#Harvey keitel x reader
rockhoundbeck · 1 year
Ladies and gentlemen... Mattel: Reservoir Dogs pt 1 🤙🏻✨🖤
Credit me if you're using these lol
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sufferthesea · 2 years
goncharov this katya that I am sick and tired of people sleeping on the diamond in the rough that is ANDREY!!! that man didnt sacrifice his eye to be disrespected by this ungrateful fandom! 😤
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I know you’re busy so feel free to delete this request but I was wondering if I could get an HC of how the dogs would confess their undying love for you? Lol I specially orange, white, and blonde cuz I have a soft spot for them! ♥️🥰
Hey anon! I hope it's okay for me to write just for Orange, White, and Blonde in these headcanons due to my schedule. Is that okay? I'm really sorry if it isn't, and please let me know and I'll fix it if that's the case. But yessss, I love this idea! Man, all of you come up with such excellent fics I'd never think up on my own! I also included some songs that I thought fit these confessions perfectly, I hope that’s okay. Let's get right into it then! I only have two more reqs in my inbox left, so hopefully I can get those done soon too!
Fandom: Reservoir Dogs
Genre: Requested Headcanons and romantic relationship
Synopsis: You are at the forefront of Blonde, White, and Orange's confessions of love, which you didn't expect whatsoever!
Trigger Warnings: Age gap in Mr. White's headcanons and swearing, but nothing else!
MR. BLONDE/VIC VEGA ( The Longest Time by Billy Joel )
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This is certainly going to be interesting, I'll tell you that! Most of the Dogs didn't expect Blonde to be the type to fall so head over heels for someone, what with his psychotic personality and tendency towards violence--nonetheless you, the sweetest little thing they'd ever met.
Even he was unsure of your reaction, lost in his own newfound feelings of love and admiration for you. Nothing like this had ever happened to him, crushes yes but never infatuation to this degree. To be honest, it terrifies him. You make him second guess himself, empower and frighten him with how you hold him in the palm of your hand.
He was very good at not letting it show, however. Blonde's just his usual charismatic self around you. His flirtations are subtle, enough so that you don't necessarily pick up on them straight away. He isn't obvious, that's for sure.
Eventually though, it got to the point where he couldn't keep it inside anymore. He longed to touch you, hold you in his arms, kiss you, and make you his. The desire was so overwhelming it knocked him onto his ass, literally. Vic decided shortly later that he had to tell you, even despite the risk of rejection.
The confession came when he pulled you aside for a moment on an outing with the Dogs at Pat and Lorraine's Café. You'd just finished a massive plate of steaming pancakes and you were feeling fantastic. He'd asked you to tag along outside with him for a smoke. Even if you don't, you still go along.
In the front of the café, he lights up, then gathers himself. You can tell something is off, but what you don't know. You let him ramble for a few moments, before finally asking him what was going on. And there it came, a confession of undying love for you.
" What's wrong is that I'm in fuckin' love with ya, Y/N. Absolutely heads over heels, on my ass and breathlessly in love. The problem is that you're so damn out of my league, baby. I could never have a chance with a gorgeous gal/smoking guy/hot thing like you--!"
You cut him off by tearing the cigarette out of his lips and slamming yours onto his in a passionate kiss. His baby blue eyes go wide, but he takes it all into stride and returns it. And he holds you, heart racing and knowing that nothing could tear you two apart.
MR. WHITE/LARRY DIMMICK ( I Only Want to Be With You by Dusty Springfield )
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Unlike Blondie, White recognizes how he's feeling way before you or the other Dogs do. He's had enough experience in the field of romance to know when he's falling in love, so he isn't afraid or worried. Rather, he's taken aback with himself. You are considerably younger than he is both physically and mentally, and you two come from completely different backgrounds. So he's nervous over how you'd take all that in along with his confession.
He confides in the ResDogs after his realization, and they're understandably surprised too. Pink and Blonde try to discourage him by pointing out the contrasts between you two. Orange, Blue, Eddie, and Brown are supportive though, and Joe is apathetic. He takes all of their advice with a grain of salt, especially the disbelievers. At the end of the day, he knows he has to come to it on his own within himself.
It takes awhile though, I won't lie to you. Larry's feelings only grow stronger every day that passes. Whenever he closes his eyes he sees you. His brain is constantly filled by mental snapshots of you. He hears your voice in the back of his head, like a favourite song. You are his whole world now, all he wants to do is be with you, be yours, and have you as his in every way.
He's not flirty like Blonde though, at least not in the typical way you'd think. It's more of a chemistry thing, a projection of good vibes from him. To you, it's totally alluring and irresistible, and you want nothing more to be around him. You two zero in on each other, the whole world drowned out as you talk.
It's in one of these moments that he confesses, suddenly and stupidly he feels. White was just so engaged in the conversation and the love he was feeling for you that it all came out. The Dogs stop everything they were doing, staring on at you two in that moment. You're so lost in what's happening that you don't even notice. But what you do know is that your feelings are being expressed through him right then and there.
" You mean everything to me, Y/N, and I love you so much. I only want to be with you, kiddo. I can't even express what you do to me, you've just changed me forever..."
It seems like hours that pass when the silence hits you both, but in actuality it was only minutes. You feel your world caving in beneath you in a good way, being sent into a spiral of realization and returned love. You only leaned into his chest, letting him hold you to his heart in response. From that point forward, you two were together.
MR. ORANGE/FREDDY NEWANDYKE ( Can't Take My Eyes Off of You by Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons )
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Okay, Freddy is going to be the wild card in these headcanons. Unlike Blonde and White, you'll know straight away that this sweet boy has fallen for you. He doesn't really know how to hide his feelings towards you, only how to reign them into a point that wouldn't make you overtly uncomfortable or push you away. He loves you but he isn't going to pressure you into anything you don't want to do, that isn't his intention whatsoever.
He fell for you the minute he met you, there’s no glossing over that fact. You were just so charming, bright, good looking, and positive, it would have been contrary if a schoolboy crush hadn’t been sparked within him because of you. He’s had MANY crushes before, but there was something about you that was different than those previous times. Just that little edge, that little sparkle that separated you in your own class. Over time, that crush morphed into full blown love, despite how short that development was. He found himself constantly thinking of you, wanting to be with you and a better person when he was around you.
