#Hapers [Findings]
mattsturniolosmuse · 5 months
Can you do a Anthony Vaughn (heartbreak high) x reader because if so I have a idea
Ant and y/n been Friends since they were 2 because their parents were close so y/n and ant was close (you can add memories) and when y/n was 8 she realized she was in love with ant it was always ant and y/n they always took gummies and had sleep overs goofed around with spieder but when she was 16 she saw that on the map it said her and ant were hooking up and ant laughed and said he would NEVER hook up with her and she feels heart broken so she pushes her away and starts to hang out with different people and a year later haper tells ant she doesn't want to be with him and he's heart broken so he crys and y/n is there for him and they kiss and it got heated so the y/n gives ant a blow job so he returned the favor by eating her out but it got pretty heated and it ended by them having sex and ant tells her that he always had a thing for her but he didnt act on it because she was his best friend and the next day she shows up at school wearing ants hoodie and sweat pants and all their friends find out their Dating
yesss thank you anon! I love this <3
I'm running a bit behind in school work, but I should have it out by next Thursday next week!
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glittervame · 4 months
My stupid bugs
This is the most random shit. Don't mind it <3
Heartbreak High x Oc! Reader, it's a teen drama you know what to expect
I felt like my world was spinning in circles, I couldn't hear anything over this stupid ringing in my ears, I stumbled over my feet as I tried to get fresh air shoving people out of my way and trying to get to the quad. "Gem? Amethyst- I need you to breathe" A hand slightly touches the lower of my back and I quickly flench away before calming down a bit when I just realize it was just the three bug boys.
"Sorry," I apologize, my voice is shaky and it sounds like I'm on the verge of crying. "Crazy in there, right?" I sigh as blink the tears away.
Dusty frowns, "Gem...we saw the wall, you know we don't see you or Ant any different" He glances at said boy, "You guys are still our friends"
I glance to his right hesitantly, looking at Spider, his eyes meet mine and he nods. It was probably one of the only times I had seen him so serious, I sag in relief wiping the the stray tears away, and giving the bugs a small grin.
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I found myself sitting in between Spider and Quinni in a musty, boy-sweat-smelling gym when the doors opened holy shit harps. She had buzzed off all her hair and she was rocking the hardcore emo look. "God her hair" Sasha whispered from behind me, "Is she ok?"
"Pack it up eleven!" Missy yelled to the girl who was walking to her seat. Amerie jumped out of her seat and rushed towards Harper-
"Sit down Amerie," Woodsy said into the mike making the girl freeze, she sighed, "I'm a woke woman, I enjoy sex as much as the next person-" laughs ripple across the crowd, "Really don't need to know!" I yelled towards her she rolled her eyes. "-But reputation is everything and this map," she gestured toward the old stairwells, "has jeopardized your reputation and the reputation of our school on the first day back"
She sighed disappointedly before looking at her assistant, "We are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on the map-" groans could be heard from across the room, "I strongly suggested that there are to be no more parties, shindigs, or gathos. Alcohol equals poor choices The risk-taking behaviors outlined on this map are unacceptable. Hartley High prides itself on being a safe environment." There was a handful of laughs, "But this is a wake-up call that we are not doing enough. Oh, and we will find out who did this. Get to class. Go." She shouts pointing at the gym doors.
I was going to call after Amerie as she was running after Haper but Woodsy beats me to it, "Miss Wadia. Come with me." I stop in my tracks and lean into the hand that was wrapping around my waist, "Let's go Gem" Ant ushers me out the door.
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Sitting on the bleachers against the wall I was playing with Dustys' hair and watching the other boys play basketball when Amerie walked back into the room trailing after Harper, "Honestly she looks like a dog" I muttered looking at the pair.
"Why haven't you answered my texts? Oi! Harp! Where have you been? Firstly, your hair. Extreme, but I love it. Secondly, Woodsy knows. I didn't tell her about you, don't worry." I narrow my eyes at her words.
"I'm not worried" Harper states plainly as she blinks at the girl across from her.
"Thirdly, Dusty spoke to me so we're pretty much dating..." I roll my eyes at Amerie's words, narcissistic bitch.
"I don't give a shit"
"What's up with you? Hello. Didn't you hear me? I took the fall for you." She rolled her eyes like it was the obvious.
"I didn't ask you to do that."
"Shut up. You're my best mate." Amerie laughs
"Not anymore." Harper sneers, shutting her down quickly.
It was like watching a tennis match, the bystander's eyes in the gym bounced back and forth between the two girls and you could cut the tension with a knife. Some students had already started to pull out their phones to record.
"What are you talking about?"
"fuck off," Harper says more aggressively
"Okay, Harper, I don't get it."
"Of course you don't." she rolls her eyes
"Well, then tell me."
"I said get off me. I'm fucking done with you!"
"Fight, fight, fight!" a slight smirk passes over my lips as I see the students egg the girls on.
Amerie goes to grab Harper but the blond shoves her which causes Amerie to pin her giants against the wall, "What the fuck Harper? Stop! Why are you doing this? What is wrong with you!?" Harper bashes her forehead against her noes causing Anmerie to fall on the floor with a bloody noes. Quinnin went over to see if she was ok but ended up getting sneezed on, blood splattering all over her face, "ew"
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I grip my solo cup like it was a lifeline as I clutch onto Harper, her blond hair falling onto her face, "Bloody love you, We stick together yeah?" She nods, "Forever together, the tree musketeers" My eyeliner and face makeup glow in the dark lights my face grins as I get handed another drink by Amerie, "Drink up bitches we're getting fucked!" I rush to the dance floor with the two girls laughing along with them.
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"Why'd she do it? Crazy bitch." Ant seeths, "My mums going to kill me because of her"
I slide into the seat next to him, "Who did what?"
Spider glanced at me, "Amerie wrote the map"
My blood runs cold, as my eyes instantly find the girl who was talking to Sasha, before standing and making my way over.
"Oi, Sash! So you've picked her side?" The black haired girl asks
Sasha gives her a bewildered look, "Are you kidding me? Dude, everyone's pissed. You broke people up. You outed people. And all of that work Missy and I did to stay friends after we broke up, that's fucked." Her eyes barely meet mine and I wince.
"Doesn't mean anything now, because... Harper did the map too." Amerie says it was obvious and she did nothing wrong.
"You know what really shits me?" I hiss as I shove her back so she stumbles over her feet, "When people can't own up to their actions, You outed me to the whole school you bitch, I told you that in confidence because you were my friend! Didn't think you'd write it on a public wall for all eyes to see you sick fuck." I harshly push her back again so her back hits the brick wall of the school.
"You outed not just me but my friends" I take a deep breath before continuing, "Look, I hope you're okay...But that map is a real dog, man. And I just think you need to do some work on yourself. Like, away from us." I gestured to the people behind me in the quad, and people started laughing at the girl in front of me. "I don't want you back Wadia"
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The intercoms screech as they turn on, "Will the following students please meet in classroom 5D: Amerie Wadia, Harper McLean, Sasha So, Missy Beckett, Dustin Reid, Spencer White," Ant elbows Spider making fun of him, "Anthony Vaughn" his smile quickly fades off of his face and then he rolls his eyes as Spence grins at him.
