#Herb x Clover
oh-lord-its-autumn · 11 months
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The gays needed to match so I tried my best
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what0smart · 2 years
Currently building the SeaMoon Family characters
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It's funny to think of Stardust as Herb's uncle lol
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maimedbunny · 1 year
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Shhh! Be quiet guys! There having a date!
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0deltakhan0 · 1 year
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Cookie Run FanKids pt1
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rosejigglypuff76 · 1 year
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Yesterday in the late afternoon, I went to the movie cinema to watch the Super Mario Bros Movie 🎥 Buying tickets to head into the premium Director's Club to watch the aforementioned movie, because of the fact that it's like watching in an airplane business class version of a movie theatre 📽️ Here are several photos that I took, all while having a set of different Cookie Run characters to show up in the photo 🎀
Several of cookies that were all know and recognize are heading into the Director's Club to watch an upcoming movie! Each of them came in with their family and/or dates by their side, all excited to see an amazing animated film that'll start showing in about 30 minutes from now At the Movie Ticket Booth, Sparkling brought along his boyfriend named Vampire, and his father known as Earl Gray went to watch the upcoming movie together Espresso is asking to speak to the Cinema's Manager while Madeleine is oblivious to it Alchemist and Strawberry Crepe are simply there to see what movies are coming soon Moving towards the Snack Bar, Clover walks in with a suspicious cookie with the thought of having their little date Stardust and Kyu-Kyu are enjoying some snacks together and having fun like a lovable dad with his silly kid Princess and Pomegranate are having an argument with each other, and Cherry Blossom stares in an embarrassed manner And finally in the Director's Club Cinema, Almond walks in with his sleepy daughter named Walnut as a way to give both her and himself a wholesome father-daughter relaxation day, not knowing that Phantom Bleu (Rougefort) also popped in The polyamorous cookies consisting of Capsaicin, Kouign-Amann, and Prune Juice are also excited to be here, although the potion brewer feels like it's unnecessary to head here Clotted Cream is being cautious as he brought Custard III and Pancake to the movies for a family bonding, cautious since he doesn't want Custard Sr to show up And finally Dark Choco and Herb just arrived at the cinema, ready to have a lovable and fun time with everyone as they all watch the movie
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chantilly6761 · 11 months
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Love for a ship so strong it’s the only thing keeping me connected to the franchise
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xcl0wningar0und · 2 years
I drew a thing
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These two live in a little plant filled apartment in my brain and I allow them to stay for free because I love them💚
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rottenkadaver · 1 year
"dreamland orchestra" • Clover Cookie x Cream Unicorn Cookie x Herb Cookie (aka Dreaming Plants) • 1157 words, 1 chapter. • Fluff
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asumofwords · 1 month
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Warnings: She/her pronouns. Smallfolk OC, mentions of death and war, descriptions of injury and blood, slowburn. Tags will be added as the fic goes along.
Pairings: Aemond x She/Her
Summary: Raised in the Riverlands, near the shadow of Harrenhal, her life was one of endless toil and quiet resilience. Every day was the same—scraping together food, tending to the ill, and surviving the harsh realities of a land marked by struggle. But when war came, it brought horrors beyond anything she could have imagined. The skies blazed with fury, the waters of the Gods Eye churned with the echoes of battle, and then—just as suddenly as it began—the world grew eerily quiet. She believed the worst was over. That was, until a fateful discovery in the woods shattered her fragile peace and set her on a path she never could have foreseen.
Notes: Hello there my sweet angels! Thank you so much for your patience in me writing this. It has been such a long time since I have written anything and I am so excited to finally have a burst of energy (and the inspiration) to do it! As I'm writing this I'm like, is this similar to Lighthouse? And you know what, potentially? Lmaoooo. I'm not sure how many chapters this bad boy is going to be, but it will be a miniseries hehe. If you want to be tagged in the taglist, let me know, otherwise I hope you enjoy! <3
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Chapter 1: Broken
Still and brittle air. A body of water that had rippled with anger, now calm and without falsely made tides. In the woods beside the ever stretching lake, there was food to be found, herbs to be foraged, and animals to be hunted. What she hadn’t accounted for was the discovery of a man.
