squirrelwrangler · 24 days
Do you have any tips for naming Elf OCs?
I've had a lot of practice over the years with a large cast of OCs, but am neither expert or best at this. But here's my guidelines and methods:
First, look at the canon names and notice a few trends. Sindarin (and Sindarized) names are short. One to three syllables. Quenya is longer but rarely goes over five and stays usually around four. But two-three is the sweet spot. And use one-two elements or concepts. Don't fall into the trap of making a long name with a detailed meaning and notice that a surprising number of Tolkien's names don't have a deeply meaningful and poetic name. 'Fin' means hair but it's hazy if that's what the Fin in Finwë means and that's a solid chunk of important canon character names right there. Names can follow a family theme and while we're told Elves don't repeat names like the Edain did, we're also told that Argon became a popular name after his death and there is the case of Fëanor giving his son the exact same name. He also named his sons One through Seven, but that was a dickish political statement and not a convenient Elven cultural naming scheme.
Next, there are Tolkien elf name sites and lists out there, or least back in the early 2000s they were easy to find and I copied them onto a much-used document (particularly for gaming purposes), with the caveat that they are flawed.
What I tend to do now is go directly to the dictionary, pick a term, then modify it usually by adding the appropriate gendered name suffix. Parf Edhellen (man I remember when this was the brand new site) became my go-to for comprehensive convenience.
How to pick a term? The majority of my OCs are based on another character or have an inspiration concept. Also, and here's the top secret method - borrow names that other people have made. And ask others for suggests and help.
For instance, the Tol Sirion Ten. The Leithian Script's usage of the other ten that died in Tol-in-Gaurhoth as supporting characters was my main inspiration, but they only ever named one OC, taken from canon itself - Edrahil. For the rest, I pulled the inspiration from a variety of places. "Heledir" is kingfisher, which already has the 'thir/dir/dor' masculine endings. "Ethir" is spy/watcher. I could leave as is, and for a while I did, but then I added Ethirdor to make it look more canon. Arodreth was a pre-created Sindarin name without a canon character and I think originally got it off one of those name sites - but it means Noble Endurance so it was a good generic name for any of the ten. Now in the Leithian Script it only really made characters out of Edrahil. the Captain (my Heledir), and Youngest Ranger (my Ethirdor). So as documented in my tag when I brainstormed these OCs, I went to other fictional character deaths for inspiration. Well, except for Tacholdir. That character was inspired by two things: I needed one of the imprisoned elf stories to be about a plot to escape, so picking the locks of the chains. And I'm seriously annoyed when fantasy, be it published or fanfic, focuses the cast solely on the hyper-wealthy and highest class. Elves in the Silm are guilty of having almost no named commoners except Eärendil's sailors and some scouts. So I wanted a lower-class elf represented. "Worst Jobs in History" pulled through. Now Tancil/Tancal (Q) and Tachol (S) was in my favorite category of Elven Dictionary finds- both Sindar and Quenya with slightly modified spellings. The entry said 'pin as in brooch'. But good enough. Tacholdir/Tancildo. Back to Arodreth. If there's the Youngest Ranger, there has to be a contrasting Oldest OC. The final book from The Wheel of Time was fresh on my mind and I was still upset over Gareth Bryne's death. Arodreth had a similar sound to Gareth. Floating name now has a home. And if I did Gareth, I might was well use Gawyn (and then from there pull in the rest of the Trakand family and make Elf OC versions of Galad, Elayne, etc..) Now all of those names are heavily based on Arthurian myth names. Gawyn is Gawain and lo the Welsh roots make it Sindarin-ish already. Hawk, battle, talon...all terms I was looking at in the dictionary and name lists. But, also important for story purposes, I wanted a name that wasn't a visual copy to the rest. So the Gadwar instead tacking on another ending, and one that reminded me of Ohtar, a canon minor character - Solider that survived Isildir's death. Two syllables like Gawyn and very close without being a direct copy (Aerith to Aereth is an almost direct copy with the added bonus that Aer mean holy and -eth is feminine name ending). Now Galad is already Sindarin, but the inspiration character is Galahad, so I wanted to shift the focus there instead of making an OC sound like Celeborn's family. Galad in the books was famous for being the world's most beautiful man. But at that point I'd already used Ban/Van. So I mused on the general concept- a guy that women would fight to be with, the ultimate catch. The perfect husband. Which - venno. Haven't used that as a male name ending yet. And that's another element to making OC names - have a good variety within reason as a help for readers. Alma as a hazy Quenya word for good fortune or beauty and maybe flower. Almavenno, a four-syllable Quenya name from two parts for the Amanyar Noldor half-brother that when translated over and squished down becomes Galuven. We're back to the matching G names, it sounds roughly like Gallivant. Perfect.
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Sweater Weather
Fotfictober Prompts: 17 - Sweater Weather
Summery: Glorfindel makes a Song for Lindir who is to used to singing for the other person and not being sung to.
Pairing: Lindir x Glorfindel, Background Gil x Elrond
Characters: Lindir, Glorfindel, Gil-Galad, Heledir (the harp elf Kili pointed out in the movie), Elrond, Elladan, (OC) Nyeldo, (OC) Lúthion
Warnings: Sexual Refrances
Song: Sweater Weather By The Neighborhood
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Glorfindel hmmed in delight as he finished the song, it had been a long time since he last made a song and even then Ecthelion did most of the work, The Blond lord needed help with the music the head minstrel would be a good choice Heledir, he would keep it secret from Lindir right, Glorfindel couldn't sail to Valinor just to get help from Ecthelion could he, the lord soon shook that thought out of his head.
Lindir had seen Glorfindel running around but whenever the blond elf saw him he ran in the other direction, Lindir was starting to worry he did something wrong, did Glorfindel not like him, did Glorfindel just accept to pity him, Lindir knew if he went to either Gil or Elrond the two would have the Lords head.
"You seem upset Songbird whats up" Gil asked
"I- Glorfindel has just been ignoring me all week, I do not know what I have done wrong" Lindir said, gil sighed
"You most likely did nothing wrong but I will asked" Gil said going off to find Glorfindel.
