ushio: Wha!? No way… 
Nanaki: No matter which way you look at him, it’s the same guy. Can’t forget someone who looks like… that. 
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Akuta: …F’real? Don’t remember the dude. 
Ushio: Yeah, didn’t expect much from someone with your brain cells, Idiotake. But… Why's he here? It doesn’t make sense. 
Ushio: Is he the 18th ward mayor? The one they said would come in late. 
Muneuji: Most likely. He must be Netaro Yowa-san. 
Nanaki: What was it again… He was from a secret operation called… Ponzu or something—
Akuta: Yorozu!
Ushio: So you remember that. 
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Kiroku: The… egg is… with him…!
Ushio: What?
Kiroku: Over… there… 
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Laika: Pipipi. Jijiji. Bween.
Nanaki: That’s… not the egg, right? Looks like a regular pet robot to me. 
Ushio: I agree with Panda. 
Kiroku: No… That’s… definitely… 
Muneuji: You were indeed the one who had the strongest bond with the egg. I believe in Kinugawa’s intuition.
Nanaki: Putting the egg aside, you think it’s okay for us to be near that guy?
Ushio: Who knows… He seems dangerous. We should probably keep our distance from him, unless you want to get caught up in explosions or have your clothes stripped off or something… 
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Akuta: Hey so, did we meet on the school roof back in summer?
Netaro: Hm?
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Ushio: What is he— Why the hell would he just march up to the guy and ask him that!?
Akuta: Well y’see, my friends over there think we’ve met before so—
Akuta: Right, guys!?
Ushio: Pretend you don’t know him… 
Nanaki: …Wait, Muneuji!?
Muneuji: Pardon me. I am the 8th ward mayor, Muneuji Kaguya. Would you perchance remember me?
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Netaro: Uji, your eyes are most beautiful indeed. I can’t help but feel I’ve seen them somewhere long ago— 
Muneuji: ….. 
Netaro: But, I cannot pinpoint the memory. How about we hold our greetings now instead?
Muneuji: ….. 
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Akuta: In that case, heyo, nice to meetcha! Je m’appelle Akuta, superhero at your service! 
Ushio: Muu-chan, let’s go! You, too! 
Muneuji: …I understand now. It’s because he is a member of the Yorozu.
Muneuji: Precisely because they are intelligence operatives, they blend in with society by pretending to be civilians. He must not be able to reveal his identity as he did on the roof.
Ushio: Muu-chan, what are you mumbling about?
Nanaki: So, he’s saying that he doesn’t remember us, right?
Muneuji: Indeed. If that is how he wishes to spin this tale, then we must act accordingly. We should not hinder his mission. 
Kiroku: ….. 
Ushio: Right, let’s leave it at that.
Nanaki: Hmm… Well, okay, I guess. 
Akuta: ‘Kay~ Then I don’t care either~ Let’s get back to digging into some good grub! 
Muneuji: …..
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Nagi: *deep sigh*
Sonia: Are you ok, Nagi-shan? 
Nagi: Yeah… 
Sonia: I guess you’re shtill worried… 
Nagi: Yeah. At this rate… something bad is bound to happen. 
Nagi: It might be better to just go back to the shop and hand out flowers… 
Sonia: But… It’s really cold outside at this time of night… 
Nagi: It’s better that way. 
Sonia: ….. 
Nagi: Yeah. This is for the best… Let’s go back. 
Sonia: Nagi-sha–
Momiji: Oh, Nagi-kun, what are you doing all the way here?
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Nagi: …urk. Um, I… 
Sonia: Y-You shee, we got a last-minute order just now…!
Nagi: That’s right. It was very sudden.
Sonia: Y-Yesh, even though we closed the store temporarily just to come to the party, geez!
Momiji: I see… got it. We’re bringing out the cake, so come back soon! 
Nagi: O-Okay, thank you. Then… 
Momiji: Take care! 
Nagi: Urk…!
