#Hodgkin's lymphoma
harpers-tartarus · 2 years
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anxiousgirl24 · 1 year
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Four years ago I rang a bell just like this one to signify that I had completed chemo therapy. I kicked Cancer's ass and I will always be proud of myself for that!!
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vitc-killscancer · 2 months
Are you interested in the NF-kB and STAT3 pathways?
Look no further...Here is a PDF version of Curcumin's role in future studies; how it inhibits these pathways and what effects it carries on Hodgkin's Lymphoma cells.
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drforambhuta · 7 months
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Treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma is highly personalized and contingent on several factors, including disease stage, patient age and health status, and tumor characteristics. The treatment modalities encompass:
Chemotherapy: This method employs potent medications to eradicate or inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells. It is frequently the primary intervention for Hodgkin's lymphoma and may be administered alone or in combination with other treatments.
Radiation Therapy: High-energy beams, such as X-rays or protons, are used to target and eliminate cancer cells. It can be utilized independently for early-stage Hodgkin's lymphoma or alongside chemotherapy for more advanced cases.
Immunotherapy: This innovative approach harnesses the body's immune system to identify and combat cancer cells. Checkpoint inhibitors like pembrolizumab and nivolumab have demonstrated effectiveness in treating recurrent or resistant Hodgkin's lymphoma by targeting specific proteins on cancer cells.
Stem Cell Transplantation: Reserved for patients with recurrent or high-risk Hodgkin's lymphoma, stem cell transplantation involves replacing diseased bone marrow with healthy stem cells, sourced either from the patient (autologous transplant) or a donor (allogeneic transplant), to restore normal blood cell production.
Targeted Therapy: These drugs precisely target molecular pathways critical for cancer growth and survival, offering a more precise and less toxic alternative to conventional chemotherapy. Although not yet standard for Hodgkin's lymphoma, ongoing research is investigating their potential advantages for certain patient groups.
There are many good hospitals in Mumbai where you can undergo successful treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma. For example, you can undergo a regular full body health checkup at Jaslok Hospital Mumbai to detect conditions like Hodgkin's lymphoma early and undergo appropriate treatment for the same.
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qdnurses · 2 years
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NCLEX Review: 8 Differences Between Hodgkin's & Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Under a microscope, a doctor can determine if a patient has Hodgkin's lymphoma or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by looking at the cancer cells. The lymphoma is categorized as Hodgkin's if, upon inspecting the cells, a certain form of aberrant cell known as a Reed-Sternberg cell is seen. The lymphoma is categorized as non-if Hodgkin's if the Reed-Sternberg cell is absent.
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vplumbobber · 2 years
So for the past year I have been struggling with medical issues and have just recently been diagnosed with State II Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I have included the GoFundMe below which my mother created for me and I am not here to beg for money but would appreciate any help I can get. Please reblog and message me, whatever you can to help a fellow simblr, thank you guys!
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rofax · 1 year
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Since I'm "on the other side" of cancer for now, I feel like I can make jokes about it without jinxing everything.
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wheelie-sick · 3 months
y'all with autoimmune diseases ever worry you'd miss something serious like cancer because your symptoms would mask it
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
A clinical trial that included both adolescents and adults with advanced Hodgkin lymphoma shows that 94% of the patients treated with an experimental immunotherapy plus chemotherapy were cancer-free or had no progression of disease after one year. The results are likely to change standard treatment for this type of cancer, says Jonathan Friedberg, director of the University of Rochester Wilmot Cancer Institute. He is senior investigator of the study and chair of the lymphoma committee at the SWOG Cancer Research Network, which designed the S1836 trial as a part of the National Cancer Institute-funded National Clinical Trials Network. “We hypothesized that the newer treatment would turn out to be most beneficial for patients,” Friedberg says, “but the magnitude of the benefit exceeded our expectations.”
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Idk if anyone care but I do and I can kinda explain: so Hank Green posted a tik tok this morning explaing he has Hodgkins Lymphoma. Lymphoma is a cancer of lymphocytes and Lymph nodes. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that are essential in body immune response. I could go into more detail on thar if anyone would like.
