#Hemp Bath Salt
buryyourloyalty · 9 months
i think a nice bubble bath is just what the doctor ordered😮‍💨
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mushroomates · 7 months
samwise gamgee headcanons:
enjoys doing the dishes and folding laundry
love language is quality time or acts of service
likes to give sprouts and seedlings to friends and neighbors
nerd about mushrooms and
keeps a hoard of ladybugs to deploy at any time
windowsill is lined with old jars and bottles, filled with clippings for propagation
he gives the best slices of pie and best baked cookies to others. will keep “defects” for himself- they taste just as good
favorite cookies are “everything but the kitchen sink” where he throws a bunch of stuff into the bowl (fruit, pretzels, nuts) and puts it into a cookie
has like 80 pillows on every couch/bed/chair
in addition to the 50-something blankets also piled high
“please, have a seat” he says. ha, no. any surface you could possibly settle onto is adorned with elaborate spreads of throws and such.
has a fruitcake that is legit an heirloom. it’s so stale it’s a brick. you can use it as a doorstop, stepping-stool, or a bludgeoning weapon. (note: has been used for all. he once chucked it at a late night visitor. this is how he learned frodo takes late walks at night. this is also how frodo learned that sam has an arm on him)
his great aunt made it forever ago and honestly he doesn’t know if it’s still good. he keeps it around because it’s been with him so long he feels bad throwing it out.
likes pecan pie! goes nuts (pun intended) for it.
roast his own chestnuts, pecans and walnuts. has a strange grudge against macadamia nuts. (almost choked on one as a child)
very cozy. has scarves and mittens and even slippers (GASP) at the ready
likes to watch the rain with a cup of tea for hours on end
takes his tea with honey, two sugars, and cream. it barely counts as tea.
enjoys bubble baths.
guerrilla gardening. sam is a force to be reckoned with on this front. he is a strong advocate for native plants and will gut someone over deforestation.
carries a salt shaker filled with seeds everywhere. kind of just. shakes it around empty plots of land.
has a hostile land grab once a month and slowly expands the baggin’s garden by an inch, until it takes up nearly the whole estate.
has a great misconception about the appropriate amount to discuss you garden with someone. this is because:
he tends to talk about this to frodo, who will listen, good naturedly
frodo also prevents anyone from talking over sam or changing the subject
most hobbits are to polite (passive aggressive) and don’t have the skills to subtly change the subject in a way sam understands
and if he does recognize the effort he will avoid it
likes to try new recipes but at the same time never follows them
knows a great deal about farming hemp. this is because merry and pippin recruited him into their pipeweed shenanigans and now sam has unintentionally created a strain of the good stuff that has hobbits traveling miles to get their hands on
loves his houseplants like children. they have names and backstory and a rich inner life that he has created that could fill a book
is fighting a battle with english ivy at the moment and only slightly loosing it. it’s suffocating the tree outside his house and he’s not very happy with it.
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hvitserkk · 1 year
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TARGARYEN WEEK Day 4: Favourite Historic Event
“'Yield now, Aegon began, "and you may remain as Lord of the Iron Islands. Yield now, and your sons will live to rule after you. I have eight thousand men outside your walls.” “What is outside my walls is of no concern to me,” said Harren. “Those walls are strong and thick.” “But not so high as to keep out dragons. Dragons fly.” “I built in stone,” said Harren. “Stone does not burn.” To which Aegon said, “When the sun sets, your line shall end.” Then Harren the Black retired to his tower, surrounded by his household guard, to sup with his remaining sons. As the last light of the sun faded, Black Harren’s men stared into the gathering darkness, clutching their spears and crossbows. When no dragon appeared, some may have thought that Aegon’s threats had been hollow. But Aegon Targaryen took Balerion up high, through the clouds, up and up until the dragon was no bigger than a fly upon the moon. Only then did he descend, well inside the castle walls. On wings as black as pitch Balerion plunged through the night, and when the great towers of Harrenhal appeared beneath him, the dragon roared his fury and bathed them in black fire, shot through with swirls of red. Stone does not burn, Harren had boasted, but his castle was not made of stone alone. Wood and wool, hemp and straw, bread and salted beef and grain, all took fire. Nor were Harren’s ironmen made of stone. Smoking, screaming, shrouded in flames, they ran across the yards and tumbled from the wallwalks to die upon the ground below. And even stone will crack and melt if a fire is hot enough. The riverlords outside the castle walls said later that the towers of Harrenhal glowed red against the night, like five great candles…and like candles, they began to twist and melt as runnels of molten stone ran down their sides.” — Fire & Blood, Aegon’s Conquest  
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pinksoullesswench · 7 months
Cute, cozy ways to survive winter
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- buy a winter-ish tea to warm you up in the morning and the evening. You can also make your own mix (I love cranberry and elderberry)
- take vitamin D3 to boost your mood and prevent seasonal depression
- take beta carotin to have a glowy, tanned skin even without the sunlight
- get a good quality jacket from a material like wool or hemp (eco), and yes, it will cost a lot, but it's worth it. It keeps your warmer than any cheaper jacket and will last longer. A tip from a broke girl: I started to save up money in June. Also I search only in second-hand stores. I also recommend a faux fur. You can already find nice finds for 90€
- few times a week, make yourself a little bath for your feet. After a cold day, pour hot water into a bowl and put some nice bathing salts or etheric oils, I usually do smth that smells like pine trees. Super relaxing and warms your feet ^^
- read winter-ish books. They help to romanticize the cold time and make the season much more special
- get yourself a nice thick pair of socks that you will enjoy wearing during the winter
- dress warm. I have a special thermal set that I always put under my clothes. Avoid wearing jeans, for they will only make you freeze. Wear thick sweaters (I love cashmere, I bought one cheap in a second hand store), or long warm skirts or dresses (they make me feel girly and special during the cold time) remember, when you buy expensive, good quality clothes keep them in natural colors so they're universal and timeless. Remember: the time of cute outfits is over, now we're in the survival mode
- you can add yourself some color with pretty gloves and hats. I love wearing slavic scarves during the winter to honor my heritage
- when buying a shower gel, perfume, shampoo or body lotion peak smells that remind you of winter. I go for mandarine/ orange scents 😊🍊
- drink vitamin c in the morning!!!
- choose a thicker cream for your face, nothing water-based. Your skin needs special care and protection during the winter. I have an acne prone, oily skin, and I still choose thicker creams, so don't be afraid to do the same. My go-to for winter is a levera cream for sensitive skin and a black cumin seed oil. I also like products from PinusVital.
- uv still exists during winter so don't forget a sunscreen!
- decorate your apartment, room or house with winter decor. I'd defiently focus more on winter related things since they will last until March. Christmas things tend to be thrown away much quicker after Christmas. There's so many cute ideas!
- get yourself a sun clock. It's a lamp you put by your bed, which imitates the sunshine. It's especially useful in early mornings since we humans aren't programmed to be waking up in full darkness. It helps to wake up your body :)
- get yourself a bunch of candles and light them in the evening. Element of fire has always been crucial for our ancestors during these trying times
- every single week plan to do something new. It can be finding a new song or new album, going to a restaurant or a coffee shop you've never been to before, learning something new, visiting a place you haven't seen yet, trying out a new recipe, even taking a different rode back from work/school, write a new poem, start a new book, watch a new movie, keep yourself entertained by little things
- out of the same principle, try to redecorate or change placement of furniture from time to time. Our brains get easily bored and especially during winter it can be very depressing. Brains need the change to stay healthy and fit
- especially during cold times, a community is really important. Even if you're an introverted person, it doesn't mean you should stay alone all the time. Humans are social beings, and we need contacts to one another. During winter months and long evenings, loneliness can be very hard. Try looking for a local book club or knitting club or any other club you'd enjoy. Download Bumble BFF it's an app that helps you to find friends! Volunteer at your local senior house or even your local dog shelter. Being constantly alone has literally never done anyone any good.
- burn incenses to boost energies in your household (any time it's needed, of course if you believe in stuff like this :) ) I recommend orange incense (brings luck and happiness)
- spend time outside. During the week I barely have time but every weekend I try to go on a walk possibly out in the nature. Your mental state regulates this way. Just 15 minutes of walk outside each day can boost your mood. Believe me, it comes from a person who struggled a lot with depressions.
- don't forget to eat well. You burn more calories during the winter because your body uses lots of energy to keep itself warm. Eat regular, well-balanced food portions. I love vegetarian food magazines that offer amazing seasonal recipes, so you cook with vegetables and fruits that actually grow during the winter. I think it adds more magic and meaning to the season to cook with seasonal food.
- wake up early. And early can be different for every person, but sleeping in every day is not proven to be healthy. Sleeping in causes chronic diseases, slows down your metabolism, and can cause social problems. Of course, there's nothing wrong with having one slower day, but having a crazy sleeping schedule can get you in sleep debt that will not result in anything productive.
- pick projects you want to accomplish during winter like for example my projects are: learn about local birds and mammals, make a little house in my local forest, learn how to diy fairy houses, learn how to knit :)
❄️Remember that winter time is the time to slow down and relax. Look around at nature and see how everything is seemingly dead and waiting for the spring. Don't worry if you're not being great all the time or constantly achieving new milestones because it's totally fine to calm down after many months of work. I know that the capitalism convinced us that we should always work, no matter what, but I just want you to remember that nature intended otherwise and of you're more tired and sleepy during these months that's totally normal. Just be kind to yourself.❄️
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kangamommynow · 6 months
I have sciatica and bursitis. I have a fallen arch in one foot. I have pinched nerves in my neck that cause numbness in my hands. I’m a fucking mess. I hurt pretty much all the time. (This isn’t fibro level pain, this is 2-4 on the pain scale)
Nothing I’ve found is particularly helpful. I use a combination of massage/stretching/ epsom salt baths/ supplements/D8/OTC pain relief/ hope and ignoring to try to manage it.
