#Tim Roth x reader
pangborns · 6 months
Mr. Orange x fem!reader
The accusations quickly lead to fatal injuries.
Blood, death, violence, weapons, etc.
to the ppl that liked my post :D - @bshutsky @bloodandglittertastessobitter @manunitedfan1 @vapidluxury
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You held a tight grip on Orange’s bloody hand as Mr. Blonde continued to torture the hostage.
“Please! Just leave him alone.” You pleaded, voice cracking and vision blurry. The man ignored you as he turned the radio up and quickly advanced on the bound cop.
The sound of your scream along with the cries from the hostage still did nothing to rouse Orange’s unconscious figure.
Mr. Blonde was now atop the man, bringing the knife up to his face. You tightened your grip on Orange, burying your face into his shoulder as you held him. Blood smeared over your face, but that was the least of your worries as you imagined all that Blonde would do to the man.
The sound of Mr. Blonde’s circling footsteps had you lifting your head. The psycho held an ear, he waved it in front of the cop’s face teasingly as you quickly pushed yourself to your feet.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” You screeched, getting in between the hostage and Blonde. Your face was drenched, air hard to grasp as you panted.
Blonde clicked his tongue, “Aren’t you supposed to be a professional, sweetheart?”
You recoiled, “I never agreed to participating in a hostage situation. As if we weren’t fucked before, you had to go and dig us a deeper hole.” You sputtered, anger replacing the fear.
Blonde scrunched his nose with a small chuckle. “Watch your mouth, sweetheart. You’ll be next.”
With a shudder, you watched as he made his way out of the warehouse with car keys in hand. You wasted no time in crouching in front of the police officer. You lightly tapped at his cheeks after noticing he was starting to lose consciousness.
The man groaned, struggling a bit as he remembered where he was. “No, shh, it’s alright! I’m not going to hurt you.” You hurriedly muttered, glancing behind you to be sure Blonde wasn’t on his way back in.
You started ripping the duct tape from the man’s ankles, cringing each time he would groan particularly loud. “Please, we have to be quiet.”
His muffled voice grew louder and more frantic. “I know, I know. I’m hurryi-“
A click.
The cool metal of a pistol rested against the back of your head. “Stand up, Red.”
You dropped the wad of duct tape, keeping your hands up as you slowly raised yourself to a stance. Blonde grabbed your forearm, forcefully turning you around.
Now, facing the weapon, the fear returned. Your lower lip trembled as you fought to keep tears at bay. “I don’t know what you want me to say.” You spoke softly.
“No need.” Blonde nodded, taking a step back and readying the gun against your forehead. You tightened your eyelids closed, preparing for the blow.
Four gunshots were heard, but none of them hit you. Peaking your eyes open, you could see Blonde on the other side of the room, bleeding out.
You released the breath you were holding, a cry escaping your shaky lips. Turning to your right, you watched as Orange’s gun fell to the floor with a clang.
He clutched at his stomach, whimpering in pain as his head hit the ground once again. You slid down to his side, laying him across your lap.
“He didn’t hurt you. Did he?” He gasped, struggling to find his voice through the fog of pain.
You quickly shook your head. “No, I’m okay. You saved me.”
The cries from the other side of the room quickly faded as Mr. Blond stopped breathing. You cringed, grabbing a fist of Orange’s suit. “Nobody was supposed to get hurt.”
Mr. Orange’s face fell a bit. “I shot a woman today.” His face was pinched, both in pain and regret. “I’ve never done that before.” You brushed his hair from his eyes, humming a sad sigh.
The doors to the warehouse slammed open as Mr. Pink, Mr. White, Eddie, and Mr. Cabot walked in. A doctor quickly followed behind, pausing beside Blonde’s body.
“What the fuck happened here?” Eddie cursed, running over to Mr. Blonde.
“Blonde went crazy. Slashed the cop’s face and cut off his ear.” You started, shaky breaths escaping you as you watched Eddie’s fury grow.
“Who the fuck cares what he was going to do to this fucking pig!?” Eddie turned toward the bound man, shooting him three times in the chest.
You yelped, tears forming once again in your eyes. “Oh my god, oh my god..” You hyperventilated, gripping Orange’s hand even tighter.
“He tried to off Red. Aimed a gun at her head and everything.” Mr. Orange spoke up, blood dripping from his lips.
