#*young adult me going door to door* hi do you have a second. to talk about river song. the love of my life river song. and her family.
musical-chick-13 · 10 months
ANYWAY, the moment when Amy asks the Teselecta to turn into River, and Mels/Melody/Not-Yet-River realizes that the person everyone has spent this entire episode talking about with care and fondness is actually her, they were talking about her, and then she just stands there tearing up and immediately decides to change the course of her entire life >>>>>>>
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badkitty3000 · 19 days
Don't Stand So Close To Me
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Five was doing his best to resist you. You were too young for him. Too eager. But when he decided to try and scare you straight, he got a little more than he bargained for. That's when he realized maybe he wasn't as strong as he thought he was.
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 6,700 words, One-shot
Warnings: Smut, explicit sex, everyone is an adult
This was born from a request I received for Five with a young(ish) woman that won't leave him alone. I have modified a few things, but I hope it still works! ❤️
Five sighed and rolled his eyes when he saw you coming toward him. He had been balancing a bag of dry cleaning in one hand and cup of coffee in the other and was just about to chance blinking inside his apartment instead of using the door when he heard your greeting.
“Damn it,” he muttered to himself, wishing he had just risked spilling his beverage all over his newly pressed suits by disappearing inside. Now he was stuck.
“Here, let me help!” you chirped, jogging up to him.
“No thanks, I’ve got it,” Five argued, but as he did so the bag of clothes nearly slipped from his hand.
“Got it!” you exclaimed with a smile, snatching up the bag.
Five gave a weary smile and another sigh. “Thank you.”
“No problem!”
As Five fished around in his pocket for his key, he tried not to make eye contact with you. Actually, he tried not to have anything to do with you most of the time. You just hadn’t gotten the hint.
“What are you up to tonight?” you asked, and Five could hear the twinge of hopefulness in your voice.
“Oh, you know…the same as usual. Make some dinner, watch Unsolved Mysteries, and go to bed.” He opened the door and took the dry cleaning from you. “Typical old man stuff.”
You nodded as if you knew exactly what he was talking about. You did know, in a way. You knew all about Five’s history, his powers, and his actual age. It’s hard to keep that shit private when your entire life has been broadcast across the world for everyone to witness. Unfortunately, at least from Five’s point of view, you didn’t seem to care.
You bit at your fingernail and looked down at the ground. Five wasn’t about to invite you in, so he waited for an uncomfortable few seconds before speaking up again.
“Ok, well, thanks for your help. Have a good night.”
“Oh…ok,” you said sadly. “Good night, Five.”
As Five stepped inside his apartment and flicked on the light, he draped his bag of suits over a chair, taking a sip of his coffee. He shoved a hand in his pocket and looked around his small, quiet apartment. It wasn’t much; just a shitty one-bedroom with a miniscule kitchen. But that was all he needed. That and to be left alone.
Despite trying to keep a safe distance from you, you had yet to be deterred. Five knew you liked him; it was pretty obvious. Ever since he moved into the building, you hadn’t missed an opportunity to corner him at the mailboxes, or in the hallway. Being trapped in the elevator was the most awkward, so Five tried his best to avoid those encounters by blinking around as much as possible. You always seemed to catch him, though.
It's not that Five didn’t like you. You were sweet, and cute, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t flattered that you were so into him. The problem was that you were 21 and he was in his late sixties. Old enough to be your grandfather; at least mentally. Physically, he was in your same age range, which he assumed made things very confusing for you. While you did know all about his older consciousness, Five figured you conveniently forgot most of the time. Like when you wore those tiny little running shorts with a sports bra and decided to do some warm up stretches directly in front of his door.
Five wasn’t fully immune to your little come-ons. He still had a pulse, after all. Not to mention the hormones and libido of a much younger man. Still…even after all that he had witnessed and done throughout his life, he had managed to hold onto a couple scraps of morality. And only sleeping with women who were over the age of 30 was a personal rule of his.
He wasn’t sure why he picked that age; it was still more than half of his. But he figured most people’s brains had fully matured by then and it made him feel like less of a sexual deviant. He hadn’t had a date or any hook ups in a while, though. Most nights he just came back to his place and did exactly what he told you he did. Old man stuff.
As he stood there, contemplating all of this, there was a knock at his door. Five rolled his eyes yet again and set his coffee down. When he opened the door, there you were, as he suspected. You looked up at him with nervous eyes that couldn’t quite hold his own while holding two large containers of food and a bottle of red wine.
“Hi, again. What can I do for you?”
“Hi, Five. So, it turns out I made too much food for dinner, so I wondered if you wanted some?” You held out the containers to him. “It’s spaghetti and a salad, and I had this bottle of wine that I thought would go well with it. It’s nothing fancy, but I know you’re alone, so you probably don’t have anyone to cook for you…” Your voice trailed off and you looked away.
Five ran a hand down the back of his neck and looked down the hallway. No one else was around and he was hungry. He reached out to take the food, but left you holding the wine.
“Thank you, that’s really nice of you.”
Your eyes lit up at his compliment and you smiled. “Oh, it’s no trouble at all. I cook all the time, so anytime you want me to make you something, just let me know. I’m pretty good at it.”
Five chuckled. “I have no doubt that you are. It looks great.” He was about to go back into his apartment, when he looked back at your disappointed face. Shit. If he didn’t invite this girl in, he was going to look like a real asshole. He was definitely going to regret this, though. “Would you like to come in and join me for dinner? Looks like you made plenty for both of us.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose.”
Five smiled gently and shook his head. “No, you’re not. Come on in.”
After you stepped in, and Five busied himself making plates of food for the two of you, you set the wine on the kitchen table and looked around his place.
“Wow, I’m not sure what I was expecting, but this wasn’t it.”
Five looked up while he opened the wine. “Isn’t it just the same as your place?”
You nodded. “Yeah, it is. Which is why I’m surprised. I thought yours would be a little…”
“Old man-ish?” Five grinned as he handed you the glass of Pinot Noir.
“…sexier,” you answered with a sly grin, taking the glass from him.
Five’s eyebrows raised. “Sexier?”
You shrugged and took a sip. “I don’t know. I expected more black and leather. Like a real bachelor pad, you know?”
“Yeah, that’s not really me,” he said with a quiet chuckle. “I’m not exactly a swinging bachelor these days.”
You cocked your head to the side. “Oh, no? How come?”
Five saw he had backed himself into a corner and he didn’t really want to get into his love life with you, so he cleared his throat and gestured to the table. “Food’s ready.”
As you sat across from one another at Five’s small dining table, the initial awkwardness began to wear off as the wine started taking effect. You became a little bolder in your flirting, and Five was finding he didn’t mind as much as he usually did. By the time dinner was finished, and another bottle of red was opened, you had moved to the living room to continue your conversation. Five sat down on the couch as you plopped in the armchair across from him, tucking your leg up under you, making your shorts slide up your bare thigh. Five couldn’t help but notice, and you caught him in the act.
As you continued your small talk, Five watched as you fidgeted in your chair. Every adjustment of your body seemed to be just for him, and he found his mouth pooling with saliva that he tried very hard to subtly swallow back down. It was wrong, but he couldn’t help it. The smooth, bare skin of your legs, the curves of your breasts, the way your lips looked so damn delicious as you talked. He was in trouble.
“So,” he said, his voice cracking. “It’s getting late.”
You nodded with an upturn of your mouth before standing up and crossing to Five. As you loomed over him, he looked up, his gaze traveling the full length of your body. The wine was giving you more confidence that you normally would have. He looked so damn good, sitting there with his hair a little disheveled from running his hand through it all night, and you weren’t quite ready for the evening to end yet. You reached down, taking his wine glass to set it on the table with your own. When you climbed onto his lap, straddling his thighs, and draping your arms over his shoulders, he was shocked into silence.
Your warm groin settled over his lap with your tits pressed against his chest. Breathing harder, his hands automatically came to rest on your hips as he looked up at you. You smiled, your hair framing your face as you leaned in to kiss him.
Five closed his eyes, his grip on you tightening for a second as he kissed you in return. You moaned softly into his mouth, pressing yourself down when you felt him start to harden beneath you. That’s when he woke from his trance and pulled his head back.
“What’s wrong?”
“Look…I like you, but we can’t do this.”
“Why not?”
“Well, there’s a lot of reasons, but namely I’m way too old for you. And you’re drunk.”
“I’m not drunk.”
Five rolled his eyes. “Ok, well, I am. And that doesn’t change the fact that I’m about three times older than you.”
“I don’t care.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but this needs to stop before it goes any further.”
“You’re sure that’s what you want?” you asked, tilting your head to the side and giving just a little push into his crotch.
He shook his head slowly, exhaling a long breath. “No, but it’s what needs to happen. Understand?”
After you reluctantly left, Five cleaned up the kitchen, jerked off in the shower, and went to bed trying very hard not to think of you anymore. Over the next two weeks, he did everything he could think of not to run into you in the building again. He was afraid that not only would it be awkward, but that he would start feeling things he shouldn’t.
The truth was, you had gotten to him. Despite his best efforts, that little stunt you pulled by climbing into his lap had worked. Fuck, had it worked. Not a day went by when he wasn’t imagining what would have happened had he not cut it short. Those firm tits pressed against him and your soft lips against his…shit, he was going insane. He had to keep to his rule, though. You were just too young.
But you did not give up easily. You knew what you wanted and you were determined to make him see you as the adult you really were.
“Five!” you called with a little wave, as you caught him trying to enter his apartment one evening.
When Five saw you, he cursed under his breath. He really did not have the energy to deal with you. He had just gotten back from a job and he was not in the mood for your little antics.
“You can’t keep coming over here like this, I’ve told you that,” Five explained, turning his focus back to the key in the door.
“I just wanted to say hi,” you said with an innocence that he wasn’t buying.
“Yeah, I know what you’re doing,” he grumbled.
You paused. “I’m sorry about what happened before, Five. I understand why you might be hesitant, but you know…”
“What do I know?”
“I am an adult, like I said. You don’t have to keep treating me like I’m a kid.”
“You are a kid,” Five shot back.
You looked up at him with a tiny smirk. “From what I remember, it didn’t feel like you thought I was a kid the other night.”
Five’s jaw set, his teeth grinding together. He wasn’t going to stand there and get made fun of by some girl that was determined to get in his pants, even if he did have the beginnings of a boner when she sat on his lap.
“Just stay away from me, ok?” he snarled. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“Oh, please, Five…I think I can handle—”
Five turned abruptly, his face hard with dark brows pulled together. As he leaned in, his jaw set and body tense, you flinched, but did not break your eye contact.
“You think you can handle me, sweetheart? You have no idea what I’m capable of,” he hissed in your face.
Swallowing, but holding your ground, you nodded. “I can handle you, Five. I’m not scared of you. And if you’d just let me get to know you a little more –"
His laugh was laced with menace as he took another step toward you. You were left staring at one another, neither of you backing down. He was close enough that you could hear his harsh breathing through his nose and smell the faint traces of after-shave. His eyes searched over your face before turning back to his door.
“Get the fuck away from me. Please,” he said quietly.
“I know what I’m doing, I’m not sure why you think I’m so innocent.”
Five looked down and sighed. He was tired of constantly trying to maintain his morality. He was an old man in a young man’s body and he was so damn sick of taking the higher road. Most people thought he was an asshole, and they weren’t wrong. He had a high success rate of keeping the people he wanted out of his life out, and barely tolerating the ones he let in. He was a killer. A trauma-filled nightmare wrapped up in a pretty package. He was not normal, and it was time you knew that.
“Fuck it,” he said out loud to no one in particular. As his eyes locked on yours again, his normally emerald-colored ones became dark.
He continued to take another step toward you, and then another, until you were backed against the opposite wall of the quiet hallway. Overhead, the fluorescent lights hummed as a single fly battled for its life inside one of the fixtures.
“Alright…I will confess, I have been thinking a lot about you lately.”
“You have?”
Five nodded, closing in on you until he was inches from your body; close enough that you could see the faint line of stubble on his chin and hear his deep breathing.
“Specifically…what you would be willing to do for me.”
As his gaze traveled over your body, taking in the tight tank top and miniscule shorts you were wearing, you could almost feel the energy pulsing out of him in waves. It was terrifying and intoxicating, and it had you rooted to the spot.
“What do you want me to do for you?” you asked, looking up at him through your lashes, blinking slowly.
You had been trying to keep up with him. Trying to beat him at his own game. But you sucked in a quiet, yet audible, gasp of air.
“I want you naked for me. Now.”
He was still so close to you, his mouth mere inches away from yours, and yet he made no further movement to do anything else. He was trapping you there; playing with his prey for fun. And you weren’t sure if he was going to eat you or let you escape.
“Here?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded, his eyes never leaving your face. “That’s right, sweetheart. You think you know me? You think you want me? Then, prove it.”
“What if someone walks by?”
Five shrugged with a grin. He took a step back, allowing you enough room to leave, should you so choose. Again, he made no move to grab you, or touch you in any way. He shook his head, eyeing you pitifully.
“Don’t play games you can’t win. It won’t end well for you.”
When you had nothing to say to that, his demeanor changed again. Back to his normal, tired expression, his eyes and mouth drooped. He said nothing more, but just turned back toward his apartment, and opened the door. After he took a step inside, he heard you clear your throat. Turning around, he was faced with an unexpected sight.
With each slow, deliberate step you took in his direction, you started to strip your clothes away. First your top, lowering the straps over your shoulders and drawing it up over your head. Then your shorts, unbuttoning them before sliding them down your thighs and kicking them to the side. Five seemed frozen to the spot, unable to move and unable to speak. But his eyes followed you with an unmistakable hunger.
As you closed in on him, you were left in your bra and panties. With a small smirk, you reached behind you and undid the clasp of your bra. Slowly peeling it away from your body, you watched as Five’s gaze dropped to your breasts.
“Like I said…I’m not afraid of you,” you said, as you confidently jutted your chin out, along with your chest.
Five’s face flickered with shock, followed by what you could only imagine was lust, before it turned to anger. He grabbed your upper arm, squeezing it hard, before shaking you.
His teeth gritted and bared, he snarled in your face. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
You did your best to pretend you were in full control of the situation. “What you told me to do.”
Five’s eyes roamed over your body for a split second, before they were back on your face. He was angrier than you had ever seen him before. And yet, you had a feeling the anger was just masking something else. Something he didn’t want you to see.
At that moment, the loud ding of the elevator doors rang out, signaling that you would soon not be alone. He looked down the hallway and then back at you. When you didn’t make a move, his jaw tensed even more. Stalking past you to snatch your clothes off the floor, he grabbed your arm again.
“God damn it, get inside,” he demanded, yanking you forcefully through the doorway of his apartment.
As you stumbled your way inside, he continued to grasp your upper arm. He slammed the door behind you and got in your face again.
“Are you stupid?” he growled.
You shook your head. “No.”
“Well, stop fucking acting like it. Jesus!” He let go of your arm, leaving you standing there in just your underwear, while he ran a hand through his hair. “You can’t just go around stripping naked in public places just because someone tells you to. What the fuck?”
You smiled and took a step toward him. “What’s the matter Five? Losing at your own game?”
Five’s breath had become louder and harsher. You could practically see the wheels turning inside his head. He wanted you; you were sure of it. The juxtaposition of desire and restraint was evident in every twitch of coiled muscle and nervous hover of his eyes on your breasts. He had been trying to scare you; make you flee in terror at his aggressive advances. But joke was on him, because you fucking loved it.
Another look of anger swept over his face as he laughed darkly. “Shit. You really do not know what you are getting yourself into here.”
You swallowed nervously. “I don’t care.”
“Well, you should. And you should leave.”
Five continued to bore into you with his intense stare. His dark eyes indicated menace, but his stiff body language gave off something else. Fear. But Five Hargreeves does not give into fear easily. When he feels it creeping in, he turns it into something else. Something mean and ruthless.
When you didn’t make a move to leave, he took a step forward. A half-smirk formed on his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head to the side.
“Alright then…you’ve been warned,” he said pleasantly, right before his voice turned ice cold. “Now lose those fucking panties before I rip them off myself.”
Slowly, and without breaking eye contact, you hooked your thumbs into the elastic waist of your lace panties and pulled them down over your hips, letting them drop to the floor at your feet. You stood perfectly still, allowing him to take you all in while your chest began to rise and fall more rapidly.
You thought you had him this time. How was he going to resist a fully nude woman right in front of his face? But instead of giving in, like you knew he wanted, he gave a small shake of his head. Still holding the clothes you had discarded in the hallway, he stepped forward until he was directly in front of you, smiling derisively. His face was so close to your bare skin, you could feel the warmth of his exhale along your leg as he bent to pick up the pair of underwear. When he walked casually past you in the direction of the living room, your jaw dropped as he opened the sliding glass doors that led to a small balcony, and hurled your clothes outside. You watched in disbelief as they floated briefly on the light breeze before disappearing out of sight; fluttering to the ground, six floors below.
He closed the doors, turning back to you with a satisfied, yet stony expression. He pointed at the door to the hall.
“Get out.”
You paused, your eyes nervously darting toward the door. “What?”
He flicked a piece of hair out of his eyes in indifference. “You said you didn’t care if anyone saw you. So, leave.”
When you continued to stand there, wide-eyed and confused, he snorted and shook his head. “That’s what I thought. I’m not the nice guy you think I am. And I’m certainly not one of your little fucking boyfriends you can manipulate to get your way.” His voice softened somewhat. “I can give you something to wear to go home in, but don’t ever come back here again. This is over, understand?”
