#Helia Loathe
helianskies · 2 years
england and prussia for the bingo please
a cookie 🍪 for you !
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i lo(ath)(v)(e) him.
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i want to hug him. maybe a lil' slap upside the head. give him some food. tell him he needs a break. tell him he's an idiot. another hug...
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hiddcnsclf-a · 1 year
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I think when it comes to social media, Evan would probably use Pinterest and Tumblr. Because people are after her, having a nice, anonymous place to view some images is a handy thing to have.
Ace probably used Twitter but deleted it when the unspeakable happened to it. That's okay, though, they totally have a shitposting blog that they forgot about 4 years ago to go back to.
Angela uses pretty much all social media; she needs to for her job, to get her name out there further.
And Helia's definitely an Instagram girlie
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imhereformr · 10 months
Hi, the last ask which you answered was from me, thank you so much for answering 😊
Could you answer the same question but for the specialists ? Thanks 😊
Can you please rank each of the specialists in terms of your favourite to least favourite ?
Also please can say what you like and dislike about each of them?
Okay I'm starting this on September 15th 2023. Let's see how long it takes to fully answer and post it 😂 UPDATE: It's now December 11th. Whoops.
1. Riven
Once again, my beloved. My king. My precious kitten that must be protected.
I'm a sucker for the bad boy character, let's start with that.
I hate the regression in his development. Loathe it. The writers should be hanged/burned at the stake/drawn and quartered for it.
But his character development, when it's there is SO SO GOOD. I love my precious damaged baby learning to let himself be loved and open himself up. It's just so beautiful :')
And yeah, it doesn't hurt that he's nice to look at even with his stupid onion hair.
2. Brandon
TBH Brandon and Nabu switch places a lot depending on my mood.
Brandon is a king (just not actually) (that's a joke about the switch, just not a good one). He is loyal, patient, kind, hardworking, confident. Frankly, I'm not sure he has any faults?
And now that I'm trying to think of something I dislike, I can't. Maybe he should permanently be #2?
3. Nabu
I HATE the way Nabu is introduced, let's start there, yeah? Stalking is just not a good look, babe. Even if it was intended as "research into your future wife" and not outright stalking. Lying about your identity, maybe a smidge better cause it's not an actual crime? Idk, I'll let you guys judge for yourselves on that one.
I love his character. He's easy going, charming, confident, funny (and alive, at least in my mind).
4. Timmy
I'm 100% convinced the reason I love Timmy is because of the way he is in my head and not in the show because in the show he has no actual personality besides geek 🙃
I do love that Timmy is genuine and kind. And come on, how can you not love how romantic he is? This man refused to believe Tecna was dead when everyone else was mourning her. And he found her! And then was willing to go to Omega for her.
My issue with him, as with most other characters, is the writers fault. He has no backstory, no character development, nothing. He exists as the geek character and Tecna's boyfriend. Nothing else.
5. Helia
Helia's cool I guess he just had no personality, you know? That's literally all I can say. Much like Timmy, his personality is very 1d (that's one dimentional, not one direction). It's art.
Oh, and "mystery" for a bit there.
And once he and Flora are together, well, sometimes I think the writers forgot about him.
6. Sky
Sky, much like Bloom, had potential. He could have been the prince who is struggling under the pressure, who just wants to do good for his people. He could have been a multi-faceted character who makes mistakes and tries to fix them, who has a personality and a sense of humour. Instead, he's blank-slate, white bread, perfect prince charming. He's boring.
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florelia12 · 2 years
A backstory post for Helia where his parents were on the side of the Ancestral Witches (except one of them was secretly a spy for the company of light).
So, one of them is killed (the actually evil one) by the ‘good guys’ while the other parent (the spy) got tortured as a punishment and has kind of lost their mind. So the living parent is imprisoned in Lightrock Monastery and thats where Helia grew up raised by Codatorta (canonically a knight from the Lightrock Monastery).
The parents doesn’t interact with anyone and doesn’t talk because trauma. baby Helia tries to talk to them but they don’t back so he figures out a way to do it through drawings.
So, Helia draws whatever he saw that day or learned about and he slides it to his parent through the bars and they just collect it and paste it on their prison walls which is their way of acknowledging Helia. Helia did this whenever he could and he grew up lonely surrounded by prisoners that made him question his morality because Lightrock believes in second chances then he shows up at RF when he’s of age and is then taught about how to kill someone fast and efficiently.
He spends about a year there, bullied and never trusted by his squad for being the son of a traitor (treason comic foreshadowing ooo). No one listens to him or respects him. And, he’s been trained by Codatorta himself since he was young so he’s like super good.
On a side note how can people hc that Codatorta doesn’t like Helia because he dropped out and “doesn’t believe in fighting” when this comic panel exists:
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That your honour is his non-biological dad! I rest my case.
Anyway, he’s good on his own so Saladin lets him do a lot of spy stuff and solo missions. Helia is fine with it and starts to enjoy RF to an extent. He likes being a specialist and transforms into the adrenaline junkie we know and love.
Then boom, angst. When he’s working under a commander (someone from the council of light because i love that whole detail in the comics) and he gets left behind because they don’t have time or resources to extract him. So he gets kidnapped by the bad guys. Torture. History almost repeats itself but nope Helia breaks out of there.
He feels betrayed by the system that raised him, though he finds out Saladin didnt do this to him. So he confronts the commander who reveals that it was the company of light (not the main ones that are shown in canon but the members mentioned in passing) that ordered for his parent to be tortured until they are no longer themselves so they wouldn’t accidentally reveal any spy information to the evil side.
His world goes upside down and he actually finds out who and what his parents were and what they did. The reveal pisses him off and he leaves RF, vowing to never be a part of this war system again.
Then season 1 happens and RF is destroyed and mans is wallowing in self loathing that he wasnt there to protect saladin or the school. So, he comes back with the intention of coming back but he doesnt tell Saladin yet.
Then he eventually ends up staying and plays this whole ‘haha im flirting with you but please don’t like me back, you deserve better’ game with flora. Never plans on confessing but cant help but fLiRt until she full on yells at him to tell him she likes him.
And, we are back to comics where he avoids getting into a relationship with her despite the impulsive kiss at shadowhaunt. Until the shab stone arc happens and he’s like, this girl is really willing to go down with me no matter, I’m going to marry her. So, he’s like “just friends? I was hoping we were something more!”
Then yay, they’re together!
Then fast forward to when they’ve been together for a while and Flora’s like, hi, when are we introducing each other to our families?
Helia’s hesitant and doesn’t want to do it. Dances around the topic even though he shows all neat and nice at her house for dinner with her parents.
Then Flora shows him her box full of every single drawing or poem he gave her, even small little notes with smiley faces he doodled on her notebooks. And, Helia’s holding back tears because shit parallels with his parent.
He ends up bringing her to meet his parent and she has a breakdown when she finds out why Helia loves art so much and then starts ugly crying when there’s a few drawings of Flora on his parent’s prison wall and she realises Helia already told them about her but she thought this entire time he didn’t take their relationship as serious enough to tell them.
And, that’s all I have for this today.
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Pairing: Bloom x Sky, Bloom & Andy,
Rating : T
Genre: romance, friendship, love
Length: short.
Who would have thought that living on earth would have been a nightmare for the boys? Not only were they facing troubles, but they could absolutely not fit in this society. Hell, Timmy out of them all had found a job easily...
Their relationship with their girlfriends had deteriorated immensely and that was a shock. Riven could barely control himself. He was jealous and anxious at all times. Brandon was angry and desperate to make up with Stella. And Sky wanted nothing more than to behead that Andy guy.
Tree boys were barely on speaking terms with their girls. Here they were, sitting like morons on the Fruity Music bar stools listening to Andy's group getting ready for the night. Sky could not even glance his way, let alone listen to his voice every single night. He had discovered a side of himself he loathed more than anything. The jealous and arrogant kind of the prince. A little voice in his head had been born in the last months, telling him stuff that before would have put him to shame.
At school, he was far from being the only prince. He could at least remember seven other princes all spread out in all grades. However, out of them all, he was the most influential one. Heraklion was massive when it came to its power and its money. Being an alley to Isis, Domino and a few other kingdoms did have its perks. However, Sky was very different from those princes. He absolutely despited the royal conception of classes and power. His dad had forced him into adopting it, but Sky was not conservative, classist doctrines and it showed a lot in school. In comparison to the other royals, he never showed off, preferred to hang out with "normal" people, and hell, he had ditched a princess for a "commoner". But now, at that precise moment, he was frustrated. The little voice in his head was telling him to show Andy how rich, how smart and how powerful he truly was. This was not him.
"Merlin, I sound like my dad..." He wishpered, dropping his head in his hands.
"Nothing Helia, Forget it." He mumbled back to his friend.
"Well, i dont know what happening to you but Andy is coming toward us and I don't think he wants a glass of water."
At this, Sky straightened his back and looked at the dark-headed musician. True to Helia's words, Andy was coming toward him. He rolled his eyes and could not stop himself from tightening his jaw, a flash of the musician hugging Bloom coming to his mind.
"Hum, hey Sky. I just wanted to ask if I could speak to you real fast?"
A few swear words came to his mind. "Get the hell away from me" he wanted to scream at him, but he stopped himself. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Riven's face getting red. Oh how fun it had been to bond with Riven over the common enemy.
"It's about Bloom, I think I need to clarify a few details with you."
