#Hibiki is pretty demanding
0046incognito · 18 days
I comment here in the same way as I had found CMY2K, at 3AM. In the student film we see Hibuki use a blaster-type weapon, this raises a few questions:
1- Have conventional arms been phased out by this alternate 1999? If so, when and why?
2- If Hibuki was originally a housekeeper, why would he be armed, did he obtain it via modification?
3- If so, where was the weapon sourced? Is there a significant amount of demand LivCom tailored weapons?
4- Are there LivComs purpose-built for security or defense? Or are they exclusively equipped with weapons and up-armored by weary civilians, illegal crime groups, and/or legal-ish government organizations?
5- Related to 2 and 3, how much can LivComs modify themselves before they have to skirt around their programming in one way or another?
1) there are still conventional arms-type weapons, plenty of human characters just use regular guns. energy weapon tech is in the experimental prototype stages, but since it’s so early, there’s no intention for it to replace regular weapons en masse just yet—but also, this is one of those suspension of disbelief things where the worldbuilding thought behind it is really just “i think it’s cool and more interesting to animate it like that, so don’t think too hard about it”
2) this is a good question. hibiki’s arm cannon is actually originally a vacuum cleaner with a sort of “laser-based automatic trash/dust eliminator” built into the back of it. he has a phobia of repairs/upgrades/maintenance, so he hasn’t had any hardware modifications, but after he was thrown out and voltaire kinda took him in as a mentor-type figure, voltaire taught him how to more or less reverse it into a blaster. i’m not explaining the science too well since i just woke up, but basically, voltaire taught him how to do it without modifying his body around the same time voltaire taught him pretty much everything else
3) because of the first law, livicoms typically aren’t actually permitted to handle any weapons whatsoever, and they’re usually made for more general consumer functions like retail or housekeeping, so all livicom combat abilities are just their original job functions repurposed.
4) halosoft isn’t a weapons dealer, they’re an electronics manufacturer, the closest thing is they Do produce and sell security guard bots, but the only weapons they’re intentionally equipped with is a low-voltage taser to “stun but not seriously injure”. they can get away with this using the zeroth law loophole [ie, if a cop can argue a human is a threat to humanity, a robot is allowed to shoot them, even if the argument sucks ass]. in terms of humans modifying livicoms into weapons, that does happen sometimes [félix for example is one such human]! but it has to be kept so hush-hush because halosoft is EXTREMELY protective of their proprietary hardware, so you can’t just go flaunting such an illegally-modded bot around
5) exactly zero percent! livicoms have built-in programming blocks that prevent them from even trying to do something like modify their hardware or software; if they start thinking about doing so, their task manager will basically end the process before it can begin. livicoms have to jailbreak their systems in order to even jailbreak their systems, so basically, it takes a Lot of willpower
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Phalaris Vol.II - Kanazawa-shi Culture Hall [2023/05/18] live report
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Mouai ni Shosu
Devote My Life
Utsutsu, Bouga o Kurau
Ningen wo Kaburu
Beautiful Dirt
The Perfume of Sins
Dozing Green (acoustic)
un deux
Sustain the Untruth
Revelation of mankind
Holy hell, another excellent show!
The first thing that hit me at Kanazawa-shi Culture Hall was that I wasn't passed the memo for shimote? There were so many young women wearing pretty little dresses. They also happened to not move that much, barely headbang during the show. I wonder if they had photoshoots in Kanazawa's old village neighbourhood and wanted to remain prim and proper for Kaoru and Toshiya. Anyway, because of the chairs' disposition and the fact that the fan in front of me decided to occupy the aisle on her right (technically allowed), I had an unobstructed view of all of the members. Tomorrow, on the shinkansen back to Tokyo, or on the long flight back home in the next few days, I'll try to commit to paper my memory of every member's look and outfits!
Shinya had his traditional white top with black pants, Die had his black and white-lined tunic tucked into a belt with the Roman soldier kind of leather leggings and his usual bold mascara, Toshiya wore the black lace veil version of his outfit, Kaoru came in with the dual-patterned suit (the top is black & white while the pants are black and leopard yellow/orange) and finally, Kyo adorned his the dark version of his outfit, with the G.I.S.M. T-shirt.
Before I cut the post for a shorter version, the rest appearing after the break below, I HAVE to mention the dance that Toshiya does during Eddie and that we all seem to be forgetting! It's the segment where essentially just Shinya is playing, the second time "Shimatsugaki wa kaki oeta ka? Mirai o sute doko e daibu?" is sung, in a more comical voice. Toshiya gets low, bending his knees, and he starts doing what I can only describe as a "happy dance", throwing his arms high and low, doing exaggerated steps in a circle while this is played. The only gif I could find to illustrate that is this, but crouched:
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Also, for Eddie, almost nobody was singing. At some point, Kyo got pissed and threw his mic impulsively in the air backward, almost landing on Shinya's drums. For the long seconds of vocal silence that followed with Kyo not so much glaring as intimidatingly and expectantly staring at the centre of the crowd, it sounded like I was the only one shouting the whole near-end lyrics? People please, learn Eddie! It's not my favourite song on the album and I don't know the lyrics by heart, but I can make vaguely similar sounds that satisfy Kyo! He eventually picked up his mic again to resume singing from "Kusodomo ga" (Shitholes) to finish the song in frustration.
GRIEF followed and it looked like Kyo was still pissed and sang with more fury. In fact, I'd say that the Eddie performance affected the encore all the way until maybe halfway into un deux, at which point Kyo demanded us to sing with him, higher and more, which fans did join in mass this time.
Going back to the start, Hibiki and Schadenfreude seemed like they had even more passion by the band than before. It sounded like nobody shouted "Ikedomo jigoku ka" with me though? By the way, Hibiki's backdrop is very beautiful, showcasing a bunch of flower coloured lines in water, a bit like if ink is dropped in that liquid and that it eventually hangs in suspension.
Mouai ni Shosu I'm sure is where Kyo puts his arms wide up to his side and dances a bit with his feet, slowly, while staring at us very intently like he controls us.
Throughout the show, it seemed to me like Kaoru came out from his spot way more. There was something he saw in us because he kept teasing us with his head bending to the side, he came up to place a foot on the ledge more often and he sped up to the left arm of the stage almost as soon as the occasion presented. Usually, Toshiya is the one visiting us at the front all the time and Kaoru stays back. Kind of the same thing with Die actually. I noticed yesterday that Die is in his own little world on the right side of the stage, just disappearing off-stage during instrument switches or breaks, whipping his hair back at all odd times, etc. Anyway, it was great to see Kaoru more out there/here!
In Devote My Life, Kyo trotted toward the right arm of the stage right away, jumping over the equipment and then swaying his head there as he asked for the crowd to chant. He came back to the centre and I think Toshiya did the same either in that song or another, but on his way back to the main stage, Toshiya's jump involved really bending his knees along with reclining his bass, which made the jump total rockstar-style for a mere second!
Kyo ran to the left arm of the stage near the end of Utsutsu, Bouga o Kurau, and he did the first: "eranananananaze nanda" (he seems to add and roll an r at the start rather than just go with nana for the whole series), followed by a pause and: "Sore!" right before we're supposed to chant the second series ourselves, but he was already making his way back to the centre of the stage and I'm not sure how well he heard anyone in the crowd. In any case, he clearly was not satisfied this time, but he has reacted worse. Then he extends his hand and belts out those "Ooooooh in mind" lines to conclude the song epically as always!
In Ningen wo Kaburu, I heard a bit more clearly this time that Kyo changed the lyrics. Most of the time, he asks us to chant: "Dare no tame ni ikiru darou?" but he changes it occasionally to shout off-melody about doing it for his own sake, I believe? It was 'ore no', right?
For 13, again that one seemed a few inches more intense than usual, with the face being ripped forcefully off when singing emotionslly about throwing it all away. Man, I can't shake the feeling that we're supposed to be singing Die's backup vocals of: "in the dark, in the heart of, here's everything, Never die." It just doesn't seem right that this moment has no engagement from the crowd. Not to mention that most fans do not move during this song even if it's so powerful and rock- y and that the band goes hard on stage.
I can't remember in which song, but Kyo was so intense in his steps that he bumped backward into his mic stand, which wobbled but thankfully did not fall on Shinya's drums. Kyo glanced a bit worriedly at it but quickly went back to the performance like a professional.
Also, somewhere in the second half of the main setlist, in one of the breaks, Toshiya poured water from his plastic bottle on himself, mainly on his head but I think also on his chest, his back turned to us. He finished by spitting some water upward like a fountain before turning to face us.
Otogi starts in silence with Kyo hitting his forehead, head bent, with his microphone, which he holds with both hands. You can hear heavy breathing, maybe hints of sniffs even. The screen fills up with bright, bright red from the bottom, Kaoru's distortion fills the air and Shinya hints of beats flutter after a while. The song then turns turns really heavy. Toshiya makes various gestures, concealing his eyes with both hands at one point, but he starts the song by holding his hand and his bass high, becoming a proud silhouette against the vivid red.
Then, the spinal mic stand comes forth and Kyo does eery little noises, only to blast out: "NOSE, EYES, EARS" out of nowhere, it's always unexpected! There was so much smoke after "The sound of the brain dying" throughout the song that Kyo was hidden from sight eventually.
The song ended and it seemed like even Kyo took a moment to grasp that it was the end of the main setlist. In fact, the entire band didn't seem ultra aware. It was just that kind of show, so awesome!
The band came back for the encore, Shinya as usual clothed in black with the tour T-shirt, Die with a lose black shirt, his very short leather shorts and the aforementioned tights, Toshiya changed his top for the classy sleeveless dress shirt and Kaoru finally took off his patterned jacket and came back with the leopard pants and his black dress shirt. I don't know how he keeps his layered outfits for the entire main setlist all the time while every other member besides Shinya slowly divests themselves as the heat becomes overbearing! But anyway, what shocked us the most was Kyo returning to the stage with HEAVY black makeup on the lips, as well as on his eyelids now! With the tone of Dozing Green in acoustic and the beginning of un deux, combined with the poor reception he got during Eddie, Kyo looked downright depressed but nevertheless intimidating. With his somewhat spiky blond hair, he reminded me of his Kisou look a bit.
After un deux successfully lightened the mood with reconciliation, T.D.F.F. got everybody totally crazy. We were jumping and headbanging, Toshiya went to the left arm of the stage again for his solo, and Kaoru took notice of shimote's dedication to the song so he walked up front and mouthed a "hey" or whatever with us. He peered really intensely, seriously at all places in the shimote section, it was almost unnerving! Kyo tends to stare at no particular spot, basically a bit above the crowd, while Toshiya and Die smile and stare slightly but then they focus on playing. Kaoru was taking his sweet time scanning the entire crowd on his side of the venue yo. He'd nod from time to time when our reaction wad energetic enough.
It must have been in the encore, because I'm confident that Kaoru was wearing only his black dress shirt, Kyo sprinted back to what seemed to be his crate in the centre, so Kaoru peered at that and prepared to head back to shimote but Kyo was quicker and he placed his hand on Kaoru's left shoulder, holding him there as he passed and made his own way to shimote instead, telling Kaoru that it was fine to stay there for now. It's crazy how gaga we become for those small interactions just because they come off as such an antisocial or asocial band, but it works!!!
At one point, I'd say either during Beautiful Dirt or in the encore with Sustain the Untruth, Kyo stared at someone behind the VIP rows and mocked the weakness of their raised hand. When perhaps the fan in question raised their second arm, he imitated that and the way he did it, it clearly made a fool of the lack of energy dispensed. Again, he gestured for the neck to be ruined instead and began dancing on his spot like in Sustain the Untruth.
The last song came and Kyo stood on his crate. He asked us repetitively if we could go, putting his hand over his face and sniffing like he wasn't sure or convinced, which prompted me to scream before he asked again and everybody in the crowd joined as well in the cheer. Kyo then went: "KAAAAAANAAAAZAAAWAAAAAA", followed by: "KAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAAAzawa". He compelled us to keep it up for the last song a couple of times more, after which he screamed: "Then die!" roughly, adding "Last Song" quickly almost like an after-thought immediately after as the first notes of Revelation of mankind began.
