#Have a good day!
creekfiend · 1 month
I used to get an arguments on facebook and it bit me in the ass enormously because it turns out that when you get an arguments on facebook habitually, you'll be interacting with a lot of other people who get an arguments on facebook habitually, and most of these people are deeply unpleasant and they will be super mean to you in really fucked up ways. so for a couple of years I just sort of dropped off ever interacting with anyone who said things that I did not agree with. I would just scroll past stuff or I would get upset about it privately and move on. I did not ever engage. and the last couple of weeks I've started being able to say things in response to things I don't agree with in ways that I feel lay out what my perspective is but do not get overly invested in "winning" or "proving" anything -- I will say my piece generally for the benefit of other people who might be reading the conversation and need to hear what I have to say. and then I will turn notifications off and go do something else.
anyway. wow. y'all heard about this? pretty cool shit.
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andistarbee · 3 months
The Neon Void
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☆ I drew him for the first time. I didn't want to attempt a animatic before drawing him. I used color pallettes to make this because I like using them. Here are the color pallettes I used ☆
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Also if anyone hasn't read this,it is The Neon Void on Ao3 by @Sugarpastelstmnt . Please go read it,it is amazing and has really good writing.
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aannonn · 11 months
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and thats how i got a favorite side character
they are so silly i love them
those 2 reminds me of red and yellow tbh... i love it
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grungyhimonoonna · 2 months
Tell me all your favorite things about me. ✨🔮
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samandcolbyownme · 3 months
I hope everybody has a good day. It’s 11:17 on a Sunday morning where I’m at, and I’m hoping to get some sort of one shot out today.
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dragooned-speaks · 4 months
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A sketch of Grian I started awhile ago ^^
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Hi! I have a question about Warden's Ward, if you're comfortable answering it. In the first drawings you posted about Warren, it looks like his human form can kind of slip up and and destabilize. Does this ever happen around Patricia and Daniel? If so, what are their reactions? Did they know that he (I think) hasn't always looked human?
Have a good day!
Warren’s usually very careful about keeping up appearances around the humans. He spent quite a bit of time practicing his look before meeting them. It’d take extreme emotion or grievous injury to slip up.
There’s just one thing tho. Daniel can sometimes see what the normal mortal can’t, which Warren was uh…NOT expecting, lol.
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raynavan · 1 year
@ultimate-submas-tournament winners! its been a wild ride guys <3
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despite facing off an axe-welding-probably-insane man and severe type disadvantage ghost worm, our sneasel Ingo came out on top! and is enjoying a little berry prize (that i am only now realizing i did not go over with the dark blue- whoops)
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up against the most terrifying wooden solder to ever exist, who is equipped with laser eyes and a super-soaker, and a robot, the actually human Emmet came out on top! i'm sure his brother is very proud of him. and also! if you just so happened to read my tags from the last time i drew for this event- you'd know i was prepping two colored drawings for our winners!
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BRAVO! Both of you!
you have reached the station called victory! let us hope you carry on to even greater heights!
i want to take a quick moment to tank everyone for participating, and my dearest friends for being with me as i drew all of these silly doodles of mine! this has been so much fun- so thank you all! and one last congratulations to our winners, and an even bigger one for all the aus who participated!
Bravo Everyone!
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toohwe · 1 year
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Basil, best served fresh!
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I'm beginning to believe the 'Lilith told Alastor to go to the hotel' theory, so here are my ever-so-important-you-can't-live-without-needed thoughts on it.
Spoilers I think?
Okay uh- I don't buy into a lot of the stuff people say about it, but I do think she's the one who owns his soul. The 7 year disappearance is a bit specific to point out if it meant nothing.
SO! First thing, her intentions with sending him to the hotel. It could have been three things. To get him to screw it over (which I don't believe since he hasn't done anything to accomplish that), to ensure it succeeds (which I also doubt because although he's apparently been helpful, he hasn't done anything to actively help with the redemption stuff), or to protect Charlie (which I think is the most likely. Lilith can't be there for her daughter because she's busy with something.
Which leads me to point two, the reason the deal was made. We don't know for sure why it happened, but I heavily doubt Alastor could be tricked into making a deal, and (please correct me if I'm wrong) I'm pretty sure Viv mentioned somewhere that he wasn't really interested in power. This leads me to believe that he HAD to. As for what put him in such a vulnerable position, I have no idea. Maybe he got an angelic stabbing during his last fight with Vox or smth and agreed to give her his soul in exchange for help? Who knows. Anyway, I'm still completely clueless on the 7 year absense. What was bro doing?
Anyway, point three! I don't believe the deal would have been made upon Alastor's arrival to hell. No one knew or cared who he was until the radio broadcasts, there'd be no reason for Lilith to bother with him, and again, I doubt he'd be stupid enough to sell his soul unless he had to. So the deal was likely made AFTER his rise to power. I'm also inclined to believe it happened during the his 7 year absense somewhere. I don't have evidence for this I just think it makes sense.
So Alastor spawned, killed a bunch of powerful overloads, got into some sort of situation (likely one that would end his not-life), and was forced to make a deal with Lilith. From there we don't know but at the end of the 7 year poofing, Lilith begins getting voice messages of Charlie's plan with the hotel, and sends Alastor over (I don't think she sent him RIGHT after her last voicemail. It was just a bit too quick). He sees her on the picture box and figured he might as well see what she's doing if he's gonna have to put up with her.
And that's why he's there! Yay! Theories! None of this is actively confirmed, but my thoughts on it.