Sky thought he could punch him. He hated how her name sounded in his month. Disgusting. Sky felt someone nudging him and saw Helia's eyes on him. He sighted loudly and followed Andy outside of the bar.
"Alright, you have five minutes." Said the blond, crossing his arms on his chest.
"Yeah, right. Sooo..." Andy was struggling. The guy was bigger and taller than him and it did make him uncomfortable. Not mentioning the way he carried himself. That was intimidating. Andy thought he looked like some emperor walking around the place. Well, the truth was close enough... "I wanted to clarify the situation with Bloom and me... I know I did say we used to date, and it's not completely false. But, the thing is, it was a very long time ago. I don't feel that way about her at all." Seeing Sky death glare, he understood that he needed to give more context. "The thing is, I love messing around with her. Telling Stella and Musa that I used to date Bloom was just a sort of... Inside joke, you know?" He cracked a smile expecting the same from Sky. Well, that was certainly a failure. "What I mean is that I do care about Bloom" Sky tensed. Wrong move he thought. "Buuuut, I see her as a friend. A little sister."
"What the f-"
"Wait it sounds a bit wrong like that considering you guys all think we actually dated." Sky was now lost. "I mean we did. But we were like eleven and I think it lasted like tree weeks..."
Sky's mouth dropped. He looked at the musician, completely lost. He would not even call that dating...
"It was just a way to annoy Bloom you know... Tell her friends I was her ex... It's not wrong but, I mean, hum, not true either. Like it wasn't serious at all. We were kids and had no conception of what love or a relationship were."
"I don't understand... You always hold her hand, you hug her..." Sky was loosing his patience.
"Because that's always the way we behaved. Listen man, I have known her for years. Like maybe since kindergarten. And we always did that. So yeah, I get it, it does send the wrong ideas, but that's not what we are. Bloom isn't like that"
"I know that, thank you." Sky cut him.
"I know dude. I'm not doing this for you, but for her. She hates what's going on but she's mad at you for jumping to conclusions. I also know how stubborn she can be. Believe me when I say that she made our childhood hard! You guys don't know how times she would get into fights because she was too stubborn. The girl could not contain herself..." Andy laughed at the memories of a small Bloom, pigtails and all, running after other kids to show them how right she was.
Sky took a deep breath, he certainly did. But how could he not? Stella had said he was her ex. And Mitzi had been telling him the same over and over. Maybe she was truly evil like the girls said. Oh how fucked was he... Understanding his reaction, Andy patted his shoulder quickly and left him alone. He did not want to be around when the couple would discuss their issues. Still, he left, a small smile on his lips. He liked the guy.
This one was in my drafts for months. I much prefer this version over the mess season 4 was...
Here are some similar ff :
Witch love
The Queen's Garden
rain on us : Part 1
A nightly routine : Flora/Helia
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mor-and-more · 1 year
Also I've been thinking about what would the predecessors of 4 of my critters be if not selected Azem, or even if they'd never get personally acquainted with Venat
And dvfzfcg turns out it was easy only for the 3 of them
Astraea (Arisu's predecessor) would have joined the Words of Lahabrea, as a very dedicated and grateful student of his. And probably she'd even raise to some promenance among the Words and start looking deeply into the more complex creations and THEIR interconnections with each other, their environments and the surrounding aether
Aeolus (Y'nar's predecessor) would have probably ended up as an Elpis observer, continuing his research on how the aethereal balance skewing towards a specific element affects the development of creations' subsequent generations (he would've SO loved the encounter with the water-leaning Charybdis in Elpis!!!). Being personally better attuned to wind, he'd start there, but would never pass an opportunity to observe any variety of the phenomenon
Asklepios (Marishad's predecessor) would've probably NOT taken any official position, but he WOULD have continued his research of familiars imbued with healing abilities. And eventually venture out on his own, seeking those he and his trusted familiars Helia and Selena (essentially gen1 Eos and Selene :3c) could help in the world outside Amaurot, where a healer is rarely needed
...but then I ran into Phoebus
Who had literally no life goal prior to Venat shaking some sense into him as he performed duties as her research assistant, after accidentally landing this role
Phoebus who never felt he had a purpose in life and questioned why he was even born, and joked that his parents probably deeply regretted that one cannot control the parameters of the future child as one could a creation
Phoebus who never thought his talent for aethereal manipulation has any use without him being able to imagine how to apply it, and consequently feeling himself the only useless life on Etheirys
Phoebus who was depressed and self-loathing as fuck, and only gained the sense of purpose and realisation that he can meaningfully impact the world after being lectured by certain Azem, deeply disappointed with his readiness to throw away the gift he possessed
...so even just for his good, in a scenario of all my creatures' predecessors living simultaneously in the unsundered world, I'd like to imagine that Phoebus was the one chosen by Venat to take the seat of Azem
...but also she would probably joke to Khaer that he would've been much more of a delight as a protégé than Phoebus starting out
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🐍. masterlist for ;
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dragonfly0808 · 2 years
Who are the early birds and night owls??
Early birds-
All of the boys since they do go to a military school and do drills in the mornings. Though, the only actual early birds are Riven, Helia and Brandon.
Stella (she rises with the sun but loathes it and will stay in bed for a while), Flora and Aisha
Night Owls-
If given the choice, Timmy and Sky would get up a lot later. Timmy often stays up working on his projects and Sky is just prone to sleeping pretty late.
Nabu is also a night owl.
Tecna, Musa and Bloom can all often be found still awake at 2 in the morning either doing random shit or working on projects
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redemptionarcsucker · 2 years
Hello! I’d love to read more about your hcs of Helia’s first time around at Red Fountain, since you’ve hinted that you think it was pretty unpleasant
Oof! We're getting into some deep stuff! Imma save the darkest and most sad things for the fic I'm writing because I'm a sadist, but okay.
So in the universe that my fics are set in, Helia is a prodigy. Ofc, he's been made to train all his life, but as you'll see in the story (someday), there's a (pretty depressing) reason why he's pushed into magic and martial training while his siblings are not - to simplify it for now, ig you could say that it was because he showed insane potential at a very young age.
So, quite predictably, a lil child at a school full of teenagers, possibly outshining most of them, would not have reaped the best results. Helia's mother was aware of this and tried to hold off on sending him to RF as a proper student for as long as she could, but Helia's father was adamant. When Helia joins RF, I would assume that initially, everyone would try to leave him alone, because of his grandfather but also Codatorta essentially having adopted him uwu
In my story, his roommates were the first to begin loathing him. As a kid having been brought up in a strict military/political family, our boi was probably a bit of a snitch, judging from how anxious he would grow up to be, he was most likely terrified of disappointing his father and grandfather, and would be baffled when his teenage squad-mates didn't share the same priorities. Ofc there was little he could do as a child, in a system that valued seniority. Especially when he started doing REALLY well in school ... well, that would have made a lot of people unhappy. Cue the unpleasantness. Even worse after the death of his squad-mate, where he takes the blame because ofc he does. Helia's always dealt with stuff by shutting off and becoming quiet, and the longer the bullying goes on, the quieter he gets. The incessant extra magic training isn't helping.
I can see Helia finally losing control, maybe accidentally unleashing his magic, similar to what happens in Retired (even sadder if you imagine it happening after Retired, where he already loathes his magic). So he stops using magic, quits school, and leaves to ... well, you'll see in the fic.
When he returns, it's almost like an attempt at redemption in his head, for something was was really only partially his fault. This time, he chooses to stay as far away from leadership and the limelight as possible, he only accepts to be commander of missions when absolutely necessary.
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bitchatcloudtower · 3 years
Rank the girls based on how much you relate to them
1. Aisha - raised with very strict standards for behavior, very isolated childhoods that end up causing wild abandonment issues, fear of isolation, intense fear of being alone, unlucky in love, oldest cousin status (I’m assuming Nereus is younger but honestly who knows), stress dreams about abandonment, intense friendships that end suddenly and without warning, (also my family keeps “joking” about marrying me off), I would 100% her disco outfit from season 2, always feeling like the odd one out/feeling unwanted, good at lying to/appealing to authority figures, angry/vengeful/bitterness, ESTJ
2. Stella - placing a lot of value on appearances (physical and otherwise), intense parental issues, enjoys flirting occasionally at own detriment, abandonment issues (manifesting differently and with different causes), raised to be charismatic but actually terrible at anything deeper than surface level relationships, can be abrasive, interest in very traditionally feminine things (hair makeup clothes etc), grossed out easily
3. Musa - get angry easily, intense parental issues, familial pressure to succeed (albeit manifesting differently), thinks Riven is pretty, kept short hair for years before growing it out and now exclusively wearing it at ridiculously long lengths, looks good in red, can be abrasive, good student, in denial about crushes/romantic feelings, crying into Riven’s chest, gets annoyed if someone talks to me while im focused on something
4. Tecna - loathes being emotional but is also afraid of being seen as cold and emotionless, bad at compromise, very black and white thinking, not always aware that they’ve said something insensitive, quieter in friend groups, I like to think I’m also the reasonable one but that fluctuates a lot within friend groups, neat/organized, clean, can be blunt, agrees to things and ends up regretting it, disappointed by loved ones a lot
5. Bloom - anger issues, fantasizes as a way of coping with reality, accepts a lot of bad treatment from loved ones at own detriment, lonely childhood, owned a rabbit at some point, runs away/isolated self at every inconvenience, life has been going downhill since turning 19 (so season 3)
6. Flora - crush on Helia, fantasizing about crushes instead of actually talking to them, terrified of rejection, would totally ask a friend to break into crush’s bedroom to see if he felt the same, good student
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volgdemagischewinx · 3 years
I think the only ship I don't mind "losing" is Bloom and Sky. The rest I don't like adore adore on their own, but I think the concepts on paper are good. Like. I'm not really invested in Flora and Helia, but I don't see much of an alternative to them, you know what I mean?