"Sounds like a bunch of dickheads" Darren says munching on a snack and then handing a piece to Quinni when they're finished.
"Darren Rivers"
"Damit" Darren curses and I grin at him, wiggling my eyebrows and waving him bye.
"Quinn Gallagher-Jones, Douglas Piggott, Malakai Mitchell." I sigh happily lying down on a picnic table and waving my friends bye as they walk away.
"Amethyst Rivers"
"Damit!" I yell out in frustration, I hear Darren bark out a laugh before I follow behind them.
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As I walk into the room, my bag slung over my shoulder, I hear Woodsy yelling at Spider to get off the table he's sitting on. I duck as a wad of paper gets thrown in my direction, "Whore" I say to Ant, "Slut!" He grins back as I sit between him and the Spider.
"Map Bitch!" Spider whistles at her like an owner trying to get a dog's attention, "Map Bitch."
Amerie snaps her head around glaring daggers at the new kid sitting next to her, "What cunt?" He backs away, "Nice to meet you too"
"Come on Douglas..." Woodsy complains ushering him into his seat.
Spider perks up, "Oi, eshay bah! How was stereo brah?" The group around them laugh at his joke and Dusty pats him on the back.
I hang over Spider, arms dangling around his neck, "So cemetery tomorrow?" I lowered my voice so Woodsy couldn't hear us, my eyes looking around the group.
"Yeah boy!" Dusty and Ant dab each other up, "It's going to be a rager!"
Darren turns around their pink silk wrap string falling over his shoulder, "Oi, uh, what's the cemetery?" they ask eyebrow lifting.
I go to open my mouth but Spider beats me to it, "None ya biz, bong water"
"Ok, settle down thank you," Woodsy raises her voice before Spider can say anything else, Another teacher walks into the room that I've never seen before but as I look around it seems like some students recognized her.
"Hi, everyone. I'm Miss Josephine Obah, but you can call me Jojo. Kind of like, "Yo-yo," but J." She laughed at herself but seeing as no one else was laughing she cleared her throat, "I'm an English teacher, so I know some of you. But I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here. Well, your names were on the map in the stairwell. The one that's out of bounds" She looks at Amerie.
The new kid raises his hand, "Um, what map?" His face is full of confusion.
Jo-jo gives him a deadpan look, " Okay, very funny. Look, peeps, we're not dumb. We know a lot of you are sexually active, but we're concerned this map demonstrates a real lack of respect for one another when it comes to sexual relationships. So we want to address it head-on. This is a special class that aims to give you clear and accessible information about sex and intimacy...A sexual literacy tutorial."
"SLT. So we're sluts? Jo-jo, are you calling your students sluts?" I grin at her as I watch her squirm when Spider starts chanting with Ant and Dusty.
"Sluts! Sluts! Sluts!"
Jo-jo waves at everyone to be quiet, "That's enough. Come on, everyone. This class will go back to the basics on sex and...Because clearly, you all have a lot to learn in that department. It'll happen twice a week, in your own time." The class lets out collective protests ring out through the room and Jo-jo hesitates to finish, "Until..."
"No, until we judge that you started to respect each other and yourselves. You have to attend every class or it'll go on your permanent record." Woodsy finishes for her.
Ant looks up in surprise, "Wait, we have permanent records?"
"This is sex jail!"
"Thanks a lot, map bitch" Ant glares with the rest of the class at the girl as she shrinks in her seat.
"Sorry. Um, it's actually my first day. I don't think I'm supposed to be in here." The new kid raises his hand in protest.
"Legend! Made it to the map before you even started!" Spider cheers to the boy, The kid turns around in his seat to look at Spider and I shoot him a wink as I grin, and he swiftly turns back around.
"All right everybody up!" Jo-jo ushers to us, "Okay, now clear these tables to the side, please. And lift them. don't scrape them along the floor. Thank you. Now, I want you all to start walking around the room. Come on. Walking. Good, you know how to walk. Now, I want you to choose three other people to start shaking hands with. Shaking, shake... Good, you know how to shake. Shaking. And..." She looks around the room.
"Spencer," He raises his hand, "You have genital crabs-"
Darren laughs, "Checks out"
"-Not in real life, Darren, for the purposes of this game. Put your hand up, Spencer. Hand up, Spencer. Now. Hands up, who shook hands with Spencer." Me, Ant, and Dusty raise our hands "Anwo shook hands with them?"
More people raise their hands, "And who shook hands with them?" everyone has their hands up except for Amerie, "You all have genital warts" The class snickers.
"I thought it was crabs?" the new kid chimes in
"Right. Crabs. Thank you, um..."
"Malakai. Thank you. You all have genital crabs, except for you, Amerie. Well done, What does this highlight the need for?"
"Stay away from Spider, he's chat" Ca$h comments from his corner. I laugh at his comment and ruffle Spiders' hair.
"Fuck off, guys!" Spider snaps
"No! Condoms" Woodsy yells, standing by the door.
I grab my bag and make my way over to Spider and Dusty who was talking to Amerie, I wrap my arms around Spider to tug him down so I can get on his back.
"Hey, um, did we hook up?" Dusty asks confused.
"No you didn't Dusty," I say staring down the girl, "She would've been boasting about it."
"Yeah, I didn't think so but it says here-" He points at his phone showing the map. "It isn't anything Dusty," Her face was visibly turning red. "There's like a...It's like a gold line between our names?" He furrows his brows
"Gold line means destined, like destined to be," Spider grins, "She wants you dusty" Ant starts making kissing noises and I shove his head to the side.
"Simp!" I call after Amerie as she walks out of the room.
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With a soft sigh, Spencer lowers his head between my legs and presses his lips against my folds. He begins by gently licking along the length of my slit, teasing and exploring every inch of my sensitive skin. His warm breath fanning over my clit only serves to heighten the sensation, making me arch my back and grip his shoulder.
As he continues to pleasure you with his mouth, Spencer begins to use his tongue more assertively, flicking and circling my clit with precision. He moans against my skin, his hands cupping your hips as he thrusts his tongue deeper inside me. The feeling of being so thoroughly devoured by his mouth, his expertise in bringing me so much pleasure, sends shudders of anticipation coursing through my body.
His hands move up to your hips, gripping them firmly as he sucks on your clit, drawing it into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue in a rhythmic pattern. You can feel the pressure building within you, the need for release growing stronger with each passing second. With a final, long drawn-out lick, Spencer pulls away from me, watching as my eyes flutter closed and my breath hitches.
"Are you close?" he whispers, his voice thick with desire.
I nod frantically, unable to speak past the wave of pleasure that washes over me. He smiles, satisfied, and then leans in again, running his tongue along my slit and teasing my sensitive bundle of nerves. With one final thrust of his tongue, he pushes against my clit, sending me over the edge. My body convulses in a powerful orgasm, my legs shaking uncontrollably as I cry out his name.