“You were saying he went crazy? Something like that? Worse or better?” Eddie raised his voice, clearly frustrated.
“Look, Eddie, he was pulling a burn. He was gonna kill the cop, Red, and me. And when you guys walked through the door, he was gonna blow you to hell and make off with the diamonds.” Orange’s face pinched as speaking only caused the pain to grow.
“Uhuh, uhuh, what'd I tell ya? That sick piece of shit was a stone cold psycho.” Mr. White finally spoke.
“You could've asked the cop, if you didn't just kill him. He talked about what he was going to do when he was slicing him up.”
“It’s true! He said I was next.” You defended the man, flinching as Eddie stepped closer.
“I don't buy it. It doesn't make sense.”
“It makes perfect fuckin sense to me. Eddie, you didn't see how he acted during the job, we did.” Mr. White continued, getting cut off by Eddie once again.
Eddie then explained to the group as to why Mr. Blonde would never pull a fast one on him and his father. That left the room silenced.
“I know what’s going on.” Joe finally said something, stepping up. “This piece of shit is working with the cops.”
Mr. Cabot aimed his gun at Mr. Orange. “- and I bet the girl is in on it too.” Eddie’s gun was quick to raise and aim at you.
Mr. Orange gripped your arms tighter, trying to pull himself up to make a shield. You shook, looking down the barrel of a gun for the second time in the last hour.
“Woah, woah..” Mr. White slid himself between the two of you and the Cabots. “Joe, I don’t know what you think you know, but you’re wrong.”
“Like hell I am!” Mr. Cabot retorted, shaking the gun in your direction.
Your eyes grew wide as the men continued to argue over your lives. Eyes traveling to Orange’s figure, you watched as his gaze was already on you. His face was still pinched in pain, but he sent you a hopeful smile. The voices of the men quickly faded as you watched Mr. Orange.
“It’s not me, I promise.” You spoke silently to him.
The muscles in his face settled, “I know, honey.” He brought his hand to your cheek, comforting you as his blood transferred onto your skin.
“C’mon guys!” Mr. Pink’s voice snapped the two of you out it. “Nobody wants this. We’re supposed to be fucking professionals!”
“Larry, we’re going to kill them.” Joe spoke surely, taking the safety off of his gun.
“Goddamn you, Joe! Don’t make me do this.” Mr. White pleaded, finger shaky on the trigger.
“Larry, I’m asking you to trust me on this.”
“Don’t ask me that.”
“I’m not asking, I’m betting.” Joe raised his gun once again, shooting three times in your direction. All three bullets hit Orange as you screamed.
Eddie was next, as Mr. White was taking care of Joe, Eddie readied his gun and fired four bullets into your gut before turning the gun on Mr. White. The two shot each other at the same time, ending with all three men dead.
You yelped, falling to the ground. Harsh groans escaping your now bloodied lips. With shaking hands, you struggled to see the wounds through the blood.
You could barely make out the sound of Mr. Pink grabbing the briefcase and making a run for it. Struggling to catch your breath, you wheezed in pain.
“Red,” Mr. Orange croaked, turning to you. He struggled to grab your hand, shushing you as you panicked. “It’s okay.”
“He- He shot me!” You sobbed, voice wavering. “Why did he shoot me?”
“I’m a cop.”
Your ears stopped ringing in that very moment. All the air in your lungs escaped. “What?”
“It was me,” He wheezed. “It was a set up.”
A broken sob escaped your bloodied lips at the confession. “I’m going to die, aren’t I?” You lurched forward as he applied pressure to your stomach.
He broke, now wracking with sobs. “No, no of course not. They’re on their way. You just gotta hold on a bit longer.” Now ignoring his wounds, he made note of the way your reaction time slowed each time he pushed down on a particular painful spot.
Your breathing grew shallow and your face paled, head lolling to the side.
“Nobody was supposed to get hurt.” He repeated as you fell from consciousness.
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✨Gonna start announcing my latest actor/show obsessions on here✨
23rd August:
Tim Roth (and everything he’s ever done)
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would y’all read a long ass cal x reader ending in smut? because i started working on something but i’m already two pages in and i’ve only gotten to cal catching onto reader’s feelings. should i just dump this and either write a shorter one or just leave it, or would someone wanna read it? i know the fic pool on this is so fucking small but still
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Hi! I was wondering if I could put in a request for an HC of what it would be like to be roommates with Mr. Orange? Feel free to delete this if you’re too busy!