If player character is female: Momiji: Huh, w-why are you suddenly clutching at your chest!?
If player character is male: Kaede: Why’re you suddenly clutching at your chest!?
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Nagi: It’s nothing, um… I’ll be off, then…! 
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Sonia: Are you okay!? Nagi-shan! 
Nagi: I’m okay… for now.
Nagi: But, my happiness is overflowing… This is real bad. I need to balance it… 
Nagi: …Let’s go, Sonia. Handing out flowers in the freezing cold should help water down this feeling. 
Sonia: Okay! 
A very minor difference between Kaede and Momiji's response to Nagi, being that Momiji is more prone to stuttering when surprised, but I thought it would be good to point out for anyone interested.
Swatch is an exclamation that Ultraman uses.
Cica is how Kuguri refers to the Chief. It means kitten.
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infiniteglitterfall · 6 months
How are you holding up? I ask because I'm only, like, addressing antisemitism that leaks to my dash with every term related to Palestine I can think of blacklisted. And i'm like. Barely crlinging to fragile sanity. I hope you are better equipped to handle the stresses of this ongoing disinformation campaign. You're doing good and important work, which you must know, but I want to re-emphasize it.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
i swear to god I thought there was a way to reply privately to asks, but apparently either there isn't or I don't have the patience to find it again.
I think that you're describing how most Jews with any connection to social media feel.
The good thing, in a way, is that researching and fact-checking is my major coping mechanism. Researching and rebutting and arguing with people until I understand everything well enough to be pithy about it. Creating ways for other people to defend themselves and to push back. Doing the research to know when I'm right helps me a lot.
I'm probably as well-equipped for this as I can imagine being (that's not really true, I should be talking to people more about it and using 12-step tools to deal with it and gosh some therapy would be nice), and like... there have still literally been times when I've been triggered for an entire week by this shit.
Most notably: the time when I saw a clip on my TikTok fyp from some podcast where some journalist fully got all dressed up and prepared to go on camera, to say that she could imagine there were a few individual rapes on Oct 7 -- although she wasn't aware of any -- but that certainly there was no evidence of systematic rape, and that saying there had been systematic rape was dehumanizing propaganda.
Like. If you can't even take one minute to google whether there had been individual rapes before you go on camera. And you haven't heard of them two months after the fact. Then you don't know enough to talk about this, period. That makes you the very opposite of an expert on the subject. And yet, that is who gets platformed. Ignorant randos who have no personal connection to any of this.
I literally knew there had been gang rapes by Hamas within the first week of the massacre. Because I cared enough to do a search for eyewitness testimony of the massacre, and I found an interview on PBS immediately.
Or, more accurately: it was because it slowly sank in that the attack had been MASSIVE. 22 kibbutzim leveled in one day, hands-on, without an airplane or mortar shell involved. All those people killed the way you would kill a horde of zombies: burned alive, or shot and then mutilated, or cut up and then shot. Like they needed to double-tap, to make sure no one was coming back around.
Two years of planning. Almost half a billion dollars in funding from Iran. Detailed guides even to the dentist's offices and kindergartens and grocery stores they were invading.
And it was very plain to, I think, nearly every Jew on earth that this was an attack aimed at Jews. Even before any recordings of attackers saying "I'm inside with the Jews" or "I killed 10 Jews with my own hands" even came out. Even though everyone else was denying it from the moment it happened.
And I felt compelled to learn more about what happened.
To bear witness.
Even before it became apparent started to seem like the rest of the world would rather die themselves than bear witness to us. Even before it became apparent that Hamas had been telling people Israel would commit genocide in response before its fighters even left that country.
A reasonable person, imho, would ask why the fuck Hamas would commit such atrocities if if thought Israel would respond by killing every Palestinian in Gaza.
The Palestinians in Gaza are certainly fucking demanding to know why the hell Hamas thinks it gets to start a war on them, why its leaders get to hide out and evacuate their families while demanding civilians bleed and die for it, and why it doesn't goddamn turn itself in and give back the hostages.
