#High-end jewelry edit
patheditprovider · 2 months
Pro Photo Retouching: Quality Services
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smpclippingpath1 · 2 months
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Color correction is a process used in various industries, including photography, videography, and graphic design, to adjust and balance the colors in an image or video to achieve a desired look or to correct any color inconsistencies.
The goal of color correction is to ensure that the colors in an image or video are accurate and consistent across different devices and viewing environments. This involves adjusting various parameters such as brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, and white balance.
Color correction can be done manually using software tools like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, or video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve. Alternatively, automated algorithms and presets can also be used to streamline the process, especially for large batches of images or videos.
Overall, color correction plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal of images and videos, ensuring that they accurately represent the intended colors and maintain a consistent aesthetic.
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clippingpathexcel · 3 months
How is photo editing in Photoshop?
Photoshop is a powerful tool for editing photos, offering a wide range of features for beginners and professionals alike. Here's a simple introduction to help you get started:
Opening and Setting Up:
1. Open your image: Go to File > Open and select your photo from your computer.
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2. Workspace: Photoshop offers various workspaces. The "Essentials" workspace is a good starting point, with tools and panels easily accessible.
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Basic Editing:
1. Adjustments: These tools enhance core aspects of your photo like brightness, contrast, exposure, and color balance. You can find them in the "Image" menu or the Adjustments panel.
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2. Cropping and Straightening: Use the Crop tool to adjust the photo's framing and the Straighten tool to correct tilted horizons.
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Layers and Masking:
Layers are fundamental to Photoshop's editing. They act like transparent sheets stacked on top of each other, allowing you to edit specific areas without affecting the entire image.
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Masks control what parts of an adjustment layer affect the image. By painting black or white on a mask, you can hide or reveal the adjustment's effect.
Further Enhancement:
Selection tools: Isolate parts of your photo for selective editing using tools like the Lasso tool, the Quick Selection tool or Pen tool.
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Retouching tools: Reduce blemishes, smooth wrinkles, or sharpen details using tools like the Spot Healing Brush or the Sharpen tool.
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Learning Resources:
Adobe offers numerous tutorials on their website: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/view-all-tutorials.html
YouTube channels like Photoshop Tutorials provide in-depth video tutorials.
Remember, photo editing is a vast subject. This is just a starting point!  As you explore, you'll discover more advanced techniques and unleash your creativity in Photoshop.
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eretouchingindia · 10 months
This blog will teach us about the skill of jewelry retouching services. Think about verifying credentials and analyzing facilities, and we will review all the crucial points like what makes a jewelry photo retouching unique, what is the procedure of photo retouching, etc. We also described a few aspects of how the photo retouching procedure might increase your company's revenue. Lastly, we talked about where you can find the best photo retouching services.
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Why Should A Client Choose An Established Company For Getting Catalogues Designed?
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A well-designed catalog is part of the marketing strategy. As it contains all the information about the product, it can help generate leads and get conversions. But, Catalog Design Service is probably considered to be a niche area where only a few companies can be said to hold a good reputation. In this blog, we will discuss the reasons for choosing a company with a lot of experience designing catalogs. 
The company will collaborate with the client 
Elaborate consultation is required when it comes to designing catalogs. This is because every product is unique, and the demographics it caters to are also different. All these things have to be considered before the designing process starts. 
An established company will have an in-house team 
Many companies outsource the work to a third party which hurts the results. An established company with experience in the catalog will have copywriters to write product descriptions in-house.
A work portfolio is maintained by the company 
Most companies will not have any previous work to show. But, a reputed company will have a portfolio of previous work done. The clients can even choose a particular style of catalog from among them. 
A design proof will be sent to the client 
Before it goes for printing, a design proof will be sent to the client for approval. Revisions will be carried out based on the suggestions given by the client. A reputed company will be on its toes till the delivery of the catalog. At every step, the focus is on making the catalog error-free. 
Many formats are available with them 
A one-size-fits-all approach does not work in catalog design. Rules need to be bent to achieve a particular look for a catalog. Designing software like InDesign helps the catalog design service company experiment with newer formats. 
The name of the game is customization  Since the clientele of a company providing catalog design services may vary widely, they need to customize. High-quality product photos can be provided by established companies. For this, the company has an in-house team of photographers, photo editors, and photo retouchers.
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bulkeditings · 1 year
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Why Trusting a Professional for Your Jewelry Retouching is Worth the Investment?
For your jewellery retouching requirements, there are many reasons to trust an expert. They have the knowledge and skills necessary to complete the task successfully, for starters. In order to guarantee that your jewellery looks its best, they also have access to the finest tools and machinery.
A professional's ability to help you save time and money is another justification for putting your confidence in them. If you don't know what you're doing, Homemade jewellery retouching can be costly and time-consuming. With little hassle, an expert can assist you in achieving your goals.
Last but not least, using an expert demonstrates that you value your jewellery and want to keep it looking great for as long as feasible. Don't be reluctant to give it a shot because this is an investment that will pay off in the long term.
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exuvianen · 2 months
dating hc's with dr. ratio, aventurine + blade!
headcanons about what these hsr men do in a relationship witth you <3
cw: x reader, gn! reader (no physical descriptions), mostly fluff, sfw, headcanon style
notes: hsr brainrot… ahahaha... i hope i have a fairly good grasp on these characters and wrote them well. 
wc: ~1050 words, around 350 words per character. all under the cut!
feel free to drop an ask or to add on to my thoughts! likes + rbs are appreciated  <3
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✎ Dr. Ratio:
He likes parallel play, or being alone together with you. He works on his own projects, like grading papers or writing a new thesis while you’re doing your own thing, like playing video games or reading. Occasionally, he might ask you for your input, such as ideas about his next thesis or what pose he should sculpt himself into next. 
He has a spare desk and chair for you in his office. You can choose to do work or entertain yourself there when you visit him and he’s still teaching a lecture, but feel free to take a nap on the plush sofa he bought just for you. 
He will nag you about your health but in an annoyingly endearing way. He fusses over you, telling you about appropriate attire for today’s weather, offering you an umbrella, and reminding you to drink water. 
He entertains all your ideas, no matter how silly or illogical. He’ll hear you out on anything you say, though he might have some very strong disagreements or objections to your ideas, especially if they are silly or completely nonsensical. However, he never turns you away when you bound up to him with a mischievous gleam in your eyes - he just sighs and prepares himself mentally to hear whatever goofiness comes out of your mouth. 
He’s your biggest cheerleader, supporter, and advocate. Though he may come off as intimidating, he is always willing to help advance your career or work. He has many connections and vast knowledge of the universe after all - why not utilize them for his beloved? 
He’s very good at dispelling any irrational thoughts in your head. If you’re panicking and your mind is disoriented, he’ll sit next to you and hold your hand gently, but firmly to ground you. He doesn’t speak at all when you vent out all your frustration, confusion, or anger - rather, he’s silently contemplative and then asks questions when you finish talking. He’ll indirectly guide you to a solution while gently calming you down as he dispels those pesky thoughts from your head.
He makes a custom alabaster head for you. 
♤ Aventurine:
A big fan of matching accessories and clothing. You don’t need to wear the exact same outfit, but he likes wearing complementary colors and jewelry to yours.
If you’d like, he’d be more than happy to bring you to casinos and public events with him. He wants to show off to you and let you witness his wit, talent, and skill like a peacock presenting its colorful feathers. 
He likes it a lot when you trace his skin through the spade-shaped hole in his outfit.
He hates the feeling of being vulnerable, but he likes being around you. This creates conflicting emotions inside of him. Oftentimes, he doesn’t know how to deal with it and just lurks by you. Pull him into a hug to quiet the voices in his head. 
He will send you packages or luxury items from the planets he’s visiting. You’ll be greeting a disgruntled Topaz or IPC soldiers at your door as they hand you various gifts ranging from limited-edition jewelry to flowers that bloom only once every 200 amber eras. He gifts extremely grand things, but he always knows how to find things that suit your tastes.
He’s a big spender on you. If you’re unused to the amount of money he’s willing to throw at you, he’s going to give you a lot of “exposure therapy” with his generosity. He’ll invite you to private auctions, lavish galas, luxury boutiques, and high-end jewelry stores. He’ll start filling your wardrobe with tailor-made clothes with the excuse that you should match his outfits when you attend formal events together, but his clothing contributions eventually infiltrate your closet pretty deeply. 
He enjoys being pampered and pampering you. Self-care nights are a must - as a representative of the IPC and one of the ten Stonehearts, he has to keep himself presentable and looking sharp, and that goes for his partner too! He’s more than happy to spend money to fund your trips to the salon or buy you any beauty products to use at home. He’d love to put on face masks together and share a drink or two with you. 
☠︎︎ Blade:
If you want to, and Elio’s script permits, he will bring you along on missions to safer planets. He’ll drop you off at a commercial district - feel free to go shopping or try out some novelty food while he wraps up his Stellaron Hunter business.
He likes getting his hair brushed. One of his favorite activities is sitting down and letting you comb through his hair after he cleans up from a mission. It’s an activity that leaves him vulnerable, but he doesn’t mind if it’s with you.
He’s an acts of service kind of guy. He moves to take your bags before you even say anything, holds open doors, and pulls out chairs for you. Brings you a cup of water and some fruit when you’ve been working for too long, and silently drapes his jacket over you when you shiver.
Tell him you like a certain pastry and he’ll show up every day and bring some. Show him a picture of a pretty flower and he’s boarding a spaceship to bring the flower to you personally. If you want something, he’ll do his best to get it.
