#History Department
emperornorton47 · 1 year
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redvanillabee · 5 months
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this might be my favourite reaction to ttpd
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Printer's ornament showing a gated cemetery – unknown artist // the 1 – Taylor Swift // loml – Taylor Swift
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 5 months
Obviously we have to wait for the video to know the story, but for anyone who’s studied any kind of social history/psychology/sociology/etc. And knows a little about the diagnosis of hysteria, Victorian mores, the use of lobotomies/shock therapy/etc to treat women who failed to live up to patriarchal ideals and the minimizing of women’s physical and mental health issues historically in the medical and psychiatric fields plus the old Hollywood of it all… the imagery is Telling The Story. I am fucking SEATED.
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cheekios · 8 months
Please Bring Kaiser Home.
I have been having complications with managing my diabetes that have led me to be hospitalized twice. I live alone. Kaiser is a precious pup that specializes in detecting when blood sugar is too high or too low before it leads to complications. Something I have been struggling with. Kaiser would not only improve my quality of life but also be my companion and friend
I’m asking for community support get a Medical Alert Dog. It is a huge ask but any support is appreciated 💗
CA: $HushEmu
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stillgotscars · 1 month
a greater woman wouldn’t beg, but i looked to the sky and said… i’ve seen it in the poems and the sands, i’ve pleaded with the powers and their plans, i tried to rewrite it, but i can’t… it’s the prophecy, it’s the history of man
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Cassandra Imploring the Vengeance of Minerva against Ajax by Jérome Martin Langlois the Younger / "Cassandra" by Taylor Swift
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itsanidiom · 1 year
Because I saw @sorry-bonebag's tag and had to.
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Here we go! Disclaimer: I'm not going to list every Office BL™ these are just the ones I've seen. Sorry if your fav is missing! Let's start with our lowest scorer that definitely sets the tone for the bottom of the barrel.
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CHECK OUT - The veneer is tracing paper if not completely transparent. Fucking in the office. Yeah. That's an HR violation for sure. Thankfully your company is too small to have an HR department. But you're definitely getting fired by your boss who is also your boyfriend who you are also cheating on.
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BED FRIEND - The veneer is only considered opaque because everyone else in the office is blind as hell. HR is pretty sure you two fucked in the office bathroom, but they have no proof so could only give you a warning.
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LOVE MATE - Veneer is 1-ply. I mean, if the whole office ships it, is it truely an issue? HR thanks you for keeping things PG.
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WE BEST LOVE: FIGHTING MR. 2ND - The veneer is definitely paper thin, but it's 2-ply. At least you avoided fucking in the office. Just a good smack in the face and some mutual sexual harassment. HR win...I guess.
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HISTORY4: CLOSE TO YOU - Veneer is getting a little thicker, but depends on the light. Rooftop and in-office grandiose love confessions aside, HR thanks you for keeping your higher heat make out sessions off business hours. Still, gossiping about your romantic interests with your coworkers is grounds for a warning.
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OUR DATING SIM - Veneer is about as thick as the space between your legs through which HR can see that you're literally holding hands in the office right now, stop it.
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STEP BY STEP - The veneer is solid. Mainly office stuff happens in the office. HR approves of this boring as hell vibe. Still, you get marked down slightly because you did almost get down in the company parking garage.
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CHERRY MAGIC - The veneer is a wholesome thickness, but no kissing in the company elevator. HR slap on the wrist for sure. We don't care how quickly the doors closed. There is CCTV in that elevator, sirs.
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JUN & JUN - The veneer is currently in the process of being painted on so we'll have to wait and see, but it's looking pretty thin so far. HR has their pens ready to write up the report.
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OLD FASHION CUPCAKE - The veneer is solid, but HR saw you hugging in the coffee station. Thank you for waiting until you were off work hours to make out, I guess. Enjoy your fancy desserts.
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ROOMATES OF POONGDUCK 304 - The veneer is there. HR heard some weird noises over the zoom call, but we're just going to ignore those for now.
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namedvesta · 2 months
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— Edvard Munch, The Kiss (𝟣𝟪𝟫𝟩).
