#His hair has been the same for like 55 years
one thing I love about the Queen fandom is we can tell what year a picture was taken based solely on their hair with STARTLING accuracy
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ghostchems · 6 months
hello my darling. i see your requests are back open… 👀 i've got a prompt for you if you so wish to write it… reader has been dead for decades, aimlessly wandering the halls of the ministry where no one has ever seen her, heard her or even felt her… until one day, she's walking (or y'know… floating…) through the halls and someone is walking towards her. He stops in his tracks and stares straight ahead. Then she realises…
he's staring at her… Choose a papa, any papa! Whoever you would like to write, if you choose to write it! 😘
a/n: almost 1k words of some sweetness. after reading the prompt i KNEW i had to pick Cardinal Copia 🥹 bee. thank you SO much for sending this in. hit me right in the dang feels
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Loneliness has driven you to the busy corridors of the Abbey. Despite the clergy members quite literally seeing right through you, their presence around you is enough to alleviate the void inside you. You’ve had to make do over the decades but even after all of the disappointment there is still an unwavering flicker of hope that you’ll make some sort of contact. Who knew it would be impossible for a ghost to be noticed in a Satanic Ministry? Many attempts have been made, ranging from morose to macabre (floating candles vs. severed limbs) but to no avail. Perhaps there’s something wrong with you. Is your spirit not dark enough to be seen? You remember how you died and decide that can’t be the case.
You gave everything for The Olde One. The Ministry was a very different place back then.
You’re lost in the endless abyss of your thoughts until there’s a shift in energy around you. Something new. Someone new. The wisps of your ghostly train curl towards the ceiling behind you and gust of warm air blows your hair out of your face.
Oooh. A Cardinal. It’s been ages since there’s been one here, the last one being in 19—
Is he looking at you?
There’s no way but… his gaze is fixated on the space you occupy, eyes wide. He bears the Mark of The Olde One — just like the Papas, but even with the Eye no one has ever seen you. He picks up his pace, walking to you with such purpose. You feel an excitement you haven’t felt since you were alive but it’s quickly replaced with crippling anxiety. In a fit of panic you poof out of the corridor and reappear deep into the underground archives, far far away from any person. But the new Cardinal saw you. He really did. After vying for this for so long… you aren’t ready for it.
You’ve meandered further into more densely populated areas of the Abbey over the last two weeks after taking some time for yourself to come to grips with the fact that he saw you. Problem is now the Cardinal is nowhere to be found. The longer the week stretched the more you began to believe it was over — he must have only been visiting for the day and thus your chance at talking to someone other than yourself for the first time in 55 years has slipped through your fingers. But that same hope you’ve clung to keeps you pacing and wandering day after day, hoping to catch of glimpse of his black cassock.
One late night you find yourself perusing the library, hovering around the new releases aisle (you like to see how ridiculous the names of romance novels have gotten). The further you get down the aisle the thicker the air becomes around you, the familiar buzzing in your ear from the first time you saw him. There’s a dim light coming from one of the nooks. You steel yourself, you’re going to make yourself known like you planned. Glowing brighter than you ever have before, you float toward the light. How can a ghost have anxiety? You’d think all of those feelings would be gone but somehow you feel like you’d throw up if that were even possible. You reach the outside of the nook and suck in a sharp breath before peering around the corner.
His duochromatic eyes are on you instantly.
“Per favore — please, do not run away again.” He sounds quiet, sleepy but polite and he extends a hand out to you. “I was worried I would not see you.” You blink at him as you reveal yourself fully to him, his gaze taking you in.
“You… you really see me?” Your voice cracks, your ghost trail wiggling with how charged you are emotionally.
“Yes. I do.” The Cardinal stands, his hand still out to you. “I, ehh… I’m the new Cardinal, Cardinal Copia. What is your name?”
My name?
“You’re… you’re the only person who’s ever seen me.” Not an answer to his question at all but your brain is broken. All that time you spent hoping for this…
“Oh. Oh, poverino.” His fingertips graze your hand and you jump — he could feel you too? “Ah! I am sorry! Ehhh… what can I do? How can I help you?” Copia shuffles on his feet anxiously, making sure to keep a safe distance so that he doesn’t startle you again. Your guise is crackling, vibrating with energy, more than you’ve ever felt before. He seems… delighted by your prescience and it makes you feel warm.
“H-how? Cardinal, how?” You push in closer to him, wisps brushing against his cassock.
“Non lo so. I’ve… I’ve just always been able to.” He gives you a sad smile. “I eh… had some weird “imaginary friends” growing up. But please, you must… you must have a lot to say after spending so long only listening.” Copia may have the gentlest voice you’ve ever heard. You want to hug him especially since something about this feels deeply personal to him…but you compose yourself and instead take him by the hand as you sit on the corner of his desk.
“What do I even say now?” You laugh to yourself. “I’ve been so worried about ever being heard that I haven’t thought about what to say. What do you… want to know, Cardinal?” Even now you’re feeling shy.
He gingerly rests his hand on top of yours, a warmth spreading through you that you’ve never experienced before.
“I’ve wanted to get to know you since I saw you, fantasmina. Please, tell me about you.” Copia squeezes your hand with a kind smile. Speechless. You take a deep breath and nod.
You’ll tell him.
You’ll tell him everything.
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tabathawillet · 3 months
My first post! 😹 I’m still not super tumblr savvy yet so forgive me.
My theory after watching the movie.
I was never a ‘Terzo is coming back’ believer but after watching the movie three times it makes me think maybe it could be.
1. The twins: one had light hair and one had dark, Copia had lighter hair than Terzo.
2. Sister said everything is circulation, which means things come back around.
3. There are lots of theories about him not being actually dead. In their virtual game, it said Terzo didn’t have an autopsy. His foot moved in the morgue, the scratches on the coffin, Etc. (I personally don’t believe the magazine cover with Copia holding Terzo’s head is “cannon” but even so, Tobias sometimes retcons his own lore, but i believe he does it purposely) I think if Terzo were the other twin (meaning he is imperator’s son too) she wouldn’t have killed him, besides it makes sense that COPIA was the “secret” twin because Nihil wasn’t aware of him at first, he didn’t even know Imperator was Copia’s mother, because although he’s a dickhead I’m sure he can do the math, so it makes sense that she gave him the son that looked more like him (Terzo) and kept Copia a secret. I also don’t know how she would have finally told all her truths on her deathbed to ease her mind and kept the other twin a secret.
4. Copia’s name means copy and everyone said he was a copy of Terzo. Their original hairstyles were similar. They had the same style and aesthetic. They even do some of the same moves and rifts with songs. So maybe it’s been in our face the whole time, as is often the case with Tobias hiding things in plain sight.
5. When Copia was introduced sister said someone “slightly younger” we all assumed Terzo’s age because of the “he’s three months younger than Secondo” thing, but in the movie Nihil said that he’s 80 and for now let’s consider the 4 sons he has: the Papas. In the new song, it’s based in 1969, it said 15 years was 1984 & 55 years was 2024. So Copia is 55, I could easily see Terzo as 55 too, he wasn’t graying yet when he “died” and neither was Copia at that time. In fact sometime last year the mask maker that Tobias uses posted a Copia looking mask with Terzo’s black hair.
6. The whole shoe bit in the movie seemed like a nod to Terzo’s hole in his shoe and served no other purpose that I could think of.
7. The movie is literally titled from a Terzo song, and in that video at the end there are two Terzos and that’s where Copia was introduced. If I’m not mistaken Tobias did an interview and said there was another hint in that video that no one caught yet.
8. I think Tobias is a genius and he knows Terzo was a fan favorite and he has potential, he became a favorite BEFORE Ghost really blew up from MOAC. But I don’t think he will be the one who tours. I think Terzo will be used in the chapters. The movie went out of its way to explain some lore to us that we already knew JUST so it could be pointed out that “Technically” Copia is the “5th Papa”. Copia didn’t want to stop touring, he asked “who’s in charge” and at the end it’s him, he could totally say no I’m not done and continue touring while we have some great content online of the brothers bickering especially now that I think we will do all the chapters with Alex the director now. I believe the chapters are about to massively increase in quality and production.
9. I also think the soundtrack might be the only album we get this year, if the interview with Richie is correct and he’s doing things with Ghost in November. Also there was a recent post about someone from Iron Maiden being asked if Ghost would tour with them later this year and he said no Ghost wants to do an arena tour. Copia (as Cardinal) and Terzo both did 3 years of tours so a third leg of this last album cycle isn’t out of the question especially after the issues they encountered on the last tour with venues/weather/cancelled shows.
10. Finally and this is just my hopeful thinking. I don’t think Tobias would take Copia from us when we didn’t have a fair chance to “meet” him at meet and greets as Papa. There was only the small opportunity during the 2022 tour with masks and plexiglass and it wasn’t ideal. I just don’t feel like he’s okay with that, but maybe it’s just my wishful thinking! 😹
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possiblylando · 5 months
Some of my HTP theories
(Mostly about future plotpoints) 1. Big D looking so young is a plot point and not just a reference to TTS. You probably get what I'm going to say so let's just do some math. We know Markus is at least 30. We'll lowball and say he's 32 since birthday remarks make it sound like it wasn't recent. We know Door is older than Markus. Boy is 11 (as of current) and if we Lowball door's age again (35, 3 year age gap which I doubt is correct) he could've had boy when he was around 24. Then if we assume D had Door in this early 20s, We'll say 20 exactly as another lowball. That would place D at bare minimum 55 years old. My actual estimate is somewhere between 60-70. Yet he has no notable greying hair (ignoring lighting highlights) and is built like a brick shithouse who's able to manhandle brock of all people. As such it makes logical sense to assume there's some fuckery going on with how D ages (or doesn't). I doubt D is a vampire- or was a vampire I saw that theory awhile ago on reddit. What I think is more likely is that he gained immortality through mage fuckery. There's a character in Dorohedoro who's an old man but he got hit by age reduction magic so he's stuck being physically like 14. I think D has something similar going on. 2. Door is going to leave the family. I was thinking of saying "Door will betray the family" but that doesn't really fit. D's biggest flaw is that he's too secretive. There's currently no evidence that he's even told the rest of the family about Kevin being alive. Markus has some inkling of it because of the cop but I doubt he's put anything together. We all of course know Kevin is genuinely on D's side now, but Kevin can't be kept a secret forever. Eventually his existence is going to come out and when it does, I can not foresee a future where Door is happy about it. Door was willing to forgive D's secrets because they were to protect the family. But if he finds out D has been keeping a vampire alive and as an ALLY no less I can see that trust crumble down. Door has of course made his opinions on vampires VERY clear. As such if he finds out about Kevin not from D but from another incident he's going to have to make a choice. -Either stick to his morals and leave the family to hunt vampires on his own (maybe taking boy with him). -Or accept that his entire worldview on vampires is flawed and some of them can be saved. 3. Grimal is the ghoul, But she won't die. This kind of ties into the previous one as well. I went over a good chunk of the evidence surrounding Grimal being the ghoul in another post. I'll quickly summarize it here; -Grimal is known to crawl through the vents -She was in the security room when Occam was attack and the only way to get into the vault is through the door or air vents. -If she has vampire magic it could explain why brock's knives all broke when he tried to use them. -She has attachments to the people at the arcanum so wouldn't want to kill them. Which is why Occam didn't die. There's of course more evidence but this is all just summary. Now my actual theory is that Grimal is going to be found out and either D, Markus, or Kitten will go up to bat for her and this is when D will reveal he has a way to deal with ghouls. We know from Kevin that being a ghoul is similar to the blood pact where you're basically completely fucked and under control of your superior. Which is why I could see them trying to help her. Now think back to Guy Chapman, he hasn't actually served much purpose in the story being a ghoul. His existence is world building. It shows that ghouls can be anyone and anywhere. He also shows that ghouls can switch masters like he switched to Kevin. The idea is that Guy is set up so that when Grimal eventually undergoes the same thing it won't be an asspull/reveal it'll be an extension of pre-established mechanics. Door will of course NOT be happy about this.
