#His Mood: Sour
esthxio · 2 years
[Dancing in the rain]
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°Pairing: Kaeya x GN!reader (DNI: Blank blogs)
ㅤㅤWarning: viewer discretion is advised, character death, Detail of breaking down, possible details of death with gore, alcoholic tendencies, depression, suicidal actions, etc.., GENRE: ⚠︎ANGST W/O COMFORT⚠︎
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Kaeya laughed with [name] as they danced under the rain, their left hands clasped together whilst kaeya right hand holds [name]'s waist, [name] smiled happily as they pecked Kaeya's smooth lips
This moment was only for a short moment but for them, it was everlasting. The way [name] and Kaeya danced perfectly in sync, showing off their dance moves to the other, making both fall in love all over again in the beautiful rainy night
The both felt as if the other would fade if they were ever to let go of their hold, at the end of the dance Kaeya went on his knees and gently pecked [name]'s right hand to which made the [h/c]nette blush
What the [h/c]nette didn't expect was for the man with dark blue hair to pull out a small jewelry box containing the most beautiful ring he ever saw, with a gentle and loving smile
❝I have been wanting to do this for a long time now, you are the most gorgeous and loveable person I've ever met in my whole life, I feel so blessed being in a relationship with you and I want to ask you this question my love.. [Name] [Last name], will you marry me?❞
He proposed with a soft voice filled with love and tenderness, time seemed to stop for the both of them, this was truly an unforgettable moment for the couple
[name] reaches their hand out towards Kaeya with a smile and small build up of tears on the corner of their eyes, whilst the man that was on his knees is filled with delight and hope, only for [name] to slap the box away
Kaeya gasped as his eyes went to the ring box that flew off of his hands, he could feel his heart crack and feel it sink down to the bottom of his stomach, his throat tightening up as his eyes began to fill up with hurt and betrayal
Kaeya looked back to question [name] but stopped once he saw their face littered with large gashes, scars, bruises, their head bleeding, their body being littered with more injuries
[name]'s eyes having tears after tears falling out from their eyes while painful sobs and whimpers come out between their dried and busted lips, kaeya's hands tremble as he stares at [name]'s injuries in horror
❝You promised...❞ they whispered as they looked down on kaeya
❝you promised... you'd protect me..❞
❝Love?.. Why won't you answer me?❞
❝Why didn't you protect me❞
❝Why did you left me to die?❞
❝was I not good enough for you?❞
❝Answer me please! My love answer me!❞
Kaeya wanted to talk however he felt as if his mouth was sewed shut, his throat tightening up more with every word [name] says, he felt like he was getting choked and being suffocated under [name]'s gaze
kaeya felt the ground under him crumble as his surroundings start to disorientate as well as his lovers face and voice, as soon as he felt that he was about to fall with the crumbling ground he attempted to reach out for [name]
Wanting to shout his name and say apologies, wanting his lover to be in his arms, wanting to comfort and treat his lovers severe injuries, wanting to stay with him for at least a little bit longer
at last, kaeya fell in the dark void whilst the disorientated body of [name] watches him fall into the deep void, kaeya felt like he was dying and felt his sanity fading away as [name]'s voice continue to loudly echo around him
════════════ ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ════════════
kaeya jolted up from his seat and hissed in pain as soon as he sat up, his hand flying up to his head in a fast pace, he groaned but tched and requested for another drink to be served
Diluc sighed as he watched his brother kaeya get drunk for the 10th time in a row, every single night in the tavern after that incident
❝Okay that's enough Kaeya❞ Diluc said in a stern tone as he gripped Kaeya's arm, when he was just about to down the drink served to him ❝You've drank too much already, this could potentially give you alcohol poisoning and end up killing you.❞
Kaeya tched as he yanked his arms from diluc's grip and quickly downed the drink before giving a mocking smile, ❝Awww, does Master Diluc care for me?❞
The red hair signed as he stepped out from behind the counter and forced kaeya to get off of the chair he was sitting on and put his arm around him and guided him outside the tavern
❝Noooo...i wanna drink more❞ kaeya whined drunkily, diluc ignored his protests and whines and continued to lead kaeya towards his home, kaeya let out a hic and another sound of protest ❝I wanna drink more..brother pleaseeee?❞