I have tried so many options and haven’t found anything I’m really happy with. The doctors I’ve seen either proscribe Gabepentin (I’ve described how that affects me for a full day) or Aleve. I’ve done physical therapy.
I’ve tried creams and rubs. I’ve tried epsom salt baths and magnesium creams. Those are helpful for muscle related things but less effective on nerves and joints. I’ve used hemp and CBD creams. Those are sometimes effective-ish for a short while.
I don’t like the “icy hot” type things that focus on surface nerves with menthol, curcumin, peppermint oils. Those don’t help at all and just make my skin feel strange.
I don’t generally like lidocaine applications either although I’ll do it in a pinch. Numbing the area is sometimes a useful measure for brief periods.
There are 4 million products out there. None of it is regulated and most of it is crap. Some focus on frankincense and myrrh, some on menthol, some on arnica, some on hemp.
If anyone has any recommendations, I’d appreciate it.
I’m too young to have chronic pain.
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cpunkwitch · 7 days
hey, benji here to ask about herbs again:> 1. do you have any resource recommendations for chronic pain and herbs, I am trying to find ways to get started, but I really don't want to end up in an MLM or something lol and 2. are there any tips you have for someone who is just starting to look into this for pain treatment? (also sorry if you have answered these before, my memory is terrible)
Hi! Just woke up so brains a little slow
When it comes to herbs and pain management, lavender and hemp combos are my go to. Bubble bath, bath salt, cream etc
Lavender is very calming and relaxing and anything that can relax your muscles and nerves can make pain a little easier to handle, the less tension in your body the better.
Any herbs with a relaxing effect, even with association to water, can help be relaxing. Some herbs will have more of that effect in tea than anything but lavender is #1 for its variety of uses.
As for tips to people new to using herbs for their body, yes.
Major warning, be careful of allergies. If you are at all allergic to any plants or anything in products that have those herbs, ne very aware of that.
I don't want anyone making themselves feel worse instead of better if they have an allergy to something they use.
If you aren't sure, either get tested or test it out in a very cautious small amount. A light touch of the plant or product to your skin and if there are signs of a reaction wash it off immediately and dont use it.
Always check the ingredients of products before buying or using them incase there's something you can't have it it.
And if you have pets as well definitely keep things far out of their reach.
If you have a doctor ask if they recommend any specific products for muscle relaxant. Some doctors have an idea of what might work for you or what might be available for you to try out.
Creams or scrubs with lavender and melatonin can make it easier to sleep with pain.
Granted growing and using herbs for pain management isn't always very effective at least not compared to something like prescribed medication, but it does ease the body at the very least.
If you think it'll help go for it.
I will add on my plant list what plants can also assist with matters of the body like lavenders calming effect and aloes healing.
I hope this helped a little for now though!
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madamlaydebug · 9 months
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Is CBD Oil Safe and Worth Your Money?
A medical cannabis expert weeds the hype from the truth about the herbal cure for pain, depression, anxiety and insomnia.
You can’t turn on a daytime TV program or flip open a lifestyle magazine without hearing or reading about CBD, short for cannabidiol. It’s the biggest buzzword in holistic health news, and statistically speaking, it is expected to reach around 1.8 billion dollars in U.S. consumer sales by 2022, a whopping increase from around half a billion dollars in 2018.
What exactly is CBD?
CBD is the non-intoxicating component of the cannabis sativa plant. Cannabis plants can either be classified as hemp or marijuana depending on the quantity or percentage of THC in either plant. This distinction was established by the FDA: Cannabis plants with 0.3 percent or less of THC are considered hemp and those with more that 0.3 percent are consider marijuana.
So in a nutshell, CBD that is derived from hemp will not make you high. You should also ask your primary physician about using CBD while taking medications.
Kisha Vanterpool, medical director of Medicinally Jointed, a medical cannabis spa and alternate health practice located in South Philadelphia, says the biggest misconception her patients have is understanding the difference between CBD and THC.
“Some associate CBD solely with cannabis (marijuana) which carries its own stigma of being used to attain a high,” the board-certified internist explains. “But really, cannabis is an herbal medicine that has many benefits. Through educating my patients around the plant as medicine and how it interacts within our bodies, patients then become more open to its use.”
What is CBD used for?
Studies show consumers are using CBD — sold in oils, lotions, balms, bath salts, coffee, oral sprays and gummies — as a specific therapy for pain, anxiety, depression and sleep disorders. Depending on the product, prices range from $20 to $100.
Nira Hyman turned to CBD three years ago to help manage chronic back pain and joint inflammation she’s endured for about 15 years. The 46-year-old was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, a type of rheumatoid arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis, which affects the spine.
“Chronic pain is quite isolating, so I’m open to trying almost anything. My research led me to THC, then to CBD. It helps mute the pain. It’s still there, but the volume of the pain is dialed down. CBD doesn’t manage my pain on its own, but using that along with other stuff on my regimen can make a difference,” she says.
“Most of what I use is handmade. It’s expensive but worth it. Friends ship balms or soaks to me. And yes, the sellers are Black. I believe strongly that Black women belong in the cannabis industry, so the louder our voices the better.”
The Brooklyn, New York, native also uses CBD to alleviate anxiety. “It may be a placebo effect, but I do feel it helps my anxiety. And I prefer using something that’s natural and naturally medicinal. I’d much rather take CBD — and I do use high doses — than opioids. My doctors agree, off the record,” says Hyman.
Vanterpool recommends CBD to her female patients to help them with anxiety, insomnia, hot flashes, menstrual cramps, endometriosis and other chronic pain. When shopping for CBD products, she suggests consumers research the product “to ensure that it truly contains CBD and has been tested for contaminants such as pesticides, bacteria and fungus/mold.”
Is CBD FDA-regulated?
Not currently. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently published a consumer update on its website (FDA.gov) that addresses the claims that cannabinoid (CBD) is a cure-all, risk-free miracle drug.
Although the FDA is presently gathering data from health professionals, cannabis industry representatives and patients to learn more about the efficacy of CBD, the agency wrote, "there are many unanswered questions about the science, safety and quality of products containing CBD.”
Where can I find CBD products in my area, and is it legal in all fifty states?
Remember the 69-year-old grandmother from North Carolina who was arrested at Disney World for packing CBD oil in her purse?
Federal law says CBD oil products are legal to possess if they contain no more than 0.3 percent THC, and CBD products are readily available online. Do your research to find products that are safe, effective and legal. Consumerreports.org has an informative guide. Be aware, however, that some states like Florida, Ohio and Texas generally don’t differentiate hemp from marijuana. So before you purchase or travel with CBD, check the state laws.
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How Drawing A Bath Can Be Your New Self-Care Ritual
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We all know the invigorating power of a quick shower. But sometimes, what we really crave is a deeper level of relaxation, a chance to truly unwind and melt away the stress. That's where the magic of drawing a bath comes in.
Let's face it, showers are convenient. They're fast, efficient, and perfect for a busy morning. But compared to a relaxing bath, they often fall short on the self-care front. Taking a bath isn't just about feeling pampered. It offers a surprising range of benefits:
Relaxation: Warm water soothes tired muscles, while the act of soaking itself can ease tension and calm your mind.
Improved Circulation: The warmth promotes blood flow, leaving you feeling energized and refreshed.
Pain Relief: A warm bath can be particularly helpful after a workout or for those dealing with chronic pain.
Better Skin: Warm water opens your pores, allowing for a deeper cleanse. Using natural essential oils and products like Pure Castile Liquid Soap can further enhance your skin's health.
Now that you know the benefits, it's time to create your own personal bath oasis. Here are some tips:
Temperature: Aim for warm, not scalding, water.
Natural Products: Enhance your experience with bath salts, essential oils, or bath bombs. Opt for natural ingredients like lavender for its calming properties. Try the Hemp Lavender Body Wash while soaking. 
Ambiance: Set the mood with candles, essential oils for aromatherapy, or calming music.
Extras: Don't forget a comfy bathrobe and fluffy towels to complete the experience.
Drawing a bath isn't just about hygiene - it's about taking a moment for yourself. So light some candles, put on some relaxing music, and let the stress melt away. After all, you deserve it!
This International Bath Day, ditch the shower routine and create a luxurious bath experience with Dr. Natural's natural bath and body products. From calming scents to nourishing ingredients, Dr. Natural has everything you need to transform your bathroom into a personal sanctuary. So light some candles, put on some relaxing music, and let the stress melt away. Your mind and body will thank you for it!
Bonus Tip: After your bath, use a good quality body lotion to lock in moisture and keep your skin feeling soft and pampered with Dr. Natural’s Pure Castile Body Lotion!
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long-hot-stories · 2 months
The Peddler & the Fairy: Part 9
The girls continue their shopping.
In 10 parts, by Scholarly Mori. Listen to the Podcast at Explicit Novels.
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"Now to go get new clothes!" Azalea sang as they exited the goblin smith's shop. She was happy and a bit amused, watching Chitchat walk unsteadily trying to acclimate to her new accessory.
"Yes, we've had enough distractions for one day," asserted Reina.
"We have a bit of a walk," groused Chitchat. "This way."
The job Chitchat had anticipated to be simple was proving more than she and her rear had bargained for. She rubbed her temples. Friendship assplugs? Really? Who even thinks of something like that? I've never even put my fingers in there before. Thought I was gonna pee myself. This should have been easy -- answer some questions, follow two rural girls around, watch them window shop, and make some money. Easy and simple. You can do it, Chitchat. Just a few more hours, and you'll be eating good and plug-free.'
"Hey, Reina, look!"
Chitchat's introspection was interrupted. She looked over her shoulder to see Azalea pointing from between Reina's breasts at a large bronze statue of a young arachne woman operating a loom.
Reina surveyed the plaza. "They sure do like their urban sculptures."