As she moved through the nearby woodlands, her eyes diligently scanned the forest floor for edible plants to gather and bring home. She followed a slender stream that wound its way like a vein through the lush greenery. Below her, she spotted some watercress and knelt down to collect it.
The plant was easy to identify, its round, dark green leaves gleaming with a healthy shine, growing in plump clusters that resembled clover. A common enough find, watercress was versatile—its peppery flavour could be enjoyed raw or cooked, adding a subtle kick to various dishes.
With gentle precision, she cut the stems at their base using her blade, then placed the watercress into the small basket she held at her hip. The air filled with a faint peppery scent as her fingers began to feel the familiar tackiness from the leaves. She took care not to harvest too much, arranging the watercress atop the rest of her foraged goods before continuing along the well-worn path toward the lake. Beneath the cloth in her basket lay a worn net, neatly folded, its ends weighted by sinkers like the delicate strands of a spider's web.
A lot of trouble the lake had seen in the few days past. Troubles from highborn nobles who cared naught about the smallfolk who outnumber them. But now that it was still, it was almost eerie from how so much chaos can suddenly halt in its tracks from the actions of just two; how much destruction just even one could make. 
The soft chirping of birds echoed through the gaps between the trees, mingling with the gentle creaking of branches swaying in the breeze. As she neared the shore, the bushes and trees grew sparser, revealing the familiar lake’s edge. Stones of varying sizes scattered the bank, and the water lay calm, a deep shade of blue.
Her cottage was tucked behind her, deeper within the woods from where she had come. It was close enough to the village—a few hours walk—but far enough that few ventured to this secluded corner of the lake. There was an unspoken respect for the boundaries each had claimed, and everyone faithfully followed their familiar, ancestral paths.
Though autumn rapidly approached, and the nipping of the cold chilled her through her skirts, the woman still stripped her feet of her shoes and stockings, pulling up her skirts and apron to knot at the side, leaving her legs bare to the open air. 
With a swift flourish, she pulled the net from the basket and waded into the lake until the water reached her knees, disregarding the cold that bit at her skin. In the frigid depths, her feet slid over and between the rocks beneath, occasionally unsettling her balance and sending small ripples across the surface.
She stood motionless for a time, waiting for the disturbed fish to be lulled back into a false sense of safety. Once the water had settled, she cast her net, its pointed corners spreading like the limbs of an octopus before sinking below the surface. She gripped the long rope attached to the center and began to drag the net back toward her.
At first, the net yielded only a few stray leaves and a couple of twigs. Undeterred, she carefully ensured that the net was untangled before tossing it back into the water. Again, she pulled it in quickly, only to find the same meager catch. She repeated the process until her toes had grown numb and a dull ache crept up her shins from the cold.
Moving to a new spot, she threw the net once more, watching the weights sink swiftly as she pulled it in. This time, there was resistance.
The water rippled and splashed as she hauled the net up, revealing three small fish trapped inside. Their silvery bodies thrashed side to side, desperately trying to escape. With swift, steady steps, she walked back to the shore and dropped the net onto the dirt bank, watching the fish flop and struggle. Taking out her hunting knife, she carefully avoided cutting the rope as she held each fish down, driving the blade into their heads. The frantic thrashing slowed to a dull twitch, and then ceased altogether. She slit their bellies open, removed the guts, and flung them into the water, hoping to attract more fish—or perhaps even larger ones.
She placed them in the basket, but their sizes were nothing extraordinary. She thought that she could dry some for later, store them to eat dried or to soak in a stew with a thick bread. And though the coldness was beginning to get to her, she continued, walking straight back into the water to throw her net back in. 
Casting the net out far and pulling it back in, she managed to get four more fish which she killed, gutted and placed in the basket beside the other. Though not greedy, she knew that the winter months would soon be upon her and it was best to be prepared with an ample store of dried fish and foods, even more-so now after the war had ravaged so much of the Seven Kingdoms. She decided that if she was to have ten, she would be able to eat well that evening as well as have a fair stash to have ready whenever needed. 