diluc stayed quiet however a few minutes later ❝[Name] would've been disappointed seeing you like this kaeya...❞, yes he knew [name] was a sensitive topic for they, the said person had died just a week before their and kaeya's wedding, but he needed to make kaeya stop drinking as he kept a promise that he'll look after the bluenette
Kaeya let out a pained sound and starts sobbing quietly and letting out whines, ❝brother.. I wanna see [name].. Pleaseeee❞ he pleaded through his tears, diluc quietly complied and didn't complain
He led kaeya to [name]'s grave and after a few minutes of walking, they've arrived in the cemetery, diluc sat kaeya down next to [name] and left for a few minutes to give them some space, a request from kaeya
Kaeya hugged and layed against [name]s gravestone and let out his tears, he didn't hold his emotions back resulting with him breaking down, letting out rope after rope of apologies, I love yous and asking for [name] to come back in his arms
He remembered how he found [name] brutally gutted and beat up on the floor when he arrived, he remembered losing his from screaming and crying loudly, he remembered breaking down and passing out with his muse's cold bloodied body in his arms, he remembered not being able to get out of his house and fulfill his duties for almost half a year
He remembered how painful it was and how he felt so empty and so fucking useless, he remembered attempting to take his own life, resulting in diluc, Jean, lisa and the others guarding him at all times... He whimpered and leaned closer towards [name]s grave
Then It started raining.. Heavily, the one thing the both of them loved became a painful reminder to him.. Kaeya let out a humourless laugh and said with a bitter smile ❝even the sky cries with me...i miss you my love.. I'm sorry I didn't make it in time..i miss dancing with you under the rain❞
Kaeya gripped [name]'s gravestone as he slowly fell asleep under the heavy rain, however before he passed out he felt a warm embrace.. So similar to the hugs his muse used to give him, he let out a small smile before completely passing out against [name]'s gravestone
Diluc ran towards Kaeya in a hurry under his coat and tsked at heavy rain, He immediately scooped up Kaeya into his arms as he has no other choice unless he wanted the both of them to be soaked more
Diluc sighed as he knew Kaeya would get sick the next day... but he didn't regret letting Kaeya see [name] even if it meant the both of them would get sick because of the heavy rain
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Tags: @vyloy @jkloserdazai @secretivemessenger (≡^∇^≡) Others: 〘Masterlist〙|〘Rules〙|〘Guide〙
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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our hearts are meant to be together 💍
adrien and rua decide on a small, intimate wedding just before adrien’s parents have to fly back home.
+ goofy smoochies
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puhpandas · 1 year
i feel the warmth in my chest (and the chill on my skin makes it that much clearer)
(1,964 words)
Evan and Gregory, while waiting those few agonizing hours before Halloween can truly begin, go outside into the chilly weather and play in the leaves.
It's a crisp Autumn afternoon when Evan steps out onto Gregorys porch. The screen door slams behind him, and the air transitions from warm to chilly in only seconds. The breeze washes over his face like a wave, and Evan finds he dosnt mind the cold that much in this moment.
It makes his nose numb and his fingers freezing, but unlike how he usually feels about the cold, he welcomes it. He takes a deep breath, smelling the scent of fallen leaves and crisp air and the pumpkins Evan had carved with Gregory last week sitting by his feet next to the stairs. It fills his lungs, and alongside the aftertaste of Aunt Chicas cookies on his tongue, the chill is pleasant, unlike how its usually so unbearing and biting in his own home.
It doesnt take long for the temperature to wash over him fully. By the time hes stepping down the stairs, his thin,white overcoat flowing behind him, its left his shoulders shaking and his teeth chattering.
But so like he's not used to, the deep, bone chilling cold only adds onto his excitement. It's that type of chill you can only get during Halloween, with that specific vibe and feeling coming along with it. Evan has never liked that unmatched feeling. All it ever told him was that Halloween was on it's way, and along with it, Michael and his pushing and pulling and jabbing and messing with. With the addition of the neighborhood kids jumping in if they'd see him walking down the street on the one night of the year it would be acceptable to scare him with scary masks and bloody fingers and camouflaging cloaks, it made for a pretty dreadful day.
