#Happy Christmas Cards from Ontario
robotsandramblings · 6 months
so i'm in a Christmasy mood and wanted to just ramble about Christmas, so i found some ask games, picked my favourite questions, and answered them below, just for some festive fun! 😊🎄🤶
Favourite Christmas film? -- i think it's a tie between White Christmas and National Lampoon's Cmas Vacation
Favourite Christmas song? -- oooh i've got WAY too many favourites!!! it also depends a lot on who's singing it. i can tell you my LEAST favourite which is Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Cmas Is You", god how i loathe that song 🤮
Real tree, or artifical? -- a real tree, every year!! we've even started taking them from our own backyard, literally! (there's a forest on my mom's property.)
Favourite gift you've ever gotten? -- my Tamagotchi, back in the 90s when they were a big thing!! i still remember that moment! i had wanted one so bad, i opened it up immediately and ignored the rest lol
Do you have Christmas dinner? -- yes! every year we do the traditional north american style of turkey, stuffing, potatoes, veggies, etc.. Typically on the 25th.
Favourite food or treat? -- MINT CHOCOLATE EVERYTHING
Do you like Eggnog? -- yes! but only in small, infrequent doses. like not every day, and only half a cup at a time
Do you have any Christmas family traditions? -- not anything special or unusual, i don't think? we always open presents on Cmas Day, not Eve. and we always do stockings first. stockings are for smaller gifts and chocolate, maybe a clementine or two lol
Favorite Christmas tradition? -- decorating!!! and honestly, the variety of desserts/treats i get to indulge in 😋
Have you ever gone on a tropical or ski vacation during the Holidays? -- i could never do tropical. i need snow, i love snow, too much!! and well i hate skiing so that's also a no, lol. but i would be open to going to a winter chalet in general, and doing other stuff like snowshoeing, skating, sledding.
Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? -- every year! born and raised in Ontario, Canada, up far north enough that we get lots of snow, and green christmases are extremely rare. so having no snow is very weird and depressing to me. thankfully we have a blanket of white for this year! 💖⛄
Your favourite thing about the holidays? -- everything about it, to me, is so beautiful. the music, the decorations, the tree, the snow, the lights, everything! it gives me such warm fuzzy feelings. 😊💕
more christmas Q&A below the cut!
Do you get excited for Christmas? -- VERY much so, i'm well known amongst family and friends for how much i love it 😁
What do you want for Christmas? -- my big ask this year was for $$ and gift cards towards an e-reader (specifically for e-books)
Do you make a list of what you’d like when people ask? -- yes; my immediate family and i run on 98% wishlists and 2% "i once heard you say you like this". i need to both give and receive wishlists because i like both giving and receiving exactly what is wanted. (surprises are nice too! sometimes lol)
Do like wrapping presents? Or are you a put it in a gift bag person? -- i LOVE wrapping presents!!!, and i will only use a gift bag if it's much easier than wrapping
Did you snoop for presents when you were a kid? -- honestly, never! but i did always feel my stocking to "see" what was inside. i still do that today lol
Is your tree topper an angel or a star? -- an angel
Do you have a favourite Christmas book from your childhood? -- YES, i still have my "I, Spy" Christmas book. i look through it every year, the pictures are amazing!!!
The song that instantly puts you in the Holiday spirit? -- Run Run Rudolph, or Here We Come A-Caroling
Is there a Christmas song that makes you emotional? -- uhhh, most of them, lmao. in a happy, it's-such-beautiful-music-i'm-literally-moved-to-tears kind of way. Silent Night is the easiet way to get me teary lol
Do you go to church at Christmas? -- yes, on the 24th, despite being atheist, because i was raised Christian and my family still is. and honestly, i still love the songs and hearing the choir sing them, so it's ok
What do you like to do on Christmas Eve? -- it depends on the weather and which aunts/uncles/cousins are available; sometimes we do finger foods & drinks w/family, sometimes we just sit at home and watch Cmas movies!
When do you wake up on Christmas morning? -- in recent years, our "timeline" has gotten more relaxed, so my mom let's me sleep in lol. but i try to be up by the time she comes back from church service (11:30).
What do you like to do on Christmas Day? -- sleep in, wait for my siblings & their partners to show up, do gifts together, lounge around, then we have family over for our big turkey dinner!
What do you like to do on Boxing Day? -- nothing lol! i am NOT a Boxing Day shopper, not in-person anyways. (might look for some tech deals online this year.) we typically sit around, read books, watch movies, eat leftovers, be VERY lazy 😁
thanks for reading this far!! i hope this has you thinking about your own Christmas traditions and such, and gets you into a festive mood!
((i took questions from these ask games: 1 2 3 4 ))
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meginator · 6 months
2023 - thanks for the growth!
The refreshing part about this time of year is looking back. I write everything down in my calendar throughout the year, then at the end, it's like a little summary in the palm of my hands. Would you like to join me in looking back?
At the start of the year I was rather hopeful with a few new friends by my side, but unfortunately they didn't end up being the friends I thought they were. One of these friends even became my roomie for awhile, but that crashed and burned in less than a month with the police involved and everything. Lucky me.
After that fiasco I got even closer with my other friends, the kind of friends who show up and make the time. On another positive note, I joined my Strata Council in February and became the President soon after. In April I celebrated owning my home for a year with free club seat tickets to the Canucks game along with a gift card from my boss, go Canucks go!
My summer was spent working 6 day weeks between two jobs, having a few more shitty dates, and getting way too many blood tests. However, it wasn't all bad! I got to explore Whistler a few times, go to the Airshow with my family, travel to Ontario to visit my second cousins, and finally feel at home again in Harrison Hot Springs. It had been years since my grandma passed and our place at Harrison still didn't feel the same, but this year I brought a friend and I was able to find that connection once more. I miss my grandma, and I miss my grandad... but I cherish every moment now that I get to spend visiting my uncle because it no longer breaks my heart to be there.
This Fall I was still working 6 day weeks, but I did manage to visit Osoyoos for the weekend. Here I was able to rest and recoup, for a few days anyways. I got some edibles and topicals to help me relax AND I got a new ear piercing! I even managed to nap, how crazy is that?!
Having two jobs wasn't all bad though, I really enjoyed the experiences I've had with my catering crew. I even got to attend an award show this year and met some actors from Virgin River, the 100, and a few Hallmark films. Another cool event was hosted on a massive yacht, I want a yacht now.
October also pulled at my heart strings when I got to reunite with an old friend. It's amazing how much time can pass, but your feelings remain.
December has been a big one for me, as I'm a Sagittarius and this ol' gal turned 30 this year. It meant everything to me to be surrounded by friends & family on this memorable day. Last Friday my dad took me snowshoeing and then we met up with the rest of the fam jam for dinner. Then Saturday night I met up with 9 of my close friends for drinks and appies before we headed into downtown to party. I don't know how we did it, but we celebrated until 6am. We were straight wildin' out there! I am beyond grateful for my friends and family that made my celebration special, and I'm happy to say that I even met some boys. I know, how scandalous!
This month has more to come with Christmas events, but I am grateful for the year I've had so far... even if it was really testing me at times.
As I sit here listening to LOTR music, it reminds me how much of a journey life really is, and how it's supposed to be. This year I got a heartfelt reminder of how important it is to make time for loved ones. Between Ontario and Harrison I realized how grateful I am for everybody in my life, and how truly important it is to make the time.
Make. The. Time.
Another important message I got this year was health. I tried to focus on my fitness this year but it really took a back seat to stress, illness, and anxiety attacks. These are things that I will be working on in 2024. BALANCE IS KEY! I know this, and yet I failed. It's okay to fail, but you have to acknowledge it in order to make the necessary changes. Next year I hope to prioritize this more, because that's exactly what needs to happen.
Balance. Is. Key.
Through and through I can say that this year was challenging but also hopeful, and I can see my growth as I repeat situations and react differently. I'm still happy with who I am and where I'm headed.
Are you ready to start your next chapter?
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ohcanadashop · 1 year
The Best Holiday Gift Idea Is Matching Mommy And Me Outfits. || OhCanadaShop
The majority of us are looking for warm, comfortable homeware as the temperature drops and we abandon Halloween. What better gift idea than a matching mommy and me loungewear set with Christmas just around the corner? Coordinating your seasonal style is such an original and creative way to connect as a family during this wonderful time of year.
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Make wearing coordinated outfits that would even make the Grinch smile a new Christmas tradition this year, from matching pajamas to matching mommy and me fleece tracksuits!
Our gorgeous baby bodysuits for sale online in Canada are the ideal holiday present suggestion.
The Best Holiday Present for Mommy and Me
We dare you to find a finer treat this holiday season than our matching apparel for mommy and me, whether you're seeking the ideal gift or want to spoil yourself and your child! These cute clothes are ideal for taking crucial Christmas card pictures or cuddling up on the couch to watch a movie while sipping toasty hot chocolate. This collection was made with you and your family in mind and is intended to make you all feel festive.
With our new line, we offer something for everyone, from our neutral tracksuit outfits for indoor lazy days to the ideal pajama match for snug nights! Whatever your holiday customs, we'll make sure you celebrate in style, and comfort, in a way that will make this Christmas even more special for your newborn.
Looking for a Christmas gift?
We have you covered if you're looking for the ideal Christmas present for a young family. Their styles will last for a lifetime in addition to their recollections. Our mother and my collection offer a gift that will continue to give long after the Christmas celebrations because it is timeless and cozy. Or why not surprise your kids with this "Christmas Eve" present suggestion that can improve your relationship and serve to visually show kids that they are a part of a strong, happy family?
In fact, it has been demonstrated that having the same style makes children feel special and secure, even though it may not seem significant at first.
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Our High-Quality Products
Our gorgeous apparel styles are all created with children's sensitive skin in mind and are always made with the highest quality organic cotton. Give yourself and your infant a gift that will keep you both warm throughout the coldest months of the year.
To reach us out in offline mode do not forget to visit
Oh Canada Shop
Suite 263, 12-16715 Yonge St, Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA
Postal Code: L3X1X4
Visit Our Website- https://www.ohcanadashop.com/
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This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter.
And, since it’s the lead-up to Gift Giving, let’s remind you all how to be nicer and kinder this week.
If you want to buy something for your office Christmas Gift Pool that’ll be well received… buy some small containers of hot sauce. Not just ANY hot sauces, but the sampler pack from the nice folks over there at Dark Bunny Sauces in Ontario! You can get the “Six Sauce Sampler” in various burn levels, including dessert! Remember, that’s “Dark Bunny dot C-A”. Dark Bunny… because they have a product called “Oops!” and it is DELICIOUS! [The Horrible-Scopes is neither endorsed by, not receives any remuneration from Dark Bunny Sauces, although Shujin REALLY deserves something for helping them name “Puckering Perch.”] 
We know this season is tough on you, but we’re here for you; we’ll help your mood every chance we can. So how about we start the season reminding you how much better you have it. In the mid-80’s there were three old nuns walking along the West Side of Central Park approached by a flasher. The first little old lady had a stroke. The SECOND little old lady had a stroke. The THIRD little old lady couldn’t reach. (*Pause*) –and if you’re laughing at those poor old women’s plight you’re gettin’ nuthin’ for Christmas! 
This year, don’t leave out milk and cookies for Santa. Convince your little ones that leaving PIZZA & WINGS out for him is the way to go. It’ll be hot food for Santa and celery sticks for the reindeer. Or, you know.. For YOU! Bonus Points if you can get Sicillian instead of traditional “flat”.  