He’s pretty quiet, but he’ll remember everything you say, what your preferences are, and what you like. He secretly writes it down in case his memory gets murky, and he’ll often reread his notes to remind himself.
He gives simple but traditional gifts to you, such as jade bracelets and pendants, and combs and hairpins if you have longer hair to wear or use them.*
He’ll treasure anything you gift to him. If you make an accessory for him, he wears it at all times. If your gift is small enough, he’ll stow it safely in his pockets and take it everywhere with him.
If family is important to you, he’ll send funds their way and ensure that they’re taken care of. 
As someone who’s often dead and then undead, his body can get stiff. He’ll enjoy it immensely if you massage him, and accompany him for his daily stretches and calisthenics. Even if you just hold him for a while, he finds that his muscles will relax from the warmth emitting from your body. Therefore, he quite appreciates having you physically near him.
* Combs, hairpins, Jade bracelets, and pendants were given as tokens of love and affection in Ancient China. These gifts have a deeper meaning/symbolism, but for the sake of post length, I did not write them all out. 
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kazzattack · 5 months
Pretty, pretty girl…
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Dick Grayson x Black fem!reader x Jason Todd, w/c 2.6k
Synopsis;; You attend one of Bruce Wayne’s galas with your father, for the pure pleasure of seeing the infamous Wayne brothers, and end up being snuck into the manor for the night.
content;; 18+, threesome, oral (fem receiving, implied male receiving), face fucking (male receiving), brief chokehold, hair pulling, fingering, finger sucking, eye contact, lots of banter, technically mirror sex (bc I lowk forgot about the mirror oops), light degradation (whore, slut), brief dry humping, doggy style, manhandling (?), spanking for 2 seconds, pet names (baby, doll, sweetheart), Jason’s a bit of a meanie, and Dick is… Dick, I think that’s it, poorly edited/proof read
“Stupid, stupid, stupid…” you begin to mutter, frustrated that you agreed to attend in the first place. Still, you find the will power to put on your prettiest smile and runway worthy strut.
Functions likes these never served any entertainment for you, nor did you get anything out of it. Galas your father attends for the sole purpose of saving face, surrounded by rich scum and snakes. At least this is Bruce Wayne’s gala. One of the only billionaires you find tolerable. The only people worth going for are those Wayne boys, though. Pure eye candy. You couldn’t pick a favorite out of the two.
Dick Grayson’s the first to greet you, eyes darting up and down over your figure before meeting your eyes. “Hey pretty lady,” he sing-songs, friendly and welcoming despite the telling glint in his eyes. Wayne’s prodigal son, the first, and he definitely fits the title. Dick is almost surprisingly sweet, pouring you wine and complimenting the shiny gold jewelry around your wrists and neck, rather than the dress that rides just a bit high on your thighs when you sit in the chair he pulls out for you.
Jason Todd meets you with an unintentional death stare, bless his heart. Not to say you don’t do the same thing at first. If he wasn’t 6’1 and 200+ lbs of pure muscle stuffed into a red tux, he’d be easier to miss. At first you don’t even realize his connection to Dick, let alone Bruce Wayne, but you quickly take notice of the familial banter from afar. As of now, you two share the commonality of not really wanting to be here. The two of you only get the chance to properly speak thanks to the loud-mouthed brother, followed by the chance to subtly gawk at each other, of course.
The two of them, though most of the effort is through Dick, make most of the event fly by. You take part in shameless flirting with the leaner of the two, laugh a few times at Jason’s more snarky jabs, and before you know it? Your father’s left wondering where his daughter ran off to. Guess you’ll have to figure out how to tell him two out of many of Wayne’s kids are busy trying to sneak you into his manner.
The… guest bedroom? Is awfully large, along with the bed, and the nightstand, and the mirror you use to make eye contact with Dick. They’ve put you under the impression to have made it past the security system, but realistically they both know Bruce has been notified of your presence. They also trust the billionaire playboy will mind his business. And besides, the old man should be the least of your worries when Dick tugs your dress up, followed by Jason’s calloused hands running up your thighs.
“You’re shameless,” you tease, settling yourself between Dick’s legs with your back against his chest while Jason lowers his overwhelming stature in front of you.
“Oh, sweetheart, you haven’t seen the half of it,” he corrects, grabbing the tiny zipper between his fingertips to expose more skin. “Especially not from that one down there.”
Jason scoffs, sliding your heels off as he responds. “I’m almost positive she knows what you are. Hard not to.”
“I know what I am,” Dick snickers into your ear, hands snaking over your figure. “You’re the one who stomps around acting like you’re too high and mighty for a little fun.”
You muster up the courage to jump in, urging Jason to come a little closer to your face. Despite the persona, you’ve both warmed up to each other throughout the night. “You too good for me, Jay?” You inquire, tugging him closer by his collar and tie. The glint in his eyes answers for you, giving away every intention he has for the rest of tonight.
“‘M just shy,” he jokes, though you’re not 100% sure he is. After a few drinks and the comfort of a seperate room, his eyes wander more freely, and it doesn’t take long before you notice Grayson’s gawking at you through the mirror as he undresses. “Not that you’ve gotta worry about that anymore.”
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Jason was no longer shy, clearly.
“Oh my god, Jay-“ you moan above him, head resting on Dick’s shoulder as one hand roams around your upper body. The other curls under your knee, supposedly holding your legs open as opposed to closing around Jason’s head while his tongue flicks against your clit.
“Fuck, you sound gorgeous,” Dick whispers as he sucks another hickey into your collarbone, and you feel a smooth hand wrap around your neck and rest there. “You gonna make those pretty noises for me too?” His tone is sultry and teasing, though you aren’t sure if it’s meant to provoke you or the short-tempered brother between your legs. You haven’t spent that long with them, but it’s been long enough for you to learn of Jason’s competitive edge and Dick’s insufferable tendencies to get under his skin.
“You could always find out for yourself…” you manage to respond, circling your hips in time with the thick finger on your insides. The strength is found to pick your head up and look at Dick, who’s already watching you like a hawk. Eyes focused with an almost obsessive gaze, tongue grazing over your skin. You can tell he’s fixing his dirty mouth for a quip but you cut him off with a gasp as another finger is dipped into your cunt, breaking eye contact as your head falls back.
“Quit talking to him,” Jason grumbles into your heat, “just sit and look pretty like you were doin’.” His words are muffled and the bass in his voice vibrates against your leg, leaving no room for you to consider not listening to him. He’s sure you’d much rather listen to him after that debauched moan you let out anyway.
Your hand moves to tug on the white streak of Jason’s hair, blanking out for a moment as the tips of his fingers curl and thrust into you. “Aw, gonna let him ruin the fun?” Dick teases, “I still wanna look at that pretty face.” He fixes you after his comment flies over your head, gripping your jaw to face him in the mirror and letting go to see if you’ll focus on your own. Jason, still seemingly irritated with him, tightens his biceps around the plush of your thighs and pulls you further from Dick. He doesn’t like sharing either. Noted. You glance down at him, green eyes half lidded and entirely zoned in on your pussy. He doesn’t talk all that much, but he’s got his own filthy mouth, tongue dipping in with his fingers for a moment as his free hand circles your clit. This is where you learn that Dick has his own frustrations too. He needs control, power in his hands.
“No wonder you like her,” he grins, “she’s almost as hard-headed as you.” Through the hazy pleasure you giggle, not expecting the way his arm slots around your neck. There’s a gasp before a strangled moan and you clench around Jason’s fingers, hips bucking into his face and he groans into your pussy. You’re in a more compromised position now, and he’s looking you directly in the eyes while his free hand tweaks at your nipple, making you arch further away from him.
“Oh, the pretty lady likes this? You want it tighter?”
Shamelessly, you nod despite your restrictions and he listens, squeezing your head between his forearm and bicep. A familiar feeling coils in your tummy, pretty nails digging into the flesh around your neck as your leg wraps around Jason’s head. You’d feel bad if it weren’t for the needy groan against your cunt.
“Ohh, gonna come on his tongue from getting choked out? Yeah, let him know who you’re looking at while you fuck his face.”
You’re ashamed of it, but the limited oxygen and lightheaded effect had you follow along without a thought.
“‘S you- fuck, Dick- I wanna…”
At this point, Dick’s sure he can see steam from Jason’s ears.
Still, his ministrations only go deeper, even if it’s not exactly of his free will. Thick nails dig deep into your hips and thighs to keep you in place as you orgasm and he helps you ride it out as he huffs and grunts. Meanwhile you’re right where Dick wants you, laying up against his chest and moaning against his forearm as if you were his bitch.
“Fuckin’ attention whore,” Jason sighs, easily moving your body further from Dick after practically yanking his arm from you. “Can’t go five minutes without begging for someone to look at you?” He’s clearly ticked off, but the frustration is also accompanied by the bulge of his dress pants pressing against your thigh. He hates the competition yet he undeniably craves it, and it’s clear in how much rougher his touches get. Jason moves to kiss up your body as his fingers curl at a slower pace, holding your hips in place to keep you from squirming underneath him.
“Jay-“ you sigh in bliss, hips trying to inch away as you sit up to look down at him. “Ja-son… ‘s too-“
“Shut up,” rude, “I know this pretty pussy’s beggin’ for it.”
“Struck a nerve? Sensitive much.” All he gets it a glare, rightfully so. You’d expect Dick Grayson to get in on more fun, but he’s just evil. He likes seeing a pretty girl like you squirm. Jason’s clearly more hands on, scissoring you open a few times before abruptly pulling away shoving his fingers down your throat. You’d be embarrassed by how easily you take it if the two of them weren’t mesmerized, watching while you suck his fingers clean of your own slick.
