#He's awful
kawareo · 27 days
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He's so punchable
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frogchiro · 1 year
Why do I imagine farmer!price yeeting hyena!graves over the fence as if it’s a everyday thing 💀
Like its part of farmer prive daily schedule for the farm:
Feed the chickens? check
Water the veggies?
Make sure the bulls are behind the fence? Check
Yeeting Hyena!graves back over the fence? Check
His main points on his daily check list is:
-visiting his best cow girl and sucking her tiddies
-making sure his bulls aren't too rowdy and none of them little shits are trying to break down the fence/trying to breed with you
-yeeting another little shit over the fence back into the forest bc he just can't deal with that fucking coyote who's constantly trying something >:(
Price's history with Graves goes way back but it was only like stealing eggs, veggies and fruit, the occasional chicken and sometimes messing with his bulls since they are easily riled up amd Graves knows his way around them, even caught his trying to mount one bull or two but now he's insufferable >:(
It's basically daily routine now that he finds Philip in your pasture stuck to your tit, trying to mount or just grooming you, licking your coat and 'keeping you clean' while poor heifer is none the wiser and just lets him go at it bc he's so nice to you :((
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renard-dartigue · 8 months
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Saw some people have been making sonadow fankids so here is mine. Crisis is a feral little thing that can travel at the speed of light. He also smells. Not a bad smell just... smell. (if you've ever owned a ferret or rodent you know this smell)
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krokaxe · 11 months
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The Burned Man Walks
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rarilee33 · 1 year
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Deconstruction of Bloberta
"Why not?"
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corgiteatime · 12 days
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the dark circles under his eyes and his untrained purse dog personality have bewitched me so
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drherbertwestreal · 3 months
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goofy scp oc, fucker is kind of an asshole (understatement) but he is trying his best and talks to a therapist (is forced to)
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the-spookington · 9 days
Me looking at my favorite character's hashtag, hoping to find new fanart, and knowing I'm going to be disappointed
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ansatsu-sha · 8 months
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Haruta / Jujutsu Kaisen S2E12
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redcamelias · 5 months
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Almost the end of the (school) year??? Insane. Scarabro to celebrate
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 months
For havenfall is for family all I can imagine after the USJ Incident with AFO being told that the deal protecting him from JD is off is him going full “This is fine. We can rebuild. They can’t get me faster than I can put my plans into motion.” and just laying low for a while (the incident in Hosu was an accident really… the kid was just in the wrong place at the wrong time)
And then the training camp happens and AFO needs to find a god to pray to very very quickly even if there was no kidnapping
AFO is scared. He won't admit it but he'd been very thankful his father arranged it so that his siblings couldn't interfere. And that most supernatural couldn't unless he crossed them. He kept his head down. Most Japanese mythos kept to themselves anyway, with a few exceptions he'd picked out being able to see through all magical disguises.
(He is the son of the Devil himself but all he could do was see through magic. If it hadn't been for his Quirk he'd be nothing. Just like Yoichi. Weak, needing someone to take care of him.
He couldn't stand that.)
But now… he knew JD was in Japan. He'd heard of their twitter rant when someone said they were forcing their wife to a metal concert, had even put on their movies in curiosity. (If there is one thing true it was that All for One lived for his family. Yoichi had been the onlynonr he'd willing given such a strong Quirk to in the hopes of healing him. Only for his brother to spit in his face.
JD would never follow and AFO knew they would fight back if it wasn't for the pact. But they were siblings.)
Yet even knowing that his nephew (Izuku was his name, right?) was in a hero school he hadn't thought of the USJ. Hadn't until Tomura was talking about a ‘devil bursting from the ground’ and declaring a pact invalid due to AFO’s attacking Izuku.
Fuck. Shit.
No, no it would be okay. Just ride this wave, let things work themselves out. If he waited a year or so the pact would be put back into place. Just had to keep his head down and edit the issues. No more attacking that class. Go for the others.
Things would work out. Things would be simple.
(they were not. Hosu happened and his nephew was targeted. And then Tomura grabbed a kid who apparently was buddies with Izuku and fuck this counted as ‘interfereing’ didn't it?
All for One had never directly fought the supernatural. But now he was facing off to many strong ones.