"No no, that tune is all wrong" Glorfindel said to Heledir
"Maybe we should have a break from this, you have been at this for days ignoring Lindir, he will start to think he did something wrong" Heledir said
"He'll be fine, he knows I am head over heels in love with him, he may get lonely but I really need to get this right for him" Glorfindel said, neither Elrond nor Gil-Galad could find Glorfindel before the normal stories, poems and songs in the hall of fire after dinner.
"Before i get beheaded by our two lords may I go first" Glorfindel questioned looking at Elrond's glare
"Why not, this will be entertaining" Elladan said, Glorfindel shot a look to Heledir who sighed but took the harp.
And all I am is a man I want the world in my hands I hate the beach But I stand in Valinor with my toes in the sand
"He loves the beach though, and he's not in Valinor" Lindir said
"Lindir he was busy making a song for you"
Use the sleeves of my sweater Let's have an adventure Head in the clouds but my gravity centered Touch my neck and I'll touch yours
Glorfindel said getting Lindir up and pulling his robe jacket ober the shorter elf, who blushed at the attention he had been denyed all week and now Glorfindel was being affectionate now, in front of everyone
"Meleth This is inappropriate" Lindir whispered with a blush
You in those little high waisted shorts, oh
"GLORFINDEL" Lindir squeaked at the blond who caught the ellon in his arms who was now very red, if it was possiable to get any redder you would think he would of exploded
Oh, he knows what I think about And what I think about
"Glorfindel stop this madness at once, it is highly inappropriate to do in public" lindir whispered yelled at Glorfindel who just grew a grin
"This prank has gone to far" Lindir said getting himself out of the Lord's arms
One love, two mouths One love, one house No shirt, no blouse Just us, you find out
"LORD GLORFINDEL HEAD OF THE HOUSE OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER" Lindir yelled the blond however did not let up even at the angry flustered short elf infront of him trying to get him to stop
Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about, no 'Cause it's too cold For you here And now, so let me hold Both your hands in the holes of my sweater
Glorfindel said grabbing his oversize robe he put on Lindir and pulling him closer to him to hug the smaller elf who fit snugly in his arms
And if I may just take your breath away I don't mind if there's not much to say Sometimes the silence guides a mind To move to a place so far away
"Your mind certainly guides you inappropriate places" Lindir said as he couldn't get out of the new grip Glorfindel had him in
"Why could you not of done this in privet" Lindir said
The goosebumps start to raise The minute that my left hand meets your waist And then I watch your face Put my finger on your tongue 'cause you love to taste, yeah These hearts adore, everyone the other beats hardest for
"GLORFINDEL STOP SAYING SUCH INAPPROPRIATE THINGS IN PUBLIC" Lindir scolded as he dragged or tried to the taller lord out
"Lindir calm down" Glorfindel said breaking out of the song
"Calm down, calm down, oh you would love me to calm down wouldn't you" Lindir said
"In honestly no I do not, I enjoy are private times when you are mad" Glorfindel said turning the rest of Lindir's neck red
"What the hell was that" Lindir said still flustered both from Glorfindel's comment and the song
"You always sing for me i was simply doing it back" Glorfindel said
"I do not make it inappropriate and sing it in the hall of fire" Lindir said dragging the blond out still arguing with him
"Come on it was just some light hearted fun" Glorfindel said
"Which was inapproprate" Lindir said he went to say more but the blond kissed him
"Why don't you voice your displeasure in our rooms" Glorfindel said only to get wacked by Lindir
"I am mad not horny, i will not satisfy you with the time, I am returning to my rooms until I see fit" Lindir said walking off Glorfindel sighed in annoyance
"Deserved as always" Glorfindel span to the voice
"You are annoying as always Nyeldo" Glorfindel said
"Should of come to the better minstrel who would advised you against that and made a new song for you, Heledir does not have the heart to tell you no" Nyeldo
"Why are you even lurking out here and not in their showing your 'amazing' talent" Glorfindel said
"Who said I was Lurking, just because you did not notice me does not mean I was lurking as for that it is non of your business stop sticking your head into things and make it up to Lindir, he is upset and obviously wants you to follow him, just don't overwhelm him and apologies, that stunt maybe appropriate to the race of men but to elves it is not and Lindir is shy, you embarrassed him and made him anxious of people who would be against your relationship by outing it to everyone" Nyeldo said
"Why do you want to help" Glorfindel questioned
"I'm not an asshole, as much as Lindir thinks i am mean to him, I see him as a younger brother to me, and he really does love you and doesn't want to lose you, so go" Nyeldo said pushing Glorfindel after Lindir
"Lúthion is the lurker" Nyeldo said
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wispstalk · 2 years
I will send you an OC fact about my Altmer Dragonborn, Heledir. The guy who would have been a food tourism blogger in another life. Back home in Shimerene his taste in wine is considered atrocious and embarrassing at high society parties. When he gets to Skyrim he finds he likes mead better than he likes wine, but it knocks him flat on his ass so he gets called a milk-drinker anyway.
This is so funny. He just can't win!!
Crabigail is not a huge fan of mead. When she's approached for a drinking contest, she almost turns it down but the cup's contents smell exactly like her favorite Cyrodiil vintage, which is impossible to find in Skyrim.
Sheogorath knocks the cup out of her hands and starts berating this Sam character for wearing a face a little too similar to a certain priest's. He only attached himself to the Dragonborn about a week prior, after she unwittingly bumbled into his quest, so for the first time she starts to see the possible benefits of Sheogorath's intervention in her life.
(Sheogorath and Sanguine end up fucking off to party in the Myriad Realms of Revelry, and he finds her again in the morning looking none the worse for wear).
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dndwithaerin · 2 years
Side Story 01 - Sen
And now, a brief aside. Looking in on a young woman by the name of Sen, whose path will cross our intrepid party's soon enough.
