#Headcanon For He who Devoured the Moon
forbidden-sunlight · 1 year
yandere!poseidon with shinobu!reader headcanons
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warning: manga spoilers, obsessive behavior, violence, strong language, sexual references, established relationship.
The intention of this story is for entertainment purposes only, it is not my personal belief(s). The behavior exhibited here is inappropriate and unhealthy, hence it should not be encouraged. There are also triggers, so please take caution.
You are responsible for your internet consumption!
This is a collab work with @praisethesuuun, guys go check out her RoR content, it's amazing! With that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy the chaos that is about to unfold :)
Revenge is quite an odd feeling to possess. It’s a white-hot hunger that gnaws at the bones and twists the delicate muscles of the heart. It hurts, and there is nothing in the entire world that can stop it unless the target of this dark emotion has been dealt with. 
When you had been alive, the target of your anger had been directed at Douma, the demon who had devoured your older sister Kanae like the ravenous lecher he was noted for being as Muzan’s Upper Moon Two. After rising to the rank of Hashira, you devoted yourself exclusively to pharmacology and applying it to your Breathing Style.
Medicine and poison went hand-in-hand. The only difference between them is the dosage. 
You had died fighting against Douma, absorbed into his body as nourishment to strengthen him. He never knew your flesh had been contaminated with wisteria poison until the very last moment. The look on his face was ...satisfying as you cradled his decapitated head in your palms, smiling cruelly down at him. Although you were dissatisfied that the poison would not have been completed without assistance from Lady Tamayo, a demon doctor of all possible candidates, the results showed otherwise. 
Your work was done. You’d leave the rest to Kanao and the others to destroy Muzan once and for all. You knew they could do it. 
Eventually, your soul ascended to Valhalla, where you had hoped to spend it in peace alongside Kanae and your parents. Alas, nothing in this heavenly area is as it appeared or told by the elders. There were gods up here. Gods who could have helped humans as they were hunted by demons, but chose to ignore the prayers of their worshippers in favor of indulging themselves like beasts.They were no different than a mortal warlord who valued his own safety above the people’s.
And now, they wanted to destroy Midgard because it had become ugly in their eyes? No. That is not happening. For as long as you carry your sword and poisons, humanity will not be discarded like a child’s toy. The Demon Slayer Corps were expected to protect the people…so it was not against the rules to participate in Ragnarok as a member of the medical team. 
Not at all. Especially since Lord Hades, for all the power he possessed, still needed the Demon Slayer Corps to ensure that nothing got past the broken barriers of the Bifrost and to maintain order without causing a panic in Valhalla. 
Hah…how annoying. You doubted your dear lover would be happy to hear about this. Despite his shortcomings, he was still a good man and an incredible fighter. Brunhilde would have been a fool to not select him as a representative of humanity. 
You were never one to convey false humility. If you believed that someone is an excellent combatant, you meant it. 
He could spend hours in the forest honing his abilities, pushing himself to where he would end up in your clinic within the Butterfly Mansion…and yet he still had the energy to spend time with a twisted person such as yourself. 
For all of the imperfections you possessed, the anger that still burned in your heart, he still found charming qualities that made him unable to resist you. To swear an oath of love and devotion beneath a wisteria tree, even when he would be fighting against the gods. 
A few days before Rangarok began, however, Brunhilde flew to the Demon Slayer Corps with startling news that would forever change the game between the humans and gods, incredibly agitated. But to you, it was another opportunity. You assured her everything would be all right. 
Be calm, and let the gods think that simply switching out their opponent’s fighters until the very last moment. After all, humans are able to endure quite a lot more than divine creators…with a far better temperament. 
Brunhilde’s sharp green eyes narrowed at your words, analyzing them with a cold frown before she slowly nodded and promptly left without saying anything else. Once she left, you left the breath you had been holding and ushered the terrified Nao to come out from under your desk, asking if she could bring some strong tea and rice balls.
You had much more to do now than simply packing up your medical equipment~. 
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You could still hear the screaming from the arena even when behind the sliding paper doors of your designated room. Two bouts have passed, and the favor is still with the gods. But it was nothing to fret about. Your nichirin sword was sheathed at your side, the blade dosed with the poison you’ve been preparing leading up to Rangarok. Two weeks were spent on finding the perfect balance of toxins, followed by trial and error on its effectiveness. 
Who knew a Valkyrie like Brunhilde would have access to vials of divine blood, let alone the idea of a god actually going through medical checkups? It was certainly a game-changer, and now you were confident that the Einherjar poison would do its job perfectly. 
It was a shame you couldn’t test it on Apollo again; the bastard is still lurking around in Valhalla, but you were quite certain he’d never try to touch Kanae without her permission ever again. The poison you used on him was specifically designed to create impotence, and he certainly loved to fool around with anyone. It took weeks for it to be out of his system, and you were placed on trial for an assassination attempt on a god. 
If it hadn't been for Hades’ interference, you would be Nifhelim instead of being sentenced to ten years of home arrest and unable to take on missions unless it was an emergency. As if sensing your distress, the sword at your side thrummed. 
Blinking, you looked down and smiled softly, giving the scabbard a few soft pats. “Thank you, I’m all right. Now…shall we go kill a god and bring a victory for mankind?”
The sword rattled in its scabbard, as if answering with you in delight at the prospect of a fight. Your smile transformed into a feral grin, excitement pumping in your veins as you walked out of the foyer and towards the entrance, carefully sliding on your zori sandals and brushing off dust from your butterfly-winged patterned haori. 
Inhaling a deep breath with your eyes closed, you pulled the sliding door to the left, just as a shriek went right through your ears. Wincing slightly, you opened them to see Brunhilde and her younger sister Goll standing in front of your quarters. 
You smiled at them. “It’s my turn, isn’t it?” Goll just stared at you with pink cheeks and wide green eyes, the one physical trait she shared with her silent older sister as the latter nodded. Your smile widened, stepping out into the marble corridor and taking an immediate right. The Valkyries were close behind. 
“May the Einherjar prevail.” Brunhilde said
“We will.” You said. “And should anything happen to me-”
“Kanao will be in good hands.” The Valkyrie said. “Your lover…that man will -”
“He will carry on and look after my sisters. That’s how it has always been, even after he found out I was a Hashira for the Demon Slayer Corps.” You replied. The sounds of the arena were growing closer, humanity’s entrance into the colossal stadium growing brighter. Followed by the sound of…water? You tilted your head to the side, walking towards it and saw…a boat tied to the mast of a deck? 
You sighed, stepping across the wooden planks and unraveling the rope before pushing it out to wherever it led you. As Goll shouted ‘good luck’ and Brunhilde gave a nod, one thought slipped into your mind. Why did the gods have a flair for the dramatics?
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Heimdall flew over the arena in a hot air balloon that was just the right size for him, circling around a circular-shaped platform that was surrounded by dark blue water and gigantic lotuses. Raising his horn up, the god screamed through it so his audience could hear him loud and clear. 
"While Zeus is the god of the cosmos, he who controls the seas is the tyrant of the oceans! The ruler of the seas! Even the gods fear the wrath of the most fearsome of deities! The second of the three Olympian brothers..."
The spectators began to warm up, anxious about what they were about to witness, a feeling of superiority common among all. No one dared to invoke his name, waiting for Heimdall to do so.
A roar arose among the divine spectators, the coliseum from the excitement shaking all but it was instantly silenced with a single, icy glance from the God of Gods. Even the human’s side was stunned at how the gods feared their representative so much that they could not utter a single word. Heimdall could only be thankful that he was in the air and not down there with them. He then cleared his throat, turning towards humanity’s corner. 
"On the other side!"
Attention shifted to the opposite side of the arena, where a single wooden boat plowed through the gentle waves as it carried a single passenger towards the dias. The air became heavy again. To destroy a god like Poseidon, his opponent needed to be someone who was just as powerful and terrifying. 
"Silent as a butterfly, yet deadly as a wasp, a fighter worthy of serving the gods! She is one of the few mortal souls brave enough to put her life on the line once more, to protect the Bifrost from destruction and slay those demons who would dare to cross the barrier into Valhalla!”
The crowd was going wild, the anticipation palpable. Never had they heard about a human of this caliber participating in Ragnarok, let alone someone who was intricately tied to the privacy of certain high-ranking individuals. Some had even scoff that such a the existence of such a human soul was nothing more than a fairy tale. 
The boat bumped roughly against the dias, causing the passenger to stumble slightly as she stepped off the boat. She slowly climbed up the steps with a hand raised over her eyes in an attempt to shield them from the blinding sun and a hand around the scabbard of her sword. 
“She is the one who had sacrificed her life to destroy the gluttonous demon known as Douma, and has a hatred for the gods that would even be dared to match the Father of All Humanity, Adam! Please welcome….the Demon Slayer Corps’ very own Insect Hashira, [First Name] Kocho!” 
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Poseidon could not believe he allowed himself to be a participant in Ragnarok at Zeus’ behest when that little shit knew he did not wish to fight against insects. A perfect being should never extend even a quarter of their true power unless the opponent is worthy. There is no living being in the entire universe worth his attention, let alone a second of his time.
 Yet the Fates had other plans; not only humanity’s representative is a member of Hades’ precious Demon Slayer Corps’ brigade, it is the very same swordswoman who had poisoned his nephew simply because he had gotten too handsy with her sister. Honestly, did mortals have nothing else to do with their time in Valhalla? But since he is already here and there is no turning back at this point, he might as well try to give a small show to these simpletons. 
He watched with disinterest as the [Hair Color] Hashira twirled her blade between delicate fingers with a serene smile, then quickly adjusting her grip on the hilt before crouching down. She then bolted, dashing towards him at an astounding speed and thrusting out her sword.
If Poseidon were any less than a divine god, he surely would have been nicked by the blade’s tip in the collarbone or the arm. 
But he is not - he simply maneuvered his body to the right, thrusting his trident forward, expecting a clean hit straight in the center of the human’s pathetic body and ending this match. It did not happen; instead, her feet landed on the outer prongs of his trident and pushed herself upwards, using the momentum to make an elegant backflip, putting space between them. 
[Eye Color] orbs blinked owlishly at him before they closed into tiny crescents, and her gentle smile widened ever so slightly. 