What ensued was headbanging, some joint singing between the crowd and Kyo, and a beautiful final. By the end, he had almost none of the black makeup left on the lips, maybe only at the corners of his mouth, but none dripping on his chin due to sweat - maybe stuck on his mic or he swallowed it while singing? At the end, he just stood there exhausted and wiped the rest of it off, only the eyes still shadowed. Kyo clapped multiple times, nodding like we deserved those claps, until Shinya's finishing beats. Then he clapped some more, pointed at the young girl with the headphones in the crowd and doing the finger hook to her a couple of times, nodding and pointing twice at his temples, making it obvious he was refering to her. Then he turned his attention back to the whole crowd, stepped back a couple of inches, belted out: "KANAZAWA" micless, then: "Bye Bye" in the same fashion with a curt wave of his hand, and left.
Shinya threw his drumsticks from on top of Kyo's crate afterward and as he left the stage, he walked squarely far, more than a metre away from Kaoru as he passed. Kaoru had been collecting some picks from his micstand and he slightly smirked at Shinya on the latter's way out. The three remaining members on stage threw stuff mostly in the back. I guess they really want to make use of the stage's arms on the side to reach parts of the crowd that they couldn't have access to from a general-admission type of venue.
Toshiya left rather early tonight and didn't seem all that smiley, but he bowed respectfully and appreciatively before leaving.
I think there was a small interaction between Die and Kaoru as they crossed path to alternate the side of the stage that they were donating picks to.
And as you already know, Kaoru did the magic trick of throwing a pick, we look up and get blinded by the lights in the ceiling, look back down to see where it landed, and Kaoru's right there opening his palm with his mouth wide open in a smirk, expression falsely surprised, then he popped it out of his palm and next thing I know, I flex my left hand while people around me are looking everywhere at the ground for the pick and there it is, something solid apparently landed in my palm! Woooo!
What a wonderful way to end this streak of seven shows that I was able to see this tour! I hope everyone will have an amazing time for the following, concluding shows, as well as during the Petit Brabançon but even more so the sukekiyo tour this summer, you lucky fellows!
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ygreczed · 2 years
Inazuma Eleven manga fun facts!
Part 1/?
I don’t know about you but I think most of us here are absolute fans of the IE anime (and/or games), but have you ever read the manga ? It’s quite different.So here I am, giving you some fun facts about the manga version of our favorite magical soccer boy saga !
Tamano Gorou : one of the Raimon players who never appeared in the anime, some of you may know him from the games, where he is a playable character. He’s a small first year, shown to be a very close friend to Endou. He’s victim of Kageyama’s shenanigans and gets severely injured during practice, preventing him from playing the FF qualifs until the finals of the district. He’s sweet but... he’s got the same personality as Endou so I understand why he didn’t make it to the anime.
Gouenji doesn’t save Endou from bullies at the riverbank in the manga. They actually meet when Endou tries to run after a thug who just stole some woman’s purse. Gouenji stops the thief with his powerful shoot, and Endou, impressed, starts harassing him to make him join the soccer club. Fun fact, LEVEL-5 actually made a reference to this in the latest two reboot seasons: this is exactly how Kozoumaru meets Gouenji in Ares.
Kazemaru is a member of the Raimon Eleven from the beginning, and is not from the athletics club.
Kidou’s a savage. But I’ll elaborate on this on another post because I can’t shut up about him. He is much more of a bad boy than his anime-self and I need more space to talk about how cool he is.
During the match against O・T・A・K・U, Manga Moe decides to follow Kageyama’s plan to put drugs in Raimon’s water to alter their abilities in the second half. Raimon won thanks to Endou’s determination, and Megane (sadly) never saved the day. All he did was to fill in for Gorou after his accident, and run again when Raimon meets Teikoku in the finals.
 Someoka isn’t as hot-headed in the manga as he is in the anime. He’s not shown to be jealous of Gouenji, he actually admires his talent even when the team seems to only trust the fire striker to score. He is pretty hard on Endou at the beginning, calling his recklessness during practice “irresponsable”, and saying he’s not “qualified to be a captain” when Endou’s body was tattered from his intense training.
Endou’s dream in the manga is for him and his team to become “the legendary Inazuma Eleven”. In the anime, Endou doesn't really have a dream except that he wants to play and enjoy soccer with powerful players.
Aki is the only manager, at least during the qualifs. Natsumi is just a mean rich girl in the first half of the manga, then she just appears out of the blue to tell Endou his grand-father is alive. Haruna literally DOESN’T EXIST (best girl boohoo).
Hibiki becomes Raimon’s coach willingly on Natsumi’s demand. He’s a lot less moody than his alter ego in the anime. Raimon still goes through half the FF without a coach though.
Yuuka never wakes up in the manga.
The whole Aliea Gakuen arc doesn't happen in the manga ! The plot actually jumps from the end of the FF right to the FFI.
Fubuki seems to have a double personality in the manga but this is never adressed, so we don't know if it is because of a traumatic accident in the past or if it's just a gimmick.
That’s all for now ! Hope you learned a few things !
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argumentl · 2 years
Rough notes on Kaoru's Phalaris talk event
(addition/corrections welcome)
※Masuda first picks up on Kaoru's tshirt. Kaoru mentions a few movies of his day Rocky, Rambo etc, and says he was/is a fan of the Goonies. Masuda asks him about Top Gun, and tells him.what Shinya said about it. (Kaoru has seen it and liked it). 
※Masuda tries to start taking about Phalaris, Kaoru says he feels like he already talked about it enough already. But he says with Phalaris it was the first time he had a set aim in mind from the start, and he's pretty happy with the result. There were twists and turns along the way, but it stayed on the right track to completion. 
※He feels like the songs from Phalaris which they played on this tour were easy to get used to/easy to remember.
※They had originally planned to play 13 on this tour, not Hibiki. But if they did that it would just look like they were playing the first 4 songs in order. Kaoru would have prefered 13 though. 
※Kaoru hints that the 25th anniversary tour may be a tour in which you can feel history, and it may also be connected to the song battle, and it may also include songs from Phalaris...but they havnt actually decided any details about the specific content yet. 
※They talk a bit about the setlist for vol:1. They tried picking past songs that would merge well with the atmosphere of phalaris. 
※He feels like the rule of no noise from audience is tougher on the audience than it is on the band. 
※Masuda reminds Kaoru that it is exactly 16 years ago that they went on the Family Values tour, (Aug 4th San Antonio)and he remembers the car trouble they had. Kaoru does not remember this. He remembers the venues, but not how they got there. 
※Masuda then remembers that at the same time the following year, the were in Europe with the band Fair to Midland. Kaoru recalls how they wrote Dozing Green while they were on the road then. He remembers sitting on the stage with the members after rehearsal and discussing the new song. 
※Masuda reminds Kaoru that exactly 24 years ago was the first time the band played in Nakano Sun Plaza. Kaoru thinks it odd that as an indies band 24 years ago they were able to book two days at this venue. But as a 25yr old band, they were only able to book one day. They talk about this venue for a bit, Kaoru says they used to use a studio that was nearby. 
※They talk.about the trend of venues closing. Kaoru mentions the magazine Gigs ending too. Masuda says his first article about Dir en grey was in Gigs. 
※Kaoru wants.a bigger venue to be built in Tokyo, about 3000 capacity. He'd like it if people could just walk by and simply buy a ticket if they feel interested. 
※Masuda suggests having a Dir en grey arena where the band plays every day, like a broadway musical. Kaoru laughs at this idea, and says Seraph could do that. 
※Masuda asks if Kaoru has started any new projects or interests recently. Kaoru says he started listening to vinyl records a lot. He brought a few back from his home in Hyogo to use as decorations, but ended up wanting to listening to them, and was reminded of how good they are. He has since been going to 2nd hand stores etc and buying lots. 
※He would like to release a vinyl version of Phalaris. He was not happy with the amazon mega jacket for the deluxe version, with those two while columns on each side. 
※They talk about Shinya doing videos of him playing parts of songs for his youtube channel, and the possibility of the other members doing similar, but Kaoru says he doesnt want to appear on Shinya's channel. 
※Kaoru talks a bit about his preferences when it comes to band tshirts/ movie tshirts.  
※Kaoru says its been tough trying to book the tour venue in Nagoya too. 
※A veiwer asks about TTT in the comments. Kaoru says nothing is decided about that yet. 
※Masuda asks if Kaoru has any plans for new projects other than TTT. Kaoru says there are things he'd like to try, but as soon as he thinks about it, he has more demands from Dir en grey, like Kyo saying (imitating Kyo) 'Isnt is about time we made something new' etc. He knows Kyo has a lot going on so has to make the most of his time, but Kaoru sometimes wishes he had a bit more time to breathe. 
※Masuda asks how important creativity is for Kaoru when starting a piece of work. I didnt really catch the answer to this, but it was apparently hilarious. 
※They talk about the Studio coast live for a bit. Director Kondo is currently in the  middle of editing it. 
※Masuda says some comments have been made asking for  Dir en grey-fes. Kaoru says he likes the idea of inviting bands they are close to, but it would be impossible in reality. 
※Kaoru gives Masuda a cup of wine, and says they would go out to a bar after doing this kind of event in the past but as they cant do that this time, they might as well have more drinks now. 
※A viewer asks for Kaoru to spill some gossip. He tells a story about Fujieda going to buy the wine they are drinking now, and how Fujieda is always talking about whisky. This leads onto Kaoru talking about his recent visit to the Suntory Yamazaki Whisky distillery, before the live in Kyoto. 
※Masuda says he has visited a Scotch whisky museum in the UK. Kaoru would like to do similar, but it takes too much time getting there. 
※This leads on to Kaoru saying that the band are always thinking about when they can next tour overseas. There have been times during the past two years where they thought they might be able to, but it turned out they couldnt due to circumstances. 
※They talk about the concept of traveling with Japanese fans overseas to do a live for them there. Kaoru doesnt really like this idea. Masuda asks about doing a Japan tour for overseas fans, to travel Japan with the band. Kaoru says something similar to this was done when the band played Arche at Budokan. (I have no clue what this was). He is more open to this concept. 
※They talk about Shinya's ban on members going to his home. Masuda mentions the behavior of a particular member, and Kaoru says he didnt have anything to do with it. 
※Kaoru says Shinya wont even let anyone in his hotel room on tour. If you knock on his door, he will only open it a tiny sliver to answer. 
※Kaoru says there are not many people like Shinya. There is something very different about him. 
※That talk about how Phalaris was originally not intended to be put on the streaming sites, but after a bit of pressure from Apple music, they decided to put it on after all. 
※They talk about the band Black midi which Masuda likes, and then KISS, which Masuda likes too. Masuda mentions that next year will be KISS's 50th anniversary. Kaoru wonders what Dir en grey would be like on their 50th anniversary. The drums in Zan would be impossible. It would have to be an extremely slowed down Zan. Kaoru doesnt know how long the band will continue, but he still has a lot of ideas in his head. 
※Masuda says how talking about the acoustic Dozing Green in Sogai reminds him of when the band were on stage discussing the song overseas. Kaoru agrees.  This reminds Kaoru of an incident on that overseas tour where one of the members threw an apple at Shinya while he was asleep in his bed on the tour bus (??) They then talk about how Shinya had a fridge and a computer set up in his bed compartment. 
※About the anniversary tour, Kaoru admits that they often struggle to sell enough tickets for lives in the north and south of Japan, but they are giving Sapporo a shot this time, so he wants people to come.
※Kaoru says he is already in discussion with the band about plans for next year. 
※A comment comes in about Amagasaki Archaic Hall. Kaoru remembers seeing the Smashing Pumpkins there, but was disappointed that they played the acoustic version of Today, and cycled home upset about it. 
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thelemoncoffee · 2 years
Theoretically, if there was a despair disease motive, what would happen to each character? Both in the situation that they were infected or not infected , what role would someone take on to help if healthy or what new thing would they do if said character’s personality was flipped ?
Despair disease doesn’t need to exist in this au I just think it’s always great to know what someone would do in these situations to build character yknow ? ;-;
augh okay now this is a tough thing to respond to. My partner and i have argued about how Despair Disease works, so my own ability to define the restrictions of it is blurry, but based on this i assume you're looking for one that changes a core part of who the characters are.
i'm not sure i can even answer some of these on the account of doing so would spoil something important about the character, but i could attempt to do my best without exposing too much. the only two i'm 100% certain i can't do without spoilers are Chiba and Ellodie, so unfortunately no DD symptoms for them- i'll do their taking care of others tho.
everything is under the cut
1: Zenko Kairi - Zenko isn't the most prideful of people, he's pretty modest about his work despite both his Ultimate title and his status in the furry community as a "popufur". he'd much rather go unnoticed entierly if he's honest with ya, but he won't decline an offer to get a better chance at a good job/college so he accepted his ult title. for this i think if he got Despair Desease he'd end up much more boasty and prideful, demanding praise for his work and wanting to be the center of attention at all times.
for taking care of people? he'd be a bit underfoot if i'm honest. by all means he has good intent and wants to help out, but he has no clue how to deal with a simple cold- let alone DD.
