#Haunted dolls and one that isn't quite a doll
space-puppeteer · 2 years
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The mayors council
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ohbo-ohno · 11 months
I love your work!! Congrats on 1k followers- your fics are amazing💙💙 May I request ‘country house’ and ‘something isn’t right about (setting). Something is off.’ ? Maybe with Price x reader please? (-:
1k game here - no more please!
i have an unreasonably difficult time thinking of a "something's off" for these prompts. but we write on nonetheless!
1.1k of price being your young daughter's "imaginary" friend. fair warning, this one doesn't have an actual price appearance, it's mostly just vibes. (cw for implied stalking/haunting, no smut!)
The big country house is your dream home.
It had come when you most needed it - your sister had finally gotten tired of letting you and your five year old couch surf and kicked you out with no warning, leaving you with only your car to live in and no prospects.
You'd been driving through a tiny town, only even heard about the house because of a kind waitress who took pity on you when you told her about your situation. She introduced you to her younger sister, a local realtor who'd recently marked down a nice family home to practically nothing because she couldn't get it to sell.
It had seemed too good to be true, honestly. The house is a grand thing - two stories, a wraparound porch, relatively new appliances. The price you paid - you negotiated down - was practically pennies.
But you don't have the privilege of questioning your blessings with a little one relying on you. So you tell yourself that this is just good karma, and you get yourself moved into the home as quickly as possible.
It's weeks later, from that same waitress, that you learn why the house was so cheap. Apparently a local man had been murdered there only a few months ago - a robbery gone wrong, if your source is to be believed, and an apparently very violent death for the poor man living there alone.
It certainly changes the way you feel in the house, knowing that something so horrible happened less than a year ago. The house still feels the same, but you look at it with the knowledge of who might've been there before.
You're... well, you're very lonely these days. You work long hours at home, holed up in your home office, responding to emails and sitting on calls all day. You only really leave to drop off your daughter and to pick her up, or if she wants to go somewhere in the city. If it were up to you, you'd never leave your new property.
And the house isn't small - you've never lived in a multiple story house, let alone one with no one else there. You can never fully shake the paranoia that someone else could be in the house with you, and you'd never know.
You remind yourself that you need to get a dog as soon as you can afford one, and try to wipe the nervousness from your mind.
When summer hits, you and your daughter spend most of your days at home. The house came with quite a bit of land, more than enough for a little five year old to amuse herself with on a nice summer day. You find that you enjoy sitting on the back porch with a cool drink and a book, keeping one eye on the story and another on your daughter while she plays with her dolls.
She doesn't have many friends. You'd worry, but she's always been a happy girl, and she doesn't seem to have any sort of social issues. You don't have the money to get her to a doctor, so you comfort yourself with the idea that she's just a shy child.
So you spend your summer, just the two of you. You spend an almost regrettable amount of time in your office with the door open so you can hear if something goes wrong, but you watch the small nest-egg grow in your bank account, and you tell yourself you'll make it up to your little girl by spoiling her later.
You only start to grow truly concerned about midway through the summer, when your daughter comes to you and tells you about an imaginary friend.
"John says we should play outside today," she says over breakfast one morning, casual as can be between mouthfuls of pancake.
"What's that, honey?" You ask, only half paying attention as you mix another batch.
"John wants to go outside. He's says it's a nice day. He doesn't like that you stay inside so much."
That makes you pause, turning to look over at your daughter. She's never known a John in her life. You have no idea where this is coming from.
"Who's John, sweetheart?"
"My friend," she replies, swinging her legs above the floor, happy as can be. "He was here first. We play together when you're workin'."
You blink at her a little dumbly. You know, logically, that John must be an imaginary friend - someone her little five year old mind has conjured in all her hours alone in the big house. But still, your simmering paranoia about there being someone else in the house spikes.
"Have I ever met John, honey?"
"Nuh-uh," she giggles a little, looking at you with an expression that says silly mommy. "John's not really there, mommy. That's why I gotta take everything outside."
You nod a little, your worry assuaged. It's just an imaginary friend - a perfectly normal kid thing.
"Well," you hum, turning to the skillet to start on your own pancakes. "I wouldn't mind working on the porch today, baby. You and John can play outside all you want."
It should be just that. It is just that.
Except... the idea of an imaginary friend eats at you.
As the pieces start connecting you tell yourself that you've spent too much time alone in this big old house. You tell yourself you need to get out, to find communities for both you and your baby to get involved with.
But the dots still connect.
You think of all the times you've heard your daughter start crying in the middle of the night, only for her to be giggling by the time you get to her room. You think of the night you were sure you left the stove on (you'd planned to make brownies, but gotten distracted while the oven preheated) only to find it completely turned off when you rushed downstars.
You think of the full conversations your sweet baby girl tells about John. She tells you he's tall, with a big beard, and a funny hat. She says he's got a nice voice and soft hands. She says he tells her bedtime stories, and that he has a funny accent.
You sit on the porch one night, and the back door opens behind you. Instead of the sound of small feet pattering towards you, there's silence. The door closes another moment later.
Your daughter tells you that John thinks you should spend more time with them - not her, with them.
The bed is made one day when you're sure you hadn't bothered in the morning. You'd been overwhelmed with work, had been too stressed to bother tucking in your comforter. When you go to bed that night, it's perfectly made with almost military precision.
You watch from the porch as your daughter giggles with her doll, dancing the little toy through the air and talking to nothing. You blow a cool breath over your mug, and tell yourself there's nothing there.
That night, there's a spot of warmth in your bed when you lay down to sleep.
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Jane Doe (Ride the Cyclone) Propaganda:
Great singing, also she’s literally wearing a doll‘s head bc she lost hers
do they have their soul or is it rotting somewhere with their head?
cool asf
She forgets her name after her death and has no story told in the production
She's so sweet and deserves the world. Her song (The Ballad of Jane Doe) is great.
the song goes so hard just listen to her song guys please
she literally died and her head was cut off so nobody could tell who she was PLEASE let her take one (1) W
BECAUSE SHE IS AMAZING. First she already won the tournament in the musical to regain life, as she won them over with her sad wet cat energy because she did not have a head and feared that she lost her soul. Second, she died on a roller coaster and lost her head, but stole her doll's head and thats very gender. Third, throughout the musical she is used as a vessel for religious allegory, she is an angel, she is jesus, she is a demon, she is forsaken but she is purity itself. Fourthly, she is is given the identity of Savannah with the greenest eyes after the other characters who died with her hold her a birthday party, and I think thats sweet because its probably some kind of meaning I cant see but auughfhfhh shes so cool
i mean her name isn't TECHNICALLY jane doe but we refer to her as such. she's so silly!! autism powers! i don't have a lot of propaganda tbh. i would've just been surprised had she NOT been submitted
She lost her head literally when the rollercoaster derailed. She wasn't able to be identified apart from the school uniform she was wearing.