“My goodness, you are quite fast. Perhaps I’ll need to -”
Enough. Raising his trident, Poseidon unleashed a barrage of incessant thrusts in all directions, rotating in a circular pattern. Amphitrite would be more than enough to finish off his opponent. It would even be considered a great honor to bestow upon a pathetic mortal woman who called herself a warrior. Yet to his annoyance, she dodged each thrust, and only one made its mark on the left shoulder. Her smile faded, replaced with an annoyed frown as she leapt backwards again. He sneered. Same tactic as before. Putting distance between them before attacking. Can she only do that? How did she even survive this long?
Clutching her injured limb, she clicked her tongue in disappointment. “Hm. Not only is your agility and mastery of the trident impressive, you do not even allow a lady to finish what she is going to say? Goodness, there is no limit to a god’s arrogance, is there?”
Poseidon felt his eye twitch. He reacted. Him, a god of perfection who had no need for emotions. Why is he acting like this? He must be composed, unaffected by the malicious words of a human. His reputation as a God feared by All the Gods is on the line here. 
She readjusted her grip on the sword again, zigzagging across the dias. He deflected ten parries with his trident, yet five shallow cuts appeared on his body. He fucking bled. Him. 
Fed up with this charade, he knelt down, catapulting into the sky and bringing his trident down upon the vermin. Chione Tyro Demeter. With his enhanced speed, which created countless afterimages of the attack, it was virtually impossible to dodge all of them. The little human tried, but she got injured…she still is not dead, much to his chagrin.  
However…the sheer force of Chione Tyro Demeter had been enough to shatter her sword. Surely, she would dare to challenge a god to a fight with a broken blade. No. She will surrender, and this will be all over…so why is she still smiling? How dare she turn her back on him?!
“An impressive attack. If I hadn’t continued my training after ascending to Valhalla, I surely would have already been dead. Although, I must confess,” The Insect Hashira leaned down, picking up the other half of her sword, “You’ve saved me a lot of trouble just now. I really should thank you…even when the idea of showing gratitude to a god really makes me nauseous.” She tightened her grip on it, blood beginning to spill from her clenched palm. “If you believe I am going to cry and beg for mercy when I’ve put everything on the line to protect humanity….you’re mistaken. We begged for help through prayers, yet none of you listened. Tell me…is taking a human life that exciting? Do you find joy in destroying your creations like a child? Or are you just bored that there is nothing going on, just humans existing, and you want another war to get the blood pumping?”
The tension in the coliseum fell into an uneasy silence, soft murmurs carried out by the wind. Not even the commentator could say nothing…not that it mattered to Poseidon. Such things were of no concern to a god. He raised his trident, ready to launch another attack when a bright green light enveloped the mortal…no. It was emitting from her shattered sword. Hovering by the Hashira’s side were two women - splitting images of each other, one was calm while the twin was angry. 
She glanced up at either of them. “I’m so sorry it took this long to summon you like this, my friend. I ask, will you lend me your strength for ten, no fifteen minutes? Timing is critical at this stage.”
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Hrist’s aggressive persona smirked, delicate-needlepoint canines gleaming under the sun. 
“Do you even have to ask? Let’s take that fucking god down immediately. For our sisters, Reginleif and Randgriz!” 
Her dominant personality, the one who trembled before the gods, glanced over at you with calm emerald eyes before nodding softly. You smiled at the Valkyrie. “Thank you…both of you.” You crouched down for a split second, knees bent and eyes focused on the tyrant of the oceans, before you bolted. Poseidon used Amphitrite again, but thanks to Hrist’s abilities, your speed increased tenfold. And with two swords in your hand, you were able to easily deflect more of his attacks. But you needed to make it last as long as possible. 
Fifteen minutes….ten….five…seven…three…two…one. 
Poseidon suddenly fell forward, though he quickly steadied himself from collapsing head first by planting his trident into the stones. The coliseum had gone quiet, speechless at the sight of seeing the feared God of All Gods on his knees. He glared up at you, hatred swimming in those orbs. 
“What have you done?” He hissed. 
You smiled. “Oh, nothing much. Given your title as the ruler of the oceans, you are a master of hydrokinesis. Compared to what I used on Apollo, it’d be pointless to inject a water-based poison into your bloodstream to have any effect on your body. So I decided to use something a little more…effective. Corrosive.” You said. “Right now, the poison is starting to slowly feast on your body, starting with the bones. The muscle tissues will be next, followed by your organs.” 
“You dare…to do this to a god?” 
You raised an eyebrow. “Was there ever any doubt that I’d actually try to kill you? Come now, you’re smarter than this…at least I’d hoped so.”
 Shaking your head softly, you glanced upwards at a hovering hot air balloon, addressing a certain deity. Heimdall. 
“Mister Announcer? Would you say that this is a victory for humanity? Poseidon won’t be able to do anything in his current predicament, and…I might need some medical attention myself.” You added, suddenly feeling woozy and black dots appearing in your line of sight. 
The dull throb in your bones indicated the Volundr’s dissipation, followed by a bright green light and a curvaceous body pressed against your uninjured side. You turned and saw Hrist scowling, golden orbs narrowed in annoyance. “Moron. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if ya can’t even walk!”
“Now, now, just give me a moment to use Total Concentration Breathing to clot the blood -”
“Fuck no! I’m gettin’ your ass to the infirmary, now!”
“Goodness, such foul language!”
“Like you’re one to talk!”
The crowd was going absolutely wild; the gods were stunned at the mere thought that a mortal had bested them or screamed that this bout had been rigged or that you had cheated, demanding a rematch. The humans’ side was the one with the joyous cries and praises, no doubt Brunhilde was beside herself with elation that humanity had finally beaten a god. 
Amidst the cheering and Hrist’s grumbling as the both of you walked through humanity’s entryway in the coliseum, your mouth curled into a grin. You had done your part to protect mankind…now, the rest would be left to the other contenders. 
Before you could take another step, your knees buckled and the pain in your body increased tenfold. If it hadn’t been for a pair of arms coiling themselves around your hips, you would have fallen onto the floor immediately. Blinking, you turned your gaze upwards and saw dark brown eyes staring down at you in utter adoration as if you’d hung the stars in the sky moments ago rather than defeating a god. 
“You’ve made history today, my love.” Sasaki Kojiro murmured, pressing a kiss against the side of your head. “For a moment, I confess that you did have me a little worried.” 
You sighed, leaning forward to press your head against his chest, just for a moment. “It wasn’t intentional….although I wished I had decapitated that bed-hopping relic where he stood instead of letting him suffer from the poison. But that would be considered an act of kindness from someone such as myself. Better luck next time.”
Kojiro tutted. “Not while you’re in this condition, dearest.” He said, grabbing your other arm and draping it across his shoulders. “Now, let’s get you looked at before it's my turn to fight the gods. And don’t even think about using the Total Concentration Breathing method. You know I have very good hearing~.” 
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Poseidon was frozen on the dias. The sun burned his skin, and worse still were the looks of the sheep in the stands. Defeat, compassion, pain, and it fucking pissed him off. In that moment all he wanted to do was scream and eradicate any trace of life that bore witness to his defeat against a mortal woman. But he couldn’t even feel his fingers. The poison was so strong, pumping rapidly through his bloodstream, that it had been decided that he would be carried out of the arena by only his most trusted servants. 
Proteus did his best to keep everyone calm and not react as they headed towards the palace, yet even he was still shaken up by this chain of unforeseeable events. When the tyrant of the seas had been brought to his chambers, the staff immediately departed without another word, fearing for their own life should they do anything to anger their lord any further. 
But the truth is much more frightening and bizarre than anyone could have conceived as he laid in his bed, dark blue orbs staring blankly at the pearl-inlaid ceiling above him.  
In the smallest corner of Poseidon’s mind, that battle had awakened something in him. A dark, primal desire that should not be directed towards a mortal. However, if it is her poison, then she is the one who added this…whatever he is feeling, to curse him. 
That had to be the reason why his heart was pounding against his ribcage, his mouth to go dry at the thought of the Insect Hashira, naked and writhing underneath him in ecstasy. 
He gritted his teeth. “Shit.”
Slowly, very slowly, he began to move his fingers. Then his toes. Several hours later, Poseidon concluded his entire body was functional again except for his mind. The desire to conquer the Insect Hashira, [First Name] Kocho. 
She was a graceful, silver-tongued creature who compensated for the physical strength she did not possess with agility and extensive knowledge on pharmacology. In his eyes, she would make a perfect queen. And if she resisted him, well…
"You asked for it, witch."
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bunniekittiee · 8 months
Bi-Han’s s/o’s relationship with his brothers
I have decided to bless the Lin Kuei brothers fans and give you both the headcanons along with the fic (coming soon hehe). This is for being v supportive and very welcoming! I appreciate it all.
When you came into Bi-Han’s life, they were extremely grateful that you have begun to change him.
He was very cold (haha sub zero joke) towards his brothers and could be standoffish.
But once you and Bi-Han began your relationship, they were at ease that he was slowly changing.
Kuai Liang and Tomas think you are amazing, especially for changing Bi-Han’s demeanor.
All three of you like to enjoy tea together when Bi-Han is busy with his duties. They make sure to keep you busy if they are not busy themselves.
During tea time, they talk about quests they have went on with Bi-Han and even childhood memories.
Yes they tell you the embarrassing ones.
No please do not tell the Grandmaster, he will lose his mind.
And probably beat the living crap out of them.
Anyways, you all have good laughs during tea time and it is a way of unwinding for them.
Bi-Han may not have a craving for sweets, but his brothers sure do!
If you are skilled at baking, they are silently waiting for you to make them treats.
They don’t care what it is, they will eat anything.
The first time you make them sweets, it is during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and you decided to try moon cakes.
By the Gods, they absolutely devoured all of them.
Bi-Han watched in amusement as they stuffed their mouths with your sweets. He felt his heart swell at the fact that you could take care of his brothers.
He remembered that and kept that in his mind if anything were to happen to him, he knew that you would take care of his brothers.
Sometimes, you like to give them treats during their breaks, and they get so excited.
Kuai Liang enjoys doing yoga with you as it gives you both some bonding time one-on-one.