After a few seconds of silence, you nodded your head slowly. “I understand.” With a sly smile, you turned, heading for the door, letting Five get a nice long look at your ass in the process. As you reached for the doorknob, you glanced over your shoulder, relishing in his bewilderment as you walked right out the door without a stitch of clothing on.
Out in the hallway, you tried not to panic. You hadn’t really thought out what was going to happen once you had committed to your little act of rebellion. Your apartment was on the other side of the floor, and you had to pass by many nosy neighbors’ places plus the elevators to get there. As you considered your options, your back was suddenly slammed into the wall, Five’s hands gripping your arms again after he appeared in a flash of blue.
“God damn it,” he seethed in your face.
Without another word, you were being ripped through one of his portals, reappearing inside his apartment again. You let out a small cry of surprise as you were flattened against the door, Five’s body pressed against yours.
He surveyed your face one more time, his eyebrows drawn together in torment. “Fuck, why did you do this to me?”
The next few minutes were a blur as Five released everything that he had been holding back in one ferocious attack. His mouth sucking and biting at your lips, his hands fisted tightly in your hair, and his hips jerking into you. Something feral and instinctual was propelling him, and you let him unleash all of it onto you.
With another tight hold on your wrist, you were dragged away from the door and whipped through a second portal, this time landing on his bed with a hard bounce. While you scrambled to sit up, Five had stripped off his shirt and was already unbuckling his belt, the clink of the metal drawing your attention to his hands as they unzipped his fly. Breathing hard through his nose, he looked at you, running a hand through his hair while pushing it off of his forehead.
With his cool green eyes locked on yours, he crooked a finger at you, beckoning you over. You worked your way off the bed, hesitating for just a moment, before closing the few feet so that you were standing directly in front of him.
He leaned down, a hand gently cradling the back of your neck, as he kissed you softly. You thought maybe you were going to see a new, tender side of him. Until he latched a hand onto your shoulder, gripping you hard while pushing you roughly down, forcing you to your knees. As he glared down at you, dark hair framing the sharp angles of his face, one corner of his mouth twitched up.
“You talk a big game, honey, so go ahead. Let’s see that mouth of yours in action.”
He was trying to intimidate you; to show you he was the boss. But you weren’t naïve and you weren’t dumb. There were subtle hints, like the way his breath hitched when he spoke to you, or the slight tremble in his hand as he guided your face up by your chin that gave his nerves away.
With your own small smile and a lick of your lips, you reached up to pull the black suit pants down, taking his boxers with them. Five let out a shaky exhale as his hard cock stood at attention in front of your face. With another coy glance up through soft lashes, you took him into your hand. He was bigger than you would have guessed, and you slowly stroked his thick shaft, pressing your thumb into the underside while following the vein from base to head. When you stretched out your tongue to give a kittenish lick across the tip, he hissed loudly, bringing his hand down to rest in your hair.
“Shit,” you heard him mutter under his breath as you started in.
He didn’t let you work up to it with teasing kisses or circles of your tongue around his dripping head. With one shove of his hand on the back of your head, his dick was down your throat. You let out a clipped groan that ended in a gurgling noise, before he was pulling you back and off again. With eyes wide and already gasping for air, your hair was tugged backward so that you were forced to look up at him.
An eyebrow raised, Five questioned you with a low voice. “Still think you can handle me?”
From your position on the floor, he towered above you like a god, watching as you worshiped at his feet. Your eyes traveled over his sculpted abs, his toned arms and shoulders that flexed with the effort of holding your head back. You took in the scars that dotted his abdomen and thighs; the line of soft hair that trailed from his navel to the main event. He was being rough, yes, but there was something in his eyes that gave him away. Like he wanted so badly to be something else, he just didn’t know how.
You nodded your head in an answer to his question, as his magnificent cock bobbed in front of your face, and you opened your mouth wide.
“Fuck,” he growled from deep in his chest.
Five was losing his mind, he was sure of it. All of his pent-up anger and frustration over his body/mind/age situation was coming to a head; and he was shoving that head directly and violently down your throat. He couldn’t stop it. He didn’t want to stop it. You felt so damn good, with your warm mouth wrapped around him and your tongue sliding over the taught skin of his shaft. As his hips jerked into your face, harder and faster, he watched as you gagged and choked on his dick; saliva building up at the corners of your mouth as you so dutifully let him fuck your face.
“Ah…ffff-uu-goddamnit…yes, fuck yes, don’t stop…ah SHIT!”
His head was thrown back in complete bliss as he unloaded copious amounts of cum directly into the back of your throat, the sheer volume making it pour out the corners of your mouth and dribble down your chin. The rest you swallowed, choking down the steady stream of bitter semen while he moaned above you and fisted your hair even tighter.
As he finally began to relax and the last few twitches of his hips came to a halt, he dared to open his eyes and look down at the sight below him. He had loosened his grip on your hair, allowing his dick to slip out of your mouth. You gasped and sucked in the much-needed air that you hadn’t been getting as he released you entirely. Collapsing onto your hands and knees, you coughed and wiped at your destroyed mouth while Five did nothing more than stare down at you with a kind of horrified fascination.
What had he done?
When you looked back up at him, though, and he saw that devilish smile sneak across your lips, daring him to give you more, he stopped caring. It was clear you were going to let him do whatever he wanted. And, fuck, if he didn’t want to do so many things to you.
“Up,” he commanded, still trying to catch his breath.
He held out his hand for you to take, letting him haul you up to standing. He ran a hand down your cheek and kissed your ruined lips. There was that moment of softness again, and you closed your eyes against his touch.
Five guided you so that you were sitting on the edge of the bed. After another kiss, this time leaving you breathless, he dropped to his knees between your legs. Gripping your thighs in his hands, he roughly pushed your legs apart while pulling you closer to him.
Digging his fingers into your hips, he buried his face into your wet, throbbing pussy, and moaned.
“This wet just from sucking my cock? Fuck, honey, you’re driving me crazy.”
Alternating between long laps with his tongue and sucking at your clit, it was obvious he knew exactly what he was doing as you leaned backward, holding yourself up with your hands flat on the bed. When you dropped your head back, it banged against the wall, but you barely noticed since you were already on the cusp of a strong orgasm.
“Five…” you gasped, eyes clenched shut and biting at your bottom lip. You tried desperately to rock your hips into his face, but his grip was too strong. He was devouring you; eating you out almost viciously, while your palms began to sweat as they pressed harder into the bed. “Five…holy fff-uck…OH GOD!” you screamed as one last, perfect lick sent you reeling. With your entire body shuddering, Five only went at you harder; until you were letting out quiet, pitiful cries, and your thighs twitched against his head.
As you tried to catch your breath, Five finally let up, tearing himself away from your warm deliciousness, and standing up to lean over you. He was just as out of breath as you were, with his mouth shining and lips red. A mixture of your arousal and his saliva pooled obscenely underneath you.
“That was…holy shit…” you tried to get out, but you were cut off almost immediately.
“I’m not done yet. Not by a long shot,” he rasped.
Though only minutes had passed since he had unloaded into your mouth, his cock was hard again. As he rummaged around in a drawer, pulling out a condom, and rolling it on, you scooted back so that you were lying down lengthwise on the bed. There was no more time for rest, though, before Five was climbing on top of you, that look of voracity overtaking him again.
He began to kiss you; hard and insistently while running his tongue over your bottom lip and venturing inside. It was a mixture of intense want and hesitation as he squeezed your ass with one hand and lightly stroked your hair with the other. When he pulled back, he looked deep into your eyes, his hand coming to rest gently on your cheek, his thumb pressing under your chin.
“What do you think, sweetheart? Ready for more?”
With a slow smile forming on your face, you nodded.
“Fuck yeah. Give it to me.”
Five groaned, closing his eyes and dropping his face to your neck. His teeth scraped against your skin as he kissed you fervently while your fingers threaded through his hair. The second you opened your legs for him, he was shoving himself inside. Sucking in a loud breath, he buried his face into your shoulder.
“Fuuuck…you are tight…god, you feel so fucking good,” he moaned pitifully into you.
You threw your head back against the pillow with a loud moan. “Oh my god, I knew your dick would feel amazing.”
He didn’t respond, but he took both of your legs and balanced them on his shoulders, angling your hips up to push his dick in even further. He was buried to the hilt, with his tight balls slapping against your ass each time he drew back and slammed back into you.
Five was gone; completely lost inside his own debauched fantasy. He wanted to fuck you harder and harder until you couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted to make you cry out his name while your back arched off the bed like you were possessed. When his eyes met yours, with the strands of hair stuck to his forehead from the sweat already forming there, you bit your bottom lip and smiled. You knew exactly what you were doing to him, and that made him want to absolutely ruin you.
Smacking your ass hard enough to leave a mark before throwing your legs off his shoulders, Five roughly flipped you over. He forced the side of your face into the bed as he thrust inside you again, stretching your pussy and filling you up with his thick cock. His ragged breath warmed the side of your neck with each punishing drive of his hips against your ass as you whimpered softly.
“Come on, honey, let’s hear it,” he snarled next to your ear. “You’ve been dying for me to pound that sweet little pussy…so let me hear you. I’m not stopping until I get what I want.”
“Fff-iiive,” you sobbed, your fists clutching the bedspread underneath you as he railed relentlessly into you.
“That’s right,” he answered, and you could hear that cocky smirk on his face. “Beg me.”
“Five…please…you feel SO…FUCKING…GOOD!”
The angle of his cock thrusting inside of you, along with his body trapping you beneath him, was more intense than anything you had ever experienced before. You were on the verge of coming; your cries becoming louder while you desperately tried to suck air into your lungs. The sting of his dick drilling inside of you was still not enough to mask the pleasure that was building. It hurt but you still wanted more.
Soon, that inevitable feeling of warmth and tightness formed in your core and you let go with a loud scream that echoed off the walls of his bedroom. Your body convulsed under his as his hips stilled against your ass when he expelled himself one more time. The groan that left him as he came was loud and long, leaving his arms shaking as he held himself over you.
After he was able to move off of you, you continued to catch your breath as you rolled over to face him. Five was kneeling on the bed, chest glistening with sweat and heaving as he flipped his hair out of his eyes. He didn’t say a word, but after a few more seconds, he climbed off the bed to dispose of the condom. You eyed him nervously. You had no idea how he was going to react, or if he was already regretting everything.
After tugging his boxers back on, he sat down on the edge of the bed. “Are you ok?” he asked, his voice tight.
You nodded and sat up. “Yeah, I’m ok, why?”
Five shook his head. “I was way too rough, I shouldn’t have…but you…” he trailed off, his frustration with himself evident. “Look, you got your way. This is done now, alright?”
With a roll of your eyes, you moved off the bed so that you were standing in front of him; the muscles in your sticky thighs aching from the movement. “Get over yourself, Five. We both wanted this, so stop pretending I put some spell on you to make you change your mind.”
He was silent, but he nodded, a brief flicker of a smile forming on his lips. “I’m sorry about your clothes.” He got up to grab a t-shirt from one of his drawers and handed it to you. “You can wear this; it should be enough to cover everything.”
As you worked the too-big shirt over your head, Five pulled his pants back on, zipping them up but leaving the belt hanging open. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out a small, balled up pair of women’s underwear. With a guilty smile, he tossed them over to you. “Here.”
You laughed in disbelief. “You stole my panties? What were you going to do with them?”
Five shrugged. “I hadn’t figured that out yet.”
Shaking your head, you looked down at them in your hand. “Such a dirty old man.” Glancing back at Five’s guilty face, you threw them back, and he caught them against his chest. “Keep them. I kind of like the idea of you doing weird things with them.”
Five made no comment, but he tucked them back into his pants pocket with a lop-sided grin. He held out his hand. “Come on, I’ll blink you back to your apartment so you don’t have to go back in just a t-shirt.”
You thought for a second, but shook your head. “No thanks. I don’t mind a good walk of shame now and then.”
As Five walked you to the door, you gave him a lingering kiss and trailed a hand down his arm. “Maybe the next time I make too much food, I’ll come over and share it? Think you can handle that?”
A smile slowly spread across Five’s face and he nodded. “Yeah, I think I can handle that.”
Then he watched as you walked away, wearing nothing but his t-shirt. He shook his head, not quite believing what had just occurred. He had thought he was so damn smart with his moral high-ground and superiority. But as it turned out, you had gotten the best of him. He lost at his own game. Tucking two fingers inside his pocket to stroke the silky material of your panties, he smiled to himself, thinking about how this may have been the first time in his life that he hadn’t minded losing.
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lymtw · 1 month
Hi ! This is my first time requesting something on Tumblr and I don't know if your requests are open, but if they are could you please write something about Toji where f!reader is his girlfriend (long term) and she gets in a small argument with young megumi in which he says she's not his mom (which she isn't, but she still kinda raised him with Toji). She gets sad and Toji comforts her and maybe scolds megumi and it's fluffy at the end ?
I hope it's not too confusing 😅 and if you don't want to do it it's completely okay ! I really like the way you write Toji and your works are so good !
A/N: Ngl I actually kinda teared up a little when I was thinking out the scenario for this. Don't judge me, it was like 2am-ish lol. This prompt is so good 😭🫶🏼
Thank you for sending in this request 💙
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Toji could hear bickering coming from outside your shared bedroom, familiar voices going back and forth over who knows what in the room next door. He tried to roll over and go back to sleep, because he trusted that it would be over soon. You're an adult talking to a kid. Your logic is sharper than Megumi's, so things should be resolved quickly. His eyes shut again, but the arguing wouldn't cease. Who knows how long this has gone on for.
He sighs and blinks his tired eyes open, before getting out of bed to see what all the commotion is about at eight in the morning. He grabs his shirt from the end of the bed and slips it on, over his head, as he walks over Megumi's room. Your voices are much clearer to Toji, now, as he nears the door. He stands by to listen in on what's going on.
"I just organized your room, Megumi. All i'm asking you to do is to put your toys back where they belong when you're not playing with them."
"I am playing with them," the boy says, holding two dinosaur figures. "I'm playing with all of them. I'm gonna go back to the ones over there, right now."
You sigh. The argument has been looping this way for too long. It feels pointless to argue with a child, yet you're still doing it because deep down, it irks you to have put in so much effort to keep his space clean, just for him to trash it the second he occupies the room, again.
"Let's see." You start looking around the floor for toys you know for certain he hasn't been playing with. "You're not playing with this plushie or this car. This slinky isn't being used either and it's gonna get tangled if you don't put it somewhere safe."
The boy groans, tired of hearing you list off things you see out of place on the floor. He goes back to playing with the dinosaurs in his hands, blocking out your voice.
"Megumi, are you even listening to me?" You ask, setting some of the smaller toys you collected off the floor onto the top of his dresser.
"I don't want to and I don't have to," he utters, carelessly, not even sparing you a glance. "You're not my mom, so I don't have to listen to you. Just my dad."
You're stunned by this sudden revelation of his feelings towards you. The argument is over. Megumi was the winner because he got you to back off, but at what cost? Your heart weighed a ton after what he said. You had nothing else to say to him in that moment, so you let go of your end of the tug of war rope.
Toji hears your footsteps nearing the door and makes himself known by appearing as you're heading out.
"Hey." He attempts to grab your attention, but you don't even look at him. You pat his chest twice and leave the room. He takes a step out of the room, calling for you once more as you get farther away from him. "Ma." All he gets is a thumbs up from you as you keep walking, an indication of how you're not emotionally stable enough to respond verbally.
Toji sighs, briefly watching Megumi, who still hasn't stopped playing with his toys. He's completely unaware of what just went down.
He steps further into the room, sitting down on the edge of the bed, next to his mini.
"Megs, that wasn't cool." He receives a hum in response. "Why would you say something like that?"
Megumi's hands still. He briefly looks at his dad before resuming what he was doing. "Like what? I was just in here, playing with my toys," he says, feigning innocence, not knowing that Toji had been listening.
"I heard what you said and it wasn't nice at all. She's always been good to you."
"But what I said is true," he exclaims, his expressive, green eyes widening, defensively.
"Okay, let's calm down. I'm not raising my voice, am I?"
Megumi slowly shakes his head. He puts down the dinosaur toys and crosses his legs, folding his hands in his lap.
"I want you to look at it this way," Toji starts, looking around at the room you were once so proud of for returning to a pristine state, now cluttered with various toys and clothes. "She's always been here for you. She takes care of you when I have to go to work, she reads to you before bed, she wakes up to make you breakfast. You like when she makes breakfast, right?"
The boy nods. "I like when she makes dog shaped pancakes."
"Yeah, me too. You think she's gonna wanna be around and make dog shaped pancakes for us if you talk to her like that?"
Megumi shakes his head. "No, but she wouldn't stop telling me to clean up my toys when I told her that i'm still playing with them."
"Well, I only see you playing with this little pool of toys, here on the bed. Everything else is just scattered all over the place. You know she worked hard to clean this place up, right?"
"Mm... yeah," he responds, coyly.
"You're like a tornado, Megs," he says, causing the fluffy-haired boy to laugh. "Yeah, it's pretty funny, huh?" Megumi keeps laughing while nodding which makes Toji crack a grin.
"I'm sorry," Megumi mumbles, once he settles down. He looks down at the palm of his hand, tracing the lines on it with his thumb.
"That's not for me to hear, kid," Toji says, setting a hand on his head.
"But, i'm scared to tell her. What if she's mad at me?" He turns his head to look at his dad, eyes darting between matching green eyes and the scar that mars his lips.