Her name is forgotten, and so is everything about her. So she’s called Jane Doe. She’s very sweet and very creepy, but she doesn’t mean it
I LOVE HER! she died in a roller coaster accident and was decapitated, her body not being found. in the show, her head is actually just her doll’s head. the coroners couldn’t identify her, so she was dubbed a jane doe. in the game to be alive again, she ends up being voted, her name being revealed to be penny lamb. anyways she’s a little creepy and also quite silly and she does her funny little waddle like a porcelain doll (or corpse).
She deserves it! She lost her head she shouldn't lose this too.
Not convinced you didn’t start this tournament just for her tbh
They have a great song and a true air of mystery to them. They also have arguably the best song in the musical, The Ballad of Jane Doe! I would definitely recommend listening to it >:)
—She LOST her HEAD and had it replaced with a PORCELAIN DOLL —In all seriousness her story is really poignant. No one could identify her body so she arrives in the afterlife not knowing her identity and she spends the show vacillating between depressed and angry at her situation, leading to… —“The Ballad of Jane Doe”, specifically Emily Rohm’s version, might be the most haunting solo in musical theatre history.
John Doe (Malevolent) Propaganda:
Spooky gay eldritch disaster (am I doing this right?)
Could have chosen any name for himself and picked John because a kind person called him that :)
fractured piece of an eldritch god that shares a body with a private eye after being fractured. chooses the name John Doe after said private eye goes into a coma
Because he’s an eldritch god who wants to feel human and who overcame a lot of obstacles and dangers!!! He sincerely cares about the main character!!! And he chose a name himself! Isn’t he cute??? He lost his body, he almost lost his memory, he fought for his right to exist, he loves animals, he loves his friend Arthur and I love him!
Being an ass, friendship, spooky supernatural stuff, he’s got it all
My man heard the name John Doe, realized he didn’t actually have a name, and just. Took it for himself.
I LOVE HIM. MY SON. HE’S TRYING TO CHANGE AND BE BETTER AND :(((( He’s a fragment of the soul of the King in Yellow (god of trickery and suffering iirc??) that gets trapped in a book in our realm while the rest of the King stayed in his own separate realm. When a human named Arthur Lester opens the book they get linked and John gains control of Arthur’s eyes & kills his partner (oops!). They proceed to go on a quest to find a way of separating them because neither likes the situation, and at first John (or The Entity, which is what he’s called at first) just wants to trick and use Arthur, and control his entire body (through the first season he also gets a hand & a foot) even though he doesn’t remember being The King In Yellow at the time, but Arthur makes him change and become more human. His turning point is when Arthur is shot and falls into a coma for a month. They get treated at a hospital and while John waits for Arthur to wake up so they can carry on, the body itself still gets taken care of. The time John spends alone, contemplating on humanity & everything he’s seeing and learning from Arthur, as well as the way a certain nurse speaks to him every day (specifically, she greets him good morning and good night, despite the body being unresponsive, John still hears because he is an entity linked to the body) and calls him John (they didn’t have ID on when they were found so they were classified as John Doe), changes his outlook and plans for good, and he asks Arthur to call him John; from this point on he admits he cares for Arthur, looks for his wellbeing too, and in general attempts to be a better person and to live for himself. The rest of the podcast (ongoing!!) explores Arthur & John’s relationship, struggle to survive, adventures in the eldritch… All while tackling each of their issues with themselves and each other and watching them both grow. John in specific learns to be the person he wants to be, how sometimes you’ll take a step forward and two backwards; he can be cruel and manipulative sometimes but he still tries. Personally I love his journey, it’s very realistic and you can see he is trying his best, and how he wants to be better than he was as the King In Yellow, and how much Arthur has changed him and how much he cares about him because of that; and how he’s slowly growing into being his own person :) if it ends badly ill cry so hard but!!! he’s John Doe because that’s the name he was being addressed as, and he’s made it his, and being John means he’s no longer the King and that he wants to be different, and John can fail or make mistakes but it’s part of who he is now, and that’s what matters. I am So Normal About Him
JOHN DOE (Malevolent) SWEEP
OH MY GOD JOHN DOE MY BELOVED 💛💛 (watch me just not clarify that would be so funny ahah) John doe (Malevolent) 💛💛💛 my silly He's so funny he makes Arthur bump his head into a dock because he didn't say duck in time and then laughs at him 💛💛
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jonquilyst · 2 months
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Day 6 - Challenge Day
"Wait... Isn't there supposed to be a challenge?"
Our contestants got up at their usual time, eating breakfast normally while waiting for the challenge announcement, but 30 minutes went by... then an hour... Neal (RB), Toni (RB), and everyone else were left confused as the hours slowly started going by and... nothing.
In the end, the contestants were left to their devices for the entire day, until night fell and everyone began hearing strange noises...
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Mwahahaha... Just to keep everyone on their toes, I confused everyone and didn't tell them that our challenge is actually taking place at night! To everyone's horror, the film lot has been infested with accursed objects! That's right, the film lot has become haunted and it's time for our contestants to act as ghostbusters. If there's something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call? The scared-to-death teenagers at TOTAL DRAMA SIMS of course!
You guessed it! This challenge's movie genre is horror, and to make it extra scary, I think it's time that I introduce one of our brand-new game mechanics... This challenge is going to be a purge challenge! There will be no vote and the worst-performing contestant of the losing team will be automatically eliminated!
In this challenge, the teams must destroy all the accursed objects on the lot. The team that destroys the most objects will be granted invincibility, guaranteeing them safety from the purge.
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Everyone gathered at the mess hall, where Ashlee (IS) and Neal were greeted by a creepy doll that just appeared out of nowhere! But Flo (IS) was brave and began destroying the accursed objects!
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Coffee (IS) and Hans (IS) were also brave enough to venture out into the night and destroy the objects, but sadly, Enzo (RB) was so overcome with fear that he was unable to leave the mess hall for quite awhile!
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Our teams were ghostbusting all night. Just as the sun came up, Liana (RB) destroyed the last of the accursed objects, right before collapsing from exhaustion thereafter!
Here's how many accursed objects were destroyed by each contestant:
Drew: 5
Hans: 5
Willabelle: 6
Ashlee: 2
Neal: 2
Takashi: 2
Paulina: 5
Enzo: 3
Coffee: 2
Flo: 3
Liana: 3
Toni: 4
With a grand total of the Big-Names' 25 objects destroyed to the Star-Shines' 19, the Big-Names secure their second victory!