What had Heledir gotten her in to this time?  A teacher?  What was she supposed to teach?  How to quickly and effectively remove a man's jugular?  Wait, no, this is a magical college.  She barely even knew magic!  Why in all the hells would he refer this job to her?  Okay, calm down.  Her first step was to find her contact, a man by the name of Vadrik.  He would fill her in on the full details of the plan and then-
“Excuse me miss, do you happen to be lost?”
Sen wasn’t one to be taken by surprise, but in this moment, absorbed in her thoughts, she was blindsided by the young-ish man with jet black hair that had come up behind her.
“I’m sorry?” Sen said, snapping back to her usual alertness
“Oh, I just hadn’t seen you around the campus before so I was wondering if you might be lost.  Are you a student?”
“No, actually I’m a new member of the faculty starting this semester.  Do you happen to be one of the teachers?”
“Yes, yes!  Professor Cyrus Goode at your service.  Always happy to meet a new member of the team here at LeStrand.” An enthusiastic hand jutted forth toward Sen, so enthusiastic she had to fight her instincts to leap back and draw the dagger concealed beneath her cloak.
“Sen, just Sen is fine.  It’s a pleasure to meet you Professor Goode” she cautiously raised her hand to meet his.  The handshake was a much gentler experience than his exuberance foreshadowed.  “Say, I was told to meet with a professor… Vadrik?  Would you happen to know where I can find him?”
“Oh yes, of course.  He’ll be at the top of the North Tower; the Observatorium.  Bit of a hike but the view is to die for.” He paused briefly as he looked to the school’s grand clock, “Oh shoot, is that the time already?  I’d love to see you up the tower, but unfortunately, I have a meeting to attend.  It was a pleasure meeting you Sen!  I hope to see you around!”
Sen was less than used to people being so open and forward with her.  Was everyone at this school like this?  Surely not, these were all nobles and their kids.  She knew their ilk all too well.  Although Cyrus didn’t seem to be hiding anything.  Surely he wasn’t interested in her, was he?  They had only just met… Was he?  This was among the myriad of thoughts racing through her mind as she ascended the winding staircase up the tallest tower the school had to offer.  How did she even get here in the first place?
Ash-Nev-Mas.  Never forget who you are.
Sen was quite young, having just turned 20, or thereabouts.  Her being raised at an orphanage meant her exact age was at best an estimate.  Though she learned more on the streets than she ever did at the home.  Learning very quickly that information can be worth more than gold, and cultivating the skills she needed to excel as an investigator for the guild.
She was a woman as well, a rather recent development, but one that left her with a sense of comfort she had not known for most of her life.  Perhaps the most interesting thing about her however, and the enabling factor for her aforementioned womanhood, is that she was a Changeling.  A rare breed from an entirely separate plane of existence, capable of completely altering their physiology at a moment’s notice.  A slightly less recent revelation than the whole “woman” thing, but an equally major life event.
Her shoulder length chestnut brown hair pulled back in to a high ponytail, her appearance normally favored practicality over aesthetics, commonly seen wearing a sleeveless top, simple cloth pants, and nondescript flat boots.  Nothing to impede her should she need to quickly separate herself from a situation.  Not that she couldn’t hold her own in a fight, oh no.  She just preferred to not bloody her hands these days unless absolutely necessary.
Raised in the town of Twinlake on the Isles of Caspar, a once bustling trade hub, caught in the middle of a brutal war between the two larger isles.  But that was a lifetime ago she felt.  Sure, she still held her gold rank within the adventuring guild of Tempus Fugit, youngest to ever attain that rank by the by.  Wouldn’t hold any sway here in the far north though. 
She had had her fair share of death-defying experiences.  Birthday party for ghosts in a meadery, transported to a dimension of eternal night, watched a friend succumb to the control of a quadrupedal brain monster, nearly fall victim to a mansion full of vampires, defeated the avatars of death itself, been there, done that.  Blending into high society though, that would be a new challenge.
Through her travels she’d met many friends and allies.  One among them a man named Heledir, or Kingfisher.  They had a sort of working relationship.  If he had need of her skills, she would provide them, be that collecting information, or eliminating a target from the shadows.  One day, on a rare day off for Sen, another of Heledir’s jobs would come knocking at her door.
Her usual courier, Timothy, handed her a letter, addressed to “The Renowned Mistress of Shadows, Sen”.  Okay, a little fancier than she usually got; intriguing to say the least.  She continued reading.
“Mistress Sen, we were referred to your services by the Lord Heledir,” Yep, there it was. “We, of House El of the city Balouise, would like to employ your services.  Our daughter, Orlaith, is currently attending the LeStrand College of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and as such, we have not been able to keep an eye on her as we are headquartered on the cape outside the town.  We have heard of some dangerous events occurring within the city so we would like you to take a position at the academy in order to keep an eye on our daughter.   Naturally this would require you to relocate to Balouise immediately, and you would be compensated handsomely.”
Immediately?  Sen had never even heard of Balouise.  Never seen it on a map, never heard of a LeStrand either.  If it was that far removed surely it would take her months to even arrive.  She continued reading.
“Should you find this arrangement agreeable, you must simply speak The Truth and we will discuss the specifics – Ash-Nev-Mas”
“Never forget who you are…” Muttered Sen, as if in a call and response.  As soon as the hushed words passed her lips, she was enveloped by an absolutely blinding light as her modest apartment faded away around her.
As she opened her eyes, she immediately felt the embrace of the bitterly cold sea air, all too familiar, and her first sight was that of a great lighthouse perched atop a cliff. 
At least the sun was up this time…
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I saw requests were open but slow, if it’s alright I’m gonna send one in. The request to the elves ( heledir too I’ve been converted lol ) reacting to their s/o singing-playing a song for them that’s like the song you are loved Matthew Mole? I think I did a request like this before but man I love sappy fluff drabbles/blurbs. Please and thank you sm
Elves React: You are Loved
Thank you so much for your ask! I’ve included Thranduil, Lindir, Heledir, and Feren!
Lyrics to the song on the bottom, I will include their overall reaction and more detailed to certain parts.