2: Hibiki Naomi - okay Hibiki isn't underdeveloped, but he is really hard to do something unique with. his core personality (without spoils) is basically emo anti-social guy who could use a friend but sucks ass at conversation enough to get one. he finds it easier to use words when in the form of poetry but he'll be damned if he's gonna speak out loud in poems, that shit's embarrassing as fuck. i honestly have no clue what to do for a character like him.
as of helping- much like all introverts world wide during covid, he gladly takes the excuse to stay the fuck away from everyone
3: Yoshiko Kie - okay so she's pretty under developed but hang with me. when i made her i thought it'd be funny if she had a similar demeanor to Miu (minus the lewd) but reversed. so she present as a shy and easily spooked person but the moment she's in the hot seat she'll take your head off if you aren't careful. so i imagine if she got DD she'd be more like Miu, outwardly snappy till you snap back then she caves.
she wouldn't help with shit, and for very "not my problem" reasons. someone might try to get her to help but they'd regret bothering her pretty quickly.
4: Fumiko Umemoto - okay she's a bit rough to do because i kinda wanted to purposefully make her annoying. like she's constantly dropping references and meme jokes all the time, is probably a tumblrina(derogatory), is self centered, and has a hate boner for Kazuhiko (there's a reason, but it's spoils). when i made her i was setting out to make a character who i personally would want to beat over the head with a two-by-four, and i have no clue how effective she'd be against other people but i know i succeeded in my goal. asking me how she'd change with DD basically auto results in "a better person".
helping? aauuhh.... maybe? she'd half-ass anything she did, make up some excuse about not wanting to get sick and ruin her voice.
5: Kazuhiko Ichigo - Kazuhiko is the definition of chilled the fuck out, the initial note i wrote for him just said "good vibes, anxiety bug-spray". he's a bit passive aggressive and is fully capable of throwing shade, but aside from that you'd be hard pressed to piss him off. for that i think him with DD would probably be super fucking intense, easy to piss off, might deck ya, will cuss you out- just nasty and anything but chill.
i would say he'd be the most useful for medical stuff, but i don't think he has the right skills. any medical knowledge he has is from helping lifeguards on the beach with injured surfers, and he isn't one to get sick very often either. he'd help with any pain they might experience, but aside from that the best he can do is simply exist and keep people relaxed.
6: Daiki Dekiru - Daiki is a funky one because i think in order for him to not literally combust i'd have to change more than just one core thing. he is first and foremost; absolutly dickshit awful at withholding information unless his life is literally on the line. and second most, he's basically a golden retriever in a humans body. both of these things would have to be altered by DD for him to remain functional, but only changing one would be funny. change only his doggo personality? he's a grumpy and quite guy who for some reason will answer any question you as him despite his clear distaste in doing so. change the lack of shut up? now he's just very panicked because he really really really wants to tell you this one thing but it just won't come out. doing both would make him a little less contradictory in his behavior.
for helping out i don't think he would. not for any malicious reasons he's just scared of catching it, any help he'd give would be something that doesn't require being in the same room as the deathly sick people. maybe he'd make them soup like his parents always did when he was sick as a kid
7: Ellodie - helping out Ellodie would probably take charge, or at least partial charge. for lack of a better spoiler free wording- she's got some sickness ptsd of sorts and does not want this to end as bad. she'd try to hide her own freaking out and stay strong, but probably fail and need to cry on someone's shoulder at least once.
8: Neiro Shibata - god i almost don't wanna do anything to her because i'd feel bad. she's like the over supportive big sister friend, she cares also about people and tries to help them all she can by pushing them without pushing boundaries- kinda like if Kaito actually knew what he was doing. i don't wanna put her under the DD style character analysts cause she'd end up mean and i do not like mean Neiro. (can we tell she's in my top favorites) maybe i can still make her nice- maybe it targets her drumming abilities instead and she loses her ability to keep rhythm.... yeah!
helping? she helps! Neiro is one of the characters who wouldn't mind working in direct contact with the sick, she'd defiantly be careful about her own health but other than that she'd gladly help out anyone who needs a pair extra hands.
9: Juno Miran- As the man of few words he is, i honestly think it'd be funny if he got DD and just simply couldn't stop talking. he also has like- little to no tone in his voice so imagine if he suddenly just had all the tone. imagine this poor guy who just likes to not be bugged tried to say hi back to someone and it was like a nightmare he had once. i don't even have something in depth here i just think this would be genuinely funny and misfortunate.
for helping i think he would just do what he always does. he's a bit of a clean freak so he already tries to keep the areas they all share clean, he'd just keep doing that- maybe more frequently.
10: Chiba Ayame - help anyone? fuck no. she's not stupid, she's going to stay far the fuck away from that and not risk her health. the other crazies can deal with that, she isn't risking her life for them she has bigger things to worry about right now.
11: Takao Hagiwara - Okay so the thundercat is very much someone without a filter between his thoughts and his actions, he's impulsive as shit and also super easy to freak out despite how badass he tries to come off as. it'd be nice if he gained a filter with DD but i don't think he would, maybe something more with his all bark no bite behavior or even his swindling talent. i'm not very confident in anything sold with him
for helping, he's a chicken and doesn't want to get near anyone at all- even the people who haven't been in contact with the ill at all. he might even use his talent to convince everyone that he might be sick to bail out on any help they try to get from him.
12: Masaki Jiro - unfortunately despite my best efforts i couldn't escape the trap of a generic protag. he's a generally sweet and kinda naive guy who wants to help, but gets snappy much too easy for his own comfort, he's also one to play off nearly falling like he didn't just almost eat shit. i will say though he is canonically ace and while i don't wanna say that would be the most interesting thing for DD to target- it kinda absolutly is the most interesting thing for DD to target as of right now.
13: Kasai Sachie- you know how i said Kasai doesn't believe in superstitions? what if DD caused her to be just mega superstitions. it's dumb i know, but it'd be entertaining at the very least. it'd also kinda work pretty well cause she isn't normally an anxious or paranoid person and tends to be seen as motherly towards he friends, and being so overly superstitious would make her much more anxious, paranoid, and in need of comfort instead of being the comforting one.
for help- as i said she's a mom friend and as such she would mom it up. she'd be the best to go to for what remedies to use when, and would not be afraid to knock some sense into people.
14: Kobe Katsumi - what's the reverse of Reggie Belafonte from Surfs Up? cause Kobe is just Reggie as a human- he's a fast talking, loud, overly dramatic showbiz guy. he's also petty and will roast the shit out of a concept he doesn't like. how do i change that for DD? make him cynical and self conscious?
also for helping, he wouldn't get near someone with a normal cold, let alone something as dangerous as DD
15: Asuka Seo - one of Asuka's biggest defining personality traits is his logic. he's logical to a fault, not liking when people fuck around or get too emotional around him (you can imagine how little he enjoys his peers). it'd be interesting if he got DD and became overly emotional and playful, entertaining ideas and daydreams his normal mind would never
for helping he'd help out of obligation. he wouldn't do alot and would be a stickler for health safety protocols, but he knows if they want everyone to survive he has to pitch in on occasion.
16: Ohara Susumu - Ohara's core character trait is her submissive, almost maid-like nature. she grew up in a house with two very bossy siblings, and developed a desire to have to be useful to be worth anything due to how they took advantage of her already kind nature. she doesn't see the relationship she had with them as abusive, but everyone she tells about it sure does. if she had DD i imagine she'd be rebellious and rude, maybe reflecting her sibling's behavior towards her and using it against everyone around her.
for helping out; she'd be one of the best there for assisting the sick, not taking control but being efficient as fuck about any task she was given. she's also super patient so she'd be really good for dealing with the jarring differences.
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campbluelake · 1 year
explain. now. || Trial 4.3 || Max || RE: Kyou, Hibiki Is Psychic Apparently?
Max can take things in stride. He does it quite often; how else would he manage to remain so unflappable this whole time?
But people--
Your psychic paintings are pretty weird.
--are moving--
Since you were a child, huh? That’s a funny thing t'say, Bibi-san. Me and you both know that’s ain’t true.
--very fast--
Your pact wasn’t for visions in your dreams.
--without a single pause to explain themselves to those not in the know.
Which would, of course, include himself.
Max tears his eyes away from the fire, glancing around at people before lifting his hand up a bit.
"Right. You're all- saying a lot of things without explaining. It's kind of useless for the rest of us who don't know what you're talking about."
He looks at Kyousuke.
"Why do you know that isn't true? That he didn't- have visions as a child. Just saying that you know doesn't help."
And then-- a glance between the few people who mentioned the paintings and visions on their own.
"And can you explain the paintings and the visions? I- believe they're real, obviously. But I feel like some of us might be missing context. What does he paint? What does he see?"
Max looks back to the fire, scratching at his neck.
"If you know things that you think are relevant, then explain them. Otherwise, I might as well just ask- Hibiki."
There's a firmness to his tone that makes this sound like more of a demand than a suggestion.
0 notes
mephinomaly · 2 years
[TL] Careful/Chapter 3
Location: A company car
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???: Where to, ma’am?
The ES building? Most certainly......☆
Fufufu. You think the driver looks strange? You distrust me? Oh how that wounds me!
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Wataru: Why for tonight, the one who was sent to pick you up was I. Yes, it’s your Wataru Hibiki......☆
Aahahahaha, isn’t this wonderful! With that wide-eyed expression, it seems you’ve been enraptured by the pure brilliance of the element of surprise.
I can tell by your face that you have work to do. Should I take a guess as to what it may be about?
……Yes, it’s about the shuffle unit. I have already heard about it from various sources.
I heard that you also wanted to contact me. Anyhow, I was hoping to hear it from you personally, so that is the reason I am here…♪
Hmmm. The documents are nearly completed, so you were planning on submitting them tonight…?
Did I perhaps, rush to get here? I had heard about that from the others, so I will have the paperwork ready when it best suits you.
That is why I am sitting in the driver’s seat - so I could hear the story directly from Anzu-san.
About the Easter Fes. And why I was chosen for the shuffle unit….No, I completely understand why I received the endorsement.
After hearing the opinions of those children, you decided to contact me…
I’m a suitable candidate for a shuffle unit this time. Is that what you were thinking too, Anzu-san?
…I see. All the members, myself included, are able to follow the demands of the Easter Fes and to comply with the Student Council.
As a Producer, you’re under a lot of pressure .
….What am I being cautious about? Should I be cautious?
No, there is no reason why I should be reluctant or decline the offer. A nomination from my kohai is an unparalleled opportunity.
To meet and exceed everyone’s expectations is the job of an entertainer. It would only be fair for me to fulfil my role......☆
…Well now. It is my duty to safely deliver Anzu-san to the ES building.
Have you fastened your seatbelt? Now let the brief night drive, begin...☆
Time: A few days later
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Hinata: Hibiki-senpai’s late…
Shinobu: That being said, there is still some time until the meeting begins. We may have gotten here too early~
Hiiro: Umu. I was greatly looking forward to finally meeting with everyone as a shuffle unit.
Mika: I’ve been here for 30 minutes already. I was wonderin’ if everyone else was as excited as I am.
Hinata: Yup! Let’s all do our best for the Easter Fes…
Someone’s knocking! Could it be Hibiki-senpai?
Hiiro: I will go greet him. Wataru-senpai, welcome….
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Shinobu: Is something wrong?
Hiiro: It’s not Wataru-senpai, it’s a pigeon. So that knocking on the door was actually this bird?
Mika: Ah, coulda guessed. It’s Hibiki-senpai’s pigeon. I’ve had one set on me before, so that’s how I know.
Shinobu: If there’s a pigeon here, that must mean Hibiki-dono is in the vicinity…?
Wataru: Yep, look behind you...♪
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Shinobu: Gyahhh!?
Wataru: Fufufu, what a lovely reaction. Such pleasing shrieks to my ears...☆
Hinata: Huhhh, Hibiki-senpai’s inside the room already!? Since when…!
Hiiro: And Anzu-san’s just arrived too. Is this everybody?
Hinata: Yep. Now we’re all together, the Easter Fes going to get exciting ♪
Shinobu: Nihihi, I’m looking forward to it ♪ What can we do as a group of five?