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Congratulations Big-Names! You are all safe once again! That means that someone from the Illustrious Star-Shines will be sent home, and as you can see, there is a 3-way tie between Ashlee, Coffee, and Takashi.
My wheel of names will be randomly selecting which of these contestants gets the purge of this challenge. I'll see you all at the auditorium!
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Today's Confessional: Willabelle Lowes
"There's a reason why I destroyed the most accursed objects out of everyone. 'The lot is haunted!' Puh-lease! They were just dolls, twigs, and rocks. There was literally nothing to be afraid of! What are they gonna do? Steal my soul or something? Yeah, I don't think so. While Enzo was over there cowering like a baby, I took the chance to actually be a team player. I'm so proud that it paid off."
@nakasumi-sims @simsinfinitylt @invisiblequeen @shmoodlet @akitasimblr
@riverofjazzsims @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants @seyvia @bloomingkyras
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🧚‍♀️ Anon
Coraline AU 🪡
Dio as Darling’s Husband
Johnathan as Darling’s Other Husband (It makes JoJo SO much scarier because he’s so sweet, kind, caring and loving that you don’t realize the predator he really is)
Johnathan is actually just lonely and hates what he has to do (So he devours villainous and evil individuals to ease his guilty mind)
JoJo’s true form wouldn’t be thin, instead he would be more muscular and bulky (Like a Goliath Bird Eater) with his even more massive height (He’s so big that he has a bit of a hard time squeezing through the ‘narrow’ *NORMAL* doors and his head will hit the Door Frame unless he lowers his head)
Dio as the Other Husband
I haven’t read the book but I read somewhere that the Beldam had a Mother and she buried her in her backyard, and when she tried to crawl out, the Bedlam put her back in her grave, so I can picture Dio doing that to his father (But he grew tried of it so he killed him)
Dio is trying to Woo Darling into accepting him, but she’s too uncomfortable and feels creeped out that she doesn’t fall for his tricks
Darling doesn’t need an Other Husband when she has her beloved Johnathan (As he’s always been her sweet, gentle giant)
But what if after entering the door, she comes back every time she falls asleep? (And she can’t control it, but it started happening when she found that doll that looks exactly like her)
Because of it she thinks everything is a dream (But finds it weird and concerning that Jonathan is nowhere in sight)
Dio becomes frustrated as he’s never had prey like Darling before, as many women would swoon and fall to his feet for his affection (As he eats their lives up to sustain himself)
Darling becomes scared however when Dio tried to convince her to let him sew buttons in her eyes (And when she tried to stand up to him his appearance became more monstrous as his temper began to spike)
Darling finds the door and uses it to escape, only to her horror find out she’s been gone for days and Johnathan has been missing
She was horrified to find a doll of JoJo and figured out Dio took him so she must return to save her Husband
But here’s the twist, she thinks she sees JoJo when she returns to that world as she runs into his familiar arms and comforting smell, only to her horror to see Dio had attached his head to Johnathan’s body? (As he traps his Butterfly within his web with no chance of escape)
Sorry for the constant splurge, I’m currently haunted JJBA and it won’t leave me alone!
Oh boy! I've got news for you if you didn't already know. I've actually done this au before quite a few years ago. Only it was part 5 centric.
I love the idea of beldam Jonathan just being alone and clingy.
But the whole dio head on Jonathan's body at the end is just mmm... spicy.
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For Jonathan I can imagine that reader isn't in a good environment, abusive even. Darling doesn't really know how to deal with their situation. That little door is their only escape and for a time that's all they need but something happens in the real world that pulls them away, something good and Jonathan noticed their distance. He tries to lul them back in but doesn't work.
So eventually Jonathan resorts to taking those who darling lives with. Perhaps there is one person he takes that wasn't abusive to darling and that leads them to try and save them.
For Dio I like the idea of darling thinking it's a dream. Darling is very distant to him despite everything he tries.
When they escape at first they think that Jonathan is at work or is out trying to look for them so they try to call him but he doesn't respond, which is strange as he usually drops everything when it has anything to do with them.
They go around asking neighbors and they tell darling he'd knocked on their door a couple of days earlier asking if they knew where darling was, they didn't and he told them he was going to go into town and file a police report. But he never ended up leaving the house after he went back in to grab the keys.
Darling goes back inside and eventually finds the doll and knows immediately what's happened.
They go back through the door and sees Jonathan standing in the kitchen (they can't see his head behind those damn archways, he'd always hit his head on them and were planning to have them removed during renovations).
They immediately run towards him and wrap their hands around him.
"Oh thank goodness you're safe" they'd say.
"Of course I'm safe, you'd think something would happen to me?" Dios voice would speak and That's when they'd look up and see what horrible form of frankensteining has happened to their husband.
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10 Bunnydoll story ideas
(free to use because I have a writer block and a hard time at school)
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– Jax is a celebrity that everyone loves, except Ragatha, who openly despises him. Secretly, she is actually his crazy obsessed fan who stalks him almost 24/7
– Years ago, Jax and Ragatha had an affair and since then their paths have diverged. Now they meet again and Jax quickly realizes that Ragatha is not the same sweet rag dolly she used to be, especially since she is now a single mother
– Caine organizes a quiz show about Ragatha for her birthday (imagine they celebrate birthdays) and Jax doesn't want to participate. In the end, it turns out that he knows the answer to every single question, at the same time revealing that they are in a relationship
– Jax and Ragatha have been a couple for quite some time. At some point, the rabbit starts to suspect that his girlfriend might be thinking about starting a family, which makes him a little uneasy. One day, everyone except him and Ragatha turns into babies, while Caine magically disappears and they automatically have to take care of their friends
– One day a child arrives at the Digital Circus. Confused and frightened, it gets "adopted" by Ragatha, who takes care of it and treats it as if it were her real child, which also makes Jax jealous. Later it turns out that this is in fact Ragatha's son/daughter that she had before she got trapped in the circus. After finding out, Jax has a hard time accepting it
– Similar to the previous one, there's a new addition to the circus. This time it's Jax's girlfriend from the real world. Slowly they rebuild their relationship, which Ragatha quickly notices and gets sad because she and Jax recently started to get closer. She tries to make friends with his girlfriend but fails as the girl hates people like Ragatha
– Everyone thinks that abstracting is like death. But when Ragatha abstracts, her subconscious comes back to her body in the real world and she wakes up in a hospital. For the first few weeks, she feels alone, although she is reunited with her relatives and former friends. One day she runs into a guy who seems very familiar for some reason. Later, it turns out that Jax also abstracted and got sent back to the real world
– Ragatha is a teacher's pet who is often bullied by the school's most famous troublemaker, Jax. When she meets some guy online, she befriends him and even develops a crush on him. Little does she know that it's actually Jax, who also has no idea that it's Ragatha he's been texting all along
– There is a Valentine's Day event and the circus members are sent on a special adventure where a mischievous cupid is hiding somewhere on the map. Jax tries his best to avoid him, as it turns out that cupid has the ability to make someone deeply in love with the first person they see after being hit by the arrow. Later, Jax notices Ragatha's strange behavior and suspects that she is the one affected, so he tries to ignore her as much as possible. But he also feels different and doesn't know why. In the end, it turns out that it wasn't Ragatha who got hit, but Jax
– A Halloween adventure where Jax and Ragatha are trapped in a haunted house. Unlike the rag doll, the rabbit isn't scared at all, since the monsters there are just some silly looking NPCs. However, the scariest thing happens when they are suddenly separated and the worst events of their lives as humans are presented to them. After they reunite and leave the haunted house, they feel a strong need to comfort each other (and beat the shit out of Caine when it comes to Jax)
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Let me know if you like any of these ideas and feel free to use them! <3
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axilog14 · 2 months
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And now for something slightly different: branched out and found a decent deal for the Laura Black and White Spectrum figures by ToyCity.