Lanterns placed strategically around the outer edge of the plaza aimed their light at the arachne woman's tapestry which reflected the colors back, bathing the surrounding area in variegated hues.
"They are more than just decorative pieces," answered Chitchat. "They help people know which plaza is which since they are all designed the same. This one was erected in front of the tailor and seamstresses' neighborhood."
Halfway down the street, Chitchat stopped at a storefront with an unusually wide set of double doors and a hanging sign of two crossed bobbins. "Here we are."
"The Silky Loom," read Azalea, wiggling free from Reina.
Chitchat leaned against a wooden post holding up the awning. "I'll wait out here while you two conduct your business."
"Why?" asked Azalea.
She looked down at her tattered cloak. "I'm usually not welcome in nice places like this."
Azalea grabbed Chitchat's hand and pulled her past Reina."Then, I'll speak up for you if they don't like you."
Reina gave an apologetic look as Chitchat was dragged once again by Azalea. Being the last to enter, Reina closed the door against the outside noise.
Shelves of wool, hemp, muslin, and silk were neatly sorted by material, hue, and size on three walls. Hanging from the ceiling were nets filled with balls of yarn. Behind a heavy curtain lining the fourth wall, the patterned sound of a long clack followed by two short ones was heard.
Reina took a step forward and felt the floor give slightly with a small creak. The clacking stopped. She looked down curiously. The carpet she stepped on had white threads extending out from it and underneath the veil.
"Coming!" called a cheerful voice. A worn hand pushed aside the curtain, and out stepped an older arachne woman with an apron stuffed with needles and scissors. Her salt-and-pepper hair was tied in a bun. Her mature face had telltale crow's feet beginning to develop around her kindly eyes.
"Not often do I get so many cute dearies wandering into my shop! Welcome!" She re-adjusted the black and gold shawl over her shoulders.
"My name is Gertrude, one of the oldest shop owners in the city! How can I help you today? If you're just looking, you're welcome to browse as long as you wish, or if you have a specific request, I can make everything from formal to loungewear, made with any fabric you find in the store, including my own silk."
Reina stepped forward. "We would like a price estimate for formal wear for a business meeting and two winter coats."
"Three," Azalea corrected.
"Yes, something for Chitchat."
Chitchat, who had been studying a display mannequin, looked up in surprise. "One gift was already more than enough. No need to trouble yourselves."
The large arachne shook her head and marched over, looming over the younger girl.
Chitchat slunk back.
"Now, sweetie, none of that. I can't rightly feel good with such a young an' sweet thing such as yourself catching your death out in the cold this winter. Granny Gertrude will get you girls properly attired."
She ushered them into a side fitting room, fawning disapprovingly over the tiny flaws in their current clothes: "The stitching on this cloak is abysmal! How do you even make clothes out of flowers? The hems on this blanket are way too low -- they'll fray them in no time!"
She stopped mid-complaint. "When did you need these completed?"
"The formal attire we need by tonight," replied Reina.
"That doesn't give us much time. I think I can modify some pieces I already have. I should also have some doll clothes left over I'll be able to modify quick-like. Won't take any time at all! Any particular pattern or cloth you want them to be made out of?"
Reina looked at the other girls. "We'll leave it to your judgment."
"Splendid!" Gertrude effused and then regarded each girl's overall build and height. "I have a few ideas. I love when my customers give me creative freedom! I'm going to need to take some measurements. Who'd like to go first?"
"I will." Azalea landed on a nearby table and assumed a T-pose, standing straight with her arms held out parallel to the table surface. "My name's Azalea, by the way."
"And you certainly remind me of one!"
Azalea fluttered her wings happily.
"Just let me get something to jot some notes down."
As the seasoned arachne turned around, Azalea's eyes were drawn to the darkened entrance to her silk hole at the back end of her abdomen. She wondered what it'd feel like to stick her arm inside. Shaking her head at the impolite thought, she jumped as a thread of silk shot out, clinging to the table edge beside her.
With paper and chalk in hand, Gertrude snipped the thread and started sectioning off lengths with black marks. "Are you ok, dear? You look a bit red."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare. I was just startled."
"Good heavens, that was a bit improper of me, waving my bottom in front of your face like that. Technically, I'm supposed to get consent before I do that since some people get hot and bothered seeing me do that. Though I find it rather odd since my unmentionables are actually under my thorax. My memory isn't what it used to be."
"We had to sign something like that at the last shop we visited," acknowledged Azalea. "If I sign it, can I see you do it again?"
"I don't see why not."
"Azalea, isn't that a little rude?"
"It's alright, Reina, dear. I'm more than happy to indulge a healthy curiosity" She handed the girls a list of past signees. Upon receiving and nodding approvingly at their signatures, she turned around and reintroduced her abdomen.
"All arachne produce silk, but not all use it because they either don't need to, due to their fast running speed or jumping prowess, or only use it sometimes. Take a look." She back up to the table.
Azalea helped spread the opening as Gertrude relaxed her hole's entrance and peered inside. Seven little spinnerets were nestled in the shallow, moist cavity.
"Arachne silk is a versatile substance; very strong yet light. We produce seven different types of silk: one for raising our young in, a thick one for web scaffolding, a sticky one for making the core part of a web, a strong and non-sticky one we can use like a rope, an intricate one for connecting threads to other threads, and one for creating little sticky droplets we can place along specific parts of a thread."
"What's the last one for?" Azalea queried.
"For wrapping up things, but male arachne have an alternative use. They don't have that organ humans use for mating, so they use it to hold their seed when they wish to mate."
"Was your husband human?"
"Yes. He was the most charming and sweetest man I've ever met. He didn't properly know how arachne conducted courtship, but he heard a rumor that male arachne give gifts of their seed to females. So he went out of his way to ask a male arachne for their special webbings just so he could deposit his seed into it and use it to propose to me." She put a hand to her cheek. "He misunderstood the meaning, but I found the attempt very romantic."
"What did you do with it?"
"I ate it."
"You; ate it?"
"Normally, when a male gives us that kind of gift, the two are already mates. It just means they want offspring, but I'm infertile, so I ate it. It's not uncommon. Silk-making takes a lot out of an arachne body, so they often eat their silk to recycle it."
"My husband may have gotten the particulars mixed up, but it turned me on so much! Before he realized what was happening, I dragged him back home and spun a little suspended-web bed since he was a fair bit smaller than me. I accepted his offer, if you know what I mean. Was my first time mating human style. I quite liked it; but here I am just talking about myself."
She set about measuring Azalea with the marking thread. "Are you three from around here?"
"Reina and I aren't, but Chitchat is. I'm from a little fairy village in the north-central region. Reina is from the northeast. We both met Life-mate and arrived in town just today to live here with him."
"How lovely! Let me welcome you to Iceford. It's a bit noisy at times but a safe place to live. Always lively and innovative. Ok, Azalea, I'm going to need to measure your chest next."
Azalea lifted the flaps covering her chest, proudly displaying her breasts.
"Ah, to be young again! Such soft, clear skin. I was quite a looker when I was your age. All the young men used to compliment me when I wore lacy stockings or very short skirts that barely covered them." She stroked the glossy black exoskeleton of her thigh and pedipalp. "And for some odd reason, a few wanted me to tie them up and do lewd things to them."
"I didn't really understand it but always found it amusing."
"I'm sad for you not being able to have children," lamented Azalea.
"I appreciate your feelings, deary. I do have regrets, but I'm busy enough where I don't get lonely much, and I'm content dressing up all you youngins in pretty clothes."
"Well, if I ever see you around town, I'll definitely come say hi!"
"That's very sweet of you. So, you are all together with the same special someone?"
"Just Azalea and I. We both met Herd-mate very close to each other, time-wise. Chitchat is acting as our city guide for the day."
"Does little Chitchat have a special someone?"
"Not in the way you're asking. She's; more like someone I take care of."
"I bet she appreciates you a lot."
"In her own unique way, yes."
"Well, that should do it." Gertrude patted Azalea on the head. "Shall we measure lovely Reina next?"
Upon hearing her name, Reina tensed up and looked away,
Gertrude noticed her trepidation.
"Azalea, why don't you take Chitchat into the front room, choose some colored palettes you like, then take her to freshen up in the bathroom upstairs while I measure Reina. There should be a large, hot kettle you can use to heat up the water."
"Sure thing!"
Reina was still unsure whether it was the sheer force of charisma or confusion, but seeing a ratgirl being dragged away by a fairy a fraction of her size was something she wasn't getting tired of seeing, and she smiled.
"Now, my dear, I noticed you seemed a bit uncomfortable. It's alright. No need to feel shy around granny. These old eyes have seen it all."
"I'm sorry, it's just, " she hesitantly started as she removed her coat to reveal her scars.
Gertrude frowned. "Good heavens! Who would do such a thing to such a lovely young woman? Brutes, I'd wager. People who wouldn't know refinement and beauty if it clobbered them over the head. You don't have to tell me how you got these, but I just want you to know that it's here that beauty continues to mature and blossom," she declared while pointing to her heart. "Take it from me. The outside matters less and less as you get older."
"Life-mate k, kissed them the first time he saw them."
"Sounds like you found yourself a keeper with a good head on his shoulders." The old weaver stepped back and looked Reina up and down. "This old seamstress knows a few tricks, so let's see if we can't turn your blemishes into something beautiful. My old grandweaver had a strong belief that even the messiest and most lopsided webs could be made beautiful with creativity."
"There's really no need for you to go out of your way. I keep them covered well enough."
Gertrude stood up straight. "As the foremost seamstress in the city, I'll tell you now! Us craftsmen don't apply our trade just to subsist on. We take pride in making new and more creative facets of beauty when applying our craft. I take great delight in tackling this challenge, so there is no reason we can't boost your self-image a little as well."
She smiled warmly. "Now, please raise your arms."
A sudden squeal, followed by giggling and a sudden splash, erupted from upstairs.