He takes another look at his costume, a ghost, with white flowy sheer fabric that makes him look like he floated right down from the clouds. Underneath is a white sweater and pants, and his makeup is done to make him appear ghastly and, well... dead. Eyes sunken in with deep shadows and complection pale.
Gregory is matching with him, kind of. Gregory's costume is of a murder victim. Hes wearing sort of varsity jacket with a plastic knife stabbed in his gut, and his face is painted with bloody makeup and a faux black eye. Gregory hadn't explained the specific costume he called a 'Zombie Murder Victim High School Football Star', just gotten excited over the fact that they matched with their undead themes.
Its Evans first year matching with someone. His first year having someone to go trick or treating with. Theres something about this year. It doesn't leave him guessing. It doesn't leave him on edge, wondering who will strike first, all while being so uncertain but sure at the same time that something will go wrong. This year, he has Gregory and his family. This year, he has people who actually care about how he feels, and understand how to have fun.
This year, he knows Michael will be across town with his friends, and that his father will lock himself in his workshop. He knows that the neighborhood kids wont dare mess with him now, because of how many times Gregory has shown them a thing or two over the better part of this year.
This year, Evan isnt dreading the coming hours. He isnt hiding in his room, celebration or joy for the Holiday nowhere to be found, because he has to watch his back and sides. This year, he isnt considering running away for the night, even though he had always known he would never be brave enough to do it.
Instead, he's going trick or treating with his best friend, and he only feels excitment and anticipation, compared to the stark contrast of last year where all he felt was on edge and trapped in his own house.
The sun is only just setting by the time he steps onto that little pathway leading to the backyard from the front porch. Waiting for it to get dark has been agonizing. It had only gotten too much when he and Gregory were sat in front of a movie they'd seen a thousand times, makeup and costumes done, and unable to sit without wiggling or fidgeting, and Gregory had jumped up and gone "That's it! I can't just sit here anymore!"
That's why Evan's followed him outside. For the better part of the day Gregory has been more restless than a bored puppy.
Evan thinks the description fits when he finally catches up to Gregory and finds him digging through the shed in his backyard. Evan doesn't really know why he came out here. Theres much less to do outside than there is inside, but his intentions become clear when he moves to stand by Gregory's shoulder, and he goes Aha! while retrieving something.
Evan stares blankly when Gregory pulls out a rake, turning to face him and grinning at him. "Want to build a leaf pile and do cannonballs in it?"
He doesn't even have to ask.
It's not long before they're trekking through backyard, browning leaves crunching under their sneakers as they head to that big tree in the middle of the yard. When they get there, they waste no time grabbing the big rake and making the inklings of a pile on the flattest bit of ground.
The rake is heavy, and Evan can barely control it, if how it swings around and almost hits Gregory in the face is any indication. The handle is ice cold on his fingers, but it only makes Evan that much more aware of the excitment thrumming through his veins.
With Evan using the rake, Gregory takes to getting on his knees and shepherding the leaves to the pile with his hands. Gregory laughs over the dirt under his fingernails and how the still-damp leaves from the light shower earlier are chilly on his hands, and it makes Evan abandon the rake and get on the ground with him.
It takes longer than it should to finish the pile. They keep getting caught up in throwing the leaves at eachother like snowballs and using their hands to push waves at eachother like they're in a pool. The leaves end up more scattered than the were originally, and Evan has to get the rake again.
By the time they finish and theres a huge pile of damp leaves sitting in front of them, the sky is a dark, deep blue with the horizon a yellow. The sun is only barely peeking through the trees, and it's enough for the automatic porch lights to come on.
With the lack of sunlight, it's gotten that much colder. Evan's shivering enough that it makes his laughs warble, but he doesnt care. He doesnt care about the cold.
They only take a short break before they jump in. Evan lays flat on the ground, damp excess leaves and ice cold dirt underneath him. His throat is dry from the chill and how much he talked, and laughed, and his cheeks are sore from smiling too much. His nose is numb, and the thin, cheap Spirit Halloween costume does nothing for keeping him warm, but he doesn't need it.
