#Helder Camara
When I feed the hungry, they call me a saint. When I ask why people are hungry, they call me a Communist.
- Hélder Câmara, Brazilian archbishop and Servant of God, as quoted in Peace Behind Bars: A Peacemaking Priest's Journal from Jail (1995) by John Dear.
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without-ado · 1 year
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"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist." —Dom Helder Camara
l Dorothea Lange l Migrant Mother l 1936
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indizombie · 3 months
As footballer Marcus Rashford found when he campaigned against child food poverty, and called for universal free school meals, he was demonised by the press and denounced by Tory politicians. Why? Because he challenged power and questioned the structures that make and keep people poor. Similarly, Brazilian Archbishop Helder Camara asked why, “when I feed the poor, they call me a saint, but when I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist”. Better a communist than a saint. Solidarity, not charity (even with the royal seal of approval) is the only way to rid us of poverty.
Andrew Fisher, ‘Royal visits to baby banks are a dangerous normalisation of poverty’, iNews
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Canonization cause for ‘Red Archbishop’ spurs controversy in Brazil
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Brazilian Catholics had mixed reactions to the announcement by Archbishop Fernando Saburido of Olinda and Recife that the beatification cause of Archbishop Hélder Câmara (1909-1999) is progressing.
Saburido said on Nov. 15 that the Holy See issued a decree of “juridical validity” concerning the diocesan inquiry on Câmara’s life. The process was launched in 2015 and involved a three-year investigation in which experts collected and analyzed documents and witness statements about the late archbishop.
According to Capuchin Father Jociel Gomes, who is the vice-postulator of the cause, a Vatican-appointed official will now create a biographical study and send it to a number of commissions at the Holy See.
“After that, the pontiff may declare him venerable. But we do not know how long that process can take. Câmara was a very famous man and there is a great number of documents about him,” Gomes told Crux.
While many churchgoers in Pernambuco State and elsewhere – especially the ones who knew Câmara – celebrated the fact that his cause is advancing, several critics have opposed the possible sainthood for a man called the “red archbishop” – a moniker given to him by conservative groups due to his progressive political views.
Continue reading.
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sophia-sol · 1 year
The Desert is Fertile, by Hélder Câmara, translated by Dinah Livingstone
This is a small book from the 70's written from a very christian perspective but speaking earnestly to anyone who cares about injustice, urging people to act to make a difference. It's a plea for revolutionary change, but one that argues for non-violent action -- not necessarily from a moral ground (though I think he also believes it morally), but from a belief that non-violent direct action is more likely to be effective at creating the world he wants to see. How can oppressed minorities successfully wage a war of violence against the powers that have all the money and arms and armies, he asks.
The book is a collection of small essays and small poems interspersed with each other. The poetry isn't as good, in my opinion, as the essays, but they're clearly heartfelt at least.
The book does use sexist language and says the occasional awkward or uncomfortable thing, but it's clear that Câmara is genuinely doing his best to be open and expansive with his love, his understanding, and his welcome, and so I was able to read past this myself. He seems to just genuinely love humankind!
It's also very clearly of its era in other ways, like the particular political framework he's discussing throughout of communism vs capitalism. And also, this is the time when liberation theology was blossoming in Latin America, and it's clear he's writing out of that tradition too. I have a lot of respect for liberation theology!
Overall an interesting look into a particular era and a particular perspective in the ongoing efforts to change the world into a better place.
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anticattocomunismo · 1 year
Nuovi interrogativi su Papa Francesco
Nuovi interrogativi su Papa Francesco
La crisi religiosa è dunque profonda, ma lo stesso papa Francesco, nell’Angelus di domenica 18 dicembre, ha affermato che nelle epoche di crisi Dio apre prospettive nuove, che noi prima non immaginavamo, magari non come noi ci aspettiamo, ma come Lui sa. (more…)
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fuoridalcloro · 2 years
Quando il tuo battello ancorato da troppo tempo nel porto ti lascerà l’impressione ingannatrice di essere una casa, quando il tuo battello comincerà a mettere radici nell’immobilità del molo, prendi il largo. È necessario salvare a qualunque prezzo l’anima viaggiatrice del tuo battello e la tua anima di pellegrino.