Once more she stepped out into the water, though this time daring to wade deeper, the water coming to her mid thigh, the bottoms of her skirts and apron slowly became saturated, the weight pulling her body down. 
Another cast of the net, she watched as the weights sunk into the dark depths, the sun bleached rope disappearing into the lake before she began to pull at the rope, only this time the tension of the rope pulled taught and the net became stuck. 
With a huff, she blew a stray strand of hair from her face and yanked on the net, trying to dislodge it from whatever it had snagged on—a branch or perhaps a rock. But the net wouldn’t budge, and her frustration grew. She pulled harder, and the net finally came free, but the force sent her stumbling backward, her foot slipping into a small dip in the lakebed. Her hips plunged into the cold water.
"Fuck." she hissed as the icy water soaked her gown up to her waist.
In a surge of anger, she wrenched the net toward her, only to find her frustration deepening when she saw a rip in the netting. The frayed rope left a gaping hole, one that would take considerable time to mend—or perhaps force her to start anew.
“Fucking cunt.” She flung the net back to shore, the weights making a wet thud on the soil, as she looked to where the her net had got caught. 
With her dress already soaked, she made no quarrels with walking deeper, the icy lake now coming up to her chest as she tried to peer down into the dark depths to see what her net had gotten snagged on. Why she looked, she did not know. Perhaps to curse out whatever rock or object had ruined her perfectly fine net. At the very least she had caught enough fish to last her until she could mend the torn net, or start anew. Gods forbid she had to walk to a nearby town to buy one.
With careful feet she waded in the water, reaching her toes out first in search of the sunken object. Hands balancing her atop the waters surface, she reached further forward in search. Her toes touched small rocks, their broken edges skating against the sides or sole of her foot-- but still it was not what had ruined her net. There were many rocks in the lake, she knew this, the fishermen who had boats on the lake and drew trade knew this, but she frequented this spot enough to know that there was something new there that shouldn’t be.
Rough and smooth all at once she felt it, something before her nestled between boulders. As her toe searched the foreign object, a sharp sting radiated up from them. She hissed, pulling her foot backwards, wondering if there was something new within the lake that could swallow her whole. Her curiosity took over. Tentatively, she pushed her foot out again, finding the smooth yet bumpy object that seemed to be colder than the water itself. The more she touched it, the more she realised that it was not what she had thought at all. In fact, she was surprised to come to the conclusion that it was manmade. 
With her dress already soaked, she dipped her arm into the water, shoulder and breast dipping beneath the surface halting her breath as her fingers sought out what her toes had found. Cool metal met her hand, her digits wrapping around a cylinder shape, the feeling of spirals beneath. With all her might she pulled it, the weight of what she held making her strain, but as she lifted it she was able to see the glinting of steel beneath the water as it got closer to the surface. 
The sword hilt was black and gold, a sort of spiral shape at the top, its cross guards gold and in the shape of a head, a bird perhaps? Or a dragon? It was long and heavy, and just when she thought the rest of it would come to the surface, she was wrong. It was far too large and too heavy for her to pull it up out of the water. Stepping back carefully with the new found object in hand, she dragged it behind her, the point dragging over rocks and sediment alike until finally she was back on the shore. 
The make of the sword told her that it was worth its weight in gold, and even had gold upon it to prove her observations further. It would have belonged to a nobleman, or perhaps even a knight, though the closer the looked at it, the more features she could see that resembled symbolism of House Targaryen. 
So it was one of theirs, then. 
She let the sword drop to the sand, hands on her hips as she looked at both her basket full of food and fish, the broken net, and finally to the sword. The sword would be worth much, but she would have to travel far to sell it to anyone with the coin to buy it. But then comes the trouble of travelling with such a large, and if she was correct in what she thought it was, recognisable item. It would risk raiders, or worse, some overzealous loyalist who deigned her a thief and cut off her hands. 
Eyes drifting behind her towards the lake, she wondered what had happened those days past. 