Mika: It’ll be pretty interestin’ ta do somethin’ different from the usual unit stuff.
Hiiro: I would like to take this opportunity to get to know Wataru-senpai and everyone else better. I’m looking forward to working with you all!
Wataru: …Everyone? I am finding it quite difficult to move when you are chatting around me like this.
Hinata: I’m happy that you’ve come, Hibiki-senpai ♪ So, let’s hear some words of encouragement from our senpai!
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Mika + Shinobu: ……(Looking up at Wataru with a hopeful expression)
Wataru: …I see.
I hope that we can celebrate the arrival of spring, as a group. I look forward to working as a together as a unit...♪
Hinata: Alrighty. I was going to say something but, it can wait another time when we’re together again…
Hey, Anzu-san’s also a part of this ♪ It’s fine to do a group huddle even if it’s nowhere near the live, right?
Let’s do our best for the Easter Fes~! Whooop...☆
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eryiss · 2 years
Fairy Tail Rare Pair Week: Lokibi Drabbles
Flowers: Loke and Hibiki have been flirting for months. Hibiki raises the stakes. Stars: In an unwinnable fight for Hibiki, the stars shine down and protect him. Promise: Hibiki doesn't do casual sex. Loke is no exception to that rule.
Notes: This is my final submission for Rare Pair Week by @ftguildevents. It was fun writing all of these, I hope you enjoyed them all. Thanks for reading.
Links: FFN, Ao3, Laxeel Drabbles, FreedGeer Drabbles, BixFreed Drabbles.
Flowers: A Charming Oneupmanship
"As much as I love the attention, why are you all- oh."
Loke looked around the guildhall with wide eyes. When he'd arrived, Juvia, Lucy, Mirajane and Elfman had been waiting outside the doors. The doors had been closed, which was odd already, and the fidgety behaviour of his guild mates made it clear that something was happening inside. He hadn't known what to expect, but it hadn't been this.
Flowers. Flowers everywhere!
Literally every table, every surface, was covered in bouquets of flowers. They were all beautiful, the scent was divine, and Loke walked in slowly. Okay; Hibiki might have upped his game just a little.
He and Hibiki had met in the Grand Magic Games last year, and the attraction had burned brightly the moment they laid eyes on each other. Loke had, being the charming gentleman that he was, had introduced himself to the man with a rose, a glass of wine, and a promise that things would never be the same for Hibiki again.
Loke's expectation was that Hibiki would blush and laugh. Instead, Hibiki had flirted back. And he'd flirted back well.
That was how their game began.
Flirting was second nature to them both, so it was natural that this was how they communicated. Every interaction between them was trying to out flirt one another. If Hibiki were to treat Loke to a meal at the nicest restaurant in town, then Loke would be duty bound to cook him the best meal he'd eaten and serve it under the stars. It was good; they both got to concentrate their flirting urges at one receptive target.
And, Loke got to feel special. That was nice too.
The flowers were a reaction to Loke's previous act of flirting. Hibiki had been on a long mission, walking from town to town to promote his guild. Loke had known each town Hibiki would visit, and each time he sent a bouquet of flowers to his hotel room.
"Okay," Loke whispered, looking around at the hundreds of flowers. "This will take quite a lot to outdo."
"It's so romantic, isn't it!" Mirajane said, smiling. "He's so sweet."
"Juvia wishes she had a man as thoughtful as him," Juvia claimed, looking around the room with shining eyes. "Juvia doesn't know how Loke can spend so much time away from his boyfriend. Especially when he seems so sweet and romantic."
"He's not my boyfriend," Loke said dismissively.
He walked to the largest bouquet of flowers, which had a card resting in it. He picked it up and smiled a little at what Hibiki had written: A Pretty Forest For My Pretty Lion.
After tucking the card into his blazer pocket - he saved things like that for later - he was met with an unimpressed looking Juvia, Lucy and Mirajane. Even Elfman, who had got a drink for himself, was looking at him with disbelief. He frowned at them all; did they want to see the card before him?
"What do you mean he's not your boyfriend?" Mirajane demanded. "You've been together for six months now."
"No, we haven't," Loke claimed. "This is just for fun. I like flirting, you know that."
"You haven't flirted with me since you met him," Lucy crossed her arms. "Or anyone else, I bet."
"You're all ridiculous," Loke huffed. "You act like we're declaring our love for each other."
Rather than arguing, the three women looked around at the forest of flowers that were covering the room. Loke rolled his eyes, because if they were going to make admittedly good points in an annoying way then he was going to be annoying right back.
And he and Hibiki weren't actually flirting for real. It was just fun! A flirt battle! A way to improve the craft of charming and swooning.
Fine, Loke admitted he had only flirted with Hibiki since they'd met, but that didn't mean anything. It was just that he enjoyed doing this so much; it was fun! And the way it felt to be the recipient of flirting was nice; it made him feel all fuzzy and soft inside in a way he didn't know how to deal with. He didn't want to risk losing it by flirting with anyone else.
That meant nothing. Just like the way his stomach flipped when he saw Hibiki smiling and blushing. None of it meant anything.
Even Loke knew that he was in deep denial.
"Shut up." He mumbled, sighing. "What do I do?"
"Talk to him," That had been Elfman. Loke and the girls looked at him, and he shrugged. "He likes you. He's either an idiot like you or waiting for you to figure it out and do something. Either way, take him on an actual date. Be a man. Tell how you feel. Fall in love. Easy."
"Easy?" Loke echoed. "Falling in love is easy?"
"If you've been in love with a guy for six months, and he's in love with you, then yeah it is," Elfman answered. "Talk to him."
Loke frowned, and almost as if fate determined it, the telephone lacrima buzzed in his pocket. He saw that it was Hibiki calling him, so he rushed away from the watching eyes and answered the call. Hibiki's hologram shot up, and Loke was filled with a bashful shyness he'd never felt before.
"You win," He said, before Hibiki could speak. "I can't outdo this. You win."
"Oh," Hibiki blinked, then averted his eyes. "Right, well. Okay. Good. This has been fun, but-"
"Could I come to your place tonight?" Loke asked. "I'd invite you to mine but, y'know, it's another dimension. Maybe we could get a pizza or something. Spend some time together. Talk."
"Oh," This time, Hibiki sounded shocked. Not a bad form of shocked, though. "I'd like that. I can, erm, pick you up. If that's okay."
"It is," Loke smiled, and knew his cheeks were red. "You like flowers? I've got a couple to spare."
Stars: Protection from Above
"Ren, you need to fall back," Hibiki yelled into the headset he wore.
He was standing away from the fight, surrounded by his magical screens. He could see the entire battlefield, where his guild mates were fighting a dark guild. He was instructing them all, telling them where they needed to be, who was attacking from where, and warning them of any dangers that were approaching. This was his usual place in a fight like this, and he was in his element.
But that was the problem, wasn't it? He was too focused on his screens to notice the mage sneaking up behind him. He was watching as Eve fought against three mages and was completely taken by surprise by the beam of magic that struck him on the back.
He was thrown through his screens, which cracked as he hit them. On the ground, a large man with crackling blue magic stood over him.
Dammit: close combat fighting wasn't his forte.
With a jerk, he kicked the mage in the shin and took the moment to get to his feet. The moment he did, a beam of blue magic hit him in the stomach, pushing him against the large rock he had been hiding behind. He roared in pain and struggled to raise his hands to cast his own spell. A protective screen flickered between Hibiki and the dark mage, blocking the attack.
A bracelet the dark mage was wearing began to glow, and suddenly all of Hibiki's magic energy was gone. All of it.
Oh no. No!
The beam of magic was back a moment later, and Hibiki groaned as he was ground against the boulder. The pain was blistering and Hibiki felt his grasp on reality slipping away. The dark mage was powerful and unrelenting, and Hibiki knew he wouldn't last longer. But what could he do? He was too far away from anyone else to call for help, his magical energy had been stolen by the bracelet, and he couldn't fight physically against a spell. He was… helpless.
Thrashing, he shot his head back and looked up. Through the nights sky, he could see the stars. They were glowing bright - way too bright - and suddenly he couldn't feel pain anymore. He knew he was being attacked, but there was no pain.
The constellation that was glowing; it was Leo!
Suddenly, a huge beam of glowing gold light shot down from the sky. It covered Hibiki and the dark mage, and he was the warmest and most comfortable feeling Hibiki had ever felt. It was familiar and gentle and addictive; it felt exactly like it felt when Loke was cuddling him in the dead of night.
A parting in the light occurred, and there Loke stood.
He looked radiant, glowing with magic and dripping with power. He ignored the dark mage entirely and looked at Hibiki with a charming smile. He offered a hand to Hibiki, who took it with slightly shaking hands. He was pulled close against his boyfriend, who was smiling down at him with a love-filled expression. Hibiki couldn't fight the feelings that fluttered inside of him at that look; his boyfriend was perfect.
"Hello handsome," Loke purred. "What's a beauty like you doing in a place like this?"
"Losing a fight," Hibiki admitted.
"Losing? I thought a man as stunning as you wouldn't know the meaning of the word," Loke smirked, leaning down. "I thought the world bent to the face of a handsome man. The stars most certainly do."
"Well, aren't I lucky," Hibiki coughed, before whispering. "I have no magical energy. I can't fight him."
"That won't do," Loke tutted. "Not at all."
Then, Loke took Hibiki's chin in his fingers and tilted his head up. He leant down and pressed their lips together in a slow, gentle kiss. He melted into his boyfriend's arms, wrapping himself up in his Lion and drowning in the magical aura he was emanating. The delightful feeling of Loke's familiarity lapped at Hibiki as if tending to him.
Magical energy flowed from Loke and into Hibiki, who groaned and smiled. Kissing Loke was always heaven, but this was transcendence. Magic and love had mingled together, and Hibiki was drowning in the perfection of it all.
"That's better," Loke mumbled against Hibiki's lips. "How are you feeling, Darling?"
"Good," Hibiki whispered, nuzzling his nose against the crook of Loke's neck. "Like I could take on an army single handedly."
"That's what I like to hear," Loke purred. "So, once we defeat this little wretch, you'll have plenty of energy left for me."
"I suppose so," Hibiki laughed, then glanced at the dark mage, who was breathing heavily. Clearly, Loke's spell had a different effect on him. "Shall we, Lion?"
"We shall, Darling."
In tandem, they turned to look at the dark mage. They were both dripping with a glowing gold of magical energy, and the dark mage flinched at the sight of them. He turned to run, but magical screens shot up around him, trapping the man inside of them. Data on the man flooded Hibiki's mind, telling him everything he needed to know.
This was the most power he'd ever had. He had Loke's power, and his own, and it was perfect.
A unison raid. That's what this was.
Hibiki wrapped his arms around Loke's neck and pulled him into another kiss, spells shooting off from them both. The dark mage was being obliterated, but they didn't care about him anymore. The feeling of his magic mingling with Loke's was something unlike anything he'd ever felt. It was right. It was destiny.
This kiss was what he was meant to have. Loke was who he was meant to be with. This was his fate and Hibiki loved it.
And now, he knew something without doubt. He was never going to be alone again. Not when he had the stars watching over him, ready to protect and love him no matter what.
Promise: One and Only
"Darling," Loke panted. "What's wrong?"
Ah, so Loke had noticed. He and Hibiki were stretched over Hibiki's bed, both only wearing their boxers. They had been in the middle of making out, hands roaming over each other's strong bodies. They were both sporting hard cocks, and Loke had pressed the full weight of his body onto Hibiki. It was something out of Hibiki's wet dreams, and yet he still couldn't fight the tug in his gut that told him to stop there. To not go further.
This wasn't the first time, either. They'd been officially together for months now and had never got further than making out. It was all Hibiki, and he hated it.
"I'm sorry," he whispered.
"Don't be," Loke said, pushing up and stroking Hibiki's cheek with his thumb. "But, can you tell me what's wrong? Just so I know."
He could say no. He had every other time. But he felt like he owed an explanation at least. But, would he laugh? What if he laughed.
No, this was Loke. He was kind.
"I don't have- I don't normally-" He tried, but sighed. He couldn't do it. He just couldn't. Loke's hand stroked his thigh, and it was comforting enough to spur him on. "I haven't had sex in a long time. Years. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologise," Loke whispered. "If you don't want to-"
"I do!" Hibiki cut in. "I really do. But, when I joined my guild, I made a rule for myself. Flirting with people was okay, taking them on dates was fine, but sex wasn't. It was a limit. I only sleep with people I'm serious with," He averted his gaze. "I know that we're serious, and I'm just being an idiot, but there's this stupid voice telling me that if we sleep together, it'll change or you'll get bored or-"
He was cut off when Loke leant down and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.