The Dogs could tell right away too, they knew that there was going to be attraction the minute Orange and you became friends. Sometimes they tease him over it when you’re absent, poking fun at him for being a lovesick puppy, laughing that he’s being such a suck towards you. And goddamn is that true, Freddy is so clingy and attentive to you. You both are joined at the hip, having a great time wherever you go. Personally, you were flattered by his kindness and cute devotion to you. You too felt love blossoming inside you for Freddy, though it was more gradual in your case.
For awhile, you two remain good friends and nothing more. Soon enough, Freddy and you are two peas in a pod, closer than you even realized. You knew each other’s favourite things, fears, insecurities, weird habits, what made you laugh or cry or annoyed, and above all, you both knew deep down that you loved each other. It was the circumstances and your own personal convictions and reservations that prevented you from getting together immediately. This cycle goes on for a long time, months and months until Orange can’t take it anymore. He can’t imagine life without you, and the lines in your relationship were dangerously beginning to blur from platonic to romantic for the two of you. It was all moving so fast, the feelings big like an untameable beast rearing it’s head in your guts.
The day that he confessed to you, Freddy wasn’t in a good place. He’d had a trying, hard, and drawn out day, and he didn’t know how to handle it. He broke down on your doorstep, falling into your arms and bursting into quiet sobs. It was heartbreaking to see him so frayed, so you brought him in not knowing what else to do. After you got him settled on the couch and drinking hot cocoa, you wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug. You weren’t fully sure, but you figured that everything was just too hard for him to take anymore—especially his deeply rooted love for you. You asked him if that was the case to which he gave up and admitted it.
“ I’m so done with pretending I don’t love you, Y/N. I don’t want to be friends anymore, I don’t want to be buddies, I don’t even want to be friends with benefits. I just want you to feel what I feel. And what I feel is commitment, respect, and pure love for you. I want you to love me. Please… don’t turn away from me anymore…”
And you don’t. Slowly, you two let yourselves shuffle closer, finding each other’s lips and rubbing noses together. Then in a sudden moment, you were kissing. A lot of things made sense in that moment, things you hadn’t figured out the answer to or even known you needed clarity for. It all came to you in a flash, like it was right under your nose. Freddy loved you and you loved him. That was all you truly understood for certain, and you weren’t going to let yourself forget it.
I hope that these were all okay, and again, please let me know if they weren’t what you had in mind and I will gladly fix them up to be satisfactory! Thank you again anon for your req, it was so much fun to do! And thanks to everyone for all your patience with this little blog, I wouldn’t be where I am today without you all, sappy as that may sound. So thank you so much! Love and safe hugs to all of you, and I’m keeping you in my thoughts! Stay tuned for more updates, slow as they may fucking be. Ciao!
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Can you do something with having a cute little married life with mr white I love him so much
omg YESSS thats so fucking cute reeee
i hope you like it ♥ i know there’s next to no plot or anything interesting but i did my best hahah
You squint at the rays of sunlight poking through the curtains beside the bed and roll over, shielding your eyes. The sound of wet footsteps is barely audible, and you can hear the sweet birds tweeting away outside. Yawning, you stretch over and, trying to grab the clock from your bedside table, accidentally knock it off. You lean over the side of the bed and pick it up lazily, peering at the hands– nearly a quarter past ten. “I should probably get up…” you think to yourself, sighing and slowly pushing yourself out of bed.
Idly, you shuffle into the en-suite to brush your teeth. You brush them without much care, it being late morning, and after running a comb through your hair, head to the living room. 
Your older husband, Larry, is chilling on the couch– feet on the coffee table, ciggy in one hand, newspaper in the other. He senses you and turns his head to admire you in the morning glow. “Mornin’, beautiful,” he says softly, popping the cig between his lips and patting the couch beside him. His hair is damp and he’s lounging in one of his old Hawaiian shirts and baggy shorts.
“Just been in the shower?” you ask, joining him on the couch and letting him give you a kiss on the cheek. 
“Uh-huh. You sleep well?”
“Like a log,” you smile. “Did Eddie get back to you?”
“Yeah, says there’s a meetin’ tomorrow afternoon. But I don’t think I’ll be gone long.” He wraps his strong arm around you, sighing contently. “You want me to fix you a nice breakfast, sweetie?”
“Nah, I’m not that hungry. I’ll just have an early lunch.” You look down at your wedding ring, admiring the sweet glint of the diamond. It was understandable that your friends had suspected you got with Larry for his money, but that was far from the truth. The two of you had met at a local taco place– one of the employees was being an asshole to you and Larry had intervened (while his colleague Freddy just awkwardly stood there). He had then insisted on paying for your tacos– not a conventional love story, but it was a fond one nonetheless. Admittedly, you enjoyed the fact that he was well off financially, but it was never a factor in you falling in love with him. Having an older husband comes with its perks and its downsides. It was something you had to adjust to, but it was fine– you hung out with Larry’s colleagues now anyways, often joining them for breakfast.
“Alright, princess,” he says, placing a hand on your thigh and turning his attention back to the newspaper. You both sit in a comfortable silence, enjoying the lazy morning atmosphere. 
As midday hits, a pang of hunger hits your tummy. Larry is washing the dishes in the next room while you’re doing the ironing, and the sound of the radio faintly echoes around the house. “Honey,” you call, placing one of his Hawaiian shirts on the pile, “I’m gettin’ hungry, can you make me something?” He appears in the doorway in seconds. 
“What would you like, sweetheart?”
You think for a second. “Grilled cheese sandwich?” 
“Just what the doctor ordered,” he grins, slipping an arm around your waist and kissing your cheek. “Won’t be long.” With his hand barely grazing your ass, Larry heads back to the kitchen to make your lunch. While he’s busy doing that, you’re flicking through the channels on the TV when the home phone rings. Wondering who the fuck could possibly be calling, you hurry to the hall and answer it.
“Mrs. Dimmick speaking, hello?” you say politely, and a familiar voice full of warmth replies.
“Hey (Y/N)! How are ya?”
“Fine, Ed, how’s you?” You walk to the kitchen and lean against the counter, watching your husband. He mouths ‘Who is it?’ at you, and you nod at the noticeboard full of polaroids– they mostly consisted of drunk pictures of him and Eddie, and he got the message, smiling at you.
