#Hob x reader
roguelov · 1 day
okay new angsty idea:
what if, after finding out the three of them are soulmates, y/n is just like "nope, absolutely not." maybe they had bad experiences with love and relationships in the past, or simply aren't interested in it, so they avoid dream and hob. and maybe they already know who dream is and about his past relationships and don't trust him because of how those all went.
just, dream and hob having to really put in the work to make y/n trust and like and eventually fall in love with them.
You have been scorned in the past, and Dream’s reputation (along with his and Hob’s immorality thus previous relationships) makes you frightened. You dare not give these men an inch because you know the truth despite being their soulmates this relationship will only end in heartache (maybe to make it more angsty you’re not immortal … yet). So you know your life is short compared to their eternal ones so why try? Why put in effort into a fleeting relationship, why waste their time?
Perhaps Dream and Hob do keep their distance but slowly try to enter in your circle. They start with simple hellos and conversations and sometimes to are polite and reply and other times you are short with your answers. Maybe in the Dreaming, they are able to get closer to you since in the Waking you’ll excuse yourself claiming you are busy. And maybe in the Dreaming, you start to open up more.
You could also have it that in the Dreaming, nightmares come reopen old wounds of past relationships which Dream and Hob see, which offers some explanation to your distance behavior. Also maybe they comfort you after a nightmare, Dream tells it to leave while Hob assures you that you’re okay. And this can be where you truly pinpoint where you start to feel something for them
Then it becomes a lot of Dream and Hob being patient and caring and understanding while you slowly want to become part of their lives. You start to lean into them physically and mentally and your smile becomes brighter and your laughter louder. And these two become more and more infatuated with you and soon the three of you are inseparable
And as a final note, you definitely will say ‘I love you’ first. Dream and Hob don’t want to back you into a corner and make you feel overwhelmed so they go at your pace and eventually you say it and they immediately response back and give you gentle loving kisses
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zoeysdamn · 2 years
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
Spreading the Soft Hob™ agenda. Soft, squishy Hob means a caring partner. A partner who wants to know you have eaten and haven't harmed yourself today. A partner who will urge you to go hiking up a mountain for your own mental health, not for lifted ass or whatever.
Soft Hob means deep, loud laughs at silly jokes, at the faces you make when you see something stupid. A Hob who adores when you pout in the morning because you aren't a morning person while he has already made coffee. Soft Hob means a strong hug to keep you warm.
Soft Hob also means he cries when he sees a lost puppy, and he smiles when you shout KITTY when you see a cat. Soft Hob surprises you on your birthday with a day at a pets' sanctuary. Soft Hob knows your favourite soda flavour, and your second favourite in case the first one isn't available.
Soft Hob also means getting mercilessly eaten out until you forget your own name
Laying face down on the floor as I admit that I am not immune to the Hob x Reader propaganda. And there's something about Hob letting himself be soft after centuries of battles, pain, torment, questionable morality... he's soft, now. He's earned it and he's worked for it, and it has NOT been easy. But now he gets to be soft and squishy and full of warmth. Long afternoons together, Sunday lunch cooked to perfection, fresh flowers on the windowsill. Holding hands, physical touch whenever he needs it, warm baths with lavender oil. Gentle bickering over washing the dishes, splitting the chores because he hates laundry and you hate grocery shopping.
Soft Hob is everything. Because it doesn't always come easy, but it's always worth the risk.
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zaiichuu · 1 year
what about xie lian, hua cheng, and the reader on the bed together which turns into a tickle fight or pillow fight? i think it would be a cute scenario :) sorry if i also sound awkward, its my first time sending an ask
I AM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS ASK 🙏🙏🙏 i had no idea how i could write this,, especially since i stopped writing full blown fics my writing has degraded A LOT in my opinion, so i'll be trying to write fics on my Wattpad acc now (hrts4kuniz). i just decided to do hc of what i think hua cheng & xie lian would do in a pillow fight; i hope that's okay..
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hua cheng
i feel like he would, at first, actually sorta know what a pillow fight is- you'd still have to explain it to him.
after explaining it to him, he would definitely like to try it out with you or xie lian some time when he's not busy
in a pillow fight, he'd be a bit aggressive but would not hurt xie lian or you at all with the pillows and would 100% go easy on you and let you win <3
xie lian
i imagine he would know what a pillow fight is,, and would probably want to have one with you (relive his sweet childhood memories ☺️)
depending on how he's feeling, he may or may not go easy on you.. he's also sure not to hurt you at all with the pillows (like hua cheng)
he's such a sweetheart 🥹🥹🥹
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i hope this was ok, n once again; my writing skills have degraded and i'll start writing a fic or smth to try and re-improve (im not sure if that's a word..) my writing. I've also been a bit busy doing absolutely nothing 🥹.. thank u for reading this, and you can find me on wattpad @ hrts4kuniz
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his imagines are incredible, you can make an imagine of the hob he meets Morpheus's twin sister the hope of endless, I imagine a hob enchanted by hope and a Morpheus on the side who is jealous of his sister
Dawn of the Endless
Hob Gadling x Endless!Reader, Dream of the Endless & Twin Sister!Reader
Summary: One century Dream brought his twin sister to the White Horse pub, and ever since, Hob's life was never the same.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: fem!reader, set in Elizabethan England, annoyed brother!dream, puppy!hob, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: this is so interesting. i havent written anything for hob at all yet so i was so excited when i saw this! also i know you said her name is hope but everyone in the family has a letter D in their name and i literally translated hope in every language available in google translate, hoping at least one of them would start with D and one of them did but i didnt like the way it sounded so i decided to rename her dawn, cos i mean dawn is the early morning and that gives hope so i hope you dont mind. i dont mention anyone else's but Hob's name though, since technically it's in his pov and he has no idea what Dream's name is either, much less Dawn lol im unsure if yall would be interested but since dream is here i'll still tag everyone who likes my dream fics lol Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 @sloanexx
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Hob had been taking his daily stroll that day, he remembers it vividly. He was walking by the fields near his estate, basking in the morning sun, breathing in the cool air.
There was a warmth, a light that drew nearer. It was slow to come and quick to leave, but in the moment, he thought nothing of it; he only thought it was the rays of the earliness greeting him.
He realized it was not that when he outstretched his hand to pluck out a Pasqueflower. Hob's fingers bumped into another's; his heart leapt to his throat in shock.
His head snaps to the side. He retreats his hand slower than hers.
"Apologies," she mutters, light and melodic, "I did not think you'd chose that flower."
Hob's jaw slacks, and yet he does not hesitate. He rips the flower from its stem, handing it over. There is a flurry within him when she accepts it with a smile. The very wind in his lungs is knocked out when she says, "thank you, Hob."
The next moment, she walks away. Hob only regained his wits by the time he wholly regret the fact he was so dumbfounded he didn't even get to speak one single word.
And yet, days after, it seemed fate wanted to bring them together again. He was determined not to let the moment slip away this time around.
He practically lunged from his seat when he saw the lady in the yellow dress from across the pub. He ran, twisting past the patrons of the place. He stops a few paces away from her, straightening his garb, clearing his throat. He then strides over, catching her attentions in observing the room, "hello."
Hob's breath hitches when she turns to him and smiles, more radiant than before, "hello!"
He sighs, raising his hands, "I-," he clasps them together, "I'm Robert," he wipes his palms on his top, then extends one hand, "Hob, for short."
Her eyes crinkle as her grin widens. She takes his calloused, clammy hand in both her soft and warm ones, shaking it softly, "greetings, Hob!"
When she pulls away, she turns her head to the side and bares her braided hair. Hob's breath hitches the second time when he beholds the violet flower in it. She chuckles softly, "I kept it with me."
He lets out an airy chuckle, "I- it has been nearly a week. I'm astonished it's still alive."
She presses her lips into a pout, "I did not let my sister touch it."
Hob knit his brows tightly, confused by the sentiment, though his lips were still curved up into a smile.
He throws his thumb over his shoulder, "would you like to sit with me for a while? I have a table there. I'm waiting for someone."
"I know."
In that very moment, she looks past Hob and points behind him. Hob turns around, catching sight of his set table, finding it was now occupied, occupied by the very man he was waiting for.
Hob tilts his head, pressing his lips together, yet, still, they rememain curved upward.
"Come," she calls, cutting Hob off. She takes his arm in hers, making his heart thump wildly in his chest, "let us not keep him waiting."
Hob feels his breath quicken as he allows himself to be lead back to his table. She urges him to sit in a vacant chair. Hob does just that and watches as she circles back around the man across him.
He was clad in black, much like the previous times they met. The woman sits on the other available chair adjacent to both of them.
Hob looks between them. They both look back at Hob, her, smiling excitedly, him, scrutinizing with far less enthusiasm.
They looked like a living oxymoron, with her, robed in vibrant colors, and him, draped in nothing but black. Hob opened his mouth slowly, unsure of what to say. He thinks of saying something funny, something witty, anything that will break the ice, but his tongue is pressed down with the weight of their stares.
The brightly clothed woman turns to darkly clothed man and leans in, whispering something under her breath. He turns to her, extending a hand out to the table, mumbling something quickly before turning back to Hob.
He is at least grateful he did not have to speak first.
"Life has been treating you well, it seems," the dark haired man utters.
Hob straightens up, sucking in a breath as he smiles, "I have had a great many successful endeavors."
She perks at the sound of that, propping her head in her hands and her elbows on the table, "such as?"
Hob turns to her, gulping, finger digging into the collar that tightens around his neck, "such as..."
She raises her brows along with the corner of her lips.
Hob clears his throat, straightening up again, "such as trading!"
"Trading?" the blue eyed man speaks, tilting his head.
"Yes," Hob replies rather weakly.
"He must be very good at it," she chimes, turning to the other, "look at how tasteful his attire is!"
Hob fights back a smile.
"Life is more than the clothes on one's back, sister."
"Sister?" Hob calls, shocked by the revelation. He is all but ignored though.
"And yet small details as such help make life worth living."
Hob tries again, leaning on the the table, "you're siblings?"
The siblings turn to him at the same time, she smiles and he looks blankly. The former speaks, "of course we are. Is it not obvious?" The latter of the two narrows his eyes.
Hob's jaw slacks. He wonders if she is mocking him for a moment, but in any case, between the two, she doesn't look like the one who would be a mocker.
"I..." Hob trails off, "did not think at all of your relation to another."
"Perhaps you would care to think more," he states, "your life surely would benefit from it."
There, Hob thinks, surely that is the sound of mockery.
For a moment, a there was only the sound of the pub between them.
"Oh," the woman pulls back, grabbing her brother's arm, "look," she turns her face to him, "Hob gave me this."
Her brother's face contorts, brow raising inquisitively. He turns to Hob, silently interrogating him.
Hob leans back on his chair and licks his lips, "we met in a field by fate-"
"Fate?" his deep voice repeats. He sounded not all pleased. "What would you know about fate?"
His sister calls out to him under his breath. The pale man's tightened features relax a bit as he sighs, almost as though he was defeated.
"It was a happy encounter," she says, "was it not?" she turns to Hob.
Hob stills for a moment, then nods.
The man turns to his sister, reaching out for the flower in her hair, plucking it out from its place. Hob's lips part as he thinks of how her brother would surely crush the innocent bud in his palm.
She does nothing but watch as her brother examines the Pasqueflower in his palm. He asks, "what were you doing out in the fields anyway?"
Hob watches the siblings scrutinize the little flower.
When they turn to him, Hob's eyes widen and his body stiffens.
The woman's lips curve into a lopsided smile. She chuckles under her breath, "he was asking you, silly."
"Oh," Hob says, "well, I, well- I was taking my daily walk."
"Hmm," he hums, placing the flower back into his sister's hair where he took it.
She smiles at her brother, "special, isn't it?"
He turns to Hob when he replies, "yes. Special indeed."
Hob's sucks in a sharp breath. He inadvertently begins to choke.