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cal-is-a-cuddlefish · 4 months
No, no. See we're supposed to be rooting for Light Yagami because his heart is in the right place-
*is immediately shot by a sniper stationed outside our house at all times*
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frogchiro · 9 months
naaahhh the neighbour nikolai makes me FERAL !! not request but IT DID SOMETHING TO ME
THANK YOU bc it did stuff to me too ;;
Like...He's just be a real sleaze y'know? :( and I imagine he'd be very pushy, almost forceful with physical touch, even more than Simon!
Anytime he sees you in the hall he gets this smirking, gleeful expression as if he got the mouse, huge and thick arms stretched out and pulling you into a tight, one armed hug and crushing you into his thick, strong chest making you drown and dizzy from his strong musky and masculine scent :(
I imagine sometimes Nik would be slightly drunk too and he couldn't keep his thoughts inside and he'd just growl under his breath as you walk by him and greet him sweetly how he'd 'stuff that pussy until it would leak' and laughing at the squeak you let out bc you heard him ://
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mountainashes · 11 months
I'm so bored today so I'm going to indulge in my hobby: hating on my favourite character
Chris is one of the most mischaracterised characters I've ever seen. Everyone seems to believe he's some sweet little innocent nerd. Like did we play the same game? He can be really insensitive. Like the spirit board scene? He's smiling and giggling away while his two best friends freak tf out abt Hannah and Beth being dead. Throughout the whole basement scene he's just a dick to Ashley, and yeah sure he's stressed but he doesn't need to yell at her while she's terrified.
My main thing though is the INSISTENCE he wasn't in on the prank. His lines indicate he was, SMG said it's 'up to player interpretation' and in the Beta ver he was going to be in the damn bedroom when Hannah was pranked. I honestly believe he was in on it. We see in game that he often takes jokes way too far. Matt and Em find a fuckin pig's head on a stick and Matt's kneejerk reaction is 'It's gotta be Chris...' Like thats the FIRST name that comes to mind. Sam loses her clothes? She yells for Chris. He's obviously the kind to pull stupid jokes and the prank on Hannah he'd likely barely have to think about before agreeing to it. I do think theres a chance that he didn't entirely realise what he was agreeing to (drunk + his line with Ash with the recording of the prank; 'I forgot you were such a wilful participant.') but he still did it. He doesn't think before he says or does things.
And why else would Josh target him so harshly? He clearly had to have some kind of part in it. He's Josh's childhood friend. He's likely known Hannah and Beth since they were like 7. That kind of betrayal would definitely be grounds for Josh targeting him so much.
I'm not saying Chris is like. An 100% awful person. But he definitely has flaws and he's not always a good friend. And people in the fandom like to act like he's some kind of perfect person and it's just. Not him. The way he's depicted in the fanbase is a completely different person from who he is in canon.
Anyway I've complained enough now.
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fcrafcrtnight · 2 months
❛ I did what I had to do to survive. If I didn’t, I’d be dead. ❜ (From Georgia) @phantcmwritings
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WHEN HE HEARD THAT VOICE AND LOOKED UP TO SEE A FACE THAT HE NEVER WANTED TO SEE AGAIN? finn could have sworn that he had felt his heart stop there and then and.. no, not in the good way. it wasn't and it never would be and for a second, he found himself freezing as he tried to understand if this was really happening. no. it couldn't be. it couldn't be her, because she was dead and not coming back and he had to be SEEING things. if it was her? he'd know. right? "is that so? and what exactly did you do to survive?" his voice was cold and yet, it was also hesitant, because.. was this really happening? had he LOST it? @phantcmwritings
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heretherebedork · 4 months
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I mean, you also need to pay him to not break into your hotel room, apparently. So... payment might not be enough for this.
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I would like to examine this state in court, please. Because at no point in this show so far has he shown a single good intention towards him. And, no, breaking into his hotel room to clean up after him is not good intentions.
Otherwise he's just been obnoxious the entire time, insisted on speaking to him in a dialect he doesn't understand and just generally refusing to give him anything that would actually make this pleasant or enjoyable.
I just... wow. This is an extreme.
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I wish this were true, frankly.
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