- Dom Hélder Câmara -
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rivage-seulm · 8 months
Israeli-Jewish Terrorists vs. “The Jews of the Jews”
Where have our national “leaders” been all these years? To judge by their statements concerning the current crisis in Israel-Palestine, they haven’t been following the news about Israeli-Jews’ treatment of Palestinians in the territories the former have illegally occupied for decades. Are mainstream politicians unfamiliar with international law, with President Carter’s concept of apartheid in…
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friendsofrosemary · 10 months
"When I feed the poor, they call me a saint, but when I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me a communist." -Dom Helder Camara
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thelcsdaily · 1 year
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Creamy Chicken Congee topped with Bacon
Add bones for the most delicious congee. It's a cost-effective and environmentally friendly method of cooking, but I use it because the chicken congee I make with the bones is far superior. Congee can be made with just water and rice; nevertheless, many traditional meals around the world use the time-honored method of adding bones to dishes that don't necessarily call for them.
“When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.” ― Dom Helder Camara
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eaglesnick · 6 months
“When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.” ― Dom Helder Camara, Dom Helder Camara: Essential Writings
Potty mouth James Cleverly has a fondness for the word “shit". He apparently described the government’s flagship Rwanda deportation scheme as “batshit”, but then denied he had used such language.
"James Cleverly repeatedly refuses to deny he called Rishi Sunak’s scheme ‘batshit’.” (Independent: 16/11/23)
Within a few days of that denial he was denying he had called the constituency of Stockton North a “shithole", following a child poverty question in the House of Commons.
During Prime Ministers Questions, Rishi Sunak was asked by the Labour MP  for Stockton North why 34% of children in his constituency were living in poverty.  Sunak, answered that 1.7 million FEWER people were living in poverty due to the policies of his government, and that 100,000 fewer children were living in poverty than when the Labour Party left office in 2012.
During that exchange Cleverly was allegedly heard to say “Because its a shithole". Under pressure, Cleverly admitted he used “unparliamentary” language, claiming he was insulting the MP and not his constituency.
“Allies of Home Secretary James Cleverly insist he DIDN'T call Stockton a 's**thole'... but did call Labour's Alex Cunningham a 's**t MP' in bizarre row over Commons hot mic moment."  MailOnline: 23/11/23)
Typical of the Tory right-wing press and the Tories themselves, the original question about child poverty has been totally sidestepped. I have no idea if the MP for Stockton North is a good constituency MP of a bad constituency MP. Either way, he is certainly NOT responsible for the high level of child poverty in his area. That shameful figure is the result of repeated Tory governments cutting of public services, welfare benefits and local authority funding.
Let us look at Sunak’s claims about poverty in general and child poverty in particular.
He assured us that  “1.7 million fewer people” were now living in poverty due to HIS policies. Sunak came to power on October 22nd, 2022, so poverty figures for 2022/23 are not yet complete or available, so how Sunak can make this claim is uncertain.
What we do know from government figures for the year 2021/22 is that relative poverty INCREASED while absolute poverty remained static.
What we also know is that in 2021, when Chancellor Sunak was asked about poverty levels in this country he lied. He stated on BBC Breakfast Programme:
"The number of people in poverty has fallen as a result of the actions the government has taken over the last several years” (06/07/21)
When this claim was fact checked, it was found that :
“Tory government statistics show the number of children in poverty in the UK rose by 600,000 between 2011 and 2019. The latest evidence (from a Tory think tank) says another 150,000 children are living in poverty since the pandemic – despite any aid from the Chancellor." (The National: 06/07/21)
And in 2022 we had this headline:
“More than one million to fall below the poverty line after Sunak's spring statement, think tank says."  (ITVX: 24/03/22)
Turning to child poverty, Sunak claimed 100,000 fewer children were in poverty due to his interventions. Again, the figures for 2022/23 have yet to be compiled so how does he know?
For the year 2021/22 child poverty figures went up from the year before, the governments own figures showing a rise from 3.9 million to 4.2 million for children in  relative poverty after housing costs were taken into account, while the number of children in absolute poverty remained the same at 3.3 million.
As tedious as it is to trawl through statistics, tables graphs and other data regarding poverty in this country it is essential that we realise that under successive Tory governments the number of those living in poverty is on the increase despite claims to the contrary.
Cleverly’s crass remarks regarding child poverty shows the true heart of the Conservative Party – blame the poor for their own plight.  A place is a “shithole" not because it’s public services are under funded, or its schools are crumbling, or the rents are too high and their are no jobs, but because of the type of people that live there: the poor.  Inflation, benefit cuts, housing shortages and the rising cost of living have nothing to do with turning a place into a shithole. It is the people who are to blame.
The sooner these arrogant, out of touch, rich, hypocritical, uncaring Tories are removed from office the better.
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marie-is-seein-stars · 3 months
Chinese Culture and Tradition
Centuries-old traditions still play an extremely important role in Chinese culture. Many of these traditions are rooted in Eastern philosophy and religion.
