#Headcanon accepted
linecrosser · 5 months
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so, i saw This Post by @moreau29 and... yes. all the yes. headcanon accepted.
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heartsandmuses · 2 months
i keep seeing posts about how ppl wish that deadpool and wolverine actually fucked in the honda odyssey... but they did! they used almost every cinematic shorthand for sex possible in that scene. the focus on penetration (knives, claws) in incredibly close proximity. the bodily fluids (blood) spraying everywhere. the car rocking. the day-to-night transition. the way they're laying beside each other afterwards. the very deliberate choice of "you're the one that i want" playing in the background. they fucked!! it's hays code era fucking, bc it had to be approved by disney at the end of the day, but it still counts!!
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asgardian-angel · 6 months
I was trying to put together something cool with this Aragorn and Geralt you know some kind of crossover universal tavern and found this last gif and it fits too perfectly someone help me.
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tanoraqui · 6 months
Theory: Elrond effectively wears headlamps like a Dad(TM)
Elrond, at least on semi-formal occasions, wears “a star upon his forehead” (RotK book 6, ch.9)—that is, presumably, a pale glowing gem on some sort of coronet. This comes across as very classically Elvish (light, jewelry, star imagery), and a nigh-explicit reference to his father Eärendil. However…
Elrond’s children don’t see as well as Elves, as cited here. If his children don’t, then Elrond, even less Elvish by blood, certainly doesn’t. Now, I will admit that I forget if “Elves can see in the dark” is canon or very popular, D&D-enabled fanon, but it certainly makes sense considering that Elves flourished for centuries or millennia under just starlight, before daylight even existed…and it’s equally reasonable to assume that half-elven night vision is as relatively “weak” as their cited distance vision.
Elrond is the proud father of three, and exhibits traditional Dadly behaviors such as being a little bit of a nerd (loremaster) but also one of the most reliable guys you know, adopting any child left in his presence for a sufficient amount of time (Aragorn), and telling his daughter’s aspiring bf that he won’t be good enough for her until he has a steady job (also Aragorn).
My dad irl, who I promise is a pretty typical Dad, was positively delighted when he discovered casual-use head-mounted flashlights about a decade ago, and has self-satisfiedly worn them on every camping trip and nighttime dog walk ever since.
CONCLUSION: Elrond regularly wears glowing, star-evocative gems on his brow, especially while traveling or at fancy evening parties, and he looks great and it make people respectfully murmur Eärendilion (whether he likes it or not)… But really, it’s not a fashion statement or implicit political position or whatever; it’s because if he doesn’t have some sort of flashlight, he will trip on torchlit steps or walk into low-hanging tree branches in the dark. And it’s so much easier if it’s hands-free! (Especially when he’s spelunking for lost texts!)
His kids all go through a phase of thinking he’s mortifyingly dorky about this, then begrudgingly come to accept that it is really convenient to have a hands-free light for dark nights, caves, etc, and start wearing one themselves.
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blu-ish · 8 months
The concept of Shadow saying “Maria? Here I come” everytime he is mildly inconvenient is so funny 😭😭😭
Like he falls and goes “I see a light , Maria ?” And everyone panics before realizing he just scratched a knee
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What a dramaqueen
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cringefail-clown · 7 months
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thanks homestuck wiki for breaking my heart over davesprite once again
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Theory: Alloran already had several more morphs than the average Andalite (including the mardrut from the Andalite moon) before he was ever infested by Esplin 9466 because he had seen first-hand the use that morphing could be in a war after Aldrea acquired him in HBC and stole the Quantum Virus, and he wanted to be a lot more familiar with the tech.
This dovetails with my headcanon that most of Visser Three's monster morphs are arn creations that Alloran acquired on the hork-bajir homeworld! We know that at least one monster morph (the vine beast from #11) originated there, and I like to think that most of the others did as well.
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severussnapemylove · 3 months
Ever see people headcanoning that Snape is Dracos godfather?
Yup, I like that one. And it makes sense. Severus is very close to the Malfoys, and he’s the one Narcissa trusts to protect Draco. And especially in the first couple movies, Draco keeps looking at Sev like he’s Superman.
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stesichoreanpalinode · 8 months
Brian posts a picture of himself in his jammies and asks ‘what is this for?’
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Please tell me he and Roger are planning a sleepover to watch the restoration of Queen Rock Montreal
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tatennant · 11 days
There is a reality TV series where the Doctor and Donna literally pretend to be married.
Donna's entire family may know the Doctor as her second husband, who kidnapped her during her first wedding.
And now he's back.
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Headcanon that's now canon to me part 6.
Thanks to @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65
Dick's Robin Hood loving ass has called Roy "Little John." since they first met.
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lilislegacy · 7 months
Hi! I've been seeing people send you headcannons just for fun so here ya go
Do you think the Achilles spot on Percy's back stayed like highly sensitive even after he lost the blessing of Achilles?
