#High Point Monument
newjerseyisthebest · 3 months
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High Point Monument in High Point State Park, in High Point, New Jersey.
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citrlet · 2 months
very sad this morning seeing Ryan and Shane leaving youtube to start yet another exclusive subscription service :/
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oatbugs · 2 months
oh my god ! haha . anyway a bit buzzed perhaps. anyway here's what happened on the date
#at some point i took the earrings off. the metal clanging was screaming their name too loud and it#was 6 knives to the throat and he confirmed it so. here's the kicker. you can be taught a lot and you can have their hands on your thighs#and you can kiss them but even if they pray even if they tell you about the bible looking into you like really they lost what they believed#in a pennsylvania countryside catholic schools with a protestant family since joining the london school of economics#even if they pray for you to stay the whole way even though their hair was softer than hers you think of her and he thinks of someone else#and be tells you none of it will make sense. they smile and they say what a shame you might miss the train but they hold onto you#the entirety of you - like a religion or a polite insistence or something to keep.#you learned they were used to losing everyone they felt bound to love. they said they got really good at letting go. you were told#you think he's being epistemologically#irresponsible and he tells you he carries a massive task. he tells you the responsibility is monumental#and he feels responsible for defining responsibility. he shows you songs and his poetry. my eyes feel on fire.#she doesnt know this. this is marylebone. the next station is edgeware road. everyone here looks happy and high and clear of the doors.#he says tell me when you get to the station and very especially tell me if you don't. the next station is paddington. please mind the gap#between the train and the platform. you say this to him. he says i minds the gap between you and i. i mind it so much that i need you to#come back. he says this because you kissed him briefly but you kissed him well. she says you're a good kisser but he says you have him#stunned. he asks you who decides the truth. he tells you you decide the truth without his mouth. you're fast enough to make it there before#the wheels do. this world is lit by glass and light and people with a pact to fall in love with the abstractions more than each other.#he tells you to be committed to your various intangible loves more than anyone. you both have to be. they love each other anyway.#i was supposed to find a persian poetry book with her on our fourth date except she was hours late. i found it with him. he didnt give up#he should be perfect and i should really like him.
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demadogs · 1 year
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pixiestix0-0 · 1 year
“the disbarment day” is getting me to think about other potential ace attorney fandom holidays. like there’s almost Christmas and unnecessary feelings day but i think there’s a lot of other events to choose from. my current top 3 ideas are:
-the day when phoenix helped exorcise his toxic ex (it was iconic)
-the day when phoenix ate glass (it was funny and iconic)
-the day of his first trial back where he CHOSE to defend an orca (whether because it’s his return to law or because of the orca, which was funny. i’m not picky)
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xoxosteven · 10 months
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thorsenmark · 2 months
Ute Peak, The Knees, East Toe, and Other Peaks and Ranges of the Colorado Plateau and Ute Mountain Area by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A view looking to the northeast while walking around and exploring the Four Corners Monument area. My thought on composing this image was to use some high ground I was located on and capture was sweeping view across this high desert landscape. I wanted to use the mountains off in the distance as a backdrop for the setting and have a more or less balanced, leveled-on view with the horizon off in the distance. The blue skies and clouds would be that color contrast to complement the earth-tones in the lower portion of the image.
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thelostboys87 · 5 months
glad that i'm not online enough atm or in the right spaces to see the extent of the bad pirate show that got cancelled discourse but lmfaooooo seeing someone use the aids crisis as reason to be upset about "losing" their "middle aged gay men" show is CRAZY
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writers-potion · 2 months
Could you give any advice for "descriptive" writing of any scene or action scenes or mapping out the scenery (Mountains, forests, streets etc) - i believe this is a struggle for Non-English speaking writers due to lack of vast vocabulary.