Cancer Moon-Child 
There’s nothing wrong with getting or giving Gift Cards. But please remember to do generic ones, not to specific stores. Your tastes aren’t always in line with other folks; you might be more Target while they’re more Williams-Sonoma. But if you DO get the chance to visit a Williams-Sonoma… Don’t Break Anything!
Being older means your seasonal gifts can be more practical, but with whimsey! You hated socks as a kid, but now? Socks with prints on them to make you look like you have the legs and feet of animals? Those are GREAT! Even if you buy some for yourself and you’re gifted a dupe, that just means you can stretch out your clothes washing days.  
You get the BEST celebration this year: HAPPY SATURNALIA! What could possibly go wrong with a week of wine, debauchery, and song? Consider this… being deeply pregnant in the middle of summer. Guys, if you’ve never considered just how uncomfortable that might be, trust us… it’s BAD. It might be extreme, but have you ever considered hinting that you want a Snip-and-Clip this holliday?
Yes, the last two week’s ‘Scopes have been a direct reference to a musical-comedy movie called, “The Court Jester” from 1955 starring Danny Kaye, Glynis Johns, Basil Rathbone, Angela Lansbury. See if you can find this one and gift it to yourself for your collection; it’ll be worth it. 
With luck you’ll get the chance to visit folks for the Holidays this year. We know it’s been difficult the last few years, but at least you’re all trying to keep safe. This year buy yourself a bread maker machine… and spend the time together sharing the warm, squishy love they produce. And remember this ratio: 1 Tablespoon Cinnamon to a 1/2 Cup Sugar!     
Your friends miss you. Things have been tight, sure, but they’d rather have you visit without a gift you can’t really afford than not show up at all. How about making that signature dish of yours and bringing it to share? Butter Chicken and Lamb Vindaloo aren’t your typical holiday dinners, but who cares?! Make your OWN traditions and enjoy it.   
Visiting your local mall isn’t the best of ideas if you’re shopping right now. Alternatively if you’re planning on getting writing inspiration, you’ll be headed to the right place. Sit in the food court and just people watch while writing down ideas for personalities as they come into your head. It’ll help stir your creative juices and get you characters that are grudgingly believable.  
Late-night fireside snacks are the way to enjoy the long nights. And if you have a fireplace, see if you can find a popcorn box for it! It’s literally a metal box with a slide cover on top so you can make fresh popcorn in your fireplace. It’s not as efficient as a wok and requires some fire mittens to keep your hands safe, but it’ll be fun just the same.
Someone is going to gift you what looks like a long tube. Almost like someone gift-wrapped a gift-wrap paper tube. Do NOT be cute and try shaking it! It’ll be a liquor sampler case! Even if you don’t like these spirits directly, you can at least use them in cooking in the near future. Just remember two things. First, you can’t just open them all and drop them into a fruit cake recipe. And second, as cool as it might be, do NOT try doing the whole Flambe thing with the stuff. You look better with eyebrows. 
And THOSE are your Hobble-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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Help fill Apple and Cider’s stockings! Apple and Cider are adoptable guinea pigs who came to us from a shelter after being abandoned by their owner. They're ready for their forever home, but until they find it, we need to keep them fed and happy! The countdown to Christmas is on, and we need your help to fill Apple and Cider’s stockings with items they need! 🎄 - Oxbow brand adult guinea pig pellets 🎁 - Any brand of timothy hay 🎅 - Oxbow brand Natural Science Vitamin C treats ☃️ - Fleece cage liners for Midwest Guinea Pig habitats ❄️ - small animal chew toys 🎄 - grocery store gift cards to purchase fresh veggies Here are the ways you can donate: 🐾 @dundaspetvalu – 86 Main Street, Dundas, Ontario. Purchase items in-store and leave in the donation bin. Donation purchases can also be made over the phone by calling the store - (905) 628-1860 🐾 Amazon Wish List – Purchase items and have them delivered directly to us! http://a.co/0GNLg2x 🐾 Support Canadian Independent Businesses! You can order food, toys, supplies and treats from any of the following small businesses and they'll deliver straight to us! @tinypawsemporium tinypawsemporium.com @thegreenbunnystore thegreenbunnystore.com @zoeyandlilostoybox zoeyandlilostoybox.com Knee Deep Farm Canada kneedeepfarms.ca Prefer to donate monetarily? Visit our website to see all the ways to give: ladybirdanimalsanctuary.com ❤️ Help Apple and Cider have a happy Christmas by donating today! https://www.instagram.com/p/CmgAcLrur4I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lifeofmother · 2 years
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𝕃𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 🎄 We are happy to bring back our custom gold foiled Santa letter for the 2022 holiday season! Make the holidays extra special by sending your child/ grand children a custom gold foiled letter from Santa! Each letter is personalised with child's name and "gift of choice", printed on gold foiled Santa Claus' letterhead and hand autographed in gold ink. {EXTRA for 2022 season}: Nice List Scratch card personalised with your child's name in gold foil, hand autographed signature and Santa's stamp of approval! Your order will come complete with an envelope from the 'Office of Santa Claus"! The letter and certificate will be folded nicely in the Santa's envelope, sealed with a wax seal, and mail to you in an outer envelope to ensure the letter from Santa will arrive in top notch condition. Processing time: 2-3 business days. Mailing Standard: Order will be sent via Canada Post regular lettermail unless otherwise arranged. Please check with Canada Post for standard delivery time to your area. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime! Happy Holidays! Ho Ho Ho https://partyunicorn.ecwid.com/2022-Customised-Santa-Letter-Nice-List-Scratch-Card-p414513043 #santa #santaletter #christmas #holidaygifts #holidaygiftguide #custom #personalisedgifts #customstationery #kids #torontomom #kidschristmas #santaishere (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClBl3nULU2H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mintandcoca · 2 years
When Giving Employee Appreciation Gifts in Canada
Have you ever given an employee a gift to thank them for their hard work and service? If not, you may inadvertently overlook the best way to show appreciation. If you are looking for a way to get the most from your budget and show gratitude, this article has some great ideas!
Different Types of Employee Appreciation Gifts:
A few different types of employee appreciation gifts can be given in Canada. Below are a few examples:
• A gift card to a favourite restaurant or store. • Tickets to a show or sporting event. • A gift certificate to a spa or salon. • A voucher for a day of complimentary breakfast at a local café. • A potluck dinner with your staff members as the guests of honour.
The Canadian Culture on Employee Appreciation:
When it comes to employee appreciation, Canada has a lot of traditions and customs that many employers may not be aware of. Here are a few things to keep in mind when giving your employees thanks:
• Canadians traditionally give small gifts like candy, flowers, or little trinkets on special occasions like Valentine's Day or Christmas. • In Quebec, employees are typically given a gift at the beginning of the year (usually around January), known as Les cadeaux du patron meaning "the boss's gifts." This could be anything from a nice bonus to an entirely new computer setup. • In Ontario, giving your employees time off work is customary to celebrate their accomplishments (usually around Labour Day). This can range from a day off to taking the whole week off. • There is also a custom in British Columbia of giving your employees a "punch" on their birthday - usually, this consists of cake and ice cream with a card saying "Happy Birthday!"
Whatever you decide to do regarding employee appreciation in Canada, make sure that the gift you give reflects the culture and traditions of your workplace. It will show your team that you appreciate them and make their day.
How to Choose an Employee Appreciation Gift:
When giving employees appreciation gifts, there are a few things to remember. First, think about the person's position and what type of work they do. For example, if a salesperson does a lot of customer service, they may appreciate something like flowers or chocolates. However, if a customer service representative takes orders, they may not need something as luxurious.
Where to Buy Employee Appreciation Gift:
It's that time of year again! Time to get your business gifts ready for the holidays. And what better company to go to than Mintandco.ca! We have a wide selection of unique and custom gifts for your corporate clients. From chocolates to t-shirts, we have everything you need to make this holiday season memorable for your colleagues. Give us a call today, and let us help you pick the perfect gift for your business clients! This is the best place to find Employee Appreciation Gifts Canada.
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danholtart · 2 years
Spread the Good Vibes with Arty Happy Christmas Cards from Ontario!
It’s that part of the year again when you can finally forget about your business and related troubles to celebrate with friends, colleagues, and relatives. It’s time to forgive and forget too. It’s time in Ontario to wait for the postman who might bring Happy Christmas cards with drawings or a parcel. Things have changed in a big way with the popularity of online shopping as more and more people find everything they need at web stores. https://voticle.com/a/articles/221122/spread-the-good-vibes-with-arty-happy-christmas-cards-from-ontario
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scfrozenover · 3 years
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It’s the last day! So much good stuff today, including lots of family feels, lots of rarepairs, a couple more works entitled Merry Christmas Patrick Brewer, and much more.
Although the thaw has begun, Frozen Over is not over yet! We'll be releasing our bingo card tomorrow, to keep the reading going up until reveals next Wednesday. All entrants who complete a full bingo blackout will be eligible to win a charity donation to the non-profit of their choice. Details to be announced tomorrow along with the bingo card.
Following along? Don’t forget to copy today’s fanworks from the master spreadsheet to your own!
lights like you (glow all year long)
[David/Patrick, Stevie/Ruth - E - 18,840]
Shakespeare said, "Journeys end in lovers meeting," which is an extraordinary thought. To think that we all spend our lives on a quest to be loved, and we can rest like the hero victorious once we find it — well, it’s a nice idea, isn’t it? It may even be true... for some people.
For people like David Rose and Ruth Clancy, however, love has always been a little bit complicated… It hasn’t been freely given or simply found; it’s something that’s always been earned or bought.
See, because Shakespeare also said that “love is blind,” — and, with that, they can agree.
They’ve certainly never felt like it looked at them twice.
OR: After discovering that his parents have secretly funded (ahem, bribed) his way to success, David Rose turns to one of his favorite romantic comedies for comfort... and advice. He ends up swapping homes with a similarly career-minded Canadian named Ruth for a much-needed solo vacation. While Ruth navigates bustling New York City, David settles in a cozy small-town cottage in Nowhere, Ontario. As it turns out, they may have been looking for happiness in all the wrong places all along.
For What Binds Us
[David/Patrick, (past) Patrick/Rachel - E - 8938]
Patrick and David celebrate their first Christmas together, which also happens to be Patrick's first Christmas away from home. Complicated feelings are had regarding the concept of home.
with mischief in sight, we're all merry and bright
[Alexis/Twyla, Stevie/Ruth - T - 7,510]
It's easier for Stevie to avoid sharing details about her dating life with Mr. Rose at first, but the endless questions about why she’s single have worn her down enough that by the time December rolls around, she chooses to ask for a favour from her oldest friend.
‘Dating’ Twyla is a tiny white lie… It's small, well-calculated. A tiny white lie. One that only has to hold up for a few hours during David and Patrick's holiday party.
What harm could it do?
when we're together, then the season's bright
[David/Patrick, Clint/Marcy, Johnny/Moira - G - 4,202]
“David, you know you don’t have to let them do everything incorrectly, right? You can tell them, it’s okay. They won’t be offended or upset,” Patrick says. “My mom is really not the most proficient Google user or the most thorough researcher. I did a bunch of research too and I could correct…” He pauses to think for a moment. “…most of their mistakes myself.”
“No, Patrick, it’s okay. I’m serious, it means a lot that they’re doing anything at all. And your mom looks so happy, so I don’t want to ruin…” He lets the sentence trail off. “Wait, you did research?”
Patrick smiles sheepishly. “Of course I did, it’s a holiday that matters to you, did you really think I wouldn’t?"
David just stares at Patrick for a moment.
