#Holland Vosijk/Alucard Emery/Rhy Maresh
purplebass · 1 year
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2023 books a darker shade of magic by v.e. schwab (reread)
Magic was a living thing---that, everyone knew---but to Kell it felt like more, like a friend, like family. It was, after all, a part of him (much more than it was a part of most) and he couldn't help feeling like it knew what he was saying, what he was feeling, not only when he summoned it, but always, in every heartbeat and every breath. He was, after all, Antari.
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happygirl2oo2 · 3 months
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And ofc I had to make one for the Threads crew as well x
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antaripirate · 6 months
please discuss
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starsailores · 8 months
fake adsom tweets
(but theyre all aftf starboard quotes)
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incorrectmagic · 11 months
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some old adsom tweets from my twitter !! (i’m reviving my old accounts for the new books but haven’t read threads yet, please stay spoiler free <3)
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violent138 · 1 year
Textposts (?) for ADSOM, AGOS, ACOL
Okay so there are no excuses, they will simply always be of mind-bogglingly atrocious quality, so here are the latest abominations:
(Obviously, the gorgeous art is from the superbly talented @kiranightart)
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typingwithmyhandstied · 10 months
Tes's characterization, storyline, and backstory has parallels and similarities to almost every other major character in The Fragile Threads of Power. (CONTAINS SPOILERS)
Kell: Kell's parents traded him in for his powers. That's probably very similar to what Tes's father would have done to her if she hadn't gotten away. Both Kell and Tes want to be viewed as a human being and something beyond their powers. Neither really are. Both feel like people look at them and see their power not a person. They also seem to both have the urge to hide it as a means to not be viewed that way.
Lila: Lila's father sold her to pay off his debts. Tes fears---or really knows---that if her father knew her power, he would try to do something similar. He made use of all her sisters in similar ways. Both Tes and Lila had to leave and fend for themselves on their own because of this. They just did so in different ways.
Alucard: There's the very obvious fact that both Alucard and Tes can see the threads of magic, but both of them also have a bad relationship with their siblings. Obviously not exactly the same, but it is still very reminicent of the other.
Rhy: Tes and Rhy seem to share the same core goodness. Both of them are the kind of characters who don't seem to believe that their survival is anymore important than anyone elses.
Nadiya: Tes and Nadiya are both inventors to a certain extent.
Kosika: They are the two youngest characters. Kosika also had a parental figure that was ready to sell her for her potential power (maybe that is really just the repeated pattern throughout the books). Both were also thrust into a situation where they had a lot of independence at a young age.
Holland: He's the only character I can't really think of anything for.
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orange-cheetah · 7 months
Request: The adsom gang has movie night.
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a relatively peaceful night~ 📺
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ramblings-of-lola · 1 year
ADSOM and SOC Headcanons / Why They Would be Friends
Kaz and Lila are thieves and would cause so much chaos in Ketterdam and Red London. I bet Kaz could find a way around the thieving enchantments (this would drive Lila crazy because he wouldn't tell her how he does it).
Nina and Lila would totally roast the other crows together. Just build insult after insult on them. But not on Inej or Wylan of course. They are the only ones safe.
Inej and Lila exchanging weapon names and maybe bonding over their shared experiences with horrible men.
Jesper bragging that his pistols are better than Lila's or he's a better shot, resulting in a contest. I have no idea who would win because neither except defeat.
Lila and Inej have the same shared dream of captaining a ship and having freedom. They share knife-fighting and sailing tips.
Kaz would be fascinated and frustrated with Kell's coat because he can't figure it out (or maybe he could because he's Kaz).
Matthias and Kell bonding over their abusive father figures and being in positions of power that clash with what they want in life.
Wylan and Lila knowing what it's like to have terrible fathers who don't love you and see you as a burden.
Holland and Kaz have a similar type of brutality and brooding attitude but I'm not sure that would be a good or a bad thing with their interactions.
Alucard and Nikolai would get along so well. Both are sarcastic with awful families and use piracy to escape from that.
Rhy, Jesper, and Nina would joke around and flirt with everyone within a five mile radius.
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purplebass · 1 year
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2023 books - a gathering of shadows by v.e. schwab (reread)
Magic is tangled, so you must be smooth. Magic is wild, so you must be tame. Magic is chaos, so you must be calm. Are you calm, Kell?
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reyofsunshineblog · 11 months
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A Conjuring of Light
The books kept getting better and better; what a phenomenal ending to such an incredible series.
Some thoughts:
I was afraid that with so many POVs and such a large ensemble cast of characters, some of the story lines would be lacking or get confusing, but it was done super effortlessly and all the characters were nicely fleshed out. I also loved being able to step into the minds of other characters we haven’t heard from before.
On that note, Holland is such an interesting villain and I love the fact that we got to see more of him as the series goes on. It was such an interesting perspective to do a deep dive into Holland as a character and to be able to understand why he did what he did. I was feeling so bad for Holland at the end. He deserved better. I think V.E Schwab is so so good at writing real, understandable and 3 dimensional villains and makes you root for them, which is not always done well.
