#Hey gang. Back on my bullshit again
pollyannawog · 1 year
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"Amy mulled it over in her mind.
Was she really going on a date with a robot? With Metal Sonic?
She had to suppress a laugh. She scrubbed at the dish in her hand, lost in thought. It was so funny, honestly. For years now, she’d dreamed of going on a date with Sonic. Only just recently did she really, truly accept that that probably was never going to happen. And what happens next?
His own doppelgänger seems to fall in love with her.
It was as hilarious as it was frustrating."
Metal Sonic comes up with a new scheme to prove himself as the real Sonic the Hedgehog. Amy just wants to find out why his behavior is always so strangely inconsistent. Maybe they can figure it out together.
Updates Mondays and Fridays
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asleepinawell · 1 year
there was some post I reblogged the other day that was like "being in your 20s is terrible things keep happening to you but you still have to go to the grocery store after" and I made some snarky comment in the tags about how your 30s aren't much different and a couple people in their 20s were depressed about that in the reblogs. and I just want to amend that slightly
like yeah we live in a capitalist hellscape and the realities of that mean we're all Going Through It and there's no magical age that makes that stop and you will always need to buy fucking groceries in spite of it all, but, BUT...
there's some sense of stability I've hit in my thirties that even when I'm dealing with the worst shit imaginable has made a difference. I don't mean stability as in a career or relationship or even mental health, but just kind of being more grounded in myself and having a better foundation to operate off of while I deal with The Horrors™. it's an internal stability. it isn't "good" or "bad" in terms of emotions, it's just a part of existing
obviously this isn't a universal experience, but it is something a bunch of other people in the same age bracket as me have expressed to me as well
and while this may be something you'd attribute solely to privilege or ease of life, let me say that when I hit 30 I just got steamrolled with a bunch of severe chronic health issues that upended my life. a lot of other terrible life things happened in that same time frame. shit really sucked for a while and I still have a bunch of those health issues and may indefinitely. and yet I still feel like I'm a more stable person, regardless of how I feel at any given time. I've been me longer
sometimes being me is not great but having a more firmly defined idea of "me" AND the experiences of just dealing with shit and surviving and getting through the day over the years is a solid foundation to build off of and one that sprang up without me consciously being aware of the process. it's something that happens over time as you go through life. it's likely it'll keep progressing as I someday hit my forties, fifties, etc
it doesn't fix everything. you'll still need to buy groceries. but it's not nothing. I'd even venture to say it's a lot
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vicocaaisha · 3 months
An Act
Seong Suji x Reader Fic.
Sypnosis: Recently broke up with the school bully, you decided to take revenge by fake dating your school's new student.
Warnings: I guess there's not much!
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You sighed as you looked at your school building. That bitch, Harin, persuaded your school principal to suspend you for a week. Why? Because you and Dayeon broke up and you ended up burning the papers they’re going to give to your homeroom teacher as your classes’ grades.
You hated that three of them–Harin, Doah, and Dayeon– always manipulated the school grades. Although you were in grade B and still got higher grades, you just wanted to take revenge on what Dayeon did to you. Used you as an accessory, flaunting you everywhere and even to his dad, which he was very proud of because your father is a famous lawyer. But when you were no longer useful to Dayeon, she left you saying that she wants to focus on other things and started dating that judo girl. Ugh!
Well, you didn’t love her or like her at all. You just liked her company since you are a troublemaker yourself, minus the bullying. You just liked taunting Harin with her psychotic ideas.
You were knocked out of your thoughts when a girl bumped into you, “I’m sorry!” she said as she was running towards your class’ building. Who is she? If she’s a new student, it’s unusual since it’s the middle of your school’s semester but whatever! You have other things you want to attend to.
You later learned that the girl who bumped into you was Seong Suji, a grade F. Currently, Dayeon and her gang are putting that Suji girl in a garbage bag. Psychopaths.
“What the fuck!” Dayeon shouted as she was drenched with your tomato juice. You didn’t like tomato juice at all, but you just bought it to spill it on Dayeon’s shirt.
“Oops, sorry. I tripped because of your stupid garbage bag.” You smiled cheekily at her then rolled your eyes.
Suji was long forgotten now because of the commotion you created, “Stop being a bitch, Y/N!” Wooyi shouted back at you. You cackled at their reactions as they were helping Dayeon clean up her shirt. Dayeon’s little friend group stormed out of the room and into the bathroom to help Dayeon clean the mess you’ve made.
“Thank you, um…” Suji was looking into your eyes as if she was asking for your name.
“Yeah, yeah. I didn’t do that to help you, just wanted to annoy them. You better clean this all up before the teacher comes.” You didn’t even look at her way and you just sat on your seat tapping on your phone.
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Being Dayeon’s ex means you don’t have friends to eat with anymore because you were once in her gang, too. So now, you are currently seated outside on a bench, plotting your next revenge on your ex.
“Hey, I didn’t get the chance to ask your name earlier.” That Suji girl is bothering you once again.
“Don’t act like you don’t know my name, I saw you talking to Eun-byeol. I bet you she persuaded you to ask for help from our homeroom teacher. Watch out, Suji, that girl is a snake.” You sighed loudly, tired of the bullshit and issues your classmates and that perverted teacher have.
“Oh right, sorry. Eun-byeol told me that I could ask for your help, and based on the actions you made earlier, I’m guessing you’re against Dayeon.” She asked you with a glint of hope in her eyes.
In which you just rolled your eyes, “Well then, she must have thought wrong. I won’t help you nor I won’t get you in trouble either. Eun-byeol must have thought I’ll torment you when you’re going to ask me for help.” You’re annoyed now. You didn’t like Eun-byeol, such a two faced and a suck up.
Seated on a bench, while Suji is standing in front of you. You decided to look up at her. Wow, she is gorgeous. Suddenly, a click went inside your head. You had an idea to piss off Dayeon!
Suji started to walk away after your rejection but…
“Hey, Suji. Maybe I could help you in one condition” You were now standing and smirking at her.
“And what could that be?” Suji said, you could practically hear the hopefulness in her voice.
“I could help you with whatever you want, and in exchange, you act like my girlfriend to make Dayeon jealous, but that would start when you get out of grade F! Anyway, I’ll vote for you for the next HR.”
Out of options, Suji agreed to your conditions.
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A month has passed since you made that deal with Suji. Suji had told you what her plans are and that is destroying the pyramid game, it was no big deal for you because you also hated your psychotic classmates. They are literally fucked in the brain and needs therapy. You also helped Suji get out of grade F alongside Jaeun.
You have been so preoccupied with Suji’s plan that you forgot the deal you made with her. Not until your crazy ex terrorised you again.
You were eating alone at the cafeteria because Suji and Jauen are trying to befriend some students from grade D.
“Hey baby girl, missed me?” Dayeon said it in english while sitting next to your seat.
“What, Dayeon? Can you leave me alone or I’ll pour this hot tea on you.” You rolled your eyes at her, which earned a toothy smile from her.
“I was wondering if we could go out later? You know, like old times.” Her english accent makes you annoyed. How come you liked her before and even agree to be her girlfriend?
Before you could even reply a sly remark, someone cut you off, “I don’t think that’s going to happen, she’s dating me already.” You’ve never whipped your head to your side so fast before, and you saw Suji standing like a knight in shining armour. God, you never noticed how fast your heart was beating, all you could think about was how pretty she looks and how her lips look so kissable.
“C’mon, babe. I told you before to avoid Dayeon, you know how I get so jealous!” Suji said as she pulled you out of your chair and walked down the hallway of the cafeteria. Leaving your food and Dayeon stunned. Are you two really dating? Dayeon thought to herself. Also, everyone in the cafeteria saw that. Oh, how fast the news will spread.
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Lately, you and Suji really have to act like a couple because the whole classroom knows now. You’re really not used to the physical intimate stuff since you really haven’t experienced having a real girlfriend, except for Dayeon, which she used you for her own gain. Plus, being her girlfriend before was like being a puppy, you just followed her around the school doing some mischievous stuff or whatever she wanted you to do.
You were putting some stuff in your locker before heading home when all of a sudden, someone hugged your back. Their arms are around your waist as their head rests on your shoulder. You stiffened.
“Y/N-ssi, let’s go out later. Please wear the dress that I bought you, hehe.” You could practically feel everyone’s eye on the both of you and you were shocked because you aren’t used to physical intimacy.
Suji immediately felt your discomfortness, “Meet you later at our meeting spot, love!” she said as she let go her hold of you and kissed your cheeks before exiting the classroom.
Awkward! But you felt Dayeon’s eyes burning as she stared at you. Is she jealous? She’s the one who left you first for that judo girl…
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Right now, you are waiting for Suji at a park. You did wear the dress that she bought “as a gift” she said. You weren’t really used to doing this whole relationship stuff and being affectionate. This whole thing is just revenge for your ex to make her feel jealous, but you think that you’re feeling something else that you can’t pinpoint.
“Y/N! Hey, you look so good wearing the dress that I gave you.” Her compliment makes your stomach feel like there’s butterflies inside.
“Thank you, unnie.” You replied shyly.
Suddenly, she held your hand, “Let’s go seat somewhere private.” she said as she started walking with her fingers around yours. You thank God that it is already nighttime and she can’t see you blushing.
She packed food for the both of you, “Hey, you always bring food. Sometimes, I feel like you’re going to pick food over me.” you tried to joke to lighten the mood.
“Yes, Y/N-ssi. I’ll pick a nigiri and a hershey drink over you, no hesitations!” she chuckled.
You were just taking photos of the food Suji packed. You realized that Suji has been acting more clingy. She’s currently fixing your hair. There’s only the two of you seated in a dimly lighted park. Why is she acting this way? Does she like you now? You thought you were just going to talk about her new plan, yet here she is being affectionate. Not until…
You looked at her to ask but then she kissed you suddenly. Sitting there dumbfounded as she kisses you. You feel your heart is going to explode. So, this answers the question that you really like her.
Suji inserted her tongue unexpectedly to your mouth, which you moaned from the feeling. You haven’t had your first kiss before, so it was awkward, and you just let Suji lead the way. She held your waist. You were feeling like you needed more.
Overwhelmed by what’s happening, you pushed Suji. Out of breath, you just stared at her. Your legs feel like jelly from the kiss. You didn’t know what to say, and all Suji said was…
“Let’s go to your house.” You can’t even comprehend what’s happening. All of these are new to you. Does she like you back?
On the way to your home, it was antagonizing slow. When you reached your house, you were fumbling with keys; still nervous from the kiss that happened. You can feel that Suji is getting impatient, too, not until she slammed you against the door that you were trying to open.
“Y/N, you’re so slow.” Suji said in a breathy, seductive manner and went straight to your neck, kissing it and leaving marks.
The only thing that you could do was grip her shirt, you were so preoccupied at the feeling of Suji kissing your neck, you didn’t even realize that someone was watching the both of you and they left after Suji started marking you up. That’s when Suji stopped when she felt the spy was gone.
You were dripping wet. You unlocked the door faster this time. When both of you are inside, you wait for Suji to make the next move but instead…
“Hey, sorry for kissing you and leaving some hickeys on your neck. I felt someone watching us. I’m really sorry if you felt uncomfortable! I swear I’ll never do it again!” Suji said while bowing many times in front of you.
So that was all an act? All you could do was nod at her. You like her, but she doesn’t feel the same way? All of the things that you feel for her are so confusing. You feel like you want to get angry at her, shout at her to express your frustrations. But you know better. All of this is just a condition you made with her. It’s your fault for falling, not Suji.
“I should head home now. It’s already late. I’m really sorry, Y/N-ssi! I think it’s good that you won’t cover the hickeys that I gave you so they will be very convinced! See you tomorrow.”
And with that, she left you alone. Confused and frustrated was all you felt that night as you laid in bed.
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It has been two days since you’re skipping school. You don’t care anymore, you feel so devastated that all of that was an act. All you did was lay in bed and think about what happened, but you know, you can’t just skip school forever. Sooner or later, you have to face the reality of going back to school.
So here you are, sighing again in front of your school’s building.
Everyone looked your way when you entered your classroom. They must be looking at your fading hickey.
“Y/N-ssi! I missed you!” Suji practically ran to you and held your one arm as she walked you to your assigned seat.
Your demeanour was cold, you didn’t say a word to her and just ignored her. That’s how you were the whole day, ignoring their text, avoiding them. You knew your classmates would catch up on what’s happening between the two of you, but you didn’t care. You like her and you can’t stand of acting “in love” anymore because you’re developing the love that was supposed to be fake!
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You were standing alone in the library, hiding from them. They’re supposed to be on the rooftop right now for the secret meeting of your group. You decided not to join them anymore for your own sake.
“Y/N, I’m really sorry that I kissed you without your permission. Please forgive me, we can’t lose you in our team. We’re almost done with destroying this game. Yerim is on our side now–”
“Is that all you care about? Destroying this game!” You can’t contain your frustrations anymore. She’s acting as if kissing you is no big deal or being affectionate in front of many people. You’re falling and falling really hard.
“What are you talking about, Y/N?” Suji was confused. She knew you are mean, but you had never been angry at her like this before.
“I don’t want to do this anymore, Suji!” Suji became nervous, you called her by her real name, not by her nickname.
“I don’t understand?” …
“I–, I have fallen for you!” You said in shame.
“Oh.” was all she said. You felt like you’re going to cry. You turned away from her, feeling your tears might fall.
“I like you too, Y/N. I’m sorry, I was scared that night. I didn’t know what to do when we were left alone. All I could do was run away because I was panicking.” Suji added.
Are you dreaming? Is this real or is this another fantasy of yours? Suji likes you? You can’t even comprehend that someone who always changes themselves just to fit in manages to like someone like you, a devious person.
Suji hugged you from your back.
“Forgive me, love.” You closed your eyes as you felt her breathe in your scent.
Not until she tickled you. You were stopping her now from tickling you and you fell down the couch as she tickled you.
Suji hovering over you, there was a pause between the both of you. That’s when Suji leaned in and kissed you, hard and with feelings now.
“Suji-ah, are you okay? We heard some screaming–.” Jaeun and Haejun barged in.
Four of you were shocked, like a deer in headlights. Jaeun just closed the door awkwardly as they mind their own business.
You are now left with Suji, which she decided to tickle you again.
You’ve been wrestling for about five minutes now. She stopped and just looked at you, both of you breathless.
“Y/N, will you be my real girlfriend now?” Suji asked you with a smile.
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Enjoy guys, feel free to request anything!^^
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serxinns · 3 months
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Ok, so you know this post? Made by @lets-get-kraken-boys I wanted to make an image of another reason why readers went to the big 3 for comfort and help HEAR ME OUT
So imagine one day you weren't in a good mood and didn't wanna deal with your classmates today but their overbearing behavior towards you was just making it worse
"C'mon y/n just one more game!" Mina said while pulling your arm rather strong "Mina I said no please leave me alone I don't feel like it "But it'll be so much fun!" Hakagure said while pulling your arm you "I said NO" you yelled pulling away from hakagures grip harshly and walked away the 2 girls stood there in shock and hurt a bit are u ok? were you hurt!
"Y/n why aren't you coming to eat dinner with us is everything OK?" You groaned just wanting to be left alone and eat in your room but were interrupted by your class rep iida knocking on the door every second you didn't respond "Yes iida I'm fine I just wanted to eat alone" you said not wanting to sound annoyed to make iida leave "but all your friends are worried and want you to be there even Mina and hakagure said you were in a bad mood so-" "I'm fine iida you can go now I don't want to eat dinner with you, especially with all of you today goodbye"
Iida was shocked at your behavior and response you were usually the one who never gets angry or upset which made him more nervous than before he had to go in there and help you out! "No y/n there's Cleary something wrong! You can talk to me ill listen" Iida began banging on your door which made you more overwhelmed and pissed so without any hesitation "I DONT NEED HELP LEAVE ME ALONE YOURE MAKING IT WORSE" You threw a heavy book at the door which surprise Iida as he backed up, defeated he went slowly went back to the dinner table the class looked at him confused and ask how were you doing but he didn't answer just looked down
You just got back from the convenience store to get some snacks Lucky for you they got your favorite snack and brand all at a cheap price with a drink in hand but unfortunately for you, there were some of your classmates were in the common room and it and even worse it was bakugo and his gang watching a movie you quietly tried to sneak pass with all your might trying not to make a sound, it was all going smoothly until bakugo saw your shadow figure "Oi! Fuckface!" You mentally cursed at yourself you just had to encounter the person you didn't wanna deal with today, the infamous Bakugo Katsuki.
"what do you want im not really In the mood to deal with your Bullshit" At the moment you just keep walking ignoring him for the best but it wasn't the best option for Bakugo "Oi don't ignore me!" He was now off the couch "Bakubro that isn't very manly" Kirishima sternly said while but Bakugo scoff "Fuck off shifty hair, hey why aren't you joining us for a movie what are you scared?" He said teasingly like he was trying to taut you "Bakugo I'm not in the mood for your Bullshit today so please just leave me alone" You once again turned away and began to walk to your dorm until a strong hand grabbed you and yanked you
"Ha!? What do you mean you're not in the mood jeez are you ready to cry or something because of my comments why are you even trying to be a hero if your feelings get hurt so easily!?" Now he was pushing it, your hand was gripping the plastic bags Hard now shaking... tears threatening to swell up "Bakugo that's enough! You're making it worse! it's okay sweetie" Mina said hugging you even tho you tried to push her off but she kept insisting trying to hold on to you to the point it was suffocating was rather discomforting
"Aw, now you need an alien to hug you, wow you're really that weak I can already see the tears haha! If your gonna be a hero your gonna have to suck it u-" "SHUT UP"
You breathe heavily seeing your blonde classmate, butt on the floor, stunned holding his bloody nose but you weren't done you tackle him, pinned his arms down with your legs, and decided to punch him repeatedly "YOU THINK *thud* YOUR SO BETTER THEN ME *thud* ALWAYS TOSSING ME AROUND LIKE SOME STUPID TOY *thud* MAKING COMMENTS ABOUT HOW I LOOK *thud* ABOUT HOW I FIGHT *thud* ABOUT...ANYTHING* WHY *Thud* CANT*thud* YOU *thud* JUST *thud* LEAVE *thud* ME *thud* ALONE!! *thud* bakugo's face was already caked with blood and bruises and a black eye
Bakugo tried to pry you off telling you to stop but his face was so beaten up and his throat hurt from your punching it hurt for him to try, but you made her his arms were pinned, and all the anger, the frustration the memories the everything that happens to your life plus adrenaline was making you keep going
every single one of your classmates was screaming panicking, confused and begging to calm down, Kirishima tried to pull you off telling you thats enough but you used your quirk making him crash to the wall a bit causing a dent and him having a bloody nose, everyone watched in horror, shocked some even amused the girls mostly hakagure, Mina, and momo cried and begged desperately for you to stop they didn't want you to get more house arrest days or worse expelled, Iida managed to get out of his shocked and pry you off of him
It should've made Bakugo angry at you and PISSED even cause the great Bakugo katsuki was getting beaten by an "extra" like you but it strangely made him giddy...? Was he more determined to be the big bad wolf or Was he enjoying you berating and beating the absolute shit out of him, proving to everyone how insecure and stupid he was for underestimating you?
When Iida Finally pried you off of Bakugo you stood up ready to say even more stuff to him but you froze in shock, fear, and confusion a passed-out blonde caked with blood and bruises all over his face red and purplish spots forming on his cheeks his nose oozing out blood like a waterfall but fortunately no teeth have been knocked out you looked at your work in horror you slowly raised your hand shuddering seeing that it was full of bruises and blood and your clothes covered in blood his blood
Every classmate was looking at you it wasn't in hate nor disgust but pity, worry, and scared as much as they were worried about Bakugo they were worried about you more, Iida slowly tried to come to you to talk to you or to at least comfort you "y/n... I" before he could speak you ran pushing past your classmates not caring if they fell, Iida stood there in disbelief while Kirishima and Denki carefully grabbed bakugo by the shoulder escorting him to recovery girl
while the rest of your classmates were still in shock they wanted to go find you!! they do if they all talked about it nicely and you behave and force Bakugo to apologize then everything is ok!! They banged on your dorm room but you weren't there they searched all around the school the bathrooms, the halls everywhere but you weren't there!! where could their darling be!?
You crouched down in an empty hallway and managed to get some of your snacks you held the snack in hand still bloodied, you slowly took a bite out of it while a big glob of tears was finally released you were crying now like a fool, like you didn't just beat the shit out of your classmate, just when you were about to take another bite and just mope alone 3 familiar voices made you lift your head they ran up to you worriedly when they saw your bloody clothes and knuckles
The big 3 crouching down to your level Neijire on one side rubbing your back Tamaki giving you a handkerchief to blow your nose and dry your eyes and Mirio couching down at your level rubbing your shoulders giving you a smile
" What's wrong lovebug why all the tears," Neijire said looking sympathetic
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porcelainseashore · 6 months
Teenage Headache Dreams (2)
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: High School! College! Leon Kennedy x Dancer! Fem! Reader
Summary: You’re a bored, but ambitious high school student who can’t wait to escape small town life and make it in the big city. You thought you had it all figured out, until you unwittingly befriend the resident golden boy, Leon. A series of events beginning from junior year to college until Resident Evil 2 Remake.