But anyway.
But that's the thing. I looked it up because I was compelled to. I identified with the people attacked. I needed to know what had happened to us.
That's something outsiders would only do if they were allies.
We know, now, that we don't have allies on the left.
I've seen post after post after post, hundreds and hundreds of comments, on Jewish Reddit, asking if other progressives are okay. Asking, "how are you dealing with rejection by the left??" Asking if others are also shocked and confused and betrayed. Talking about how many friends they've lost who went masks-off antisemitic. So many people who've had to end long-term relationships when their partners went masks-off.
There's usually at least one politically conservative Jew in the comments laughing wryly and going, "wow, you really thought you were safe?"
Sometimes they ask why we're on the left if everyone there wants to kill us. Then we defiantly point out that it's not any different on the right. Or that we're not going to abandon our political beliefs for anyone.
I didn't even watch the podcast clip past that moment.
I ragequit. I went to the file of eyewitness testimonies I'd already put together, after weeks and weeks of denial. (And by "file," I mean "draft in gmail, because it saves automatically, and it's easy to find, and i don't know why it's better than google docs or dropbox paper, but it just is.")
I took the clearest, most authoritative ones and put them into their own document -- which i did make in dropbox lol.
I duetted the video, or whatever the fuck the one is in tiktok where you just take 5 seconds from one video and the rest is your own. It's not duetting. Idk.
It was the middle of Hanukkah. I recorded a video where I read each of however many testimonies I had, and lit a candle before each one. It was almost 10 minutes long, even though I made them as short as I could.
I didn't post it.
I was triggered all to hell for a whole week. I was staying up till 3 or 4 in the morning, researching horrifying rape testimonies, arguing with people on the internet, then sleeping too little and too late, then doing it again.
Watching myself lose a whole week to this. Knowing I couldn't do anything about it. Half-angrily, half-numbly thinking about how I couldn't afford to lose this much job search time, this much unfucking-my-life time. How I couldn't afford to have people I didn't even know fuck up my life even more.
And the bitch of it all is that the tone of the discourse makes me strongly suspect that if we said, "hey everyone needs to walk it back, you guys are deeply fucking up the mental health of pretty nearly the entire Jewish community," people would just respond by angrily telling us anti-Zionism is not antisemitism, mockingly saying that's what Zionists deserve.
Thanks for asking <3
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morlock-holmes · 8 months
in the early days after Oct 7th i was trying to get across the idea to people that what Hamas did was a bad thing no matter how much worse Israel is, and a consistent refrain from people was that there is no such thing as Israeli Civilians, that everyone who lives on that land who isn't Palestinian is de facto an enemy combatant and any violence against them is justified. It strikes me as such a bizarre and anti-human statement i hate it
A person I follow (who probably doesn't want to be part of this conversation) said that here in America there was a hard core of scumbags who were actively cheering the October 7th attacks, and that these people were pretty rare, and then a larger group of people whose opinion was that, essentially, October 7th doesn't matter, that it's been rendered completely meaningless by the Israeli response, and is now such a political nullity that ethical people simply shouldn't see it as a meaningful thing.
I find that latter attitude deeply frustrating.
Israel has now inflicted, what are we up to, 12 October 7ths on Gaza in retaliation, and phrasing it that way massively *understates* the horror of the Israeli response to October 7th. In a just world Netanyahu and all his cronies would be locked in a dark cell for the rest of their lives.
That doesn't just erase October 7th from history.
In general, on my dash there is this pose or pretense of *ignorance* that drives me insane.
"Gosh I have no idea what could have happened that would make 'From the river to the sea' sound worrisome to people!"
"Isn't it obvious that Israel is the only obstacle towards peace in the region and once they go away they'll inevitably be replaced with a multicultural peace? I can't for the life of me think of a single reason people would be skeptical."
Or, "I can't believe that we're arguing about an ethnostate in the 21st century, how is that still happening?"