“I’m good, is the fuckhead there?”
“Who, Larry?” you smile.
“Yeah, he’s making me lunch, do you want him?”
“Just tell him to call me back sometime today, I don’t wanna cockblock on his day off.” You can practically hear him grinning at himself.
“Don’t be gross! Are you sure you don’t want me to pass the phone now?”
“Nah, I gotta call Pink, Brown turned up at my fuckin’ doorstep earlier this mornin’ complaining about Pink bein’ an asshole to him, so I guess that’s my job to sort out now.”
“Oh Jesus, good luck with that one,” you giggle.
“Yeah, thanks. Hey– tell him he’s a motherfucker love from me.”
“Darling,” you say to Larry, and he turns around. “Eddie says he loves you and wants to fuck you.”
“Hey! That’s not what I fuckin’ said!”
“That’s what you get for being a meanie,” you smirk.
“Whatever. I’ll see you when I see you.”
“Alright– byebye Eddie!” you say, doing a ‘muah’ with your lips so he can hear.
“Seeya, honey,” he says, and you hang up. 
“Eddie?” asks your husband, cutting your sandwich into triangles. You nod. “Ah, what’d he want?”
“He wants you to call him back today, I don’t know what it’s about,” you say, standing beside him and leaning your elbow on the counter. He gazes at you, momentarily distracted by your beauty.
“Oh, I’ll probably call him after you’ve fallen asleep,” he says, kissing your forehead. 
You smile. “Thanks, daddy.”
Larry bites his inner lip, studying you for a second. It always got him going, you calling him daddy. In a way, he was that to you– he took care of you in any way he could, all because he thought the absolute world of you. Lightly caressing your waist, he presses a long kiss to your forehead. “My beautiful, sweet girl,” he sighs. Larry always made sure to remind you how mesmerising you were to him, and although you would protest, you knew he wasn’t ever lying. No matter how you looked– made up and glamorous, first thing in the morning or sick as a dog. To him, you were a goddess.
He pushes the plate next to you on the countertop and grins at you. “Eat up, sweetie.”
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kissproof · 2 years
𝘚𝘜𝘔𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘠: 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘨𝘴 (+ 𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦) 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
𝘞𝘈𝘙𝘕𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚: 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 & 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘴 , 𝘢𝘧𝘢𝘣! / 𝘧𝘦𝘮! 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦
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the feeling of being suffocated between a woman’s thighs is something… unexplainable
it’s truly an ecstasy all its own which is why brown likes it so much
he loves arching his head back, jaw tight from his open mouth, tongue flicking and nudging at your most sensitive points
and he loves the way you grip his hands as he does it, using them as reigns to help you grind
because he’s alright on his own, fueled purely by the films he gets off to
but when you find the right rhythm for you, it’s heaven
by the time you’re about to come it all sounds so wet and you just feel so good and he’s grabbing all over you, gathering sweat in his palms from excitement
his nose is smushed against your pelvis when you practically bend over to hump into your orgasm, shaking and gasping hard as he brings you over the edge
he’d usually be knuckle deep inside you, face so close he has no choice but to taste it
he’ll give you a few kitten licks, which you take with much gratification, moaning louder than you had before
and his scruff rubs so tenderly against your skin that you buck your hips into the roughness, a near growl escaping your mouth
he holds your hips down with one hand, his long fingers splayed out, knuckles red
that’s a lovely sight within itself….
your legs begin to quiver with his other hand is still playing you from the inside
he curls just right, pressing fiercely against your trigger and you have to cover your mouth because you nearly cry from how hard you come
he’s pleased with himself, but immediately brushes his teeth afterward :/
spreads your legs apart like he just happened upon the most beautiful field of flowers
“such a pretty girl.”
you get wetter just from his words, and he knows it too
he’ll “sweetheart” his way into your panties any day of the week! cooing and kissing on you until you’re pleading for his tongue
loves to have your legs up over his shoulders or have your feet rest on them, your comfort is always important to him
he’ll take breaks to breathe, grinning at you as you pant and run your hands through his hair
but then he goes straight back to tongue fucking you, his mouth so wet and soft
encourages you to come in such a gentle voice, then he licks you absolutely clean
loves to do it most when you’re already so spent
he’ll pull out of you and grab onto your calves so he can lasso you to the edge of the bed and devour you with every last fiber of his being
he moves slow, deathly slow & his kisses are deep, long, & wet
you curl your hand along the side of his head, palm to his ear as your legs flail and quiver from weakness
and all you can do is whine and whimper his name, jerking out of his mouth because you’re so sensitive
but he just grabs onto your thighs, keeping you open for him, forehead forming wrinkles as his eyes pan up to watch your shaking chest and stomach, your beady eyes
“that’s it, baby,” he hums, hardening his tongue when he knows you’re close. “look at me…”
and most of the time you can come from how pretty he looks down there. he’s just that powerful
literally….. give this man a medal
freddy puts his whole face in it, nose, mouth, chin, he embraces it all
and he’s so eager, smiling and chuckling the whole time, his tongue flickering like a fucking garden sprinkler
he always has a hand on your breast, teasing your nipple between his fingers while his other fingers slip inside you, his lips sucking hard on your clit
love love loves when you suck his fingers while he goes down on you
he also loves to flip you on your stomach and get at you from behind, spreading your ass and thighs
you push back against his face and all he can do is moan, he’s just so enamored by how sexy you are
he goes so fast that you never have time to keep up with your own climb and before you know it you’re crying for him to make you come
he’s so muffled as he talks you through it through his open mouth, “comeformebaby… comeforme…”
nearly always finds a way to get you to suck his dick at the same time, but nevertheless you don’t complain
he likes the way your moans feel when they vibrate along his cock
you’ll come more than once when eddie’s involved because you won’t stop until he comes and that can take a while
when you’re in 69, he’ll wrap his arms around your waist so you can’t move, absolutely demolishing your pussy with his mouth
other times he’ll make your spread your vulva for him and he’ll let a string of spit run down on you to get you wetter
he loves how wet you get
rotates between rubbing and licking your clit
always does a courtesy fuck afterward no matter how many times you came beforehand cuz he just can't resist
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fandom-of-pulp-dogs · 3 years
{Domestic Life with the Dogs pt. 3}
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Reservoir Dogs x Reader: Poly!  (sort of) Headcanons
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You met the dogs through Joe. But Joe was the first. He met you at Pat and Lorraine's cafe. He liked you instantly and every time he came for breakfast or lunch, you would be like his personal waitress.