Yoga helps loosen his muscles and clear his mind, along with meditation, and having another person there enjoying it makes him feel good.
As I mentioned in my other headcanons, Bi-Han is not jealous of his brothers spending time with his s/o.
He has to deeply trust his siblings on missions and in battle, so he absolutely trusts them with you.
Plus he understands that it can be difficult to be cooped up for long periods of time as he is busy and doesn’t always have the time to take you out.
So his brothers will do it for him!
Dinners at Madame Bo’s is usually paid for by Tomas and they are fun.
Sometimes, Raiden and Kung Lao will join you.
Kuai Liang will bring along Harumi as well!
You and Harumi are definitely close as she is like a sister in a way. You are only surrounded by men for the most part, so having another woman is like a breath of fresh air.
Kuai is very happy that you and Harumi are good friends.
Sometimes on the dinner dates, you wish Bi-Han was there, even if he had a scowl on his face.
You missed your husband very much no matter what. There was nothing that could change that.
When you and Tomas were venturing into the forest, you both found a tiny ocelot kitten.
With no mother in sight, Tomas gently picked it up and you both exchanged the look.
“We have to keep it.” you both said at the same time.
Bi-Han was not overjoyed that you had found this kitten. He thought of it as a distraction and that you both were messing with natural selection.
After a lot of pleading and promises, he reluctantly let you keep it.
You and Tomas immediately ran to show Kuai Liang who grinned at the sight of this tiny kitten.
Just like that, this ocelot became the family pet.
As much as Bi-Han may have been against it, he did think the little ocelot was cute.
Bi-Han got to name her since it was a part of the agreement they made, so he named her Jia.
Jia was well behaved due to Bi-Han’s discipline and she was a great addition to the family.
Bi-Han is happy to know that you are close with his brothers. It makes him feel at ease knowing that you get the breaks you need from the snowy terrain and you don’t go out alone.
He’s an overthinker, so even if he knows that you are all safe, he will still think the worst.
When you married Bi-Han, you married the clan and partially his brothers as they will be with him for most of your lives.
If you had not taken a liking to his brothers, Bi-Han would not know what to do at all.
But since you are all close, he is relieved.
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hazyange1s · 3 months
Silly Little Sebastian Sallow HCs
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I LOVE that I’ve seen so many headcanon posts recently because I devour all of them. Here’s me throwing in my two cents with a bunch of random tidbits I’ve sprinkled into my fic/writing 🖤
He’s almost always on time. Though he can be a bit disorganized when it comes to schoolwork (hard to keep track when you’re doing your own side projects too), punctuality is important. Literally attached at the hip to his pocket watch.
Speaking of the pocket watch, it was his father’s.
Takes both Ancient Studies and Ancient Runes as electives.
His amortentia smells like pine from Scotland’s forests, smoke (a la confringo), old books, and the candies he likes to snack on 24/7.
Following that, Sebastian is a huge foodie and loves to cook for his friends/family.
Favorite color is red (a rich, dark shade like maroon)
Has a big soft spot for nifflers.
Loves Shakespeare - Macbeth and A Midsummer Night’s Dream are his favorites
Really just loves all fictional literature; from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice to Dante’s Inferno and Homer’s the Iliad.
Chaser for Slytherin but isn’t the biggest Quidditch fan otherwise (he just enjoys the glory and excitement of a good competition)
Super stealthy. The only person who can (usually) catch him before he sneaks up on them is obviously Ominis.
Actually a fair dancer - he and Anne used to make up routines in their living room when they were little
Dances a good ceilidh, too. (kilt kilt kilt)
Born in Aranshire and traveled a lot in his youth, as his parents’ research demanded it.
Is terrified of the Black Lake after having an awkward run-in with the giant squid his first year…but loves to swim elsewhere
Secretly hates his freckles :( but overall, he’s fairly confident in his looks - without being cocky (man knows the effects he has on ~ the ladies ~ (and gents) he just doesn’t always understand it).
The scar on his lip is from Anne scratching him during a fight over a toy at age 6.
Not the most “traditional” guy, but he IS a hopeless romantic after giving him time to be comfortable showing it.
Loves starting ridiculous arguments with Ominis when he’s bored
^^ man needs CONSTANT stimulation
Birthday is October 24, 1874; he’s a Scorpio sun, aries moon, gemini rising
Might add onto this whenever the urge strikes 😇
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plutoccult · 7 months
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characters: reiner braun, bertholdt hoover, levi ackerman, erwin smith, and hange zoe (gender neutral pronouns for hange!)
description: headcanons on taking your favorite aot characters home to your family for thanksgiving.
read part one here
author’s note: hello! thank you for all the love on the first part of these headcanons. from my love all mine blowing up to also part one of the thanksgiving headcanons, i’m over the moon. i hope these headcanons are just as good, and happy (early) thanksgiving to those who celebrate! maybe i’ll do something christmas related in the future? in the meantime, i’m working on the next part of my haikyuu x the office au, and i hope more people will check it out! <3
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— listen, i love this man, but he’s a mess. he wants to impress your family so bad! it’s so bad that he’s so in his head that he can’t even focus on having a good time. it’s not until you have a little talk with him in private and insist he let loose and try to have fun that he evades his overthinking head.
— despite his mess of a brain, he’s a total catch in the eyes of your grandmother and aunties. they think he’s a total HOTTIE! they can’t believe you bagged him, but at the same time are so impressed. you can’t help but roll your eyes at such comments while reiner has a hard time believing he’s that attractive.
— even if he’s not as tall as bertholdt, he’s still so tall, but has a better time navigating his stature as compared to his much taller best friend. your little cousins are quite amazed by his build, and he basically puts all the men in your family to shame in terms of muscle. good for you, honestly.
— at dinnertime, he feels more at ease and not as nervous when it came to making a good impression. he already left a positive mark on thanksgiving, and that mark continued throughout the rest of the night. everyone sure had no problem making sure that big boy was fed and was thrilled how much he loved everything. all in all, a success.
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— bertholdt is such a shy man!! my god!! he’s worse than reiner in terms of nervousness! no wonder they make such a great pair, they’re both wrecks. but bertholdt is sweaty, beet red mess when he walks through the door, and he can only pray no one notices and you don’t scold him for it (which you never would, but he can’t help but think you’ll do it anyway).
— he’s immediately overwhelmed by everyone greeting him all at once, a million words overlapping on another, and you have to tell everybody to call down and not scare him off right off the bat. bertholdt wouldn’t know what he’d do without you, really.
— honestly, take a shot every time someone mentions how tall bertholdt is. you’d be dead from alcohol poisoning before dinnertime, so don’t even try it. but seriously, everyone is so in awe of his height, it’s insane. you’re sometimes tempted to joke he’s not done yet growing just to make everyone sweat a little, but you don’t want to make your man even more flustered than he already is.
— unfortunately, bertholdt is too ridden with anxiety to properly eat his dinner, even if the small bites he ate were absolutely delicious. luckily for both of you, you get to take leftover plates home! the next day, he devoured his leftovers and ended up eating your plate too, but you weren’t mad. at least he enjoyed your family’s cooking in a place where he felt comfortable; at home with you.
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— you almost didn’t want to bring levi to thanksgiving. not because you didn’t want him to meet your family, but because he seemed so iffy on the subject of thanksgiving in the past. but, when you decided to take a chance and ask him about it, he was—much to your surprise—far more than willing to come along with you and even suggested the two of you bring a dish for the occasion (secretly because it was the one thing he could trust to eat).
— the two of you arrive, and you swore levi’s resting serial killer face would be the ultimate death of the holiday. your mother almost jumped when she opened the door and met levi’s piercing gaze, but was thankfully put at ease when he politely handed her the casserole he made with a soft smile. he was even nice enough to give her reheating instructions too. what a king.
— levi shockingly has a soft spot for children. you didn’t know that about him until now when you saw him cradling your baby niece in his arms with ease while she napped peacefully. the sight almost brought you to tears, seriously.
— even if levi didn’t have much of a family growing up, he could find solace in yours, secretly in his mind hoping he could always have things be this way. you were happy to see him happy, even if he had his own quirky ways of showing it, and you were so glad to have taken the leap to invite him to thanksgiving this year.
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— YOUR HONOR. i’m about to get oddly passionate about this for some reason, but hear me OUT. erwin is literally THEE man you want to bring home to meet your family. so serious. he’s every parent’s dream son-in-law. a father can only hope their child brings home someone like him, and luckily, you did!
— he’s such a charmer, oh my god. he just exudes bde, i’m not sorry (this is crazy coming from me, who was never a huge fan of erwin). he instantly wins over your family. you can’t even be shocked because he does this with every single person he meets, even you, who was swooned upon first meeting.
— he’s good with all the kids, just showing how more perfect he truly is, if that’s even humanly possible. everyone can’t stop talking about how awesome your man is, and you actually are proud of yourself for that. it’s about time you bagged an absolute 10 out of 10.
— when all is said and done, nobody wants him to go, they want him to stay forever! but don’t worry, he’ll come around for christmas, new year’s, and every other holiday after that.
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— ah, my precious hange. they have their quirks, but that’s what makes them so wonderful, and that’s also why you fell for them in the first place. you can only hope your family falls for hange just like you did.
— honestly, hange just lights up the room. their presence has an instant effect on everyone, and some would argue the holiday for better once you two walked in together.
— i imagine hange talks about their inventions to your parents, showing examples of their previous work. it’s all impressive, really. you’ve got a real smarty pants on your hands, and your parents sure are happy about it! they’re just glad you’re not with someone who’s boring.
— they’re a total child at heart, not in a bad way. hange will play with the little ones as if they’re a kid themselves. they’ll even give out piggyback rides but with a little twist. the twist? bouncing around whilst a child is on their shoulders. thankfully, no one throws up.
— during dinner, hange probably thinks of good thanksgiving themed inventions and politely asks to write their ideas down on their phone since there’s a strict no phone rule at the dinner table. thankfully, your family can make an exception… as long as they’re mentioned in hange’s success story.