“We got us a pretty little slut, Jaybird,” Dick praises.
“Didn’t I tell you to stop talking?”
“No, actually.”
“Well I am now, Dick.”
You get out a little giggle while they bicker before Jason flips you over, positioning your ass against his pelvis and guiding your hips back. You’d been too high in pleasure before to realize that Jason Todd is big, everywhere. His dick presses against you through his pants and you almost panic as he pushes you back and forth, watching your ass bounce against him a few times and you whine.
“Yeah, y’feel that?” He groans from behind you and only Dick can see the prideful grin on his face. “You’ll take it, baby, jus’ for me.” Still, you let out a little whine at his words and clench around nothing. What you can see is the bulge in front of you as your head rests between Dick’s legs, doesn’t look as big but it’s definitely enough. You have no right to complain.
Jason leans over to deepen your arch and you hear his belt unbuckle. You wanna tell him wait, but you’re too slow. The tip of his cock slips against your opening and you mewl, looking back at him over your shoulder. “Oh my god, Jay-“ you gasp before he pushes deeper inside of you.
“Fuck… what’d I tell you?” He grunts, already halfway inside. “Already so wet and you’re tellin’ me you don’t wanna get fucked?”
“Be nice,” Dick interrupts as his fingers curl into your hair gently, as if he didn’t have you moaning against his arm in a chokehold earlier tonight. He gets to be the nice one now, your handsome knight in shining armor. If that were entirely true, though, he wouldn’t be over so slightly forcing you back onto Jason’s cock with his other hand.
Dick’s order is easily disregarded once he’s all the way inside, and with a few thrusts, pulling all the way out before slamming you onto his cock, pretty nails are clawing at the fabric of Dick’s slacks and you muffle your moans into them with soft whines. “Ah-ah, sweetheart,” he hums from above you, cooing at you with a soft voice yet tugging your head up by the chin a little harshly to look at you.
“‘S big.. oh- fuck, Dick-“
“‘Scuse me?”
“Now you’re in for it, doll.” The smile of amusement and lust on Dick’s face is almost demeaning.
“We got an ungrateful little slut,” Jason scowls, tugging so hard on your hair he might fuck it up if he doesn’t fuck you up first. His thrusts gain a brutal pace and he fucks you even deeper than before, leaning down to your face before he speaks again. “Here I am, face covered in your cum, fuckin this tight cunt with my cock and you’ve still got the nerve to be moanin’ for him? The fuck is he doing for you, huh? Tell me. Tell both of us.”
You can’t, even if you wanted to. Even if you could. Just from the close proximity, the way his dick hits that sweet spot harder and harder has you whimpering an incoherent apology and clenching around him. The only thing he can make out is the pathetic little “‘m sorry” as your hand moves to cover your face.
“Oh hell no,” he corrects you, grabbing your arm and folding it behind your back. You’re weaker than ever right now, no longer holding yourself up. In fact, Jason’s the one holding you, keeping you stable while he fucks the lights out of you.
“I think she wants it like this,” Dick chimes in, smiling like all you’re doing is putting on a show for him. Not that you mind, of course. You’re busy trying not to cry from the intensity, but you haven’t even realized your mascara’s been fucked up for a hot minute already.
“Yeah, you wanted this, right? Bet you thought you’d get it from that bastard,” Jason huffs a guttural laugh, “guess he shoulda told you about this thick dick.”
“‘M sorry, ‘m sorry, Jay- fuck, please,” you beg from beneath him, tightening around his dick as another orgasm has your moans higher pitched. “Wanna cum- lemme cum, Jason, please-!”
“Now you wanna moan my name?”
“Guess you fucked some sense into her.”
“Shut your goddamn mouth, Grayson.” The venom in his voice is for Dick, but unfortunately the anger gets taken out on you with a sharp smack on the ass and you yelp. “Give it to me,” he groans, “cum all over this cock.”
“Thank you- thank you, Jason-“
Your eyes roll, so far back you can see your skull as he fucks you throught it. You still babble on about how good he feels and he never lets up, focused on his own orgasm as he shoves your face into the mattress. Without another beat, he fucks you full, nasty fluids gushing around his cock as he finally calms down. You damn near back out, honestly, but distantly you can hear another belt buckle being undone.
“Y’done yet, Jaybird?”
“Not really,” he huffs through a deep groan, still rutting into you. “But go ahead. Just don’t piss me off again.” Dick fake pouts, pulling your face back up and you’re met with his length, throbbing and neglected.
“Wha…” you weakly moan, legs trembling and cunt twitching around Jason. Dick almost moans at the sight of your fucked out face, drool pooling at the corner of your lips and mascara smudged down your face. Still just as gorgeous, albeit more shameful than before. Dick can admit he prefers you with this look.
“We’ve still got plans for you, pretty girl,” he whispers, squishing your cheeks to push your mouth open before slapping the fat of his cock onto your tongue. “You still with us?”
“Good, good girl.“
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a/n;; dick was supposed to have the upper hand for most of this but listen, things happen. writing this was honestly so fun but idk if it’ll ever happen again anytime soon </3. pls enjoy, like, comment and reblog, i’d appreciate it :p
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Cool Fiancè
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Notes: 18+ sex mentioned
Special shout-out to @ab4eva and her fabulous editing skills! This is the second installment in my cool girl saga. Read Part 1 here
Five Things to know about Austin Butler’s New Fiance ::
Although his reps couldn't be reached for comment, sources close to the Elvis actor confirm he has popped the question to his mysterious lady love!
Butler and the stunning brunette were recently spotted at the iconic Les Puces market in Paris last Friday, and she seemed to be sporting a new accessory. Austin was dressed in a black leather jacket, a white v neck tee, and black moto boots. She was clad in a classic trench coat and vintage Dior kitten heels as she kept her head down and let the winner lead the way. His face was mostly obscured by aviator sunglasses, but his smile was very apparent according to onlookers. “Austin was holding her hand and pointing out jewelry at different booths. They were very friendly with local vendors and Austin ended up buying her a gold charm bracelet. He told the dealer the bracelet was a momento to celebrate their recent engagement,” a fellow American tourist overheard. The twosome reportedly spent the prior week soaking in the city of lights and meeting with the YSL fashion house. Austin was recently tapped as the brand's newest ambassador.
Since returning stateside paparazzi pics have finally surfaced and revealed a closer look at that ring. Montana based indie jeweler Jada Kaye has been revealed as the designer of that serious sparkler. The 5 carat, flawless emerald-cut emerald is set in solid gold and flanked by two white diamonds on either side. Inside sources told Elle Magazine that Kaye and Butler worked closely together to craft the one of a kind creation. There's even rumored to be an inscription on the inside that's significant to the couple and the ring is estimated to cost a cool $100,000. Austin's fiancè was photographed heading into a ballet studio yesterday wearing pink tights, a pink leotard, Ugg boots, and of course that ring. Her curly dark brown hair was slicked back into a bun and she seemed to be sporting a pair of the actor's sunglasses.
Here's everything you need to know about the future Mrs. Austin Butler;
She's from New England —
A, as she's known, was born in Rhode Island. She grew up splitting her time between Rhode Island and Kennebunkport, Maine. Her teenage years were spent working the local Del’s lemonade truck, former neighbors say. She attended the Rhode Island School of Design after high school but never graduated.
She and Austin met via her former job –
Whilst working at the New York location of Vibrant Vintage, A, served as the fashion archives buyer. She also happened to be on hand when Butler visited the store. Supposedly she helped him find the perfect pair of leather boots, and the rest is history. Things clearly moved quickly between the two lovebirds, with A relocating to Los Angeles not long after. According to Vibrant Vintage, she is no longer employed there but “remains a close friend and consultant,” says their PR team.
She's a hit with his friends –
She organized a birthday party for her man’s co-star and close friend, Callum Turner. Turner posted an Instagram story showing off a fairly large garden party celebration and a “homemade blueberry glaze cake” according to the post. “Huge thanks to Austin's lovely lady xx” accompanied the video footage. She and Austin were also seen dining with his other Masters of the Air co-star, Nate Mann, while in Paris recently.
They've (supposedly ) got matching ink –
An unnamed employee at the iconic Bang Bang tattoo in NYC has said that Austin and A made a late night visit to the tattoo studio. Where exactly are the said-to-be matching minimalistic tattoos? Reportedly, Austin was inked on his left hip and A on her inner left thigh.
Old fashioned love letters are her thing -
Notably social media shy, Austin and A have taken up the lost art of handwritten love notes. Sources exclusively say that custom monogrammed stationery was crafted for the duo whilst Austin was filming in England. The hand pressed, vintage inspired paper bears a unique coat of arms style symbol with intertwining letter A’s and two sparrows (Fun fact! Sparrows mate for life and always find their way back, no matter how far they fly). While separated, the couple often writes letters to one another, even having the letters sent via jet instead of mail for privacy reasons!
Suddenly one morning articles begin to pour in about your engagement. It catches you off guard, that ring akin to a skating rink has been sitting pretty on your hand for a bit now. The engagement had happened so naturally as everything with the two of you seems to. In the early morning hours while his swollen, rock hard member thrusts into you repeatedly you begin to awaken. On your side, his teeth clamp down on your shoulder as his finger twirls round the curls at the nape of your neck.