I really like Brella because himbo&bimbo rights, and ofc Riven and Musa are awesome. Sadly after S3 they got short end of the stick, but in first 3 it was fun. Also I feel like Musa was one winx allowed to not be a perfect girlfriend, even if it wasn't much addressed (like, Flora and Techna had archs where they couldn't communicate well but that was more of a "open up" thing rather than a do better thing, so)
Skloom's the only ship I dislike, I'm just neutral about most of them. When I say I'm okay with losing the ships in a reboot(and I do specifically mean reboot the ships in the current show are obviously set), it's not a comment on the quality of the ships, it's just that I don't consider any of them so sacred or integral to the story that they absolutely have to carry over. Like earlier I was discussing the potential of losing Riven/Musa. That's one of the 2 I actively ship, but I'd be at peace with them not being canon in every version
Also forgive me for being a grouchy gay here for a second, but there is no trope I despise more than "every character is neatly paired off in their designated heterosexual relationship" I seriously loathe it with every fiber of my being. I forgive Winx for it because it's a 2004 kids cartoon, but it's normally a dealbreaker for me. If we're talking 2020's reboot/adaptation? Yeah, no way
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
“The Shadow Phoenix” Thoughts
Here comes the last special. Honestly, I am kinda nervous about this because they are shoving the whole season 2 in one episode and I have a feeling that that will not go well. Unless, of course, they thought of making more but abandoned it after this special but I highly doubt that since I think I’ve seen the final showdown in s2 being in this special. Hopefully, it won’t be a full disaster. I just don’t know what to expect anymore.- “her ghostly sister - Daphne”? This recap is on thin fucking ice (pun unintended). Careful with the wording there! This sounds horrible. There are better ways to put it.
- Wait, new outfits for Winx? Really? Ugh!
- Shadowhaunt is happening already. But hey, it’s Layla! And she managed to free the pixies! Wasn’t that supposed to fail, though? Or are they just trying to save time and remove the second trip to Shadowhaunt for the pixies? (Hey, does that mean no Amentia? Please and thank you!) I hate Darkar’s new voice.
- Oh, no! He got them back. But were those shadow tendrils in the original? I think I would remember them if they had been.
- Well, Layla got to Alfea fast. I know they are trying not to waste time but this is cutting down on the suspense. At least she is already bonding with Winx (and especially Musa).
- That scene with Darkar freeing the Trix was completely destroyed. First, they never got to show why Lightrock is so horrible (and it is horrible even to me although I haven’t had an evil routine). Not to mention that they never said how Darkar learned about them which was in s2. And they’re back at Shadowhaunt. What happened to Gloomix?
- Nvm, he gave it to them but they never got to try it on Lightrock guards. Such a shame! Also, calling him “master”? And even repeating it twice? They are acting like docile stupid minions. Say what? The Trix would never! I am pretty sure that wasn’t in s2 even if they still knelt. This is fucked up, them kneeling in front of him. Talk about wrong implications.
- Why did Faragonda only send Bloom and Stella? So that we can’t have the others in a scene? Or so that they can lose against the Trix who just had a power-up? Also, how is it that when they think no one will know they are sneaking around, the one they’re trying to ambush always knows that they’re there?
- Yeah, just send the fairy of sunlight underground where there’s no sun! Logic! And they didn’t recognize the Trix at first? Those are obviously not “things”, Bloom. Though, she might have suffered a concussion from the way they blasted her into the ground.
- “Shadow whirlwind”? What, did Darkar somehow imbue them with his own essence through the Gloomix and now they have shadow powers? I also resent the implications in this so, hopefully, I am wrong and this is just a coincidence.
- What did Darcy do to Bloom? And will they just keep calling him “The Phoenix” instead of Darkar? Please, no! That is somehow actually worse than Lord Darkar.
- Ugh, fake Avalon. Here we go. Though, at least he wasn’t in the first 1/4th of this. That’s something.
- The bonding with the pixies is cute. But did Tune just say “you rock”? Tune? The pixie of manners? What have they done? Smh.
- But can you keep them safe? Can you really, Faragonda? You sent them in Shadowhaunt instead of going yourself! Or at least accompanying them! And you’re not gonna get better at protecting them from here on.
- Daphne is too little in that dream of Bloom’s. If she was still a kid when Bloom was born, that means that she should be aging while she’s a spirit and we already saw that she was all grown up when Bloom was a baby in that flashback in “Revenge of the Trix”. This is illogical and she actually looks even younger than she does in the corresponding dream in s2.
- Ugh, that scene with the flowers! Why are they all crushing on him? And he’s using it against them. Also, is it possible that it was him that somehow brought on the dream about her parents? How else could he tell that she had a dream? Shouldn’t they discuss her birth parents in private also? Everyone is there listening. At least they’re back to their normal outfits.
- Is Sky jealous just from hearing Avalon’s name? That was better done in s2. They are really just chopping off everything that isn’t absolutely necessary and it kinda fucks up even the necessary things.
- At least it was Helia that offered them to see his sketches and not Stella grabbing them from him... which I think was what happened in s2.
- Are the Trix just gonna steal the Codex right now? From this celebration? Otherwise, they will have to go to Red Fountain twice and half the episode is almost up. Well, I guess not. Instead we get more Bloom and Sky stupidity. Bloom isn’t nearly as obsessed with Avalon as she was in s2 (she hasn’t had the time here) and he has no reason to be acting the way he is.
- “Listen, Sky, do me a favor and hang up the phone.” XD I love it! She finally told him off! And she really looks more interested in Avalon’s help with her parents rather than with him here. All I know is that I’m on her side this time while in s2 both she and Sky were being stupid but I understood him more. But he keeps being his douche-y self.
- Flora just daydreamed the monster that was supposed to attack Red Fountain but didn’t? Wow. Wow! WOW! ... Okay.
- Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my god. Scratch everything I said about the Bloom and Sky drama. She not only started talking about it to Avalon, she hugged him! Wtf! Bloom, you do realize that you’re just giving Sky proof for his words, right? Maybe she was looking for consolation but she could have sought it out with her best friends aka Winx who we’ve seen absolutely nothing of (except for Flora but that is only because they just introduced Helia). That was so not in s2. I would have remembered that fuckery. And then Avalon goes all “perhaps you’re better off without him”. This is predatory behavior! He is distancing her from the people that care about her. I loathe all of this! Bloom, please, I have a little more faith in you than I did in s2. Snap out of this! I know he will be the one turning her dark but that can still happen if her dealings with him are only because of her parents. Can we end the nauseating undertones of this?
- “You may leave a message after the tone. But not if it’s you, Sky”. *bursts into laughter* I’m sorry. This is just too sassy, I can’t. It’s good. Even if Sky is actually the lesser evil.
- At least Flora isn’t having Layla snooping around in Helia’s room this time. She just decided to go for it. That’s better.
- Well, we’re finally back with the Darkar plot. But wait... The nostalgia spell is actually... how he gets to Pixie Village this time? Winx didn’t stop it? I know they’re saving time but damn! His plans have a very high success rate in this case (since everything has worked so far) which will just make it more ridiculous when they defeat him.
- Why are the Pixie elders actually in Pixie Village? The Codex is just one part? They’re gonna skip the whole “going to every school and Pixie Village to steal all four parts of it” thing? Well, that’s stupid. There was no suspense whatsoever here. We don’t even know what the Codex does! And Darcy and Stormy have also gone MIA like everyone from Winx except Bloom (and Flora). This is really just gliding downhill with the speed of light.
- Bloom, you stupid bitch! Now she’s kidnapped. And they just butchered the whole storyline of s2. Also, guess it was the real Avalon that was evil. Great! Then Faragonda fucked up even more by letting him in Alfea. Still think you can protect them? And now she’s sending the students to rescue Bloom alone... again. I know she’ll get there eventually but, goddammit, this is illogical, not to mention irresponsible.
- Why the fuck are there four pixies of the Codex if there’s only one part of it? You make no sense, writers!
- Yeah, Shadowhaunt is underground but you can totes get there with a ship. Makes perfect sense!
- Darkar was Avalon all along? EPIC LEVELS OF FAILURE ON FARAGONDA’S PART! She didn’t even for a second realize this? Isn’t he supposed to, idk, give off insane levels of dark energy? What the hell?!
- Well, of course, he has an army... that he won’t even control himself. I hate all of this! All of it!
- Helia has had exactly three seconds of characterization and about as many lines. The whole thing with him not wanting to fight was just erased. Not that it went anywhere even in s2 but still. It was a touching point for him and Flora who is also anti violence. And here there is zero ground for a romance between them. They just met, like, five seconds ago and never had the opportunity to get to know each other... at all. Which reminds me...
- Layla never became a part of the team. She was just with them in the previous mission to Shadowhaunt but none of the bonding was here. I know that they didn’t have much time at all for anything but they could have put one or two super short scenes in which some bonding happens between her and the rest of Winx. Because here she is pretty much a stranger to both them and the audience. We don’t even know what she’s like and what little we saw of her wasn’t exactly the way it should have been. Oh, look, they barely even gave her a transformation! Epic fail here as well.
- At least Bloom wasn’t strapped to that table like she was about to be sacrificed to the darkness... which was actually kinda what happened.