Common Scenery Description Tips
Vocabulary is clearly an important part of description, but it doesn’t have to be a limit. The most important thing about description in fiction is picking the right details to mention:
How does the details add to the mood of the story? A mountain ridge will be dark, gray and foggy if the overall mood is meant to be mysterious/brooding. In contrast, a mountain can be brilliantly snow-capped, lush green and “smiling down” upon the character if they’re out for a light stroll.
How are the contrasts/complementary aspects being brought out?
Are you using the five senses? You can even combine the senses, ie. blue ringing of the church bells
(If you have the POV character) what 
Some other tips for setting description:
Use similes and metaphors. Creative figures of speech always get my attention as a reader. 
Mention story-specific elements. For example, “The sky was the shade of Zoes’ eyes” or “the mountains looked like a group of trolls sleeping on one another” 
Be concise. Today’s readers don’t want to read paragraphs and paragraphs about one landscape. Outline the larger elements in the scene, their location and general mood. Add some details, then move on. 
If the same location appears multiple times, differentiate the description little by little as you write, instead of trying to lay out one scene in too much detail at once. 
That said, here are some helpful words/phrases:
Color: bone-white, phantom-white, hazy gray
Sound: rumbling, booming grumbling, bellowing clapping, trundling, growling, thundering
Shape: crinkled, crumpled, knotted, grizzled, rumpled, wrinkled, craggy, jagged, gnarled, rugose  
Action: sky-punching/stabbing/piercing/spearing, heaven-touching/kissing, snow-cloaked/hooded/wreathed/festooned
Sloping sides, sharp/rounded ridges, high point/peak/summit
Majestic, gargantuan humbling, vast, massive, titanic, towering, monumental, mighty, vast, humbling
Mountains having faces, etc. 
Color: blue-green, crystal-clear crystalline, emerald, frothy, hazy, glistening, pristine, turquoise
Size: boundless, abyssal, fathomless, unconquerable, vast, wondrous
Sound: billowing, blustering, bombastic
Action: boisterous, agitated, angry, biting, breaking, brazen. Churning, bubbling, changing, brooding, calm, convulsing, enticing erratic, fierce, tempestuous, turbulent, undulating
Alluring, blissful, betwitching, breezy, captivating, chaotic, chilly, elemental, disorienting
Sight: A landscape of sand, flat, harsh sunlight, cacti, tumbleweeds, dust devils, cracked land, crumbing rock, sandstone, canyons, wind-worn rock formations, tracks, dead grasses, vibrant desert blooms (after rainfall), flash flooding, dry creek
Sounds: Wind (whistling, howling, piping, tearing, weaving, winding, gusting), birds cawing, flapping, squawking, the fluttering shift of feasting birds, screeching eagles, the sound of one’s own steps, heavy silence, baying wild dogs
Smell: Arid air, dust, one’s own sweat and body odor, dry baked earth, carrion
Touch: Torrid heat, sweat, cutting wind, cracked lips, freezing cold (night) hard packed ground, rocks, gritty sand, shivering, swiping away dirt and sweat, pain from split lips and dehydration, numbness in legs, heat/pain from sun stroke, clothes…
Taste: Grit, dust, dry mouth & tongue, warm flat canteen water, copper taste in mouth, bitter taste of insects for eating, stringy wild game (hares, rats) the tough saltiness of hardtack, biscuits or jerky, an insatiable thirst or hunger
Dusty, fume-filled, foul, sumptuous, broad, bucolic, decayed, mournful, seemingly endless, empty, unpaved, lifeless, dreadfully genteel, muddy, nondescript, residential/retail
Bleach, flimsy, silent, narrow, crooked, furrowed, smoggy, commonplace, tumbledown, treeless, shady
The blacktop streets absorb the spring sunshine as if intent upon sending heaven's warmth back through my soles.
The streets absorbed the emotions in the air, the city as the steady and reassuring mother.
The streets were a marriage of sounds, from bicycle wheels to chattering.
In the refreshing light of early daytime, the streets had the hues of artistic dreamtime, soft yet bold pastels.