"I love you," Loke whispered. "I've never loved anyone before. I've never felt like this before. I love you. I love the things we do. I love who I am when I'm around you," He kissed Hibiki again. "We could sleep together until our bodies give up, or never do anything more than kiss, and that wouldn't change. But I am not leaving you, Darling. How could I? I'm besotted but you."
Hibiki looked into Loke's eyes and saw honestly.
"Start kissing me again," He ordered.
Loke compiled immediately, leaning down and pressing his body against Hibiki's as he kissed him again. The press of Loke above him was thrilling now, and not twinged with anything but arousal. Now his nerves were settled, Hibiki was driven. Loke loved him, they were in it for the long haul, and that drove him wild.
Years of flirting with strangers - as hot as they were - paled in comparison to this. He was loved by a man he loved; that was the hottest thing imaginable.
Suddenly, Hibiki was as hard as he had ever been. His hands were manically roaming all over Loke's body - how had he stopped himself from feeling these muscles before - and every touch was electric. Knowing how Loke felt; he couldn't stop himself. This was suddenly the only thing he needed.
"I want you," He whispered. "I-I need you to-"
"I know darling," Loke purred. Hibiki's cock jumped at how low it was. "And I'm happy to oblige."
Loke's hands were running unashamedly over Hibiki's thighs, kneading and sliding over. He hooked his fingers over the waistband of his boxers, raised an eyebrow in a question, then pulled them down once he got the answer. Hibiki was naked, and Loke looked awe inspired.
"Beautiful," Loke whispered.
Without elegance, Loke tugged off his own boxers and tossed them away. Hibiki was transfixed by the sight of his Lion naked. He was tight muscles, long limbs, and a beautiful cock. Holy fuck!
"You okay, darling?" Loke whispered.
"Do it," Hibiki said.
Quickly, Loke lubed his dick up and was kissing up Hibiki's chest. Hibiki groaned at the feeling, Loke's hard cock trailing against his thigh and lightning his skin on fire.
With careful movement, Loke had Hibiki's legs hooked over his shoulders. Hibiki should have felt exposed, but he felt safe and secure with Loke looking down at him. He wore a small smile, hands rubbing up Loke's strong arms just to feel the skin on skin contact.
Loke positioned himself, his cock resting against Hibiki's tight hole. Hibiki groaned already, a blissed out expression already on his face.
Slowly, carefully, Loke pushed inside. They moaned in tandem, a sound of beauty and sexy pleasure. Hibiki watched Loke as he clenched his expression, hypnotised by the honest pleasure on the man's face. He was doing this; he was giving Loke that pleasure. That feeling of power was amazing, and Hibiki's head lolled back in boneless euphoria.
Pushing further in, Loke gasped. Hibiki relished it, and the feeling of fullness was heaven. He had his Lion's cock deep inside him, and damn if this wasn't what heaven felt like.
Why had he put this off for so long?
"I love you," Loke whispered. "More than you'll ever know."
That was why he waited. Because sex was hot, and it felt so good, but sex with a man who loved him was so much better. It was incredible, and Hibiki wanted nothing more than to feel like that forever.
Loke started to thrust in and out, and a medley of moans filled the room. Hibiki was mindless, watching his boyfriend with slack jawed adoration. This man was perfection and was peppering Loke with compliments as he slowly made love to him.
You're the man of my dreams…
You're it for me…
You're my one and only…
The world became a blur. There was nothing but Hibiki, the darling man that Hibiki was in love with, and the pleasures of that man's beautiful body. Nothing else mattered.
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inkreservoir · 2 years
The Devil’s Food
Chapter 2 | I Scream, You Scream
Fandom: Ensemble Stars!
Characters: Wataru Hibiki, Eichi Tenshouin, Keito Hasumi, Tori Himemiya (briefly), Yuzuru Fushimi
Relationships: Eichi Tenshouin/Wataru Hibiki
Links: AO3 | First Chapter
Summary: After a particularly difficult performance, fine celebrates with sundaes. Keito finds out and has an unexpected problem with it.
Status: Complete
Wataru is stretching his quads by the mirror when an angry student council vice president storms into fine's dance rehearsal, flanked by the little princess who looks at once smug and distraught, and the butler, of course, following not far behind.
"Hibiki!" Keito bursts with a force that could perhaps shatter the glass of the academy's gym if he really put some effort into it.
"Ah, the right hand man!" Wataru greets him. straightening up from his lunge.
"Oh, you're here for Wataru?" Eichi asks, sounding relieved (a little traitorous of him!). "I thought I was about to be lectured."
If he were here for you, Eichi, our princess wouldn't be looking so pleased with himself, Wataru thinks, but he doesn't say it, because that would shatter Eichi's illusion that his intuition is magical.
"Oh, you're next, don't you worry," Keito sneers at him and Eichi pouts, folding his arms.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Wataru asks sweetly, which is befitting for what he's pretty sure he's in trouble for this time, unless one of the many, many booby trap pranks he has set up in the student council room went off. According to Eichi, mere possession of ice cream is expressly contraband, and consumption is practically a federal offence. But Wataru knew Eichi wouldn't be the one to take the fall, despite the right hand's empty promises, and he can hold his own just fine against such a non-threat.
"It's apparent you've made a full commitment to living up to your title of Masked Pervert," Keito begins his scolding, pushing his glasses up and marching over to Wataru to stand within what he assumes Keito would consider to be an intimidating distance, but not so close that he has to be over-aware the two of them are breathing the same air.
"I admit I favour the Masked Freak translation, myself," Wataru counters, and motions a hand to set up his levitation trick. This is going to be a long conversation, and there's nowhere else to sit but the floor.
"Stop doing that!" Keito demands. "Your exhibitionism is incorrigible!"
"Ah, but isn't it so impressive how he casually breaks the fourth wall?" Eichi defends him, earning a glare of his own.
"No it is not!" Keito insists. It's apparent he's made a full commitment to never having fun or letting anyone else have fun ever.
"Do tell me more about my exhibitionism," Wataru tries not to roll his eyes, returning to the subject. It's fun to be lectured by Keito for things he actually does to Keito. Less so to be lectured for ruining Eichi's life and health and et cetera because he suggested getting ice cream and Eichi agreed.
Keito stares at him and for a moment seems at a loss. Anger and disgust twist his lips and wrinkle his nose, and Wataru can see the gears turning in his head as he tries to find words for the repulsive and audacious acts he's about to punish Wataru for, which is... slightly confusing, actually? Is Eichi lactose intolerant or something?
No, that's impossible. He drinks milk tea just fine.
Finally, Keito parts his lips.
"You ordered him an aphrodisiac sundae."
"What?" Eichi bursts into giggles, and Wataru says, "I beg your pardon?" before he can think of a witty reply.
"You heard me the first time," Keito folds his arms, pushing his glasses up carefully with one hand, but Wataru wishes Keito would for once care to answer someone else's wish because the words that just came out of his mouth are too ridiculous to comprehend.
Not wanting to appear too confused to the audience, he clears his throat. "I must confess I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about." Well. At least it sounds rehearsed.
"Chocolate," Keito hisses. "A full-fat chocolate sundae with brownies and hot fudge, you debaucherous loon."
He can't possibly be serious.
But Wataru has never known the right hand to have a sense of humour.
He wants to shoot Eichi a panicked glance but he might as well just throw himself in the trash if he's going to be that much of a traitor to his act.
The right hand has left him with no choice but to... find some way to play along.
But his brain is like an old TV with scrambled signal.
"What a sad life you must lead then," Wataru offers weakly before his mind finally latches on to Willy Wonka, and he pushes that energy forth with as much force as he can muster. "A world in which chocolate is reserved only for those who are depraved enough to taste it! I take it the good right hand has never indulged in the pleasure?"
"That's completely different," Keito fumes as if expecting Wataru to understand.
"If I recall correctly," Wataru goes on. "Does our very own Yumenosaki Academy not honour the day of our old Saint Valentine with festivities involving idols handing chocolate directly to our fans~? Ah, it's a seminary of temptresses! You could call it an orgy, even!"
"Enough, Hibiki!" Keito shouts, and Wataru sneaks a casual glance at Tori, who, to his relief, looks just as lost as Wataru feels. "That isn't the same at all and you know why."
"I fear the Right Hand overestimates my talents," Wataru casts his gaze to the wood floor sadly. "Unfortunately, incredible though I am, I am simply a magician, not a psychic. So please, do enlighten us." He gestures dramatically to the little princess, taking advantage of his bewilderment. "It appears the audience is struggling to follow this contrived plot."
Keito's face changes for a moment as he registers that Tori is still here, and he gives Yuzuru a pointed look. "Out, both of you."
Tori complains but looks relieved to scurry out of the room with his butler, and Wataru wishes a little that he could go with them. He's a touch too out of his depth to find this funny, although he's still possessed of enough faculties to know it's objectively hilarious.
"It's different," Keito seethes slowly once the other two have left the room, his teeth clenched and dutiful in their role of guarding his tongue. "Because Eichi's a slut."
"Keito?" Eichi shrieks, and grasps outward for anything nearby to hold onto before realizing there's nothing and falling into a cross-legged position on the floor, his entire body shaking with silent, incredulous laughter.
"Am I wrong, Eichi?" Keito challenges, but Eichi seems unable to breathe, and Wataru runs to his side.
"Look what you've done," Wataru reprimands Keito, feeling conflicted between guilt and smug gratification at for once being the one who gets to fret over how the other hand is affecting Eichi's health. "Are you all right, Eichi? Of course such preposterous assertions could result in episodes of laughter so all-consuming that even my lungs may not be able to handle it, and they are powerful, strong things!"
Eichi waves his hand desperately in Wataru's face before grabbing onto his arms and burying his nose in Wataru's shoulder, releasing a stream of hysterical sobs.
Keito is unmoved, planted firmly where he stands with his arms tightly crossed.
"See?" he points at their embrace accusingly.
"Ah - yes -" Eichi sputters. "H - how slutty of me -"
There seems to be more to Eichi's thought than that but he can't get it out between his gasps for air. Wataru actually is a little worried, grateful for the inhaler he keeps up his sleeve during their dance practices, but not quite concerned enough to bring it out yet.
"I assure you, Right Hand, I had no such deviant intentions," Wataru says, but the fact Keito would even accuse him of this makes firm that he'll never believe him. "I merely wanted to share a common celebratory delicacy with the precious members of my unit."
"Then why did you insist on ordering for him?" Keito retorts.
"That was for the humble reason that that sundae is my favourite item on the menu, and I thought Eichi would enjoy it," Wataru explains, absolutely certain now that, regardless of what anyone else says about him, he is the most patient person in the universe. The thought of trying to explain this situation to Rei nearly makes him shudder.
Eichi hiccups, his laughter subsiding, and at this point he's just hugging Wataru for the sake of making Keito feel justified, perhaps.
Wataru sighs.
"Can you get your hands off him?" Keito growls, and Wataru reluctantly levitates himself out of Eichi's arms.
"You're so mean, Keito," Eichi whines, and Keito presses his lips together.
"The two of you are absolutely exhausting," he declares.
"I think we have more of a right to be exhausted right now than you do, Keito," Eichi protests. "Everything you just said was so insane I felt like my heart was about to stop."
"I wish it did," he snaps.
"I must say," Wataru offers. "I'm impressed that someone who appears on the surface to be so straight-laced and predictable can be so full of surprises. You are truly a wonder to behold, Right Hand! In spite of my unflattering nickname that you so shrewdly brought up at the start of this conversation, even I could not have predicted that such a ludicrous and fantastic accusation would ever be made of me! Amazing!"
Eichi sighs, lying back on the floor and massaging his chest. "I think I prefer your surprises, Wataru."
"Don't say that," Wataru warns him. "I fear the imaginative and jealous sister-in-law will read all manner of innuendo into it..."
"Everything the both of you do or say is innuendo," Keito grumbles. "You can't convince me I'm crazy, everybody knows this."
"Touché," Wataru grants him. "But aphrodisiac sundaes are a bridge too far, even for the two of us, I'm afraid."
"Not Eichi," Keito snorts. "You're not off the hook, Hibiki. You know how he talks about food."
"To be fair, he probably assumes I'm being metaphorical," Eichi says, and Wataru is suddenly struck by the reminder that this room has two crazy people in it, not one, and that neither of them are him.