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vieapuff · 5 months
Anti-clockwise: A mystic messenger Alternate Universe
Welcome to anti-clockwise, a somewhat reverse mystic messenger AU where instead of the choi twins living in the environment they did in canon, they lived with their politician father and step mother. Here are some simple character intros i made !
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More info about my AU is under this cut ✂️ !
Notes/ information:
1. Even if the twins are living a completely different life from canon, theyre still facing problems in life but a different set of problems from the canon story.
2. Step mom is not the same mom from canon story, I decided to not include her in this AU because I never want her to be near my babies. Saejoong may be present in this AU but he is still irredeemable, also Saeyoung doesn’t like his step mom too (will be explained in future art posts/ when i decide to drop more lore on this AU).
3. The characters here are younger because I want to see the twins live out their youth and high school days. Saeyoung and Maycee (MC) are lovers and have been together for almost 2 years.
4. Their personalities may be altered in this AU due to the fact that this AU basically takes away the situation which shaped Saeyoung’s and Saeran’s personality in canon. Saeyoung is at least 55% less jokester here, he’s more introverted and reserved, definitely is protective of Saeran still because he has a weak body. Meanwhile Saeran is carefree and friendly, is likable among his high school peers and obviously, has his red hair.
Thank you for reading :3 I hope one day i’ll be able to flesh out this AU because I think the concept of chaebol choi twins is cool :)
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typingatlightspeed · 2 months
Metal Gear Fanfic - Thunder
Hal discovers another metal gear leak, in perhaps the most obvious of places. A very stupid fic with a very stupid joke. Ao3 Link! @tarisbackyard made a joke about this months ago and I knew then I needed to write a silly lil ficlet of it, lol.
The frantic clicking of Hal's laptop mouse and absence of any other active sound was what alerted Snake to the fact that something was amiss.
Typically, even when deeply engrossed in work, a flurry of sound tended to accompany Hal's computer activity. He usually listened to something, background noise to help him focus in the form of some 80s city pop or an episode of a mecha OVA, rarely actually paid attention to. When Snake was doing something in the same room, he'd wear headphones, but when he was alone, he didn't bother.
So when Snake walked out of the bathroom, fresh from a shower and toweling off his hair, it immediately set off alarm bells to find such relative silence, doubly so as he walked into the living room to find Hal sitting cross-legged on the couch, hunched over his laptop like a shrimp in near-complete silence, save for the sounds of his own busy typing and clicking.
"Everything okay?" Snake asked, digging in his ear with his towel. Rounding on the couch, he caught sight of Hal's face and stopped, his guts clenching tight. The man looked like someone had just shot his dog.
"Not even slightly," Hal murmured. A few clicks, and he sat back to let Snake see the screen, upon which were a set of metal gear blueprints. "This was just posted. Publicly, on the War Thunder forums."
Snake came up alongside Hal, peering at the screen, eyes wide. "War Thunder forums?"
"War Thunder's an online military vehicle combat game. It's whole gimmick is that it tries to be as realistic as possible with its portrayal of the vehicles it features."
"And they've added a metal gear?"
"Yes, but this isn't their post. Their public forums have a reputation. People get really passionate about their favourite vehicles, their specs, the verisimilitude, and a bunch of times over the years, there have been players with access to classified design and specification documents who've posted those documents on the forums in order to win arguments about the vehicles they're discussing."
"You're serious?"
"Never underestimate a military nerd with an axe to grind. Some people get so deep into it that they forget that winning an argument on the internet isn't the be-all end-all," Hal said, shaking his head ruefully. "It's happened enough times to become an internet meme known outside of the player base of the game. People who have no interest in the military, vehicles, or the game know about the War Thunder forums and people leaking classified information on it."
"And someone leaked metal gear plans."
"Yeah. Recently, they added TX-55 to the game, and it's caused a bit of an uproar on the forums. Some people are mad earlier iterations of metal gears weren't added first, others are angry that something that powerful was added before the infantry models like Metal Gear G, but for the most part there's been a lot of back and forth about the actual specs of TX-55 itself, how it compares to other metal gears, and modern innovations. And then someone leaked these plans."
Snake squinted at the schematics onscreen, scanning the information as quickly as he could. There was no mistaking the shape of it. "That's REX."
"It is," Hal confirmed, the weight of it making him sink in his seat, slouching over again.
"Who posted it?"
"That's what I've been working on," Hal replied, taking his mouse back in hand. "The username is a jumble of letters and numbers. It looks like a bot username, honestly, but the poster uses enough slang and has enough grammar errors in their post history that I'm reasonably sure it's a human user. They're here to argue about tanks and planes and metal gears, no doubt about it. So I've been working on figuring out how to hack into the forums' database and get their IP info. Once I do, I can work on finding them."
"You can do that." It wasn't a question, it wasn't a statement. The words left Snake's mouth bereft of tonal indicator, himself unsure which direction they should go.
"Of course I can." Hal smirked, and began typing something out.
"Alright. While you get on that, I'll go get dressed. Once you've got a bead on them we can make our plan from there," Snake said matter-of-factly.
"You gotta get dressed?" Hal lamented, reaching out and giving Snake's ass an appreciative squeeze.
"If I don't, you'll get too distracted to work," Snake chuckled, grabbing Hal's hand and removing it from his butt.
Hal pouted. "Now I really hate this leaker," he grumbled, turning to watch all the same as Snake chuckled and sauntered out of the room, swaying his hips for Hal's benefit.
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rockwgooglyeyes · 1 month
LOG - SUBJECT: Round 10 (Tov v. Minori)
SPECIMEN: 001247 (POV: Nyx)
As always, Tov was beautiful. Midnight velvet decorated with miniature diamonds, patterning out constellations and symbolizing the stars she loved so much. Distantly, it reminded Nyx of Vera- he had given her star charts, after her injury. That was years ago, now. They hadn't spoken since. She and Ellie were inseparable still. Nyx couldn't make himself approach her. Her gaze flickered over him, no sign of recognition in her dull eyes (jade jadeite not nephrite caked over with film neglected.) She won eight rounds ago. Eight. It doesn't feel like that long. It can't be that long. How has it been that long?
Nyx pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes. Tov's voice filtered through his ears. He wasn't contained in a pod, not now, but he would be the next round- Akane against Evon. Classmates, faces he knew like the back of his hand, voices he could tell apart by their pitch and cadence, pointless differentiation when they were all evaluated on the same merits and given the same final judgement.
They were all going to die. Except one. (Except Ryu, Ji-Woo, Aurien, Solei, his mind whispered, saved by love, saved by conviction and bravery and heartfelt emotion- then, why did Kyo have to die? He loved. He had conviction. He was brave and emotional and he cared so much and he died on the same stage as Cas and they loved each other, why weren't they saved? and Nyx was up against Cas in two weeks, two weeks, and he was going to die up against someone who loved him even though he was awful and- and- )
A gunshot rang out. Nyx's head whipped up, eyes gone wide and he could feel his heart in his throat, he was about ready to puke. He saw little, spindly figure with a mop of apricot orange hair crumple to the stage, a puppet with its strings cut. Blood pooled on the stage, turning the puddle into a lake with every second that ticked by,
Minori. It was Minori who lost, then. Minori, the spry little girl who would go around bickering with Aegaeon, fighting, yowling like cats in a gutter. Now that Nyx remembers it, Minori wasn't actually very small, just lean. Minori was taller than- had been taller than Tov.
Tov stared hollowly out at the audience, crimson lapping at the soles of her shoes. Nyx didn't try to catch her attention. He knew the look in her eyes, stars flickering faintly as her chest heaved, sweat dripping down her chin, her braids swaying slightly with her movement. After a moment, Nyx followed her eyes and saw what she was staring at- the scoreboard, shining above the stage and around the stadium in blaring white light.
77 - 22
"Fucking hell," Nyx cursed underneath his breath. That was a 55 point score difference- worse than what Ji-Woo lost by, before he disappeared, before he escaped, defying fate and spitting in the face of destiny to run away with his . . . well, with Ryu.
Tov was crying. Meteorites trickled down the panes of her dark brown cheeks, starry night sky eyes glassy with unshed tears as Nyx could hear the faint hiccup of her breath over the speakers. No one else seemed to notice it, already filtering out of the stands or unable to distinguish it from the rest of the noise coming out of the system. For some reason, he found himself moving towards the stage, going in the opposite direction of the crowd (again. Again, feathers, blood, gunshots, darkness, a black hole staring at him and waiting to eat him alive)
"Tov," he said, reaching backstage and finding her. She stood, stock still and staring ahead, her shell-shock unchanged since she was on stage, making Nyx think that someone had escorted her back here, rather than she'd come on her own. "Tov," he repeated, more insistent this time, putting his hand gingerly on her forearm. She flinched away, eyes widening in fear, lips pulled back in a ready sneer and pupils turned to pinpricks.
"Himei?" She asked, after a moment, frowning slightly. He didn't try to tell her who he was, merely waited for her to figure it would on her own. Finally, she looked at him, really looked at him. "Nyx," she realized in a breath, shoulders settling. He nodded, holding out his hand to her. She glanced to it, eyebrows creasing at the middle, before she took it hesitantly. He pulled her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her delicate frame. In his arms, she felt so small, so breakable. He knew she wasn't- she had just won the first round of a fucking death contest, she could hold her own- it was just, fuck, she was so little. She was a whole thirty centimeters shorter than him. He could scoop her up in his arms and take her away, tuck her into bed and kiss her on the forehead- but he wouldn't. That wasn't them. She was older. They argued. They sat with each other and laughed when others looked and whispered, confused by them sharing space, because they fought, right? They fought. They argued. They hated each other (they didn't. They never had. He never hated her.)
"You won," he croaked out, after a long minute of silence. Tov started sobbing into his shirt at some point, Nyx doesn't know when, he doesn't care, he just wants her to be okay. He knows she won't ever be again.
"Don't- don't- I-" she stammered, voice broken. "I don't- want to think about that." He hummed, acquiescing immediately. He rubbed her back in what he hoped were soothing circles. She clutched at the back of his shirt, nearly so tightly that he could feel her nails in his skin.
"You thought I was Himei?" He asked, trying to go for something easier, easier than their ignored past, easier than the future that loomed with a grim sickle and a toothy smile.
"She- I swore that I would win for her." Tov sniffed, sucking in a deep breath before letting out a trembling exhale. "She hasn't . . . been the same since T- since."