Oh, I can answer that, it's the Holocaust. You know, almost certainly the most historically important thing to ever happen in living memory?
Minority seperatism (Not just Israel, but things like Black Nationalism in the US) gathered steam as it became clear how thoroughly dedicated the majority in a nation could become to destroying its minorities.
It began to look to a lot of people that just hoping that the majority would be civilized enough to treat certain minorities as equal citizens was a mug's game, and that if you are an insular minority within a nation that said nation can simply revoke your protections as citizens and, exactly because you are a diffuse minority (perhaps even one that believed itself to be so integrated into society that there was little need to organise in self-defense) you will be in a very bad place to defend yourself.
Watching exactly that shit happen multiple times over the 19th and 20th century made this position appealing to a lot of people.
Look, I am not a fan of this kind of seperatism. I don't endorse it or believe in it. But the roots of it are incredibly fucking easy to understand and given the history of the 20th century can't be dismissed as just a crazy unfounded paranoia.
This kind of profession of ignorance and this pretense that, sure October 7th was bad or whatever but going forward it should be ignored because it didn't really, like, mean anything is starting to make me genuinely angry.
One can disagree with all that stuff but stop pretending to be confused about why people are saying it.
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onemorecupofcoffee · 4 months
gosh sometimes i doubt my stance on palestine the zionists calling people supporting palestine antisemitic and making it seem like you can't support both freeing palestine and the jewish community and then i see those videos from palestine and i start sobbing i cant imagine what its like. even palestinians who are lucky enough to survive or dont even live in palestine know people who have died or were harmed its just so so scary so so so so so many people have been murdered ruthlessly their homes destroyed its absolutely horrific seeing footage from there and you see israelis mocking them and acting like it's the end of the world that they're facing violence due to THEIR violent occupation, meanwhile palestinians are living off of nothing no schools no nice houses barely any technology barely any food or water. like its not even comparable this is why we say free palestine because israel will just keep doing this taking away palestinians resources its just terrifying its sickening and then zionists calling it hamas propaganda. people being literally bombed endlessly is not propaganda watch the fucking videos they arent high quality like israels actual propaganda that is so fucking odd and a lot of it is easy to disprove. watch the videos and think about how many times that has happened in palestine with no video. for the past 75 years.
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pukanavis · 19 days
"Mystery on a Moonlit Cruise" Track 2
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Ryui: Toi, does three sugar cubes in your milk tea sound like enough?
Toi: Mhm, thanks, Ani-sama!
Netaro: Oh! I forgot that I mixed some of my newly invented ‘Wasabi Cubes That Look Indistinguishable From Regular Sugar” into that pot~
Muneuji: A tea party, hm? I suppose I could do with a break from studying.
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Nanaki: …
Momiji: So what did you want to talk to us about, Yuki-nii?
Kafka: It must be awfully important to warrant you interrupting Chief and I’s tea time. Right?
Yukikaze: Yes, I have big news. I’ve recently had a new job opportunity for the company fall into my hands. 
Nanaki: (...What’s this about…?)
Yukikaze: The other day, I was approached by my dad along with a friend of his who runs a cruise ship company about my thoughts on possibly reviving their dormant ‘night cruise’ service.
Kafka: A night cruise, you say…! We have a couple tourism wards overlooking the sea so I’ve been meaning to breathe some more life into the cruising industry.
Yukikaze: After talking about it with my dad, I started wondering if we’d be able to help in some way…does it sound too difficult?
Kafka: Difficult? Do you know who you’re talking to? As long as they send over an official contract, HAMA Tours will offer its full support.
Yukikaze: Thank you. I’ll let them know.
Momiji: It’s not every day that you get to help out on a cruise ship of all things. Yuki-nii, did Uncle Sadayuki give you an idea on the type of assistance they’re looking for?
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Nanaki: (Chief looks like she’s bursting with excitement…)
Yukikaze: The ship itself is already in working order but it’s been a while since it’s gone on a cruise so they’re hoping to get some advice on how to accommodate the passengers.