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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enb-y · 1 year
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rise ⇢ 2012 teenage mutant ninja turtles.
request: ❝ your writing is the coolest! I was wondering if you could do headcanons for rise and 2012 Leo who’s partner likes to fiddle with his hands, play with his mask, nonchalantly trace the lines on his shell and just overall seems to always be touching whenever in close proximity , but when asked about it, will immediately shoot away and deny it with a red face … before gravitating to do it again ❞ — anonymous.
warning: none, mentions of teasing, mentions of turtle churring.
characters: rise leonardo, 2012 leonardo.
writers note: thank you sm! this request is actually really cute! hopefully this was something you were looking for.
readers pronouns are not mentioned nor included.
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✶ leonardo digs the attention that he receives, devours it. he more likely won’t say anything until then. he throughly enjoys when you fiddle with his hands, it’s comforting, especially how much he uses his swords, doesn’t mind you playing with the straps of his bandanna. he really likes it when you tenderly glide your fingers against his cheeks, he’s so relaxed that he doesn’t remove himself from you. he probably ends up falling asleep on you.
✶ don’t get me started on you tracing his shell, he absolutely loves that, if you stop he’ll nudge you to keep going, will whine like a big baby.
✶ if you’re laying on his shoulder and you happen to trace the marking on his bicep, he’ll allow you to do so until that forming smirk curls up his lips and decides to speak up about the whole touching him thing. “It seems you have trouble keeping your hands to yourself.” he’ll chuckle at how shy you’ve gotten, and continued to tease you, didn’t like it when you stopped and walked away. (was happy when you came back for more).
✶ continue what you’re doing, it doesn’t bother him in the slightest. if you trace the half crescent moon on the sides of his face, he’ll like that a lot. from the fiddling with his hands to tracing the markings on his body and his shell, you will have him churring, say something about that and he’s in denial. he’s the one to be flustered.
✶ overall he likes the tingling sensation that your hands give him. It puts him at ease, don’t ever stop what you’re doing. can’t say that he won’t stop the teasing, because he will continue and loves the flustered state you’re in.
*◌ೃ࿔ ┆2012 LEONARDO.
✶ leonardo doesn’t mind the simple touches that he receives, there were times where he enjoyed those little moments. he would ask ‘what are you doing?’ however doesn’t really care. but I think he wouldn’t want to be touched too often, he’ll want his personal space once in the while. he really likes when you tenderly fiddle with his hands, it’s comforting to him, it’s about the only time he’s relaxed. although it’s a simple gesture.
✶ leo looks like the type that he likes his shell to be touched (depending who is touching it), well at least once in awhile, just not all the time. however, if you gently trace over the lines and cracks, it’ll give him goosebumps. he only likes it sometimes.
✶ don’t think you’re safe, this one is no different, he will tease you every now and then. this conversation was brought by donnie, due to you always touching his brother, not that it was a bad thing, you just did it all the time, he kind of blankly stared at you when you stopped doing it, then returning to play with leo’s bandanna straps. speaking of bandanna, he’s okay with you messing with that, just don’t pull too rough and make him lose focus.
✶ honestly, leo preferably likes to this in private, it saves him from the teasing, performed by michelangelo. the first time you touched his shell, he was a little startled at first, but he’ll let you continue, with explanation of course.
✶ if you’re lucky, you probably have this boy churring. he likes certain touches, sometimes his shell, tracing whatever flaws his skin may have or his hands. mainly his shell, it’s like receiving a back massage and he likes that. (only once in the while).
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end - I wrote this is one go, no breaks, so I’m sorry if there’s typos / grammar mistakes or doesn’t make sense, even if I repeated the same sentence. I didn’t want to keep you waiting too long.
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𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬
Just some headcanons about how I think Copia, Mary, and the ghouls would kiss you.
Copia kisses you like you're about to disappear and he doesn't know if he'll see you again. He cups your face, holds you close, takes it slow so the taste of one another may never leave your mouths again. He whispers against your lips, telling you how much he loves you and how he can't bear to leave you and that he would bring you on tour with him if he didn't think it would cause problems for Imperator.
Mary Goore's kisses come across as aggressive and bruising, but you know he's trying to show you with his actions rather than words how much he loves, wants, needs you. It's desperate hands pulling on each other, twisting into hair, Mary directing you to where he wants you. His teeth biting into your lip, a tongue pushing into your mouth. He's not comfortable with the vulnerability of saying "I love you", but his desperation for you is enough to tell you that he can't let you go.
Sodo is fiery passion and pushing one another up against walls. You make him feral, make him want to say fuck everything else, because in that moment you're all that he can see and smell and hear and feel and taste. He tries to engulf you, to swallow you whole, but in reality it's you who envelopes him with your heart, and you both feel it with the intensity of your kisses. There are times when you take it slower, savour one another, but it's when you devour each other that you feel that fire burn the brightest.
Aether kisses you slowly, gently, touches feather-light as if he worries he'll break you if he holds onto you too tightly. He's aware that he's the strongest out of the other ghouls physically, and so he's careful every time you kiss. His lips ghost over yours, they meld together so seamlessly, he caresses your face so gently it almost tickles. It's always you who has to deepen it, make it rougher, and he's okay with letting you have that control. Rather that than he hurt you. He couldn't live with himself if he harmed you trying to show you his love.
The kisses between you and Swiss are plentiful, the ghoul grabbing your face and placing kiss after kiss on your lips until you're giggling and pulling him in for a longer, deeper one. You press yourselves up against one another as much as you can, leaving little to no space between you both, and it's like you're in your own bubble. He has so much love, so much passion, to give to you and he'll shower it upon you as much as he can with each and every kiss.
A kiss from Rain is full of so much raw emotion, so much that he's too nervous to say to you in front of everyone else, because he's convinced - like Copia - that this kiss could be your last and he may never see you again. But the difference is that while Copia fears he'll never see you again because he knows there's a chance he'll suffer the same fate as the other Papas, Rain is terrified that you'll bore of him and go for one of the other ghouls. So he puts all his love, all his being, into all of your kisses, foreheads touching and noses brushing. And every time, you reassure him that you're not going anywhere. You love him, nobody else.
When Mountain kisses you, unless you're taller or the same height as him he always ducks his head to brush yours. Your kisses are always slow, leisurely, and it's like the two of you become one with each other and nature itself. You feel everything draw to a standstill as you cling to one another and allow yourselves to feel everything. Sometimes, when he takes you out to a secluded spot in nature, he'll sit and bring you into his lap as you both bask in one another's glorious love while you kiss. To the two of you, the rest of the world doesn't exist. There's just the two of you.
Sunshine is unadulterated joy and love. Kisses interspersed with smiles and laughter and pure adoration for one another. When your kisses sadly end, she looks at you as if you're the moon to her sun. Your fingers intertwine as you press your lips together, bodies as flush against one another as you can get, the bumping of noses that make you break apart and giggle. She radiates pure love and happiness and she channels that into the kisses you share, her tail gently stroking your cheek because she doesn't want to let your hands go.
Cumulus' kisses always taste of whatever she and Mountain have been baking in the kitchen. They're sweet, both in taste and in essence, as she holds onto your shoulders to keep you rooted where you are. She doesn't tell anyone else, but sometimes she worries that like the wind you'll blow away and she may never get to tell you again how much she cherishes and loves you. She tries her best not to make it so obvious with her kisses, but sometimes they're so filled with need that you have to reassure her that nothing could tear you both apart. You'd fight for her, do anything for her, and she is the same with you.
The way Cirrus kisses you is similar to Sodo in that they're full of heated passion, but not as aggressive. She's forceful, pushing a knee between your legs, tugging your clothes or your hair, but not to engulf you. She wants and needs to feel you, to know that you're just as real as she is, and that this isn't a dream. But when you fight back, trying to take control and dominate the kiss, it's your way of letting her know that you're very real and that she couldn't get rid of you even if she tried. There's biting, sucking of lips, squeezing of flesh, and both of your hearts rattling against your chests. In that moment, you both feel so electric and alive.
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Rudra headcanons with Tanjiro!fem!reader
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warnings: anime/manga spoilers, ooc, violence
Here it is guys, my collaboration work @deathmetalunicorn1.  Definitely go check out their blog, they are an incredible writer and deserve lots of love! @praisethesuuun I really hope you will like this piece as I know how much you adore this big guy :) With that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy! :)
You rested your hand against a tree, panting softly as you wiped a small bead of sweat from your brow, having been hiking in these mountains for almost two hours, the blue-hazy skies darkening to nighttime. If it weren’t for the full moon tonight, traveling through here would be a lot more difficult. Thankfully Nezuko was sleeping soundly in her box that was strapped on your back, not stirring by your uneven steps as you resumed the ascension to a high peak in the Hindu pantheon.
Although you had done your best to persuade the Hashira and Lord Ubuyashiki in the trial that Nezuko would not attack humans, Lord Hades was not convinced. He will, however, grant you an opportunity to prove yourself as an unofficial member of the Demon Slayer Corps. This is the mission you and Nezuko were currently undertaking: investigate reported sightings of demons, and if able, eradicate them. They were supposedly hiding within this very mountain range, targeting the gods in the Hindu pantheon to test their strength and devour their opponent’s divine flesh. 
Hades left the decision up in the air if you think you could handle the demon, which did make you feel a little hopeful. He was starting to trust you a bit more after you completed your last few missions. That’s good, right? It had to be. If that wasn’t the case, you’d still be at the Butterfly Mansion, anxiously waiting for your next assignment. 
You reached a clearing near some rocks when a cacophony of sounds reached your ears; the sound of bones breaking, blows being landed, and yelling. Your eyes widened in horror before quickening your pace, breaking into a sprint as the noise got louder in the northwest direction. You zigzagged through the juniper trees, narrowly dodging the branches, never slowing down till you saw a four-armed, tattooed deity exchanging fists with a drooling, pale demon. The other two were sneaking in the shadows, ready to pounce for a sneak attack. 
If it wasn’t the sight of a god trying to take on three demons did not shock you, it was the sight that they, and you, were standing in a field of bright red spider lilies. Blue ones bloomed right in the center, where the fighting was taking place. Some of the petals were missing, other flowers were uprooted entirely, meaning  that these demons must have eaten the blue spider lilies to gain an energy boost and an immunity to the sunlight. 
They had to be destroyed, now. 