His gasps and needy groans tickle your ear. “Couldn't help myself..”, he shudders as you suddenly clamp down around him, barely able to register it all. You stretch and arch, allowing him the room and space to take what he needs. It is his after all. His teeth and pillowy soft lips mark your shoulder blades and when you reach down to where the two of you are joined, you feel his very full balls. Your newly manicured fingers tease and tug the best you can, scrunched up like some sort of acrobat. “Ugh, ugh…baby… you're gonna make me -”. Then he does. Hot, viscous, cream floods you and makes you sigh in a contented whimper. “Thanks darlin’,” he pets your head and you close your eyes dreamily. That is until you hear him rustling around in the bedside table next to him.
You cock open an eye, figuring he's looking for smokes or even the book he had been reading late last night. Your hands are stretched above your head, gripping a pillow. The perfect position for him to suddenly slip the most gorgeous piece of jewelry you've ever seen onto your finger. When your eyes shoot open and you jump up, he's lying there grinning that smile that makes you weak at the knees. “Will you be my wife?” As if your answer would be anything but yes, please Daddy. You smother him in kisses, straddling him and giggling. It's the perfect moment, the perfect proposal. You were never one to want a fireworks display or heaven forbid, those ridiculous and wasteful walls of flowers other celebrities seem to have for every occasion. This private, simple moment is everything you could ask for.
You feel the sudden urge to take him in your mouth despite him just finishing. With your head hanging off the side of the bed, you take him down your throat. Choking and gagging, you really give it your all. Fighting to keep your eyes open so you can see the way his lip curls and his eyes slam shut. Talking is always your thing. This time, though, he's sputtering and rasping words of utter devotion and love. Promises to worship your body until the day he dies. My perfect, perfect wife. Soon you can't be sure if the tears are from his cock down your throat, or his beautiful words. Maybe both. Those pretty boy fingers twist and tug on your nipples and then crawl lower and flick that special spot. The only fireworks you enjoy happen, twice for you actually. He's so dutiful and charming, when you're done pulling yourself back together and fixing your hair, he's handing you a surprise glass of champagne. What a way to mark the occasion.
You decline a proper press announcement. Phone and FaceTime calls follow to those who truly matter to you both - your families, both absolutely thrilled. Then Baz, Cal, The Presley's, everyone can't stop gushing about how perfect you are for each other. That ring, oh how sweet he designed it himself. You come up with a family-appropriate story to describe the proposal and the evening that followed, conveniently leaving out the mind-blowing sex the two of you have all over the house and in the hot tub. Why do things feel so different now that you're engaged? You can't get over the way the light hits the ring as you stroke him and something in that dirty girl heart of yours feels like it's really, truly, official when you have to clean his cum off the stone.
He's due back to set for some reshoots a few days later and of course you follow. Bringing throw pillows from your living room to spruce up his trailer and plotting out how to plan the most private, under the radar wedding possible while you lounge in his trailer in a cute little dress you sew yourself from vintage scarves bought in London. Your newest hobby, that and the ballet classes. He yammers on and on about wanting to sneak in and see you dance. You're sure it's just the tights and leotards spurring his interest though, let's be real. The paparazzi are as relentless as ever, but head down with big sunglasses helps keep the chaos at bay.
You visit Disney World, a whole crew, the two of you, your families, friends with their little ones. Thankfully Disney security is familiar with celebrity guests and you can actually let your guard down for once. Which is good, because seeing Austin chase after your friend's newly toddling little ones makes your stomach flip flop with joy. You make a mental note to expedite the wedding plans, he makes it known that he's chomping at the bit to be a father. When you visit Main Street, you decide a pair of new Mickey ears are in order. Gold stitching with Mrs. Butler is what you finally decide on after Austin's encouragement, his hand on your lower back as you walk miles and miles around the park with hands full of churros and cotton candy. Sure, some overzealous fans snap cell phone pics of you with your ears and immediately post them to those ridiculous Austin fan blogs who've now decided you are the evil villain in his story. You won't allow them to burst your Disney bubble though. Your fairytale is just beginning after all.
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justkennadi · 6 months
What the boys got you for christmas 😍🎄‼️
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Notes: Just a little something for christmas 😭👍🏾 i haven’t written anything else lately cause of work but that armin angst is still coming! But yeah, still merry Christmas!
Context: The following aot boys x black!fem reader. (not proofread😭)
Warnings: fluff aside from couple of cuss words and mention of getting high on plug!connie’s part
Characters: Armin, Eren, Connie, Jean and Reiner Bonus!: Nerd Armin and Plug!Connie
- Armin is so sweet.. From the moment u met him u knew he was a soft bookworm with a kind heart. He asked you to be his on valentine’s day by writing a letter confessing his feelings.
- You were happy to be his fr and you were really excited when y’all’s first christmas together came around.
- You got him this limited edition old dictionary, one of those fake aquariums from the 2000s, a fancy microscope and the entirety of his favorite book series.
- However when Christmas came and it was his turn you couldn’t have been more surprised.
- He got you multiple cute chanel coats and purses, a box of your favorite chocolate, a box of miss dior and an entire macbook😭😭😭
- “ARMIN?!?” You exclaim. “Since when ever was you rich????!?”
- And the boy just smiled at you and said he saved a bunch of money from his job but you didn’t really believe it.
- He also spent the whole day watching christmas movies and taking taking cute pictures together with you😚❤️❤️
- You and Eren got officially together on Halloween after a party so you guys were still kinda new and tryna feel each other out.
- You knew he liked working out so you just got him some gray sweatpants, some protein crap and one of those flannel hoodies.
- This boy ended up getting you some uggs and one of those “The tote bag” bags and a bunch of bath and body work stuff
- He even got all your favorite scents, aw❤️
- Eren acted like he didn’t always listen or pay attention but he clearly was the whole time and it made your heart melt🥹
- Eren didn’t wanna do the sappy shit he did but he sure wasn’t gonna show it right now so he just hopped on the game and you happily watched for the rest of the day.
- Connie and you spent yall first christmas together as not really a couple but that weird talking stage thing. You still counted tho cause you might as well be his gf🤷🏾‍♀️
- Connie was a goof ball fr so you didn’t really know what to get him. When it came down to the serious emotional stuff y’all just joked yall way out of it and so it was this weird limbo ish going on
- You settled on a nike jacket and a gift card to his favorite restaurant. You felt so bad cause it seemed like bare minimum but Connie was excited regardless!
- He said it’s the “thought that counts🥰😊” and all you could say after a few seconds was “Moral of the story headass..” and yall just busted out laughing
- Connie ended up getting you the brown faux jacket you saw and wanted from burlington, some pearl earrings and a necklace and a visa gift card with-
- “How much money is on here Con?”
- “$500.😗”
- WHAT?!!!2!@/
- You were expecting $50 or even $100 but $500? Half a band?
- “Yeah i didn’t know what to get u so…😗have fun!”
- You hugged him so hard and accidentally said he was the best boyfriend ever but when you pulled away to quickly apologize he just shushed you and said, “Anything for my beautiful girlfriend😌..”
- You and jean got together in the summer after school let out. Jean didn’t talk much like Eren but he was a goof ball like Connie especially when he was around him.
- You didn’t have much to work with embarrassingly. It was gonna be y’all’s 6 month anniversary on christmas but you barely knew a thing about him!!
- You ended up getting him some polo club cologne, airpods and a plain black hoodie.
- When Christmas came around you received some jewelry, some of the makeup you use and a cute brown fluffy teddy bear 🧸❤️
- Y’all had a very chill christmas, Jean wanted to go for a walk so you went with naturally and y’all ended up witnessing a beautiful sunset❤️
- You and Reiner got together in spring. He asked you out by bringing you a bunch of flowers in a bouquet which was definitely on theme for spring time..
- Reiner also stayed to himself a little bit more but he was more open with you so you had a good idea of what he liked.
- You got you and him some matching pjs to wear for the holiday. You got him a couple of books since sometimes he would read, a fancy shaving kit, a couple of turtlenecks and a photo album of you guys first year together❤️
- You were really proud and happy of your gifts but then you saw he didn’t get you anything other than a bunch of replacements for the hair products you use.
- “Hold on i think i put your other gift over here….close your eyes real quick..”
- You sighed and closed your eyes. You prayed he wasn’t gonna put anything together out of nowhere. You were kinda disappointed but it was ok.
- You heard shuffling and then you could tell when he was right in front of you.
- “Ok, open.”
- When you opened your eyes yoy immediately took everything back.. what you saw was a kneeling reiner on one knee holding a gorgeous diamond ring 💍😍
- For christmas he gave you a proposal!!!
- Even though it was kinda early, to be honest you two were talking for a lil minute anyways so it still felt like proper timing.
- You guys planned your wedding for christmas eve as spent the rest of that day cuddling with him watching Christmas themed sit-comes
- You knew Nerd!Armin since you two were kids and over time feelings developed.. then it naturally blossomed into a relationship. It was kinda weird because as you two grew up you guys just slowly became girlfriend and boyfriend.
- Nerd!Armin had always been a bit brainy and a major science fan so it wasn’t hard to get him anything at all.
- You got him a brand new pc, plentyyyy of books especially the sci-fi types and some weird graphic tees.
- He smiled with his braces and handed you a louis vuitton purse that had some louis vuitton jewelry and perfume inside. Also a soft blanket with your favorite design/character on it, Dior makeup items and chocolates.
- “Where did you get the money to buy this? Cause all i see you do is watch youtube and science shit-“ You questioned in surprise.
- “Stocks..”
- You just shrugged cause you had no idea on what he was talking about but you were just happy this silly brainiac was yours for the holiday 🫶🏾
- You and Connie started off as any other plug and customer. But then Connie started to catch feelings and by like August of this year he asked you to be his.