Spencer keeps up his ministrations, licking and sucking until the last tremor subsides, his tongue lapping at my folds like a lick of flame. When I'm finally able to catch my breath again, he pulls away, his lips swollen and red from the contact. With a satisfied smile, he looks up at me, meeting your eyes.
"Better?" he asks, his voice a low rasp.
I nod, unable to form words as I try to process the incredible sensations that still linger in my body. I reach down between my legs, feeling sticky wetness where Spencer had been, and let out a soft moan. 
"Bloody hell," I breathe as I look at my phone, looking at the time, we have ten more minutes until we have to get ready for pregame." 
Spencer grins at me, "Good" then he disappears back between my legs.
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♫ Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake? Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze? ♫
The music thumped in the background as I was curling my hair, "Hey fuck face! Can you get me a drink?" I yell to the other room. "What do you want?" "Anything is fine no beer though!" I yell back.
♫ If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great. But while in this world ♫
"Okay, got the eye shadow just where I want it," I say, admiring my work in the mirror. "Now for some lipstick... hmm, red or nude?" I pick up a deep red lipstick and a nude gloss, holding them both up to her lips before deciding on the gloss. "Yeah, that'll be perfect. Just enough color without being too obvious." As I finish applying my makeup, I take one last sip of her champagne and decide it's time to get ready.
♫ I think I'll take my whiskey neat, My coffee black, and my bed at three ♫
I grab my favorite gold body chain and my black lace ankle boots, slipping them on before doing a quick spin in front of the mirror. "Not too bad, not too bad," I say with a satisfied nod. With my party look complete, I down the rest of my champagne before heading downstairs to meet with the rest of the boys
♫ You're too sweet for me, You're too sweet for me ♫
"What'd you get me?" I lean over the counter look, and grab the drink. Ant and Dusty shrug and point to Spider. "I did roulette with the dinks, trust, they're going to taste good" He grins, pushing the cup to her lips.
♫ I think I'll take my whiskey neat, My coffee black, and my bed at three ♫
I take a sip and let the sweet, citrusy flavors dance on my tongue. The music plays on, setting the perfect ambiance for pre-game party. I take another sip, savoring the taste, and feel a warm, fuzzy sensation spread through my chest. It's not just the alcohol talking; looking at my friends as they argue over what drinks we're bringing. I love my stupid bugs.
♫ You're too sweet for me, You're too sweet for me ♫
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windshield91 · 6 months
@cfr749 Hope we get no more drama. But I'm really enjoying this exchange with you.
"Nothing." "This isn't gonna to work if you're gonna lie to me,"
- She is clearly angry and he asks why. She could've told him off and left and had done that before, but she chose to engage.
- Tim choice of words is poor agree. But it’s his way, he could've more gentle and at some point, she'll either adapt or leave. Both need to accept the other different behavior, way of communicating.
- Generally, I don't or believe in someone changing for their partner or trying to change their to some better version. If you're not changing for yourself, you're just spinless, a pleaser.
"Did you undermine me today because you're scared that I'm gonna make detective?"
"Experience showing" that was my comment in the scene during the episode before she said that line, so.(I will bold these comments after)
"No, And I'm upset you'd even think that" -Tim
"May be it was subconscious" - Lucy
- If she thought that, why ask him to ride with her in first place? She clearly gave it some thoughts, not a momentary thing.
- It is called subconscious for a reason. Honestly, this conversation was getting ridiculous by the moment just walk away both of you.
" You have to admit what happened with Isabel was deeply traumatic for you''
1. Seriously, they've talked and examinate Isabel situation lengthy and thourthly last season. And when she guested, it felt like a closure to this arc. Find a different conflict
2. It started to feel its Lucy problem, the way she always brought her up and kept comparing.
3. The situation is different. Him& Isabel started together, figured out their career choices, and been married for long before the fallout, but Him&Lucy relationship still new even if they were friends before, still figuring things out between them habits and so, they don't even live together and both in different stages of their lives. Tim has an established career, been married, and a soldier, but Lucy is still figuring hers out even with her therapy skills. It's not wrong, but that's why they start to clash with each other. Their experience difference is showing, Life isn't a textbook.
"I've never not admitted it. I admitted it the first day we met"-Tim
1. True, But Trauma never goes away Isabel, Mark even Harper, Part of Tim will always have reservations on uc work.
2. Tim knows that, but he is more an action "efficient" than possibilities type of guy. He deals with problems as they come not simulate all different scenarios.
"The only thing I did today was have your back But if you can't see that, then...."
"I'm tired... Let's just take the night off"
1. Like I said, Time to walk away before saying things that can't be taken back.
2. I felt like there was something else beneath that whole scene, "Five player".None of that would've happened if Lucy didn’t do it. So that felt like what Tim really was asking ''Do you blame me or our relationship?" " Will you hate me if you didn't pass?" and Is part of Lucy accusing even subconsciously blaming him for messing with her chances, not really "undermine" thing. Is she now really understanding the seriousness of Haper warning? Maybe part of her was hoping things would blow over after some time, but now she is grasping with the reality they aren't.
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harrison-abbott · 8 months
That Snowy Crime in the Woods
Three boys called Mick, James and Harper beat up this smaller kid one day when it had been snowing intensely. School was called off. And the trio of boys set off into the city to glamorise in the snow. Thickest fall they’d ever seen. There was sledging and snowmen in the earlier part of the day … and the afternoon wavered on. Mick knew where he could buy some alcohol; from his big cousin. If they chipped in they could get one of those fat plastic bottles of cider. Cheap, shit alcohol. And their cousin shamelessly bought it for them and they took the chubby orange bottle into the woods and drank from it. Tasted awful, but that didn’t matter.
And then when it got to the latter part of the afternoon, this new boy walked into the woods. Unannounced; they’d never seen him before.
They called him over. He tried to escape, looking afraid. But James chased after him and grabbed him and offered him a drink. The trio were all taller and brawnier than him; with him maybe two years younger. They toyed with him. Harper kept forcing the cider on the boy. Who said he didn’t want it. He pushed the bottle in the boy’s face. The boy pushed the bottle back. That small surge of force made Harper slap him in the face. The boy started crying so they attacked him to shut him up; because the neighbourhood houses weren’t far off from the woods. It just sort of happened: the assault. The way that children tear up grass for no reason, or they kill insects, or a larger animal if the chance be there. They do it to see what it would feel like. From base curiosity, with no parents around. Adults, rather; as parental influence had little to do with this event in the snowy woods. They kicked him, punched him up. He stopped crying because one smack to the head was pretty bad.
And then they ran away laughing.
This was the first time the boy had ever been attacked. His baptism in violence. He vowed, sitting there in the snow with his blotchy face, to find out who those three boys were. He already recognised one of them and knew where he lived: he lived four streets down on the corner of the house, and he knew because that boy was often playing keepy-uppies with his football in the front garden. And, so that was a start. He would get all three of them back. He just needed to figure out a way to do it without being caught.
The trio were all 13 when they assaulted him, who was 10.
