#He hates it here
jacquelying · 8 months
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wrong heart 🤦
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r0d30-brqt · 1 year
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dormswap diasomiaa
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alcoholttm · 17 days
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"i demand a re-do." someone just took usopp's quiz.
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alperson18 · 2 years
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I feel like they would talk about the dumbest, most nonsensical shit, much to Peppino's dismay
Based on this part of the sonic adventure snapcube dub
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charlottedabookworm · 17 days
#8 - Memento (Free Day)
feat Nadir
had no idea what to write, decided to use the word of the day for when the prompt dropped, still didn't know what to write, finally decided on some nadir introspection
Eorzea is so different from all he knows.
Nadir knew that to be true before he’d boarded the vessel that had brought him here, but still it is shocking.
Even the sky is different here.
He eats fish that he has never seen before, walks streets of stone slabs instead of tile, and he aches endlessly for his home. He dreams of the bustling markets and the chaos of the Great Work, of the colour and vibrancy of Radz-at-Han and the companionship of the Host. He dreams of his home and it aches.
And he dreams of his home burning, his people screaming, of blood in his eyes and tears in his throat as he faces the Blasphemy that was his-
Each morning, he wakes aching. He wakes, dragonscale pendant clutched tightly against his skin, and he wishes for home.
Nadir hates it here.
But if being here will aid his home, if Eorzea will save his people, then he will stay. He swore to be a protector of his people, he swore an oath to his Satrap and to Radz-at-Han and to Thavnair itself.
He swore to Master Vrtra, as their home burned and what few of their people remained screamed, that he would do anything necessary to change that fate.
That has not changed.
Even if he wishes for little more than to be at home once again.
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colossalbilly · 23 days
“I.. alright. Is there anyway we can get you back inside? If not, that’s alright. Whatever makes you feel safe. Just. Tell me if anything is bothering you and I can put an end to it. Alright..?”
" i will shoot myself if you take me back in there. dont even try convincing me. "
[ THIS IS LIKE THE SECOND TIME HES SAID THIS. he doesnt have a gun but its probably a good time to check ]
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marcescenx-arc · 5 months
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this day feels like it's never gonna end. ---- @hatecharred
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... Dabi wasn't wrong. It seemed like the hours stretched into days. Each one cast upon by the shrillness of time itself. Making a mockery of them , it seemed like. Sneering and pointing with screechy laughter.
He hated it too.
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" Had I known it was gonna be one of those days , I woulda told the Commanders to solve their own bullshit." he grumbled. God , he felt stiff. His body was never exactly ... the strongest. And standing for hours was torture for it.
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dorkustm · 1 year
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@sleazeballtm : “You should be honored to look like me, dorkus, I’ve devilish good looks and wickedly charming smile— not to mention,” a quick two finger brush of his mustache, “The ol’ womb broom to make them all swoon.”
a loud snort manages to escape him at the absurdity of the statement, but his nose scrunches up and his brows furrow at the offense that he takes immediately after. "that's so gross, ted." it isn't the first nickname he's heard for ted's mustache, he's sure it wouldn't be the last. and pete's only a little butt-hurt that he can't seem to grow a mustache yet. he rolls his eyes. "yeah, i'm sure the ladies love your womb broom, because it gets you to shut the fuck up."
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sxnburst · 10 months
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Sun is covered in snow! Be sure not to stand in his proximity. He's about to shake the whole thing off.
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handern · 1 year
Yellow being somehow more bratty but having less nerves than John is so very funny to me
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sadlynotthevoid · 1 year
Time traveler Kwan AU, anyone?
Just, Kwan who somehow got back in time from a meh future and now he has to go through highschool and everything again. Just, somehow, he accidentally found out that the weird little trio back at school that seemed quite off and always up to something were actually up to something.
Something like, covering the not so living status of Fenton and trying not to get anyone else dying—
—Wtf, guys??
Now he has to do something about it. Because, apparently, the only responsible adult around is the timetraveler 30-something guy of the same physical age than said teens.
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halfxspider · 1 year
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"The Spider-Society was a mistake."
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millionsnife · 1 year
Tesla tilts her head at the cat, carefully kneeling down and offering him a hand, as if quietly asking permission to pet him.
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Sigh. "Fine, go ahead."
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mtwiind · 1 year
bathing is optional, sword is forever
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is upset that zoro does have a point. swords are forever.
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therelentless · 2 years
“Werewolf, right?” He really thought he had it.
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{ @zloslwy ;;
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"I..." A deep breath, followed by a long sigh. He needed this in order to calm down and not snap at the other, but it didn't help. -- Why? This wasn't the first time and it wasn't going to be the last time it was going to happen. "Do I look like a fucking werewolf to you? Do you think that because I have a beard and long hair I am one of those things? have you seen them? well no! and it’s very rude of you to think that, don't you think?"
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froog-water · 4 months
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so you're telling me
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