- Did they just got rid of the Trix? What was even the point of bringing them in? Darkar could have done absolutely everything on his own. All of this was absolutely useless! I. Hate. It!
- We never even saw Kerborg as a bat. He is just that monster now. *sigh*
- “Did you really think we would not come to help?” Well... The only reason I thought they would help was because I knew they would since I’ve already watched how this goes down in s2. But honestly, they’ve been leaving their students to deal with everything so if I didn’t know where this was going, the answer would have been “Damn right, I thought you wouldn’t”.
- “That was a workout”, he says after crushing a monster out of existence by being magically enhanced. What is wrong with the writers? Although, I guess this is better than him boasting he handled the monster on his own like in s2.
- Watching the portal open with just one part of the Codex is so wrong. And anti climatic.
- Of course, the pixies of the Codex can just open the door to Relix. Of fucking course they can. Makes perfect sense. Honestly, I am mad about this but the original with the color “riddle” wasn’t much better anyway. At least they didn’t waste time on it here so I guess this is better on that account. I mean, if it’s not gonna make sense anyway, might as well just take the shorter one, right?
- Did they fire against Bloom or was it just a coincidence that their powers disrupted her concentration.
- “You saved my life once”? Are they gonna pass what happened at Magix as saving his life? Because I am pretty sure in s2 he meant what happened in 2x10. And this is also stupid. It shouldn’t work after that drama they had. Everything was all over the place and they never got the chance to fix it. Not to mention that no part of the other bonding they had happened here. They only showed one moment they had together in that flashback, because that was all they got. They never really connected so this shouldn’t work!
- Oh, Darkar started absorbing the Ultimate Power already? Not that it matters. That last attack is more intense at least. But I am still pretty pissed about a lot of things. Including the fact that they never explained about the Shadow Fire and that it is the opposite of the Dragon Fire.
- They defeated the Shadow Phoenix but they can’t even get a decent photo.
I was wildly disappointed in this. I thought it would be bad considering they are shoving the whole season in one special but I could have never expected that it would be... this! Most of the suspense is drained from it thanks to the butchered storyline. If you put that aside and consider it its own thing, the plot got resolved but the pacing was horrible and there was no build-up to anything. Not to mention that there were things that felt like they were a second thought and were out of place (aka the Trix and the whole Flora and Helia subplot that went fucking nowhere.) It was pretty bad as a reimagined version of s2 and pretty meh as a standalone thing.
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imhereformr · 2 years
If you’re still doing prompts: number 6 just seems straight up the rivusa alley👀👀 could you do that please?
Musa/Riven #6: Saying "I love you" while they're sleeping/unconscious/in coma. You know well that they can't hear you, but a small part of you hopes they did
Riven laid awake in bed staring at the ceiling. Beside him, Musa slept soundly. He envied her and her ability to drift off so easily. Sleep had never come easily to him: As a kid, it was listening to his mother fight with whatever boyfriend she had that week that kept him up; After she’d abandoned him, it was the fear of something happening to him while he slept on the streets or in the orphanage; Once Saladin had come into his life, it was discomfort in being in a strange bed in such a grand home; His first year at Red Fountain, a mix of anxiety and Timmy’s insufferable snoring; His second year at Red Fountain was plagued by guilt, nightmares and insomnia; Third year was more nightmares and insomnia, phantom chest pains and worry. 
Tonight, it was different.
Since they’d joined the girls on Earth, his nights had been just as unbearable. Worry that the Black Circle would hurt Musa (and the others, he would add as an afterthought) had been the first problem to keep him up at night, but that was soon replaced by a demon that was, in his opinion, of far worse caliber. The demon came in the form of a forty-year-old man with shiny blond hair and far too friendly a face. Jason Queen. Mainly, Jason Queen and the way he looked at Musa. And maybe the way she responded to his attention. 
Riven loathed to admit that maybe he had overreacted, but maybe he had. He couldn’t help it. His relationship with Musa was one of the best things to happen to him, and Jason was a threat to it. His brilliant, beautiful girlfriend was a big dreamer – something he’d never dared to let himself be – and she wanted great things. If he could have, he would have given her the world – all of her dreams and desires, and so much more – but he couldn’t; he was just one kid with no power or money to help her. All he could do was support her – and he’d let his jealousy get in the way of that.  
Musa had been furious about his actions. He couldn’t blame her for breaking up with him, he would have too. Her words – especially the break in her voice when she’d told him that if she didn’t have his support, he didn’t have her – replayed in his mind on an endless loop, haunting him.  
Seeing her every day at work had been torture. He had always loved watching her sing. He had always loved watching her, period, but she was extra beautiful when she was doing what she loved. Before Jason Queen, he would meet her at the edge of the stage with a drink – water, tea, whatever she wanted – and kiss her, proudly showing the world that the magnificent woman that had graced their ears and eyes moments ago was his. He couldn’t do that when she wanted him as far from her as physically possible.  
But not anymore.  
They’d made up once Riven started to get over himself. And – with Nabu and Helia’s help – he'd managed to get another chance, and this time he wasn’t fucking it up. Having to open up and admit his fears to her had been the most terrifying thing he’d ever done, but it was worth it because she was now sleeping happily by his side in his bed. 
Riven turned to his side to face her. She drooled when she slept soundly. She denied it, but she did. He’d been in this situation many times – him, wide awake, and her, fast asleep. Watching her had helped ease the worries and demons, so he’d ended up spending a lot of time admiring her, memorizing her. After two years, it still astounded him that she wanted him; that, to quote her, [he] was the only one for her. 
No one will ever compare to you, Riven. That was what she’d said. The words he’d been holding back since the day of her concert at Red Fountain had almost come out. He’d gotten tripped up after the I, though, and the words eventually faded and gave way to I’m really happy to have you back. Musa had smiled and Riven had forgotten about it when her lips met his. 
But now it was the middle of the night and even though he was happy, the moment still lingered at the back of his mind. He could have told her, and he was pretty sure that it wouldn’t have scared her away. But what if she had, his insecurities shouted in his mind. He wouldn’t say it; he couldn’t risk it.  
“I love you, Musa” Riven whispered as he brushed a stray hair out of her face, thankful that the night let him get the words out.
Musa mumbled something that he couldn’t understand and, for a moment, Riven thought she had woken up and heard. After his heart stopped hammering in his chest, he found himself wishing that she had. If she knew, the pressure of saying it would be gone.  
He whispered the words over and over again, learning the way they felt on his lips. He said them until words he’d never told anyone except his grandmother (and not since she passed when he was six) felt natural. And then, with the words lingering in the space between them, he fell asleep determined to tell her once morning came.  
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duskowithapen · 4 years
Aurix Chapter Two
Meeting Riven’s Common Sense (AKA Helia)
Read on AO3
Read on Fanfiction
Things definitely were interesting.
Riven was quite proud to say that he only made two freshmen faint this week – and neither of them were his student.
The first student hadn’t been looking where he was going and running in the halls – when the freshman collided with him, all Riven had to do stare in silent contempt. As soon as their eyes met, the student whimpered, went white, and collapsed. Thankfully, the rest of his squad came around the corner and took him to the infirmary so Riven didn’t have to deal with it. The girl had looked wary when he walked into their training room that Monday morning with a smirk. Obviously, she had paid attention to all the stories about him. When Professor Riven smiles, you RUN.
(Which begs the question of why she agreed to be trained by him but Riven would prefer not to poke at that wasp’s nest. No use tempting fate).
The second time was only two days later, occurring a mere three minutes ago. His student had just been soundly defeated in the arena training match and Riven went for a walk rather than immediately meet her at the training room. He was well aware of his temper – if he went to talk to the girl now, there would be less talking and more injury. A senior who he had attempted to give solo training to the year before walked around the corner, saw him, and immediately had flashbacks to that one, disastrous training session.
His collapse was more dramatic than the first student – with eyes rolling back in his head, the student fainted over the balcony headfirst. Riven had to lunge forward and catch him by the feet, narrowly avoiding cracking the stupid kids’ head open on the wall below. It was the work of moment to get the senior back on solid ground, but the second his eyes opened and saw the worst professor at Red Fountain he squeaked and fainted once more.
Riven was just contemplating whether it counted as three fainting students or two if one of them did it twice when Codatorta appeared.
The muscled man shook his head. “What did this one do to ya this time?”
“He didn’t do anything,” Riven began, but at the scary look in his fellow Professor’s eyes, he hastened to add – “He fainted when he saw me. Almost took a header over the balcony. If anything, it’s a good thing I was here or he wouldn’t be breathing right now.”
Codatorta hummed. “If you weren’t here, he probably wouldn’ta fainted. You’ve still got a scary look on your face laddie.”
Riven quickly tried to school his features into a look of disinterest. The deadpan look on Codatorta’s face told him that he probably hadn’t achieved it. So instead, Riven shrugged. “Not like I don’t have a reason for it.”
“Aye. Your student had her first practise bout today.”
Riven huffed. Like Codatorta didn’t notice – he was the one officiating the matches for magics sake! “So you saw how she did. Or rather, how she didn’t.”
Codatorta knelt by the still unconscious student and peeled back one eye. “Eh, he’ll be right.” Sitting back on his haunches, the professor pinned Riven with a stare. “Now listen to me – I understand that you’re frustrated a lil’ with your student. I didn’t want ‘er to be here at first either. Girl looked more like she needed a months’ worth of meals on a sunny beach somewhere, not an immediate enrolment and catchup course at a battle school. But as Saladin showed me, there’s more to being a hero than physical strength or how many duels you win. You can be undefeated in every arena, but that won’t make ya a hero. Do you know what a hero is, Riven?”