Cobbled streets flowed as happy rivers in sunlight.
Some extra tips for locations like parties, where lots of action is going around practically everywhere:
Focus on the important characters - where they are, who they’re with. 
Provide some overall description of the structure of the party scene (a pool, a two-storey house with yard?), then move on to details. 
Don’t try to describe everything. 
whirlwind of laughter and music, a symphony of joyous chaos.
It was a gathering that shimmered with the glow of twinkling lights and echoed with the rhythm of dancing feet.
The air was alive with excitement, buzzing with conversations and the clink of glasses.
Every corner held a story waiting to unfold, a moment waiting to be captured in memory.
It was a tapestry of colors, a mosaic of faces, each adding their own brushstroke to the vibrant canvas of the night.
Laughter cascaded like a waterfall, infectious and unstoppable, filling the room with warmth.
The night was a carnival of senses, with aromas of delicious food mingling with the melodies that filled the air.
Time seemed to slip away in the whirl of the party, moments blending into each other like colors on a palette.
The energy of the crowd was electric, pulsing through the room like a heartbeat, binding everyone in a shared moment of celebration.
It was a celebration of life, where worries faded into the background, and the present moment was all that mattered.
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newjerseyisthebest · 10 days
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High Point Monument in High Point State Park, in High Point, New Jersey.
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burstinn · 8 months
Male reader with absolutely Fucking Huge Tits.
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People shown: Soap, Gaz, Ghost, Price, Keegan, König, Horangi, Graves, Alejandro, Rudy
I felt silly I was high and it's funny jwjsjsnsw ew endnsndndnd.
Didn't think my first post would get that much attention but.. Anyways.. Yay?
You have fucking big moobs.. Huge male tits.. Fucking succulent ass Cherries
You are a guy. And lucky for you, You have the most plump, ungodly monumental tremendous tits ever. Ofcourse you had the build to support your huge tits.. But your tits were the most eye catching.
When you first joined 141 or Kortac or whateevveer....Man holy shit they went fuckin wild. Like they weren't even trying to hide that they were blatantly looking at your capacious boobs.
- he was the first to yell like some Scottish words for Holy shit when you landed out from the Heli showing off your stupendous balloons
- he would be the first to be staring with no shame
-he would also be the first to ask if he could squeeze them.
-he would ask you how the hell you got your mighty melons. And he would ask you if it's possible for you to lactate.
- idk he'd bark..
- if you were to sex. He would lick, slurp your hoo Haas
-Would see if he can make you lactate
-makes you wear a bra. Freaky
- continues to play with your dongdongs after your very amazing activity gently
- His eyes went wide.. Probably did the shocked guy face with hands on his head when he saw you
- face red no eye contact trying to not look at your mammoth sized Quadruple D breasts
- secretly staring but it's so obvious he's staring especially when your running laps.. Yknow yknow boobie flaps go up and down Fr fr
- one day when you guys were alone together he probably went down on his knees.. Begging to let him touch and squeeze your boobies.
-If you were to do the devils tango.. Also bite marks.. And licks.. More gently but desperately.
- eyes wide under mask. Is confused how a dude could get those unwieldy lofty ass TITTS.
- also secretly staring. Less to zero obviousness.
- wants to ask as well to touch your bazongas but he's to scared.
- you caught him staring once and he immediately looks away. So like the amazing man you are you asked him if he wants to hold your tatas.
-he nodded obviously.
-you doing the nasty? He's rough. No mercy to idk your whole body. Especially your gazongals.
-boob fucking.
-bruises hickeys bites everywhere. Mostly on your GadonkGadonks.
- he would bury his head on the middle of your Tits... It's like a pillow.
- Suprised and impressed. Idk why he's still shocked everytime he sees you walking around
- looking sometimes. But more respectful
-you need too ask him first if he wants to hold your beach balls.
- if you do wrestling in bed. Loving duhh. Lovingly and softly suckling your Rounder Pounders.