"Sounds like those two are getting along well," Gertrude laughed.
Reina sighed. "I'm sorry for all the mess Azalea is probably making."
"It's perfectly alright. You youngsters' youthful energy is a delight to these old ears."
She wrapped the measuring tape around Reina's chest. "Such lovely breasts. I'll have to make something special for them. While I can't make many large pieces, my specialty is making lacy lingerie from my silk. I'm sure you probably couldn't guess that."
"May I make a small request?" asked Reina.
"Of course!"
"I'm going to be lactating soon, "
"Oh, you're expecting?"
"No, no, Azalea put the lactation crest on us so we could help Herd-mate with expenses. Could you make it so, "
"So It's easy to gain access to suckle from?"
Reina blushed. "So they don't stain the clothes."
"Sure thing."
Reina had redonned her coat when Azalea and a much cleaner but worn-out-looking Chitchat returned wearing only a towel. Azalea struggled to stay airborne while carrying several examples of colors she wanted, and Chitchat brought the rest.
"I decided I want some combination of these colors! I heard the word lingerie. What is that?" demanded Azalea in her typical high-energy style. She set the spools on the table.
"It's an undergarment worn primarily by humans to increase their sex appeal."
"But how do you see it if it's under your clothes?"
"Some outfits give little peeks and glimpses of the lingerie. Think of it as clothing that titillates or accentuates what's underneath. Oh, I can't wait to show you what I'm envisioning!" she bubbled. "But first, now that Chitchat looks freshened up, I'll take her measurements."
Chitchat removed the towel, still not believing she was exposing herself twice in one day.
Gertrude worked her way around, appraising Chitchat's petite form. "Such slender legs and arms you have, and these tiny hands we certainly must make some mittens for." Gertrude turned Chitchat around. "Your tail is so expressive. Please bend over a little."
Chitchat did as she was asked.
"Oh, this is a pretty little accessory!" Gertrude commented.
"Yes, we just got them from Eitri's shop. Friendship assplugs! We all got one!" Azalea exclaimed. She turned around and bent over. Peering back between her legs, she pulled her ass cheeks apart. "Such a sunny color, isn't it?"
Gertrude laughed. "Young people have such imaginative ways to express themselves these days."
Finished with her measuring, she compiled all her notes and furiously drew up plans for the girls' outfits. Once the plans were complete, she handed them to Reina for review.
"I don't know if we can afford all this, Azalea. Herd-mate was rather adamant about not wanting to spend the client's money."
Gertrude reached for an abacus and did some calculations. "Taking into account the type of material and estimated amount as well as the number of outfits, we can apply the new customer discount, the cute discount, and the creative-freedom discount." She winked, rewrote a bill of sale, and handed it to Reina. "This should be the final price."
Reina looked chagrined but grateful. "Thank you."
"Then I'll get to work right away! I should be able to finish your coats before you leave, and I'll have someone deliver your formal attire by tonight."
It was late afternoon when the girls met up with Devin, each sporting their new winter coat. They wore matching wool-dyed, bluish-gray cloaks with large wooden buttons and a bunny-fur-lined hood embroidered with images that reminded one of winter. Reina's was different only in its length, extending all the way down her back and over her tail.
"Life-mate! I missed you!" Azalea beelined into Devin's chest, giving him a big hug.
"It's only been a few hours, but I missed you two as well. How'd it go?"
"We had a very; full yet productive shopping trip," Reina replied.
"We had so much fun, Life-mate! I can't wait to tell you all about it! How do we look?" Azalea did a little twirl.
Devin nodded approvingly. "Adorable as always!"
Azalea squealed in delight.
"And Reina, equally as majestic. Though I doubt the cold bothered you much."
"No, it doesn't, but I'm glad you like it. I can't wait to show you our new dresses tonight and; what's under them," she expressed with a slight blush.
He kissed her. "I'll look forward to it."
He turned his attention to Chitchat. She stood there awkwardly in her new coat. "I see you all got matching ones."
"Y; yes, though I tried to tell them I didn't need one. Reina mentioned something about not spending a lot."
"Sometimes it can't be helped. How does it feel?" Devin checked.
"It is quite warm," she mumbled.
"What's this, what's that!?!" cried an excited Azalea buzzing around the packages in Devin's arms.
Reina's stomach growled.
"Let's eat somewhere, and then I'll show you," he laughed, trying to dodge her closer inspection.
Reina looked to Chitchat for suggestions. "Where should we eat?"
"I know!" enthused Azlea, waving her hand. "I saw it before we went to the toy store."
"Toy store?" asked Devin.
"We'll tell AND show you after we eat,." shouted an impatient Azalea, already several paces away.
Devin wondered what she meant as he followed the girls back to the corner with the fenced-off street, causing Devin to pause. Raising his eyebrow at Reina, he challenged, "You went down this street?"
Reina pointed at Azalea.
"Of course she did. That explains the toy store."
"I didn't let her buy anything, Herd-mate," she affirmed.
"I wouldn't have minded even if she did, but thank you for looking out for my coin purse, Reina."
Chitchat lagged behind, trying to make sense of her feelings. She had set her mind on doing what she had to do to survive. It wouldn't be her first time swindling someone, but it was exceedingly rare for someone to be kind to her, much less give her things this nice or brand new. These chumps were too generous for their own good, and it was causing pesky feelings to arise, making her resolve falter.
She pushed the feelings aside and quickened her pace when she saw they were getting too far ahead.
"Found it!" Azalea shouted, nearly a block ahead. She pointed to the store-length sign above the window.
"Bear Buns Bakery," Devin read aloud.
Azalea peered in the storefront window. "I'm loving this street more and more!" she moaned and drooled, face plastered to the window. "They know how to set up an eye-catching display!"
"The baker of such; risque confections such as these could almost have drawn inspiration from your special art collection," observed Reina.
Arrayed behind the front window, on a slightly tilted display table, were cookies artfully shaped in a multitude of human and demi-human genitalia, surrounded by gingerbread men and women in adorable acts of love-making. Along the periphery were an assortment of similarly-themed pies and cakes with fruits, nuts, and glazes strategically placed to enhance the bawdy display.
Azalea smiled smugly. "You're right! Great minds must think alike."
This is your opportunity Chitchat! She thought to herself. Now, while their backs are turned!
The bag of money hung from Reina's side. With them all huddled around the display, deft fingers and speedy legs would make for a successful grab-and-run before they even knew what had happened. However, for some reason, a tiny piece of her made her hesitate, and she derided herself over her weakness. The fleeting moment was lost.
A bare bear ass smooshed against the glass door, causing a bell to ring as it pushed open. A tall woman with a physique that was undecidedly either muscular or plump backed out onto the street. Round, brown ears topped her head, sticking out from under a baker's hat. She was naked, aside from a light yellow apron with a bee pin in one corner covering her human parts. Thick fur covered the rest. She held a wooden folding sign in her fearsomely long-clawed hands.
"Oh, hello there!" greeted the smiling portly grizzly woman. "Welcome to Bear Buns!"
Everyone looked at her naked, stubby-tailed ass.
"Just perusing, or can I entice you with supper tonight?"
"We were deciding that," coughed Devin.
"If it helps in your decision-making, pastries and baked goods are what we are mostly known for, but we also offer a more dinner-type fare."
Devin looked at the girls. He was met with two nods and a grumbling stomach. "I suppose we will."
"Wonderful! You may call me Sanna, or Momma Sanna, or Momma Bear -- whichever you like!" The merry woman opened the door and let them in.
The interior matched her apron. It was bright and warm, and the ceiling was painted a gentle sky blue. The walls were a mural of flowery fields with scantily-clad bee girls engaged in playfully suggestive acts with aluranes, dryads, and several other plant demi-humans. Potted sunflowers dotted the room to add their cheery faces to the ambiance.
"We mostly serve takeout, but we do have a few places for sit-down dining. Please feel free to sit anywhere. I'll go bring you some fresh milk," Sanna said, disappearing into the kitchen.
There weren't many options for seating, about five tables in all. Still, they were designed to accommodate the wide assortment of body types found in the city.
They chose a table in the corner, near a window, with a prominent flat-padded bench in a corner that allowed Reina to lie down next to the table. Devin sat next to Chitchat on the opposite side, and Azalea perched herself on the table nearest the window.
The grizzly woman returned and placed several glasses on the table. "A little something to warm you up from the chill outside."
"Hallie, how long are you gonna hide back there?" she shouted behind her.
A bunny girl hopped out. Her lower half was covered in soft chestnut brown fur. Her human upper half was covered with an apron identical to Sanna's. One of her long ears stood tall and erect while the other hung loosely. As she rounded the front counter, it smacked her in the face, causing her to trip over her feet and fall face-first in front of everyone.
"And here is my mascot and cute ditzy assistant, Hallie. When she's done flashing her dainty bits at ya, she'll be taking your order."
The head-under-heels bunny girl took a suspicious amount of time to collect herself, giving ample time to appreciate her poofy tail and prim pink vulva.
She jumped up and rubbed her sore button nose. "I'm so sorry! I'm a little clumsy at times. As you heard, my name is Hallie. It's nice to milk you! I mean, it's nice to milk me; You; it's nice to meet you! I'll be taking your orders today!" she stuttered.
For some reason, Devin noticed two small wet spots at the top of her apron. He looked at the milk he was holding, then saw her looking intently at him, he guessed maybe waiting for his opinion.
He took a sip.
"Is this your milk!" queried Devin.
With a hint of shyness, she returned, "Yes, it is! Ho; how is it?"
"It's delicious. Refreshing with a hint of sweetness."
She relaxed. "I'm glad. Normally, momma provides it, but since I'm her brand new hire, it frees her's up to use in baking."
"Can I have some more?" inquired Azalea after downing the rest of hers.
"Um, I might have a little more left. I only just recently received my milkmaid license, so I don't produce very much yet. I can make just enough for about four glasses."