Finally, he says, “How the fuck did I get so lucky to end up with you and your family in my life?”
Marcy surprises David with a Chanukah celebration when he and Patrick visit for the holidays, and although it’s less than perfect, it means everything to David.
Merry Christmas Patrick, Brewer
[Patrick/Jake/Mutt, David/Patrick - E - 3,980]
Jake and Mutt invite Patrick on a canoe trip. Or did they invite him for a threesome? Only time will tell.
The Love Comes Back To You
[David/Patrick - G - 3,720]
Patrick buys an advent calendar and has an idea for getting into the holiday spirit. He really is the nicest guy. There's maybe a little surprise for him, too.
In Sickness and In Health
[David/Patrick - G - 2,721]
Patrick is sick and David is a very good husband.
I feel a change in the weather [+ Podfic]
[David/Patrick - T - 2,826, 21 minutes]
David swaps out his spring/summer knits for his fall/winter knits. Patrick helps.
when it's exactly twelve o'clock that night
[Alexis/Twyla - T - 2,059]
​​Alexis has an Interflix party to attend on New Year's Eve. She doesn't want to attend alone —there's a tiny chance Jared Leto might be there—, so she does the next best thing she can think of: she asks Twyla to be her date.
(When I was a little girl) I wondered who I'd give all my love to…
[Stevie/Ruth - G - 1,988]
Tourist-y things like skating in Rockefeller Center are supposed to be fun, right?
Stevie realizes it’s been a few years (like ten) since she’s been on ice skates, and, well, she’s a little rusty. Thankfully Ruth has a way to make even this a good memory.
Merry Christmas, Patrick Brewer!
[Patrick & Twyla, David/Patrick, Alexis/Twyla - G - 1,506]
"Did you ever think we'd end up here, Patrick?"
A story about coming out, coming into one's own, and two friends' parallel journeys towards happiness.
CREATORS: If your works were released today, please don't forget to update your posting date!
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flowerfan2 · 3 years
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David x Patrick - Angst-fest with lots of cuddles and h/c reunion fic.
Summary - Being stuck in the Milwaukee airport is bad enough.  Then David realizes that the man who broke his heart is sitting right next to him.  After a rom-com worthy reunion, David decides he’s not going to walk away again.
Chapter 10 (spoiler - Stevie shows up).  A03.  
Patrick really does make David keep his arms around him there in the booth at the diner for an inordinate amount of time.  He knows that David can’t hug his issues away, and it isn’t fair of Patrick to expect him to.  Patrick is going to take ownership of this, and do something about it.  But even though he knows he has to do it himself, it’s also very scary.  And letting himself come to terms with his own revelation is just easier to do with his face in the crook of David’s neck.
They finally separate, and bicker amiably about the check, David sneaking off while Patrick is in the bathroom to order extra muffins to take home and hand over his credit card.  Patrick doesn’t much care for the reminder that he’s unemployed, but David does have a point that he’s living in Patrick’s house at the moment – his parents’ house, but still.  And it seems to make David feel good to treat Patrick, and if there’s anything Patrick can get behind right now, it’s doing everything he can to make this work.
Unfortunately, when they pull up to the house to the sight of a beat up red sedan with an Ontario license plate, Patrick’s heart sinks.
“Patrick?  You said your parents wouldn’t be here until January. They’re very early.”
“That’s not my parents.”
“Well, it’s not Doordash.  As much as I’d applaud planning ahead for dinner, they’re unlikely to have driven all the way from Canada.  Who’s in your driveway?”  David’s voice is rising, and Patrick is entirely too familiar with his agitated-bordering-on-panicked tone.  
“David, don’t be upset.”  Patrick shuts off the car and turns towards David.
“Mmkay, those words usually come before something that’s going to make me upset.”
They get out of the car but before Patrick even makes it to the front door, it opens and Stevie comes out.  
David turns to Patrick, a look of betrayal on his face.  “I can’t believe you did this to me,” he hisses.
“Hi to you too,” Stevie says, her voice flat.  “And don’t you dare blame Patrick, he didn’t do anything.”
“Well I sure didn’t invite you down here.”
“Right, my presence is unwanted, I get that, believe me,” Stevie says.  “But some of us have a job to do-”
“Don’t you dare come at me about work, Stevie, I’m on vacation.”
“And if you had just told me that at the beginning of the week, instead of playing hard to get like a god damned asshole-”
“Okay, that’s enough.”  Patrick finds himself next to David, a hand on his shoulder, glaring at Stevie.  He can feel David trembling under his palm.
“Yeah, like any of this is my fault,” Stevie mumbles.  She’s wearing a familiar flannel over a v-neck t-shirt, but the look on her face is like nothing Patrick has ever seen before.  It’s a deep hurt, and when he turns to look at David, he sees it there as well.  This has got to stop.
“Could we maybe go inside?” Patrick asks, sliding his hand down David’s body to the small of his back, bringing them closer together.  It’s not raining as hard as it was this morning, but the misty drizzle certainly isn’t helping the situation.
David disappears briefly when they get indoors.  “How did you even get into the house?” Patrick asks Stevie, still trying to figure out how to manage this situation.
“The spare key was in a fake turtle next to the front door, it wasn’t exactly hard.”
Patrick resolves to have another conversation with his parents about security, although he supposes their approach is slightly better than their previous practice of leaving the key under the mat.
David returns a few moments later with a different black sweater on, the hood pulled up over his head.  He looks miserable.  Patrick wishes they could go back to the diner and stay there forever, arms around each other and the aroma of pancakes all around them.  His instincts in that regard were apparently spot on.
“Tell me why you’re here,” David says to Stevie, a hand on his hip.  
Stevie backs up a step into the kitchen, fiddling with a tea towel that says “Livin’ the Dream” on it in flowery aqua script.  She looks cornered.  Patrick considers encouraging them all to sit down and have a cup of tea first, like a scene from a British novel.
“Rose Motel Group is always evaluating new territories for growing the business,” Stevie says.  “Since you declared your interest in the southeast U.S., your father suggested I come down here and check it out.”
“That’s ridiculous, I only talked to him about it a few days ago.”
“It was actually the next territory on our list, after mid-Atlantic coastal, he just moved it up.”
“That’s still ridiculous,” David mutters, looking to Patrick for confirmation.  “We hardly do any business in the U.S.”
“We do, we have a dozen motels in upstate New York and New England, and you’d know that if you ever attended the management meetings instead of pretending that your wi-fi has mysteriously gone out.  A middle schooler is better at zoom than you are.”
“Zoom meetings give me migraines.”
“That’ll be a real advantage now that you’re working remotely.”
“Is that what this is about?  I’m not on the moon, Stevie, I’m just in Florida.  It’s hardly going to interfere with my ability to place orders with the same two dozen vendors I’ve been working with for years.”
Patrick finally forces himself to move, stepping in between them.  “How about some tea?”
This causes both David and Stevie to freeze and blink at him like he’s lost his mind.  
“Go on, go sit down,” Patrick waves them towards the living room.
They take up seats on the opposite ends of the couch, hesitantly facing each other like nervous cats.  Patrick never really got to the bottom of what happened between them after his and David’s break-up.  He has a feeling that he’s about to find out.
He busies himself making tea, getting the kettle out of the cabinet and filling it with water and searching in the cabinets for the tea bags and sugar.  But the living room is only a few feet away, and he can hear the silence stretch until Stevie finally speaks up.
“You look good,” she says to David – and Patrick nearly drops the kettle, he’s so surprised to hear these words come out of Stevie’s mouth at this point.
“Thanks,” David says, sounding oddly flattered.  “So do you.”
“When was the last time we saw each other?” Stevie asks.  “Last Christmas?”
“The RMG holiday party,” David agrees.  “Almost a year ago.”
“How’s Alexis?”
Patrick doesn’t understand how they went from biting each other’s heads off to awkward small talk.
“She’s okay.  She needs more clients, but she seems happy enough.”
A pause, and then - “David, if you and Patrick are going to be back together, maybe you and I can-”
“Don’t.”  The suddenly bitter tone in David’s voice pulls at Patrick’s heart.
“Give it up, Stevie.  It’s too late.”
“Why, exactly?  Come on, David, I’m the least emotionally mature person I know, after you of course, and even I can see that we don’t need to do this anymore.”
“What, I’m just supposed to ask you to forgive me and we’d be friends again, just like that?”
“You could try it.  And maybe tell me why you cut me off in the first place.”
“It’s better if we just stick to business.”  David stands up and starts pacing.  There’s not much space in the living room, between the couch and the armchair and the coffee table.  It cramps his style.  “That was going fine, at least until you showed up here.”
“Fine?  How is it fine, that we went from being best friends-” Stevie’s voice catches, “to <i>colleagues</i> who only talk when Mr. Rose needs me to get vendor information from you?  How is that fine?”
“I don’t know how this is going to end up,” David says, waving his hands.  “I’ll probably fuck it up again somehow.  No matter how hard I try, that’s always what happens.  I don’t want to, I really don’t want to, but I’m very familiar with my life, Stevie.  I ruin everything.”
Patrick realizes with a pang that David is talking about the two of them.
“And when I do,” David goes on, “Patrick’s still going to need you.  I’m not taking that away from him.  I gave you to him, and it’s going to stay that way.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”  Stevie says, her voice going even quieter.  In Patrick’s experience, this indicates that she is truly furious.  “You can’t <i>give</i> me to someone.”
“I had Alexis.  Patrick didn’t have anyone.  He even lost the store.  He needed you more than I did.  I couldn’t take you away from him.”
“Did it never occur to you,” Stevie says, snapping out each word, “that I might want a say in the matter?  That I might not want to lose either of you?  That maybe, I don’t know, I could stay friends with you both?”
“That’s not how it works in a break-up, and you know it.  Everyone chooses sides.  I needed you to choose Patrick.”
“So you ditched our friendship and stopped returning my calls so I would take Patrick’s side?”
“I wasn’t exactly thinking straight at the time!”  David yells, and Patrick feels like his heart beats out of his chest with pain as David deflates, his head in his hands.  “I just needed you to be there for him,” he says softly.
“You really are a fuck-up, David Rose,” Stevie says, her voice calmer.  “But I’m going to be the bigger person here, and not let you fuck this up any more.”
Stevie stands up and moves over to David, who reluctantly takes his hands away from his face to watch her approach.  As he looks around, David catches Patrick watching them.  His eyes grow wide as he realizes that their conversation has been overheard, and he grabs Stevie’s arm, rapidly ushering her out the front door.
“What the hell, David?”  Stevie protests, but she goes along with him.  
Patrick watches through the kitchen window, unable to drag his eyes away.  David and Stevie are standing near the end of the driveway, and he can see David’s hands waving, and Stevie shaking her head at him.  Then Stevie drags David into a hug, holding him tight as he squirms before accepting it.  David’s head finally drops onto her shoulder, and they stay that way for a long moment.  When they pull apart, Stevie punches him – fondly? – on the chest, then gets into her car and drives away.  
Patrick goes outside, joining David at the end of the driveway as they watch Stevie’s car go around the corner.
“She has an appointment at a motel,” David says.  “She’ll be back in time for dinner.  She told me to order Thai, and get both kinds of satays.”  David seems almost stunned at how he’s able to talk about Stevie like this now.  
Patrick puts a hand on David’s shoulder.  “You okay?”
David shakes himself, looking skyward and then back off in the direction of the road.  “A little… fizzy.”
It’s not a word Patrick’s heard David use before to describe his state, but Patrick thinks he gets it.
“Too much emotion?”
David glares a little at Patrick.