She remembered the sound, the ear piercing shrieks from the sky, heat of fire, the smell of smoke and crashing of water. But she had run as fast as she would once she saw the great green beast fly overhead.
Nothing good ever came to the Riverlands when She was near.
Eventually though, having nowhere else to go, the woman had returned in the night, hidden amongst the forest and trees, listening for the sounds of roaring and flame which had ceased quickly as it echoed around the lake. And when she arrived back to the lake, it was quiet once more.
The dance of the two dragons above Gods Eye was no more, and she could finally go back to living her life; uninterrupted. 
She scanned the shoreline surrounding, eyes narrowing in the distance to see if she saw any signs of the dragons. Perhaps they had crawled out from the lake on the other side and had made their way towards her end? But the lake was so large and so deep, that none could even see to the other side.
Turning to pick up her basket and the sword again she was halted by the flickering of something shiny in the distance, the setting sun reflecting off of metal amongst tree root and rock. She wondered briefly if it was going to be another sword, or perhaps a helm. That would be easier to sell at the nearby town; a smith would certainly pay handsomely to melt down the steel and turn it into whatever wares he desired. She kicked soil over the blade and placed the basket full of greens and fish atop the hilt, covering the gold and reflective surface entirely before making her way towards the flickering light. 
Her dress pulled down on her shoulders heavily, water dripping from the hem with each step as a chill rose upon her flesh. But something compelled her further, despite all other instincts within, she pushed on, making her way towards the glinting metal which snaked along the rocky shore. The closer she got, the more she recognised that it was chains, draped and shining in the sun, some covered in dirt the rest leading towards the water. 
She thought of the many things she could do with the chains, what their worth could be, and whether or not it was worth going further to collect them, and yet still she persisted, feet muddy and wet, a slight sting from where the blade of the sword had cut at her toes.
She bent down to gaze upon them, strong, good quality steel it seemed. They had not tarnished, nor were their many marks upon them. The chain links were half the length of her arm and triple the width, its weight likely more than her own. They were far too large for her to carry alone.
A breeze rolled through the forest and across the water, sending goosebumps to rise over her body with a shiver. It was getting dark, she was drenched, and the best option was to leave the larger find behind and come back for it on the morrow, perhaps with a plan on how she would move the chain from water, to shore, to forest, to door. 
She turned to face the forest and was greeted with evidence of the destruction dragons could inflict. Trees older than her grandmother had ever been, their trunks as wide as horses, split down the centre and broken from the impact of a large body. Further within she could see the singed tree tops, where ash that had settled down atop the canopy. The eeriness of a broken forest and a broken realm, far too close to home.
And yet she was drawn to it, this destruction. It was unlike anything she had witnessed before; she was pulled forward. Feet crunching on the pine floor, the crunch of her steps deafening in comparison to how quiet it was amongst the carnage. The animals had not yet returned, the ones that had once been there dead, silent. 
Even with the trees that had somehow managed to survive, to stand tall despite the terror that had reigned above them, their trunks and leaves were covered in the evidence of what was. Ash, streaked each surface, and with a curious hand she place it atop the bark of a tree, brushing her finger along the ridges of the wood, watching as they turned grey. A quick rub of forefinger and pointer together made the ash smear, and as she stood by that tree, taking in the scene before her, her eyes focused upon a darkness behind the tree that should not have been there. 
Something that was not born of ash nor bark nor fur. 
Something human. 
Uncertainly she took a step around the tree to see the beginning of a boot, a leathered boot at that. And attached to it a leg, and then hips, and finally;
A man. 
Dressed head to toe in dark leather, now grey with ash, the man lay on his side. Her heart raced in her chest, though she had seen the dead before, this time was different. This time it was not a sick merchant, nor a child who had gotten the winter fever. It was not her father dying at the hands of a drunken fight, blood trickling from his mouth. 
This was one of them. 
Long silver hair lay knotted across the mans face, ash streaking the pearlescent tresses grey. His skin much the same, though the parlour was similar to a corpse; so pale, so almost blue that she could have mistaken him for one of Harrenhal’s ghosts.