He gave you really good tips.
During one of his visits, you meet his son, Eddie. Eddie is very much like his dad, but more cheeky in some ways.
He flirts with you a little, making you go pink and act like a stuttering mess. “Knock it off, kid. She's working.” “Sorry, pops.” You weren't used to flattery.
The next time, Joe and Eddie came to visit, they're not alone.
You come to the cafe, almost rushing, thinking you were going to be late. But you made it in time.
You were called by the head waitress to serve Joe and his table.
You peeked out at the table to see several men, each one as good looking as the last.
Somehow getting up the courage to go over, you greeted Joe and Eddie with a smile.
Joe introduced you to the boys. Not by name, well not exactly but using colours: Orange, White, Pink, Blonde, Blue and Brown.
You find the boys to be quite pleasant.
The boys ask you to join them. But you refuse as you have other customers to serve. But you get told otherwise by your manager and you give in to their puppy eyes.
You find yourself sitting next to Joe and Mr. White and he buys you to a meal and a cop of coffee to go with it.
“So, what's with all the colour names?” “They all don't know each other that well, sweetheart.” “And just so you know, I had no interest in being called Mr. Pink. That was all his idea.” You shrugged. “S'alright. I wouldn't mind making you blush pink in the gents toilets.”
This struck a round of applause and laughter from the rest of the Dogs, except Pink who was left blushing and speechless.
The boys almost get a heart attack when Pink tips you, almost double when he goes up to give you it.
“By golly, girl. You work a fucking miracle.”
This tells them that Pink's taken a fancy to you.
But that's not the last time you see them – except Blue, he's happily married.
You meet up with Eddie first and takes you to Vegas which is a little much for a first date, in your opinion.
About half way through the date, you meet up with Blonde who introduces himself as Vic Vega.
The three of you get along like a house on fire – you enjoy their company. By the end of the night, you end up in bed with both of them until the next morning for when you all head back home.
Orange is the next of the Dogs to go on a date with you.
He takes you to a diner and then to his home to watch films – one of them being Lost Boys.
Halfway through, you both end up talking about anything and everything, and there he reveals to you that he's in a relationship with White. You don't mind a bit, thinking it's really sweet and you feel quite flattered by the fact that Orange trusted you with this secret.
You honestly thought White would have been upset by Orange telling you something so personal. But he wasn't, he was a little taken a back at first but happy once you told him that you had no ill will to them both for being in a relationship.
White was an absolute gentlemen and very respectful of you. He never forced you to do anything you didn't want to do.
Though you did request to have a night with both him and Orange. “One day, sweetheart.”
Mr. Brown was a total geek – no, wait....IS – despite his small criminal background. He took you back to his apartment to have a movie marathon with him, which led to him having to pause the film half a dozen times to discuss several theories he had about them. It went on well into the night.
And then there was Pink.
Pink was the most awkward out of the bunch. He seemed to be the sort of guy that put on the tough guy act around his friends/colleagues but when he was around you, he was soppy.
Near the end of the date, you both have the tipping discussion. He's very opinionated on the subject, which you can't help but agrees with him a little bit but once you explain to him a little more about it, you're sure you've convinced him...maybe only a little.
Surprisingly, he does tip but you suspect it'll be the last time.
When dusk fell, he takes you on a small walk back to his apartment for a little drink. He keeps you by his side at all times. His beady eyes watching everyone in case anybody decides to pull a fast one.
The night ends with you two making out on the couch and then later on falling asleep in his arms.
During the days when the boys having breakfast with each other and you're not around, they can't help but talk about you and how amazing you are.
Joe and Blue keep quiet about the whole thing but giving each other knowing glances.
They know what it's like and leave them to it.
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tilbageidanmark · 3 years
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Movies I watched (and books I read) this week #63
Cemetery of Splendor, my first by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, a magical and ambiguous Thai film that challenges the perceptions of how a story should be told. Cinema as an unexplained dream, a spiritual memory.
RIP, character actor (and sexual abuser...) William Hurt X 2:
🎦🎦🎦 Wayne Wang’s 1995 independent Smoke, about some down-to-earth patrons of Harvey Keitel’s small Brooklyn tobacconist store, all hurting for one reason or another. In a week of some mediocre and lousy film-watching, this was the one that stood out for me. A “human” (maybe “humanistic”) story, with a wonderful coda, played to Tom Waits’ raspy “Innocent when you dream” score. Small roles played by young Jared Harris, Giancarlo Esposito, and Ashley Judd. 7+/10.
🎦🎦🎦 I never liked any of the few David Cronenberg movies I’ve seen, and I hated A history of violence even more than the others. It started with the name, which promised some kind of a profound insight into the human condition, but it was nothing more than a bland action story. Worse, it felt like every scene, emotion, edit & sound were jarringly off-scale. Atrocious acting, gratuitous sex & violence, predictable story. 1/10.
The Help, an earnest but sentimental look at systemic American racism, told through a Disneyfied prism of the black maids raising the little white children in Mississippi of early 1960′s.
America is built on deep seated racism: It established its economy of slavery, white supremacy and extreme exploitation, and it continues its hatred to this day with Jim Crow, Donald trump and the GOP. It’s really a 100% despicable country.
Prime Cut, a gritty gangster film with Lee Marvin as a mob enforcer, and Sissy Specek in her debut role as a victim of a white slave auction. The obscene Kansas City slaughterhouse background symbolically meshes with the sex-slave sub-plot, making this an unusual crime story.
Red Desert, Antonioni’s last chapter of his early 60′s Monice Vitti tetralogy. I recently saw all four films, and as much as I loved the first three, I really disliked this artsy one with its modernistic ennui and intellectual malaise. It seemed like a avant-garde parody of itself. And Richard Harris was so miscast, it was just boring.
‘Cinema Paradiso’ director Giuseppe Tornatore's first English-language feature The Best Offer with Geoffrey Rush as a ultra high-end auctioneer. He runs a side-fraud skimming off the top, and amasses a priceless private collection he keeps secretly in a vaulted room. It starts nicely enough but ends up lifeless and empty as an old man / young girl fantasy (befitting the real-life Mr. Rush.) Unfortunately, the cast also include one Jim Sturgess who was so terrible in his role, that he was able to contaminate the whole film into garbage. 2/10.