"Nah, she loves you too much to ever get mad at you. How 'bout I go see what she's doing, and you draw something to give to her? When you're ready to give her your drawing, you can come out, yeah?"
"Okay." Megumi nods. "I'll go out there when i'm ready."
"Alright. See you in a bit. Love you."
"Love you, too, dad," he responds, a slight tint of red on his cheeks.
Toji leaves him to it, leaving the door slightly ajar when he exits the room. He immediately directs himself towards you. You didn't hide or hole up in the room, instead you went to the couch. Toji sits next to you, watching you scroll through your phone.
"Hey, you good?" He asks, watching your face as you turn your screen off and shift your attention to him.
You sigh. "Yeah, it's fine. It's not like he lied."
"Don't say that. You know he's wrong." He puts a hand on your knee, squeezing comfortingly. "He's still a brat that doesn't know the weight of his words. Thinks he can just fire out things like that and move on like it's nothing. As long as i'm here, he won't get away with saying ridiculous things like that to you."
"Yeah," you say, still sounding disheartened.
"I talked to him about it. The kid was just pissed that you called him out for the mess he made. He just wanted to be right, with zero logical thoughts in that head."
You nod, not wanting to say anything more about it. Everything Toji said was correct, but you still felt like you were tossed aside, in that moment. Like you were a puzzle piece that didn't fit into their family.
"Don't be bummed about it, baby. You know he loves you, and remember, he has called you 'mom' before."
That brings a smile to your face. You remember how shy he got after realizing what he said. The word slipped out so naturally. You treated him like you normally do, but on the inside you were all giddy and proud to be considered a maternal figure by him.
"There you go. There's that pretty smile," Toji says, grinning as he pulls you close.
"Stop," you say, blushing when he starts peppering your face with kisses. You giggle when he starts chasing your lips, eventually giving you the warm, comforting kisses he wanted to give you.
You push his face away when you hear the door to Megumi's room creak, followed by Megumi himself. He takes slow steps out of the hallway and when he sees you and Toji staring at him, he gets nervous. All the attention is on him so he diverts his gaze and looks down at the floor until he's standing in front of you two. His face is red and his hands are behind his back. Toji knows what he's hiding and he smiles.
"What's up, Megs?" You ask, when he just stands there, silently.
He shifts on his feet, looking at you and then at his dad, before looking at you once more. His arms come forward and his hands shakily extend a folded piece of paper towards you.
"For me?" You ask, enthusiastically, to which he nods before looking down at his feet, again. You unfold the paper and take in the whole page of bright colors. Toji looks at it over your shoulder, a soft smile resting on his face when he sees the genuine effort that was put into the page. The first thing you notice is the big 'I'm sorry' written in his jagged and uneven handwriting, followed by a heart that you can tell he redrew multiple times based on the faded outlines behind it. There's a drawing of two simplistic dogs and what looks like the flowers you put on the dinner table. There are three stick figures that resemble you, Toji, and Megumi. You smile when you see that he didn't miss Toji's scar. He used the top corner of the page to draw the sun and there are different colored stars all over the place.
"Aw, I love it! Can I keep it forever?" You ask, smiling when you look at his adorable blush-y expression.
"Yeah, I made it for you," he mumbles, shiny eyes looking back at you.
You fold the paper, carefully, making sure to follow along the crease he already made, and set it down beside you.
"Can I have a hug?" You ask, reaching your arms out. He nods and makes his way over to you, his small arms coming up short as they wrap around you. Your embrace envelops him entirely. He's nonexistent in your hold because of how small he is. You squeeze him a little tighter, causing him to giggle at the gesture. "Love you soooo much, Megs." Before you release him, you give him a small peck on the cheek. "How about some pancakes for breakfast?"
"Can you make them in the shapes of dogs, again?" He asks, tapping his foot, excitedly.
"Of course, I can," you respond, and he gets even more excited.
"Dad! D-Dad! Dad! She's gonna make dog shaped pancakes, dad!"
"Yeah, I heard," Toji responds, a dumb grin on his face. "You should help her out, today."
"Okay," Megumi says, before sprinting to the kitchen.
"I should go help him before he gets the kitchen messy, too," you say, rising from the couch when the boy quickly vanishes.
"Hey, come here," Toji says, pulling you back by your wrist. You're pulled down for some quick kisses, a continuation of the session that was interrupted earlier.
"Love you, doll," he says, his eyes flitting between your starry ones and that smile that makes him weak.
"Love you." He doesn't let go of your hand until the link breaks, once you're out of his reach.
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visionsofcarnality · 2 months
can we get headcanons for gilf!Joel maybe? his slicked back hair in tlou ep3 stirred something in me 🥵🥵🥵
i like the way you think…
Silver Fox ! Joel Miller Headcanons NSFW!!
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Traditional old man in every sense of the word, he doesn’t make cheesy comments when you grab a door handle but he does give you a scolding little glare that totally doesn’t light a fire in your panties.
Self conscious about his somewhat saggy skin around his chest, middle, and extremities even after you’ve assured him until you’re blue in the face. You do help him though. Watching how attracted you are to his body even aged as it is definitely strokes his ego.
Has an online refillable prescription for Viagra that gets delivered to his apartment, and when he takes it he becomes an absolute fiend.
Usually without the Viagra he still is able to throughly satisfy you with ages of foreplay and a nice thorough fucking, leaving you both satisfied after one climactic round.
But when he takes Viagra-
You better clear your schedule and invest in a massage gun for your legs afterwards because you are going to be SORE.
I’m talking several positions, screaming until your throat hurts, your pussy feeling raw and used, daylong marathon sex.
Joel doesn’t seem to soften even a fraction until your body is wailing in protest and you can’t feel your thighs anymore.
You don’t think he could possibly have any more left in him until he’s once again emptying his heavy, full balls into your cunt; adding to the previous loads from the past six rounds he’s already shot into your body.
When he’s not fucking you stupid with the assistance of his little blue pills, he’s treating you like the princess you’d expect he would.
Don’t even think about carrying your own groceries, what are you, crazy?
Speaking of groceries…
If you aren’t living together yet best believe he’s on your doorstep every Sunday at 11AM with a truck full of groceries, dropping them off after church let’s out and he’s free to go to the store.
He makes you sit and continue sipping your coffee/tea while he puts them away, simultaneously checking the sell-by dates of everything in your fridge and pantry like a man obsessed.
Like a true old fashioned southern boy, he won’t tell you he’s in love with you. But he will point out the amount of things expired in your house.
“Come on, now. You’re gonna get sick, this is ridiculous-“ As if he hasn’t brought you your favorite brand of cereal and all your preferred snacks. Even all those “Shitty, organic, cardboard crap” things you love.
Never had a good plate of grits? He’s making them meticulously for you the morning after a hookup. “Eat, you need it. That stuff’ll keep you goin’ all day.”
Is all too supportive of your flimsy little sundresses. The gauzy fabric floating around your legs like a visualization of your perfume, nearly beckoning him closer. Even when you’re looking like a good little church girl in your soft, flowy dresses… all he can think about is how easy it would be to bend you over and have his way with you.
Which he does the second he brings you home from his cousin’s cookout in the suburbs.
Did I mention that he got a vasectomy after his divorce? Still, seeing you with his now adult daughter makes him daydream about getting you pregnant.
Which he finds insane… He doesn’t want any more kids, he physically can’t have any more kids… But the only thing he can think about right now is burying his cum in your pussy and keeping you pampered in his house with your belly full of his babies.
That vasectomy won’t stop him from trying his damndest, though. Especially after Sarah (who he had young) has her first baby and he watches you hold the six month old infant for the first time.
This man is a GENTLEMAN in the most old fashioned sense of the word.
Like, I cannot stress that enough.
If you’re an independent person, prepare to be thoroughly pampered.
His old fashioned chivalrous ways may be frustrating sometimes but it really does come from a place of just wanting to show his love.
Like when he insists on driving you everywhere whenever you go places together, or when he always finds a way to move you to the side of his body furthest away from the sidewalk when you walk, or when he automatically picks up your purse when you meet so that he can carry it for you.
But you forget all about those minor annoyances when he bends you over your kitchen table and pounds you into next week, muttering nonsense about how you’re too young for him or how you’re such a dirty girl for wanting him and his old man cock.
You moan his name when he grips both your hips in a tight but loving hold, all too willing to forgive him for his incessant door opening when you’re all dumbed down on his cock, the cock which is now way too hard and blood filled because he definitely popped one of your favorite blue pills a while ago.
But much like the gentleman he is, after he fucks you into a blissed-out stupor, he carries you to the bed and wipes your spent pussy clean, cuddling you into the mattress and running his hands through your hair while you both come down from your highs.
When he does get insecure about the age difference between you, all you can do is kiss his leathery, stubbled cheek and wrap your arms around him… Convincing him with your actions instead of words that his age is only a factor in your attraction to him… And that you love him for what makes him him.
this post got way too long but NONNIE I HOPE I DID YOU JUSTICE!!
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princessbrunette · 2 months
How did midsummer go with pogue!rafe and kook!reader? Did he fight jj because he tried to talk to her? What was her parents reaction? Did she let him put it in her butt?
he was a little bashful to be honest. i mean he’s a huge guy — may i reiterate pogue!rafe specifically stands at a whopping 6’5 so there’s no way for him to effectively just blend in to the corner. he attracts eyes anywhere he goes.
he cleans up nice but he’ll roll his eyes if you say anything, turning up in his rented suit to drive you to the country club where midsummer was taking place. he swings the door open for you, and when you hop out you’re instantly on him— fixing his collar and his tie, any excuse to press yourself up on him, hands roaming.
“quit it alright, not even inside yet and you’re touching all on me” he shrugs you off, walking ahead. he’s agitated and a little more touchy than usual but it makes you smile. your rafey was nervous. he sighs as he walks, knowing you’re picking up on his mood. whatever — he’d do it for the promised anal sex.
he loosens up a tiny bit after a drink is placed in his hand. he’s a little surprised, the man in the suit at the door didn’t look at him funny or like he wasn’t supposed to be there. he even called him sir.
you hang off his arm, swanning around chatting and socialising as he stands in disinterest like a stony-faced accessory. you’re grinning ear to ear after a glass and a half of wine because his hand is on your lower back and sometimes, perhaps without even realising he rubs big warm circles on it. you just wanted him all to yourself.
“damn, who let this dude in?” jj’s jokey voice rings out and rafes all tense again, glaring at the fellow pogue dashing about collecting empty glasses on his tray.
“kind of unprofessional to be harassing guests on the job— alright, matter of fact where’s your boss maybe i uh, maybe i should let them know—” rafe is immediately in his face, tongue in cheek, looking down at the blonde like he was ready to throw hands so of course you’re slotting yourself between and urging him away. you couldn’t have that kind of tomfoolery tonight.
the second wave of tension came when your parents had finally stepped away from their social circles for a moment to revel in the shock of you bringing the handyman as your date. perhaps you didn’t really think it through, maybe they’d put two and two together and they’d certainly stop inviting him round to fix things which was annoying, as it was the few times you actually got to see him.
your father asks you to come on a little ‘walk’ with him, in which you reluctantly leave rafe’s side for a moment — just praying he behaves himself and jj stays out of his way. the thought of you returning to scrambling bodies on the floor and smashed plates and glasses had your body tensing.
the two of you stroll through the grounds, admiring all the fairy lights and dancing tipsy country club members paired with small talk before he finally breaches what he really wants to ask — being “why him, sweetheart? why rafe cameron our handyman? there are plenty of nice, respectable young men who come from a more… well, a background that just reflects you, a little more honey. what do you even have in common with this guy?”
“you don’t understand, dad. i like him, he’s different and the guys round here are weird and — and stuck up! you know i don’t like that dad, i told you!” you feel yourself regress, feeling like a scolded child again as you attempt to put your foot down, pushing through with your complaints even when you see your parent shaking his head in disapproval.
“i am just trying to protect you — rafe is a huge guy, to put it gently i don’t want my little girl getting hurt! you know how pogues are they’re… they’re undignified! what if he hurts you, huh? you wouldn’t be able to fight him off!”
“he’s not going to hurt me and i’m not a little girl. i’m an adult, and i can make my own choices.”
you don’t give him a chance to respond, already storming back down the golf hill the two of you stood on and back towards rafe — looking a little out of place yet somewhat slightly relaxed. his brows jump into a frown, blinking in confusion when he see’s your state — the most wound up he’s ever seen you.
“hey— wh— what happened out there?” he emphasises, and when you don’t respond, just grabbing his arm and dragging him to the bar his mouth turns down, shaking his head with a little shrug at being ignored. “not gonna tell me? alright.” he brushes off, irritated by your lack of communication.
he watches you order another glass of wine, before downing it — the pogue grimacing a little as he watches it trickle down the side of your mouth.
“alright— okay, jesus kid.” he gently bats the glass away and wipes your chin with the back of his wrist, still shaking his head. “can you talk to me?”
“i don’t wanna be with a kook boy. they’re all evil and stuck up and i just don’t like them. i’m a grown up and — and i can make my own decisions and my dad doesn’t have that kind of power over me okay only — only you— you can tell me—” you’re rambling, a little drunk and incoherent as rafe squints at you, bent a little to be able to see you better.
“breathe, alright… m’taking you home. this shit’s not good for you.” the cameron boy wraps an arm around your waist, all but manhandling you in a public- appropriate way toward the exit and piling you into the passenger seat of his car.
the car ride home is quiet aside from a few little sniffles from you, and he doesn’t really know what to say — so he doesn’t say anything. he had a funny way of showing he cares, and is more of an acts of service kinda guy anyway.
you’re still all loose and tipsy when he gets you back to your empty home, still marvelled by how fancy and large it is in comparison to his own. one moment he’s holding a glass of water to your mouth saying “drink.”, wiping you up when it spills down you once more — and then next minute he’s sheepdogging you into your bedroom, glancing around. “now get your little pyjamas or whatever. you’re goin’ t’bed to sleep this off. you’ll be fine.” he drawls, looking round to help you.
upon looking back at you, you’ve already managed to zip off your dress — your mood suddenly a lot more lifted as you bite back your drunken giggles.
“but rafey, i haven’t delivered my promise?” you’re all fluttery lashes and pouts as you touch his chest, the man before you sighing like it was the first time he’d breathed all day. “wan’ed you to put it in my ass all night.” you groan, all high pitched and needy — and fuck does he wanna give in. fuck does he deserve it — should pin you down and take what he wants right now, making you squeal and cry into your sheets, begging for some kind of stimulation in your cunt only to be rewarded with his big hot load in your ass before he tails out of that place before your parents return.
but it wasn’t right. since when did he care about doing what was right?
“nah kid, we’ll revisit that soon alright you’re — you are not in the right state… okay— so just… get into bed. come on.” his voice is a little softer in defeat at his own overwhelming affections and he guides you to the bed, shucking off his blazer and throwing it to the side as he pulls the blankets over you.
“can you stay?” you pout, sleepy as soon as your head hits the pillow.
“…no.” he scratches his cheek, the other large hand resting on your back and rocking you gently like a baby, not sure of how this all works.
you didn’t expect him to say yes, but it still disappoints you. however once your eyes are closed, they don’t open again — and soon you’re waking up in the morning to a hangover and no rafe.
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mari-the-bimbo · 1 year
Nanami: the brat tamer
A/N: I apologise in advance for the woman I became when I wrote this 🙏 Also can we talk about how I randomly defeated my dyslexia and managed to write without bullet points? Lol
Warnings: MINORS DNI, oral sex, adult language, hair pulling? age gap
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Having an older, accountant boyfriend didn’t seem so fun when you had to wait for him to get home after overtime.
You sat on your shared bed, arms crossed, pouting, and aggressively checking the time every 2 seconds, the impatience of waiting for Nanami finally creeped up to you. Now you were mad, how could he leave you like this for so long?!
So even after you heard the front door open and close, you decided to ignore it and pretend you’re sleeping. It’s petty, you know it is, but you convinced yourself it’s what he deserves, even after you heard his faint calls of your name from downstairs.
“Sweetheart?” Says his deep, creamy voice as he reaches the bedroom. You squeeze your eyes shut a bit tighter, in an attempt to block him out.
“I know you’re awake” he says.
You huff in annoyance at his smart ass comment and finally turn around to see him loosen his tie. Damn it, why did he have to be so sexy.
“So? I have nothing to say to you” you reply before turning your back to him again as you get comfy in your bed.
“Oh? Is my sweetheart upset about something?” He asks, trying his best to co operate with your young fiery temper.
You couldn’t help but furrow your brows at his tone, speaking to you as if you were a child having a tantrum. “What do you think?” You say sarcastically as you look at him again with a frown on your face.
You watch his jaw clench and he takes a deep breath, you knew his patience naturally ran thin, yet he tries his best with you. But dealing with you when you’re being a brat isn’t easy.
“I’m being nice y/n. So come here and tell me what’s wrong” he says, large hands grabbing one of your legs that dangled off the side of the bed.
Your bad temper led you to use your leg to push him away, however as your foot collided with Nanami’s stomach, you realised your effort was in no avail. It was like a foot to a wall, a hard, unmoving wall.
You gulped as you look back up at your strong boyfriend. His face would seem indifferent to others, but only you could notice that slight annoyance on his face. “Really y/n?” He asks, daring you to reply as he grabs the foot on his stomach tighter.
But just as you’re about to reply smartly, your breath is stolen as he quickly pulls your body towards him with the hold on your foot. You gasp “Nanami!” as he gets on the bed, now towering on top of your barely clothed body.