Mick disappeared when he was 15. One day he didn’t return from school and an alert for a missing person was sent off after a day and night. The entire district went looking for him and his mugshot appeared in the news. Such sad stories about this “lively, bubbly lad” whose family longed to have him back safe soon. They didn’t get him home soon, or ever; and the whereabouts of Michael Birrell’s skeleton are only known to one person nowadays.
James died in a motorbike accident at the age of 21. Hit and run, they said. James had recently gotten the new bike, that he’d wanted for years and years, for his 21st birthday. And he would take it out into the country fields for glorious spins. Another car found him unresponsive on a lane, a mile from the nearest farm. The carnage was complicit with being struck by a vehicle, with the vehicle having left him at the scene. And the police put out requests for information about any cars or vans they’d seen in the area on that sunny Sunday morning. Nothing turned up.
Mick and James had stopped being friends when they were in their mid teens. When they were 13, they weren’t really friends either, not really: were simply in the same class at school and they hung out for soccer or because it was known that Mick could purchase alcohol from his cousin.
And neither of them hung out with Harper after they’d gotten older either. It’s just what people do. When they’re young, they are with you; when they age, they lose interest and bound off somewhere else. And that’s what Haper did too.
And so, when the police detectives were looking at Mick’s case, they knew zilch about James of Harper. And even when Harper was killed, it was so long after that snowy crime in the woods that they couldn’t possible have made the connection.
Harper was hit by a train, one night. After a night out with his friends he was waiting on the night train. He had made this journey many a time. And though Harper was known to enjoy the nights out way too exuberantly, his friends were surprised that he had lost his footing on the icy platform and fallen onto the tracks – where he must have hit his head. And the train driver didn’t see him until it was too late. There was another explosion of love for this wildly funny young man. 25, at the time of his death. Harper had been handsome, kind, an upstanding friend. People didn’t know how such bad luck could strike a fellow who had never hurt anybody. A tragedy indeed.
The police still investigated what happened that date, on the train platform. Out of routine. They observed the CCTV footage to see if anybody else was on the platform at the same time as Harper was. This was long after the people in the ticket booths had gone home, and so they couldn’t be witnesses. But, no: there was no other individual present for around forty minutes during the time that Harper staggered into the main atrium, bought his ticket, and then went through the gates, whereafter he disappeared from camera view.
There was one thing that cropped up. It was from some of the imagery on the CCTV footage: from that initial part when Harper walked in to the station and bought his ticket. As Harper went up to the ticket machine – his body changed when he heard something behind him. He was tapping at the screen, and was about to pay for a ticket, when his head snapped back, obviously having been distracted by a noise. And then he gazed at whatever the source of noise was for a long time. He then hesitated, as if about to say something, or call out. But never did, and then paid for his ticket – and then left through the gates, at a quick pace. There was nothing to suggest what might have made the noise on the CCTV. And it didn’t have audio anyway, so there was no possibility to decipher.
Was there somebody with him that night after all? Perhaps. Maybe. Certainly a possibility.
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purpleplaid17 · 5 months
Jess Watches // Mon 29 Apr // Day 215 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Renegade Nell (with mum) 1x07 Stop Printing This Muck
The gang head to Fleet Street to stop the news sheets from printing lies about Nell.
It's now a musical?? Every episode is like a different genre lol. Sofia finally realizing Poynton is using her just like he is with her brother. Please, take him down to paradise city in the finale. Also, loved Polly getting a job at the newspaper based on her flowery description of Nell's eyes.
Avoidance (with mum) 1x02
When Spencer gets invited to a laser quest party by Jed, a cool kid he is keen to befriend, Jonathan is so distracted by overparenting the situation that he risks both embarrassing Spencer and losing his job.
Quasar kids don't mess around. It is on sight. Jonathan is so socially awkward and it is sometimes painfully relatable. He loves his son though and is trying his best ok.
Killing Eve (Remix) [x] 3x11 Are you Leading or Am I? (Finale)
3x08 - Villanelle asks Eve to retrieve a package Konstantin had hidden to aid his escape. Their slow dance is interrupted. They arrive at Paul's house to find Carolyn holding him at gunpoint. Eve and V leave together. They make a pact on a bridge to walk away and never see each other again.
Slow dancing in the ballroom. Swaying to the music as they contemplate grow old together. We as a fandom pushed Rhian infront of that train for interrupting them. And then to end on The Bridge Scene with Saorse Ronan singing about them kissing each other forever. The ending we deserved tbh. Hopeful. And hopefully y'all enjoyed the remix. It's crazy that it was even possible and mostly makes sense. Ph, what could've/should've been.
Heartbreak High 2x04 Legs Open Hearts Broken
As a new wave of notoriety follows Amerie on a camping trip, her efforts to track down a mysterious saboteur only make things worse.
Everyone's jumpah game this episode was 🔥. Amerie's multi-colour check wrapped around her shoulder, Malakai's blue patterned fleece, Quinni's green swirly sweater. Can whoever did the wardrobe do me next. And Haper having the "best night sleep ever" laying on Ant surrounded by friends.😭 Also, I think I know who Bird Psycho is but not sure why they'd want so badly to hurt Amerie.
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dharmaoriginals · 5 months
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Discover the charm of everyday elegance with DharmaOriginals’ Everyday Essentials collection. From the versatile Aki Laptop Backpack to the chic Haper Backpack, find your sustainable style statement today!
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saltyalexander · 1 year
I think I’m probably quite shy, and I find that the best way to get to know people is through making things together. It’s a way of having very active, visceral, engaging conversations with people. It keeps me social.
Cate Blanchett, Haper’s Bazaar 
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abnormalfxiry · 1 year
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My OC Arielle and how she would feel about my favorite yanderes
Not my art! This picture was made with picrew
Harper: She would like him a lot. She would love his own love for animals and love how protective he is!
Friend: She would also love friend! Falling for a childhood friend is up her alley, and she would be flattered at how much he wants to take care of her.
Ren: She would be a little creeped out by Ren. She would be flattered for sure, due to her being too nice, but she would catch on to certain things quickly such as him looking like her favorite characters.
Adam: Adam isn’t really Arielle’s type, but she still would have pulled over to help him. Once he stabs her though there’s nothing there anymore.
Jack: She would find Jack sweet! Yes he’s a ghost, but he’s real enough for her to touch and feel, and thats good enough for her. She would love how encouraging he is. Helping her get up in the morning so she can do her daily tasks and such.
Peter: No. It would not work out very well. She would find something off about him the moment they were to meet eyes.
Alan: Arielle would like him a lot. She would feel very off-put about how secluded he is from the rest of society, but once she’d start to see him more often it would kinda grow on her. She’d get a rush from his candy shoplifting shenanigans since it’s so out of character for her.
Haper: @campwillowpeak Friend: @stnaf-vn Ren: @14dayswithyou Adam: @YOUandHIM Jack: @sunnydayjack Peter: @YØur_BØyfriend Alan: @hatchetmanofficial
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unitedbydevils · 6 months
Match Review: West Bromwich Albion U21s 0-3 Manchester United U21s
Fun fact - I was over the road from The Hawthorns when this match was on, as I train with my friends in West Brom's 'Proud Baggies' LGBT group. I wore a United shirt too, of course. Got to let them know.