Warnings: 18+ Swearing, Recreational Drug Use, Eventual Smut, No (Y/N), Ambiguous/Open Ending
Content: High School AU, College AU, Pre-Resident Evil 2, Fluff, Romance, Cliche, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Lack of Communication
Author's Note: Cliché alert and mostly fluff in this chapter! There’s been a mini time skip, but I wanted to show that Reader x Leon became fast friends in the meantime and are relatively comfortable with each other. I made Leon a lot cheekier this round, but I feel like he uses mischief to mask his true feelings.
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Chapter 2: More Than Meets the Eye
The first couple of weeks of the new term had already flown by and managing your tight schedule of school work, actual work, dance and cheer practice left you with literally no time for anything else. Sighing as you yanked open your locker to retrieve your school books, a familiar figure popped up at your side, slouching against the metallic compartments with a loud thud.
Without even turning your head in its direction, you already knew who it was. “Hey, loser,” you called out, smiling inside.
“Hey, yourself,” came his gruff reply.
As you finally faced the culprit, you and Leon laughed at each other’s greetings.
“So, since it’s a Friday, wanna hang out and watch something tonight?”
Both of you had been almost inseparable until school started, and that’s when you guiltily kept postponing your regular meetups in favor of working on your future goals.
“Uh… I don’t think I can.” You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly. “I seriously need to get some studying time in and I have cheer practice after school.”
“What was that again?” He put a hand to his ear, listening for something non-existent and pausing for dramatic effect. “All I heard were excuses.”
“Come on, relax.” Placing his hand on your shoulder, he gave it a tiny squeeze. “School’s only just started. You’re gonna burn out if you keep going like this.”
“Leon…” It came out a lot whinier than you intended.
His eyes widened as you caught a brief glimpse of something devilish in them. You knew it was too late to stop the bullshit that would come out of that filthy mouth any second now. 
“Mm, say it like that again.” Ah, there it is.
Groaning internally, you smacked his hand off your shoulder playfully. “Ugh, you know there’s no way-” 
You turned your head around, checking behind you before lowering your voice. “-I’ll ever get outta here, if I don’t push myself from the start.”
He straightened up a little as he considered your words. “You hate this place that much, huh?”
“You think?” It came out almost as a whisper.
“Shame,” he muttered. “Well, tell you what,” he glanced quickly to the side before looking back at you. “Since you’re so damn keen on this study session, we could do that and then grab some burgers after. Maybe even a movie. How’s that sound?” He puffed his chest and looked almost victorious, as though he knew it was an offer you couldn’t back out of.
Fuck Leon and his persistence. “Yeah, fine,” you grumbled as you shut your locker in defeat.
Once again, that smug grin flashed across his face. “Great, so uh, see you at 5?”
“Mm hm, library,” you nodded reluctantly.
“By the way, your girl gang is here,” he motioned with his head in the direction behind you. “Guess that’s my cue to leave.” Before you could respond, he had already walked ten paces away.
Nobody likes gossip. Ever since you had started hanging out with Leon, people talked and they assumed many things. How far the rumors reached, you didn’t know, but you didn’t want to ruin things between the two of you. You cursed small town gossip under your breath. This was probably one of the few genuine friendships you had, so you tried to keep things as lowkey as possible. Thankfully, Leon agreed to play along. For now.
You tightened your grip on your books as you spun around, plastering a bright smile across your face as you greeted your teammates, who were still sporting tans from their holidays and bubbly chatting with each other.
“Hey, babe,” Kayla, the cheer captain, moved in to give you a quick hug. You caught a whiff of her tropical-scented, coconut vanilla perfume. “So where did your boy run off to?” She winked, giving you a side smile. The other girls around her immediately broke out in hushed whispers.
There wasn’t anything malicious about her question. In fact, your teammates were nice enough, but they could be rather superficial and nosey. You tried to downplay it with a look of confusion in your eyes, shaking your head as you remarked, “He’s just a study partner, Kayla.”
Some giggles broke out and your ears burned. Great, they didn’t buy that a single bit. Defending yourself would just raise more suspicion, so you unhappily resigned yourself to the fact that you were probably doomed for the rest of the term.
“Yeah, whatever.” Kayla waved her hand dismissively. “Was about time anyway, and he’s quite the catch.” She licked her lips suggestively, but quickly added, “Not as good as mine though.” Of course, her obnoxious football boyfriend. You tried to hide your grimace. 
Flipping her shiny, raven-colored locks, she continued, “Still, very cute. I approve.”
Your mouth ran dry. Why couldn’t they just mind their own business? You swallowed your anger as you tried to change the subject. “Um, cheer practice at 3, right?”
She snickered, seeing right through your act. “Yeah, same as always.” She turned to leave, wiggling her fingers as a form of goodbye. “Oh, and you’re leading warm-ups today. Ciao, babe.”
You could hear audible groans coming from the rest of the team as they trudged off with Kayla. They definitely weren’t looking forward to your intense warm-up session, but to you, warmer bodies meant lesser injury risk and better preparation for stunts and routines. Pursing your lips at the less-than-ideal conversation you just had, you tried to shove it to the back of your mind as you hurried off to class.
As you flung open the double doors leading to the school’s indoor gym, you were greeted by the unfamiliar sight of another group you didn’t exactly recognize next to your cheer team. It seemed like Kayla was speaking to their coach, as she nodded a bit too enthusiastically - a nervous habit she displayed when she was irritated but didn’t want to show it. Slowly, you inched closer to listen in on their conversation.
“There must have been a double booking-”
“I’ll sort this out with the admin right now,” Kayla offered.
“It’s just going to eat into practice time. Anyway, this lot won’t need much space today. Functional training.” He sucked his teeth and gestured towards the group. That’s when you spotted Leon, sitting at the side with his arms across his lap, chatting merrily with another girl on his team.
Just my luck, you sighed, folding your arms as the coach continued, “I’m sure you girls won’t mind sharing?”
You saw Kayla clenching and unclenching her fists as she hesitantly agreed to the proposal. With that, she spun around and called out shrilly, “Ladies! We’ve gotta share the space. We’re taking this half.” She drew an imaginary line with her arms as if to stake her claim, before brushing past you seething, “They always think they can sideline us, like we’re not important.”
At this point, Leon made eye contact and waved over. The girl beside him suppressed a laugh and you weren’t sure whether she was embarrassed or making fun of you. Furrowing your brows, you gave a hasty, lopsided smile before heading over to your side of the gym, making a mental note to question Leon about that exchange later.
Wasting no time for further pleasantries, you proceeded to blast your high-energy mixtape on the cassette player as loudly as possible, secretly smirking as you heard the coach swear under his breath at the intrusion.
“Ok, everyone! Let’s get those heart rates up!” You hollered, running through the exercises as they copied you dutifully, breaking out in a sweat and panting furiously. 
Your eyes filtered through the crowd, checking for anything they could improve on, as you continued calling out prompts. “You can lift your legs higher than that!” Hm, that sounded rather… You ignored that prickly feeling at the back of your throat and continued, “Face up, not to the floor!”
When it came to the stretching section and the music toned down, you suddenly heard the unmistakable yell of a reprimand being given from the other end of the room. “Kennedy! You can stare at girls after training!”
Wait, what? Your head darted in the direction of the bellowing. Sure enough, you saw the coach glaring at Leon, who seemed pretty flustered as he denied the accusations with a feeble “I wasn’t!”, which was met with roars of laughter.
Really, Leon? Getting distracted by a bunch of cheerleaders? You were oblivious to what actually happened there and decided to pay no more attention to it. Instead, it was time to go through the routine and fortunately you were relatively decent at compartmentalizing.
“Alright, a few things I wanted to point out,” you began. “This part’s looking good, but it would start off even more amazing, if you frame your body like this.” Adjusting your shoulders with your arms slightly back, profile tilted a smidge upwards, you angled yourself in a semi-diagonal position, shifting your weight towards one leg as you lengthened the other for the prep stance. The other cheerleaders shuffled around, attempting to imitate what you showed.
Kayla motioned for you to demonstrate the full sequence before she took over and you obliged. “Ok, watch me.” You danced through the routine dynamically, hitting all the accents and flowing through the softer parts more sensually. Whipping your hair around as you transitioned from a body wave into a hip roll, you swung the pom poms above your head at the same time and trailed them across your body.
It all seemed to happen in a haze, but after coming out of the next spin, you somehow ended up holding a gaze with those same piercing blue eyes that had caused you so much trouble today. They widened and flickered, but didn’t break away for what felt like an eternity, until-
“Leon Scott Kennedy! I swear to god!”
Uh oh.
“You either train, or you can leave!”
Leon’s cheeks flushed bright red as he bit his lip, stammering, “Sorry coach, won’t happen again.”
You’d never seen Leon get this unnerved, which concerned you. He emanated a natural sense of confidence and was usually laid-back to the point where nothing could ruffle him. In any case, you were also sure as hell everyone heard and saw that commotion, especially since a number of students were now looking between him and you, mumbling to each other.
Nothing could beat the relief you felt when Kayla took over your position, as you stepped away from the center to join the rest of your team. Just when you thought you were in the clear, one of your teammates scooted over to you, whispering seductively in your ear, “Ooh he definitely enjoyed the show you put on.”
The minute practice ended, you bolted straight for the restroom, just so you didn’t have to deal with anyone else for the time being. Hiding in one of the cubicles for a good 10 minutes until you could hear the last footsteps trickle out of the hallway, you unlocked the door and stumbled over to the wash basin, splashing cold water on your face. Checking yourself one last time in the mirror to make sure you looked presentable, you inhaled a deep breath before exiting and making your way towards the library.
From afar, you could see Leon waiting patiently outside of it, as though he fully trusted that you would still show up after that little stunt he pulled earlier. Walking gingerly towards him, you cleared your throat.
“Oh, hey. So… what’re we studying today?” He asked casually, while browsing through his pile of books, as if nothing had happened.
“Math. Definitely Math,” you concluded, also pretending to ignore the white elephant in the room. “If that’s ok with you?”
“Sure, I suck at it. So why not?”
The study session went by rather sluggishly and uneventfully, with both of you going through equations after equations and figuring out the logic together. It was a wonder you could concentrate at all with the events of the day playing back in your mind like a broken record. 
You were thankful for Leon’s earlier suggestion of burgers when it was time to pack up to leave. He gave you a knowing smile when your stomach growled and you placed a hand over your belly instinctively, as you cast back a self-conscious glance. It seemed like he had thought of everything again, where you often had trouble remembering your own basic needs when you were lost in your schoolwork.
Both of you plopped down on the cushy, retro red seats opposite each other in a booth at the only diner in town, getting in your orders as quickly as possible. You suspected that he was just as famished as you, but trying his best not to show it. During the waiting time, the two of you caught up with and exchanged news on all the goings-on of the past weeks.
When your orders finally arrived, you snatched up your burger, devouring large chunks of it, while Leon looked on amused as he bit into his.
“Wuhhff?” You managed to cough out with your mouth stuffed with food.
Almost instantly, he mimicked your reaction, resulting in a fry being thrown in his direction, as he ducked to avoid it while snickering.
“Here, you got some sauce on your chin.” He reached out with a paper napkin, gently wiping it away, as his bright blue eyes bore into yours. That prickly sensation you felt earlier in the school gym started to bloom again, as you squeezed your eyes shut and cleared your throat. “Is it gone now?”
“Uh… y-yeah.” 
Fluttering your eyes open, you caught sight of him looking down at his plate, suddenly completely engrossed with his meal, as he chucked the used napkin to the side. You were quite certain you spotted a pink tinge dusting his cheeks while he slowly chewed his food.
The table grew silent as you muttered a quick, “Thanks.”
Giving it a few minutes before you attempted any form of conversation, you casually decided to bring up the topic you had both been avoiding till now.
“So…” you breathed, testing the waters.
“So…?” Leon questioned, raising an eyebrow, still munching the last bits of his burger.
“At the gym. What was that all about?” You picked at your fries nervously, as you felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through your body in anticipation of an answer.
“What do you mean?”
Ugh. He’s deflecting again. But you weren’t about to let this go so easily. “Don’t play dumb, Kennedy.”
Leon paused, and you could see the wheels turning in his head as he considered his words carefully. It only took a moment for his face to light up as if he hit the jackpot. “I got distracted, that’s all.” His signature smirk broke out across his lips, before adding, “By you.”
The boldness of his answer caught you by surprise, as you choked on your food. Patting your chest, you gulped down some water before sputtering, “Excuse me?”
All at once, he was back to his usual, composed self, as he remarked, “You dance really well. Can’t I admire that?”
“Um… y-yeah, I guess.” You weren’t sure how to respond. Coming from a background where dance teachers often gave you tough love and criticisms in an effort to spur you on, you never really learnt how to accept compliments.
“A ‘thanks’ would be nice.” 
Clenching your jaw, you wished you could wipe that stupid smirk off his face. Trying to approach it from a different angle, you blurted out, “But, people talk.”
Leaning back against his seat and placing his hands behind his head, Leon seemed unfazed. “So let them talk.” Noticing your frown, he continued, “What’s wrong if they think we’re dating? Am I really that bad to be with?” He mentioned it as if it was the most normal thing to say in conversation between two friends, and the worst thing was that you didn’t know how to counter that.
“No, you’re gre-,” you quickly corrected yourself. “I mean, you’re fine.” Sighing, you explained, “I just don’t want things to be awkward between us.”
His gaze softened as he reassured you, “It won’t, trust me.”
Since he was that calm about it, you decided not to pursue it any further. Maybe you were thinking too much into things. However, another question popped up in your mind. “Who was the girl you were speaking with back there?”
He propped himself up again, a little taken aback by the quick change of topic. “Oh, you mean Val? Yeah, we sometimes participate in relays together. She can be a real handful though.”
“She seemed to find me amusing,” you pointed out.
“Really? I didn’t notice,” he shrugged and scoffed down the remainder of his fries. You searched his eyes to detect if he was messing with you, but couldn’t find anything of the sort. “I told her about you.”
Well, that explains it. Crossing your arms, you prepared to release an earful until you were interrupted by the grinning idiot in front of you. “Do I even want to know-”
“I said…” He drifted off, taking his time to sip his soda, leaving you hanging on purpose. You subconsciously leaned in closer as your patience started to wear thin. He lowered his voice, presumably to utter something serious. “You’re the coolest kid I met over summer.”
“You’re such a dork!” You exclaimed, as you punched his arm lightly from across where you sat.
“Ouch! And here I am baring my soul to you.” He rubbed his arm melodramatically and feigned a hurt expression on his face, which only served to encourage you to taunt and play fight with him further.
Sometimes he could be so infuriating. But funnily enough, that was part of what drew you to him in the first place. 
It turned out that Leon had rented some VHS tapes from Blockbuster, so you had the choice of either heading to the local cinema for a late night screening or watching a movie from the comfort of his home. Naturally, you picked the latter. Going to the cinema together would seem too “date night”-like and you had endured more than enough gossip that day to last a lifetime.
You greeted his parents as they kindly let you and Leon hog the living room TV. Before heading upstairs to their bedroom, they gave a half-hearted reminder not to stay up too late, that they knew would go unheeded. They were friendly and way more relaxed than your parents, so much so you preferred hanging out at Leon’s place over yours.
After making some hot chocolate, you settled onto the couch as Leon popped the tape into the video player. Relaxing into the cozy atmosphere, you hugged the warm blanket he offered you and savored the steaming drink between your hands.
Unfortunately, the day’s events probably caught up to you, as your eyelids grew heavier as time went by and you were fighting a losing battle to keep them open. At some point, you must have drifted off to sleep and then accidentally used Leon as a makeshift pillow. He swallowed thickly, as you curled up beside him, resting your head against his shoulder and nuzzling his neck, completely unaware. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest that he was afraid he would wake you. Something made him instinctively wrap his arm around you, even though his mind was screaming to do the exact opposite. This is just gonna make things worse, he sighed, but he didn’t feel the urge to remove it and maybe he could get away without you knowing. So he let you sleep soundly until the credits ran.
“Hey.” He called out softly, as you stirred. “The movie’s over now.”
Blinking groggily, your vision was still blurry as you tried to make out where you were. You weren’t sure if you felt an arm around you or just the back of the couch, as you rubbed your eyes.
“You fell asleep,” he explained, as he let you go and tried to shift away from you as stealthily as possible, hoping you wouldn’t recall the previous position you were in.
“Hm?” You stretched your arms out, yawning lazily as you scratched your head. “Uh, what time is it?”
“Just past midnight.”
You jerked upwards, startled. “Shit, so late?” Your face swung in his direction. “You didn’t wake me?”
He bit his bottom lip, eyeing you apologetically. “You looked like you needed the rest. I didn’t want to disturb you.”
You buried your face into the bunched up blanket on top of your knees, groaning, “Ugh, my parents are going to kill me.”
That drew a faint laugh from him. “Don’t worry, I took care of it.”
You turned towards him with a puzzled look.
“I called them before-” he stopped himself abruptly, as you noticed him tense up.
“Before what?” You questioned out of confusion.
“Nothing.” He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and refused to meet your gaze.
You narrowed your eyes at him, trying to figure out if something out of the ordinary had happened. It started off as a vague recollection of falling asleep, maybe leaning against something and the smell of fresh citrus and musk… which smells exactly like- Oh god, no. Your stomach dropped. The realization that you had snuggled with Leon in your sleep dawned on you and your head was whirling.
At this point, Leon knew you had worked out what happened, so he did the only thing he could do in such a situation. “Man, you were heavy.” 
That snapped you out of it and earned him a slap to his chest. “It was a joke, jeez!” He raised both hands up in defense and quickly moved to a different topic, “Anyway, as I was saying, your parents told me to walk you home when you woke up.”
“Oh… thanks,” you shook your head and sighed. “Sorry to put you through the trouble.”
He waved it off. “It’s really no big deal. I’m just glad I finally got to hang out with you again.”
“Yeah, me too,” you admitted. “This was nice.”
As you got up from the couch to prepare to leave, it seemed like Leon had another idea. Grabbing your wrist, he coaxed, “And?”
You knew what he meant and nodded in agreement. “And… I promise I’ll make time for this in the future.” A random thought flashed across your mind as you grinned cheekily. You had to get him back after all his teasing. “How about…”
“I’m listening,” he mentioned with a hint of suspicion in his voice.
“...we meet for more study sessions?”
It was his turn to groan, as you giggled uncontrollably. “That’s such a cop-out!” He responded accusingly. 
Placing your hands on his shoulders and bending down to meet him at eye level, you pleaded, “Come on, we could do something fun after too?”
Rolling his eyes, he rebutted, “You’re kinda driving a hard bargain here.”
You weren’t ashamed to play dirty though, so you turned on the best doe eyes you could muster, and insisted, “Please?” You knew he was a lost cause now.
“Damn it, that’s not fair,” he grumbled, though he eventually gave in. “Ok fine, but only if fun’s a guarantee.”
“Deal.” With that, you took his hand in yours, giving it a firm handshake.
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RadioStatic Bullshit Once Again:
Alastor’s smile widened past the confines of his face and phantasmic stitches - glowing with the same chartreuse shade as his magic - appeared to hold it in place. Radio dials took the place of his pupils, and Vox fought back the urge to gasp as the deer’s body began to morph, changing into a strange, skeletal thing that seemed all too large for his skin (it clung to the contours of Alastor’s bones the way velvet did his antlers, seamlessly). He was monstrous. He was beautiful.
Alastor stalked closer to his vulnerable victim, his eyes alight with brutish passion, and snarled mere inches from their face.
“You’ve damaged something I value quite dearly.”
Vox gets his just comeuppance and sics his attack-dog of a best friend onto his former "client"…homoerotic tension ensues…
Hey gang, we have another radiostatic fic fresh from the twisted recesses of my mind. Hopefully, you all like it (if not, please let me know what I can do to improve) <33
PS: This is the second chapter of the eighth story in my "ashes and rot" series on AO3 (if you're interested in pre-canon radiostatic/silence with a lot of pining and angst feel free to check it out)
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imtheyellow · 1 year
hey you! want some rise fic recs?! *throws*
=Like Father Like Son
Leo gets kidnapped by draxum and HEAVY angst happens
=The Aftermath
aftermath of the movie, very well written
=Emphaty Amplified
Mikey does mystic stuff but angsty way
=odd man out
peepaw Leo comes back (he's a cool guy)
TMNT crossover where 18 boys are scary
=Blood is Thicker than Ooze
Donnie is raised by draxum and refuses to see draxum is a bad person
=Every Night the Longest Day
in which Leo can't sleep but make it angsty
=Where in the World is Neon Leon?