Through the cold, it makes the warmth blooming in his stomach that much clearer. It makes the laughter bubbling in his chest and the excitement that the fun isnt even over, yet, he still gets to go trick or treating with Gregory after this, that much more apparent.
He has the warmth that spawned inside of him from spending time with his best friend and having fun with him to keep him toasty. So unlike his own home, where the chill is all there is. No warmth or comfort to adhere for that fact.
It's only now that Evan thinks that maybe, he doesn't really dislike the cold. Just how the cold is what comes with his unfeeling house and unpleasant family members and uncomfortable atmosphere.
Because here, right now, as he lays on the freezing ground, sky darkening above them and the last bit of leaves on the big tree in Gregory's backyard fluttering in the chilly breeze, he realizes he likes what comes with the cold, and not what the cold comes from.
With the cold comes the awareness of the warmth unfurling in his stomach. With the cold comes drinking the delicious, steaming hot chocolate Aunt Chica made. With the cold comes bundling up with his favorite sweaters, cuddling up under a fuzzy blanket, and watching a movie with Gregory.
With the cold comes those agonizing few hours before Halloween truly begins, and making a leaf pile with your best friend.
Evan knows his all-white costume is dirtier by the time he finally gets up, the knees of his white jeans brown and dirtied, but he doesnt have time to dwell on it when all he hears is a breathy laugh before hes shoved face first into the leaf pile.
Even through the leaves submerging his head, he can hear Gregory cackling. He sputters when leaves get in his mouth, and while regaining his footing after rolling around a few times, he wastes no time shooting up and grabbing Gregory by the shoulders.
Gregory yelps when hes yanked down with Evan, and all Evan is aware of when his eyes shut in glee from how hard hes laughing is the soft, scratchy, earthy leaves beneath him, the breeze in the air that just screams Halloween, and Gregory's body fallen on top of him.
Gregory grabs some leaves and smushes them into his hair. All Evan can do is screech at the wet chill before grabbing his own fistful and doing the same. Leaves fall over them like a wave when they roll around, wrestling in the yard.
They only stop when they get too tired to keep going. His costume is definitely dirty by now, damp like the leaves and dirt. The scent of wet earth and the cold and Halloween washes over him, and all he can find in himself to do is grin, and giggle breathlessly and chatter with Gregory as he lies on the ground, shoulder to shoulder with him.
Its almost pitch black by the time Freddy opens the door leading to the backyard, stepping outside, Frankenstiens monster costume and all. "Kids? Are you two ready to go? Its almost time for trick or treating!"
Evan only shares a fleeting look with Gregory before they both shoot up, previous exhaustion from their little fight completely gone. Evan runs side by side with Gregory to the door, his costume with the mud stained hem flowing behind him, and all Evan can feel in this moment is warmth, despite how his nose is numb and his shoulders are shaking and theres this chilly, floaty feeling in his chest.
He knows that there are definitely leaves in his hair when he steps inside after Gregory, and when the heat of the home blasts him in his face, making his freezing face tingle, the warmth prickling and sharp, Evan finds that with the cold can come the warmth, and maybe it isnt so weird that Evan feels nothing of the sort when it comes to his own house, and his own family.
It was never about the cold.
Just like how the warmth with Gregory and his family has never been about the temperature.
He only has time to grab his candy bucket (shaped like a mummified teddy bear) before he and Gregory are shooting through the front door, racing to Freddys car. He smiles even wider when the cold air rushes across his face again, and he can hear Gregory's footsteps next to him and Freddy and the others' voices behind them.
ao3 link
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blooming-cecilia · 2 months
me casually looking at the replies of the airplane seat meme thing that had venti in it: :)
random reply: "...but considering venti will be drunk—"
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kxowledge · 5 months
Why are you dating someone below your intellectual level?
We can speak about intellectual compatibility in relationship - which I agree would be something to consider - but you're drawing on... writing?? Writing is a skill and it doesn’t reflect intelligence. It has no relevance neither for his chosen career nor for our relationship, so why should I care?