I absolutely adored the dynamic between Lila, Kell, Rhy and Alucard. It’s such a fun group with such interesting interpersonal relationships.
Also Kell spends the first 100 pages shirtless and there are so many little comments about it and I find it hilarious for absolutely no reason.
So much happened and there were some areas I wish were touched upon more, like Kell's parents.
I have recently been on a V.E Schwab bender and the Shades of Magic series absolutely did not disappoint, I have super high hopes for the sequel series and highly recommend the Shades of Magic series to those who haven’t read it!
Rating 4/5 ⭐️
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lovrsleft · 2 years
Victoria Schwab really tried to make us hate Holland and I think we all can collectively agree that she failed, miserably.
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antaripirate · 2 years
rhy: brother, let’s hit the town!
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this is so fucking dumb but i wanted a break from my lab report xoxo
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ghoulorghost · 11 months
Headcanon about Antari bloodtype
The type of blood a person has, is determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens.
Antigens are substances that, if foreign to the body trigger an immune response.
There are over 600 different antigens across more than 36 blood group systems that may be present or absent on our red blood cells.
You have a ‘rare’ blood type if your blood is missing an antigen which is common to most, or if it has an antigen which most don’t have. 
Plasma contains antibodies which fight infections and antigens of the same type.
The 4 main types of blood are determined by the presence or absence of two antigens, A and B, on the surface of the red blood cells. This classification is done by the A,B,O blood group system.
The bloodtype A has the A antigen on the surface of it's red blood cells and the B antibody in it's plasma.
The bloodtype B has the B antigen on the surface of it's red blood cells and the A antibody in it's plasma.
The bloodtype AB has both the A and B antigens on the surface of it's red blood cells and neither A or B antibodies in it's plasma.
The bloodtype O has neither A or B antigens on the surface of it's red blood cells, but both the A and B antibodies in it's plasma.
The second most important classification after the A,B,O blood group system is the Rhesus blood group system, with over 50 antigens.
One of these Rh antigens is the Rh D antigen, the presence of which determines a Rh positive bloodtype and the absence of which determines a Rh negative bloodtype.
The 8 most common bloodtypes are as follows : A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB-.
RhNull blood on the other hand has none of the Rh antigens. It is the result of certain mutations.
It is extremely rare, with fewer than 50 individuals known to have RhNull blood in the 50 years after it's discovery, and only 9 active donors.
I associated it with Antari based on this quote:
"He was, after all, Antari. And Antari could speak to blood. To life. To magic itself. The first and final element, the one that lived in all and was of none."
RhNull blood can be donated to anybody, especially useful to people with rare Rh antigens, following only the A,B,O blood group system donation rules and that's why the term Golden Blood is used for it. On the other hand, people with this blood type cannot receive transfusions from anybody but other people with the RhNull bloodtype, following the same donation rules.
Magic is not hereditary, so I like to assume that after developing Antari magic they lose the Rh antigens through mutation.
And since I couldn't help myself, I assigned every character I kept track of, a bloodtype.
Most of the bloodtypes I assigned were based on my own interpretrations, but I did my best to mind the rules by which they are inherited.
Barron-  AA+
Ned Tuttle - AB-
Maxim Maresh - BO+
Emira Maresh - OO-
Rhy Maresh - OO+
Alucard Emery - AO+
Nadiya Maresh - AB+
Ren Maresh - AO+
Emery - AA+
Berras Emery - AA+      
Anisa Emery - AO+
Sol Rosec - AB+
Oren Rosec - BO+
Hanara Rosec - AA-
Serival Ranek - BO+
Mirin Ranek - BO+
Rosana Ranek - OO-
Tesali Ranek - OO-
Kisimyr Vasrin - OO-
Tieren Serense - OO+
Nero - AO+
Ezril Nasaro - OO+
Bex Galevans - OO+
Calin Trell - BO+
Falori - AB+
Calla -  BB+
Ros Vortalis - OO+
Talya - AO+
Alox Vosijk - AA+
Athos Dane - AB+
Astrid Dane - AB-
Nasi - AA-
Lark - AO-
Beloc - AO+
Delilah Bard - AO RhNull (was AO-)
Kell Maresh - OO RhNull (was OO-)
Holland Vosijik - OO RhNull (was OO-)
Ojka - BB RhNull (was BB-)
Kosika - AB RhNull (was AB-)
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lilsciencequeen · 11 months
How soon is too soon to reread the Fragile Threads of Power? Asking for a friend
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hey tumblr i need some help
i’m working on this random one-shot ADSOM college au but I need help deciding people’s majors
rhy - theater
lila - ?
kell - ?
alucard - ?
i’m not including holland because this is a very self indulgent one shot and in an ideal world holland goes to a different university
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