johnthestitcher · 1 year
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Lineworkers school.
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gotshirtsuae · 6 months
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Beyond being a hard hat supplier, we specialize in branding helmets and safety headgear through screen and vinyl printing techniques.
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rcnettingsolutions · 1 year
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zarla-s · 6 months
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heehee engie short
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malcolmrei · 2 years
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@gran_tulum #Condominium #UnderConstruction #OnSite #hardhats 🚧🏢🏣 #Celebration #22Years 🌮 #WeddingAnniversary @tgordon718 #Mexico 🇲🇽 @simcadesarrollos #GranTulum #UnoZeroUno #Tulum #SIMCA #NewDevelopment #investmentproperty 🤔 : : : Malcolm from #Breuckelen @compass 😉🏠🤎 License Associate #RealEstate #Broker🗽#Buying #Selling #Leasing #Investing #USMCVet #PrattGrad #KappaMan Τελειωοις (at Tulum, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjT0izyONTi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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qupritsuvwix · 2 years
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I find them in restaurants, mens rooms, on the side of the road…
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53v3nfrn5 · 12 days
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Children living near Japan's Sakurajima Volcano wear hard hats on their way to school to protect their heads from flying debris ejected by the volcano. Dust and ash from the continual eruptions cover the streets.
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3liza · 2 months
i wish you could "yoohoo boys" in real life without risking extreme inconvenience at best and bodily harm at worst
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beefysmorgasbord · 4 months
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Yes, Daddy!
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evanostic · 3 months
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i drew my personal designs of the doorman couple on a whim
(my blog is multifandom)
reblogs > likes
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breadandblankets · 4 months
CivE Duke - inspired by this post by mysterycitrus
This was one of Duke's favorite parts of his job. Not that one, the other one, the civilian one.
"Duke Thomas," his mother had told him when he got his engineer's seal crimp in the mail. "Is every bit Gotham's hero as much as The Signal is."
Every other week it seemed he donned his steel toed boots, hard hat, and high vis and went to look at the bones of some old building.
Most days were sat at his desk in a nice comfy high rise in Old Gotham, eyes glued to the searing white of some ancient as-builts on his screen. (As-builts, especially in Gotham, were more of a suggestion than a rule, his team had started calling them "Maybe-builts" and it fit more than he'd like.)
Gotham, in Duke's experience, had good bones for the most part. Even caked in years and years of grime, asbestos, and mob snitches, there was beauty in pulling away the facade to look at all that union-made bessemer steel.
Today on the chopping block was a Park Row mid-rise, slated for either refurbishment or demolition, all depending on Duke's word.
It wasn't anything even close to the rush of saving a life, but there is a light feeling he gets, knowing that some old structure can be reused.
Duke knows its a little silly to get sad when something old is beyond saving, especially when he signs over it's death.
"It's like a forest fire," his dad had told him once, after he watched his first controlled demolition. "You gotta burn out the dead things so new things can live."
This building though, Duke has a good feeling about it. Or at least that is what he tells his trainee, Ines, while he scans the building with his X-ray vision.
Ines Borja is a bright kid fresh from the hell that is Gotham U's CivE program, she's not a Gotham native but while living here she fell in love with the city (and it's cost of living). According to her, New York isn't much worse, Gotham's just weirder.
Weird is, unfortunately, Duke's bread and butter. They pick through delapidated rooms with crumbling sheet rock with mostly intact concrete encased steel. He spots some areas with crumbling concrete that he points out to Ines, who dutifully takes photos.
"Those are areas we'll need to test for water penetration and corrosion," Duke explains.
He's explaining other testing that will need to be done, radar of the foundation, metallurgical testing, etc, when they hear yelling outside.
For a moment Duke ignores it, but the hard walls carry echos of what's being said.
"I'm not going to ask again, your money asshole!"
The flat thud of a notebook hitting the ground is the last thing Ines hears as Duke takes off like a shot.
His site walk boots are heavy, much much heavier than his Signal boots. They're for protection and insulation from the hard concrete he has to stand on all day. They're so not meant for running, he thinks as he barrels out of the survey site and around the corner.