Experimenter, a terrible docudrama about Stanley Milgram’s obedience experiments at Yale. Slow, pedantic and devoid of any feelings, it acts as a boring thematic screed trying to shoehorn itself into a narrative. 1/10.
From Tony Zhou’s defunct ‘Every Frame a Painting’: Buster Keaton - The Art of the Gag. Re-watch.
Books I read:
🎦🎦🎦 The ‘Vergangenheitsbewältigung’ novel The Boy Reader (Der Vorleser) by German law professor and judge Bernhard Schlink. A 15-year-old boy falls in love with a much older woman, and between their many love-making sessions, he reads to her classic world literature stories. Their relationship continues throughout their lives, even when he discovers that she had been a former guard at Auschwitz, where she used to force her young victims there to read to her too. It was made into an ‘Oscar-worthy’ Kate Winslet film, but I know I would have hated it, so I pass. 6/10.
🎦🎦🎦 Israeli Moshe Perl’s ‘Follow the money’ is a light history of Homo economicus, and the power of money throughout history. It’s written in a similar style to Yuval Noah Harari as well as Jared Diamond, but is not as deep or comprehensive as either one. Its theory that ‘Money makes the world go round’ only goes that far. Still, I swallowed it in 2 days.
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(My complete movie list is here)
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Harvey keitel night is cancelled I just found x reader fics of him
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rockhoundbeck · 1 year
Could you ever imagine Mr. Pink wanting to kiss u while he's crawling at you and... You don't wanna do anything to avoid it?
Then I woke up :'/
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rockhoundbeck · 1 year
Headcanon #1:
Mr. Pink would be the kind of people who u flirt at and he'll kick u out since you've been doing it in public...
But as soon as you're alone he'll do anything to drive u crazy...
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headoverhiddles · 6 years
Read Through - Harvey Keitel x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: Your drama prof, Professor Keitel, has you all write a scene for your final performance. Yours is a bit risque, and you want his first hand opinion on it during his office hours...
Notes: This is purely a short sluttacular pwp. Harvey is daddy af. 
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It's the last class of your Friday, and you're sitting in the intimate first row of Professor Keitel's class, listening to the man speak about your final assignment for the course.
"Now it's nothing too difficult," he assures everyone, "Just a routine scene I want you all come up with... of course, I want it to be anything but routine, it should be something interesting. Now some of you may be thinking, 'why am I writing it? This is an acting class, I don't need to do that shit.'” You sigh. You love it when he swears. “--That's where you're wrong. Acting goes hand in hand with writing-- they're both creating. You're gonna build a character who you want to play, and do them justice when you play them. There's nothing more egotistical than that... and we all know, ego is a very important thing for an actor." Everyone laughs with him, and he straightens his jacket. "Alright, get outta here. Finished scripts on my desk next Friday, office hours tonight."
You suck on the end of your pen as you watch your professor gather his papers and books. He'd been the fixation of your fantasies since you had enrolled in his class-- most people your age went for the frat boys around them, but you couldn't get Professor Keitel out of your mind. He was so authoritative, so strong willed, so passionate about what he taught. 
He wasn’t the most straight laced professor either-- he had a few unorthodox ways of teaching, that many on the teaching board admonished him for. You just thought it made him exciting. There were rumors floating around school that he used to run with the mob, or some kind of secret gang of criminals. It turned you on to imagine that. He also had this twinkle in his eye that told you there was another side of him. You always found yourself wearing the lowest cut tops you had for his class.
As he folds a few page corners of his book to mark his places, Professor Keitel looks over to you, as you're one of the last to leave.
"(y/n). Looking forward to what you come up with," he says, "You always think of the wildest things. Which is a damn good thing! It'll get you recognized."
"Yeah?" you ask, tucking your hair back, "Think I'd have a shot at getting recognized?" 
"Anyone could recognize you," Professor Keitel replies, then looks down to his papers. "Remember, I'm here for any extra help you need... or if you just wanna play with ideas."
You bite your lip. "That's okay, sir. I think I know what I'm gonna do."    
"Good for you." He lowers his voice. "A lot of these guys in my class are fuckin’ slackers. Doesn't really make sense, I'm kind of a hard ass. Maybe I'm too hard on ‘em."
"I don't think you're too hard," you smirk, "Sir."
He chuckles in disbelief, obviously catching your flirtation, but he refrains from taking it any further.
"Good luck, Miss (y/l/n). I look forward to reading your work."
You leave, your miniskirt swishing just under your ass, and hope he's watching you.
You drum your fingernails against your laptop keys, and sigh. None of your ideas seem to be working out... one plot is just too boring, the other doesn't make any sense.
Maybe you should take Professor Keitel up on his offer for office hours. Nobody really went to those anyway, right? He wouldn't be busy. 
Then you get an idea. With a wicked smile, you start to type, the words pouring out of you. As you're typing, you bite your lip, and run a hand down your stomach to tug down your panties. What's wrong with having a little fun with your homework?
The next evening, you're excited to show your professor what you've gotten down. You had a whole entire script finished, but you needed that last stamp of approval to ensure you got good marks.
"Professor?" you ask, knocking lightly on his office door. His office hours are listed there: 6-9 pm. You check the time on the wall. 8:55. "..I hope I'm not too late." He opens the door, and sees that it’s you. 
"No," Harvey shrugs, "I haven't got much to do tonight anyway." He invites you in. "What can I do you for?"
You smirk, appreciative of that figure of speech. "I finished my first draft."
"You did! Amazing. And you wanted to... run it by me?" He pours himself some whiskey, and you bite your lip. His disregard for school rules made him so attractive... those rumors about the mob seemed truer every day. 
"Well," you part your legs ever so slightly, and your professor can't help it-- he glances down. He can see your satin panties under your skirt, then his eyes flicker back up to yours. He takes a long sip of his drink. "--You see, sir, drama is complicated. You really have to act something out to know if it's good."
"Oh," he nods, already wrapped around your little finger, "So you wanted me to run your lines with you? See if..." he licks his lips, "If they translate well off the page?"
"Mhm," you nod, and he sets his glass down. 
"I can do that for you."