One of the most influential philosophies in Chinese history is Confucianism. Developed through the teachings of Confucius, this philosophy expresses confidence in an orderly and ethical society. To maintain that order, Confucianism stresses respect for government and family elders.
Click on the link below to access the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia™ article "Confucianism."Confucianism
Another major Chinese religion is Buddhism. It is based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha. As a young man, Gautama renounced his position of privilege in a royal family and became a humble monk in search of ultimate truth. His experiences led him to draw conclusions about the causes of suffering and the path to freedom from that suffering.
A third major Chinese religion is Daoism, also known as Taoism. The term Tao refers to the "way" or the "path." Tao also refers to the source and force behind all existence.
Historical Background
China has been ruled by a communist regime since 1949. However, over the past several decades, political changes have resulted in capitalist reforms and a booming industrial economy. To understand the factors driving today’s growth, it is important to understand a bit about China’s past.
Qing (Ch'ing) Dynasty
Over a span of almost 4,000 years, China was host to nearly 20 dynasties. The last dynasty was the Qing (Ch'ing) Dynasty, which ruled from 1644 to 1911. It was under the Qing Dynasty that China began to slowly open its doors to trade with the West.
Great Britain in particular was interested in trading with China. During the 1800s, the Qing Dynasty allowed the exchange of Chinese pottery for imported English furs. However, Great Britain and other Western powers were soon frustrated by the strict regulations imposed by the Qing rulers over European trade.
Click on the link below to access the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia™ article "Qing (Ch'ing) (Dynasty)."Qing (Ch'ing)(Dynasty)
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The farming of tea is still a massive economic industry in China. (Photo by Ke Wang, Shutterstock.com)
"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist." -- Dom Helder Camara, Brazilian Archbishop
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“Ótimo que tua mão ajude o voo, mas que ela jamais se atreva tomar o lugar das asas.” HELDER CAMARA
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tesia-a-138 · 2 years
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Rêve, sans peur, sans limite, sans censure, et mettez vos rêves au service de la monotonie quotidienne, de la routine fatiguante, de la fragilité éternelle de la médiocrité humaine.
Don Helder Camara
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nebris · 2 months
"When I give food to the poor, I am called a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, I am called a Communist". ~Dom Helder Camara
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regioonlineofficial · 4 months
Den Helder - Afgelopen donderdagavond schitterden topsporters uit de gemeente Den Helder tijdens het jaarlijkse Sportgala in Theater de Kampanje. Het evenement, georganiseerd door Team Sportservice Noordkop in opdracht van de gemeente Den Helder, stond in het teken van het eren van de topsporters voor hun opmerkelijke prestaties. Tijdens het gala werden opmerkelijke individuen en teams in het zonnetje gezet. De damesselectie van M.S.V. Zeemacht ging naar huis met de felbegeerde titel "Sportploeg van het Jaar". De talentvolle Romée Smit werd gehuldigd als "Sporttalent van het Jaar", Filmon Tesfu werd benoemd tot “Sportman van het Jaar”, en Jorina Baars werd bekroond als “Sportvrouw van het Jaar”. Meindert van Veen ontving de Oeuvreprijs voor zijn bijdrage aan de sportgemeenschap. Het hoogtepunt van de avond was de onverwachte toekenning van een zilveren erepenning aan Jorina Baars, ter erkenning van haar uitzonderlijke sportieve prestaties, haar maatschappelijke betrokkenheid en haar rol als ambassadeur. Sportgala Den Helder 2024 - Foto: Red Mouse Sportgala met Olympisch thema Het Sportgala, dat dit jaar gewijd was aan de Olympische Spelen, werd gepresenteerd door voormalig Olympiër Lisanne de Roever, bijgestaan door voormalig Olympiër Edith Bosch. Burgemeester Jan de Boer en wethouder Fotigui Camara waren aanwezig om de sporters te feliciteren met hun indrukwekkende prestaties en de penningen uit te reiken. Spotlights op topsport en de partners De succesvolle avond werd afgesloten met een mooie speech van Camara waarin hij onder andere zijn waardering voor de topsporters liet blijken. Ook Dani Bankert van Team Sportservice keek positief terug op het gala: “Dit jaar hebben we de topsporters op een mooie manier een podium geboden waar ze in het zonnetje werden gezet. Sportprestaties van dit kaliber verdienen dat ook." Het Sportgala 2024 werd mede mogelijk gemaakt door het Sportakkoord Den Helder en kon plaatsvinden dankzij de waardevolle samenwerking met de Sportfederatie Den Helder, de Helderse Courant en de Gemeente Den Helder.
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