You quickly drew your sword. “Get down!!” Inhaling sharply through your teeth and catapulting into the air, the tip of the flaming nichirin blade slicing through the surrounding trees, the invisible threat, and finally, decapitating the lurking demons. You landed in front of the deity, who looked quite shocked at seeing someone rescuing him. 
Perhaps gods aren’t used to being helped when they’ve done all the helping. 
The third demon snarled as his amber orbs glared darkly at you. “Do not interfere, Demon Slayer!”
You shifted your feet, ready to attack when suddenly the weight on your back shifted, causing you to jostle more to the right as you felt Nezuko’s foot slam the box open…just to see your adorable little sister leap out and attack a fourth demon that you hadn’t seen nor sensed. They must be getting smarter at concealing their scent! 
While Nezuko handled that one, you dealt with the other demon, attacking it first with the Hinogami Kagura. You could trust Nezuko to fight against a demon…she’s proven to you time and time again that she isn’t weak; she’s strong, stronger than anyone you’ve ever known. Because of that strength, that will, she didn’t give into the hunger nor succumb to Muzan’s control. 
Once both demons were dispatched, your tense shoulders relaxed as you carefully sheathed the black blade back into its scabbard. You swiveled your gaze to the deity, seeing that he was siting against one of the trees and clutching his side.  Unknotting the dark purple pouch from your belt on the left side, you raced over to him and began pulling out gauze, medicinal oils, and a few other things Shinobu gave to you before leaving the Butterfly Mansion for this mission. 
“Are you all right? Are you in any pain? Do you feel dizzy, nauseous? Did any of the demons scratch you?” You fired question after question as your hands opened the jar of oil for bruising and pain relief,  praying that he had not been poisoned. He didn’t seem to be showing any symptoms, but should you have Nezuko use her Blood Demon Art to purify the toxins that might still be in his system?
He was silent for a moment before he quickly answered. “No, they just tried to overwhelm me with a barrage of punches, though one of them did get close to scratching me. No dizziness, don’t feel sick either. Would…something happen if they did scratch me?”
You nodded, carefully spreading the peppermint-scented oil into his skin, muttering an apology as he flinched. “You would have been poisoned, and there would be purple spots all over your skin by now, followed by difficulty breathing and heart beating rapidly,” You looked up at him and smiled. “I’m so glad I made it in time before things got worse!”
Nezuko hummed in agreement, extending a clawed hand and giving him a pat on the head. The deity blinked before he gave you a grin. “Thank you, both of you. I had no idea those…demons would be all the way up here. One moment I was training, then the next, I was going toe-to-toe with them!”
“Did any of them eat those blue flowers over there?” You asked.
“Uh, yeah. Two, maybe all four? Sorry, everything happened so fast-”
“No need to apologize!” You quickly reassured him. “I just need to document what happened here and send it back with my lord’s crow to headquarters. Would you mind giving a statement?”
“No, of course not. Whatever you need.” 
You beamed. “Thank you!” Now that the oil was rubbed thoroughly into his skin, you made quick work with wrapping the gauze around his stomach and the bruised areas. Once it was secure but not too tight, Hades’ majestic and very large crow landed by your feet, cawing. Around its neck was a scroll. 
 Pulling out an ink stone and brush from a compartment on the top part inside Nezuko’s box, you poured some of the water from your leather canteen (another gift from Shinobu, she’s so thoughtful! And it’s from a foreign country too!) into the ink stone. 
Carefully rubbing the ink stick up and down, a small puddle of obsidian ink appeared in the center of the stone. Grabbing the pen and carefully removing the scroll from the crow’s neck, you wrote in great detail what had happened here, including Rudra’s account of the events and the discovery of the blue spider lilies. Lord Hades valued reports that were detailed but not too long or unrelated to the mission. 
At least your calligraphy was getting better!
Once you were satisfied with the report, you placed the rolled up scroll back around the crow’s neck and watched it flight, disappearing into the night skies. Turning your attention to Rudra, you almost laughed at seeing Nezuko sitting in his lap, curiously playing with his hands. 
“I don’t want to be rude, but why would a bunch of flowers like these…blue spider lilies, be so important to demons? As I recalled, they gain their strength by eating human flesh.”
You nodded, collecting the medical supplies and putting them back in the pouch. “And you’re absolutely correct, Lord Rudra. Human flesh does increase their abilities, including physical strength. But when a blue spider lily is consumed by a demon, it grants them the ability to withstand the sunlight. They’re…nocturnal? That’s what Aoi and Kanao told me.” You thought for a moment before nodding. “Yes, that’s it. They’re active at night, but if they can’t find shade once the sun comes up…they’re as good as dead. They burn up, catch on fire.” 
Rudra released a low whistle. “No wonder they were pissed when they saw me near them. They must’ve thought I’d try to take them or something. So…you’re a Demon Slayer. I’ve heard about you guys…but does this sort of thing…happen all of the time?” He asked, gesturing his hands to the area around the three of you. 
Smiling sheepishly, you scratched the back of your head. 
“Not always. Most of my missions are reconnaissance and information gathering, like this one should have been, but there’s no predictable pattern when it  comes to a demon’s behavior. Still, at least I know for certain that the blue spider lily does exist…whether it will make Nezuko a human again or speed up her demonic transformation is another question.” You frowned sadly, looking down at the blue flower in your hand. “I’m beginning to think it’s more of the latter, unfortunately. Those demons were definitely stronger than ones I’ve encountered so far, and I think it’s because of this plant. Shinobu might know more when I show her some samples. I’ll collect some more to bring back. I hate to ask, but may you make sure she stays with you and not go near me as I collect them, just in case?”
Rudra nodded. He didn’t see much of a problem with entertaining the little one while you did your task. She was adorable, and seemed to love swinging off his biceps. You quickly plucked several of them, carefully storing them in a pouch and tied it to your hip, securing the string near your sword. Nezuko took a little persuasion to get inside her box, pouting as she did not want to stop playing with Rudra yet. 
Now that the mission was completed and the report received by Lord Hades, it was time to rest at a village before making the journey back to the headquarters. Rudra immediately offered to escort the two of you to the nearest one; he knew this mountain range like the back of his hands, so it would be much faster to find shelter before it grew dark. You beamed at him, profusely thanking him as you adjusted the box’s straps on your shoulders. 
The three of you walked through the rocky, uneven terrain, carefully steadying your feet and minding your balance when it got too steep. Rudra helped you along the way, his hands gentle on your exhausted body as the adrenaline finished pumping through your blood after the fight. The three of you eventually took shelter in a cave. You insisted that the two of you switch shifts in case an animal or another demon came by. This way you could keep patching up his wounds with the herbs you brought with you, at Shinobu’s insistence. Rudra tried to resist, saying as a god he’ll heal by dawn, but you had yet to see a deity recover from a demon’s attack. 
For tonight, at least let you take care of him. That was when Rudra gave in but you did not know why his face was slightly red. It didn’t feel hot in the cave at all. You shrugged it off and changed the bandages, pressing the herbs into the mouth of the wound before settling in a corner of the cave with Nezuko’s box by your side. Rudra offered to take the first watch. You gladly complied with his insistence to sleep first. 
Thankfully, not a single creature came to the cave even between the four hour shifts between you and Rudra. By dawn, you roasted some wild berries and fish that Rudra found, and resumed the journey.  Five days later, just when the sun had gone down, you had reached the foot of the mountain where the village was located. Hopefully, there would be a gate that you could pass through instead of taking an airship. 
The supreme gods were the only ones allowed to pass through the fractured Bifrost gate while the other pantheon deities would use the normal gates that can teleport them wherever they needed to go. Mortal souls, however, had to use mechanical airships. 
Demon Slayers were allowed to pass through the gates that the other gods used with an authorized Wisteria Pass. The Hashira and their successors would use the Iridescent Pass when traveling between Valhalla and Helheim to patrol the Bifrost. In your case, however, you were given a temporary Butterfly Pass since you were an ‘unofficial’ member of the organization. You’d get the Wisteria Pass once you proved to Lord Hades that Nezuko would never harm a human. 
Mechanical airships wouldn’t have bothered you so much if it weren’t for the steep price or how the scent of the smoke and oily gears made you nauseous. It was better to take your chances with the Butterfly Pass and travel on foot. 
You were a bit sad to part ways with Rudra, as he had been nothing but kind to you and Nezuko. He had healed properly as he said he would, so he wouldn’t run into any more trouble with demons any time soon. But your work is finished here. Time to go somewhere new. 
You bowed to the god, and Nezuko gave him a big hug before rushing towards the gate. He smiled, waving good-bye and watching as the two of you disappeared behind the gate in a swirl of blue light. 
What you didn’t realize is that Rudra felt the same. He didn’t want you to leave as he wanted to get to know you a bit more, though he understood that everything you were doing was for Nezuko. You wanted your little sister to become human again, and if working for the Demon Slayer Corps could provide any information on a cure, you’d take it in a heartbeat. Shaking his head, Rudra departed the village. Since he was in the area, might as well visit Shiva. It had been a while since the two of them had talked. 
But that bastard was laughing his ass off by the time he finished his story about what happened in the mountains. Rudra frowned, crossing his arms as he sat across from his old friend. “Really?”
“Uh, yeah! Not only were ya saved by a mortal woman workin’ under Hades from some demons, ya even got a little crush on her? C’mon, it’s almost cute!” Shiva exclaimed, leaning back against his large pillow. His wives, all three of them, giggled in agreement with knowing eyes as they sat around the god of creation and destruction. 
“And you’re not even bothered by the fact these flowers that can increase a demon’s strength is growing here -“
“Rudra, if it were really a problem as ya make it out to be, I would have handled it a while ago with or without Hades’ consent.” Shiva interrupted. “ ‘Sides, you and your Demon Slayer know where they are, right?  That organization will do its job. All I can do is watch, then I’ll intervene if things get too dicey or Hades doesn’t do his job.”
…Dammit, Shiva got him there. Shaking his head, Rudra chatted with everyone for a little longer before he turned in for the night. Shiva insisted since he’d been long overdue for a visit that included alcohol and a good brawl with the other gods. 