You’re about to protest again but he places his hand over your mouth, effectively shutting you up. “No. I gave you a chance to be a good girl but you chose to be a brat, so now you’re going to be disciplined like one” he says, and although you should be scared, you couldn’t help but whimper against his large hand and arch your back.
He wants to laugh at you but he shakes his head instead, “you shameless girl” he says as he removes his clothes and all you could do is hum in agreement and eye his chiselled abs that are no longer begging to burst through his blue shirt.
He sighs as if he’s disappointed but you know he’s loving every second of this. Your eyes are starry as you watch him pull his boxers down, finally letting his fat dick spring out, cum glistening at its tip, making you subconsciously spread your legs out.
Nanami watches you do this with a unamused look. “What are you doing? Do you really believe you deserve to be railed after that attitude?” He scolds, making you stare at him in disbelief and you finally scoff in annoyance.
Suddenly his hands grabs your hair, tugging it ever so slightly, yet the veins on his muscular beefy arms were bulging. “Ah!” “Be quiet, another sound out of you and you’re getting nothing out of me, understand?” He says, his frown deepening the contours of his handsome face.
And that threat humbled you in seconds, you stare in disbelief again but this time you nod. You were in no state to deny this, and he knew that too from the wet patch on your underwear.
“That’s right” he says, as he presses his dick against your face. His pre cum starts dripping down your face, and even as you moan, Nanami keeps the stern look on his face.
He wastes no time pushing himself inside your mouth, your choking is like music to his ears. It’s keeps him moving, his hips thrusting harder every time, because the wet gummy feeling of inside your mouth was just too good against his length. His hands reach behind your head, grabbing all your hair into a ponytail, helping you suck him more easily, bobbing your head so that you can take more of his length.
He lets out a choked moan which only motivates you further, maybe he’ll finally praise you if you try harder. You swirl your tongue around it, sucking harder and harder in hopes of a single praise out of Nanami’s mouth. Because as much as you pretend to be an unbothered bitch, you want be his good girl.
“Ohhhh you’re so good to me sweet girl” he finally says. Suddenly his speed increases, mouth fucking you relentlessly.
You try so hard to keep up with his speed but at some point your mouth gives up and you become a sex toy for his dick to play with. And once he finally slows the pace of his thrusts, and strokes the back of your neck so sweetly, the situation isn't made any easier as the salty taste of his cum flows down your throat as well as trickling down your chin. Nevertheless you swallow it all.
Finally you pull back, gasping for breath, making the remaining cum spill on your neck and breasts, but that’s not good enough for Nanami. “Don’t waste my cum you silly girl. You know I hate wasting”. His long fingers picks up the trail you left behind and presses the creamy trail against your mouth, forcing you to open your mouth and swallow it all.
You struggle to give an answer as you try to regulate your heavy pants.
“Well? What do you have to say?”
“Thank you daddy” you manage to choke out, you knew the drill.
“And?” He says, an eyebrows raised.
“And- I’m sorry for being a brat before” you add, crawling into his lap, craving his warmth. His eyes soften at your exhausted figure, he could never stay mad at his beautiful angel.
He strokes your hair as he watches you become putty against him. Pretty wide eyes staring at him, waiting for praise. He can’t help but give you an amused smile, god, you were so pretty, especially when you had cum glistening on your chin.
He lets you press yourself against his body as he kisses your cheeks. “That’s okay sweetheart, next time you’re sad, you need to tell me, okay?”
“Okay” you lie, knowing damn well you’re going to do it again just to get him mad.
What? It’s not your fault he looks so damn fine when he’s mad.
He presses one last kiss to your head before pulling you away. “Okay you need to get up now princess, you need to show me how sorry you are”
“Huh?” You say.
You continue to stare dumbfounded as a Nanami grabs his tie, his eyes not looking away from yours as he ties your hands together.
Your confusion soon morphs into a giddy smile as you realise what this meant. You open your legs once again, knowing you’re in for a treat. You give Nanami your best puppy eyes and you watch him lick his lips in response. Perfect, you knew you would get your way, Nanami loves you too much to deny you of anything.
“Am I about to get railed?”
“Yes you are sweetheart”
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itsonlydana · 2 months
Noisy Neighbors | hobbit
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pairing: Thranduil x fem!reader x Bard 👑 [king's special]
Your new neighbors have been the bane of your existence - or rather sleep - for the last few nights, always keeping you up with their extensive love life. When you go up to confront the couple, you find another solution to the problem.
warnings/tags: NSWF! THIS IS ADULT CONTENT ✋️| [modern!AU] threesome, oral (f receiving), anal sex (m receiving), unprotected p in v, slight choking, brats (reader & Thranduil), mocking & dirty talk, Thranduil being a snarky bitch, he bites a bit, spitting, one ass-slap, praise, pet names, dom!bard, [reader is described with hair no further, no use of y/n]
word count: 6,2k
an: *lifts hands into the air* I'm sorry but writing Thranduil bitchy in this trio is what comes naturally, alright? I've been powering through this whole Sunday and between watching f1 and eating watermelon and packing up for a vacation, this surely made this day better. (not proofread, just wanted this baby out)
+ masterlist + rules + 🌿 reposts and comments are much appreciated, they motivate me a lot and keep me writing <3
They’re at it. Again! 
Another night and you’re yet again held up by your neighbors fucking for the second time; on a Tuesday no less.
It’s 1 am and nearly seventy-three minutes – timed and noted down in your frazzled brain – after the noise had stopped the first time but now the moaning upstairs continues; this time accompanied by the banging of probably a bed frame that, if the force is anything to go by, is close to smashing in the walls. 
You haven’t seen the new neighbors that had moved into the apartment above you, there had been moving trucks, a handful of handsome and very good-to-look-at guys carrying furniture around the garden and blocking the elevator for hours, leaving cigarette buts around and ringing at yours so often you doubted it was an accident every time, but there had been no one who introduced themselves.
Well, not personally. 
Or rather in person, because what you hear every night is as personal as it gets. 
As you lie in your bed, alone one might add, you wonder who this couple is. 
Not that you have anything better to do. They’re the reason you’ve been either sleepless or fallen asleep to a lovely ASMR of two guys moaning that slowly snuck itself into your dreams; if anyone dares to say it isn’t appropriate or normal to think about the – sex – life of your neighbors you could counter that you had every right! Especially you. 
They’re probably young, you figure, not by the number of times they’re going at each other and the length, god, it has been a good while, that stamina is astounding, but by whatever coherent words you can understand now and again, their voices delimited the range of possible ages. 
And you had seen a pair of laced-up thigh-high black boots walking up the stairs after you had once heard the front door open and raced to peek through the peephole. Another time there had been a pair of very shiny and tight boxers left in the washing room downstairs and while you felt like a creep expecting them hanging on the line a few feet away from you, your basket clutched into your hands as you thought of the other renters here and how often you had seen their underwear, you concluded this must be one of theirs. The shoes as well as the boxers could belong to some older couple but that was most unlikely adding the different factors.
The names on their doorbell say ‘Oropherion & Bowmann’, though no Google search has brought up anything forth that could be them, nothing around this area anyway. 
Another moan rips through the night, guttural and raspy, and by now, that sound’s imprinted into your mind as well as the gasp and shout that follow. A few seconds of bed rattling later the boyfriend/husband/lover roommate with lots and lots of benefits reaches his peak as well in a deep moan that reverberates in your bones and sends a heat to your face and much lower. 
When silence falls, there’s an embarrassing moment of clarity as you release a shaking breath and quickly stand up on shaking legs to open your window, inhaling the cold air outside to fight against the urge to look up some porn and follow their example. 
They’ve gotten to your head, twisted up whatever the stress at work had left to be corrupted into this perverse lust. On the one hand, you’ll do anything for a night of full sleep but on the other hand… what you wouldn’t do to – no, no, no, this route is just a spur of restlessness. Leftover frustration over the last few exes, and dates being unable to bring out whatever your neighbors clearly had no problems with. 
They’re so vocal in their pleasure, that the last experiences of grinding against jeans in dingy club bathrooms or hookups ended in an unsatisfied call to a cab firm makes laying there, listening, fantasizing, even more unbearable. 
Not just because of the few residues of your consciousness, the blaring ‘this is so wrong’ -sign lighting up neon red in your head, but taking in their noises travels a long way through your body and you’re short of actually snapping and resolving the issue of the throbbing inside your pants yourself. 
The silence and air luckily help the cooldown; body and mind alike, and you wait, breathing in and out, calming down. Being up this late (or early) grants you the advantage of hearing the cicadas, the constant clicking, the low buzz of the aircon, and the distant rush of cars passing by. Somewhere there’s laughter, across the street, a TV light flickers through the white curtains fluttering in the opened window. 
People and animals are still up. Life’s going on. Another night of losing sleep isn’t the end of the world, even if the long day ahead will try defiling this feeling of peace that you conjure, brain hooked on the few meditation videos your friend has shown you recently. The stress of this situation manifests in an uncontrollable grumpiness that slips over your tongue and spills out of your eyes like thunderous weather clouded once bright skies – suddenly, one sentence meant nice gets on your nerves. 
You sigh and trot back to the pushed-back covers of your single bed, slipping your naked legs under the thin sheet. This is fine. Completely fine. You just need to close your eyes and concentrate on those damn sheep you had been counting before the rude interruption.
One sheep …. your shoulders sack into the pillow, relaxing slowly.
Two sheep … a heavy yawn breaks through your lips.
Three sheep … finally, you’ll be able to fall asleep. A few hours aren’t preferred, yet they’re better than no sleep at all.
Four sheep — and is that another. fucking. moan?
You sit up in your bed fast enough for dizziness to take over but that isn’t stopping any of the rage that switches your body to autopilot. In seconds after the godforsaken long moan echoes, you’re taking long and hard steps across your apartment, not caring one bit that you’re wearing neither shoes nor a long enough shirt to barely cover your ass and you haven’t even met them so this was neither an appropriate outfit nor emotion to confront them for the first time but fuck propriety!
“Fucking men,” you mumble underneath your breath as you waltz through your front door, – taking one step back to carefully push a sandal in between door and frame –, and then you’re up the stairs. Each step is fueled by that anger, the restlessness that pushes you over. In no other world would you have gotten this infuriated to completely ignore the otherwise introverted side of you, though they have taken it too far, “Just you wait.” 
You basically fly across the corner of the stairway, rushing up the last few steps until you see the dark door, boots standing in front of it, and before you can even think about what you’re about to do, your fists already collide with the wood once, twice, three angry times.
Four for good measure.
Five just because they’re surely taking their time.
Before your hand knocks another time, the door is being ripped open and you’re suddenly face to face with the nightly disturbers of your peace. Or rather face to chest. You’re certain your eyes are still angry because when you lift your chin to look away from those sweaty chests and find their faces, the man closest to you flinches the tiniest bit.
“You’re fucking loud,” you point a finger firstly at them, then down, pronunciation making it clear that you aren’t swearing per se, “I’ve been trying to sleep for so fucking long and I’ll give you one guess why I’m still up and about? Huh? Ever heard of compassion for neighbors or– I don’t know, holding in some of the noises?” Your chest heaves at the row of complaints that spills over your curled lips, cheeks hot and very possibly just as red as they feel.
There is a second of silence where your voice carries through the hallway, bouncing along the walls. 
You take the opportunity to give them a quick once-over, adding a wealth of new details to the mental picture you've been building. The man in front has dark brown, messy hair pulled into a ponytail, with some silver strands curling and sticking wetly to his forehead and temples. He sports a scruffy beard, with stubble on his pinkish cheeks and a thicker mustache over his lips. His body hair trails down, covering his defined chest, and extends further into the tight black boxers you saw in the basement.
The other one is strikingly different. Tall as well, towering over you though this has to do with the ice-cold and annoyed look that bores into you out of blue-grey eyes under heavy eyebrows. Long blonde hair falls over his lean chest, slightly ruffled but that’s no wonder after the two-and-a-half rounds in their bed. His lips are stuck together, adding to his attitude.
Both of them are gorgeous, dressed in nothing but boxers, and their bodies are marked by fingerprints and scratches. And while they surely are a bit older than you, that gap couldn’t be much.
“Wow,” the blonde, the one leaning against the wall behind his partner, the one being more long legs than anything else, rolls his eyes, “Aren’t you lovely?” 
You swear you nearly feel a vein pop. 
“Lovely?” you bring out between clenched teeth. 
The brunette shoots a look over his shoulder, getting a shrug out of the taller one in exchange that most likely means he doesn’t care one bit, and then he turns back to you, offering a crooked smile that sinks in the edge of the right corner, an apology pulling the plush lips down. “I’m sorry,” he starts and nudges his head back, “an’ excuse Thranduil, he can be very – bratty.” The thick accent that curls around the words slightly surprises you but you’re back on track fast.
One eyebrow raised you stare at them. “Sure,” sarcasm drips over your tongue, “and to shut him up you dick him down or what?” In the morning, you’ll probably very much regret this crude language, the dismissive tone that resembles more a hiss than anything else. 
“Yes, actually,” Thranduil cuts in and pushes his sharp chin up, looking down at you over the bridge of his nose. One of his hands, gods, they’re huge, lazily pats the broad shoulders of his partner, long and ringed fingers clanking together. He’s laying down heavily on some possessive shit you couldn’t care less about.
“Bite the curb or turn the moaning down,” you snap back, brows furrowed together. 
“Maybe –” 
“I’m Bard, by the way,” the brunette interrupts him and holds out a hand for you to shake. Hands, that had been who knew where a few minutes ago. Both of you seem to realize this at the same moment and while he cringes and pulls back, you offer your name, only looking at Bard and ignoring Thranduil, draped over Bard's back like a prying cat.
“Nice to meet ya. Thought about coming down a few times but never caught you home,” Bard says, attempting small talk. His effort is overshadowed by the sharp look-over Thranduil gives you, and it's clear that this is not the time to play the friendly neighbor.
You make that clearer by crossing your arms in front of your chest, unconsciously bunching up your shirt, and revealing the black string of your panties. Bard swallows, heavily.
“Well, nice to meet you,” you echo back dryly and cock your hip, “Can I go back to sleep in peace now? Are we done with this?”
Bard’s smile is pained, a bit embarrassed if you have to guess. “Sure, sorry again.”
“I’m not.” 
Thranduil hasn’t even looked at you as he whispers loud enough into Bard’s ears that it’s definitely meant for yours as well. And that piece of shit has the gall to flutter his lashes, his mouth ghosting over the hickey right against Bard’s neck, the offending lips curled into a smirk you want to wipe off. 
The sigh that leaves Bard is deep and deflates his whole chest, his shoulders following the drop of his arms. “Thran–”
“Oh, is that right?” On the contrary, you push your shoulders back and tip your head, sizing up the neighbor who, in your opinion, can move right back out again. No matter how pretty and unfairly sexy he is, that mouth of his ruins it. “Where do you pull out this fucking behavior? I just came here because you two have been going at it for hours and haven’t bothered to think about anyone else. I'm so sorry that –”
“Apology accepted,” Thranduil grins. His grey eyes are gleaming in amusement at your noticeable anger and he makes a high sound out of the back of his throat that sounds a lot like a giggle.
“Fucking hell, Thran!” Bard slaps his hand back, the flat of his palm meeting flexing muscles of Thranduil’s thigh, and lowly, sensually, Thranduil moans. This man is the walking definition of shamelessness.
That sound, the low vibration that usually comes through your walls, shoots to your core so fast that you sputter on the next breath. Hot curling heat makes itself comfortable in your lower stomach and you can’t help but blush – a feast for the unabashed man.
“If I had known we had such’ prude for a neighbor we would’ve found another place,” Thranduil says, most likely just to tease, because in the few minutes you’d known him, he’s definitely a teasing brat.
Ready to fight for yourself you shake your head and furrow your brows further.  “I'm not prude –”
“It’s okay” A Cheshire cat-like smile disproves the false compassion, making it all sound much more patronizing. Thranduil has gotten under your skin, an itch you yearn to scratch however you can, “Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“No, but I’m not a prude!” You lick your teeth, stepping closer to their door as if that will make your point more convincing than the tight vintage shirt you’re wearing, with a fading Care Bear printed right over your tits.
In mocking, Thranduil rests his chin on Bard’s shoulder, holding your slowly wavering gaze. “Not everybody is comfortable with such an active sex life.”
With ease he smothers every bit of self-control you have left, thinning out your resolve to stand higher than him. You glower, all the thoughts of failed one-night stands pressing onto your tongue and loosening it faster than you can realize what you’re spitting in front of their feet – one statement powerful enough to change the entire atmosphere into another type of tension:
"I would be if I would get it!" 
“Woah, let’s take it a notch back, shall we, hun?” Bard’s soothing voice could have been directed at each or either one of you two, and you notice how heavy your breathing has become, how much your hands twitch pressed against your breasts, and how Bard’s eyes flicker over where the shirt stretches tighter. 
The hand on Thranduil’s thigh wanders higher, immediately capturing your attention and it's the tanned color of it against ivory white that gets you. The difference in softness and hardness, obvious callouses moving over smooth skin. 
As subtly as possible, you shift your weight to squeeze your thighs together, heightening the throbbing evoked by every inch of skin in front of you. 
Neither Thranduil nor Bard misses it. You can tell it by Bard’s eyes darkening, Thranduil’s smirk widening dangerously and their stance, Thranduil’s arms slinging across Bard’s taut stomach, fiddling with the silky band of his boxers, as well as Bard leaning more right – opening up the way into their dark apartment.