The woman giggles under her breath, proceeding to pour Hob a glass of water.
Hob accepts it and watches the siblings turn to each other and mutter under their breath as he drinks. Dear goodness, what in the name of lord are they talking about? He would honestly give half- no- 3/4th of his possessions if it mean he could make sense of the two before him.
His soul nearly leaves him when they stand. The man looks down on Hob as he nods, "it has been a pleasure to meet you again."
"N-" he fumbles, standing up all the same, "no, you can't just leave."
Hob's shoulder burns and his chest tightens when the woman places her hand there. She offers him a playful look, "we never truly leave you, Hob."
What does that mean?!
The man offers his hand out to his sister, and she readily takes it.
When they begin to walk off, Hob does not make the mistake he did in the field and pipes up, "will you be back with him next time?"
They both turn to him, him, furrowing his brows, her, smiling yet again. The latter speaks, "we'll see."
Hob watches them walk away.
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dearly-dreaming · 1 year
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Title: The Sun, The Stars And The Moon.
Pairing: Dream of the Endless x fem!reader x Hob Gadling.
Word count:5103
Warnings: Fear of reaction, illusion to death, Desire, mentions of other Endless (very small spoiler?) Dream and Hob being idiots and lots of fluff.
Summary: Morpheus and Hob attend a historical costume party and reminisce the past (print by the wonderful @dilf-of-the-endless but with my own twist)
Author’s note: Sorry this tool so long but it’s finally out! I hope you all enjoy :)
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You delighted in the energy that hummed around you.
It hummed in your veins as the lights gleamed above you, grinning fondly as they watched the stage be set for the fateful story of tonight that would begin. Or, begin again.
You let out a breath, your dress flowing around your body smoothly. Its fabric was as silver as the moon, adorned by jewels, embroidery, and flaring sleeves that wisped around your body like the gentle breeze of the wind.
You smiled to yourself in the mirror and placed your mask on your face. A daring white was so pure even gods would weep at the sight of the sliver swirls that twisted along it like dancers.
Oh, how you loved masquerades.
And you knew how much they liked masquerades too.
Rolling your shoulders back, you strode into the ballroom where angels giggled in the paintings from the ceiling above. Crowds of people in marvellous dresses and enticing suits swarmed the room - chatter almost as loud sd the enchanting music that flooded your ears, a sweet symphony.
As you walked further into the ballroom, you gained the eyes of many from behind their masks, though none were the eyes you wanted on you. No, you wanted the same two pairs of eyes that had been on you long ago.
The lights gleamed bright as you looked around and saw various faces behind masks, it seemed that both the unholy and holy creatures could serenade together. You grinned, of course, that was entirely true.
Humans partook in dances, unaware of the beings that danced with them, very inhuman. So far you had seen vampires, werewolves, faeries and even fellow witches.
It reminded you so very much of the first night you'd met.
You remembered only some, some figments were seen through thick mists, sly and mischievous, just waiting for you to meet those that plagued your mind like the fondest dream. You enjoyed your time with them before the tragedy struck and you were most ready to be with them again.
And tonight you would finally see them again.
A person swept to next to your side and you saw golden eyes glint teasingly, "Hello, my pretty dove."
"Dove?" You laugh lightly, "I'm much more of a crow."
"And yet it is usually the ravens that catch my brother's attention, such a special crow you are," Hummed desire as they stood in front of you, golden eyes shimmering like cursed jewels, tempting and treacherous.
"Of course I'm special, I'm one of a kind," You respond, shrugging your shoulders, perfectly used to Desire and their ways.
Desire smiled a Cheshire smile, "Oh, I know, my Dove. I only wish I had gotten to you before my brother and his mercurial immortal."
"Why? So you could entrance me with your golden eyes? Sweep me away to paradise? And once you had done that, dump me like a burnt-out candle," You hummed and while your tone was sweet, both of you knew your words were aimed like daggers, sharp and desperate for blood.
Desire laughed and it sounded like the chiming of distant bells, "My dove, we both know you're not a candle. You're a wildfire."
You pressed your gloved hand to your chest in a mock swoon, "Oh, keep saying such sweet things to me and I may think Destiny has planned this out all along!"
A keening sound came from the physical embodiment that seemed far too much like a cat as their eyes glinted, "If only he had, Dove. But all know how he and my big sister favour my dear, arrogant big brother. And how they favour you, my sweet, bastard of a woman."
You rose a brow, Desire always seemed uncaring but you knew just how much Dream got under their skin, "Speaking of sisters, how are dear Despair and Delerium?"
Desire clicked their tongue, "Despair's still moping and Delierum's off causing chaos wherever she goes. If only you were with her, then Death would follow you around, cleaning all of your messes."
You smiled, "Delightful."
Desire's eyes glinted with something of amusement and anger. They wanted to anger you but you were not so quick to fall into their trap, you were certainly willing to play the game.
The two of you stared at each other for a moment.
"Aren't you a sweet thing with a sharp tongue?" Hissed Desire playfully, their eyes glazed with a haze of soft malice.
You smirked, grabbing a glass of red wine from one of the waiters and hummed, "Well, your brother seems to like my tongue quite a lot. As does, as you so lovingly put it, his mercurial immortal."
A laugh shot from Desire's mouth.
And suddenly, their attention was stolen away by something, or rather, someone, or in this case, some people. A grin spread across their lips as their golden eyes seemed to melt with amusement, "Iy appears the two we speak of have arrived."
Abruptly, your heart stuttered in your chest elated and frightened al at the same time.
Desire smirked, placing a sensual hand on your arm, "I'll leave you to your charade but if you need some assistance, I will do anything you desire."
And with those parting words, the Endless waltzed away, predatory eyes searching for someone with enough desire to distract them for the night.
You let out a soft sigh and slowly turned.
All your breath was stolen away in an instant.
They stood together like an art piece no one could bare to take their eyes off. That dangerous and alluring immortal with soft brown hair and enchanting hazel eyes so warm they felt like home. That distant and astonishing king with hair the colour of a raven's wings and blue eyes so electric it was like those eyes were in every dream you could ever have.
You were staring at them in all their splendour, a sort of disbelief coursing through your body, it had been so long since you last laid eyes on them.
And you quickly realised that they were staring at you as well.
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Hob delight in the bright colours, the avid chatter and enchanting music.
He sincerely enjoyed parties, not for the fact they showed off wealth or power but because they were fun. Hob couldn't count the number of friends and memories he had gotten at the parties over the years. The festivals in his village, the feasts and progresses of Queen Elizabeth I's court, the balls, the roaring twenties, the clubs that were always deafeningly loud.
He loved parties in his very soul and desperately needed to get his friend to join him at one.
He, of course, knew that Dream would hate clubs or any kind of modern party so Hob scoured every place he could, searching for a costume party that slotted into the regency era. It was just like that Hob mentioned it to a friend and said friend grinned, fangs glinting as he told Hob about a masquerade party.
He told Morpheus about and it turned out to be the perfect idea as Dream of the Endless had a certain love for masquerades. Hob shared that love and he remembered another person who did as well.
A sigh slipped through Hob's lips as he glanced at the man that stood beside him. And, God, was he ethereal. He looked almost exactly as he did that year of 1789, and image of royalty and power. Hob was entranced he could not deny, he would not deny.
As his eyes gazed around the eccentric party, his attention snapped to a figure that somehow managed to take his breath away. First, he saw the dress, like the moon had crafted it and enchanted it with all the wonder it possessed. Then, he saw the mask that swirled and wisped, drawing him closer and tempting him to stay there. But neither was as beautiful as the one wearing them.
And that person was you.
"Hob?" Morpheus' light voice called, sounding like a murmur from a distantly fond memory.
"Yes?" He responded after a moment, struggling to tear his eyes away.
"Are you well? You seem distracted," Hummed the Endlessly, curious eyes quick and observant.
"Yes, um..." Hob's eyes flickered back to your figure, "It's just, someone's caught my attention."
"Who?" Questioned the king, shimmering eyes darting around.
"Her," Hob motioned discreetly over to you.
Morpheus tilted his head, his berry-pink lips curling into some semblance of a smile, "I can certainly see why."
"Mhm," Hob hummed, brown eyes glimmering as he watched you speak to someone he couldn't quite see. He saw the way your shoulders shook with laughter and found himself wondering what such a laugh sounded like.
"It seems she knows my sibling," Morphues observed softly, tiling his chin upwards, eyes glittering with curiosity. After all, ti wasn't often that someone spoke so comfortably with an Endless. Especially not with Desire.
Hob's brow rose in surprise, "She knows one of your siblings? She must be knowledgeable then, "He paused, a smile coming upon his lips, "Or a part of a bet."
A huff of amusement left Morpheus, "Perhaps. Though I doubt she is as unpredictable as you."
Hob laughed gently, eyes moving back to you.
Suddenly his heart stilled in his chest.
You were staring straight at them.
And all Hob could think about was the colour of your eyes. He was desperate to see them and be entranced by their depth.
"I...I'm...she's looking at us," Hob couldn't but stutter, feeling your piercing gaze upon him.
Morpheus rose a brow, "Then perhaps you should dance with her."
Hob stared in surprise, "But-but what about you?"
Morpheus smiled that sweet, small smile Hob had come to love, "I shall go speak with my sibling and find out what they wanted with that beautiful stranger."
"Are you sure?" Hob questioned lightly, his interest in you growing more and more by the second.
Morpheus nodded, silver eyes glinting with the echos of stars. And perhaps that was why he was so enchanting to Hob. Humans had always found solace in the stars and the unfathomable beauty that drew them in with sweet songs and delightful deals.
"All right, then," Hob hummed, "I shall see you soon, my friend."
"Indeed, and do try to not become completely bewitched before I have the chance to dance with the lady and you," Morphues mused, eyes glinting with something faintly teasing and serious.
He laughed smoothly, despite the way his heart thundered in his chest, "I'd never miss the chance to dance with you."
"Good," Spoke the Dream King with a brief smile as he swept away into the dancing crowds, like a dream slipping through your fingers.
Hob let out a breath and turned to face you again as he strode through the crowds, never once breaking eye contact. The closer he got to you, the greater his heartbeat. He could see your features more clearly now, the shimmering shade of your eyes, the hue of your lips, the glow of your skin.
It was almost as if he had burst out of a forest and onto the shores of a vast, breathtaking sea once he came to a stop before all of your astounding glory. Words seemed to fail him at that moment, he never was a poet.
Luckily for him, you had waited for this moment for so long that you'd practised the words you wanted to say a thousand times in your mind. But even then, the words were difficult to get out, you were blown away by his sheer beauty.
Hob wore colours of gold, his mask twisting around his face like sunlight. He looked wonderous, greater than any painting or song. You were as entranced as you were the first time you'd met him and he who he called his stranger.
You smiled, "I know you are breathless but please do not faint before we've had the chance to converse properly."
Hob breathed in, eyes glinting in amusement, "Of course, my lady."
You couldn't keep the grin off of your face, "And might I know your name?"
"Only if I can know yours," Hob hummed softly.
"Y/n," You responded quickly, watching intently for his reaction.
You saw a flicker of shock and his body went rigid for just a moment,. Recognition glittered in his eyes like newfound hope before dimming. Hob had lived a very long time and had heard many names repeated. But still, he felt his heart flutter for just a second, hearing your name fall from your lips like a divine symphony he hadn't heard in so long.
Finally, Hob managed to find his words and spoke, "My name is Hob, Hob Gadling and might I say your name is beautiful."
You laughed lightly, delighting in the sound of his name, "Why, thank you, Hod Gadling. Now, could I treat you to a dance?"
"I'd love that," Hob smiled and extended his hand for you to take, "Come, my lady, and let everyone see that stunning dress and beautiful face."
You raised an amused brow and placed your hand in Hob's, "I'm wearing a mask."
"And from the parts of your face, I can see, you look magnificent, " Hummed the man, his dark hair spilling around his face in loose curls that you so desperately wanted to run your fingers through.
