#Hiroki Eniwa
yuunemi · 1 year
Miss Me, Miss Me, Now You Gotta Kiss Me
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LIBRARIAN'S NOTE/S : an entry for the Voltage Fandom Content Creation Challenge hosted by @voltagefandomproject. I sincerely apologize for posting very late. this is written in 2nd pov and I apologize in advance for grammatical errors and if some characterizations are off since all insights are based on ms1 stories, snippets, and other fanfics/thoughts from others. if other LIs are not here then that means I am too uncertain about their personality. other than that, enjoyy~~
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Wherein MC impulsively sings “Miss me, miss me, now you gotta ki—” once he returned home after a long trip but you stop yourself from finishing it upon realizing what the next words were. Your face flushed red from the embarrassment. (This can also apply if you just start singing it out in the blue).
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1. He will tease you and say "Now I gotta what?" He knows full well what the next words are, and he will not stop teasing you about it, not until you say the next words
Miyabi, KYOGA, Ayato Hidaka, Ichiya Misono, KYOHEI RIKUDOH, Nagito Aoshima, Eisuke Ichinomiya, Ota Kisaki, MITSUNARI BABA, Leon, Teorus, ICHYTHYS, Tauxolouve, Yosuke Sagara, SHUN RANDOH, Yuma Akagi, TAKAMASA SAEKI, FENN LUXURE, Roy Invidia, and Jasper Lane
No doubt that they would tease you to death, you missed him and he knows it
It is an ego boost for them
I put Leon in both 1 and 2 knowing that he would possibly do it in that order, like you say it > he kisses you > he says number 2
Saeki might even go "Awww, my honey missed meee~~"
I personally think that Fenn would be the biggest tease among everyone. He finds it so amusing that he'll laugh and he won't even try to hide it.
Roy and Jasper will feign cluelessness while teasing you into saying it
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2. Much like number one but instead of waiting for you to say it, he will just kiss you and then say "If you wanted a kiss, all you had to do was ask" bro will be smirking at you
Shinra, HIROKI ENIWA, IORI ENJO, Kota Igarashi, EISUKE ICHINOMIYA, Mamoru Kishi, Leon, Scorpio, PARTHENO, Kiyohito Shirakami, Yamato Kougami, and GUY AVARI
I put Eisuke in both numbers knowing that it is possible because I feel like he would do 1 and 2 in that order
Shinra, Kota, and Kiyohito might even blush about it, especially Shinra who would act cocky about it all the while he is blushing
You know Hiroki's princely-like pose where he raises his head with a subtle smirk, that's what he would look like while saying it
Okay, Kota is not the type to smirk but like do his expression where he puts his hand over his face and blush
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3. He knows what the next words are, he is amused. He found it cute and kissed you
Chikage, SAMON, MAKOTO MORIMACHI, Ryo Chibana, Soryu Oh, HUEDHAUT, Dui, KARNO, Zyglavis, Taki Kozaki, Takao Maruyama, Kenshi Inagaki, Toa Qelsum, TINO VALENTINE, and Lou
Samon, Makoto, and Karno would probably even pat your head after giving you the kiss
You know the soft doting look that Makoto has, yes that's what he would look like
Tino might even blush about it and I think that he probably chose to stay quiet so as to not embarrass you any further because he is considerate like that
Huedhaut and Lou would definitely chuckle at your behavior
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4. "Yeah? Now I gotta what?" He is genuinely clueless, so you gotta tell him and finish the sentence if you really want that kiss
Chikage, Yukinojo, Takamune Kitami, RIKU MORIMACHI, Takashi Ninagawa, Soryu Oh, Rhion Hatter, AIGONORUS, Yonghua, REN SHIBASAKI, LYNT AKEDIA, Toa Qelsum, and Grayson Hotz
Chikage, Soryu, and Toa are literally so similar because of how cool and distant they are. Moreover, knowing these three, I feel like they are in between 3 and 4 because those three are also like so smart, no shot, they are unaware, but they're quite dense sometimes so-
Riku, Aigonorus, and Lynt are quite the airheads so you literally have to spell it out to them, but I wouldn't put it past Riku to feign cluelessness just to tease you
In the case, that Soryu is in a good and he knows what the next words are but you aren't saying them then he will probably say, "You might wanna say it unless you want me to misunderstand and think I want to kill you." but we all know that he wouldn't do that because he even refuses to point a gun at a woman. He is respectful and principled like that
Nah cause even though half of these men are smart-asses, you sometimes just have to spell it out because of how absorbed they can get from their passions; like Takamune with soccer, Takashi with music, etc.
