#Happy Late Thanksgiving
dailyraccoons · 2 years
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MY QUEUE BROKE WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME So sorry friends and fans! Regularly scheduled raccoons resume now!
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foxybluejazz · 10 months
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I know it's too late, but happy late Thanksgiving!
Hope you like Cornish hens 🐔
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agirlhasnoname265 · 10 months
Forgive me!
okay, so I’m having a bit of an ADHD moment and I apologize for that. I will do the Arya Gang drawing, I promise but I need a bit of a break from ASOIAF for a bit. I’ve been doing nothing but reading, listening, doodling ASOIAF and now I’m a little worn out with it. I have found a new saga I am in love with, so until I feel a little less worn out with ASOIAF I’ll be talking about that, which will show up in my next post once I’ve finished with a rough sketch I’m doing for it. Sorry about that, but Arya’s Gang will be doodled! Happy belated Thanksgiving!
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kooky-dough · 10 months
"Lucid dreams, fever dreams, daydreaming
oh my gosh, it's shark moon and lava sun"
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This idea has been living rent-free in my head for too long
I know, I'm awful, aren't I
A fic I started working on like a week + ago
I'm not even done with the first chapter
But this is what I got
You're a new hire at this Fazer-Fantasy Worlds - because Freddys Fantasy Word sounds a little too wrong - amusement park
The whole thing is supposed to be about wanting nothing more than to live in a dream world
It is quite literally called "dream lover" in my Google Docs file
I $#!t you not
So here, have at it
Hope you enjoy
The curtains are closed, blocking the majority of the sun's light that enters your room. Despite their best efforts to do their job, the remaining bit of light that slips through always threatens to pull you from sweet unconsciousness. Occasionally, you even wake up to being slapped in the face by the sun's light, shooting out from the opening between the two pieces of fabric. And so in retaliation to the sun’s gracious wake up call, you flip to face the wall and bury your face in the blankets, hoping to slip into dreamland once more.
Not long after disregarding the sun’s morning kiss, you fall back into sleep’s loving embrace… only to find yourself ripped from your lover’s arms yet again.
Yanked back down to planet Earth, you jolt at the abrasive sound of your alarm and pounce to silence the pesky thing. You always ended up hating the songs you used for it. Too many good songs have died from being used to pull you from your slumber.
But unfortunately it is about time you got up.
Begrudgingly, you slip from your cozy bundle, rise to your feet, and lift your arms as you stretch out your muscles with a groan. Walking over to the window with a grumble, and squinting as you pull back the curtain. As much as you hated disturbed beauty sleep, you couldn't help loving how the sun looked in the morning, and how it painted the sky in gorgeous colors as it woke the world.
But alas, you aren't just up to enjoy the view, for you have responsibilities. You're a new hire at FazBear Entertainment's newest attraction, Fazer-Fantasy Worlds amusement park. You found a page advertising the opening park in your search to find a job that was half as appealing as staying in bed.
You filled out the online application, advertising yourself as someone who can clean, organize, and has a very flexible schedule; you were hoping to score a janitorial job. If emptying trash cans, cleaning bathrooms, and taking stock ment you could avoid dealing with customers and daydream on the job, then you'd do it.
Who knows, maybe you'll even find some free time to just take a nap.
The man interviewing looked tired, bored, like he would prefer being elsewhere. Which was understandable. There's not much to do in an office job like his, besides a countless amount of paperwork that really starts to drag on someone after some time, and he looked like he'd been doing it for ages, poor guy.
You carried a professional and polite smile with you as you walk into his office.
During the interview he was looking at his computer, typing away and asking simple and basic questions. He spoke with such a mild tone and expression that it almost made you nervous.
“What previous work experience do you have?”
“Any health issues that may impact your work?”
“How do you handle stressful situations?”
“Do you get unsettled or scared easily?”
For his next question he paused his typing and looked up at you, still as mild as ever but there was a glint of something in his expression that nearly made your skin crawl.
“Are you afraid of clowns?”
..wait… what?
“Uuh, no sir.” you said, befuddled
It's an amusement park, so you guess it makes sense. But what's so scary? Do they have a haunted mansion? Maybe you should have done more research. As long as you're not being chased by anything, you'll be just fine.
“Hmm, good. Well there's not much left, if you want the job just sign these here papers” He slides a heap of paper in front of you with a pen nicely placed on top like a cherry on top of a cake.
You sniggered “Mmm, how fun, thank you.” There is no way in hell you’re gonna be able to read all of that.