- He was very protective of you so by the time the holidays came around no one knew you two were a couple.
- He would always spoil you too with shopping sprees and paying for you to get your hair and nails did 💅🏾
- It was hard to think of what he’d want cause he could literally buy anything he wanted plus he didn’t really talk about himself much
- You settled on a couple of hoodies, one of those vape shark jackets and a game for his ps5.
- He ended up getting you a whole ass black Audi r8.
- Your jaw was on the floor 💀
- “Con, what the hellll..”
- “What? Y’don like it?”
- “I do but literally how??”
- “Ion know😗.”
- “Boy-“
- Connie never told you how he did it but he had proof it wasn’t stolen at least so 🙄
- He also got you a giant teddy bear and a new iphone.
- You kinda felt like your gifts were not the best compared to his but he assured you it was fine and he was grateful to have you regardless. ❤️
- You two ended up spending the rest of the day getting high and watching weird christmas movies no one talks about .
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theladyofrosewater · 1 month
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I have finally gotten Laurance's character sheet to a point where I'm actually okay with the result. I'll probably make some edits later. Character notes and lore undercut also content warning for general shadow knight stuff
Feel free to suggest the next character to get a character sheet!
I was aiming for a swimmers or acrobatic type of build for him so I tried to give him wider shoulders. I'm going to be basing all of the guard characters after some kind of sports athlete so feel free to give suggestions for future guards like Katelyn or Dante
In my rewrite Laurance was nearly torn in half (yikes) in the Nether and Sasha had to stitch him back together. He didn't fully die but his heart stopped for almost a minute before Sasha restarted it. Hence he got turned into a Shadow Knight although a lot more human than most
Laurance is missing part of his leg in my rewrite as well as being partially blind in one eye and this is from Ungrth's rescue mission, which sidenote I'm very tempted to mix wyverns and phoenixes together in my rewrite so that Laurance still loses his friend but is comforted by the fact that he'll be back someday.
His leg prosthetic is actually part of his shadow knight form and as a result he can get quite tired if he's on his feet all day. Dante and Garroth commissioned Kenmur to create a decent prosthetic for Laurance but the group disappears before Kenmur can finish it. Laurance uses a wooden crutch when he gets too tired or has a day off. It's quite well made and carved with a wyvern script spell for steady balance. It used to be Jon's but Hayden gifted it to him when he left Meteli for good. (Also sidenote I'm making Jon and Hayden married in my rewrite just because I think it would be good storytelling)
Laurance has always been clumsy but surprisingly enough his balance only suffered a little when adjusting to his new leg, and he's pretty good at adjusting to the vison loss. He will however sometimes be an idiot while exploring and that's why half the time he ends up in caves or old witches hideouts when he's exploring
Laurance's natural hair color was that nice brown we all know and maybe love and in my rewrite he still dyes it to match Cadenza however becoming a shadow knight kinda mess with his hair and now when it reaches a certain point it kinda sorta just turns orange and while Laurance may be a flirt he doesn't actually care that much about his apparence, as long as he's in good shape health wise he doesn't care, so his hair is left long.
Laurance's shadow knight armor is actually quite different from a lot of other shadow knights as he's technically still living. Shadow knights that are fueled by intense anger like Zenix or were turned when they were still living have a lava like substance glowing in the cracks of their armor. Shadow knights like Sasha, Vylad or Gene on the other hand have "dead" armor that is just rock and maybe a few gemstones. Becoming a full shadow knight takes either your memories or a part of your soul and unless Shad gives an individual that piece back or they are too filled with rage their armor is dead.
His normal guard armor is a mix of nether metals and draconic steel, Aphelia got it from Zoey and gifted it to Laurance when he was sworn in as a knight of Phoenix Drop. It has an extremely high melting point so Laurance can hid his leg if he wants too or he needs to for missions but often times in Phoenix Drop he doesn't bother unless it's cold or raining or Phoenix Drop is on high alert. The leg produces some heat enough to singe fabrics but isn't a fire hazard unless Laurance wants it to be
Laurance used to have a lot of keepsakes and jewelry but they were lost in the Nether. but you can see on the casual outfit that Cadenza has been sending him new rings :)
His hair does glow in Shadow Knight form and yes he has been used as a nightlight/ light source before but on the bright side he got the codename firefly so it's not a total loss. also his teeth are stronger but not sharper as only some shadow knights get fangs and it's seemingly random
I imagine him to be almost 23 and around 6'2 but only because he has a habit of only walking on the tips of his toes as Cadenza made him take the same dance tutor their dads hired for her. In reality he's like 6 ft on a good day.
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sohnric · 1 month
[TEASER] partners in crime – j. changmin
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after a series of unpredictable events, you and ji changmin, the foster kid with a shady reputation, become partners in crime. in a world where every choice has a consequence, you two must decide how far you're willing to go as you balance on the edge of danger with the promise of a better life.
pairing: ji changmin x fem! reader
genre: criminals au. acquaintances to lovers. coming of age, slice of life. angst, hurt/comfort. thief! changmin. partners in crime au (duh). slight high school au. inspired by a real case of robbery in a jewelry store here lmao. also loosely inspired by the kdrama extracurricular!
wc: for the teaser :: 1k || for the full fic :: approx. 32k
warnings: for the teaser :: existential dread, a fake gun, robbery || for the full fic :: mentions of alcoholism and juvenile behavior, swearing, changmin's character is a little inconsistent at first. changmin is a foster child, dysfunctional families, yn's father is absent. mentions of minors going on dates with older men, a man trying to take advantage of the reader, a physical fight (with the use of a knife), more to be added as i edit lmao
SEND AN ASK/COMMENT TO BE ADDED TO THE TAGLIST! Posting when the editing is done and my beta reader gives me the approval and validation <3 (end of may??)
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Eyes catching the glimmer of the silver chain in between your fingers, you press your skin into the metal and drag your nail over the stones in the pedant. You watch over the glass vitrines situated all around the store, various different shades of gold and silver staring back at you, almost laughing to your face with the prize tags slapped onto them, showing prices worth more than your groceries for the month. 
Contemplating your next decision, looking behind your shoulder to catch the security camera watching you, you think over your next steps. Angling your body so that it’s shielding what you’re doing with your hands, you gently take out the drawer that you’ve taken the silver chain out of, pretending to put the jewelry back where you got it from.
Your movements are careful, calculated. You’ve rethought this plan over and over again, birthed in your mind the moment you saw the sign ‘hiring’ on the glass door of the fancy jewelry store in the town center– made adjustments to it, tweaked it around and tried your hardest to make a good impression on your boss so she wouldn’t suspect anything– but now that you’re actually in front of the important part, the one that’s supposed to help you the most in your hunt for money, you can’t really bring yourself to do it.
Who knows. Maybe you could just keep the job– you don’t make much, though, considering you only work part-time. With the way your shifts are scheduled and the amount of time you have to put into working, you don’t really see the jewelry store as a good source of income– you are barely home and have time for anything. 
And it’s not the kind of money you need. Not at all.
Sighing to yourself, you shake your head to clear it off all thoughts– it’s time to do it. You can be sneaky. You can be uncaught. You just have to put your head to it.
Fingers shaking, you move the chain towards the front pocket of your jeans, ready to hide it in there and then sell it in the pawn shop a few weeks later to not raise much suspicion– when the sound of the front door opening brings you out of your thoughts, making you jump in surprise. Eyes snapping to the customer entering the store, you get ready to sport the kindest, warmest smile you can– to seem innocent and not at all suspicious. However, the grin stops growing mid-way as you recognise the appearance of the customer, smile freezing and turning into a concerned frown. 
This is not how you’d expect a customer of a fancy jewelry store to look.
The person is dressed in black, skinny jeans adorning their thighs, the hood of their jacket pulled over their head and a mask covering the bottom half of their face. Before you get a chance to dwell on it any further, they take out a gun– and they point it to your face.
There’s a moment in time where you feel like everything freezes. A moment in time where you just stare the gun into its eyes and wait for the person to shoot you, a moment in time where you can’t even think. Your brain clears, the only thought present at the tip of your tongue being– this is not how I imagined to go.
Your hands start shaking as you put them above your head, pupils dilating in terror. You guess this is something you should’ve expected when taking the job in an expensive jewelry store, but even though you’re aware a situation like this could exist in your timeline, you don’t really expect it. It’s like that with all bad things in life– you keep telling yourself that there’s no way something like that would happen to a person like you.
There’s no way your father would leave. There’s no way your mother’s world would crumble. There’s no way you’ll be left in charge of everything. There’s no way you’ll have to be the one to steal groceries because you can’t afford to buy food to put into your sister’s mouth. 
There’s no way a man would pull out a gun on you in the middle of your shift.
And yet, it happened. Everything.
In a moment of absolute terror, though, it feels like the world starts spinning again and the force clutching your chest relaxes a little when you stare into the man’s eyes. 
Strange, isn’t it?
There’s a sense of familiarity in his gaze. Something mirroring a weird kind of surprise, a weird kind of recognition. A million different thoughts flow through your brain, eyes scanning his figure– the skin of his hands as he grips the gun that you now recognise to be one of the kinds you use when you play airsoft, not a real one– the lean posture of his figure, but most importantly, the spark in his dark orbs that somehow invites you to do everything he tells you to. Not because he’d kill you if you don’t– but because somehow, you know this might be of gain for you.
Trying hard to play out your previous panic, riding off the erratic heartbeat in your chest, you walk over to the cash register and open the drawer. Eyes meeting with the intruder, you precisely take out the bills stacked in the register, throwing them on the counter in a careless, yet seemingly nervous manner. 