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5. Another one who is genuinely clueless but will still kiss you nonetheless because they missed you too
Yukinojo, Rhion Hatter, KRIOFF, and RIO VOLERI
Okay, so I put Yukinojo here as well cause I really feel like he might be clueless but whether he'd push you to say it or not is something I'm not sure cause he does not seem to be the forceful type either and would be the type to think/reason "If you wanted to tell me, you would, but if you didn't then you must have your reasons".
For Rhion, same reason as Yukinojo, but I think he also leans more toward the curious type. Depending on the topic, he might press for answers, but he doesn't seem that pushy either.
Krioff is a gentleman, and I don't think he would push you to say it either unless he senses something amiss or bad about it.
Rio would definitely let out a hearty laugh since he sees you lightly blushing. He'll say, "Hahaha! Whatever that is, you're right, I missed you." or somewhere along those lines before kissing you.
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6. "Ha? You're only saying that because you're the one who misses me." He missed you but won't admit it
Okay, hear me out, I put this specifically for them because of how Tsundere they can get. (Again, this is all according to what I've observed from them, and I haven't read Knight's route yet, but he literally gives me Tsun-Tsun vibes).
There is no way that those two are not blushing while or after saying that
Mention that he is blushing, and he will blush twice as much
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What makes Trey Clover a member of team coffee?
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*Please read theses before moving on for more context:   2 Lines & A Circle : In-Depth Description: Coffee (tumblr.com)  
Our favorite baker Trey is undoubtedly a member of team coffee. I just want to make the disclaimer that it may look like I’m hating on Trey but I promise you I’m not and I love Trey. Trey is someone who I feel doesn't open up when the situation gets serious or he holds himself back.
This is seen in book 1 quite often. Trey is aware that Riddle has a hard past and yet he fails to make that attempt to better help Riddle from his past. It isn’t until Trey is yelled at by Ace which he realizes his mistake and improves himself. This is a common trait found in team coffee, such as with Takashi Ninagawa from Scandal in the Spotlight.
*this is what Takashi Ninagawa from Scandal in the Spotlight looks like  warning shirtless anime man below
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The game is about the Mc who becomes a ghost writer for a top boy group. In Takashi’s route he has an eternal struggle of loving the MC or letting her go. Takashi chose to keep quiet about his inner feelings even though he loves the MC, which is similar to what Trey did to Riddle. The both of them kept quiet as a way to better protect someone special to them. However it was actually getting the situation nowhere.
Which creates the bitter taste that team coffee gives off. Okay so I know I was harsh towards Trey but hear me out, he also has the caring aspect of a coffee. We all are aware of how Trey is a big brother and doesn’t hesitate to help out someone in need. This is seen when he helps to make a replacement tart in book 1. Trey isn’t obligated to help at all but chose to make the tart anyway.
As mentioned before Takashi Ninagawa from Scandal in the Spotlight is someone who I recommend if you like Trey. In his route you can be sure to enjoy a rush of emotions for Takashi as he goes up and down like a roller coaster.
The second is Hiroki Eniwa from My Last FIrst Kiss(photo of him below). I know I didn’t speak highly of him last time. Even so, if you commit to Hiroki then you’ll be quick to learn about his true self. With his true self you’ll come to grow with him to become a better person and if you ask me, that’s his big selling point. Now his similarity to Trey lies in the older brother aspect. Although he is the younger brother, he definitely tends to his co-workers, friends, and even strangers in an older brother way. So if you’re charmed by that then I highly recommend him.
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Takashi Ninagawa from Scandal in the Spotlight game prologue: Scandal In The Spotlight Prologue
Hiroki Eniwa from My Last FIrst Kiss game prologue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MseHVqwAUEc&list=PL4NQUCRKB7P8tUI0_bU2MhOT5FCP73aEO&index=29 
P.S here is Hiroki’s main story : My Last First Kiss Hiroki: Main Story - YouTube
Interested in finding out if he’s your match? Then feel free to participate in these events! They won’t end till I’m tired of seeing their beautiful faces! 
Tell me: 2 Lines & A Circle : Tell me about yourself! (tumblr.com)
Feelings in a letter: 2 Lines & A Circle : Feelings in a letter (tumblr.com)
Not so perfect: 2 Lines & A Circle : A not so perfect random date/hang out headcanon: (tumblr.com)
All Games can be found on the app Love 365. Available for the google app store and android. 