Momiji: I see…in that case, why don’t we have a sort of pre-opening where the employees of HAMA Tours act as passengers and come aboard for the night.
Kafka: Perfect idea ♪ After the pre-opening, we’ll be able to consult with them about our suggestions. 
Momiji: Yuki-nii, why don’t you ask Liguang-san about his opinions on this as well? The 4th ward has cruising services too so I bet that he’ll have some good insight.
Yukikaze: Good idea. Granted, Liguang has been rather busy as of late, so I have my doubts on whether or not he’ll be able to make it to the pre-opening.
Nanaki: (Their conversation is flowing so smoothly…those three have known each other since childhood, right…?)
Yukikaze: To think that I have the chance to sail the seas and admire the nighttime view of HAMA with you…I can barely wait.
Kafka: No one asked, Yukikaze.
Momiji: We can hold a meeting later to figure out the details… So! Is anyone here interested in coming to the pre-opening?
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Muneuji: I’d like to expand my life experiences so I’d be grateful if I could participate. I’d also appreciate the chance to strengthen my core against the rocking of the boat.
Momiji: I’m not sure how helpful it’ll be for your core…I’ve heard that large passenger ships these days have implemented AIs that suppress the swaying of the waves.
Netaro: Oooh, I’d love to get a look at the inner workings of something like that! Count me in!
Yukikaze: Their pamphlet even shows a sun deck. Look, Ryui, it’s on this page.
Ryui: I don’t care.
Toi: I’ve never been on such a huge ship before. I’d love to see what it’s like…
Ryui: Give me that pamphlet, Kamina.
Momiji: What about you, Nanaki-kun?
Nanaki: Oh, uh…I’d like to come too.
(Gazing out at the night sea with Chief right beside me…it’ll be the perfect mood…)
(—Gosh, what am I thinking? Everyone else is going to be there too, there’s no way it'll be that kind of vibe..)
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Nanaki: (This is the furthest thing from a good mood…!)
Chief, hang in there…!
Momiji: …
Nanaki: What am I even supposed to do in a situation like this…? Hey, Andy!
Andy: “...”
Nanaki: H-Huh…? But I had signal just a moment ago…?
Ryui: Toi…Toi! Shit…where’s the ship’s medic!?
Yukikaze: I’ll see if I can find them. The rest of you should stay here and keep watch over everyone.
Muneuji: Let’s all calm down a little.
Ryui: What the hell is here to be calm about…!?
Muneuji: Look closer. It seems that they’re only sleeping.
Ryui: Huh…?
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Toi: Zzz…zzz…
Ryui: …Now that you mention it, that is the same angelic face Toi makes when he’s fast asleep.
Kafka & Kinari: …Zz…
Akuta: Yummy…pumpkin…ramen…pollock roe…corn beef…
Yachiyo: Mmnn…no more food…’m already stuffed…
Yodaka: Don’t rush yourself…take it slow…I know you can take more…if you try…
Muneuji: Fuefuki-san and Isotake have both fallen asleep with plates in their hands. It sounds like they’re continuing to enjoy the buffet even in their dreams.
Yukikaze: Yodaka-san's ability to communicate with Yachiyo in his sleep is amazing.
Nanaki: I-I think they’re having very different dreams…
Momiji: Zzz…zzz…
Nanaki: (I’ve been randomly blessed by the sight of Chief’s sleeping face…wow, those eyelashes…)
It doesn’t look like anyone is in pain. At least we have that to be thankful for…right?
Ryui: Are you stupid? There’s nothing to be happy about here.