Azalea held out her glass. "Oh, so are we! I mean, we will be lactating soon, too!"
Azalea rubbed her lower belly. "I gave Reina and I the lactation crest, but Life-mate needs to hurry up so he can help me fuel Reina's."
"I'm making progress. In the meantime, we still have to get your citizen IDs and guild cards before we get your licenses. Maybe, if we have time after we eat, we can get the ball rolling," added Devin.
"Ok, but I'm waiting to activate mine since I want to experience it together with Reina."
"How delightful," said Sanna returning with menus and passing them around. "Hallie doesn't have any affinity, so we had to induce her the normal way. She was so eager, she massaged her boobs every day till the first drops started to appear."
"Saaaaanaaa, don't tell them that! It's embarrassing!" the bunny girl cried.
Sanna laughed. "You lucky folk are the first customers to try her milk, so enjoy."
Sanna returned to the kitchen, leaving Hallie to her job. Hallie pulled her apron to the side and took Azalea's glass. Lightly milking her breast downward, she squeezed the soft, pink nipples, sending spurts of milk into the empty container. After milking both breasts, she handed a three-fourths full glass back. "I'm sorry. That's all I have left."
"No, no! Thank you for letting me enjoy it." Azalea's wings fluttered happily as she drank.
Hallie recovered her breasts and played with her hair nervously. "So c; can I get you to eat me? I mean, what can I get you to eat?"
Devin hid his smile behind the menu. "What sounds good to you, girls?"
Reina ran her finger down the page. "Soup or stew might be nice since it's cold. I'll probably go with this garden vegetable stew with sourdough bread."
"Agreed. This summer squash soup with rye bread sounds appetizing to me," mused Devin.
"I like sweet things, so maybe I'll try this sweet potato soup," Azalea added, setting the menu down.
Chitchat perused the listed dishes. "I've never had food this fancy before."
"Might I recommend the melted satyress cheese sandwich and potato leek soup?" Hallie suggested.
"Alright! I'll try that, I guess."
The bunny waitress took the menus and left to fulfill their orders.
Chitchat remained mostly silent, only half-listening to the other three chatter away about their day. She brooded more on why she was not herself today. Stupid rat! You missed a prime opportunity earlier. You just had to let these people and their stupid kindness make you feel guilty, As she took a sip of Hallie's milk, she admitted that if she had done what she had planned, she wouldn't have been able to experience the amazing food she could smell from the kitchen.
The smell intensified as Hallie returned with their orders. She placed the bowls in front of their respective hungry customers, bowed, and returned to the kitchen.
Chitchat picked up her spoon and took a bite. The fare, albeit simple to her, was some of the best she'd ever had. She felt her chest tighten with emotion.
Reina looked at her fairy friend. "Looks like you got a complimentary side salad, Azalea. If it's too much, eat what you can, and I'll finish the rest."
"I should be able to finish it, but I'm not happy about it. Mom used to always get on me about eating vegetables and table manners: 'Azalea make sure you eat everything on your plate; stop letting your wings droop; don't slouch; stop masturbating at the table."
"At least now you have another reason to eat your vegetables! You want to have a healthy body to produce as much milk of the highest quality as you can."
"I know, I know, but they are so bitter."
"Looks like they also added some pine nuts as well," Reina attempted to soothe.
"Not the kind I like. Life-mate has the only kind of nut I really like." She turned up her nose while taking a bite.
"But Herd-mate's tastes bitter too. What's the difference?"
"Completely different!" she asserted. "This is plenty bitter. His is warm and creamy and makes me feel all warm and tingly between my legs."
"Well, maybe this will distract you a bit from the taste." Devin laid out the things he had bought from Antoris on the table.
Azalea jumped up. "Present time!"
He unwrapped the cloth containing the remade jewelry box and pushed it toward her.
"I had this made for you so you can hang your clothes, store your drawings, and whatever else you want."
"Thank you, Life-mate! I love it, and I love you!" She flew up and kissed him all over his face.
"But that's not all! There's another surprise inside."
Azalea grabbed the honey-colored box and shook it gently. She heard not one but several things rattling. Upon opening the twin doors, the sweet scent of fresh-cut cedar hit her. She looked up at Devin excitedly, seemingly at a loss for words, and back inside the box.
"Well, don't leave us in suspense, Azalea! What's inside?" laughed Reina.
Azalea pulled out many phallic-shaped dildos, from small fairy size up to Devin's size.
"I think these will help stretch you out over time," Devin concluded.
"I can't wait to try them! But I suppose I'll have to wait till after we go out tonight! Thank you again, Life-mate. Your little soon-to-be-cock-sleeve couldn't be happier!"
"You're welcome, but make sure you do it slowly. Remember how painful it was the first time we tried."
"I will."
Turning his attention to Reina, Devin confessed, " I'm sorry, but your gift will take a bit more time. It's going to be part of the wagon, and he didn't have enough material. Also, it was quite big and would have been awkward to carry around."
"It's alright, Herd-mate. I will look forward to it with growing anticipation."
"And lastly, Chitchat, I had a little something made for you. Consider it a small bonus for taking care of my girls, especially the handful one."
"Hey, I resemble that remark!" Azalea quipped.
Chitchat looked hard at the cloth-covered object. She put her spoon down and unwrapped a wooden dagger sheath, intricately wrought with engravings of a line of dancing rats. "T; thank you," she said, barely above a whisper.
Sanna and Hallie returned. "Each of your dishes comes with a dessert." They passed four plates out.
In front of Azalea, she placed an impressively elaborate, womb-shaped gingerbread structure filled with a white pudding. Reina was given a plate of four different cookies, each shaped like a different demi-human penis', topped with cream. Devin received a small tart layered with peach slices, shaped like a human cunt, topped with a cherry and fresh cream at the bottom. Lastly, Sanna smiled as she placed two round, jiggly puddings with a cherry placed in the middle in front of Chitchat.
The ratgirl took a bite. As the mellow, sweet, fruity flavor spread over her taste buds, a lump formed in her throat. She looked down at the dagger case again, then at her new coat, and finally at the trio animatedly voicing their positive opinions to Sanna.
"Chitchat? What's wrong?" Azalea asked, suddenly concerned.
"You're crying."
She put a hand to her wet cheek. "I, " She wiped the tears away.
"I just, " The more she tried to dry her eyes, though, the more the tears fell.
"I'm sorry!" she suddenly blurted out and broke down crying.
Azalea zipped over and tried to give her a consoling hug. "Sorry for what?"
"For deceiving you!"
Everyone looked at her, startled and puzzled.
"I'm not really a guide. I'm a thief and pickpocket. I only took this guide job because I thought I could get paid on top of stealing that bag of money you were carrying with you." She paused and bawled. "But; but you were so nice to me. You didn't look down on me like dirty street vermin, and then you started giving me presents and calling me a friend and; and; I'm sorry!"
She put her face in her hands, weeping. Everyone looked uncertain about what to do with this revelation. Everyone except Sanna. She stood up to her full height, grabbed the little ratgirl right out of her seat, along with Azalea, and embraced her in a full bear hug.
Azalea continued to rub and pat Chitchat's head. "You didn't in the end, and no one got hurt. I still consider you my new friend!"
Chitchat sniffled, calming down a little. "You're too trusting."
"Maybe so, but I'd rather be wrong in the attempt than not be trusting."
"I've raised two girls who got into all sorts of mischief and trouble. While there may have been consequences, I don't believe it's ever too late to change for the better," added Sanna.
"Yes, yes! You can start over as the adorable girl who went along with all my selfish requests today!"
Sanna put down the puffy-eyed ratgirl.
Hallie lent the edge of her apron to dry her tears.
"Today was kinda fun," she sniffled. "But I'm still not so sure about the friendship plugs."
Several eyebrows raised while Azalea laughed.
Devin eyed the girl. "I am glad to see my instincts are still sharp since I thought something was off about you."
At that, Chitchat hung her head.
"But coming clean about your intentions makes me want to give you a second chance." Devin handed her the other half of the guiding payment and placed the knife sheath in her hands to reaffirm his words, "So you don't cut a hole in your new clothes."
She gave a little smile and looked toward Reina.
"Well, you haven't done me any harm, and I feel no ill will. I thank you for your guidance during our shopping today."
"Um, I should probably tell you something else. My real name is Suvi."
Azalea crawled between her ears and hung down over her face. "Chitchat was cute, but Suvi fits you more!" She glanced to Devin. "I still feel bad for Suvi's situation. Can we raise her standard of living somehow?"
"Maybe this Whitegold place is needing another employee?"
"Whitegold, eh? I'm quite sure she'll be able to find a job there," stated Sanna.
Suvi put her knife in the sheath and pocketed her payment. "How can you be sure?"
"I know the owner, and should it not work out for some reason or another, you would be most welcome to help Hallie prep my kitchen in the morning. I don't know how many bowls of flour she's broken."
"It was only five," demurred a fidgeting Hallie.
"Five too many!" Sanna laughed. "I won't be able to provide a place to sleep, though, like Whitegold could."
"What kind of place is this Whitegold."
"It's a place that server food and drinks. The employees there are all girls and are well taken care of."
"If I worked here, would I have to wear only an apron, too?" questioned Suvi.
"Not if you don't want to, but before Hallie's ass-flashing loses its novelty, our customers might enjoy seeing a new one. But I would encourage you to try Whitegold first. I think you'll enjoy the perks there more."
Once everyone had finished eating, they all thanked Sanna and Hallie and filed out.
Sanna called out a "see you again!" from the door.
Just a block from the bakery, Devin suggested, "I think we have enough time to stop by the admin office and get you girls your guild cards."
"You said it'd be as pretty as yours, right?" asked Azalea.
"Yes. They are costly but worth it in the long run."
"Let's do it!"