BACK AT IT AGAIN EVERYONE, at least for now, lmfao! Thank you for the request, anon, I super appreciate your patience after all this time and I apologize for how ridiculously long it took to do these up! I hope its okay that these are going to be shorter, as I only have a minimal amount of free time before I have to be right back into school. How has everyone been lately? Anyways, I think this is a FANTASTIC idea and I’m excited to write about it! Coming right up anon! All credit to the GIF goes to its owner, its not mine!
Gonna tag my besties, @itscrimsonsixx and @scarletcountesss here, what do you girls think Orange would be like?
FANDOM: Reservoir Dogs
GENRE: Requested Headcanons, Platonic!
SYNOPSIS: Freddy Newandyke is a gender neutral reader’s roommate, who gets up to some crazy stuff!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Swearing and that’s it, it’s quite fluffy! <3
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Oh, you are not prepared for the shenanigans and hijinks that this overgrown child will get up to alongside you! If you were looking for somebody mature, calm, and quiet, the polar opposite is what you got with Freddy. He may be goofy and kiddish, but he’s not intolerable, and is actually quite a responsible roommate when compared to other jerks who you could have landed. 
His stuff being strewn absolutely EVERYWHERE. He is not a person who is set on organization, tidying is the bane of his existence. Expect there to be comic books, dirty underwear, half-eaten cereal boxes, even action figures all over his bedroom, never crossing into your part of the apartment. When you’ve tried to talk to him about it, he promises to start trying to make an effort to be cleaner, but it never takes effect. Truthfully, you don’t mind, and think it’s kind of funny. 
The two of you staying up to play board games and card games, personal favourites being Cards Against Humanity, Killer Bunnies, Villainous Marvel Edition, and of course, DND, like the nerds you are! 
Also binging old movies and TV shows on Saturdays and Sundays, he’ll bust a quarter of his paycheck just on snacks for you two to gorge on for a fun evening together. 
Him being there as emotional support if you need him and likewise. There are times when the two of you have had especially rough days, just needing some quiet time in the other’s company or a laugh. He’s super great at making you giggle with his stupid antics, it’s the cure for any malady after all in his mind. But if you need to be alone too, he’ll respect that as well. Whatever you need, he’s there for. One time in particular, Freddy was quite depressed after a nasty outing with the ResDogs. You cheered him up by whipping up some guacamole and taco chips, plunking him down on the sofa to watch Lost Boys for the billionth time. He’d lay his head on your shoulder, platonically of course, and get lost in the movie with you as his cares melted away. 
Not minding whether or not you bring home any friends or dates, he’s really cool with it as a whole as long as you guys don’t make too big of a mess, respect him and his boundaries, and don’t lay a finger on his mint collection of comics. He’s busting out the lightsaber toy if they get anywhere near his pulp children, no questions asked. 
You are one of the only ones to know about his undercover work with the Reservoir Dogs, him trusting you not to tell. You don’t, of course, keeping your mouth shut when White and Eddie and Brown all come over to hang out. They like you too, thinking you’re pretty cool too. You’re also the only one to know about his affections for White, the desires he harbours for the grizzled criminal. The gay pining is just too adorable, better than any romantic comedy. A part of you wishes you could play matchmaker for the two guys, however you like Freddy too much to get that involved. But you wait in the sidelines as their biggest fan, ready to do whatever you can to make sure they realize the love they have for each other. 
Overall, Orange is an excellent person to have as a roommate, a better one that you could not have dreamt of having!