“What if –,” Bard starts, fingers digging into Thranduil’s thigh.
Ice-cold eyes that suddenly burn with hot interest look you over, stopping right where the hem of your shirt exposes your underwear, “You could join us?” 
The offer shuts down your body as soon as your mind comprehends what Thranduil’s lowered, honeyed voice had presented to you and unfortunately, the inquiring “huh?” sounds much more like a whimper than originally planned. This question, this golden opportunity presented on a silver platter is fuel to the aching arousal pooling in your stomach and you can’t deny that, while lying in bed at night, listening to their intimacy, hadn’t evoked that dirty thought in you. 
Flushes of heat spread from your pelvis. You lick over your teeth. 
“What?” you laugh nervously. 
“You’ve heard us right,” Thranduil’s hand stills over the v of Bard’s hips. That he doesn’t move is nearly as taunting as the constant toying, wandering, and scratching he had done till then. 
“Pff as if –,” you stutter stubbornly, even if the pooling of wetness in your underwear betrays you, “as if.. as if I'm gonna waltz into the apartment of two strangers.. two men! You could do whatever to me!”
“Yeah, and you heard exactly what we could bring out of you” 
Their moans and the bed slamming against the wall are pretty good arguments against a case already won in their favor, despite how you’re still trying to grasp for straws.
“My organs when you strip me to the bed and murder me silently?”
“Jeez, you have an imagination woman. Is the stick this far up your ass that –”
“Babe!” Bard’s elbow lands in Thranduil’s side, warningly and soft just like his voice.
“No, let him finish” you glare at Thranduil, “I’d like to know what he thinks about presumed stick in my arse and its results.”
“I think you are prude and underfucked, jealous and so stripped up tightly you won't admit that a good fuck – and honey, I’ll deliver nothing less – would loosen you up,” Thranduil finishes his speech with a tip of his head forward, daring you to talk back and gosh, you wish you had some comeback, anything to prove him wrong, however, the wetness that sticks syrupy between your legs strikes out all other thoughts except:
You want them. You want both of these men.
“So—so what?” you retort, knowing they're right, a pout forming on your lips and a persistent crease of defiance. “That's such a testosterone-driven answer; typical man, thinking their cocks are the miracle cure to a woman’s dry spell.”
Even Bard tuts now, his soft eyes falling to your underwear. “You sure? Hun, you can whine all ‘bout but I can see your cute little panties being all wet – oh come on, don’t blush, I see them alright?” And sure, the material may cling to your cunt and the breeze in the hallway coming from an open window enhances that feeling, but– “Darlin’,” Bard chuckles, “Stop thinking, ‘s not that hard to accept you want it. Come on in, let Thranduil apologize sincerely for his hissy fit.”
You huff. 
Thranduil breathes a kiss toward you, pink lips forming a cute heart, and you only think: “Fuck it.”
Thranduil’s mouth, as he proves a few minutes later, is quite good at apologizing, fantastic even.
You’re spread on your back across their bed – ironically you find out it’s directly above yours –, legs opened up by his large hands, the metal of his rings biting ice-cold into the heated flesh as he kneads his fingers into your thighs and teases you most annoyingly by kissing all around your clit. His arms are wrapped around you in a way that's confining you to lie there and take whatever he decides to give you, or not in some moments.
“Pretty girl –,” Thranduil murmurs into the sensitive and practically vibrating skin, “Should’ve known there’s something sweet about that sour tongue.” His tongue is just as bitter, licking straight through your folds, gathering the absurd amount of wetness and ending shortly before your clit to press a wide opened mouth kiss into you. 
Your hips buck upward in desperation and at the same time exhilaration and Thranduil’s biceps flex to pin you down again; giving you no wiggle room.
“Better lie still,” Bard whispers and tilts your head back by the hand he wraps loosely around your throat. It’s not hard enough to blur your vision, but just hard enough to remind you of the power he holds over you. His fingertips close in together, putting the right amount of pressure on your windpipe for you to gasp for air; then he pounces in and takes over your lips in a heated kiss.
Your behavior, because you do in fact give it your best to stop your legs from crushing the head between your legs, is rewarded by Thranduil with the assistance of his tongue finally flicking over your swollen clit, first playfully then in earnest. He closes his lips around the bundle of nerves, grazing his teeth slightly over it and your head would’ve fallen back if it isn’t for the hand holding you to Bard. “Oh fuck,” you whine and grasp down. 
The second you burrow your hands into Thranduil’s hair, twirling some strands around your fingers for a better hold, he moans into you. Hot air meets the wetness of your pussy and the tips of your nails dig slightly into his hair roots. It turns him on more, that you grind yourself desperately against his face, your hands weaved into his hair to get back control and Thranduil’s tongue swipes over your pussy, diving in to plunge the tip into your entrance. 
“That’s it,” he gasps, sending the words straight through you while he fucks his tongue back into you a few times. Then he switches back to sucking on your clit and doesn’t stop; no matter how your thighs shook and fought to shut close, he stayed on his task of taking you completely into his mouth and rolling his tongue in figure-eights, circling in closer and closer. 
The sounds of Thranduil eating you out are pornographic, slickness from your spit and wetness, his ever-constant breathing and relentless swirls through your pussy that have your back in a wonderful arch. Bard’s lips swallow most of your whimpers up, and when he starts to lick his tongue against yours, teeth playfully tugging on your lower lip, you feel the stars before you see them. 
It starts up fast, heading toward you at full speed and you choke out your orgasm in a broken wail, fingers tightening in Thranduil’s hair. When he doesn’t stop and stimulation becomes overstimulation, your eyes flutter to escape the nearly drunken stare of his gray eyes hidden under long lashes and finally, he slows down. Bard too, leaves your lips in one last, dragged-out kiss that you want to chase after; his mouth is too sweet and gentle, a perfect harmony of caring and hunger.
“All attitude until the attitude drips down her legs and messes up our bedsheets,” Thranduil laughs huskily and wipes the back of his hand over his glistening lips and chin. He puckers his mouth, a wide grin on his face as he crawls up to you. “Now, how do you want this?”
Breathless, you look up to Thranduil and Bard, the latter already moving to shed himself of his boxers. When you see what Bard packs under the tight black underwear a wheezing laugh escapes your throat.
“Yeah,” you scoff at his arched eyebrow, “I would be fucking that multiple times as well.” 
His cock stands heavy against his stomach, thick and bobbing, white precum rolling down the veins. “Like what you see?” Bard teases, one hand wrapped around himself, leisurely stroking up and down. “I’ll let you have a taste if you’re good.”
A large palm spreads over your abdomen and Thranduil slides two fingers down to pinch your still sensitive clit so you yelp and scowl at him. “You won’t be getting any of that tonight,” his voice sounds threateningly possessive, and at the sight of his much taller body towering over yours and that look in his eyes, your stomach flips. “Don’t think I’ll let you hop on there after you disturbed us. Tonight –,” Again, that word that emphasized like he did promises more nights after this, “tonight he’s mine.” The last bit he whispers into your ear, the soft locks of his hair brushing your still-covered chest. 
All that Thranduil had time to undress you for, had been your underwear and those had landed ripped into two somewhere in the darkness of their bedroom. This meant you would have to borrow some of theirs or rush downstairs with your cunt on display and after this should be over, you have no idea if you would even be able to walk. 
Thranduil, by the feeling of his bulge pressing into your stomach, isn’t small either. That cockiness had to have a source somewhere and they don’t call it that for no reason.
Bard’s laughter interrupts the staring contest you two have going on, otherwise you’re not sure how long it would’ve gotten on or who would’ve quit first; not you, he could poke his cock into you however he wants. The other man walks around the bed, heading to the end where Thranduil’s long legs hang off and by the sudden twitch in the body crowding yours into the mattress and the cry Thranduil lets out, you strongly think there has been a tickling involved. 
You laugh as well, the sound dying swiftly when Thranduil turns back to you and grinds his hips into you. All that comes out then, is a straggled whine. 
“Fucking asshole,” you grumble and pull on his hair again, forcing his head down for you to kiss his wet lips. 
Able to taste yourself on his tongue, you greedily open your mouth further, and Thranduil wastes no second to dominate. He takes over the kiss, distracting you just enough that you don’t notice Bard taking off Thranduil’s boxers until the cock against your stomach twitches at a particular noise out of the back of your throat and precum dribbles onto your skin. 
“Someone’s eager,” you tease.
Thranduil promptly bites you in return. “Says the slut moaning under me,” he retorts, scratching his canines across your neck. “Now, take that skimpy shirt off or I’ll rip it like that sad excuse of underwear.” 
You roll your eyes but follow his demand, pulling the tight shirt off and flinging it away. Free for him to touch, Thranduil’s fingers of one hand find your right tit, and, putting the rock-hard pebble in between them, he steals the air out of your lungs pulling and twisting your nipples. “At least, oh fuck you –!” 
Your attempt to speak gets drowned out by a cry of need and suddenly, you’re getting crushed into the mattress by Thranduil’s heavy weight, his fingers still tight around your nipple and his mouth close to your ear. His ass is the only thing not forcing you down. 
Bard, who has been silently chuckling and observing until now, decided the time’s right to move this forward and over the head of blonde hair pushing itself into the crook of your neck, panting hotly and frustrated, you see Bard circling his rim with two fingers. 
“So that’s what shuts you up,” you whisper for Thranduil to hear. 
He lifts his head slightly, though the angry eyebrows fall quickly at another moan.
Behind Thranduil, illuminated by the moonlight outside, Bard looks positively majestic and dominating, his shoulder-length hair free from the ponytail, falling ruffled into his face as he inhales and forcefully spits down to where his fingers are slowly pushing further into the ass presented to him. 
“That’s good, Darlin’,” he praises and Thranduil keens, eyes full of hearts, “Push back a bit, makin’ it easy for me, aren’t you? Go on, sweetheart.” At your gasp – you’re not unaffected by the praise, not at all and if you weren’t coming down from a sensational orgasm that had your clit in flames.. – Bard looks up and winks at you. “Go on. Wonderful, you’re just the best. Look at you, beautiful.” He’s obviously talking to Thranduil but you follow his command despite it; the aura around Bard makes it impossible to do anything less than obey. 
Lying there under these two men, feeling their weight, hearing their moans and the rasps of their deep voices, and being clouded in the smell of sweat, cum, and body odors mixing, is fulfilling fantasies you hadn’t been creative enough to think up.
“Oh – Bard, can you – hah, yes, there –” Thranduil arches into the touch catlike, his back up in the air and the curve of his spine glistening, now that a few drops of sweat are decorating the skin, marked in pink trails of fingernails of a hand that twists slightly and adds another finger. 
Your chest is full of blonde hair, platinum after another inspection, strands perfect to comb your hands through. Thranduil’s lashes flutter beautifully. His lips open up, puffing out airy breaths, pink plush lips coated in spit after he runs his tongue over them. 
Biting down a comment of how he had been right about the ‘shutting up and dicking down’, you act without thinking. The kiss is much slower and sensual than the last, maybe to distract Thranduil from that pain/pleasure that Bard afflicts on him, opening him up four fingers at one time. Soon though, the grind of Thranduil’s hips becomes too much to endure, he already left a wet trail of precum all over you and while you’re still gasping into his mouth, you blindly reach between your bodies. 
“Goddamit,” you grunt, angling your hips slightly, “You’re no help at all.”
“What?” Thranduil groans and everything vibrates, “I’m the one having four fingers up my arse, can’t you just wait a fucking second?” 
“Mhm, no.”
“You’re such a brat,” he leans down, hair fanning over you and trapping you in a bubble where it’s just you, his panting breath and the fire in his eyes; he’s gorgeous. “I’m sorry but –”
“Apology accepted,” you cut him off, smiling sweetly.
A second later you swear you’re being ripped apart; immediately tears spring into your eyes, hiding Thranduil’s satisfied smirk behind a watery curtain as he pushes his cock in further, stretching you past known limits. The only proof that you’re still breathing is the pitchy moan, the whine that follows the stretch of inch after inch.
It’s going on forever. The rocking of Thranduil’s hips. The slow drill of his cock pushing its way through you, carving a spot into your clenching walls. Surely it’ll come out of your throat. 
You blink fast, regain your vision, and look down.
“Oh my fucking god,” you slap a hand against Thranduil’s shoulder, trying to get a grip on reality, “How are you this big?”
“He’s a mouthful,” Bard pitches in, grinning, and finally reaches a point where he has prepared Thranduil enough. He spits again; once into his hand, which he immediately closes around his cock again, and once between the globes of Thranduil’s ass, watching it trail down. Bard gathers some of Thranduil’s long hair to gently push it over his side. “Are you ready, my love?” he bows down for a soft kiss to the protruding bones of Thranduil’s arched spine.
Ironically, that's what finally gets you and Thranduil on the same page. 
A page that was full of unintelligible curses, punctuated by groans and underlined by hands grabbing for each other. 
Your hand digs itself into Thranduil’s back as he finally bottoms out, buried so deep you can feel him in the back of your throat – or that’s the pressure from that massive cock bullying your insides – and he stills, hipbones digging into you as well as if he hasn’t already marked you up enough with his girth.
Bard reaches forward, thus pushing in faster than Thranduil expects it and your fingers intertwine over the blonde's back. Electricity zips through you, starting from your toes pressing into the sheets, up your shaking thighs to your clenching cunt, and higher up your spine into your head.
Thranduil, fully sandwiched between you, can do nothing except follow the unforgivable rhythm Bard sets. 
The bed creaks as he rocks into you, just when Bard pushes in. The start is messy, lots of “There–” and “Fuck, slower–” until they change it up. 
Thranduil’s breathing is ragged and erratic as he moves against you, his hips pistoning against yours in a steady, firm rhythm. His arms hold you in place, his body covering you completely, lips moving along your neck and shoulder. You, being just on the receiving end, take everything he gives.
“Finally out of complaints, aren’t you?” he angles his hips to thrust harder. “A – ahh – all you needed was a good cock to shut you up.” 
You almost gag on a whine, proving him just right. “No– so-ohh – not true.”
A fleeing look to Bard and you’re silently begging. For what you don’t know. Maybe his support. Maybe to fuck Thranduil hard enough he swallows his words.
“Oh, Thranduil,” Bard starts and you truly think he’ll be on your side,  “If she’s still trying to mouth back you’re doing something – fuck – wrong!”
Thranduil laughs, fucking laughs. Each snap of his hips fills the room with shameless sounds, and as painful as it is to admit, his low baritone causes your pussy to clench tighter, dripping arousal. The fire they started burns higher when he wedges one hand down between your legs, somehow landing on your clit perfectly despite the brutal pace of his and Bard’s thrust. 
“You should’ve come up the first day you heard us,” Thranduil spits out, “Could’ve had this cock making you happy every night. You needed this, right? Someone, to fuck you stupid? Did you lie awake all night and listened to Bard fucking me, fiddling with yourself as if your dumb little fingers could ever come close to this?” His middle finger demonstratingly flicks your clit up.
“Please, oh– please, please,” you sob, the messy circles he’s rubbing with his thumb dumbing you down to a mumbling mess. Pleasure dances in every vein, lights up nerve endings in white-hot fire. 
"Gosh, I think I’m feeling that stick I had been talking about,” Thranduil rasps, pressing his palm against your lower stomach, bringing out another wail, “Oh wait no, that's just me giving you exactly what you needed." 
You’re wringing out his cock, every stroke sends him deeper and deeper, crushing your g-spot, urged on by the slaps of Bard’s balls. He’s taking it slower, staying against Thranduil’s prostate and spreading his hands in the long hair to control when his boyfriend slams into you. 
“C’mon, honey. Be good and come on Thran’s cock, won’t you? He’s so sorry for his bratty behavior but as you can see –” Bard sends his hand down swiftly, shocking you as his palm lands flat on Thranduil’s right cheek with a loud ‘smack’; a scream of pleasure and Bard pats the already reddening skin, “he’s insatiable.” 
That’s what does it for you, in the end. 
Already spiraling toward the edge with Thranduil’s pace and his fingers slipping, rubbing, flicking in all directions, it’s the calmness in Bard that sends you over. The relaxed hold in Thranduil’s hair, how he thrones above you, patiently waiting for his turn because he’s already fucked Thranduil twice tonight – what are another few minutes of watching you slurring their names?
If Thranduil’s cock broke you in half, the orgasm that spikes through you angrily and into every cell splinters whatever’s there to shred. It’s blinding, hot and cold, a wildfire and ice bath. It’s the strongest you’ve cum in a while and your brain shuts down. 
Thranduil groans as you clench around him, but, sensing – or seeing it in your fucked out expression – that you can’t take anymore, he drags his cock out of you. 
Half conscious your head drops to the side as you try to catch a breath that isn’t sweat and hair. Through blurred eyes, you have a front-row seat to the change in Bard. He swiftly lifts his head once, shaking back his hair and exposing the long column of his throat and the muscles that flex in his shoulder, before he’s sprawled atop Thranduil, grabbing the red and heavy cock wet with your cum and fucks him. 
Raw and unapologetic. 
Fingers pull on Thranduil’s hair, forcing his head back into his neck and Thranduil groans, arching his back closer to Bard. It’s a glorious sight, their hips meeting again and again, Bard’s hand wrapped around Thranduil’s cock, pulling and jacking him off in that same rhythm that Thranduil had rubbed you earlier.