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Despite the scoreline, West Brom did almost open the scoring in the 7th minute with a beautifully whipped cross and diving header just glancing wide.
10 minutes later and United took the lead, with a sharp counter-attack putting Charlie McNeill into the box and his cross, looking for Ethan Ennis, bundled into the net by Baggies CB Haper-Bailey.
McNeill did find Ennis 20 minutes later, with a lovely squared ball in the box for an easy Ethan Ennis tap in, but United's third and McNeill's deserved goal would have to wait until the 67th minute. A killer through ball from Aljofree allowed McNeill to break on Haper-Bailey, approach the keeper, dink, and gentle finish for 3-0.
United are decidedly mid-table at present, but with McNeill and Ennis looking so sharp and 1-2 games in hand on most sides above them... there's hope for the season yet. Next up is Brighton on April 8th, and they are a team higher up in the table and with a game more played: a chance for United to claw back ground.
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dealgemeneverwarring · 9 months
De Algemene Verwarring #104 - 8 January 2024
Episode one hundred and four of De Algemene Verwarring was broadcast on Monday, January 8, 2024, and you can listen to it by clicking on the link below that will take you directly to the Mixcloud page:
Pictured below is the Swiss all girl punk-pop band Chin-Chin, I just recently got to know them and I think I heard them first in one of Erika Elizabeth's curated Maximum Rock'n Roll radio shows (who arz, by the way, highly recommended if you're into that kind of edgy post-punk and girly pop and all). Erika used to host the Futures And Pasts podcast, and is also a member of the band Collate. Chin-Chin was formed in 1982 in Biel, Switzerland and released two singles and a full length (reissued by Slumberland Records and Mississippi Records), and now there's also a compilation released by Sealed Records, which includes the unreleased four track Janice Long Session recorded for the BBC from 1988, never released before. I'm playing the song Cheat Boy Cheat in this episode (it has a Ramones bass riff yes!). Other tracks in this episode come from a few of the records that I listed in my best of 2023 posts last week (Sheaves, Famous Mammals, Blod, Drifting, and the anarcho punk compilation on Optimo Music) and older and newer tracks from DAF, Suburban Lawns, Violent Change, Maan, Current Affairs, The Shapiros, and a brand new single from Swedish legends Brainbombs! And beneath the photo you can find the playlist for the show. Enjoy!
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The Weedons: Shimmy Shimmy (LP “The International Vicious Society Vol. III” on University Of Vice Records, 2016, originally released on a 7” in 1964)
Brainbombs: Hello From Hell (7” “Blackout Ripper” on Skrammel Records, 2023)
Suburban Lawns: Flying Saucer Safari (LP “Suburban Lawns” on Superior Viaduct, reissue 2021, originally released in 1981 on IRS Records)
Honey Bane: Girl On The Run (2LP “Cease & Resist - Sonic Subversion & Anarchy Punk In The Uk 1979-1986” on Optimo Music, 2023, originally released on a 7” in 1979 on Crass Records)
Chin-Chin: Cheat Boy Cheat (LP “Cry In Vain” on Sealed Records, 2023)
Flux Of Pink Indians: Tube Disasters (2LP “Cease & Resist - Sonic Subversion & Anarchy Punk In The Uk 1979-1986” on Optimo Music, 2023, originally released on a 7” in 1981 on Crass Records)
The Suburban Homes: I-Phone Suicide (12” “…Are Bored” on Total Punk, 2017)
Current Affairs: Right Time (LP “Off The Tongue” on Tough Love Records, 2023)
DAF: Liebe Auf Den Ersten Blick (LP “Gold Und Liebe” on Virgin, 1981)
The Sheaves: Mid English Perversion (LP “Excess Death Cult Time” on Minimum Table Stacks, 2023, originally released on cassette in 2022 by Moone Records)
Famous Mammals: Comets For Poets (LP “Instant Pop Expressionism Now!” on Siltbreeze Records, 2023)
Violent Change: McCartney The Fox (LP “Starcastle” on Sloth Mate Productions, 2023)
The Shapiros: Gone By Fall (LP “Gone By Fall: The Collected Works Of The Shapiros” on World Of Echo, 2022)
William Henry Meung: Airport Song (LP “Hiraeth And Limerence” on Horn Of Plenty, 2023)
Maan: Love Lost (LP “Manifold” on Kraak Records, 2013)
Blod: Ondskans Frö (LP “Ondskans Frö”, self-released, 2023)
Drifting: Sun Sings A Song For No-One But You (LP “Dream Autopsy” on Förlag For Fri Music, 2023)
Jef Mertens: Hapering (LP “No Mathematics” on Kraak Records & Feeding Tube Records, 2023)
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freelancershahin · 1 year
S04:E80 The PHILLIP Show Feat. Darryl Demure of Haper’s Bazzaroworld
✅ S04:E80 The PHILLIP Show Feat. Darryl Demure of Haper’s Bazzaroworld 🙏🙏 Do not forget to like, comment, subscribe, and share 🧡 💠 “I want to leave a legacy.” - Darryl Demure, host and producer of Harper’s Bazzarroworld - the oldest LGBTQ+ Public Access Variety Talk Show in the USA. Passionate about community, politics, and making a positive difference, Darryl Demure reaches the 22 year mark of television entertainment, and has no intentions of slowing down. 🔷 ON THIS EPISODE 1. Being true to who you are. 2. Finding your place in the LGBTQ+ community 3. Understanding the importance of character 🌟 GET SOCIAL 👉 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100069263495045 👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darryldemure/ ______________________________________________ 💠 The PHILLIP Show is a platform that celebrates YOU!!! From personal stories, shared ideas & inspiration, the goal of the show is to inspire by celebrating the uniqueness of individuals, brands, and businesses. Remember: You’re the best YOU in the world! #beyou 🔶 About this more video ✅S04:E80 The PHILLIP Show Feat. Darryl Demure of Harper's Bazaar World 👉 This Video Link: https://youtu.be/l9cLZ_VPfS0 ✅ S04:E79 Time to Shine-Growing from the Inside Out with Jonathan Alicea 👉  This Video Link: https://youtu.be/64SZJ9QVs00 ✅ S04:E78 The PHILLIP Show feat. Caleab & Erica of Yikes A Band with New Music 👉 This Video Link: https://youtu.be/55SQripGSdo ✅ S04:E77 The PHILLIP Show feat. Mixed Media Artist Dylan Sage 👉 This Video Link: https://youtu.be/WafZYlS0w64 ✅ S04:E76The PHILLIP Show feat. Dara Moore and Trey's Lemonade Stand 👉 This Video Link: https://youtu.be/26jVIVTppO0 ✅ S04:E75 The PHILLIP Show feat. YS Kids Playhouse - It’s a Wrap! 👉 This Video Link: https://youtu.be/ISkyQH4i1v0 .................................................................................... 🌟 LET'S STAY CONNECTED... 🔶 https://www.linkedin.com/in/phillip-o-rourke-38b19267/ 🔶 https://www.instagram.com/philliporourke/ 🔶 https://web.facebook.com/philliporourke 🔶 https://www.tiktok.com/@philliporourke 🔶 https://twitter.com/philliporourke 🔶 https://philliporourke.com/ 🔶 SHOP: https://www.shopphilliporourke.online #Yellow #Springs #Yellow_Springs #beyou #entrepreneur #podcast #business #businessowner #founder #phillip #ceo #beyourself #thephillipshow #philliporourke #purpose #passion #BeYou #ThePHILLIPShow #motivation #motivational #motivationalvideo #motivationalquotes #motivationalspeaker #Phillip_O'Rourke #ohio
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kc-meets-dc · 2 years
Things I loved about these episodes in no particular order:
La’gaan is poly and bi, plus he’s actually mellowed out a lot as a character to the point of me no longer hating his guts. Score one for positive character development! Also, how adorable was that “We never say goodbye” thing they all said? Love the true love family vibe those three all have and I really hope La’gaan will be back in time for the birth of his kid!