Leo centric angst throughout the show + movie
=Tales of the Spirits
atla x rottmnt crossover, good plot
=In Which Donnie and Leo Make Themselves Everyone Else's Problem in an NYC That Isn't Even Their Own
the title speaks for itself. it's very funny
=I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good
Leo gets cursed and becomes a ghost
=Mystic Hands
F!Mikey comes to past and does no bullshit
=Eldest Brother
Raph goes to 2012 universe and suddenly has 4 new bros
=Tapping Out
disaster twins help each other when they are having though times
= Trial and Error
peepaw Leo comes back (he's an asshole at first)
= Mutants Ninja Midlife Crisis
peepaw Leo comes back (he is a grumpy old man but he is trying)
=The Jersey Incident
2012 x 2018 crossover and rise Leo is not having a good time
=The Call Back Home
Leo has nightmares and they turn out to be real
=Would It Really Matter
a ring gets stuck in Leo's finger and he becomes invisible
=Singing An Addolorato
slice of life stuff from rise gang
=the question is violence and the answer is pizza
2012 x 2018 chat fic, funny stuff
=The Same Little Faces
Leo becomes a turtle tot and its the most adorable thing I've ever seen
=Last Grain Of Sand In The Hourglass
peepaw Leo comes back instead of young Leo from Mikey's portal
=We'll Meet Again Soon
peepaw Leo comes back and yeesh
=Dagger from the Mirror
2012 x 2018 crossover but rise gang is kidnapped by Kraang (they are evil)
=Power Up
Leo's portals comes with a little twist (angst happens)
=At My Worst
peepaw Leo is stuck in young Leo's mind
trust me I've read more fics than these and these are the best ones I've read. also PLEASE tell me if you have any fic recs IM STARVING 😭😭
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silentmoths · 1 year
A cold cure for Insomnia
Hey look, it's not a genshin fic
wild huh?
I'll preface this with 2 things: 1: I am, for some reason, incredibly nervous abt posting a fic that is 100% outside my wheelhouse. I've never actually posted anything but genshin fic since I started uploading a couple years ago, only like, one friend has ever seen anything else from me so this is a bit of a step. 2: this is nothing put pure, indulgent lesbian bullshit and I'll also note that I have no idea how to write f/f smut, so be gentle with me.
If you're only here for my genshin stuff, have a nice day and we'll be back to regularly scheduled bullshittery shortly. Until then, please enjoy me, self indulging over my pokemon wife.
Elite 4 Rika x Fem!Reader 7.4k words, not proofread, we die like prof. sada
NSFW, honestly it's just a whole lot of fkn smut with some fluff sprinkled in there, praise kink, hair pulling, use of toys, oral, tribbing, koraidon being an unintentional wingman.
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What a day.
Sometimes you wonder how Nemona did it, rushing around doing champion things all the time. Honestly, ever since you’d beat Geeta all those years ago while you were still in school, it felt like every day was ‘go here, check this gym, go there, check that gym.’ And you were getting a little tired of it.
Especially recently, with Nemona currently travelling somewhere in the Kalos region doing Arceus knows what, and Geeta being stuck in paperwork hell with the Academy preparing for their annual treasure hunt, you’d been swamped, needing to go and check every. Single. Gym. to make sure they were all up to par.
(who knows maybe this year a new student would claim the champion title and you could retire? That’d be nice.)
Montenevera was the last stop on your trip, and while the vibe was always lovely in the snowy mountain town…you’d never been particularly fond of the cold… Only made worse by Rhyme and her gang of ghost pokemon sending a particular shiver down your spine that you just couldn’t shake.
Night had fallen by the time you finally walked out the sliding doors of the League building, only to be greeted by your one nemesis. 
Fucking snow.
Here, on the outskirts of Mesagoza.
You wanted to scream, but that wasn’t very becoming of a League champion now was it?
So with a sigh, you reach for a specific pokeball on your hip. The trek home wasn’t far, but in the sleet and cold, you knew it’d be faster if you rode.
Koraidon however, apparently had other ideas. 
The moment his feet touch the cold ground, he yelps and backs right up and into the League building once again.
“Koraidon…c’mon bud, we just need to get home.” you sigh “I know you’re tired too…I promise to make you the best dang sandwich when we get home…yeah?” 
The paradox pokemon simply looks at you with wide, sad eyes and a low chitter before he willingly returns to his ball. 
Great….just great. Not even your most reliable pokemon was willing to brave even more snow, not after today.
“Woah-ho, what’s gotten under his scales?” a familiar voice sounds from behind you, snapping you from your despondent staring at Koraidon’s pokeball. The familiar click of dress boots give her away before Rika steps into view.
How she always managed to look so very casual while pulling off suspenders was beyond you, but every time you were anywhere in the vicinity of the first member of the Elite four, you found your mouth running dry and your mind wandering very far away from here. She tilts her head at you and it takes her waving her hand in front of your eyes to realise you were absolutely staring at her.
Way to go.
“Woah, you alright? You look wiped.” She comments, her brow furrowing as she looks you up and down. 
“A-ah…yeah, sorry…s’been a long few days…” you eventually mumble, turning your gaze to the floor as you clip Koraidon’s ball back to your belt with the others. “Geeta’s had me checking and rechecking all the gyms to make sure they’re ready for the next treasure hunt…we just got back from Montenevera…cold…tired…and now it’s snowing a-and Koraidon is just…too tired to take me home..” 
A slender, comforting hand gently rests between your shoulder blades, rubbing small, soothing circles and it takes everything in you to not crumble apart there, man, how desperate did you have to be to nearly cry at friendly touch? “You live all the way on the other side of town, dontcha?” She asks, her free hand raising to push some of her green hair from her face as the look of worry on her features only seems to grow “Ain’t no way you’re making that walk in this state…”
“I’ll live…” you sigh, hanging your head and readjusting your bag as you lift your head to look at the snow flurry that was definitely only getting heavier.
“Nah, C’mon, you can crash at mine tonight, it’s closer.” Rika chimes, patting you on the back and passing you a wink before she heads out the door. 
You blink, watching her back in silence, there was no way she had just invited you to spend the night, absolutely no way. You needed to go see a doctor and maybe get your hearing checked-
“You comin? Or did Rhyme’s Toxtricity paralyse you up there in Montenevera?” She calls, stopping and looking over her shoulder. There's a…a look in her eyes that you can't quite make out, but it makes your heart jackhammer just that little bit, especially when she turns and offers her hand “C’mon, let's get you home, yeah?”
You swallow the lump in your throat as you blink at her outstretched, gloved hand and then up at her smile.
Arceus, you were weak…how you ever made champion when you can’t even look the first of the Elite four in the eye without feeling your cheeks heat, you’ll never know.
Finally, you reach out and take her hand, not expecting her to tug you into her side, arm draping over your shoulders as she starts walking again, all but pulling you along with her. Her hand gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze as she shares her body warmth with you on the trek down the mountainside towards the tunnel. For someone so slim, she was…much warmer than you expected, and you find yourself sleepily zoning out, simply focusing on one food in front of the other.
Thankfully, Rika was pretty alright with not needing to make small talk. This wasn’t the first time you had both just…existed in the same space in silence…to be fair the silence on your part before was because you had no idea how to talk to her without muddling your words like a lovestruck idiot, and perhaps that was still the case. Regardless, you play up the ‘tired’ aspect and simply bask in being close.
The unfortunate downside to the tunnel from Mesagoza up to the League headquarters, was the wind. Right now? Frigid and inhospitable, the icy chill stinging at your eyes, at least until your companion comes to your rescue, shifting you behind her taller frame and blocking the wind, hand moving from your shoulder to your hand, giving that same reassuring squeeze as she looks over her shoulder, small smile on her face.
You swear you can feel her thumb gently rubbing over your knuckles as she bends her arm behind her back to keep a secure hold on you.
Rika…she really was something else, something you didn’t deserve.
The moment the tunnel spits you both out into Mesagoza’s side streets, she takes an immediate right. Had you been walking home, you would have had to take a left and trudge all the way to the other side of the city, past the academy and almost to the pokemon centre by the west gate. 
The flurry of snow was only getting worse, you can feel your clothes growing heavy and damp, and the concrete was getting slippery. Thankfully it’s not all that long before she tugs you into an apartment building and into a blessedly warm elevator. Holding you steady as your world begins to spin and blur at the edges. Perhaps you really had pushed it a bit too much today, hitting Cascarrafa, Glaseado and Montenevera in a single day…
“Hey.” Rika murmurs as your head rests against her shoulder “Stay with me, nearly there, kay? We’ll get you inside n’warmed up, yeah?” 
“Mmh…kay..” you manage to mumble back, simply enjoying being held, even if it was light. Her arm wrapped around your torso as you just breath. She smells like Cedarwood…and maybe a hint of Ozone…might have something to do with her Camerupt… but it’s not an unwelcome scent at all. You only get a few moments to enjoy it before the elevator chimes, and you’re gently tugged out into, and down a hallway. Rika’s free hand fishing her keys from her pocket. She has to let you go to get the door open, muttering something about a stuck lock and needing to call maintenance, but with a bodily shove of her shoulder, the lock clicks and the door swings open.
Her apartment is blessedly warm, she must have left the heater on when she left for work this morning, because the warm air nearly takes you out before you even enter the door, needing to lean against the frame with a relieved sigh, knowing that even if you had made it home tonight, your heater had definitely not been on, and hadn't been for several days.
Rika only laughs softly, gently pulling you inside so she could close the door. 
“Here…lets get you to the bathroom and into the shower…you’re absolutely freezing.” She mutters. Half-carrying you down the hall. Her apartment is…honestly what you expected. Neat enough, but not overly tidied. Lived in, comfortable, Inviting. Shades of soft greens and earthy tones scattered everywhere, a few large pokemon beds scattered about for her pokemon to enjoy outside of their balls. The only things really alluding to the fact that Rika was far more well off than most had to be the massive TV mounted to the living room wall, and what looked like one of the newer game consoles…the ones that had been super hard to get because of a manufacturing supply issue…fancy.
You don't quite register that she’s slowly pulling your clothes away from you until she’s already got your beanie, scarf and jacket off, each item thrown into her laundry hamper, at some point she’d also already started the shower for you, the room already beginning to fill with steam. You snap back to reality when theres a gently tug at the hem of your shirt, silently asking for your permission to remove it. 
“O-oh, I uh…s-sorry…” you mumble, raising your arms above your head anyway, cheeks flushing pink with embarrassment as she pulls the item away, the tank top beneath still leaving you modest enough to not die on the spot. “I-I can handle it from here…” 
“You sure?” she murmurs softly “S’no big deal to me.” 
“Y-yeah…I’ll be fine…thanks.” 
You watch as the tiniest hint of…disappointment? Flickers across her features…no, surely you were imagining…but she doesn’t push it any further.
“Alrighty, I’ll go find something you can wear for the night and then throw your clothes in the laundry once you’re in the shower, yeah?”
“Mm…t-thank you Rika…you really…you didn’t have to-” you mumble, unable to meet her gaze, but she just smiles and shrugs, her fingers slowly pushing a stray strand of hair out of your face. 
“And what if I wanted to? You look like you need a break.” She retorts, sliding past you and continuing down the hall before you can reply.
Soon enough, the rest of your clothes join the laundry hamper and you slip into the shower, beneath the scalding spray and you want to cry all over again, your fingers begin to prick with pins and needles as they slowly regain feeling, serves you right for leaving your gloves at home.
A few minutes into your shower, you hear the distinctive, soft thud of cloth hitting the counter. “Here’s some jammies, sorry if they’re a bit big.” Rika chuckles before vanishing back down the hall. You almost don’t want to get out of the hot spray, especially not once you start giving yourself a good scrub down with whatever fancy-branded body wash she kept in here.
At least now you know what to buy that would make you smell like cedarwood…
After you feel the last of the day’s grime finally wash from your body, you shut off the water and poke your head out of the shower. Thankfully Rika had already left a towel waiting atop the clothes she’d sacrificed to you. It’s as you’re drying off that you finally get a good look in the mirror and…wow…
Now you think you understand why she’d been so concerned…you look like you had two black eyes, that's how tired you were…
You find Rika relaxing in the living room watching TV when you finally emerge, changed into a fresh set of long pyjamas and- you can’t even stop the giggle when you notice the clodsire slippers.
“Where on earth did you get those?” you ask, pointing to said slippers, earning a grin and a snicker from their wearer.
“Larry actually.” She chuckles “secret santa a couple years back.” With that, she pats the spot on the couch next to her, and you, now warm and content, plop down beside her without a second thought, leaning against the arm of the couch with a content sigh. “How’re you feelin?” she asks, idly flipping through the channels.
“Mmh…much better…thank you again…I…I don’t think I would have made it home…not in this weather.”
“Oh I coulda told you that, Honey. In fact I’m pretty sure I did.” She snickers, her lips quirking at the side when she notes the way your cheeks flush pink at the pet name. “I’ve ordered some takeout, s’too cold to go out n’ grab food...and I’m usually too beat after work to bother cooking.” 
“Then how the hell do you stay so skinny?” You snicker at her, receiving a wink in response.
“Oh I take my cardio seriously.” is all the response she gives before she finally decides there is nothing decent on regular TV, and switches over to a streaming service, throwing on some random popular movie. 
Once again, you both settle into a comfortable silence, Rika rising from the couch half an hour in to fetch the dinner left at her door before returning, at some point with a blanket in tow. You sit up a little as she places the food on the coffee table and plops down right beside you this time, draping the blanket over both your laps. It’s not until you take the first mouthful of that delightful galarian curry, that you realise just how hungry you are, barely paying attention to the movie as you scarf down your meal, fighting back tears at Rika’s acts of kindness for the third time today, and only seemingly taking a breath once you’ve finished your meal, leaning back into the arm of the couch with a content sigh, only to squeak when Rika finishes her own a few minutes later and bodily leans into your side, head to your chest and arms slowly wrapping around your torso as she pulls her legs up and gets comfortable beside you with a content huff.
Arceus she was just so…so handsome, breathtaking… and she was just…cuddling you like you’d both been doing this kind of thing for years… it was sudden, but it didn’t feel wrong…and slowly, you bring your arm down from where it had been splayed along the back of the couch, to gently card through her hair, pulling some of her bangs from her face and tucking them behind her ear.
“Hmm…you should get some sleep, kiddo…arceus knows you need it.” She hums, glancing up at you from her spot on your chest. You know she’s right, and she doesn’t complain when you shift, even reaching behind her to hand you an extra cushion to tuck behind your head as you lay out along the couch, Rika coming to rest between your legs, head once again leaning onto your chest, her extra warmth and weight just adding another layer of comfort as you both go back to watching the movie.
Now usually, usually you were the kind of person who could drop off watching a movie quite easily. But on very rare occasions, you would find yourself struck with bouts of insomnia, and unfortunately for you, they always seemed to happen after periods of prolonged stress.
Like needing to go and personally make sure every gym was up to standards… 
Before you even knew it, the credits begin to roll, you’re exhausted, but offensively awake, to the point where even Rika is surprised, blinking those beautiful crimson eyes up at you. 
“Can’t sleep?” she asks with a tilt of her head. 
“Sometimes Insomnia is a bitch.” You concede, she makes a noise of understanding. 
“Ah, yeah…I know that feeling…” she admits, staring up at you, to the point you feel your cheeks heating again, and you avert your gaze “but, thankfully, I know the best solution for that.” She adds, shimmying to push herself up on her hands and knees, looming over you, some of her hair, having been free’d of its usual ponytail, cascading over her shoulders to tickle at your face.
“O-oh? And…what might that be?” that look in her eyes is back, the one you couldn’t quite read properly back at HQ, but here, with her inches from your face? It’s loud and clear.
“Do you trust me?” She asks, her lips quirking into a smirk as you shrink beneath her. 
“W-would I have followed you home if I hadn’t?” you manage to squeak back at her, nowhere near as confident and commanding as it had sounded in your head. It’s enough to make her chuckle, and you watch in a daze as she licks her lips, a single hand coming up to softly grip your chin, lifting your face. 
“Hm, touche…” and with that, her lips are on yours, she swallows the squeaking gasp that you let out, taking the opportunity of your mouth being open to send her tongue in to explore. To you it feels like electricity, like you’d just taken a thunderbolt to the senses; She’s soft, gentle, probing, gauging your reactions. Apparently she must have liked what she got, because she deepens the kiss, nipping at your lips as one hand tangles in your hair, rougher. You like this a bit better. 
You’re the one who needs to come up for air first, pulling your face away with a loud, breathless gasp as you try to catch your breath. 
The look you find waiting for you is…predatory, is the only word that comes to mind, and if it wasn’t for the fact she was already between your knees, you’d be squeezing your thighs together so tight, because it’s doing something…funny to your insides.
“Hmm…you ever done anything like…this before?” She asks, voice low and husky and you’re very ready to pass away, but you manage a shake of your head and the grin you get in response? 
It’s like a Mightyena who’s just found it’s lunch. She was going to eat you, and she was going to enjoy every second of it. 
“Well then, we’d best move…couch sex is great n’ all, but I’d rather your first time be somewhere a little more comfortable.” she remarks, pulling away. You whine at the loss of her extra warmth, but that whine quickly turns to a yelp when she takes your arm and drags you up with a strength she hadn’t shown you before. Always full of tricks, Rika was. 
The admittedly short trek down the hall to her room is…hindered. Every few steps you’d find yourself pressed against the wall, Rika towering over you as hands tangle in your hair and lips crash to yours as she steals what little breath you manage to catch before you’re separating, taking a couple more steps and repeating the process. 
Right outside the bedroom door, the slim trainer actually lifts you up the wall a ways, enough so that your legs instinctively wrap around her waist, nothing but her pyjama pants and the thin boxer’s you’d borrowed off her keeping you apart, but already entirely too much clothing in the way. You moan loudly when she rolls her hips into yours, the sensations all new and overwhelming, but you don't think you’ve ever felt this good before in your life.
Her hands find your ass as she pulls back from the wall, holding you to her firmly as you both finally stumble into her room, only given a second to brace before she’s throwing you down into the blankets, and even less time before she’s on you, grinning and hungry as hands fly up your top, pushing it up your chest so she can finally access some skin.
“A-ah! Rika-” her name was lost on her for the time being, far too engrossed in leaving open mouthed kisses along your chest and stomach, mouth latching over one of your nipples while her hand works at the other. Your own hands twisting and clenching at her blanket, your squirming only made worse when she shifts again, her knee pressing between your legs and right against your aching cunt. 
At some point, she manages to wrangle the top off you completely, throwing it to the void so her hands can explore the expanse of your chest properly, she leaves no patch of skin untouched, no freckle or blemish uncharted, and when your whining begins to pitch as the nipple she sucks on becomes too sensitive, she gets go, only to latch to your collar bone instead, hands roaming your body.
You let out an embarrassingly pitiful mewl when her fingers dip beneath the waistband of your borrowed boxers, and you immediately bring a hand up to cover your mouth. Rika, apparently, doesn’t like that. Her hand retreating from its place as she props herself on the other, pulling away entirely, even shifting her knee back, depriving you of that delicious friction. Your hand is tugged away from your mouth and pinned to your side, her eyes narrowing dangerously.
“Don’t.” She scolds quietly “I wanna hear you.”
“Don’t be a brat.” she interjects, eyes flashing dangerously “I know that aint’ you… you wanna be a good girl, yeah?”
Oh no.
That shouldn’t have such an effect on you. 
There’s no hiding it from Rika either. Her smirk widens as she stares smugly down at your trembling frame. 
“Oh? You like that huh? Well then, are you gonna be a good girl and do as I say?” she hums “I’ll make sure you feel real good, yeah?”
“M-mhm…” is all you manage to squeak out, earning a raised eyebrow.
“What was that? Didn’t quite hear you there, princess.” Rika snickers. She knows exactly what she’s doing, and the humiliation burns your ears and makes your insides squirm in a way you didn’t think would feel as good as it did.
“I-I’ll be good…” you whisper, your hands twisting into the sheets as Rika hums, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your burning cheek. 
“That’s a good girl.” she purrs “you just relax n’let me handle things, kay?”
You actually sigh into the kiss when she does finally return to what she was doing, your arms wrapping over her shoulders as she shifts back into place, hands lightly roaming your skin, teasing and testing sensitive spots, occasionally getting a little rougher, just enough to rile you a little more, before settling again. Before she can get back into your pants however, you tug at her shirt, whining into her mouth; thankfully, Rika is smart, she gets your hint and pulls away just long enough to tug her top off.
Her skin is soft, smooth, a few burn scars and claw marks here and there as she settles beside you, one of your thighs caught between her knees as she wraps an arm under your shoulders, pulling you close to her chest as the other hand grazes southward, she doesn't dally once her fingers breech the waistband of your boxers, quickly locating the sticky mess between your thighs with a pleased hum.
“Mmm, look at that…” she hums as a pair of fingers easily delve through your pussy, retracting from your boxers entirely so she can admire the glistening slick dripping from her fingers. “You’re so wet already, honey…” Rika makes sure you watch as she pops those two fingers into her mouth and you squeak, face burning in embarrassment. 
She doesn’t give you much time to react, the moment she pulls those slender fingers from her lips, she shifts, your boxers are wrenched off and you’re left bare before her as she parts your knees to settle on her belly between your thighs, eyes flashing devilishly in the low light, and hot breath ghosting over your most sensitive parts.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to get you into my bed.” She rasps between open-mouthed kisses along your thighs, arms wrapping around to keep yout hips in place as she takes her sweet time. “When was it… mmh, yeah I think it was…two years ago? Koraidon suddenly came out of his ball all sorry lookin’ in the middle of a meeting…”
Oh Arceus, you remember that meeting… Perhaps you’d been a little soft with Koraidon…he’d learnt that if he looked sorry enough, you’d make him a sandwich… but it was getting awfully hard to focus when a warm tongue suddenly licks a flat stripe into your cunt, and lips seal around your clit, shocking you from your thoughts as her strong hands prevent you from accidentally crushing her head with your thighs.
“Without even stopping to think, you got up n’ you got him what he needed.” she whispers into your thigh once she finally pulls away “middle of a meetin… n’ heres our newest champion, making a sandwich for her pokemon.” she chuckles “I dunno…something about how casually you just…did that…I’ve wanted this ever since but Geeta’s always had you running all over the place, pinning you down has always been impossible…least until today.” 