He gave a sardonic, dry laugh “You should not be thanking me.”
Sparing him a glance as he goes back to typing on his computer again, you pull the stack of papers closer to you and skim through it as you sign your name on each dotted line.
He sends you a glance too as he types and asks “So why’d you sign up for this job anyway?”
How he could type and hold a conversation was beyond you.
“Eh, what a better place for a dreamer then the place that’s furthest itself from reality.” You could only hope to be engulfed by your own imagination but it helps to be surrounded by the inspiration of fiction.
The guy hummed something nocumunicationla and paused his typing once more “Hey, just don't forget that dreamers have nightmares too. Being further from something doesn't always mean it's safer, you could wander into an even worse spot then you were before.”
His words felt like a warning and just about sent chills down your spine as you signed your name on the last line.
He, may the devil have your soul now.
He sighed and handed you a shirt “I hope you get what you're looking for. when do you think you'll be ready to start.”
Your smile brightened from the somber one that crep onto your face and happily replied “Tomorrow!“.
And that's why you're getting up from your sweet haven and welcoming the morning sky.
The guy who interviewed you -that you never caught the name of- sent you to go to the park the next morning so you could get a tour and a run down on your responsibilities as an employee. Your name tag might not be done yet but they promised to give you all your employee goodies before you started your first true day on site.
The polo shirt the tired fellow gave you was sky blue with yellow and orange stripes lining the sleeves with a red hem and sunny, yellow buttons running a little ways down from the -also red- collar. A FazBear logo was stitched on each sleeve like a small patch. The text circling around it said “Fazer-Fantasy Worlds”. The cool part was that the two little bear heads in the logos were different. The left sleeve had a teddy bear with button eyes, patchwork beneath its right one, and on its left cheek. The right had a kingly crown and a proud smile. Honestly, the shirt felt perfect for a place that promised adventure and wonders beyond the mundane road of life.
You tuck your new shirt into your black jeans and put on a striped rainbow belt. It was most certainly cute and colorful. You tied on your trusty, black, steel toe boots, they were slip resistant and honestly the most comfortable pair of shoes your own. They were a procaution to protect your clumsy ass. You’d be lying if you said they didn’t make you feel a little more confident.
It was late spring, but thanks to the region where you live, it was more like summer with few rainy days to break up the warm and sunny weather. Slideing on your soft and breathable, navy blue jacket, you walk into the bathroom and finish cleaning yourself up. Trying to brush out your cronic case of bed head was futile and only made your hair poof up more. So you throw on a royal blue banadanna that had a white pattern, reminding you of a cloudy sky.
Before you head out to the randevu point, you grab your phone, slid it into you jackets innerpocket, then snag a peice of bread from the fridge and spred some jam on it to nibble on as you walk to your car from your apartment. You have a roomate but you never realy see them due to the fact that
Paper scrap
to help manage the mess of hair on your head and keep it out of your face.
With the magic cards of being available for work just about whenever and overall willing to learn anything they might want from you, you scoured a job.
and in this vary moment you akwardly realized, neather of yall exchanged names. Welp it’s too late now. He probubly already knows your name anyway from your resume. Unfortunetly for you, this guy has no inucations of what his name is. Buuuuut, luckly, he doesnt seem to care in the slightest, and hopfuly he wount mention it.
but that still caught you off guard,
Truth is that the guy giving you the interview looked tired and fed up, only skimming through your resume with a tired expression. Then he proceeded to just hand you an employee t-shirt and asked when you could start.
Like the awesome and cunning fox you are, you slayed the interview and got the job. The FazBear company totally didn't just give the job to the first person who signed up. No, you definitely got the job cus you were just that good.
some cool lost items you could keep. Mmmm, free shit.
with a thin, velvety, navy blue jacket over it and some black jeans. Your shoes were a nice black pair of steel toe work boots. Gotta love a good boot.
They see your creative work and ask why it wasn't in your resume
You didn't think it was important
And walk out the door to your interview
thinking that this place -out of all your other options- would fuel your creative thirst with a side of a living wage, cus gosh darn it, you ain't gonna get that from being an accountant. You shiver at the thought of an office job as you prepare yourself for the awaiting day.
you stir in your sheets and blankets as you lift them to cover your face. The early morning sun always seemed to try and tear you away from the blissful comforts of sleep. You where content in bed with not a care in the world
But the sun... the sun wasn't just a ball of light. No the sun was an antagonist
You're in bed, tossing and turning as a desperate attempt to get comfortable. Your body aches
Cold chills run through your body even as you sweat. Your sinuses are stuffed and your head aches. A nauseating feeling washes over you as you're stomach complains
Trying to fall back down the rabbit hole that was dreamland. Unfortunately for you, dreamland is under reconstruction
Your shirt sticking to you damp skin as you move
whining and trembling as chills run down you
sweat laced body causing The fabric of you usually loss fitting shirt clings to you damp skin. You coil into the sheets, desperately trying to get comfortable as you toss and turn.