Was he the man who had slaughtered the Strong family at Harrenhal?
Or was he the one who commanded the brutal rape and murders of those who opposed the Blackwoods? 
Did it matter? She thought to herself, They were all the same.
The leg she had discovered was bent at an unnatural angle, the shin snapped in two, broken in a way that if he had lived he would have been crippled for the rest of his days. The rest of his body did not fair well either, tears in his leather tunic and breeches given way to an attack, or a fall, or Gods knew what else. The famed silver hair which obscured his face from view was red at his skull, slowly seeping into a rust colour where blood had dried from a wound. 
Bare toes stood beside the pale mans head as she dipped to her knees, her wet dress sticking to the ash and pine coated floor. She observed him for a time, admiring the stitchwork of the tunic he wore, noting that it would likely be-- despite its conditions-- the nicest thing she could own. But she was no grave robber, and she had no desire to be haunted by his spirit after desecrating his corpse. 
Her curiosity however won out, and with an unsteady hand, unsure whether it be from the cold or the man, she reached forth to brush the blood crusted hair away from his face.
Despite its appearance, ash, blood and leaves tangled in the locks, his hair was as soft as silk as she brushed it with her hands. The skin of his ear was cold to the touch. She swept the tangled heap away from his brow and cheek, revealing a bruised and cut cheek, though that was not what had made her breath skip in her chest. 
The space where his eye should have been was empty, though not from this battle, but from one many years ago she supposed, the skin of the brow and cheek scarred deeply down his face. She could see to the back of where his eye would have once sat, the flesh darkened and scarred.
Aemond One-Eye.
Following the scar on his cheek, she looked to his lips, where dried blood had crusted at its opening and down his other cheek to the forest floor. His nose, aquiline and strong had bled too, as did his ears from what she would see, and through the centre of his face a cut sliced through the bridge where bruising and bone were visible. 
It was weird, to sit so close to a corpse of royalty, and she were sure that if he were alive he would have stuck her for daring to even touch him. For daring to even touch his pure blood, and his pure hair, and his purer skin. And this thought alone made her touch him all the more, tracing curious fingers across his cheek, his nose, the scar running through his cheek, and down to his neck, where his tunic had been torn and the pale expanse of his neck was visible. 
Her finger trailed down past his jaw, underneath it, wondering what in the world separated the two of them. They died just like everyone else. Whether that be in the birthing bed, in cups of ale, or fighting one another. What made the Targaryens so far removed from her? Besides their silver hair, their lilac eyes and their dragons, they were merely men, and all men died.
The King was proof of this.
A faint fluttering beneath her fingers made her lift her hand in shock, her digits hovering over the mans face as she looked at him in disbelief. 
He couldn’t…
She leant down, dipping her ear beside his lip as she rested a hand against his ribs. 
And there it was, a rattling breath so weak, so quiet, that had his lips not been pressed against her ear she would not have heard it. 
He was alive.
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
Taglist: Please ask if you would like to be added to the taglist
@thewriterthatghostedyou @sepherinaspoppies @insufferablelust @osferthswifey @persephonerinyes @ihadlife @aemondsfavouritebastard @thaisthedreamer
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pearlwithgirl · 3 months
Wordless Conversations
John Price x gn!reader
Fluffy fluff - 1200 words
(a subtle hint of smut, but in the way that a La Croix seems like it has been flavoured by sitting in the same room as a strawberry)
A syrupy sweet drabble about words spoken without the need for speech.
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It’s hard not to stare. The late summer glow slides across the expanse of your property, and John is leaned up against a quaintly crooked fence post, knitting his brow in mild exertion. Cushioned muscle draws your eye as he lifts his shirt to wipe the soil and dew off his face. He always loves a sun shower, gentle sheets of rain dyed golden by a low-hanging sun.