With Devin leading the way this time, they walked briskly toward the middle of the city. Abruptly, he slowed and asked: "So what was that about friendship plugs?"
"Oh, that! Well, now would be a great time to show you. Let's go over there." Azalea led them down an empty side alley.
"I suppose I have to show mine as well."
"Pleeease, Suvi!" Azalea begged.
"Fine," she sighed, turning around. Reina and Azalea followed suit. She pointed at Devin with her tail and shared, "Consider this a thank you for forgiving me."
Azalea called out. "Ready? One, two, three!"
All three girls pulled their coats up over their asses. Suvi pushed her belts aside while Azalea spread her cheeks wide. Devin looked at the three citrine-gemmed plugged holes.
"You three got matching sex toys?"
"Not just matching, they are a physical manifestation of our friendship!" Azalea chirped.
"An odd way to express it, but ok."
"She's way too proud of them!" complained Suvi. "Can I stop now?"
"Not yet! There is a special feature Eitri told me about."
"Special?" Suvi hesitated.
"Feature?" swallowed Reina.
"Yep!" Azalea touched a finger to the gem in her own till she felt a click. She did the same to Suvi's and Reina's and then placed both hands on their hips. Both girls jumped as the plugs buzzed to life.
Suvi tensed. "What is this feature!?!"
"Eitri said when you turn it on, as long as you stay within physical contact, it vibrates! Two or more friends could all hold hands, mutually basking in the emotional and physical manifestation of their friendship. Doesn't it feel amazing!"
"It's surprisingly strong," noted Reina.
"Too strong!" squeaked Suvi.
"I wonder if I touch you in different places if it changes the intensity?" Azalea traced her fingers down Suvi's ass and circled around until she touched her plug directly.
Suvi's legs buckled. "I'm not sure I'm ready to start out with this level of friendship!"
Azalea took her hand away. Suvi was red-faced and breathing heavily. "Thanks to you, I'm all horny and wet now."
"I'm an expert at fixing that. May I help you cum?"
Suvi regarded Reina and Devin. "I'm not sure I can with an audience, but you've already seen every part of me, so I guess I'll try."
"I'll help make it a bit more discreet." Reina relocated so she faced the street and blocked the view from there.
"Ready, my cute little rat?"
Suvi, still squatting, spread her knees. Azalea re-positioned herself behind, admiring her swollen, red cunt. Azalea placed her tiny hands on the slick folds. Immediately, the vibrations returned. They were still focused around her anus, but with Azalea's ministrations, pleasure was steadily building throughout her body.
"Azalea, don't get your new clothes wet," Devin warned.
"Oh yes, I forgot. You're not a squirter, are you, Suvi?"
Her eyelids fluttered open, and she began panting. "A what?"
"Do you squirt when you cum?"
"No, but this is more intense than anything I've ever felt!"
"Well, just in case, I'll stand beside you."
She moved to the side of Suvi's bottom. She rolled up her sleeve and busily started working her hand into the entrance of Suvi's vagina. From that angle, she could still push her small arm up into the tight, velvety insides. With her free hand, she pushed and prodded Suvi's plug, slightly changing its angle and depth.
"I; I'm close," Suvi moaned.
"I can see that. Let me hear your cute cries!"
Suvi felt herself peak. Her body contracted as the first dry orgasm washed over her, but the second had loosened her bladder. During the third wave, she squirted a little.
The post-orgasmic relaxation left her forgetful of her surroundings, trembling, and unable to control herself. She fell back against Devin's leg and emptied the rest of her bladder as Azalea backed away, licking the juices off her hand.
As Suvi came back to her senses, she saw Azalea nodding her approval. Devin handed her a handkerchief, and she suddenly became self-conscious, quickly wiping herself dry and hesitantly handing it back. She re-dressed in silence.
"Post-lunch orgasms are the best!" Azalea stated.
"Did you have one?" asked Reina.
"No, I wanted to make sure Suvi got the best one she ever had."
"It was certainly that," the ratgirl acknowledged.
"I can do it to you again whenever you want."
"One, I think, is more than enough."
With Azalea and Reina continuing to enjoy their new toy, Suvi made an effort to ensure she didn't accidentally bump into the large Whitehorn.
Once the ladies were sated, they cleaned up, redressed, and continued on their journey with Devin in the lead. Upon reaching the center of town, they crossed an expansive arched bridge to the central council building.
"Never been here before," Suvi confessed, looking up at the high-vaulted ceiling inside the reception room.
After waiting in line, they approached the receptionist, to who they explained their purpose.
She brought the appropriate forms and explained, "This one's your citizen ID. It's mainly to let the bureaucracy know that you are a family."
Azalea whispered in Devin's ear on her way to an open spot on the counter. He answered for them all to hear, "If you two girls could fill out these Guild entry forms, I'll help fill out Suvi's."
"Which is this?" Azalea held up the paper and squinted. "Is this my Guild entry? Why do I need it again?"
"Well, you technically don't, but if you are going to work in any official capacity, it gives you some weight behind you as a potential employee. You also get discounts and perks depending on what rank you're in. Sapphire: 5% discount; Emerald: 10%; Amethyst: 15%; Ruby: 20%; and Diamond: 25%. Amethyst and up gives you access to certain guild functions, parties, festival events, etc., to network and make connections. Since you girls are new, you'll start in Sapphire."
"Good enough for me." After she finished filling out all the blanks and signing her name, she handed it to the receptionist.
With all the paperwork filled out, the secretary looked it over approvingly. "Everything looks in order. Since your ID and guild cards are two sides of the same badge, it'll take time to craft them, and they should be ready in a few days, but here is a rough idea what it'll entail." With that, she showed them sample cards she had prepared.
Reina D. Ebonplume
Weight: 500 Lbs | Height: 8.5 Feet
Birth date: Autumn 34, 3608 Year of the Dryad
Citizen of Iceford
Merchant Guild Member
Sapphire Rank
Azalea Ebonplume
Weight: 150g | Height: 7 Inches
Birth date: Spring 15, 3605
Citizen of Iceford
Merchant Guild Member
Sapphire Rank
Suvi Norvetica
Weight: 70 Ibs | Height: 4' 7"
Birth date: Summer 2, 3596 Year of the Dryad
Citizen of Iceford
The sun was setting when they returned to Jeni's. At some point before they returned home, someone had left the girls' new clothes with her. They found the little owl abuzz in her typically mechanical way, examining the girls' new clothes and catching snippets of their adventures throughout the day. She was a little shy of Suvi at first, but her charisma soon disarmed any hesitancy the little owl felt.
"Young patron and friends, are you leaving this one again tonight?"
"Yes. We have a business meeting to go to."
Her wings drooped.
Azalea, striking upon an idea. "Life-mate, can Jeni go with us?"
"I don't see why not."
Jeni perked up. "I do not know what purpose my presence would be, seeing as I know nothing about economics. Wouldn't my presence be a hindrance?"
"The girls also have no reason to go, but it's a chance to get out of your workshop and spend time with everyone."
"This one did not go clothing shopping with the others."
"Do you have any formal clothes?"
Jeni thought for a moment. "My graduation robes from the academy."
"That should be fine.
Perfect, and since Life-mate already gave us our presents, it's time for us to show him his!"
All four disappeared into the back room to get changed, leaving Devin alone.
"Guess I should get changed, too." He found an empty corner and dug out his outfit reserved for guild functions with the more well-to-do business owners. A high-collared lace vest, a long sash tied around his waist, and pants tucked into high boots completed the ensemble. As he changed, he played back the events of the day, occasionally hearing a giggle and the murmur of chatter from the adjacent room.
The girls' door opened just as he finished buckling a cape over his left shoulder.
Azalea came in first, pretending not to notice him. Her hair was unbraided and done up in a bun, held together by a butterfly hairpin. She fluttered around, exaggerating the flow of her one-piece, white and violet kirtle. She acted surprised to see him, coyly coming close, then she crossed her arms, exemplifying the upside-down 'A' cutout showing a generous amount of under-cleavage. While it covered more of her body than her flower dress, it was opaque enough to see an undergown.
The undergown was embroidered with crocus, snowdrops, leucojum, and other winter flowers tactically placed to hide the parts of her normally kept private while, at the same time, drawing the eye to those tantalizingly censored parts.
"Here we are -- your two presents, Life-mate!"
Reina entered right behind. Her demure movements were further dignified by her gown of arachne satin dyed midnight blue and interspersed with snowflakes matching the silver filigree on her horns. A lacy choker set with a sapphire-encrusted brooch of a snow-covered mountain peak, an heirloom of the matriarchs of her family, was clasped about her neck.
Devin's eyes wandered down over Reina's womanly figure. A black bodice laced with ribbon hugged her torso, making her already large breasts spill over slightly. She strode to the middle of the room, making the glossy material ripple and giving the illusion of falling snow. With long white gloves, she played with the end of her hair which was done up in a braided ponytail and draped over her shoulder.
Whoever the seamstress had been, Devin approved of their taste. Reina's lips curled slightly upon seeing Devin's engrossed assessment of her. Azalea landed on her composed friend's antlers and whispered into her ear.
"Must we ruin the moment?"
"You mean enhance! Ready, Reina? Aaaaand, go!" Both girls attempted a seductive pose.
Devin tried to stifle his laughter but failed.
"See? I told you Herd-mate would find this silly."
"But it was fun."
"Silly or not, you both are lovely, and I love you very much." He pulled them both into an embrace and kissed each of them.
"I wanted Suvi to do it with us, Life-mate, but I couldn't persuade her."
Suvi poked her head out the door. "I have to draw the line somewhere."
"Come on out and show everyone," Azalea summoned.
Stepping out from behind the door, she raised her arms and looked over the simple red wool tunic with soft leather-laced jerkin. It was decorous, so it maintained her tomboyish appearance.
"It's quite easy to move in it." She tightened the belt around her waist and adjusted her twin tails.