“I’m going to make it worse,” Patrick says, biting back a smile as David’s glare intensifies.
“I really don’t need that right now.”  David takes Patrick’s hand from his shoulder and holds it firmly, walking them back into the house.  This time Patrick actually closes the door behind them, and then turns to David, who is fidgeting with the sleeves of his sweater, pulling them down over his fingers.
“David.”  Patrick catches his gaze.  “It takes two people to tank a relationship.”
“No, really –  what happened between us was my fault, too.  You know that.  You can’t take it all on yourself.  And it’s not all on you to make it work this time, either.”
David purses his lips, looking down at the floor.
“Hey.”  Patrick moves closer, his hands squeezing David’s shoulders.  “I’m in this, too.  As hard as you’re going to try not to fuck this up, I’ll be right there with you, okay?  This is important to me, too.  Really important.”
David nods several times in succession.
“And there’s one more thing.”
David glances at him.  “What?”
“I don’t agree with your methods, but…” His mind flashes back to those days and weeks after their break-up, when it hurt just to breathe, when he was so lost and miserable, save for a friend who showed up with whiskey and ice cream and helped him through it.  
“But what?”
“You gave me Stevie,” Patrick says, gratitude in his voice.  After Patrick broke David’s heart, David gave up his best friend because he still cared about Patrick and didn’t want him to be alone.  <i>That’s not nothing,</i> he hears in David’s voice.
“Are you going to lecture me about that too?”
“No.  I should, but – nope.”
David looks at him, his gaze open and disbelieving.
“And probably Stevie would say she can take care of herself on this point.”
A smile creeps into David’s cheek. “Hmmph.”
“Instead,” Patrick pushes David up against the kitchen island and cups his face in his hands, “I’m just going to say one thing.”
“What’s that?” David asks, his eyes alight.
“I love you, too.”
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lezliefaithwade · 3 years
A Breath of Fresh Air
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The summer after my first year of theatre school, I was sleeping on the living room floor of my cousin's apartment in Toronto, trying to figure out what to do with my life. My cousin had been an actor before he became a quadriplegic in a car accident, and as I unadvisedly bemoaned my unemployment status, he said something like, "Seriously? You're complaining about your life? Don't make me burst a colostomy bag." He was right, of course. I wasn't in a wheelchair, though I did have a stepmother who had rendered me homeless because of her dislike for me. She was always saying things like, "Your hair can't be as ugly as that hat you're wearing." Or simply refusing to invite me to things like Christmas dinner. I always admired people with families. My boyfriend at the time was one of five kids who were always doing things together. Their house was always full of noise and activities. Even as a shiksa, I felt more at home there than with my stepbrothers and sisters, who never lost an opportunity to point out that I was weird. I wanted to stand up to them, but not wanting to cause my father any grief, I held my tongue and sought refuge elsewhere. It occurred to me that perhaps I was using the theatre as an opportunity to say things through characters that I couldn't find the courage to express myself.
The Toronto Star was still open on the kitchen table, and I rummage through the Want Ads, that dirty part of the newspaper near the back where complete strangers will soon become complete assholes in your life by forcing you to work menial jobs in humiliating uniforms for minimum wage.
"Find anything?" my cousin called from the bedroom, where two attendants helped wash and dress him.
"Social services are advertising for camp councilors to work with emotionally challenged kids."
"Oh yeah," He said. "That might suit you."
I'm not sure I knew what he meant but, I was beginning to think I'd outgrown my welcome. My cousin probably would have encouraged me to join the circus if the option had been available. Knowing my living room days were numbered, I thought it best to make an effort and apply.
I had no experience teaching drama—no experience working with kids and no experience going to or working at a camp. Despite all that, I was hired. It's worth noting that it's probably not a good sign if you get a job with no qualifications whatsoever.
My official position was Drama Councillor, and I prided myself that with only a year and half of theatre training behind me, I was well equipped to help others benefit from the wealth of my experience. I imagined myself, Maria Von Trapp, teaching children how to sing while they looked at me adoringly. Somehow, I conveniently blocked out the rebellious early stages she experienced and skipped straight to the good parts. Also, I might add, forgetting about the Nazis and having to climb over a mountain. Still, visions of me biking around camp with a group of happy campers behind me filled me with a sense of self-satisfaction.
As I packed my knapsack with deet and a secret stash of Twinkies, I thought of how only three weeks earlier I'd been in New York walking through Central Park and savoring Cappuccinos at outdoor cafés on Columbus. Now, here I was, ready for something different. The wilderness, I imagined, would be a welcome change—fresh air and loons instead of smog and sirens. I thought smugly about my classmates sweating behind visors at take-out windows shoveling fries into cardboard cups or wrapping sandwiches in tinfoil. Thumbs up to adventure, I told myself. The fact that I'd never once in my life enjoyed the great outdoors didn't factor into my mind. All of this changed with each accumulated minute of the 391 Kilometer drive north.
It was late afternoon when I arrived at the compound. Overcast, sullen, it was a place so secluded you'd need flares to find it. It had that distinct aura of someplace time forgot. A place left behind and neglected. In the brochure, the sun was shining, flowers filled the meadow, and you could practically hear laughter floating off the page. What I was looking at bore more of a resemblance to a situation in a Stephen King novel where camp councilors discover a pack of hungry teenage zombies have lured them to a seemingly idyllic retreat. Situated right in the heart of black fly country, I spent most of my days swatting insects so big they seem Jurassic.
During our orientation, child care workers warned us that children with mental health needs tend to run away - a lot and to keep strict attendance records and all eyes on them at all times. "These kids are resourceful and clever," they cautioned. I couldn't imagine being so determined you'd risk your life by escaping through the woods that surrounded us, but then again, I'd never been around children who weren't allowed cutlery before either
I shared my cabin with three other women with who I had absolutely nothing in common. Delia, a humorless 27-year-old cooking instructor who answered every question with a monosyllabic grunt, Jennifer, a 26-year old tennis instructor with massive blond ringlets who talked so quickly she sounded like a record on high speed, and an older aboriginal woman named Sunny who made us all dream catchers and offered advice about how to heal ourselves on days when we'd feel spent. "Remember, these kids need us," she said while purifying our cabin with sage. As I glanced around my assigned bunk, taking in the spider webs and loose floorboards, I had that sinking feeling that comes when you know you've made a terrible mistake. Before long, I was eating copious amounts of peanut butter on stale bagels amid a never-ending supply of starch. I'm not sure who thought it was a good idea to feed children with challenges like anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, and eating disorders copious amounts of sugar and carbs. It certainly did nothing to help them or me.
On the first day of class, I sat everyone in a circle. "Welcome to drama class," I said with a smile. "Let's begin by sharing with everyone a little bit about ourselves. Anything at all you'd like us to know?" A hand went up.
"I'm Tracy, and I hate my stupid ass brother. He can go straight to hell."
"Okay," I said, "That's a start. Who's next?"
Another hand. "I'm Jonathan, and this place sucks so much I wish it would burn to the ground!"
"Fair enough. Anyone else?"
"I'm Jo. I'm schizophrenic. So sometimes I'm Rachel and Julia. You'll know the difference because Rachel has a British dialect, and Julia talks slang."
"O-kay." I glanced at the social workers who sat on the edge of the room and looked at me with an expression that basically said, "We can't wait to see what you do next."
"Let's write a play," I suggested. "Write anything you want. Once you're happy with the work, I'll shape it into a cohesive piece that we'll rehearse and then present at the end of the season talent showcase."
The kids liked this idea. The showcase was a big deal. It was an opportunity for them to blow off some steam and express themselves to friends and family in a creative way. My only stipulation was not to use profanity. As the weeks passed, I was impressed with how well they all threw themselves into this project—all except Eric, the oldest boy in my 12 to 15-year-olds. Eric often wandered around the rehearsal space, unfocused and sullen.
"Any ideas for your piece?" I ask, checking in to see if I could help.
"I'm thinking," he'd say and then pace.
With three weeks left in the summer, I took my well-deserved week off to decompress. My boyfriend came up from Toronto and drove me to his parent's house at Post and Bayview, where caterers were preparing the tennis courts for an outdoor party. I walked into his mother's living room, and she gasped. "What happened to you?"
I didn't blame her. I hadn't spent much time looking at a mirror the past four weeks, but one glance at the large one in their bathroom told the full story. My hair was ratty; I had scabs on my knees, bruises on my arms and legs, and I was sunburnt. I was wearing a vintage skirt and blouse that was probably more Value Village than vintage and a pair of worn, scuffed purple moccasins; in essence, I was wearing slippers on my feet.
"Please take her to the mall and at least buy her a pair of shoes," his mother said, handing me her credit card and then rushing off to make sure the stuffed alligator would float in the pool. That week I ate my way through rugelach, hamantaschen, brisket, and bagels while his family watched me with awe and disgust.
Back at camp, the smell of burning insect repellent greeted me along with the news that the sailing and tennis instructors were sacked for disorderly conduct. Never mind, I had renewed energy and a sense of purpose. There were costumes and props to make. Sound and lighting effects to create. And we needed to rehearse. It was only a tiny stage somewhere on a remote camp in Northern Ontario, but the excitement was palpable. I was excited. This would be the best talent show ever, and my kids were going to blow the socks off everyone there!!!
"Eric," I said, "How's your piece coming along?"
"I finished it," he mentioned casually
"That's great. Can I see it?"
"I want to surprise you. You're going to love it, though. I promise."
I patted myself on the back. Eric had a breakthrough. All my encouragement and patience had paid off. Perhaps I'd helped him have a developmental breakthrough.
"Can you tell me what it's about?" I asked.
"The Beatles."
"Great. Okay," and left it at that.
Talent Night arrived along with parents and family friends. The lights dimmed, the kids performed, and the audience enthusiastically applauded as each "Mighty Mite" or "Spirit of Paradise" breezed across the stage, acting out skits about fairies and monsters and assorted escapades. Finally, it was Eric's turn. Out he came, looking serious and theatrical. He cleared his throat and addressed the audience.
"This is called, The Beatles Last Recording Session. By, Me."
Three of his closest camp friends filed out and took a space on the stage. The audience was silent.
There was a dramatic pause, then the piece began.
"Fuck you, Ringo,"
"Fuck you, Paul."
"Fuck you, George."
"Well fuck you, John."
Then they bowed and left the stage.
Personally, I thought it was kind of brilliant. Needless to say, I wasn't showered with accolades about my teaching methods or the effect I had on kids. I left there having no catharsis about mental health except that giving people the opportunity to express themselves without censor is probably a lot healthier than insisting they stay quiet. I admired the honesty displayed in the kid's work. If only, I thought to myself, I could be half as brave. Wasn't that what I was spending time and money learning how to do?
A week after being home, I found myself packing, once more, for school in New York. Our term letters had arrived with instructions on where to buy character shoes, leotards, copies of The Children's Hour, and Death of a Salesman. The camp already felt like it was 391 kilometers away - soon to be 659. My father drove me to the train station with my stepmother beside him; she was there, no doubt, to ensure I boarded.
"You going to be okay?" my father asked, giving me a hug and slipping a $50 bill into my pocket.
"She'll be fine." Elsie chimed in. "You don't have to worry about her. Let's go."
But I wanted my father to worry about me. Not all the time and to the exclusion of all else, but certainly the appropriate fatherly amount.
As I settled myself on the train, I watched my stepmother pull from father from the platform to the car and thought of Eric's brilliant play. Under my breath, I whispered the immortal words of the Beatles, "Fuck you."