Thranduil: Thranduil had been so busy and caught up with his duties, that you had plenty of time to prepare the song for him. There were many moments when you felt the lack of your special connection, the flame of your love slowly dying. You knew he still loved you, but with the busy days and the thoughts on his mind there hasn’t been much time to spend quality time together. This was your attempt to put together something warming for your love, to show him that no matter what you will always be with him, and maybe give him a little hint that it was time to devote to each other once more. You had stayed up late, waiting for his return to your shared bed. When he silently entered you welcomed him and began to softly sing, making him stop changing his cloak and watch you. Instantly his expression changed, his tight muscles relaxing, the loving look in his eyes returning. I can see the passion you require, because everything you do you do with love. He made his way to you, laying down by your side. “My Love is all for you.”
Lindir: You had planned to sing the song for a while, months after joining together with him in courtship. Lindir was a great musician and composer, so you knew you had to write something that will be heartfelt but will surprise him due to your devotion. He himself composed several pieces and poems to to give even a hint of his love for you. So as soon as you began to sing he suddenly became flustered, trying to sit still in his blush as he listened to the words. The song connected so well, especially the first line, ever since the day we first met, because he had fallen head over heels for you from the first day. Your words made him melt so quickly that he just couldn’t resist embracing you halfway through the song. “Ever since the day we met, I keep on falling in love with you more and more,” he whispered as he held you softly.
Heledir: It was the day of your wedding, after the guests had finally retired and the servants had cleaned up, you decided to bring Heledir to sit with you by the fountain. As he spoke words of love to you, you gently silenced him as you began to sing. You had wanted something extra special to show your love. Although elven marriage itself was a significant act, you wanted to show him that he meant the world to you. And together we’ll die. The two of you had dedicated so much to each other, sharing all the love and the passion that you held. He had embraced you dearly once you finished, nuzzling into your shoulder. He was the elf that went unnoticed, but he caught your eye, his music poured into your soul. And so you devoted all that you had. “I am so lucky to have you,” he said gently, “all for myself.”
Feren: While Mirkwood sat silently, waiting for the return of its kin from battle, your mind was running like crazy. Feren if course had left with the king to serve, and although you knew he was quite a skilled fighter, the thought of losing him always invaded your mind. To put yourself at ease and to pass time you began to write a song to sing to him when he gets back. And that happened, everyday you sat by the window listening, and when you began to hear the marching steps you ran out to meet him as quick as possible. God is giving us this love, and He will never let it fall apart. The two of you stood there, holding each other in a tight embrace, never wanting to let go. But he was yours, and nothing would ever take him away.
——— LYRICS ———
Ever since the day that we first met
God created love that we had kept
Now that I commit to you my life
We can only love each other more and more in time
You are loved
You are loved
And Nothing's gonna change that I will
Love you till we're old and grey
And I'll love you when we're young
Don't be scared it's alright
God is giving us this love
And He will never let it fall apart
He will never leave our side.
Everytime you look into my eyes
I can see the passion you require
Because everything you do you do with love
And everyday you make me feel inspired to ignite.
(I'm falling more in love with you) x3
That we close our eyes
We dream of love
And together we'll die
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kristinpawz · 5 years
The Harpist
A/n: This was edited! He now has a name and a blog!
Paring: Haprist Of Rivendell/Heledir x reader
Warnings: none I think maybe fluff?
Prompt: You are traveling with the company to Rivendell, as you are eating you notice the elf Kili was talking about and he noticed you.
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You were with the company for dinner at Rivendell, you looked around the open room from where the company and yourself were sitting. The room had a big table for you, the dwarfs and Bilbo and a smaller one for Lord Elrond, Thorin and Gandalf.
There were plants coming into the room and the sun was positioned perfectly to light to the room. The atmosphere was amazing and the music they minstrel elves played was amazing.
Kili was talking about how he did not fancy elves, you turned your attention away from the scenery and towards the young dwarf listening to him babble.
“although that one there is not bad.” Kili looked towards the elf he was talking about. You followed his gaze your mouth dropped. This elf was the most beautiful elf you have ever seen, though he was not an elf maid as Kili thought but Kili was not wrong. He had long brown hair hair that was braided, his eyes were a pricing blue.
“That’s not an elf maid.” Sealing said leaning forward slightly. Kili shot him a surprised look and looked back the elf then back at Dwalin. The company began to laugh, but you didn’t you haven’t been able to look away from him. He seemed not to pay attention to the company and what they were saying, he only focused on playing his arm that was in the crook of his arm. He seemed to feel your gaze he turned his head to look at you, your eyes met his and he gave you a small smile he never stopped playing.
“Looks like Y/N agrees with your statement Kili!” Balin teased causing the company to erupted into laughter again. You whirled your head around to face the company blushing widely, you reached across the table to punch Balin. You huffed and crossed your arms, but little did you know the harpist was still looking at you and smiling.
Sometime after dinner you wandered around Rivendell it was amazing and you wanted to see it all before you left. You found yourself walking in a hall trying to get to the gardens but you became lost.
“Did you need help Milady?” A calm voice called. You turned around the find the harpist from before, you blushed and looked down fiddling with your hands. How could you run into him? Was he looking for you?
“Y-yes. I am a bit lost I’m trying to get to the gardens.” You said nervously, this is the first time you have ever stuttered or even be nervous. He chuckled and gently grabbed grabbed your hand and placing it in the crook of his arm.
“I will gladly take you to the gardens Milady, maybe I could walk you around as well?” He looked at you hopefully his blue eyes were bright and young. You lifted your head to meet his gaze and blushed more and only nodded since you didn’t want to embarrass yourself anymore.
You two walked for what seemed like hours until he stopped with you at the entrance of the gardens, He turned to you and smiled.
“Milady May I walk with you?” He asked tilting his head ever so slightly. You blushed even brighter and looked into his eyes.