"I guess that leaves one more," Devin noted.
"This one is still uncertain if this is appropriate attire for an outing," she complained, but Jeni drew everyone's attention as she entered the room last.
She was, in every sense, dressed as an academic. A flat-topped scholar's hat set low over her head with a feathered quill sticking out from the top. An open-front, hoodless cowl, held together with two gold chains, laid on top of a heavy, pine green, sleeveless robe. Four polished, inkwell-shaped brass buttons decked the robe which hung to her ankles.
She flapped her wings experimentally.
Devin reached for her hat. "If you leave this, I think it'll be fine."
"Jeni is so smart looking!" praised Azalea. "I'm so glad you're coming with us!"
"We were supposed to wait for someone to escort us, yes?" reminded Reina.
Devin smoothed down Jeni's feathers. "Around eight, if I recall."
As if on cue, they heard a knock at the door. Devin rose and opened it. In the lantern glow of the front porch stood a slim-tailed weasel woman. She wore masculine, form-fitting breeches and a ruffled white shirt.
Looking over the merchant with beady black eyes, she bowed and introduced herself. "My name is Sable, Stewardess of Whitegold." She pulled out a monocle and looked them over. "Mr. Ebonplume and guests, I presume?"
"Yes, that is us," he declared.
"Very good. I am here to escort you to a meeting at our establishment tonight."
Devin looked over his shoulder. "We are ready."
Sable held open the door to a sleek, white and gold gilded, enclosed coach. Jeni and Suvi hopped in along with Azalea. Devin turned apologetically to Reina.
"I'm sorry, Reina."
"It's alright, Herd-made. I am not fond of enclosed spaces, and a brief walk will feel refreshing."
Sable closed the door as soon as Devin stepped in and climbed into the driver's seat. With a flick of the reins, they set off into the night.
To be continued in part 10, by Scholarly Mori for Literotica.
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venovenous · 5 months
I cleaned my whole apartment I took the linens to my parents' place to wash with the good soap and I brought them home as the sun set. before I arrived I stopped at the nice grocery out of the way and bought some bath salts and the cheapest wine possible to balance out the cost of that little luxury. and now I'm soaking in the tub with my old mason jar of wine knowing that when I'm finished I get to lay in my freshly made bed still smells like hemp seed and tea tree. and there's nothing anyone can do about it
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dekeldyes · 6 months
How Natural Dyes Are Made And Used To Create Beautiful, One-Of-A-Kind Projects
Natural dye powders are made from dried and ground plants, minerals, and other natural sources. They are a great eco-friendly and biodegradable way to gently add beautiful hues and patterns to your fabrics, yarns, paper, and other crafts. Unlike synthetic dyes, these natural dye powders have been used for centuries to create color while being gentle on your skin and the environment.
Natural dye powders can produce a range of hues, from vibrant to subtle, depending on the source, mordant, and dyeing process used. This article explores how natural dyes are made and used to create beautiful, one-of-a-kind projects.
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How To Make Natural Dye Powders
Making your natural dye powders can be easy and enjoyable. You can use fresh or dried plant materials like flowers, leaves, roots, bark, seeds, nuts, berries, or even insects to produce dyes. Experimenting with different combinations and ratios of these ingredients lets you create custom colors. Common sources for natural dyes include indigo, madder, turmeric, cochineal bugs, marigold flowers, and walnut hulls.
The dried petals and leaves are chopped and crushed to increase surface area and release more color. They are completely dehydrated to prevent mold and bacterial growth. Drying time varies based on the type and size of the material. The dehydrated materials are then pulverized into fine powders and sifted to remove large pieces and impurities. Different powders can be mixed to create new colors. The powders are stored in airtight containers like glass jars, plastic bags, or metal tins, labeled with the name and manufacturing date. For the best preservation of color and quality, the powder containers should be kept in a cool, dry, dark place.
How To Use Natural Dye Powders
Natural dye powders and synthetic dyes share some similarities in how they are used - both require preparing the fabric or yarn, dissolving the dye powder, and soaking the material in a dye bath. However, natural dyes have some key differences and helpful tips to know:
Before dyeing, wash your fabric or yarn to remove any dirt, oil, or residue that could hinder dye absorption. You can use natural dye powders on natural fibers like cotton, linen, wool, silk, or hemp, but synthetic fibers such as polyester, nylon, or acrylic will not readily absorb the dyes.
To achieve the best results, select an appropriate mordant such as alum, iron, copper, or vinegar to help the dye bond to the fiber and improve colorfastness. Most natural dye powders require a mordant, though some like indigo and walnut do not. Follow the instructions for the mordant and dye to determine the proper amounts and application method. Different mordants produce different color shades and effects.
To create a vivid dye solution, dissolve the natural dye powder in hot water, using enough liquid to fully submerge the material. Stir the solution thoroughly until the powder dissolves evenly. For brighter, more intense colors, add salt or vinegar. Use a pot, bucket, or jar for mixing the dye bath.
To dye your material, immerse it in the simmering dye bath and soak for at least an hour, stirring occasionally. The dyeing time, temperature, and pH of the bath will affect the shade and dyeing effects. You can also use techniques like tie-dye, shibori, or batik to create patterns and designs. 
Rinse the material in cold water until the water runs clear to remove excess dye, then wash it with a mild detergent. Hang the rinsed and washed material to dry in the shade or indoors, avoiding direct sunlight or heat that could fade the color.
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Some Tips And Tricks In The Dyeing Process
Let's find out some tricks to get the best results from your natural dyeing:
Experiment with different dye powders, fabrics, mordants, and methods to create your unique colors and patterns.
Label your pots, spoons, and other utensils to avoid cross-contamination and confusion.
Wear rubber gloves, apron, and mask to protect yourself from stains and fumes.
Use stainless steel, enamel, or glass pots and utensils, as they are non-reactive and easy to clean.
Avoid using aluminum, iron, or copper pots and utensils, as they can alter the color and quality of your dye.
Keep a record of your formulae, measurements, and results, so you can replicate or modify them in the future.
Have fun and enjoy the process of natural dyeing!
Dekel Dyes offers a wonderful selection of natural dye powders to add vibrant or subtle color to your fabrics, yarns, paper, and crafts. These easy-to-use, eco-friendly dyes create a range of beautiful hues to make your projects unique. The biodegradable powders are safe and fun to use. Visit SuzanneDekel.com to learn more about these natural dyes and mordants to create projects that reflect your style and creativity. 
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upinsmokedcdispensary · 8 months
The Best Ways to Incorporate Cannabis into Your Beauty Routine
Cannabis, particularly cannabidiol (CBD), has gained popularity in the beauty industry due to its potential anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and soothing properties. Both cosmetologists and skincare specialists may recommend incorporating cannabis into your beauty routine.
Here are some ways to include cannabis-derived products into your skincare regimen:-
Familiarize yourself with the key compounds found in cannabis, such as CBD, THC, and hemp seed oil. CBD is non-intoxicating and has potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, while THC is psychoactive and primarily found in regulated skincare products. Hemp seed oil is rich in fatty acids and vitamins, making it an excellent moisturizer.
Look for quality products:-
Choose reputable brands that provide third-party lab test results for their products, ensuring the purity, potency, and absence of contaminants. Look for full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD products, as they contain a range of cannabinoids and terpenes that work together to provide optimal benefits.
Incorporate CBD-infused cleansers:-
Start your skincare routine with a CBD-infused facial cleanser to benefit from its potential soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. These cleansers may help reduce redness and irritation while effectively removing dirt, oil, and makeup.
Add CBD serums and oils:-
CBD serums and facial oils can be applied after cleansing and toning to nourish and hydrate the skin. They may help to reduce inflammation, balance sebum production, and promote a more even skin tone. Apply a few drops of the serum or oil to your face, gently massaging it in for better absorption.
Use CBD moisturizers and creams:-
Moisturizing is a crucial step in any skincare routine. Opt for a CBD-infused moisturizer or cream to provide your skin with hydration and additional benefits, such as combating dryness, irritation, and signs of aging.
Protect your skin with CBD sunscreen:-
Sun protection is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Some sunscreens now include CBD, which may offer additional antioxidant protection against environmental stressors. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and apply it daily, even on cloudy days.
Treat your skin with CBD face masks:-
Pamper your skin with CBD-infused face masks that can help address specific skin concerns like acne, inflammation, or dryness. These masks may deliver targeted treatment while also providing the soothing and calming benefits of CBD.
Address eye concerns with CBD eye cream:-
The delicate skin around your eyes requires specialized care. CBD eye creams can help reduce puffiness, dark circles, and fine lines by harnessing the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of CBD.
Incorporate CBD lip care:-
Dry, chapped lips can benefit from the nourishing effects of CBD lip balms and treatments. These products may help to soothe, repair, and protect your lips while providing a dose of CBD.
Explore CBD haircare:-
Cannabis-derived ingredients like CBD and hemp seed oil are also being incorporated into hair care products, such as shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks. These ingredients may promote a healthier scalp, reduce inflammation, and provide nourishment and shine to your hair.
Try CBD bath products:-
Indulge in a relaxing bath with CBD-infused bath bombs, salts, or bubble baths. These products can help to soothe your skin, relax your muscles, and promote a sense of overall wellbeing.
Don't forget about topicals:-
For localized relief from pain, inflammation, or skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, consider using CBD topicals, such as creams, balms, or salves. Apply these products directly to the affected area for targeted relief.
Up in Smoke DC is one of the most prominent cannabis delivery service in the Washington, DC area established in 2019. We are an initiative-71 delivery service company with a mission to provide a safe and reliable access to both medical and recreational cannabis.
We offer high quality products with wide variety of selections, from top growers across the nation. Since the first day in business we have always strived to make the customer’s experience, an excellent one. We are determined to provide service completely within the confines of the law.
Our team is well experianced, professional, knowledgeable and attentive to each individual clients personal needs to provide an unforgettable experience.