You smile, passing him a copy of the script you'd been up late working hard on. He reads the title, nods, and starts.
"Okay. Interior, office. Professor Dimmick sits at his desk, folding his page corners to mark his places." He looks up. "For risk of sounding egotistical, was this character based on yours truly?"
You shoot him a look that tells him to keep going. He does.
"Student walks in. She's got a little crush on Dimmick." He looks up at you, gaze penetrating.
"Does the professor know about her feelings for him?"
You get up, and move closer, stopping just inches from him. "I don't know, that’s a character choice. As an actor, you can answer that... does he?"
Harvey keeps reading. "The student falls to her knees... and takes his--" He looks up. "(y/n), as your professor, there has to be a line."
"What about censorship?” 
“This is far past censorship, you’ve written... hard core porn! For class!” 
“Please? I really need to see if the words roll off the tongue," you practically moan, “I can always change it later.” Professor Keitel clears his throat, and nods. After all, at the end of the day, he doesn't believe in any kind of censorship. "He takes himself out of his pants." He palms himself gently, trying to make it discreet... but you can see him under the desk, and it’s making your pussy clench to know you’ve got him exactly where you want him. "And the professor moans."
You slide down, and get on your knees, crawling under his desk. He parts his legs as you unzip him, and he holds your head in place as you take his cock out.
"Keep breathing..." he whispers, reading off the page, "Ohh... keep breathing..." He drops the script. "That's it. That's it, sweetie." He’s past trying to resist. He sees your looks in class, and god, he’d jerked off so many times in this very office thinking about you doing this to him. 
You moan as you suck your professor off, and look up through your eyelashes, seeing how much he's enjoying it. He encourages you, nodding whenever you look up. His heavy cock sits against your tongue, sliding to the back of your mouth with every deep-throat. He finally pats his lap, and you pop off, getting up and straddling him.
Harvey lets out a breath, and kisses you. You moan, and he wraps his hands around your head, pulling you closer to him. You lift up, and lower down over his erection, riding him while holding on tight around his neck. He keeps his hands on you, holding you there, and groans your name like it's a prayer. 
"(y/n)... god, that's wonderful..." he whispers. Your breasts drag against his suit jacket.
"You like that, sir?"
He grimaces, conflicted. He's not supposed to be doing this... he could get fired if anyone walked in, and you could be thrown out of school. But you, his best student, were just so sweet, felt, so, so good, and at the end of the day? He honestly didn’t give a fuck.
"I'm gonna..." he huffs, kissing your neck, “I’m gonna fuckin’ come, babygirl.”
"Me too," you gasp, and you both climax at the same time, kissing feverishly. You step off of him, and grin, snapping your lacy panties as you pull them up. Once you've got your skirt back down, you pick up the script. "Well. I think we improvised a bit, but all this was all very useful for my final draft, sir." You wink. “You really nailed the actions.”  
He sits there, stunned, with his pants still open, and runs a hand through his hair. "No matter how good I think that is, honey... It's not appropriate for class." 
You giggle. “Good thing we have more time to workshop it.” You wave goodnight, and leave him to finish his whiskey. 
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headoverhiddles · 6 years
Back Seat - Mr. Wolf (Pulp Fiction) x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: After two hitmen pick you up from the scene of a now double homicide, you're mixed up in the cleaning of their car when your former business associate is shot by accident. The Cleaner takes an interest in you.
@this-is-mysuperwholockd-design Harveyyyy😍
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"Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face!"
"Aw, I didn't mean to, it was an accident!"
You sit in the back, shocked. The pieces of brain somehow mostly missed you, but you've still got blood on your denim shorts and tank top.
The hitman with the long hair just shot your business associate, Marvin. You had been working with him and two other guys on a job regarding a briefcase for Marsellus Wallace. It had been your idea to keep the briefcase. All the other guys had been too chicken shit, so you told them you'd take the case and run if they didn't agree to it. Ultimately, it was basically your fault they were killed for it, but you don't like to cry over spilled milk. Or spilled brains.
You and the two other men pull up to a suburban house, green lawn cut nicely and picket fence painted white. You frown out the window as you pull into the garage. What the fuck were you doing in a place like this? Kissing one of their wives goodbye before shipping off to jail?!
"Get out the car," Jules snaps at you, jerking the door open. He's still pissed about what you did to his boss. Vincent offers you a hand as you step out, and the two men escort you inside the picture perfect house, looking over their shoulders the whole time.
A guy with messy hair in a checkered bathrobe comes breezing out of the living room, swinging the door open.
"Get in, get in," he mutters, closing it after you three. He stands back, and sighs. "Who the fuck is she, man?"
"Very close to ending up like that dead son of a bitch in the car," Jules warns, and you cross your arms.
"I said I'd let Marsellus deal with me himself, what more do you want, assholes?"
Vincent huffs. "Hey Jimmy, where's the Cleaner?"
Mr. Winston Wolf arrives at the door precisely on time. He introduces himself, and comes in. You look him up and down. He's dressed in a suit that fits him well, and has his hair slicked back, with a crisp mustache above his top lip and a sexy squint.
"I'm Winston Wolf. I solve problems."
Your lips quirk up. Just your type-- a daddy who knows what he's doing.
Jules and Vincent shake his hand, and then he parts them to look at you.
"And who is this young lady here?"
The man in the suit's eyes roam to meet yours, and he offers a polite smile. You hold your smirk. No, he's definitely not like the other imbeciles in this room.
"This bitch is one of them motherfuckers who was tryna fuck Marsellus Wallace," Jules steps in, scowling.
Wolf's eyebrows raise at you. "You tried to fuck Marsellus Wallace?"
"Not in the literal sense," Vincent mutters, rubbing his temples.
Wolf just chuckles, and slaps the two men on the back. "Well. Show me to the car, fellas."
You all walk to Jimmy's garage, the neurotic host fidgeting away. It takes about 40 minutes for Jules and Vincent to get their shit together and finish cleaning the car, and at that point, it's about five minutes away from being sparkling clean.
"Hey, um..." Jimmy clears his throat, "I hate to be that fucking guy, but Bonnie's on her way home, so you guys have gotta be fast."
"Jimmy," Wolf says calmly, putting both hands on his shoulders, "Everything is, and will be, under control. Would you get me another cup of coffee while the boys put the blankets in and I chat with the young lady?"