Anyone can learn to write academically – fairly easily too in my opinion. Some people pick it up quickly on their own, some need to be taught more explicitly. Same with many other subjects and skills.  In some education system (especially US/UK) there are way more essay-based evaluations, so it’s almost expected that you’ll learn how to write academically, but that’s not the case in many other countries. Additionally, writing in a foreign language is harder than you’d think. My boyfriend took classes fully taught in English for the first time a year ago and went from one class to a semester of courses taught only in English. I’d say that’s someone who is always pushing themselves and improving on an intellectual level. He doesn’t know how to write essays well because he has never had to, but he can very well learn now (and has clearly learnt from the feedback I’ve given him). The question is whether that’s a skill he should spent time on, as it is something that is developed necessarily through practice and thus requires a lot of time. The simple answer is that, while it could be helpful for one or two courses at most, it’s not particularly relevant for the rest nor it would be a useful skill for his career. And lol definitely nothing of use for our relationship...
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hl-obsessed · 5 months
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myersesque · 2 years
max directly mentioning the evil dead movies in the prologue means that they definitely exist in this universe, which implies that travis is just walking around as a dead ringer for ted raimi. at what point during his imprisonment did max inevitably crack out the henrietta jokes?
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flamesignite · 1 month
What's Ed short for?
He got small legs
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"Now's not the time for joking around. I'm really not in the mood."
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thelvadams · 5 months
microsoft and sony closing all their studios, having mass layoffs, and only focusing on their biggest IPs. yeah maybe we would be better off with just nintendo
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crowshoots · 2 months
its kinda endearing that jesper is canonically a bit of a lightweight
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dutybcrne · 5 months
Though the days blurred for him in Snezhnaya, Diluc could always tell when the day his birthday would come. It felt like a curse, the horrid feelings he’d so associated with that day never once failing to take hold of him, like a beast intent to tear out his throat. On day in particular, he would have honestly preferred that instead.
Even after coming back to Mondstadt, the day is something he loathes greatly. But Adelinde and Elzer, and Tunner and the rest of the staff do make it easier on him. There is always something special implicit in the way they go about their day, but never enough to dredge up the worst of the feelings. Just enough for it to seem like an appreciation of his effort and care for them. He’s truly thankful for it.
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yeonban · 1 year
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HEIZOU'S BIRTHDAY GIFTS! (We're pretending I answered on time)
@destinywoven asked: It took a little detective work of his own to discover when Heizou’s birthday fell. Perhaps he would have told Cyno if he’d asked, but that would have ruined the fun. And the surprise.
By pulling more than his fair share of very difficult strings that involved weeks of negotiations, bartering and a little bit of intimidation, Cyno has managed to secure something special; a Matra-approved detective licence. Though he would have to liaise with the Matra (something Cyno would, naturally, see to personally), with this licence in hand, Heizou would be free to conduct and pursue cases in Sumeru whenever he saw fit. This, of course, included permanent access to accommodation whenever he visited the nation, all expenses covered by the General Mahamatra himself.
All that’s left is to deliver the somewhat ambitious gift.
Nervousness is not an emotion Cyno experiences frequently, but he feels the stirrings of it now as he stands stiffly at the edge of the dock overlooking the newly arrived ship from Inazuma, his gift hidden away in an envelope behind his back. For a brief moment, Cyno contemplates stuffing the envelope back into his satchel and pretending nothing had happened. What if it’s too much? Too presumptuous? Is he overstepping a line that should not be crossed? All those questions and more swirl inside his head, but are soon silenced as he spots Heizou jogging down the gangplank.
Just the sight of him is enough to quell the restless storm within him; he’ll follow through with his plan, no matter the consequences. His decision made, Cyno relaxes his shoulders, lips curling into a small smile as he takes a short step towards his partner. 
“ Aboat time you washed into shore, ” He delivers the poor pun (he’s saving his best for later) with a straight face, drawing his arm from behind his back to hold out the envelope to Heizou. “ For you. Happy birthday. ”
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The journey from Inazuma to Sumeru remains surreal to someone as unused to the sight of the ocean entirely encompassing his surroundings as Heizou is even after the dozenth time partaking in it - the endless blue offering him a sense of peace (there are no constraints in the middle of nowhere, no fatal dangers, no murderous creatures, no whimsical lightning strikes to be cautious of) but there is also far too much idle time on his hands to spend within the confines of his mind, faced with naught but the low murmur of the passing waves and the widespread freedom to think of anything and everything without worry of interruption.