Bard’s panting as well now, grinding more than thrusting and watches himself disappear inside Thranduil. “You feel so good, Thran–” he mumbles, “one more time for me, alrigh’ gorgeous? You did perfectly tonight, taking me three times.”
The praise continues to rain, hailing down like the short and precise twitches of Bard’s hips and when Thranduil hits the bed in a low moan of Bard’s name, coating the bedsheets underneath him white, Bard follows shortly after; buried deep inside his boyfriend.
For a while, the room is filled with efforts to catch your breath. Sweat clings to your body like a second skin, glistening on Thranduil and Bard lying close to each other next to you as well. 
“Oh my god,” you whisper, “the neighbors are gonna hate us.”
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hysteria-things · 7 months
I need a 3rd part with Nate soooo bad
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SINFUL DESIRES (part three)
read part one here
read part two here
read part four here
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: nate x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you’re going on a date this weekend! oh, and the date is your arch nemesis… so you say.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: FLUFF, swearing, friendly banter
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 704
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: second anon i kid you not i wrote this in the afternoon and had it in my drafts to post later and when i saw that in my inbox i was gobsmacked LMAO
ANYWAY thank you sm and here is the awaited part three💕
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the mirror placed on the wall next to your front door has your reflection on it as you fix up your hair and lipgloss.
you still cannot fathom that you’re going on a date with nathan doe.
well, he didn’t want to admit that it was a date. he said — and quote — “we should go get something to eat this weekend. dress fancy, too!”
the ringing of the doorbell echoes through the foyer, and you give one last peek at yourself before opening the door.
nate’s dressed in a white dress shirt, black dress pants, and shoes. he has a small bouquet of tulips in his hand, your favorite flowers ever since you were little.
he remembered.
his eyes scan your body that’s hugged with a sage green dress that has some poof to it, daisies embroidered on it. the sleeves are off the shoulders, and gold jewelry decorates your ears and neck. “well, well, well. look who came to their enemy’s doorstep holding presents. how thoughtful.”
“oh, shut up. i’m here to pick you up for our date.”
his hand never left your thigh as he drove to the restaurant, and you hate to admit that the feeling made you blush.
he opens the door for you, and you step out to admire the exterior. the lights around it are dim and the colors of the building are warm earthy colors. it’s definitely an italian restaurant. also your favorite ever since you were a kid.
he remembered that, too.
the hostess brings you guys to the table, and you get settled as the both of you look through the menus.
“you look very beautiful tonight,” he says, peeking at you from above the menu since they're bigger than your heads.
you hide your smile with a lip bite. “thank you. you look handsome.”
he chuckles, tapping your foot from under the table. the waiter comes over, places your orders, and takes the menus.
nate leans on the table to admire you, smiling as you start talking. “do you know what we should do after this?”
“what should we do, pretty?”
man. that nickname’s starting to grow on you.
you grin. “we should go to barnes and noble. i need more books.”
“you don’t need more books.” he rolls his eyes. “nerd alert.”
he lets out a sound of pain when you kick him under the table. “nate, please? for me?” you give him puppy dog eyes along with a fake pout.
he crosses his arms. “we’re not going to fucking barnes and noble.”
you went to barnes and noble. you drag nate behind you by the pinky, smiling when the whiff of books hits you.
you go over to the young adult section, skimming through them to find a book that’ll interest you.
he’s leaning against the bookshelf, staring in awe. he doesn’t understand how one can love books so much, but it’s okay because it’s you.
when you find a book you like, you go over to the counter. “hello!” you greet, placing the object on the counter.
the cashier scans it, tapping a few buttons on the screen in front of her. “that’ll be $21.00.”
you go to reach for your card, but hear a BEEP and look up, seeing nate’s card inserted into the machine. “you already paid for dinner.” you say lowly.
he nudges you with his arm, taking out his card. “do you have a pen by chance?” he asks the woman, using his hand to portray a writing motion.
she gives one to him, and he moves you so you’re behind him. he starts to write something in your book, and you jump to try to look over his shoulder. it’s no use.
“thank you.” he smiles, giving the pen back and grabbing your book. “let’s go.”
when you guys get comfortable in the car, you sigh. “what’d you write in it?”
he stares deep into your eyes, taking the book off of his lap and handing it to you without saying another word.
you hesitantly open it, and a small message written in blue pen is revealed on the inside cover.
will you officially be my girlfriend?
circle one:
yes or yes
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @txssvx @sttzee @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @matthewsspecial @idkhowtosleep @sturniolho @suga-daddy-69 @tworosesblackthorn @luckistar-posts
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fluff-n-cookies · 4 months
Hello :)
Could you please do and platonic Aizawa x daughter reader?
His daughter is in her teen years so she is being like really rebel and all that so they fought a lot, but one day she just breaksdown during one fight and starts crying and apologizing for being a shitty daughter?
I have been avoiding this for so long, and it's all because I have no idea how aizawa would handle something like this. because it goes against everything that Aizawa would try and teach his kid so this may be a little forcefully written, apologies.
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TW : unhealthy parenting, mental illness, some suicidal thoughts, probably angsty shit, I dunno, read at your own risk.
We can start this by walking through how this may start in the first place. I think the best place to start is that reader's mom left her and Aizawa when she was very young, and Aizawa, assuming here he didn't understand how to properly tell her why her mother left her, never tells her why.
Now reader is very young so she might blame one of two things.
her father
While both instances would technically work, I think the more favorable option is she blames herself since a young child would probably never blame an adult they look up to and hold dear as the problem.
Up to this point her father has been really kind to her so the only other variable is her, this spirals into social anxiety, low self esteem, and depression. all of which don't help when you have an absent mother and a neglectful father who is both a teacher and a full time hero, which leaves little to no room for children.
(this is also why I think it isn't realistic for Aizawa to keep Eri or a child without another non-hero caretaker. Fight me, I dare you.)
As time goes on, and this child becomes a teenager, she might not know how to properly express her feeling and after being misguided by factors like the internet, other adults, and "friends" she might take out the feeling of being abandoned on her closest caretaker and another source of her problems; Aizawa.
if you purposely yell at him or start arguments it's not going to be very fun because Aizawa has this complex where if his students or other heros represent incompetence or arrogance he expels them or ignores him rather than explaining it to them and helping them improve, this is especially with students.
and since he lacks a true connection with you as his daughter mainly because of his job(s) and past with Oboro which he is still trying to heal from keeping him from bonding with you, he'll treat you as a student like the rest of the teenagers he knows. and even then, you may actually be treated worse than his students because while he interacts with them daily, he interacts with maybe 1 hour every other day.
so from all that he simply ignores you, just stops interacting with you entirely, he's too tired for your bullshit. this action makes the wedge between you two even worse.
if you keep persisting though he will yell back but it's often really short and really loud. something like "SHUT UP" a cold "I don't care." before slamming the door in your face. He knows it's probably not right to do that to your daughter but let's face it. you're just this annoying teenager he legally has to live with if he doesn't want to lose his hero and teaching license.
this is where things actually get very interesting, because let's assume he stops approaching you entirely, you just live in the same house nothing more than that, and while you may act like you hate your father for ruining your family and neglecting you all your life on the outside, remember, you're still that little kid in second grade that blames yourself for your mother leaving and your father not caring for you.
so let's say you realize this and go back to blaming yourself for everything like you did when you where a kid but since your father stopped talking to you entirely explaining your faults to him maybe difficult.
this where my personal experiences come in, I've actually had this happen to me in my own life, and I truely hope that you'll enjoy it. thank you.
why is it that the voices are the loudest in the dead of night?
the moon is gone, the birds are silent, there isn't a single light that shines on your tear streaked face, puffly, swollen, sad, just sad.
years of confusion, neglect, a lack of love in it's purest form.
all because of you.
it's all because of you.
it's sings so prettily, like it's a church choir spreading the word of the lord like it's common knowledge.
it's common knowledge that you are a terrible person!
it cackles.
the urge to strangle yourself to finally feel some relief has never been stronger.
lie awake in the dead of night, in pitch darkness, a proper scenery to match ones broken and cracked soul, be careful, you might hurt yourself, again.
however, one cannot weep in their wallows forever.
the night has to make way for the morning sun.
and a relaxed self pity has to make way to dread.
dread of him, he who you blame for everything, everything you know is your fault.
it's all your fault.
a click at the door,
the creak of the old wood and the hinges never oiled.
mild thumping footsteps that wander around the apartment that can barely hold your overflowing buckets of tears.
you can mumble out all your pleas.
pleas that this is all a terrible nightmare and your real life is actually one with a kind and loving mother and a supportive and encouraging father.
mumble out the little lies that you made up all these years to make yourself feel worse and other better.
"it's pointless to keep trying."
"I wish I wasn't here."
"why can't I just be happy?"
"it's all my fault,
it's all my fault,
it's all my fault."
the thin walls don't do those in mourning justice though.
for the wind is calm, the branches don't dare to move, the owls, the bats, the sleeping heros in training downstairs don't make a peep.
for the only ones alive, awake, aware, is a man beaten down and broken by society serving as it's protector, ignoring the one in most need of protection all this time. With him is a girl. a girl that's scared, scared of her mirror image that haunts her, a girl who's cried an ocean, screamed a thousand wails of pain, a girl lost in her own heart,
"No wonder no one loves you."
you lie again.
but keen ears trained from years of work with villains hears you, for the first time, he hears you.
not the rebellious teen he's seen yell out strings of pure hatred and fiery insults like he's her own worst enemy.
it's the girl who he saw waiting on the steps to their apartment all those years ago. waiting for her mama to come back home with the promise of cupcakes.
it's the girl who never smiled for the remainder of elementary school.
it's the girl who's heart withered way that autumn evening.
he heard the softest little voice in the dead of night. he heard his daughter cry
"No wonder no one loves you."
"But I love you."
for that whole night, for that whole night.
the peace was disturbed.
for that whole night, it seemed that the moon shone once again.
it may not be the sun. but it'll do for now.
Aizawa walked away shortly after that.
leaving a little girls and her mirror image to ponder.
Afterwards I don't think he'd talk about it too much, he's proabably approach you after breakfast the next morning and tell you "you can talk to him about it if you want." but not much more than that
he definitely would change his practices though. like getting you a therapist, taking the weekends off in favor of being around the house more.
he'll let you get used to his presence first like one would with a cat, and one day. maybe years later, or tomorrow, you'll talk to him.
you'll tell him you love him too.
and maybe.
just maybe.
the world will stop,
and everything will be okay.
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mikalame · 1 year
Can she come, please
This is gonna be a bout little tom and TH going on their first tour and he's wanting you to come a long with the band ( young love relationship)
taglist: @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley @saumspam
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"Please let her come sir i promise nothing bad will happen to her, please..." Tom childish voice bounces of the wall in the living room. His pleading feel on the deaf ears of his girlfriends dad.
It was currently 11:30 pm at night the tour bus was leaving in an hour Tom was already running late. He just wanted his lovely girlfriend to come along on on their first tour what was so bad about it.
"Boy, do you know how stupid you sound right now, do you really think that i would let my little girl go in a bus with people i dont know-" "but you know me! " Tom argues back
"Dont interrupt me, i may know you but i don't trust you little boy" The older man snaps at the young boy "____ calm down let Tom speak" ___ mum asks with a hushed voice the only person that on his side with letting her come along
"Please sir, this is a very big achievement and shes been there since the beginning pleas-" "dad whats going on, why are you yelling" a girls voice echos through the halls before a body pops out from the hallway.
Looking in the girl is very confused seeing her dad angry looking at her boyfriend and her mother trying to calm down her dad. "Go back to bed ___ this has nothing to do with you" The man says not using the same tone of voice as a couple seconds ago "well if my boyfriends involved i think i does, hi Tom" The girl says kissing the boys cheek before sitting down.
"Wait aren't you supposed to be on tour right now" The girl questions "yes i am, and i was asking your dad if you could come along but he's not agreeing" Tom says frustrated rubbing his hand over his face "Oh you little-" "okay, you two go up to ___ room ill be there in a second i need to talk to your dad first" ___ mother says calm and collected, very over this discussion.
Before her dad could argue against it they bolt down the hall and close the door shut. They talk for a while saying things about how they would text and call whenever they can before Tom had a great idea.
"Why dont you just run away and come we could leave right now" Tom says chipper thinking is was one of the best ideas in the world "No Tom, thats a stupid idea my dad will kill you and then me for even going along with that plan" ___ whines back.
"My dad already doesn't like you why do you think that wold be a good idea" ___ pleads not wanting her boyfriend to not get even more hate then he already gets from her dad.
Just then her dad opens the door, Tom stands up ready to defend himself again. "Sit down down Tom, i dont trust, like or even want you in my house right now, ...but my daughter seems to really like you a lot so i suppose you can go" The kids start cheering only for it to be cut off "BUT, i need you to answer my questions okay" The boy nods dreads to short to tie up yet bouncing with his head.
"Will there be adult supervision?" the man questions "yes every bosy but from us will be adults" the boy very happy that she is able to come along.
"No alcohol, drugs or anything of the sorts on the bus" The man says eyebrow lifting, eyes squiting looking for any detail that could say that the boy was lying to him. "Nope sir, the only people what would have alcohol would be the adults, they wont give anything to us dont worry" they young boy adds trying to better his chances at getting her dad to like him.
The older man huffs "fine but i want you to know Tom im not fully agreeing to this, ___ mum is the only reason why ___ coming with you dont think i like you right now" "i understand sir" Tom nods
"___ pack your things you need to leave in like an hour, hurry up" the man says nonchalantly over his shoulder.
Time skip
"Thank you so much mum and dad i love you see you in a couple weeks" The young girls says the excitement bubbling in her voice " Thank you ma'am and sir promise shes in good hands" The boy says "yeah she better be" the man huffs "you two be safe and careful, wish you good luck to you and your band Tom" ___ mother says with a warm smile on her face " Thank you, hope we do good aswell" the pair wave as they close the door behind them.
"He called me Tom not boy, Ahhh i think im warming up to him" the girl giggles at what the young boy says walking to the tour bus hand in hand.
Hope yall like, sorry i havent done TH in a while most of my request are Manzini its a bit hard to write for him tho but i try my best
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andvys · 16 days
a gift.
Steve’s knee bouncing up and down, almost vibrating a hole in the floor. The neon lights of the hospital beat down, straining his eyes even more following the stress of the last few hours.
“Uncle Steve!” a small voice echos through the halls of the ER, small uncertain footsteps rushing towards him. A familiar mess of brown curls bobs with every step and his arms stretch automatically to pick up Matty Munson.
“Hey my guy! Wheres your dad?” he questions, placing Matty on his knee. Matty takes a second to ponder the question before he points to the ER doors.
Steve squints, looking towards the doors as he struggles to see the older munson. A moment later, the automatic ER doors slide open followed by a series of camera flashes and a loud, angry voice belonging to Eddie.
“Fucking vultures” the rockstar spits at them, taking his sunglasses off and looking around for his son.
Steve clocks eyes with him and raises a hand, a tight lipped smile settled across his face. Eddie glares right back at him…if looks could kill. The doors open again and Eddie’s frazzled publicist Fran follows behind him, barking out orders at security to move the paparazzi away from the door.
A small hand reaches for Steve’s stubbled jaw, fingers almost in his mouth and directing his attention back to little Munson. “Is mommy ok?” he asks, brown eyes wide and looking slightly scared.
“Mommy’s fine. Matty can you go with Fran to get Mommy some jello while I talk with Uncle Steve?” Eddie uses a large palm to guide Matty away and into the waiting hand of Fran.
The two men watch slowly as Fran guides Matty down the corridor and out of sight. Eddie takes a deep breath, adjusting his jeans as he takes a seat next to Steve, his eyes never leaving the mans profile.
Steve gulps, attempting not to be intimidated, but with how reckless Eddie’s behavior has been of late - it’s difficult.
Eddie gets as close to Steves face as he can, lowering his voice, a voice filmed with so much venom it makes goosebumps erupt through Steve’s body.
“Can you give me a run down of what happened Steve? Why you and my pregnant wife were seemingly in vacation together? Where she then took a fall? And needed to come here? Are you fucking stupid? This would’ve never happened if she’d have be-”
One of the things you need to know about Steve is he was good at keeping his cool, he overreacted a lot of a young adult but now in his 30s, he was so laid back he was almost horizontal. Apart from when it came to those he loved.
“You’ve been separated for 7 months Eddie. It’s not really your business what she does. And accidents happen, like I said on the phone, she slipped getting out of the pool. Pretty sure that could’ve happened if you were there or not” Steve responded as level headed as he could.
Eddie’s jaw twitched, a tattooed hand coming up to rub his jaw. A tick Steve knows all too well. Eddie nods his head repeatedly as he digests Steve’ words.
“She’s my wife Steve. Matty is my son. That baby girl is my baby. They’re my family.”
Steve doesn’t respond. They’ve been through this a thousand times. Ever since Eddie’s affair went public 6 months ago, he refused to accept what he had done to his family. He was the one that broke his wife. He was the one that humiliated her. He was the one that forced Matty to split his time between parents.
“What do you think is going to happen Steve? She’ll have our baby and you get to step in and play Daddy Steve? It’s so secret you’ve always had eyes for my girl. You were always there, just waiting for me to fuck up so you could step in, king steve the saviour here to”
“She served you with divorce papers. Are you so conceited to think she still wants to play happy families with you? After what you did to her? She was so distraught she almost lost the baby-” Steve spits back at him.
Steve had been there from the start. Eddie knew Page Six had the scoop on his affair, and instead of getting ahead of it and telling you himself, he took an impromptu trip to visit Wayne and let you find out at the same time the rest of the world did. He did what he always did. He ran.