"Tallis," Nyx filled in. Suddenly, the bile was back in his throat, begging to be released onto the floor in the form of whatever meager contents there were in his stomach. "Right." He loved Tallis, saw him the day before his round, laughed at his bad jokes, checked over his song before he performed but- Nyx had practically forgotten that Tallis and Himei were in love. Tallis mentioned her the typical amount. He mentioned Tov, Cas- the others, nearly as much. It didn't feel significant. (He'd forgotten it was significant. Yet another injustice. Death. Martyrdom. Blood spilling out on the reflective silver of the stage. He had been so beautiful, too.)
"He told me he loved me," Tov whispered. Nyx blinked, looking down at Tov.
"I'm sure he meant it." Tov laughed, a bitter, brittle sound.
"Fat lot of good that does me," she replied. Nyx frowned.
"Just because he's gone doesn't mean he doesn't still love you," he assured, pressing a brief kiss to Tov's forehead and finally letting her go. "Just because I'll be gone, doesn't mean that I won't still love you. We'll always love you. If you look up at the stars, you'll see us, loving you." Tov looked at him with bleary eyes, blinking away tears. She tugged him down and kissed him on the forehead in return.
"I love you, too."
ocs belong to: tov (@ivanttakethis), himei kyo tallis and cas (@lookatmysillies), vera and ellie (@bittersweet-adagio), aurien (im not going to tag Apri because auri is just barely mentioned) & solei @solei-eclipse, ji woo and ryu (@starry-skiez) and uh oh fuck minori (@skyisjusthere)
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citruslllad · 9 months
no end of the year art (been in a different state for a week) BUT! as a send off for 2023, here's a bit of the QSMP+Alpharad fic first chapter. enjoy! and happy new years!
10:55 A.M.
He tapped his foot impatiently, glancing at his phone every couple of minutes before returning his gaze to the tracks. Jaiden’s train is set to arrive in five minutes, and they can’t wait to whack her over the head for not answering any of his calls and texts past the ‘halfway there! :}’ message he’d gotten two weeks ago. If she was ignoring his check-ins on purpose, he’d be so pissed.
They agreed before she left that they’d pick her up, drop her stuff off at home and grab some lunch; but as he waited, something nagged at him, which was never a good sign.
He continues to glance up, biting at the inside of his cheek. Just a couple more minutes.
11:00 A.M.
The train isn't on time. That’s totally fine, trains are constantly late, (at least, according to Google, after he looked up ‘are trains usually on time?’) they just need to wait a bit longer.
11:20 A.M.
The train still hasn't arrived.
11:34 A.M.
The train comes to a steady stop next to the station platform, and call him crazy, but he’s certain this isn’t the same kind of train that Jaiden got on before. The one she’d gotten on was more old timey, with grey and brown sides, bronze window frames and a white top. This one was cleaner- more modern, with a lighter brown exterior that had an off-white stripe in the middle and held rows of black window frames.
That isn’t to say that it’s impossible that the trains going to and from this place aren’t different, but.. he’s pretty damn sure an island getaway would only have one type of train, maybe having multiple of that type. Even the type of train wheel seems different.
He sees each car’s door slide open and staircases be lowered down, a steady stream of people exiting their respective cabin. He waits to spot a shock of blue and purple feathers, or maybe a puff of fluffy tied up brown hair, but sees nothing. Soon enough, the next batch of people are hustling up into the train, leaving him looking around for his friend.
“Jaiden?” he yells, hoping to catch her attention from wherever she must be in the crowd. She’s usually not like this; he’s kind of hard to miss, being a solid 6’0 and with a halo over his head, but as the crowd fades, she’s nowhere to be seen.
He starts to panic.
Grabbing their phone from their pocket, they go to her contacts and call her. It barely rings once before it clicks.
“Sorry, the number you are trying to reach has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel this is in error, please check the number dialed and try again.”
His face pales, and he tries again.
“Sorry, the number you are-”
“Sorry, the number you are trying t-”
“Sorry, the-”
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likesunsetorange · 6 months
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inspired by an art comic i saw on lacampanule’s ig story!
It’s hard for Mikasa to ever say no—with big green eyes that sparkle like little gem stones, filled with all the joy in the world that have yet to be tainted by the realities of the world, the biggest dimpled grin, and a face that’s as sweet as sugar—it’s one of her hardest difficulties as a parent, even for things as miniscule as extra chocolate before bedtime. 
“Okay, that’s enough chocolate for you sweetie,” Mikasa finally musters up the courage to say, though she really shouldn’t have to, she is the parent here. 
Noa’s face forms into a pout, remnants of chocolate still around her mouth, and the big green eyes that look just like Eren’s go wide, filling with so much sadness, it’s almost enough to make her take it all back. “Okay, Mommy,” she replies softly. 
Mikasa sighs, wiping at the sides of Noa’s mouth with her thumb. If saying no to a two-year-old is this hard now, what will she do when Noa’s older? “Tomorrow, you can have more, okay?” She says, a smile on her face as she attempts to cheer her up, “Now go to your room, I’ll be there in a bit so we can read your bedtime story.”
Green eyes go wide once again, but this time with glee. “Okay, mommy!” She says with only the excitement a small child could possess before running off to her room. Mikasa stands, dusting off her pants, and placing the bag of candy high where Noa can’t reach it, knowing she has tendencies much like her father once did to get into trouble.  
“I’m proud of you for saying no,” a deep voice who could belong to no one other than Eren, says from behind her. She hadn’t realized he’d been standing there watching them, too enthralled in their conversation to notice his presence.
Her face scrunches into a scowl—the same person who spent all of last Saturday building a princess playhouse saying this. “Like you’re any better,” she says, rolling her eyes. 
“I actually think I am,” he muses. 
“Sure you are, Eren. But c’mon, we have bedtime stories to go read.”
Eren wakes up to the feeling of small fingers poking against his face—light taps repeatedly on his nose, cheeks, and forehead. He tries to ignore them at first, thinking it’s merely him dreaming, but they become so rampant, he’s certain it must be something within the realm of reality. 
His eyes flutter open to the sight of a tiny body riddled with bed hair, and big green eyes much like his own, staring back at him. Her face looks tired, she has one sock missing, her pajamas disheveled, one pant leg rising up her tiny leg, and her little stuffed cow in hand—in other words, looking a mess. 
Eren glances at the clock, 12:55, before he sits up, trying not to wake Mikasa. “Noa, sweetheart, what’s wrong? Why are you awake?” He whispers. 
“I had a bad dream,” she whispers through hiccups, big eyes starting to well up with tears. 
Eren’s quick to gather her in his arms, attempting to comfort her, running his hands against her back. “Do you wanna sleep in here?” He whispers. 
“I don’t wanna go back to sleep.”
He sighs, knowing this means he’ll probably be up for a while, but relents, nonetheless. “Okay, but let’s go to the living room so we don’t wake up Mommy, okay?” He whispers back, carefully removing himself from the bed. 
Eren picks up Noa and her small stuffed toy, before motioning for her to be quiet. He carefully closes their bedroom door, and heads towards the living room when Noa speaks up. 
“Daddy, can I get a glass of water, please?” She asks.
“Yea, of course,” he says, taking them to the kitchen. He flicks on the light before placing her and her toy onto the counter while he grabs one of her little pink cups, filling it with water and handing it to her. “Here you go, sweetheart.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” she says in between sips. 
“Do you wanna talk about your nightmare?” Eren asks, as he runs his hands through her hair trying to smooth it out. 
Her face scrunches, just the way Mikasa’s does when she’s upset.“It was scary, Daddy. There were these big monsters and they looked like people, and they wanted to try to eat me,” she says quietly, her voice filled with fear. 
Eren presses a kiss to the top of her head, before leaning down so they’re eye level. “I’m sorry you had a bad dream, those are never fun. But it’s okay because they’re just dreams, alright? You’re safe here with me and Mommy, okay?”
“Okay,” Noa says, nodding her head, mostly convinced. “I love you, Daddy,” a tiny smile forming on her face. 
“I love you too, Noa,” he says, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Do you feel a little better now? Do you want anything else before you go back to bed?”
The innocent smile on her face, the one that’s filled with so much sweetness, with tiny dimples and a face that could resemble nothing but all that is pure, quickly flashes into something that reminds Eren a bit too much of his childhood self. 
“Well…” She starts, a smile on her face. “Can I have some chocolate please, Daddy?”
Mikasa stirs in the bed, unable to get comfortable. She reaches for Eren, knowing she’ll find comfort in him, only to find an emptiness beside her, which normally wouldn’t ring any alarms in her head, except for the fact that the bed, usually warm, feels cold. Her eyes flash open, scanning for him within their room, knowing sometimes he’ll go on the chair in the corner of their room, only to come up empty. 
She sits up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, when she notices light coming from beneath their bedroom door. Mikasa sighs, thinking that maybe Noa might’ve woken up Eren, since she’s been having trouble sleeping through the night. She pulls the covers off herself, interested to see what the two of them have gotten themselves into, and also part of her wanting to relieve her late night sweets craving.
Mikasa opens the bedroom door quietly, not wanting to make much noise, and heads towards the kitchen where she can see the light coming from. As she walks towards the kitchen, she can hear little giggles, whispers, and the rustling of plastic wrappers. 
“Shhh, Noa, you’ll wake up Mommy,” she can make out Eren say. 
“Sorry, Daddy,” Noa’s voice says through failed whispers and giggles. 
Mikasa turns the corner to see Noa on the kitchen counter, chocolate on her face, and Eren standing in front of her placing pieces of said chocolate into her mouth, before indulging in some of his own. 
“But Mommy is already awake,” Mikasa says, crossing her arms. The two of them turn to face her, same emerald eyes wide, looking as if they’ve been caught in the worst act. Mikasa turns to face Eren, her brow raised, “What happened to saying no?”
“She had a nightmare!” He says defensively.Mikasa sighs, walking towards the two of them before ripping off her own piece of chocolate. “Well… I guess it is technically tomorrow.”
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
edging to the top 100 list wont be able to finish until you make it to number one </3
yeah i got you bro DONT YOU WORRY o7
100. the little ridge on his nose
99. his moles from y3 <3
98. his moles from y7 <3
97. how round his head is during the ps3 era
96. how spikier his hair was in the original y2
95. that fuckin puffer From Y2
94. his weird grunting and moaning after he gets tied up in y2
93. how his immediate concern after gettin tied up is to get maccas
92. baby daigo's dumbass lil bow tie
91. baby daigo's dumbass lil bowlcut
90. how crusty he looks in y5
89. his lucky gun
88. how he didnt want to bring his lucky gun to the brawl with ryuji. and got arrested for firearms possession anyway
87. his reptile dress shoes as chairman <3
86. the fine lines on his chairman suit
85. his tie that sometimes looks like a brassy green but its actually supposed to be silver but the green looks better on him anyway
84. how malnourished he looks in comparison to shinada when they brawl on the roof
83. the sad lost-dog reaction he gets to kiryu in gaiden
82. his sassy I Told You So moment in gaiden
81. his goofy lil fisherman outfit
80. his leather jacket //miku_emote//
79. his stray hairs for when his slicked-back hair gets messy :))
78. his voice. enough said.