Typically, the silence aids in Heizou's endeavors of planning the key points of his trip or cracking ancient yet unsolved cases as a side hobby, but today the silence feels beyond lonely, suffocating rather, as though the detective has found himself underneath the waves rather than above them. It's a common occurrence for his mood to drop as soon as his birthday rolls around, particularly so when he cannot find relief in hiding behind orchestrated distractions to pass the time until his birthday is no more, and a part of him wonders whether it'd have been for the better to schedule this trip for another time, or whether it'd have been simpler on him to extend an offer to someone to join him on the trip.
A hollow laugh escapes at the idea, one hand reaching to touch the stanchion while the redhead gazes towards the horizon. Neither could've worked, for Sara has granted him time off with his special day in mind (an awfully sensible thing of her to do, and frankly Heizou isn't sure how to feel about it) and there isn't anyone he wishes to bother with a request as inane as "spend some time with me" when everyone he knows is leading busy lives that could do without his extra interference. Kazuha isn't there anyway, and Shinobu is busy with interviews... nevermind his family. When was the last time he has even seen any of them, other than his cousin? When was the last time they had even cared to spend his birthday with him, or to gift him anything that wasn't meant for his future as the dojo's owner?
A fleeting pang of his heart ensues at the rather pathetic realization (there is no one else he can deem a friend in the land he's lived all his life, nor do his blood ties care about his existence beyond their own reputation), but an abrupt & rough inhale of air followed by a longwinded exhale (a tested & tried method) breaks the detective out of the depressive slope he may have otherwise found himself sliding down on, and Heizou attempts to refocus his attention onto something better suited for his precious time than brooding. That isn't like him, after all (he never allows it to be).
Although with far more effort than usually required, the hours-long voyage ends without a hitch. Little progress has been made in any of the cases he's tried to piece together along the way, and his mental state hasn't quite recovered from what it has been like ever since the day has started, but resiliently as ever, Heizou finds himself determined to banish the lows and concentrate on the highs as the brief turbulence heralds the ship's arrival in Sumeru. The fact alone seems to brighten the detective's spirits by a smidgen, both as a promise to soon meet with his dear friend, and as a welcoming of distractions sure to come in the shape of the city's hustle and bustle.
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Perhaps the sudden wave of excitement at the prospect is what brings some spring to Heizou's steps, but he grows slightly more energized than he'd been until that point, vibrantly making his way onto the docks. It certainly helps that an overly familiar head of white hair also pops into view as soon as he glances in Sumeru's direction, and Heizou cannot help the fond chuckle that escapes him at both at the sight itself and at the very much expected pun that greets him. He's heard better ones before, but Cyno's expressionless way of uttering every joke never fails to bring a smile onto his face, nor does the other's mere presence ever fail to uplift his mood.
It's such a simple thing, and yet Heizou already feels much better than he has all day. ❛ I was wondering what joke you'd be starting today off with. If only my friends from back home knew I have the privilege of hearing puns like these every time I visit Sumeru, they'd be envious for shore. ❜ A warmer smile stretches on his features after replying in kind (a habit he may well fall into in Inazuma too if left unchecked) and for a moment Heizou contemplates opening his mouth again, to either talk about his trip or to inquire about where his accommodations are this time around, or perhaps even to invite Cyno for lunch.
However, the unexpected birthday wish that leaves Cyno's mouth next knocks the air out of Heizou's lungs, his cheerful persona breaking apart for a fleeting moment while his smile subconsciously wavers and his eyes widen in response. There are many emotions swirling through him all at once (shock, confusion, disbelief), plenty of which must have made their way onto the surface as well, and even though verdants manage to glance down at the gift and understand that he isn't imagining it, the redhead remains at a loss (for words, and for what to think of any of this). ❛ ......You... ❜ -knew? ❛ I... ❜ -don't believe I've ever told you when my birthday is.