He licks his lip.
"Have you ever perhaps considered that your view of others' intentions is, ah, coloured by the people with whom you keep company?" Wataru suggests to Keito as politely as he can.
"That's a question to ask Eichi," Keito rolls his eyes, and Wataru is overcome by the urge to hit him with something. Something large and hard, preferably. (Is that what she said? Ugh, Keito's going to have his brain doing this all day...)
Some fights, you just can't win.
"Perhaps we should call the princess and his butler back in for our dance rehearsal now, Eichi?" Wataru suggests, and Eichi raises a hand toward the ceiling for a moment before letting it drop to his side.
"Ahh, I'm in no condition for a dance rehearsal now," he laments. "This is all your fault, Keito, you ruined our practice with your conspiracies... I can still oversee the rehearsal for the three of you, though, of course."
Eichi doesn't need to oversee their rehearsal, Wataru is definitely sufficient, but he knows Eichi just doesn't want to be left out and nods. "I shall go retrieve them, then!"
Keito opens his mouth, but Wataru disappears in a puff of smoke before he can throw him any further off his rhythm.
What did I get myself into? he wonders, not for the first time, but never for the reasons the Oddballs would expect.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
SDRA2 HCs: S/O saving their Partner from being the Blackened
(Contains Ch 1-4 spoilers! I’ll add Ch 5 once I’ve finished it!)
The boxer got the alcohol and water mixed up even for himself, and that's pretty much where his plan to kill Yuri ends.
Though he still tries taking him to the bell tower but you--being the sober one--sees them and escort the two to their rooms.
"The Monocruise is this way, ya goofballs." You’re just amused as the spaceman clings to Hajime's back, making life easier for you.
Once he's in bed you get your bf to his room, though as you take off his shades for him you notice he's crying. 
"What's wrong?"
"I-I promised myself I'd never get drunk. I made a-a...lifetime commitment to never drinking a-again but...I-I broke that promise and disappointed everyone!!"
You just sigh and reassure him you aren't disappointed, though he keeps blubbering about how he intended to do something "really really bad" and he freaks himself out more.
So you just cuddle with him and eventually fall asleep once he's done sobbing. But you did hear something about being with Void and “betraying you”, which is concerning.
You hope it’s just the alcohol talking.
It's all a matter of perfect timing as you find Emma during the concert--only to see her screaming her head off at a confused and worried Kokoro.
You recognize it as one of her meltdowns, so you're quick to rush to her aid, taking her away from the excitement and closer to the water while the psychologist ran to find Teruya.
She's still in an angry panic, but once she calms down several minutes later (despite shaking a little), you softly ask her what happened.
"K-Kokoro..she's---a-accusing me of being with Void..a-and..."
"Are you, Emma? Please tell me the truth."
For a moment she's silent, scared of what you'd say next, before nodding as she saw no way out of this.
But you reassure her she doesn't have to commit murder. You won't let her, and you promise to protect her from Mikado if need be.
After that you two just cuddle in one of the rooms to help her relax, and there she talks more about what Kokoro said that made her freak out.
Eventually you will make her apologize for making Emma have a panic attack but for now you just want your gf to be okay.
Hibiki & Kanade
Hibiki's e-handbook blips with a message from you right as she and Kanade are about to stab Setsuka, obviously making the billiards player notice them.
The twins run away as Kanade snaps at her for ruining their plan.
But they bump into you waiting right outside the pool area, looking more like a disappointed parent than their s/o.
Being with the twins for so long, you’ve taken notice of Hibiki’s puppet-like state and calmly snap her out of it--to which she’s confused and panic-striken when she sees a knife in her hands.
“Wh-What...? What a-are we...?”
Still Kanade is pissed off at you for being the reason her plan was ruined, and she tries attacking you.
Fortunately you were prepared for this reaction, so you sedate her with the same type of drug Hajime used on Yuri on the first island.
When Hibiki asks, you regrettably explain what her sister intended to do and she starts sobbing, yelling at the currently unconscious twin.
From then on, she stays with you--terrified to be alone with her sister after what she tried to do to you.
And it turns out Kanade never cared about you--only her sister and just tolerated you to make her happy. But now that you’re an “obstacle” who’s destroying their relationship, you’ll have to watch your back.
Shinji (True Blackened)
You're horrified to see Nikei laying on the ground while your boyfriend has blood gushing down his neck.
But rather than assume the worst, you quickly tended to Shinji's neck wounds with gauze you had. You brought them in case anybody got hurt while exploring the tower.
You took him to the infirmary, demanding to know what the hell happened.
And he explains what happened between him, Nikei, and Yuki--suspecting that the journalist tried to make his little bro a murderer by killing him for reasons unknown right now.
You're livid, obviously, though Shinji is unusually calm as he hugs you and reassures you he's okay--thanks to you he's alive and probably would’ve done something he regretted had you not saved him.
Right on cue Yuki runs in, sobbing in relief and apologizing to both of you a thousand times. 
He even offers to let you both punch him but nah you just hug him.
Nikei (Mastermind of 4th Case)
You beat Yuki to the punch and see Shinji and your unconscious bf, horrified at first.
But you see the taser and believe Shinji when he claims Nikei tazed himself. So you take him to the infirmary, where he wakes up in confusion.
The urge to slap him is immeasurable but you keep calm and ask him why he did that to himself and tried framing Shinji.
He's stubborn about telling you, but after enough pestering he eventually shouts that he could've stopped Mikado's plan but it was your fault he failed.
Then he realizes his mistake, and you try not to get too upset, knowing he was just frustrated.
You insist that more killing wasn't going to stop Mikado's plan. And you didn't want to lose him even if he's convinced his fate was sealed the moment he defected--
Wait...is he crying?
"E-Everything I try to do keeps getting ruined! If it wasn't for that goddamn son of a bitch NONE OF THIS WOULD BE HAPPENING!!" His eyes are glowing red with tears flowing down his cheeks. "I should've stayed leader! It should be me instead of him!! Without him w-we...we could've had a normal life..that’s a-all I want, s/o.."
Now you understand. He wants to sabotage Mikado's plans to end this nightmare sooner, just so you two could escape and live as a normal, happy couple.
Even if you had no idea why he’d use Shinji, you just hold him and let him cry out all his frustration. You'll be sure he apologized to him later, but for now comforting him was priority.
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stellar-imagines · 5 years
HEADCANONS REQUEST: ❝S/O who loves to wrestle.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia & Kimetsu no Yaiba ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Togata Mirio, Hashibira Inosuke ]
「Headcanons of Bakugou, Shinsou, Mirio and Inosuke with their robust girlfriend who likes to wrestle them. It mostly starts out playfully but it devolves into NSFW territory.」
♤ Please don't encourage the feral/boar lad too much. Because it boosts his ego. And Inosuke with his ego boosted is super cocky.
♤ Inosuke, raised by boars and away from normal humans. That means, he has never been in a relationship before nor did the thought of romance crossed his mind. His first relationship was with you and all he understood was that the fuzzy, fluffy feelings that you made him feel were dubbed as love. Thanks to Zenitsu and Tanjirou who knocked some sense into him and made him realize that he was just in love with you.
♤ He's a very competitive person and you can't deny that. As a boy, he has his own pride. You're strong, he admits that. But the one screaming "FIGHT ME" is him and not you. However, you never refuse whenever he picks a fight with you. Of course, they were harmless little fights that are most of the time playful. At least to you but Inosuke is usually serious. And he feels like you're making fun of him.
♤ This happens a lot between the two of you, at the most random time and the most random place. You'd be in the Butterfly Estate helping Aoi with her errands, and once you spot Inosuke you'd just tackle him, yell "Fight me!" and the wrestling will begin.
♤ Over time, he understands what this playful banter meant and goes along with it. He can't say that he hates this playful wrestling.
♤ Poor Inosuke has never touched, courted and make friends with a girl because he's raised as a wild boar. How sad and unfortunate, was what Zenitsu has said once. And it was so true. He has no idea what is considered romantic and what isn't. One day, he just mentioned how he likes the way you hold his hands, pat his head, give him kisses and whatnot. And all of a sudden, he adds wrestling to his list of being romantic.
♤ When it gets a bit out of hand―either you end up in a position where he was pinning you down or you straddling his waist. He's confused while you're embarrassed. Inosuke likes it. He feels like he has won something. Especially when it escalates to the point you two have sex. He's fairly new to the intimate side of a romantic relationship so you'd have to guide him a lot but he's a fast learner.
♤ Usually, he'd have you pinned down with his entire body pressing on your own. He doesn't understand but feeling your body pressed intimately against his turns him on. And seeing you underneath him roused his primal instincts to claim you.
☆ It's actually very beneficial. At least, that's what Bakugou thinks. You're a strong individual, blessed with a strong quirk. But he didn't fall in love because of that. You were beautiful, nice to look at, even on the inside. He likes being with you but is too prideful to ask you to hold hands, cuddle or whatever. Bakugou lets you do whatever you want. You'd initiate hand-holding, give him hugs when you think he needs them―he thinks your intuition is just too good.
☆ You were pretty sweet in everything you do. Always gentle, calm and patient. So he assumed that you'd be the type of girl to go on cute dates. Go to the movies, eat at a nice cafe, walk back as you enjoy the sunset but no. Instead. "Katsuki, let's go to the gym and fight." Cue Confused Bakugou.jpg. And you both really go and fight. It was nothing serious, more like a sparring session between the two of you.
☆ And it became a habit. The two of you could be relaxing in the common room together with your legs tangled up. It would always start with one of your legs placed on top of the other which was the start of a long rally, trying to be the one on the top. It gets to point where you're poking is his sides as he pulled at your cheeks.
☆ Honestly, everyone is just very confused because the two of you act like siblings fighting over who gets to play the new toy.
☆ Bakugou hates to lose. You know it, Class 1-A knows that, his mom knows that, heck, maybe the entire world knows. Even if it was playful, he wants to get the last laugh. He'd look at you with this smug look that can either tempt you to slap him or turn you on. Usually its the latter.
☆ He likes it but doesn't say it out loud. There were a few times that you'd manage to pin him down and come out victorious. He hated to admit that it was pretty hot when you straddle his waist, hair all messed up and out of breath.
☆ Bakugou is not the type to start the playful banter but he's willing to play along when you initiate it. Even if its a not so serious thing, he still can't help but want to win.
♡ Shinsou's quite the playful type but you'd not know about this unless you're one of his closest friends. Before you guys even dated, you started out as good friends which meant you had plenty of encounters with the personality that he kept hidden. You learned that he liked cats, prefers indoor dates, and tons of stuff.
♡ He likes to tease you. When you're mad, he mimics or mocks you. But that could go in two ways, either you crack up and tell him to stop or you get even more pissed off. However, Shinsou knows his limits. He treats you like a child too which often results in you wrestling him and threatening him to take those words back.
♡ So, playful wrestling and all that, is pretty much common between the two of you. Shinsou loves it when you get on top of him, straddle his lap with your hands on his chest and that smile you wear when you emerge victorious, it's just so cute. And he pretty much doesn't mind when he loses.
♡ You love to pick fights with him, suddenly coming up and demanding that you want to fight him. The two of you took it as sparring at first and an opportunity to get stronger in hand to hand combat. 
♡ Yes, it was super innocent and very admirable at first. You'd invite him to fight with you and the two of you would sit together afterward to talk about your mistakes and whatnot. Over time, it became something you do for fun.
♡ The first time it got a bit too out of hand, it was unintentional. He had won at that time, pinning your hands with one hand. You were squirming to break free which caused him to push your entire body down with his own. And with your butt hitting his crotch, how could he not get hard?
♡ He's usually the reason why it always ends up with you two having sex! You'd be on top of him, sitting on his stomach and he'd say, "Babe, you're looking pretty hot and sexy sitting on my lap like that." What annoys you even more is that he'd act smug about it which makes you flustered.
♧ Mirio, your bundle of sunshine, is eager to do anything with you! He's almost like a dog. He's happy to see you, likes to hold your hand when you walk together and craves attention. 
♧ As he was dubbed as a student who's basically good enough to be called a Pro Hero, you initiated fights with him. It was a great opportunity to learn from someone who can utilize their quirk so well! Mirio doesn't hesitate and immediately drags you to the nearest gym.
♧ He's usually not the type to tease but he makes jokes. He's not the type to act all high and mighty or smug so when it comes to your playful fights, he's all smiles and laughs. If he ended up losing, he'd just laugh it off saying that he lost. Sometimes he willingly loses to you just to see you happy. Of course, there are times you'd get upset from him doing so.