#stepmother #mental health #children #young people #summer camp
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FIC: imagine seeing it printed in the paper for all the world to see
Ellen - 12/8/12 Your stores are low. That bargirl is dreadful at her job
Jo - 12/8/12 Sophie is great at her job, mom, we already ordered last week. Delivery is expected today or tomorrow at latest.
Ellen - 12/8/12 That’s not good enough, Jo. I taught you better than that. If you’re not going to appreciate feedback - I’ll just get out of your hair.
Jo - 12/9/12 Lots of stuff going on atm mom that the bar is Sophie and Harry’s domain and they’re on top of it so far as I can tell
Ellen - 12/15/12 Who knows what you can tell any more. If the bar goes into debts it’s your own fault. I’ve gotten a message from Rufus regarding needing help and will be going there for a while. You sort yourself out, missy, or you’re going to fall flat on your face like you always do. You don’t have Ash to bail you out any more, and I won’t be either
Jo - 12/1512
How is Rufus?
Ellen -12/18/12 Fine. Hunt was easy. I’ll be going to the East coast for a while until you grow up.
Jo - 12/25/12 Merry Christmas! You coming by Duluth at all?
Jo - 12/31/12 Happy New Year Mom! Hope all going well, bar’s running alright.
Ellen - 02/08/13 Heard from Bobby you got into some trouble on a hunt. Thought you’d grown out of that recklessness.
Jo - 02/16/13 Wasn’t a big deal. Just some thing with a shifter. It was more cop-trouble.
Jo - 03/23/13 Were you going to be near Duluth for the 7th?
Jo - 04/03/13 Sam and Dean were going to be in town next week. Thought if you’d be around good to catch up for my birthday?
Jo - 04/12/13 Gordon is back. Big trouble. Could use some help.
Ellen - 04/12/13 You were big enough to handle him when you were 15, you can handle him on your own now. Get your monster to help if you’re still doing that.
“Sorry I haven’t been around much-” Jo started to say, leaning heaving onto the bartop as she rubbed her eyes. She’d been looking at the laptop screen for too long, months of catching up as she’d been struggling with the effort to deal with the fallout from the other hunter.
She’d barely left the house for weeks, even to come down to the bar, as she’d been too busy watching out for the other. Grey’d jumped at every creak and noise around the house ever since he’d gotten home, and she was considering what she could do aside from going and begging the other shadow to keep up his inconvenient choice of Whispering that running the bar and keeping tabs on what was going on there was so far down on her list of priorities. She was clearly a horrible businesswoman.
“Don’t worry about it at all, Jo.” Sophie brushed her off with a wide smile, quickly pulling out a caffeinated soft drink from the fridge so Jo could get a bit more energy back. “It’s been peaceful really, kinda like the place is actually mine-”
“You got the cash to buy me out?” “Not yet, besides, you should just pay me a manager’s salary and let me take over.” “You want that? Done!”
“I said you should, not that I want you to!” Sophie squawked, waving a hand at her as she moved to get the other ledger - the paper written back up that Jo did actually demand on being done even though most everything was electronic these days. Sophie understood it though or at least respected that Jo had a soft spot for keeping a hard copy, just for backup. There was a pause before the brunette added quietly, “Besides - I know it’s been a while since anyone new or old has been around, but like… Your mom or Anna aren’t going to be coming back and trying to take over again sometime are they?”
Jo jerked for a second before frowning. It had been a long time since there had been any noise from either of them.
She’d lost track and stopped caring about Anna’s desertion a long while back - a hissed comment under the redhead’s breath one night at the bar that made Jo question if those memories she claimed were gone actually were, and then after Jo pressed the question the other had stormed out and Jo hadn’t seen her since. It’d been almost a year at that point so she doubted she’d ever hear from her ever again - if Jo didn’t go looking, the redhead could stay missing so far as she was concerned. Especially if she wasn’t as wiped clean as she had claimed to be.
Her mom on the other hand was a different story. Jo had been reaching out, and hearing back sometimes, but… Things were never and had never been good. But since Ellen had reappeared and tried to pick up where they’d left off before Carthage - things had been worse. She remembered their last conversation in person - Ellen questioning what Jo wanted in life and accusing her of always picking fights when Jo’d asked genuinely for her opinion on her relationship and how things had been going - and their other communication had been breaking down even worse since. Jo didn’t suspect her mother would be coming around any time soon, especially not to take over her bar since she kept pushing Jo to ‘grow up’ and ‘find some maturity’. It was unlikely she’d be coming to ‘bail’ Jo out of her mess any time soon.
Shaking her head, Jo cracked the top of her soda with a sigh before smiling across at her bar-tending friend. “I can safely assure you - unless I tell you, nobody is going to come and take the bar off of you again.”
“I’ll drink to that!” Sophie grinned widely back at her, tapping the lid of Jo’s can with a glass of water of her own before they both buckled down to get the ledgers done and all that boring paperwork Jo’d been ignoring and Sophie had been doing checked before the bar was due to open.
The postcards came in from all over the place.
And from all different people.
Some hunters would drop them off in hand, others mailed still, and some were put up by the hunter themselves. Those that were hunter notes usually had a list of details on the back of what was at the location and dates.
Chicago, Austin, San Andreas and others, even Ontario and Quebec.
Those that didn’t have those notes were usually from Ellen, and tucked in and pinned up amongst the rest same as all the others. Those didn’t get any special treatment, just like she knew hers never got additional glances or care.
Milwaukee sat tucked underneath Seattle, there was several from all over Florida and the warmer states.
Jo’d even bought her own postcards for Las Vegas and New Orleans that she’d laughed about tucking beside the strict disapproving sense she got off of the cards from her mother and seriousness from the hunter’s postcards.
Bright and shiny between them.
It was collage spanning the whole country of the webs of connection that the hunting community gave to them all.
And Jo found it comforting to know almost ever part of the country had some touch of not only the supernatural but someone who would protect the innocent or free the trapped.
Point Arena, California to West Quoddy, Maine.
That they’d finally bumped into one another was not surprising. That it was over a werewolf hunt where her daughter had bumped her arm and thrown off her shot was a surprise.
Ellen had expected the other had learned by now to not be so reckless and stupid. She had hoped that her daughter would have finally matured into her age and stopped running headlong into things. She had thought perhaps Jo would have grown out of being contrary and arguing because she wanted to rebel.
Their fight at the hotel after Jo had subdued the werewolf with a long chain of silver and getting far too close to the man’s claws for Ellen’s comfort until the sunrose and they’d dropped the man off at his home with the firm promise from the blonde that she’d be back before sundown that night to talk more through what his options were had been on a par with their old fights across the worn Roadhouse floorboards.
Jo had screamed and ranted and raved and demanded that she was right, and that she knew better and that she knew what she was doing. It was so reminiscent that Ellen couldn’t help but fall back into old patterns and asked just how Jo had done handling her old boyfriend since they’d last talked and queried just what Jo had done to turn her old ‘hero’ Gordon against her. The reaction had been icy but even more standard Jo than the screaming - a slammed door and a hiss that she was a grown-up and didn’t have to answer to Ellen anymore - but a firm grip on the other’s arm had stopped the chance of her storming out like the rebellious fifteen-year-old she’d been the last time they had this conversation.
Jo had been quiet and petulant, and tugged and pulled to free herself, but all Ellen could see was her pouting teenage daughter who thought she was strong enough, fast enough, good enough to be out on those dusty roads where she was going to end up dead and gnawed on by some monster. More than she already was, given the scarring on her neck that Ellen had heard through Bobby had been a very nasty accident. All she could see was that same child that wouldn’t listen to her, and screamed that it was Ellen’s fault that her daddy left so often and why couldn’t she be nice and understanding for once.
Ellen had shaken her head then as she let go of her glaring daughter and decided that was it. That was the moment she was done. She’d tried her best to protect her. She’d worked for years with a petulant, stubborn reckless brat of a child with daydreams and fantasies about her perfect father that Ellen could never quite scrub the idealistic glint from. She’d given her all and yet it never had an impact. And she was done. She was done trying to reign the other in, and fix her mistakes, and rescue her from her back choices. She was done trying to protect Jo from herself.
She’d not said as much to the raging blonde though. She’d waited a moment before sighing and simply saying that she was done. She was out.
“I’m not going to be hunting anymore, Jo, you’re going to finally be on your own. I hope you do know what you’re doing for once.”
Jo - 05/16/14 I love you mom. Hope today has been okay for you.
You near Chicago still?
Ellen - 05/18/14 Moved last month. Decided to try New York for a while. Moving as much as you hunt.
Jo - 07/23/14 Got a case in New York if you’re around might drop by?
Ellen - 07/26/14 Moved last week - down in Florida.
Jo - 12/24/14 Merry Christmas mom! I was going to go down to get some sun if you were still in Florida somewhere?
Ellen - 01/12/15 Hope you had good holidays and actually spent time with people not your knives. I’ve actually moved to a spot in Texas and going to Michigan next month likely.
Jo - 02/12/15 Got a case near Michigan! Happy to see your daughter?
Ellen - 02/13/15 Would but I stayed in Texas Nothing that would excite you here
Jo - 05/16/15 You ANYWHERE in the continental US this month?
Ellen - 05/20/15 How about I tell you next time I have time in MY schedule for once, Joanna Beth, rather than you thinking you and your gladding about as a hunter means everyone else has to operate under your schedule?
“You heard anything?”
“Since when?” Bobby grumbled the words back at her with a sharp look, and Jo quickly lowered her own voice as she watched his glance through the open doors into the kitchen where Dean was working on dinner. Or at least, what Dean called dinner. They were likely having some kind of tater-tot casserole - but at least Jo knew it would still be a dish made with love given how flustered the man seemed to be trying to cook for more than just himself and maybe Sam for once. Sam was resting upstairs in one of the spare beds after the boys had rolled in from a demon-hunt that’d resulted in a sore back for the taller hunter and a nasty gash on the other’s face that he covered with the worst bandaging Jo’d ever seen when she arrived. “I ain't heard nothing from your mom since more than a year passed.”
“Yeah?” Jo frowned to herself slightly, rubbing at the back of her neck as she thought about it. “Been longer than that since I last saw her.”
“Oh?” Bobby’s tone reeked of surprise, and Jo couldn’t quite meet the concerned and caring look in his eye as he seemed to take in that information. It was a surprise of course. Even when Jo’d been on the road without Ellen’s so called permission - despite her being a grown-ass-woman at the time - Jo had heard back from her more than she was now. Bobby knew how much the other had kept tabs on her, and especially through him as it was. “All I can say is that she hasn’t been in touch with me to follow up on your, Jo.”
Jo frowned all over again at that. It was so unusual and she had expected despite Ellen’s claims that she was out of hunting that she would keep tabs on her still. It was just what she’d always done. Ellen had never given her the chance to not be watched really - and thus half of the appeal of a strong, charismatic older hunter offering a chance away from Ellen’s control and watchful spies had been all the more - but that her mom really had stepped out from the hunter-sphere felt surprisingly okay.
Jo was standing on her own two feet, and even more than that, she was thriving on her own really.
“Ah well, I can’t really expect she’d want to keep up with things given I still haven’t changed how she wants yet.” Jo finally added after a long moment’s silence and taking a long drag from her beer. “Not bein’ a so called grownup and given up this huntin’ nonsense.”
“That what you think her issue is?” Bobby grumbled the words out, taking a long sip of his scotch as he considered her quietly for a moment. “Not the monster boyfriend?”
“Ha, all she wanted was me to settle down. I think she’s more angry he isn’t tryin’ to control my life like she did Daddy’s.” “He doesn’t stop you hunting?” “Not at all. Grey’s always respectful that huntin’ is what I do.” “Hmm.”