- also buries his head on your moob boobs
- Would probably just call you in his office sometimes just so he can use your Boobs as a pillow.
-His beard tickles.. Hmm.
- Awooga
-Pointing at it then looks back at someone then looking back at you then looking back at someone.. Then back and forth
-Takes pictures
- you were standing in front of him talking then he just suddenly.. Grabbed your Bazonkers.
-Takes more pictures. Has its own folder just for your mountainous front moons.
- Roleplay sex that involves fucking your boobs Intensity varies
- Blushing under mask
-is also a proud owner of plump tits. But he's afraid of yours.
-Also YOU need to be the one to ask as well if he wants a squeeze.
- compare boob sizes.
- rough but gentle RAAAAA. Would ask before doing anything to you doingloings
-Rubs your tats together
- ask before taking pictures.. Shows it to Horangi
- Sometimes he would just stare blankly at you before he just.. Squeezes your knockers..
-He immediately gets red and apologizes red faced from shame and embarrassment.
-When you told him you don't mind and it's okay.. He gets relaxed.
-Now he would just pull you into closets just so he could ask you to caress your man tiddies even though he doesn't need to.
-You caress his too. It's like a ritual.
- starts laughing in shock and interest and is also impressed
- Also Staring no shame. But it's less obvious because of his shades
-Asks if your tits are implants..
- Would ask König for pics of your Cupcakes.
- Constant slapping of your boobers.
- jokes about your Honkers..
-Loves Your Honkers but also jealous. He wants big buggers as well :((
- Starts drawing on them. Non permanent colorful markers
-would dress it up as well. Putting glasses.. His sunglasses a mustache..
-would purposely smudge food on your Clonkers and He would say some shit like
'Sorry let me clean that up' and starts licking fr
- Soldier what the fuck he would say or something.
- Don't get distracted.. Gets distracted.
-Makes you purposefully fight/ train/ spar with him.. Make him discreetly hit or touch your award winning rounders
-If you confront him about it. He will probably say a half assed sorry. Look at you like some pissy bitch for forgiveness.
-Forgiveness being you let him do the bed rolling sweat inducing activity with you.
- Please PLEAASE let him picture it during your seeexx
- Shows it off. Of course he will. Who?
His shadows duh
-compliments your hooters frequently
Also makes jokes with his shadows
-Got sad once and dragged you away from whatever you were doing. And just used you as a pillow and cried.
- If most or all His Shadows are stressed or frustrated from a mission they all gettin in a single file line. And they get to caress touch YOUR FUCKING GARGANTUAN GAZOONKAS one minute each.
-Graves is last because.. He's doing more than just caressing your boobs...
- any Spanish nicknames to refer to your boobs that you don't know of
- Flirting.
- Conspicuous staring..Starts ranting to Rudy about how much he wants to hold your teacups. He's passionate about it to.
- Manages to get the balls with the help of Rudy.. To ask to hold your chest footballs.
- is gentle at first before he looses it and starts squeezing it and roughly touching. Until you made a very audible noise of hurt or discomfort
-Apologizes.. Buys you literally everything just so you can forgive him. On his knees saying sorry in Spanish.
- Praises your body
- Just as thirsty as Alejandro. Just more shy and respectful.
- When Alejandro starts confessing to him how much he wants to touch your chests.. He reciprocated and also tell Ale how much he likes your Moobies.
- Sharing. Both sharing. Alejandro touching your left Rudy on the right.
- If Rudy is touching you. If you even shift on what he thinks is a sign of uncomfortability.. Will say sorry.. For weeks.. Even months.
- Will never forget it. Even though you probably did and assured him that it wasn't a sign of anything. Avoided you for a few days out shame.
-Also apologizes for avoiding you.
- Also Praises your body.