“The jewelry,” he mumbles, pointing towards the vitrines with his chin, waiting for you to obey his words. 
It doesn’t take you much to take out the drawers full of silver and gold, letting the man take whatever he pleases, his bag filled with expensive chains and rings, all while he keeps the gun on you to get the full effect. 
You could be given an Oscar for how good your acting performance was in this very moment.
Your eyes lock in another meaningful gaze, one that suggests that all cards are on the table now and you share a secret you will never be able to shake off, before he disappears out of the store into the dark. Acting stunned for the camera, you only reach for the phone when you’re certain he’s far enough to not be caught, dialing 911 and telling the line all about the robbery.
Ji Changmin chose the bad jewelry store to rob.
Or maybe, he chose the best one he could.
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delicrieux · 2 years
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𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭-𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫  | autumn features (october edition)  
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pairing—aemond targaryen x f!reader summary—a peak into the married life of aemond one-eye and his flower wife: on love, anger, and kin before the pillar of light (30) word count—2.1k
written for the october prompt list ♥ masterlist. ☕.  autumn features. part 2. part 3. extra.
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Aemond had once been of a gentler complexion he always tried to hide, though never very well. His nature, as Helaena’s, was made clear by his gait, his anxious blink faced with his brother’s ire, the hunch of his shoulders and the longing gaze for dragons he didn’t have. Believed, once, truly, that he never will.
Helaena did warn that he will close an eye. This exchange, to Aemond, seemed fair, and in retrospect, a small price to pay for such power. You never understood it - never possessed the capacity. When young, you had feared that only those born of fire and blood can understand one another. As you got older, you came to accept that fact to be true.
By all accounts, you had been an outsider in the Red Keep, with it’s dragons and high towers burning green. Born Tyrell and lavished in jewelry and picaresque views, your childhood was spent in a peacefulness that now could only be recalled in a dream. 
You came to court when the King still had his hand and the Princess was yet to exile to Dragonstone with the promise to wed Aegon. Your father faced your demotion to Aemond with scorn. Helaena was a better fit for the future King - these conversations where held in whispers, tight, dark corridors, under the axe of treason. In a country divided, rulers of the same blood would fasten it strong, nourish it’s soldiers with loyalty, keep the peace that had not been there for too long. 
It was necessary. 
It was a terrible blow to the Tyrell pride. 
You had accepted your duties with a polished smile. Aegon you could learn to live with, but Aemond you would perhaps grow to love. He had been gentle once. 
But the years and their vapid tension had done away at that timid exterior, molded there something harsh and sharp instead. Nothing is ever easy with the Targaryens, though you would not be a Tyrell if you were not trained from birth to deal with fiery tempers.
The moon peaks behind silken curtains of your bedchamber. Candles drip red wax on the floor; burn in a haze emitting pleasant aromas that takes a fortnight to evaporate and months to prepare. Another end to an exhausting day of court drama that you can only discuss in Haleana and never in private. The dinner show for the dying King had promise, yet, as predicted, ended in disaster. The wound is too deep - as the King’s illness, untreatable. Much too late to salvage a family that has been kept cross for decades. No amount of drinking wine or peppered laughter, rehearsed conversations, and false jolliness would mend this. 
He had been gentle once, and perhaps he’s trying to deliberately forget the fact, “...I don’t understand,” Aemond breaks the silence slowly, quietly, like ship crossing enemy borders in secret; he turns to you beside him, takes your hand in his - it’s warm, much warmer than yours, always has been, “Why not just be done with it?”
He’s much too intelligent to know why not and not crass enough to proclaim murder in your presence, even if he would speak freely in front of his family. An outsider once, and outsider still. The small upwards twitch of your lips is a thank you for his curtsy - you never fancied bloodshed, despised plots of murder even more.
Be done with it. What an elegant way to describe an act so cruel. Never bordering on the line of treason, never explicitly stating that Rhaenyra should be killed to end this fight for power. It’s a quick fix; a mindless slip of the blade; a minute of tears before, finally, prosperity. 
You sit on the thought, let it digest. Then, you motion him to turn, and he does so obediently, so you could untangle his braid. You starts from the bottom, slipping away the woven thread that holds it together, “...I believe you must know already why, lord husband.” You mutter.
“Enlighten me,” He replies, “perhaps it’s something I can’t see?”
Despite Vhagar’s price, he’s still bitter. It festers underneath him, sometimes overflows in a fit of paranoia - that he’s unfit, unsightly, unworthy, and that you must loathe him. Out of all the things you could, it’s his appearance he insists that repulses you. That has never been the case, nor ever will. The truth of the matter is, you don’t detest him at all.
“You see fine, lord husband,” You continue in a playful tone, “though I sometimes wonder if all you see you take at face value, like your brother.”
He snorts, “Aegon doesn’t see at all.”
You raise a brow, “My point being, you fail to understand the...” You pause, search for a word, settle on something easy, “-history. Between your mother the Queen and Princess Rhaenyra. Or perhaps you don’t wish to understand it at all.”
“You speak in riddles.” But there’s a smile in his voice when he says it.
“If I recall correctly, you always fancied this trait of mine.” You hum, “When you were young, you often skipped practice to play chess with me. Do you remember those days?”
“Ser Criston was not happy.”
“When has he ever been?” Before he can respond, you shush him, “Don’t. I care not for the answer nor the man in question to continue speaking of him.”
“He’s a honorable knight. And a great teacher.” 
“And I never argued the fact.”
“Yet you dislike him.” The braid is half undone when he turns back to you; his eye levels yours with scrutiny, “Is there a reason? Did he hurt y-”
“Your Ser does not so much as look me in the eye fearing the end of your blade shall be the last thing he sees.” You smile, “And I wish to keep it that way.”
He assess you for a moment, tilts his head, and when he speaks again, he brims with the same curiosity he had when he was younger, “...Does Helaena know?”
“A lady is entitled to her secrets.” You lace your fingers with his.
“Then she won’t speak a word.” He says with a sigh.
“Nor will you hear more from me on this topic, my husband.” Your response does not please him, but you know that mindless submission would please him even less. Aemond always wanted someone who could challenge him. It was Aegon that required an obedient, motherly touch, “Neither your father the King nor mother the Queen would wish harm on Princess Rhaenyra.”
“My mother despises Rhaenyra.” He states it as an all inclusive fact, an inarguable law of nature, “I know it. Rhaenyra knows it. You do, as well.”
You come to stand, place your hands over your belly, “How about,” You begin, mindlessly wandering about the room, “a thought experiment?”
“Another one of your riddles?” He says, leaning back to watch you. He enjoys watching you, enjoys trailing your movements - small, quiet footsteps, straight back, an effortless grace of a dancer.
“One I am certain a man fond of books would figure out quite quickly. Indulge me?”
“Then let’s perhaps take into consideration the lineage that came before us.”
“The history, as you put it.”
“Indeed, lord husband.”
“Why is it that you never call me by my name?”
“Would you prefer it?”
“It’s not about my preference.”
You smile, “...It is because I like to call you mine.” You admit softly, “Lord husband. My husband...I do like the ring of those, as I like being referred to as your lady wife.”
He tries his best to bite down the grin rising on his face, but even in the dim light you can tell he’s pleased. He raises a hand and motions, “Continue...my lady wife.”
“Then, the history that was before us...I have heard many a tale, you know. These walls,” You glance around, “they have ears. And servants fancy gossip more than leftover wine. You know I frequent these...meetings and tea parties and daily routines you do not bother with. The ladies at court speak often of your father’s reign. All in wonderful reverence, of course.”
“And what I came to learn is that there had been a deep bond between your mother and Princess Rhaenyra once.”
“That was a long time ago.” He utters, “Things have changed.”
“But there was, once, love.” You counter, though not unkindly, “...I don’t quite believe it is gone entirely.” 
The air seems to still, as if you roused a beast not meant to be awaken. You’re threading into forbidden territory, that much you know. He sits up slowly, and his face is lifeless, waxen, “What are you implying, (Name)?”
Your name has never sounded colder. You would never let it show, “Only a thought experiment.” There’s a sharp smile on your lips. You don’t quite manage to hide the bite from your voice, “The silly musings of a housewife that has nothing to do. Pay no heed to it, lord husband.” 
“Is this what you have been discussing with the court ladies?” His tone rises, as if he can’t believe it, “My mother’s affections to Rhaenyra, of all people?” He stands, approaches, and you quickly evade. He falters instantly, “If I frighten you--”
“You could never, lord husband.”
“Don’t lie to me.” His request is oddly paced - soft, unlike his previous timbre, “You know I want you to speak freely around me.”
You grind your teeth. Hold your head up high, “Very well. Sit.” He does so without protest, never once loosing sight of you, “So be it, I shall say it as it is. It’s obvious. As obvious as the fact that Rhaenyra’s children are not Leanor’s and never were. Your mother’s affection for Rhaenyra has never ceased, nor Rhaenyra’s for her. If the hate between your families was truly as strong as everyone pretends it is, one or the other would have been dead already, and your father would have done nothing to stop it. Or you, or Haleana, or Aegon, or I - killed, before I came to court and you got your dragon. They were friends, Aemond, good friends, inseparable, from what I was told. A bond as that does not evolve into hate without having a strong foundation before it. And times have changed, I do agree, but I don’t think it’s as simple as petty hatred for the Iron Throne.” 
You press your hand to your belly, to the life that steadily grows inside it, your first one, and suddenly you feel choked up, unpoised. You inhale, exhale, steady yourself, “I know this because even if you were to do something...terrible,” You catch his gaze, “I couldn’t hate you. I would only hate the fact that I love you still.” 