“You’re always doing everything for everyone else… you deserve to relax.” For a brief moment, she flashes you a genuine smile, not a hint of that handsome smirk that you’re so used to; just genuine warmth before she tugs you down by your hips and returns her mouth to you, long strokes of her tongue between your folds that leave any words dead in your throat, and your hands tangling in her hair for any semblance of control. You didn’t want to hurt her, but when she sucks harshly on your clit, you cry out and yank on her hair a little harder than you’d meant to, any apology dying when she groans and shudders, her eyes rolling back for a moment. 
“You’re killin me, kid.” She sighs in the brief moment she brings herself to separate from you “keep doin that and you might end up in trouble.”
It sounds like a threat… but the way she suddenly looks so…debauched, has you tugging at her silky hair again when a pair of fingers slowly begin to prod at your core, spurring her on as you squirm and mewl.
Eventually, you feel something deep in your belly, different from before, something building that has your breath coming harshly as you try to squirm away, stopped by a firm hand pressing just below your navel.
“R-rika-! s-somethings…I-I feel-” you whimper as the pressure builds, you expect her to pull away in concern, but her eyes flash with realisation, and she only seems to double down, her long, slender fingers curling inside of you and brushes against…something. Something that has you nearly scream her name as that pressure snaps and your world turns white, fingers curling harshly into her hair.
Somewhere, through the haze, you feel a weight resting on you, and a hand resting on your cheek, but it takes a little longer for your ears to finally stop ringing and realise Rika was gently calling your name.
“There you are..” She chuckles softly as you finally remember how to uncross your eyes and look at her. “That looked intense…you ok?” 
“Uh…uh-huh…” you respond dumbly, resting your cheek against her hand “what…what was that..?”
Rika’s lips pull into a thin, concerned line as her brows furrow.
“They really didn’t teach sex-ed at the academy, did they?” She asks.
“I-I mean…they did…s’just…basic..” you mumble as you slowly come down from…whatever high that just was.
“Obviously.” she sighs with a shake of her head “Was that seriously your first orgasm?” 
“oh…I uh…yeah…I guess it was.” and the humiliation was back. You knew what an orgasm was in theory…you’d just..never bothered to try it yourself. 
“Well…I suppose I should count myself honoured then.” She snickers, leaning in to kiss at your undoubtedly sweaty forehead. “Couple more of those N’ I think you’ll be sleeping like a Komala.” 
“M-more…?” you whisper, she laughs, catching your wide-eyed expression.
“Oh yeah, that was just foreplay, sweet thing…you did so well.” 
And the praise was back, despite the way your joints feel molten hot, you still manage to squirm beneath her. 
“I- s-should I…um…h-help you now?” your question is barely a whisper, all nerves…you have no idea how she did what she did but it felt…wrong to take and not give. 
But Rika only shakes her head. 
“What’d I say before?” she chides, slowly sitting back on her knees “Your one job tonight is to relax…I’ve got you.” 
“But…what about you-”
“Don’t you worry about me. I’ll get off eventually.” She chuckles, smirking when you sigh and relent. “I want one more outta you before then though.” She mumbles as she shifts out from between your knees, sitting and reaching for her bedside table as you stare at the ceiling, basking in the shaky afterglow. 
“D-did you…mean what you said before?” you mumble more at the ceiling than anything “that you’ve been…waiting for this..?” 
“What reason do I have to lie to you?” She chuckles as she fiddles with…whatever she’s fiddling with. “You earned my respect the day you beat me when you first took on the Elite four, my admiration when you beat Geeta and became a champion…”
“God…those stupid glasses haunt me.” you snicker, remembering rather vividly being sat, alone in a room with Rika when you had first taken on the league, you’d read up plenty on other pokemon leagues in other regions, but never once had any of them had an interview-style exam right at the start.
“Hey, I like my glasses, thank you very much!” Rika snorts as she finally shifts back over, pulling you close with one arm as something…new slides between your legs, a quick glance and- oh.
You never really took Rika for the kind to own toys…but…at the same time, you never really gave it much thought. It’s nothing extreme, but to you, who’s never had anything other than a pair of slender fingers inside you very recently, the silicone toy is still rather intimidating. 
“This ok?” She asks, mouthing at your neck and shoulder “if you don’t want to, you don’t have to.”
“I…I do..just..nervous is all.” 
“Mmh, good girl, so trusting…” there she goes again with the pet name that makes you shiver, not helped by the cold press of lubricated silicone against your still-sensitive cunt, gently pressing just that little bit further as Rika mouths your neck, nibbling down on the juncture between throat and shoulder, an adequate distraction as she pulls your leg out of the way with her own and sinks the toy in, slowly, almost tender as she coos comforts, coaxing you to relax, praise falling from her easily. 
“Look at that, you took it so well.” She praises once the toy reaches the hilt “fuck, you’re making me regret not buying a harness… might just have to pick one up so I can fuck you proper, yeah?” 
You can't even bring yourself to respond to her dirty talk, blinking hazily downwards as you gently press a hand just below your belly-button, taking the hint, Rika pulls the toy almost all the way out and then thrusts it back in. The feeling of it inside you, plus being able to feel it beneath your hand makes you moan loud and long, head falling back against the pillows as Rika lets you go, using her now free arm to prop herself up to watch you as she begins rhythmically working the dildo in and out of you, a small shift of her thumb has it brushing against your clit every time she sinks the silicone back into you, only adding to the layers of pleasure as your toes curl and your legs twitch.
“Look at you taking it like you were made for this, good girl.” she purrs, licking at her lips “I really shoulda found another reason to get you alone waaay before now.”
“Ungh…please…p-please…more…” It takes more than you feel like it should to beg, good as it felt, you’re worried that Rika was perhaps treating you just a little too softly. “Rika please…please please pleas-”
“Woah there, settle down baby.” She whispers, kissing at your cheek “Lookit you, telling me what you want like a good girl…who am I to deny the champion?” 
Your attempt at telling her she didn’t need to use your title is quickly drowned out when she sits up, plunging the toy deeper inside of you with this new angle, brushing up against that one spot that had triggered your last orgasm. Her free hand pins your chest down as she smiles down at you, predatory and hungry for your reactions as she ups the pace, occasionally stopping to really grind the toy deep inside of you, right against that sensitive spot that has your voice pitch higher while you grip at Rika’s hand like your life depended on it.
As your next orgasm draws closer, you whimper, tugging at her hand, overstimulated ,overwhelmed, knowing you needed something, but not quite sure what that something was. At least until Rika pulls you to sit up, not even interrupting her pace as she braces you against her chest so you can hide your face away into the crook of her neck. All the while she mutters praise and pet names into your ear. She groans when that knot snaps for the second time tonight and you cry her name into her throat. You don’t pass out like you’re pretty sure you did last time at least, but as the shocks of pleasure begin to fade out, you really do begin to feel the pull of exhaustion behind your eyes as you slump against Rika’s shoulder, whimpering quietly when she slowly pulls the toy from your sensitive core, feeling the way your muscles involuntarily clench around it.
“How was that, baby? You doin alright?” She asks, gently tossing the toy back towards the bedside table as she turns her attention back to you. You were dizzy, dazed, and exhausted, yet through all that one thought still persisted.
She’d been doing all of this for you, and she still had her goddamn pants on.
Her breath hitches when your hand drops to her thighs, pressing beneath the waistband as you try to swallow down your nervousness to return the favour properly, biting your lip as you find the slick, wet mess already waiting for you; in a way, it was comforting to know that she was in fact, turned on by all of this. You’re clumsier than Rika at this, inexperienced and nervous, but you listen as she lets out a shuddering breath, her head leaning against yours for a moment as you slowly gain some confidence. That is until she grabs your wrist, ignoring your whine as she pulls your hand away and lays you back down, taking a moment to kiss any air out of your lungs, trying to calm your fraying nerves at being denied the chance to please her. 
“Hey… It’s ok sweetie.” She murmurs against your lips, uncaring of your wide-eyed pout “One more…”
“Nooo.” you whine, wiggling in her grip “I cant…s’too much Rika…” truly, you didn't think you could take another, no matter how good it felt, the first two had been so intense, but Rika only smiles. 
“I know you can give me one more, sweet girl.” she purrs, watching as you squirm and shake your head like you could actually deny her. “Will you stop being a brat if I told you this one will also get me off?” 
At that, your squirming stops as you blink tiredly up at her, earning a chuckle and a fond shake of her head. 
“Yeah, s’nice n easy on you too…you wanna try?” 
You seriously doubted she could get another out of you, hell, you seriously doubted you could stay awake for much longer, her initial plan definitely working…but if it brought her pleasure too…
“O-ok…I’ll try…”
“That’s my girl.” She whispers softly, pressing just as soft a kiss to your lips “Lay back for me, princess.”
You do just that, shifting a few pillows to get comfortable, if you thought your joints ached before, now you felt like you've made the trip to the three final gyms today on foot…perhaps you should make Koraidon his favourite sandwich as thanks for carrying you around all day.
You feel Rika take hold of one of your legs, lifting it so your knee bends over her shoulder as she settles into place, finally free of her own bottoms as she slots her pelvis against yours. You gasp at the feeling of your cores pressing together. It felt…soft, but almost way more intimate and intense than anything she’d done to you prior…whatever she was doing, definitely wasn’t covered in any sex-ed class you’d taken back in school.
You’re about to ask, when she rolls her hips and oh- 
Perhaps it was your already overstimulated state, or just the position itself, but as she slowly grinds herself against you, the friction leaves you breathless, even more so when you look at Rika’s face. Her brow is furrowed in deep concentration as she bites at her bottom lip, face contorting in pleasure as she groans into your knee, her nails digging into the soft flesh of your thigh as she rolls her hips just a little harder, the pain only adding to the sensation.
“S-shit…” she pants, “fuck you feel so good…good girl..” she moans, head tilting back as she stares up at the ceiling, shuddering when you whimper and lift your hips as she rolls down again, sending another jolt of pleasure through you both. “That’s it princess, j-just like that… you’re gettin real good at this…” 
Her words of pleasured praise do…something else to you, sparking that last bit of energy you had left to life as you continue to try and keep rhythm with her, grinding together slow and deep and watching in awe as the first member of the elite four comes apart in front of you for the first time, her sounds going from quite whispers to long moans and pleasured keens. 
“Rika- R-rika…” you pant “mmf-fuck… can’t believe it’s taken this long..” the words are out of your mouth before you have the forethought to think about them “I’ve had the stupidest crush on you since we first met back when I was taking the gym challenge… you were so- ah! H-handsome and intimidating…I…thought you were a-a man and nearly called you S-sir-”
“FUCK-” her shout actually makes you jolt, and you realise she’s cumming, cunt grinding deliciously into your own as she bites down on your leg, the sudden extra jolt of pleasure-pain sending you over the edge as well with an open-mouthed scream.
Somewhere in the haze before you pass out, you make a mental note to try calling Rika ‘sir’ next time…if there was a next time.
It’s light out when you wake the next morning, blinking sleep from your eyes as you look out the window.
Seems the snow had only picked up during the night, most of which you don't remember after…well, everything. Save for a straw in your mouth, Rika’s gentle voice coaxing a few sips of fluid into you, and a damp cloth wiping you down, hushing your overstimulated whimpers of protest. 
Somehow she’d even managed to get you dressed again without waking you…you must have crashed hard. Yet the thing that sticks out to you is that the bed is severely lacking in another body, Rika nowhere to be found.
At first, a pit of worry sows itself into your gut. Had she gone to sleep on the couch after all that? Had she had second thoughts-
A clatter from down the hall, and her warm laughter however, abate that somewhat.
“You’re such an ungainly thing.” you hear her snicker “Hold on a second it’s nearly done, needy lizard.” 
Koraidon’s telltale ‘i'm hungry and sad, feed me’ whine quickly turns to happy chirping at the promise of food, his head turning to the hallway as you shuffle out of bed, blanket and all to trudge down the hall. happily leaving Rika to her business as he trots over to greet you, shoving his massive snout right into your belly. 
“See? All your complainin’ woke her up!” Rika snorts, resting a hand on her hip. “N’here i was trying to make you breakfast before you woke up…”
Your cheeks heat a little at the sentiment.
“Keyword is try…good luck getting any cooking past Koraidon…” you mumble softly, petting said pokemon’s head feathers down as the other trainer leaves the kitchen, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. 
“Well, initially I’d enlisted him to help, but that turned out to be a bust..” She snickers. “G’mornin.”
Rika tilts her head at you with an amused grin “aw, actin all shy after everything that happened last night?” she muses, chuckling when all the response you give is a slightly redder face before you drop your head into Koraidon’s feathers. Her amusement soon melts away as a warm, now intimately familiar hand, comes to rest on your back. 
“Hey…” she sighs “I enjoyed myself last night… I hope you did too…” 
“I-I did… its just…I…” you nibble at your bottom lip, unable to come up with the words to describe how you’re feeling. Giddy and nervous, emotional and excited, all wrapped up into one package.
Thankfully, your companion seems to take it in stride, pressing another kiss to your temple before she returns to the kitchen.
“Oh by the way.” She pipes up after a moment. “Geeta called this morning…snow’s a little too heavy today so HQ’s shut…looks like we have a long weekend.” 
Oh, an extra day off? That's probably the best news you could have gotten today, considering your legs were still shaking like a newborn deerling…
“Nice..” you giggle, slowly shuffling towards the couch, pulling her blanket up over your shoulders as you flop down by the arm and get cozy. 
“Thats what I said.” She snickers, soon joining you with a hot plate of food. If you’d thought the galarian curry last night had been good, this trumped it, your body screaming for food after last night’s exertion. 
“Y’know, if you want…you’re more than welcome to crash here for the weekend…” Rika throws the offer casually as she eats, content smile upon her face as she watches you from the corner of her eye “Snow’s only gotten heavier since yesterday, n’I don't wantcha getting hurt tryina get home..” 
This time, you can hear the intent behind her words, the intent you couldn’t read yesterday as you turn your head towards the window, to the almost whiteout of Masagoza. You contemplate the offer as you polish off your breakfast, placing the plate on the coffee table before you, watching as Koraidon happily trots up to lick the plate clean with a happy chirp.
“Hmmm…well, if you’re happy to have me…who am I to say no…sir.” you know it’s cheeky, you know it’s going to end badly for you, but watching Rika’s face suddenly go from cool, calm and collected, to beet red is totally worth it before she shoves the last mouthful of her own food into her mouth, slamming the plate onto the table before she grabs you by the collar of your shirt and hauls you up. 
You cackle all the way down the hall as she all but drags you back to the bedroom.
You were in for a long weekend indeed.
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oizysian · 1 year
If you are still taking requests, I'd like to request this.
Elizabeth Olsen X Fem Reader
Fluff or smut?: A mix of both
Plot: Female reader is a biker, (Not a gang member) crashes the bike one day while out on a ride. Elizabeth hears about this and meets the reader at the hospital. AU because It’d be cool to see a twist like this. Reader comes through fine with a few injuries and Elizabeth insists on reader staying with her while they recover, eventually finding out that Reader is autistic and struggles with sensory issues (Light, sound, touch and so on) Elizabeth realizes she is in love with reader and decides to make her apartment more autistic friendly so as to make reader comfortable.
AU or Canon: AU
Take It Easy | Elizabeth Olsen
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,842
Warnings: Talk of injury, smut. 18+
Genre: Whump/comfort, fluff, smut.
AN: Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy it!
“Y/N!” She rushed over to my bedside and took my hand gingerly, bringing it up to her face and pressing it to her cheek. “What happened?”
“Some … asshole hit me.” The look of worry in her eyes made me wonder how badly I really looked. “I’m fine.”
“You’re not ‘fine’ - you got hit by a car!”
I flinched at her voice and she took notice, her gaze softening and her body attempting to relax.
“I’m sorry, it’s just …” I heard her sniffle and I looked up into her eyes, surprised to see them glossy with unshed tears. “This could’ve ended so much worse.”
“I know,” I squeezed her hand and she smiled slightly. “But, really, I’m okay. Just shaken up.”
“I’d like to give that asshole a piece of my mind.” Her attention began to shift and I squeezed her hand again.
“Hey, stay with me, Liz. The last thing we need is you going to jail for assault.”
She returned her attention to me and sighed, nodding in agreement. She grabbed the chair next to the bed and pulled it up beside me, sitting as close as she possibly could all the while still holding my hand.
“Nothing is even broken. I’m just bruised up.”
“And you’ve got one hell of a cut on your head.”
“Do I?” I reached up with my free hand and she took hold of it, shaking her head.
“Don’t touch it. It’s covered. The doctor told me about it when I came in.”
“Oh.” I sighed, looking down at our entwined hands. “Is my head okay?”
“Your thick noggin is fine.” She chuckled softly. “You’re gonna have a nasty headache if you don’t already.”
“I don’t feel much of anything if I’m being honest.”
“It’s adrenaline. But, once it wears off …”
“Yeah, I know; a one way ticket to painsville.”
She nodded slightly, her fingers rubbing circles on the back of my hand.
“The doctor said you should stay with someone while you’re healing.”
I opened my mouth to speak, but she gave me a look of taking no bullshit and my jaw snapped shut.
“I want you to stay with me for a while.”
“I can take care of myself.” I mumbled.
“I know that, but I want to take care of you. Just until the doctor says you’re better.”
“But, there’s nothing wrong with me.” I tried to sit up and was hit with dizzying nausea, which Lizzie took notice of right away. “Okay, maybe there is.”
“Lay back down.” She pushed me down gently and I laid down without complaint, sighing in defeat. “It’ll only be for a few days. A week tops.”
I looked up at her, knowing I wasn’t going to win this no matter how hard I fought. How bad could it be staying with my best friend for a week? My best friend that I was in love with.
“Okay.” I finally gave in.
She smiled, a lone tear sliding down her cheek from the corner of her eye.
“Don’t cry.” I whispered, feeling very helpless at the moment.
“I’m not crying.” She said, sniffling softly.
“Yeah, and I’m not in a hospital bed.” I tried to joke and she let out a tearful laugh, a few more strays slipping past her eyelashes. “I’m sorry.”
“I know,” she brushed her tears away and tried to smile. “You’re just being you, it’s okay. I’m glad you’re still feeling like yourself.”
“For now.”
“For now.” She agreed. “Let’s see what tomorrow brings.”
“Kill me.” I groaned as I lay in Lizzie’s bed, my whole body in the worst pain I’ve ever experienced.
“Yeah, I saw that coming.” She said as she entered the room with a glass of water and a bottle of pills.
She shook the bottle and I covered my ears, the noise too loud for my aching brain.
“Sorry. Here, take two.”
“Tylenol? Nothing stronger?”
“You don’t need anything stronger. You’re just being dramatic.”
“I was hit by a car.” I reminded her.
“Honey,” she placed the glass down and sat next to me on the bed. “I know you were hit by a car, but the doctor said two Tylenol every four to six hours. And we’re going to follow the doctor's orders.”
I grumbled under my breath and stuck out my hand. She tipped the bottle into my palm and let two fall out, closing and placing it next to the glass of water on the nightstand. I huffed as I took the glass, popping the pills in my mouth and washing it down with the water.
“Trust me,” she said as she sat next to me, brushing my hair out of my face gently so as to not disturb the cut on my head. “I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure you feel better.”
“Thanks, Lizzie.” I said softly, sadly tracing imaginary patterns in the bedsheet.
“Don’t look so glum. In a few days you’ll be able to do things normally and then you’ll be going home.”
“Yeah.” I couldn’t hide my disappointment. As much as I hadn’t wanted to become a burden on her, I enjoyed staying with her.
“You wanna watch something?”
I shook my head and she sighed, taking my hand. I pulled her hand into my lap and played with her fingers, letting my mind wander as she sat and kept me company.
“We don’t have to do anything.” She said softly and I looked up at her. “We can just hang out.”
“Yeah.” I gave her a crooked smile. “I’d like that.”
After the doctor had given me the okay to go back to my normal activities, I helped Lizzie out around the house, wanting to pull my weight. She refused at first, but I insisted, and finally she let me do the dishes and help out with dinner.
My head was much better, and the aching in my body was nearly gone. I just wanted things to go back to normal. At the same time, living a cutesy, domestic life with Lizzie was everything I dreamed it could be, and there was a selfish part of me that didn’t want this to end.
The longer I stayed with her, the more things changed around her house. I noticed that some flowers she had in the dining room were now sitting out on the balcony, the light in the hall was no longer put on, and the old, scratchy blanket was taken from my side of the couch and replaced with a soft, comfy one.
My side of the couch. I liked the sound of that. But, why had things been changing? These little things were almost unnoticeable, but I noticed because those things used to bother me before. I never would’ve said anything to Lizzie, but she seemed to pick up on my discomfort and acted on it. I couldn’t lie and say my heart didn’t swell with love for her at the thought.
“Hey, Lizzie?”
“Hm?” She hummed softly, her fingers lazily tangled in my hair.
“What happened to those flowers you had on the table?” I played dumb.
“I put them outside.”
“I noticed you didn’t like the smell. You’re very sensitive to smell, you know.”
I blinked a few times, trying to process what she said.
“And why don’t you use the light in the hallway any more?”
“It hurts your eyes.” She said as she played with my tousled locks.