The sound of your miserable
The sheets beneath you stick to your heated skin, damp and wholly uncomfortable as you toss and turn.
Your body aches
Your body aches and your mind is fuzzy.
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adiabolikpastel · 10 months
Thanking you~
Hello Everyone~!
It has been a while since I last checked-in with everyone - how have you been? There are so many of you now, it warms my heart!
Life has been doing it's thing for me - I'm still in college only now I'm working on my Master's. Once that is done I swear I am finished - school has been so stressful I find myself getting frustrated almost daily. However, I have to remind myself that nothing worth having is easy, and this education will help me better my life … eventually.
But enough of that~ I wanted to give you all a check-in with the blog. As you all can see, not a lot is happening right now. It's hard to find the time to get things together, or find a free spot in my brain to focus on creating content. I do hope that you can continue to bare with me, and continue to send in ask to help build the universes here.
I do want to take this time to establish a few things; nothing too major but I do want them to be out there.
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The big change …
As of this post, Callista's story will be changing to have a Polyandry relationship. In which Callista will ultimately marry Shu, and later marry Reiji also. Now this does not mean that Shu and Reiji will be a couple - not that this blog has a lack of inset all ready - just that they will both be married to Callista - as their story continues.
Ultimately I came to this decision because honestly, the story she has with both of them are just too good. The idea of her choosing one over the other is simply not possible - and it wouldn't make for a good story. Not to mention, it's gets SUPER messy in the Excruciating Duplicity storyline to have hers branch off into two different outcomes.
The entire point of creating Excruciating Duplicity apart from Tormented Reverie was to have another story where characters do not have to worry about the events of Yuuki and Yuki's plots. So, changing the official cannon to be that of a Polyandry outcome makes the most sense, and gives us all of the best endings for all parties involved.
The other news …
The twins are still a thing - I swear. I'll also stop keeping you all in suspense … they are in position of Azusa Mukami. Our first official Mukami ship of the blog, and of course it belongs to the sweetest pea that is Azusa. Probably once my schooling is down in the summer is when I will have time to actually write something and get some commissions together for you all to meet them~
Thank you all again so much for all of the love and support over the years. I promise that once school is over and I can be a normal person I will be able to give more of my attention to the blog and to the universes.
In the mean time, please feel free to send in ask. I love having the opportunity to world build and bounce ideas off of you all - everyone has helped shape the stories so much it means the world to me.
I am so thankful for this blog and everyone who has been apart of it through the years. Here is to many more~
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It’s been forever since I’ve posted on this hellsite, but does anyone have any suggestions for things to add to the Sokovia Accords? I’m tryna create a version of the Accords (like in literal bill form) and ideas would be nice for the future. Help
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heyyoupikaboo · 10 months
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Happy (Late) Thanksgiving - Love, The Turkeys
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alittlerandomcookie · 10 months
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juliansdiary2 · 10 months
- Are you going out for black Friday or boycotting? (An Happy Late Thanksgiving)
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db-reviews · 2 years
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#138 - Two For The Show - Kansas (1978)
I was originally gonna get this review out on Thanksgiving, but due to family and stuff I couldn’t. That being said, better late than never ‘ey?
Prog Rock in the 70s was definitely dominated by Europe with King Crimson and or Gentle Giant raging through, though in the American continent there was still some hype around a good amount of bands. In South America there are bands like Bubu from Argentina, and Os Mutantes from Brazil. Canada got its fair share of Prog too with Harmonium and the well beloved Rush. In between them with America, most progressive acts were very centered on Jazz, most likely due to it being a big cultural thing in the 70s and 60s with acts like Frank Zappa, Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock, and Return To Forever supplying the more jazz focused music in the American region. Though for more general rock fans that want the more harder side of the genre were still in luck, especially in the Heartland area in states like Ohio, Indiana, and of course Kansas. The more American focused Prog in the Heartlands were less reliant on European classicalism and symphonics but more on a harder rock and even slightly country sound, though bands like Styx would sprinkle in some Euro influences in their music from time to time. These tropes and characteristics of American styled Prog can be seen most prominently with Kansas.