Quickly, Hob guided you to the dancefloor and with a breath, you two were swirling around the crowds of people. Finding your feet was a practice you were well used to and it seemed that even though ballroom dancing had gone out of fashion, so was Hob. His hand intertwined with yours as his other came to cup your waist tenderly. Your hand gently placed itself on his shoulder and he pulled you closer to him, you could practically feel his breath fanning your face now.
You were in a room full of people, yet you had not felt such intimacy for a long time.
Hob smiled and you saw those soft, enchanting brown eyes gleam. They were just how you remembered, even better. Like swirls of dark whisky, Hob's eyes twirled with age and memories, making him seem more alive than any person in the room. You smiled brightly, heart swelling with the knowledge that after all this time, Hob was still so happy and alive.
Suddenly, Hob twirled you and a joyously bubbled laugh fell from your lips. His hand clenched your waist tightly yet his grasp was gentle. A gaint cradling a bird with the greatest care, as if it was the most precious thing in the world.
You smiled easily, it was natural to be with Hob, to be in his embrace and have his eyes on you. And now that everything was happing again you understood just how much you had missed him and his long-lasting love.
"The light you bring into his world is astounding," You spoke to him, almost without realising it. Hob Gadlign was the sun, all-embracing with his warmth and kindness, everyone was attracted to him but they could never get too close lest they get burnt.
But you would welcome the searing burns of Hob's love without any hesitation. Because to be loved by the sun is to be loved by all of the light in the universe and no pain could compare to that love.
You could see no blush on his cheeks but you did see the tips of his ears go a sunset pink as he stuttered for a moment. A look that reminded you of a warm summer's breeze appeared in his eyes and he spoke in a gentle voice, "And your light drives the darkness away."
"Does it?" You laughed, ignoring the heat rising to your cheeks.
"Yes," He hummed, pulling you into another spin, "You remind me of the moon, even in the darkness of night, your light will shine and guide someone home."
You tried to shake off the sudden bashfulness that had overcome you but to no prevail, "No one has ever spoken about me in such a way."
"And in what way did I speak about you?" Hob questioned lightly, somehow managing to twirl you through the bustling crowds of dancers who were momentarily drawn to the pair of you. A pair so seemingly oblivious to the rest of the world.
Your eyes met Hob's and you swore you saw home, "So earnestly. I am a witch, Hob Gadling, most people who meet me are in search of something and think flattering me will make it easier to obtain. You, however, are not in search of anything. Your words are not sweet lies but the gentlest of truths. The words you speak are truly how you see me and nothing else."
Hob stared at you for a moment before a short laugh fell from his lips and you just barely noticed the hint of grief that ran through him as if he was suddenly alone after spending time with one he loved.
"Do I amuse you?" You questioned gently.
Shaking his head, Hob swallowed, stunning eyes shimmering with mourning so carefully hidden it was like a flower.
Maybe he forced the smile onto his face when he spoke or maybe he didn't but it was there, "No, you just...remind me of someone I used to know a long time ago. All people ever did was ask her for favours. The first time we'd met the only reason she was there was because someone she thought was her friend asked her to."
Lady Johanna Constantine.
You remembered her well and much preferred her namesake, at least she had no desperate lust for the ichor of immortality.
"I see," You hummed, the truth about to spill from your lips.
Hob, however, interrupted you, "I do hate to make this conversation come to a halt but my friend wishes to dance with you."
"What?" You questioned.
Hob didn't answer, merely raising one of your hands to press a kiss there before he spun away from him.
And you collided into another pair of arms.
Suddenly your eyes met another pair that had enough depth in them to encase entire universes. They shimmered like gems beneath a luscious sea and drew you in with the sweetest of symphonies upon the flutter of a butterfly's wings.
Your breath was stolen away in an instant.
Hob's beauty was like coming home after a long day and Morpheus' beauty was that of an adventure that never ended.
Your eyes darted across his face. His skin was so pale it was like the light of stars cupped it. The contours of his face were sculpted by the hands of creation to perfection. Usually untamed, his hair so dark it was like a raven's feather was twisted into a small plat, reminiscent of what it had been like in 1789.
Temptation had never looked so enticing.
"Good evening, miss," Morphues hummed, his voice as rich as red wine.
"Good evening, your majesty. It's wonderful to have you back," You responded lightly, knowing now it was only a matter of time before your identity was revealed, you can't hide anything from dreams, after all.
You saw a flicker of surprise appear in Morpheus' starry eyes and the humbleness in his voice as he lightly inquired, "You know who I am?"
You smiled, dipping your head slightly in a nod, "I am a witch, it is my business to know how this universe works and all the people who play integral parts within it."
A thoughtful hum came from Morpheus and almost like a dream that wisped and whirled, the two of you were dancing among the crowds. His eyes glittered as he stared down at you, asking another question, "Is that how you know my sibling?"
"Siblings," You corrected lightly, you did, after all, know more than one Endless.
Morphues could not hide his surprise this time and yet you found yourself disappointed that his minute expressions were hidden by his mask. And what a glorious mask it was. It looked as if it had been blessed by stars, shimmering with silvers and gold and blacks and purples, it looked like entire galaxies had been painted on it.
It was almost as magnificent as the man wearing it.
"You've met multiple of my siblings?" Inquired Morpheus, his curiosity growing tenfold as natural for he was the Prince of Stories.
You nodded, lips curving into a soft smile, "Well, you can't meet Desire without Despair and a witch always ends up crossing paths with Destiny and making deals with Death. And, of course, one can't attempt millennia-old spells without stepping into the realms of Delirium and Destruction."
Morpheus very nearly came to a halt then, his body going rigid for just a moment as his berry-pink lips parted. You smiled at the innocence of the sight before you, so gentle and free.
The King of Dreams found himself unable to speak for a few seconds, most unnatural to him of all creatures as stories were what he was made of. Then, he managed to speak in a soft, almost whispered voice, "You have met Destruction?"
You hummed.
Of course, the Prodigal had abandoned his duties quite some time ago.
You smiled gently, a far-away look in your eyes, "Yes, a very, very long time ago."
"But- He..." Morphues furrowed his brows and realised you were much more of a riddle than he thought.
You tilted your head, the mischievousness within you giggling in delight, "I am much older than I look, my lord. Much, much older."
"How much older?" Questioned the Endless hurridly, almost desperate for answers.
A laugh came from your lips, your eyes glittering in amusement as you faked an offended gasp, "Oh, my! Don't you know it's rude to ask a woman her age, your majesty?"
Morpheus let out a chuckle as his soft, delicate hands that could have only belonged to an artist ever so slightly tightened against you as he spun you into a twirl. The lights shimmered above you and for a moment Morpheus seemed to have a hale of wonder and enamour around him.
His lips curved like the bow of cupid, and his voice was as soft as the patter of rainfall as he spoke, "Of course, forgive me, my lady. You are like the moon to me and my curiosity compels me to grow closer to you."
You rose a brow, an echo of Hob in your mind as you mused, "I am like the moon? You and Hob are certainly of the same mind."
"How couldn't we be?" Breathed Morpheus softly, rushed, his words enough to make your heart flutter in its joy, "Your eyes are magnetic, astounding, like the light of the lady moon. It's ethereal, it's comforting, it's peaceful. You make people wish for you to be the muse behind all their great inspirations. When people first began to understand the beauty of the moon, they saw you in their dreams."
The blush on your cheeks was heavy, burning against your skin. Tantalising.
Hob was brash with his words but his actions were strong enough that words weren't needed for him to show how he felt. Morpheus' actions were reserved and hidden but his words flowed like the most wondrous stories.
A smile made its way onto your lips, "And when people first began to understand the beauty of the stars, it was you they saw when they dreamt of them."
"Is that so?" Chimed Morpheus, an almost coy look on his face.
Oh, he did like it when people flirted with him.
You hummed, "Certainly. You're beautiful. Your eyes have this far-away look that makes people want to stare at them and never look away. They want to listen to your stories and poems and always hold them to their hearts."
Now it was Morpheus' turn to flush.
You giggled, "Have I made the King of Dreams flustered?"
A playful scoff came from the man made out of starlight, "You remind me of..."
He trailed off, eyes focused intently on you but on you. And you knew exactly what had happened.
Morpheus had finally realised who you were.
His lips parted as he stared at you. The sheer disbelief in his eyes was so strong it was enough to make mountains quiver. Fear built within you, you didn't think your heart could take Morpheus turning away from you. You knew it couldn't. Just like it couldn't take Hob turning away either.
"I-" Morpheus breathed, shimmering eyes laced with tears, "How? This should not be possible and yet I see it within you, your memories of us, your dreams. You look entirely different and yet you are Hb and I's Y/n. But that cannot be, I remember your death."
You smiled, voice so soft it was akin to the beating of a hummingbird's wings, "I did tell you witches sealed with Death, didn't I?"
Morpheus said nothing and you certainly expected him to turn away from you, stride into the night and run away into his realm. You thought he would wrench his arm away from you, refusing to believe you were the same woman he had fallen for.
He came to a halt.
Your heart hammered erratically in your chest.
This was it. He was going to turn away.
Instead, his frantic hands clutched your face as he kissed you.
It was desperate, his hands holding tightly onto your face as if he feared you would disappear. His lips collided with yours with enough force to make rivers gasp and clouds blush. Passion flooded through your veins as his gentle body melted against yours. There was barely enough time to breathe, the brilliance of Morphues against your body was a splendour like no other.
Your lips moulded against his, the softness of them like the pattering of rain, the gentlest of symphonies and the greatest of arts. And Morpheus was an art piece, wondrous and enchanting.
A small sound escaped Morpheus's lips as your hands found his face, gentle and relieved. You had missed the feeling of his smooth, cold skin that had been kissed by the light of stars.
You shuddered against Morpheus as he finally parted his lips from yours, you were reminded of the warmth that came with gazing at clouds.
He rested his forehead against yours. Chest heaving.
"My lord-" You began only for Morphues to cut you off.
His voice was so quiet, barely a whisper upon your skin, "Please. I have not heard my name spill from your lips in so long. Please do not deny me that any longer. Please."
"Morpheus," You breathed gently, fascinated by the wonder of the man before you. So inhuman yet so very human.
"Perfect," He murmured, his eyes glittering with all the love in the universe.
His hand gently moved to clasp yours and suddenly he was pulling you, moving across the ballroom swiftly.
You helped in surprise, "Morpheus!"
Morphues looked at you from over his shoulder, "It would be terribly cruel of me if I stole you away without telling Hob that you've returned to us. Would it not be, sweet crow?"
"Very true, my star," You chirped fondly, easily slipping into hat love you held so close to your heart.
The two of you easily weaved between the crowds easily spotting Hob as his beauty outshined all others. Hob smiled at the pair of you as soon as you met eyes and he never once looked away.
He tilted his head, an almost teasing gleam in his eyes as he chirped, "You two look like you're from a romance movie," His lips curved into a grin, "I never thought you'd be taken so quickly, Dream."
Morpheus lifted a brow, "It is only natural to be taken with Y/n, I remember you being enamoured with her the first time we met."
Hob's smile faltered for a moment, "This is the first time we've met Y/n."
"This is our first time meeting her in this body," Corrected Morpheus lightly, excitement glimmering in his starry eyes.
Hob swallowed, whisky eyes darting between Morpheus and you, "What- What are you saying?"
Morpheus let out a breath, "Her body may be different but her soul is the very same one from all those years ago. She is undoubtedly our Y/n."
You smiled, "Hello, Hob."
"I- Hob choked, "Prove it, please, prove it."
You nodded your head gently, "The first time we met I was only there because Johanna wanted me to render the both of you unconscious if you resisted her but I couldn't do it. You never got angry with me, only smiled and said it was a lovely night for a walk. And so we walked and as the sun began to rise I invited you two to a masquerade much like this one."