The more things changed, the more things stayed the same. By morning, the tempest god was wandering again yet his thoughts kept straying to the image of a swordswoman and her little sister, vanquishing demons and saving lives wherever they went. 
For their sake, he hoped that Nezuko would become a human again. 
Several months later, Rudra was traveling through the jurisdiction under Indra’s protection when he stepped into a derelict village. Wooden buildings possessed large, gaping holes in them or laid on the ground, their foundations utterly destroyed. Men, women, and children wept over small stone mounds as others were scurrying out of the village with their belongings strapped to their backs. He was shocked. He’s known some belligerent deities in the Svarga, but none were stupid enough to launch an attack like this ever since Shiva ascended as pantheon leader! 
Who was responsible? What happened here?
In between helping the grateful villagers with moving some of the larger structures and cheering up the children, he asked around. All he got was the same story:
“Believe me, if Lord Indra were here, none of this would have happened. But because he had been in a battle recently, he is still recovering at the temple. It had been like any other evening, quiet and uneventful when an old man with a large lump on top of his head came here, seeking to know the location of a ‘blue spider lily’. He was crying…and shaking too, as if he didn’t even want to be here!” A woman snapped, her blue orbs narrowed and face bright red with tear streaks. “We said we didn’t know anything about it, and then all of a sudden his body morphed…no, he split up his body into four, five individuals! Each of them were powerful, sadistic, and showed no mercy when we told him the truth about that flower!”
“Yeah, he couldn’t have been a god, and not a mortal like us!” The little boy by her side exclaimed, clutching a wooden toy sword in his hand. “But when the winged one with yellow eyes tried to use another attack from his mouth, he got kicked by a girl with a muzzle in her mouth! She was super strong, and my age too! There were two others with her, pretty ladies! One with dark red hair, and the other had braids, her hair was pink and green. Pink and green!” He emphasized. “Oh, and a rude guy too!” 
Rudra’s eyes instantly widened. He knew exactly who the mother and son were talking about, and his heart began to pound against his rib cage. “What happened to them?”
Another older woman spoke up, her gaze low and gravelly voice wavering. “The young lass with dark red hair and the boy did their best to protect us, trying to evacuate us before things got worse. They fought against those monsters, all of them…yet even though they defeated them…they did not leave the battle unscathed. The lass and the little girl were taken by the young maiden with green and pink hair and the boy to a place called the Butterfly Mansion. Last I heard, their condition was not good.” 
Rudra thanked them profusely for the information and took off, promising to inform the other gods what happened and to send help as soon as possible. 
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Shiva was understandably furious about the whole situation, and yes, he had been made aware of it before Rudra stepped foot in the Little Palace. He’d already spoken to Lord Hades of the Greek Pantheon; suppliers, builders, and the Demon Slayer’s kakushi were en route to provide relief and support to the village. 
He was going to tease the shit out of Rudra when his friend asked him about the Butterfly Mansion but wisely kept his mouth shut under Paravati’s infamous, withering ‘look’. The one that clearly says don’t even think about being snarky with him, this is not the time nor the place. So being the good husband and friend that he is, Shiva complied and told Rudra everything he needed to know.
Durga might the feisty one, but Paravati was not one to piss off if he wanted to get laid tonight. 
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As per the namesake, the Butterfly Mansion was a modest Japanese estate affiliated with the Demon Slayer Corps as a recovery base for the soldiers. Its master, Lady Kocho, was both a beautiful and intimidating human woman even in Rudra’s perspective. 
Dark purple hair pulled back and held together with a butterfly-shaped barrette, a butterfly-winged haori draped over the standard Demon Slayer uniform. She smiled politely, welcoming him to the estate as they walked down the hallway to the medical wing. If it weren’t for her eyes being closed or her back facing him, the deity was pretty sure that his hostess would rather throw him out than allow any guests to visit critically injured patients. 
But Lord Ubuyashiki, whom Rudra presumed is Lady Kocho’s superior, granted him permission so long as he did not bother the child. 
Nezuko was the one who greeted him first as soon as Lady Kocho slid the door open, leaping into his arms with a big smile. Rudra was quick to catch the little one, his lower arms gently holding her while his upper left hand patted the top of her head. Nezuko seemed all right…but what about [First Name]? 
Rudra felt someone staring at him, and saw that it was Lady Kocho. She seemed…very surprised that Nezuko greeted him so warmly, before her smile softened. 
“You may stay here until as long as you like, but please do not touch [First Name]. I don’t want any of her wounds opening up again.” The threat in her voice was subtle, and Rudra understood very clearly what would happen if he didn’t obey her. He thanked her again, stepping inside the medical wing with Nezuko. Lady Kocho closed the door behind them with a soft ‘chink’. 
The tattooed deity froze upon seeing you tucked under the sheets of the third cot on the right side, fast sleep. Your long dark red hair was splayed out against the pillow, your right leg in a cast and your right arm was hooked up to an IV. Bandages covered your jaw, left hand, and forehead. 
You looked like shit, but you were alive.
His heart like it had shattered into tiny fragments and reassembled all at once, stomach doing acrobats and his hands trembling even as Nezuko led him to one side of the bed. She then climbed into his lap, being careful not to jostle the mattress too much.
Seeing you in a fragile state cruelly reminded Rudra that you were not invincible, despite the power you possessed. You were a mortal, and he was a god. Injuries that would take a mere week to heal was a three to five month period for you. How could he have been so foolish to think otherwise? He should’ve been here, protecting you and Nezuko. 
But that was then…this is now. There is nothing he could do except make sure Nezuko did not get into too much mischief and no one disturbed your rest. He had been planning on leaving again once he was sure you were all right…but it wouldn’t be so bad to stay here until you woke up, would it?
He had something he wanted to ask you. Something very important. But he was a patient man; if he could put up with Shiva’s chaotic antics for thousands of years, he could wait until his precious Demon Slayer was conscious again. 
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vergeltvng · 23 days
NSFW Alphabet
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Spicy Content. Don't read or participate if it makes you feel uncomfortable.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Having a smoke. His (usual smaller, both f and m) partner laying on top of him. Pillow talk - sometimes he opens up about things he'd never speak about under other circumstances.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He fancies his beard a lot. He also knows exactly what he's doing by wearing his shirts unbuttoned. He has a weakness for pretty eyes, especially when they resemble Becca's eyes. Keeping that to himself and sometimes even getting angry about it out of nowhere tends to leave his partner irritated as a logical consequence.
C = Cum (where does your muse prefer to cum/have someone cum)
Prefers cumming inside. He is skilled with his fingers, so he'd lend a hand helping his partner cum.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
As a teenager/young adult he preferred women quite a bit older than him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He knows well what he's doing. He's in his late fortys and likely has lots of experience (in the show he states that he already fucked someone as a lad. It's also implied that he was liberate with hook-ups in the past).
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Due to his dominant nature doggy comes natural to him. He thinks missionary is very much underrated, too. (Continuing a heated argument while fucking?!)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Not goofy during sex. He's an animal who devours someone alive.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He has dark, thick hair (head, face, arms, chest, legs and pubic hair) with overall moderate hairgrowth. It's all natural, he doesn't shave or trim anything. His beard is slowly turning grey by now.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Don't expect him to be sweet in any ways. It can happen accidentially, like once in a blue moon.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He jacks off to self regulate. This man has some serious anger issues. But most of the times he just does it for the pleasure.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Being called Daddy in a sexual situation gets him rock hard immediately.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He actually likes a bed the most. Which doesn't mean he can't fuck literally anywhere.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
It really doesn't need much to get him going. Being blunt about it ("wanna fuck?") will bring good results.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He wouldn't let anyone penetrate his asshole.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving and receiving is equally fine.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He's rough and his thrusting gets faster right before cumming.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He'd be like "yeah, whatever". Neither despises nor favors quickies.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He's quite vanilla to be honest. Which is everything but boring in his opinion. He'll likely won't engage in bondage, roleplay, excessive spanking, whipping, choking and similar practices.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He is in very good shape and has more stamina than some men twenty years younger than him. He usually has good control over his orgasm. Occasionally he cums early out of pure egoism.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn't hate toys but is convinced he can do better. He also wouldn't like to have them used on him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He gets impatient when he's being teased and it's getting dragged out too much.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's loud. Curses, grunts, moans, growls. Will unmistakably let his partner know when he's close.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He won't pull out early. He just won't do it.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Has a massive girth and makes good use of it. 6½ inches in length when having an erection.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He has an average to high sex drive. He was more active and chronically horny as a young man.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He can fall asleep quickly after finishing but it depends on his mood and whether he's got good rest the night before or not.
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tagged by: found it tagging: steal it, i dare you.
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Anniversary Sex with Azzy 👀❤️
ooooh yes❤️
now of course we will have smut in these headcanons but first of all let us start with the fluffy part of the evening
Azriel has obviously cooked dinner for you
your absolute favourite meal that you will eat together on the balcony of your shared flat
you overlook Velaris (it is the penthouse flat), how evening dawns on the City of Starlight, how it darkens but how all faerie lights go on
it is beautiful, your lips part while your eyes widen and you watch the city illuminate
Azriel silently regards you, thanking the Cauldron and Mother once again for making you his mate
you are drinking some of the best faery wine, Azriel swinging it slowly in his glass, his gaze trailing over your body when he bites down on his lower lip
your meet his gaze and he tilts his chin, signalling you look behind you
you do so and for the first time this evening notice the mattress on the balcony, pillows and blankets piling on top of him "anniversary sex under a sky full of stars."
Azriel grins, from one ear to the other, when you turn back to him
and you grin as well, your heart swelling in your chest while colour fills your cheeks
desire is acute when you get up from your chairs, closing the distance between your bodies, chest melting against chest, your mouths colliding in a hungry, passionate kiss
Azriel guides you back to the mattress, carefully lying you down on top of it, his lips kissing your mouth, jaw, neck
his hands touching all the places his mouth cannot reach yet
soon both of you will lose your clothes
you tried to pull him closer, but his priority is always make you come first
so he will kiss down our body, down your legs, up your legs again, teasing you before dipping his tongue into you, flicking it against the bundle of nerves, suckling and licking you
he is like a starved male and devours every drop of your sweet juice, groaning and moaning at the taste
only after having made you come once does he allow himself to slide into you
you both gasp at this connection, him filling you so perfectly "look how well we fit."
both Azriel and you look down to where you are connected and Azriel slowly starts to move
you moan his name, claw at his shoulders when he starts to move faster
you bite down on your lip, after all you are outside
but Azriel does not really appreciate it, he brings one hand up and flicks your nipple before freeing your lip form your teeth "don't hold back, I want the whole of Velaris hear who makes you feel so good. who is. the only male that can fuck you so well."