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intersectionalpraxis · 11 months
You're "tired of hearing Hamas Hamas Hamas when Palestinian civilians are being slaughtered"? You mean the Hamas Hamas Hamas who literally slaughtered 1,400 Israeli civilians a month ago today? The Hamas Hamas Hamas who chased down and shot more than 200 teenagers at a music festival, who burned people alive in their homes, who shot children in front of their parents, who kidnapped toddlers and elderly women, who went door to door slitting throats, beheading, raping and mutilating innocent people and filmed it and put it on the internet and celebrated? I'm tired of NOT hearing Hamas Hamas Hamas when people talk about "free Palestine". Hamas are vile murderous terrorists who commited the worst massacre of jews since the Holocaust just one month ago. And if you honestly think they wouldn't just as happily kill YOU (a white American feminist) as they killed all those innocent people on October 7th, you are a fool. The innocent people of Gaza deserve to be free of these monsters more than anyone. Hamas could surrender and save Palestinian lives. Hamas could agree to a ceasefire and save Palestinian lives. Hamas could refrain from launching rockets from the southern part of the Gaza strip where they know many hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians have fled seeking safety. Hamas could stop endangering every man woman and child in Gaza at any moment. That they will not tells you everything you need to know about who they are and what they really want. They want martyrs. That is all. The more dead children the better. That is not what Israel wants. THAT is Hamas.
Gosh, sometimes I wish some of ya'll weren't anonymous. Also, in case you don't read all of this, I'm ethnically half-Middle Eastern (Persian, to be specific). I ALWAYS acknowledge my white passing privilege (I'm also half Irish/Scottish too), but you don't get to water my ethnicity down. I was also raised in Canada, not America. But I am a feminist, I'm queer, and something new about me -I'm 5'4', but let's begin my response.
I can show you videos of IDF soldiers praising the death of Palestinians and saying all Muslim people should be killed. Where are the videos you mentioned? A lot of this has been debunked already.
I can show you videos of Palestinian journalists on the ground, who talk about the horrors of witnessing Palestinian people killed, and not so long ago a female journalist watched 10 Palestinian babies get beheaded.
Israel has LIED multiple times about the sexual violence against Israeli women, of the beheading and killing of Israeli children (of which they tried to fake a crime scene, but forensic scientists debunked it with blood splatter analysis and teeth analysis). You also always talk about this amount of violence without talking about Palestinian women being raped by the IDF soldiers and officials during interrogations and also when they are in custody. And the amount of children kidnapped, brutally assaulted, arrested, and detained in Israel for crimes of peaceful protest. There are charts you can look at to the huge disparity between civilians being killed, and Palestinian people are murdered astronomically more.
Hamas, to many people, is a resistance group. And the fact that it was co-created by Israel in the first place, is also something people conveniently forget about. And the reason people ARE SICK of hearing about HAMAS is because THIS IS NOT ABOUT HAMAS. If you haven't seen interviews with Bassem Youssef, I highly recommend watching them. This is about Israel fulfilling its' colonial-settler campaign of eliminating Palestinian people and taking over Gaza completely. There are anti-Zionist Israeli Jewish people who are saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" while Israel commits this genocide, so the fact that you're saying all Jewish people will readily ally with Israel is incredibly false.
Hamas has homemade rockets, Israel as Iron Dome and mass nuclear weapons of destruction. That's a huge difference in military weapon and arms.
Israel has also been BOMBING areas they say are 'safe to go,' like the Rafah crossing being the most recent. Between Israel bombing refugee camps, hospitals, and places of worships -where Palestinian people HAVE taken refuge -THOSE are bombed!! So NOWHERE is safe. What on earth are you talking about?
Israel wants to fully settle on historic Palestine. That's what they want -it's ALL over their socials and documents, and in the mouths of their government officials. Do you not listen to any of their addresses, interviews, and tweets they've been sending out almost daily?
Honestly, it doesn't take a lot to bear witness to Palestinian voices and experiences. Instead of saying that somehow the unilateral violence they are and continue to experience is somehow justified?? There was a child in Gaza, when asked what he wants to be when he grows up, he said "Kids don't grow up in Gaza."
This isn't about Hamas, it's about Israel's Zionist agenda.
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