heart-songs · 13 days
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If I write a poem today it would be about how my heart wants to swim in warm pools of sky and how the walls breathe
your name when I am tender at three a.m. with questions big enough to fill a whole universe, like
why the most infinite things are so often tethered to the smallest words heart want you me
and how the planet-sized ache that happens when I think of us is pronounced If…
- Cora Finch
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pensbridgertons · 1 year
Recs on best outlander blogs/creators???
Just finally got enough into it to join the fandom. 🥰🥰🥰
hi!!! welcome!! 💖 some blogs/content creators i love (and this is by no means an exhaustive list and i know i am forgetting people) are
@frasersjamieclaire @sharpesjoy @moghraidhs @avasetocallmyown @heatherfield @themusicsweetly @fraserstanclub @jemscorner @userkayjay @jackietaylcr @whiteraven-s @lifelongblur
(and @outlandernetwork as well, which is a source blog im a member of)
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jami-c · 3 months
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mordellestories · 2 years
I still can't believe I'm writing a Bagginshield fic. I don't think I'll be posting full chapters until it's complete... but here's a preview... A King's Bond
The day had started normally enough for the King Under the Mountain. King Thorin had no cause to think that his life would take a dramatic turn–none at all. The usual stressors of being a monarch may have affected his sleep, but that came with the job. The bags under his eyes were basically a permanent feature since his coronation, and that had been sixty years ago. Thorin’s temples pulsed with an impending headache, but that was normal too. All dwarves who had not found their Ones were prone to them occasionally, their minds ever seeking out a connection they longed for–like a beacon trying to call them home. All dwarves had Ones and they felt their longing keenly, especially if they had been found and then lost. Most didn’t survive long after their One’s passing into Mahal’s Halls. But that was thankfully not Thorin’s case. In fact, he wondered if he would ever have a One. It was not unheard of for dwarves to stay unattached, it was about a fifty-fifty chance. But those who didn’t have One’s had Callings and would find their peace of mind in mastering their chosen craft.
Thorin tried to alleviate his longing by finding a craft, but after taking several apprenticeships, it was obvious he had no true Calling. Still, he mastered what he could to keep himself from brooding too badly. Sometimes, it was merely distance that separated Ones, and many festivals were held across the lands for those still seeking. Other times it was merely time that kept their unions at bay, as their One may not have been born yet. Thorin’s advisors had thought the latter was the reason Thorin was still unbonded. But Thorin had his doubts. He was fifty years shy of two hundred, after all. No one had heard of having to wait more than a handful of decades for their other half to come into the world. And it was impossible for dwarrows to not sense it when their One took their first breath because it was said to be such an overwhelming feeling that it would send them into a dead faint. 
One hundred and fifty years of walking alone in the world had left Thorin especially ill prepared for this day. Because on this seemingly ordinary day, while the council members bickered over trade deals and harvest festivals, King Thorin felt like Mahal Himself had swung his mighty hammer and cracked it right between his dazed blue eyes. The vibrations from The Strike shook his very being from his skull to his heart and then out through every nerve in his body. His eyes rolled back, his lungs expelled every breath of air, and the King Under the Mountain swooned so violently that his chair tipped backward with a loud crash, leaving everyone in the room silently gaping at the head of the table where only a pair of royal boots could be seen.
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petrichor-musings · 2 years
Fun fact: when i opened Spotify Wrapped, it started in the middle of a vocal in the middle of an Anri song, & i thought it screamed at me. I almost dropped my phone.
Also, top 0.005% of Passion Pit listeners babeeeee
I wonder if im unironically their biggest fan lol
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cartoonradfem · 11 months
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bienaldolivrosp · 11 months
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Heartbeats.. Feel the rhythm of your heartbeats with our English-language Pinterest network.
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rachelvalley · 11 months
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Feel the rhythm of your heartbeats with our English-language Pinterest network.
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allstargorl · 2 years
“I’ll watch the flowers grow for a while
You keep running your mile”
“But it's not real
And you don't exist
And I can't recall the last time I was kissed”
Current favs🎧
These songs could bring me back to life🏩🫀
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papichinomexico · 2 years
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heart-songs · 3 months
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Proof of Love
A light dusting of sun flours the counter my hands and your cheek. The water is raised to the temperature of our bodies. What we lack in space, we make up for with practice and patience. I sift in some salt and melt some butter. We are never out of honey, you say with a mouth full of hunger and your eye on my waist, let’s make this one sweet. The yeast blooms in the wake of your sleepy smile. Something in me blooms too. Something perennial, elastic and I cannot think of a better way to start the day. All I know is between us there is softness and there is rise there is knead and then there is need and plenty of heat. On days like this the kitchen is so warm the bread bakes itself.
- Cora Finch
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rainbowd00dles · 2 months
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I moved toward him as he leaned against the cruiser in the autumn sunlight. He spread his legs, allowing me to step between them. His hands went to my hips, fingers tugging on the hem of my work shirt, my name stitched in red on my chest. He said, "Hey," and "Hi," and "Hello," and I knew I would do whatever it took. He never stopped fighting for me. I needed to do the same. For him. For myself. For us.
Heartsong by TJ Klune
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erlie · 7 months
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Like I said, I still have them in my head. Gordo and Mark mainly, but also other guys from the garage. And I hadn't drawn Chris, Rico and Tanner before!
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jami-c · 4 months
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mavilez · 8 months
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"it was grass and lake water and sunshine"
happy heartsong rerelease 🐺💚🐺
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lardass-delrey · 10 months
Okay so I’m looking through Green Creek fan art and why do all of you people think these men are all fuckin twinks????
I refuse to believe homosexual werewolves who like smelling each other are all these hairless lil twinks bffr I know too much about hairy gay men to let yall just lie to yourselves
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