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They're a bit of a departure from the more popular blind box BJDs we'd been seeing from Penny's Box, Simontoys, Come4Free, etc. Should be fun to see how other companies interpret this trend going forward.
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My package arrived slightly squished, though luckily the actual figures were intact. The character cards aren't too fancy but they're okay, though one somehow got dented in transit.
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These are labeled as ball-jointed dolls, but they use mechanical joints rather than strung ones. Their clothes can't really be switched with anyone else, but the dolls are slim enough they can wear most mini BJD and ob11-sized clothes just fine.
(small sidenote: the black dress has some wire along the white frilly part, presumably for more poseability options?)
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A side-by-side comparison with Liroro Summer Island and School of Fancies School Haunting. I knew the Laura dolls would be taller, but I didn't realize how minimal the height difference actually was.
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A comparison of Laura's articulation with OOTD of Cai. The Laura joints scare me a little because they seem more fragile. Also, the black dress girl has somewhat stiff hip joints.
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All in all their construction isn't quite as robust compared to other blind box BJDs, but I still wouldn't mind seeing more of this body style on the market. Far as I can tell this is the only Laura BJD available so far (I might be wrong), and I hope they do more of these.
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If anyone has any more questions about these figures) dolls, I'll happily answer them as best as I can!
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icycoldninja · 3 months
Can you write a reader who’s like: haunting and dauntingly beautiful
ft. Nero, Dante, Vergil & V
Her aesthetics and lifestyle similar to that of Edith Cushing from Crimson Peak, always letting her hair loose, dark eye bags, her face always seem pale and lifeless but she’s a rather lively person whose social energy and spike up and plummet down unnaturally ( full on break dancing while in a Victorian night gown at 2:30 in the morning )
And a hauntingly beautiful voice, comforting to the disturbed and disturbing to the comforted and hearing her sing and rehearsal while at night either freaks you out because you thought a Victorian ghost is living in a mansion or comforts you like a warm hug from a mother to her kin.
On top of that, she almost always can be seen wearing a long white gown (similar to Edith’s), walking as if she’s drifting on air like a ghost due to how fleeting her footsteps are and holds a candelabra, walking around her mansion at night to do her daily activities ( she’s a night owl and her mansion looks like The Sharpe’s Mansion in Crimson Peak )
Yeah sure!
Sparta boys + V x Hauntingly beautiful!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante thinks your spontaneity and crazy energy spikes are freaking awesome.
-You're rocking out to Metallica upstairs at 4 AM while he's trying to sleep? Screw that, he's getting up, putting on his best suit, and joining you.
-Your mansion is...eerie, but let's not forget Dante grew up in one of those himself.
-Thinks you're the most beautiful woman in the world, 1 trillion/10. He can't so much as look at anyone else anymore after seeing you.
-He doesn't mind your eyebags or sullen appearance, if anything, he finds it a lovely contrast to your energetic nature.
-Thinks it's a bit unnatural for you to be using candles since electricity exists, but hey, it's your life and you control it.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil's fashion sense is very similar to yours, so he has almost no reaction to your Victorian-era clothes.
-Actually thinks your gowns are beautiful and wants to learn to sew so he can make you more.
-Turns out his fingers are too big to hold the needle properly, so he'll have to go to the nearest emo/goth clothing store and buy some for you.
-He finds your constant energy annoying, and your random lack of energy equally annoying. However, he's used to annoying people, so he can tolerate you.
-At one point he walked into the kitchen to get a drink and found you painting the walls in a bright yellow gown. He immediately left, rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, went back in, and found himself met with the same sight. He then went back to bed, shaking his head fondly.
-Vergil is a very disturbed person, so while any passerbys might think the house was haunted, your singing comforts him, like a soothing lullaby.
□ Nero □
-Nero was shocked when he saw you for the first time, thinking you were a ghost or a creepy doll come to life. This is a compliment, of course, as though they are disturbing, creepy porcelain dolls are beautiful.
-Nero expected you to be some kind of depressed pastel goth weirdo, but instead got a basketcase with an unusually cheerful demeanor and enchanting voice.
-When you reach your highs, Nero is exhausted, and when your energy plummets to their lowest points, Nero is even more exhausted.
-If you start breakdancing in your gown at 3 in the morning, Nero will smack the vigor right out of you, no hesitation.
-Saw you "floating" as you zoomed down the hallway in your long dress and thought for a second that you'd learned to fly.
-He still loves you though, even if you're eccentric and kinda irritating.
● V ●
-Surprisingly, V isn't bothered by you or anything you do.
-Your mansion is quite cozy to him; it might be drafty and occasionally chilly, but it's also very relaxing to be in.
-Your clothes don't seem outdated to him either, in fact, he wants to dress like a Victorian gentleman now because he feels that style suits him more than his current clothes.
-Your energy shifts are interesting to him. He finds it odd how at one moment you can be crazy and energetic and the next, tired and sleepy.
-He heard your singing once and thought it sounded very nice. This is probably because he's a disturbed fellow.
-Will walk with you through the mansion at night because he finds it both romantic and inspiring.
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hils79 · 2 months
Hils Watches The Spirealm - Ep 18
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Sometimes I forget they're in a video game and then they say stuff like this
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Time for a bit more anti-US propaganda. And she's not entirely wrong. The US does suck if you're not white and at least middle-class
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I see this is going to be an ongoing theme. Also, I love that this facility is supposed to be in I think they said Kentucky but all the patients and staff are Chinese
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Okay, so far this isn't as scary as the schoolgirl ghost. I want to know why the nurse ghost has a sword though.