The council, or whatever they’re supposed to be called, is literally made up of a bunch of friends from high school essentially. Somehow, I have to imagine that Calvin Durahm isn’t the only one who may have gotten a special appointment because of Kaldur like that one guy implied.
Haper Row is still head over heels for Violet and I am here for it! Part of me thinks that when she finally makes her move, it’s not going to go well for her, but part of me has also begun to ship the two of them even in light of what happened in that one episode of season three, so... Please don’t break Harper’s heart, Grandon.
Forager, Violet, and Harper just graduated high school. It really didn’t occur to me that they would have been in their senior year by now, but given that they were more than likely juniors before since Violet herself was 16 in season three, it actually makes sense since it’s been a year since then.
Superboy has a new best pal named Ghosty (Still sucks at naming, but still)! Also, brief Wally cameo! Granted, the cameo was only because Conner’s slowly going insane, but still. I’ll take what I can get at this point.
Gar miiiiight be finally getting some help, assuming of course that he isn’t actually willing to give up life as a hero. Part of me wants to say he’ll go to the therapy session, but after seeing how he acted during that intervention, I’m honestly not sure how far he’s really willing to go down this path of self-destruction.
Bart finally makes an appearance!
Superman is terrible at hiding his secret identity, but it was honestly kinda adorable to watch him try.
Dolphin has a much bigger role in this arc than I anticipated and I love it! I’d be very surprised if she doesn’t become Kaldur’s new protege by the end of their mission to find the crown
Violet is they/them now and is learning about Islam! Glad to see the writers are finally exploring the fact that they said they might not be a woman or a man in season three! Took ‘em long enough, if you ask me.
That’s all I can think of off the top of my head, but trust me when I say this was a BIG step up from Zatanna’s arc
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daphnedauphinoise · 3 years
Favorite resources to stay up to date and learn new things? :)
There is no bigger hobby that I enjoy as I do learning about things. I don't think there is any necessity for me to talk about the importance of education but if you didn't know, staying educated therefore cultured is vital in any level up and hypergamy journey and for yourself. You know those people who you meet and their eyes light up
Some topics that interest me that may interest you:
History of Fashion, Fashion Politics and Fashion Desgin 
British History 
Wars and Heros
The D in Daphne is stands for Documentaries. Pretty much everything I know comes from documentaries. Documentaries are tricky because a lot of them can be extremely biased and just bad in general. You can get them on Netflix or on Youtube 
I know the general advice is to stay away from wikipedia but I don’t think that advice stands anymore seeing how far the site has come since it’s early days. I go to wikipedia for pretty much everything and I don’t think I will ever quit. Wikipedia is just an online ecylopedia, it is acessible to everyone with an internet connection. Free education/ more accesible education is one my biggest passions and it is something I 100% stand with and I cannot thank the creators of the site enough for their services. You can literally learn anything and everything on here and you get very detailed, referenced information for comepletly free. Like I said, wikipedia is a great starting point whenever you are learning about something new and sometimes the content can be hard to digest but that just means that is thorough.
God bless the internet man. For all of it’s pitfalls, it has made education extremely acessible to the masses. Youtube is a gold mine for visual leaners and I find that information is more digestable when someone else is telling you it. My personal heros are Indian teachers and professers on the sit who are just magic at what they do and everything they teach gets stuck in my head far quicker.
Khan Academy: Great for highschool to early years on university, various topics, espcicially good for maths and science 
Crash Course: Literally every topic ever, videos are usually ten minutes, very visual with fun animation.
C.G.P. Grey: Focus on philosophy, politics and history. 
New Economic Thinking : Experts discuss current economic happenings.
The Pursuit of Wonder: Philosophy and Litertaure.
Broey Deschanel and Lessons from screen play : Film and Film Analysis 
Classics Explained: Classical music explained. 
I have recently been getting into podcasts and they are a very good way of getting information in and learning something new.  You can find a podcast on pretty much everything . Here are a few I reccomend:
BBC Earth 
Let’s Talk about Myths 
The Business of Fashion
The Partially Examined Life 
The Dropout 
Magazines and Journals
Finance & Current Events 
The New York Times
The Wall Street Journal 
Financial Times
The Economist 
MIT Review
New Scientist 
Tatler Asia 
Town and Country 
Haper’s Bazzar 
I read others but this is already too long. Honestly the best way to learn is to just search. It really is easy. If you don't understand something, what I like to do is serach whatever the topic is but for dummies or add for kids at the end.
This next bit is for the anons who I know will come and ask me what to learn, I think that there is this obstentanious need to good at everything and learn about everything ever but that is not true. You are fully allowed to be beginner in a subject, you are allowed to only care about certain topics and you are allowed to drop what you are learning if you have had enough. There is no right and wrong and other people’s ditaction on what you should learn is not worthing listening to. There is no need to be a fully fledged Scholar on any subject matter. I think there is this push to learn about certain things because ‘they are better’ which in turn supposedly makes you better than everyone else. Bullshit and classist. Whilst they are good subjects to learn in their own manner-  learn about whatever niche thing you want to learn about. It is more refreshing  to listen to someone talking passionately about different types of Amphibians or wallpaper then it is to listen to the same route learnt rejuertated Art History blabber. Any knowledge is good knowledge and education is the one thing that will never fail you.
Stay educated,
Daphne xoxx
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lesmond-sycamore · 3 years
Scavenger Hunts
Words: 1971
ao3 link Summary:  Ivor, Harper, Jack, and Nurm have been given scavenger hunt lists by Petra and Jesse, but why? Notes: LOOK I KNOW IT'S PAST 12 AM BUT IT'S TECHNICALLY 10 PM PACIFIC TIME. I HAD WORK. Anyways, enjoy!