“O-of course!” You tried to smile but you were still beating yourself up from stuttering. His features brighten and he smiled, he confidently led you through the gardens. The flowers were amazing so many different colors, shape and sizes. You could see some of the female elves braiding flower crowns giving to each other and sometimes even male elves, the Harpist seemed to notice you staring at them and that’s when it dawned on him he never told you his name.
“My name is Heledir, Milady.” He said smiling down at you. Your e/c eyes met his blue ones and you smiled shyly.
“Y/n.” Heledir nodded and smiled before stopping in his tracks and turning to a flower bush, you tried to lean around him to see what he was doing but couldn’t see. It only took a few minutes before Heledir turned back around he was now holding a flower crown that were made up of all your favorite colors and flowers.
You blushed as he held it up slightly.
“May I?” He asked holding it above your head. Your voice was caught in your throat, nobody has ever made you a flower crown before, hell nobody gave you anything before. You nodded and he gently placed it on your head and he smiled.
“There Milady! Now your the most beautiful maiden ever, even tho you were always were!” Heledir said placing his hands on your cheeks smiling warmly. You were blushing but you couldn’t look away from his blue eyes, something soon overcame you and you stood on your tippy toes and pressed your lips against his soft ones.
Heledir eyes widen for amount before he closed his eyes and slowly kissed you back, he smiled into the kiss and moved his arms to your waist pulling your body’s closer together. When you both pulled away for air all your nervousness faded away, he was looking at you so lovingly. Maybe this was meant to be?
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heledirsupportblog · 5 years
Heledir Headcannons
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Resting Bitch Face
Cannot judge him by first glance or conversation
He prefers to keep to himself
Doesn’t speak much
On the inside he’s very passionate about the things he likes and his beliefs
He spends most of his time wandering in his head, thinking of new melodies or daydreaming
Always polite and educated
Pure gentlemen
Small acts of kindness although he dismisses them
Although not afraid to speak his mind, even if the truth hurts
Doesn’t mind spending time with others, especially in peaceful silence
But prefers not not participate in fast paced activities
But he surprisingly picks things up very quickly
Once you teach him something he’ll be as good as you in minutes
Though he’s not very cocky about it
Takes him a while to open up to people
Is actually very sweet and gets concerned often
Doesn’t know how to show his empathy but does try
He doesn’t want to hurt peoples feelings
But if they deserved it, it’ll be a battle to get him to open up
Very good at giving hugs, gentle squeezes
Not very much into PDA but doesn’t mind because he gets to show off his partner
Overall he’s blocked off but as long as you show interest to know him, he’ll begin to talk instantly.
Often feels left out because people think he’s not interested
You just need to show him that there are wonderful things
Show him what love feels like, what adventure is.
Slightly NSFW Below
Actually a very good lover and partner
A switch leaning dom
Definitely prefers to do it in bed
Moans and pants a lot, but doesn’t talk much
Loves giving and receiving kisses and sometimes bites gently
Usually very passionate and loving, though he doesn’t mind needy and rough
Doesn’t have many kinks
Easily turned on but hides it very well
~ Indelwen ~
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jojo-javabean24 · 5 years
Galion - Underappreciated Elf Boi
This handsome guy! Underappreciated af! Just like Heledir and Feren, he had little screen time in the Hobbit movies (Although that one scene with him being drunk and asleep while Bilbo was sneaking the Dwarves out was adorable), but I feel like he deserves a little more love, y'all. I mean look at him!
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I wanted to learn more about him! He's Thranduil's loyal Butler and possibly an even close friend of his behind closed doors and he needs some loving like the rest of our underappreciated elf boys.
I'm debating on whether or not I should write headcanons for him, mainly because I haven't written in what seems like months (Writer's block :c) and I'm still pretty rocky and don't want to make a fool of myself, but maybe.... we'll see.
Still, Galion's existence should be shared with the rest of the lovely fandom and I'm wondering what stories and headcanons everyone else will come up for him. I've read and reblogged a few stories (Which were fun to read, btw) about him here on Tumblr but there isn't much else regarding content (Or maybe there is and Tumblr is being a butt and won't let me find anything :P)
Anyway... Galion is officially our drunken Butler boi. X3
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ghostlykittyfox · 3 years
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Algunos headcanons traducidos al español créditos a las personas correspondientes
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squirrelwrangler · 6 months
✨ for Nargothrond?
Thanks to the Tol-in-Gaurhoth series, I have quite a bit more than I normally would. General highlights of the founding:
The dwarves of B&N knew that the cave systems of Nargothrond was ancestrally home to petty-dwarves, but they didn't care or inform the elves that there was still some descendants of exiled traitors and dissidents living in the lower regions, downplaying or removing evidence as they expanded the cave systems and planned the construction (for political purposes the outrage over the slaying of petty-dwarves was useful to establish their rights, but the dwarves of Belegost and Norgrod were perfectly happy to have the petty-dwarves driven out once more and removed as additional rivals). Fierce in-fighting between B/N factions for the glory and economic opportunities of this Menegroth 2.0 - much dwarven glory, reputations, and political wealth as well as physical wealth flowed from the alliance with Menegroth's construction and upkeep, and this was the opportunity for those that missed out on the bidding wars to win.
Nargtohrond was of mostly light stone- limestone primarily- and the river flowed through the lowest level. Water and groundwater management was more important here, so the city had fountains and drainage systems and flooding was the biggest worry. Conversely, Gondolin had a river but it also extensively used cisterns to gather rain and snowmelt to augment the river.
Thankfully none of the Tol-in-Gaurhoth ten were heavily involved in the plumbing. But that Orodreth has to replace too many key positions, not to mention weed out corrupted appoints during C&C's coup, was the start of a slow and gradual systems collapse. The head steward, Edrahil. Heledir the captain of the guards. Their seconds and thirds would would have been the logical promotions - Arodreth, Tacholdir, and Ethirdor and Bân. Influential lords/important families in Aglar and Gadwar. Consael's connections among the followers of C&C meant that his death and the death of his sister's husband was a strong rallying cry to repudiate Curufin and Celegorm and cleave those elves to Orodreth instead. Probably the elf that died in Tol-in-Gaurhoth that caused the least among of rippling ramifications at the time was Fân/Fanawë, because he was only a (talented) foot soldier/ranger whose best friend was the higher-ranking Bân (who had as girlfriend the handmaiden of Melian and was the protege of Angell and Heledir). That changes during the War of Wrath, of course, when his distant maternal Vanyar cousins care, not to mention Dondwen herself.