There are two figures in the alley when he stomps into the scene, slipping his hard hat off. The mugger is on the younger end, thats about all the analysis Duke gets to do before he sees the gun.
It's nice sometimes, Duke things, as he spins like a discus thrower, to fight normal city problems. He's liable to get bogged down in big world ending shit that sometimes its just nice to save a mugging victim.
The reinforced plastic leaves his fingers in a rush, aimed straight and true, slamming into the gun in the mugger's right hand.
Both the mugger and muggee have a moment of shock before Duke slams into the first guy like a freight train, knocking him out of the confrontation and onto the ground.
"I'd advise you sit down for a moment," Duke says to the would-be mugger, flatly. He turns to the shaking older man.
"Sir are you alright," he asks politely.
"I am now," the older man, well dressed but not wealthy in the way that Duke knows people in the town are. "Thank you very much."
"Alright then," Duke says calmly, he fishes in his pockets for one of the many business cards he always keeps on himself. It's for a therapist, and a good one in Duke's opinion. A profession in too short supply in Gotham. "Might be best if you get on with your day, I'll stay with this young gentleman here."
The older man is clearly a true Gothamite, because he doesn't protest, just moves along. Probably not even the most traumatic thing the guy's witnessed in the last year.
Duke turns to young man on the ground, who hasn't moved a muscle from where Duke put him just a second ago.
"Hey man I don't want any trouble."
Ines chooses this moment to catch up, her skin flushed and she's panting, She is still carrying all the gear with her, which no doubt slowed her down.
"Bit late for that yeah?" Duke questions with a raise of his brow, he motions with his chin in the direction of the gun. It's a couple yards off, resting comfortably with his hard hat. "What's your name?"
"David sir, i-its not even loaded, just to scare people a bit," all comes out in a rush, the young man, David, is clearly terrified.
"Hey, I know, it's hard out here," Duke placates. Out of one of the seemingly endless pockets on his work pants he pulls out his wallet. Out comes two more cards and a couple of bills. "Listen, here's fifty bucks, go get yourself something to eat."
"Hold on, I'm not done," Duke says. "This is the information for Leslie's clinic down the street, she can help you with a lot, or just point you towards someone who can. If you need anything else this is the Wayne Ent outreach office, the director there is Elaine, tell her Duke sent you."
"You- you're not going to call the cops?" David asks, bewildered.
"And have them do what? You're robbing a man for twenty dollars with a gun that has no bullets," Duke observes. "You clearly don't need jail time you need a hand."
As if to illustrate his point, Duke reaches out to help him up. David hesitates for a split second, before accepting the offered hand.
"Seriously thought," Duke continues. "Leslie and m-Elaine helped me though some of the worst times of my life okay, reach out to them, they can help, you're not in this alone."
David looked like he was about to cry.
"Thank you man, just thank you."
"Just looking out for my fellow man," Duke replies. "Now get going I got work."
David laughs a little at that before shuffling awkwardly by Ines. Duke turns to look at her.
"You are like, officially the coolest boss I've ever had," she tells him seriously.
"No way, didn't your last boss bow hunt wild boar?"
"Yeah but that's jack all compared to my Apparently incredibly based current boss."
Duke chuckles: "You don't even know about my teenage years."
"What, you were doing child anti-cop anarco-communist action?"
"More or less."
"Based as fuck," she says, amazed.
Duke just shrugs.
"My mom always said: never accept the world as it is, make it better. And so I do, so i will."
Duke turns a little, to look back at the mid-rise that will have new life breathed into it sooner or later.
So I will.
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divergear · 6 months
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One last smoke before the helmet is sealed on
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its-stimsca · 2 months
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Stimboard of the Blu engineer from Lil Pootis
Center art by @quazies
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cat-attack1701 · 1 year
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TF2 Gem AU Defense Classes! Offense ~~ Defense ~~ Support
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rubbergrunt · 1 year
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Blue collar grimy gooey wet dreams!
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badworkie · 5 months
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