The mention of that night you ended up in hospital in the early stage of your pregnancy was enough to tip Eddie over the edge.
Eddie flew out of his chair, grabbing Steve by the collar of his shirt and slamming him against the pillar. Gasps filled the ER and flashes from the door were the least of his problems right now.
“She’s my wife. If she thinks I’m signing those divorce papers-” Eddie is so close to Steve, every word he grits out lands a glob of saliva on his cheeks.
“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave” a calm voice from behind the men demands.
Eddie’s eyes bulge out of his head, the veins almost popping through his neck. For a moment everyone remains still. Eddie loosens his grip on Steve who takes a second to stand up straight.
“I’m not fucking leaving until I’ve seen my wife” Eddie spits, eyes still on Steve.
Steve laughs under his breath, running a hand through his hair. Eddie takes this as his chance and slams his head into Steve’s face, busting not only Steve’s nose but his own in the process. Security rushes to grab Eddie and place him in cuffs when the double doors to the ER open.
“Family of Y/N Y/L/N?” The doctor calls out, looking amongst the carnage of the ER.
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why…. would… you… do… this… to… ME
you broke my heart???!!!!!
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i cannot deal with him doing this — i’m, i’ll be thinking about this for the rest of my life, i’m sick to my stomach
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thereticx · 8 months
ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴ | ᵉʳᵉⁿ ʲᵃᵉᵍᵉʳ
(this contains sexual content)
There's nothing more comforting than spending time alone, shielded from the outside world, from the day to day problems, where you can stop and breathe and just–live.
His hair was a mess of dark brown locks spread out on the wet field of grass, the smell was fresh which Eren inhaled deeply. For him, this was heaven, under the big three with an immense crown of leaves preventing the sunlight from hurting his eyes.
One hour, perhaps too–he never bothered to count. Eren closed his eyes for a bare second, his chest moving up and down. In his euphoric state he felt the gentle pads of your fingers massaging his scalp. You entangled each and every strand, twirling them around your fingers and tugging slightly but not enough to hurt him.
”What are you doing?”
”Well, get up. People may pass by and mistake you for a drunk or worse” Eren felt the person hit his leg causing him to open his eyes and see who was bothering him.
Carla, his mother, was standing there with her arms crossed over her chest ”No one ever comes here” He replied, inspecting his clothes that were slightly wet now ”Huh…”
Eren offered her a smile then kissed her forehead ”Armin passed by on his way to the library. He said you guys would be going to a concert tonight”
Carla wrapped a hand on her son's upper arm and started walking back to their house. She made small talk for the whole 15 minutes until they reached the front door. Eren was not chatty when being woken up and he only nodded at everything his mother said " Now go shower, you smell”
Eren laughed and thanked her before disappearing up the stairs.
Everything was perfect. The weather, the food, the drinks, the people–”Cmon Connie sing us some more”.
”I expect you assholes to pay me by the end of this” He smirked, moving his fingers along the guitar chords. Connie started playing back in freshman year of highschool, hoping that one day it'll be more than a hobby to pass time and entertain others.
Eren nuzzled his nose in your neck, kissing it softly. His lips were cold and wet, trailing up the shell of your ear ”How are you feeling?Do you like it?”. He moved his hand on your thigh, resting it eventually on your knee ”I love it here”. You said, stroking his knuckles with your thumb.
Nights like these weren't out of the ordinary here. Every young adult came to the beach during summer break, partying and just living their youth. Just a glance at your friends and at him–swaying their bodies, singing along and opening another can of beer, except for your boyfriend. Eren squeezed your body closer to his and let his head rest on top of yours ”You still have time to change your mind. Just say that you'll stay”
”I know, I know. But consider it at least. This way we won't have to say goodbye”
You moved your head to the side, crushing your lips onto his, in a rushed kiss ”Wanna get out of here”
He smirked, lowering his hand closer to your inner thigh, having no shame ”Finally”
The memory was sweet. Whenever he felt lonely or just utterly lost, he would close his eyes and relive that night again. It was the last one where the two of you could describe yourself as truly happy and in love.
When you left, Eren's life suddenly stopped. After four years he's still stuck. Looking around him, at his friends, his family he may think ‘It’s time to let go’.
“What was that darling?” His mother asked while rolling the dough on the counter. Carla smiled and wiped her hands full of flour on the worn out apron.
Eren mumbled under his breath, continuing to cut the vegetables as his mother requested. He found cooking a hobby to distance himself from whatever inconvenience and with Carla beside him, time would fly by.
“Careful with that knife, darling” She said, before checking the food on the stove.
Eren sat the knife aside “I'm done. Do you need help with anything else?"
His mother shook her head and kissed him on the cheek “No. You can go”
“Ok” He smiled.
“Connie! Stop changing the song” Sasha repeated for the ninth time in the last hour.
She checked her makeup in the mirror before handing her small makeup bag to Eren “You'd be lucky to not poke your eye out”
He chuckled before applying the black eye pencil to his waterline, smudging it just the tiniest bit.
“I can't wait until we get there” Mikasa announced, the excitement radiating from her face. She was dressed with a black leather dress, silver jewelry completing her look. The girl was a huge fan of rock music since she was little, dragging her friends to every concert nearby. Slowly, they became obsessed with it too.
“We still have to pick up Jean” Connie remembered, resting his hand outside the window, the smoke from the cigarette disappearing in the wind. Before Sasha could notice he took her phone and changed the song to one of Arctic Monkeys.
The girl wanted to say something but Connie interrupted her “It's my turn to pick” She slumped back into her seat and started singing along.
“Jean texted. He's waiting for us”
Connie nodded before taking the last drag of the cigarette and let the stick get lost out the window.
The music was loud. People were screaming their lungs out but despite that he couldn't hear anything. Everything went quiet.
Swaying bodies bumped into each other, hundreds and hundreds of faces and yet he only could focus on yours.
Hair sticking to your glowing face, lace black top revealing more of your chest, black pants hugging your curves just right.
You were happy, so happy. Singing with your friends, taking videos when suddenly your eyes landed on him.
He was breathtaking just like the last time you've seen him. Leather jacket with a cropped shirt that revealed a slight part of his tattoo.
Would it be wrong to make your way over to him? Would he be welcoming?
Your friend nudged you by the arm and tried to whisper something in your ear “What?!” You screamed, unable to decipher what she just said.
She suddenly grabbed your face and screamed “Go to him!”
That's all you needed.
You squeezed your way over to his unmoved figure.
Should I hug him?! No. A smile should do it. Yeah.
And a smile it was indeed. When his lips parted yours and his tongue tasted yours. You smiled briefly, tangling your fingers into his long brown strands. His eyeliner was smudged adding a contrast to his beautiful green eyes.
He cradled your body further, until your chest squished on his. Eren angled your jaw to deepen the kiss, his breathing getting faster.
No words were spoken that night. The kisses and the touches were enough.
His body trapped you underneath, his hands ripping off the lacy top you wore, revealing your breasts to him. Lowering his head he desperately started to suck on them.
Eren loved your breasts. He worshiped them like some kind of divinity. Sucking and pulling and massaging the plumpness of your chest, all to get a reaction out of you.
You tugged on his hair, pushing your pelvis up, hopefully to rub onto his hard erection.
He gently rubbed his thumb on the side of your neck, encouraging you to keep going.
With a hand on his chest you pushed him on the bed, his back resting on the ruffled sheets.
Eren helped you settle on top of him, his fingers unbuttoning your pants. His eyes analyzed your face, searching for some sort of inconvenience–there was none.
Slowly but surely the two of you undressed each other.
When was the last time you had him inside you? A long time ago. But your body seemed to remember him–your all too beloved boyfriend.
The eyeliner ran down his face, his long hair untamed as he moved brutally inside you.
You felt the heat build up, the pleasure overtaking you.
Eren forced his tongue inside your mouth, swallowing your moans.
His hand grabbed your neck while he emptied himself inside you, his body shaking before collapsing on top of you.
None of you said anything. You didn't dare. Because once you speak then nothing’s gonna feel real anymore.
“Good morning, my love”
Your fiancé greeted, setting the tray of food on the nightstand. He,like always, prepared breakfast for you. It was a habit of his, to spoil his favorite person whenever he had a day off.
You smiled lazily, shifting under the blanket, your inner thighs uncomfortably drenched.
Oh, you felt awful. Fantasizing about your ex boyfriend who you haven't seen for years. Dreaming about the times when he made each night memorable for you two.
“Thank you. I love you” You whispered, fully convinced of your words.
He kissed you on the forehead and left the room but not before he mumbled an ‘i love you’ to you.
The ocean memory was the last one you had with him. That night when you got naked and let the water gently wash your skin.
Eren buried his face into your wet hair while you silently cried in his chest. He hated that you were hurting, that your relationship was hurting.
Seeing you helpless and yet still hopeful that everything will be ok. You must still have a chance. It can't be over now.
“I just want to enjoy this sight of you for the last time” He said to you. Heartbroken over your leave.
The two of you were young, so young. Why were your souls forced to break apart from each other? When they desperately tried to cling to one another.
“Don't say that”
He scoffed, trailing his hand down your back. Eren led you out of the water and on the blanket that was spread on the cooling sand.
If this was the last time he'll see you–it might as well be spent right.
He took you there. Locking your arms behind your back, his lips biting your shoulder.
The hour was late and the beach was absent of any presence other than yours.
“Ah-Eren” You whispered, feeling his dick rub against your g spot.
He sneaked a hand down, rubbing your clit in fast circles, your ass pushing against him further “My needy girl”
Eren moaned, his hips picking up the pace, chasing his release. He forced your body up, the new angle reaching deeper into your sweet cunt.
Your back was pressed against his front, a hand forcing your head up. Eren pushed his thumb past your lips, your lips parting. He was so close and yet so far. You needed his body engraved on yours.
“Eren-llove you” You cried, the pleasure becoming too much. You started to tremble and Eren immediately wrapped his arms around you, holding you stil.
“I know, baby. I know. I love you too”
Fuck, don't leave…
Please don't fucking leave me
Looking back, you wouldn't have left. The sorrow on his face proved how wrong the decision to move away was.
Years later and you still pay the price. The constant thoughts about him, the dreams, the little things and objects you see transporting you to a time you wished you had buried.
The decision to break away from him came back to prey on your weak soul. ‘Blessing’ you with a life of dread, with fake promises of love and all to artificial smiles.
And now, nights like this have stirred a sense of comfort in you. While you scrolled through his Instagram pictures, seeing him following his dreams, following freedom–while you were still a prisoner of a perfectly dictated life, just what you'd wished.
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aonungstsahik · 2 years
“…but you’re so much more than that”
aonung x met!fem!reader
a/n; AHHHH! my second ff, i hope you all love it like my first one!!! i’m sorry if it doesn’t make such sense literally on barely sleep and having health problems literally but i needed this to be posted! don’t forget to tell me your guys thoughts!!! also sorry the late night posts
warnings; my bad spelling and writing, nothing else(that i know of)
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✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧
you grew up with aonung as you were neighbors when you were little. he was one year older than you and never let you forget it. he was always protective of you, treating like his sister.
but as time went on and you guys growing into young adults. you both changed. both of you barely hung out anymore. he never found the time to make for you, as he was preparing to become the next chief at her his father.
and for you? you had all the time on your hands. your parents weren’t anyone special to the clan like his were. your father was a hunter and your mother was a herd picker for Ronal. mother wanted you to take over her place when she would get too old and frail. you would always complain to her that you didn’t want to be the next her but over time, you started to love being out in the sea and forest picking herds, studying them, getting two rocks and smashing them into paste to heal peoples bruises and wounds.
whenever you would talk to aonung it mostly was when he came in the medic hit from a fight. his mother would scold him every time, “why don’t you ever listen?,” she yelled at him “you’re such a disappointment…” she said as she walked out of the hut calling for her daughter to follow. his face was emotionless looking down, lips pushed together. as soon as you would get close to him and try to touch him, he would look up with glossy eyes and walk out. you looked over your shoulder watching him walk into the forest.
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧
present day
today as you were walking to the hut, you heard ronal and her husband both yelling. as you were approaching the door you saw aonung and his friend, roxto, they just stood there nodding along and muttering sorrys. Tonowari dismissed them and walked out the hut, nodding towards you as he and his wife walked past you.
roxto looked at aonung, “hey man, i have to go…my parents are gonna be pissed,” he said as he placed a hand on aonungs shoulder walking out, muttering a quick bye to you.
you walked in clearly your throat to let him know you were in there. he looked up at you. he was about to walked past you but you grabbed his arm. “aonung,” you said looking at him “you’re hurt, let me help you…please,” you begged him. he turned his head to look into your eyes, you were looking up at him face covered in worry. he felt bad, you being worried about him made him feel like shit.
he turned his body to face you head-on. he pulled his hand up to rub your bicep, “okay,” he said softy while quickly to rub your arm “just don’t make that face okay? you look like you’re going to cry,” he said staring into your eyes. you muttered a thank you and told to sit while you got the herds you needed.
he watched your body moved from corner to corner of the room. he smiled to himself watching you talk to yourself checking things off a list in your head. you turned around, you saw him smiling at you so you smiled back. walking over to him you grabbed some rocks to crush up the herds.
“what happened now aonung?,” you asked as you placed some leaves between two rocking grinding them.
he sighed looking down “i got into a fight with the sully boys…again,” he confessed. you stopped grinding the leaves looking up at him with your eyebrows together. shaking your head as you grab some paste and rub it on his bruises and small cuts. “ow ow ow, don’t run it in so hard, you’re usuallly nicer,” he said as he faked frown causing you to giggle and let a small smile.
you looked into his eyes “it wouldn’t hurt at all if you didn’t do it in the first place,” you stated as you went to grab some other herds and grind them.
he chuckled at you, causing you to give him a confused look. “y/nnnn” he dragged your name out in a playful matter. “i think you keep forgetting i’m older than you,” he chuckled. it was quiet for a few minutes as you keep putting paste on him. he just watch as you softly run the paste on his skin. smiling as you look up every once in at his face, and every time you would look away and blush.
“y/n?,” he asked waiting for you to respond, you hummed to waiting for his question, “i’m sorry,” he said to you. you looked at you leaning your head to the side pushing your eyebrows together. “for the fighting, not talking to you, and keeping myself away from you,” he started softly.
you softly smiled to yourself. you grabbed his hand, rubbing his palm “aonung” you said looking into his eyes, “i was hurt when you stopped hanging out with me alone, talking to me, and coming to my hut every night to sneak out and play on the beach.” he looked down ashamed, you grabbed the side of his face forcing him to look up, “but i forgive you, i know how stress you are not being a disappointment, but you’re so much more than that, i see you for who you are aonung,” now cupping both sides of his face, rubbing his cheeks.
he smiled at you, removing your hands from his face, taking them into his own, interlocking them with his. looking down at your hands realizing how small they are, “thank you y/n,” he said looking up at you “really thank you for believing in me for no matter what,” he took one of his hands, placing his hand on your chin, “i see you y/n …i am now going to kiss you now,” he stated. you giggled at him not believing him for a second till you saw him lean in, you closed your eyes letting him kiss you. he moved his lips against yours, you wrapped your arms around his neck getting closer. after a few more second you pushed yourself back, putting ur forehead on chest giggling to yourself, putting your hand up to lips still not believing he kissed kissed you.
“stop gigglinggg,” he teased you, pushing you back a little so he could see your face. he rubbed your cheek, taking in the moment you both are having, alone finally.
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧
during the whole interaction, his father was outside watching. he smiled to himself knowing his son was in safe hands from now on. he also walked to his wife to gossip what just happened.
one more a/n; i have three in works rn but i also have a life so please give me some time so sorry!!
tag list; @an0th3rsss
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hees-mine · 9 months
𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 - 𝐋.𝐡𝐬 𝐩𝐭. 𝟕
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Pairing: heeseung ⚥ reader
Warning: taboo relationship, lil angst, this is basically just a filler chap so nothing exciting sorry :/
Genre: 18+, best friends dad, smut, single dad, taboo relationship, minors do not interact!
WC: 2,208k
The day ended quickly for heeseung eight hours going by in a flash, and he was glad too cause he wanted to cook something special for his Sweetpea and her friends. On his way home, he stopped at the grocery store to get all the necessary ingredients for the meal. He then headed straight home and took a relaxing shower before starting dinner.
The house was unusually quiet, but he’s sure you and Sweetpea were both upstairs doing whatever young adult girls do.
He went on to prepare everything for dinner and store it in the fridge until later cause it was still quite early. Once that was finished, he plopped on the couch, turned on the TV, and grabbed his phone to order something since his lunch was quite small this morning.
Before placing his order, he heads upstairs to see if either of you is hungry. He knocks softly on the door and pokes his head inside, only to see you both lying side by side, fast asleep. He laughs silently and snaps a quick picture before going back downstairs, opting not to get anything since you both looked like you’d be out for a while.
He watches the TV while waiting for his food to arrive. Minutes pass by quickly, and soon, he gets an alert telling him his food is at the door.
He goes to the kitchen, grabs a drink for himself, and sits back on the couch to devour everything he ordered. It takes thirty minutes for it to arrive, only for it to be gone within five.
He sighs softly and sits back on the couch. Minutes later, his eyes start feeling droopy, and he takes a nap on the couch, hoping he won’t sleep for too long.
He woke up right on time, lucky for him. He sat up and noticed a blanket covering his body that wasn’t there when he went to sleep. He smiled to himself, knowing exactly who put it there.