A cool breeze brushes past your shoulders. He seems thoughtful, “...How long have you been...thinking about this?”
“Long enough.” You admit, breath spent and voice rasp, “Not much else to do here when you hardly join me for chess anymore.”
“Haleana keeps you company.”
“And you should find her opinion no different from mine. Listen to her.” You continue, “You never do, yet you Targaryens may find some use in what she has to say.”
“You’re a Targaryen as well.” He reminds you curtly.
“Don’t make me laugh, Aemond. I’m not in the mood. I’m a Tyrell. I was born as one and will always be treated as one in your court.” You sigh, “Gods be good...” You mutter, pinching the bridge of your nose, “A war is coming. A war.” You look at him, “What am I good in war? I ride no dragon nor wield a sword. Or should you fancy me cowering in the Red Keep when the city turns to ash?”
Something clicks in him - it’s loud, aching, like shattering glass. 
He pales, “...You wish to leave me.”
You must salvage this whilst you still can, quickly gather the pieces, stitch them together with blood if you must.
“I wish,” You state calmly, “to return home.”
He stands, “This is your home.” He stabs a finger into his chest, “Our home. You cannot abandon me-”
It’s what he’s always feared, always believed. He envisions it, awakes at night with remains of that nightmare plaguing him: he turns away for a moment and when he looks back you’re gone in a flurry of smoke. Sometimes there’s laughter and sometimes there’s deathly silence. He doesn’t know which is worse.
“I’m not abandoning you, Gods, do you even hear what I’m saying?” You pause, breathe in again, “You know what the maesters said. I’m of a delicate condition, Aemond. I am unfit for war. And I will not have my child born in a battlefield.”
His hands grip your forearms. You startle. His hold eases, apologetic, almost, “I,” He begins, trying to catch your gaze, but you stubbornly look over his shoulder, “I will protect you.”
Your brows pinch together, “When? When you’re on dragonback or slaughtering Rhaenyra’s soldiers?” You sigh, “Let me return to my family,” You try to appeal to that nature, that kindness that hides underneath a leather patch, “to the grandparent’s of your child. Wait it out there. And when it’s all done, and you’re victorious, we will return. Our child and I. We’ll be together, all of us.”
Your plea hangs in the air. The candles flicker. Aemond nods slowly, kisses your forehead, and when you close your eyes and lean into his embrace, you hear a soft but firm, “No.”
He will not let you go. He cannot let you go. He cannot do this without you.
You hear that word still, echoing among the dancing dragons and crumbling buildings, the screams and rubble and rains of ash. It could have been different. But as you sit by your bedside window and watch the city crumble you make your peace with it, as you did with a lot of things in life. Forgiven a lot of things, too, perhaps too many. 
There’s a terrifying roar before the view burns in a pillar of light. 
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notes: babe wake up a new war criminal just dropped xx
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we-were-beautiful · 10 months
Unraveled Ends Chapter 1
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a/n: Remember How I said I wanted to get the first chapter out the first week of July, well I am nothing but a filthy liar. All my photos for the moodboard/aesthetic come from pinterest. Big Thanks to @curse-bearing-hips and @whisplion for all the help with editing this chapter. That being said we are all still human and there may be some errors and I apologize in advance. Hope y’all enjoy  
Summary: A tailor in the heart of Velaris finds herself mated to the two most powerful fae in Prythian. Unfortunately for her the mating bond only snapped for her, leaving her to question on how to move forward. Should she wait for her mates to feel the bond or should she go ahead and reject it and live with the gaping hole in her heart  
Poly!Feysand x Reader 
Warnings: None but there is angst
Starfall, the busiest time of the year for the city of Velaris. It was a time of year that I both enjoyed and detested. The Palace of Thread and Jewels was always bustling, but during this time of year the workload nearly tripled for the tailors and jewelers. Citizens milled about trying to find the perfect outfit and accessories for the special day. 
The Y/L/N family shop specialized in catering to the elite citizens of the city, having outfitted everyone from the wealthy merchants to the High Lord’s family for many years. It wasn't unusual for high profile clients to come into the shop for a custom outfit. Just last month Morrigan had come in for a custom gown for a dinner that she had. So when the bell on the door rang out as it opened, I braced myself for whoever my next clients were. On my way out of the back, I catch a brief snippet of the conversation happening.
“Cassian, move your ass. We were this close to not being able to get Y/N to make our outfits last year and I refuse to take that chance again.” That was definitely Morrigan. True, by the time the High Lord’s inner circle had made their way to the shop last year, we had nearly had to turn them away.
“Don’t worry Morrigan, you have come early this year so there is no reason to worry. You are at the top of my list this year.” I reassure her as I step into the main room of the shop. Last year… last year Starfall had been hell, the memory of the last time the whole inner circle had been in the shop burned deeply into my memory 
“Ah, Miss L/N we are so sorry to ask this of you. I understand that it is a last minute request, but you are the best tailor in the city.” Rhysand had all but begged. In the end, I agreed as the High Lord had agreed to pay my team and I a hefty sum on top of what their outfits would cost. I had warned him that we would be running on a tight deadline and the outfits most likely would be done right before Starfall. I had had no expectations of ever finding my mate or that I would be blessed with two of them, but fate has a funny way of working.
“So tell me what are you looking for in your outfits for this Starfall?” I had pulled the High Lord and Lady into my office to gauge what the couple desired in their outfits. Feyre started to describe what she had been looking for in her gown; as she speaks, my hand flies across the page, roughly sketching out the dress she describes. I make a few adjustments here and there after she finishes.
“Are there specific pieces of jewelry that you are wanting to showcase with the dress?” I briefly glance up to the mated pair seated across from me. Rhys had draped his arm around Feyre’s shoulders. The perfect image of the happily mated couples that parents tell their babes about.
“No, I am looking more to showcase the dress this time around.” She responds with a kind smile leaning further into her mate. 
“And High Lord, are you wishing to match the High Lady’s dress?”  I address Rhysand for the first time since the two entered.
“Yes I would prefer to match my mate for the evening.” the High Lord's voice is as smooth as a night time breeze.
“Ok so that is doable. We can easily match a suit to the High Lady’s dress.” I begin to ramble as the pencil begins to fly across the page “are there any preferences on colors?” I look up to the two of them. I wish I hadn’t at that moment I felt a snap. Two golden threads tethering me to the beautiful couple sitting in front of me. It’s not hard to figure out that it had only snapped for me and not for the High Lord and Lady. I quickly made sure to adjust my mental shields and my facial expression.
“Is everything alright?” Feyre cocks her head to the side, eying me with a look of concern.
“Yes, sorry. Just lost in thought.” I try to quickly laugh it off. One look on her face tells me that I was not successful in that endeavor. I quickly pass my sketchbook over to the two of them to evaluate the sketches “Now what are your thoughts. We can make some adjustments but given the time constraints we might not be able to do anything overly extravagant.”
The two of them take the book and look over the sketches with wide grins. I took the time to memorize those smiles not knowing if I would be able to see them again.
The two weeks after that fateful meeting had been near torture; to have them so close but yet so far from my grasp. I had tried my best to continue on with life as normal following that fateful meeting, but apparently my shop had pulled off a small miracle for the inner circle and thus they had declared it their place to get clothes. Occasionally I could avoid Feyre and Rhysand, pawning them off to another one of the shop's seamstresses,  but more often than not they insisted I be the one to work with them. It seemed today would be no different as they beeline for me.
“Sweetheart, how are you today?” Ah yes sweetheart, the nickname that Rhys had decided for me. Once he started calling me that Feyre quickly caught on and the two of them refused to call me by anything other than their nickname for me. 
“I am doing well, High Lord, I assume you and Lady Feyre wish to go first for the consultations?” I give them a polite smile. I am met with wide grins from the two of them. 
“Please it’s Rhys, and yes we would like to go first.” He pulls Feyre into his side and places a gentle kiss on the top of her head as I gesture to my office, and am met with an uproar from the rest of the inner circle about favoritism as I tell them to take a seat in the waiting room.
With the exception of a few new bolts of fabric and more sketchbooks sitting on the desk my office hadn’t changed since last Starfall. Two comfortable leather chairs sat in front of the large desk. My well loved chair sat behind it, my favorite shawl draped over the back.
There was one major change in the office. A dress form, with my Starfall gown hanging to it.  Typically I wanted to keep my Starfall gown hidden away until the last minute to surprise everyone, but this year it had come to reside in my office. The dress clung to the form silver fabric flowing to pool on the floor like mercury. Small crystal shards caught the sunlight and reflected small rainbows throughout the room. It was a work of art that I had taken to working on piece by piece in my spare time. It was nearly done. I just had to finish off the sleeves and it would be perfect. I wasn’t the only one who thought this as Feyre walked over to the dress. She reaches out a tattooed hand as if to run her fingers along the fabric before quickly withdrawing her hand.
“Is this dress spoken for? It is beautiful.” She asked, looking back at me and Rhysand as I shut the office door.
“As much as I would love to say that you could take that dress Lady Feyre; that is my gown for Starfall.” I move towards my chair, busying my hands with gathering my supplies needed for a consultation “Normally it stays hidden until the day of but we have been so busy this year; I've been having to work on it little by little and it easiest to do it here in the office.” 
There is a little pout on her face that nearly has me giving it to her  to make her smile again. 