Then Gwindor's charge wipes out a sizeable chunk of the allies and martial replacements Orodreth had fostered to replace Heledir and others - lords like Galuven in particular hurt. And Faron's ties to the Falathrim.
Back to the city itself: Levels upon levels with gently ramping floors, the stonework intricate and delicate with floral motifs. Thin colonnades, latticework.
In layout and small touches, one would closely figure out that Nargothrond's inspiration was Menegroth and the neighborhoods of Valmar, not Tirion.
The main stables were at the low far end near where the river reemerged.
Ereglas, second son of Eredhon, was the Sindarin lord who lived in the Narog region before Morgoth's invasion, basically the Duke of that region, and unlike his older brother has successfully escaped to Menegroth. He consents to Finrod reclaiming that region and building strongholds there and sends his daughter to help. Eregiel trained with the dwarves (when they visited Menegroth, and only in stone masonry. She's not a second Eöl, not nearly that talented or trusted to visit the dwarven cities, but was trusted as interpreter) and acts as liaison. She and Orodreth work closely together, hit it off, betrothed, married, she's now the lady of Tol Sirion and mother to Finduilas. Wasn't as intentional a political move as Meril's to regain her birthright as duchess of Hithlim.
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arofili · 3 years
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three houses of the edain ✾ house of bëor ✾ headcanon disclaimer ✾ @tolkienocweek
          Arasdil was a mortal woman of the House of Bëor. While in her youth, she was captured by a wandering rogue who abducted her from home and took her away to the lands near Maglor’s Gap. This man, Heledir, took Arasdil as his wife, and before the end of the winter she had borne him a son, Eglosser. Some years later, she encountered a strange elf with fire in his eyes, and she was immediately smitten by the kind elf-lord who helped her find food and firewood.           The elf, also, was intrigued by the doe-eyed woman who admired him with a frankness he had never before experienced. Over the next year, he returned from time to time to the small wood near his lands to see Arasdil, and at length he revealed to her that he was none other than Maglor the mighty singer, Lord of the Gap.           Heledir was a cruel and unforgiving husband, even when his wife was heavy with child. His harsh treatment drove Arasdil from his home and into the wild on the very eve of her labor, driven out of her mind in fear and pain, leaving behind young Eglosser in his father’s hands. She crashed through the woods and was soon beset upon by orcs, and would have perished had not Maglor found and saved her. He saw her through the birth of her daughter, and through supporting her in this trial he realized how deeply he cared for her and her children. Arasdil asked him to name her newborn daughter, and, overwhelmed with strange new emotions, he chose the name Elior, “one who helps and blesses.” Though Arasdil returned to her husband and son with Elior in her arms, Maglor swore to watch over her and aid her should she ever choose to flee Heledir entirely.           Before long, a time came where Arasdil needed Maglor’s help once more. Eglosser, only five years old, fled his father’s wrath and rushed to the nearest elven settlement, begging for aid. Swiftly, Maglor rode to the little cottage in the wood, holding Eglosser tight to his chest. He burst inside to see the house in disarray and Arasdil cowering before Heledir’s rage while Elior wailed in her crib, and without a second thought he drew his sword and slew the dreadful man.           Feeling responsible for Arasdil’s wellbeing and deeply protective of her children, Maglor took them under his wing and arranged a home for them in his fortress. Elior and Eglosser treated him as a second father, unperturbed by his elvish mannerisms, and over the course of several years he and Arasdil became lovers.           Yet Maglor never forgot the wife he had left behind in Valinor nor the lingering feelings he held for the bard of Doriath, and the two never exchanged promises they knew they could not keep. Their affection for one another was sincere and deep, but their friendship remained the pillar of their relationship, with any physical pleasures held as secondary. Indeed, Arasdil eventually took another mortal husband, an Easterling healer who had taken the name Ídhron when he entered into Maglor’s service. Ídhron was a kind and gentle man who treated his wife with the respect she deserved, and even encouraged her strange relationship with Maglor, for such arrangements were not uncommon among his people in the east.           When the Sudden Flame descended upon the North, Maglor could not hold the Gap and was forced to flee with the remnant of his people to his brother’s hold of Himring. There Arasdil bore two more daughters, Ordil and Tharaneth, both fathered by Ídhron. As Eglosser grew into manhood, he entered into Maglor’s service as a man-at-arms; he was slain in the Nírnaeth Arnœdiad, guarding his lord and foster father’s back while Maglor slew Uldor the Accursed as once Maglor had guarded him from his own accursed blood-father.           Of Arasdil’s family, only Elior survived the fall of Himring, remaining as a healer in the dwindling Fëanorian host until the end of her days. Her granddaughter Edhelvain remained faithful to Maglor through the Third Kinslaying, and was the primary mortal caretaker for the young Elrond and Elros, taken in by Maglor and Maedhros in recompense for their misdeeds and in memory of the children—including Eglosser, Elior, Ordil, and Tharaneth—that were with them no longer.
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one-shots-on-the-go · 7 years
Imagine admiring his harp and striking up conversation with Heledir, after the dwarves leave the dining hall.
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(Y/N): *admiring harp without touching it*
Heledir: is there something I can help you with?
(Y/N): *suprised* oh, I'm sorry! I was just admiring your instrument! What it is called?
Heledir: it's a harp
(Y/N): *visibly excited* Oh! Harps, That's right!
Heledir: *smiling lightly* do you know how to play?
(Y/N): no, harps are just used commonly in the tales of Cupid. The god of love.
Heledir: really?
(Y/N): yep! He shoots a person with a arrow that has a heart shaped tip, making them fall in love with the person they where looking at, or that's what the stories say.