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Okay the creepy doll is a big no from me. If it comes to life I am quitting.
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This dude who keep trying to trick people into breaking the rules is the absolute worst. I hope one of his tricks backfires on him and the ghost baby eats his face (or whatever I'm still not really sure what's happening)
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Oh shit I thought she was going to get saved somehow but she got stabbed basically immediately after drinking the water the other dude had contaminated with forbidden food
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Okay, what the actual fuck is happening? The dude that stabbed the girl appears to be giving birth to himself?
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And now he's possessed the body of the girl that he killed?
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There's mentally ill and then there's trying to murder you in order to win a game
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Oh, look, another kaleidoscope
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ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT! I was literally just talking on Bluesky about how the haunted painting episode of SPN fucked me up and THIS IS THE SAME THING
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God he is the actual worst I hope the nurse stabs him with her sword
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Fuck yeah she kicked him in the balls!
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Ruan Lanzhu always knows when a damsel (gender neutral because this also includes Ling Jiushi) is in distress and needs rescuing
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blackphanto · 5 months
Chucky predictions
I wanna make Chucky theories so bad, but I can't think of any! This show is so crazy that I can't even predict or speculate on what could happen next. There are some people teasing on twitter though and all they've been doing is making me even more hyped for how this season is going to end. So here are some of my predictions based on everything that's been teased so far.
Jake will enter the spirit realm:
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I don't think he's necessarily going to die, but he's so fixated on ending Chucky for good to the point where he refused to run away from it all like Devon suggested. And we've heard the doctor, the only way you get to the spirit realm is by dying, but what if you didn't need to die? I believe that thanks to all the supernatural shit occurring there, the White House will become some sort of passage between the two realms. Jake will cross it to try and destroy Charles' soul, but if he will fail or succeed is still debatable...
Caroline helps Chucky get young again:
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If Jake fails in permanently killing Chucky, Caroline will come to the rescue. We know she'll be back, but what role will she play in this mess? When she'll return, all hell already would've broken loose and she'll just make it worse. Her sudden entrance at the White House will cause quite the emotional reunion for Lexi and her. Yet, Caroline didn't come alone. Armed with the Voodoo for Dummies book, sure, but she brought another friend, who's none other than the Good Guy Doll creator played by John Waters. He came with a new doll, a new vessel for Charles and with Caroline's newfound knowledge of Voodooism, she'll get Damaballa's blessings and give Chucky a new body, a new chance to not disappoint the almighty Iowa and if he plays his cards right, he might even become forever young.
Grant will survive:
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I don't have any evidence to back this up, I just like him and think it's unfair that Lexy always has to say goodbye to someone she loves each season and I just don't want it to happen again. From a psychology standpoint it just desensitized her and would lead to her not getting attached to anyone else besides Jake & Devon next season, in fear of someone else always having to die because of her. And from a writing perspective it just gets repetitive, predictable and boring. So please Don Mancini don't kill him, also I love Jackson Kelly.
The past will haunt everyone:
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Charles Lee Ray isn't the only ghost the Terror Trio will have to deal with in the newly supernatural possessed White House. We've seen the past of the Collins family haunt them time and time again, we've seen Henry talk about ghosts and fearing what they told him almost every single episode. Why would that stop at Joseph or Charles? Wouldn't it be horrible for our trio to be faced with the lives they lost thanks to a doll they couldn't stop? How would Jake react upon seeing his father again, disappointed at him for being gay. And Lexy, the poor girl, facing Junior, the boy she watched die, trying to save her... Not making at least one ghost of the past come back would be a wasted opportunity.
Tiffany will survive, but Jennifer's body might not:
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Tiffany's possible death has been brought up in every interview Jennifer Tilly made following the comeback of Chucky season 3. At this point it even became a ‘will they, won't they’ situation. Does Mancini really have the guts to kill off a cult favorite character and actress he loves so much? Or will we just say goodbye to seeing Tilly on screen and welcome only her voice? I mean the trailer kinda made it clear for me that this isn't the end of Tiffany's story, but maybe that of Jennifer's body.
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indigo-constellation · 4 months
It's taken me far too long to have this thought out in public
Daniil should be Artemy's sacrifice in the termite ending.
tl;dr Haruspex route is the only one Daniil doesn't fit the criteria for a sacrifice in and it's been haunting me for years.
NOW, what's the criteria we get for the sacrifice? Beautiful young woman who is in love with Artemy right? well, yes, but that prophecy is given to the player by Katerina, the false mistress, all of her other prophecies are in some way wrong, why is this one followed to the letter? Well there is another definition to the sacrifice Artemy must make, two actually. (it's one, I know, but this is easier for me)
The first is that it has to be equal to the udurgh, which the polyhedron isn't. This is why Artemy does not become the foreman in the termite ending and why that ending feels so deeply unsatisfying and unfitting for him, because he never actually fulfils his goal (THIS IS WHY HARUSPEX ROUTE UTOPIAN ENDING IS SO MUCH BETTER but I already ranted about that) Aglaya fills that criteria.
Now you might ask why, and that leads very cleanly to the second point, the real need in the sacrifice to be equal to the udurgh is that it isn't a man, and in Aglaya's own words, "Simon was almost human. And me-I'm not quite human." Aglaya is not quite human, because she is aware of her status as a doll.
What does this have to do with Daniil?
Well, Daniil is "not quite human" himself in the two other routes.
Bachelor route is very simple to explain, not only does he get to discover that he is a doll, but even if he doesn't heal another bound and meet the powers that be, he is still the player character, he still has this level of separation from the world caused by the player, this distinction between the player and the character is made most clear in the Haruspex route where it's explicitly said that Aglaya isn't in love with Artemy, she's in love with the player, as the player themselves say, "Did you fall in love with him because he was free? But that wasn't him; it was me." Meaning that the player is separate enough from their character to justify the player character being "not quite human."
Now Changeling route is where this gets interesting. because there it is also not his route but Daniil is still aware of his status as a toy in it, claiming it to be the third time he's been deceived, outright stating, "I'm a plaything! And so, undoubtedly, are you." Now this obviously makes him fit the criteria of "not quite human" as established by Aglaya, but, this is where it gets interesting.