Hob's eyes widened.
And just like his counterpart, kissed you with enough desperation to inspire leagues of art.
Firm hands gripped your waist as Hob pulled you closer to him. Soft lips caressed yours like the softest of spring petals. Singing love spun you around like the dearest of symphonies. Hob didn't need to say anything to you because his actions always told you everything. His embrace was like the fondest summer winds.
Your hand came to lay on his thundering heart and you were reminded of just how alive Hob Gadling was. He was like hope, relentless and unchallengeable. He was entrancing in the most comforting of ways.
A low sound came from Hob's mouth, like the crackle of a cosy fireplace. You adored it, consumed by him and his love.
Slowly, Hob parted from you, lips blushing and red as he gasped, "It seems fate has rewarded me in the most brilliant of ways."
You laughed, a gentle thing, as you spoke, "Indeed it has," Then you looked between your two men and rose a brow, "Now tell me, do you two still pretend you haven't danced your way over the line of friendship or have you finally admitted your love for each other?"
The pair stared at each other for a moment before they looked back at you, awkward expressions on their faces. You snorted, hand going over your lips to try and hide your smirk but to no avail.
Oh, your men. Ancient creatures with knowledge long forgotten to the world but they still can't admit their feelings.
You smiled gently, "Don't worry gentlemen, we can sort everything out later, but for now, I do believe you two need a dance together."
Morpheus dipped his head, "Indeed we do."
Hob extended his callous hand, "Dream?"
The King slowly placed his hand upon the immortal's, curling his pale fingers around the rich skin of Hob's. And with cherished smiles, the pair glided towards the dance floor, a complete vision of perfection.
Then, the universe smiled because the sun, the stars and the moon were finally back reunited.
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Tags: @fate-huntress @layla2-49 @asianfrustration13 @true-queen-of-mischief @mxtokko @notabotiswear @marion7s-blog @winxchesters @beautifulbows924 @sidneysdreamland @boofy1998 @thecrazytealady @kisses4kitty @we-love-our-bandz @kittycatcait219 @crimsonabbath @violet-19999 @dreaming-about-fanfictions @silverhart13 @dilf-of-the-endless @tea-effect @bakerstreethound @popcornceilings69 @blu3what @angelphishy @ultimateissuessimp @aliisa-jones
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
Modern Knight
Fandom: The Sandman TV Pairing: Hob Gadling x Fem!Reader Summary: You rushed in and, gathering your courage, you approached the man on the queue. "Excuse me," you spoke only loud enough for him to hear you. Which he did, considering that he turned and you had to swallow the knot that formed in your throat, he was handsome. "I know this is a little forward, but I need a favor, I'll buy you coffee and a pastry if you hold my hand for five minutes." Words: 1062 Notes: For my sister, @mousedetective​. Warning: Mentions of stalking Prompt(s): 6.- Adaptable, I like that from @fictober-event​ Tagging: @8e-h-e8​
Read @ AO3
You swallowed the curse that threatened to burst out of you as you rushed through London in search for a safe space. You had thought that perhaps a vacation was in order after the break-up with your ex and the resulting complication of him turning into a stalker.
But you could not believe that the asshole had followed you to London.
You did not run, but walked at a brisk pace, searching for some place to hide. Ideally, that place would be a women's store. But now since the last incident of him waiting for you to eventually leave the store, you knew that it wasn't safe anymore. Your eyes began to water, all you wanted was to rest and relax damn it.
And then, the warm aroma of coffee went your way. Your head looked inside and noticed that there was a line, and several men inside. Good, your ex never approached you whenever men were around, the coward.
You rushed in and, gathering your courage, you approached the man on the queue. "Excuse me," you spoke only loud enough for him to hear you. Which he did, considering that he turned and you had to swallow the knot that formed in your throat, he was handsome. "I know this is a little forward, but I need a favor, I'll buy you coffee and a pastry if you hold my hand for five minutes."
The man frowned, "Are you okay miss?"
"No." You admitted, seeing no point in lying, specially since you had just asked for help. "My ex is stalking me and I'm afraid."
Anger flashed in the man's face before it was quickly replaced with a smile. "Stand next to me, if it's okay with you, I'll wrap my arm around you. You're safe with me."
You could have cried and quickly did so, the man's arm was heavy and you almost felt like someone had just placed a security blanket around you. "Thank you. I'm Y/N."
The man pulled you closer, "Pleased to meet you, I'm Robert, but please, call me Hob."
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed your ex looking into the coffee shop, which made you couldn't help but to shake in fear. "I'm really thankful, my ex is a nightmare."
"He must be," Hob said. "I can feeling trembling. But do not worry, I'll make sure you make it back home safe. You made a brave choice by asking that favor, and that couldn't have been easy."
"No, it wasn't. And I really appreciate your help."
"Always happy to help."
You two waited for your turn to order, but when you tried to pay, Hob would have none of it. "I refuse to be paid for helping someone in distress." He told you as he guided you into a table so you both could wait for your orders.
"So, that man who is lingering near the door is the source of your distress, I take?"
"Yes. I honestly don't know how he knew I was coming to London. I've been here a couple of day, and then, yesterday I saw him and panicked. And now, here he is." You sighed. "I might have to have a serious talk with my friends... if someone told him..."
Hob nodded. "Yes, I can imagine it must not be easy. I take from your accent you're not from the UK?"
"I'm from LA." At that moment, your order arrived and you both thanked the waitress. "This was supposed to be a fun vacation."
"And now it's ruined."
"Yes." You toasted him with your coffee before taking a careful sip. "But, I met a very nice man who might as well be a modern knight in a shinny armor."
Hob laughed, "Not so much. I simply refuse to be a bystander, much less not offer help to someone so visibly in distress... and it seems that your troublesome ex is going away."
Your shoulders dropped, and you near winced when you realized just how tense you had been. "Oh, thank God." A bite to your scone and a sip of coffee later, you continued. "I know that I've already said it, but I really appreciate your help. For all the bravado he has when I'm alone, he never comes near if there's a man around."
"Sounds like a right bastard."
"He is. I'm just glad I saw the red flags and that he cheated before things got serious."
"That is a relief. And if I may ask, what is it that you do? I myself am an university professor."
"Oh wow, I'm an elementary teacher."
"Ah, I see. Adaptable, I like that."
You laughed, "I have to be. No student is the same, and I refuse to simply shrug my shoulders and ignore if any of my students are struggling. Yes, it's hard, but I'd rather try than not."
Hob gave you a smile that made his eyes sparkle and you to swallow in an attempt to calm yourself down. It had been a while since you had felt such a visceral attraction to anyone. Blissfully ignorant of your turmoil, he said, "Good, teachers like you are needed. I'm sure that your kids love you for it."
It was your turn to smile at him, "I hope so. I know we always are told, 'children are the future', but what kind of future they'll have if we don't try and give them a good foundation."
"That is very wise of you," this time, it was Hob who toasted you. "And very, very true."
And you both ate your pastries and drank your coffees slowly, simply enjoying each other's company, you talked about your respective work areas, favorite things and Hob pretended to be wounded when you said that Shakespeare was one of your favorites, about how you had enjoyed your visit so far, about Hob's passion for history - he spoke of it as if he had witnessed and made it all the more interesting - and many more things more, to the point that you both had ordered more coffee and sandwiches. When it grew late, Hob escorted you back to your hotel and you both exchanged phone numbers and emails with the promise to keep in contact.
If you entered his number on your phone as Hob 'Modern Knight' Gadling, well, he didn't need to know.
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ambercoloredfox · 2 years
A Thousand Wishes
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Summary: One night in 1898, Hob Gadling discovers a wish and a regret, both born out of the loneliness of immortal life.
Pairing: Morpheus x Hob Gadling x f!Reader/OC
Rating: Teen
Notes: *slaps the roof of this fic* This baby can fit so much angst. Yes, if Reynard was played by an actor he'd be David Tennant.
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"You'll catch your death if you stay out in the rain like this."
A wretched low laugh rumbled out of me. If only. He watched me with searching eyes, still trying to piece together the puzzle. My lips curled over my teeth.
"I'll be fine. You should go inside though."
You're more likely to catch death than I ever will. I kept those words hidden and caged to my tongue. Too dangerous to reveal too much.
Gadling paused for a moment, considering something. Then he hopped off the crate. Rain splashed at his feet. In one swift movement he turned to me, holding out his hand.
"Come with me? I could, uh, buy you a drink?"
Still, the effects of it shaped my world like the oceans and mountains shaped the continent. And just like these facts of nature, none of it was my doing. Technically.
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It all happened a very very long time ago. Or so I was told. A thousand dreams that became wishes, shooting stars raining across the cosmos.
Not in this life, anyway.
Though, in some intangible way, I shared the blame. One, One thousandth of it. A fraction, less than one percent, that kept me forever running-- a shark, ancient and deadly, chased by impossibly bigger predators, that forced me to never swim backwards. Only forwards. What was once a predator, turned a petty scavenger just to survive.
Survival looked less and less likely as the decades passed. Strange, that my kind were once thought akin to gods. Though not entirely wrong.
We soon discovered that our apotheosis would not lead us to salvation. Instead, even the best of us was splintered upon that godhood-- shattered like glass turned to sand and cast into the wind. Reincarnation became our only saving grace, though it was just a different form of running. A way to delay.
I wondered, occasionally, if maybe we deserved it for what my kind had done so long ago. Other times I raged against it like a beast in a cage, broken howls of why me and it's not fair, the sound carried on the wind to unhearing ears.
Inside, my soul was ancient. Outside, I was so very young, still a mortal age. The fact clung to me like pink raw skin after a blister. In a world where the smallest mistake could mean ruination, I was drowning in naivety. An adolescent, given wings of copper and tossed into the storm of fate, expected to fly through the thunder.
One day, these wings would catch the wrath of lightning and I would fall, without the promise of death to catch me. Death was too kind for a wretched thing like me.
Who would be the last? I wondered. There were so few of us left. I thought, maybe, to ask Reynard how many we numbered now. I was sure he knew. Yet everytime the question came, it paused at my lips, saturated on my tongue. Did I really want to know?
I wasn't alone. That's all that seemed to matter. I would cling to that fact like a lifeline.
The stink of garbage was repugnant. Rotten fish and banana peels. I wrinkled my nose but carried on, hopping up on the waste barrel like a well deserved throne.
Dark eyes found my own and I froze. The hair on the back of my neck rose. I took a quick mental check of myself, forever doubting, as I was always taught to be careless was to be doomed.
Nothing was amiss. I appeared just as I needed to.
He continued to stare, looking far too closely at what should have been a scene that was not noteworthy to his kind. His eyes were large and round, surprised and confused, as he stood with one foot inside the pub, his body half turned towards me.
Something deep within me recognized that the man who stared was ever so slightly off. My lack of life experience meant I could not pinpoint how. A thing clung to him, or perhaps a lack of one.
We watched each other, recognizing each other's strangeness. I waited for him to make the first move, adrenaline setting my legs like coiled springs.
His eyes darted inside, and then back to me. Then he made a decision. The man moved, his foot sliding back to join the other outside. A hand gripped the doorway, betraying the tension that refused to show in his expression. A warm dark gaze stayed trained on my own as he shifted slowly out of the pub, moving as if trying not to startle me.
All at once, the realization hit me and cemented me in place. Those bright eyes should shine with a bit of immaturity, should've been far less knowing. Instead, settled deep inside was experience. Age.
He was far too old for a normal man.
Yet his scent was unremarkable. Human just as any other.
I should have run. Should have taken my chance to escape. Maybe I was far too naive to know when questions became fish hooks. Curiosity kept me planted in place, just as it drove him step by step closer.
His mouth opened, poised to speak, but the words froze on his tongue. My heart raced like a rabbit in my chest, but the instinct to chase after it, to run away, was muted like the grey sky above.
