#Hi exit door
livinginadumpster · 23 days
in hell there's an upside-down exit sign over the exit to the doll house. exit signs didn't exist when Edwin was alive so he would likely have assumed this sign was unique to hell.
then imagine his absolute terror when he saw an exit sign for the first time after he escaped.
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arkarti · 4 months
I want to see him without a shirt! I love seeing male breasts, I just don't respond to posts without being anonymous because my friends know what my Tumblr is and they are boring when it comes to men wanting to see other people's breasts (even if they are fictional characters)
amazing 😂 well good thing I have something in my stash
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noo william you're just spreading the tomato sauce everywhere :((
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chirpsythismorning · 9 months
Wait, did Mike sleep in Will’s room in Lenora?
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Kinda surprised by the amount of art of Eros messing with animals and other creatures just because
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Eros bearing a fawn
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Eros chasing a deer
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Eros riding deers
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Eros riding a crab (??????)
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Eros riding dolphins (X X X) (WHY DOES HE HAVE A WHIP. PUT THAT DOWN.)
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Eros riding a tiger
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Eros riding Aegipan
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Eros riding a centaur
Hes such a little menace. I love him actually
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velvetwyrme · 9 months
I have a headcanon that all the Papyri/Papyruses have a bad habit of not knocking before opening doors. When Frisk is in Sans’ room Papyrus barges in without knocking. Sans usually keeps the door locked so Papyrus is used to door unlocked = ok to enter. I think all it would be the same in the other aus too. Older brother used to locking their doors to keep younger brother out unfortunately teaching them not to bother knocking. I think is a fun headcanon to exploit to create silly scenarios. What do you think? Does it hold water?
*kicks in the door* HEHE YES that's a really fun headcanon!!! Lots of opportunities for ✨shenanigans✨!
I also think it'd be interesting if all the Papyri had the same habit but for different reasons.
e.g. Classic!Sans gave up on teaching Pap to knock because Pap kept getting too excited/annoyed and forgets to knock, Swap!Pap just can't be bothered much to his brother's chagrin, UF!Pap starts off similar to classic but it becomes a thing of not-knocking as a way to catch people off guard (no time to hide things if you aren't expecting someone!), Swapfell probably depends on your interpretation/which version, but you get my drift lol.
SAYING THAT THOUGH... we do unfortunately have evidence that Papyrus is a polite boy and knocks in canon (sometimes) 😔. He knocks on Undyne's door, when he brings Frisk/the player to her house so they can become friends!
I think it's a super fun headcanon even so, but if having this one instance bothers you, there's plenty of ways to work around it. Not to mention we only have like... 2 and a half instances of door opening action (half from that pic from the newsletter that has Papyrus slamming into Grillby's when he's looking for Sans) which isn't enough to conclude much of anything from either way lmao.
Again, I still think that your headcanon holds up, but it got me thinking about ways to incorporate Papyrus knocking on Undynes door into things... sticking with your existing reasoning, you could always have a situation where all the Papyri keep that assumption, (unlocked means it's ok to come in and locked means stay out) and Undyne has simply learned to lock her door lolol. That does bring to mind the image of Papyrus just... jiggling the doorknob for doors that are locked though. Let him in!!! (Now I think about it... this is actually just how doors seem to work in games generally. Most doors are unlocked, and you enter as you please... if they're locked you either try again/find a key or knock LMAO)
Or maybe he knocked because he wants to be a good role model for Frisk... (this pairs well with a headcanon that I've seen where Papyrus putting on a show/playing things up a little [like the date] for Frisk since they're a kid)
TLDR: that's a FANTASTIC headcanon, I love it, and also do whatever you want forever!!!
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maxiwaxipads · 4 months
Hangyon's Hangyodon Seminar
(Arupek feels a prick on his neck before turning to see Chaco and Tuxam collapsed on the ground)
Arupek - “…Eh?” “Tuxam? Chaco?”
[???] - “That’s no good~ Are you immune or something?”
(Arupek looks around to find the source of the voice) (Nothing but dirt and greenery reverberated under the clear blue sky) (At the same time, he feels around the side of the neck to find a dart in his right hand) (Before he can react, a hand gently grabs his left shoulder and his mouth is covered by what appears to be a handkerchief) (Arupek then passes out)
[???] - “There. There.” “Have nice dreams for me, ‘kay?”
[???] - “Nnhhh… I should had thought further ahead.”