Because in that same conversation, Daniil can say, "Self-denial is the meaning here, silly. Deny yourself and you win. Yes, that's how it is! That's the essence of my discovery." And this, this line. This one line, which is specifically set after the player played the Bachelor's route, implies that he has known since. Now that might be a bit of a stretch but with the recommended order of playing being Bachelor -> Haruspex -> Changeling, how hard is it to believe that there is a chance that he is aware during the Haruspex's route? Honestly that makes that possibility so fascinating, because he is right when he's saying that he only wins by self-denial, because by denying to himself (and to Artemy, ie, still himself) the fact that he is a doll, he is keeping himself alive. Because otherwise, he would fit the criteria, being a Healer, a past (or future) player character, and "not quite human" he would very well fit the criteria to be an equal sacrifice to the udurgh.
Let us revisit the prophecy by Katerina, by Artemy's own description, Daniil is handsome, he is 28/29 so arguably young, not a woman, and well, in love with Artemy. Considering the fact that Katerina's prophecies are never outright true, this is as close to confirmation as I am going to get.
Why do I care?
WELL, one, potential, so much potential, I have a wip waiting about this.
But also, it would make the problem of Haruspex route termite ending being a kind of boring and unfulfilling ending not be that, and add another layer of tragedy to it. Let me explain, the problem with termite ending (Artemy route) as it is, is that Artemy makes the wrong choice, it's said multiple times that the right choice for him, is to destroy the town, this is stated in Clara's ice prince story, in the character selection screen, as well as the conversation with the executor in the end which states that "inevitability" is the only true villain. Daniil being his sacrifice would prove that wrong. It would give Artemy a way out of that trap laid for him. It would mean the acceptance of the butchers and Artemy gaining access to the living blood below the earth, not just what will spill from the polyhedron's base. It also adds another interesting aspect to the game in that this would be the one chance for a player character not your own to die, and it will be by your hand. Which assuming the player played/is planning to play Bachelor route, would hurt.
I'm not even going to go into the queer interpretation of that possible ending just know that I am thinking about it constantly
I hope this was somewhat coherent, I have been thinking about this specific thing for years and it's not leaving me alone.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 1, Poll 1
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Hiccup Haddock-How To Train Your Dragon
1. The man is missing a leg 2. He's bi in fanon (and in my heart) 3. Blorbo original flavor. Need I say more?
He has a prosthetic leg, and at least in my circles is quite often hcd as bi
He's so cool. He builds his own prosthetics that interface with the prosthetics he built for his disabled dragon. First viking to ride a dragon. Chief that brought a new era of prosperity to Berk.
Probably one of the most popular physically disabled characters. And although I personally am not disabled, I have heard a bunch of disabled ppl say that they like him as rep. As he pretty much just exists with his disability. It is not ignored. He doesn't not always function the same as people with 2 regular legs. But it is not made into a tragedy. He just has a prosthetic leg after an accident which caused him to loose one. And nobody really makes a big deal out of it, which makes sense in the society they live in. Idk, here's a link to a video discussing the disability representation in httyd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvwRhb_ocPM
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @flammableengineering is the first submitter.
Harrowhark Nonagesimus-The Locked Tomb
She's a lesbian and the author Tamsyn Muir has confirmed she's written as schizophrenic, based on her own experience.
Okay SO Harrow is a necromancer nun who is also a huge lesbian. She spends the books of TLT series being super gay and repressed about her emotions for 1. Butch lesbian Jesus and 2. Human Barbie the death of God. She narrates the second book (Harrow the Ninth) and is author-confirmed schizophrenic. She experiences hallucinations thru the whole book and has since childhood. She’s also WIDELY headcannoned as autistic by the fandom (me too) because. Because she IS SO FUCKING AUTISTIC (source: I am autistic too)
Schizophrenic lesbian with a traumatic brain injury
Schizophrenic and sapphic
canonically a schizophrenic lesbian. neither word is used in series, she isn't in a position to get a diagnosis and queer identities are so normalised in the universe that labels just don't get mentioned, but she is written as both by an author who is also both.
Canon schizophrenia
Canon lesbian with canon schizophrenia
She's a schizophrenic lesbian with a traumatic brain injury
The Locked Tomb is pretty popular on tumblr but I might as well submit her anyway
She’s a lesbian necromancer nun. She’s a saint and also woke up the death of God, who is a human Barbie, who she is in love with, tho she’s also kind of married to lesbian Jesus. She’s schizophrenic. She’s scrungly. She puts bread in a drawer. She’s even autistic
Harrow first started hallucinating (visual and auditory) when she was ten years old! The traumatic brain injury and seizures are much more recent. Unironically gotta love a pov protagonist who makes you struggle along with her in sorting out hallucination and false memory to figure out what's going on. Also while Harrow's disability shapes the narrative, the book isn't at all about her being disabled. It's a fantasy/scifi gothic horror novel about being trapped at a work retreat with God.
so many women want her but she’s determined to be in love with the soul of the dead earth trapped in a 10ft barbie doll instead. she’s a lesbian disaster and is trying to deal with both schizophrenia and over 200 actual ghosts haunting her.
Author Tamsyn Muir has discussed how Harrow's schizophrenia is modeled after her own experiences. It matters a lot in her eponymous novel, where her inability to trust what she sees and hears is compounded by her self-inflicted lobotomy to save her girlfriend's soul from getting absorbed into her own.
Harrow is one of the protagonists of her series & both her lesbianism & her schizophrenia play major parts in the story. The author has spoken about how she wrote Harrow based on her own experiences, and the authenticity comes through strongly. Beyond that, she's a teenage gothic nun in love with a holy corpse & she's the greatest bone magician ever born. What more needs be said.
She's a lesbian, she's psychotic, she has seizures, she faints regularly and can't rely on her own memory worth shit. And the only reason she's not going to kill god is so she and her girl can escape the cycle of violence. Basically, Harrowhark Nonagesimus is the entire package.
Anything Else?:
Listen. Listen. I’m not doing Harrow justice here. I LOVE her (Submitter 2)
The author is also schizophrenic! Which is pretty cool. (Submitter 3)
The author of the series is openly schizophrenic, and has mentioned in interviews that she's drawing on that experience when writing Harrow :) (Submitter 8)
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cookinguptales · 1 year
I got both my flu and covid shot yesterday so today I'm feeling. bad. lmao. But I also saw two movies and had fun at them both!
I'll make posts about both of them, but I guess I'll start with A Haunting in Venice because I have more thoughts about it, I think.
My non-spoilery thoughts are that I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! The ambiance was impeccable and I think I'd watch it again just to look at it. It was very pleasantly spooky, more than I'd expected, and despite not having watched the other films, I was able to easily follow along. A lot of the acting was super fun, and Michelle Yeoh was really hot, and it was a spooky ghost story! What more could you want?