"There you is, Mista Gadling." A woman purred, strung across the door frame like it was a stage and she was the featured presentation. "I was hoping you'd come by again tonight. Can't resist my womanly charms, can you?"
The rain that had been threatening all day finally broke free from the clouds in a light mist.
A rueful smile tugged at his lips and I caught the beginning of rolled eyes before they shut. He turned back to the door of the pub, his features relaxing into a more pleasant greeting.
"Hello Lou." His profile revealed a half hearted smile. "Should've known you'd be here."
"I'm always here, luv. Now stop watching foxes and come get out of the rain. If you're lucky I might just let ya buy me a pint." She winked at him.
The man named Gadling gave me one last curious glance. I wrapped my tail around my paws and tried to act inconspicuous. It seemed to work. He retreated back into the shelter at the woman's beckoning, turning his back on me.
I let out a breath of relief, yet curiosity still sparked through me, twitching my tail. My eyes stayed on the windows of the building but I gained no answers. Time slipped away from me, trickling like the water that fell from the sky.
There you are. A voice spoke through my head.
I startled, nearly falling from the barrel. Older tawny eyes looked up from under a parked carriage. Reynard looked both ways before darting across the street to join me under the short awning of the alleyway.
We should really move on soon. Too long in one place and something could pick up our scent-- Are you alright?
Any other kind might not have been able to see the worry that plagued him when he looked at me. But he and I were the same. We spoke together in a language that consisted of more than just words, as all our kind did. Our minds grazed past each other, the touch of soft new fur.
I'm fine. I think. The echo of my mind a wisp of thin white smoke.
Reynard hopped up on the barrel next to me, forcing me to make space for him. His keen eyes sought my own. I stared at his bushy tails, pressed tightly together to make the illusion of a singular. Small grey hairs were starting to make themselves known.
What happened?
I wasn't sure how to explain it. So I didn't. It was probably nothing, really. Just some human who saw a fox. That was all. Right?
Kit? His anxiety laced the nickname like arsenic, making my stomach coil.
I finally met his eye. It's nothing. Really.
He did not believe me.
Show me. Reynard demanded, pinning my gaze in place like a butterfly to a board.
I hesitated.
It was enough to spur him into worried action. His experienced will dug into my mind, easily by passing my unskilled defenses. The memory was torn from me for his examination, leaving tattered flashes of images before my eyes. Then, just as quickly, it was over. His mind soothed the frays of my own, petting down ruffled fur.
That is strange. He agreed, turning towards the pub.
His agreement only made me feel worse. Strange was bad. It meant dangerous.
I stuck close to his side, watching as heavy drops of rain collected and splashed on cobblestone. Reynard set his tail around me, both as an apology for forcing his way in my head and as a soothing gesture. I stayed quiet as he thought.
Then, he turned to me, eyes full of mischief that made him seem hundreds of years younger.
You could find out.
I glanced to the pub then back to him. Isn't that dangerous?
His returning thoughts were a hum of acknowledgement. I'll stay right by your side. No harm will come to you on my watch, kit.
Reynard lept from the barrel into an awaiting puddle, making hardly a splash with his graceful movements.
Besides. You need the practice.
Knowing he was right, I followed him and tried to subdue my childish huff of annoyance. It's not like I was bad at it. We stopped in an abandoned alley, made darker by the rainy day.
In the blink of an eye, he grinned down at me in the form of a man, all stretched smiles and lanky height. A form that was easy and familiar to him. All the strangeness that made up our kind was carefully tucked away behind flattened hair and a smart suit.
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It took me a moment longer, trying to get it right. Holding the picture of myself in my mind, then breathing into the form like a meditation. The warm hum of magic seeped into me, the chime of my Gem sounding through my soul. A wish fullfiled. I smoothed down my hair, double checking I had no ears visible.
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"Come on, hurry up!" Reynard said, betrayed by his playful smile.
Reynard frowned at me. "Ah, ah. No."
I blinked at him, then spun, trying to see if my tail was visible. When I found nothing, I raised an eyebrow at him. He pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Context, kit." He admonished.
"I don't understand." I said looking down at myself again.
His hands settled on his hips. "If you're going to present as a woman, you need a skirt. Or a dress."
I glanced down at my pants with a wrinkled nose. It was raining. Why the hell would I wear a skirt?
"Or just be a man." Reynard shrugged.
"That's harder." I whined. He rolled his eyes at my pout. "Fine."
Another wish. Another surge of magic. Then I was dressed in a grey skirt and matching coat, a similar style to ones I had seen humans wear. I gathered some of the skirt in my fist, trying to keep it dry.
"Brilliant!" He grinned, holding out his arm for me to take.
An umbrella appeared in his hand, keeping us both marginally dry as we stepped back into the street. I glanced up at him, a question poised on my tongue.
"Have I always been so short?"
"You know, in all my lives." I muttered the last part of the sentence.
A frown tugged at his mouth and I wondered if I had overstepped. He never got angry at my questions, but sometimes he pirouetted away from the answers as if fearing a strike. Or, annoyingly, he'd answer that I would have to discover in time.
"Well," He drawled, "I can't exactly remember my own past lives. That's part of the trade off. Survive another day, start from scratch."
I nodded and looked back at the street, expecting that to be the end of it.
"But I did meet you. Once." Reynard continued at a mutter, eyes forward. "Goodness, I was young. I want to say, oh, 4 tails ago?"
Mirth filled eyes flashed to my own, his grin easy. "And yes. Just as tiny. Unless you decided not to be. Tricked me good, you did." The grin slid from his face as he turned away. "You taught me a lot."
Reynard's mind was held carefully out of my reach, the act too telling in its own right. Something about a blank face that was too obvious a mask. I let the curiosity of it drop. Just because you had the ability to plunder minds did not mean you would always find treasure there.
Rain dripped streadily from the canvas of the umbrella, no longer a mist. Our shoes clicked noisily on the stone, joining in the cacophony of the downpour.
"How could you tell?"
"Tell what, kit?"
I glanced up at him. "That it was me. That I'm the same soul."
"Ah." His jaw clicked as it snapped shut, a little too animal like. That was the only indication that he struggled with the answer, as his voice flowed from him with ease. "Well, it's all in the eyes, isn't it? Windows to the soul and all that."
I hummed in response, more curious about the words left unsaid. We turned down the street and the pub came into view. I stood a little straighter, all anxiety and raised hackles.
It was said both outloud and placed in my mind. I took a deep breath, mentally checking my form. He caught the flicker of attention that flashed through my mind.
"You look fine." Reynard sighed. "Honestly, give yourself some credit. Most of us never appear so put together at your age."
"Really?" I asked, startled at his confession.
"Really." He smiled back as we strode into the warmth of the pub.
I kept hold of his arm as he steered us to an empty table, not letting my eyes stray too far just yet. Better to keep your cards close to your chest. You never knew who was watching.
Reynard took my coat and took off his own, throwing them both over the backs of our chairs. I sat and tried to appear more relaxed then I felt. My eyes finally drifted freely, careful not to look like I was searching. Reynard waved down a waitress as he sat, somehow arraigning his gangly limbs into the perfect sense of ease, as if he didn't have a care in the world.
I found what I was looking for. The strange man, Gadling, half sat, half leaned over the bar as he spoke to the bartender, unlit cigar twirling in his hand. It hadn't even been cut, I noted, nor did he make any move to do so. A glass of liquor sat hardly touched. As he spoke, he kept himself turned partially towards the door, points of his shoes facing in that direction.
Was he waiting for someone?
Pain radiated up my shin as Reynard gave me a quick kick under the table. I turned to him in surprise, trying to hide my sharp inhale.
"Red, yes?" He said with the slightest tilt of his head towards the waitress.
"Uh." My mind scrambled towards his, floundering like a drowning man. His response was a life raft, his quick memory of the last few seconds pushed into my head. I smiled and turned towards the blonde woman. "Yes, red wine would be lovely. Anything sweet, if you have it."
She flashed her teeth politely and gave something between a curt nod and a curtsy before leaving. I exhaled in relief when her back was turned.
Reynard did not seem amused.
"It's not enough to look the part. You must also act." The words echoed in my head so his voice did not have to raise above a whisper. So he was not overheard.
"Sorry." I muttered. "Just got distracted."
He hummed in acknowledgement, eyes glancing at Gadling before settling back on me. "So. What do you think?"
My head tilted at his question. This whole thing was his idea. "I thought you would know...?"
"Yes. But I want to hear what you think."
Gadling glanced at the door, a flash of nerves across his face. I frowned.
"I think he's waiting on someone." I muttered.
"Good." Reynard broke out in a grin, leaning over the table in his excitement. "And what does that tell you?"
I drummed my fingers on the wood, sensitive ears picking up on every beat and echo. "That he's not alone?" I guessed.
Reynard rolled his eyes. "More than that."
A huff of frustration left my lips. I glanced over again. Dark warm eyes met my own and I, too quickly, looked away in my surprise.
"I dunno." I muttered at the table. My ears strained to pick up his voice among the crowd.
Instead I heard the familiar tapping of the waitress's heels approaching, the scent of her perfume so strong that it arrived long before she did. I matched Reynard's smile at her as she handed out our drinks, but it felt too strained, not fitting right on my face. Her own smile was just as tense.
Did she suspect...?
"Let me know if I can get you anything else ." She told Reynard, looking at him through her lashes.
Lifting his glass to her, he winked, laying on the charm to distract her from me. "Will do, love."
We exchanged nervous glances behind her back.
I hid my emotions behind the large glass of wine, drinking deeply. To be relaxed enough to act normal, while concentrating enough to keep up the illusion of this form, was a difficult balance to master. Hopefully wine would help.
Reynard made it look easy, leaning back in the seat with an arm draped haphazardly over the back.
"Back to the point." He said, slight nod to the strange man in question.
I sighed. "Can I get a hint?"
"Ah, no." His grin was a flash of teeth. "You're already doing so well. Wouldn't have expected you to pick up on anything like this so quickly."
I frowned at him, unsure if that was a compliment or an insult.
His brows lifted, all open honesty painted across his features. "I mean it. His type can be hard to spot, if you don't know what you're looking for."
An opportunity arose and I lept on it.
"And what is 'his type'?"
Reynard flashed his canines, eyes gleaming with mischief. "That's the game, kit. I'm not letting you give up so easily. Now think."
Another huff left my lips and I took a drink.
"He's..." I frowned at the wine. "Old?"
"Yes. Good."
"But he doesn't smell any different. Or look it." The words tumbled out of my mouth as I grasped for understanding. "He just seems... normal."
Words had to be chosen carefully when spoken outloud.
"Except for..." Reynard smiled over his glass.
I thought back to how I had seen him in the alley.
"His eyes?"
"Good. What else?"
"I..." My frown deepened, then I sighed. "I don't know."
"Oh, come on, kit! You've got this!"
Something tugged at the back of my mind, but answers eluded me. I looked back to Gadling, hoping to find what I had missed.
His eyes were already on me, eyebrows pinched together. A chill ran up my spine. My instinct was to dart away, to run from his searching eyes in fear. But the fact was, he was strange too. I clung to it, letting it burn away the chill.
Defiantly, I glared back, refusing to cower. My mind connected to his unconsciousness through our shared gaze, careful not to breach his conscious mind and be found inside his head. We were kindred spirits in our puzzling, half formed question with no answers like driftwood in his mind.
Too quickly, the moment left. A faint blush colored his cheeks and he looked away. Caught staring.
I turned back to Reynard, worry bubbling in my gut. "He knows I'm different."
"Yes. Exactly."
The older fox beamed. I blinked at him. I hadn't meant it to be an answer.
"I don't understand."
His fingers circled the rim of the glass and he smiled with a raised chin. "The man is old. Experienced, you could say."
We stared at each other as I waited for him to finish. Reynard drew it out, stringing me along.
"He's waiting for someone..."
I continued to wait, but he gave no answer.
Instead, he scoffed. "Oh come on, kit! The pieces are all there, you've just got to put them together!"