Jo let out a quiet laugh as she looked at the grumpy but believing look the other gave her for a moment before letting out a soft sigh. “Pretty sure even if I wasn’t datin’ Grey, and wasn’t huntin’ she’d still not be happy or care all that much-”
“Jo, that’s your mom. She’ll always care about you,” Dean chimed in as he moved through from the kitchen, a disapproving frown on his face as he stared down at Jo for a moment. “It ain’t like you’re some horrible person that nobody could care about, and even then - she’s still your mom. Mother’s always love you.”
Jo felt a little shiver down her spine at those words, shaking her head to rid the tiny spark of fear they’d brought up, before letting out an exhausted sounding laugh. “You can think that if you like Deano. I’ll just know that I ain’t what my momma ever wanted in a kid and that she’s goin’ to be disappointed s’long as I’m not workin’ some kid-friendly job with a bun in the oven and a banker husband with a white picket fence. It’s fine.”
Dean gave her an even more disapproving look, which Jo shook her head again to rid before pointing a finger at him. “You shut up and sit down here so I can fix that hideous bandage, then you can fight with me ‘bout it.”
The other hunter followed instructions with a quiet grumble, and Jo moved to grab Bobby’s first aid kit but found herself smiling softly as she heard the older hunter talking softly to the other man as she left the room.
“You know, she’s probably right. Jo’s always had so much more of her dad in her - it’s like Bill ain’t never left.”
Jo - 03/10/16 Not sure what you’re up to, but if you had a date/time to catch up would love to see you, mom
Jo - 04/07/16 Thank you for having me. Happy birthday for me. You free sometime?
Jo - 05/16/16 I miss you mom I miss dad Are you free?
Jo - 08/28/16 Wanted to see where you were at in case I’m ever nearby?
The sound of the siren was sharp and high pitched. It was endless and whirring. And all over the sound of it’s cry she could hear another cry. Someone sobbing and gasping and crying in pain. It was a ragged and harsh sound, and it made her ears and mind hurt to hear the pain in each gasp.
“The driver’s here! She’s breathing!” The voice was unfamiliar and in the state of fog right then, Ellen was sick of trying to differentiate yet another new voice. She heard a hiccup in the crier’s voice, but then the other voice continued again - shouting for the jaws of life and a gurney.
She tried to shake the voices away, the wailing siren too, but all that did was make the crier scream out in agony. Her agony, Ellen realised belatedly as she felt her neck stiff and painful and her head ring in an oddly disjointed way at her attempt to move. It was her crying. She rarely heard the sound, it was so odd to think of herself crying.
She had used to cry silently all the time - alone in bed, or in the shower, or out the back of the bar taking a ‘smoke’ break with no cigarettes when some hunter would come in hurt and dying or dead - but she had stopped after she’d lost her husband. Why cry over the other men foolish enough to follow him into death with their insane line of work? Why keep spilling her tears over a man who hadn’t cared enough about her to stay home? Why cry over what she saw had been falling apart even before they had been married a year?
She had cried afterwards though over someone else - tears had been spilt for years as she watched the lure of the same dangers draw her daughter in. Ellen had tried to stop it, but no one could stop the inevitable. And by the time her daughter had died in her arms and she’d been blown sky high along with her, she had been sure she’d shed her last tears over her husband’s choices to ruin her life. She should have packed up and left year, decades, earlier to try for any happiness but she’d failed her daughter and more importantly herself so the tears had burned away too.
Getting back, Ellen had not cried again. Why cry over her daughter being stupid enough to continue the same path where she left off? Why cry over hunters still, thirty years on? Ellen was sick of crying over hunters and she had left them behind her. It had been for her, and she deserved to be happy.
Sucking in a painful breath that felt more like liquid than air that left her gasping and crying as the paramedic tried to free her from her seat - Ellen was glad this was the time she was crying again. This seemed valid to cry about. Everything hurt but somehow nothing did either. Everything was a fog and quiet but oh so loud too. It seemed right to cry then.
Her life in Swainsboro, Georgia had been great. She’d been working at a few different jobs before getting a managers position at a small bookshop-slash-coffeeshop. She’d made many friends and been part of a community garden. She’d gone to church and been the only one to know that the God they prayed to was truly real and could listen if He wanted. She sometimes even sent a prayer to him that her old friends were safe and okay. She had been part of a council Beautification team working to make the community better. She had helped at the Church and at the local library reading story time every Tuesday and Thursday morning. She had been the Ellen she’d always wanted to be with a small dog and a cute little house that had no iron and no saltlines and no warding against the supernatural under every doorstep. She had been the woman she’d always dreamed she would be.
Her life had been a dream in the small quiet part of the world, and letting out a last hollow cry, Ellen could feel the world slipping from her in a way she did not experience the first time and could only think that she was glad this time she could die happy with the way her life had been. If only the rest of those she cared for could say the same.
“This number is no longer in service. For information, contact the phone service provider.” - 04/07/17
“Who’s that?” Jo found herself asking as she leaned against the counter top of the Police station. She was hear on a case the next town over but who didn’t have their own station and as such had their records stored there in Swainsboro. Her suit felt awkward and stiff but she knew that was just her own discomfort being surrounded by law enforcement rather than the suit itself - loving selected on a shopping trip with her sister earlier that year - given the quality of the fabric and the flattering cut of the pencil skirt and jacket that showed off her curves but in a way that still worked perfectly for a Federal agent cover but also a flirty journalist. Today it was Agent Bennet after some very important files about the cow mutilations and missing girls the next town over.
“Who?” “That photograph there.”
“Oh, you mean Mrs Helving!” The friendly dark haired woman working the counter replied, moving over to unpin the photograph of the middle aged woman. “Well, actually, I guess you mean Mrs Jane Doe.”
“Huh?” “She’s one of our unidentified persons-” “What?”
Jo felt like she’d just been doused in ice water as she looked between the photograph of her mother’s face smiling in a way Jo never really remembered seeing before and the officer. Her mother looked back up at her from the photograph - sure her hair was a little less grey and her eyes held more shine and the clothes she wore looked like a Sunday Church goer, but it was still her mom.
“Mrs Helv- uh, you know what, no, Mrs Helving.” The officer smiled gently, a touch of sadness in the woman’s face as she took in the photo over the counter across from Jo, before shaking her head. “Or at least that’s how she was known around town. She was so lovely - worked the Sunday School, and was part of the community garden, and ran the bookshop for old Mr Jenkins - but such a shame.”
“Shame?” Jo asked quietly handing the photograph back with a frown. “What’s a shame?”
“Well, that’s the thing. She wasn’t Mrs Helving! It was an alias!” The officer was wide eyed and sounded shocked to herself at such gossip, putting the photograph back gently. “Turns out all her identification papers were fake, and we only found out after the car crash that she wasn’t who she said she was.”
Jo frowned to herself, tucking her hands into her suit pockets to hide the slight shakes as she looked across curiously. As the officer looked back at her, Jo raised a brow in silent question.
“It was a few months ago. Poor dear!” The other woman shook her own head as she moved to sit back down at her counter with a sigh. “Back during the winter we had an unexpected snow storm. It wasn’t so bad, but poor poor Mrs Helving was in a car crash out on the interstate coming to help pack down the Nativity scene just after new years and her car was driven from the road by an eighteen wheeler. Died right after the paramedics arrived.”
“Oh.” Jo found herself letting out a quiet whoosh of breath as she looked away out the window for a moment, before forcing herself to shake the thought as another officer came out the back with the file boxes she was after. Work first, deal with that second. “Thanks, can I have an office?”
As she moved around to a spare room to read through the paperwork she was after, Jo opened a few tabs on her phone as well to research about the so-called Mrs Helving and her lovely life in Georgia. It wasn’t hard to find what she’d been up to, how the last few years had been, and how respected and cared for Ellen must have been the way she had been back in her domain of the Roadhouse - and yet the effervescent smile in place at all times was the way that never appeared at the last place. Ellen’s life looked great, and like she’d been happier off leaving the world of hunters and pain behind.
Jo had finished with her paperwork and made her way out of the station and towards the local diner to get a good dinner before setting off back to the hunting grounds of what definitely looked to be a lone vampire. She found herself eating her meal quietly, eyes on the articles and Facebook posts and every little thing she could find about her mother’s life, before she pushed away and somehow found herself drawn to the local cemetery the funeral notice had stated she would be resting.
Mrs Ellen Helving 01.07.17 She sowed courtesy and reaped friendship
She planted kindness and gathered love
Looking at it, Jo couldn’t help but let out a laugh at such ridiculousness.
That wasn’t the memory of her mother - it wasn’t what she would have put on such a tombstone and it wasn’t what she would ever say of Ellen Harvelle. Sure, she had been courteous and kind, made friends and shared a loving care for those that came through her door, but that wasn’t what a hunting-widow was made of. Ellen Harvell had been fire and fury, rage and coldness, and an ever present fear of the world outside of the Roadhouse doors where she couldn’t see or control things. That was what Jo would remember of her mother - not some kind woman who was open and loving to all. That wasn’t the tombstone where her mother rested. Her mother had left a charred building and slaughtered hounds of Hell in her wake, she had left a grave marker more in line with the fire that fueled her life.
A bouquet of flowers left behind was all that Jo really felt necessary when she had finished laughing at the tombstone. A small respectful set of flowers for a woman that Jo knew she didn’t know, a stranger with her mother’s past but without the baggage. The words were about a woman Jo never got to know - not the mother Jo had gotten, but how Ellen always should’ve been - and the end of her life seemed as normal as Jo knew she’d always wanted it to be.
Something felt hollow about it, but as Jo set off back to the next town - she knew that Carthage was only a few hours out of her way back home, and maybe she could leave some flowers at her real mother’s grave.
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'Nice Guy' Glenn kept bodies in barrels
We can imagine the scene. Andrew Cherewka, 24, sat in front of his probation officer. It was was shortly before Christmas, 2015, in Waterloo, west of Toronto. The officer had marked the holiday with a bent six-inch plastic tree on her desk and a few scattered cards. Outside, it was snowing. The wan light of early winter crept through the cracks in the blind. 'Good to be outside?' Andrew smiled. He was free, free, free at least in the psychical sense. He'd served 30 months for a road traffic accident in which his friend, a passenger in his car, died - something he could never be free. He carried the chains of remorse with him wherever he went. 'Just some formalities,' the officer said. She ruffled the pages of a form.
'Next of kin?' 'My mother and sister, I guess.' 'Address?' 'I don't know' 'You don't know?' Andrew explained that he'd last seen his mother, Linda Daniel, 48, and sister Cheyanne, 13, in July 2011, when he called on the home they shared with Linda's boyfriend, Glenn Beauman, 37, a truck driver, in rural St. Clements. Bauman told him Linda and Cheyanne, a keen horse rider, had cleared out his savings and maxed his credit card, just like that. Andrew never heard from them again.
'You didn't report it?' The probation officer leaned in her chair. Andrew shrugged.
'Mom kept very much to herself. She had few friends and hardly liked anyone. I was surprised but wasn't, if you know what I mean. I thought mom took Cheyanne to start a new life somewhere.'
'You tried to contact them?' 'You bet, I sent texts and messages but they never replied.' The officer considered what he said. 'You should report it, in case.' 'In case?' 'This Bauman character, you know?' 'Glenn? God, no he's the nicest guy you could meet. I've never seen him raise his voice or lose his temper. He treated Cheyanne like his own daughter.' He so, keen to keep in with his probation officer, Andrew reported the pair missing - four years after they disappeared. And then all hell broke lose.