I hope that these were sufficient, anon, please do let me know if you don’t like them and I can whip up some new ones with no hard feelings at all! Please have a wonderful week everyone and thank you for all your continued support despite my absence! Love y’all a ton, Moxie out! <3
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Taking a risk *Part one*
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Warnings: angst, semi violence, age gap, and smut, and unprotected sex
Note: this is hella long (and it’s not the only thing that’s long)
Y/n was feeling lonely one night and wanted to go visit her boyfriend
She gets into her car and then drives over to his place
When she got past the gate, she parked her car and then walks in through the entrance
She didn’t spot her boyfriend right away, so she kept looking until she heard people cheering in one of the rooms
Y/n approaches the wooden door and hesitated to open the door even if she thinks it’s one of his normal meetings
The door creaks opened and soon everyone that was in the room stared at her
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” Emil asked and she looked at the group of people
She then looks at him and realizes he was abomination at the moment
Flashbacks from the past came back to her and tears started to leave her eyes
She also figured out who these other people were
It was the group of people that leaked insensitive content about her
“I thought you’ve changed” she says as Emil turns back to himself
“I have sweetheart…” “These are the people that leaked out my personal stuff from my phone. I thought I could’ve trusted you!” Emil was looking back at the group of people
“I didn’t know that Y/n…” he admits and then felt really bad now
“Why did I think this would work at when the other guy killed my parents?!” She asked and he gasped
“Kill her!” Someone from the group shouts at Emil
Y/n’s started to glow and everything looked different for her
Like the Hulk, if she can’t control her anger she’ll have powers like Wanda Maximoff
But she doesn’t know that
“Y/n take a couple of deep breaths with me, okay?” Emil asked her as someone tried through something at her
She caught it… well her powers caught it
She begins to see his thoughts and calmed down
“There’s my Y/n… my sweet Y/n” he places his hand onto her cheek and she closes her eyes
“I’m sorry you had to see the other guy my love. I didn’t know you would come in here… I also didn’t know these guys were bad news too” he explains and now they we’re in his room
“It’s okay… I won’t be able to go back to sleep now though” she says and takes her pjs off (since she came here in them)
“Well I’m okay with doing different stuff” he says and she saw everyone leaving in a guys mind
“Do you have anything I could read?” She asked him and he smiles and nods his head
“You lay down and I’ll get it out for you” he says and she nods her head and then goes over to his bed and then lays down
He grabs his book from the shelf and then goes over towards his bed
“I wrote poems about you in this book too. Sorry if their cringy” he hands her the book and then laid down next to her
“They can’t be that bad” she says and then starts to read the book
The first couple of pages were talking about the abomination, but once she had gotten to page 20, they started to talk about her
Her smile reminds me of the sun
Bright and warm
Her eyes light up like the stars in the sky
Her words make me feel safe
No one on this Earth could make me a happier man then my girl Y/n
Y/n starts to blush and then closes the book
“That wasn’t cringy Emil. It was really cute and sweet” she says and places the book onto the desk
She looks at him and he looks at her
“Not even the abomination ones?” He asked her and she shook her head to say no
“Thanks love” he says and then kisses her on the lips
She comes onto him and then he pulls apart
“I don’t think it’s fair that your naked and I’m not” he pointed out and now he was naked since her powers made his clothes vanished
She smirks and now she was bottom
“This is much better” he says and then begins to leave hickeys all over her body
He starts off on her neck and then he kept going down
“Emil” she moans and sensed someone on the other side of his door
“Stop. There’s someone at the door” she says and then he gets off of her and then covered them up
The person knocks on the door
“Who is it?” Emil asked the person
“It’s man bull. Sorry to wake you up, but Jennifer Walters is here to talk to Y/n” Man Bull says and Y/n was a bit worried of why her lawyer was here so late
“Tell her Y/n will be there in a few minutes” Emil responded and looks at her
She looks at him and kisses him on the lips once Man Bull wasn’t outside of the door anymore
He comes onto her and his dick was close to her pussy
He pulls apart and then asked if she really wanted to do this right now
“I do” she says and then kisses him on the lips again
He moves his cock to her entrance and then went inside of her
She moans and pulls apart from the kiss
He starts to thrust and now the blanket came off of his body
Her hands gripped onto the sheets and he already hit her sensitive spots that drove her crazy
Her head rolls back and he picks up his pace
“Emil” she moans and soon someone opens the door
They both looked at the person and realized it was Jennifer Walters
“Oh my god…” Jennifer says and closes the door and realizes she should’ve knocked
“Shit” Y/n says and felt her orgasm coming soon
“Y/n when you two are done, I really need to talk to you” Jennifer says and Y/n just said okay in her lawyers brain even though she had no clue she had powers
“I’m gonna cum soon” Y/n says and Emil frowns
“So soon? We’ve just gotten started” Emil says and then moans
“Sorry daddy” she says and then felt her walls clenched
“It’s okay love” he says and then came all over his cock