“And -”
“Y/N.” She interrupted me, gently lifting my chin so I would look up at her. “You’re here with me, so I’m making your stay as comfortable as possible. I’m gonna change the lightbulb in the hallway so it’s not so harsh.”
“You don’t have to do that.” I mumbled softly and she smiled down at me.
“Of course I do. I want you to be happy here.”
“Thank you.” I snuggled closer to her and she pressed a kiss to the uninjured portion of my forehead.
“Of course. I love you.”
My heart stopped at her words and it was obvious she had realized what she said a little too late. You could cut the silence between us with a knife.
“Y/N …” she started and I spoke without thinking.
“I love you too.”
“Yeah?” She asked softly and I nodded, inching closer to her.
She leaned forward and brushed her lips against mine, gently at first, before growing bolder and letting her tongue clash with my own.
Oh, god, how I dreamt of this moment. She tasted like strawberries and vanilla and I couldn’t get enough of her. She pressed me into the couch and I let her take control of me, knowing for a fact that she wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.
“Is this okay?” She asked as her fingers played with the waistband of my pants. “We can wait if you’re not ready.”
“I’ve been ready since I met you. I’ve always been in love with you.”
She smiled down at me and I raised my hips towards her, letting her pull down my pants and panties in one fell swoop. She giggled against my lips as our tongues and teeth clumsily clashed, our eager kisses becoming sloppy as her hands explored my body.
“We’ll have to take it easy.” She whispered, a mischievous look in her eye. “Which means you’re going to lay back,” she bit her lip and smiled. “And enjoy yourself.”
I blinked at her, a smile creeping across my features as she slid down my body, pressing wet, open mouthed kisses to my belly as she made her way between my legs.
“You’re so pretty.” She whispered softly, her fingers parting my soaked folds so she could see every inch of me.
“Lizzie,” I whined, covering my face with my arm. “Stop it.”
“No,” she kissed me and I nearly saw stars. “You’re perfect.”
I removed my arm from my face and looked down at her, her golden locks splayed across my lower abdomen, her emerald eyes looking up at me from under her eyelashes as she sucked my clit into her eager mouth.
A slew of obscenities fell from my lips as her tongue slipped delicately inside of me, touching me in ways I never dreamed possible.
“Lizzie,” I moaned, running my fingers through her hair as she ate me out. “Oh, fuck, yeah, right there, Lizzie. Fuck.”
She brought her free hand up to meet mine, lacing our fingers together as her strong tongue continued to lap at my wetness. My hips raised towards her as the coil in my belly tightened, my legs beginning to shake as my orgasm quickly approached.
I let out a whimper, a soft sound, before crying out her name breathlessly, cumming all over her mouth and chin. She didn’t let a drop go to waste, her tongue licking and lips sucking as she cleaned up the mess I made.
“When you feel better,” she breathed, smiling up at me. “We can do so much more.”
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sungbeam · 2 years
this is my request for your open request event
a svt au/fic (w wonwoo if you can but I don't mind who it is tbh) where fem!oc is another members older sister and (im going to say wonwoo but I really don't mind who it is haha) wonwoo has the BIGGEST FATTEST JUICIEST crush on her and oc is the biggest flirt ever so wonwoos convinced she likes (any other member im just giving an example again) sungcheol, oc is also completely unaware of said crush and oc is just like really cool (idk why but I just imagine her being one of those people everyone wants to be friends w) so everyday wonwoo just falls for her more, until he asks her out on a drunk date and the other members end up tagging along (its up to you if you want it to be a happy or a sad ending)
I just made this up on the spot 😭
𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗮 𝘄𝗶𝘀𝗵
jeon wonwoo x fem!reader
1.8k words, wonu is whipped asf, hard pining, fluff, cursing, vernon makes an accidental double entendre lmao, scene by scene!, wonu thinks u like hoshi, drinking/drunk wonu doesn't make sense, kind of abrupt ending ? cries, not proofread ofc
a/n: tysm for sending in a request hua <3 i wasn't able to fit in the actual date im sorry :') but i might write a sequel where we can go into more detail abt the sebongs following the date 👀✨ anyways i hope u enjoy!! (also literally can't believe u came up w all of that on the spot i mean hOw TT)
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"I think you just need to tell her, hyung," Boo Seungkwan shouted to Jeon Wonwoo from over the sound of the loud bass blasting throughout Seungcheol's apartment. As per usual, the gang had all conspired to barge in on Seungcheol's place and throw a mini party for themselves. They called it a "stress reliever"; Seungcheol preferred "stress multiplier". 
Wonwoo's eyes flitted across the living room to where you were stationed at Cheol's foosball table by the window. You were partnered with Hoshi, and played against Seokmin and Mingyu. The two of you—you and Hoshi—had been jostling each other around with playful punches to each other's arms, hands covering each other's to play their handles, and so on. It was a splendid affair of flirting, and it made Wonwoo gulp his cup of beer down hard. 
Seungkwan went on. "I mean, noona's just flirty like that to everyone, y'know? Everyone except for me—"
"And me," Wonwoo muttered under his breath. 
Seungkwan pretended he didn't hear it. "—so you never know! You just… air it out. What harm could it do?"
What harm? Wonwoo loved Seungkwan (to a private extent; he wasn't about to tell the kid outright or he would never live it down), but even he had to admit that there was bound to be some kind of harm in confessing his massive crush on you. It was strange at first, the way his heart always made a little skip when he saw you, or the way his breath hitched whenever he heard you say his name. And when you made conversation with him? He wondered how on earth he could even choke out the word "hi" back. 
A presence appeared on the other side of Wonwoo, settling onto the leather couch with a bottle of soju in hand. "Yah, what bullshit are you trying to tell him this time, Seungkwannie-ah?" Jihoon sighed, then pursed his lips against the bottle and took a drink. 
Seungkwan gaped. "Bullshit? Hyung! I'm literally Yn's brother; I know best!"
Wonwoo tilted his head in begrudging agreement. Seungkwan definitely had a point there. 
He glanced your way again, in time to watch Hoshi pick you up and spin you around after the two of you managed to win the match against Seokmin and Mingyu. 
Wonwoo's heart sank, but he was glad you won—even if your smile was so pretty and happy it made his chest ache; even if Hoshi got to smell that nice perfume you wore all the time; and even if your eyes found his in the midst of the chaos—
Record scratch. Oh fuck. 
Wonwoo wondered if he looked as calm outwardly as he wasn't inwardly. Dear god, you just waved at him. 
He couldn't help but smile back at you, in that soft, fond sort of way he had unique to him. Maybe he couldn't scramble the words together to tell you his true feelings, but maybe the universe would send you a message in that private way of his. 
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Wonwoo definitely wished the universe would just speed up in its "working its magic". It was taking an awfully long time to give him a sign, but it was terribly good at continuing to make him fall faster and harder. Falling for you was falling into a bottomless pit, but it was freeing and frightening at the same time. 
He didn't often believe in fate, but desperate people found faith. Not that he was desperate or anything. No, definitely not. 
Well, there went his heart. 
A small smile found its was to his lips as he turned to greet you. You and Seungkwan had just arrived at the restaurant, and you happened to greet him first. Coincidence? Probably. At least, that was what Wonwoo thought. 
"Hey, Yn-ah," he said lowly, softly. 
Your smile softened at its corners and in the crinkle of your eyes. You stopped behind his chair with one hand propped on the back. Oh good god he could smell your perfume— "Good to see you! I feel like it's been ages since I last got to talk to you. Still running that book club?"
His eyebrows shot up like the speed of his heartbeat. "You remembered?"
"Of course, I did! You can ask Kwannie; it's all I talk about."
Seungkwan made a face, his nose wrinkling. "Yeah, it is," he confirmed. "If she didn't have to work, she'd be there, hyung. I'll tell you that." He sank into the seat next to Vernon and Chan, the two of whom were hogging the paper checklist for All You Can Eat sushi. 
Wonwoo couldn't believe his ears. He'd known you loved to read, but he didn't realize you actually cared about his book club. When he looked at you, he could've sworn there was a smattering of pink on your cheekbones. 
He tugged out the empty chair next to him. "Here, please, you should sit—"
"YN-IEEEE!" Hoshi screeched from the other end of the table like a hyena. He waved his arms around wildly. "I saved you a seat!" He smacked his hand down against the empty seat beside him, beckoning you over. 
You chuckled to yourself. "Ah, sorry Woo. Gotta go cater to our tiger cub. But we'll have to catch up on book talk soon, yeah?"
"Of course," he promised with a small nod of his head. 
You bit your lip through your smile, your hand grazing his shoulder, and then you were gone. Wonwoo kind of wished you'd sat down next to him instead. 
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Wonwoo was drinking again. Why? Well, the reason he would say was because Seungcheol was paying. The actual reason was because you showed up to Joshua's promotion celebration in a killer little black dress. No, it was not killer, but rather murderous. As in, he was murdering his throat as he threw back shot after shot, trying to erase the delusional little fantasies popping up in his head. 
"I think you need to chill," Vernon said with a hand over Wonwoo's to stop him from reaching for his fifth shot of the night. Vernon's eyebrows creased in concern. "Like, respectfully. But drinking isn't gonna erase that dress—I mean, you probably wanna erase the—"
"Jesus, Vernon," Wonwoo swore. Now he'd done it. Delusional just got ramped up a level. What was it? Was he a simp now? 
Wonwoo dragged a hand down his face. It wasn't like he wasn't dressed nicely either. He thought he looked pretty damn good when he'd walked out in the slightly unbuttoned black button down and suit jacket, tailored suit pants, the works. He'd even tried his hand at the slightest bit of black eyeliner, and at this point, it was just gonna end up smudged. "I'm not trying to forget," he enunciated the latter word very carefully against Vernon's megawatt smile, "I'm just trying to… distract myself."
"It's just a little sad, bro. You and Yn used to be really close before…"
"She and Hoshi got close," Wonwoo finished half-heartedly. That called for another shot. 
"No, I mean, before you realized your undying love for her and decided to be melodramatic about it." At Wonwoo's scowl, Vernon's hands shot up in the air in surrender. "Respectfully."
Both of the men's eyes wandered over to where you and Hoshi were currently taking pictures together to the side. It was like a miniature James Bond-esque photoshoot, and even Joshua had ditched his celebrators to join you. He had practically stolen you from Hoshi, the latter of which pouted while he watched Seokmin take yours and Joshua's pictures. 
Wonwoo grabbed another shot glass from the bar counter behind him, and just as he did so, Vernon joined him. 
"We might as well finally test who's got the higher tolerance," Vernon said with a shrug. 
Wonwoo laughed and clinked his glass against Vernon's. "Cheers, my friend."
And in the end, Vernon had ended up being the one passed out on Joshua's shoulder in the back of an Uber. The night had dulled as the friends all slowly became either too tired or too drunk to continue partying. With Joshua and Vernon gone, Seungcheol began plucking off the rest to make sure everyone had a ride home. 
However, Wonwoo remained slumped at the bar, his chin propped on his arms as they laid on the bar counter. He drew aimless hearts on the surface of the polished wood, mind somewhere in the realm of rose-tinted sunsets. The alcohol was definitely hitting him now, and even if he didn't become ape-shit crazy when drunk, he did become a little more… lovey-dovey. 
He felt a hand clasp him on the shoulder. "Your lucky night, Woo," Junhui said to him with a slyness in his voice. "Yn-ie wants to make sure you're okay."
Wonwoo hardly registered Jun's words or his departure, but he did realize that you were sliding onto the barstool next to him and calling the bartender for a glass of water. The water glass was pushed toward him, and you nudged his arm. 
"Sit up, Wonwoo. Come on, let's drink some water for me, hm?"
Wonwoo did not move; except, his eyes slowly adjusted to fix upon you. There was this sort of… flushed glow about you that made you look like an angel in this hazy daze of his. "Mm-mm," he hummed with a miniscule shake of his head. 
Your face contorted into an adorable confused expression that made him smile. "Everyone's leaving, Woo. We gotta sober you up."
"Are you sober?" He murmured. His words were slurred slightly, but he spoke so low anyway that one couldn't tell. 
You chuckled, shaking your head slightly. "Not really. But I'm a lot more sober than you are. I saw you drinking earlier, mister," you teased, wagging your finger at him. 
He giggled—yes, giggled. 
"Were you drinking so much for a reason?" You asked offhandedly as you nudged him to drink the water again. 
This time, Wonwoo slowly sat up and took the water cup. "Mhm," he said into the cup as he took a little sip. "You."
You blinked. "Me?"
"Mhm." Wonwoo drained the water cup and set it on the table. "If I drink more water, will you take me out?"
"Take—" you stammered, eyes wide, "—take you out? You want me to like… take you home? Take you outside? Take—"
Wonwoo shook his head. "Mm-mm," he slurred again. He propped the side of his head against his fist this time, viewing you from a slightly different angle that made your cheeks look rosy and your expression bashful. Or was that reality? "Take me out on a date. You owe me for drinking water like you wanted me to."
Okay, so maybe he was really drunk. He was gonna slap himself in the morning for this.
You laughed, but it wasn't the kind of laughter where you thought he was being hilariously ridiculous. Rather, you found him so endearingly adorable with his shameless words and goofy grin. You kind of wished he smiled like that all the time—without restraint. 
But you were nodding, and Wonwoo was grinning from ear to ear like he'd won a million dollars. 
"Okay," you said, your lips curling upward as you stood up and offered a hand to him, "I'll take you out, Wonwoo."
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a/n: pls do remember to rb, comment, etc if u liked it!! ty for reading :3
svt m.list
permanent taglist: @tayunji @im-a-big-mess @doodlewon @y3jiishot @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @yedammi @rnjfy @jaehunnyy @mythicalamphitrite @ana-is-losing-her-mind @super-btstrash-posts @otchae @luv4vernon @ashxxkook @thesunsfullmoon @parkjusing @hoohoohope @dior-15
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fuck-customers · 5 months
hey gang! me again (from /post/741038774641983488, bitching about the two coworkers and the filthy deli slicer), and i guess we couldn’t go three days/two shifts without more bullshit from J1! as i write this it’s currently the morning after the shift described below. thankfully, i have the day off today, due to a prior appointment, so i might be able to wind down again before going in again tomorrow afternoon.
so before Chef C left on the hell shift prior, he asked me to be there at noon, when the first folks are showing up for their prep. good thing, too, because shortly after i arrive, before i even clock in, the head line cook (M) that showed up the same time i did informs me that he’s just gotten a text from C saying that both the sous chef S and the pantry cook J1 have called out for the day, leaving me as (currently) the only person available with any experience on pantry.
before i switched mostly to dish, this was fine, because i could rest assured that the old pantry lead (name irrelevant; no longer works there) would have as much as possible done and prepped for the next shift, even with the one day off we had between. the only time she wouldn’t is if the store was going to be closed for 3-4+ days straight and we needed to be concerned about spoilage. thus i would be left with minimal prep actually needed to be done and could just focus on the essentials.
considering this prior prep cook is the one who trained me and J1, it’d be safe to assume that she’d follow the same practices, right? well, clearly, that’s giving her too much credit, because again, i never got trained to any degree on how to make the vast majority of what gets “cooked” for pantry, and apparently she’s incapable of planning ahead even if for no other reason than to simply make her own job easier.
to make matters worse, we had just gotten a shipment, so the walk-in was packed full without any room to get around; i’d have put it away myself, but i don’t know where the vast majority of the shit goes, and i don’t want to fuck up the already tenuous inventory log situation that C constantly grouses about. i’m resultantly unable to get counts for anything we already have, so for the time being i focus on what i am able to easily access to get done, which is mostly plating desserts.
after a couple hours, a temp (E) comes in to help. there is a language barrier and she has never worked pantry before, only line, so i have to train her (through translation apps and my own rudimentary kitchen spanish) while also trying to figure out what the hell i’m doing myself. chef doesn’t get around to teaching me how to make two of the items we need until about half an hour before service starts, meaning i once again did not get a break and had to rush through making them myself, while i also try to get E set up with making sure everything she could put together was ready for service.
as you can probably imagine, this doesn’t go particularly well! E does great with the actual prep stuff, with dressing the cold cured meat dish and this that and the other, but as soon as we get to service it becomes an absolute shitshow. apparently nobody taught E on line that you need to send dishes out in the order the tickets come in, so we’re 15 tickets deep with more printing, and she’s ignoring things i specifically showed her how to make while we were slow to, instead, pull from the end of the queue to make salads that i keep having to drop what i’m doing to coach her on how to make correctly when they have a special request applied.
ultimately this results in me getting scolded by the GM/service lead to send tickets out in order, to which i just respond that “i’m trying,” and M comes to my defense when i can’t hear it to point out that i really wasn’t set up for success today, and folks kind of back off. thankfully we only end up with one extra dish (to my knowledge? something was said about extra carrot cakes but they were never brought back) and it’s just like. a half salad that E didn’t prep right so we couldn’t send it out.
insult to injury is that there were actually others present who had worked pantry before. one of the expo cooks (D) actually comes back to help J1 all the time, but because of S being absent he had to focus on expo—and he ended up leaving before dinner service without raising a finger or even pausing to ask to make sure i was going to be okay with just me and the temp. D’s got a problem habit of leaving without doing everything that needs done, anyway, which ended up resulting in J2 getting forced into overtime to pick up his and J1’s slack on that front, which is why he wasn’t there for this shift. probably ultimately for the better but i really would have appreciated the extra pair of hands.
due to the string of buffoonery that resulted in us missing no less than 3 kitchen staff and damn near everyone who knew how to do anything of substance on pantry, i wasn’t really given an opportunity to call for help. thankfully M had my back and nobody seems to have any hard feelings now that it was made clear to them that i wasn’t given room to do anything but struggle, and the GM and service staff took it pretty well when i apologized for how much of a shitshow pantry became, but i really should not have been left drowning like that in the first place.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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two-red-lungs · 2 years
I'll See You (In My Dreams) Pt. 2
Eddie x Fem!Reader NSFW (hurt/comfort, resolution)
Part 1: X
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Summary: Okay, so he’s alive. Eddie Munson is fucking alive. 
...So now what the hell are you supposed to do about it?
Word Count: 5.6K
Song Inspiration: X
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Dustin Henderson knew exactly where you would be. It was 7pm on a Thursday night, after all. 
He popped the kickstand on his bike outside the new Munson apartment and jogged up the two staircases in the near-dark, purplish twilight. Sound filtered from the window, from the ajar screen door: conversation. Laughter. He paused. He hadn't heard that laugh in ages.
Mustering his courage, he knocked. Wayne answered, looking down at him with a comb in his hand and a tired smile on his face. "Well, hey. If it ain't the kid."
"I thought I was the kid!" Dustin heard a voice inside complain sarcastically.
"You're both kids, to me. Come on in, Henderson." Wayne held the door open wider and Dustin slithered in with a weak, watery grin. He was already sweating. Nerves.
There you were. Eddie's girl. Smiling at him from the kitchenette and waving fingers in his direction before going back to grating cheese and liberally dispensing it over a full casserole dish. The tiny living space already smelled like a home, again: the tang of a preheating oven, burnt tobacco, steamed broccoli. Such a sharp contrast to the empty, dusty bite it had months ago. Back when Wayne could barely get out of bed most days.
"Glad you're finding a use for that stuff." Wayne said to you, shrugging on his work jacket by the door as Dustin sat uncomfortably on the couch.
"Hey, don't knock government cheese. It might be rubber, but it's good rubber. And I make a mean broccoli and cheese casserole with it." You joked. With a grunt you heaved the glass dish off the counter and slid it into the oven, shutting it with your hip and turning the timer dial towards sixty. "I'll babysit it until it's done and then I'll pop it in the fridge. I'll lock up when I leave."
"I don't know how I survived without you, kid." Wayne said. With a huff he tightened his boot laces and hauled open the door. "You take care, alright?"
"I always do, Wayne. I always do."
And then he was gone, the uncle with the tired, sad eyes tromping down the uneven metal stairs to the courtyard and out to the parking lot for his night shift.
You rested your forearms on the counter. "So what brings you to chateau de Munson, Dustin?" Even from across the room, you could see the way he was shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Sweating buckets. Round face pale. "...Oh man. What happened? Are you okay?"
"Nothing happened. Nothing!" Dustin said quickly.
"Bullshit, man. You look like you're about to testify in court. Spill."
"I have to tell you something."
"Oh my god. You have cancer."
"I don't have- jesus, I don't have cancer!" Dustin squawked. "Can you just sit down? Please?"
Warily you slid into the loveseat opposite him, glaring daggers at the young teenager. His curls were sticking to his forehead and he wrung his hands like a guilty man. He took a deep breath. Steadying himself.
"They day of the earthquake," he began quietly, "a lot of... stuff, happened. More than just earthquakes."
"Yeah. The whole-" You gestured with your hands, "-alternate dimension thing. I try not to think about it too hard."
"And you know how Eddie died."
You went quiet. A brave sacrifice is what Dustin had told you, shaking and dirty and soot-smudged. He was the only reason Steve and Robin and Nancy got a shot at Peter in the first place. When he had told you about the bats.... jesus. Jesus. You were thinking about it. You squeezed your eyes shut. How many times had you imagined it, already? Blood? Fear in those big brown chocolate eyes? You banished the thoughts back to the dark corner they came from.
"Uh-huh." You croaked.