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pin-k-ink · 2 months
freudian slip // kageyama tobio
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tw ⇢ teeny weeny age gap, mention of face-sitting (this is basically the whole plot), horny kags, highly suggestive themes
wc ⇢ 1.3k
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There were only a couple of things that could faze Kageyama Tobio, and he took great pride in that fact. With his blunt demeanor, lack of social graces, and complete disinterest in the opposite sex, he was far from your typical hormonal teenager.
But if anything could get under his skin and set his heart racing - aside from volleyball - it was you. His stoic upperclassman who had somehow gotten roped into being his tutor, much to your initial chagrin. Teaching Kageyama was an uphill battle, as it seemed almost impossible to get anything through his thick skull that wasn't related to his beloved sport.
And yet, as much as you may have resisted at first, you found yourself not minding the arrangement so much anymore. There was something undeniably cute about Kageyama's single-minded intensity. For you, the tutoring sessions had become routine, even a bit boring - but for him, they were anything but.
Unbeknownst to you, Kageyama's mind was in a constant state of chaos in your presence. He was hyper-aware of everything about you - the subtle scent of your perfume, the silky sheen of your hair, the creamy porcelain of your skin. And much as he tried to focus on derivatives and English verb tenses, he couldn't stop his imagination from wandering to the tantalizing way your uniform skirt swayed with your every movement...
"Kageyama? Are you listening to me?" Your voice cut through the haze of his thoughts. He blinked and shook his head, realizing he'd been staring blankly at the same page for the past five minutes.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling his face heat up.
You sighed, tapping your pencil against the textbook. "I was explaining the quadratic formula. Again. Honestly, where is your head today?"
"Nowhere! I mean, uh, I'm paying attention. Promise." He ducked his head, hoping you couldn't see how flustered he was. This was getting ridiculous. He had to get a grip on himself before he did something monumentally stupid.
"Alright, if you say so..." You still looked skeptical, but thankfully let the matter drop. "Let's try a few practice problems then. I'll walk you through the first one."
Kageyama did his best to follow along, keeping his eyes firmly on the page and not on the alluring curve of your neck as you leaned over to point out the key steps. But each brush of your arm against his threatened to short-circuit his brain. It took every ounce of restraint not to inhale the sweet scent of your hair...
An hour later, you closed the textbook with a thud and started gathering up your things. "I think that's enough for today. You're actually making pretty good progress!"
"Huh? Oh, uh, thanks." He blinked, trying to reorient himself. "Will you sit on my face?"
"Yep, sounds good." You stood and stretched, your skirt riding up dangerously high on your thighs. You had taken exactly two steps before you finally realized what he’d just said.
"Wait, what?"
Kageyama felt his heart stop as your eyes met his, wide with shock. The words he'd been holding back for so long had finally slipped out, and now he was left to face the consequences. "Um, nothing! I mean, uh, you didn't hear anything, senpai," he stammered, his palms growing sweaty as he tried to backtrack.
You raised an eyebrow, your lips curling into a teasing smile that made his knees weak. "No, I'm pretty sure I heard you ask me to sit on your face," you replied, your voice laced with amusement.
"No, you definitely heard wrong." Kageyama gulped, feeling like his face was on fire. The heat crept up his neck and spread to the tips of his ears, making him wish he could disappear into the ground. "You must be losing your hearing in your old age," he added, trying to deflect with humor.
"Ha, ha. Very funny." You sat back down next to him, crossing your legs and leaning in closer. The scent of your perfume filled his nostrils, a tantalizing mix of vanilla and something uniquely you. "So why did you say that, Kageyama?"
He squirmed under your gaze, unsure what to say. His heart was pounding so loudly he was sure you could hear it, and his mouth felt like it was filled with cotton. "Because I, um..." he trailed off, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes?" you prompted, your eyes boring into his.
"I really like the way you look, senpai." Kageyama hung his head, cheeks burning with embarrassment. The words tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop them, a confession he'd been holding back for months. "You're really pretty, and you smell nice, and you have a really cute ass-"
He clapped a hand over his mouth, mortified by what had just come out of it. What was he doing? You were going to think he was a complete creep now, a perverted underclassman who couldn't keep his thoughts to himself.