I huffed in annoyance, draining my wine. This line of thought was getting me no where. Maybe I could turn to something different to find the answer.
"Who is he waiting for?"
The question caused Reynard's smile to slip.
"Dunno." He admitted, finding solace in his drink.
"You don't?"
He hummed thoughtfully through a mouthful of alcohol. "Other than the fact they're like us?"
Surprise shot through me like lightening, mixed with an odd light note. Something akin to hope. Delicate and easy to lose. My mind fumbled to his rather than speak.
He's waiting for a fox?
"Ah, no." His smile didn't reach his eyes. "I just meant something, er, strange."
I refused to let go, holding tight to the feather light butterflies. Hope was not such an easy thing to kill. Yet to hold it was a delicate balance. Too loose and it would fly away. Too tight...
And it falls apart in your hands.
"How do you know?" My voice rose sharply. "It could be. It could be. You don't know it's not."
Reynard didn't meet my eye. Insect wings fluttered in my grasp.
The two of us sat in an uneasy silence. Reynard played with his drink, something serious fraying at the edges of his mind. His eyes stayed down, hardly noticing the prodding of his consciousness I was doing. Whatever was on his mind, it took him far away from here.
His mind was left too unguarded. A wisp of a moment found it's way to me.
You taught me a lot.
I reflected this memory back to him in his mind.
"What did I teach you?" My whispered voice didn't waver, a deadly seriousness. Knife to throat.
Reynard's eyes shut, hand chasing after to cover them. Sorrow broke through the cracks in his carefree facade. He was frozen, petrified and curling inwards.
"Reynard." I hissed, my eyes stinging.
Cool blade against a pulse.
Finally his eyes met mine, joined hand in unlovable hand with a broken watery smile. My grasp was too tight.
"Just you and me, kit."
Hope crumbled like dust to the touch.
A thousand wishes, shooting stars across the night sky. My hand found my Star Gem, grasping still, to keep hope from falling apart. It rang a hollow note, unable to take back the words Reynard had spoken and brought to life like a spell. The dust in my hands became bitter, a denial.
It couldn't be true. It just couldn't. A thousand. A thousand could not be only two. We couldn't be alone. There had to be more. There had to be more.
More than him and I burning against a dying light.
Yet I had never met another.
The truth of it hit me like a physical blow. My grasp on my form faltered, ears turning to points, tail curling around my leg like I could use it to hold myself together. My fists bunched into the fabric of my skirt, breath catching in my chest.
"Hey, hey. Look at me."
Reynard's mind curled around my own, protective, keeping me from falling apart. His hand sought out mine. Tears spilled over when I finally did as he asked.
"It's alright. It's okay." His thumb brushed over my fist. "I'm right here."
"What happened to them?" A broken sob of words.
"They're gone." His voice a whisper. "We've got each other."
"What happened?"
"Just calm down."
"Reynard." The word was more of a whine in the back on my throat. An animal sound.
"You need to calm down, kit."
Everything inside me shook. Nothing felt real. My vision wavered, the world a mirage, dancing shadows upon a cave wall framed by flickering firelight. I pulled my hand from his grasp.
His mind bore into mine, holding it down. A physical weight. Restraining. Forcing me to his will. Like a wild animal I fought against it. I bared my teeth.
A low growl ripped out of my throat.
Shock flashed across his face as if I had struck him. His grip on my mind loosened. I jumped to my feet.
People were staring. Instinctively, I checked my form. I was still intact, but fraying at the edges.
"Sit back down." Reynard ordered, all the gentleness drained from his face, leaving only hard lines and fire.
My own inferno blazed with righteous truth.
"You hid this from me."
The words came from behind sharp teeth.
"Sit. Down."
"You lied to me."
"I hate you."
The words were a bite that drew blood, sank deep into the flesh. Reynard leaned slowly back in his seat, his chin still held high. Too proud in the face of my ruination.
Something inside broke. The world was dark and I was only just seeing it. Even home held nothing sacred.
I did the only thing my kind knew how to do. I ran.
He did not follow.
Rain poured steadily over me and I let myself soak in it, keeping me in my human form. Cold and wet doused flames, leaving nothing but the sound of steps on cobblestone. The streets were nearly empty, sky growing steadily darker as the day came to a close.
I didn't know where to go, so I just kept walking. A chill kept me numb, only my hand warmed by the heat of my Gem. It was a stupid thing to do, to keep such a thing so close to the open.
I couldn't find it in me to care.
By some twist of stupid fate, I ended up back where I started. Walked in a circle. Rain drenched me to the bone. A stubborn fire stoked through me. I would not go back inside.
I sat on the familiar rubbish bin and let my head fall back against the wall, Gem tucked inside my joined palms. No where to go, no where to run.
Ever so slowly, waiting out the time until my wish was claimed. Whatever that meant.
Reynard had spoken so many words, but had told me so little. The truth was like a naked king. Only I had just now noticed, having it pointed out to me. There was so much I didn't know.
And he had been nurturing that naivety. Deliberately keeping me in the dark.
I shut my eyes and let the sound of rain wash my mind away.
"Er, you alright, miss?"
My eyes snapped open, startled that I had let someone sneak up on me. Gadling's warm gaze met my own. I tensed, acutely aware of the Gem in my hands.
"Christ, you're soaked. Come on, let's get you back inside, out of the rain."
His face was too open, too expressive. Honesty was a good disguise for ill intent. My eyes narrowed.
It didn't seem to bother him. He crossed the alley in quick steps, joining me under the awning. Gadling grabbed at his clothes and I tried to prepare myself for anything.
I was not prepared for him taking off his jacket and handing it to me. My eyes stayed trained on him and I made no move to take his offering. His eyebrows pinched together and I felt a ripple of worry from his unconscious mind.
"The, er, bloke you were with. I think he's gone. If it makes you feel better."
It didn't.
Gadling no longer waited for my permission, draping his coat across my shoulders like some long lost act of chivalry. He settled himself on a crate next to me. I blinked at him.
"You'll catch your death if you stay out in the rain like this."
A wretched low laugh rumbled out of me. If only. He watched me with searching eyes, still trying to piece together the puzzle. My lips curled over my teeth.
"I'll be fine. You should go inside though."
You're more likely to catch death than I ever will. I kept those words hidden and caged to my tongue. Too dangerous to reveal too much.
Gadling paused for a moment, considering something. Then he hopped off the crate. Rain splashed at his feet. In one swift movement he turned to me, holding out his hand.
"Come with me? I could, uh, buy you a drink?"
I searched his unconscious mind, his easy smile raising alarm bells. All I found was a faint echo of the blush that tinged his cheeks. His free hand found his neck to soothe his nervousness.
"If that's okay with you, I mean."
His expression only reflected what was in his subconscious mind. Honesty. It was not a thing I was used to.
Was that part of what made him strange?
Curiosity seized me in it's iron grip. Slowly, I closed one hand around my Gem to hide it and placed the other in his upturned palm. His smile broke free from anxiety like rays of sunlight through a storm cloud. Gently, he helped me to my feet.
Inside, we found a table next to the fireplace, Gadling pulling out my seat for me. He didn't ask for his jacket back and made no comment about the steady drip of my clothing. I watched him with the same attention someone would give a transcript of a foreign language, trying to parse meaning from unknown words. Surprisingly he didn't shy away from the attention, seeming to bask it and return with his own wonder and curiosity.
"I'm Robert, by the way. Robert Gadling."
Ever distrustful, I pondered if that was his real name. After all, who would be foolish enough to give their true name to someone they suspected was not entirely human?
His smile faltered a little at my silence, then picked back up as he leaned in towards me. "You know, it's generally considered rude to not give your name when making introductions."
Oh. Was that his game, then?
"Is it?" I asked, my smile all fangs.
I caught the tail end of surprise flash by in his mind, a quick passing thing. Something began to awaken there. Some form of understanding that I quickly had to correct.
"You can call me Kit." I offered. A false olive branch to lie about the existence of the shore.
"Kit?" He asked his eyebrows raising, head tilting as his eyes drank me in. "Is that short for... Catherine, perhaps?"
Odd name, his mind rang out. Nearly as open as his expressions.
"Sure." I hugged my arms close to my body.
"Well, Kit. Pleasure to meet you." A smile as warm as the fire at my back. "Let's get you something to warm you up, yeah?"
More alcohol. I didn't quite care for it. The burning of magic inside me was enough to stave off the worst of the chill.
Robert spoke in polite pleasantries. Small talk, nothing of importance. Yet I listened with rapt attention, trying still to figure out what was so odd about him. My subdued answers seemed to only open him up more to continue to chatter.
So I began to prod.
"Do you normally pick up strange women sitting in the rain?" I asked.
He blinked a bit, smile just short of happy. "Not normally, no. But I make an exception when they look as if they're about to let themselves drown in it."
I hummed softly into my drink. Really? Was that to only reason? Out of the kindness of his heart?
Certainly hard to believe that to be the whole truth.
"Listen," Robert said, shifting a bit in his seat. "I don't mean to pry. But I couldn't help but notice what happened earlier. Whatever happened with your husband--"
"Husband?" I snapped incredulously.
"-- or fiance. Significant other?" Robert shook his head. "Doesn't matter. Point is you can't go running around on the street alone. 'S not safe these days. Especially after dark."
"I can take care of myself." I bit out. His gaze still stayed steady on me. "Besides..."
My mind was still stuck like a hiccup on his assumption of mine and Reynard's relationship.
"He's not my." My nose wrinkled in protest at the word. "Lover. Or anything."
"Oh?" His hands busied themselves with the still unlit cigar, desperate for a distraction. "Then, ah, what. Is he?"
The words came stilted and halting. I looked for a double meaning in them, but only found that faint blush rising once more on Robert's face. Head tilted down as if trying to hide it, but eyes drifting back up to mine.
"He's..." I paused, trying to find a way to translate 'kin' into something more human. "My brother." The answer finally found me and settled in the air. Close enough.
"Oh. Oh, okay." More breath than words. A spin of the cigar.
"And I hope I never see him again." I added.
The cigar dropped on the table. "You can't mean that. Not really."
"I do."
Robert settled his arms on the table, muscles strained tight, a war raging inside him. Eventually something won.
"Look, I know you don't know me, but trust me. You can't let anger get the best of you." Age and wisdom were set bone deep in his intense gaze, once more telling of his strangeness. "Life's too short to hold grudges."
I pondered his words, brow raised.
"Is it?"
He startled like easily freightened prey and covered for it, badly, by busying himself with finally cutting his cigar.
"It is." He muttered. "The only thing we've really got in this world is each other. Other people. Best not to let that go to waste."
Robert's words were said with the sincerity of an oracle, whispered with reverence to things untold. I didn't argue. Unknowingly, he had said something that was far too true.
Two of a thousand stars left hanging in the dead black sky. The darkness of it settled in the pit of my stomach.
My mouth tried to run from it, a familiar path.
"So, what brings you here?" I asked, leaving no escape from the change of subject.
His smile was the rays of dawn chasing away a night sky. Robert straightened, filling with some lightness that he did a bad job of hiding.
"I'm meeting someone."
"An old friend. Ah, well, I say friend..." He touched his earlobe, a nervous tick.
"Hm?" It came out more of a chirp than a hum as curiosity sparked under my skin. My head tilted, ears threatening to perk up past my form.
"Nevermind. Just someone I see. On occasion."
"But not your friend." I raised an eyebrow again.
"More an..." His mind flitted past the word stranger. "Acquaintance."
Answers were tantalizingly close, salivating in my mouth. I did my best to seem at ease, rather than the called to attention predator I was, nose pressed to the ground as I followed the trail. I cultivated an air of plausible deniability.
"What's his name?" I asked, sipping my beverage but not tasting it.
Robert's mouth open and he froze. His brow furrowed, looking away as he searched for answers. My mind pounced on his, teeth finding unguarded prey.