Azriel suckles on your neck, his mouth ascending to your ear "who you belong to."
the rawness of his voice, how good he feel inside of you and his lips on your skin push you over the edge and you come with a scream
Azriel soon follows
but the night is long not over
you switched positions many times, one time you ride him, one time he takes you from behind, one time you ride him in a reverse way, but you finish off in missionary
Azriel wants to face you "I need to see the pretty look on your face when you come."
fully spent and sated your sweaty bodies are entangled on the mattress while you watch the passing stars, softly stroking the other, sharing some sweet and soft kisses "to the moon and back." "and even further."
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agentnatesewell · 4 months
(Here is the semi NSFT/definitely kink-related headcanon I asked about!)
Sometimes I think about a Nate who fears being the devourer but not the devoured; who allows his detective to sink their teeth into him and leave half-moons that curve just like their mouth on his thighs, the indentations peeking out from beneath his collar and catching someone's - probably M's - eyes before he moves and they sink out of view again.
He would never bite the detective. But they would bite him, teeth catching on his shoulder lazily, his stomach covered in open-mouthed kisses, their lips just barely grazing the side of his throat (where he knows he would be unable to resist drinking if their positions were reversed) before they suck the skin hard enough to leave another one of their marks.
Their entanglement would have evidence. Mostly hidden, but he would know it was there, and the detective would know it was there.
And I think he would obsess over that, look forward to their love bites - both the casual nips at his fingers and the deliberate, intentional hickeys - want to be marked by them again and again.
And he would begin to understand why someone would want him to do the same to them, that as he trusts his detective when he is held in their mouth, they would trust him.
Oh, oh, oh, this is excellent
Wanting to be marked, wanting to be someone’s - but wanting to be theirs, the love of their long life …
I love that they’d be hidden, because they’d fade and fade rapidly, but they would know. And if time and again and there is a pattern, the ghost of the mark, teeth and bruises, there - a phantom feeling
Thank you very much for sharing this! How you wrote us was gorgeous, and the very idea and visual is stunning
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catchyhuh · 9 months
Hello I am DEVOURING your headcanons. they're so so so fun to read dude, you have no idea. I'd be honored to fuel the beast 👍
As a hypothetical au, if the gang (pops included) were to be in a band together, what roles do you think they would have? Who'd be the front/ on vocals, who would play what instruments, would one of them take the manager role (or maybe which side character would be their manager?), etc etc??
Cheers, and welcome to tumblr!)
ok battle of the bands let’s see…
known attention whore = MADE for the too self important lead vocalist whose ego eventually breaks up the band. it’s just that by standard lupin miracles nobody has even considered that as an option! but just saying “main character is the frontman” is boring so let’s go further
lupin probably had like piano lessons as a kid per the hyper decadent lifestyle of the family, but he only retained like. don’t stop believin maybe. piano isn't totally his style in a BAND band, like he COULD do keyboard reasonably if he wanted but he thinks it looks silly so he doesn’t because he’s just. like that. it's his band he gets to do whatever
jack of all trades master of none most likely. can play a little on the guitar, bass, bagpipes for all i care, jaw harp, elementary school recorder, etc, but it’s mostly for show. he’d kill on drums but that’s in the BACK and HE can’t be in THE BACK
a second in command comfortable with being second in command? jigen wouldn’t even be on the stage if it was up to him, he’d just play his part like standing on the steps to the platform
guitar, but prefers acoustic. he processes the notes better if they're like, "organic" like that, not to say he CAN'T do electric guitar, and he admits it sounds pretty sick time to time, but he has his preference. he loves the sound of piano, too, but he doesn’t have the fingers for it, and he’d LOVE to do saxophone but learning it is a real task and it’s hard to juggle murder, burglary, and lessons simultaneously. maybe if he ever retires. and if that smoker’s lung capacity doesn’t have anything to say about it
jigen’s gonna be causing beef about the music styles for sure. and lupin’s like “you LOVE rock” and he’s like “but this is specifically is shit. actually take it down a few steps pal let’s just do some billy joel” “WE HAVE AN AMP.”
oh god she has a beautiful singing voice. you know it, i know it, everyone does, and maybe she’ll sing once in a while, but her REAL deal is managing.
oh she LOVES being on that clunky flip phone going “my talent would sooner play a swamp than take pocket change from your dinky little joint” and really none of the others like the setup side of playing live music so really it works out! plus she gets to hit ‘em with the agent royalties. best of both worlds
could probably play damn near any instrument if she really tried, but she doesn’t care too much to make that effort, at least not for this purpose. she likes listening and dancing to music more anyway! it’s probably why she doesn’t sing too much despite her natural gift there. i bet she'd be hands on if they made a music video or something though
you know what instrument/position perfectly encapsulates “often overlooked but everything would fall apart without them”? THE BASS. and let’s be honest nothing hits like a sick bass line. auditory equivalent of watching this guy slice the moon in half or some shit
initially i see him not getting why anyone would want to do this? the recording he gets, he’d wanna listen to this again later too, and the live music he understands, because it’s more. personal. frankly cooler. but performing for strangers? but au or not MONEY IS A HELL OF A MOTIVATOR! 
they’re not even that type of band and yet goemon is absolutely the dreamboat pick with all the fans. it’s so funny he himself doesn’t even care (the idea flatters him, but none of these people really know him, ergo the attraction isn’t completely bc of who he is as a person so he’s like hm. whatever) but lupin’s like we’re not a fucking boyband. and if we were a boyband WHY IS IT YOU AND NOT ME? 
could pull sales by himself tbh but he wouldn’t. he loves his friends he’s not bailing for money. no matter how often fujiko suggests i
wait. hold on i gotta look something up i feel like i just remembFUCK
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I WAS GONNA SAY DRUMS. I WAS GONNA SAY DRUMS AND I DON’T WANT IT TO LOOK LIKE I'M JUST GOING THE BASIC ROUTE BUT REALLY IT’D BE GOOD FOR HIM TO GET SOME ENERGY OUT ON THOSE THINGS. also its symbolic because the drums are placed furthest away from the other instruments. it’s a music metaphor
okay let’s just forget the blurry t-shirt image. i’m sticking with drums. solid, consistent and neverfuckingending, just like he is. the first and last part of the song, most often. we love symbolism. as for why he’s here and his role in the madness? god knows. maybe he’s just doing it for the free drinks! i wouldn’t blame him! i can’t imagine the mental timeout i’d need touring with these people!
the only one that. not really clashes with fujiko's managing but the only one that has an opinion on the way they go about things. he probably went "what? why the hell would we open with that. what's the matter with you" and took the setlist and the others went. shrug. ok. and then he got on their backs about how they shouldn't be so passive this is a CAREER they're talking about!! HAVE AN OPINION ON THIS
a little addendum: it would be so cute if yata was also trying to manage them. like he’s fujiko’s assistant. man gets stuff DONE i can easily imagine the trade off of “yes i can schedule this. wait what are the hours? ooooh. lemme get you on the line with miss mine” and she just grins knowing she’s about to unload a whole schpeel on this phone guy. good cop bad cop managers. if i knew more about the band scene as a whole i bet i could throw some other thoughts in here but for now we'll just reach the honorary sixth guy :)
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I keep finding myself going through the TF2 OC tag so I’m gonna infodump on Jack Lore (Even if I’ve probably said it in previous posts) (Also comes with sketchbook drawings that don’t make sense!)
The man that operated on Jack and turned him into a vampire was actually Medic’s grandfather. I headcanon his grandpa was also interested in animals, and finding ways to mix their genes with humans.
Jack kills him- (specifically, eats him but I’ll explain later) immediately after the operation. Later on, Jack admits this to Medic, thinking Medic was gonna be mad at him. But apparently, due to his grandfather’s mysterious disappearance, his whole family had made a bet of how he died. A cousin jokingly said that he was eaten by a cannibalistic patient. Now Medic’s mad that he’s gonna win the bet, out of the whole family.
(Also, Medic’s okay with the whole Jack killing him. It’s not like he got to know him anyway.)
Now the thing about the “eating him”. Jack is seen with a pair of fangs, but the thing is he filed those fangs himself. The operation only gave him the bloodlust and extended lifespan, but no fangs. And with said bloodlust hitting him like a semi truck and nothing else to control him, Jack straight up devoured the doctor, to the point where the police who came to check couldn’t even identify the body. They thought it was just spilled organs from other animals.
Also- he’s afraid of surgeries and doctors, but overcomes it after meeting Medic.
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Jack is half-English & half-Chinese! English on his father’s side and Chinese from his mother’s.
After his whole first arc, he reunites with his mother and spends the rest of her life with her, learning Mandarin from her, ‘dealing’ with robbers that try to harm them and helping out in her little grocery shop.
His mother dies later on. The only thing he remembers about it was finding her sitting near the window. It was a full moon.
From there, he continues travelling. A lot of stuff happens between that and him getting to the TFC, but it’s not really important.
It does influence how he got to be a V.I.P. in the Escort game mode in Team Fortress Classic.
He was a frequent one, and often got to see first hand what goes on, and it was exciting.
So, during one match, he actually swipes a gun from one of the teammates and “helps” them.
By the end of the match, Classic!Heavy (or Cain, my hced name for him) was pretty pissed at Jack, but everyone else was impressed enough to recruit him in.
Usual shenanigans happens.
Everyone learns about his case and are cool with it.
Him and Cain have a bit of a… fling during his time there. Which makes things awkward during the comic’s events
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Jack was also close to Beatrice. They like messing with each other and even casually flirt, but in the end, they’re good friends.
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After a few years in the team, Jack just- leaves out of the blue. Completely. He was let go to take care of some personal stuff, but as a result, history of him and his class was archived. Maybe to make sure nobody learns that there’s a way out of this job?