As a matter of routine, police searched Bauman's old home on Hessen Strasse in Wellesley Township. There they found two 45 gallon steel barrels in the backyard that contained ash - about two person's worth. Worse, one of the barrels contained human teeth and what was believed to be human bone fragments. Inside the home, blood was observed to have seeped through two layers of flooring in the master bedroom that was once shared by Linda Daniel and Glenn Bauman. In the meantime, Bauman had moved from Ontario to Alberta. Alerted to the concerns of their colleagues, the RCMP in Alberta sent two officers undercover to find out what they could. The first played the role of a private investigator looking into the disappearance of the mother and daughter, He approached Bauman full on and accused him of killing the pair: 'I don't know what to tell you, man, cause you're a killer.' 'I didn't do anything to them, other than provide a roof over their heads and a life,' Bauman replied. He climbed into his truck. The officer heard Bauman talking out loud to himself - weird. Bauman was rattled and turned to his new friend, not knowing the new friend was also an undercover cop. Their conversation was recorded. Bauman talked about killing the private detective and burning his body in a barrel. Was he serious? 'He gets cooked in a fucking barrel, and then you keep burning and burning and burning and burning and burning until there's nothing left,' Bauman said. That was pretty serious. 'Won't that leave bone behind?' the new friend asked. 'Naw,' Bauman replied with a strange confidence. 'The heat's strong enough to get rid of the bones. The only thing that won't burn is teeth.; The undercover officer drove around with Bauman in his truck as they looked for a place to purchase a suitable barrel. 'We can transport him somewhere else in that,' Bauman said. Yeah, he was serious.
It was enough for Bauman to be picked up on August 19th 2016, in Valleyview on Highway 43, north-west of Edmonton. There was a barrel in the back of his pickup truck. It was a shock to one of Glenn Bauman's old friends, Jonas Martin. He said Bauman was raised in an Old Order Mennonite farm family - no smoking, drinking or sex before marriage - a really nice guy. He met Linda through a dating site in 2003 and loved her daughter, Cheyanne. 'He loved her, absolutely loved her.' If it meant doing extra runs or working extra hours so that he could pay to do something for her, that wasn't even a question.' Like the Amish, Old Order Mennonites, of Swiss-German origin, follow a strict code that focuses on a traditional way of life although vary from group to group. Three thousand five hundred OOMs remain in Ontario. Membership is voluntary, and Bauman had left the order when he was 19. Bauman was brought before a seven-man, seven-woman jury in April 2019 for a four-month trial. Crown Prosecutor Ashley Warne told the court that for years Bauman 'gave explanations for the whereabouts of Linda and Cheyanne Daniel.' He was so plausible, no one questioned it. Bauman had told Andrew he'd reported the pair's absence to the police in Elmira but the police had said, 'Don't go looking for them.' This was untrue, although Bauman did approach police earlier to say his relationship was on the rocks. 'He was seeking help about how to get out of his domestic situation,' a police sergeant confirmed. It was unclear what he thought the police could do about it. Bank records from the period showed Bauman struggled with money. He was unemployed and under pressure at the time Linda and Cheyanne disappeared. Andrew repeated the tale of how his interview with his probation officer produced a 'light-bulb moment' in his head that led to him reporting the disappearance. 'She asked me if I had ever reported them to the police and I said 'no' and she was very surprised by that.I guess I was surprised at how surprised she was.' After he removed Linda and Cheyanne from his life, Crown Prosecutor Warne said, Bauman 'began making efforts to start a new life with a woman.' He met the woman, a Nigerian, on the internet. He wanted to send her $3,000 but Western Union stopped the international transfer to Nigeria as part of a clampdown on scams. Bauman complained to the police. 'I've sent her a plane ticket,' he said plaintively. Two days later after Linda and Cheyanne disappeared, Bauman cashed in Cheyanne's education savings plan. A few months later, he received the $3,100 that rested in the plan. When Bauman was arrested, his current partner asked him point-blank if Linda and Cheyanne were still alive. 'He gritted his teeth,' she told the court. 'With a tear in his eye, he shook his head and said, 'No, and I don't want to talk about it anymore.' A friend of Cheyanne's from Linwood Public School had posted a message on Cheyanne's social media page. 'Why were you not at the first day of school?' There was no reply. The defence argued that Bauman had no case to answer because Linda and Cheyanne were still alive, having started a new life somewhere else - abroad maybe.
Bauman didn't take the stand in his own defence but a witness was called - Roxanne Ratthe, another friend of Cheyanne. She claimed Cheyanne had called her after they left Bauman's home - something the prosecution claimed never happened because Bauman killed them at home and burned their remains in a barrel.
'She called me a while after and just said, 'Hey,' I was like, 'Hey, How's it going? Where are you?' She said, 'I can't tell you.' I was like, 'Well, seriously, where are you?' She just kept saying that she couldn't tell me. I asked her once more - 'Where are you?' - and she just hung up and I never heard from her ever again.'
Defence lawyer Terence Luscombe asked how Cheyanne sounded. 'She sounded normal. She always had kind of a bubbly personality. She sounded excited. She was happy, or it seemed that she was happy. Crown prosecutor Dominique Kennedy said she was confused.
'So your understanding is that your conversation with Cheyanne was not after she is alleged to have been killed?' 'Yeah. She did not call me after she had been allegedly killed. It was before all this happened..' 'Because if Cheyanne called you and you were the only person in the whole universe to hear from Cheyanne after the day that she is alleged to have been killed, that would be very bizarre, right?' 'Yeah.' 'Like unbelievable, right?' 'Yeah.'
In closing arguments, Dominique Kennedy rejected the notion that the pair were still alive elsewhere. 'They had no passports or other travel documents. They didn't change their name. They aren't in the witness protection program. They never crossed into the U.S. Linda and Cheyanne always lived in southern Ontario. It's not reasonable to suggest that Linda and Cheyanne stowed away to a foreign country unbeknownst to all.' After deliberating for a day, the jury found Glenn Beauman guilty of first-degree murder even though nobody could explain how or why he did it - was it really because of financial pressure? Don't all families suffer like that?
In August 2019, Bauman was sentenced to life with a minimum of 25 years for each murder. The sentences will run concurrently as the deaths occurred months before a change in Canadian law that allowed for consecutive sentences in multiple deaths. Asked if he had anything to say before he was taken away, Bauman politely replied. 'No, Sir.'
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lchufflepuffcorn · 5 years
Family matters  Ben Hargreeves x Reader
(Gender neutral reader) 
Omg please write some Ben Hargreeves fluff! Like he married his childhood sweetheart (and he didn't die) and them introducing their newborn to the rest of the family? I think they all just need some happiness and a reason to see each other without the world ending or someone dying -(@Anon) 
Welp, someone still died, but!! It still got fluff, so I hope it doesn’t change too much from what you requested… 
Also, I’m really sorry it took so long, but, as you can see, I made this one extra long as an excuse, even if it barely meets anything to make you forgive me for the delay… 
Please think about taking a look at my ko-fi, or come see my Patreon, lots of love, LC. 
Words: 2471
Warning: Angst, fluff. The gif is not mine, It belongs to its creator/owner. 
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You never actually met all of the Hargreeves’ siblings. You saw them, talked to about two of them, and had tea his the robotic mother -that served your husband as a feminine figure when he was a child- only once. Sure, you knew them. Everybody knew the Hargreeves’, they were the prodigy children of the Umbrella Academy. Ben didn’t fancy to discuss his past, neither did he like to speak about his powers. You understood, after years of marriage, you had been able to put the pieces together. The unique occasions you faced his family helped you read his personality. Klaus and Vanya were the closest siblings Ben had. Diego was too bitter now. Luther was -in his opinion- a dumbass and Allison was something he didn’t want to say out loud. After the disappearance of his brother, Five, he hadn’t been the same. 
''We're going to be late for tea, Ben!'' You screamed to the house, before huffing back in your seat. 
You met Ben at a relatively young age, about eight. You were not a child of the academy but lived close by. At such age, you were not yet aware of all that was going on inside their house. You used to help Ben brighten up when he wandered the streets on his free days. He would roam on the streets for hours, he did so for years before you dared to talk to him. A child with a hopeful smile and shining eyes, holding up a little card for Ben to take. That evening, you could remember, your mom baked cookies for the Umbrella Academy children. 
After years and years of being friends, he ultimately kissed you. It was before he went for a mission. You could still remember the sounds of cars passing by and the wind scattering your hairs as he did so. By the window of your room with one foot already out, Ben's lips met yours, knocking your teeth with his in the process. Awkward and blushing furiously, he stumbled upon his words. Saying that he had to go and came back two weeks later to address the subject with you. 
Now, the awkward first love moment was long past, and you were at your seventh year of the wedding. At the moment, you were waiting not-so-patiently in the car for Ben to get in. He stopped the car in the hallway from leaving the manor-like house you owned in London, Ontario. He did so at least two times to retrieve whatever was missing in his opinion. The thoughts of seeing his family once again stressed him out, you could understand that. It didn't mean you were happy to be delayed so much by it. 
''Ben! I swear... Let's go, we're gonna be late!''
 He finally arrived in the car, the lost rattle Justin had let in the house before you took him to the car in his hand.  The trip was made in silence, about two hours of the boring road on the highway with classic rock music in the background and Justin’s nonsensical gibbering.  
 Going back to the Umbrella Academy was making you nervous. Ben had only invited six people of his family out of eight. You weren't even sure the three last knew you he was married. It was sad because, out of the six family members Ben had invited, only four came. His father had work, and nobody knew what Diego was doing at the time. Since then, Klaus and Vanya had visited twice a year, and Grace was coming every now and then for tea. Pogo was tagging along with her sometimes too. But none of the others visited, although Diego did call often. The impromptu passing of Sir Reginald Hargreeves had stumbled upon all as a surprise. 
As Ben pulled up in the parking of the house, he let out a shaking breath.  Your hand find it's way at the nape of his neck. Your thumbs gently tracing shapes at the end of his hair to ease him from his nervousness. 
Ben finally nods, and you get out of the car, taking with you your newborn who was clutching to his rattle. Ben followed your initiative closely. The three of you walked toward the entry and Ben knocked at the door. You don’t wait long before Pogo opens the door, a small smile illuminating his face for an instant. 
‘’I didn’t think you would come.’’ He says softly, embracing Ben first, turning to you and your child after. 
‘’He was still my father, Pogo,’’ Ben answers to the talking monkey. 
There wasn't a living soul present in the living room. Grace seemed happy to see you, her hand clutching to the tea set you offered her the first Christmas you spent alone with Ben. She doesn't seem to realize she's not alone anymore in the living room. She sings under her breath, carefully pouring tea in the porcelain gift. 
Ben's voice makes Grace raise her head, her plastic smile carved on her face once again. She meets the both of you with a cheerful ''Good morning children, tea?'' Your husband dismisses his mother question, but you nod happily. 
''Where are the others?'' Grace smiles as she pours you a cup of tea, her answer is fashionably late but teasing all the same. Just like when Ben was a child. 
''They won't be long my love. Sit.'' 
You make the living room cozy. Pogo took out one of the many blankets Reginald had for his children. He also takes out some old toys that he never had the heart to discard. Ben is lost in his thoughts as he watches you and your son play on the ground. 
As massive steps are heard going up, you just understand that Luther just came back. You also know that it's inconceivable that he didn't see Ben's car in the driveway, so he did just ignore you. When you look at Ben, he prefers to smile and act as if nothing is bothering him. Justin coos, agitating his little fist in the air. 