77. not enough said tho how he never raises his voice above two decibels <3
76. his dedication to the tojo even if they bully him every three seconds
75. how he chose to not open the bottle mine left for him because it wouldnt be the same without him there to share it
74. his laugh that can only be heard in cut content <3<3<3<3
73. the complicated feelings he has about his worthiness as a leader and wanting to live up to kiryus standards
72. how he managed to Not Die in the thirteensome years he was as chairman
71. his thuggish fighting style <3<3<3<3
70. the progression of his character from being whiny brat to realizing His Whining is a result of parental neglect and how he sincerely wants friends in y0 to how he grows into a man so tired of everyone around him after his dad is killed and now he wants to be shut off and left alone because he's lost hope in people as a whole in y2 to becoming a man that cares so much about the people he was forced to care for by his only real father figure who he idolizes so much and how he struggled to accept that role not just as a mantle he was competent to carry but how his anger from his previous misanthropy nearly jeopardized his succession and how he had to learn to overcome it
69. his huge penis
68. he's good with kids
67. how he's so proud to refer to kiryu as his father and respects kiryu's wishes to not go to war over him (even if kiryu self admittedly has been cringe at being a father figure to him)
66. how there's a pocket circuit trophy with his name on it
65. how he says banzai <3<3<3<3
64. how he used to be belligerent during y2 but now it takes more to get a rise out of him
63. his stubble <3<3<3
62. the little frown line in the center of his nose ridge and his eyebrows
61. his berry-banger shade lips <3
60. his grumpy little frown and perpetually stern expression
59. how his sideburns have a sort of feather-out look to them
58. the way his cheeks are round like his mom's (and how he look like his momma in general)
57. the shape of his eyebrows and how they end in a point Like That
56. the little buckle on his shoes in y2
55. overall his berries-and-cream-looking-ass outfit from y0
54. how he knows it's kiryu driving his taxi even if he's wearing sunglasses and a mask and doesnt say a word to him
53. his terrible tendency to prioritize kiryus needs over the tojo's
52. how he sent mine to okinawa to look after kiryu (bonus points for summer mine :miku_emote:)
51. how he invited mine to a date drink at the bar, laughed at his joke, asked him if he was single, and then snuck out through a bathroom window all because he thought kiryu was in danger
50. his ability to take criticism and even valuing it and not wanting people to mindlessly follow him
49. his glower in that One Frame in the rain from that pre-fight cutscene with him in y2 you know the one
48. how he got mad at ryuji after he was asked out on a takoyaki date
47. how he's touched by the fact that mine bought a share in every taxi company in kamurocho just to find him
46. how even with his hair slicked back as chairman it still looks so soft
45. daigo's goofy ass smile he gives kiryu in y3
44. god help me the small smile he gives mine moments before mine decides to kill himself
43. how daigo was more concerned about mine's safety than why exactly he was on the rooftop in the first place
42. how even though daigo was upset with mine and kanda's scheming that didn't stop daigo from not only giving away billions of yen but also taking a bullet for mine even when mine was green to the clan at the time
41. the lil 'text' updates you get from him in rggo thanking you and saying you're helping the clan be better <3
40. how daigo not only helped the schoolkids with their raffle event and deal with gangsters but also personally attended and made sure everyone was havin a good time
39. to add on to him barely yelling (sins the time when mine jumped off the roof </3</3 and when he shouts banzai <3) when he interrupts people he still doesnt yell and sounds so calm while doing it
38. his decision to '''''''disband''''''''' the tojo clan despite how hard he fought for it in kiryus name
37. how he considered the lives of the yakuza and what would happen to them, making sure they had a safety net in the security company before going through with the plan
36. how he was able to play the long game and use his decision to disband the tojo to his advantage in the first place and fuck over aoki's own plans even if it meant hiding out for twosome years
35. how he canonically gives 'i'm not mad i'm just disappointed' lectures
34. how daigo sits legs spread while kiryu sits Respectfully in the seiza position during their visit to the omi and he looks like a grumpy teenager being dragged to a parent/teacher conference
33. how daigo acknowledges his reckless behavior by the end of y2 and now wants to do better for kamurocho
32. daigo's very blink-and-you-miss-it moments where he's a snarky little shit
31. the shade of brown his eyes are and how they arent totally pitch black
30. his sassy little hand-on-hip pose he does for his poundmate summon
29. the necromancy
28. how he just looks miserable during his introduction scene at the cabaret when he's supposed to Allegedly be a party animal
27. the cute lil outfit he wore for the dead souls substory <3
26. that render of him with the shotgun and he's not even holding the handle
25. his goofy ass 'wauUUGGH' he makes when you hit him because He Never Raises His Voice so him getting hit sounds like the most unnatural thing possible
24. him having such a dramatic intro in y5 (and genuinely being one of my fave intros to a game in the franchise) only for us to find out he just wanted to help a homie out with some cash
23. him willing to go to juvie For Said Homie and the team so him and their baseball team could achieve their dreams
22. the disappointed mother energy in him having to tell shinada not to announce to the entirety of japan he's the tojo clan chairman
21. his impeccable accuracy
20. how he has no qualms with shooting or killing people
19. how he unloaded a whole clip into shindo after dude macks on his mom and only stopped shooting when kiryu told him to stop
18. daigo having the energy of an angry dog whenever ryuji's on screen and kept getting his shit rocked (bonus points for ryuji not remembering tits about him)
17. his silly little fists-on-hips pose he does when you take a selfie with him in yk2
16. how he was concerned about mine's relationship with money and wanted to get closer with him without feeling like he was only interested in mine because of his money or other material possessions
15. the fact that Apparently he still puts his puffer on from time to time as chairman
14. his awful posture in dead souls, especially in comparison to how straight he stands later on
13. how he's so upfront with kiryu about how strong of an influence he was on him
12. the goofy as hell disguise he wears in y5
11. the lil blue hospital outfit he wears in y6 <3
10. his ability to draw people together
9. how you can bash him with noodles in a NG+ file on YK2. the way he flops over.. </3
8. him and haruka being cemented as kiryus kids by both of them being kidnapped in the same game
7. how even while daigo has a calm and empathetic demeanor he doesn't object to things such as yubitsume and he doesn't strictly follow the whole honor system going on in rgg
6. how his comment on being slaves under the government in y7 can be gleaned from the fact he was practically a slave to the police in y4 and following their whim. if not that just being a hilarious progression of circumstances
5. just how cool his tattoo is and the depth of the meaning to it.... (really such big bonus points for the fact a dragon there in addition to. Everything Else about it)
4. how he just gonna stand next to majima smiling and happy at the end of y4 as if he didnt throw him to the wolves (or the pigs ig GOTTEM)
3. how five seconds after he gets out of prison in 2017 for a fire he didnt commit he has to deal with tokyos new bitch ass governor cracking down on yakuza laws and As Aforementioned navigated that situation swimmingly
2. despite him being driven places for the most part he can still drive
1. his gargantuan balls (both metaphorically and physically)
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snowlilly · 5 days
Sorry for the random ask but have you talked about your oni oc lore anywhere? I’ve seen them a bit on your art blog and they seem very fun!!
Oh boy
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Physical Traits
Oni grow a lot larger than humans. While the height of an adult human ranges between 150-210 cm (4'11"-6'10"), Oni are usually 230-290 cm (7'7"-9'6") tall. Their lifespan is about twice as long as humans, so they can get up to 200 years old. They also take twice as long to age though, so Oni don't reach adulthood until they're about 35 years old. Each Oni has two horns that are a bit darker shade than their skin color. Their shapes can vary a lot, but remain more or less consistent in the same family. The size, however, depends on the climate they live in: they're rather small in cold regions, while they get quite large in hotter areas. The horns grow their whole life, and moving to a place with different temperatures can change their growth speed as well. Aside from their horns, their hair is also a unique trait, as Oni are the only humanoids that have naturally white hair. Most Oni live in one of two large regions: the icefields in the north, or the desertlands in the south. Icefield Oni are generally sturdier and have thicker body hair, while desertland Oni are taller and slenderer. Their bodies can adapt well to extreme temperatures, but being exposed to rapid changes takes quite  the toll on them, so they rarely travel far away.
Culture and traditions
Like all humanoids, Oni are able to have magic powers, but with far fewer numbers than humans. Because of the low amount of mages, there are next to no resources for cultivating their abilities, and magic isn't as controversial a topic as among humans. Oni are particularly proud of their horns. They value them as much as their own life; damaging them is a disgrace. However, they may sever one of their horns to give it to someone else, as symbol of wanting to share their life with that person. This is most commonly done for marriage proposals, but it can also be a platonic gesture. Cutting off one's horn is a decision not to be rashly made, and many Oni wait well into their hundreds until offering it to someone. After accepting it, the recipient should keep it close to them at all times, so the horns are often crafted into accessories and passed down as heirlooms. It is said that the missing horn does not grow back if it has been given to the "right one". (This is merely a superstition. The horns always grow back; some Oni file the regrowing horn off to keep up appearances.) Apart from their color, Oni horns are not much different from those of horned animals, and thus hold little value to humans. But there seem to be a few human eccentrics who would pay a fair sum for Oni horns, with little regard to how they were aquired...
Individual Characters
Side A: Vallheim
Kaori (48)
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One of the Elite fighters of the Volcano Arena, and also a successful musician. With her popularity in both fields, she is probably the most famous Oni living among humans.
"Ao" (37)
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Kaori's younger brother who was forced sent by his parents to Vallheim for his sister to look after him. Perpetually moody and overdramatic. And no, he didn't give his left horn to someone else.
Side B: [city name still pending sorry]
Shiki (55)
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A young man who left the icefields shortly after becoming an adult, much to his family's dismay. Although he is gentle and well-mannered, he sometimes acts without thinking, which has caused him all sorts of trouble in the past. His left horn is currently regrowing after he gave it to his wife.
"Surya" (8)
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Shiki's child. Surya's mother is a human, so their skin and horn color don't match, and so far, they've been aging and growing like a normal human. Bright and energetic, Surya is friendly to everyone around. The other kids at school seem to think they're weird though, and not just because of their horns...
Mari (59)
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Mari is a construction worker. Her horns have been going through quite the growth spurt since she moved to a warmer region, and she nonchalantly "gives them a trim" once in a while so they don't get in the way while working. Has been lectured by her friends quite few times for this. One of Shiki's friends.
Camille (67)
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Camille is one of the few mages among Oni, and moved to a human city to study magic. One of Shiki's friends.
Lagura (46)
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Lagura usually doesn't say a lot. He evidently left the desertlands at a pretty early age, but never really said why. One of Shiki's friends.
Shigure (94)
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A blacksmith from the north. He strongly believes that doing things old school is the superior way. Some of his views seem a bit too "old school", though... One of Shiki's friends.
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drdemonprince · 1 year
I love that in Mad Men, Roger's "big" revelation from taking psychedelics is that he's a 55 year old boy with a full head of hair and a ton of wealth and so he might as well enjoy it. Psychedelics can give you a new perspective on things that can feel revelatory, but whatever new meaning you make is still being created by your own mind. Tripping isn't going to make you become a new person or adopt completely new values, for the most part, unless you've actually been lying to yourself about what you value all along. For Roger, the great insight is simply to accept who he is, base impulses and all, and to luxuriate in it instead of slinking around having affairs and comparing himself to his successful business magnate dad.