The lack of cohesion in any of his attempts to speak prompts Heizou to not speak at all, the temporary silence growing fairly awkward while he works on gluing himself back together into a more presentable self. It's with great effort that he manages to smile brightly again (although this time around it tethers on the falser side than the genuine one he'd worn before), brushing off his initial reaction to the gift as simply being shocked by the surprise rather than owning a deep distaste for his birthday & a heavy unfamiliarity to being thought of in such a manner.
How is he meant to readily accept this as reality when no one else has ever put nearly as much effort into celebrating his birthday in all the years he can remember? ❛ You sure know how to leave a man speechless, Cyno. ❜ A laugh, practiced enough to not sound as broken as he feels, and Heizou gracefully extends a hand to welcome and accept the gift. ❛ Do you mind if I open it now, or should I leave it for later? ❜ His tone is upbeat, a stark contrast to the brief accident from moments prior.
Ever so slowly, curiosity peeks its way onto the fray, driving the detective to want to know what gift the other could've spent his resources on with him in mind - though truth be told, Heizou considers himself unable to be disappointed even if nothing but a single coupon lies inside the envelope (the thought alone... the endeavor of finding out when his birthday is in spite of his never mentioning it... the act of gifting him something, anything - that is more than enough for him to forever be grateful to Cyno for).
Heizou's gaze is attentive to every detail on Cyno's face as he waits for an affirmation or a denial to his subtle request (not wishing to impose - especially not now after forcing his friend to watch the sorry sight that constituted his initial reaction to a gift even existing in the first place) and only once he receives the okay for it does he deftly open the envelope, eyes carefully reading the words written on the license he finds inside.
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For a second time, Heizou's eyes widen as he forgos the act of breathing entirely, certain that he must be reading something wrong, or failing to pick up on something between the lines. More conscientiously than before, he blinks and rereads it from the top to the bottom, diligently making sure not to gloss over a single word - and yet the result is the same as it had been the first time. The "detective license" words seem to stare back at him alongside the nation the license has been issued by & for, and this is one of the few times in his life that Heizou can attest to an out of body sensation (the first one ever when the occasion that prompted it is happy rather than tragic). "Shikanoin Heizou"... a detective license meant for him, in a nation that he has done little to deserve something this grand? Not to mention how hard it is to obtain one even after proving one's worth---
Inhaling just enough air to keep his body from ceasing to function, Heizou's gaze lifts to stare into Cyno's eyes in a silent query, a plea to tell him now if he's misunderstanding something or interpreting this poorly, but no such negative answer comes, and the reality of it all suddenly hits Heizou akin to a wave hitting a capsizing ship in a stormy night. But this is no stormy night, it's the brightest day he can recall on ever having; and this is no drowning feeling as much as it is the feeling of finally breathing again after having previously been submerged. He opens his mouth to say something - a thank you to express his gratitude, a question from the myriad that are circling in his mind, an anything that might escape him in reply really, but a salty taste finds itself on his tongue, and only after glancing down at the odd drop of water on the license does Heizou realize he's crying.
A low gasp accompanies his realization and the redhead has half a mind to wipe his tears on the back of his hand and try to regain his composure before thanking & reassuring Cyno that these are happy tears rather than sad ones, but instead he glances at his friend again, and the worried expression he's met with only warms his heart further, softening and making it beat even faster than before (to think that Cyno is worrying about him now... even though he's been nothing but a rude mess in the face of a heartfelt gift the other must've been through hellish trials to obtain... it feels almost wrong of him to be as happy about it as he is).
Perhaps he should follow his usual, trusty logic, but the overflow of emotions has even Teyvat's best detective beat - and Heizou can't stop himself from almost jumping into Cyno's arms, tightly embracing him in an attempt to convey how he feels in a way that words could never manage. ❛ Thank you, Cyno... really... I love it. ❜ Is all he manages to shakily let out against Cyno's skin amid the tears (and he'll have to apologize for those too, once he'll catch his breath) but the soft giggle that follows and the grip he has on the other (which spares not even the air that could've separated their bodies) speak enough about Heizou's mood on their own that they'll hopefully ease the anxious tension his friend must feel by even a bit.