(Except subtitles, I guess, because I missed a lot of dialogue. Much more than I usually do. Kenneth Branagh's fake French accent was particularly difficult to decipher.)
Two personal things, which I thought were funny. The children's song heard repeatedly in the movie, Giro Giro Tondo, creeped me out specifically because my mother gave me a doll when I was little that she'd gotten in Italy during a business trip, and when you held its hands it sang that song. I... have a bit of a doll phobia, so I did have a moment of OH NO, IT'S THIS BITCH.
The other is that I was able to figure out the mystery very quickly because of my own special interests, which was very funny to me. I'm sorry that I am too much the target audience for this movie. ;; More on that in a minute.
spoilers below the cut
It was interesting to hear after watching the movie that the original book took place in the UK because the central spookiness of the film did feel very Italian. The old ruined palazzo, the ruinous aftereffects of the Holocaust in Central Europe, the general Vibe. But most of the main characters aren't Italian, so I suppose it makes sense...
It was definitely much darker than I had expected it to be, from a human cruelty standpoint. The allusions to the Holocaust (both when discussing Dr. Ferrier's severe PTSD after liberating Bergen-Belsen and the Romani siblings who were orphaned and forced into very dire straits to survive) were very frank and graphically discussed, which isn't something you actually see in films as often these days, and the fact that impoverished orphan children really were purposefully murdered during the plague had... very familiar vibes after being from a high-risk (and easily dismissed) group during covid.
In the end, the movie ended up being as much about metaphorical ghosts as literal ones, and I can see how a writer struggling with her wartime experiences as a nurse would end up writing a story that so blatantly grapples with the soul of humanity -- and whether it's worth protecting. The medium comparing hearing the ghosts screaming to her time as a nurse during the war treating the suffering... It does make me think about Christie's own experiences, y'know? I haven't read the book, so idk how much of it was invented for the movie, but... it did make me think about her.
As for the mystery itself... I guess there are two things to know about me. One is that I studied mithridatism (and Mithridates himself) when writing fic for Arsenic and Old Lace for YT many years ago. The other is that I wrote an original f/f fic about poisonous beekeeping around the same period. It wasn't my best work, necessarily, but I'll tell you -- I know a lot about mad honey.
So let's just say that the suspense wasn't quite as suspenseful for me lmao. From the second that one woman say "Mithridates" I was pretty ready for what was coming next, and when I saw that she kept bees and everyone kept eating honey... I mean. lmao
That said, the fact that it was very difficult to tell whether the ghostly apparitions were hallucinations or real or some combination of the two was really fun and interesting.
With Christie's Thing for poisons... I guess it's interesting how much fo the movie was about food and hunger and how food can kill you if it's not the right kind -- and how love could go the same way. The discussion of the camp survivors in Germany dying after being given milk, the children being intentionally walled up and starved to death, the siblings eating "non-food", like mice, in order to survive after being orphaned during the war... And obviously the poisoned tea from a mother whose love itself had been poisoned.
And then, y'know, the metaphor flourishing when you see how love itself, twisted into madness, was the reason why so many people had suffered and died. Rowena's fear that her daughter would leave her, Alicia's agony that her fiancé had, Olga accidentally poisoning a child she loved because she was trying to soothe her, Ferrier accidentally poisoning the concentration camp survivors when trying to nurse them back to health, Leopold's desperate attempts to protect and support his father being the exact thing that got him killed...
I'm a little too tired to pull it together into a coherent thesis statement, but... The themes are layered here. Hunger for food and for love and for companionship. Poison being added to the things you think will nourish you and those you love. The desire to be seen, by those you love and those you respect and those who you fear have forgotten you...
You have Ariadne (great name for a spinner of mysteries, btw) using a friend in order to get back her adoring public. Both Maxim and Alicia desperate for the other's attention. Poor little Leo trying to soothe his father's PTSD and being parentified at far too young an age, but desperate to be seen for the marvel he is all at once.
And Alicia's ghost, obviously, reaching out to those she'd known in life and trying to get revenge on those who'd harmed her. She wanted to be seen, too, and she wanted to be understood.
I suppose that's what the whole movie comes down to. Love and understanding and the way it can be twisted horribly even as we crave it.
The movie wasn't perfect and I suspect the subject matter will be far too dark for people expecting something like Knives Out, but I did enjoy it far more than I thought it would. The vibes were genuinely very creepy and the mystery and characters were interesting. I haven't read the book, so I can't tell you how it stacks up there.
I think, sorry Kenneth Branagh, that his casting as Poirot was probably the weakest part of the movie for me. That said, the directing was so good that I at times found myself like "sir?? why not just direct these movies and let someone else play the lead????"
(see: the lin-manuel miranda effect)
But a lot of the other acting was very good, especially Michelle Yeoh who was very hot and very interesting in her role. Boy, I was SO sad when she was the first to die because I was like "OH NO, SHE WAS SO HOT..."
Anyway, tl;dr it was a good movie for the spooky season, even if I suspect some of the subject matter will be difficult for people to handle. (Particularly the child death.) And even if you don't enjoy the writing, the footage of Venice and the overall vibes are impeccable so you can just turn off your brain and enjoy wandering through a spooky ruined palazzo.
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Jane Doe (Ride the Cyclone) Propaganda:
Great singing, also she’s literally wearing a doll‘s head bc she lost hers
do they have their soul or is it rotting somewhere with their head?
cool asf
She forgets her name after her death and has no story told in the production
She's so sweet and deserves the world. Her song (The Ballad of Jane Doe) is great.
the song goes so hard just listen to her song guys please
she literally died and her head was cut off so nobody could tell who she was PLEASE let her take one (1) W
BECAUSE SHE IS AMAZING. First she already won the tournament in the musical to regain life, as she won them over with her sad wet cat energy because she did not have a head and feared that she lost her soul. Second, she died on a roller coaster and lost her head, but stole her doll's head and thats very gender. Third, throughout the musical she is used as a vessel for religious allegory, she is an angel, she is jesus, she is a demon, she is forsaken but she is purity itself. Fourthly, she is is given the identity of Savannah with the greenest eyes after the other characters who died with her hold her a birthday party, and I think thats sweet because its probably some kind of meaning I cant see but auughfhfhh shes so cool
i mean her name isn't TECHNICALLY jane doe but we refer to her as such. she's so silly!! autism powers! i don't have a lot of propaganda tbh. i would've just been surprised had she NOT been submitted
She lost her head literally when the rollercoaster derailed. She wasn't able to be identified apart from the school uniform she was wearing.