I'd like to think so because it could make for some hilarious (and also maybe some angsty) stuff
Like I can imagine Annabeth walking up behind him and like lightly poking his back while he's talking to other people, and he just shrieks mid sentence. No one knows why because no one else knows where the spot was lol
(I totally didn't get this idea from my partner randomly poking me and scaring the shit out of me, what are you talking about?? /lh)
hey @invadericee! thanks for the ask!
i love hearing other peoples headcanons, so keep them coming!
and i LOVE this one. i’ve never even thought about it but im now completely on board. annabeth would totally do that. and she would just start giggling and he would call her a little menace and possibly chase her lol. i also feel like it could be a very intimate thing for them. we already know her touching it makes electricity run though his body. so along with it being something of humor and angst, i think it could also be a source of intimacy between them. so yes, for so many reasons, i love this. it has so much potential. headcanon accepted.
and i’ll even add on to it with a potential idea: what do we think about it still being sensitive, but only really so when annabeth touches it? after all, when he got the curse of achilles, annabeth is the one who he thought of. she’s the source. the spot on his back was a weakness because it was the part that bore his true fragility and sensitivity, and that’s the part of him that tied itself to annabeth. (i could go on for 20 pages about the true weight and significance of that and what she means to him.) she could literally sense he was in danger when the knife was thrown at the spot in TLO. it was tied to her. so maybe if anyone else were to accidentally touch the spot now, like when his mom or a friend is hugging him, it just feels a bit weird. but when annabeth touches it, that’s when it feels all tingly and he get chills and his breath catches. yes? no? thoughts?
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heartsandmuses · 2 months
Deadpool: Okay, here are the ground rules: You can punch me, kick me, pull my hair, I am a-ok being stabbed, biting and scratching are on the table, you can use fire. Wolverine: These are the ground rules? Is there anything off limits? Deadpool: Damn, man. You got something really sick you wanna do, huh? Oh, you little pervert. All right, I like it. Don't tell me. Surprise me. Ooh, this is gonna be fun.
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howtotrainyouragents · 7 months
I have a sweet hc about Miles Morales’ dad packing his lunches. He gets so into it whenever he gets the chance to pack lunches. Bc Miles needs all his important food groups, and Jefferson likes to make the sandwich neatly cut and if he’s gonna throw in something sweet there better be plenty of fruits and vegetables and you can be sure everything is arranged perfectly. And, yes, maybe there's too much food packed in there, but Miles is a growing boy!! And when Miles moves to the dorms, Jefferson prides himself on packing up his wife’s leftovers, enough for a whole week plus some for Ganke who he doesn’t get to go home as often as Miles does.
And it’s always too much food. His wife tells him to reign it in. Miles is always so embarrassed. He complains every time as soon as he gets home.
Until, soon in high school, all the food gets eaten. And Miles, a growing Spiderman, is begging his dad to pack just a little extra, hoping for that signature little extra thought, the little extra love in the food packing.
And Jefferson’s just thinking:
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tanoraqui · 1 month
I’m in Maine again, so naturally I was thinking about Reccarfinwë the war-moose, and I realized there must have at some point been a scene like…
The scouts brought word to Himring at dawn one early winter day: the night had brought not just a fresh sprinkling of snow, but also that pale beauty’s instant marring, in a regiment of armored orcs approaching from the northeast. Maglor, breakfasting with his brother the lord of the fort, immediately offered the strength of the troop that had accompanied him on this visit. A single orc-regiment wasn’t a real threat—this was a test of the Siege-line’s defenses; they still came every few years. But it was enough to serve well as a trial for the joint capabilities of Himring and the Gap.
Thirty minutes later, Maglor was striding into the forecourt in full armor, looking out for his people and half-listening as Maedhros gave additional orders to his aides and captains. Maglor was certain that Himring ran like Aulendilin clockwork no matter who was in residence, yet Maedhros always seemed to find extra orders to hand to his staff—especially when there was a training battle to be had!
“…the arrows. Remind Beorwen to keep the lines—I’ll take my moose; her squad must adapt to—”
Maglor had been beckoning his own lieutenant, about to instruct her on how they’d fit into the riders of Himring. He gasped with joy instead.
“Good Reccarfinwë yet lives? I thought moose only had fifteen years!”
Maedhros, armed and armored for battle, shot him a stern look. “Nenpadron passed away some twenty years ago. However, we managed to find him an acceptable mate ere the end, and so on. Today I ride his grandson, Guruthos.”
Maglor felt alight with, if possible, even more glee. The orcs were completely forgotten.
A hint of an older brother’s scowl crept into Maedhros’s cool commander-face.
“No. Guruthos.”
“Nelyo-Reccarfinwë!” Maglor countered.
Yet even Maedhros at his sternest could not silence the greatest Singer of the Noldor. Maglor called after the departing aide with a voice that rang like crashing bells across Himring’s muster-ground and beyond, “That honorable moose is named Nelyo-Reccarfinwë!”
“For stars’ sake,” Maedhros hissed, “at least use Sindarin!”
“I mean Nelregfin!” Maglor corrected hastily—then dodged, no less hastily, his brother’s kick to the back of his knee.
“Hey,” he complained. “Leave something for the orcs—ah! Okay! I must attend to my own troop, now!” He narrowly dodged an earnest Himringer’s attempt to grapple him for their lord, ran toward his own horse and called over his shoulder, “We’ll ride ahead and meet you at the ambush! I can’t wait to see your new mighty steed in action!”
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Headcannon time!
In order for Home to grow a house that matches the personality of the new neighbour, they must learn about the neighbour or meet them. 
This helps them make the house easier to create.
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