[???] - “Lili.” “Do me a favor and help me carry one of them.”
[???] - “Don’t look at me like that~” “For the sake of Lord Hangyodon, it is imperative!”
(Moments Later…)
Chaco - “Aru.” “AAaaarrruuu.”
Tuxam - “I’ll do it.”
(Tuxam whacks Arupek on the head)
Arupek - “Yeouch!”
(Arupek gently rubs the spot he was hit on) (In front of him are two figures, Tuxam and Chaco) (He notices the desk in front of him with a small pool of drool, and himself sitting on a chair) (Identical desks are spotted to his left and right) (Square ceiling lights are rowed 3 by 3) (A security camera is spotted by the corner of the room, with a red blinking light) (The wall is covered with pictures depicting Hangyodon)
Chaco - “You sure are hard to wake up, aren’t you?”
Arupek - “Heheh… Lord Pekkle says the same thing!”
Tuxam - “Here. Take this handkerchief and clean up the drool.”
Arupek - “Sure thing!”
[???] - “Testing~ Testing~” “Can you hear me? Would you describe my voice as beautiful and enchanting~?”
(A light flickers, and a square TV being held on a pedestal on wheels shows two figures) (One is speaking into a microphone, and the other figure—much smaller, rests on top of the other’s shoulder)
Hangyon - “Hi, Hi~ Nihao.” “This is Hangyon and Lili!”
Hangyon - “Let’s see if everyone is present—roll call!”
Hangyon - “Arupek?”
Arupek - “Here!”
Hangyon - “Tux—”
Tuxam - “Wait, wait, wait—!”
Tuxam - “Hangyon, correct?” “Where are we? What’s happening?”
Hangyon - “Silly tuxedo knight~”
Hangyon - “Everything will be answered soon enough~” “When I say your name again, say ‘Here!’ Like our good little Arupek!”
Hangyon - “Tuxam~?”
Tuxam - “H—Here.”
Hangyon - “Chaco?”
Chaco - “Here.”
Hangyon - “That makes everyone~ Attendance complete!”
Hangyon - “Welcome to the Hangyodon Seminar!”
Hangyon - “It’s sure better than taking English Language Arts or History, yes?” “After all… Hangyodon is the best there is.”
Hangyon - “Saying his name… I might want to repeat it again and again! (for the rest of my life…)”
Hangyon - “Hangyodon, Hangyodon, Hangyodon, Hangyodon, Hangyodon, Hangyodon, Hangyodon, Hangyodon, Hangyodon, Hangyodon, Hangyodon, Hangyodon, Hangyo—”
Chaco - “About this seminar?” “I—I like to hear more about this.”
Hangyon - “Ah~ Look at myself! Getting into a tangent.”
Hangyon - “So very sorry~”
Hangyon - “What was I doing again? Oh—Yes.”
(The lights blink out for a moment and confetti falls down)
Hangyon - "“The Hangyodon Seminar!”"
Hangyon - “Like the name suggests, the Hangyo—”
Chaco - “Question.” “Once this is over, we get to leave, yeah?”
Hangyon - “Of course! I wouldn’t leave you here now, wouldn’t I?”
Hangyon - “But like I was saying—the Hangyodon Seminar is all about—”
Arupek - “Sorry to interrupt, but I’m kinda hungry.”
(Stomach gurgles)
Hangyon - “Oh… That won’t do.” “The Seminar is about a day long… W—Wait! I’ll have some food sent down there.”
Chaco - “D—id he say a day long?”
Hangyon - “Yuh-huh!”
Hangyon - “The Hangyodon Seminar!: Part 1 out of 100 in the Hangyodon Experience!”
Hangyon - “Everything is all about Hangyodon~ And I mean everything!”
Hangyon - “The food is Hangyodon themed ~ The posters are Hangyodon themed~”
Hangyon - “There’s even small Hangyodons under the chairs.”
(Arupek bends down to check under his chair)
Hangyon - “Haha! I made you look.”
Hangyon - “But I should had done that in the first place…”
Hangyon - “As a Knight of Fragaria, this is a transgression as well…”
Tuxam - “If you can’t commit to a theme, then this is a failure on being Hangyodon theme.”
Tuxam - “Shame on you.”
Hangyon - “Ghhhh! Critical hit!”
Tuxam - “You’ve disgraced the Hangyodon Experience.” “It’ll be better to give up.”