♧ But when actually teases you, he doesn't really mean it and it's mostly unintentional. To be honest, he's the type to say embarrassing stuff with a smile on his face. And afterwards, he'd get a bit flustered, laugh out loud and say it was a bit embarrassing.
♧ You were strong enough to stand your ground when you train with him so he didn't have to worry about holding back or going easy on you, that'd be an insult. Mirio is constantly looking for ways to improve his skills and tries to work toward his goals by accumulating different experiences to learn from them. And from that, you've improved a lot.
♧ The two of you weren't the type to argue over things and it's pretty rare of you to have arguments. Mirio was the type to talk things, he doesn't like the two of you to be at disagreement for a long time. Of course, this entire playful wrestling is not an actual fight so, nothing to worry about.
♧ When the fights devolve to the more intimate territory, its mostly unintentional. But once you both get into it, it's hard to stop. There are times where Mirio tries to act all smooth, making it look like an accident but he fails.
Total: 1607 words Published: 16.10.2019
We’re open for some limited edition prompts featuring Fall and Halloween! Read more here!
Thank you for requesting! *。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و*。 First-ever request with a Kimetsu no Yaiba character! We’ve both seen a lot of blogs out there accepting requests for Kimetsu no Yaiba and we wanted to join in on the fun. It’s a very interesting anime with great animation! Hope you enjoyed it, anon! ― author Hibiki/Lou
Thank you for requesting! It’s totally fine to request characters from different fandoms. Inosuke is a very lively character and we had fun writing for him. Sorry to make you wait so long, anon. �� author Natsuki
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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The five proposals Freed Justine rejected and the one he did accept.
Fraxusweek by @fuckyeahfraxus day 7, with the prompt being  :  Proposal/Wedding/Engagement
1. A girl who's confused, but has got the spirit.
It's a precarious situation and Laxus doesn't know how to solve it. They've got the bad guy of the day cornered, but instead of going along willingly, the man thought it a good idea to get civilians involved. Quickly, the perpetrator had seen that there was no way to get out of his situation, with Laxus, Bickslow and Evergreen trapping him against the side of a building. So he had wrangled a little girl out of her screaming mother's grip and now, he has his one hand wrapped around her throat while he waves a weapon around with the other one.
To her credit, the little girl isn't going down without a fight, kicking and screaming as the situation keeps escalating. If the man wasn't wearing a mask, Bickslow probably could've done something about it. Brainwashing the girl herself is out of the question, as she's more likely to injure than save herself. Opening fire upon the man is completely out of the question, so now they're all stuck.
Rest of the fic under the cut!
The answer comes in the form of their ever so dependable captain kicking down the door from the inside, effectively smashing it into the man who had unwittingly been shielding the little girl from stray doors suddenly opening. With a dull thud, the man falls to the floor, unconscious.
As Bickslow and Evergreen cheer their captain on for a job well done, Laxus catches the surprise in his eyes and the 'oops' he silently mouths before looking around. When Freed comes to the conclusion that his habit of tresspassing for fun has not gotten him into trouble for once, he smiles at his teammates while telling them of the importance of 'seeing all the options' amongst other things. Later, in private, he'll tell the little shit that he knows he's full of bull, but for now Laxus will let him gloat.
Starry-eyed, the now saved little girl tugs on Freed's jacket, narrowly avoiding getting clocked by his sword. "Mister, you saved me!" she says and Freed nods with more confidence than he should have, considering his heroic act was one of mere coincidence.
"That means you have to marry me", she says in a matter of fact voice that throws all of them off. "That's what my books say", she continues before throwing a hopeful glance at Freed.
Behind his back, Freed makes a tiny gesture with his hand and with a bit of magic, he hurls a rather concerningly large rock at Laxus. Swiftly, he moves between Laxus and the rock, fending it off with his rapier. "Well young lady", he says, turning to the girl. "Now I have saved this man as well and now I have to marry him too. I hope you don't mind sharing."
With all the huffy- and puffyness girls that age usually possess, she turns her head harrumphs. "No, I don't like sharing. I'm not settling for trash", she continues, giving Freed the stinkeye. "So our engagement is called off, goodbye my sweet prince", she dramatically sighs before joining her mom. She does wave them all goodbye though, so that's a nice bonus.
2. A girl who isn't confused and hasn't got the spirit.
The second time Freed gets proposed to, it isn't even done by the bride to be. No, the bride to be stands there somberly, as her father tries to offer Freed her hand. "Surely", the man says, "A handsome young man such as yourself wouldn't refuse a gorgeous young lady. She knows how to cook and keep quiet, what else do you want?"
There's a quick flash of anger in the daughter's eyes and anger radiates off Freed as well, although he's more apt at hiding it. It's only because Laxus knows him so well that he knows how the other man really feels.
"What else I want?" Freed asks, voice carefully leveled before throwing on the biggest of smiles. "Why, your son would be a good place to start. He's gorgeous as well and I bet he's a fast learner, we could make our dinner together before having a ménage à trois in our kitchen."
The words immediately hit home and before they know it, the four of them are hightailing it out of there, but not before Freed has pressed a vial with suspicious liquid into the girl's hand with a whisper of: "Please feel free to use this however you want."
3. The spirit.
As far as Laxus knows, the party gathered in front of him is reaching the peak of their little roleplay game. He has no idea what they're actually prattling about, but Freed looks happy playing whatever it is, so of course he's there too. Although he isn't participating and merely laying his head down on Freed's lap, as he's done the past few session, he can kind of tell what's going on based on observations and little comments Freed gives now and then.
Wendy is narrating the story and honestly, her youthful spirit adds a gentle touch to it. Levy, Lucy, Mira, Freed and for some reason, Gray and Loke are the nerds participating and rolling dice. Throughout the story, familial bonds have been formed and right now, they're on the cusp on something more than just familial.
Loke and Freed's characters have been flirting since pretty much the first session. Laxus really doesn't mind, because he trusts Freed and also because both men are making a competition out of it. It keeps Freed sharp, so to speak and he only becomes better at flirting with Laxus in return. It's ridiculous how smooth he is sometimes.
In-game, Loke has proposed to Freed and the whole group is hollering and shouting until Loke rolls the dice. Then they fall silent, so naturally, Laxus presumes something bad has happened. Calmly Wendy shoots the group a warm smile before saying: "Alberion (the name of Freed's character) panics, thinking he's gotten too close to the enemy. He shoots Guryon (Loke) and flees, back to the dark castle where he was born and raised!"
A series of whats and hows raises from the group while Freed and Wendy bump fists. Seeing the indignant expression on the rest of the players' faces, Wendy merely shrugs. "It was on his character background sheet", she explains and leaves the group to deal with the betrayal.
4. A man who's had too much spirit.
"Justine, marry me", Hibiki Lates sobs into Freed's shoulder as Laxus watches in amusement. His boyfriend is looking mildly annoyed at the overly intoxicated man, but there's a hint of fondness in the set of his lips.
"Now why would I do that?" he asks with a sigh and Hibiki immediately straightens his back before putting a USB-stick into Freed's hand.
"There's a powerpoint on there", he explains before starting to list his good qualities. "I'll start with the main reason why you should marry me: I'm really, really cute."
"That's what you're going with? Not our 1 week relationship when we were both fifteen?"
"No, because we broke up you dumbass", Hibiki says before headbutting Freed harder than probably intended. "You're not good at providing comfort, I'm gonna look for someone else", he mopes before stalking off. Before disappearing from view completely, he turns around to yell at Freed. "This is why our teenage romance didn't last!" Both of them end up snorting and laughing about it.
5. A man who's lost his spirit.
To say he's nervous is a serious understatement. Laxus has been planning this proposal for months now, has lost a significant amount of sleep over it and will probably cry if even the littlest of details goes wrong. He's stressed beyond belief.
For now, everything seems to be moving in the right direction. His reservation at the expensive seaside restaurant hasn't magically been cancelled and the clothes he'd set aside for today still fit nicely. Freed has also been going along with Laxus' plans without demanding to know what they're doing. Seemingly sensing Laxus nervousity, he simply follows wherever Laxus directs him to be.
The first thing that nearly goes wrong, is transportation and Laxus really has no idea how that even happened. He planned this whole thing while giving his own weaknesses no thought. As the carriage had pulled up, Freed had commented how nice it looked before giving Laxus a teasing smile, while telling him how good it was that that carriage wasn't for them, as Laxus would've puked all over it.
Immediatle, he blanches and Freed, bless his heart picks up on it. He waves the carriage off, which isn't a problem since Laxus already paid for it and then sets up some transportation runes. "Just imagine the place where we need to be and we'll be taken there", he instructs Laxus.
The seaside view is luckily just as gorgeous as in the pictures and Laxus feels the repeated crashing of the waves soothing his mind. Maybe it would go alright after all. The two of them settle in their chairs and look at the menu, commenting on some of the stranger recipes. Swiftly Laxus decides what he wants to eat and puts the menu down to ask Freed for his choice.
It's then that he catches Freed drumming his fingers on the table while biting his lip. He's also tapping his feet, so Laxus knows that he's essentially screwed. "Is there something wrong?" he asks, nervousity returning in full swing.
"Ah...It's just a little something that hasn't really been brought up." Catching Laxus' questioning gaze, Freed winces a little bit. "I'm allergic to seafood. Deathly allergic actually", he admits sheepishly and Laxus wants to dig a hole in the ground and take a nap in it. "Don't make that face", Freed gently chastises him. "This trip isn't wasted." With a grin, he browses through the menu until he's found what he's looking for. Triumphantly he turns the booklet around to show Laxus the dessert section. "You best believe I am testing out as much of these bad boys as I can. I don't believe they'll put fish in there."
After something that could be counted as some form of a meal, the two of them want to take a walk on the beach. They are however dressed to the nines and after a brief moment of consideration, they come to the conclusion that neither of them wants to clean all the sand out of these clothes, so they let a walk on the sand itself drift from their minds for today. Instead they walk on the pavement until the sun sets.
During their walk, Laxus thinks that now would be a good time to propose. The setting sun is the perfect background and he bets it'd look really romantic if he were to pop out the rings right about now. Right about then, is when he realises he left the rings at home. After vehemently checking each and every one of his pockets, it's clear that a proposal isn't going to happen. To highlight this fact, the wind starts picking up and Laxus knows a gathering storm when he sees one. Defeated, he sits down on the sidewalk.
With more pep than Laxus'll probably feel for the rest of the week, Freed plops down next to him and lays his head on Laxus' shoulder. "My dear, do you want to cry about it?" he asks and honestly, he wants to but they're in public. Crying in front of Freed is one thing, crying in front of a crowd is another thing. "It's good that it's going to rain then", he adds gently before taking his head of Laxus' shoulder and opening his arms. "Get over here sweetheart."
It's a bit embarrassing, sitting there in the now full-on storm and crying while his boyfriend cradles him in his arms. But it feels too good to pass on, so he doesn't let go until he feels somewhat placated.
"My dear Laxus", Freed says softly but still audible over the storm, "You could ask me to marry you in the back of a dumpster and I'd wholeheartedly say yes. But you worked hard on this, didn't you? I'll keep that effort in mind. So ask me another day, when your nerves have calmed down. I just want to tell you now, I love you and I always will."
6. Two spirits, a shared love.
This time around, there are no theatrics or outrageously expensive restaurants. It's a simple breakfast prepared by Laxus, one he knows Freed'll like. After sliding the last egg on a plate, he goes upstairs to try to coax Freed out of bed for the third time this morning. A few languid kisses follow and reluctantly Freed follows, sticking close to Laxus because he is so very warm and comfortable.
"It's time for food, don't use me as your human blanket", Laxus softly admonishes him and Freed grumbles in return. With droopy eyes, Freed starts nibbling on his toast and although Laxus is very used to the sight of his boyfriend in the morning, it still elicits a smile from him.
"Yesterday I spent the day with Bix and he learned me some magic tricks", Laxus says and produces a set of cards out of his pocket. "Wanna see some?"
Vaguely interested, Freed hums and nods. Dutifully he picks out a card when Laxus asks him to and when Laxus asks him if he picked out Freed's card, the man shakes his head drowsily. "That isn't even a card Laxus, that's a box...", he complains quietly, yawning a bit afterwards.
"There is an accompanying card though", Laxus grins as he shoves the little box and the card to Freed side of the table. Predictably, Freed picks up the card first, reading the message and silently forming the words with his mouth.