Stretching out his long limbs he goes upstairs to freshen up and changed into something casual for dinner.
Going across the hall, he enters his daughter’s room without knocking, assuming you both were awake now. “Hey, sleepy head,” he teases and receives an exaggerated eye roll from his daughter. “I’m starting dinner, so you can call your friends over.” he chuckles and exits her room.
About an hour later, the boys arrived, and everyone was seated at the table. “Just in time,” Heeseung says while serving everyone. Just as he’s about to serve himself, Jake practically jumps out of his chair.
“Please, sir, have a seat.” he takes the utensils, beckoning for Heeseung to sit down.
“Jake, it’s fine. I ca-“Before Heeseung can finish, he gets interrupted.
“Not on my watch. Please allow me to serve you. I respect you, and it’d be an honor to do this for you.” Heeseung chuckles as he takes a seat and allows Jake to serve him.
Meanwhile, his friends are all silently laughing at him for his enthusiasm for the older males' validation. “Thank you, Jake,” Heeseung says once Jake sits back down.
Jakes's eyes twinkle as he looks at Heeseung in admiration. “Y-you’re welcome, sir,” he giggles, a wide smile spread across his face as he takes the first bite of dinner. “It’s delicious, sir. Thank you for the meal,”
Heeseung nods. “My pleasure,” and with that, everyone digs in, cleaning their dishes like it was the best thing they had ever tasted.
“May I have seconds?” Jay asked politely. Heeseung wasn’t bad at cooking per se, but he didn’t think he was that good at it.
“Of course,” Jay stands up, helping himself to seconds.
The whole dinner went by smoothly. Heeseung had learned more about Jay and Jake. He trusted them more than he did before. What could he say? He was protective of his girls.
Everyone was chatting away, laughing and sharing stories, and also talking about how their days were.
You kinda backed out of the conversation a while ago, awkwardly playing with your utensils. When the table got quiet enough, you spoke up, letting everyone know you were going home cause you felt sick. “I’ll see you tomorrow, guys,” You lied. You weren’t sick. You just couldn’t stand to breathe the same air as Heeseung. It was too awkward, especially cause he seemed so unfazed by your presence across from him.
Heeseung looked at you with concern, wondering if his cooking made you sick cause he’d feel so bad if it did.
“But y/n, it’s dark outside,” your friend says, already knowing you don’t have a ride home.
“Oh, it’s okay, I’ll be fine. It’s just a short walk,” You smile softly.
Jay and Jake immediately stand up, ready to escort you home.
“Ehh, thanks, guys, but it’s fine,” you decline, really just wanting to be alone right now cause you felt like crying any minute.
“Dad, you can drive her home?” Your friend suggested.
You felt like throwing up at the suggestion, but you were interested to hear what he’d say. You wonder if he’d happily take you or if he’d be annoyed and only do it for his daughter's sake. “It’s fine.”
“Since you’re not feeling well,” Heeseung says, wiping his mouth and standing up while beckoning the two boys to sit. “You should spend the night, and just in case it’s the flu, you can use the spare room,” he offers, and you hate how your heart fluttered from his kindness and his thoughtfulness. “You guys go play in the living room. I'll clean this up and show y/n the spare room.”
“Don’t worry, sir, I’ll clean.” Jake stands immediately, and heeseung just sighs, allowing the boy to do what he pleases, still not understanding why he felt the need to be so helpful. He’s never seen a kid so enthusiastic about cleaning dishes.
Heeseung wanted to be mad at the boy, but he just couldn’t. Besides, he believed Jake was telling the truth about the incident he walked into a few days ago. At first, he thought Jake was just trying to get on his good side to redeem himself, but he could tell he was a genuine kid.
“Thanks, son,” Heeseung pats Jake on the shoulder, slightly smiling at the ecstatic look on Jake’s face from hearing him call him like that.
You smile at their interaction, finding it cute how much Jake looks up to Heeseung. You could tell why Heeseung was like the epitome of the perfect gentleman.
Heeseung’s gaze soon wanders to you, and your heart completely drops as he gets closer. You internally panic because soon it’s just going to be you and him all alone.
Silently, he walks upstairs with you trailing a good distance behind him, catching a whiff of the cologne that you loved so much. “It’s not great, but here it is,” he spoke to you for the first time tonight, revealing a small bedroom that was decorated minimally with basic essentials and a warm beige paint coating the walls, making it look homey.
“Thank you,” you whisper meekly, and he’s about to leave, but even after the conversation you both had last night, he still can’t help but feel himself being drawn towards you.
“You’re welcome, y/n.” he smiles warmly, tugging you inside the room with him. His hand automatically rests on your shoulder, turning your body so that you can face him.
You looked up at him through your lashes, blinking innocently at him as his thumb grazed your bottom lip, the scene feeling so familiar to the time when he caught you in the kitchen.
He leaned down slightly, his tall frame hovering over you, his lips just inches away, and your breath hitched in your throat.
He was so close to kissing you, but somehow, he managed to pull away just before your lips touched, leaving you disappointed and him confused.
He clears his throat softly and leans back a few inches, but he’s still rather close. “S-so, how are you feeling? Can I get you anything?”
He doesn’t know why he’s acting nice; he should be giving you the cold shoulder. He should be upset with you, but he can’t cause he fucking loves you so much. Even if you hated him, he’d still love you cause that’s just how much you’ve grown on him in this short time span.
“No, this is fine, sir,” you add, trying to rile him, trying to get him to act on the desires that lie beneath his pretty brown eyes.
“Y/n,” he breathed out, hands going to your waist to pull you closer to his body. Just when you think he’s going to kiss you, he doesn’t. “No, we can’t do this.” he pushed you away, his chest heaving up and down, and he had to leave now before he stripped you completely naked and took you raw over and over again on the guest bed. “J-just come down if you need anything,” he says shakily and walks out, closing the door behind him and clutching his heart.
You lay down on the bed, sighing loudly to yourself, wondering how you managed to fuck things up with him.
But you know why you were too scared and selfish, and you chose what you thought was best without even telling him first, and you regretted it so bad, and now you have to suffer seeing him every time you come over, knowing you can’t have him.
The rest of the night, everyone played board games, having fun amongst themselves. After hours passed, they all decided to call it a night.
Heeseung gave the boys a ride home while his daughter went to sleep. He had to nearly pull Jake out of his car before he left, but overall, he had a fun night, and he was happy that he was liked and respected by your friends.
It was at least four am, and Heeseung was staring at the guest room door so drunk he could barely even stand, but somehow his brain could still register that the only thing between you and him was the guest room door.
He fixed that by twisting the knob entering the small room and coherently locking the door behind him. “Y/n,” he mumbled, getting closer to you on the bed. “Princess,” he stumbled slightly. Lucky for him, the bed was there to catch his fall. He pulled the covers back, getting inside the bed with you, and shaking your shoulder lightly to wake you.
You stirred in your sleep and soon woke up when you felt something on your shoulder. Your eyes adjusted a bit later, and you realized it was Heeseung, and he was lying in bed with you. “Heeseung?” You say, whispering confusedly.
“H-hold me, y/n,” he slurs his words, his eyes completely shut and his arms wide open, waiting for you to hug him. “Please,” he whimpers, and you don’t have the heart to reject him despite your friend being right across the hall. “Hmm, my princess,” he hums softly, wrapping his arms around you and cuddling into your sleepy frame.
“Heeseung, what if we get caught? And are you drunk?” You ask him the obvious; you could smell it all over him.
“I don’t care about anything anymore, just-just want you, my princess, and yes, I’m drunk, but even in my wrong m-mind, I still just want you. I love you so much.” he kissed your cheek softly. “You love me too, right?” He mumbled.
You contemplated answering him, and before he could hear your answer, he was fast asleep, snoring softly as you ran your hands through his hair.
“Yes, hee, I love you.” You kissed his forehead.
When he woke up, you were out of bed, but the first thing he noticed was his raging headache.
He sat up disoriented as he looked at his surroundings, wondering where he was until everything started slowly clicking together. “Oh shit,” he face-palmed himself and flopped on the pillows, your scent hitting his nostrils and making him feel like you were still there with him. It felt so good being in your arms again. How he wished he could go to sleep with you like that every night.
As he laid there, more memories of last night flashed into his head, and he remembered all the ramblings he said to you before he passed out, and he felt so embarrassed.
Not even a week ago, he was telling you to leave his room, and now he was literally crawling into bed with you, begging for your affection.
He quickly looked at the clock, seeing how late it was. It was too late to get to work on time, and his daughter was already at school hours ago, leaving him to stew in his own thoughts. “Fuck” he mumbled, burying his face in the pillow and inhaling your scent one more time before finally getting out of bed and getting himself together.
He made a mental note to apologize to you for his stupidity last night, and he hoped he hadn’t scared you off because he was going to try to win you over for the last time.
Thanks for reading please reblog and leave feedback.
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mary-laib · 6 months
Hear me out: au where everything in Hazbin Hotel is the same except Alastor is a child. I just think it would be super funny.
Charlie: *opens front door*
Alastor, a child: Hell-
Charlie: *slams the door in his face, then opens it again*
Alastor: O-
Charlie, slamming the door closed again: Uh, Vaggie? There’s a child at the door.
Literally nobody knows who he is because the Radio Demon is this notorious serial killer from the radio that nobody’s actually seen and every time Alastor has tried to be like “oh, yeah! That’s me!” Nobody believes him because he looks like a six year old. Also he usually takes on his demon form during his broadcasts, so his voice sounds more like an adult’s when he does them.
Also Sir Pentious and Vox are the only rivals that take him seriously, which is the only reason he bothers to keep them around. This does have the averse effect of everyone who knows the two being a little weirded out by their dynamics. Also Velvette is mildly concerned that Vox might be a pedo.
Valentino: Why the hell are you beefing with a little kid?
Vox, who is about to try to wreck Alastor’s shit for the third time this week: HES OLDER THAN ME! I DONT CARE IF HE LOOKS LIKE A BABY, HES OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BY NOW NOT TO TALK SHIT!
Also everyone thinks he’s hell-born because how the hell does a child do something bad enough to end up in hell? But he’s over here like “oh, I’ve done some unspeakable things that a grown adult from hell would balk at.
Lucifer: I’m not going to say anything because you are just a kid.
Alastor: Actually, I’m over a century old, so say whatever it is you need to say.
Lucifer: What? I thought you were hell-born? What the here did you do to end up in hell so young?
Alastor: I killed a man! :)
Lucifer: 😟
Instead of Alastor and Lucifer beefing over who is the better dad, Alastor is just taking all of Charlie’s attention away by pretending to be a needy kid and Charlie, being the bleeding heart she is has absolutely no qualms about doting over this little kid who is also super powerful and the benefactor of her hotel. Meanwhile Vaggie’s off to the side continuously face-palming into oblivion because she knows this kid is over a century old and can definitely take care of himself, but is just doing all this for attention.
Husk also still hates him because the kid owns his soul, but he’s also mildly concerned because he can’t quite get past the kid-looking exterior so he sees Alastor doing crazy shit and he gets a little worried for a second before remembering that, “oh yeah, he’s old as hell and can handle himself.” He is also more than willing to let the child have alcohol. He’s had one too many fights over the issue and despite his size, he knows Alastor is more than old enough for it.
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myosotisa · 1 year
Hmmm you know, I’m always down for that you’re in a new relationship, just been recently going out, and it’s that first time with a new partner. Can be awkward, can be fluffy, who knows? The world is your oyster. 😏🩷 also love you immensely
your brain is so big and i chose to make it funny. love you so much Luna!!!
3rd Times the Charm
ǁ summary: The 2 times you and Steve tried to have sex for the first time and the 1 time it actually happened.
ǁ tags: mentions of blood and injury (not graphic), mention of needles/stitches, fem!reader
ǁ word count: 1.5k
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The first time you and Steve tried to ‘consummate’ your relationship did not go as intended. You’d planned it in advance – a nice dinner followed by a romantic and cheesy walk in the park. The ending was set for your place because you had a bigger bed and your roommate was supposed to be gone.
Key word: supposed to be.
The two of you had gotten distracted in the hallway. Steve had one hand on your hip, the other on your jaw, and was pressing you flat against the wall with his body as he sucked your lower lip into his mouth just to watch it pop back into place again. You both knew what the plan was and the anticipation to finally fuck your boyfriend of 3 months had been building the entire night.
If the denim erection pressing into your hip was any indicator, then Steve was just as excited as you were.
After some careful coaxing both by your breathless murmurs and your fingers twisting in his hair, you were able to convince him to let you go long enough for you to get your keys out and unlock the door. Although, you really only got halfway through doing so before he was pressing up against you from behind, wide palms settled on either hip, and his mouth teasing at the skin on the side of your neck.
The two of you stumbled into the apartment together, his arms wrapped tight around you as he used his foot to kick the door closed. It only took another scarce few moments before he had you pressed against another wall, this time with your back still to his front, and his hands wandering from the fronts of your upper thighs all the way up to cupping them under your tits. Each graze of his warm palms lit you aflame, forehead pressed to the drywall as you closed your eyes and tried to regain some composure despite Steve intentionally trying to drive you into a frenzy.
That was when the two of you heard the first sob.
As it turns out, the one night you and Steve had planned to have sex for the first time ended up being the very same night your roommate got dumped. The two of you peeked around the corner into the living room, fully disheveled and panting, to the sight of her curled into a ball on the couch. She was completely inconsolable and the moment she saw you, she was begging for a hug and someone to talk to.
There was nothing you could do to weasel your way out of this situation to go try to hook up – not when she was crying face down in your lap with Kelly Clarkson playing on the loudspeaker. And Steve, absolute god tier boyfriend that he is, ran his fingers through your hair to settle it, pressed a kiss to your temple, and shared an understanding smile with you before asking your roommate what kind of ice cream she wanted from the convenience store on the corner. He returned no more than 15 minutes later with a spread fit for a heartbroken young adult and with multiple RedBox DVDs that the 3 of you watched into the night before you all fell asleep on the couch in a mountain of blankets and pillows.
The second time you and Steve tried to “consummate” your relationship went even worse. The idea of ‘Sex sent me to the ER’ is all fun and games until it happens to you.
It was very spur of the moment at a party – one of your mutual friends had planned this huge celebration at their parents fancy lake house. The two of you had gotten suited and lotioned up, drove the hour out of town to the property, and spent the entire afternoon roasting in the sun on jet skis and getting thrown off inner tubes behind a speedboat.
You’d had your eyes on Steve for hours and you were completely unapologetic about it. He was wearing a pair of navy swim trunks, a white linen shirt that was fully unbuttoned to show off his chest hair and golden skin, a pair of aviators perched on his nose, and with his hair sunkissed and windblown.
He’d taken over driving the speedboat with a beer in his hand and the steering wheel in the other, gunning it across the lake and throwing people off their rafts into the water with absolute joy and taunting yells across the wide open spaces. It looked like he was born for this, like this was him in his element, and you had actually never been more attracted to him than you were under that May sunshine.
When the sun set, a bonfire was lit and the speakers came out. Snacks and drinks, alcohol and non, were flowing steadily as people alternated between sitting by the fire and talking, pushing each other into the lake or the pool, and a few people even started dancing down by the water. You were all sunburnt and lazy with the first heat of the summer, heavy and slow with relaxation. And honestly… Horny as hell.
The two of you had stumbled into a shed on the property with greedy hands on warm skin and in slowly drying hair. His mouth was ravenous as it trailed from your own to the salty span of your neck and down to suck bruises into the sensitive skin on your chest. He’d pulled back after a few minutes, chest heaving beneath his open shirt and pupils blown wide as he looked you over. Told you he wanted you more than anything but was worried about your first time being in a fucking shed. You, completely drunk on him and not caring about anything else, informed him you didn’t give a damn and you needed him inside you like yesterday.
The grin that lit up his face was brighter than the summer sun of the day.
It was all blooming feelings and barely contained moans until he knelt down to give you some well overdue attention between your thighs. He had trailed kisses down your stomach as he dropped down without looking before you heard him suddenly hiss out through his teeth at the same time something shifted beside you and he fell away. Still slightly dazed, it took you a few moments too long to realize he had fallen onto his ass and was gently cradling his shin because it was now quickly pouring blood.
He’d knelt down and sliced his calf on a gardening tool in the shed. A blade that, after pulling out a flashlight, you confirmed was covered in rust.
The two of you spent the next 4.5 hours in the emergency room – earning Steve a tetanus shot and 2 other injections as well as 10 stitches and a prescription for antibiotics. As soon as you both confirmed that he wasn’t going to lose his leg or something, you couldn’t help but laugh. The sun and fun had lightened your minds and made something like having to go to the ER because Steve tried to eat you out in a shed feel like a story to tell, and nothing worse than that.
While it probably could have happened sooner, you and Steve finally got your chance the day after Steve’s stitches were removed. He’d shown up to your apartment early on a Saturday with a packet of baked goods for breakfast and a cup of your favorite from the corner store. All completely unprompted and he insisted it was just because he wanted to do something nice for you after your week at work.
The two of you had a slow and comfortable breakfast on your balcony as the morning sun rose higher in the sky. The moment you were both finished eating, you’d wasted no time in climbing into his lap and making up for lost time.
It was slow and thorough; each of you taking your sweet time in learning what made the other tick and shiver. It was hours between your sheets in the late hours of the morning with all the time in the world to explore each other.
And, while it was well worth the wait, you certainly had a lot of time to make up for.
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