Hangyon - “Y—You’re right.” “How could—”
Hangyon - “Eh?” “What is it, Lili?”
Hangyon - “No… How could I be down at a time like this!?”
Hangyon - “It can still be saved!”
Chaco - “At… At least you tried, Tuxam.”
Tuxam - “(pouts)”
(The lights above the desks open up, and a single pack of Fruits Snack falls) (The lights unravel back again)
Hangyon - “I pinky promise that you can eat later~” “Have this for the meantime, ‘kay?”
Chaco - “Honesty… I don’t really want to be here.”
Tuxam - “Ch—Chaco! We already tried kicking it down…”
Chaco - “No.” “Not yet.”
(Chaco digs into his pocket, and takes out his…) (Credit card!)
Hangyon - “Eh?” “I mean. I’m quite suspect able to bribery…”
Hangyon - “I got it! I’ll just talk faster!”
Chaco - “No. That’s not what I meant.”
(Chaco walks towards the door, sliding his card between the doorframe’s gap.) (He adjusts his hand, sliding it with greater tenacity.) (The door opens.)
Hangyon - “Eh…?”
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pmni · 3 months
y'know   ...   pom's   arrival   coinciding   w   kaufmo's   abstraction   makes   me   wonder   if   her   being   a   jester   was   really   a   coincidence   ...
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solcarow · 6 months
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thefandomlesbian · 30 days
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When you know someone is going to pull a gun to your back, and you also know your boyfriend won't let anyone shoot you without warning.
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musical-chick-13 · 10 months
ANYWAY, the moment when Amy asks the Teselecta to turn into River, and Mels/Melody/Not-Yet-River realizes that the person everyone has spent this entire episode talking about with care and fondness is actually her, they were talking about her, and then she just stands there tearing up and immediately decides to change the course of her entire life >>>>>>>
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hoosierbi · 6 months
babe heffron apb robin laing guy who is so dickensian streeth urchin with a heart of gold coded
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meatriarchived · 10 months
mm. so with that across the way from nancy's house being family house,
dire maria vc: so you mean to tell me my friends were quite literally stepping stones away from where i was being kept and left huh-
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
Okay but since when Fitzgerald is back being a villain in Atsushi's head?
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tweedfrog · 2 years
In a modern au where somehow all of these people are alive at the same time and the ages work out conveniently—Alicent, who is getting out of her shitty Targ marriage, becomes great friends with Elia, who also left a shitty Targ marriage, her distant cousin Baelor’s new girlfriend.
Alicent sets up Elia and Baelor (She is somehow baelors great aunt despite being 10 years younger liek ???) While Aemond is frantically trying to hit on Elia and slide into her dms because he simply can't let a pretty dark haired milf slide out of his grasp.
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sluttyten · 1 year
crying laughing about the drama in my life right now😂😂
#so my work friend got fired yesterday because of bullshit reasoning rught#and so tonight I’m out in public telling my best friend about it#but like there’s no one around at the moment when we’re talking about this because it’s right after a movie we went to see#and she pushes the door of the theater open and we are the last ones leaving this showing ok#and she opens the door and she’s shit talking my boss because she once worked with me a long time ago so she knows him#plus I’ve given her all the details I know about this dumb situation#and who should walk by right as we fucking open that door??#my boss’s boss…. the one who fired my work friend yesterday and who we were also lowkey shut talking#so I immediately shut the fuck up because he knows me well enough he could recognize my voice and/or my face even if I’m out of work and out#of uniform luckily he keeps walking straight and we walk in a different direction but I’m like ‘that was *insert boss’s boss’s name*’ so we#are both laughing like oh shit 😂😂 and she’s like damn hope you’re not the next one to get fired now which like cmon I don’t think they can#fire me for that even if I was saying this stuff at work#but we walk outside towards her car and we get close and realize that his truck is like 3 away from her car and I’m like hiding at this#point so he won’t see me bc he definitely went out a different exit door than us and pulled out of the parking spot right as we reached her#car but I’m like…. what are the odds of running into him here? he doesn’t even live here so I wouldn’t have thought he’d be hanging around a#and going to see a movie on a Thursday night by himself instead of driving home since he lives like 3 hours from here
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lisafranknstein · 1 year
so bored and without a crush that I'm trying to convince myself that I like a guy in one of my classes despite the fact i've never heard him speak or looked too closely at his face. to make it more fun I'm choosing to believe he wants me too
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