Never did find out his name last time. Christ, 500 years and I'm still calling him 'The Stranger'.
Everything snapped into place.
His eyes shot back to mine.
"You're immortal."
That's why he was so old. Why he was still human, nearly unremarkable in that fact. Why he seemed just barely touched by the strangeness hidden in the dark corners of the world, just to know that it exists. Why he was waiting for someone.
He had made some deal with an entity for eternal life.
"Wh-what?" Robert's face paled as a false smile affixed itself to his face. "I'm not sure what you mean."
The words were carefully placed banners, tattered in the harsh winds of truth. I had my answer now. Yet my burning curiosity only grew to a wildfire.
I leaned closer, chasing him as he moved back. My eyes shone with my eagerness. "How did you do it? What kind of deal did you make?"
His whole body was tense, the taste of pond water like physical presence in his mind. Then he blinked, and all the tension melted away. His expression suddenly mirrored my own. Robert leaned closer, looking at me with new eyes.
"You're like me." He breathed.
The words were a quick extinguish to internal flames.
Robert grinned like the devil. "Yes you are."
I could not be pushed any further back in my seat, though I still tried. A predator that had become prey. His hand found mine on the table, trying to ground me.
"Don't be frightened. You're not the first I've met."
Finally I stilled, my lungs no longer taking in air.
"I'm not?"
His smile rounded out with softness. "No."
Logically I knew, I knew, that he did not mean what I was thinking. But my fresh grief had hands and clung to anything within reach. Fingers wrapped around his wrist.
Robert shifted slightly in his seat, the two of us still connected by held hands. His eyes darted away for a moment, then leaned back towards me again conspiratorially.
His eyes crinkled and he let out a breathy laugh. "Year I was born." It was said so quietly that if I had human ears I might not have heard.
He was nearly as old as Reynard.
A pause, a nervous tick, before Robert got past his hesitation and asked. "What about you? How old?"
Something in me felt small and weak at this new found revelation. I hid my naivety in buried words.
"Older than I look. Too young to know better than to pursue curiosity."
His brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"
I hummed softly, glancing at our joined hands. "It's dangerous to chase the unknown."
Robert followed my eyes. Somehow he got closer, warm breath brushing past my face. "Maybe I'm alright with a bit of danger."
Our eyes met, something charged and unspoken settling in his gaze. I was the first to look away.
This felt upsidedown. Of course, I wasn't inexperienced, having used seduction plenty before as a tool of survival. This was different. Heat crept into my cheeks.
Suddenly he let go, jumping back as if he had been caught committing some crime. I tried find his face, but he was looking away.
"Is your brother older than he looks as well?" Robert asked, a slight tilt to his head.
"Yes. Why--?"
Both a voice in my head as well as outloud. I jumped and spun around to see what Robert had been looking at. Reynard's stood with all wired tension, stance wide as if ready to bolt.
"Time to go." Energy rippled across him, unseen to the human eye, all heat and electricity. "Now."
I crossed my legs and picked up my glass. "I'm not finished with my drink." I said cooly.
Reynard's hands slammed into the table. "This is not a game."
Something is coming.
I tried to find meaning in his gaze, but only found open raw fear, festering with years of experience.
"You should calm down, my friend." Robert tried to soothe.
Fear turned to anger like dark clouds illuminated by lightning. Reynard got in his face, his voice a growl. "Hold your tongue, you pathetic little worm."
"Stop it." I grabbed the shoulder of his jacket and turned him back towards me. What's coming?
Now is not the time, was the only response.
"I can see now why your sister ran away from you. Are you always so unpleasant?" Robert had the calmness of a man who was far too sure in his own abilities. Mistaking the viper for a vine.
"You do not understand the meaning of unpleasant." Reynard bit at him. I prodded his mind only to find a scream of pure panic. It ignited my own.
I had never seen Reynard panic before. Worried, distressed, fearful? Yes. Panicked? Never.
He grabbed me and hauled me out of my seat. I tossed Robert's jacket back to him. "Thank you for the drink, Mr. Gadling."
Robert glanced between the two of us. "Are you going to be alright? Maybe I can walk you to the door?"
"I think you've done quite enough." Reynard growled, his grip tight on my arm. My questioning look was ignored.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Robert asked, unable to hide a wounded expression.
Reynard didn't wait for him to finish the question before tugging me away. Robert stood in a half hearted attempt to follow us, but something caught his gaze out the window. Our eyes met, his expression torn. Then he moved towards the front of the pub as we slipped out the back.
A grip that was more claw then hand dug into my arm. Rain splashed at our feet as we walked.
"What was that about?" I asked.
"Keep moving."
"I haven't stopped. Answer me."
"Not now."
I tore my arm from his grasp, spinning on my heel towards him. "Then when?" I asked, teeth bared.
"When we're somewhere safe."
Reynard went to grab me again but I stepped away. His expression darkened. I didn't care.
"We are never safe." I echoed old words back at him. One of the first things he taught me.
His response was a flash of teeth through spat out words. "Now less than ever."
"I deserve to know! Stop treating me like a child!" I shouted at him. I pressed my will into his mind to try to pry an answer from him.
"You are a child."
I found that he honestly believed his words. It knocked the wind from me.
He didn't stop. Each word was spat like venom from his mouth, slowly escalating into shouts.
"Only one tail-- not even a hundred years old yet. Never been through a trial, never had to survive the Dreaming. But you're so damn cocksure that you can figure it all out! That there's some solution beyond survival! But there's not! There's only this!"
We watched each other, his chest heaving, neither sure whether the water on our faces consisted of rain or tears.
"Your kindness is going to kill you, Kit." Reynard choked on the words.
I shook my head, water splashing into puddles below. "You told me we can't die."
He took a step towards me. "And you don't understand how much worse that is."
"Because you won't tell me!" The words were all growls and barks, forced into his head in my fury. My hands found his chest and I shoved him, hard. He stumbled backwards.
I didn't wait for him to recover. My human form dissolved in a puff of smoke and I ran.
"Kit! Kit!" His voice faded behind me.
Darting through the rain, I turned through the streets with the intention of losing a pursuer. Water helped to mask my scent. I doubled back twice, keeping my path unclear.
Climbing on top of a roof, I was lost on what to do. Reynard was never going to listen to reason. I could never figure out the mystery of my existence with the small scraps he threw my way. But I had to know more. I had to learn.
It was my life. Didn't I deserve to understand why I suffered the way I did?
I thought back to what Reynard had told Robert. I think you've done quite enough. What had he done?
Something is coming.
What had been coming? How could it possibly have been Robert's fault?
Drops of water fell rhythmically from my muzzle. I watched them go, plummeting all the way to the ground. The phantom of warmth could still be felt in my hand that had been held.
Maybe there had been something about Robert I had missed. Then again, danger clearly lurked back from where I came.
Maybe I'm alright with a bit of danger.
One thing was certain. I wasn't going to find answers here.
Puddles splashed noisily as I trotted back to the pub. In the alley, I shook rain from my coat before turning human again. Just as I had manifested the form, I heard shouting.
"Tell you what!"
The voice sounded familiar.
"I'll be here in a hundred year's time!"
An echo of Reynard's panic kept me cautious. I peeked around the corner.
"If you're here too it'll be because we're friends!" Robert shouted at the back of an approaching dark figure. "No other reason, right?"
Hands grabbed around me, clamping over my mouth and stealing me back into the black alley.
Don't move. Don't think. Don't even breathe.
The familiar scent of Reynard wrapped around me. His hand trembled over my face.
The dark figure passed us by. My eyes widened. I was a tiny fish, only big enough to recognize the shadow of a collosal predator as it swam above.
Neither of us moved, too scared we would be seen. The rain became an obstacle, hiding footsteps from our straining ears. I wasn't sure how long we stayed petrified.
Slowly, Reynard released his grip on me. His eyes stayed trained on the point where the stranger had disappeared from view. I glanced in the other direction. Robert was long gone.
I don't understand. What... I licked my lips, too nervous to speak out loud. Who was that?
Tawney eyes pierced my own. The King of Nightmares.
His words didn't match the facts as I had seen them.
But... He was the one who gave Robert immortality?
Don't try to understand the decisions his kind make. Reynard answered. They obey no reason but their own.
His kind?
No thoughts came in return. I recognized the half answers I had received. More scraps thrown to keep me off the table.
Who exactly was he? Why were you so afraid of him?
A darkness grew across his face, all thorns and poison. He is one of the most powerful beings in all of creation.
Another half answer.
How do you know that? How do you know who he is?
I watched him shove his hands in his pockets. Hiding. Always hiding things.
What aren't you saying, Reynard?
Reynard began to turn and walk away, the opposite direction of where the stranger had been. I caught his arm before he could go.
Tell me.
He didn't answer and he didn't move.
I deserve to know. Answer me.
Face tilted up to the rain, Reynard closed his eyes.
Who is he, exactly? What is he to us?
Finally, finally he answered. A shaky turmoil of a response. A monster carefully let loose in fits and starts, lest it bites at the liberator.
Dream of the Endless.
I didn't understand. My mind turned towards shooting stars and a warm Gem well hidden on my person. Reynard caught my thoughts like fireflies in a jar.
His eyes opened and slowly he turned towards me, hand retreating from the depths of his pocket. Between his fingers shined the light of his Star Gem. He held it up to me.
In all my years of life I had never seen it. The fact that he revealed such a thing to me now only highlighted the severity of the thoughts that he communicated.
Who do you think we stole these from?
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ohraicodoll · 1 year
First Kiss
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Hob Gadling x Reader   1st POV/ 1.3k Words (References to Hob/Reader/Dream poly relationship) Sandman Writing Masterlist
I never expected to love two people at once. To be with two people at once. But then again, one was hardly even a person and more a being and the other was immortal so life was full of surprises. Navigating it was both strange and not. Kissing was familiar and not.
I’d come home and both men would be there in the kitchen talking. Morpheus would be the first to pull me in and kiss me hello, lips almost a slow drag against mine like always but fingers tight on my skin, and then Hob would turn me playfully to also kiss hello. His lips were warmer and held a hint of a smile, pressing eagerly against mine. I was always left slightly dizzy, going one to the other like jumping from a hot tub into a freezing pool. Shocking but pleasant. It wasn’t like when we all had sex and there were hands everywhere and I was drowning in pleasure too much to keep grounded. I felt everything in those small moments, the small kisses. Happiness, ease. Two men that loved differently separately and together. Dream loved to press his forehead to mine, loved the intimacy of the small act, and would kiss my brow, our breath mingling together and eyes burning into mine. He gave the appearance of loving softly, slowly, but there was always fire underneath the surface. Eyes that burned, fingers that dug into flesh, tight and unyielding. Hob liked to rest his head in the crook of my neck, holding me closely against his chest while he just breathed me in and relaxed. His laughter and smile put everyone at ease, but he was so smart and quick. Calculating. Able to take everything in and adjust, letting me take the lead or guide either of us when we seemed out of our element. He never pushed and for a person who called himself selfish, was entirely selfless when it came to us. They were so different but so similar. But the first time Hob kissed me without Morpheus being present, I found myself hesitant. Even though I’d been staying with him as a roommate for months, had been close to him and considered him one of my best friends, had kissed him before and done much more than that, I was caught off guard. It didn’t happen in a grand romantic gesture or with intention. We were on the couch together, me helping him grade papers from the latest exam he’d given out when I stood to go grab a drink from the kitchen. His hand had snagged mine before I could get out of range and he’d pulled me back, stretching up to capture my lips in a kiss. It’d been so innocuous, so casual and instinctual as if it were part of our normal routine. And in a way it was and it wasn’t. It didn’t feel wrong at all, but I felt myself almost freeze as the notion that Dream wasn’t there flashed in my mind. Like a car missing a wheel and off kilter or a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Hob seemed to sense my tensing and pulled back a bit, honey brown eyes dark with worry and hesitation, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to catch you off guard. Should I have asked? I probably should have asked-” “No, it’s okay,” I cut him off, twisting my hand to return the hold and keep him from pulling away. He was still sitting on the couch, papers scattered around him and neck stretched up to reach me as I stood at his knees. His long hair was pulled up into a messy bun with strands sticking up everywhere, a red pen tucked behind his ear, and wire glasses half down his nose. He was always attractive, but when he was relaxed and rumpled and completely casual I found him extra captivating. I knew he could sense my nerves, my hesitancy. I hadn’t told him I loved him yet even though he had told me, having had a wall up between us for a while to make sure I didn’t cross any lines with Dream. But that was before we became three and I could feel it slipping down as it sunk-in that this was okay. It was okay to kiss him back without the dreamlord present, that it was okay to have a relationship with him that was just the two of us alongside the one that involved all three. That’s how this worked. We were separate and all together in the way I was still with Dream. And so I slowly pushed my way between his knees to stand closer and bent down, free hand trailing fingers along the scruff at the line of his chin. His breath hitched and he closed his eyes, hand tightening in my grip. It was almost intoxicating seeing that reaction. So often I found myself unsure, letting them both guide me and at their mercy. Seeing his reaction in turn was new and strange. My heart was beating fast in anticipation and I had to repeat to myself that this was okay. I loved Morpheus and it was okay to love Hob as well. I remember the first time I kissed him forever ago in my old apartment and what he had said when I was nervous about being with both of them. “You know him and you know me. No one’s changed and you’re safe with both of us. Absolutely nothing to get nervous about…” So finally, I let the barrier drop. 