“You know, I’m starting to get tired of this wild fox chase.” Jack groaned as he fumbled with the piece of paper that would lead him to a “secret prize, in three weeks (which was, of course, today) only” as stated by Petra in her correspondence a few weeks prior. Nurm hummed lazily in response as he continued to mark locations on his map, unaffected by the stress of figuring out the answers to the clues to the scavenger hunt Petra had created for the two. Jack sighed, “I know, I know, but it’s been months since the last time we’ve seen her, Nurmie. I’m just- I don’t know. I know I shouldn’t be worried about her, but you how I am. I miss her, we haven’t gotten to see her all day because of this stupid scavenger hunt, and I have no clue when’s the next time she’ll be in town, an-” Nurm grumbled at Jack, indicating that he needed to just calm down for a second. Jack sighed once again to calm down his nerves. He might’ve been overreacting a bit.
Jack glanced at the pumpkin and enderpearl he had already gathered. “I just don’t see the point of this. Petra’s never done anything like this before. Why today? Do you think they found something while they were out adventuring and wanted to create hype to impress us?” Jack paused, then smiled fondly at the thought. “Doesn’t she know we’re already proud of her?”
Nurm hummed in agreement, Of course she does. She might just want to shake things up, although I will say that today-, Nurm trailed off. Jack stared at his husband for a moment, waiting for him to continue, but when he went back to studying his map of Beacontown, Jack realized he had no intention of picking up where he left off. Was today special?
“Ivor, seriously? You haven’t seen Jesse in months and you’re going to go dressed like you robbed a zombie villager?” Haper asked a very, very frantic Ivor who was currently wearing nothing but a (well-loved) bathrobe and hopping on one leg as he struggled to put on his shoe.
Ivor finished putting on his shoe and glanced down to his attire. “What? Both of you have already seen me in my underwear! I don’t think my bathrobe’s going to kill them considering how everything… and everyone… that’s already tried has failed. Including me. Twice.”
“Still. We have to go into town to do this… scavenger hunt? What’s that all about?” Harper asked, pulling a quill out from behind her ear in preparation, studying the list in front of her. “What the heck is a ‘block of a cheated deal?’ Does that mean anything to you?” she asked as she scrunched her face in confusion.
Ivor hummed in concentration as he collected his potions (you could never be too careful) as he mulled over the question. He planted a quick peck on Harper’s cheek as he began to walk towards the door. “I think I have an idea of what that means,” he stated with a wink as he made his way out the door, ready to solve the puzzle he had been presented.
“But you apparently still have no idea how to dress. Change into something decent if you’re going to been perceived by strangers, love,” Harper punctuated with a face palm, failing to hide the smile creeping on her lips.
“Looks like we’ve got most of the items, Nurmie. I hate to say it, but I think I’m actually pretty good at this. Looks like my adventurer’s intuition still runs in my veins. That or I’m still plain awesome,” Jack boasted as they made their back to Jack and Nurm’s Adventure Emporium to have a quick break and focus on the last item on the list, items in hand. “Although… I still don’t know what we’re supposed to do with all of these things.” Jack glanced over each item: an enderpearl, a stack of snowballs, a few baked potatoes, a sponge, a couple of pieces of zombie flesh, and a pumpkin. He hoped the quantities didn’t matter too much, because he lost all of his enderpearls when his shop was ransacked during Romeo’s reign in Beacontown and the price of a stack was not cheap.
Nurm rolled his eyes at his husband’s gloating. Jack playfully nudged the cartographer in the arm and scoffed in fake offense. Jack continued to walk and study the items he was currently carrying until he realized that the villager’s footsteps had ceased. Jack turned his head to look at Nurm with confusion at the random stop, until Nurm spoke. Jack, is that…? The villager gestured in front of them and tilted his head. Jack followed his gaze to find… Ivor and Harper outside the Adventure Emporium. What were they doing here?
“Ivor! Harper! Hey!” someone shouted to the couple. The two spun around to find… Jack and Nurm! Perfect timing! The retired adventurer jogged up to the two and shook their hands in greeting.
“Jack, it’s been forever!” Ivor exclaimed. “How’s Petra? I know she and Jesse are supposed to be in town today.”
Jack sighed and shook his head. “We haven’t seen her at all today. She gave us this list of items that we’ve had to find, but we’re confused on what the last one means. How’s Jesse?” “I’m afraid we’re in a similar situation ourselves,” Harper stated plainly. “We’re almost done, though. It’s weird, all of these items are so… seemingly unrelated. Do you think they have any connection?” She nodded down at her own items: a block of redstone, an assortment of stained glass, an iron axe, a block of lapis, a few fireworks, and some soul sand. “We had to solve a bunch of crazy riddles to find the items we were looking for.”
“Sounds exactly like we were doing,” Jack stated as he showed the other couple his own items. “Did Jesse put you up to this?”
Ivor studied the items in Jack’s hands for a moment and then flicked his eyes up to meet Jack’s. “Yes, that’s correct. I’m assuming Petra did the same to you?”
“Correct you are, my friend.” Jack answered. He put the items back in his inventory before gesturing to the two of them and then to the building. “I see that you’re standing outside our shop. Is there something you need?” he inquired.
Harper spoke up. “There is, actually. I’m not well-versed in anything non-mesa related, and Ivor thinks the final clue has something to do with adventuring. Do you know what item the clue ‘the big finale let you soar’ is hinting at?”
Jack grinned. “I think I have an idea.”
“I appreciate your help very much, Jack,” Harper thanked the retired adventurer as he handed her the second-to-last item on her and Ivor’s list: the elytra Jesse used to fly to the tower from the Admin episode.
“It's no problem. Now if only Petra could tell us what our last clue means. Nurm and I have been trying for the past few hours to crack it, to no avail,” Jack admitted with a defeated tone.
“What is it? We might be able to help. Actually, we've been scratching our darn heads at our own final clue. I don't have the slightest idea what ‘where it all began’ could be in reference to.”
“Ours is similar. ‘The first unhelping hand?’”
Ivor crossed his arms and closed his eyes in thought, lightly tapping his foot and humming. Nurm did the same, and slightly bit his lip. Harper chose to unconsciously chew on her quill, resulting in her gagging slightly when she got a mouthful of feather instead of the wood of her normal pencil and blushing, hoping no one else saw her do it. Jack opted to spread both lists and all items out on a nearby table and study them intently.
After a few minutes of silence, Nurm chirped and all eyes fell on him. Jack listened intently to what he had to say. Jack, think about our adventure all those months ago and look at the items we've gotten so far. Do you see a coincidence?
Jack glanced at the items and the lists. “Yeah... yeah! The sponge for the Sea Temple, the snowballs for the Icy Palace of Doom, the zombie flesh for the Sunshine institute, I think the pumpkin is for the golems everywhere, the enderpearl for the giant enderman, and the potatoes for that stupid password! Ugh, I cannot believe it took me this long to realize what they had in common. Harper, Ivor, are your items similar?”
Ivor dashed over to the table “Why yes! Of course! How could I have been so blind? These items line up perfectly with the many adventure I had with Jesse! Could this mean...?” Everyone watches Ivor study he and Harper’s list in anticipation. “I think I know what ‘where it all began’ is! The ender dragon egg! Without that, I would have never created the Witherstorm, and Jesse would've never saved the world and I would’ve never gone on those many adventures!”