The port is generally busy enough to not warrant just anyone a glance, but this particular sight might be an exception to the unspoken rule - after all, when would anyone ever be able to say they've seen someone (a foreigner, no less) happily embracing the General Mahamatra himself, and being met with no punishment for it, ever again? For once, though, Heizou doesn't care to pay potential bystanders any mind, instead focusing every bit of his attention onto the calming scent of Cyno's hair and the coming to terms he has to do with his newfound circumstances.
❛ You really outdid yourself... ❜ A soft whisper, only for the two of them to hear, much like the rest of Heizou's words. ❛ How did you know it's my birthday today...? And how- how did you manage to issue a detective license for me? I know what I went through to get one back in Inazuma, and that's the place I was born... so I know it couldn't have been easy for you to obtain it... ❜ An acknowledgement Cyno most definitely deserves for everything he's done, and although Heizou has managed to somewhat comprehend this situation, he still cannot believe anyone would go this far for him (of their own volition too).
And for his birthday no less, the one day that has given him more anxiety over the years than even the worst of the cases he's worked on. What a deeply ironic thing, to watch the day he's disliked the most now prove to also be his happiest... His heart steadily tempers as he slightly shifts his head to rest his cheek on Cyno's shoulder, making no move to put distance between them (though allowing Cyno to easily do so if desired), and Heizou glances up at the other with a small, authentic smile, awaiting an answer while remaining partly deep in his own thoughts.
Come to think of it... this is the first honest gift he's received that has even a smidgen to do with his own interests rather than the giver's... isn't it?
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#muse: shikanoin heizou.#destinywoven#* shikanoin heizou. / ic.#THYME I AM EATING MY FIST AS WE SPEAK I CANNOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT BELIEVE EITHER OF THEM#Cyno is The sweetest person in the whole universe. no ifs no buts he's THE!!!!!!!!!!! person ever#Him being anxious about whether to give Heizou the gift or not bc he might be overstepping his boundaries if he does...#ONLY FOR HEIZOU TO HAVE THE WORST FIRST REACTION EVER TOO FHSUDSFFJSF Heizou: so shocked that he got to the shadow realm#No bc this took him SO by surprise HE'S NEVER BEEN IN A SITUATION EVEN REMOTELY SIMILAR TO THIS ONE#The sheer shock that Cyno knows when his bday is... the fact that he prepared a GIFT for him on top of it... /when Heizou didn't prompt it/#Shikanoin ''I know other than a genius detective; everyone sees me as a burden'' Heizou: .exe has stopped working.#Also me realizing midway thru that most of his gifts were either not related to him at all (aka his family imposing their wills on him)#or gotten through dishonest means which soured everything (aka his former friend stealing things to gift them to him as kids)...#most of his bday gifts whenever Shinobu or Kazuha were around for his bday were probably meals or new cases they heard about too...#(WHICH HE DOES LOVE but they're not exactly palpable things and they knew about his bday /from/ him so to him they might've felt obligated)#hence Cyno breaking the door and coming in w a DETECTIVE LICENSE made every braincell in Heizou's body stop for maintenance#Sorry to Cyno I bet he must've expected an Entirely different reaction and yet here he is with a sobbing Heizou in his arms ADGHASDSADHSA#THAT SAID HE DEFINITELY ACHIEVED HIS GOAL OF MAKING HEIZOU HAPPY!!!!!!!! Heizou's first /actually/ happy birthday ever I'm going to CRY#He was satisfied w just spending his bday w Cyno bc he's always in a good mood around him but he got So Much More than that...#How are they such an effortlessly perfect match mY HEART...........
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discocholforever · 1 year
I think Jean should get frosted tips
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cl0wn-republic · 8 months
Sign of Affection is so good and than this bitch comes around just to ruin everything
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graveyardxghoul · 4 months
fitzlittle, you say... 👀
yes!! they are so like...a fun house mirror reflection of hickeytozer to me
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longagoitwastuesday · 2 years
The Toshiro Mifune version of Cyrano de Bergerac was such a pleasant surprise. I loved how they did Cyrano's friendship with Christian, and how they enhanced Roxane's love for poetry and the fact that she writes back and replies during the balcony scene
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