He pulls out and then cum disappeared
Emil lays down next to her now
The blanket was just covering him as she gets up from the bed
She put her pjs back on and then opened the door
Jennifer obviously wasn’t standing there anymore because of what she had witnessed
Y/n goes to main area of the place which meant she had to go outside
Whilst she was outside, one of the guy’s from the meeting had attacked her
He had a needle that he stuck her with which made her pass out on the dirt
To be continued
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onmyyan · 2 years
Endless Again Love Interests
TW’S: MDNI, TW BLOOD IN RAVENS PICTURE, This story will contain YANDERE themes and behavior including but not limited to kidnapping, manipulation, conspiracy, obsessive behavior, murder, eventual Smut, and much more, if that ain't your cup of tea don't drink it ❤️ I can't wait for this story. BELOW KEEP READING LINE ARE LOVE INTERESTS
Setup: All you wanted to do was get through your first year at Gotham University with your head still attached to your body, but you had the sinking feeling your wish for a peaceful semester would be in vain. Because trouble seems to have a thing for you darling. A set of dangerously unpredictable abilities, a sketchy organization hunting you down, and more obsessed vigilantes gunning for your fine ass than you could count, made for one Endless rollercoaster of blood and lust.
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"Our fate has been carved in stone, I'm done fighting against it."
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"Your heartbeat- I can hear how scared you are- Don't worry, I won't let em' touch you."
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"You're not afraid, I can feel it. (y/n), I can just be when you're around, please don't take that from me."
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"S'not fair, I can't just sit by and watch him take you from me- he doesn't deserve you."
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"Relax, you know I won't hurt you, just don't try and run, I might get the wrong idea."
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"You don't need to hide anything from me, I'm on your side no matter what."
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"Say the word and we're gone you hear me? No one would find us."
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"I told you I'd protect you. Even if that means protecting you from yourself."
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"Come up with me again tonight? I find the stars dull when you are away."
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"Don't you worry that gorgeous brain of ya's about how I got in here, worry about what we're eatin' for date night!"
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"Careful darling- keep looking at me like that and I won't want to let you leave."
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"Keep those pretty eyes on me dollface, might just save a life or two."
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"Behave for me pet, I can be such a good owner when properly motivated."
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"Beg me to walk away. Or live with the burden of my love."
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"Please..- show it to me- make me feel that rush once more, I'm addicted."
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"Don't be sorry sweetheart- hurt me again. Makes me feel like you do like me."
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ficreadergirl · 2 months
Part-180 -end 2- ↓ Dick: So is she okay? 😟 Jason: Yes. How is she? 😟 Tim & Damian & Cass & Barbara & Steph & Kory & Artemis & Alfred & Bruce: 😟 Duke & Kate: 😊 All together: Yay!!! 🥳 🫂 Madame Xanadu: It was difficult to banish that demon but we managed to do it with her help. 😏 Raven: 😳 me? Gar: Yes. She's great right? 😉 Raven: 😳 Artemis: Which demon we're talking about? 🤔 Madame Xanadu: I think she should explain it. I have things to do. 👋 *left* Raven: That demon was... Trigon. 😔 Gar: Your dad?? 😲 All together: 😯 Raven: Yes... 😞 Artemis: It's not your fault. You know that don't you? 🙂 Raven: 😳 Gar: Yes! It's not. Let's eat something to celebrate this news that Y/n is safe and free from him. 😃 Steph & Cass: Exactly! 😃 Barbara & Kory: I feel so hungry too. 😄 Dick & Bruce & Alfred: There is already an open buffet. Why don't you get in line? 😠 Gar & Raven: Why should we? We're not in restaurant are we? 😉 Artemis: Stop talking the kids like that. 😑 Dick: 😧 okay ma'am. *Jason slowly moving away from crowd to your room* Y/n: 😴 Jason: 😟 Rose: You scared of what her reaction will be when she wakes up? 😏 Jason: 😯 how did you get in? Rose: 🤷‍♀️ Jason: I'm not scared of anything. 🤨 Rose: Okay then let's wake her up for food. Y/n? 🗣️😄 Jason: Shut up! 😨 *You waking up* Y/n: 🤕 what happened to me? I feel like I was hit by a truck. 😣 Rose: Steph hit you honey. 😊 Jason: Don't move. You're hurt. Go back to sleep. 😦 Y/n: Jason... 😦 Jason: I was about to leave. 🙁 Y/n: No... 😔 Jason: 😟 Rose: I think I'm starving. I'll go get you two canapés too. But like... 2 hours later. 😉 *left* Y/n & Jason: 😳 Y/n: I'm sor-- 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 ↓
Other chapters
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1donoow · 1 year
♡ - smut
Most of them are fluff
<a/n>i somewhat explain why there's alot in my pin post
Bruce wayne
Tim drake
Dick Grayson
Jason todd
Damian wayne
Garfield logan
Rachel roth
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@myriadimagines - making them breakfast
@gangrenados - the crush state
@thedailyimagines - imagine being the venom host in the dc universe
@ellana-ravenwood - jason todd(ler)
- mama's boy(s)/girl
- is....father drunk?