Her name is forgotten, and so is everything about her. So she’s called Jane Doe. She’s very sweet and very creepy, but she doesn’t mean it
I LOVE HER! she died in a roller coaster accident and was decapitated, her body not being found. in the show, her head is actually just her doll’s head. the coroners couldn’t identify her, so she was dubbed a jane doe. in the game to be alive again, she ends up being voted, her name being revealed to be penny lamb. anyways she’s a little creepy and also quite silly and she does her funny little waddle like a porcelain doll (or corpse).
She deserves it! She lost her head she shouldn't lose this too.
Not convinced you didn’t start this tournament just for her tbh
They have a great song and a true air of mystery to them. They also have arguably the best song in the musical, The Ballad of Jane Doe! I would definitely recommend listening to it >:)
—She LOST her HEAD and had it replaced with a PORCELAIN DOLL —In all seriousness her story is really poignant. No one could identify her body so she arrives in the afterlife not knowing her identity and she spends the show vacillating between depressed and angry at her situation, leading to… —“The Ballad of Jane Doe”, specifically Emily Rohm’s version, might be the most haunting solo in musical theatre history.
The Anatomy Students (The Magnus Archives) Propaganda:
So technically there a 7 of them each with a different localization but one of them is legitimately John Doe
Also they are responsible for bone apple teeth
They are very fun
This submission is for the class of students in Episode 34: Anatomy Class, who are named Erika Mustermann, Jan Novak, Piotr and Pavel Petrov, John Doe, Fulan al-Fulani and Juan Pérez, which are all "John/Jane Doe" names. They are so creepy and so cool.
[about John/Jane Doe in particular]
Very good normal anatomy student doing his best to learn
This is a horror that went to anatomy class with a group of different variations of john doe esque names to learn about human body functions and scare a teacher for a full semester. was called john doe in the statement but later shows up as jane doe. trans rights?
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shirajellyfish · 4 months
Director’s cut! What inspired you to write As Long As We Are Loved? Was it something specific or just the general concept of living dolls that caught your interest?
And a follow up question, you mentioned your original concept was different than what you decided in the end (that dolls coming to life was a world established thing). What was your original idea going to involve?
UHHH this got long. I'm sorry!! I'm gonna put it under the read more because oh no, you activated my trap card and the trap is I talk too much
There's an idea I've thought about a lot. Robots are often said to be immortal in fics and other media, but that isn't necessarily true, is it? A mechanical being must be maintained. What happens when one day, there's no one who will maintain them? Or no one who will make for them the replacement parts they require? A robot might live for a very very long time, or they might live for only a few years before being discarded. They have no set lifespan, they will live for as long as they are loved.
I think that's what grabbed me. The idea of something that literally requires someone's caring to survive. Realizing that unaging is not the same as immortal, seeing how neglect can eat at anything. The idea of being able to give that needed love and care, to take something nearly lost to neglect and to love them until they are well again. Plus I just really, really enjoy slowburn healing.
My original idea was a future where many people have robots of their own. All very pretty, all very perfect, all very well maintained. Each one perfect, so much so that one might assume they will be perfect forever. Then Reader would discover what happens when one is no longer wanted. They'd randomly see a Sun (one they'd never met before) in a dumpster, holding tight to a badly mangled Moon. The Sun would be still active, but not really reacting anymore. Resigned, just waiting for his battery to run out. Reader would then of course be horrified, taking the two in and fixing them up. The original idea also had a separate body Sun and Moon that would become two AIs in one body as Moon's original body was going to be too broken to fix.
I decided to go doll AU for two reasons. Firstly, because an animatronic version of this story wouldn't be anything new for me to write. I See You Sundrop already has a lot of long repair scenes. It already has repair as a form of care and kindness. It already has situations where an animatronic's life is likely to end soon, but that is prevented because someone cares too much to allow that to happen. I didn't want to write the same thing all over again, so I needed something else.
That's where the second reason comes in- I just really wanted more doll AUs. There are only a few floating around on AO3, and none are quite the genre I was hoping for with that concept. If what you want to read doesn't exist, you have to write it yourself, right? Well here we are, an opportunity to write it myself haha (My biggest hope is that someone will read my fic and go "We should write more doll fics actually." Feed me the content.)
I decided to make living dolls normal in this universe just because with this concept, I felt like the whole "omg magic doll" stuff would get in the way of the fic's actual themes. I did once have a "spooky haunted jester dolls off ebay" concept once, but that one never grabbed me hard enough to actually invest the time to write it- or at least it hasn't yet. Dolls or animatronics or something else, I always wanted to make everything going on 'normal' for the universe it was set in.
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deeptrashwitch · 13 days
Questions for Charles:
What's this oc's biggest fear?
What is this oc's greatest strength and weakness?
How does this oc feel about physical affection?
Around when does this oc get up in the morning?
Does this oc have any unusual hobbies?
What does this oc like and dislike about themselves?
Hi Vice ^^ thanks for sending this in!
For Charles? Alright :D
What's this oc's biggest fear?
Hmm, despite his attitude and harsh personality, his biggest fear is being alone. Like the kind of loneliness where you know that no matter what happen, no one will remember or worry about you.
What is this oc's greatest strenght and weakness?
Charles' biggest strenght is his intelligence and research adaptability. If you need something, despite what it is, Charles will find it and verify it's correct as quickly as he can. He'll use any research methods that he has in hand if it means he can get the best information possible.
His biggest weakness are his ego and horrible attitude. As I mentioned on his bio, he is quite the egotistical man that considers his job as something superior or better than any other profession. Also he isn't kind or even polite unless he respects you, and even then, he still is harsh...so it's really difficult to work with him in general.
How does this oc feel about physical affection?
Not of his liking. He can tolerate it, but he isn't fond of it really.
Around when does this oc get up in the morning?
During his time inside the safehouse and West Berlin, he usually woke up at 5:30 am despite how grumpy he can get about it. But when he was back in the US for his teaching, he gets up around 7:00 am or 8:00 am at late. (Not sure yet how that will apply when BO6 releases completely).
Does this oc have any unusual hobbies?
Ironically enough, his unusual hobby is collect unique or weird things. For example he has an allegedly haunted doll, a plastic flower crown, some old wooden cups, a manual about psycological manipulation that no one knows from where he got it and many things more. Any time he has to go out to do some research or look for some intel for Adler and Park, he goes looking also for something else for his collection.
What does this oc like and dislike about themselves?
Charles is really proud of his intelligence, truly that's his biggest source of pride, so that's he loves most from himself. And about what he dislikes, I would say that he dislikes the way he never gets in shape (that's mostly his own fault anyway), but during his time inside the safehouse he got to dislike a lot his poor physical condition. (He tries to improve, but never gets to anything because he's too proud to ask for help to train unless is a life or death situation).
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