He’s harvested the last of the herbs and vegetables for tonight’s dinner - leeks, potatoes, sweetcorn, and dill. They’ll meld together so nicely, mellow and hearty as the whitefish flakes apart on your tongue. He’ll melt into his chair after polishing off the soup (an old family recipe) and give you a warm look, eyes crinkling, hand on his belly. The expression will say “This is just what I needed. This - and you.”
You’re busy getting a head start on dessert, fragrant steam from bubbling berries curling through the air in a saccharine wisp. Sweetened red currants, loganberries, and crab apples stew before you as John pops a cherry tomato into his mouth. The fruit will pair well with chilled cream and buttery shortcake - dessert with a nightcap before you meet in the shower and tumble into bed together. 
John’s face smooths out and he smiles as he watches Laska dart over patches of clover and between berry bushes - she’s always chasing butterflies. He snacks on a few pilfered strawberries as he reclines against the cedar planks, crossing his legs in front of him. Your pup playfully bows before she leaps into the air once again, arcing gracefully before barrelling into John’s side. He ruffles her fur as she wiggles in his lap and his laugh rings out above the tinny sound of the heirloom radio. 
You remember this song. So does he. The melody wafts through the window and he turns to face you, illuminated by tinted shafts of sunlight and whirling fractals cast out by the stained glass rim above your swimming head. Those strong brows quirk up and you know he’s thinking the same thing as you are.
“Remember that night in Copenhagen?” He asks you silently, grin turning sentimental and wry. 
Of course you remember. That’s where it all began - on glistening cobblestones outside of a cafe from a past life. Somehow, his eyes light up even more as your face grows dreamy, and that sarky smile goes saccharine - syrupy sweet.
You’ll never grow tired of that look. It says “You are my sunshine, my favourite thing in the world,” “You and I - it’s as easy as breathing,” “I miss you,” even though you’ve been apart for scantly more than a single chime of the clock. A lazy grin peels across your face and you catch a gentle quake in his shoulders.
He takes you in, chuckles, and brings two fingers up to tap his nose. - “You’ve got a little something right here, sweetheart.” 
Your face heats up as you wipe the smear off your face and suck the vanilla-speckled sweet cream from your thumb. You savour the little honeyed cloud, and with a tilt of your head, you beckon him toward the house.
It’s funny, isn’t it? The extensive communication that happens without a single utterance - hidden meanings and professions flowing easily over crags and cobbles that would have been hindrances for a pair less bonded. 
To others, he may come off as coarse or abrasive, while you could be glinting, sharp - but you’re nothing more than frosted sea glass to each other. Rare finds - blushing rose and stormy violet. You’ve smoothed each other’s edges, found yourselves moulded seamlessly to one another. 
Sweet words are shared in abundance, vocalized, but they’re not necessary much of the time. The two of you have learned to move in tandem, to have conversations with heated looks, gentle hands, vice versa, and everything in between.
“I need you, John,” as you walk through the door, face steeped in sorrow, little diamonds clinging to your lashes and tumbling down your cheeks.
“I’ve got you - I’ll always take care of you, sweetheart,” as he wraps you up in his arms and rocks you back and forth, rain playing a staccato lullaby while he cradles your head right next to his heartbeat.
“You’re mine,” in the midnight umbra, where heated breaths are exchanged and swallowed up greedily. 
“You fit so perfectly into my arms,” as he cages you in, bracketing you in between bulky forearms. You feel it again when he draws you in close, head tucked neatly under his chin, sleepy and satisfied.
“You are my comfort, my safety, my home,” while you blink slowly up at him, lashes fluttering around dripping adoration.
“You are the joy of my life,” as he levels you with a look of reverence and a mouth full of cake, legs touching under the table. Every hellish moment you’ve endured together holds nothing more than the weight of a papercut in comparison to the magnitude of what you feel for each other, what you've built. 
You delay the post-dinner cleanup so you can sway back and forth in the timber swing out back. With Laska tucked under one arm and you under the other, he downs the last sip of rhubarb cider, enjoying the view beside him in lieu of the remnants of rainbow and sunset. You know this expression too - better than any other. It paints a more colourful image than the one on the horizon. It holds memories, devotion, proclamations, and vows. He wore the same look on your wedding day - a strawberry-sweet smile and glassy eyes to go with the rosy pocket square from Copenhagen. 