He scoffed, “Of course I do. A hero is someone who can be looked up to. They protect others. But no amount of heart,” And Riven’s face screwed up like saying the word physically pained him, “Can make up for ability. And she doesn’t have the ability.”
Shaking his head, Codatorta stood up with the unconscious student slung over one shoulder. “You’ll be surprised Riven. Remember, I had the same doubts as you – that girl turned ‘em around. And you know how often that happens.”
Riven swallowed. Of course, he knows. The last person to successfully change Codatorta’s opinion of them was him.
Codatorta waved him off, even as he began to walk in the other direction. “Go teach your student Riven.”
He bit down a retort and walked away. Indeed, he needed to have some words with his student.
The girl was working on her katas’ when Riven stepped into the training room. She didn’t seem to register his presence. He took the uninterrupted moment to watch her from the doorway, trying to puzzle it out.
As loathe as he was to admit it, the girl had skill. Riven only had to show her a kata two or three times before she could replicate it, requiring minute changes to her footwork and form. When practising against the training dummy, her hits were precise and forceful. They had already been through one dummy when she managed to knock the head off and send it through the open window.
(He still couldn’t think of that incident without a smirk – the flying head bounced off one student and onto another, sending both of them into the ground with stunned looks on their faces. The surrounding students were terrified when they looked up and saw Riven leaning out of the window, laughing uproariously. Celeste hadn’t found it as funny.)
So in the training room, Riven could see the girls potential. That potential wasn’t apparent in the arena.
Riven took advantage in a pause in the girls’ practise to move forward and grab her attention, “Put down your bokken. We need to have a chat.”
The scared look on her face would have amused Riven at any other time – now it was just a reminder of how she looked when she failed. Her movements were slow and precise as she placed the bokken carefully on the wall, carefully stepping close enough to him to talk comfortably, but just far enough out of his arm range in case she needed to make a quick getaway.
(He didn’t want to think about how, or where, she’d picked up that habit)
“So,” Riven began with arms crossed, “How do you think you did today?”
The girl made a face – eyes squished, mouth turned down – as she fisted both hands with thumbs out and down.
“Yeah, you did crap.” Riven wasn’t one to mince his words. “What the hell was that? You do fine in here – why can’t you fight out there?!”
Another face. Her eyes flickered to the side where her tablet rested.
Riven scoffed. “Yeah, get your tablet. Can’t wait to see what excuse you’ve got for me this time.”
When she didn’t move, Riven fought the urge to shake her. “What, do you need an engraved invitation? Explain to me why you failed today!”
Yes, he knew he was being an arsehole. But who knew that an inability to have a normal conversation could be so frustrating?
The girl shrugged, before remembering herself and giving another one of those bow/nods.
Obviously he wasn’t going to be getting anything else from her. Dealing with a student who couldn’t, or just refused, to talk was both draining and infuriating. “Just – go and do your coursework. Tomorrow, you’ll be training against me.”
The implied and you’re not going to like it made the girl pale (or at least, lose what little blood she had in her face) before she walked quickly out the door, snatching up her tablet on the way. The last thing Riven saw before the door closed was an obscene hand gesture – when he rushed out to really give it to her for disrespecting her teacher, the girl was gone.
The window down the hall – facing outside Red Fountain – was open.
Celeste was fuming. She liked that word. Fuming. It made her think of the kettle in the Institute kitchen, steaming and boiling under her careful eye as she made sure to remove it from the heat before it could start screeching. Her lips formed the word, repeating it even as her throat refused to make a sound. Yes, Celeste was fuming.
With silent feet, she slipped down the outside of the hovering school and climbed in through a lower window. She ignored the way three sophmores gaped at her as they walked down the hall – the smell of coffee was strong, and the bags under their eyes said a lot. They were more likely to brush off her strange behaviour as a hallucination, if they even remembered it once they were coherent. She was intent on making her way to one of the quiet courtyards where she could fume in peace.
Despite Professor Riven’s order to the contrary, Celeste didn’t feel like reading about Solarian military strategy or Ancestral Witches or hundred-year wars. She missed the way she could read about interesting things in the Institute’s library, like that book about ancient societies that she was never going to finish, or that one about Linphea’s development of watercolours after increased trade with Andros complete with replications of famous art pieces, or even the Bestiary, a complete compendium of creatures that can be found in the Magical Dimensions. It was a strange feeling, missing a place that she had wanted to escape for so long.
It was odd, longing for solitude and silence and peace when all she’d ever wanted was companionship and conversation and excitement. Longing for serenity over this frustration that bubbled up inside her – a supernova of annoyance and fear and worry and more fear. Despite most students being in class, the press of their presence made her skin itch.  
She needed her courtyard.
Not long after she’d arrived at Red Fountain – partway through the summer holidays, while all the students were at home – Celeste had found the tucked away courtyard on the outskirts of the school proper and claimed it for herself. There were enough trees to be a comforting reminder of the Institute, but also a lot of sunlight, which she’d never experienced in such large amounts before. The courtyard was walled in on both sides by supply sheds and faced outwards over the edge of the school grounds. Sandy coloured stones formed the ground, cut around the protruding roots that formed natural benches. Most of the trees were clustered by the entrance. She had never seen another soul there. It was perfect for her to relax, or practise, or unwind without an audience. Just as Celeste liked it.
Except for today.
Celeste watched, hidden in the shadow of a tree, as a young man with shoulder length blue/grey hair sat drawing in a book. Following his gaze, whenever it looked up, she brightened.
Arget had come back!
The silvery-blue bird was preening his feathers, ruffling through the length of his tail and causing vibrant purples and blues to catch the light. There was something insubstantial about him – perhaps the way every feather floated on a breeze that touched nothing else, or how sometimes the green eyes of his tail couldn’t be distinguished from the green of the surrounding leaves. There was danger shining as brightly as his beauty, found in the silver-sharp talons and beak.
He was a wind phoenix – a protective spirit native to Aurais – and Celeste’s companion for as long as she could remember. He had accompanied her on her first adventures through the mountain range, comforted her with his song whenever the loneliness became too much, let her shelter under his wings when the nightmares came.
When he finished with his tail, Arget looked up at her and warbled a greeting. He spiralled into nothingness like fading smoke. Seconds later, a breeze wrapped around her like a hug. Hello. You’re here. I’m here.
The young man didn’t move from his seat on a particularly large tree root, so Celeste decided to move closer. From her new vantage point, she could just see the half-finished drawing on the page, and something in her chest felt heavy. If she hadn’t shown up, Arget probably would have stayed still. He could be incredibly vain sometimes – he’d sat for enough of her amateur portraits before. And this man’s art was incredible! Arget looked like he was about to fly off the page, even uncoloured and unfinished.
She moved to step forward and paused. What if he was like her classmates – teasing her and mocking her over the failed match, sly remarks about how of course a girl wasn’t going to be able to win. Or maybe he’d be like Professor Riven, angry and disappointed with that face that made her feel so small, she’d never felt so tiny before –
Arget let out a reassuring trill even as he reformed on her shoulders. The man spun around with impressive speed, hand fisting around his pencil as if in readiness to throw. He relaxed the moment he noticed her. “Oh, hello.”
Celeste gave a tentative smile with lips that didn’t want to move. Her hand moved enough to give a jerky wave.
“I’m sorry if I startled you,” The man continued, “But I didn’t think anyone else knew of this place. You’re welcome to sit with me.” He patted the root beside him.
Stepping quickly around outstretched legs, Celeste took a seat some distance away – close enough to see and talk, but just far enough that if he turned out to be bad news she’d have enough time to get away. Arget settled on her lap easily enough, soothed the moment her fingers began carding through his feathers.
The man nodded towards the bird. “I have never seen such a bird before. Does he belong to you?”
Celeste shook her head – Arget belonged to no one – before pausing and nodding. It was more like she belonged to him. She pointed first at the man’s sketchbook and back at Arget. Are you still going to draw?
His response was a delighted smile and a pencil returned to paper. There was silence between them, broken only by the occasional coo as Celeste’s fingers picked tiny pieces of debris from cloud-soft feathers.
The silence gave Celeste space to think, and her mind immediately went to her argument with Professor Riven. Well, it was more like a rant – she wasn’t really able to respond the same way her teacher could. And how much she wanted to! She wanted to yell back at Professor Riven, scream about scared she was of hurting another student, and how the other students would react if she won, let along injured their friend. She wanted to confess to never fighting a human opponent before that first fight with him last week, how much easier she found it fighting trolls and ghouls and tricking angry trees into the river rapids. She wanted to tell him that she’d do better next time, she’d fight properly next time if she could just be sure – she didn’t want to get sent away if she hurt someone badly.
“Did you want to talk about it?” The intrusion of another voice into her thoughts shocked Celeste enough to send her backwards off her perch, hitting the ground hard enough to knock that air out of her. Arget took flight in surprise, alighting on a high branch.
A hand appeared in her face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realise you were so deep in thought.”
Celeste looked up warily into concerned eyes, arms lowering from where they’d moved to protect her head. She took the offered hand, shivering a little at its warmth, and didn’t protest as she was led to a closer seat than previously.
“Are you okay? That was a bit of a tumble.”
She nodded sheepishly. Idiot, she berated herself, pay more attention to your surroundings!