The first sibling you meet after coming back to the academy is actually Allison. She couldn't be happier to see her brother, even with the dark circumstances. 
“Hey, Ben!” Your husband gets up to greet her with a hug. You cradle your baby in your arms, so Justin can officially meet his aunt. 
 ‘’Hello honey. Who might you be?’’ Allison drops to your son’s level, adding a smile to her question in your direction. The both of you were never close, and you weren’t even sure that she knew Ben was married. Justin raises his head an awkward smile on his chubby face. A gurgle left his mouth and made Allison laugh. 
Allison makes grabby hands toward the little boy, and you slowly -carefully- give him to her. You know she has a child of her own, but the feeling of uneasiness that you feel from being away from your child is always excruciatingly hard to ignore. 
''I'm aunt Allison. Yes, I am!'' 
''I didn't know you married.'' Luther's voice made you flinch. How come a man so big could sometimes be so discreet? You sometimes forgot that they were trained superheroes. 
The blond brother of your husband was taller and more built than you remembered.  He was supported by the wall with his arms crossed upon his chest. Your husband lowers his head in shame, you take it upon yourself to speak on his behalf. 
‘’You weren’t available at the time, being on the moon and all... ‘’ 
Luther’s cheek flushed bright red at your words. You didn’t mean any harm, but the truth was sometimes harsh. Justin started to whine, his rattle getting your attention back on him.  Allison gave him back to you. You adjusted the baby, so you were both comfortable.  
Ben gave you more space to sit next to him, his arm resting on your hips as a sign of support. You were not one to hate people, but even as a child, you found Luther tough to find pleasant. Sitting under the needlessly huge dedicatory painting of Five, you felt small. Even more because of Luther and his eyes seemingly piercing holes into your skull. 
‘’How come when shit becomes interesting nobody calls me? Ben, (Y/N), darling love of mine, how are you?  How is that sweet nephew of mine?’’ Klaus exclamation brought everyone to turn in his direction. He cradled the child in his arms, sitting on the ground as you did in the first place. 
 To say that his presence in your hospital room surprised you was an understatement.  He had still his rehab bracelet and an exuberant bouquet of orange roses and Peruvian lilies. Klaus had acted deeply offended by your choice of not making him the godfather, but he looked like he was recovering now. 
A little bit later, as you didn’t really like Reginald, you took Justin for a stroll in town. Going out, you crossed path with Diego, in the staircase. He greeted you with a nod, his eyes staring a bit longer than he probably intended too on Justin before he continued toward his room. You could hear Allison’s comment on his spandex costume. 
‘’He’s right, I shouldn’t be here…’’ You heard Vanya mutter under her breath as Allison was trying to make her stay. 
‘’Hi, Vanya!’’ You were in good terms with the woman. She was kind and sweet, it was crushing your soul to know that most of her life her father had been so awful with her. 
‘’I’m so sorry about your father, Justin and I were about to go for a walk, do you want to join us?’’ The shy woman smiled at you, gratefully. Clearly, she couldn’t think of a better way to become comfortable in her own house than to hang out with the wife of her adoptive brother, literally an outsider. That just made you sadder thinking about it. You offered Vanya to take Justin and took her outside so she could breathe. 
Sitting on the bench in front of the house, the two of you spoke about life. Justin was going back and front between you and his aunt happily. Vanya asked about how your life had changed now that you had a son, and you asked about the orchestra. You always loved how she played, it was mesmerizing. When Ben came for you saying that Luther wanted to pay his respect in the ward, Vanya gave you back her nephew and entered the house, leaving you alone. 
The town was not so different than when you left it. It had been a long time since then, your parent had moved away, closer to where you lived, and the last memory you had of it was before going for college. A weird feeling burst in your chest. As you thought about its origin, shouting gave away the answers to your suspicion.  
Ben had always been a little reluctant with fights, due to his past and his abilities as a superhero. No matter how ironic that sounded for a hardened superhero. The dispute between Luther and Diego and triggered an anxiety attack. You had to be frank, it had been a while since his last downward. He was clutching to you for dear life, Justin tenderly hugged in his other muscular arm. 
''You're doing great.'' 
His breath was slowly becoming more relaxed, Justin was sleeping now, his small head on his father's shoulder. You detached yourself from your husband's grip to put the baby the bassinet you had transported from London.  
You woke up the next morning without Ben by your side. Comotion could be heard from the kitchen so, carefully, you went that way. You had made numerous scenarios about what it could have been. None of them involved thirteen years old Five surrounded by his siblings. Ben was looking disgustedly at the sandwich his brother was fixing himself. It was a tradition that you never understood from the Hargreeves. Peanut butter on the corner of his lips, Five looked up in your direction with a frown. 
''Did dad adopt a new child after me?'' He asked, making his sibling turn to look at you. 
''That's Ben's wife.'' Said Luther with a harsh tone. Ben gives his brother a look before making his way to you. Trying to explain the situation. 
''So you're telling me that Five created a temporal vortex to come back, that it changed his physical form from sixty-something to thirteen again?'' Ben nodded. 
Your cup of tea half empty in your hand you looked at the wood table in astonishment. You were somewhat used to Ben's power, but the others were still hard to grasp. And seeing as you didn't grow up with abilities yourself, it was kind of difficult to process the news of Five reappearances. 
 You were enjoying the last moments of calm before Justin’s crying would oblige you to parent businesses. Five was sipping at a carton cup of coffee from the donut’s house from downtown, eating peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich in all it non-nutritive glory. You, as a new mother with strong and newly acquired motherly instincts, were horrified. Only Five was not making things easier for you to forget about him and eat your own breakfast as he was intensely staring at you. 
‘’You’re that girl from down the road, ain’t ya?’’ He asked finally, his mouth half full of the disgracious sandwich. You nodded. 
‘’I assume that Ben is your significant other, now, if I may ask, how did the two of you actually become…’’ He gestured the rest of his sandwich in your general direction, ‘’a thing?’’  
As you opened your mouth to answer, a cry echoed in the academy, you bolted up to go see your baby. You could hear Five finish his monologue to your husband. “I never assumed that you would be the one to have the most healthy relationship of us all.”
 You took your time to bring your child down to the kitchen. Changing him and making sure he was comfortable. Diego stopped glaring at Allison to face you. A small smile on his lips, he gently touched your son's cheek with a finger. Luther sunk deeper into his seat as if he was trying to disappear, Five, on the contrary, rose from his chair to see Justin better. Ben offered him to hold him. It took Five a moment before Five accepted after you guaranteed that he wouldn't snap your son's neck. 
Seeing the happy smile on the teenager's lips grow, you found yourself thinking about how damaged they all were. The love they had known came from a robot and a monkey. So maybe they had troubles, but your husband's family could still work on their differences. 
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Help fill Jingle and Kringle's stockings! Jingle and Kringle ended up at a shelter by no fault of their own. When Kringle somehow ended up with an injury to his tail, we took the rats into our care and got Kringle the surgery he needed. These sweet rats will be available for adoption soon! The countdown to Christmas is on, and we need your help to fill Jingle and Kringle's stockings with items they need! 🎄 - Any brand of rat food 🎁 - Fleece liners for Critter Nation cages 🎅 - Fleece rat hammocks ☃️ - wooden ledges and shelves ❄️ - small animal chew toys 🎄 - grocery store gift cards to purchase fresh fruit and veggies Here are the ways you can donate: 🐾 @dundaspetvalu – 86 Main Street, Dundas, Ontario. Purchase items in-store and leave in the donation bin. Donation purchases can also be made over the phone by calling the store - (905) 628-1860 🐾 Amazon Wish List – Purchase items and have them delivered directly to us! http://a.co/0GNLg2x 🐾 Support Canadian Independent Businesses! You can order from @zoeyandlilostoybox and they'll deliver straight to us! They have the fleece liners and wooden cage ledges/shelves that we love! zoeyandlilostoybox.com Prefer to donate monetarily? Visit our website to see all the ways to give: ladybirdanimalsanctuary.com ❤️ Help Jingle and Kringle have a happy Christmas by donating today! https://www.instagram.com/p/CmX4yq8uPqL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oomox · 4 years
tagged by @sporkandpringles to answer some questions! thanks for the tag!! :D
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? black with copper bristles
2. A food you never eat? I dont like applesauce or cooked bell peppers bc of the texture, so I try not to eat them
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? I'm usually too cold, lmao. my roommates think I have anemia bc im always turning up the heat in our place
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? messaging a friend
5. What is your favorite candy bar? snickers
6. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event? I used to go to baseball games w my cousins all the time
7. What was the last thing you said out loud? I think I was talking to my cat, I was telling him not to chew stuff lmaooo
8. What is your favorite ice cream? rocky road babey
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? grape juice
10. Do you like your wallet? yeah its pretty nice! its like real leather and all, I got it 3 years ago.
11. What was the last thing you ate? jalapeño chips
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? no im tryna save money (not super successfully, tho..)
13. The last sporting event you watched? probably the olympics? or maybe a rogue hockey game my dad had on before all sports got cancelled? I don't really remember
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? super buttery
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to? my boss lol
16. Ever go camping? a few times as a kid, but I dont really like it
17. Do you take vitamins? no but I probably should
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? no, im not religious
19. Do you have a tan? I got a bad sunburn last week, does that count?
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? mmm pizza...
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? nah
22. What color socks do you usually wear? I mostly have patterned socks from birthdays and Christmas lmao but if im wearing a solid colour its usually black
23. Ever drive above the speed limit? I dont drive
24. What terrifies you? not being in control of myself, making irreparable mistakes, dying without significantly contributing to the world or leaving behind something for people to remember me
25. Look to your left what do you see? my bedroom
26. What chore do you hate? all of em equally
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? uhhh idk? I used to watch that Australian mermaid show h2o: just add water when I was younger so maybe it'd remind me of that LOL
28. What is your favorite soda? orange Fanta or sprite
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through? I go in unless im in a car with someone else, then I try to convince them to go in the drive thru
30. Who was the last person you talked to? my sister
31. Favorite cut of beef? mmm idk I like steak?
32. Last song you listened to? stinky money by tiny meat gang
33. Last book you read? the goldfinch by donna tartt
34. Favorite day of the week? idk it changes all the time depending on my schedule. rn its Tuesday
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? nah
36. How do you like your coffee? lots of cream and sugar, preferably iced
37. Favorite pair of shoes? my vans or my shiny silver oxfords
38. At what time do you usually go to bed? usually around midnight
39. At what time do you normally get up? 7 if I have to work, like 9 or 10 if not
40. What do you prefer - sunrises or sunsets? sunrise, only bc being up early is more peaceful
41. How many blankets are on your bed? 2, but im only using 1 rn
42. Describe your kitchen plates? plain white
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? my go-to is vodka and orange soda
44. Do you play cards? yeah! 
45. What color is your car? I dont have a car
46. Can you change a tire? nope!
47. What is your favorite province/state? I mean I live in Ontario, but PEI is gorgeous also. so either of them I guess
48. Favorite job you ever had? my last job was pretty good! I worked in a kitchen for a banquet hall and I got free food all the time. my boss yelled a lot, tho.
49. How did you get your biggest scar? I burned my arm on a pan last summer and scorched like 3 layers of skin off
50. What did you do today that made someone happy? I cuddled my cat and I messaged a friend :D
ill tag @cosmicmangoes @queenofthescreamteam @sarcrisis and @thisdamnfoolofalesbian but if anyone else sees this and wants to do it u can say I tagged u
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