To me Kansas has never been my favorite band in my country, but that is compared to modern acts around my banks of expertise. Even though they may not be my favorite, they still have made some very amazing albums like Song For America and Point Of Know Return, and some very classic songs that I think even non Progheads love like Carry On My Wayward Son and Dust In The Wind. As an American I find Kansas to hit pretty close to home since I live in the Western Heartland area of the USA, though I was born in a coastal state. So with that being said, I absolutely adore this live album they put out in ‘78.
Two For The Show is one of Kansas’ expertly crafted musical ventures, featuring songs from their first five records (Kansas, Song For America, Masque, Leftoverture, and Point Of Know Return.) and they picked out the best of the best for this live show in those respective albums, beginning with the awesome Song For America from its titular album and ending with the big 11 minute suite Magnum Opus from Leftoverture, with the songs in between containing amazingly placed numbers like Icarus and Journey From Mariabronn. No song here is bad, not even close, and for me a good live album should, for one, bring out new experiences to songs, and create for a lively and fun atmosphere. This album does not only do both, but exceeds my expectations in how live albums should be. The big and grand sound the band raises in this live performance in each song allows them to constantly feel fresh even after multiple listens with me noticing new things each time, especially with headphones.
I think the best version of the album to listen to is the 30th anniversary edition with another hour worth of content that continues the streak of amazing songs from Kansas’ lineage. Not only do you get a mouthful of music from this edition, but so much good material that, even with its long 2 hour length, you cannot help but love it even more.
I just love the big and super radical sound Kansas exudes on this live venture, that I just want more of what they have to offer in this big adventure they set out on stage. The violin work of Robby Steinhardt is the soul part of the album for me, working hand in hand with Steve Walsh’s keyboard works and Kerry and Rich’s guitars. But, they do not compare with the immaculate bass work of Dave Hope. Again, listen to this with headphones and just listen to Dave’s bass. It is so meaty, powerful, and poignant that it is a crying shame he doesn’t get the spotlight in comparison to other bass legends like Geddy Lee and Les Claypool.
I also really like how sometimes the band would sprinkle in a bit of a melody in some cases where they interconnect the songs they are playing. You can see that with Portrait to Carry On My Wayward Son and Excerpt from "Lamplight Symphony" to The Wall. It just makes the album so much bigger and better, really solidifying the band’s Prog status while retaining their hearty sound of music.
Pretty much all of this album, front to back, is a gemstone just waiting to be cracked into. 14 songs of pure progressive stasis, and 11 more just waiting to be eaten up in the anniversary edition. If you haven’t heard this live album, do yourself a favor and listen to it since this album should be one everyone at least in some point should look into as it is one of the best live releases in my opinion. Such an amazing work of art from this band.
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kastillia · 10 months
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fatmagic · 10 months
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eggst · 11 months
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i know this is a camp camp blog but please i cant keep suppressing all my other hardcore interests psease
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starrrlights · 10 months
A winter wonderland
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Mile morales x reader
A/n : This is based during winter. Maybe around Christmas? Idk. Sorry I haven't been posting... I got really burnt out and had writers block. I don't live in/anywhere near Brooklyn, so if this doesn't seem like it is placed in Brooklynn, please just imagine a large city then. I didn't do any research for this so... yeah
I used "____" for your name, so I hope thats okay
And in the story, you don't know Miles is Spiderman, but there are a few parts in the beginning of the story that kinda implied that he was being Spiderman ig?
I hope you like it 🤭😋
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You rubbed your hands together as you waited for miles to meet you at the bus stop. You two were supposed to hang out for a while and walk around, looking at everything there was to look at in Brooklyn.
It was currently snowing. Not hard enough to where you were too cold, but just enough to where you wish you had brought warmer mittens. The ones you had on definitely weren't made to keep you warm enough in this weather.
You stood by a street lamp that was by a bus stop sign. You looked around for the 10th time to try to find a familiar boyish face. But you couldn't find him yet.
You tugged your coat closer to you, salvaging any warmth you had standing to the snow. People walked past you but the only thing you could hear over the footsteps crunching the soft snow that fell to the ground was someone shouting your name.
You turned to the direction that he was shouting in, and you saw him jogging over. He seemed put of breath and a little out of place.