And that's ultimately the kind of 'big' revelation that Don arrives at in the end of the series. He doesn't attain nirvana, kill himself, decry his profession, or anything like that. He accepts at last that he is an ad man, and that he's a philandering huckster with a great talent for marrying the counter culture and the mainstream. hence: i'd like to buy the world a coke.
The entire series is about people knowing themselves and not knowing themselves. I love that it can so subtly render character growth without actually having most people undergo any kind of dramatic change. Real life doesn't work that way. We continue to carry the same baggage that we've always had, and no matter how impulsively or self-destructively we try new things, we aren't ever going to get a new mind. So one of life's great journeys of coming to actually know oneself, including one's flaws and baser impulses, and to cease believing in the lies we enact to pass unnoticed through the world.
Over and over again in the series, people grapple with the perceptions of others and the task of managing the impression they give off. Betty wants to be a perfectly beautiful housewife and loving mother; eventually she comes to accept that she has a bitter edge and a cancerous rot of jealousy buried deep inside of her, and that she's far more fascinated by other people and their problems than she's ever let on. She also learns to accept that her daughter Sally is rebellious and counter-cultural like her dad. Peggy learns to accept the life she has made for herself through all of her messy choices and incredible talents, and to accept the child that she's lost, and learns to finally take pride in all that she's done. Joan finally accepts that she's not a sex-pot doctor's wife, she's a shrewd businesswoman and a canny manipulator, and she starts her own business in order to reflect that, the moment she gives up on chasing after love. She can't be with Bob because if she does, Bob will remain unable to accept his queerness and actual class background. Bob himself is a bit of a foil for Sal, the commensurate professional who enacts his desires in private, impulsive fumbling moments, but understandably can't accept anyone knowing or even admitting it to himself. On and on and on, in moments large and small, it's a show about knowing and accepting oneself -- even if the person that one is isn't particularly good.
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ffxivaltaholic · 10 months
LFRP: Diarmune Rhet-Khas
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Character Name: Diarmune Rhet-Khas
The Basics ––– –
Age: 55
Birthday: End of Summer
Race: Viera
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Quite long and silvery white. It is almost always pulled up in a ponytail. When down it is long enough to sit on (Hence why it is always up)
Eyes: Pale Green
Height: 6"1'
Build: Athletic and fit
Distinguishing Marks: Minimal scars from years of working with dangerous plants and animals. Two sleeves tattooed in a vine and floral pattern with a flower on his shoulder.
Common Accessories: His Gleaner gear, a journal, some kind of plant or flower probably...
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Personal ––– –
Profession: Gleaner
Hobbies: Botany and Horticulture
Languages: Common (With a Thavnarian accent)
Residence: Thavnair/Sharlayan
Birthplace: Thavnair
Religion: The Twelve
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Father: Elías- Alive/Silk Maker | Mother: Myra - Alive/Tailoress
Siblings: Sister (Older Twin): Sofina - Alive/Student | Sister (Younger Twin): Helina - Alive/Student
Other Relatives: None that he knows of.
Pets: Korpokkur (Named Plum), Great Morbol (Named Dahlia)
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Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal 
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit:  Nope Drugs: None Alcohol: Very rarely, he is quite a light weight and suffers terrible hangovers.
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RP Hooks ––– –
SHARLAYAN: While much of the Viera's time is spent away, he does return to his Sharlayan home from time to time, whether it's to bring in a specimen or to simply visit with old friends, he is not to difficult to find there, particularly as his clothing tends to standout against the more conservative and neutral tones of his Sharlayan counterparts. As a significant contributor in his field of study to the vast library over his three decades of work, Dia is most likely found there, but also will peruse the market and visit Labyrinthos from time to time. Especially if any of his projects are flourishing.
THAVNAIR: Born and raised in Thavnair, Dia spent his entire youth there with his family. They are prominent silk makers and tailors, specializing in ornate and delicate garments. He's very familiar with the locals and after the panic of the End of Days subsided, Dia visits far more frequently. He's often found in the Radz-at-han market, out by Palaka's Stand, or in the silk factory pitching in to help his parents. A Thavnarian born, he has an identifiable accent and tends to wear garments that connect him to his home.
GLEANERS: Are you a Gleaner too? Then there is a good chance you have crossed paths with him at some point in time, especially over the years of intense gathering in preparation for the End of Days. Due to the nature of his work (Specifically in regards to dangerous plants and plant-like creatures, IE: Morbols) it's very likely your Character might work side by side with him, or at least in the same vicinity.
TRAVELS/IN PASSING: There are very few places on this grand shard that Dia has not been, which means his availability to meet people is vast and ever expanding! Perhaps you came across him at an Inn, or aboard a ship? Maybe you met him in one of the main cities, or out in the boonies of the continents... Regardless, Dia can be basically anywhere necessary to meet your character. (Note: Not the First however, I'm fairly lore strict on this point since only the WoL can freely travel back and forth at this point in the story and he is not a WoLPC.)
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Contact Information  ––– –
I would prefer to be contacted via Tumblr first before giving out my Discord.
In game and Discord RP works for me, though I prefer in game.
His Carrd: https://diarmune.carrd.co/
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Yellow Curtains - Chapter Six - Wanda Maximoff Series
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Summary: Wanda Maximoff's senior year at Novi Grad School is duly planned for her. She has good friends, good grades, and a good system to hide who she really is. Or, the one based on Evak from the Norway Skam series, where Wanda is queer and tries to survive the last year without anyone knowing about it.
Warnings: (+18), general warnings about language and violence, legal drug use, mentions of underage drinking, high school, internalized homophobia and discovery of sexuality, explicit mentions of mental disorders (bipolarity and depression), dysfunctional family, making out, and eventual smut.
Skamverse | Series | General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
Chapter Six - The Infinity
Torek, 16:55 (Tuesday, 4:55 pm)
A soft melody left the speaker connected to your cell phone, both on the nightstand. On the bed, besides open history books and some crumpled papers, your body pressed Wanda's onto the mattress.
Lazy kisses that went from hungry to slow and sensual in minutes, and have been like this for almost two hours now, making out in the middle of studying. 
Wanda has definitely never felt like this, and she wasn't complaining. She wished you would keep kissing her, sliding your tongue against hers and holding her by the hips, and never stop.
But you had to when the music did. 
With an unhappy grunt, you parted your mouth from hers, sitting up on the bed to reach for the cell phone that was ringing and disrupting the music. Wanda giggled lightly, following you to hug you from behind with the intention of pulling you back.
"What the hell does he want?" you muttered annoyed, staring at the screen, and attracting the attention of Wanda, who glanced over your shoulder at the cell phone. Peter Parker's name and little photo icon made her stomach churn. You sighed impatiently, putting a hand to your face before answering it. "It better be life or death, Peter." You grunted. Wanda is able to hear his voice because you forgot to take it off the Bluetooth speaker.
"Is that any way to talk to me, babe?"
Your immediate reaction was to steal a glance at Wanda, who tensed up behind you. With another sigh, you pulled your cell phone from your ear to take it out of the Bluetooth before standing up to the balcony.
Wanda hugged her knees, trying to keep all insecurities down. She trusted you and you sounded really annoyed on the phone.
"Stop calling me that, we're not together anymore!" She heard you warn between your teeth. "If you don't stop bugging me I'm going to throw all your shit out the window, I'm warning you. Stop calling me! And only text if it's urgent or from work, asshole."
You hung up, threw the phone on the couch, and turned to Wanda, who spoke before you could;
"I thought you broke up with him."
Your expression softened, the angry tension leaving your shoulders. You leaned over the bed, toward Wanda.
"I did." You assure. "But we were together for a long time. He still has some things to pick up from here. And besides, we're parkour teammates. We're both instructors at the same academy."
Wanda frowns slightly. "I didn't know you did parkour."
You smile, shrugging. "It's important to get some exercise."
Wanda sighs, pulling you by the shoulders to lay on top of her as she lays back down on the bed. You gladly follow, finding a comfortable position with your head on top of her breasts, and running your hands around her to hug her.
"I didn't know you did theater either." She whispers, taking one of her hands to stroke your hair. You giggle, adjusting to look at her.
"I started when I was a kid. Mom thought it helped with shyness." You recount.
"Did it help?"
You twitch your nose. "A little, but I still get tongue-tied with pretty girls." You joke, receiving a gentle pinch from Wanda in return that makes you laugh. Once it stops, you face her. "Peter and I are over, Wanda. I promise. I'm all yours."
You assure her by looking into her eyes, and Wanda believes you wholeheartedly.
She spins you onto the bed in one movement with her legs, swallowing your surprised sigh with a hard kiss. You smile against her lips, kissing her back immediately and helping her to sit on your lap. Once comfortable, her hands rest on your shoulders and she breaks the kiss.
"I'm yours too." She whispers with her forehead on yours, filling your chest with joy. Before you can kiss her again, she adds, "But you've been a terrible hostess. I'm starving."
You fall into laughter for a long moment before tightening your grip around her to get out of bed. "All right, pretty girl, let's find you some food."
Torek, 17:25 (Tuesday, 5:25 pm)
Glasses of ingredients shudder on the kitchen counter as Wanda's back hits the cabinet hard. 
She gasps for air against your mouth but you continue to kiss her hungrily, and Wanda loves it. She loves the feel of your lips, your hands...
"Wow, in the middle of the kitchen?" A female voice suddenly sounds and you break the kiss out of surprise before letting out an embarrassed grunt, hiding your blushing face in Wanda's neck, who laughs breathlessly as Natasha and Carol take off their coats and shoes in the doorway next to the kitchen.
"Sorry to interrupt girls, but did you know there is something called a bedroom?" Natasha teased next to her girlfriend, receiving a middle finger from her best friend, who stroked your back until you let go. 
You motioned to the abandoned sandwiches as soon as the make-out session began. "I thought we had the apartment empty today, sorry." You muttered to Wanda, ignoring your sister's snort.
"Hey, don't blame me, you didn't say you wanted the place to yourself." Carol warned from the doorway, but you rolled your eyes paying her no attention as you quickly served things on plates to take to your room. Wanda moved away to the door, leaning over to Natasha who came to ask her in a whisper:
"You guys seem to be having a good time." 
"We were until the lovely couple interrupted us." Wanda whispers in a joking tone back, making Nat laugh. 
"Well, wear protection, kids!" Carol teases before pulling the redhead away into her own room.
Wanda laughs at the grimace you exhibit, walking over to you to kiss your cheek. "You look cute when you're grumpy."
You offer her a small smile. "Sorry about the audience, next time I get us some privacy."
Wanda chuckles. "Don't be silly, mrček. I don't mind, we're among friends." Wanda assures, losing the way you blush at the affectionate nickname because you look away with the excuse that you have the snacks on plates ready to take to your room.
"All right, then, let's go." You mutter walking off in the direction they came from, and Wanda follows you without question.
This time, it is Wanda who sets up the music in the bedroom - ignoring your teasing glance at the Taylor Swift album that begins - and you both eat on the couches near the television. 
Wanda finishes first and starts looking around, while you busy yourself watching her. 