Dustin pressed his lips together. Hands clasped so tight in his lap they were bloodless. "Steve, uh... Steve and the gang helped me bring Eddie's body up through the portal a few minutes... after. A bunch of government people were already there, to study it, and they, um. Caught us. They had big vans, full of emergency stuff. For the people they were gonna send through the gateway." He blew out air between his lips. "Like, um. Bandages and blood and defibrillators. They took Eddie away from us, and I... I stayed. I didn't want them to just disappear him, you know? Like he didn't matter. Because he mattered."
You stayed dead-silent, watching him over hands steepled by your face. eyes wide. They had his body.
"But they didn't bag him. They, uh... they brought him to a van. He was just... covered in wires, and tubes, and stuff, and... they shocked him. I watched them. And they, um..." He was speaking like every words was painful. "They got his heart going again."
The clock on the wall went tick-tick-tick. A car passed on the road far away. Dustin shifted in his seat, staring at you nervously, picking at his nails.
“He’s, uh. He’s alive.” He said quietly. 
“Eddie’s dead.” You breathed. 
Dustin shook his head. “No, that’s no-”
“No. He’s dead. Dustin. You told me. You told me, they never recovered the body, and he died there, in that fucking- that nightmare land, you told me he was fucking dead-” Your mouth was cotton, heart racing in your chest, sweat prickling your skin. God. Oh god. “Why would you- why would you lie to me, I’ve grieved for him already, he’s not alive.”
“He’s alive. God. Shit, I’m so sorry, man, he’s alive. He’s alive.”
Dustin looked like he was bracing to be punched. Bracing for you to unleash a torrent of fury and resentment on him. He went stiff when you launched across the room and pulled him into a tight, shaking hug instead. 
What was a word for what you were feeling? Relief? Awe? Incredulousness? 
Maybe there were no words for this. It was too big. 
And just like that, you were crying again. Mashing Dustin’s curly head into your shoulder, holding him like a brother. He wrapped his arms back around you. “Thank you,” you babbled, short-circuited, “Fuck, thank you for telling me, oh my god- oh my god.”
“I didn’t want to keep it from you.” For a second, Dustin sounded his age. 14 years old. Far too young to have been keeping this weighing so heavy on his shoulders. No kid should have to hold a secret like that. “Nobody’s supposed to know. Nobody. I wasn’t even supposed to tell you.”
With blurry vision, you pulled back, unable to keep that stupid grin off your face. Giddy, almost. Maybe god was a merciful entity after all, because this was the best gift you could have ever gotten in your life. “Who else?” You said in a wobbling, tear-soaked tone, wiping your cheeks. “Who else knows?”
“Uh, a government team. Task force, I guess. You. And me.”
“...Not even Wayne?”
“Not even Wayne.”
He hauled the whole story out again, in full detail. How Eddie was hospitalized. How an agent came to his door, in person, to tell him Munson was being moved into witness protection, under the watchful eye of Big Brother. The least they could do, really, after handling everything so poorly. And it’s not as if they could clear his name in any reasonable way, anyway. He’d get a new name, in time. A new identity. A new life, far away from the Satanic Panic and fabled Munson Murders. 
Eddie was in fucking Washington state. Across the country, in Rockport: a little logging village with one main street and a population of three hundred. The safest, most obscure place he could be. 
You stood, when you heard that. You already knew what you needed to do. It was manic and impulsive and stupid, but it felt like a fucking magnet, a mystical force, tugging at your gut. Hauling you out the door. 
“You can’t go there.” Dustin said immediately. “Dude, no way.”
“Just try and stop me, Henderson.”
Dustin’s mouth shut with a clack. He paused. Fidgeted. “...Will you tell him we miss him? If you do find him?”
You fluffed Dustin’s hair with a hand, heart more at peace than it had been for nearly half a year. “Of course, little man. Of course. Now. Held me find a goddamn duffle bag.”
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The duffle went in the front passenger seat of your beat-up Honda. It bulged with stuff pilfered from the few cardboard boxes of Eddie’s belongings Wayne kept morosely in the closet: his favorite black dice, a few well-worn band tees, a rolled-up Dio poster. His battle vest, folded neatly on top. Your own luggage was in the trunk. 
When you rolled out of the parking lot with a paper map on the dashboard, a full tank of gas, and a big plastic bag od road snacks, the universe finally felt right again. Fiery determination sitting heavy in your gut. Was this short-sighted and idiotic? Yeah. 
Were you going to find the love of your life because you'd realized losing him once already had been one time too many? Absolutely.
It was a thirty-three hour drive from Hawkins, Indiana to Rockport, Washington. You cranked up the scratchy radio and got to it. When the “You are now leaving Hawkins” sign passed, you flipped it the bird. 
Endless roaring highway. Scattered trees and cornfields, city skylines and rural towns. Your fingers, numb on the wheel. Only stopping for gas, wobbling out on tired legs and stumbling into convenience stores for a bathroom break and more pretzel rods. Taking washcloth baths in the sinks at rest stops. Sleeping in the back of your car, across the seats, rolled sweater serving as a god-awful pillow. 
Highway 80. Highway 76. And then Highway 90, for miles and miles and miles. 
It was surreal, finally encountering the mountains of Washington. They rose, thick with evergreens like shaggy hair, into the sky, far taller than anything you’d ever seen in your life. Snowcapped peaks and underbrush so thick with ferns it was unnavigable. The highway wound and twisted with the steep, verdant landscape. It was only when you passed the sign “Entering Skagit County” that it really hit you: you were here. So was he. Somewhere. Somewhere. 
“Three hundred people. Close knit community.” You muttered to yourself on your last trip leg, when the highway exit ramp finally gave way to narrow asphalt backroads. “How hard can it be?”
When you entered Rockport, a sleepy place that barely had enough buildings to even really count as a place, it felt dreamlike. Car engine off, parked in front of the single diner. Strange birds calling in the air. A cold mountain breeze drifting down the street and cutting through you. 
You took a deep breath of the foreign, pollen-laden air. It smelled like pine and lumber. And then you shoved your hands in your pockets and slunk into the diner. The bell over the door rang, and four heads turned in unison to oogle you. Three rough, lumber-hauler looking types, and one elderly waitress behind the counter. 
It was all too easy to flop down on a barstool at the counter. “Coffee, please.” You said weakly. She side-eyed you warily but nodded and headed to the pot. You knew how you looked: circles under your eyes like bruises, messy hair, chip crumb-covered jacket. A total mess. 
“Rough day?” The waitress asked you, setting down a steaming white mug in front of you. You eagerly wrapped cold fingers around it. Autumn in Washington was achingly chilly.
“Rough three days, actually.” You rubbed a hand down your face: mmm, nice and warm. “I just blew in from Indiana.”
Her eyes widened. “Indiana, really? That’s one helluva trip. You headed for Bellingham?”
“Nope. I’m, uh. Right where I wanna be. Destination: Rockport.”
She laughed and wiped her hands on her apron. “Never heard that one before. Only people that come to Rockport are through-travelers and lumber workers. And you certainly don’t look like a log-yard gal. So. What brought you in?” 
You took a long draught of the coffee. Old and stale, but infinitely better than the warm soda that had sustained you thus far. “I’m looking for someone. An... old friend.”
She raised her eyebrows questioningly. 
“Moved in a few months ago, I think? I don’t, uh, have his address. Probably keeps to himself?”
She pursed her painted lips. “We haven’t gotten any new residents for a good decade, hon. Maybe you have the wrong town.” She tapped her fingers on the plastic counter, thinking. “Hey, Thompson?” The waitress called to a booth with an older bearded man nearby. “Have you heard of anyone moving in in the last year?”
“Nope.” He said gruffly. The man leaned back against the vinyl of the booth and stroked his wild gray beard. “...Well. Someone did buy up the old Merryweather place, ‘round five months ago. Come to think of it, I’ve seen a man at the general store couple ‘a times. Big, mean lookin’ fella with a holster. Buzzed hair. Not the friendliest.”
That was distinctly un-Eddie, but distinctly agent-like. You cleared your throat, clutching the coffee mug. “...The Merryweather place?” You hazarded to ask. 
He nodded. “When the Merryweathers passed away, they left their home open. No next of kin, poor bastards. It’s just been sittin’ empty for what, five years now? It’s out west, end of the road, up the left backtrail.” He glanced out the diner window at your car. “Wouldn’t try and drive on up there in that, though. Terrain’s pretty rough. Might wanna to walk.”
Your chest was vice-tight. You barely got words out. “Thanks. I appreciate it.” 
With that you drained two more cups of coffee, scarfed down a slice of pie, and with well-wishes from the waitress and a handful of crumpled bills you hauled your bags out of the car, slung them both over each shoulder, and started down the narrow main street. Following the setting sun Westward. 
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There it was. Exactly where he said it would be. Nestled between high trees, deep in the woods, at the end of a long winding dirt road that left you panting and sweaty with the steepness. A ramshackle house with dusty windows and a rotting wood deck. 
Your mind raced. Was he... was he there? Really? In there? Or was he somewhere else? What if Dustin had bad information? What if he wasn’t there, and you had come all this way for nothing, and you never found him ever again-
You squeezed your eyes shut. Willing the thoughts away. You were here, weren’t you? You at least had to try. Your shoes crunched on the gravel driveway, every step leaden. The house looked cobwebbed and uninhabited. No lights on. 
Footsteps on creaking wood. Your body cast in shadow under the mossy eaves. The door, inches away. 
“Just... knock.” You told yourself. “Just knock.”
You raised a fist. You knocked. 
You knocked again. 
“...Hello?” You called. “It’s, uh. It’s me. Anybody home?”
More silence. And then, just when your lower lip was starting to quiver, a muffled thump inside. Running footsteps. 
Several clicking locks unlatched, and then the door was thrown open with a gust of wind. 
And there he was. 
Eddie Munson stood in the doorway, chest heaving, chocolate eyes wide and mane of hair wild. Mouth hanging open like he was seeing a ghost. 
You dropped the travel bags and then you were on him. You collided with him with an oomph, and god, he was solid. Tangible and real. How many times had your dreams taunted you with this? But now he was here, muscles warm under his loose black shirt and smelling like salt and sweat and old beer. 
“Oh my god. Oh my god.” Was all he could say, and jesus christ had you missed that voice. Sweet, raspy, edible as caramel. Long, sinewy arms clasped you back, scrabbling at your body, pulling you so tight to him your ribs creaked. Eddie’s hair tickled your forehead and you mashed your face against his neck, already laughing: a giddy, stupid, incredulous laugh. 
It was relief. Cool, gentle relief, like a clear babbling stream on a hot summer day. You could hear his wild heartbeat, feel his chest expand with each breath. You stumbled together into the darkness of the house and its cool wooden interior. 
Eddie pushed away, grabbing you by the forearms, ducking his head to just look at you. “You’re here.” He repeated blankly, brows so high they disappeared behind his fringe. That big, pretty, megawatt smile on his lips. “You’re fucking... you’re here. You’re here.”
“I’m here.” You grabbed his face with both hands. Soft. Stubbly. Exactly how you remembered it, aside from the knots of pale scars dancing across his lower left jaw. “I’m here.”
And then you kissed him, and everything was right again. Sweet saliva-slick lips, his wet mouth, the tang of burnt tobacco. Eddie melted into it, a keening, hurt, hungry noise in the back of his throat. He pressed to you, bending his tall self down over you, shaking hands grabbing and touching and roaming over your hips, your shoulders, your arms, like he was trying to convince himself you were really real. 
You couldn’t keep yourself off him: arms firmly encircling him, trying to press as much of yourself to him as you could, trying to fucking meld with him if possible.
“Missed you so much.” You breathed against his lips, between kisses. “Missed you every goddamn day, Eddie, so much.”
He made another noise like you’d fucking stabbed him. “I wanted to tell you. Wanted to call you so fucking bad. Sometimes I’d, fuck-” He gasped shakily when you pressed a sloppy, wet kiss to his neck, roving skin you had been without for so long. “-I’d get so fuckin’ drunk and just... stare at the phone. But they wouldn’t let me.”
You pushed his words to the side, hushing him, fingers dancing across his collarbones. “Whatever, whatever, Eddie, whatever, I’m- I’m here now, okay? It’s whatever.”
He pushed his head forward and kissed you again, and you sighed, soft and content. Kisses like fucking medicine for everything that ailed you. Eddie’s hands held your hips tight, keeping you chest to chest with him. 
“You know,” He said, words puffing against your face, “If I’d known a fuckin’ confession would make you hunt me down, I’d have done it five months ago.”
“A confession?” You asked breathlessly, kissing him over and over. 
His lips paused. You opened your eyes to see that watery bambi gaze looking down at you. “...Shit.” Eddie said. “Dustin didn’t tell you, did he.”
“Tell me what?” When he stayed silent, you rolled your soft body against his and he swallowed hard, throat bobbing. “Eddie, tell me.”
A beat of silence.
“I’m so fucking in love with you.” He blurted. Voice breaking. “Like, holy shit. I’m so... jesus, babygirl, I’m so in love with you it drives me crazy.”
Your heart did a kickflip in your chest. Those words were like butterflies. Like summer fireworks and cotton candy and orgasms and jager and the best top-quality weed all rolled into one. Maybe you were dreaming. Maybe this was a coma. 
And if it was? You didn’t want to fucking wake up. 
“Eddie. I love you.” Was all you could get out, throat so tight, eyes so fucking full they threatened to spill any second. “God. I love you too.”
He seemed hypnotized by the need, the want in your voice. All at once Eddie was on you again, wet, sloppy kisses across your lips and cheeks like he couldn’t kiss you fast enough, a big broad hand coming to cup the back of your head and tilt it up towards him. Your words were a babbling mix of pleas and his name and he caved so hard to it, body vibrating. 
You were so focused on him, touching him and stroking his hair and nuzzling into his face and chest and neck that you barely registered him even picking up the bags and the two of you stumbling through the tiny house, across the wooden floorboards, into a bedroom. Setting sunlight cut dusty, bright slats of light across it. 
When the back of your knees hit a bed your hungry, euphoric hindbrain took over and you grabbed Eddie’s shirt with both hands and hauled him on top of you, falling to the bed in a jumble, him dropping the bags with a grunt of surprise. God, his weight felt good on you: warm and heavy, your own personal blanket. Eddie laughed breathlessly, using a forearm to prop himself up over you. Pulling away from your hungry mouth to just stare. 
“Hi.” He said warmly. His eyes sparkled and his hair made a curtain that separated you and him from the rest of the world. 
“Hi.” You replied. 
“I love you.”
“Love you back.”
The metalhead wasted no time digging fingers under the hem of your shirt, hauling it up and over your head, groaning when he saw your breasts. “Hello to you too, ladies.” He muttered with a snicker, nuzzling his nose against them. The sight made you cackle, affection so warm in your chest it was addictive. The warm affinity sparked to something hotter when you felt his jean-clad pelvis rock against yours, lovely perfect heavy friction over your crotch. 
“Oh.” You gasped at the sensation. It felt good. Your sex drive had all but disappeared for three months, and for the past two all you had been doing was miserably getting off by yourself a few times a week. 
You wanted more. Wanted him.
When you tugged at the hem of his shirt he put a hand over yours, pausing his slow rutting. Eddie licked his lips nervously. “I, uh...” He voice lost its bravado. “I don’t know if you, um. Wanna see all of that. Right now.”
The scars. Your eyes widened. Without even thinking you pressed a feather-soft kiss between his eyebrows, staring him down. “Edward.” You said seriously- well, as seriously as you could with your legs practically wrapped around his waist. “I’d love you even if you looked like the one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater.” When he hesitated, you doubled down. “Seriously. You really think I’ll be scared off by a few battle scars?”
He smiled tightly. “It’s more than a few.” Despite his unease, he let you slowly pull his shirt off, over his head. 
Your breathing stilled. “Oh, Eddie.”
His torso was a patchwork. His body was a patchwork. The knot of scars on his jaw paled in comparison to the swaths of carnage across his left pectoral and most of his lower abdomen: pale pink, white and red whorls of scar tissue, indentations and suture marks. A large tear, healed messily, on his inner right arm. You ghosted fingers over the sites: the skin was tight and shiny. 
“I know what you’re thinking.” He said nervously. Trying to play it off with humor. “Those bastards took one of my nipples.”
“The scars are bad-ass, Eddie.” You replied quietly. “Very metal.”
“Y’think so?”
“Yeah.” You pressed another kiss to his forehead. “I do.” And then you rolled your hips up against his soft, half-ready erection and he huffed, his own hips jerking automatically in response. “Touch me?” You begged. 
That pink tongue appeared between his plush lips, his pupils blowing wide. “Uh-huh.” He replied dumbly. “I can, uh, I can do that.”
Eddie was roving hands and roving kisses. Wet lips on your breasts, mouthing at your nipples over the fabric. Clever fingers snuck under your waistband, wriggling your pants off, undoing his own even while his mouth continued to roam. You got a handful of his hair, sighing and letting your head fall back against the covers when his tongue dragged across your lower stomach. 
“Ohhhh man. Fuck.” Eddie hissed out when he ran fingers over your underwear. “Had so many wet dreams about this. Missed it so bad.”
You thumped against his head. “If you don’t touch me now, motormouth, I can’t be held responsible for what I do.”
“Pushy, pushy.” He said, pressing a kiss below your bellybutton. You could hear the smile in his voice. He dragged his lips down, following every inch of skin he exposed as his fingers slowly pulled down your panties. 
“You don’t have to-” 
“Lemme have this, baby.” He said over you. Another kiss, this time to your pelvic crest, his long hair tickling your sensitive abdomen and making your skin jump. “Lemme have this.”
Eddie’s furnace-hot mouth on your pussy wiped every logical thought from your mind. You let out an animal noise, completely out of your control: fuck, it had been months. His wet lips and flickering tongue dragging between your folds was euphoria. You could feel the sharp stubble of his chin dig into you when he lapped his tongue at your opening, spreading you open with clever fingers. 
You were so sensitive, so alight, your stomach muscles were contracting involuntarily. You cried out, hissing and panting and sighing, hands woven into his wild head of hair, pressing his face deeper. So many memories, the good ones for once, came floating back: your long, sloppy makeouts in the back of his van. Picking up Eddie from school and kissing him hard in front of the other high-schoolers as if to say yeah, that’s right, he’s got a hot college girlfriend, motherfuckers. Eddie eating you out in the backseat of your cramped car, fogging the windows. Slow-fucking in his twin bed, Metallica blaring, the cold of winter storming outside the trailer. 
“Fuck, Eddie, your mouth.” You whined into the open air when he suckled on your clit, tip of his tongue drawing maddening circles. One of his fingers slipped into you, easy and perfect and wonderful in your sloppy, aroused wetness. He crooked it. Your hips jerked. 
Eddie looked at you from under his eyebrows, face already shiny with slick. Keeping his gaze locked on you while one finger turned to two and he pumped you, eating you like a man starved. “So pretty.” He moaned against your pussy.
Pleasure coiled in your gut, running down your thighs and up your back like superheated glass. “Stop.” You gasped, pushing at his head. “Stop, ‘m gonna cum, Eddie.”
He groaned again, directly against your clit. Jesus, he looked a sight, rutting against the mattress between your legs, sunlight turning his hair into a halo of dusty brown. “Mmm, want you to.” He said hoarsely. Those long fingers rubbed encouragingly at that perfect spot inside your pussy.
Christ, you were gonna cum. It was gonna hit you like a fucking freight train. “No, please-” You hiccuped out, nearly blind with pleasure, legs squirming. “I want-” You collected your thoughts when he lifted his mouth, looking at you. “Want us to do it together. I want you inside me.”
Eddie looked stunned. He dropped his forehead against the inside of your thigh and laughed incredulously. “Fuck.” He rasped. “You always know exactly what to say to me, huh?” He was off the bed so fast it made the mattress wobble, his cock bobbing and weeping in the air- jesus christ, you wanted that in your mouth- and he was hunting through your long-discarded jacket. “Do you still keep...” He rooted through the inside pockets. “Yeah. ‘Course you do.”
He held up a shiny condom package. 
“Old habits die hard.” You replied sheepishly. 
He jumped back on the bed, hair fluttering, ripping it open with his teeth and rolling it down over himself, blowing air between his lips as he touched his dick. The latex was bring and shiny, tight around him. You couldn’t help yourself: you scrambled forward and wrapped a hand around his length. Heavy, hot, throbbing. Just like you remembered. 
“Ah. Shit.” Eddie whimpered, hips snapping up into your fist, fucking your grip. “I’m so fucking close, I’m... I can’t hold out, baby.”
“Don’t want you to.” You said. You crawled over him, shivering at the heady, addictive sensation of skin on skin, bare thighs pressed together, bare hands touching bare flesh. You handled his cock, flicking the head over your wet folds, back and forth. Eddie looked you were trying to exorcise him.
“I love you.” You said in a small, soft voice. “Love you.” And then you sank down, slow, so slow, adjusting to the white-hot breech, the throb, the perfect fullness. When you got down to the hilt on Eddie’s lap, legs wrapped around his torso, you started to roll your hips. 
And it was good. So good. He reached so deep inside you, always did, mushroom tip pressing so perfectly against that soft spongey patch that sent lightning bolts down your legs. Your pussy clenched around him, his wiry, arousal-wet hair scratching at your clit. 