After the dishes are done (he washes, you dry), you linger under the arch of the threshold, finger stalled over the brass switch as you look around the room. Your nostalgia-laden gaze roves from John’s grandmother’s old pie plates to the moss green tiles he installed around the picture window. Trinkets are scattered across the hearth, a lovely landscape filled with photos of found family and homemade knits and ceramics. Every bit and bauble, down to the simplest fruit-stained recipe card, has been carefully curated and cherished over years of blissful benediction. You think you’ve found heaven on Earth, and it’s not a place - it’s him.
He slings an arm around your middle and you rub a soothing thumb over his hand, leaning back into the crook of his neck. Your eyes fall shut as he presses his lips to the crown of your head. There’s a shared sentiment in your mutual touch.  
“Thank you for giving me this life.” 
You exhale in unison, shimmying around to face him, placing a palm on his cheek. His larger hand eclipses yours, and the expression on his face goes downy-soft. Right now, his baby blues hold your favourite look of all. It flickers warm and bright, comforting and exhilarating all at once, and it’s mirrored in your own half-lidded eyes. You know exactly what it means - it flavours every interaction and perfumes the room along with viridian herbiness and the sweet tang of berries. 
Three little words hang softly in the air as you flick the light off and stride down the hall hand-in-hand.
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oh-lord-its-autumn · 2 years
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I will ship them forever
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jungle-angel · 5 months
Twelve Little Troublemakers (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett were definitely not counting on having to watch over twelve little rabbits
Warnings: Animal births, parenthood, Rhett being Snow White coded etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @callmemana @attapullman @sebsxphia @rhettabbotts
The spring sunshine spilled through the windows of yours and Rhett's home and into the room that had become the animal nursery. Rhett lay on his stomach on the soft rug, his arm curled protectively around Clover, the female bunny rabbit who had escaped the property of an infamous Wabang animal hoarder with her mate, Hazel.
You knelt beside him, brushing a loose chocolate brown curl off his face and kissing his stubbly cheek. Rhett purred in his sleep, a broad grin crawling across his face.
"You know I've got a pregnant doe with me right?" he chuckled.
You giggled a little, kissing his cheek again. "Your Ma says if you're not upstairs for dinner in twenty minutes she's gonna beat you with her sandal."
"I'd like to see her try," Rhett laughed.
Very carefully, he picked Clover up and brought her back to the birth box where Hazel was waiting for her. God she was getting big. Judging by the size of her belly, Rhett had guessed that she'd birth her litter any day now.
Upstairs they went to join his parents and Amy for dinner, the smell of roast chicken filling the whole house along with the herbed biscuits, white cheddar mac'n cheese and green beans. But while you and your family ate together, someone had other ideas.
"What the f---? Rhett your little rat's begging for food again," Royal announced.
Rhett looked under the table and there was Alberto, the little black and tan chihuahua dog with his American flag bandana around his neck, ears back and tail wagging like crazy.
"Hey!" Rhett ordered, snapping his fingers. "C'mere."
Alberto's nails scritched the floor as he hurried to Rhett's chair, laying right down near his feet.
"Little guy's spoiled fuckin rotten," Royal chuckled.
"Hey if ya'll were out on the streets you'd be beggin for food too," Rhett laughed.
"Ain't too proud to, son," Royal told him.
The family finished dinner and as soon as the leftovers were put away and the dishes loaded into the dishwasher for the night, you, Rhett, Cecelia, Amy and Royal all settled in for a weekend movie. "The Empire Strikes Back" had always been a favorite of Royal's, one he had watched with the gang of childhood miscreants who had been his friends growing up. You and Rhett had laughed when you found the video tape copy, still with the worn out piece of masking tape on it.
You had been in the middle of the film when Rhett had gotten up to go and bed the animals in the nursery down for the night, when he poked his head back into the basement living room.
"Darlin," he hissed. "C'mere."