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hinaiya · 2 years
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completed routes! (in alphabetical order)
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i. ayakashi: romance reborn
completed routes; dawn chapter, kuya
ii. destind: mr. almost right
completed routes; yuri kazumoto
iii. enchanted in the moonlight
completed routes; chikage, kiryu
iv. kings of paradise
completed routes; shun randoh, taki kozaki, yosuke sagara
v. kissed by the baddest bidder
completed routes; eisuke ichinomiya, mamoru kishi, ota kisaki, rhion hatter, soryu oh
vi. irresistible mistakes
completed routes; jun araki
vii. my last first kiss
completed routes; ayato hidaka, hiroki eniwa, makoto morimachi, riku morimachi, takamune kitami
viii. oops, i said yes?
completed routes; kunihiro kasai, ukyo senkawa
ix. our two bedroom story
completed routes; minato okouchi, shusei hayakawa
x. scandal in the spotlight
completed routes; kota igarashi, kyohei rikudoh, iori enjo, takashi ninagawa
xii. star crossed myth: department of punishments
completed routes; ichthys, krioff, partheno, scorpio, zyglavis
xiii. star crossed myth: department of wishes
completed routes; aigonorus, huedhaut, karno, leon, teorus
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mhudson92 · 2 years
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sweet-pinkitty · 3 years
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Men Colored Blue
Wallpaper Campaign
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rblue16 · 3 years
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Does voltage ship to US??? 🥺🥺💕
Found this on voltage inc youtube channel 😅
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voltage-knowledge · 3 years
The heroine in My Last First Kiss has trouble calling Hiroki Eniwa by his first name because it’s considered too intimate in her eyes. However, she has no problem calling him “Hiro”, which is ultimately a more intimate name than Hiroki. 
Then again, because she has been calling him “Hiro” since they were kids, the heroine might have thought that the nickname was more childish than intimate.
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fullmoon312 · 4 years
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Missed Call From Your Love - My Last First Kiss
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voltage-vixen · 4 years
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Hiroki is normally so composed, it’s nice seeing a change of pace of how he really feels on the inside. 😂
VIP Room Affection Story
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lydskisses · 4 years
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Brand New
Voltage Inc Love 365 Cafe Merch
🌟 All items are in SGD, mailed via tracked airmail. Mailing is additional. PayPal is accepted.
🌟 Please take ☆ items with one item from Nomura/Kirisawa >> CG Kazuomi
☆ Sagara Yosuke Nameplate SGD$13
☆ CG Tachibana Shun SGD$13
☆ Heart Tachibana Shun ❌
Heart Kazuomi Shido SGD$12
CG Kazuomi Shido SGD$10
CG Hiroki Eniwa ❌
CG Nomura Tadanobu SGD$10
CG Kirisawa Hiroshi SGD$9
KBTBB + Celeb Darling postcard set SGD$10
(Celebrity Darling and Hirose Ryoichi can be bought individually at SGD$4.50 each)
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incorrect-otome · 4 years
MLFK Characters at 15 Years Old
MC, slams a pile of notes onto the desk: I studied very hard for the maths exam today, I'm sure I will do well this time.
Ayato: isn't it the science test today though?
MC, sweating profusely: ahaha I knew that...
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In-Depth Description: Coffee
Link to where it all started: 2 Lines & A Circle : Flavors of love: chocolate edition So I was... (tumblr.com)
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Where do I even start, on the outside they appear fine like there's absolutely nothing wrong with them. However that couldn’t have been further from the truth. Inside they’re really just broken and need lots of love. Which is why they have a bitter taste. Personally I think we have all been tricked by everyone who has fallen into the coffee territory.
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Talking about tricks we should look at Ota from Kissed by the Baddest Bidder. Tell me who else has fallen for his looks only to be disappointed? On the outside Ota appears warm and nice, like he has himself together, but truth be told this boy does not. Ota actually feels insecure and carries a lot of baggage surrounding his past (ahem trust issues). However, with the help of the Mc, he sees the light but only once you pass season 2.
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Another one who betrayed me is Hiroki from My Last First Kiss, he got me good. Not only did it turn out he was anything but a prince, it took longer for him to actually fall in love with the Mc or even reach her halfway. Uhem, I got a little carried away, forgive me for that. In conclusion, one who falls in the coffee category is just an insecure soul covered by the mask of beauty. Whoever is their lover definitely is the one in charge of the relationship and has all the rights to be.