“And I would still be in Crown Mesa, trying to avoid being chipped,” Harper commented with a sad tone in her voice.
Ivor nodded. “And I would’ve never…” he trailed off, eyes finding the floor the most interesting place to look at at the moment.
Jack gave an acknowledging grunt and closed his eyes “In that case, do you think that ‘unhelping hand’ could be the Ad- Romeo’s gauntlet Jesse found that made them and Petra seek us out in the first place?” Nurm nodded in agreement. Jack opened his eyes and grinned. “Well, I think we all know where those two items are.”
Everyone looked between each other and then spoke in unison. “The Order Hall.”
“What happened to all the darn lights in this place? I thought this place was supposed to be ninety-percent windows? I’m not going crazy, right?... right?” Harper asked as the group walked inside the Order Hall, treading carefully in the unusual darkness that was only broken by the light cast through the open door.
“It’s been a while since we’ve been here, Harper. Radar was left in charge after Jesse took off too seek out adventure with Petra and that llama. Maybe the man just has… peculiar taste. I did build my lab inside the Farlands myself, you know,” Ivor commented.
The group continued to trudge quietly through the Order Hall, careful not to trip over anything or anyone. After a few steps, the group heard a click, and Ivor, Harper, and Jack each drew their swords they carried for protection. Jack spoke up in a whisper “Quickly, get behind me” and the rest followed the instruction as best they could.
Everyone tensed, their breaths held, frantically glancing around the room, searching for any signs of life. It felt like an eternity, but only a few seconds after the click, the sounds of retracting pistons could be heard all around the four. Jack shuffled, preparing himself for any potential attacks, survival instincts kicking in action, ready to do what it took to protect his friends and husband, he-
The pistons finished retracting, leaving the Order Hall basked in the evening sky’s light. All four members of the group blinked at the brightness, adjusting their eyes. Once they could see again, their sight was filled with a few things: Jesse holding the ender dragon’s egg, Petra holding the Sea Temple gauntlet, a giant table full of food between the two New Order members, and Lluna in an (admittedly adorable) chef hat behind the table. Ivor, Harper, Jack, and Nurm stood in stunned confusion, until Petra and Jesse broke the silence with giant grins on their faces.
“Happy Father’s Day!”
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iminagony2 · 3 years
hi guys here's a sneak preview of the new spooky story bc im so bad at writing within the deaddlines I set for myself LOL but it is on its way and also the next hpaer I sound like. broken record but like for real....soon <3 enjoy the littl e tidbit
Four dark figures in cloaks surrounded a big pot of deep dark redbubbling steaming concoction...
"Brothers... a offering approaches," one of them said looking into the pot and seeing an image
"Whence shall she arrive?" the tallest of tha figures asked
"heareaboits 7 pm.." the first one said
"I so hungr for a nice dinner..." another one said. He had glasses and was rubbing his hands together hungrily.
" Here here," they all said rowdy
"let us prepare the manor..." the first one who talked said. “I shall prepare z room…”
"yes yes," they said. And they all left from the room containing the pot and began to prepare for their specoal visitor....
It was becoming a dark and stormy night....Marie was on her way to her grandmas house when a sudden torrential downpour happened!!!
"oh no! Rain!" she cried as the droplets began soaking her and her clothes.
it was getting really dark from the storm except for the flashed of lightening that lot up the sky. She needed to find better shelter than some gnarly trees!
Ahead on the road she thought she was able to see a little light coming from what looked like windows,
She had left for her grandmothers house at 3 and was supposed to he there at like 9 but the rain relay hapered her journey
Maria just HAD to get there it was important that she get to her grandmas!!!
" Come on Radish, we've got to find shelter..." she told her horse and potted it on the side. He was a reddish brown horse and he was 16 hands high and he had a birthmark that was slightly darker color than the rest of him that looked like a radish which is why they named him Radish.
Marie was wearing a midnight purple cloak and underneath she was wearing a blue dress with white ruffles on the ends and it went down to her ankles and it had darker blue bits and she had her hair in its natural form but she had some of it in two braid on the sides that joined in the back that kept it out of her face. She was wearing whatever makeup was culturally adequate (AN: idk LOL)
But all her clothes and possible makeup were getting ruined in the pouring rain!
Oh no!
She got Radish to hurry to the light so they wouldnt get strike by lighteneing....
She arrived at the door to the big stone mansion and did mounted and held radishes reigns as she knocked on the door with the doorknoker
She made sure to hold them tight because there was a moat thing and the door was at the end of a bridge over it.
She hoped they had a place for her horse radish :( She could barely see any thing except for when lighteneing struck it was raining so hard.
There waz a big door knocker on the door and s he saw it when the lighting flashed and it was a big long dog head with the circle knocker in its mouth?? Weird Maria had never seen anything like it before…
The knocker had been knocked for like a minute and the storm was getting worse but Maria was absolutely sure shed seen a light in the big building when she was driving up with her horse ….they looked down on her like eyes as she stood ther but was there anyone behind them???
Finally there was a biiig shock of the lightning and she hadn’t even noticed but the door opened!
Another lightneing flash and the open door had a figure in the inside!
Wow the storm must be right above them there was almost no gap between the thunder and the lightening.
“Good eevening..” The figure sais mysteriously
“Hello kind sir I was on my way ot my grand mother’s dwelling when this terribel gale overtook me…would you be so kinda as ro all wme to stay with you for a short time until the storm rebates?
Alls she could ee was a hunched over sillouete because there was alight on behind him. HE seemed tall but he was all hunched.
“Yes, sweet child you shall stay with us as longs you need…” the strangers vice was high pitched and mousy it reminded her of her grandmother’s so she felt safe
“Whos house is this?” Maria asked
“Tis the house….of Seymour,” said the guy he moved his candelabra (he had a candelabra btw) and Maria saw his face in good light . He was wearing thick spectacles and was very very pale like he hadn’t been in the sun for weeks and weeks maybe even moths. He looked really tired. And he had dark hair.
“I thank you dor your hospitality,” said Marix as she was ushered inside by the slouching figure
ok there's a lot more that happens... its kinda turning into a short story but I wanna post it alltogether <3 Its like 8 thousand words rn and but im like halfway to where I want to be LOL ugh. But like biiiiig big thank you 2 my friend Nic who is helping me with it :) shes an English student so she like knows stuff ;P
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farsight-the-char · 3 years
Cass Cain fic I want to write.
Kate takes Steph, Harper, and Cass to a Queer Bar (that Kate actually owns/runs), for a fun night out.
Steph, Kate, and Haper have fun getting drunk/dancing with the WLWs and other saphics.
Cass, avoiding the booze, wanders off amd finds herself hanging out with a large number of Leather/Bear MLM. Cass has a pleasant time learning about them and bdsm.
The imagery of Cass (5 foot and a bit), cassually hanging out with Giant Leather Dudes and being friends is pleasing to me.
(Cass/Steph/Harper are all very much adults in this scenario).
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