You quickly got up and followed him upstairs to the room and sure enough, there was Clover with her little legs sticking up as she licked between them.
"Is it time?" you asked him.
"Yep," Rhett answered. "I'm gonna go scrub in the bathroom. Ya'll wanna go get some clean towels and the supplies?"
You nodded and went to go retrieve whatever Rhett needed. You both gently helped Clover as best you could, but thankfully no intervention was needed. The first little kit was born after about five minutes, a little ginger and cream colored one that you and Rhett had named Thresh. Eleven more followed in his wake, Blackberry, Nettle, Rosie, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Angelica, Lily and Holly.
The next morning, you could never have imagined the surprised expressions on your in-laws' faces nor Amy's when she meets the baby bunnies for the first time. You and Rhett are adamant that Amy keeps her hands off until she's learned to be gentle. But you and Rhett can't help but be proud, because every animal birth that occurs, you know that it's bound to be successful.
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samalamm · 9 months
decided today is the day i spam post so here's random cookie run hcs
espresso has muscle problems and back issues because he sits like a shrimp i REFUSE to be challenged on that
everyone likes their soft sweetheart herb but mine is. a feral creature from hell. he's still a sweetie but he bullies people as a love language
affogato has obnoxiously pointy upper fangs and scales that are mostly along their spine and shoulders. because i took caramel calling them a snake literally
madeleine uses like 12 hair care products on his hair. espresso just uses 3in1 because he doesn't have time for allat he has work to do dammit
cherry blossom and herb are an underrated couple i find them so funny. especially with my feral variation of herb. crazy x crazier
herb chews their fingernails,, also uses she/he/they prns because they literally couldn't care less. you could use fart as a pronoun and they'd be like "yeah lol"
herb asks existential questions to nobody in particular at three in the morning. what makes this even better is that he lives with clover so imagine going down the hall after getting some toast and yo homie says "hey man... what if we're characters in a video game"
knight is originally from the vanilla kingdom so he's used to cold weather due to the autumn/winters in the pvk being cold and snowy. on the contrary mousse and princess both HATE cold weather and have to be dragged outside. (knight isn't complaining tho, free cuddles)
eclair once dove under the sea with candy diver and almost got eaten by squid ink when he tried to steal treasure from their cave
herb has white lilys trait of being able to be sniffed out for MILES, except instead of white lilies it's matcha tea
adding on, white lily's scent is slightly toxic (since white lilies are poisonous) and if you breathe it in for a certain amount of time you can get really sick
white lily HATES mornings. she always tries to sleep in and refuses to get out of bed until ten in the morning
dark cacao once proposed to golden cheese with a ring pop when they were like five. she said no
when espresso does sleep (which is incredibly rare) he can sleep for DAYS on end without waking up once. madeleine always has to come make sure he's even breathing. he's fine, he's just out like a light
herb has a very odd fascination with mythical creatures
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nosleepreal · 4 months
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Just cookie run :3
My 2 favourite ship n comfort ship(clover x herb) for pride month :D
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itsthundertime · 3 months
Clover as Sammy Lawrence for my CRK x BATIM AU!
He's way better at making axes than Licorice😇
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Backstory-Clover was a sweet, music and nature-loving Bard who sang to all creatures who heard his songs but with fame he became more irritated by... Well... Everything, almost. But he loves music so why wasn't he happy about his musical talents gaining traction? He was even being payed big time to write songs and play them for others, way too often though.
But, he still loved music and nature just as much as before, same with Herb, who wasn't all that into music but loved the outdoors, maybe more than Clover himself, Licorice though wasn't fond of much of either, but they were still close in secret.
Although, one day, something went wrong, he got caught in a crossfire of a gruesome battle between Dark Enchantress and Pure Vanilla, getting hit by a strong, burning attack, disfiguring him due to it.
But things just kept on getting worse for Clover, he went more and more insane until he purposely went missing, disfiguring other cookies who came close, like something straight out of a horror story, one being a somewhat younger Cookie, although the hole in his face wasn't CLOVER'S fault.
But through this new hell, he at least has his king to guide him and his subjects!
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