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empirearchives · 5 months
Paris Fire Brigade — The fire department of the city of Paris
The Paris Fire Brigade was created by Napoleon on 18 September 1811 after a devastating fire in Paris in 1810. The brigade remains the same firefighting service of Paris to this day.
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Illustrations created by Aaron Martinet between 1807 and 1814. Top: Imperial Guard, Engineer Sapper. Bottom: Imperial Guard, Officer of Engineer Sappers. These were the military positions which were transitioned into the fire department.
The deadly fire at the Austrian embassy ball in July 1810, during the festivities for his marriage to Marie Louise, reminded the Emperor of the importance of a well-functioning fire service in the capital.
Despite the courage and dedication of the gardes pompes [firefighters of the old organization], who are sometimes falsely accused of numerous shortcomings, the firefighting service revealed its weaknesses: delays, insufficient and unreliable equipment, poorly trained personnel and incompetent managers. The staff present at the embassy on the day of the tragedy were cleared of all suspicion by an investigation led by the Count of Montalivet. On the other hand, the leaders of the old organization were dismissed, and the corps des gardes pompes was abolished.
After this catastrophe, the Emperor reorganized this public service by creating the first military corps of firefighters, made up of the engineers from the Imperial Guard who were dedicated to defending the imperial chateaux against fire.
At the behest of Emperor Napoleon I, the creation of the Paris fire department [bataillon de sapeurs pompiers de Paris] by imperial decree on 18 September 1811 was an original and innovative step, marking the transition from a civil and municipal organization to a military body. The choice of such an atypical status for a public service echoes the creation, eleven years earlier, of the Paris Police Prefecture, an equally singular legal administrative body.
From its creation, this military corps was placed under the authority of the Paris Police Prefecture, who was responsible for the security of the capital. After a long process, this military status and subordination to a prefect became the logical consequence of the spirit of the decree of 12 messidor year 8.
When the battalion was formed in 1811, the Paris fire department took on a new mission: fighting fires, the importance and development of which they were still unaware of.
Four companies were then created to respond to fires. Relying on a typically military functional triptych (extensive training of men, systematic technological research and implementation of efficient operational procedures), the battalion quickly made its new environment its own, and by the end of the second half of the 19th century, had become a model for the organization of public fire-fighting services and a national, even international reference.
Several fire chiefs succeeded one another until 1814. At that date, command was entrusted to battalion commander Plazanet. He provided the battalion with an instruction manual, made it compulsory for sappers to be stationed in barracks, and introduced gymnastics to train efficient and daring rescuers.
Source: Brigade de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris — Le Bataillon
Picture source: Napoleon's Army: 1807-1814 as Depicted in the Prints of Aaron Martinet, By Guy C. Dempsey, Jr., (Section: Support Troops)
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me 🤝 slipping v.f.d. into everyday conversations and praying someone understands me
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A reminder to my fellow Swifties:
Taylor attending a comedy show presented by an activist and collaborating with an artist who is an activist does NOT mean that Taylor is an activist.
Please stop praising her for the work of other artists. If she wanted to, she could use her huge platform to engage with important issues. Instead, she chooses not to.
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Illustration from The Adventures of Peter Pan – Alice Bolingbroke Woodward // Wendy – Maisie Peters // cardigan – Taylor Swift // Peter – Taylor Swift
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cheekios · 7 months
Black Transfemme needs help paying Utility. (Black History Month Request)
They charge us for below freezing temperatures. The irony is that my usual bill is $50 a month. I never turn on my A/C or heater because I KNOW I can’t afford too. I only use my A/C or heater when its either below freezing or 100 degrees. Otherwise I suffer in silence.
CA: $HushEmu
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Everything is snowballing. I’m trying to crowdfund for my Diabetic Alert Dog. While simultaneously trying to keep my lights on.
Goal: $225
CA: $HushEmu
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stillgotscars · 5 months
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history of man - maisie peters // so long, london - taylor swift
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House At Dusk, 1935, Room for Tourists, 1945, Night Windows, 1928, & Room in New York, 1932 by Edward Hopper / "I Look in People's Windows" by Taylor Swift
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