The man sighed. “That’s good.” His eyes were dark green, Celeste noticed, like the leaves on the trees. “I was just wondering if you wanted to talk – you looked upset.”
Her face screwed up into a grimace before she realised, and she tapped one finger against her throat, opening and closing her mouth for emphasis. She couldn’t talk. She’d tried.
“That’s alright. Talking out loud isn’t the only way to communicate.” The man turned the pages of his sketchbook –flashing a glimpse of bright greens and pinks, rich browns and paler yellows, an eye, a hand, a rose – before landing on a blank page. In flowing cursive, he wrote Is everything okay?
He held the pencil and page out to her, but Celeste shook her head. If she tried to write out her answers, they’d be sitting there all afternoon, if he could even read her handwriting. Instead, she grabbed her tablet, opening up to a text screen. I was just thinking about my teacher. I lost my fight and he was upset.
The man hummed before responding. Your teacher is Riven, right? When Celeste nodded, he continued, he can be very angry sometimes, but often he’s just covering up other things. He’s never as angry as you think.
Celeste shot him a disbelieving face – all high eyebrows and down tilted face like she’d seen the Institute students do – as she responded with He really did look angry. I don’t blame him much; I can’t explain things to him like the other students can. Celeste barely had to tilt the screen so the other could see, given their height difference and proximity. They weren’t touching, but she could feel his body heat and had to restrain herself from moving away. It was like being close to a fire, all prickly heat and tight skin that made her want to move, retreat to the comfort of cooler stone. It was like waiting for a blow that she couldn’t see coming.
Maybe you can try to explain it to me? And then you can show it to Riven later.
Maybe. Celeste tapped the side of the screen for a moment, thinking. The man sat patiently for her to continue.
I get scared when fighting, she began, but then backspaced a bit. I get scared of hurting people in practice fights. There, that was better.
The man nodded in understanding. I don’t enjoy fighting either. I am a pacifist in that I only fight when absolutely necessary to help those I care for.
Celeste frowned for a moment. She looked up at his face and saw the way it closed off. I’ve never heard of a pacifist before. I don’t think I’m one though. I like to fight, no, that wasn’t quite right either, I like learning how to fight, because it means getting strong and being able to protect myself and others. There, that sounded better.
The man’s face lightened some, and then she realised. I’m sorry! She wrote rapidly, I didn’t mean to be rude. If you don’t want to fight then you don’t have to. I just didn’t know what that word was.
That’s okay.
She frowned again. Why are you at a battle school if you don’t like fighting? Shouldn’t you be somewhere where you’re happy? She hadn’t been happy at the Institute, which was why Headmaster had sent her here, so she could learn properly.
He laughed. My uncle is the Headmaster, Professor Saladin. I’m being trained to take over from him because he wants to retire eventually. And I don’t hate it here. It’s like you wrote, I don’t mind learning how to protect people.
She pressed her lips together. If she could, she would have made that unimpressed sound of the Institute teachers always made. Okay.
When I was a student, some of the other kids didn’t like that I was Saladin’s nephew and a pacifist. I think they were insulted by the fact that I wanted to go to art school, not battle school.
I like art! I want to go to Linphea’s art museum one day!
I’m familiar with their artwork. My partner is from Linphea, and we’ve visited it a few times now. I’m sure she’d love to take you on a tour.
Celeste restrained herself from wiggling in excitement. He knew someone from Linphea!
But I believe we were talking about why you were upset. Why are you scared of hurting your opponent?
And that happy feeling was gone. It’s not that I’m scared I’m going to hurt them, it’s that I might hurt them badly. Another pause, another tap against the side of the screen. Did you hear about the practise dummy head that went flying through a window?
I was there when it hit the students. I thought Riven had done it, given how he was laughing.
Her blush was a radiant red. No, that was me. I hit the dummy too hard and it went flying.
The man hummed. So you’re afraid of knocking off your opponent’s head?
She glared at him. He was making fun of her! I’m not scared of knocking their heads off, I’m not stupid! I’m scared of hurting them really bad, like breaking their leg or something! I’m scared I’m going to accidently kill them and then I’m going to get sent back to the Institute and I don’t want to – no, it’s not that she doesn’t want to… I can’t go back there. Headmaster said so.
There was silence and stillness. The man looked at her words for longer than it would have taken to read them. He put his pencil to the page twice before actually starting to write. You haven’t mentioned any of this to Riven?
No. Like he’d listen if she tried. He’d probably tell her that she’s being stupid, or that she wouldn’t be able to hit them that hard because she’s a girl.
Have you hurt anyone like that?
No, but I haven’t fought people before. I don’t know how hard to hit. Celeste never needed to practise restraint when fighting trolls and ghouls – trolls had such tough skin that hitting them was like hitting the mountain, and the best way to get rid of ghouls is to send them flying. You couldn’t do that to people. At least, she didn’t see any of the other students fight like that.
Have you looked at your uniform? Really closely?
Celeste looked at him in confusion. What about her uniform? It was the same as everyone else wore – cream and navy-blue full-length bodysuit, with matching boots and gloves, and extra padding on the knees and elbows. The cape could get annoying at times, being a brighter shade of blue and knee length, with a clasp just under her right shoulder. Everyone had a different colour pin – hers was bright purple, like her eyes. What do you mean?
The man pointed at various places with his pencil even as he wrote. The suits are made of a special fabric to absorb some of the force from a blow. There’s extra padding over the chest and stomach, to protect your organs. The knees and elbows are reinforced in case you use them in a fight, so there’s less chance of injury there. The gloves protect your hands from being cut if you grab something sharp, but a proper phantoblade can still get through it.
She looked over the uniform with new eyes.
Think back to your own fight. Were you very injured?
No, I just got the wind knocked out of me. The realisation made her smile. The suit protected me from a lot of the damage.
Nodding, the man wrote, And you practise with bokken, not proper phantoblades, so you’re not at risk of getting cut either.
But I can still hurt people with them.
It’s better that they get hurt now with fake weapons, rather than later with real ones. Losing and winning are all learning experiences.
Celeste screwed up her mouth a little. I guess.
And we have some of the best doctors on hand in case of any serious injury. It’s never been needed in a freshman sparring class. The last time someone got seriously injured on campus, they were being stupid when celebrating after graduation and decided to jump off a balcony. And even that was only a few broken bones.
She giggled despite herself. Who jumps off balconies?
(Celeste does. Celeste jumps off balconies and out windows.)
Don’t worry too much about the other students. They’re in charge of protecting themselves in a battle, just like you’re in charge of protecting yourself. Defending others comes later. And even if you did seriously injure someone in a fight, it would be an accident. No one’s been expelled from Red Fountain for injuring someone in a sparring match. Injuring someone maliciously outside of the ring, yes, but I don’t think you’d do that.
Never! Celeste typed rapidly. Fighting is confined to the ring. Professor Codatorta made sure we were all aware of that. Glancing up, she shot the man a smile. Thanks for talking about this with me. No one has ever talked to me like this before. It’s fun!
For some reason, the man’s smile seemed sad. It was wonderful talking to you too Celeste. I’m always happy to have some company.
How did you know my name? She rapidly scrolled through her side of their conversation, trying to see where she’d written her name.
Professor Saladin told me. And so did Riven, in a way. I’ve never seen him so fired up about teaching someone. Normally he complains about all the students being idiots and unable of fighting their way out of a wet paper bag, and sometimes I’ve had to drag him out of the training room to get to his classes. Apparently you’re smart enough to find your way out of the bag, even if you might not be able to fight your way out of it.
She grinned. From Professor Riven, that’s a compliment!
The man laughed. From Riven, anything but outright disdain is a compliment.
So, if you know my name, can I know yours? Celeste was really curious. This was the second person at Red Fountain to be nice to her, and she didn’t want to keep calling him ‘the man’ in her head.
Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Helia, and I was on a squad with Riven when I was a student. I still kind of am, even if it’s not as official anymore.
Hesitantly, Celeste held out her hand. With a smile, the man – Helia – shook it. His hand was warm and dry. Somehow, the contact wasn’t scary, like she feared it would be. Instead, it was warm. Like Arget’s feathers.
Wildly, she looked up at the trees, and breathed a sigh of relief when she spotted him, napping in the branches. Helia followed her gaze. When he tapped her hand, she looked down to see your bird is beautiful.
I’m more like his human but thank you. After a moment, she added his name is Arget.
Helia looked like he was going to write something else, but his communicator started beeping. “I’m sorry,” he said, speaking out loud, “It seems my uncle needs me. I hope to see you again Celeste.”
As he stood, he flipped back a few pages in his sketchbook before tearing one out. He scratched something on it before folding it into quarters and handing it to her. He waved once before disappearing into the trees.
Unfolding it, Celeste saw the drawing of Arget. Written in Helia’s flowing hand was For Celeste. Feel free to come and have a chat with me whenever Riven is being especially insufferable.
Her hands were shaking. He gave me a drawing, she thought wildly. And – and he left me a note! Her chest felt tight, her eyes were burning, but it didn’t feel bad. It felt nice. It felt warm. Is this – is this what having a friend is like?
When Helia came across Riven in the communal area of their dorm, just a few hours after speaking with his uncle, he didn’t even think before asking, “So how is Celeste?
The look he got in return wasn’t nice. “What do you care about her?”
“I met her today. She was a little upset – you were disappointed in a freshman over losing a practise match?” That in itself was a little disappointing. He had hoped Riven would have a bit more compassion than that. Especially for someone who was behind every other student in terms of preparation.