She takes in as much detail as she can. From the frames on the walls that she hadn't seen, pictures on murals, CD collections in the bottom drawers, and every book on the bookshelves, trying to put together a map of your head with the things she learns. 
"Can I play a little?" you ask from the couch, and at the first moment, she gets it wrong, blushing with her back to you. As she turns around and sees you with the PS5 controller in hand, she raises an eyebrow. You chuckle lightly. "It helps me. To focus." You confess to her, and with no chance at all of Wanda denying it now. She nods, and you turn on the video game.
While you are playing, she continues to look around. She finds homework, magazines, and even a small amusement park teddy bear. She is looking through books on her computer desk when a small plastic bag catches her attention.
She grabs it and-
"Wow, you found that. It's yours, I think." You warn her having stolen a glance in her direction. Wanda frowns, twirling the plastic packet of weed in her hands. "I'm pretty sure you dropped it that night after Stark's party, in the railroad, you know? I noticed because I didn't take my eyes off you all night. But well, I don't smoke, and I saved it to give back to you but I guess I just forgot."
Wanda giggles weakly, finding the whole thing funny. She looks at you, playing video games with your hair half messed up - it was probably her fault and the last few hot kisses you exchanged - and thinks she wouldn't trade this here for anything.
"It's not mine, but a friend's." She counters. "Can I have it back, since you don't smoke?"
You shrug, nodding yes, and Wanda walks away to put the marijuana away in her backpack. She turns back to the bed and sighs before lying down. 
As she faces her ceiling fan, she thinks about having a bit of decent study but ends up choosing to check her cell phone.
The soft melody of "Gold Rush" gives way to "Tolerate it" as she checks her messages.
A verse from the Tanakh followed by an invitation from Erik makes her sigh. You take your gaze off the TV immediately and look at her.
"Is everything okay?"
Wanda doesn't even realize she made any noise and raises her gaze at you. "Yeah, it's just... my dad. Asking me and Pietro to celebrate Hanukkah with him and his brothers from the synagogue."
You ask uncertainly, "And isn't that a good thing?"
Wanda smiles sadly, "Asking would not be the right word, he is demanding that we be there. And we'd better agree or he'll find some way to punish us."
You swallow dryly, putting the video game aside to focus completely on Wanda. "What do you mean?"
She sighs wearily, blocking her cell phone and shrugging. "I don't know, he might delay our alimony, or do some sort of psych torture. He's pretty good at it. He's probably the most manipulative person I know."
You look at her half horrified. "Hey, Wands, I'm sorry. I know he's your father, but maybe, staying away from people like that is better."
Wanda chuckles humorlessly. "Believe me, I do try." She assures wryly. "I can't wait to get a job and not depend on his money anymore. But for now, I have to behave. And honestly, I think I can have fun at Hanukkah this year. I have some friends at the synagogue, so it won't be torture."
You smile weakly, reaching up to take her hands in yours. "And if it's a pain in the ass, you call me, and I'll pick you up in the same second."
Wanda gives a shy little laugh. "That would be a nice scene, huh? My girlfriend rescuing me on her motorcycle." She jokes but you are smiling, looking at her with bright eyes.
"What did you call me?" you ask, and Wanda swallows dryly when she realizes.
"Say it again." You demand, moving a hand to her face to lift it back toward you when she looks down in embarrassment. Wanda swallows dryly. 
"Girlfriend." She whispers affectedly, and you hum, leaning in to kiss her on the mouth.
"I liked that." You murmur close to her lips. "But what about you sweetheart, do you want to be my girlfriend too, Wands?"
She smiles, nodding immediately. "Yeah, I'd love that." You break the distance, falling on top of her on the bed.
Before the kissing session could escalate again, gasping sounds came from outside and you and Wanda - You with a horrified grunt and Wanda with a laugh.
"For the love of god, that's torture!" You complain to the ceiling, spinning on the bed to plug your ears with the pillow.
Wanda laughs as she goes to her cell phone to turn up the music to drown out any sound coming from Carol's room.
"There, fixed." She tells you once the loud Taylor Swift's music is the only thing you guys can hear.
You sigh in relief. "Thanks, you're a lifesaver." 
Wanda giggles, lying down on the bed next to you. You adjust to rest your face on your hand, staring back at her.
"How long does this Hanukkah last?" you ask, and Wanda smiles as you bring a hand to her face, to brush away the loose strands of hair and place them behind her ear.
"Eight days." She replies. "We usually travel north and celebrate at a big farm that belongs to the Rabbi. Which means I'll be gone at least twelve or fifteen days."
You draw a heart with your fingers on her cheek, "I'll miss you."
Wanda smiles, counting your freckles. "I'll miss you too." She assures you. "There's no chance I'll convert you to Judaism by then?" she jokes, managing to make you chuckle. 
You pinch her nose gently. "No, sorry." You mumble, and Wanda looks at you curiously. 
"May I ask about what you believe? If it's okay of course."
You face her, your fingers caressing her cheeks. "It will always be okay for you to ask me anything, Wanda." You tell her, unaware of the way her chest fills with affection for you at that second. It's warm and intense, and Wanda has to press a hand to your hip and feel the skin under your shirt to know that you really are real. You know none of this, and you adjust to look up at the ceiling, a reflexive expression as you think about the answer.
Wanda prefers to snuggle into you.
"I don't think I believe in anything." You state then, and this surprises her a little. Not good or bad, just a surprise. 
She watches you with curiosity. "Nothing? Not even God?"
You give a short laugh. "Especially God, Wanda." You mutter, looking down only to give her a sad smile before facing the ceiling again. You sigh. "I just...at home, really home, in New York, my father is a Christian. A big angry conservative who screams hate in the name of his god. Mom didn't believe in anything. She was a woman of science, and I never understood how she could even look at a man like Dad, but it happened. He's a Christian, and he's supposed to be the symbol of goodness, and he's not a good person. Mom was great. She could be a lot sometimes, but she was incredible. She had important values, and she never needed a god telling her what she should and shouldn't do, you know?" You start to blurt it out. Wanda just listens. "I guess I followed in her footsteps and lost any kind of connection with religion. I understand the importance, humanity needs faith because existence is scary, but I find the greatness I need in science."
Wanda rests her chin on her hand, resting it against her chest. "How?"
You sigh softly. "Just everything, I don't know." You chuckle awkwardly, trying to improve your answer with the eyebrow she raises at you. "I really like the string theory, for example. All that talk about the multiverse fascinates me."
Wanda smiles. "I think I've seen it in science fiction movies." She recalls getting a chuckle from you.
"Probably." You agree with a chuckle. "But it's much more than that. Like, string theory is this big field of physics studying dimensions. Trying to become the Theory of Everything and All Things." You recount. "I think I just really like the idea of infinity and parallel realities. To think that it's all so big and that we're so small compared to the infinity of universes that exist, and that everything that can happen will happen or is already happening." You continue half excited, making Wanda smile. "Like, right now, in another universe, we're both lying like this the same way, but... the curtains would be yellow."
Wanda chuckles lightly, turning her head to look at the window before turning back to you. "I think yellow curtains would match your room." She teases, managing to make you smile.
"You don't like it?" You ask, your hand moving down to her back to caress her. Wanda sighs lightly.
"I find it lonely." She says sincerely, and it's your turn to look at her curiously. "It's just, in infinity, nothing really matters. I don't know, I just don't like it."
"ne? (no)"
"Ne." Wanda shakes her head, a small smile on her lips. "I like to think that my life has meaning. Not just mine, but every person. And how we can be some kind of director, our choices influencing everything like in a movie. And death, well, I don't want it to be for nothing. I find peace in my faith... most of the time." Wanda comments with a small smile, wrinkling her nose. You chuckle, nodding in understanding.
There is a brief pause before you swallow dryly and continue.
"I guess that makes sense." You whisper. "It's terrifying to feel alone."
Wanda frowns slightly, staring at you, but her gaze remains on the ceiling. "Don't you like being alone?"
You snort. "Not being alone, Wanda. Feeling alone." You clarify darkly. "A feeling you can get at a crowded party or in your bedroom. Being in your own head, only with your thoughts. As if reality is all around you but you are not part of it. It's there, within your reach, but you can't plug yourself back in. And there is no way to escape from your thoughts, right? The only way to do that is to die."
Wanda brings a hand to your face at the same moment, feeling how the one on her back has begun to tremble. "Hey." She calls sweetly, waiting for you to take a deep breath, and open the eyes you closed for a moment. She looks at you with pure concern, but you force a smile at her. 
"It was just a thought." 
"I know what you're talking about." She murmurs back. "I have panic attacks sometimes. They're rare, but they happen. It's like losing control of your own body."
You give her a sad smile, bringing your hand to her cheek. "Does anyone else know?" Wanda denies it with her head. "Not even Pietro?"
She swallows dryly. "I didn't want to worry him."
"It's always harder to handle things alone, Wands." You tell her gently. "But don't worry. You won't be dealing with it alone anymore. I'm here."
She smiles warmly, leaning in to kiss you on the mouth. With the sound of Taylor Swift muffling the next room, you don't stop.
Petek, 13:00 (Friday, 01:00 pm)
The little paradise of memories of a sunny afternoon with you was probably the only thing keeping Wanda going for the next few days until recess.
The exams were hard, and you were busier than she would have liked. It was rare that you had time to see each other beyond school, and with the Hanukkah trip approaching, Wanda was already missing you in anticipation.
She returned to Clint Barton the missing marijuana, and the boy was so grateful that he promised to find her a job after the new year, commenting on the difficulty of new contracts at the end of the year.
On the last day of school, and also consequently her last weekend in Novi Grad before traveling north with her father and Pietro, Wanda wanted to spend some time with you.
But nothing went as planned.
"Sorry, Wands, she didn't come today." It was America Chavez, one of your drama classmates who told Wanda when she went to the amphitheater after class. 
She frowned in confusion immediately. Earlier, you sent her a photo asking if the Montecchio uniform looked nice on you.
"B-but today is the play..."
America shrugged. "Yeah, but her sister called saying she was going to need the substitute." Said the girl, she was in a bit of a hurry because the end-of-year performance was going to be that night. Wanda wanted to see you rehearse, watch you perform, and come home with you. But you disappeared. 
"Why don't you try calling Carol Danvers? I'm sorry, I really don't know anything else and I'm running around here. See you at the play!" America walked out with some stage preps, and Wanda pulled her cell phone from her pocket.
She called you first, but it only went to voicemail. When she tried Carol, the girl answered the penultimate call and sounded tired.
"Hey, Wanda."
"Carol, hi! Can you tell me what happened to your sister? I went to the amphitheater and they said she didn't come today, but we talked earlier..."
"Yeah, Wanda, she didn't go to school." Carol confirms, clearing her throat. "Look, it's not a good time, can you call back later? Or just wait until we have some news."
"What, but she's okay, right? Carol?"
The blonde sighs on the other end. "Yes, Wanda, she's okay. Sorry, I'm busy. Talk to you later."
As if Wanda's day couldn't get any worse, her father picked her up at the school gate before the last period, and she and Pietro were taken out of school with permission from the Secretary.
"I thought we'd move the trip up a bit, to avoid traffic and get something to eat." Erik commented excitedly, but only Pietro forced a smile at him. 