"Well, thank you, Kageyama. That's very flattering." To his surprise, you didn't sound angry or disgusted, merely amused. Your voice was warm and inviting, with a hint of something else he couldn't quite place.
"I didn't mean to be creepy!" he blurted out, desperate to explain himself. "It's just, um, you know, when I'm around you, I can't help but, uh, think about, um..."
"About?" you coaxed, your fingers brushing against his knee.
Kageyama took a deep breath, bracing himself for rejection. "I really want you to sit on my face, senpai," he confessed, his voice trembling slightly. "I want to taste you and make you feel good. I've liked you for so long, and I can't keep pretending that I don't have feelings for you."
The silence that followed his confession was deafening. Kageyama felt his stomach drop, sure he'd ruined everything. But then, you surprised him yet again by chuckling softly.
"Kageyama, look at me," you commanded, your voice gentle but firm.
Slowly, he raised his head, not daring to hope. His eyes met yours, and he was stunned to see the warmth and affection reflected in them.
You were smiling, your eyes sparkling with mischief. "I'm not mad," you assured him, brushing a strand of hair out of his face. Your touch sent shivers down his spine, and he leaned into it instinctively. "In fact, I'm flattered that you think so highly of me."
"You..you are?" Kageyama asked, his voice filled with wonder.
You nodded, biting your lip in a way that made his heart race. "So, do you really want me to sit on your face?"
"Yes!" He cringed at his own eagerness, worried that he was coming on too strong. "I mean, yes, please," he amended, trying to sound more casual.
"Good boy." You leaned in, your lips mere centimeters from his ear. Your breath was hot against his skin, and he suppressed a shiver of pleasure. "And maybe if you're really good, I’ll even return the favor."
Kageyama felt his mind short-circuit at the thought. Images of you on your knees, between his legs with your mouth stuffed-, filled his head, and he had to bite back a groan. "Oh god, please," he whispered, his voice hoarse with desire.
"That's what I like to hear." You smirked, standing up and tugging on his tie. The silk slid between your fingers, and Kageyama swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry. "Now, come here and show me what else that tongue can do."
Kageyama followed after you, his pulse racing as he eagerly obeyed your command. He'd always known you were going to be the death of him, and now it seemed he was about to find out just how literal that statement was. As you led him out of the room, your hand firmly grasping his, he couldn't help but marvel at his luck.
He couldn't wait.
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prodigal-sunlight · 2 months
I don’t think the Watcher TV move is being made out of greed. They have high production costs, and artists do deserve to be paid for their work. I do, however, think it is a monumentally stupid decision.
First of all, who in their right minds thinks the best way to announce a paywall is a hyped up countdown to a “big surprise”? They literally set themselves up with that.
Second, this is not sustainable. People have been comparing it to other creator-run streaming services like Dropout or Nebula, but those services have bigger audiences, bigger casts, and way more frequent uploads. In Dropout’s case, its more than three times the content (at least) for the same price.
I’m not gonna argue about how it sucks for people who can’t afford it. Unfortunately “artists deserve to be paid” and “everyone deserves art to bring them joy” are both contradictory but true. I will however point out that the majority of Watchers’ audience is young or lower-income. Pricing has to be decided with your target audience in mind.
This didn’t happen because Watcher got insanely evil and greedy, and its true that artists deserve to be paid.
But this was an objectively bad decision no matter where you stand. If Watcher doesn’t change course I will not be surprised to hear them declare bankruptcy in a year or two.