Riven sighed. “It’s not that I’m disappointed in her losing, as much as – wait a minute! How did you know? How did she tell you?”
Helia really wished he could pull off the ‘one eyebrow’ unimpressed look his uncle could do with ease. “Talking isn’t the only way people communicate Riven.”
“I know, I know, it’s just…” The way Riven slumped onto one of the couches would have been amusing if it didn’t also look pitiful. “It’s different training a girl. Training a mute girl. I can barely train a normal student, let alone…”
“Maybe if you try thinking of her as a normal student, you’d have an easier time of it.” Helia took a seat at the man’s side. “Now what were you saying about not being disappointed in her? Because Celeste is under the impression that you’re upset with her.”
“It’s – it’s not that she lost. It’s that I know she can do better.” Riven leaned back against the couch, facing the ceiling. “Her ability to learn kata’s is incredible Helia. She learns them and applies them just fine on the practise dummies. But the second she stepped into the arena, it’s like she’d forgotten everything she’d learned. Her hits wouldn’t have bruised a fairy! And then, afterwards, I heard some of the things the other students were saying. Things that, if they had been saying them to me, I would have decked them for. And she ignored them. She walked past like she couldn’t hear them!”
Riven shot to his feet and began pacing. “But I know she heard them – that girl has ears like a bat, I swear. She heard them, but she didn’t say anything against it. She didn’t do anything against it. And that’s what frustrates me.”
“That she has better self-control than you do?” Helia said dryly. Not that it would be hard. He’s like a firework – once set off, he can’t be stopped.
“That she had no pride,” Riven corrected. “She doesn’t seem to have any pride in herself as a warrior.”
“Really? Did you ask her about any of this? Ask her about why she did so badly in the arena, or why she ignored those students? In my opinion, ignoring them was her best move. Better to show them up in the arena than try to make empty boasts after the fact. Not to mention, Celeste is mute. What were you expecting her to do?”
“I did ask her!” Riven looked at him darkly. “I even asked her to write it down on her tablet! But she did nothing!”
“Did you ask, or did you immediately start accusing her of things?”
By the way Riven’s face stiffened, and his eyes shifted, Helia could guess that the answer was no.
“She’s your student Riven. She’s struggling and she needs your support. Talk to her, not at her.”
Riven threw his hands up. “I’m trying!”
“Then try harder.” Helia’s voice was sharp. “It’s your responsibility as a teacher to help your student, and she was putting out some pretty big HELP ME signs. It shouldn’t have fallen to me to talk about her concerns.”
“Concerns?” The worry in Riven’s voice gave Helia hope. “What was she concerned about?”
“That’s something you’re going to need to ask her.”
The shadows were back. They were different this time, no river and more trees. Her hands (not her hands) were now carrying something cold and rough. It bit into her palms. She only walked for a little while longer before stopping.
With great care, she placed the rock on the shadowy ground. As her head turned (it was too light and too heavy at the same time, no swish of long hair) she could see more stones, ringing halfway around a grassless circle. She could smell something burning.
That deep voice spoke. “Soon.”
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trashcankitty12 · 4 years
TV Show Tag Game
I was tagged by @darkpoisonouslove
rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) people.
1. Legends of Tomorrow
3. Winx Club
4. Supergirl
5. Steven Universe
what’s your favourite character from 1?
Hmmm.... Probably between Mick Rory and Sara Lance. Mick because he’s so unapologetically himself, even as he starts to grow and change a little. And Sara is the confident leader (after season 1) and I just... Love her chaotic bisexual energy.
who’s your least favourite character in 2?
Fuck.... There’s so many. There was a Ted Bundy-esque dude who I really fucking hated. And I despised this guy named Dearing.... And I wasn’t a fan of this back-up team that came in to hunt the P2P killer (port to port killer). Not to mention Chip was an asshole. And the Cartel Siblings that tried to kill/destroy Gibbs’ life....
what’s your favourite episode of 4?
I loved this episode in (i think it was season 3? or four?) when Kara and J’onn go to Mars and we see bits and pieces of J’onn’s past and we meet his father (who voiced J’onn in the Justice League cartoon!)
what is your favorite season of 5?
I really liked Steven Universe Future, the final season. It was... Cathartic and it answered many questions that I had. And it showed Steven growing up and learning more how to deal with himself and his own problems instead of the problems of those around him. 
what’s your favorite couple of 3?
Flora and Helia. They clicked in just the right way. (Though I wish canon in both the comics and the show would at least try to line up instead of changing every time. But whatever.)
(My favorite non-canon/potentially canon in the past couple is Valtor/Griffin though... Just saying.)
what’s your favorite couple in 2?
This is a loaded question because damn does this have all the ships... But I’m going to have to say Tiva-TonyxZiva. They had chemistry from day 1 and it just escalated from there. Even now, after they’ve both left the team, they’re together with their daughter, Tali. (Who is played by an adorable little girl who’s name I can’t seem to find.)
what’s your favorite episode in 1?
I have quite a few. But the top is 1.03: Blood Ties.
One, we get to see how badass Sara Lance is and how awesome her training is. 
We also get to see the limits of time travel and how sometimes “time wants to happen”. (Meaning you can’t just change fate.) This is a whole conversation brought on because Leonard Snart aka Captain Cold goes into the past to try and stop his father from going to jail the first time around. (Spoiler: It doesn’t work and Lewis Snart still ends up being an abusive bastard.)
what’s your favorite episode in 5?
On the Run. Holy shit this episode started off as the usual feel-good/filler episode... But then it quickly turned into more.
We see Amethyst’s roots and how she came to be and... And we see a glimpse into her self-loathing and I just... I want to cry thinking about it because it just... Hit home in so many ways.
what’s your favorite season in 2?
I’d say Season 3, simply because we’re introduced to Ziva. Or Season 4 (or was it 5) in which the team gets caught up in an inter-agency investigation that almost threatens their jobs....
how long have you been watching 1?
I’ve watched it since it first came out. I thought it’d be interesting, and boy... I wasn’t wrong.
how did you get into 3?
That’s a funny story... I was a kid and my local Cartoon Network (yes, it aired on CN for the first season, way back in the day XD )and I saw the ad for a new fairy show and was like ‘oh, this’ll be cool’. Little did I know how sucked in I would become.. XD
favorite actor in 4?
David Harewood. He’s the Martian Manhunter and I just... I love him. I also really love Katie McGrath... But I’m also in love with her so... XD
which do you prefer? 1, 2 or 5?
Currently 5. It just aired it’s final episodes and I’m still not over it. 
which show have you seen more of, 1 or 3?
Technically I’ve seen more of 1, simply because I’ve not seen the end of one of the Winx seasons and I’ve missed one of the movies. But I’ve seen every episode, so far, of Legends.
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Do I have to be an actual character or can I create a character? I like me, but I think I’d like a version of me that’s a superhero. XD (I guess M’gann if I have to be... I hate how they did her story for Supergirl, but I do love the idea of being a Martian.)
would a crossover of 3 and 4 work?
Winx and Supergirl? Well... I mean... Stranger things have happened on both shows. (Supergirl even has an inter-dimensional imp that pops in from time to time to screw shit up. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he sent Kara and her friends into the Winx world. Also, picture this, a transformation sequence as Kara and her friends become their superhero selves. Just picture it.) 
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Charlie and Constantine. They have this chaotic energy about them and I just... I live for it, okay? The chaos. The magic. The fun.
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Winx or Steven Universe? Well... With the way things have been so far.... Steven Universe. I’m sorry, but they kept up with continuity and did awesome stuff and I just... I’m sorry, but they did better than Winx.
which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
NCIS or Supergirl? NCIS. Just... It has quite the soundtrack for seventeen seasons.
Tagging: @meluisart and @electra-jolts-magnetism and anyone else who wishes to do this.
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solaetis-moved-blog · 5 years
TITLE: Nihilism WORD COUNT: 2,444 CHARACTERS: Caster (Medea) / Rider (Jason) SUMMARY: Medea's searching for Gawain, who had been missing for days, and encounters Jason in Chaldea. NOTES: Content warning for Sexism, slut-shaming, domestic violence, murder and idk it's just full of fucked up things. Sheep and I discussed about what would happen if Jason had been summoned in Chaldea when Medea is already in love with Gawain. Some Euripides’ Medea references and some other modernized Greek works cause I’m a nerd.
Of all people she could have encountered in the empty halls of Chaldea, it just had to be him. His face is familiar. She would know it in life, she would know it in death. The renowned Captain of the Argo, the eloquent leader of men. Most would argue about his disposition, claim him useless in the field and can contribute nothing when war ensues. Medea personally knows that this is untrue.
She had seen first hand just how Jason, son of Aeson, led a fleet of men with his words.
He was arrogant and self-indulgent, but which man was not? In the wooden grounds of the ship deck, he would glance at his men with an expression most calm and calculating. In his silence, his mind could procure several options which promised unrivaled victory. In impossible situations, he had saved the lives of most just by commanding. Ten men alone led by him could defeat thousands, but only if he was the mind behind their every action. She could see why a man like Jason was needed to preserve the future of humanity. If she had to admit a painful truth, it would be that between the both of them, he is less likely to put a taint in their pact with the provisional Master and put to waste the significant progress they have made by now.
So when she met his eyes, his eyes that seemed to bore into her person just as fiercely, she could not help but feel as if she was being choked. From here, she would deny his hold upon her neck, though from ill fate of the world, it is undoubtedly permanent at this point.