- each tattoo is a story
- mother's love:bursts of affection
- can you be friend with your husbands ex-girlfriend?
- my mother's apple orchard
- the bat(mom) glare
@xoxo-mylove - missing everything we never had
@reveluving - hugs
@ragingbookdragon - make all the cookies
- you're my favorite son
- i have too many children
- i saw it coming when you threw the first punch
@kimberly-spirits13 - batmom with scarlet witch powers
@cipheress-to-k-pop - call mom
@the-daydreaming-show - all of us pt.1
@c-nstantine - milf stuff
- chaperoning
- batmom dying
- fur babies
- ___
@kimberly-spirits13 - how the batfam teacts to dick and jason dating a black widow hc
@headcans-oneshots-and-stuff - being the oldest sibling
@strangeshoepatrolbandit - batfam x batsibling
@book-place - sulking at the gala
- way the cookie crumbles (child!reader)
@ragingbookdragon - talk shit get hit
- Possessive hand holding
- Squishing the other's cheek
- ___
@lazydoodlesandfanfic - little daredevil (blind!batsis)
@andieperrie18 - fine line of bs
@c-nstantine - first kiss
- spoiled!black!batsis
- jason and black!batsis
- cooking kiss (hal jordan)
@remakethestars - being batman's daughter would include
Bruce wayne
@ellana-ravenwood - can the batman get flustered?
- making bruce wayne blush
@alienguts - lost
@toastedkiwi - reader finding out about damian being bruce's son
- unexpected visitors
@reveluving - ___ ♡
Tim drake
@kimberly-spirits13 - how you earned the respect of the batfam as tim's s/o
@butwhyduh - tim drake with a praise kink
Dick Grayson
@moonlit-imagines - watching your favorite shoe with dick
- cuddling with dick
@xu-ren - for good luck
@cipheress-to-k-pop - animal instinct
Jason todd
@ghostdrafts - ___
@blondwhowrites - dating titan!jason todd
@dragon-chica - jason todd mama's boy appreciation
- batmom and jason thought
@lightwing-s - please don't leave me
Damian wayne
@current-interest-writings - affection
@ladyagagaslefttoe - cartoons and cuddles (batsis)
@thesuperiorrobin - husband!damian wayne
- who?
- ___
- crazy idea let's make out
- boyfriend!damian wayne
@mattmvrdockbabe - sunglasses
@yandereorg - show stopper
@dragon-chica - i want to see my little boy
@skylwitch - just let me love you, my dear
@gatorbites-imagines - platonic alien male reader x damian wayne
@toastedside - banana toast
@multifandom-of-madness - batfam when they're alone with famous!y/n(damian wayne)
@lilxberry - nightmares (batmom)
Garfield logan
@cipheress-to-k-pop - dating beast boy would include
@myriadimagines - comforting gar after what he went through with cadmus
@romeulusroy - gar telling conner all about you
- taking the fall for you
@6rookie-writer0110 - romantic headcannon
@catxsnow - believe in you
Rachel roth
@louscartridge - dating rachel hc
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Alternate pt.3
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Warnings: mentions Jason's creepy encounter, mentions him literally being a murderer,
This is a really short chapter, the next chapter will be far more eventful than this one.