Link to Guide: 2 Lines & A Circle : Complete flavor of love list! (tumblr.com)
Fellow team coffee members: 
Ryoichi Hirose from Seduced in the Sleepless City
Hyogo Kaga from Her Love in the Force
Eiki Yachigusa from Metro Pd: Close to you
Zyglavis from Star Crossed Myths
Takashi Ninagawa from Scandal in the Spotlight
Ota Kisaki from Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Luke Foster from Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Tamaki Kikushima from My Forged Wedding
Toshizo Hijikata from Era of Samurai: Code of Love
Kenzo Yasukawa from After School Affairs
Hiroki Eniwa from My Last First Kiss
Ayame Suo from Our Two Bedroom Story
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analucis · 4 years
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Chiaki kira from several shades sadism
Eisuke ichinomiya from kissed by the baddest bidder
Lucifer from obey me
Jumin han from mystic messenger
Aubery kung from ceo above me below
Hiroki enwia from my first and last kiss
Victor/lizeyan from mr love queen choice
Daisuke kabe from The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited
Jun araki from irresistible mistakes
people:whats ur type? Me: .....dont know😗(thoughts:AAHHH CEO DADDIES😳😩)U guys can use it as wallpaper thank u😘💖💕💕
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mhudson92 · 2 years
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bldvnbln · 4 years
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Heed these words of wisdom 👏
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heavenzfiend · 4 years
5 Otome Men I Adore
Thank you so much @pseudofaux and @pickle-scribbles for tagging me! I had actually wanted to do something like this recently so it was perfect timing! (I had made something similar years ago but that was pre-LOVE365 and I’ve played so many otome games since then so my list needed major updating!) But picking 5 was so hard!!! I actually got to the first 4 easily but it was really hard picking the last one. 
I started laughing while making this because it CLEARLY SHOWS what type of person I am... hahahahahaa 😅😅😅 If you read this let me know what you think of my list b/c I’m still laughing at myself! 😂 I know fully well many people will NOT agree with me on this but they are MY preferences so here we go!
1. Hiroki Eniwa (My Last First Kiss)
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Hirooooo ❤ I miss him so much! He was the first otome man I got OBSESSED with. I desperately wanted MC to finally get her man! It hurt (so well) every time he rejected her and broke up with her, which he does again and again and again throughout the series T_T. Hiroki is really special in my heart because he’s the one who first made me aware of how masochistic I am 🤣. I seriously had no idea until I kept being hurt by Hiroki but not understanding why I like him so much! Mr. Eniwa, you’re so cruel, but you know that already eh?
2. Azusa Kuze (Shall We Date? Wizardess Heart+)
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I seriously L.O.V.E. Azusa (and I know like 90% of the WH fandom will disagree with my sentiments 🤣). Oof, MC got banged against the tree so many times in his route and... um... *SPOILERS?!* died... many times by his hands... but I just really, really wanted to save this bad boy! (Oh, I meant banged like shoved and rough-handled, not shagged btw XD... unfortunately). I mean just LOOK at his face! How can you not fall for this beautiful bastard XD. Also, his route is THE BEST otome route (ending) I’ve ever read!!! Everything wraps up SO nicely and it is such an intense route! It is also the second otome story which made me legit CRY hot tears. I was SOBBING towards the end! (The first time I cried was from reading Kento from “A World Without You” so that doesn’t count XD. THIS route unexpectedly punched me in the feels!)  
3. Hyogo Kaga (Her Love in the Force)
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Oh Kaga, Kaga, Kaga... yes yes, you are my master and I am your dog. I have never heard so many creative words to describe me before he showed up in my life: trashbag, dimwit, moron... the list would be far too long. He dishes out punishments and scowls like there’s no tomorrow but he’s really good at his job! He’s also a master of kabebon... and boundless energy in bed. One of the reasons HLITF is my favorite title from LOVE365 is because of this man. I mean, it is a GREAT title and all the men are amazing but... but... Hyogo Kaga.
(I’m using this pic that @pickle-scribbles described as “Kaga’s pussy wrecking look” pfffffft.)
4. Ota Kisaki (Kissed by the Baddest Bidder)
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Koro is me and I am Koro. *woof* I never realized I liked being treated like a dog until Ota rolled around. He’s extremely mischievous yet sweet?! Such a lovable BRAT. Whenever he sticks his tongue out, I die. I get frequent “I wanna read Ota!” moments so this man has such a big piece of my heart. 
5. Yakumo Koizumi (Ayakashi: Romance Reborn)
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Is there anyone who does not know how much I love this professor?! I wonder if Yakumo is more obsessed with me or I am with him?! At this point, I’m not even sure. I liked him as soon as I laid my eyes upon him but guess my surprise when I found out he is a yandere?!?! HECK YES. Lock me uppppppppp. Never let me escape. I love the gentle air surrounding him that is clearly hiding something... 
 I’m just gonna tag my friends, even if they’re already tagged or done this before 😋: @rubyleeray @otonymous @all-my-cuffs-have-buttons @scrappingandyelling​
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