My lips touched his and he sighed into my mouth at the contact, not pushing for more but savoring the soft caress of our lips. The intention was clear that he was letting me lead on this, letting me do what I needed to at my pace. My hands cupped his cheek and I sank everything I felt into kissing him, breath hitching and eyes closed as I savored the fast beat of his heart underneath my fingertips. This was Hob. Hob who loved me and made me laugh and liked to pick small fights because we were both stubborn and he liked seeing me be passionate. Hob who brought me tea every morning and made room in his home even before we were really together and would move the world itself if me or Dream needed anything. Hob who was patient and kind and loved with all his heart even after having it broken over and over the past six hundred years. He was right. I was safe with him, both of them. And I didn’t want to hesitate any longer. I kissed him more urgently, breathing him in, and as if sensing the shift in me Hob let go of his own hesitation. Following my lead. He yanked me fully into his lap and smiled against my lips as I let out a surprised squeak, knees on either side of him. His chuckle rumbled through his chest and I couldn’t help but laugh back, throwing myself into deepening the kiss enthusiastically. My arms wrapped around his neck and his hands rested on the curve of my waist, bracing me above him. Distantly, I could feel the papers under my knees getting crinkled and the red pen behind his ear tumbling. “This okay, sweetheart?” Hob asked, pulling back enough to meet my gaze. I smiled, heart swelling, and nodded, chewing on my bottom lip. Fingertips brushed the loose strands of his hair at the base of his neck and Hob smiled, scrunching his nose, “Feels a bit odd doing this without our friend here, eh?” I chuckled and shrugged, “Yeah, but it’s okay. I want you two to have time without me and I think he’s more than happy to have us together. I wouldn’t have agreed to this if I didn’t like you too, even without him.” Hob grinned, “Oh, so you like me?” I rolled my eyes and grinned back, taking in the way his eyes danced and lightened, “Yes, you dummy, I like you.” And I pressed my lips back to his, if only to stop the smug smile and slight laughter coming from him. 
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emomensimp · 2 years
When your emo boss ghosts everyone
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solannn · 3 months
Ok... so I saw you write for tgfc and I was like🤭🤭🤭🤭
So here is my request! Muahahaha
Hua cheng x male!God reader (like idk he is the God of the sun or sum )
Just Hua cheng being sosososos down bad the the reader that he likes (yk how he is with xl) and he is just like that with the reader and he even makes him hairpins of gold with little stars (since he is the reader is the God of the sun he wears so much gold and he loves to dress himself up in gold hair pieces smt like this
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) and hua cheng made it himself and he is super inlove and anxious what the reader thinks
(It's ok if you don't wanna do it tho 😔)
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⭐️┆ ╰┈➤ 𝜗𝜚 ┈ The Sun proposed to the moon and the Moon, know 。—
⭐️┆ ╰┈➤ ┈ warnings : male reader, fluff, fem dni, ooc hua cheng..
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• you’re the god of Sun, you would always shine by wearing shiny accessories that reminds you of the sun.
• hua cheng was definitely the moon to your sun, he loved the way you are, your voice, your smile, he just loved everything about you
• This man is definitely whipped for you. He could do anything for you, you have wrapped him around your finger
• if you have any problem with a god he’ll help you, any struggles with a mission? Hua cheng is there for you
• he’s protective of you, he doesn’t like to see hurt, injured.
• he def like tease you until he makes you blush (his heart flattered him seeing you like that)
• he had an amazing idea of give you hairpins golden to match your style, your clothing.
• he knew it would match you, thought of the idea randomly
• he wanted to made it himself, with little stars since the sun was also a stars.
• he was anxious when he wanted to give you the hairpin, he thought that you wouldn’t like it or just anxious about your thinking but he decided to show you anyway ^_^
The long haired male was waiting for a certain person to show up. He waited patiently his friends, no even more than friends, a crush. Hua cheng was a little nervous, he didn’t know if you’ll appreciate it or not. His thought were cut by someone’s presence, this person was [Name]. His shining and hopeful [eyecolor] eyes makes his heart flatter even more then before. The male walked to him, with smile across his soft face. "Hi, Hua cheng, you wanted to see me right ?" He assured, his sweet voice was a melody to his ears, he could listen to it forever "Yes,[Name] I just wanted to give you something" he stated, he seemed calm but inside, his anxiety was eating him up. "Oh ! Really what is it ?" He happily said as Hua Cheng give him the gift. There was no words for few seconds, only the silence. He didn’t like it ? At least that’s what the ghost thought, until he felt a pair of hands wrapping his waist making him surprised a bit "it’s so beautiful !" The other male said. "I’ll cherish it and wear it everyday !" He smiled, and failed to notice the faint blush on hua cheng’s cheeks. "Did you make it yourself ?" He asked, curiously as an answer the ghost hummed
• love laugh live whipped hua cheng
A/N : it’s been in my box for a while so here is it !!
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roguelov · 9 days
do you know that trend where women refer to their boyfriends as their husband, even though they're not married yet?
y/n doing that with dream and hob would make them melt😭
ps: have fun on your camping trip!! <333
Uuugghhh my poor baby heart these mens would so melt
You call them your husband and Hob immediately refers to you as his wife like doesn’t skip a beat and doesn’t even truly cross his mind that you three aren’t married yet but it hits him later on. He just dead stops like ‘… wait a minute’ then melts on the spot and truly wants you to keep calling him your husband (maybe he finds you later and purposely calls you his wife to hear you call him your husband)
You call Dream your husband and this man is gone. He turns his head blinking at you, replaying your words over and over ensuring his heard you correctly then looks away clearing his throat to hide his embarrassment and flushed cheeks. He’ll play it off like ‘but we are not married’ (with a heavy silent ‘yet’ tagged on the end). And you just giggle and say ‘well you are my husband, and so is Hob, I can’t see myself with anyone else’ and Dream is melting and crying in the inside
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zoeysdamn · 11 months
The Sandman Masterlist
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There shall be night | Morpheus x priestess fem!reader | Serie | [COMPLETE]
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||Angst | Slow burn | Mentions of blood, death and religious themes | smut (*)||
Synopsis: There used to be a time where gods were worshipped by mortals, way more than the modern times ever could. Those times were the era of temples and devoted beings, of prophecies and offerings. Back then in Ancient Greece, even before Dream of the Endless married Calliope, he discovered his first devotees.
Part.5 (*)
Part.8 (*)
Bonus parts: 
There shall be art | Morpheus x priestess fem!reader | One shot |
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||Established relationship | Fluff||
Synopsis: On a rare day-off, Morpheus, his wife and Death are visiting a museum, recalling all the centuries they went throught.
[Read it here!]
Forget me not | Morpheus x priestess fem!reader (minor) | One shot |
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||Established relationship | Fluff | Minor angst | brother-sister dynamic||
Synopsis: When Lyra the young daughter and Morpheus and (Y/N) accidently wanders in an unwelcoming part of the Dreaming, she finds herself encountering the darkest creatures of the realm. Among them, a familiar blonde nightmare with dark binoculars and a knack for threatening child’s bullies.
[Read it here!]
Terrible thing | Morpheus x fem!reader, Hob x fem!reader, Morpheus x Hob | Serie | [COMPLETE]
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||Angst | Slow burn | Poly relationship | smut (*)||
Synopsis: The way he kissed her reminded her of how soft and naive she had been when she became someone's other. Not in a bad way though, and she responded to his passionate and gentle affection with equal fervor. She had been seeking Hob Gadling's company out of a hurt heart and hateful tears. Yet, why was every single of their kisses a painful reminder of the confusion where her heart belonged? None of theirs was truly free, and at some point they both knew it. So she closed her eyes, and against her better judgment let the vision of starry eyes fill her mind as Hob's warm hands cradled her close to him.
Part.3 (*)
Part.4 (*)
Crack headcanons and thoughts
Dream of the Fab 
The Sandman x Hamilton crossover nobody asked for
Cinnamon roll alignement chart 
Johanna, no 
Hob Gadling and the art of making immortal jokes
Confused™ Dream of the Endless
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wingedsirens · 10 months
spiderverse twitter 19!!!!!!!
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a/n: i considered leaving for a guy who hates money
taglist: @autismnation @scarthefangirl @cerria @starsval @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @seriously-citrus @heretofollowblogsilike @mixedfandomer @darksidescorner @ayoushs-stuff
ⓒ wingedsirens2023— do not steal, copy or translate
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kpopgirlbtssvt · 3 months
Omggg Sandman peeps!! Imagine this-
Morpheus x Gadling!fem!human!reader where she is in her 20s and is Hob’s daughter (who was born years after 1989 when Morpheus “stood up” Hob when he was trapped), but Morpheus doesn’t know that she’s Hob’s daughter when they meet, and Y/n doesn’t know that her Dad knows Morpheus. And they end up starting to date and are in a serious relationship with each other. Hob doesn’t know that his close friend is dating his daughter either. They both find out when Y/n invites them to the New Inn to “meet” each other and they’re both like, “???”… Dream would be like, “You [Hob] are her father??” and Hob is like, “Really, my daughter???” Y/n is like, “You both know each other??”
@dragon-kazansky @gh0stsp1d3r @roguelov @missdreamofendless @honeybeezgobzzzzz
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spaceagerabbit · 2 years
gotta say, the more i think about hob gadling, the more i’m delighted by the entire concept of his character
here’s this man sat in a tavern and someone (who is as powerful if not more powerful than the gods themselves) offers him eternal life and this guy fucking goes “sure, see you in a hundred years lol”
and then he does
and that’s not even the best part
hob doesn’t even really question dream heavily as to why he’s still alive, he just talks about all of the (quite normal) stuff he experienced as time passed by and new things were created (i.e. chimneys being invented, better clothes, roads being made, etc.)
and they meet again, over and over
and hob gadling, a man who is arguably the best friend of an immortal and endlessly powerful being, a man WHO WAS MADE IMMORTAL AND CAN’T DIE (but can be harmed or captured), doesn’t even really have an agenda other than “let’s see what new stuff everyone comes up with”
that’s all. that’s it.
just a human gifted with eternal life being a normal everyday guy
the absolute best part is that he fucking loves it, he loves having eternal life and even when he hit absolute rock bottom in the 1600s, he still wanted to keep living because he STILL wanted to see what else his fellow humans had planned
hob gadling, immortal human, is the most delightful every day joe that i have ever seen
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