Our couriers are dependable, punctual and professional.
Customer satisfaction is always our highest priority. You can contact us on  (202) 957-3496 or www.upinsmokedc.com for doorstep or Kerbside pick up. For in Store please make an appointment, we have 5 locations across Washington DC.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/upinsmokedcdispensary
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/upinsmokedcdispensary
Website:   https://www.upinsmokedc.com/
Google:  https://bit.ly/3QNRO6N
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elfgarlic · 8 months
had a busy chore and errand filled day, now relaxing with a blueberry pomegranate kombucha and a foot bath with hemp oil epsom salts and tea tree oil
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 10 months
Managing Post Home Project Aches and Pains with Natural Remedies
Completing home improvement projects can bring immense satisfaction, but the aftermath often leaves us with soreness and discomfort. While it's tempting to reach for over-the-counter pain relievers, a wealth of natural remedies can effectively alleviate these aches. Here, we'll explore five natural approaches to managing post-home project pains, as well as tips for pacing yourself during projects and the significance of quality rest.
 Natural Remedies for Post-Home Project Pain Relief
Upon finishing home improvement tasks, your body is likely to experience soreness. Combat this discomfort with the following five natural remedies, each offering unique benefits:
 1. Cannabinoid-Rich Hemp Oil for Pain Management and CBD Cream for Relaxation
One exceptional remedy is the use of cannabinoid-rich oil extracted from hemp flowers. This natural compound offers potent pain-relieving and relaxation properties. Cannabinoids interact with receptors in the body's endocannabinoid system, reducing pain perception and promoting a sense of calm.
On the other hand, you can apply CBD cream on sore areas on your general skin to ease soreness and enhance overall comfort. Although both are hemp extracts, there are glaring differences between CBD oil and CBD creams, such as in their usage mode.
2. Heat Therapy
Applying heat to sore muscles is a classic yet effective method. Whether through a heating pad, warm compress, or hot water bottle, heat therapy increases blood flow to the affected area, soothing tension and promoting healing. This simple technique provides quick relief and helps muscles recover faster.
3. Massage
The healing power of touch cannot be overstated. A gentle self-massage or seeking the assistance of a professional masseuse can knead away tension and improve circulation. Massage encourages the release of endorphins, which are natural painkillers, contributing to reducing post-project discomfort.
4. Arm Exercises and Shoulder Rolls
Engaging in light arm exercises and shoulder rolls can seem counterintuitive when you're already sore, but these movements enhance blood flow and prevent stiffness. By gently stretching and flexing your muscles, you improve their range of motion and decrease the likelihood of further discomfort.
5. Taking a Hot Bath
Immersing yourself in a hot bath infused with Epsom salts or essential oils is a wonderful way to relax your body and mind. The warmth of the water relieves muscle tension, while Epsom salts provide magnesium, a mineral crucial for muscle function and relaxation. This remedy promotes overall well-being and helps alleviate post-project pains.
 Pacing Yourself During Home Improvement Projects
Pacing yourself during home improvement projects is crucial to minimize the risk of severe post-project discomfort.
1. Plan and Prioritize
Divide the project into manageable tasks and set realistic goals for each day. Avoid the temptation to rush; instead, focus on steady progress.
2. Take Regular Breaks
Frequent short breaks prevent overexertion. Use these moments to stretch, hydrate, and recharge your energy.
3. Listen to Your Body
Pay attention to your body's signals. If you feel exhausted or in pain, pause and rest. Pushing through can worsen post-project discomfort.
 The Importance of Quality Rest During Projects
Getting proper rest while working on projects is paramount for your well-being and success. Here are three key reasons why
1. Muscle Recovery
Rest is when your body repairs and rebuilds muscles. Getting adequate sleep ensures that your muscles heal properly, reducing post-project aches.
2. Mental Rejuvenation 
Adequate sleep supports cognitive function, decision-making, and mood stability. A well-rested mind is more efficient at managing tasks and handling stress.
3. Immune System Boost
Quality sleep bolsters your immune system, keeping illnesses at bay. This is especially crucial when working on projects that demand physical effort. 
4. Prevention of Overexertion
Rest prevents overexertion, reducing the risk of injury and minimizing the intensity of post-project discomfort.
 Final Thoughts
Completing home improvement projects is rewarding, but the physical toll on your body must be addressed. You can effectively manage post-project aches and pains by embracing natural remedies like cannabinoid-rich hemp oil, heat therapy, massage, gentle exercises, and relaxing baths.
Remember, pacing yourself during projects and prioritizing rest is fundamental for a successful project outcome and your overall well-being. Through these mindful approaches, you'll create a more comfortable post-project experience and ensure your long-term health and vitality
Guest Contributor: Brittany Cotton
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ambassadoralexa77 · 11 months
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CBD Bath Bombs 200mg £7.99
Let your day’s tension and stress melt away with our CBD-infused Bath Bombs. Using essential oils and active botanicals, including lavender, chamomile, lemongrass, eucalyptus, mango, arnica, peppermint, spearmint, and other skin-pampering ingredients, like shea butter and Hawaiian black salt, these blissful bombs give your muscles, joints, and skin the attention and love they deserve. Having a spa day? Make sure to add skin-pampering CBD Foot Masks or our Calming and Moisturising CBD Balm Stick!
CBD Bath Bombs
* 99% pure CBD isolate
* Vegan & cruelty-free
* Contains no harsh dyes to stain your tub or irritate the skin
* Soothing formula with lavender oil & Hawaiian black salt for softening & detoxifying 
* Recharge formula with eucalyptus & spearmint oils to ease sore muscles & joints
* Calming formula with lemongrass & chamomile to help you relax & unwind
* Hydrating formula with mango & shea butter to nourish dry, stressed skin
What Are CBD Bath Bombs?
CBD Bath Bombs are a specially formulated bath bombs that are infused with cannabidiol. Our CBD Bath Bombs contain 200mg of calming, wellness-boosting CBD isolate, plus a potent blend of herbs and essential oils. Our four signature bath bombs—Soothing Lavender, Recharge Eucalyptus, Calming Lemongrass & Chamomile, and Hydrating Mango & Shea Butter—create an wonderfully refreshing bathing experience, leaving you satisfied physically and spiritually. And with no dyes to irritate your skin or stain your tub, you’ll emerge relaxed and renewed.
How to Use a CBD Bath Bomb
To use a CBD Bath Bomb, simply drop the product in warm water, and then swirl it around with your hand or foot, allowing the bomb to slowly fizzle until it’s completely dissolved. Then, simply enjoy your bath, soaking in all the benefits of a CBD topical as it absorbs into the pores of your skin. 
In general, you can aim for your bath to last somewhere between 20 and 40 minutes to get the full CBD benefits. But there shouldn’t be a problem if you choose to linger a bit longer, beyond wrinkly skin, of course. One CBD bomb should be enough for your needs, depending on the amount of water and the size of your tub. However, if you do choose to use more than one bath bomb at a time, we recommend sticking with the same formula, so you can feel one consistent effect.
Explore Our Bath Bomb Collection
Our CBD Bath Bombs come in four skin-pampering formulas, each containing 200mg of 99% pure CBD isolate.
Soothing Lavender
Recharge Eucalyptus
Calming Lemongrass & Chamomile
Hydrating Mango & Shea Butter
Why Choose CBDfx Bath Bombs?
At CBDfx, we’re committed to providing the highest quality in all of our CBD products. It’s the reason that our CBD Bath Bombs are made with only non-GMO CBD, as well as natural herbs and essential oils, to ensure your bathing experience is a pure and satisfying one. We also avoid using dyes, as some can contain harmful chemicals that can stain your tub or irritate your skin.
And because our CBD Bath Bombs are infused with only the highest-grade CBD, you can be assured that every mg of CBD oil in your product is of the absolute purest quality for maximum safety and effectiveness.
After harvesting the non-GMO hemp, we extract the CBD oil using a clean, state-of-the-art process. This allows us to draw out highly purified CBD in the cleanest and most efficient manner possible, giving you a CBD product free of harmful impurities and delivering the full potency of the hemp plant. You can verify the purity and potency of your product by looking at the Certificate of Analysis (COA), an independent, third-party lab report confirming every mg of its contents. At CBDfx, your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities!
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hellushriya · 1 year
Uttarakhand Hemp & Organic - SHOP
Uttarakhand Hemp is dedicated to promoting and selling hemp-based products in the region of Uttarakhand. We offer a wide range of products derived from the versatile hemp plant, including clothing, accessories, skincare, and nutritional supplements. We emphasize the eco-friendly and sustainable nature of Hemp cultivation which is also beneficial to various industries. We aim to support local farmers by promoting hemp farming and creating a market for their products.
We are one of the best online shops for hemp products,  Overall, we serve as a platform to raise awareness about the benefits of hemp and support the growth of the hemp industry in Uttarakhand.  For more deep insight into our shop and the products we sell you can visit our website - https://uttarakhandhemp.com/shop
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We sell products like - Hemp seeds, CBD Wellness based oils, Natural Cosmetics like - Hand Crafted luxury bath soap, Hemp soap for men, Organic Food like immunity boosters, Ayurvedic sugar, Himalayan hand & foot butter, Himalayan crystal salt, Black Soy, White Soy, Lentils, and many more. 
Uttarakhand Hemp is working on the sole agenda of promoting hemp farming as a sustainable source of income for hill farmers. This will help reverse Social migration and have a positive impact on the environment by bringing barren lands under cultivation.
  #LuxurySoaps #HandmadeSoaps #UttarakhandHempandOrganics #NaturalSoap #OrganicSoap #SoapCombo #HimalayanOrganic #OrganicProducts #HimalayanGoodness #PureNature #NaturalLiving #HimalayanHerbs #EcoFriendly #SustainableLiving #HimalayanWellness #HealthyLifestyle
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