#Hate that
shibesky · 6 months
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Classic Touden party member moment
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murderandcoffee · 8 months
"and my skin is pulling away nicely, like blanched tomatoes"
to whomever wrote that line: you are vile
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inverted-typo · 1 year
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Witch’s blood is the rarest and most powerful blood a Vampire can ever hope to feast upon…
I can’t quite organize my thoughts for this but here’s an attempt. Basically, Vampires and Witches do not mingle. They don’t hate each other but don’t have any interest in being closer alliances. Like oil and vinegar, go well together but don’t mix. Plus, they have a certain level of respect for each other. Both aren’t generally jazzed about humans though.
Legend has it that Witch’s blood increases a Vampire’s abilities nearly seven fold. But because the two are so equally matched due to their varying skill sets and powers, the Vampires decide it doesn’t really make sense to start a war with the Witches by trying to attack them. So it’s within etiquette to never attempt.
However, in a rare, once in an eon instance, Raven and Damian fall in love, creating a unique bond that results in a symbiotic relationship. Damian does benefit from feeding off her blood, while in turn Raven is able to tap into some of that immortality which provides her with a naturally extended lifespan and healing abilities.
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ickysmelly · 8 months
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hlvrai but make it mlp 2/5
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qui-rault · 11 months
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I'm not joking when I say that I think about this letter Couthon sent to Saint-Just at least once a week. 'Embrace Herault' indeed.
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superbellsubways · 4 months
i accidentally followed someone yesterday and forgot to unfollow so i was about to do that and 😭 i think they blocked me HELP
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Today's Reminiscence Sunday, so here's a thing I wrote about the hellhole I used to live in:
Where am I?
Away. And I miss
The blue winter mornings
Flooding the backyard
Novosibirsk’s red nights
And Petersburg's white stars
Krasnodar’s rubbish wine
We diluted in vodka
Sunflowers fields near Kursk
Mountains from Alupka
Sebastopol’s sunsets
That looked just like your hair
A cave in Arkhangelsk
You must be sleeping there
And the forests and the skies
And the white fluffy clouds we used to joke about
And these little pine cones you used to throw at me when I wasn't paying attention
And the way the most breathtaking landscape became a pointless background wherever you went
And the memories
And the memories.
Rivers tundras smiles smells people clothes music fucked-up roads and skyscrapers cabins in the woods and golden roofs contests cheers yells songs laughs
Mixing up
Messing up
In my head.
I miss
Everything we did together
Everything we didn't
Everything we could have done in another life
Everything we wanted
Everything we loved
Everything we were
Everything we would have been if you didn't leave
And that time I could make a sentence without thinking of us.
Where am I?
Away. And I miss
Our home.
Just like I miss you.
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petraforgedyke · 3 months
i’ve decided to start making it awkward for people who ask us when we’re having kids because it seems simply going “neither of us wants kids, we’re not having any” doesn’t suffice anymore
score one for always having had a weird cycle but also man i shouldn’t have to share medical details and have that be more of an acceptable reason not to have kids for people than “i don’t want any at all ever”
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rainbowvamp · 7 months
There’s a difference between familiar and used to.
The feeling of being so tired after doing nothing like an ache in his bones is familiar. He’s felt it before. He knows what it is. He knows what it means. He knows that he’s going to have to work harder to get out of bed today. That objectively knowing the world is always getting better isn’t going to make him feel better. He knows that there will be lead in his feet all day. And weights on his smile. And a void in his heart. He knows that. It’s familiar.
Familiar doesn’t mean used to.
He thinks if he were used to this, he’d be able to power through it better. He thinks if he just had more self-control. More will power. More desire. He’d be able to talk himself out of his own downward spiral like he might be able to talk himself out of a 1000 meter free fall.
Except you can’t talk your way out of a 1000 meter free fall. Not any more than you can talk yourself out of the familiar ache of Everything is Too Much. He knows the only way out is through. To hit the ground, get patched up at A&E, and spend a while healing. He knows he needs to rest. He knows he needs to eat. He knows he needs to go out into the sun.
He also knows that he has papers to grade. And parents who want to yell at him because the best he can manage isn’t good enough. He knows that the school year isn’t over for another three months and testing season is just around the corner and so things are about to get worse.
He knows that.
He knows that, and it cancels out all the other things he knows.
And he stays in bed on a Sunday. Heavy like lead. Strapped down like his blankets are steel bars. He can’t move. It’s too much. Everything is Too Much.
He takes a deep breath and reminds himself that that’s okay.
You can’t embrace life without embracing all of life.
Sometimes life is depression. Sometimes life is overwhelm. Sometimes life is memories of drowning slotted between the feeling you get when there’s more work to do than you can manage and you think you should manage it anyway.
Sometimes that’s what life is. You have to take the good with the bad.
He twitches aside the curtain by his bed. Lets a sliver of sunlight fall across the back of his hand. It’s enough for now. Later he might able to muster more. It’s enough for now.
He lets the sunlight warm the smallest part of his hand and reminds himself that every fall must end. And every testing season must pass. And every parent who has no idea what his job is like eventually moves on to harass some other poor sod and then the thing starts all over again.
And every time it starts over it gets a little better. And he holds onto that hope, strapped into his bed by blankets that feel too heavy to move, and he lets himself sleep another hour, because it’s Sunday and he deserves to rest, even if he doesn’t feel like it. Sometimes rest is what your body needs, even if your brain disagrees.
And if he dreams of a pale hand holding his, sometime in the next century, then that’s no one’s business but his own.
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ultrakdramamama · 24 days
Happy 3rd Anniversary to Key & Taeyeon’s Hate That
KEY 키 'Hate that... (Feat. TAEYEON)' MV  Aug 30, 2021
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I went through my dobermann and catapult tags looking for a specific piece of art but then I remembered it’s not on tumblr bc it likely would’ve gotten flagged or removed
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oh I hate the new youtube layout
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ladybugsimblr · 1 year
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Awkward turtle. Playing in the sand, collecting sea shells, and fishing made the end of Family Fun Day great for the terrors but not so much for the adults. The paparazzi killed the already off vibes so the fam ended up leaving Ohan'ali as soon as the event was over. Womp womp...
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ickysmelly · 5 months
the only hard bit about drawing based off of fics is i just end up distracted rereading them </33
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luneariann · 2 months
Socializing is so hard I’m in tears save me
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stevethehairington · 6 months
cool outside air save me... save me cool outside air. cool outside air save me.
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