"What a sore mistake. In this realm where heroes are called forth, you know as well as I do you are the least suitable to be here," he spoke to her, breaking the long and winding silence between them in sheer seconds. Like before, he spoke to her menacingly, as if disgusted by not just her existence, but the fact that she has the mighty gall to breathe in his presence. "Medea."
Broadened eyes were hidden under her hood. He had claimed exactly the truth which began to penetrate her mind.
"You are not so heroic yourself," she barked back, instilling confidence in every word she had uttered as to announce that he did not terrify her, nor will she ever come to do such a thing. She was in her search for a certain man, and that man happened to not be Jason. No, that man will never be him again. For her hatred towards her former husband is incurable. Her endless love before had been unfortunately replaced with unending ferocity and excessive wrath.
She would say more, but Jason's demeanor petrified her from doing so. A damning slavery it must be to be silenced in this manner, thoughts imprisoned and unable to be shared.
"Compared to you?" he raised his brows and huffed with the same haughtiness he used to have. "I must be. You will make even demons themselves appear divine in the eyes of Gods."
Her gloved fists tightened behind her back. She must not show it. He must not bear audience once again to her vexing state, for he will not let her live it down if he were to find out that even now his words hold weight.
"What are you, if not a vile woman? In your loathing, you will burn everything and slaughter even your own children."
Upon hearing this, Medea refused to be silenced further.
'I did not kill them,” she begged herself to scream in retaliation for this disrespect, but even she, herself, is not sure if it would be true. She recalled the lack of warmth in the body of their children as she found them lifeless in the soils of Corinth. What occurred before it? Her life had been a blur in that moment. Every men and women she had killed were clear in her mind, but this. She does not remember. She cannot plead herself to even out of desperation.
Why would she? It was not what happened. Medea did not kill her children. She was the first to find their corpses, yes, but the bastardization of her tale had installed upon her Spirit Origin to claim responsibility for an act she did not commit. It was the Corinthians who feared her and her actions. Jason will not believe her even if she is aware of this, so her lack of knowledge in this lie does not and will not change anything.
"Who are you to speak this way to me? I became this way because I had loved you with all of my soul! You had taken me away from my home and only it was I who suffered the consequences of worshiping your name! You claim that the Goddess Aphrodite had installed upon me this foolishness, driven me to this state. You are wrong! Aphrodite could not be any more mistaken! I had loved you for I had seen you as a man greater than your accomplishments and ambitions! T'was why I had been so willing to be of use to you! Yet you discarded me like a harlot you were already done pleasuring yourself with! There is no justice to speak here, Jason. You are but a naive soul in the throes of love!"
The tone of her voice kept on rising. Each remark from Jason a cruel punishment. He felt the same. Medea had never failed in leaving his heart most scorched. Like mad mutts they exchanged demeaning sentences.
"What do you know about love, Medea? WHAT DO YOU KNOW? You would kill a man in his sleep if he had done so much as to unknowingly peeve you. The fair Aphrodite might have cursed you to be enamored by me, but she had not cursed you to become a slaughterer! Each action done by you is a result of your pampered lineage! Do not speak to me about love. You are a woman who had cut your kin to pieces and dress up such a vile act as assistance. I had brought you in Helias, guaranteed your fame in the same way I had earned mine. You think the world would know of your name had you not met me? You will not be even a dent in history otherwise, and how did you repay me? By trampling over the meaning of our quest! It is by you that we had obtained the Golden Fleece, but it is also by you that I had been unable to claim the throne that quest was devoted for!"
She found herself trembling. Quite perturbed. Not frightened, but vulnerable. As if each venom in Jason's tongue threatened to dismantle the woman within her all over again.
"I had loved you, truthfully."
Liar. Nothing but falseness in his words. Because he lied so often that he is no longer a man to be trusted even in his genuine honesty.
"And I needed not a Goddess' curse to prove that. In your slaying of Pelias, I had lost all right to reclaim the Iolcus throne, and had earned the ire and disrespect of the Argonauts. You never heard a word from me in spite of it all! I ran away with you, loved you still as I had vowed, treated like a foreigner in my own homeland with no home to call mine. Marrying another woman is so small of a betrayal compared to what you had taken from me!"
Her mind should not stop to reminisce how he placed his lips against hers on the ship's deck. How he had lain with her most nights with anxiousness shored away from his face, eyes gleaming with nothing but fervent love. The vows he announced to the Gods, how proud and victorious he looked when he loudly named her his wife. She must not remember this. She must not even look at it. She cannot take it.
"...the oaths you swore..."
With labored breathing, it was all Medea could reply.
"My oaths?" Jason scoffed, disgusted upon hearing this. "Yes, I had sworn to love you until we are of old age. But see, Medea, it was my mouth that swore, not my soul."
No. She will not hear more of this. No more. Her mind will break again.
Upon meeting Sir Gawain, she had promised herself she will not return to her menacing ways. She will bid goodbye to the woman she became and died as. Jason... Jason will never take this away from her.
So she turned her back with unwavering pride, no longer bothered by the words of an old ghost. She understood that he did not desire to be with her until the end. Why, he was an aging man, with beard and hair as thick as the wall he had placed between them. It was no longer suitable to remain married to a woman who was beginning to appear in the eyes of the mass as more so his child than his beloved wife in comparison.
She must let go. She must not let the past define her present. She must only be happy now, with someone else's devotion towards her. She must only think of the people who love and adore her.
She cannot help it. Her wrathful self will not allow her to leave his sight without a venom matching his own. So with her remained uninhibited, once again, she bit agonizingly into his heart.
"Go home to your wife and bury her."
Then, what occurred from here should have been expected, and yet she found herself utterly at lost for words and reaction to give. She held her swelling cheek and felt the harshness of Jason's touch. 
He had slapped her. 
He had lain his hand upon her again and without holding his strength back. She turned, idly, to feel delighted in the face he was making. Jason's anger is the only fuel she needed to resume her wickedness. Medea unequipped her robe, the expression upon her face clearing away what remained of her composed self. This mere satisfaction from earning his ire had driven her quite insane.
And his most loathed witch took quick steps to spit more painful words at his face, "HOW DOES IT FEEL?" she questioned him as she glared at him with pleased and insane passion. "TO HAVE MY TEETH IN YOUR HEART?"
And another slap came to greet her skin, this time accompanied with his violent fingers now wrapped around her throat. She once admired how beautiful his hands were. So easy to hold onto things it valued and just as easy to let go of things that were no longer convenient. It coiled so harshly upon her and her back almost shattered the wall she was pinned into. Raised up in the air, her feet could do nothing but feel the strangeness of being afloat without her consent. He had broken the bones of her spine with his spiteful push, but nothing is more painful than watching him laugh at her, so this is the far better outcome.
"YOU WILL NEVER EVER SPEAK OF GLAUCE AGAIN," he warned her, his teeth visibly grating, shockingly audible even. "Like I do not know the telltale from here. My goody two shoes wife had gotten unbearably familiar with another man. So whoring yourself to the King of Athens was not enough for you? If you hadn't been cursed by Aphrodite to become in love with me, for certain you would spread your legs to every man of the Argo just as much."
Right when she had been forgiven by the Gods she disappointed*, once again Medea would fall victim to wrath. She closed her eyes, sorrow leaving her body, only replaced with wrath, and wrath, and wrath all over again.
Thanatos, Hades, Persephone, Nyx and Circe... If you hear me, I know greatly of the evil deed I am about to commit. You shall bear witness to the burning skies ahead. How I shall feed these flames with unparalleled scorn.
In the name of Hecate who had seen in me great possibilities, And remains sheltered within me. I must once again upset you all, for Zeus had granted men knowledge to determine fake gold from true, but never brand a man to warn women that he must be avoided. By Lady Hecate--
No man will cast upon me tremendous pain and live long enough to rejoice about it.
A dagger materialized upon her hand, Rule Breaker, all prepared to bring divine judgement upon the world's most traitorous man. What will she do, a soul bitten into with wrong? She will storm the Gods and shake the universe.
And she would have done so if not for his words which followed.
"Even if you are to kill me in this life, I shall come back and meet your new man. Does he know the immoralities which surrounds you? The amount of dead body upon your hands? How you do not blink and how you sleep so peacefully after a murder? Remember this well whenever you ponder about harming me or touching me with your filthy hands. I will always come back. I will come back and remind you again of what you are, and in this life, Medea, I promise you--
That you will never know happiness once again. I will ruin everything you hold dear, as you had proudly done upon me."
Jason, without care for her well-being, released her and in his frustration kicked her by the waist, nothing but a slump of meat in his eyes. She is the reason for his greatest sorrows, and in turn he is behind her every pain. As Medea crumbled upon the ground, holding herself firmly, she began to soundlessly weep-- pain born from his physical assault and mental torment, though the latter was what she continued to lament. Her past mishaps, the cruelty she had acted upon are things she had prepared herself to tell Sir Gawain personally in the days that she had come to appreciate him. If Jason were to take that right from her, she would demand Zeus to strike her once again for dying would be better than this.
From hereon, she must begin to forget him and his warmth. He cannot know such crimes from someone else's mouth but hers. She will not be able to survive it. His eyes which only looked at her with admiration and appreciation-- If abhorrence were to replace it...
She would... She would...
Once again, she had become Jason's slave.
*: My Medea interacted to a wide number of Greek God roleplayers in the time I have written her on Twitter and they all seem to have forgiven her for her past crimes and thought her deserving of a place in Elysium.
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