He made an animal noise. A weak, broken, relieved cry: like he’d been waiting months for this. Eddie wrapped you in his arms and pressed you to his chest, thrusting up into you as best he could with you in his lap. His heart thundered against yours, separated only by a few inches of blood and bone. Pleasure spread like wildfire over your skin. 
“-love of my fucking life, goddamn angel, jesus christ-” He was babbling against the crown of your head, squeezing you so tight in those arms you could barely breathe. The two of you moved in tandem, rabbit-fast thrusts wild and wet, skin slapping lewdly against skin.
You were going boneless. “’M cumming.” You barely got out. More of a cry than a sentence. 
It did hit you like a freight train. Like a goddamn mallet. Wiping your world away, breaking everything down to just this, to his cock pressing up into you, practically kissing your fucking cervix, his heart thundering by your ear. Eddie jackhammered you through your orgasm, and just when you were starting to fucking writhe with overstimulation and ecstasy he followed you over the edge, foreheads pressed together, his entire body going rigid. 
The universe, finally, after a half year, was right. And it was just you, and him, and sunlight. 
Ten minutes later you were tangled together again, freshly showered. You couldn't keep the smile off your face while you toweled off his hair and pressed a kiss to his hand. He was so handsy: hungry for contact and reassurance, which you gladly gave him. You laid together under the bedsheets, naked and soft and vulnerable. You played with a lock of his hair. He looked at you with an arm tucked under his head like you were the center of the goddamn universe. 
“Hi.” He said again, for the fifth time that hour.
“Hi.” You replied dreamily back. 
“I really didn’t know if I’d ever see you again.”
You hummed, fingers drawing patterns on his hip under the sheet. “I already lost you once, Eddie. I wasn’t gonna let you slip through my fingers again.”
“Because you looove me.” He sing-songed with an airy chuckle, brown eyes crinkled, so so utterly fucking pleased. A cat with cream.
“Because I looooove you.” You called back. You pressed soft kisses to each other’s lips, little pecks. After a minute of the pleasant, tactile silence, you asked him another question. “How long do you have to stay here?”
“Mmm. Till they say I can leave. Some lady told me they’re getting me a new, fuckin’, entire identity, or some shit? New name, new backstory. The works. Like  something out of a TV show.” You kissed him again and his pretty eyes fluttered. “Uh... so probably like, another six months.” He finished weakly. Distracted by your mouth.
“Hmm.” You were back to playing with his hair, extending a curl out and back again. “That’s enough time for me to finish up my two-year degree.”
“Yeah. I can get my diploma...” You snuggled closer to him and draped an arm across his side. His eyes were wide and wonderous in the pale evening light. “... Then I can come pick up my boy in my Honda. And you’ll have a new name. We can go anywhere we want.”
“Sure, Eddie-bear. California.”
He pulled his head back, hair rasping on the pillow. “Is this your way of asking me to live with you, babygirl?”
You swallowed your sudden cluster of nerves and covered it with a scoff of bravado. “Not an ask. A demand. I gotta keep my eye on you, Munson. You have a bad habit of slipping into other dimensions.”
He nodded somberly, jokingly. “Ah. Yeah, understandable. Who am I to contest the will of my good lady?” He pressed forward again, a kiss to your left cheek, then your right, and you heart felt like it was going to fucking explode when he tangled his fingers up with yours. “We can get a real shitty apartment. Nice and cheap. And you can be a cute barista that I can hit on while you work.”
“And we can go to the beach, after our shifts.” You added to the fantasy. 
“You know, I’ve always wanted to get high on a beach.” He said matter-of-factly. 
“Yup. Always wanted to see the ocean, too.”
You touched his face, fingers on his cheek, laid parallel to the scars. “We can see the ocean.” You said softly. “Together.”
“Hmm. I’ll hold you to that.” He hummed against your skin. His mouth started to roam again, and you were relaxing and shutting your eyes, falling into the sensation, when he nipped at your neck and you squealed over his cackle. He stretched. 
“Hope you like spaghetti-o’s, babygirl.” He grunted as he sat up, scratching at his bedhead. “Cuz that’s all we have till Mr. Angry Agent comes back.”
“Oh, love them. Who needs fine dining when you have Campbell?”
Eddie cackled, and there wasn’t a better sound in the universe. After all: who needed dreams, when you had the real thing?
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443 notes · View notes
atmilliways · 10 months
Wrong On The Money (32)
part 32 of ?? | 1207 words | Teen+
Blackmail fic on Ao3 | on tumblr
Steve bursts through the door like some sort of floppy haired, athletic puppy. “Hey Eds, look who I found!”  He’s dragging someone behind him by the wrist, and a very nonplussed Jeff waves hello.
(cw references to Billy's racism)
Eddie has finally moved up from bed rest to shuffling around the house sometimes as long as he takes frequent breaks. Which he’s happy to do, because his PT exercises always kick his ass right into nap time. The new couch in the new living room is actually comfortable, and it's a relief to escape from his now over-familiar bedroom.
Steve bursts through the door like some sort of floppy haired, athletic puppy. “Hey Eds, look who I found!” 
He’s dragging someone behind him by the wrist, and a very nonplussed Jeff waves hello. Mouth dropping open, Eddie raises one hand for a weak wave back. 
“I have to go back to the store,” Steve says, all but bouncing on the balls of his feet as he circles back to the door. “I kinda forgot about groceries for a minute there, so, still need to get those. But you two should catch up!”
“Uh, okay?” Eddie says, and Steve flashes him a grin and two thumbs up before disappearing again. 
“What,” Jeff starts, sounding shaken, “just happened?”
Eddie shrugs. “Steve Harrington.”
“He knows where you live? He calls you Eds?”
“If it helps, the nickname is new. And, uh . . . he kind of lives here too. Loooong story.”
Jeff shoots him an incredulous look. Then he asks where the PBR is, shaking his head when Eddie admits that he can’t drink on his meds so there's none in the house. (“I can have one beer,” Eddie has whined many times, but always gets a blunt no from Wayne or Steve in response. He’s given up on sulking about it.)
First, they sit on the couch with a can of Coke each and catch up. 
Jeff’s family did leave Hawkins, but only until it was declared safe again. They’re staying with his aunt on the outskirts of town—and Eddie doesn’t know her number, which is why his calls never went through. Jeff’s actual house is still undergoing repairs before they can move back in. He’s taking a year off before college to take some of the financial pressure off his parents.
Gareth and his mom are camped out in a hotel, taking advantage of the government’s emergency subsidies for families whose houses were totally leveled. They’ll probably stay in town and buy new. 
“Frank’s folks had to move, though,” Jeff admits. “He’s on the other side of Roane County now. The high school over there doesn’t even have a D&D club.” A pause. “Oh, and I wrote to Margaret, she’s coming to visit next month to, and I quote, ‘take in the ineffable shitshow that is Hawkins, Indiana.’ I think New York is getting to her, man.”
And shit, it’ll be good to see Margaret again, same way it’s good to see Jeff and it’ll be good to see Gareth. Frank too, whenever he can swing by. Because the thing about being suddenly folded into a new friend group of monster hunters is . . . Eddie still misses his old gang. One is silver and the other’s gold, and all that bullshit. 
Eddie, for his part, gives a perfunctory explanation of the house (“Government restitution for our old place and my criminal record going through the meat grinder”) and Steve’s presence (“We talked it out, the past few months he’s just been . . . paying rent in advance”). 
Silence creeps in. Eddie sips at his Coke, slurping it in little mouthfuls as if that might continue to delay the inevitable. 
It doesn’t.
“So . . . what the hell happened, man?” 
Eddie tries not to look directly at his friend. “You mean to Hawkins?” He’d signed a shit-ton of NDAs while high off his ass on painkillers, but that still feels like the easier question to answer. 
“Dude, everyone knows about the earthquake,” Jeff scoffs. “I mean with Harrington. If you talked it out with him, why is he playing the Alfred to your Bruce Wayne?”
Thinking back to the demobats, Eddie snorts. If only Jeff knew. 
He doesn’t tell him, though. Not because of the legalities—fuck that shit, this whole mess was the government’s fault to begin with, he’s pretty sure. It’s just that, Eddie wishes he didn’t have to know. He’s not going to inflict that on a friend. 
But he does explain about Steve, more or less. 
“Okay,” Jeff says finally. “So you’re telling me that gas leak a few years ago killed Barbara Holland actually in his backyard, and the government covered it up but he still felt guilty for some reason, so he started making up for it by being less of a douchebag.” Pausing for a moment, Jeff frowns as he goes over it in his head the same way he would a campaign, ticking unspoken points off on his fingers. “The timeline works, I guess. . . . I don’t remember him causing much trouble for anyone after that fall. Hagan got worse, and Hargrove was a fucking nightmare, but the worst Harrington did was not be quite popular enough anymore to keep them in check.” Jeff looks up at Eddie. “And then . . . he started babysitting nerds? Our freshman nerds.”
They’d literally seen Steve pick the kids up from Hellfire games all school year—from a distance at first, and then close up once the blackmail had been set in motion. But Eddie gets it, because he hadn’t understood it at first either. 
“Dustin’s got him wrapped around his little finger,” he confirms. “All the little shits do. Remember when he came to school with his face all rearranged by Hargrove? Asshole was gunning for Lucas.”
That makes Jeff’s eyebrows twitch together and his mouth set in a grim line that Eddie doesn’t often see. Eddie can practically see his opinion on Steve going up based on Jeff’s own run-ins with Hargrove. “Christ.”
“Yeah.” Eddie plays with his now empty Coke can, pushing the aluminum sides in and then popping them back out again. “And then I fucking blackmailed him.”
“Not very successfully, though,” Jeff points out, scratching at the side of his jaw. “Not if his real motivation for giving you money was wanting to help out and work off some of his guilt about Barbara. Actually, he’s the one who led you on, and nobody was being intimidated by anybody. Which—I’m not going to say I told you so, but I definitely called it.”
Sputtering, Eddie tugs the tab off his can and flicks it at him. “Dick!”
“And are you still crushing on him hard?”
This time, he throws the whole can, but Jeff ducks it. 
“That’s a yes.”
“We’re friends now,” Eddie hisses, pulling hair across his face to hide his embarrassed flush. “He saved my life, and based on his cooking alone I think he’s slowly becoming Wayne’s favorite son. I can’t—”
“You said Steve was the one who brought up living with in the first place,” Jeff points out. “He knows you were both at that club for the same reason, maybe he’s . . . you know, interested. Did you ever think of that?”
“No,” Eddie grumbles, lying. “Look, Steve didn’t want to live under his asshole parents’ roof anymore. That’s it.”
He refuses to read anything else into it. That way madness lies, and too much seeing what he wants to see rather than what’s actually there. 
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jojojoy1 · 1 year
2% - Song fic
Ajax Petropolus x reader
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You and Ajax were complete opposites. No one understood how you worked as a couple and no one expected you to last very long. Both of your families said you would break up before the end of the school year. It annoyed both of you. You loved Ajax, so what if you were complete opposites, that's what made you work. Ajax had low grades, was mostly oblivious to anything going on in the world and everyone knew he was a stoner, in all contexts. You were a straight A student, you could play just about any instrument and you never smoked a day in your life. But you worked, fitting together like puzzle pieces.
One day, you, Ajax, Enid, Xavier and Wednesday were sat at lunch, a common topic between your friends was your and Ajax's relationship.
"So what did your mum say this time?" Enid asked you, biting into her steak sandwich.
"Well, she said we're just crazy kids who can't know what love is until we graduate."
"That's ridiculous!" Enid exclaimed.
"I agree" Said Wednesday, this took everyone by surprise as she never comments on this topic, "My parents started being annoyingly in love at nevermore, why can't you?"
"Ajax, didn't you speak to your mum recently? What'd she say about Y/N?" Xavier said, curious.
"The usual, 'Why can't you see this is just a silly teenage fling that will be over in two months' bullshit." Ajax replied, annoyed.
Every friday night your little gang would meet up in Xavier's shed to hang out and unwind from the week. Normally Ajax would meet you at your dorm, but when he knocked on your door Yoko answered.
"Hey Ajax, if you're looking for Y/N she already left like an hour ago."
"But I always meet her here at 7. Where'd she go?"
"No clue, to be honest, I thought she was already with you."
"Well thanks, I'll just call everyone else and see if they've seen her."
"'Kay, bye." Yoko said as she closed the door.
"Bye" Ajax said as he was texting Xavier to see if he's seen you.
When no one said they'd seen you everyone went searching. They were walking through the corridors when they could here a piano and soft singing.
Everyone thinks that we won't make it far
Let's blow their minds
How old do you have to be to say you're in love?
10, 15, 20, 21?
"Guys!" Enid whisper-shouted, beckoning everyone over to the music room where you were sat singing.
The world seems to have their doubts about us
But I don't understand how they get a say
'Cause they don't even know us
Everyone stood in silence listening, admiring, your voice.
This is for the young ones in love
Not going by the rule of thumb
The hatred for sacred, who cares about what others want?
For you 'cause they don't have a clue
Of the extent that teenagers go to
At least make an attempt
I'll take a chance of 2%
Ajax could swear that he fell in love all over again just hearing what you had written about your relationship, showing how much love you held for him and how confident you were in your relationship surviving, despite what others say.
Everyone thinks that we're just crazy kids
Let's prove them wrong
How old do you think we'll be when we look back and laugh?
36, 52, 81?
Ajax knew right then and there that, no matter the comments your relationship brought, he was gonna marry you.
The world seems to have their doubts about us
But I don't understand how they get a say
'Cause they don't even know us
This is for the young ones in love
Not going by the rule of thumb
The hatred for sacred, who cares about what others want?
For you 'cause they don't have a clue
Of the extent that teenagers go to
At least make an attempt
I'll take a chance of 2%
Everyone else switched between watching you and watching Ajax. They didn't need to be mind readers to know what was going one in his head. He was lost in the music being created by the woman he loves, and they all knew that.
We were meant to be, it's written in the pages
Here comes the third degree
They're mad we haven't graduated
You're holding on to me
And I know you won't let go
When those words left your mouth everyone knew, no matter what, you and Ajax would stick together and face the world with each other.
This is for the young ones in love
Not going by the rule of thumb
The hatred for sacred, who cares about what others want?
For you 'cause they don't have a clue
Of the extent that teenagers go to
At least make an attempt
We are the young ones in love
Not going by the rule of thumb
The hatred for sacred, who cares about what others want?
For you 'cause they don't have a clue
Of the extent that teenagers go to
At least make an attempt
I'll take a chance of 2%
This is for the young ones, for the young ones, yeah
Oh, I'll take a chance of 2%
When you stopped singing everyone started clapping, even Wednesday. It startled you but when you saw who it was the biggest smile appeared on your face. Ajax started walking over to you and he was all you could focus on.
"That was beautiful." He said, mesmerised.
"You weren't suppose to hear it." You said shyly.
"Do you really think we're gonna be together forever?"
"We're gonna be together longer the forever." You said as you stood from the piano.
Ajax placed his hands on your waist as yours wrapped around his neck.
"I love you." He said, staring into your eyes making you feel so happy to have found your soulmate so young.
"I love you too." Then he lent in, kissing you. The kiss was filled with so much love and passion, you didn't want it to end. That kiss reassured you that you would be with Ajax forever, even if your families didn't understand the love you had for each other. You don't need them to understand. It's your life, your relationship, you know what you feel, that's all you need.
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Stubborn Beau
Daryl Dixon • He/Him Pronouns • AU: Ranch Owner x Ranch Hand — You are looking for work and find an ad in the paper for Dixon Ranch needing another farm hand to help run things. Your friend, the local sheriff, tells you that ranch has a track record…but your optimistic self is taking the risk • ANGST/SFW• TW: Nightmares / Scars / Injuries / Domestic Abuse Mentioned / Alcohol & Drug Consumption
Requested by: Anon
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“You’ve got to be shitting me” The eldest dixon yells loud enough for his baby brother on the porch to hear. But his attention was on the cigarette between his fingers and the open field before him.
The angry footsteps echoed loud enough for him to hear and put out the cig on the wooden arm rest before turning to the eldest holding the paper.
“The fuck is this?”
“An ad. Thought you knew that”
“Don’t be smart with me, boy. Why is there an ad for a fuckin’ farm hand to work at our ranch?”
“Need help. You ain’t doin’ nothin’. I ain’t doing it by myself no more”
“What if this attracts the fuckin’ sheriff again?! Making him search the house and the barn. Hell even—-“
“Keep on ramblin’. I ain’t listening to yer bullshit” The youngest rose from his seat putting his black cowboy hat back on. “Move yer supply to the shed in the back. The help won’t go there and will be told not to go there unless lookin’ for trouble. But that’s all the shit yea get” he glares at his brother even when the rage pouring out of him was astronomical. “Everything else is under my name so it’s my rules. Keep your gang shit after hours on the ranch. Ain’t dealin’ with y’all no more”
“Wow. Look who finally grew a pair” he spits on the porch. “Fine by me. But you stick out of my business”
“You’re lyin’ or tryin’ to get me to react” One of the sheriffs of the town was trying to enjoy his beer when one of his closest friends admitted to wanting to take up a job with the Dixons.
“Why would I lie to you? I need the work…” the man groans across his friend at the table. “Leaving the city was the best decision of my life. But it’s about time I get off your couch and do something”
“I don’t think Lori or Carl mind having yea around, Y/N. A job would help but again it doesn’t have to be with these brothers! You were tryin’ to build a business for Christ’s sake!”
“Alright but I was raised on the farm. The same farm a certain Rick Grimes came and visited their school yard friend to chase the sheep back in their pen.” Y/N circled his finger around the rim of his glass. “It’ll be fine. And if shit happens. I know exactly who to go to”
Rick chugged down the rest of his whiskey with a sigh to follow after. “I’ll get behind that. But the second shit happens. I’m getting yea out of there”
“Deal” Y/N cheered Rick’s empty glass before downing the last of his.
The next morning, Y/N was dropped off by a friend of a friend with a wagon to carry his belongings. A quick thank you followed by a hat tip later and the fresh meat on Dixon Ranch started making his way toward the main house.
No one is here? Y/N thought as he sets his trunk suitcase down on the porch along with his pack before investigating further.
It was slightly difficult not to go into the house unannounced because Y/N’s first suspicion was the ranch owner was murdered. He couldn’t help it due to personal experiences… but that thought was quickly barked away and his attention drew to the noise coming from the happy Belgian Shepherd that made his way straight toward the stranger to investigating. More so sniff him until he became familiar and comfortable.
“Hey there and who might you be?” Y/N smiles kneeling to the dog and petting him behind the ears.
“Dog!” The man who Y/N can only assume and be right to be Daryl Dixon, the one he talked to about the offer on the landline rode in on a beautiful Morgan horse.
“You uh. Named your dog, Dog?” Y/N questions as Daryl hopped off his horse holding the reins giving him a deadpan look. “Is your horse, Horse?”
The scowl that appeared on his face shortly after the failed joke made Y/N regret speaking in the first place. He jiggles the reigns in his line of sight to give him the idea to take them and so he did before being lead toward the barn.
“It’s Winger.”
“That’s uh…” Y/N stops suddenly when Daryl did turning to face him when he spoke. “It’s a nice name” he smiles warmly watching the man relax his shoulders giving no response. Which he’ll take as a win.
The ranch was a couple acre and Y/N couldn’t wait to see it all for himself but what currently amazed him was how big the barn was. He noticed the few nameplates on the stables and saw one named Chupacabra but no Chupacabra.
“Is that horse a mustang? Or an Arabian? Regardless it’s a black coat…or I don’t know. Never seen a Chupacabra”
“Yea talk a lot” Daryl interrupts his train of thought making him shut up, only for him to sigh. “Sorry. But yeah. He’s a mustang and a fucking bitch. No wonder my brother likes’em”
“Has he seen a Chupacabra?” Y/N questions tying Winger to the post by his stall seeing Daryl grab a spare saddle. Giving him the idea that they will be riding around the ranch so that Y/N can look around.
“Nah. I named him.” He replies while using his foot to open the stall he was entering that held the other breed Y/N stated, an Arabian. “But he doesn’t like anybody but Merle. And speaking of the son of a bitch, I inherited this ranch…you listen to me. Never him”
“Got it.” Y/N nods with a smile which felt a bit intoxicating in a strange way to Daryl as he stared at the man after getting the saddle on.
Daryl tugged on the lead after attaching it to the halter bringing the Arabian over to the stepping block thinking Y/N never got on a horse before. But was quickly proven wrong when he completely ignored the block and swung his leg over settling on the saddle.
“Yea rode before?”
“Yeah? You haven’t really asked me anything to get to know me so…you wouldn’t know until proven”
“Alright smartass” Daryl chuckles giving Y/N a glimpse of a small smile gracing his lips. “Let’s get goin’. Then you’ll get tomorrow’s chores and settle in for the night” he got on his horse after untying the lead.
“Sounds like a plan Mr. Dixon”
“Don’t ever call me that again.”
“Right…right” Y/N watches him leave first giving him enough time to groan out of embarrassment. “I just need to shut up”
The ride throughout the ranch was extraordinary. Y/N hasn’t been on the open land in such a long time that every part of him missed it. The pieces of land where his livestock roamed freely, the lake a couple yards out within the forest, the well taken-care of crop fields…and so much more…that Y/N was surprised that he took care of it all by himself, and even more.