“You will look like one of the stars.” Rhysand jokes as he pulls Feyre into his side. The little jealous spark that begins to burn turns my stomach. I tried to tramp down the jealousy… the envy every time I saw the two of them here in my office or walking around Velaris. Wishing that there would be space for me with the two of them; but who am I to disturb something so beautiful and perfect. They have the perfect life with their beautiful baby and friends, there is no room for me. Our lives are so vastly different from each other so I put on a smile and get to work designing coordinating Starfall outfits for the two of them. By now the two of them know the drill and begin describing what they want in their outfits and I dutifully begin sketching them out. I catch Feyre glancing over at the dress form several times and asking for similar elements in her dress. I oblige her, willing to give the two of them almost anything, just to make them smile.
I work efficiently to try and get the two of them out of my office as  quickly as possible without trying to seem rude. I needed some air away from my two mates and I still had their entire friend group to go through. By the end of the consultation both the High Lord and Lady are pleased with the preliminary designs; they leave my office hand in hand with smiles on their faces. The rest of the inner circle's appointments fly by providing me with a much needed breather, but I am thrown for a loop when I am working with the Shadowsinger.
I had made things for the Illyrian warrior before, but I never noted how observant he was. Working with Azriel had always been a treat. The male favored rather simple but quality garments. Always wanting to blend into the crowd and not stand out, his appointments tended to be rather fast, but today seemed to be different. I could feel his gaze burning into me as I sketched out a new suit for him. I glance up from the paper to meet his hazel gaze. His shadows danced around his shoulders and darted across the room. It wasn’t unusual for them to dance about the room and round me whenever he was in; almost as if they could sense a kindred spirit.  
“You seem…” he paused as if searching for the right words. “Disheartened.”  
I set down the pencil and give him my full attention. 
“I'm fine, Azriel. It's something personal. Nothing that you need to worry about." The lie almost sounds believable, but Azriel sees right through my lie; he raises an eyebrow but does not press the issue; letting me get back to work. Once the two of us are happy with the design we are quick to head out. Before I can open my office door, he gives my shoulder a quick squeeze with his hand.
“Please, If you need help don’t hesitate to reach out.” He gives me a small smile before rejoining his friends in the lobby. 
The Inner circle is quick to thank me before they sweep out of the shop and into the city. I wait a few minutes for them to get further away from the shop before I let the seamstresses know that I am going to head home for the day, feigning a headache. I don’t remember the walk home, the path so burned into my memory that my mind was free to wander as I walked the familiar path to my family's home. It is only when I am here alone do I allow the façade to crumble away. I slump to the floor as I let the tears fall. How could the Mother be so cruel; to give me not just one mate but two, who are so vastly different from me; and for them to have already solidified their bond and start their own family. Rhysand and Feyre deserve the world for all that they have done for Prythian, and here I am just me. How can I even compare to them, let alone ruin the beautiful partnership that they already have? 
Taglist: @nyctophiliiiiaaa @rachelnicolee @goldenmagnolias @jesssicapaniagua @winterrainworld
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a-crochet-spider · 6 months
More Matthew headcanons cuz I've been rotating him in my brain for the past week
Sorry this is formatted weird :(
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·         He either dresses in suits or like a homeless teenager. Again, no in between.
·        Uses very dramatic, theatrical pet names with his s/os like “my love/dearest/darling”. Life is a musical for and hot damn if he isn’t going to act like it.
·        Ramona fucking hated this when they were dating for a week.
·        His first musical was Rocky Horror Picture Show, which explains a lot about him.
·        He saw it at like ten years old when he found a copy on DVD in his garage or something and watched it when his parents were asleep.
·        He wakes up early on most days but only because he forces himself. He’s not really that much of a morning person.
·        He used to paint his nails in middle school, but doesn’t do it often as an adult because he was probably bullied for it.
·        He started fights online about musicals and refuses to change his opinion even if he’s wrong.
·        I’ve heard a theory that he’s in the military because of the symbol on his jacket sleeve, and he tells everyone that he was, but in reality he just thrifted the jacket and wants people to think he’s cool.
·        He learned self defense after high school because he got bullied a ton, and he’s really good at it clearly.
·        He pretends to like black coffee around other people, but when he’s alone he puts a bunch of cream and sugar and spices in it.
·        He eats up those stupid wolf edits that you see on YouTube reels or whatever (you know the ones I’m talking about).
·        When he’s stressed out he just needs to sit in a dark room by himself and not interact with anyone for a few hours.
·        He has a scar on his upper arm that he’s really vague and mysterious about, but he got it because he tripped and gashed his arm on the corner of a counter.
·        On that note, he’s a walking human disaster yall. He’s agile when fighting and stuff, but every other time he’s constantly getting hurt.
·        No idea how to hold a baby and probably never will learn. He always ends up holding it wrong and the parent always has to grab the baby from him before he hurts it.
·        If anyone calls him Mattie they’re getting decked.
·        He isn’t an outdoorsy person at all. He doesn’t like hiking or dirt or anything of the sort.
·        He only takes naps when he wants to treat himself.
·        He’s pretty claustrophobic and definitely doesn’t like tight spaces. If he has to go in one, he'll end up volunteering someone else to go for him.
·        Doesn’t know what the word passive aggressive means, he just yells at people.
·        He does have a few piercings that he got in high school, including in his ears and septum. He doesn’t really wear any obvious jewelry on them anymore though.
·        He dresses as the Phantom of the opera for Halloween every single year without fail and has since he was thirteen years old.
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skyeslittlecorner · 5 months
Tails for all! - Hades edition
Other parts: Kings | Gehenna | Tartaros | Avisos | Nilfheim | Abaddon | Paradise Lost
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Long tail, scales looks similar to feathers, especially at the end and at the base. Extremely flexible. The scales are opalescent like his horns, rhombus-shaped and surprisingly soft. 
The monster in his coffin contracted with him sometimes thinks that Foras's tail is the tentacle of another monster and wants to play with him. And he let them.
The tips of the long scales at the end of the tail are slightly pink. Paimon and Eligos appreciate.
He would love to have decorations on his tail, but his scales are not suitable for placing chains. But has the same tattoo on the sides of his tail as under his eyes.
It's true that Leviathan didn't try to tear off his tail like he tried with his horns, but when Foras reports to him, he prefers the tail to remain invisible anyway.
Sensitiveness 9/10. He loves your little scratches and soon become all whimpering and needy. He will wrap his tail around you and touch you as greedily as he does with his hands, and the fact that the tail is soft and pleasant to the touch is even better. Seriously. It feels like freshly applied lotion.
If you're sitting on his lap facing him and you get too high in pleasure, he'll support your back with his tail like the back of a chair. And he loves seeing how limp and helpless you look in these moments.
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Very long, thin as two fingers and angular. The spikes at the base looks like scythes and are barbed to tear skin and saw bones. All blades are equally thin, the longest are the size of an elbow and become smaller the closer to the center. In the middle they disappear and start to grow again but towards the end, only from the inside of the tail. Crude, sickle-shaped blade at the end.
There are rumors that during a fight, poisonous smoke comes out of his tail and causes madness. But it's only a rumor.
When no one is watching, he likes to look at the city from the window, and he has his stuffed raccoon on his tail between the spikes so he can watch with him.
Because of how long and dangerous his tail is, Leviathan was wondering whether to make him wear some sort of cover.
He is very proud of his weapons of mass destruction. His tail is believed to be the most dangerous of all, and even Beelzebub with his poisonous whip admitted this.
Sensitiveness 6/10. The only thing he will feel is the blood of his enemies flowing down the spikes.
Okay, it was a joke. Maybe.
He does not want to hurt you. You are the only person who has seen that he is able to fold his blades in half. Their backs aren't that sharp, and he flinches when you touch them. You are prohibited from doing so. Playing with its tail is the only way to dominate him, and he won't let you do it.
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It is relatively long for a tail. As thick as Foras’, but as long as Glasyal’s. It consists of two types of scales. The smaller, golden ones are the size of fingernails and cover the entire tail until the tip. The larger, black ones look like thorns.
It is said that when he is it irritated he can almost imperceptibly raise smaller, golden scales, which release the poison. It's nothing harmful. When it hits you, you feel as if you were burned by nettles.
Some scales are matte, others shiny. Only under the sun can you see that they create rose patterns like his hair.
He throws himself around in bed so much that his tail regularly lands on others. They didn't fight over it only because Foras didn't want to give Glasyal that satisfaction.
Most of the thorns are hidden, but a few of the longest ones are left at the end to hang jewelry on.
Sensitiveness 4/10. It’s rather a weapon-type tail, but because he can hide all sharp parts you have a lot of possibilities to play. Personally, what he likes best is wrapping it around you like a rose bush, in full sun and naked of course.
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You chose to include him, so let's go! His tail most resembles Leviathan’s, but is beige instead of dark purple. It has tiny fins on its sides. Not sharp. It is also quite short, only reaching mid-calf, and ends with forks.
The devil's fork on the tip of his tail can also unfold a thin membrane, just like Leviathan.
If it weren't for the constant rejuvenation, he suspect that his tail would look somewhere similar to Leviathan. That would mean it'd be one of the most beautiful in all of Hell. On the one hand, he would like it, but on the other hand, he would look too adult. Small is good.
Wears jewelry on the tip of the tail, fancy, handmade chains made to order, matching the one on his horns.
He hates it when he gets older and his scales get hard. He prefers them to be soft and envies Foras because he doesn't have to do anything about it. Sometimes they argue about it because Foras would prefer his tail not to attract so much attention (his king's jealousy is wonderful, but dangerous).
Sensitiveness 7/10. He likes to wrap himself around your arms or legs the most. When you are naughty, he pricks you with the tip. Unfortunately, it is too weak to choke properly.
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