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fahye · 3 months
a note on 'high heat, low stakes'
it's been interesting already seeing people react to 'low stakes' as part of the tagline and as a selling point for swordcrossed, because in this particular context it does NOT mean 'no conflict, no angst, all fluff'.
it's signalling expectations for where this particular book falls in the marketing category of romantasy.
low stakes for romantasy means that there are no fates of nations or armies or the very nature of magic hanging in the balance here. nobody is the crown prince of anywhere or a magical assassin sent to kill them. this is a romance novel about falling in love with your wedding vendor and trying to make it in the wool industry. there's conflict. there's angst. there's intrigue. there is fantasy worldbuilding. there are even sword fights!
the stakes for the characters involved feel monumental and very personal.
however, the stakes for the world as a whole are.......low.
which will mean it won't appeal at all to some readers, and some other readers will say THIS SOUNDS LIKE EXACTLY MY CUP OF TEA, THANK YOU, and that means - hopefully! - there's less chance of someone picking it up and getting a very different sort of book to what they expected, and being disappointed.
(if they manage to not expect the explicit sex scenes with that cover design, my existing reputation, and the words 'high heat'... well, we can chalk that one up to a failure to Read the Clues.)
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xoxosteven · 10 months
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High Point, New Jersey
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denaliwrites · 7 months
Don't Blink
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Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader
Summary: Going home was meant to be a vacation from all the aliens and monsters.
Part 2: Don't Turn Your Back Part 3: Don't Look Away Part 4: Dreams See Us Through
Requests: Open!
Tag List: @nyxiethesimp
Warnings: Weeping Angels, babes.
You hadn't slept in days.
It started innocuous enough -- some nerves as you crawled into your bed, for once. You'd assumed it was because you were so used to the TARDIS that home didn't feel as much like home anymore. You thought that maybe, after a day or two, it'd get better.
It got worse.
Waking up the next morning, you were confronted with the feeling of being watched. No matter where you went -- your mum's, the shops, the cellar, even the restroom. Everywhere. All day. By the time you dropped into your bed that night, you were exhausted from being on high alert the whole day.
You didn't sleep well that night.
Nightmares plagued you -- they were nebulous, slipping just out of focus every time you thought you could make out even just a single detail. But despite that -- or maybe because of it -- you were terrified.
You awoke drenched in a cold sweat, covered in goosebumps and with a stomach churning with unease. You felt feverish, but when you took your temperature the thermometer flashed with a perfectly normal number.
Going about your day felt like a monumental task. While your limbs felt weighed down with lead, the rest of you felt light, jittery... panicky. Any attempts to focus for more than thirty seconds at a time failed miserably.
Maybe it was just your heightened state, but you could've sworn that everyone could see that you were starting to lose it.
That was the first night you didn't sleep.
The second night, you finally caught sight of the predator in the underbrush -- the thing that had been stalking you since you arrived back home. Only for a brief, blink-and-you-miss-it moment, but it was still long enough for you to know that it was the cause of your sleepless nights and worsening mental state.
You weren't sure how a perfectly ordinary angel statue could cause so much distress.
The third night, you noticed the statue had moved -- just a couple inches -- but it was enough for you to see the difference. Finally, you called the Doctor. Not five minutes later, you heard the TARDIS materialize outside.
You turned away for all of one second, but when you looked back, the angel had gone.
Well, "gone" was relative. It was out of line of sight, you could say that much for sure. But you knew it was still lurking nearby -- you could still feel it watching you.
The Doctor didn't bother announcing himself as he barged into your flat -- the TARDIS brakes were announcement enough. The sonic screwdriver was held aloft, its light moving in erratic circles in the darkened flat as the Doctor gradually made his way to you.
"Where is it?" he asked once he finally reached you. "Did you blink -- did it move!?"
You weren't sure how to answer. He had told you not to take your eyes off it, you recalled that now that he was here, yelling at you about it -- but you didn't even remember looking away just moments ago you were so exhausted.
In the back of your mind some little part of the normal you knew that the Doctor was just worried, but that little piece was dwindling with every moment you continued to lose sleep.