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(I’ll end it here for now, but I’ll make a part 2!)
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
Hello friend~! Hope your new year is starting out amazing!! I was wondering if I could maybe request some headcanons of giving out sweetie pie Lubdan a New Year’s smooch! If it’s not too much to ask! Love your works, btw💕
I know it’s been a bit, I apologize but in my defense this request was sent in after New Years anyway XD I did some research into traditional irish new years traditions so this was fun, I expanded on your request a bit I hope you don’t mind! 
As the new year approaches the first thing you'd notice is that Lubdan becomes more anal about things being clean than ever before. 
He slaps a broom in your hand the moment you step through the door. If you even THINK about not taking off your shoes at the entry way you’ll get chewed out for an hour, then chewed out again for making him take time away from cleaning. 
He repeats over and over that it’s important to him to start the new year with a clean slate. 
Ridding your house of each bit of wrapping debris is also a wonderful way to get his mind off the egregious amounts of money he had to spend on Christmas.
Especially since the house is going to get very messy again as he takes part in your new year's traditions, which he’d be over the moon to do! But first…
Christmas bread! 
In spite of all his cleaning he left out two pieces of bread he’d have taught you to bake earlier in the month. One for him and one for you. At this point they’d be hard as a rock.
He’d slam in on the table so hard it made his small body recoil a bit before exclaiming, “How grand!” Lubdan would demand you take his lead, “Ah’ll take the front of the house you take the back!”
You probably wouldn’t understand what he meant until he began banging the bread up and down the doors and up and down the walls. It’s to chase out the bad spirits and invite in the good.
You’d be best to keep it to yourself that he is, in fact, a bad spirit.
When the fun finally began you’d have your green spitfire back! You don’t have to succeed but he’d get a kick out of a lad or lassie who tried to drink him under the table!
He doesn’t mind getting silly either, you’d both be decked out from head to toe in year-themed glasses, hats covered in glitter, and beads of all kinds. 
When you went outside to light up fireworks he’d be absolutely giddy with delight! 
“Safety” isn’t usually his thing but you’d probably have invested in ones that wouldn’t catch his little green coattails on fire when he tried to be a firestarter. 
As it got darker out Lubdan would get antsy again and rush you back inside, it was almost time for dinner. It was an important tradition for anyone let alone just the Irish, but it has a high importance to him most of all.
At your long dinner table theres a place for the two of you, each set across from each other-
-And on either side a long stretch of empty table settings for the countless fellow leprechauns he lost over the centuries. 
It’s a sobering respite in the night’s festivities and a time you’d see Lubdan more quietly in thought than ever before.
Just in time for the stroke of midnight you’d walk out of the house so you could, hand in hand, walk in through the front and then out through the back. 
He’d take a moment to look at you, warmly squeezing your hand. Still silent as before but with a gaze that can only portray how proud he is to have a partner who will share all his traditions with him. 
The kiss you share is quick and celebratory at first and slowly turns into a scene from a movie. Time stops as the scent of buttercups and poppies fill your nose. 
He grips your arms and holds you like he plans to never let you go. 
It’s…lewd and gropey as he definitely has further new years plans for you, but in the midst of devouring your lips a clawed hand lovingly cups your cheek.
As if he’s afraid you're just a dream who’ll fade into years past like everyone else he’s loved.
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queenviserra · 2 years
Sad headcanon influenced by the events of the book. The last words of Prince Aemon were the names of Jocelyn and Rhaenys and the names of his grandchildren that he never got to know.
⭐ Lord Corlys and his fleet set sail from Driftmark on the ninth day of the third moon of 92 AC. Prince Aemon followed a few hours later, after bidding farewell to Lady Jocelyn and their daughter, Rhaenys. The princess had just learned she was expecting, else she would have accompanied her sire on Meleys. “Into battle?” the prince said. “As if I would ever have permitted that. You have your own battle to fight. Lord Corlys will want a son, I am sure, and I would like a grandson.”
⭐Those were the last words he would ever speak to his daughter. Caraxes swiftly outdistanced the Sea Snake and his fleet, dropping down out of the sky on Tarth. Lord Cameron, the Evenstar of Tarth, had fallen back into the spine of mountains that ran down the center of his island, and established a camp in a hidden valley from which he could look down on the Myrish movements below.
Prince Aemon met him there, and the two made plans together, whilst Caraxes devoured half a dozen goats.
But the Evenstar’s camp was not as hidden as he hoped, and the smoke from the dragon’s fires drew the eyes of a pair of Myrish scouts who were creeping through the heights unawares.
One of them recognized the Evenstar as he strode through the camp at dusk, talking with Prince Aemon. The men of Myr are indifferent sailors and feeble soldiers; their weapons of choice are dirk, dagger, and crossbow, preferably poisoned. One of the Myrish scouts wound his crossbow now, behind the rocks where he was hidden. Rising, he took aim on the Evenstar a hundred yards below, and loosed his bolt.
Dusk and distance made his aim less certain, and the bolt missed Lord Cameron… and struck Prince Aemon, standing at his side.
The iron bolt punched through the prince’s throat and out the back of his neck. The Prince of Dragonstone fell to his knees and grasped the crossbow bolt, as if to pull it from his throat, but his strength was gone. Aemon Targaryen died struggling to speak, drowned on his own blood. 😭
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esdithequeen · 1 year
☆, ■, ∇, and ▼ for rijha(do ocs still count for headcanon?) and/or etienne for the headcanons ask? thank you if you answer this!
☆ - Happy headcanon
This one I can actually answer for both in one go. These two are truly as thick as thieves, in fact they are each other’s go to teammate when it comes to group jobs. Rijha was the mentor figure that Etienne desperately needed, who was kind and compassionate but also gave him a good push when he needed it, and Rijha could not be more proud of him and how far he’s come.
■ - Bedroom/House/Living Quarters Headcanon
Rijha spent her childhood living on the road, and then moved to live in Torval’s Temple of Two Moons Dance. Honeyside was the first house she had ever lived in, and is decorated in a very traditional Khajiiti fashion— it is bright and plush and filled with fine silk.
Etienne obviously lives in the cistern alongside his fellow thieves, but his little corner is noticeably tidier and well loved. He is very precious about his space, after all it seemed not that long ago that he had no place to call his own.
▽ - Old Age/Aging Headcanon
Rijha, unlike many dragonborn before her, did not fall to the madness that ensnared those who devour the souls of others, but as time went on she did become noticeably less… mortal. I will not elaborate further, but suffice to say there comes a point where the affairs of men and mer no longer interested her.
Etienne grows into a pillar for the guild, taking on the responsibilities of seniority and focuses on teaching footpads the way of a true thief, the way he was taught long before. He is still soft and gentle, but he hold a confidence only a master thief is capable of, and he is favoured among the younger footpads.
▼ - Childhood Headcanon
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Rijha was an absolute menace as a child. A lot of her faults were the result of her dragon soul, she was overconfident and defiant and would cling to her treasures fiercely. It didn’t help that she was genuinely one of the best thieves to come out of the Dar’Sari clan, so her ego had a foundation to stand on.
Etienne lost his mother to illness when he was young, and found himself in honorhall as many orphans do. It was Brynjolf who took pity on his scrappy little self and brought him into the guild, offering him a new home and family, as pitiful and downtrodden as it was in the wake of Gallus’ death. Etienne couldn’t have possibly asked for more.
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
Kisses to the anon who suggested an intellectual Ada - what a great headcanon. I know have all many of thoughts. I hope the anon doesn't mind...
Whenever Ollie returns home for the holidays he spends the first day (or two) of his holiday in the family library telling Ada all he has learnt that term; he would rather be out playing but Ollie knows better than to mess with his sister. Ada then devours all of the books he has been studying and tries to make sense of the notes he has taken throughout the year.
She would love to go to school but, as we all know, an education like that was not available for women in that time 😤. Her lessons at home consist of basic arithmetic, grammar and language, dance, music and other "ladylike" pursuits which she has no little to no interest in. And although she adores her family and they would do anything for her, none of them can quite understand her hunger for knowledge. Even Elias, who would happily give his daughter the moon and stars if she asked, cannot comprehend why she wants an education like the one her brother and male cousins receive.
It is only her Uncle Anthony who understands. He is the one who gifts her leather bound books full of formulas and equations, who purchases her subscriptions to science and medical journals, and who takes her to every new exhibit or lecture in London. I like the idea of Anthony nurturing his niece's thirst for knowledge. I like the idea of Anthony being Ada's favourite.
Also a little headcanon I have for Edmund is that he has a particular affinity to animals. Ever since he was little he could be found playing with the dogs, watching lambs jump in the meadow and taking care of any sick animal he found. Their country home has, at one time of another, had donkeys, owls, goats and even a swan hidden away in one of the rooms with Edmund, all big eyed and innocent, insisting that they just followed him. He would essentially be a Doctor Dolittle or (even better!) a Regency Gerry Durrell. Edmund just finds animals fascinating and animals can sense his gentle nature and are instantly attracted to him.
His favourite animal however is a big grey cat named Petal. No-one understands why Edmund named the cat Petal as she's hardly delicate. In fact she was half feral when Edmund found her. She was covered in fleas, had one eye missing, a septic head from a fox bite and a bent tail. She hissed and scratched and bit when Edmund brought her in from the rain, but within a week she was sitting on Edmund's lap and following him everywhere. She has become tolerant of the other family members through the years and will even purr for them on occasion, but it is Edmund she loves. As said she goes everywhere with him.
Omg omg I love it when we all have different takes on hc ideas! ❤
Awww Ollie would be telling her everything he learned back at school! And Ada would be so interested in it! ❤
Oh Anthony supporting that and getting her the education opportunities she wants! ❤ Ada would adore him, and they would be having these conversations about the latest scientific developments for hours! ❤
That Edmund hc is so sweeeeeeeet! 😍 And you're absolutely right, he would love animals! He would be getting so many strays and they would have farm animals INSIDE the house ❤ Just the thought of tiny Edmund feeding a lamb in a room❤
I'm like that meme with "I had Petal for half a day and if anything happened to her..." 😂 She will follow him everywhere! 😍
I love this aaaaaaaaa, thank you so much for this darling! ❤❤❤
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