'Did he run all the way here or something?' You thought to yourself. Miles tugged his hoodie up a little as he got over to you.
"____! Hey." He took a few deep breaths before continuing. "I'm sorry I'm late." He then gave you the boyish smile that you loved so much.
"It's fine miles. You're fine". You smiled widely as you reassured him. You and Miles had been dating for about a year now, and you could only feel your love for him grow stronger. Butterflies still invaded your stomach whenever he was around, and you could feel you face heat up every time he smiled.
Miles nodded as you reassured him and gently took your hand into his, giving it a small squeeze.
"Ready to go?"
You nodded, feeling your face flush from the small physical contact. You both started walking to the streets of Brooklyn, passing by parked cars and lit up street lights that highlighted falling snow as it fell from the sky. The sidewalks weren't as crowded as the weather grew colder and snow fell. You felt your hand that was in miles' hand become warm from the shared warmth.
You and Miles had talked about whatever that came to mind. Recent tests at school and what was happening at home. Miles had then brought up about why he had run late. Apparently, some destruction was happening by his apartment because of a villain, and Spiderman took a little while as he fought the villain.
You nodded in understandment, believing him. "Okay. I'm just glad you're safe, miles."
You gave miles a soft smile as you looked into his eyes, something you could never get tired of.
You both continued to talk about what had been happening in your lives until you had reached a small park. There was a small playground that contained swings, a slide, and a few other things. Snow covered everything that was available. Covering a once green park in the summer to a soft white park in the winter.
You and Miles wiped snow off of the swings and sat on the seats. It was a bit cold and slightly wet from melting snow, but that didn't bother you both much. Snow continued to fall onto you and miles. Covering your hair in small snow flakes and your coat. You and Miles continue to talk about anything and nothing. You then gave miles a good look at how he looked at that moment.
Soft snow covered his curls and clothing that he was wearing. His soft brown eyes that seemed to carry a loving gaze as he looked at you made your heart skip a couple beats. His boyish smile and charm made you forget anything bad that had happened recently to you and made you only think of one thing. Miles.
your heart swelled at every thought of him. You couldnt deny that you thought he was pretty. A soft smile creeped onto your lips as Miles continued to talk. The moment couldn't be any more relaxing than it already was.
The sounds of the wind and cars driving soon consumed your ears. You both stopped talking and sat in a comfortable silence as you watched the snow fall. The silence wasn't uncomfortable or awkward, but it was peaceful. It was something you needed after a long day.
You then turned your gaze from the grey sky over to your boyfriend. Which who was already looking over at you.
You felt your face heat up from the unexpected eye contact, and you quickly looked away. Saving yourself from feeling more embarrassed.
While you were looking away, Miles was having a similar response. Since he was caught staring at you, he couldn't help but also feel his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. He darted his gaze to the ground, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
After a moment of awkward silence, you silently decided to look Miles again, who was now looking at the ground and fiddling with his coats' pocket. Even when he was awkward and shy, you still thought he was pretty.
You carefully move your foot over to Miles and nudge his foot. It didn't seem to startle him, but he did look back it you and smiled. He then nudged his foot against your foot, and you smiled.
The moment seemed to last for a long time. You didn't even notice that Miles had his hand out to you, wanting to hold your hand again.
"Do you want to start heading out? It's getting late."
You nodded your head as to answer his question. "Sure, let go."
He nodded as well as you took his hand and stood up from the swing set. The snow had slowed down, and the soft sounds of your guy's shoes stepping on the snow was the only thing that you heard as you walked hand and hand back to your apartment.
Everything now was beautifully covered in snow. Making it look like a true winter wonderland in your opinion. You both again passed parked cars and lit up street lamps, the highlighted falling snow. But it was all quieter now. Even with cars and people going past the two of you.
You walk down your street and find your apartment easily. You stop and you thank Miles for the time you both had.
"Thank you."
You smiled at Miles and leaned in to kiss his cheek, which was cold from being outside for so long. You felt your heart flutter from your own gesture and you wouldn't doubt Miles felt the same.
"Yeah.. no problem. I'll see you soon?"
He asked, you nodded and gave his hand one last squeeze.
"I'll see you soon."
You gave miles one last kiss before turing to your building's door and going in. Leaving Miles outside with a smile on his face, looking like he had just seen the most mesmerizing person ever.
"...god i love you."
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fobnsfwdoodlesbackup · 10 months
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Oops meant to post this last night and fell asleep!
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mysticalflyte · 2 years
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I too want to eat with the Kawamotos
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