Jimmy nods, taking everyone's mugs, and Wolf comes over to you.
"You must think I'm a big bad gangster, waltzing in here at 8AM in a suit," he laughs quietly. You shake your head.
"You strike me as the opposite, actually."
He smiles, humming. "Well, that's good, sweetheart. That's good. I am a big bad gangster, but it's nice to know I don't frighten young girls off after first impressions." He narrows his eyes. "You never told me your name."
"(y/n)." You grin. "I'm a big bad gangster too."
"Are you?" he asks playfully. You grin back, just as playfully.
"I just shot four men last night and my landlord over a briefcase and tried to double cross my crime boss with my partners for ten bricks of solid gold."
"You are a big bad gangster," he affirms. You lean against the wall, hooking your thumbs through the belt loops of your short shorts.
"I like your suit," you mention.
"Thanks," he says, smoothing it out, "Speaking of clothing... we've gotta get you out of yours. They're covered in dead guy."
"Marvin," you correct.
"Dead Marvin," he nods. You smirk again.
"Okay. Be my guest... take em off."
He looks over at you, staring at you for a moment. "Okay." He turns, whistling. "Boys! That's enough." He nods to each of them. "Go hose yourselves down in the yard. I'll inspect the car, see what kinda job you did."
The two men skulk off, and Winston opens the car door, gesturing for you to join him. "After you." 
You slide in, and he shuts the door, preparing to get in the other side. Just then, the door from the house opens, and Jimmy sets the mugs down. "Hey, hey! Mr. Wolf! Are you... fucking a chick in my garage?!"
"It's fully within the boundary of my timing to do so, Jimmy." He walks over, and leans in. "I help you. You help me help myself."
Jimmy rubs the back of his neck. "Shit... okay, I guess. Just be quick, Bonnie's home in fifteen minutes."
Left alone once more in the domesticated garage, Wolf opens the back door of the car, and gets in, shutting it. You already have your top off, and he admires your breasts held in your bra. He scratches his head.
"You know, you're awfully forward."
"Would you rather I took... my... time?" you ask, teasingly tugging your shorts back up. He takes your hand, stopping you.
"That's one thing we don't have, sweetheart. Time."
He then yanks your shorts down, and turns you over so that your stomach and breasts are pressed to the blankets on the seat. You hear him undo his belt buckle and unzip himself, and bite your lip in excitement. He's still fully clothed in that suit, while you're in your bra with your panties tugged down to your knees-- it gets you so hot thinking about the power he has over you.
"Ready?" he murmurs.
"Mhmm," you moan, and he grunts softly as he goes in from behind, welcomed deep as he pushes into you as far as he can. He lifts your ass higher for a better position, and slaps one of the cheeks as he pulls back and thrusts back into your pussy. His pace leaves no time for adjustment, and you wince, grabbing at the car door to brace yourself for his size.
"I sincerely apologize for my lack of bedroom etiquette, (y/n)," he says softly, pounding in and making you moan, "I'm usually a slow lover, I even light a few candles sometimes if I'm feeling particularly romantic. But for one thing, we're not in a bedroom, and another, the only time we got is for me to fuck you fast, and rough."
You groan, clawing at the blankets. "Wolf...”
“What was that?”
“Mr. Wolf, sir..."
He begins to grunt more, his thrusts coming faster, faster, harder, until both of you gasp and cry out in record time, Wolf pulling out of you just in time to come all over your ass.
Catching your breath, you both wait a second, and then he takes out a handkerchief from his breast pocket, carefully cleaning you up. When he's satisfied with your state, he pats your hip, and you turn around lazily, grinning.
"I thought you were supposed to be cleaning this car... not making a mess of it."
He chuckles, gesturing around. "Do you see a mess, baby girl?"
Getting out of the car, Wolf helps you out and closes the door after you. He then takes out a comb and drags it through his slightly mussed hair a few times, before tucking it away again and knocking on the door to the house thrice. Jimmy comes out, looks you up and down, then looks to Winston.
"Did you take care of what you needed to, Mr. Wolf?"
Wolf smiles at him, slinking an arm around your waist. “I certainly did, Jimmy. Thank you."
Vincent and Jules, dressed in wet shorts and t-shirts now, wait outside for you both. You go out, and stand in front of the hose in your underclothes as Wolf sprays any extra blood off of you with the garden hose. When that's all finished, Jules sticks out a hand.
"Thanks for your help, sir."
"Not a problem," Wolf nods, shaking it. He then looks to you. "As for her..." Everyone turns to look at you standing there shivering in your bra and panties. You roll your eyes.
"We're taking this little kitty to Marcellus, see if she wants to fuck him then," Jules says sternly. Wolf cocks his head.
"No, you're not."
Vincent does a double take, states at Jules with a 'this guy' look, and Jules raises his eyebrows. "Pardon me?"
"You're not taking her to Marcellus Wallace, because she's coming with me, boys. We have unfinished business involving a few scented candles."
"And a bubble bath?" you tease, taking his arm. He smiles a little.
"Sure, baby. And a fucking bubble bath."
"Uh... that lady is nothing but trouble, you know that," Jules says. Wolf smirks, hand feeling down to your ass to snap your panties.
"I've noticed."
As everyone prepares to disembark, you all hear poor Jimmy open the door.
"Hi, Bonnie, honey! There's totally no dead body in there, or anyone who just had sex in our garage!"
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kissproof · 2 years
hiiii I’m so sorry this is last minute! my bdays on Sunday (i’ll be 22!) would u mind writing anything (drabble, pref/headcanon whichever suits the request!) about how the Dogs celebrate y/n’s bday after they find out other people forgot about it and they try to make them feel better?? <3 ILY AGAIN
this feels way too close to home because of how LATE this is but ilysm and i hope 22 is treating you soooo good lovely!!!!
SUMMARY: the dogs celebrating your birthday!