And now I'm gonna ramble about their dynamic because I'm an annoying nerd.
So this here. The scene from the pilot when he looks at the family portrait,
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It's subtle but he does that narrow his eyes and bigger smile thing a number times for a number of reasons, but I don't think this one is hatred. In the comic with Vox, all it took was seeing his face on a screen and he started mumbling insults down the street until he got distracted by something else. And this does matter because if he wasn't on decent terms with Lilith, he'd probably hate her more just because of the soul thing. Now I know he hates the fact that she owns his soul (if I'm correct), but that doesn't mean he'd have to hate her.
Even if this wasn't much proof, he doesn't go into the hotel with any resentment towards Charlie. He already decided he hated Lucifer when they met but Charlie was fine. I also think he was interested in the entertainment as a side thing, since he'd have to make this tolerable somehow (and give himself some sense of control over what he's doing), hence why he insisted on helping rather than just watching. He doesn't glare at Charlie (and in referring to the pilot since that's where to met) and in fact seems to be alright with her. Given his habit of throwing Vaggie (leave her alone bro TmT) when he didn't even know her, I believe if he was on bad terms with Lilith, he would be trying to screw with Charlie in any way that doesn't put her at risk.
I'm guessing he was on decent terms with Lilith dispite it all, it was mentioned that he gets along with women better, and his interactions with Lucifer only solidify this with me.
Look, I love dad Alastor, but 1, they didn't have enough episodes to actually explore this and 2, even if he cared even the slightest bit for Charlie at this point (which I want to believe), that song was heavily exaggerating their relationship entirely to piss off her dad.
So Lucifer shows up and Al immediately tries to kill him through glaring. It's possible his own dad was crappy so he projected a bit on Lucifer, or that he just didn't like crappy parents, but I think it was because his absense was likely spend with Lilith, who Charlie confirmed had split up with her dad before her disappearance, and probably wasn't very happy with him, giving Al a bad impression before they even met.
And now for Mimzy. I love all of Alastor's friends, he's so good at finding them. Anyway, she shows up and although Alastor already knows what that means, he let's her. I think he knew she was going to bring people for him to kill and he was already in a bad mood so he needed someone to take that out on. However, when he saw the damage to the hotel, he realized he couldn't do that because it put Charlie in danger (now I don't know if this had anything to do with him actually caring at all, because if he'd get punished if Charlie was killed, there'd be no wonder as to why he sent her away even if he personally didn't care).
Then there's his random disappearances throughout the show. Mimzy said he hasn't 'done any if that in a while', in reference to killing people and broadcasting their screams, so although he's active again, he still isn't killing people quite yet. Despite this, there have been two episodes now where he was quite literally nowhere to be seen, with no indication of where he went. I'm guessing he has to go chat with Lilith every now and then to catch her up on what's going on in the hotel and with her daughter.
Also I couldn't find anywhere to fit this, but I'm guessing Lilith sent him over because she figured the hotel would attract terrible people and knew Charlie doesn't fight, so why not send the screams broadcasting radio demon over? No one fucks with him so why not?
So TLDR; Alastor became powerful boi in hell, got screwed over and had to make a deal with Lilith, she heard her daughter was running a hotel that would attract crappy people and sent him over to protect her. He randomly disappears to tell update her on what's going on. They're on decent terms but he hates the fact that she owns his soul.
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aannonn · 9 months
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midnight doddles. ;3 (+ first 2024 post yayyay!!)
Pancake Duo + Burnt Duo can be considered either romantic or platonic tbh! lol (i love those 2 duos sm aaa)
I'm everyday testing a new brush thinking which one would fit more/would look better
Alan's cursor is my favorite thing from all of this
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Welp! I think that's it..? xD
Cya ~ !
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anewbieartist356 · 5 months
Hello! Yall can call me minty! Im kinda new here so please be patient with me.
I like…
. Toontown
. Pokemon
. Hollowknight
. Squishmallows
. Bendy and the Ink Machine
. Fnaf
.dandys world (middle finger to devs)
. And much much more!
feel free to have a chat and and have a pleasant day! Remember there is always somebody who cares for ya and if ya think there isn’t I care bout ya!
(Note that this can and most likely will be updated in the future)
also this is a lgbtqia+ friendly space and that means a trans friendly space! if ya aint friendly to these guys please leave!
Go check out my Ocs ask blog-@marshallporter-cogs-inc
also I believe in the freedom of Palestine but for very personal reasons i am unable to answer their questions and reblog I apologize
if you are from Palestine please go to my friends like @creator-indy as there is no doubt in my mind shes a better choice than i am
(Sorry if im being a bother)
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clumsy-words-again · 4 months
One of the most irritating things ever is when you’ve just finished jhaadu-ing your house and you’re walking back inside and you see those little jhaadu ke pieces over the floor like why
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grungyhimonoonna · 2 months
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igotsnothing · 2 months
I know it was a year ago but for your Golden Phoenix post, wcif the lingerie costume you used?
Hi, Friend of Mystery- I know you told me to ignore the ask because you hadn't seen the tag, but I'll link to it because this creator has a TON of cc and it can be time consuming to sort through. Plus, it makes me super happy to see peeps engage with my older content! 😸
The outfit was from this post:
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And you can find it here.
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castielssuperhell · 11 months
friendly reminder that folklore came out the same year cas died and evermore came out a little over a month after his death. so for the sake of your own mental health please don't picture dean sitting alone in his room listening to both of them!
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