Heledir: well that's interesting, but how are harps involved?
(Y/N): he plays one, serenading new couples and men who fall in love
Heledir: well thank you for sharing that with me
(Y/N): it was my pleasure *walks off*
Him: *starts composing a new song for when you visit again, entitled 'Cupids serenade'*
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heraldofgilgalad · 3 years
⭐ really anything about Liar's Gambit, but i love the part in ch 8 where Elrond asks Gil-galad if he can write down his Kindi stories
Heyy! I'm gonna chuck a read more on this bc I'm sure not everyone wants to just see me rambling :')
So just in terms of the development of this scene, I really did toy around in the planning phase with maybe having Gil-galad be illiterate. It's still a concept that I'm super into for a half-Avarin Gil-galad, but it never really took off just because some plot points were going to be too difficult to execute with Gil being unable to read. I still love the way it would have set him up as a foil to Elrond, who we know from canon is quite scholarly, though!
The scene also jumped around a lot in terms of where it was going to come in the fic. I'm really happy with where it ended up - marking this tentative truce between Elrond and Gil-galad and a turning point in their relationship in terms of trusting each other (if only a little bit at this point in the story) and laying Gil-galad's mind to rest that Elrond isn't suspcious of him.
Then in terms of actual content and Kindi stories, I feel like we talk at length in Silm fandom about authorship - unreliable narrators, who is telling the story? How might that shape it? And then I wanted to relate that to the Avari, who basically don't get mentioned in the Silm at all, beyond not making the Journey and Eol. The Avari are essentially silent in the text, or are reported to us by Noldorin voices, so to have Gil-galad - who is privy now to both Avarin and Noldorin - come into contact with all these different accounts was a really fun way to play with unreliable narration in the Silm. For Gil-galad as a character, I think it really shows him how different the Noldor are to him, but also opens his eyes to just how much he's taken his uncle Heledir's word for granted and not questioned it.
And then I just thought it would be super cool if Avarin history is oral. It's a cool way to set the Avari up as different to the Noldor but it also provides an answer for why we don't get their voices, if they're a scattered/insular community. Plus it was a way of hanging on to illiterate!Gil-galad in some way.
Then, of course, you have Elrond, who's privy to so many perspectives and such a nerd that he's just like 'oh new info? Lemme write that down now pls' lol. I guess it was also a way of marking him as an outsider in this Noldorin establishment, since he also questions the 'official' narrative and recognises that there are other opinions out there.
Tysm for asking! :)
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Heledir Headcannons
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Resting Bitch Face
Cannot judge him by first glance or conversation
He prefers to keep to himself
Doesn’t speak much
On the inside he’s very passionate about the things he likes and his beliefs
He spends most of his time wandering in his head, thinking of new melodies or daydreaming
Always polite and educated
Pure gentleman
Although not afraid to speak his mind, even if the truth hurts
Doesn’t mind spending time with others, especially in peaceful silence
But prefers not not participate in fast paced activities
But he surprisingly picks things up very quickly
Once you teach him something he’ll be as good as you in minutes
Though he’s not very cocky about it
Takes him a while to open up to people
Is actually very sweet and gets concerned often
Doesn’t know how to show his empathy but does try
He doesn’t want to hurt peoples feelings
But if they deserved it, it’ll be a battle to get him to make it right
Very good at giving hugs, gentle squeezes
Small acts of kindness although he dismisses them
Not very much into PDA but doesn’t mind because he gets to show off his partner
Overall he’s blocked off but as long as you show interest to know him, he’ll begin to talk instantly.
Often feels left out because people think he’s not interested
You just need to show him that there are wonderful things
Show him what love feels like, what adventure is.
Help him on his journey to becoming the best version of himself
He wants to be a good person, to be able to cope with his and others feelings
Warning! Slightly NSFW Below Warning!
Actually a very good lover and partner
A switch leaning dom
Definitely prefers to do it in bed or somewhere private
Moans and pants a lot, but doesn’t talk much
Loves giving and receiving kisses and sometimes bites gently
Doesn’t mind his partner being rougher
Usually very passionate and loving, though he doesn’t mind needy and rough
Doesn’t have many kinks
Easily turned on but hides it very well
Me and @kristinpawz decided to go deeper into him and we made an account that’s slightly under construction called @heledirsupportblog where we will post fics and rp as him! Here’s another really underrated elf! The harpist of Rivendell!
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bonjour-rainycity · 4 years
February 2021 Content Challenge Masterlist
Hello! Here is a collection of the posts + creators from the content challenge! I highly encourage you to check out the content and the blogs :) Let me know if you have questions and be on the lookout for future challenges!
Last updated: 2/23 10:00pm (EST)
Day 1: Someone’s jealous
Push in the Right Direction (Saelbeth x Reader) @game-ofthe-company
Dwarf OC art @grunid
That’s Not Jealousy | Sense, Is It? (Nestadion x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Time (Legolas x Female Reader / Light Boromir x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
Unfairness (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Jealous Lindir Headcannons @awkwardkindatries
Cats the Musical
Jealousy (Macavity/Munkustrap // one-sided) @jellicle-blog-for-jellicle-cats
Day 2: Domestic bliss/a day in the life
Home Again (Haldir x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
Toys (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Mithrandir (Elrond, Lindir, Mithrandir) @grunid
OC Moodboard @game-ofthe-company
The Captain of the Kingsguard Part 3 (Feren x Fem Reader) @themerriweathermage (**Check out their masterlist for the whole fic!)