WARNINGS: fluffiness <3333
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pink isn't one for celebrations, really, but he takes notice when you seem off on your big day. when he finds out it's because people didn't remember, he's flabbergasted! the whole day had been composed of him prizing himself on the fact that even he remembered! naturally, he calls the other dogs and they deliberate the best way to cheer you up.
white gets a table at your favorite restaurant to the dismay of the house staff who swore up and down there was a waitlist fifty miles long. after a thickly veiled threat from larry to the manager, however, it didn't take much convincing to boot the dinner reservations of a large corporate dinner.
brown is your designated chauffeur and picks you up from work, all cologned and dolled up for you in his freshly cleaned car. he lets you choose the radio station and the volume while chatting you up about your day and what you did. this distracts you from the fact that he missed the turn to your place. when you notice the restaurant's parking lot in view, your heart sinks. there was no way you were dressed enough for this place let alone able to get a reservation, but brown is quick to reassure you everything was under control.
after escorting you to your table, you see orange and blonde waiting there for you, an empty seat between them. you giggle as they both stand to greet you and pull out the velveteen chair from beneath the cloth. when you sit, freddy hands you a single delicate rose with whispers that there was more where that came from, and a box he asked you to promise not to open until later. as the other dogs file in, they each kiss and hug you hello, your heart swelling with love and gratitude at what they set out to do for you.
"what did i do to deserve you guys?" you sigh in awe, clutching your shirt above your heart.
the dinner goes along swimmingly, of course, with laughter and blonde's hand rubbing gently along your thigh. when they all sing you happy birthday, you feel bundled in their love and the light of your birthday wish as it burned bright atop the dessert the waiter brought you.
as vic spoons the sweetness into your mouth, you are altogether reassured that if any other birthdays go forgotten, they'd be at your side no matter what.
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kissproof · 2 years
can you write headcanons of the Dogs reacting to their s/o getting shot during a mission like what happened to Orange? Thank you! :)
𝘪 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 😌 𝘪 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺
𝘚𝘜𝘔𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘠: 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘨𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘴 /𝘰 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵
𝘞𝘈𝘙𝘕𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚: 𝘨𝘶𝘯𝘴 /𝘨𝘶𝘯 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯
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he rushes you to the warehouse because that’s the first thing he can think to do, frankly it’s the only thing he thinks to do
and he’s absolutely frantic, he’s cursing he’s pacing he’s pushing his hair back over and over, he can’t even smoke he’s so riled up
he waits anxiously, almost angrily for the other dogs to show up
“what the fuck is taking them so long?”
funnily enough the only time he thinks to physically touch you is when you were initially shot
he ran to your side when he heard the gun, hoisting you up and running out of there
he lifts your head to put his suit jacket (folded like a pillow) beneath it
asks you to tell him about your life. birth til now, anything and everything and he doesn’t care who hears or how dangerous it is, he just wants to distract you from your pain
you’re not sure if he’s really listening or not but you admit it helps somewhat
eventually some other dogs finally show up and you all figure out from there what you’re going to do
imagine orange’s predicament times 100
once you’re at the warehouse he refuses leaving your side for any reason, even if just to explain what happened
he won’t go more than 2 seconds without pressing that you’re going to be just fine
“you’re not going anywhere, do you hear me? say it: i’m not going anywhere”
through your hyperventilating and sobbing you try to believe him
when you do calm down, though, you feel yourself give a weak smile at him
“there’s that smile…”
he doesn’t know what he would do if he couldn’t ever see that smile again :(
you squeeze his hand so tight at any and every ounce of pain, wincing and flushing from tears
you’re so grateful that he’s there with you, no matter how grave your situation is, you know that without him you’d be a goner
you get shot before you can even make it to the getaway car with orange
and it wasn’t even a fucking cop, it was some random civilian hiding a pistol in their grocery bags who saw you booking it down the street with wads of cash
he doesn’t take you to the warehouse but he doesn’t immediately take you to the hospital either
instead he finds an empty parking lot and climbs into the back seat with you
holding you there, it’s so quiet and he whispers to you that he’s so sorry and tries to tell you you’re going to be okay
he wipes away your tears, blood all over him and the car and his hands as it smears all over your face
and the whole time you can’t help but think of how cool you two must look together, doing this together
he’s conflicted about whether or not he should tell the others about what happened
and he’s too afraid to leave you alone, even just to drive but you tell him you can’t take much more blood loss and it was best to just go
you feel a peace fall over you as you hear the car engine start, driving off to the ER
externally, he’s so fucking chill about everything
this isn’t his first rodeo by any means, personally removing his own bullets included, so he knows the best protocol is to stay calm
he wraps up your wound in whatever piece of thick clothing he has, a lit cigarette still puffing away in his mouth
puts on k billy’s super sounds of the 70s from the warehouse radio and sings to you under his breath
jokes about you getting his shirt all dirty, but when you wince from laughing he mumbles for you to “just take it easy”
you end up sharing a cigarette, and he holds it for you, taking it in and out of your mouth whenever you’re finished or need another drag
a lot of soothing via physical touch
he’ll always let you know what he’s about to do no matter what it is
“‘m gonna go check on the other guys” or “i gotta take a leak, don’t you die on me”
when he comes back he makes sure to remind you how great this moment is. you’re a real dog now!
asks you how many fingers he’s holding up like 20 times
he’s so freaked out that it’s impossible for him to function, he just keeps talking about nonsense to you
it gets to a point where you snap and bark at him to take you to the warehouse
you best believe he speeds all the way there, clutching your hand and asking if you need anything when he knows all you need is to get medical!! attention!!
you kind of throw yourself into whoever is there, begging for some pain killers or something, doing everything to avoid brown
but when it gets quiet and things are more calm, you apologize for how you acted earlier
and he apologizes for being a dumbass
he moves you to a secluded part of the warehouse and chills with you there until joe can come
you end up falling asleep on him with his arms around you, and everyone gets nervous that you might’ve died but thankfully your wound wasn’t fatal enough to do serious damage
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kissproof · 2 years
✯ 𝘚𝘔𝘜𝘛 𝘪𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘬 (*) ; 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬.
✯ 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘖𝘗𝘌𝘕
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*NSFW A-Z / pink
*NSFW A-Z / blonde
blonde & his favorite waitress au
*blonde & his favorite waitress II
*NSFW A-Z / orange
meeting the dogs after giving orange a hickey
*NSFW A-Z / white
*NSFW A-Z / brown
eddie realizes he's in love with you
*NSFW A-Z /eddie
the dogs find out you're getting bullied
the dogs react to their so being shot
*lap dance/strip tease hc
the dogs with a so in college
the dogs with a so who vapes
*the dogs giving head hc
the dogs celebrating your bday
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