Series Masterlist
You decided not to bring up what happened the night before, how when you stepped into your room, Jason Todd was waiting for you. It was creepy. The way he knew who you were, where to find you... playing with your hair? It was all weird.
Apparently. It didn't go unnoticed by those around you. Tim, who you sat next to at breakfast, had leaned over into your ear to ask if you were alright. You snapped out of your trance and gave him a big smile, telling him you were fine.
After breakfast, you rushed to Bruce, hoping to get some answers from him. He was going down to the batcave and gladly let you join.
"So, I have some questions." You told him, looking down at your feet as you walked.
"Ask away." He smiled, trying to ease your uncomfortable feelings out.
"Is Jason a psycho in this universe?" You asked, finally looking up at him. "Or is he normal, well as normal as he can be as a killer?"
Bruce was taken aback. Why were you asking about Jason? His son that he hasn't talked to in months.
"I would say he's normal, er, minus being a killer." He replied. "Why?"
You thought about if you should tell the truth or not. On one hand, Bruce had offered to keep you safe, yet the Red Hood had crawled through your window without you knowing it.
"He was in my room last night." You whispered, looking away from Bruce.
"What?" The older man stopped in his tracks, staring at you.
"Yeah, he was in there, and he knew who I was." You informed, eyebrows furrowing from anxiousness. Bruce started walking again, only this time he was going in a different direction. You ran to catch up with him, wondering what was going on. He had told you to stay in the dining room and to sit down in the chair you've sat in for the past two days. One by one, you watched as all of the residents in Wayne Manor huddled into the dining room, even Alfred. Bruce had come back moments later, an annoyed Damian at his side.
"What's wrong, Father?" Damian asked, sitting down in a chair.
"Yeah Bruce, what's wrong?" Dick was now questioning.
Bruce pinched the top of his nose and let out a sigh, "Who here has talked to Jason?" He demanded. Everyone looked around and shook their heads.
"Shit." Was all Bruce said before rushing out of the room.
"What was that about?" Stephanie asked, already looking at you.
"Why are you looking at me?" You questioned, and now everyone was looking at you. You let out a sigh before answering. "He was in my room last night...and he knew my name."
A collective "WHAT?!" was yelled.
"I don't know guys, okay?"
"He hasn't talked to anyone here in months." Dick informed, looking around at his family then at you.
"How does he know, Is the question." Rachel spoke, lightly chewing at her thumb. "Is there anyone you know that he could get this information from?"
"He's a crime lord and knows a ton of heroes and villains." You sighed, "How should I know?"
"Perhaps he's going over Bruce's calls again." Tim whispered, "he's done it before."
"Father hasn't said a thing to anyone." Damian finally spoke.
"He called me." Dick told his younger brother. "I mean, it's no big deal." He nervously laughed. "He won't do anything."
Everyone in the room turned to look at Alfred, "Have Jason and Bruce fought?" Stephanie asked the older man.
"Not to my knowledge." Alfred said.
"Then you have nothing to worry about." Dick smiled at you as he slapped a hand onto your shoulder.
"He's been listening to my calls again!"
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Taglist: @burningkidanchor
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rockhoundbeck · 1 year
Ladies and gentlemen... Mattel: Reservoir Dogs pt 1 🤙🏻✨🖤
Credit me if you're using these lol
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pangborns · 6 months
And if I write a reservoir dogs (specifically Mr. Orange) x reader ??
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Would anyone be interested in Lie To Me fanfics??
Cal Lightman x reader???
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zyhkoo · 19 days
౨ৎ hey everyone!! my inbox is also open for blurbs and asks 🥹🙏 my reqs are open too of course, i’m still new to social media and i want to talk to people, currently doing some reqs and fics so please feel free to fill my inbox 🥰 all the tags i have below are some characters that i really want to do :) im sticking to dc for now, i might add some fandoms soon
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simpywriter · 2 years
Does any of you know Lie to me? Because I think this platform needs more Cal Lightman x reader. I need more Tim Roth's characters x reader in general, maybe some Emil Blonsky..... I don't know. Would you like to read any of them?
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Emil Blonsky fanfiction coming soon💚
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if someone still writes cal lightman x reader please tag me or send me a link i need some serious cal porn
if someone's taking reqs, i wanna ride him while he sits in his leather chair and drinks scotch
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