Wanda was looking at her cell phone, quickly keying Natasha that if she had any news of you, to call her anytime. 
She was glued to her phone the whole ride, and it wasn't until the restaurant that Natasha answered something.
"Look, I think you'd better be sitting down before you see this." That was the girl's warning message, followed by a link.
Wanda clicked and it opened a video on Instagram from a local news page.
'Young teen is found on top of City Church dressed as Romeo Montecchio. Police prevent a possible suicide attempt." 
Wanda's stomach churns and she widens her eyes. The video is taken from a distance, probably of some of the people around. She recognizes you, sitting on the edge.
The comments don't make her feel any better: 'Romeo when Juliet says she doesn't love him be like'; 'Kids are taking the theater too seriously these days; 'why do a scene like that? Just jump'; 'If I was there I would have asked her to jump'; 'I bet it was just to get attention; 'She fell in love with a Capulet'.
With eyes filled with tears of concern, Wanda started to type a message to Natasha, wanting to know if it was some kind of bet and where you were now, but a hand grabbed her cell phone.
"Papa, don't-"
"What are the rules of Hanukkah? We disconnect from the mundane, and connect to ourselves..."
"You don't understand, I need to know-"
"Enough, Wanda!" Erik shouts, but she stands up. 
"Give it back to me or I'll start screaming."
Erik raises an eyebrow at her, a dry laugh coming out of his lips. "Excuse me?"
"I swear to god, Papa." She retorts seriously. "Give me back my phone, or I'll make a scandal in this restaurant. We're not going anywhere but a police station."
Erik begrudgingly gives her back the cell phone, still shocked by her reaction. But Wanda just turns her back on him, and walks out of the restaurant with the cell phone to her ear, dialing Natasha.
"Hey, dorogoya, first take a deep breath-"
"Natasha for the love of god, what's going on?" Wanda asks almost on the verge of tears. "Where is she? How-"
"Wanda, she's okay." Natasha assures. "I spoke to Carol just now. It was a misunderstanding, apparently. Y/N wanted to take a nice picture."
Wanda shakes her head, placing a hand over her face. "A nice picture? What?"
Nat sighs. "Yeah, it's a messed up story." The redhead retorts. "Something about capturing the special beauty or whatever. I didn't get that part. The police even less so. It was a hell of a mess, and Carol is trying to clarify that her sister is fine, they're in the hospital right now-"
"Give me the address, I'll go there."
"No, Wanda, I don't think that's a good idea." Natasha cuts off receiving an indignant laugh. "Look, Y/N has asked that no one call you. Carol told me. I don't know why, but that's what happened."
"Wh-what?" Wanda stutters hurt. "Why?"
"I have no idea, milyy." Natasha says. "Maybe she was embarrassed. Either way, you'll have to wait. She is still in the hospital, and you are leaving on a trip. Maybe she needs some time."
"How am I going to be able to go on that trip knowing she's in the hospital, Nat?"
The redhead sighs on the other end of the line. "I don't know, Wanda."
The brunette sniffles softly and sees that her father and Pietro are left exchanging glances through the window in her direction.
"Just promise you'll call me if you hear anything. Please."
"Of course, Wanda." Nat says, and the brunette thanks him before hanging up.
When she returns inside, her father wipes his mouth on a napkin as she sits down. 
"Wanda, is it true then?" He questions. "That you're dating a girl?"
Wanda is so exhausted, all she does is stare at her twin brother-who has his head bowed in shame - before reaching out for her father's wine goblet. She turns it all over in one gulp, not giving a damn about her father's shock.
"And where is that your problem?"
Erik rises in a leap, ready to hit her, and so Pietro rises as well, one hand on his father's chest. Half the restaurant steals glances at the commotion, but Wanda is on the verge of tears, and it's not because of her father.
"Enough, we're going home." Pietro warns. Erik locks his jaw, pushing his son's hand away.
"I have already confirmed your presence to the Rabbi, don't you dare embarrass me." He warns, and when Wanda stands up at Pietro's gentle touch on her shoulder, he adds, "If you do, you can say goodbye to any coin of mine."
Pietro laughs incredulously, pulling his wallet out of his jeans pocket. He opens it, and throws some change on the table. "For the lunch, Mr. Lehnsherr." He says, slipping an arm through his sister's shoulder and leading her out of the restaurant.
Petek, 18:50 (Friday, 06:50 pm)
Wanda thinks she hasn't left that same position in hours. But that can't be true, because her cell phone beeped over the battery, and now it was charging, so she must have gotten out of bed at some point.
When her mother appears in her room, announcing that dinner is ready, she is no longer sure.
Pietro brings her food, and Wanda takes her eyes off the cell phone charging without further messages to the twin.
"What do you want?" she asks half angrily, and he sighs wearily, leaving his plate on the coffee table.
"Nothing, just checking on you." He mumbles clumsily. "I think I should apologize too."
Wanda pushes her hair out of her face. "You think?"
He sighs. "I must." He corrects himself. "I'm sorry for telling Dad that you were dating a girl. I wanted...I wanted to know how he would react to news like that and it was exactly as I thought."
Wanda laughs indignantly. "Wow, thanks for using me as a guinea pig, Pietro. A fucking beautiful attitude, really!" She sneered angrily, but he only sighed loudly.
"I already apologized-"
"Oh and that fixes everything." Wanda cut him off indignantly. "Look, I can't deal with your shit right now, okay? I swear, sometimes you're just like him! Anything to get what you want, with your dirty little games."
Pietro snorts angrily. "Oh, you're so different, aren't you Wanda?" He accuses bitterly. "At least I don't pretend to be what I'm not, playing innocent all the time!"
Wanda grabs a pillow and throws it over their legs. "Get out of here now! Damn it, I don't want to talk to you!"
"Very mature, sestra." He mocks, throwing the pillow back on the bed and turning his back on her, slamming the door on his way out.
Wanda sobs, but controls her own crying with deep breaths. And she sighs with relief when her cell phone vibrates, and it's you.
"Y/N, for heaven's sake, how are you?" she sounds desperate and wipes away her tears as she gets up, walking in impatient circles around the room.
You give a short, weak laugh. "I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"
She frowns in confusion. "Because of the church, I saw the video from the news-."
You laugh again, in the same exhausted tone. Wanda doesn't like the sound, not when it's like this. "The age of fake news I would say." You joke, and Wanda starts to get annoyed.
"Is that a joke to you?" she accuses nervously. "I was worried to death-"
"Because you're nosy." You interrupt her again, and Wanda opens her mouth in surprise. You sigh. "If you had been minding your own business and your own trip, you wouldn't even know about it. But you keep fucking watching me..."
"What the hell are you talking about?" She cuts off tearfully, angry or hurt she doesn't know. "I went to surprise you at the theater! You didn't say you were going to miss-"
"Because it was none of your business." You cut her off again. "You know what, Maximoff, this here, us? We're moving too fast. I need time. To think. You've called me dozens of times and texted me another dozen. Try to take a break from it okay? At least until Christmas is over."
"W-what?" Wanda gasped in shock, thick tears running down her cheeks. "You never talked to me like this." She muttered hurtfully, but you remained silent. "Baby, please, let's-"
"Time, Wanda." You cut her off breathlessly, and Wanda doesn't know if it's out of impatience or if you're crying too. "I need time from you."
The connection goes mute, and she knows you've hung up. Still, she stands still with the phone to her ear, for many minutes afterward.
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eurydicees · 10 months
55 for the spotify wrapped prompts!! apologies for the delay, please take my humble iwaoi offering. i DID in fact, out loud, to an empty kitchen, say, "fuck they're so cute" when i finished editing this. literally so fluffy it's sickening. enjoy!!
if i tell you i want you forever
summary: a car ride. a song. and a proposal, of sorts. prompt: spotify wrapped #55, paper rings by taylor swift pairings: hajime iwaizumi/tooru oikawa words: 1436 warnings: none 
They’re driving, Oikawa behind the wheel and Iwaizumi in the passenger seat. Iwaizumi is fussing with the music, tapping at Spotify playlists on Oikawa’s phone as if it were his own. He finally finds a song that he likes, and he lets it play; and the thing is that he doesn’t even like this song that much, it’s not really his taste in music, but Oikawa is singing along, tapping his hands on the wheel, and that’s enough for Iwaizumi. 
And the other thing is that Oikawa is not a good singer. He doesn’t know how to sing, is always just slightly off key, is always a beat behind the track, always fumbles with the words when the singer goes a little too fast for his tongue to keep up with. He’s not good at singing at all. 
Iwaizumi sits in the passenger seat, though, and he stares at Oikawa in the driver’s seat and he listens to him sing the words all wrong, and he thinks, I want to be here for the rest of my life. 
The thought that he wants to spend the rest of his life with Oikawa is not a groundbreaking epiphany. It’s something that he’s always kind of, sort of known—something that’s always lived on the periphery of his plans for the future. When he was a kid and imagining his future, Oikawa was always there: sometimes in the apartment or house next door, sometimes just in the same city meeting up for coffee every week. But always there.
So this revelation about wanting to spend the rest of his life in the passenger seat of Oikawa’s car, listening to him sing off key, is not a revelation that comes out of nowhere. He’s always known that he wants to forever keep Oikawa in his life whether it be in one form or another. 
But, at the same time, it’s different now. It’s different because they’ve been dating for three years and how soon is too soon to tell someone that you want to listen to their rendition of a bad pop song for the rest of your life? How soon is too soon to tell someone that having these moments—driving down the highway into the sunset, the windows rolled down and wind fussing with their hair, the music blasting and their voices louder—means everything to you? How soon is too soon to tell someone that they’re kind of everything, kind of it for you? 
Iwaizumi doesn’t know, but he’s also never successfully kept a secret from Oikawa and he thinks that probably this realization isn’t something he’s going to be able to keep to himself for very long. He doesn’t want to scare Oikawa off, but if Oikawa hasn’t been scared off by now, he might never be. That may be impossible to do. 
He stares at Oikawa: watching his mouth move around the wrong lyrics to the song; watching those long, slender fingers tapping out the beat on the steering wheel at the wrong tempo; watching the wind tangle its hands in his hair and mess with the styling he had spent an hour on earlier that day; watching his gaze, soft on the road, and those beautiful eyes; watching him smile a little as an instrumental break hits. 
He loves him. He loves him. 
This is something that has always been true and always will be true. He’s sure of it. He wants to spend the rest of his life watching this boy’s happiness openly written over his face. He wants to spend the rest of his life at this boy’s side. He’s watched Oikawa grow up, he’s grown up with Oikawa, together at every step of their lives, and he sees no reason that he shouldn’t be at every future step. 
“You’re staring at me,” Oikawa says. He doesn’t sound particularly bothered by it, but there’s a pink flush at his cheeks and Iwaizumi isn’t sure if its the bleed of the sunset lingering on his skin or its the weight of Iwaizumi’s staring making him blush. “What’re you thinking in that head of yours?” 
The empty stretch of highway seems impossibly long. There’s much too long between here, at mile marker 328, and the motel they’re headed to for their anniversary celebration’s week away. There’s much too much time between now and then for Iwaizumi to keep this to himself. 