Domestic Life with Elros Headcannons @awkwardkindatries
*Playlist* In Love, Everyday Forever (10 songs for blissful vibes) @the-reformed-ringwraith
Day 3: Injury + angst
Dwarf OC art @grunid
You’ll Be Okay (Eredhon x Reader) @game-ofthe-company
Will You Sing to Me? (Gildor x Reader) @themerriweathermage 
Next to You (Haldir x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
*Poetry* Into Shadow @the-reformed-ringwraith
Hunter (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Injured Reader with Celebrimbor @awkwardkindatries
Day 4: Teaching/learning a skill
Cats the Musical
Teach Me (Cryptid!Misto) @jellicle-blog-for-jellicle-cats
Sign Language (The Company of Thorin Oakenshield, Elrond, Lindir) @grunid
The Spice of Life (Erestor x Fem Reader) @themerriweathermage
Something New (Orelion x Elf! Reader) @game-ofthe-company 
The Love Letter (Haldir x Human! Reader) @errruvande
Preference: Teaching You to Fight @bonjour-rainycity
Learning a Skill from Maedhros @awkwardkindatries
Night at the Museum
Why Octavius Doesn’t Drive the Car @grunid
Day 5: Unrequited love (or, the love is requited, they’re just oblivious)
Cunning Plan (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Oblivious (Heledir x F! Elf Reader) @game-ofthe-company
As Kind as Summer (Elrond x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Late in the Night | Part One (Legolas x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
Iron Hills’ Love (Dain) @grunid
Ghost (Aragorn x King of the Dead) @the-reformed-ringwraith
Oblivious Finrod @awkwardkindatries
Day 6: There’s only one bed
Shared Chambers (Galdor x Elf! Reader) @game-ofthe-company
The Roof (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Above High Waters (Elrond x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Beorn is a Mommy Cat (The Company of Thorin Oakenshield) @grunid
Lost & Found (Glorfindel x Reader) @the-reformed-ringwraith
Lost in the Night | Part Three (Legolas x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
Day 7: Friends have bets on how long it will take the ship to get together
My Sun-Star (Haldir x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Sounds Like a Bet (Legandir x F! Elf Reader) @game-ofthe-company
A Lovely Walk (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Sunset Memories & Hidden Wagers (Glorfindel x Reader) @the-reformed-ringwraith
Secrets (Elrond x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Late in the Night | Part Four (Legolas x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
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heledirsupportblog · 5 years
The Harpist
A/n: This was edited to ha new name
Paring: Haprist Of Rivendell/Heledir x reader
Warnings:none I think.
Prompt: You are traveling with the company to Rivendell, as you are eating you notice the elf Kili was talking about and he noticed you.
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You were with the company for dinner at Rivendell, you looked around the open room from where the company and yourself were sitting. The room had a big table for you, the dwarfs and Bilbo and a smaller one for Lord Elrond, Thorin and Gandalf.
There were plants coming into the room and the sun was positioned perfectly to light to the room. The atmosphere was amazing and the music they minstrel elves played was amazing.
Kili was talking about how he did not fancy elves, you turned your attention away from the scenery and towards the young dwarf listening to him babble.
“although that one there is not bad.” Kili looked towards the elf he was talking about. You followed his gaze your mouth dropped. This elf was the most beautiful elf you have ever seen, though he was not an elf maid as Kili thought but Kili was not wrong. He had long brown hair hair that was braided, his eyes were a pricing blue.
“That’s not an elf maid.” Sealing said leaning forward slightly. Kili shot him a surprised look and looked back the elf then back at Dwalin. The company began to laugh, but you didn’t you haven’t been able to look away from him. He seemed not to pay attention to the company and what they were saying, he only focused on playing his arm that was in the crook of his arm. He seemed to feel your gaze he turned his head to look at you, your eyes met his and he gave you a small smile he never stopped playing.
“Looks like Y/N agrees with your statement Kili!” Balin teased causing the company to erupted into laughter again. You whirled your head around to face the company blushing widely, you reached across the table to punch Balin. You huffed and crossed your arms, but little did you know the harpist was still looking at you and smiling.
Sometime after dinner you wandered around Rivendell it was amazing and you wanted to see it all before you left. You found yourself walking in a hall trying to get to the gardens but you became lost.
“Did you need help Milady?” A calm voice called. You turned around the find the harpist from before, you blushed and looked down fiddling with your hands. How could you run into him? Was he looking for you?
“Y-yes. I am a bit lost I’m trying to get to the gardens.” You said nervously, this is the first time you have ever stuttered or even be nervous. He chuckled and gently grabbed grabbed your hand and placing it in the crook of his arm.
“I will gladly take you to the gardens Milady, maybe I could walk you around as well?” He looked at you hopefully his blue eyes were bright and young. You lifted your head to meet his gaze and blushed more and only nodded since you didn’t want to embarrass yourself anymore.
You two walked for what seemed like hours until he stopped with you at the entrance of the gardens, He turned to you and smiled.
“Milady May I walk with you?” He asked tilting his head ever so slightly. You blushed even brighter and looked into his eyes.
“O-of course!” You tried to smile but you were still beating yourself up from stuttering. His features brighten and he smiled, he confidently led you through the gardens. The flowers were amazing so many different colors, shape and sizes. You could see some of the female elves braiding flower crowns giving to each other and sometimes even male elves, the Harpist seemed to notice you staring at them and that’s when it dawned on him he never told you his name.
“My name is Heledir, Milady.” He said smiling down at you. Your e/c eyes met his blue ones and you smiled shyly.
“Y/n.” Heledir nodded and smiled before stopping in his tracks and turning to a flower bush, you tried to lean around him to see what he was doing but couldn’t see. It only took a few minutes before Heledir turned back around he was now holding a flower crown that were made up of all your favorite colors and flowers.
You blushed as he held it up slightly.
“May I?” He asked holding it above your head. Your voice was caught in your throat, nobody has ever made you a flower crown before, hell nobody gave you anything before. You nodded and he gently placed it on your head and he smiled.
“There Milady! Now your the most beautiful maiden ever, even tho you were always were!” Lorisdir said placing his hands on your cheeks smiling warmly. You were blushing but you couldn’t look away from his blue eyes, something soon overcame you and you stood on your tippy toes and pressed your lips against his soft ones.
Heledir eyes widen for amount before he closed his eyes and slowly kissed you back, he smiled into the kiss and moved his arms to your waist pulling your body’s closer together. When you both pulled away for air all your nervousness faded away, he was looking at you so lovingly. Maybe this was meant to be?
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