You'd moved right past delirium at this point -- and, hell, you weren't even sure how much of this was real. What if you were hallucinating? Angel statues that could only move if they weren't being looked at? That was a little crazy, even for the Doctor.
He turned to look at you when you remained silent, and when his eyes met yours they melted into pure, unadulterated concern and some dam inside you broke.
Sobs wracked your body and you collapsed. The only reason you didn't hit the ground was the Doctor surging forward, arms wrapping around you and holding you steady.
"Oh, dear," he cooed, holding you close. You buried your head into his chest, your cries still rocking through you, though the Doctor's arms kept you pretty snugly in place, and his clothes did an excellent job of muffling your blubbering.
You could feel one of his hands running comfortingly through your hair, while the other rubbed soothing circles into your back.
Miraculously, you calmed. For the first time in days, you felt like you could relax. Breathe. Hell, maybe even sleep.
It was with that thought that you felt yourself being effortlessly lifted. The Doctor carried you, bridal style, back to the TARDIS, through the doors and the console room and the halls, until he reached your bedroom and settled you carefully onto the bed.
"What about the angel?"
"You're completely safe in the TARDIS. I promise."
You knew that he knew that you had meant something different, but you were too tired to argue. Now that you were safe, sleep was coming to claim you rather quickly.
Once you fell asleep, you were haunted by nightmares again, but you were just so glad to be getting any sleep at all that you didn't care.
You found the Doctor in the console room the next morning, looking over something on one of the monitors. Without even so much as sparing you a glance, he dived right into it.
"That's no ordinary Weeping Angel."
"What do you mean?" you asked with a yawn and a bleary blink in his direction.
"See, normally a Weeping Angel wouldn't waste any time -- you blink, you're dead. Well. Teleported to another time so that they can feed off the energy that the displacement causes. But this... this is..."
"It's torturing me."
It wasn't a question -- how could it have been? You and the Doctor both could see what it was doing to you.
"Yes," he confirmed sadly.
"Reminds me of something," you said with a shrug.
"Oh, do I get to be the brainiac for once?" you teased with a smirk, leaning back against the console beside him.
"I guess we'll find out," he teased back, mirroring your expression and bumping your shoulder lightly with his own.
You blushed, suddenly self-conscious, but you forged ahead anyway. "So, usually when a predator becomes a maneater it's because it's sick or injured and almost always starving, and humans are really easy prey compared to deer and antelope and stuff."
He was watching you with such rapt, adoring attention. You could barely stand it.
"But," you continued, "sometimes there are outliers. Predators that kill humans for unknown reasons, reasons that don't align with what we know about typical maneaters. The maneaters of Tsavo -- they were these two perfectly healthy, normal lions by all appearances, that killed anywhere from -- realistically speaking -- twenty-eight to thirty-two people, but reportedly they killed over a hundred. And no one really knows why they did it. There are theories, of course, but because they were healthy, and it happened over a century ago, there's no way to really confirm one way or another why they killed all those people."
You paused, thinking.
"Well, no way for the average person."
The Doctor beamed at you. "Oh, you are clever, aren't you?"
"I try."
"So you think maybe this Angel is an outlier?"
"Yeah, it's possible."
"No indicators of illness or injury, no signs of weakness or starvation. Just..."
"Sadistic tendencies?"
"But why?" he asked no one in particular, leaning back to stare at the monitor again.
"And..." you started thoughtfully. The Doctor turned to look at you again. "Why me?"
"Why you?" he repeated cluelessly.
"I wasn't here when it arrived, and it couldn't have known I was gonna be coming back anytime soon. It's possible it's been waiting for days, weeks for me to come back -- and it could've been waiting even longer if I hadn't decided I needed a break. That's a lot of waiting for a random person you don't know is coming back."
Realization dawned on the Doctor's face. "It's targeted."
"But why?"
"Why indeed?" he asked in that tone that was meant to sound casual but only served to let you know that he was deeply worried. "Let's find out, shall we?"
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