“I love you,” Iwaizumi blurts out. The words feel too big for his mouth, and he feels clumsy in his confession, like it’s his first time saying it all over again. 
The pink at Oikawa’s cheeks deepens, and Oikawa smiles a little. “I love you too.” 
Iwaizumi continues, blunt as ever, stumbling over the words a little, “I want to be with you for the rest of my life. We—can we get married?” 
Oikawa’s eyes go wide. He glances over at Iwaizumi, a sharp turn of his head, and then swears and turns back to the road. Iwaizumi’s heart drops into his stomach, fuck—he said it too soon, said what he shouldn’t have, he’s ruined everything, but he can’t stop talking. 
“You deserve a real proposal,” he manages to choke out, “with gold rings and diamonds and shit. But I—I want to be with you forever. I want this forever. And I want you to know that. I want you to know—” 
Oikawa puts his blinker on, signaling the move to the empty road, and swerves to the side of the road. He parks the car on the shoulder of the highway, his breathing heavy—Iwaizumi’s heart is in his throat now, pouring out a confession that Oikawa clearly isn’t ready to hear—and then Oikawa says, “Are you—are you serious?” 
He’s crying. There are tears gathering at his eyelashes and Iwaizumi is terrified. He knows Oikawa loves him, of course he does, they’ve been dating for three years and pining for years before that, but maybe marriage isn’t something that Oikawa wants, maybe Oikawa isn’t ready for that— 
But he says, anyway, “Yeah. I’m serious. It’s—we could. Right now. We’re in Las Vegas for the week. Plenty of people—” 
“Shit, Hajime,” Oikawa whispers. He’s looking at Iwaizumi with wonder in his eyes, like he’s a miracle or a prayer come true or something that’s both. “Yeah, fuck, yes, let’s do it—let’s, like, right now, let’s—Hajime.” 
“We don’t have rings,” Iwaizumi stutters out, “but we can stop somewhere and—” 
Oikawa shakes his head and the tears are falling now for real, slipping down his cheeks and past his chin. His hands scramble around the car seats until he finds what he’s looking for stuffed in the cupholder: the paper wrapper for the straw they had gotten with their milkshakes some miles back. 
“Here, here,” he says, laughing, bright and joyful and that stupid song is still playing and it’s suddenly so warm in the car and Iwaizumi thinks his heart is going to burst out of his body and grow wings. 
Yes—this is what he wants for the rest of his life. Drives to shitty motels in expensive cities for anniversaries and cheap milkshakes along the way and singing the wrong words to bad music and paper straw wrapper rings. 
Oikawa grabs for Iwaizumi’s hand and Iwaizumi splays out his fingers for Oikawa to wrap the paper straw wrapper around his left ring finger, once, twice, then tucking in the end to the loop. He’s crying and laughing and still holding Iwaizumi’s hand and Iwaizumi feels golden. 
“I’ll get you a real ring when we go into the city tomorrow,” Iwaizumi promises. 
“Three months' paycheck,” Oikawa says, laughing. 
Iwaizumi grins at him. “You fucking wish.” 
Oikawa lets go of Iwaizumi’s hand to cup his cheeks in both of his own hands and pull him into a kiss. It’s tender and sweet and Oikawa tastes like chocolate milkshake and Iwaizumi probably tastes like vanilla and Iwaizumi is struck, all over again, with wonder that they’re in love with each other. How lucky is he? 
“I’ll marry you with just a paper ring,” Oikawa promises, pressing their foreheads together. His eyes flutter shut and Iwaizumi takes a deep, shaky breath. “I’ll even elope with you in one of those cheap chapels run by Elvis impersonators.” 
Iwaizumi laughs. “I love you so fucking much.” 
“I love you too, Iwa.” Oikawa exhales and Iwaizumi can feel his hot breath on his own lips. He wants to drink Oikawa in, wants to hold him forever, wants to be with him forever. “Gonna spend the rest of my life with you.” 
“That’s a long time.” 
“Yeah,” Oikawa whispers. He’s grinning. “Aren’t I lucky?” 
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mississpissi · 1 year
im asking you to explain :mic: abby and her dad go
ok this all started w bulks post about “abby” meaning “father’s joy” and it got me thinking about the contrast between cecil’s relationship with his mom versus the relationship i imagine between abby and her dad. fair warning that this mostly exists in my head but u bet ur burger im still gonna try to back up my ideas w quotes from the text (AP lit and lang babey).
first of all, looking at cecil’s relationship with his mom is super important. one of the first things we hear about her is that she used to hide from cecil for days and that she covered all the mirrors in their house (33). she also tells cecil to “beware, be warned, be wary”, which she apparently says to everything and cecil interprets to mean that she’s proud of him. we also hear in “Homecoming” (55) that cecil looks forward to seeing his mom every year at the homecoming game and was disappointed when he wasn’t able to. in “It Sticks With You” (182), we learn their mother would take them into the woods and walk quickly, cecil saying, “I think she wanted to lose us in the shadowy labyrinth of tall trees.” she would leave flowers at the base of the same old tree every time. she would ignore cecil’s questions. in “Bedtime Story” (132), which im convinced is about cecil (but that’s another post), cecil says “he just wanted his mother to show interest in his curiosity.” and even if that story isn’t about him, it is a story his mother would tell him at night, one he never heard the end of. in the traffic section of “Pioneer Days” (143), cecil tells a story of a boy left behind, abandoned by his family, left with nothing but a snake. im also fairly certain this is about him (cecil loves to tell his own story without ever really telling it). 
most revealing is what cecil says in “Ghost Stories” about his mother and her death. we learn their mother left when cecil was 14 (whatever that means), that cecil “thought that Mom would be back at any moment, like maybe she was away on business. Or out for a walk. Or just hiding.” He says, “And Mom flew away, when all other defenses failed her.” we learn she returned many years later, sick and old and “sorry”. we learn that she died soon after in a way that was “mundane”, that cecil was at work when it happened. we learn that cecil mourned her passing.
all of this paints a picture of a relationship that was strained, full of pain, downright abusive. and we see cecil, as he does so often, retrofit this pain to be something more palatable. she was hiding because she was proud. she didn’t speak to him because she was focused on something else. her defenses had failed her. she was struggling with alcoholism and mental illness. she was playing a game. she covered the mirrors because of pride. she came back! her death was inevitable. he misses her. he grieves her. he loved her. she might have loved him. he makes excuses for her because to do anything else would be to admit that he had experienced immense pain- to re-experience this immense pain. better to change the story.
now abby. 
we don’t know nearly as much about abby as i wish we did. we know she “approach[es] life with a total practicality,” that she will save her pain for when she is in private (It Devours!). steve says, “With Abby around, I can't imagine a bad thing that could happen" (89). we know her relationship with cecil has been tumultuous, that she leaned on cecil and then on steve as she raised janice. in “Bedtime Story”, the sister in the story fought with her brother, telling him she hated him. “she would wrestle him to the ground and pull his hair.” after the boy is buried in the ground, the sister often visits the tree he becomes. she plants flowers, removes beatles from his bark, reads in his shade, plucks his fruit. she visits with a man and a child, visits with joy and with tears in turn. this sister, this abby mourns her brother and tries to protect him, fights with him, loves him. 
and, again, in “Ghost Stories”, we learn that abby was “reserved and controlling”, that she dropped out of college when their mom left to raise cecil, that she blamed him (that cecil blamed her for not being their mom). we learn that abby was there when their mother died, that her death prompted cecil and abby to reconcile their differences. we learn that cecil and abby are both haunted by their family. 
here’s where i diverge from what we really have. 
we haven’t really heard from abby. everything we know of her we’ve learned from cecil and steve. but i have to imagine she resented their mother, that she hardly wanted to drop her plans for her future to raise her younger brother.  i hardly have to imagine what it’s like to have that kind of responsibility thrust upon you when all you wanted was to live your own life. i have to imagine watching your mother die, your mother who just reentered your life after years of neglect, would hurt, would be complicated, would cut deep.
i imagine mr. and mrs. palmer bringing home their first born child, naming her “Abby”, naming her “father’s joy”, naming her after the pride that swelled in her father’s chest. i imagine mr. and mrs. palmer doing their best to raise their daughter in a town as hostile as night vale. i imagine them wanting a sibling for their daughter, someone to keep her company when they couldn’t. i imagine abby struggling with the idea for a moment, then embracing her brother wholeheartedly. i imagine mrs. palmer naming their son “Cecil”, naming him “blind”, naming him after the future she saw.
i imagine abby, her father’s joy, watching as he brought his son to “work in the pasture” with him (132). watching as her brother was injured by his curiosity, watching as her father avoided him in his anger. watching her mother hide from her brother. i imagine abby realizing she would have to be the one to patch him up, even while both parents were still home. i imagine abby hearing her father promise that he “would give [his] life for [his son]”, hearing him say her brother could never be a doctor because “he feared for the boy's future patients”. i imagine her wanting her father to offer his life for her, to invite her to the pasture. i imagine her becoming more reserved over time, realizing her brother needed more help and attention, willing to step into the background because she loved him, because she wanted to be strong for her family. i imagine her doing everything she could to live up to her name, to be someone worthy of the joy of her father.
i imagine abby, her father’s joy, watching him leave. maybe she knew why, maybe she was simply left. i imagine abby watching her mother slowly fall into paranoia and fear because of her brother, because of what she had seen. i imagine abby following her mother into the woods, placing flowers on the trunk of a tree she recognizes, trying to keep cecil distracted by playing a game with him. i imagine abby making sure cecil got to school, got food when their mother was hiding from him. i imagine abby finding out her mother too had left, left her with now full time responsibility for cecil. i imagine abby becoming controlling because she had to, because she had lost control over so many other aspects of her life. i imagine abby channeling what she could remember of her father, trying to be strong, reliable- ignoring that he had stopped being that very suddenly. i imagine abby yelling at a teenage cecil, telling herself that it was better than ignoring him like they had. i imagine abby finding out she was to become a mother, a mother without a father, a mother to a daughter who had more needs than she could handle on her own. i imagine abby finding a man who wanted to help, who could provide a stability cecil was unable to, for all his enthusiasm. i imagine abby, kicking her drunk brother she had raised out of her wedding, not willing to look him in the face for years without seeing her father, seeing her mother, seeing ghosts.
and i imagine abby listening to her brother describe their father on live radio. i imagine her cleaning up after the dinner steve made, hearing about a man with a “thin mouth… [and] threatening, beckoning eyes” (192). hearing about a man, their father, her father, going into the forest with a shovel, digging himself out of the ground. i wonder if she put the pieces together retroactively or if she’d had them all along. i imagine her waiting for the shower to cry. i imagine her hearing that cecil received a photograph of their father (201, 219). i wonder if she went to see it, if she was able to, if she even wanted to see it. i wonder if she listened in, checking that her brother was taking care of her daughter, only to hear that her father, the man who’s joy she had once been, was actually talking to cecil (224). i wonder if she wondered why he was reaching out to cecil and not her. i wonder if she called cecil after, or if she knew he meant it when he said, “I refuse to look into it further.” i wonder if she hopes that when cecil is made to remember their father, she gets to as well. i wonder how long she was her father’s joy, and how long she spent grieving whatever changed that.
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