“Here” Daryl opens the door to the room Y/N will be staying in. “‘M upstairs if anythin’” he watches him set his suitcase and pack on his bed before checking everything out. “Be up at 0600, chore list will be in the main room”
“Where will you be?”
“Tending to my own shit. You’re focusin’ mainly around the barn given you just got here. Dog’ll be around in case of anything”
“Trust the Dog to supervise?” Y/N says in a playful manner but Daryl always wore the same neutral look that nobody could really read.
“Is that really a question?”
“Guess not…I’ll uh. See yea tomorrow then”
“Mm” He nods closing the door behind him as he set off to take care of something before turning in for the night.
As the night progresses for the youngest Dixon, he made his way to the shed in the back unlocking it with the spare. Knowing the other one hangs around his brother’s neck. Daryl pushes the door open finding the stolen drugs and whiskey crates taking up 3/4ths of the shed leaving only a small portion for actual necessities.
“Where’s that stupid fucking box” Daryl grumbles to himself searching from “his side” and eventually finding what he was looking for. It was a shoe box and when he opened it, it held mementos…
Old matches, playing cards, a prized ribbon or two, but more important to him were the pictures.
Daryl sets the box down after pulling out the few photos he had in such. Family portrait…why do I even keep this fake thing He frowns setting down the picture of his family when he and Merle were kids. Stupid fat pig He scoffs at the first prized ribbon he got for the biggest big in their farm at the time.
You… The last photo in Daryl’s hand was with another boy, during their teen years as he sort of still looked about the same. Just bigger with more scars and stubbornness. As for the other boy…You’ve changed, except for the same bandana you used to wear around your neck…is
now hanging from your back pocket. Daryl frowns watching Y/N tend to the chickens that were following him and the food he was carrying in the buckets on either side. He sets the buckets down a second shooing the chickens away from them to take out said bandana to wipe the sweat off his brow.
“Do yea always stare at the help like that?” God, does he ever shut up?
“Fuck off Merle” Daryl pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Touchy touchy. He don’t even got an ass to look at. Like the one on your lady friend” Merle grins thinking about such, only for Daryl to shove him to stop. “What! It’s been a fucking month and you watch his every move! You don’t watch the volunteers like such. Get a grip” he scoffs heading back inside the house to get ready for whatever business he has to attend to soon.
But he was right. He’s going to make a fool of himself if he doesn’t get a grip on himself.
It’s just upsetting.
The youngest Dixon picked up the pace running away from his yelling father.
“Don’t yea think you can out run me boy!” Mr. Dixon yells off the top of his lungs holding his belt in his dominant hand.
A young boy was tending to his nightly chores of getting the goats back in their pen along with getting his father’s horse in the stables.
As he gently tugs on the leads to bring his father’s horse into the stables, he heard crying. He opens the stall that the horse occupied and found the youngest Dixon crying in the corner of such.
“Dad! Dad I need—-“ the boy stops yelling on his way to the house finding another yelling individual.
“You know something L/N! You’ve gotta”
“How the fuck should I know where yea son is at? Just cuz we’re neighboring ranches don’t mean I know where—“ His dad sees his son shaking his head not to say a word about what he knows. “Hell. Mr. Dixon, yea ever think you’re a little rough with your kids? Maybe Daryl ran off to avoid—“
“The fuck are you assuming L/N” Mr. Dixon suddenly grabbed the man’s collar forcing him toward him. “Don’t tell me how to teach my kids consequences. Mind yer business!” He snaps letting go of him and leaving the ranch.
L/N sighs looking at his son with worry but knew to trust him.
After some time, Daryl flinched to the stall opening finding the boy and his father who carried a first aid kit.
“Why yea helping me?”
“My dad was abusive too, kid. Nobody deserves to be in that situation” L/N states finishing the wraps on Daryl’s right arm. “Made me wanna be a good father”
“Yer son is lucky” Daryl frowns looking over to the absent-minded kid.
“Guess so. Y/N’s a good kid. Hopefully, that goodness sticks with’em”
It did
“Daryl? Hey!”
“Shit. Sorry.” He snapped back into reality seeing Y/N’s signature smile on his face that he grew even fonder of. “What’s going on?”
“Glenn’s here. And with a lady friend” Y/N smirks going to grab the crate of eggs they’ve been collecting that they trade with Greene farm.
Glenn directs their wagon more toward the farm house as he got off to talk to Daryl while Y/N approaches the wagon where the young lady patiently waits.
“Farmer’s daughter ey?” Daryl smirks only for Glenn to elbow him to shut up while his face flushed. “How is the old man anyway?”
“Taking in strays. Forgot his name but their family keeps growing that way”
“Mm. He’s always been kind like that.” Daryl kept a half smile present while reading what they’ll be given in the next exchange. “So how long have yea been—-“
“You fancy your farm hand?” Glenn smirks watching his friend crush the paper in hand out of a sudden reaction. “Ha! Knew it! That was a goddamn guess but I got it right! Should’ve made a bet on it”
“A goddamn bet?”
“Yes! I’ve told Maggie about yea and Y/N countless times before she decided to hang on my route with me. Should’ve made a bet. Cuz she even thinks there’s somethin’”
“You are trouble, Rhee.” Daryl sighs not denying his accusations watching Maggie laugh at Y/N’s words as he felt his entire focus lock onto his smile. Fuck.
“Thanks for the carrots, Maggie. These will definitely help us get started on the next crop”
“You should stop by Greene farm sometime. Put a face to the name of the one that’s softenin’ Daryl Dixon”
“Softening? I don’t believe that one bit. He’s always been a tough cookie” Y/N leans on the crate of carrots still sitting in the wagon as both conversations weren’t ending any time soon.
“Always?” Maggie smiles edging on for more form her new friend as he sealed his mouth with an invisible key. “Oh come on! We’re friends now! I gotta know all the juicy details!!” She laughs shaking Y/N in his place making him laugh.
“Nah! Not today”
“Well hopefully I’ll get to know more at the barn party my daddy is hosting” Maggie smiles hoping for a confirmation right then and there that they’ll be attending but this is the first Y/N was hearing of such.
“I’ll be there. Don’t know about the other”
“How long have yea been here?”
“Getting to know more. Just answer the question!”
“A few months. But I’ve been raised in this town…” Y/N leans against the wagon with Maggie. “Lil bit of a backstory, Greene Farm used to be L/N Ranch until my dad died”
“Holy shit!” Her realization caught everyone’s attention but the conversation kept to themselves. “But wait…when he was tellin’ me the story on our move…your mother passed at childbirth and your father was uh.”
“Murdered? Yeah, that never leaves the headlines for a while. But yeah, what yer getting at is I owned the ranch after…I just. All my good memories there left with me when I thought I could have a fresh start in the big city. Instead…I missed a whole lot back here” Y/N frowns glancing over to Glenn and Daryl watching them talk to one another, only for Daryl to gain the suspicion of eyes on him.
In a second, it was just them staring at the other and a sudden wave of worry washed over Daryl when Y/N’s happy display faded.
“Don’t yea got more stops to make before yea can finally be alone with your lady?”
“Shit! Right right” Glenn pats Daryl on the shoulder before heading back toward the wagon indicating they’re about to leave.
Y/N quickly grabbed the crate and right as he was about to step away, Maggie pulled him into a hug. He stumbled a bit to the action before relaxing.
“You don’t gotta go if it’s too much…but again, it would be nice to have a friend there” Maggie gave him one last smile as she takes Glenn’s hand in helping her back onto the seat beside him.
“See yea in another two weeks!” Glenn yells as Maggie whispers to him quickly about the barn party. “Oh! Or this weekend! Bye!”
The two watch them head off for the rest of Glenn’s route, guess it was time to continue with the rest of their day. Or more specifically, Daryl thinking way too much about Y/N’s atmosphere changing.
“Nah. I’ll go ahead and prepare this for planting tomorrow…” Y/N gave Daryl a sad smile on his way to the shed by the barn.
The man wasn’t having it.
As the night crawls in, Y/N found himself finally returning back to the house after finishing chores and handling a bit of the mental drain life brought from remembering the past. But to his surprise, there was a pleasant smell filling the house as he approaches the kitchen finding Daryl making dinner. They usually eat at different times, not together.
“Did yea get hit in the head or something?”
“No? Why yea think that?” Daryl puts the lid back on the pot to preserve the heat in the stew he’s making.
“Just surprised is all…” Y/N took a seat at the table after wiping his hands off with his bandana. “Smells good”
“You’ll like it” Daryl chimes in one last time to the small conversation, checking the stew one last time before getting bowls.
Y/N couldn’t help but watch him for the duration of his time waiting. He was enjoying the rare sight of the man cooking for him.
Daryl wasn’t first to finishing his dinner this time, or scarfing it down before his brother could take it from him like when they were younger. He watched as Y/N not only enjoy his dinner but take down three bowls of the stuff.
“Fucker, you must’ve been starving” Daryl grins at the display as he continues to eat his portion watching Y/N finally stop devouring the bowl to take a breather.
“I didn’t eat since breakfast, lost track of time when fixin’ the fence” He sighs happily now that he’s full.
“Could’ve come and help yea after dealin’ with Merle if yea came back”
“What’s his issue anyway? Like. Nah I know the crazy shit he’s done. Who doesn’t in this town but he’s never around and his horse looks malnourished when he’s in his stall”
“Gotta get him to keep Chup here for a couple days. Don’t trust him with any of the others though if he did leave him” He finishes up his bowl expecting Y/N to leave after finishing his third but he stayed with his head resting in his hand invested in what he’s gotta say. “Maybe could knock his ass out and tie him up in his room to have Chupacabra rest”
“Merle looks like a bitter. I ain’t helpin’ with that if we did do that” Y/N laughs. “‘Sides. Wouldn’t his gang realize he’s been gone too long”
Daryl suddenly bites down on his spoon feeling the shiver run down his spine. He takes the utensil out of his mouth staring down at his hands. “How yea know that?”
“He looks the part, besides…his actions have been in the paper and the man is on a wanted picture”
“And yet yea still came to work here months back…”
“I didn’t come here for Merle” Y/N knew how he phrased it, and kept it to Daryl’s imagination what he meant by that as he went to clean his dishes. “So uh. You have a record player?”
The awkwardness left the room when Y/N emerged from his room with a record in hand after retrieving such. Daryl sat on the couch in the living room pointing toward the record player and watching him get everything set up.
As the music slowly starts to fill the room, Y/N couldn’t help the light tapping of his foot enjoying the music instantly. Daryl watches him unwind from his stressful day as he started to dance a bit more.
The stubborn man on the couch didn’t realize until Y/N shot a playful smile his way when his foot started to tap along to the beat out of instinct.
“Care for a dance, cowboy?” Y/N smiles extending his hand toward Daryl.
Who was glued to the wall for most of the barn party and has been watching Y/N enjoy himself in the company of other lively people. But he found himself drawing close to Daryl the closer the song reached its end. He held his hand out for Dixon to happily take and the excitement build inside of him when he was about to take the offer. Then the song became a much slower one causing Daryl to retreat back and Y/N knew he wasn’t much of a slow dance guy.
“Don’t stress about it. But yea owe me a dance, Dixon” Y/N smiles, turning to the voice calling his name. “Be right back”
The things you do to me Daryl kept his attention on Y/N always, watching him talk to Hershel and his younger daughter Beth who was holding the family barn cat. Please just look at me a second more he sighs hearing his heart pounding in his ears when Y/N gestured his way in a manner of having to go back.
But his thoughts were interrupted…
“Dixon. Can’t believe you’re here” The infamous Shane Walsh, one of the other officers in town and the one with a track record of being a home wrecker. “Who managed to get yea here? Carol? She hasn’t been home in a while”
“I wonder…maybe cuz yea didn’t find her daughter after promising her that you will. Then yea got drunk after failure and started hurting a lot of people” Daryl glares at the man, crossing his arms. “No one wants to be around you”
“Jeez. Ain’t ever gonna let that go?” Shane scoffs. “Someone’s gotta be dumb to hang ‘round yea.” He left on that note right as Y/N came by with a box under his left arm and a glass in his right hand. He watches Shane leave, confused a bit and given Daryl’s annoyed expression he can tell it was because of him.
“You alright, D?”
Daryl tried his best to shake it off but couldn’t find any words that weren’t going to come off harshly toward Y/N by mistake. Y/N handed the glass toward Daryl as he took it hesitantly.
“Finish that and let’s head out alright? I’m gettin’ pretty wiped”
“Yea serious?”
“Yeah…Come on” Y/N tugged on his arm gently to urge him in the exit locking arms with him when Daryl straightened up beside him.
Soon the two were riding back to the ranch when Daryl whistles for Y/N’s attention leading them down a different path that lead more into the mountains. The thinner the trail got the more anxious Y/N became when riding up behind Daryl.
“Daryl I—“
“Keep yer eyes on me. Watch where I’m goin’. Don’t think about it”
“O-Okay. This better be worth it, D”
“It will be”
They were getting closer as the moonlight reached where they were. Daryl picked up the pace a little to get Winger more in the open space he was aiming toward. He got off his horse and tied the lead to a tree before trotting over to help direct Y/N’s Arabian by the lead once Y/N had let go. Daryl gave Y/N space to get off his horse and take care of it.
Y/N approaches the edge of the look out spot that Daryl brought the two to. He looks out seeing the whole picture. Their town. The ranches. The minimal light that emerges from it all.
“So. You remember me huh” Y/N smiles crossing his arms keeping his attention forward.
“Who could forget L/N’s kid? The same kid that tipped my old man’s favorite cow”
“That son of a bitch hurt my favorite person. Had to fuck with him until he kicked the bucket”
“Dark talking about my old man like that. But go right ahead” Daryl chuckles standing beside Y/N enjoying the view with him. “Why didn’t you say who you were the second you arrived?”
“Part of me thought you had forgotten about me, another thought you uh. Wouldn’t have been exactly happy if I tried to go back to how things were”
“Who could ever forget about you” Daryl frowns staring at his boots. “And yeah. I wasn’t. I played along until I got fed up. I missed yea.”
“‘M right here” Y/N nudged his hand gently, watching him instantly take it into his.
“Yea left me, Y/N”
“I was broken. I didn’t know what to do and where to go.” Y/N sighs, on the brink of tears as he squeezes Daryl’s hand. “You needed the light in your life after all the darkness, and at that time I…burned out”
“Yea sold it. Yea really sold it” the twenty-year-old Daryl Dixon suddenly broke out in a sprint toward the train station after seeing the locks on the gate to L/N Ranch.
Y/N couldn’t stop the tears from falling down his face as he gripped harder onto the handle of his suitcase waiting for the train to arrive.
Right as the train came to a stop, Y/N was about to step on when he felt someone grab the back of his coat pulling him back.
“Please. Don’t leave me here” Daryl begs as Y/N froze for a second turning toward his friend…best friend…partner. “Please. I can’t. I can’t lose yea too”
“I…I need space from that place D. I…I really don’t wanna be there when all I see is my dad getting fucking killed by one of your dad’s gang members…” Y/N frowns hearing the whistle coming from the conductor as the tears came on faster. “I love you, Daryl. If I stay, your bitch of a dad might hurt yea just because of you and I.”
“Leavin’ me won’t make a difference…” Daryl frowns clenching his fists. “We’ll leave that ranch. Get yours back, start a new—-“
“Daryl…Please” Y/N felt the weight grow heavy on his shoulders watching his partner slowly break before him. “Let me go”
Before Daryl could get another word in, Y/N grabbed his vest bringing him into him. Pressing his lips firmly against his one last time and when he parted, he hopped on the train and left.
“Yea left me behind…” Daryl felt that same pain return for a second as he took off his hat with his free hand to feel the night breeze flow to ease some of the pain. “But yea came back”
“To you…to this life…hell, I’d like to make up for lost time without needin’ to worry about anything” Y/N wanted to say more but Daryl had enough of the waiting and letting fear pull him back.
The man let go of everything he was holding to grab on the suspenders his partner was wearing to pull him in and bring his lips firmly against his. There was no protest from the other party as his hands found purchase on each side of Daryl’s torso, keeping the kiss going.
The night continued as the two found themselves sitting on the edge of the cliff watching few lights go out in the town. Keeping close to one another as the cold air blew through. Y/N leaned into Daryl’s embrace feeling his protective hold on him, enjoying it all.
“Wanna hear something dumb?”
“Nothin’ yea say was ever dumb”
“You think we’d find each other in another life?” Y/N turns to look up at Daryl seeing his annoyance grow which made him laugh. “See. Dumb question”
“Me in whatever the next life is. Would be a dead man without yea”
“Hey!” His voice startled the marksman and the deer he’s been tracking with the archer now approaching him. “We gotta start heading back before nightfall”
“Or what? Rick’s gonna think the best hunters aren’t gonna survive the forest we know like the back of our hands?” The marksman laughs wrapping his hunting rifle around his shoulders.
“Nah.” The archer brought himself closer and wrapped his arm around the marksman’s waist pulling him close. “I want some alone time with yea before the stupid dinner you agreed to”
“Im sorry for wanting to have a family dinner with our friends before the runs to the city in the morning” He smiles holding onto the other’s vest. “But yes. I agree to havin’ alone time with my husband”
“Good. Now let’s go, Y/N.” He smirks kissing him quickly before parting and heading toward his motorcycle.
“Can I drive, Dar?”
“Fuck no! Come on!”
We’ll always be together in every life.
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 8 months
the promised thoughts about wblue
okay so i DID very much go and rewatch it lmaoooooo so first half is like thoughts i was thinking last night and then a liveblog-ish with different subs than the ones i watched yesterday. also i tried to write out the lyrics of the song but there some parts i definitely missed
when your entire infrastructure apparently rests on one (1) laptop working and your fucking president destroys it (instead of the alien who is causing brainwashing) for his little retainer
said retainer put a fucking shoe in your president's face the first time he met him, btw
said retainer was also like a TOUGH GUY once upon a time, with a real life of crime where he made counterfeit money, but he saw a man so beautiful (that was into a cashless society) and went "okay time to be silly :3"
also when you have a filter on your flashback that starts lifting only when you decide to follow this nerd who can build tech really well
also also when the sparks of a VERY IMPORTANT LAPTOP just have this cherry blossom feel instead of what was probably supposed to be bad-assery. was that just me? might have just been me. anyways.
BUT LIKE. YANMA DECIDED THAT THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. THE WHOLE THING. LESS IMPORTANT THAN SHIOKARA. i dunno if the other kings would make that decision. like i think himeno, rita, kaguragi, and jeramie would go for defeating hilbil. but also i'm not sure if the other retainers would use the lie detector like that. gira MIGHT destroy a country for like the orphanage kids tho.
i wanna see the history books of this like what is jeramie gonna WRITE for this. "so the bisexual yanma gast, against the uchu jester hilbil, chose his retainer shiokara over the country"
not that jeramie would know this but the fact the hacker gang instantly transferred loyalty to yanma was very funny, considering that they were yelling at shiokara after the time skip
something something yanma being more presidential (think that gira hype scene) is in a coat of a similar style to yankii!shiokara's
i did legit think they had known each other since childhood but i guess toei wanted more homoeroticism than that. cause like. this would have been about say…7 years of knowing each other? 2 years of timeskip, let's say yanma was president for about 3 years cause he DID know racles before the show started proper, and 2 years or so to be able to TAKE that president role cause i DOUBT they beat up that old man and immediately started running the country
when KAGURAGI says to prioritize taking back n'kosopa and then like. no
no seriously why is your ENTIRE FUCKING INFRASTRUCTURE dependent on ONE LAPTOP not breaking i don't think that's even how it WORKS don't you have to destroy cables and stuff too like if this computer goes does it self destruct the internet cables or did the n'kosopaians have no internet for three seconds and go on a rampage
when yanma is the wise king supposedly but also uses his face instead of i dunno his HANDS to block shiokara's stomping foot on the laptop. you know. that laptop he will break FOR THE GUY WHO WAS GOING TO BREAK IT
MY NERD ASS WILL BEAT YOUR YANKII WAYS, says the guy who will become more yankii and for the most part less nerdy over the years
yanma doesn't even fucking move. he KNOWS shiokara won't hit him
hey not to be dark cupid AGAIN about this. but. maybe if you had KISSED HIM HERE you wouldn't have needed to destroy your country
shiokara gives very "shoves nerd against a locker" vibes as yanma keeps resisting the other guy
the song "zero to hero" but like "zero to one" instead
ENGLISH LYRICS (GUESSING): no one can change destiny, (yeah?) but life is all uncertain(ly?) and we must be bullshit. i can tell you a to z [FIST PUNCH SOUND] turn on the radio tune into your heart(?) oh, i don't care(?) my life is gone, so take it back and away(?) what's wrong? (or won't you run) so what i'm still alive [hilblil talking] hard times coming [more talking] i'm still alive and the music's coming [talking] i'm still alive and {???} tonight {???} you can't go
shiokara has MADE HIS DECISION and it's following yanma watching someone go super gay in front of your very eyes
the way hilbil is like "ew. yaoi. cut it out"
yanma will not go to the top without shiokara. at all. his loyal slack-jawed tanuki MUST be by his side
gira: …………i guess i can understand being that gay yeah
YANMA HAD TO DO IT. FOR SHIOKARA. HIS SILLY RABBIT yeah i'm normal about this mhm
when you're like OH NO THE WHOLE COUNTRY. FOR ME.
when you were moved by something you couldn't see……..I UNDERSTAND YOUR SUBTEXT
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