Immediately the sleepiness seems to evaporate from his system as he quickly opens the box as well, revealing the rune-ingraved ring. Before even answering, he throws his arms around Laxus, planting a big, fat smooch on his lips before peppering a thousand little ones all over his face. "I love you", he gushes before collecting his thoughts a little bit. "And of course I'll marry you." They exchange some more kisses until Freed pulls back with a huge grin. "I'm going to brag to everyone. The guild, the lady at the grocer's, they'll be hearing it for months."
With a gentle tug, Laxus witholds the man from running out of the door in his bathrobe. "If they're going to hear about it for months, then you've got time to finish your breakfast, silly", he says warmly and Freed shoots him a cheeky smile and a wink in return.
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loudgothbf · 3 years
Come in early
That was all the text from his manager said. Not how early, not why, just to come in early with no questions asked. And based on how things had been going recently, he didn’t feel like he had the option to be asking questions.
So he took the orders, showing up a half-hour early to his shift and immediately going back to his office instead of to the lounge room for the dancers. He was there, fingers clacking away at the computer keyboard, when Hibiki opened the door, only glancing up before returning his focus to the document at hand. After a few moments, he pauses, eyes scanning the screen, and then settles back into his seat, looking up at Hibiki now with full attention.
It was honestly somewhat striking, especially in the softer lights of his office, how much he looked like his sister. The club lights hid it very well, but they had the same face shape, the same full, pink cheeks, the same high eyebrows and thin lips. It was hidden behind his every-present stubble, but even the shape of their jaw was the same, which his only being slightly wider, propped up on a stouter, more visibly muscular frame. HIs voice was what snapped Hibiki out of his small trance-- there was nothing similar between those two voices. He always put on a show of being more gruff and intimidating, and over the years it must’ve worn on the ever-strained muscles of his vocal cords, leaving it tight and sharp, crackling as he spoke. Though perhaps the incessant smoking had something to do with the difference as well. “Shiryo. Good to see you,” he says unenthusiastically. “Sit.”
Hibiki gives a small smile, taking a seat across the desk from him. “Thanks. What’s up? You kinda texted out of nowhere.” The nervousness in his chest was difficult to mask in his voice, a stiffness to his tone that was easy to pick out against the casual wording.
“I didn’t mean to worry you too bad, but it is pretty important. Just figured I should talk to you about it in person.”
That was... never a good sign. His stomach sank, the blood rushing out of his cheeks, leaving his skin tingling and cold. “Okay. So, what’s up?”
He sighs, turning to his computer for a moment, still talking calmly to Hibiki as his eyes scan the screen. “I was doing tally for drink profits and dancer cuts.” He gives a small laugh. “I know it might seem a little weird for me to do performance reviews and shit-- you’re contractors here, though, after all, and I gotta know if I’m contracting to the right people.” The computer squeaks against the glass of the desk top as he spins the screen to face Hibiki, a few highlighted columns visible on a spreadsheet. He taps the screen with the pad of his pointer finger, leaving a small smudge over the number. “These are your drink sales each day. Column next to it is your percentage, the amount you get to take. These are probably pretty familiar numbers, yeah?”
Hibiki nods, looking at the screen but unable to really focus on what he was trying to read with the growing unease the swarmed his body.
“You’ve been consistently lower since here.” Again, he taps the screen, a few inches below on one of the data lines. “That’s when you got back from rehab. You’ve been lower than your average for a while now. I was expecting that, since I know you’ve been... dealing with a lot.” There’s a hint of an apology in his voice, but it’s gone almost immediately the next time he speaks. “But I haven’t seen any improvements. You’re not getting worse, but you’re not getting better. And your client numbers have dipped--” he adds, clicking a tab at the bottom of the screen and flipping to a different spreadsheet entirely, quickly highlighting a row that features his name. “Probably a correlation between the two, if I had to venture a guess, y’know?” Hibiki nods slowly, saying nothing.
He pauses, looking at Hibiki, cocking an eyebrow at him as if awaiting a response. After a moment, he lets out a sigh, leaning forward a bit and resting an elbow on the desk, laying the other flat across its surface and fidgeting with a pen. “Look. I know you’ve been through hell recently. I’m not heartless, and I can’t say I don’t feel a little more responsible for you ‘cause of my sister. But that’s part of why I’m bringing this up. You’re still making money for the club, you bring in publicity, that’s for sure. But the attention makes it harder for the other dancers, harder for the bouncers, and harder for you. I’ve gotta demand a lot from everyone to keep you on the staff, and I don’t wanna end up doing all of that if it’s gonna end up with you just getting less money. Especially because I know this kinda place isn’t the best for recovering addicts, even if it’s pills and not alcohol. Do you really wanna be here?”
Hibiki hesitates, giving a nod. It’s met with a dissatisfied look, and he waves his hand, commanding him to speak, actually open his mouth and say something. “I... yeah, I mean, this place isn’t heaven but it’s the best job I can get and I... need the money. It’s-- it’s not just about the money or anything, but it’s--”
“Don’t defend yourself about that, Shiryo, most people here don’t do it for the love of the game.”
He gives a small laugh, a temporary moment of relief through amusement before he nods and continues. “Fair enough. But I really do like some parts of it at least. It’s exhausting and loud and uncomfortable sometimes, but where the hell else am I gonna get so many devoted fans.” Even his boss gives a chuckle in response, rolling his eyes and clicking the pen against the tabletop. Something in the back of his mind even seems to be egged on by that, and before he can think, out tumbles something he didn’t know he was going to say. “And I mean, so what if sucks sometimes, being an object is better than being nothing.”
There’s an awkward pause between the two of them as they exchange looks, the horror registering on Hibiki’s face and the stunned unease wiping clean the smile on his boss’s. 
“I... I just mean I’ll work harder. I’m sorry about all this, I guess I’ve been distracted, but I’ll fix it.”
He hesitates, glancing down and giving a small shrug, raising and eyebrow and staring at the desk as he considers whether or not to be swayed by his reassurances. “Alright. Whatever. Just needed to let you know so you got the chance.” Hibiki gives a small nod and starts to stand when he finally looks up at him again. “And Shiryo.” 
He freezes. “Huh?”
“I really am sorry about my sister. And if you need me to, I’ll tell the bar to make your drinks non-alcoholic and just charge it like regular.”
A forced, uneasy smile crosses his face. It’s a nice gesture, really, and Hibiki knows he’s being honest-- he can’t control what Riku did, and he can’t undo it, and now he has to look at Hibiki and feel guilty for all of those years he spent idolizing his older sibling, an Ultimate, before he turned to resenting her, and then outright hating her because of this. But... the drinks take the edge off. Make it itch less. “I’ll talk to them if I need them to cut the alcohol. Thanks, though. I’ll try to do better.”
Again, he nods, and waves his hand to finally dismiss Hibiki.
He almost feels better for a moment. Before, of course, he has to actually work.
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rolexwhisky · 3 years
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#whiskyinvestment post since all my #instagram DM’s these days are about what #whisky should I buy. Well as I tell people the money you need now is very different to the money you needed years ago. So if you are thinking of sticking up on random #whiskydistillery bottles since they are a deal, like I say don’t waste your money, no one is buying them for a reason. Then for those stocking up on whiskey like #henrymckenna I would save your money too like I tell you. In all honestly I would hesitate getting into this now unless you have a ton of money, and if you do buy #suntorywhisky, older #macallan, #michters is on fire, the #pappyvanwinkle crew popped hard, and the #ehtaylor whiskies are on serious fire. Going to cost you a pretty penny to get into these, and I am not a #financialadvisor, I am just a lucky #sob who went with a hunch to #whiskyinvest 6 years ago and it paid off. Be careful out there, if it’s not a high demand distillery and a low output yield, preferably #agedwhiskey you should do something else with your money. This category is over saturated with “#investors” as it is in my opinion, and like I said I got lucky, and I hardly get lucky anymore finding #whiskies to buy at retail. It’s all about that #lowcost base remember and #supplyanddemand. #whiskycollection #whiskycollector #whiskyporn . . . . . #suntoryflex #themacallan #yamazaki #hibiki #hakushu #suntory #compassbox #ichirosmalt #ichirosmaltchichibu (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNIhKcIDVFw/?igshid=1q21e3uv6moqn
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tsunflowers · 4 years
How would the Pripara characters feel about having the flu?
laala: pretty normal reaction. she’s kind of excited to get to stay home sick but then she can’t enjoy it bc... she’s sick
sophie: pshuu... even red flash can’t get her going
mirei: huge hypocrite bc if she saw someone come to school sick she would blast them with a ticket but when it’s her she’s like “I have so much important stuff to do. i can’t miss a day. I’m wearing a mask so it’s fine”
shion: I think she would be really embarrassed bc she’s like “I don’t get sick. I’ll stay one play ahead of this flu” and then she has to stay in bed all day and dorothy makes fun of her
reona: uncomfortable with other people doting on her bc she’s always the one taking care of other people but she deserves it
dorothy: extremely annoying patient. demands snacks be brought to her and tries to get up out of bed every couple hours even though she’s still too weak to stand
aroma: starts writing her last will and testament
mikan: she wants to eat so bad but her stomach still can’t handle it so you have to slap food out of her hands. where is she even getting it
ajimi: passes out on the floor and sleeps for 12 hours and wakes up fully healthy
hibiki: very mad, cannot let herself be seen looking like this bc it will ruin her image. andou doesnt want her to ruin her voice yelling for him so he puts a little bell at her bedside and she rings it constantly
fuwari: she has all kinds of home remedies and generally has a pretty calm flu experience and sleeps through most of it
yui: falls asleep with her eyes open in full dream mode bc she’s dreaming of a world where she doesn’t have the flu
michiru: blanket burrito. that’s all
nino: refuses to admit she’s sick until she collapses on the field and has to be carried to the nurse’s office
shuuka: has a fleet of attending physicians offering her celebrity style health care
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eggalblox · 4 years
Day #2
2) Favorite female character
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Lucy Heartfillia is a complicated character Here’s why:
Lucy’s strengths are subtle and that’s thanks to Mashima. He pays attention to detail when it comes to Lucy. I don’t think he ever intended her to be a strong mage or a power house who’s worthy to be called a heroine.
She’s never enjoyed fighting like most of the mages in fairy tail. Mira and Wendy aside, pretty much everyone joins in when the guildhall gets in a tizzy and fights (which normally ends with Makarov yelling at them for destroying the guildhall again). But Lucy has never joined in on one of those fights. When she does fight an enemy, it normally ends in a laugh with her spirit being sent back to the spirit world. Lucy’s magic is much more efficient as a means to an end. For instance, when she uses virgo to get into the Tartaros hideout, Horologium when he saved what’s-his-face from the lava during the Eclipse arc, or Cancer who 80% of the time is literally just giving haircuts (like giving wendy long hair again after Wendy cuts her hair short while trying to destroy Face). one of the only times i can remember her wanting to spar was with Natsu after he left for a year and she felt proud of herself for improving. She proves that magic isn’t just meant to be an exploding force in a duel like Natsu. And this is PERFECT for Lucy because it gives her tools to express her mind! I don’t know how many of you remember the competitor stats Mashima made during the Grand Magic Games, but Lucy’s strongest point was her intelligence!
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She’s actually the most intelligent person on Team A! That means she’s smarter than Erza too! If you continue reading it says she was equal with Jura (who is one of the wizard saints), Hibiki (but that’s literally his magic), Kagura, Rogue, and Rufus (i would also say that’s because of his magic). That’s pretty dang impressive. She was the person who realized what opening the eclipse gate would do and demanded it be closed, ultimately saving everyone from a much worse turnout. There are so many other examples like this where she uses her brains to get herself out of a problem unlike the others who are literally just OP and power through till they run out of magic power.
Lucy is kind and she is relatable to the fan base and that is exactly what Mashima intended when he created her character. I think all the negativity around her stems from 1). the fan service... I genuinely hate all the fan service. It’s one of the only downsides of the series And 2). the way she was portrayed earlier on was kind of as the annoying, whiny girl. this was used as a joke by some of the other characters, but i think who she was at the beginning and who she was at the end are two very different people. 
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So yeah, Lucy is my favorite female character, but i don’t say that lightly. I think i have a good reason to like her.
*My knowledge of the series is flawed so i’ll be the first to admit that i could have forgotten something or remembered something wrong. Please don’t come at me for the things i’ve said here. You’re welcome to your own opinion and i’d love to hear it but in all honesty this isn’t that deep*
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