Anyways lymphomas are generally classified between hodgkins and non-hodgkins. The main differences is that hodgkins favors the upper body usually and also the lymphocytes look like owls kinda and are classified as reed-sternberg cells
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Non hodgkins will look abnormal in other ways. (Pictured first) vs a normal lymphocyte (Pictured second)
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If hank has the Reed sternberg cells there's therapies developed to target the tumor associated antigens. As well as chemo thay he had mentioned in the video. I'm less familiar with the oncology and therapy side as I work in lab where we mainly monitor conditions via peripheral blood smears and tracking levels of tumor associated antigens and other cancer antigens
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rina-sphere · 2 days
" It's okay to be scared. Being scared means you're about to do something really , really brave "
If anyone asked me how I'm feeling about having cancer and starting treatment soon I'd tell them :
I've got this, I'll be just fine . I'd look good in a pink wig and thats a fact 😅
However ,if you asked me on a deeper level, I'd tell you :
I have cried by myself most nights as I do not wish to burden my loved ones anymore than they already are with the fact I am becoming very poorly now and need treatment.
I'm hiding how scared I really am as I know this is hurting the people around me also.
Honestly, I have been in denial.
I'm quite literally broken hearted, It feels like I'm grieving most days.
My thoughts have spiralled, and I've imagined a life for my kids without me in it and how that would look.
I have cursed the moon and the stars above as im exhausted mentally with it all already.
I've wondered why me? Even though I know it could happen to anyone at all.
Terrified doesn't quantify how much I'm shaking in my body with the thought of it all.
Saying all that , I know I have my family and friends to help guide me through these dark days ahead . I am so blessed to have so many beautiful people to love and who love me back.
I'll fight this, and I'll never give up hope.
I'll keep on being full of love, seeing the best in people, taking chances, enjoying the little things,smiling at strangers, and just being my daft wee self.
Cause that's what life is all about, is it not. 💗
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slowparts · 3 months
job making me feel like highkey insane today. i am biting and gnashing through the bars of my prison. i don’t care that im making money let me outttt
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It’s hard not to be pissed off and resentful toward the world. I have to see everyone else living their lives happily and going places and doing all of this fun stuff as I sit idly by. My fiancé was diagnosed in April with Stage 2 Primary Mediastinal Large B-Cell Lymphoma. It is a rare, and aggressive cancer and treatment is done aggressively. On top of the numerous appointments, two painful biopsies, and a painful “port” procedure in her chest…she starts chemotherapy next week. That entails 5 days straight of chemotherapy, each month, for the next 6 months. So that means every first 5 days of every month going forward, she will be stuck in the hospital getting treatment. Studies show it is curable and it responds well to treatment, but my heart is broken for her, and I am finding it hard to be strong. How do I continue to find the right words to say? She’s going to lose her hair most likely, and that’s totally ok by me, but I know she’s devastated. I wish more than anything that I could trade places with her. I feel so bad and I am finding it hard to manage my own mental health and the nightmare has only begun. Is there anyone out there who can relate? Any helpful advice? Anything? I’ve come too far in my life and my struggles and my faith journey to be set back from this. I am trying, I really am. Fuck cancer…fuck it 🖕🏻
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What hurts list
Head in general✅
Back of head✅
Upper jaw✅
Lower jaw✅
Jaw in general✅
Upper back✅
Mid back✅
Lower back✅✅
Arm bones✅
Finger joints✅✅
Leg bones✅
Toe joints❌
I’m in pain
Edit: This no longer is true due to the fact that my chemo is over 🎉
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linaamm · 10 months
I miss my hair. Cancer is a bitch
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My name is Kristen, I am 32 years old and I felt old until I got my recent diagnosis from the doctors. I have three beautiful children who absolutely depend on me and me alone and I can't fail them by letting this cancer be the last of me. I had a super rough last 2 years we will say and I had brushed off the not feeling well and completely having my body shut down on me to receiving the news that I am possibly going to pass away...
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